Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 02, 1921, Page 7, Image 7

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Disarmament Session Plan
ned for November.
Ambassadors of Great Britain,
France and Japan Await In
i fctructlons From Governments.
WASHIN-GTON, D. G, Aug. 1. De
termination of the date for the dis
armament conference was understood
today to rest largely in the foreign
ofiees at London, Paris and Tokio.
The diplomatic representatives of
the Invited powers have conferred
with Secretary of State Hughes con
cerning the advisability of beginning:
the conference November 11, or upon
come other date, and have, in turn,
referred the question to their respect
ive governments. Until further in
structions are received by the am
bassadors It is expected that no def
inite action will be taken.
Representatives of foreign govern
ments have made It plain, however,
that they regard termination of the
a&rendas far more important than the
fixing- of the date of meeting. They
are understood to have reported in
detail to their governments the de
sire of Secretary of State Hughes to
leave the main body as much work as
possible, but there is increasing evi
dence that Japan is not alone in her
Insistence that the scope of the con
ference be more clearly outlined be
fore the formal sessions are begun.
Although consideration of that phase
of the plans for the conference Is
not expected to give rise to further
delay in isuing the formal invita
tions, it is believed that the ambas
sadors expect to receive from their
home offices instructions as to the
parts they shall assmue in adding
to or takina- from the list of sub
jects that may be discussed.
While Japan has made it clear that
there are subjects which she would
discuss with unwillingness, if at all,
there appears to be a growing con
viction that unless some limitation is
placed upon the number of subjects
to be considered the conference may
be continued almost indefinitely. The
chief object of Japan, It is understood,
will be to drive to the front her
right to expansion, and in that con
nection her claims in Siberia, Man
churia and perhaps other regions.
ing that way in all lines of en
deavor," said Dr. "William E. Barton
of Oak Park, 111., moderator of the
Congregational church of America,
who spoke today before the Forest
Grove Commercial club. Dr. C. A.
Mills of the club presided.
Dr. Barton had been the guest of
President Clark of Pacific univer
sity in the morning and waa the
guest of honor and speaker of the
day at the weekly meeting of the
Commercial club. His topio was
'Civic Pride and Service."
"We must give service in every
walk of life. That is our mission on
earth. We all have our work to do
and for the betterment of humanity
we must do our share," said Dr. Bar
ton in his address.
"Forest Grove has a wonderful
opportunity. It Is ideally located.
with - a erreat agricultural country
surrounding and a growing market
within an hours ride I rrugtit say
s-ione s tnrow.
"Vanitir tirive t-c f t v 1- InratAd here.
so that alone is something of which
Forest urove may wen ieei prouu.
Ietter to Northwestern Electric
Company Calls Attention to
Declining Fuel Costs.
SALEM, Or., Aug. 1. (Special.) In
anticipation of lower fuel costs, the
Oregon public service commission to
day sent a letter to Portland suggest
ing that the Northwestern Electric
company of Portland reduce its steam
heating charges. The letter was ad
dressed to L.. T. Merwin, general man
ager of the corporation.
"Following the reduction last May
in oil prices from $2.55 to $2.10 a
barrel." said the commission's letter,
"we had expected to be able to re
quest your utility to make a corre
sponding reduction in steam-heating
rates, and our engineering staff has
rince that date, been making from
time to time an analysis of your fuel
"They have reported that to date
the reduced percentage of hog fuel
available and the cost of its transpor
tation from a distance has so in
creased your fuel cost that probably
no decrease in rates could be Justified
at this time, if these past conditions
were to continue.
"However, it has come to our at
tention that your percentage of avail
able hog fuel has recently been aug
mented, and we also feel that the ex
pected revival of the lumber industry
will make cheaper fuel available.
"In view of this and in the light of
our latest analysis we earnestly re
quest that you make a careful esti
mate of your present and prospective
operating conditions with a view to
reducing your steam-heating rates.
"We urge such a reduction, though it
Jje sBght."
Mines Dave His Stocks and. Cars
Available, "Whereas Later Crops
Will Prevent Deliveries.
The memory of the Portland public
should be jogged so householders will
put in their winter's supply of coal.
was the declaration yesterday of
H. E. Lounsbury, general freight
agent for the Oregon - Washington
Railroad & Navigation company. He
said that, with every facility now
available to serve consumers, post
ponement is the rule and later on,
when cars are busy with grain crops,
no doubt there will be a big demand
for coal when it will be impossible
to obtain it.
