TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1921 9 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF City Kdltor Main 7070. 5B0-95 Sunday Editor Main 707O.5B0-S5 AdvrtilnK Department. .Main 7070. 580-85 Superintendent of Bldg .. Main 7070. 580-S5 AMUSEMENTS. HIPPODROME (Broadway at Yamhill) Vaudeville and moving pictures, 2 to 5. 6:45 to 11 P. M.. Saturdays. Sundays and Monday continuous. 1:15 to 11 P- 34- PAN TAG ES (Broadway at Alder) Vaude ville. Three shows daily. 2, 7 and 9:05 P. M. THE OAKS Amusement parte. Parisian Follies In "A Bungalow Romance." Taae cars at First and Alder. OREGON! AN AT RESORTS. Subscribe wltb the following agents, at your summer resort, to secure ths most prompt delivery of The Oregonlan. City rates Subscriptions by mall are payable In advance. Barvlew. Or. W. A. Slppre" Bay City. Or. O. B. Shelley Bayocean. Or. F. D. Mitchell Breakers. Wash. J. M. Arthurs Brighton. Or A. W. Rowe Caraon. Wash. ....... C. R. Smith and Mrs. M. St. Martin Chinook, Wash. R. Knutson Ecola. Or. Cannon Beach Merc. Co. Garibaldi. Or... C Ellia and J. L. Kidder Gearhart. Or W. L. Robinson Hot Lake. Or. Hot Lake Sanitarium Long Beach. Wash W. E. Strauhal Manhattan Beach. Or Sarah F. Anre'.l Mansanlta. Or E. Kardell Kahcotta. Wash H. J. Brown J'eah-kah-nie Beach. Or... A. C. Anderson Nehalem. Or. D. C. Peregoy Newport, Or. O. F. Herron Ocean Lake, Or. Nettle Tompren Ocean Park, Wash. ....Emma S. Campbell Pacific City. Or. D. F. Edmunds Roc ka way. Or. Frank Miller B-side. Or C. W. Alward Chipherd's Hot Springs. Wash Shlpherd a Hot Springs Hotel Beaview. Wash. G. N. Putnam Tillamook. Or J. S- Lamar Wheeler, Or..Jaa Hamilton and Leo Sohier - j Three Homes Robbed. Three more residences were robbed by sneak thieves Sunday night and early Mon day morning, according to reports turned in to the police yesterday, l'ass keys seemed to have been the means of entry in each case, and the police entertain a theory that the petty burglars may be boys. The victims are: J. S. Koark, 1508 Glisan street, who lost clothing and a camera; A. O. Small. 2 North Grand avenue, from whose house was taken a $20 bill, and A. B. Schink, 11D8 East Kelly street. Loot from the last named place consisted of toilet arti cles, jewelry and a handbag. Coberlt Case Put Over. The pre liminary hearing of Russell E. Cober ly, 25 years old, Wilcox apartments, St. Johns, was set over until tomor row at the request of counsel of Coberly. He is accused of beating his wife over the head with a hammer In a fit of blind fury following a quarrel over alleged relations with another man. Mrs. Coberly was re ported by her nurse to be slightly improved yesterday at the Derr sani tarium, where she was taken after the attack. She is expected to survive, although her injuries are serious and cause intense suffering. Retired Timberman Dead. Julius Thibert, formerly a well-known tim berman of Withee, Wis., died July 31, at his late residence, 695 Flanders street, Portland. Thibert was born in the province of Quebec, Canada, later going to Wisconsin where he married Miss Victoria Le Brun, also of Quebec. Thibert's health had been poor for some time, and his death was not unexpected. He is survived by four children Mrs. A. S. Billings. Rosealma, Ernest, Victoria and Iceland Thibert. Mrs. Thibert died 18 months ago. Printshop F"irb Probed. Spon taneous combustion Is believed the cause of a fire which broke, out in the Arcady Press building at Twelfth and Jefferson streets late Saturday night, doing $5000 damage to paper, machinery and other equipment in the press room. The blaze was con fined to the area around an ink closet, where it started, but valuable ma chinery and paper suffered from the Intense heat and water. Epidemic Held Checked. The diph theria epidemic which started last week in the Albertina Kerr nursery home is considered effectively checked, according to word from the quarantined establishment last night. 