TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN. TUESDAY. AUGUST 2, 1921 " FOR RENT. . Furnished or Unfurnished Apartments. VILLA ST. CLARA APTS. 8-BOOM. FURNISHED OR UNFUR KISHED. 203 12TH ST. ONE 3-ROOM; has dressing; room and bath, la exceptionally nice. East 3782. UOUERN steam-heated 5-room apartment furnished or unfurnished. Mar. 3t0. MODERN 3-ROOM AH. EAST 8811. Flats. 8 PLEASANT rooms In new brick build ing, with bath, heat and water fur nished. Take Mt. Scott car and get off at 54tn st. 5240 Foster road. Call Automatic 628-33 FOR RENT 4 rooms, all furnished, gas and electric, on car line; reasonable. 161 Pendleton Bt., corner Corbett. Tele Phone Marshall 400B. $40 HOLLADaV addition. for lease, modern 5-room lower flat with or with out Karaite; adults; close In. 264 E. 2d st. N'.. corner Multnomah. SIX-ROOM lower rlnt. sleeping: porch, water, garbage. $42; garage. $32. Ref. Adults. 2:10 N. ISth. FOR RENT Lower four-room furnished flat; no children. 014 E. Morrison, near 30th. Tabor RC.M). FOR RENT 6-room flat, S06V4 Weldler st. Key at 501 Weldler. Rent $50. Phone Broadway 3000. THREE-ROOM modern flat near University club, on Jefferson. Call Main 3T44 3 to 5 any day. li'n EAST ISTH ST.. cor. Ash. modern 3-rm. upper, fireplace, furnace. E. 2S71. Furnished Flats. 4-ROOM flat for rent, second floor, light and airy. $20 per month; party must buy furniture. $300. 4B614 Sixth St.. near Jackson. BUSINESS woman wishes to rent part of furnished flat to respectable couple. 7113'A Hoyt. Inquire 4536 Washington, between 8 A. M. and 6 P. M. COMFORTABLE furnished 4-room flat, piano, $ou; Sunday and evenings. Mar. 32H3. 4-ROOM furnished and 3-room unfurnished flat, between 24th and 25th. Vaugnn St. Call 74a V. Roosevelt. Phone Mar. 3713 2S EAST 13th St.. near Ash. Very de nlrable 4 and 5-room flats. Clean. Adults. References 3-ROOM flat, first floor, with fireplace; well furnished; everything clean; lawn and fruit trees; close in. Sell. 3 068. 6-ROOM furnished upper flat, like new, to responsible tenants; walking distance. 330 13th, Main 51)110. 6-ROOM modern, nicely furnished lower flat: reasonable rent to right party. 426tt Rodney ave. Last ajJ. FIVE large rooms and bath, beautifully furnished, close to car line; good loca tion. Woodiawn 667. CI.' j A X 3 rooms, piano, phone. Call Main 3164. 6fil DAVENPORT St.. cor. Patton road. 4- roo m fur, flat; piano; s-io. 4-ROOM furnished flat, west side, walking distance.$45montlv 454 11th st. 8-ROOM nicely furnished flat, walking dis tance, clean, van .wain . FIVE-ROOM lower flat, clean, nicely fur 5 ROOMS, 1st floor. 4D0 Montgomery st. Marshall 3028. MODERN' 4-room. nicely furnished flat. 616 Commercial st. Phon e 310-01. Housekeeping Rooms. 2-ROOM apts., newly renovated, brick nMg., close In; telephone service, gas lights hot and cold water, furnace, laun dry service, linen. $4. $5. $ per week. Grand Union hotel. 387 Vi E. Burnside. new management. TWO FINE housekeeping rooms, every thing furnished including furnace het. electric light, gas for cooking: easy walking distance; 2 people only, no chil dren: price $35. 441 East Couch St., corner 7th. East 1316. FURNISHED h. k. rooms. 1 room with kitchenette, hot and cold water, private phone, eelctrlo lights, steam heat, five minutes' walk to town. 201 Columbia, near Fifth. COMFORTABLE housekeeping and sleep Ing rooms in a aulet district; seen to be appreciated: two-room apartments, $2j and $3'); single rooms $12.50. Call East 71 East Uth t, X. 17(1 CHAPMAN St.. hi block from ISth and Morrison. 1 furnished housekeeping room, desirable, walking distance; $3.50 per week. Broadway 2537. 2 H. 1C. ROOMS, linen, bath, phone, $3 a week and up. 321ft Water street. Main 5666. ARCADE HOTEL, 1 4 IS V 1st st?! house keeping rooms, newly tinted, new man agement. Mrs. F. Oobal. - THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall Fur nished h. k. rooms. $15 up. including hot water, electric lights, laundry room. 2 AND 3-ROOM apartments, reasonable. The Chamberlain, corner Urand ave. and E. Stark. East 82. TWO NICELY furnished rooms, suite h. k. Nice location; rent reasonable. 307 Mar ket st. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, single. $2.."o and up; 2-room apt.. $4 and up. Buckeye apts.. 364 Vfc E. Morrison. 2 AND 3-ROOM housekeeping apartment for rent very reasonably. 31)2 Vj E. Burn side and Grand ave. THE MAPLE. 30 North 17th Furnished , housekeeping and sleeping rooms, hot and cold rater. 5 ROOMS, 1st floor. 405 Montgomery st. Marshall 8023, FINE, 2-room furnished apartment. 341 13th st. THRKK-KOOM furnished housekeeping apartment. $B per week. 350 14th st- $5 WEEK UP, completely furnished h. It. su i tes. The Cadillac, 3d near Jeffersou. CLEAN, comfortable h. k. rooms. $2 a week and up. 372 V. Hawthorne ave. 2 ROOMS. $5; 1 room. $3; sleeping room, $3. 