"The movement of coal into Port
land and the surrounding territory
from the Wyoming and Utah mines,"
said Mr. Lounsbury, "is considerably
below what it was at this time last
year. The present condition indicates
consumers are not stocking up for
the winter.
"Now is the time when the mines
can supply and cars are available for
hauling. Indeed, this is the time coal
should be moved from the mines to
the market, otherwise there is a
likelihood of a congestion of orders
and a shortage at the time of possi
ble severe weather.
"There is no prospect of any re
ductions of freight rates on coal for
this season s production."
Council Urges Early Solution of
Japanese Problem.
SEATTLE. "Wash., Aug. 1. (Spe
cial. ) The Seattle city council, de
claring that Japanese immigration is
the most pressing question now af
fecting international relations, voted
unanimously this afternoon to ask the
proposed disarmament conference ot
the world powers to seek an early
solution of the Japanese problem on
the Pacific coast.
The memorial, which was Intro
duced by Councilman Tindall, ex
tended an invitation to the world
powers to hold the conference on far
east questions in Seattle.
Clarke Prune Crop Short.
VAN-COUVER, Wash., Aug. 1.
(Special.) According to unoficial es
timates the prune crop of Clarke
county will not be more than 35 per
cent of normal, and may not exceed
25 per cent. An .unusually cold spring
following several days of warm wea
ther caused the damage, which seems
to be "spotted" throughout the com
munity. Almost every district has
some orchards that will produce a
normal or better than normal yield,
while others close by are total fail
Child Starts JBrush Fire.
VANCOUVER, Wash., Aug. 1.
(Special.) A fire in the brush on the
Deitz farm, six miles from Vancouver,
caused the residents of the Homan
and Glenwood sections to spend
busy day Sunday. The fire started
three days ago, when a child dropped
a lighted match, but did not becoi
serious until Sunday morning. The
fire is now thought under control,
but much grain and 30 cords of wood
were destroyed.
We Drank Hair Tonic," Roseburg
Men Tell Officers.
ROSEBITRG. Or., Aug. 1. (Special.)
E. L. Partin and Charles Ritzman,
Roseburg men, were arrested Sunday
in Oakland by Deputy R. C. Powell
and charged with possessing intoxi
cating liquors. The men were at a
ball game and were alleged to have
been drinking. As the officer started
toward the automobile, which they oc
cupied. Partin speeded the automobile
across the ball diamond. The deputy
commanded them to halt and when.
they failed to do so he fired four
shots at them. R. Firbe- an Oakland
man. Jumped on the running board of
the car and jabbed a revolver in the
driver's ribs. The cur was stopped
and the men brought to Roseburg.
When brought before the justice of
peace they entered pleas of ot guilty
to the charges. They told the officers
they had been drinking hair tonic
mixed with soda. Their trial was set
for tomorrow.
Eugene Physician Accused of Mal
practice In Answer.
EUGENE, Or.. Aug. 1. (Special.)
in answering to a suit filed against
tnem Dy ur. ji tj. Hobson, a physi
cian, to recover money alleged to b
due for services, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Kirkham of this city today filed an
answer and counter-claim seeking
?tuuu aamages ior alleged malprac
tice. They alleged that Dr. Hobson was
negligent and unskilled in his work
and inflicted great injury upon Mrs.
Ivlrkham during treatment. The doc
tor's bill was J435, according to the
Congregational Church Leader
Talks on World Endeavor.
FOREST GROVE. Or., Aug. 1.
(Special.) "The time has come when
all business men's organizations, com
mercial clubs, rotary clubs, etc.. must
give service; the world is tend-
School Property Purcliased.
VANCOUVER, Wash., Aug. 1. (Spe
cial.) At a special meeting of the
board of education tonight the pur
chase of two pieces of property for
school purposes was recorde'd. A tract
of land at Twenty-ninth and Main
streets, to be used for a school site
and eight lots at Arnada school for
playground, were obtained. Money
for this purpose was recently voted
at a special election.
Soviet Promise to Release
Americans Gets Results.
Food Will Not Cross Border Until
Prisoners Are Safely Out of
Hands of Bolsheviks.