2s"o new cases have developed and none of the 14 infants whose cultures showed positive reaction was re ported actually ill. Fifty babies, ten nurses and six attendants are under quarantine. William A. Roberts Dead. Will iam A OnKA ' ' -) . . A . - . L 1 oil. a. . . . i j i i l o uiu auuucuij Hi ilia home in Portland July 31, aged 70 , years and 5 months. Mr. Roberts was born in Peoria, 111. He crossed the plains with . his parents, Stephen and Mary Roberts, who settled at Gresham, Or., in 1852. A son and daughter, Chester C. and Madeline A. Roberts, survive him. Funeral serv ices will take place today at 3 o'clock at the Portland Crematorium. Theft of Auto Charged. Charge of lareenv of an automohiU'hlnnir. lng to Charles Clark of Camas. Wash., was lodged against Eldred Markley, 23 years old. who was arrested yester day in the Canyon road by Patrolman Parmley and Special Agent Keller. The officers said Markley recently was discharged from the Monroe, Wash., reform school and that he has a four-year prison record. FARMER 8 HIP BROKEN. D. W. Free man. a farmer living on the Base L,ine road, was leading a cow along Berke ley avenue about 9:30 yesterday morn ing. The animal hung back on the rope. Freeman thought it was easier to push than to pull. The cow kicked. Freeman was taken to St. Vincent's hospital, where it was found that his right hip had been fractured. Hospitality Is Praised. High praise for Portland citizens' hospital ity is conveyed in a letter received by Mayor Baker from David L. Good Willie, chairman of the national for estry committee of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States. The letter is in acknowledgment of the treatment received by Mr. Goodwillle and party on a recent visit here. The Arabian Dancing Girls of Al Kader temnle. Mvstie Shrine, will riva their first annual dance tonight at 8' o'clock on the river boat. Bluebird. Nobles, Masons and friends invited. Tickets at Brady & Oliver, Yebn bldg. cigar store; E. P. Helm. lOOVi 21st St.; also at boat at west approach of Morrison-street bridge. Adv. Do Not Forget to call up East 3088 when you want the Salvation Army auto truck to call for cast-off cloth ing, magazines, newspapers, furniture, etc. Address 24-26 Union ave.. Major John Bree, district officer. Adv. Str. Iralda, for Astoria, fl; Sea side, one way, $1.60; r. trip. $3. inc. tax; passengers only; leave Portland Tues., Thurs.. Sat., 9 A. M., Alder-st. dock. Main S323. Leaves Astoria Mon. Wed., Fri., 9 A. M. Adv. Str. Undine. Astoria to Portland, special excursion, up trip only, $1 Leaves Astoria daily except Sunday, Monday. 9 A. M., passengers only. C.-W. R. A N. dock, Astoria. Adv. Str. Georgian a. 5 V4 hours to Astoria. Special excursion to Astoria and way points. $1, down trip only. .Tues.. Thurs. and Sat. Leave Portland, 8 A. M.. Alder-st. dock. Adv. Hotel Seaside Seasie. Or. , Ocean Beaten resort, excellent meals, dining room faces ocean. Open all year Adv. Kemmerer Coal. Carbon Coal Co., mine agents. East 1188. Adv. Un Lattum. glasses, swsiuod bldg. Adv. Safett Boxes, lc daily. 2S4 Oak. Adv. Dr. R. C. Mulholland returned. Bdwy. 65. Adv. Oregon 1925 pennants free today, on autos; 2 Perfection Tire stores. Adv. Maki Cats and Dogs Slain. Among other monthly reports made public yesterday came one about cats. Elec trocution brought a sudden end to 501 strayed or afflicted tabbies 'and tom mies picked up In the city during July by the Oregon Humane society. This was three more than were killed during June. Dogs showed a greater increase. 