208 Washington st. NICELY furnished h. k. rooms, very reas onable. 291 Va Morrison st. SINGLE and 4-room apts., neat and clean, $ 10 and up. 71 Grand ave. Nort h. NICE rooms, very reasonable, hot water always, baths. 655 Flanders. TWO 2-ROOM apartmenrs: clean, welf furnlshed; $18 and $20. B.12 Thurman. 2-ROOM suite, phone, bath, hot and cold water. 67 N. 20th St. Broadway 4123. 2-ROOM corner suite, electric lights free. $20. 3004 Fourth St. SINGLE h. k. room, everything furnished, $5 a week. 52 N. 23d. Main 36S6. CLEAN h. k. rooms, h. and c. water; $12 per month up. 147 13th st. 2 CLEAN furnished h. k. apts., private entrance. 281 Larrabee st. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. THREE large housekeeping rooms with sleeping porch, will make 2 housekeeping rooms with sleeping porch and one large Bleeping room, suitable for two: light, water and heat furnished; walking dis tance from two carlines: most desirable east sule location. 018 East Salmon. 2 FRONT rooms and kitchenette, first floor; gas, electric, steam heat, phone and bath; also 2-room apt., third floor. 650 Glisan. 2 H. K. ROOMS, upstairs, use of phone, wash traya and bath. $35; 2 adults Woodiawn 1672. 862 Miss. ave. Must be seen to be appreciated. 2 OR 3-ROOM suite for light housekeep ing; Woodstock and Brooklyn cars; cheap rent; adults. 587 E. 20th st. S. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms In pri vate home, suitable for 3 adults, south of city hall. Main 4709. THREE furnished rooms, $13: 1 block south of Division, corner 13th and lvon. sen 1222 THREE or 4 unfurnished h. k. rooms, op posite Washington high. 110 E. 14th near Alder. HOUSEKEEPING room for working man, $3.25 per week. 554 Johnson St. Bdwv' 810. 1 LARGE room, kitchenette, closet and ath on first floor. $35; 1 large single room. 331 Clackamas. A 11KSIKAULE h. k. suite, walking dis tance. 632 Flanders. Bdwy. 2256. 2 NICELY furnished housekeeping, sleep ing porch. 352 San Rafael st. 8 CLEAN furnished housekeeping rooms 540 E. Star.'i. 2 CO&Y h. k. rooms, close in; very reason able. 324 E. 1st st. X. East 7278. ON K LIGHT housekeeping room; light, " d 'ti , ftqa. f llUlltf E.J3' HP3.. NIC EI-Y furnished housekeeping room. walking distance. weBt aide. Main 4121. HOUSKKEEPIXa ouite with porch, two herts. 3 54 N. ISth. 2 CLEAN' rooms, ground floor, separate run .i n.-c. rmwt! in. Jasi Z 1 OKK MODEKX fur. h. k. room with Kitchenette: close In. East SO'JU. Hon e(i. ELK TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. 15 days' storage free; furniture mov- nig .or less. a roaa way 2445. HoL'SfclS. homes ; 0 rooms and bath, fur nished or unfurnished ; adults preferred HiQT Kat -Morrison st. Tabor 1330. WHli.; moving, city or country, get tne best at lowest price. Green Tran. Co Main r.'l 20L Alder st. UURELHURS T S ix room verv modern lease. U'.rt E. 33d St.. J75. C. e Young HOLisL. 2 room, kitchen and bathroom; $15 per month. 201H E. Yamhill su Call Tabor 121. . 1U-HOOM house, 725 Tillamook, between 2lKt and 22d. Inquire on place. MODERN bungalow: furnace, fireplace; .uu. is ; reference : no. ppq i a wn 1 u 0. SIX-ROOM hoiLse. with or without garage. A -12 Tillamook. SEVEN-ROOM house, close in. Phone Main 1-ROOM. modern, basement, furnace, walk lug distance. 707 First at. Phoo 318-01. rOR REJJT. Houses. PIANOS moved. $3: stairs extra. $1 each light; 80 days' free storage on all house hold goods: furniture moving, one-tea truck, $2 per hour: large truck. $2 75 per hour: we are experienced and have good packing. Call Broadway 1207. Atlas Transfer & Storage Co., 104 N. Stn at. Sundays and evenlnga MY HOME of 7 rooms, 2 sleeping porches, modern, in first-class condition. on paved st., garage and lots of fruit and flowers; near school, grounds 100x300; rent $43 per month. 15 E. 72d st., first house fof Thorburn ave. Telephone Tabor 8685. FROM owner, for rent or sale in Rose City, 5-room bungalow, large attic, sleeping porch, furnace and fireplace, built-in hardwood floors. Price $3000. Rent $30 month. Call Woodiawn 6149 after 5:30 P. M., or Woodiawn 4725. Soliaay Bros. Transfer & Storage Co.. Broadway 4222. FURNITURE ZAND PIANO MOVING. Long Distance Hauling. Storage. Packing and Shipping. Sollday Bros. Transfer A Shipping Co. ALAMEDA BE AUTIFULLY FURNISHED MODERN BUNGALOW EQUIPPED WITH UP-TO-DATE ELECTRIC AP PLIANCES; $100 PER MONTH. PHONE 817-08. 6-ROOM house with two acres cleared: some fruit, gas, bath and Bull Run water; rent $15: must buy chickens and geese. Oregon .Eelecric to Barstow sta tion. CALL BROADWAY 5S0 FOR NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO LIGHT POWER HEAT. WASHINGTON AT 10TH ST. MODERN 8-room bungalow, garage if de sired; adults only. 585 East 23th st. South. Can be seen from 10 to 4. Main 5471. . MOVING Pianos, furniture and long-distance hauling a specialty. C. & W. Truck Hervlce Co.. 40 st. fnone tsqwy qui FOR RENT 7-room house overlooking Columbia park; 1603 Chautauqua blvd. $40 a month. Coe A. McKenna Co. FOR RENT 5-room house. 