WASHINGTON. D. G, Aug. 1. Prep
aration for the relief of starving
Russian children was ordered begun
today by Secretary Hoover, as chair
man of the American relief adminis
tration, on receipt of a cable from
Maxim Gorky transmitting the soviet
authorities' unconditional acceptance
of his offer of aid.
Mr. Hoover instructed Walter Lyman
Brown at London, European director
for the relief administration, to pro
ceed immediately to Riga to negotiate
with the soviet representatives con
cerning the details of supplying food.
He was cautioned, however, that nego
tiations should only be begun after
the American prisoners have been de
livered out of Russia as demanded by
the state department.
"Would be glad If you would pro
ceed at once to Riga," Mr. Hoover
cabled Mr. Brown. "It is. of course,
to be assumed that the prisoners will
have been delivered out of Russia as
demanded by the state department
before you open discussions. You will
please advise Messrs. Gorky and
Mr. Hoover made public the com
munication from the soviet govern
ment transmitted by Maxim Gorky,
the official text differing from that
appearing in press dispatches only
slightly, due to translation.
Food shipments from Danzig, Mr.
Hoover said, could begin immediately
upon an agreement with the Rus
sians. There would be no publlO
appeal for funds to finance the work,
he said, as the administration had
considerable resources and would un
doubtedly be assisted by similar
American organizations.
It would reauire, Mr. Hoover esti
mated, between $1,250,000 to $1,500,000
a month to conduct the fight in Rus
First food shipments probably would
e-o to the Petrograa area, tne com
merce secretary said, as that district
was the most accessible. Medical, as
well as food, supplies would be
shipped, he added, and an effort made
to combat cholera there.
England and America Declared to
Be Planning Revolution.
RIGA, Aug. 1. (By the Associated
Press.) While Russia is appealing
for foreign aid for her starving peo
pie, the executive committee of the
third internationale today sent out
from Moscow by radio an appeal to
the world proletariat in which it was
charged that the "governments of
England and America desire the Rus
sian working classes to permit them
t exchange a piece of bread for the
opportunity of ' organizing counter
revolutions on Russian soil."
The appeal charges that France al
ready Is organizing a plot, together
with Roumania and Poland, to attack
the soviet at the opportune moment.
The appeal asks the proletariat to
frustrate' these plots at their roots
and not permit the governments to
make any conditions for granting
Russia considers it will be possible
soon to realize a loan in France, Le
onid Krassin, the soviet trade repre
sentative, today declared' in an inter
view with Rosta news agency here.
He said he had already received sev
eral offers of credit abroad.
M. Krassin said the crop failure In
Russia had compelled alterations in
the project of buying abroad and that
at present the main attention was
being devoted to buying foodstuffs
and seed grain. He said the first
locomotives ordered abroad would ar
rive in August.
Whisky Found In Restaurant.
VANCOUVER. Wash., Aug. 1.
(Special.) A quart of moonshine
whisky and several empty bottles
were taken in a raid by Sheriff Will
Thompson and his deputies on the
King Joy restaurant. The proprietor,
Chung Lung, was released on bond.
Annual Outing Will Be Held This
Year on August 14.
All city employes are ready and
eager for the annual picnic which
will be held at Estacada August 14.
A special train will leave East Mor
rison and Water streets at 9 A. M.
and leave Estacada 'on the return
trip at 6 P. M., with a reduced round
trip fare of 55 cents.
Portland firms have contributed to
a merchandise prize list to be award
ed contestants in the events of the
A committee on arrangements has
been working for the last two weeks
in an effort to make the picnic bigger
and better than ever before. The
committee includes H. V. Reed, F. H.
Mental butterflying at 2 a. m.
A great indoor sport for
thoughtless people
One of the surest ways
to become physically in
capable of doing your best
work ia to get only snat
ches of sleep broken by
disturbing dreams.
If your sleep is being
disturbed by drinking
tea or coffee, you may be
sowing the seeds of a
nervous breakdown.
Do not wait until your
nerves are affected by the
drugs, thein and caffeine,
in tea or coffee. Protect
your strength, vitality and
Have sound, restful
sleep, and wake refreshed
- and fit for any task.
Poetum, the delicious
cereal beverage, with its
golden-brown richness
and coffee-like taste, will
let Nature restore your
coffee-irritated nerves,
and bring you sound, re
freshing sleep.
Postum is wholesome
and acts in a normal way.