89 being done away with in July and 66 in June. The society has a neat little cabinet In which the condemned canines and felines are placed one at a time. Closing the lid turns on the current automa tically and the job is done. Prizes Are Awarded. The Powers Furniture company yesterday gave to the persons counting the number of seconds that the Brunswick No. 117 would run, the following prizes: ! Esther Bliss, 355 East Thirtieth street, first prize, 25 records; third and fourth prizes divided between Kath erine M. Jones, 465 East Twentieth street north. Earnest Ereya, 6205 Forty-seventh street, and Clarence R. Wagener, 614 Stock Exchange build ing, ten records each; and fifth and sixth prizes, Herbert W. Kretzmeier, 1075 Division street, and Nellie Eagan, 314 Main street, respectively. A. BOTD WfLLIAMS CHANGES. A Boyd Williams, president of the Ma zamas, and well-known mountaineer and guide, has formed a new busi ness connection, being with Phil Grossmayer In general insurance business, after having been identified with banking circle in Portland. For seven years Mr. Williams was with the Lumbermen's National bank and for four years with the United States national. He recently made a new record for climbing Mount Hood, leav ing Portland In the early dawn, reaching the summit and returning to Portland the same evening. Removal Proceedings Begun. Re moval proceedings for William W. Dumville, ex-clerk of the Hughes Finance corporation of Washington, D. C, who is charged with appropriat ing $750 in cash and $250 in liberty bonds belonging to the firm, were started yesterday by Assistant United State Attorney Flegel. Dumville was arrested here some time ago by the local polce authorities and. the ar rival of Henry G. Pratt, detective ser geant, from Washington, to take him back to the capital resulted in the proceedings to obtain his' removal from here. Transfer of $175,000 Ordered. The county commissioners yesterday passed an order authorizing the county treasurer to transfer to the general fund the $175,000 that was in the motor vehicle fund. At the same time the treasurer received authority to distribute $15,000 of the county fair fund as follows: Multnomah County Fair association, $3500; Inter state Livestock association, $4500; Manufacturers', andr Land Products association, $4500; Pacific National Dairy show, $1000, and the Poultry and Pet Stock association, $1500. Botdston Brought Back. In cus tody of P-puty Sheriff Roy Kendall, Jess Boydston, who was arrested in Bozeman, Mont., last week as an al leged attempted slayer of Mr. and Mrs. John Baker, In Woodstock last April, was returned to Portland last night. Boydston disappeared follow ing the shooting that almost cost the Bakers their lives. Circulars car rying his picture were responsible for his capture in Montana. Sales Tax Favored. Advices were received at the Chamber of Commerce yesterday from the United States chamber at Washington that the result of a recent referendum vote of the 1400 organizations through out the country showed that the chambers strongly favor a sales turn over tax. The United States cham ber is f preparing legislation to be submitted to congress according to me advice. Shooting to Continue. Efforts of citizens residing near the Portland Rifle club range in Parkrose to have the county commissioners order the shooting discontinued on Sunday failed yesterday. The commissioners refused to discontinue the shooting unless it becomes a nuisance. Misbranding Goods Costs Fine. James M. Duncan, of the Astoria Soda orks, paid a fine of $50 yesterday when he pleaded guilty before Fed eral Judge Bean to misbranding goods, in violation of the pure food and drugs act. He said he had been misinformed as to the law. Children to Givb Party. The Pen ninsula Park playground children are to give a "weenie" party tomorrow at 3 P. M.. it was announced yester day. They have been instructed to bring cake, "weenies," sandwiches or lemons. Kegs, hardwood, new and 2d-hand. Panama Cooperage, Front and Salmon. Adv. Drs. Babb & Babb have returned. 417 Alisky bldg. Adv. Dr. A. W. Baird, Medical bldg., returned. Adv. Dr. Banner R. Brooks returned; Broadway bldg. Adv. Oregon 1925 pennants freetodayron autos: 2 Perfection Tire stores. Adv. sjiintniiimiiiintiMiiiimiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiHitiiiiiHiiniiiiiiiaitu I ahAZELWOOdJS uiuiiiiiiiniiiiiMiniiiiMniiiniimniuiiHiitintMMtiiMMHiiH? HAZELWOOD PASTRY HAZELWOOD LAYER CAKES Chocolate, walnut, cherry, pineapple, orange, devilsfood, cocoanut 75c each HAZELWOOD INDIVIDUAL PIES Dainty little pies made with choice fresh fruits and rich cream fillings ' 10c each MONTE CARLO CAKE A delicious fine-grained cake made in checkerboard style, with a rich chocolate icing $1.25 and $1.75 each Gluten bread (for dieting) 25c and 45c Buttercups i0c Scotch Scones . . . . . 