467 Market at. Inquire 140 oth st. Furnished Houses. AVAILABLE AT ONCE FOR RENT. Modern, completely furnished i-room bungalow: owner wants tenants who are looking for a comfortable home in east side residence district. Phone Tabor 28 or write P. O. box 1003. city. FOR RENT 3-room furnished cottage, electric lights and water. $20; also one 3-room unfurnished cottage, electric lights and water. $18. Fulton car. foot of Nevada St. inquire i-v groaaway i. WILL rent, furnished. $30 per month, o room bungalow with steeping porch and garage. Mrs. May E. Townley, 24th and Harrison sts,. MilwaUKie. ur. FOUR-ROOM cottage, mostly furnished, modern conveniences: nothing cheap but the rent. $25. Marshall 363 or Wood- lawn 3403 5-ROOM old house but good, rooms well furnished for H. K., space for car, $26 per month. 600 East ISth S. Call 7:30 A. 31. or aiterjju. 6-ROOM Irvlngton home, sleeping porch mahoganv furniture, oriental rugs and Knabe piano for two weeks or more, from Aug. fl. East 672B. 4-ROOM modern furnished cottage. 31 Hi E. 8th st near Hawthorne: $30. Close In. East 5233. 4-ROOM furnished house and garage for rent. 508 Rous St.. near Russell st: $45: win lens-e for year or more COMPLETELY furnished eight-room house. west side, walking distance. Phone Main 4301. PORTLAND Heights; a bungalow com pletely furnished, for one or two months. . $50. Main 7330. , PORTLAND HEIGHTS Six-room at tractively furnished house with modern conveniences: rer. iJU i'attonroan ARTISTIC modern bungalow flat, garage. phone, lawn, carline. permanent; $45. Auto. 61B-73. HOUSES, homes; 6 rooms and bath, fur- nished or unfurnished; adults preferred. 10O7 East Morrison st. Tabor 1330. MODERN, completely furnished 7-room house. 3 bedrooms, Hawthorne district; lease to permanent; adults. Tabor 4tti. FOR RENT 5-room modern house in Rose City: $27.50. Woodiawn 4302. IRVIXGTOX Elaborately furnished home, until Labor day. $100. Bdwy. 2313. 6-ROOM modern house, near Laurelhurst park. 1B7 E. 40th. Automatic 227-56. FURXISHED or unfurnished 6-room cot tage. Adults Wdln. 1293. NEATLY furnished 5-room cottage, $30; wilt give lease. 1251 Belmont St. 3-ROOM house. $10 mo.: Mt. Scott car, Kirland sta. 4804 76th St.. 2-5 P. M. 5-RUOM furnished hovlse. 150 E. 28th St., $40. Call Tabor 171Q, after 10 A. M. 8-ROOM furnished house. $75. Call 104 2d st.. or phone Main 1430 Houses tor Rent Furniture for Sale. WEST SIDE 7-room house for rent, fur niture nearly new for sale; house ar ranged in 3 apts. with private entrances. Broadway 2043. FURNITURE of 6-room modern house, close in on east side; 3 rooms rented; " $4ti0 down. Call Van, Marshall 308. OAK FURNITURE of 6-room house, very good condition; sale, house for rent. 387 Grand ave. S. East S40U. bummer Resort. W. G McDONALD, proprietor. Special features, a perpetual high-class art ex hibit ot paintings. ROGUE ELK RESORT On Crater Lalte Highway. A GOOD PLACE TO LINGER At the mouth of Elk creek on Rogus river; excellent fishing and bunting. Ac commodations first-class. Guides and horses for hunting parties. Good swim ming pool. The best time of your life to be had at the Rogue Elk Resort. Trail. Or. FOR RENT, at the beach, furnished tent houses, cottages, housekeeping rooms, near atores; hotel rooms with board, bath, sleeping porches. hammocks, swings, fireplace. J. H. Edwards, 165 4th st. Main 7202, or address to Nt halem. Or. AT LONG BEACH. COST 4-ROOM COTTAGE. FUR NISHED. REASONABLE RENT FOR AUGUST. PARTICULARS GASCO BLDG. CIGAR STAND. FOR RENT Seaside, modern six-room cottage, with fireplace: for rest of sea son, including fuel. 921 S. Boardwalk, lockbox 106. LARGE cottage, 5 beds, hot and cold water, bath, electric light, ocean front. Address F. Astmann. Rockaway. Or. OCEAN PARK, Wash., 5-room cottage nlcelv furnished. Aug. 1st to loth. King. Main 5185. SMALL 5-room cottage at Seaside, cen trally located. 1 block from beach; partly furnished. AN 826. Oregonian. f OR RENT Cottage at Tioga, on ridge, for August, $75. Address N., box 27, Long Beach. Wash. ROCKAWAY For rent for Aug.. 3 and 4 room cottages, brand new. P. O. box 73. Roc k away, or. SEAVIEW, Washington, modern furnished house, bath, electric lights, etc., by week or month. East 7474. 2 COTTAGES and tent. Woodiawn 495. R. Stone, Ocean Park, Wash. CANNON BEACH cottage, tent houses. Particulars C. L. Wingard, Ecola, Or. NEWPORT. OR. 5-room furnished cot tage. ocean view; August. Wdln. 5435. TWO lots at Rockaway cheap. Mar. 3t13. Stores And Business Places. FOR rlSjitAuLH space In firproof wa: house phone Broadway 8715. 