It possesses the advan
tages of a hot drink, with
out the ill effects of tea
or coffee.
Drink Postum for a
week or two. See what
a difference it will make
in youl
"There's a Reason."
Postum comas in two
forms: Instant Poetum (in tins)
mmda instantly in the cup by
the addition of boiling water.
Postum Cereal (in packages of
larger bulk, for those who pre
fer to make the drink wails the
meal is being prepared) made
by boiling for 20 minutes.
At all grocers.
M BP"""""""
Watch Ifbiuir Profits
A message to the automobile dealers,
garages and accessory dealers in this city.
PROFIT is not in increase of busi
ness alone but in decrease of
expense, in prompt collections, in
proper pricing in many other things
that go on in business.
It's true in your business, in your
kind of business and there's one
important side of it where we can
help you.
We have a story to tell you a
brass tacks story with names, dates
and figures. It's about increased
profits in concerns in your own line
of business through reduction in ex
pense, in better collections, in proper
buying,and in better business control.
Some remarkable things are being
done in your industry and we want
you to know it that's all.
Give us fifteen minutes to show you
the real business building steps you
can take if you have the proper facts
to build on. Then let us show you
how you can get these figures on a
Burroughs Machine in a few minutes
each day without any increase in your
accounting overhead, and how this
Burroughs Machine will actually pay
its way in your business.
If it fits your business, you're going
to benefit for life. If it doesn't, you've
lost only a few minutes time in satis
fying yourself once for all that you
have made the right decision.
Many Burroughs Machines are sold
now at prices as low as 'before the
war. You can buy a Burroughs
Adding Machine as low as $130 a
Bookkeeping Machine as low as $550
with small down-payment arid on
easy terms. Ask your Burroughs
salesman why it will be to your finan
cial advantage to buy this month.
Don't miss it. Call us on the tele
phone and our representative will see
you at your convenience,.
Burroughs Adding Machine Company
Portland Office: 421-429 Artisan Building, Broadway and Oak Streets
Telephones: Bell, Broadway 398; Home, Automatic A-4751
mm m ssssaw.sawsssai av m SW
. l.i si' i . f-f" "
ii rj" ir! tmI""1
wiiiiiiiiuiMni ii i. mi miwii' i s '''iJjmn .mil m'iBl
I - n - - ' H ,
Eichenlaub, A. Bauer, Jennie Gorter,
Janet Daniel. Ray Watkins, Mary
Bellaris, Walter J. Phillips, Genevra
Rhodes and Eloise Huntington.
O. T. Carr of the park bureau is in
charge of1 the amusement programme
of games and athletic contests.
Underwood May Get Ice Plant.
WHITE SALMON, Wash., Au?. 1.
(Special.) It has been reported that
a large ice plant for refrigerator
cars of the North Bank railroad will
be built at Underwood. A 30-horse-power
motor will be installed. J. C
Coriey has obtained the contract for
icingr the fruit cars, and Manasrer
McRae, of the Pacific Power & Light
company is figuring on the cost of a
power line to the ice plant.
Higher Curricula Body In Washing-ton
Still Functions.
OL.TMPIA, Wash., Aug. 1. (Spe
cial.) The duties of the board of
higher curricula wi'll be much the
same as they have been heretofore.
ff Fly
jot uays
Till October!
Have you arranged for your Gasco Furnace?
The Fall Rush is already making itself felt.
Please don't wait until we are swamped.
Complete display at the Gas Co., Alder near Fifth
according to an opinion given today
to Director of Efticiency McArdle.
who is a member of the board, de
spite the fact that an amendatory
act of the legislature in 1921 would
appear to have absolved it of any
duties whatever.
The board has always acted In an
advisory capacity and has been re
quested to make a report to the
legislature of 1925. It is therefore
poin-ted out by the attorney-p-eneral
that the board should continue to
meet and keep in mind the report
which it is expected to make in 1925.
Potato Crop Injured.
YAKIMA. Wash., Aug. 1. Fully 30
per cent injury to the potato crop of
the Yakima reservation, due to fu
sarium wilt and other diseases, is
forecast by prof. Oeortre Ijink. frov-
ernment plant pathologist, after mak
ing: an inspection tour in that district.
Hunger, the Beat Snuce.