30c dozen English Muffins : 40c dozen Eccles Cakes $1.00 dozen Butterhorns ,15C each THETazelax)od QJ VCONFECnONEKf & RESTAURANT 388 WASHINGTON ST. Shoe Salesman Paralyzed. George Garrett, shoe salesman for Lipman, Wolfe & Co., living at 688 Forty third street North, is reported by his physician to be In a serious condi tion at his home, due to a stroke of paralysis which apparently resulted from a cold. Garrett, who formerly was connected with the Knight Shoe company, was taken with a severe cold last Thursday night. He took several grains of aspirin when he went to bed, he stated, and the next morning found he could not move one side of his body. When he tried to rise he fell to the floor and since that time has been forced to remain In bed. With the exception of the cold, he enjoyed excellent health prior to the attack. Bankruptcy Petitions Filed. Fred erick Southworth, a florist of 1380 East Twenty-fifth street north, filed a voluntary bankruptcy petition yes terday, giving his debts as $1007.91 and assets $765. Other voluntary petitions were filed yesterday by Vincent Williamson, 597 East Eleventh street, with liabilities of $6944 and assets of $3542.2; T. M. Despot of Eugene, no assets and $411 liabilites, and John A. Fulton, Albany, with debts of $3067.46 and assets of $303.20. Federal Judge Bean dismissed the petition of Abel Blanchard for vol untary bankruptcy following the action of creditors In filing waivers. Countt Mat Control Dances. An effort will be made to place county supervision over the dances and fes tivities on board the dance barge Swan, which take place outside the city limits and the Jurisdiction of the police. Complaints have been re ceived that the dancing which takes place on the boat Is improper, but the city authorities have no power beyond the corporation line. To this end the county commissioners will meet with representatives of the women's protective division of the city tomorrow to determine whether the boat owners shall be compelled to procure a county license. Mr. Chandler to Climb Hood. W. L. Chandler, president of the National Purchasing Agents' association, who is expected to arrive here today, will go to Cloud Cap Inn tomorrow from where he will climb Mount Hood In company with S. F. Woodbury, pur chasing agent for the Willamette Iron Steel Works, on Thursday. Mr. Chandler will be the guest of honor at a dinner given by the Port land association at Crown Point chalet, Friday night at which John E. Gratke will make the address on the city's plans for the 1925 exposi tion. Cigarette Causes Fire. A cigar ette thrown from an adjoining build ing is believed to have been the cause of a roof fire at 491 Glisan street yesterday afternoon. The building is a one-story structure and was damaged approximately $300. No one knew the name of the occupants, except that they were French folk and had gone away recently on a vacation. ' Japanese Sailor to Be Deported. Harmoto Hikezo, Japanese sailor who attempted to escape from the Ruyfuku Maru last Saturday as the ship was leaving Astoria on the way out to sea, will be deported to Japan, ac cording to R- P. Bonbam, in charge of the immigration service in the Portland district. The Japanese was picked up by a purse seiners boat and delivered to the official at Astoria. Leonard Acting Judge. A $10 fine for drunkenness and breaking glass was the first handful of justice meted out yesterday morning when Barge E. Leonard, acting municipal judge, took the bench, relieving Judge Rossman for three weeks while the latter is on his vacation. Emil Johnson paid the fine. The acting judge disposed of a large docket of speeders and other offenders and imposed finss arid gave sentences freely. Girl Hurt in Auto Smash. A col lision between two automobiles at Stark and Park streets, about 2 