3 aIEEvxAH rOCKET BOOK r COaJTAiaIiJG JJ j FOR RENT. Stores and Business Places. WOULD TOTJ BE INTERESTED IN A STORE 20x20 IN THE BEST DAY AND NIGHT LOCATION IN PORTLAND. SUITABLE FOR CONFECTIONERY, HABERDASHERY. JEWELRY? PRIN CIPALS ONLY. E 886. OREGONIAN. DESIRABLE storeroom lease for sale on 3d St.. between Alder and Morrison; east front. Can give immediate posses sion: valuable business location; lease runs 2V& years. Inquire 603 Title & Trust bldg. Phone Bdwy. 3253. FOR RENT A desirable corner at 12th and Washington sts., suitable for a clothing store, millinery, drugstore, etc.; state nature of business. AP 821, Ore gonian STORE No. 133 North Sixth St., good lo cation for light lunch room and fountain. Apply Portland Trust Co.. 6th and Mor rison sts. Main 1654. FOR RENT Storeroom suitable for fur niture business; good location, cheap rent. Write Sam H. Webb. Astoria. Or THE VERY best location In town for soft drinks, cigar stand or barber shop. Ap ply 11 North 2B street. Offices. FOR RENT Desk room In small office located in good office building; will fur nish desk, chair and typewriter it de sired CallMaJn58for particulars. ONE-HALF finely furnished suite, 506 Ar tisans bldg., $30. with stenographer $60. Broadway 2S33. Li.K room, with telephone and steno graphic service. Phone Bdwy. 3715. FRONT offices, modern. In Railway Ex change bldg. .poly room 812 FURNISHED office. $17.30. to right party. 20S Stock Exchange bldg. DESK room, $10, In 440 Wash. bldg.. cor ner Wash, and 4th st. SMALL office in best building In city; rent very reasonable. Phone Main 3077. BUSINESS OPrORTUNITIES. CONFECTIONERY and fight groceries, do ing $50 daily, fine location, stock and fixtures, $2900 and worth more. Confectionery, with lease on apart ments and stores which nets $100 per month, besides the business, which is very good. $2100 takes all. For $1000 take this dandy apartment house grocery, with large living room and good business. Meat market on good corner, in resi dence district; rent $35. Including four living rooms. Doing good cash business. $1500 takes all. BORLAND A PARSONS, 303 Stock Exchange. Auto. 529-04. COMPLETELY equipped hardwood saw mill for sale. 10.000 capacity. Includes rights to several million feet maple, ash and Myrtle timber, dry kilns and com plete logging gear, band rig; mill near Myrtle Point, Or. Have contract for good portion of output to yield nice profit. Phone, wire or write N. E. Jones Guerin hotel. Myrtle Point, for complete mrormation. FOR SALE Hydro-electric power plant in ine nonnwest, supplying 3 rapiaiy grow ing towns and rural rnmmunltv. con nected by 43 miles . transmission. Two complete units, one not yet Installed. 102O gross earnings $20,584. Will sell all or controlling Interest. Best of reasons ior selling. None but responsible parties neeq apply. . Address AV B2, Oregonian. RESTAURANT in one of the best loca tions in Centralla; no opposition In .the district: first-class fixtures; seating ca pacity 60; 12-chalr counter, 6 booths; a paying business; August rent paid; $1650: $1000 cash, bal, $50 monthly. Ap ply room 1, Hotel Belmont. Centralla. FOR SALE Best-paying suburban meat market in state; nearest competition one mile; country meat route established: near two general stores and aub-postof-fice; good lease, cheap rent. Hougland & Bllby. Vancouver. Wash., P. O. Sta tion A. GROCERY DOING $70 DAILY. Clean as a whistle, brick bldg., living rooms RENT ONLY $7 MONTH. No mistake SEVEN DOLLARS. Invoice Price $1700. SIMMS. 610 Henry bldg. WOOD business on river, complete equip ment; 2 barges, I 40-foot steam tug. living accommodations, sawing and split ting outfit; profit better than $3 a cord; capacity over 100 cords a week; price $2750, $1750 cash. Mr. Wood, 210 Ore gon bldg. Broadway 1658. BEAUTIFUL cash and carry grocery, in good brick bldg.. on busy street; aver age receipts $so day. Rent $45. lease, large living room; $3000. Simmi. 010 Henry bldg RESTAURANT, 40 miles from Tacoma. on Pacific Highway, doing $1200 to $1500 per month; good established business: less than $1000. for quick sale: reason? for selling. Ideal place for man and wife AV 1000. Oregonian. FURNITURE AND UPHOLSTER. Get this, pays $300 month Income; re quires $1(50, takes equipment, stock, etc. Owner called away. OU1N, 2D6 Morgan Bldg. Realtor. CAUTION. BUYERS Belore closing a deal of so-called Interest in established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board. 421 Oregon bldg. Phone Broadway 1902. COMPLETE wholesale and retail milk plant, located close in on east side. Cheap rent. Will sell or exchange for small residence. F. L. Miller. 