Sauce is used to create an appetite
or relish for the food. The right way
is to look to your digestion. When
you have good digestion you are cer
tain to relish your food. Chamber
lain's Tablets improve the digestion,"
create a healthy appetite and cause a
pontle movement of the bowels. Adv.
em i
avci Mwnes hii ioz&
dlovCi Ke clown
It is a man who can "come baclcYfiat is a man worth while
'! ' -3.
Sure Death to Rats
Rats do $365,000,000 damage every
year in the United States. They
start many costly fires. They carry
germs of cancer, leprosy and other
deadly diseases. Get rid of them
fJr with
pmt cam
For Sal at
Dram. Samd.
H a r J 10 arm
and Grocery
SOc 31.00
fails to prove" effective,
causes odor. Money-back
stamped on every package.
Red Wing Powder o'wwiM
nd Yellow Label" kills flies, fleas, ants roaches bed
bug's, moths, waterbugs, lice and certain plant licsu
lOc 25c SOc
A good reason for many of these failures la plain. As man
approaches middlege THE IRON IN HIS BLOOD IS APT TO
ltUN uu i ana ne men iac&s trie necessary iron
in his body to give him the force, strength and
vitality; the iKUN-WULT ana "iron
determination" to carry him on to suc
cess. In nis own mind HE ALWAYS
BACK." but he is like a crippled deer
that rises up on its four legs after
being shot, only to fall back; again.
EVERY DOCTOR knows the tremen
dous power of an IRON WILL to pull
a patient through a critical illness.
With an iron will, it often seems that
nothing can kill yon. Without it, a
patient sometimes speedUy
collapses and dies from an
apparently trivial cause.
Lack of iron in your blood
not only undermines your
health and robs you of your
bodily and mental vigor bat
it weakens your WILL ;
ruwtK. w ttnout iron all au -"i
and "GO AHEAD" in you ia
taken ont and you begin to
think it is"all over" there's
nothing more for you in life.
nothing you eat does you the proper amount of
good you do not get the full strength out of
it. In fact some times the more you eat the
more yoa starve, mm your digestive organs are
unable to handle much food when your blood
lacks iron and you often think you have
stomach trouble, when it isn't that at alL
Simply eat less and take iron- There ere
SO.CWO.OOO.OOO.OOO Red Blood Corpuscles an
yoor blood
donJ try t o
I rW4i&mfi&-; ' "fool- yourself in-
f ff X& i iiPm' 'TO THINKING YOU ARE
". lyiXhy' A KEEN lOOgfe IRON M AN
vf i Xhs'"e' I Iron starvation of your blood may be the
c3 I cause of all your troubles. How to tell ia
J Jr'fif drX I explained in the eccompanyini! article.
roar blood and each one must have iron.
Into thinking you
are a man of
"Wood and iron"
when you have
good reason to
suspect that you
ya rvtr sanvwnv
let your doctor decide. Get him to make a
blood count" of your red blood corpuscles
CENT IRON MAN. Or If you do not want to
so to this trouble eat more spinach and other,
iron -con tain mg vegetables for two weeks and
take organic iron like Ncxated Iron with them and at the
end of that time see for yourself how much more strength,
power and endurance you have. Nuxatcd Iron positively
helps enrich your blood and put iron into it. It often increases
your bodily and mental vigor in two weeks time and quickly
betoe revitalize your worn out exhausted nerves. There ia
nothing like nil in g your blood with good old iron to give you
the couraffe, strength and force to fipht the battles ot file.
NUXATED IRON is organic iron like the iron in youT blood
and not metallic or mineral iron which people usually take.
The fact that you may have taken other forms of iron with
out benefit does not prove Nuxated iron will not help you
Try it on our guarantee below.
f..sTM ii utma Nnxe3 Imi tk fiat rt MmtjiT
poi-w wnici uwcii Known looragiaa everywnere. uniifce tM
Omdmr ifxrg&3 iron prodorts it is etuulr MimiUtod and do em wo
in jxittj ioa Mf?in, mue wem discs, moz m -f
upset the stomach. Each tablet of jyj
Nuxatad iron is stamped ma follows : A
nd tba words Maxaied Iron sr stamped tnto eartl
bottls of tablets, so that the public may not be led
Into accepting- inferior sobstiuita. The namifart
irrara pnrntM taf actory remits to sver y pnr
riTTT or tuer wiu reiBno 3
ptxised hy all ood uiugtuts.
yoor BMoar. It is d.