O'clock yesterday afternoon, caused Pearl H. Train of Twenty-fourth street north, a lacerated Hp and shock. Persons who saw the accident said a small car had cut in ahead of the larger machine occupied by Miss Train and Mrs. H. Nemiro. Albers Mill Has Fire. A fire, which broke out at 9:30 yesterday morning in the Albers flour mill, at Front and Ankeny streets, was ex tinguished without serious loss by firemen and mill employes. The blaze started in a grain elevator" and was attributed to friction between the carrier belt and the shaft. Airplane Base to Move. VANCOUVER, Wash., Aug. 1. (Spe cial.) The forest patrol airplane base is to be moved from the Portland municipal landing field to the field at Vancouver Barracks, according to Major Channing E. Delaplane. com mandant here. Major-General Will iam H. Wright, commanding the 9th air corps, will be here in August for his annual inspection of airplane fields and equipment. Major Delaplane says. 127 BROADWAY HOME DISTRICTS PLAN UP LAW AIMED AT CXDESIIUBLE BUILDINGS HELD LEGAL. City Attorney Gives Opinion on Right of Council to Enact Requested Legislation. A general ordinance, designed to protect the strictly residential dis trict of Portland from encroachment of undesirable buildings, could be en acted without any legal objections, according to the report of City At torney Grant yesterday on a plan out lined by H. E. Plummer, building In spector. The council could bar cer tain types of undesirable structures from residential districts, but could not place a minimum limit on the cost of residential buildings, Mr. Grant held In his report. Insistent demands have been com ing to the city officials from four or more residential districts, seeking to have an ordinance enacted that would preserve the general character of the districts. The ordinance would be designed to supplant the biftlding re strictions placed upon some of the additions in the original deeds. Mr. Plummer submitted a plan whereby the city might be classified in four general groups with restric tions as to the character of buildings permitted in each. The four classi fications suggested by Mr. Plummer are: First, strictly residential dis tricts with rigid restrictions; second, residential district with less rigid re strictions; third, commercial district; fourth, unrestricted district. A committee of the council will probably be appointed to take up the matter of districting the city and framing an ordinance to cover it. Strong petitions have been pre sented to the council by Portland Heights, Ladd3 addition, Westmore land and Rose City Park, In an en deavor to have the city protect them from undesirable buildings. BRIDGE WALKS TO CLOSE Morrison Span to Be Shut to Pe destrians for Two Weeks. The Morrison-street bridge will be closed to pedestrians for a period of two weeks starting next Monday at 4 o'clock, according to an announce ment yesterday by County Roadmas- ter Eatchel. The draw will be open during this period and repairs will be made, in keeping with the work that has been going on on the ap proaches for several weeks. Pedestrians will be required to cross either the Hawthorne or the Burnside bridges during the period. Sunnyside, Mount Tabor and Monta vllla cars will doubtless continue to be routed over the Burnside bridge. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES. Only installation in the Pacific northwest of Yale & Towne Change able locks. It's worth your while to find out how this lock differs from all others. All sizes now available. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. Sixth and Morrison. Adv. Portlander Buys Sheridan Property SHERIDAN, Or., Aug. 1. (Special.) UN I I FREE LECTURES i I ON I Psychology I EVERY NIGHT 8:15 I I America's Greatest Orator i -v ' i '' .'V I Dr. D. V. Bush i "World's Most Versatile Poet-Author 1 1 AUGUST 3 TO 16 1 M AUDITORIUM THIRD AND MARKET Ang. 3 Applied Psychology. What is it? Aug. 4 Undiscovered Talent. Aug. 5 The Function of the Subconscious Mind. Aug. 6 What is Love? How to keep it. Aug. 7 Inspirational and healing silence. How to be beautiful. Aug. 8 Poverty a Disease. How to double "-your efficiency. Free to the Public 1 JUMP IN THE SWIM BATHING SUITS At less than half the cost a year ago. FOR BOYS AH wool, form fitting, $3.65 Cotton, in plain and fancy colors $1.45 FOR MEN AH wool, in heathers and stripes .