855 Washington st. Main 3579. FOR SALE 36-room frame hotel on Co lumbia highway, well equipped, best country location in state, doing full ca pacity business. For further Information write P. O. box 126. Arlington. Oregon. STORE ON BROADWAY. Old-established house handling auto supplies, tire agency, vulcanizing, etc. A very profitable business. Price invoice Particulars 511 Railway Exchange. A GARAGE PARTNERSHIP. Brick building to rent on busy street, large steady storage if suitable and can Invest $2000 as partner will, give some terms. i;iom ail Railway 1?. x change. TWO CLEAN RESTAURANTS. Columbia highway, county seat, splendid outfit, growing trade, $1300; $2250; terms; will -show by auto. Main 3072. McFarland. Realtor. Failing bldg . ABSOLUTE BARGAIN Roadhouse on Co lumbla River highway at Horestail Falls for sale, or will take part trade Address Mrs, w. j. ueBott. warrendale. Or. WOOD AND COAL. A cash business, fine location, handles 3 cars wood a week: $1400 handles it. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. REAL ESTATE broker, sub-dividing large tract, wants small private office. May consider partnership later. AE 863, Ore- gonian. WILL write up books and take trial bal ance monthly for corporations having a limited amount of bookkeeoing; very reasonable fee. N 797. Oregonian. DO YOU W ANT A GROCERY 7 Real cash-and-carry at invoice, doing $75 a day. If so. see us today. Room 611 Railway Exchange. A MODERN GARAGE. Choice location, 8-year lease, big sale gas, oils, storage and repairing; a bar gain. Room 401 Dekum bldg. GOING CHEAPO Grocery and bakery; must leavs town. See me at store. 291 10th st. PARTIES with $2000 to $5000 as partner In $40,000 business; to your interest to investigate. W 853. Oregonian. COMPETENT office man to Invest from $2.".()0 to $5000 in good paying manufac turlng concern. X 867, -Oregonian. A COUNTRY garage on paved highway, big travel, good local trade: $1500 handles it. Room 401 Dekum bldg. 3 PlCKr?r UP A Lessee, Lessee "! CueyrtCtx. "'. T BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. $000 SUBURB-AN grocery, rent $12.50. Ilv. ing room. . $1400 Cash-and-carry grocery, rent $23. living rooms. $1350 Cash, grocery. 4 living rooms, rent $15. $2000 Good buy. stock only, fixtures rent with store, $40. Others from $600 to $6000. BUSHUE. GROCERY SPECIALIST. 518 CHAM OF COM. BIGGEST SNAP IN TOWN. High-class west side confectionery and lunch. Crackajack location, reasonable rent, good lease, doing big business. MUST BE SOLD. It is a shame to sacri fice this place at the price, but it must go. $1500 cash handles. Strums, 610 Henry bldg. CONFECTIONERY AND GROCERY. WORTH $2000 PRICE $1330. Very neat and clean confectionery, light lunch and grocery. Two good living rooms. A big bargain. HURRY. DUDREV" INVESTMENT CO., 5OD-10 PANAMA BLDG.. THIRD AND ALDER. RESTAUR A XT BARGAIN. ALBANY, OREGON. Dandy little restaurant doing more business than you can take care of. Price only $1100. See Mr. Fulton. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 509-10 Panama Bldg. Third and Alder. CONFECTIONERY, etc. with It goes lease on store and apartments, that nets holder $80 to $100 monthly; doing nice busi ness and a good place to live. Stock fixtures and all $2100. ; BORLAND & PARSONS. 303 Stock Exchg. Auto. 520-04. CONFECTIONERY OUTSIDE TOWN. NO COMPETITION. Fine strictly up-to-date confectionery in one of the best towns In Willamette valley. All the business you can take care of. Price $3000. Mr. Fulton. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 500-10 Panama Bldg. Third and Alder. WANTED To get in touch with a respon sible party to form partnership for hotel business in California or Oregon: one who has capital to help finance; expe - rienced man preferred: first-class refer ence expected and given. F 865. Orego nian. MANUFACTURING business, established by man with 10 years' experience and good record desires partner, $3000 to $5O00. to handle office and sales; will show good profits and safe investment to right man. Mr. Wood. 210 Oregon bldg. . Broadway 1H5.3. MOVING -PICTURE SHOWS . One of the best on Columbia river: it takes $0000 cash to handle; only one in town: if you really want to get into the business here Is a chance. Weston &. Co., 1200 N. W. Bank bldg. TO SELL on account of poor health, dandy little millinery and dressmaking estab lishment; just the thing for 2 ladies: good location and have a very good trade built up. Write Box 678. The Dalles. Or.. Blk. 3171. PARTNER FOR AUTO BUSINESS. A concrete garage. 40 cars steady stor age; sell gas, oils, tires; auto repairing, etc.; will sell equal half interest to handy man; $550 will handle it. Room 401 Dekum bldg. VERY DESIRABLE CIGAR STAND. In lobby of prominent downtown of fice building, to lease for long term. Simms, 610 Henry bldg. $1600 Grocery and confections: nice living rooms: $40 day average: our previous experience in the grocery and confec tionery business enables us to select the places worth while. Z. Eaklns, 313 Couch bldg.. 109 4th st. SHOE repairing shop, up-to-date equip ment, good location, rent $75 with lease, no competition, doing $1000 month. $2500. INTERSTATE LAND CO., Real tors. 24.8 Stark St. Main 5429. 5000 SQ. FT. SPACE. To lease. Al location. 2d floor, corner, very light, elevator, trackage; low In surance rate: price reasonable.-SMITH-WAGONER CO.. Stock Exch. GROCERY and confections; $150 day ave rage; last Saturday owner says store took In $-234: low rent; living rooms; $25O0 or invoice. Z. Eaklns, olo Couch bldg.j 100 4th st. CONFECTIONERY and lunch in good traf fic location: doing $100 day: 5-year lease: rent $150. $3300. INTERSTATE LAND CO.. Realtore. 24S Stark St. Main 342!) COXTRACTIXG corp. has opening for business man who can qualify to fill position of secretary and invest $10, 000 to $20,000 (secured). Y 681. Ore gonlan. ; FOR SALE Well-established restaurant, good, reliable trade; must sell at once; easy terms. Address box 393. Corvallis, Oregon. MERCHANTS, attention. 400 dozen of men's slickers of the best makes for sale less than market price. Northeast confer 4th and Couch. BAKERY and lunch counter, out of the city, good location; must be sold at once; cheap rent; will give terms. AC 810, Oregonian. - WEST SIDE RESTAURANT. $1300. $800 cash; daily receipts around $40; complete equipment. Mr. Wood, 210 Oregon bldg. WORKING partner wanted for an old established fuel yard; $2500 required; don't answer unless you mean business. 481 Hawthorne ave. Phone East ClOfl. FOR SALE Soft drink and lunch place: stock, living rooms; good for man and wife: east side; rent $25 per month. AP 8R6. Oregonian. HALF INTEREST IN WOODYARD. $1000; wood contracted for complete equipment: good profits. Mr. "Wood, 210 Oregnn bldg. MOVING PICTURE. $6000. In good Oregon town, fully equipped and cooled. Ownr retiring account health. AV 107. Oregonian. A PARTNER WANTED. Garage and repair shop on busy street; have all the work we can do: $050 required. Room 401 Dekum bldg. A CASH business, partner wanted, active man can clear $150 month; $300 required Room 401 Dekum bldg. A NO. 1 restaurant, fine location, price $4500; good terms. Burroughs, Marshall 168. WANTED Partner for dancehall : good in vestment, $400. Write for appointment. S 892. Oregonian. ' A WELL-ESTABLISHED dressmaking par lor for sale or rent reasonable. AM 868, Oregonian. . 2V4-TON TRUCK with steady 3-year con tract, work winter and summer. Apply at once. 430 Burnside. PARTNER WANTED. $2O0 month to right man; small ln- vestment. 409 Commonwealth bldg. A CASH grocery. Invoice $2500. good lease : clears $300 month; fine living rooms. Room 4ui ugKiim Plug. WHOLE or half interest in one or the best garages in the city. K 848, Orego- WOODYARD for sale, four horses, harness and wagons and light truck. $1250- good FOR SALE Sandwich counter doing good business; one of the best locations in city. Address 467 Bond at.. Astoria Or. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean Sec ond and Morrison. ' WOULD you buy or sell a business? Till Simms. 610 Henry bldg. FOR SALE First-class allot repairing hop. 113 Broadway North. WANTED Partner for dance hall and acaoemy; estannsneq. af 46. Oregonian. TAILOR shop for sale. $50 for quick sale. 202 Morris street. FOR SALE Tw-o-chalr barber shop cheap Box 808. The Dalles. Or. COXFECTIOXERY store. busy corner. Burnside st.. $.850. Owner 240 Wash. $350 PUTS you in possession of Ocean Wave at resort, ready to go. F 832. Oregonian. POLLY AND a. RETUrer4ET IT To IT'S OtfAlER iMMfDiATELV. T J Sir?' . "'" rn Svfc.1ac- Ow ornate , NEEWAH COXJIDST HAVE DONE j l f BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. I OFFER for quick sale the finest 160-acre ranch proposition at the price in the world. located Columbia county. Wash ington; place was somewhat improved by deaf and dumb man. whose cabin burned; greatest propoaitidn ever to get a start in the world; will accept $220 cash, balance $500 on or before nvs rears from date, with simple interest at , payable annually. Think of it. only $4.50 per acre and place clear big enough to start on. J. E. ChUhoim. 2d noor Eiiers music oiog. BARBER SHOP FOR SALS. 47ft North Third street. Business Opportunities Wanted. WANT to buy dry goods and clothing or general merchandise stock in .western Oregon or Washington town of more than 2000 population with modern Im provements and well settled territory. Something that $12,000 to $15,000 cash will handle. Am in business in east now and wish to move to this country. All correspondence treated strictly con fidential. Will deal only with owner. Give amount of stock and business done first 6 months of this year in first let ter. P. S. Richardson. Ill E. 41st St. North, Portland. HAVE customers for small grocery store, value from $1600 to $3000; prefer living rooms in connection: if you have such call Marshall 829; will come and look It over. F. L. BLANCHARD. 