$4.65 Cotton, in plain and fancy colors. ...... $2.45 Morrison at Fourth S. & H. Stamps Given An Important real estate deal an nounced here was the transfer of warehouse and home property belong ing to M. Ford of Portland to Eark Melvin, also a Portland resident. The consideration wasCrnot made known, but It is understood that consider able Portland property is Included In the transfer. Mr. Melvin, who Is an attorney, will take possession of his newly acquired holdings August 14. S. & H. green stamps for cash. Holman Fuel Co., coal and wood. Main 353: B60-21. Adv. KILL YOUR WEEDS FOR ALL TIME by Using Weedicator Sure Shot A new method of killing all weeds. For further information see the ANCHOR INV. CO. 401-5-6-7 Panama Bldg. Portland CI PAL FT 1' HEIILIG THEATER -BROAD WAT AT TAYVOB- THE SENSATION OF SENSATIONS! HUNDREDS WERE TURNED AWAY LAST NIGHT, BUT 2179 PERSONS LAUGHED ! SOBBED ! THRILLED I CHEERED! 'Neath the Spell of the Screen's Master Mesmerist TIMELY TRUTHFUL TIPS TO YOU 1ST IT'S THE 3 2D TOO BIG, HOUSE! 3D INCOMPARABLE MUSIC TO MEMORY. D. The Picture the World Has Welcomed! REMEMBER THIS ALL SEATS RESERVED SELLING FOR BALANCE OF ENGAGEMENT GET YOURS EARLY la hi EVENINGS Lower Floor $1.50 Balcony, $1.00 Gallery, 50c t.-4 The Semler System of Dentistry Is Painless We use the latest system of nerve blocking which merely means that we prevent pain in dental work. Many satisfied patients will tell you of our big success with this latest method. Remember that. Semler Prices Average About Half the Usual Charges. Dr.HarrySemler SECpND FLOOR ALISKY BLDG, THIRD AND MORRISON. Open Evening;. Phone Main S57l. NOW GREATEST SHOW PORTLAND'S SEEN! TOO GREAT TO PLAY o IjLiiLi 11 .1 .0. 0 NEITHER HINTS NOR HOPES WILL BRING "WAY DOWN EAST" TO ANY LOCAL FILM HOUSE. IT IS A HEILIG SHOW ONLY! Plus 10 War Tax (PORTLAND 1925) THE SENSATION OF THE SEASON- SEE IT THAT'S ALL- HIGHWAY LODGE Formerly Automobile Club 18 miles east of Portland on Colum bia River Highway and Base Line road. Dinners served for $1.50, meals a la carte, private dining rooms for parties. Special arrangement can be made tor private dancine and dinner parties. For reservation phone Tabor L. Wanted Chairs to Cane and Pianos to Tune by School for Blind For Particulars Call MRS. J. K. MYERS. BAST 733. MissHarker'sSchool for Girls PALO ALTO. CAL. Resident and day school; favorable climate and large grounds permit of outdoor life all the year. New gymnasium in process of construction. Principal Catherine Barker. A. B Vaaaar. 4 A Uotferately-P-ncea Htl of Merle HOTEL CLIFFORD Eaat Morrl.o. SI. and East Sixth, re Day. M fu Week llk TWICE DAILY 2:15 8:15 Limited Engagement A LOCAL FILM LIVE LONG IN ! 4 MATINEES Lower Floor $1.00 Balcony. .77c and 50c Use HI-LIFE and have no more motor troubles; carbon eliminated. Price $1.00. Treats 100 gallons of gasoline. Money-back guarantee. FRY MFG. CO. Ankeny St. at Broadway PILES FISTULA. FISSURK. 1TCH1NO am) ail other rectal conditions, excep: cancer, treated withou: surgery. ily method ot treatment saves the tissue Instead of destroying It. xt la painless, requires no aneathetio and is permanent. There is no confine ment In -ed. no Intereference with buslnes or social engagements. Call or writ. for booklet. DR. C. J. DEAN second mud MurrlMiu 3 1 I'ortlunti-Or. Mot Weather Dlran. Disorders of the bowels are ex tremely dangerous, particularly dur ing the hot weather of the summer months, and in order to protect your self and family aierainst a sudden at tack, get a bottle cf Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy. It can be depended upon. Many have testi fied to its excellence. Adv. Phone Your Want Ads to THE OREGONIAN Main 7070 Automatic 560-95