401-2 Swetland Bldg. IN MARKET for a stock shoes, clothing, furnishings for cash; price must be right, otherwise do not answer. AL 840. Oregonian. YOUNG MAN, 40 years, with general busi ness experience, selling. office work, wants to invest $10,000 and his services; confidential. H 863. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED party with best references wishes to run a small apt. house in ex change for a partly furnished apt. Ta bor 5799. HOTELS, rooming houses, or any other kind of business to buy or sell, sea JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mala 3787. ROOMING house. 12 to 30 rooms, or grocery store wanted direct from owner. BC 836. Oregonian. WILL trade equity in 4-room house for small housekeeping apartment. Phone Main 7653. ytocliw and Bono. WILL sell $2000 8 per cent Utility bonds, 5 years to maturity, for $1800. E 860. oregonian. FOR SALE 300 shares oil stock paying 2 monthly: will discount some. Room 3. 390 Jefferson st. STOCKS and bonds, any mantel. Harrlng ton Co., Mn. 3817. Title and Trust Bldg. Hotels and Rooming Houses. M. E. LENT COMPANY. 923-4-5 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. LEADING HOTEL AND APARTMENT HOUSE AGENCY. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL. COME IN AND TALK IT OVER: 14 YEARS IX THE BUSINESS IN PORT LAND ENABLES US TO LOCATE .YOU RIGHT. IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR 8ELL business, hotel, rooming or apartment house of any kind, anywhere, see F. Rferdon. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. We Write All Kinds of Insurance. WE DON'T WANT LISTINGS. "We want ome good buys in well furnished h. k. places to sell to buyers wanting to buv now. v nito lempie or nh Hill Your nlace will be quickly sold If the price is right. C. E. Bowden Co.. Main 3638. WHITE TEMPLE. 1? i-nnms excellent furniture, close In Three fireplaces. This makes lovely home and $50 over expenses and own apt. $1600, $1200 handles. C. E. BOWDEN CO.. 813 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. IF YOU want to- buy or sell apartments, rooming houses or hotels, see us before you locate. RYAN REALTY BLDG. CO., REALTORS. 415-16 Ablngton Bldg. Marshall 5843. HOTEL bargain, best In the ctate. 35 rooms, dining room and kitchen fully equipped and doing a nice business: price cut in half this week on account of other business: terms to suit. Com mercial hotel.. Newberg. Or. DORCAS-BOON. 938 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. APARTMENT HOUSES AND HOTELS IF LISTED WITH US AND PRICED RIGHT WILL BE QUICKLY SOLD. MAIN 7S61J FOR RENT A nice modern 5-room flat and sleeping porch. Park St. location and a few hundred dollars of fine furni ture for sale; a nice home: can sublet 3 rooms If care to. Barney Johnson & Ct. Realtors. 170 Tenth St. Main 3160. 14 H. K. ROOMS, close In, $1700: $700 handles, bal. $40 a month: clears s:u easv. 14 rooms, close in: running water: rent only $40. with garage; $2000; $1000 handles; clears $lO0 easy. Have several flats. Barney jonnson at to. realtors. 170 10th st. M.iln 3160. 19 HOUSEKEEPING rooms. White Tern pie location; rent $60; $2000. terms: clears $135; running water; this is very good. Barney Johnson Co., Realtors, 170 loth st Main si o 11 ROOMS. 3 .sleeping porches. White Temple district, su n. k., rent 4.i: win net $83 ner month: extra well furnished; price $1500. $1000 down. J. H. Ely. 128 1-ltn street. 15 H. K. ROOMS. $1130. $600 handles. 8 sleeping rooms. $1050. $(W0 handles. 18 h. k. rooms. $3000. $2000 handles. 20 h. k.. $3500, $2300 handles. Call Van, Mar. 568. TWO 9-ROOM houses, newly furnished, near in; will sell one or both for $1000 each; will take small auto, some cash, easy terms on bal. 322 Ry, Exchange bldg. Marsnatl 3331. ARE YOU ABLE TO HANDLE LEASE on apartment htfuse? Will take in ex position: let me hear from you; state what you can do and when you want possession. Aqaress iv ana, oregonian. FOR BEST BUYS in hotels, apartment houses, rooming houses or homes, see E. S. KERR. Realtors. 391 YAMHILL. MARSHALL 5594, FOR SALE 50-room hotel In Astoria, centrally located and doing good busi ness; furniture for sale, and good lease. Write Sam H. Webb. Astoria. Or. CLOSE IN, WEST SIDE. 24 rooms, rent $100. lease, part h. k. Income $310 per month; price $2500, terms. J. H. Ely. 128 14th st. 14 ROOMS housekeeping. 2 toilets. 2 baths, rent $65: net income $125 and 3 rooms for self. $2000. $1500 down. 391 Yamhill, 72-ROOM. net Income over $500 per month. Very best location. Owner has other in terests and must sell this week. Price $6500. part cash. Main 7036 or E. 3592. 8-ROOM flat and garage, modern, rooms rented bring $80 per month; fine loca tion; price $1100, $750 down. J. H. Ely. 128 14th st. FOR SALE 35-room hotel and 2 cottages, fully furnished. This place is a bargain. $5000, part time. P. O. box 101, Sea view. Wash. FOR SALE 28-room transient hotel in Astpria; fine furniture, good income, small rent with lease. Write 440 Bond st.. Astoria. Otv FINE furniture, piano for sale; double flat for rent. $28. Call Main 8164 1 P. M. FOR BEST bargain In apartment bouse see members of the Realty Board. Yates Realty Co 245 4th St. 14 ROOMS, Nob Hill, rent $40. "all H K. Will clear $100 per month; price $2000 $1000 down. J. H. Ely. 128 14th st. 5 ROOMS, rent $35 with lease, all outside, rooms. Miwy. inaa. BY OWNER; bargain; 13 rooms, all good furniture, terms to suit. 410 2d st. I BUY CHATTEL MTGS. on hotels, apart- ment nouses, etc. mornings, jjiast solo. A SMALL rooming house. Call 404 V Union ave. N. HER PALS AHA Boy1- n&u'll Alms Fislo That HCWeST IS The. Best Rplicv'- OTHERWISE BV CL1KF STERRETT. i en - BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. RYAN REALTY & BLDG. CO.. 415-16 Ablngton Bids. Mar. 5848. $15,00026 apts- of 2 and S rooms: the manager has one of the best 3 room spts. In the city: hard wood floors, extra good rugs and Al furniture; five-year lease and s, money-maker. $14,000 This Is a very good place and in the best location in the city. If you are really In the market come in and we'll show you. $6000 cash will handle. f 9.500 "Residential hotel: there are over 45 rooms and part of them with private bath If you understand this kind of busi ness and are in the market, see this. RTAN REALTY & BLDG. CO.. 413-16 Ablngton Bids. Mar. 5848. HEADQUARTERS FOR HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES. If you want to buy or sell, call and see us. We hav them in all parts of the city. Most any size and price. See Mrs. Penrose. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 009-10 PANAMA BLDG.. Third AND ALDER. . MAGOON & SPENCER. HOTEL AND APT. HOUSE BROKERS. 517-19 Cham, of Com. bldg. Main 6127. WANTED. 15 to 40-room apt. house or h. k. apts. FOR SALE. 3 8-rm. apt. house, all mod. and well furnished, perfectly clean. I.OST AND FOUNT). THE FOLLOWING articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway. Light & Power Co.: July 80 1 basket, 1 um brella, 0 lunch boxes. 5 purses. 3 pins, ring. 4 handbags. 1 pr. gloves. 2 books, razor, rule, steamship papers. 2 furs, music roll, carryall bag. swimming suit bag. coat. cap. bottle medicine. 14 pack ages. July 31 1 umbrella, 3 purses. 1 pin (stick), 1 sultcas 7 handbags. 5 Sr. gloves. 1 book. 3 packages. 2 coats, lunch baskets, picture, glasses in case, beads, a cross, cap, shopping bag. 1 watch, 1 kodak. Owners may obtain same upon proper Identification at First and Alder street station LOST Sunday afternoon on the road be tween Portland and Scappoose, man's brown Hart, Schaffner & Marks coat, size 38. Finder please phone Main 7070, house 82, or address 387 Willamette boulevard. LOST Suitcase at Kelso. Wash., Thursday night, between depot and 7th and College sts. Reward If returned or return wedding ring and glasses to A. C. McDonald, Kel so. Wash. No queetlona asked. PERSIAN kitten strayed from home. 10 months old: body black-striped with red dish gray color on neck and shoulders. Reward. 464 Vs East Broadway. Phone East 1G2S. LOST Brown fox fur. some place be tween Burnside and Hall along 10th or Oth sts., Sunday afternoon; finder re- ' turn to C. F. Spickelmier. 3d floor Covev Motor Car Co. Reward. LOST Saturday evening, dark tan top coat, quarter satin lined, label St. Louis firm: phone Broadway 43S1 or call at 122 North Oth st. snd get liberal re ward. W S52. Oregonian. IF PERSON WHO HAS SUITCASE taken from Ford coupe Friday. July 29. will return the same to Blythe. Witter A Co.. Yeon bldg., I will pay $50 reward: no questions asked. Phone Main 1074. LOST On beach near Twin llocks. East man kodak. Address J. H. Graham. Gari baldi, Oregon, or phone Woodiawn 4999. Portland LOST Tooled leather purse containing money. Saturday evening either at Co lumbia Gorge hotel or in front of Camp bell Hill hotel: reward. Bdwy. 94S. LOST Elgin wrist watch between Mutual creamery and corner Hawthorne and Grand ave. Leave with cashier at The Oregonian. t.nt!T Stinriav morning, between 35th and 40th, on Belmont or Yamhill, one sterling crescent pin set witn liny ametnysis. Reward. Tabor 357. LOST 2 round-trip railroad tickets from LexlngtoV. Ky. Finder return at once to General Ticket Office, Portland, Or.; suitable reward. THE PARTY who took lady's brown leather handbag out of Keller's art store please keep money, return valuable pa pers to s t ore. LOST Sundav evening, probably on Broad wav or Grand ave., lady's cold Hall mark wrist watch and clasp. Phone Mrs. G. R. Merrlfield. Benson hotel. LOST Bunch of keys, between Portland and Woodburn. on 30th, Foster road or 82d st. A. H. Nehl. 200 Second st- Tele phone Main 28i)2. LOST Within last few days, pair auto chains and old inner tube. E. L. Luedde mann. Main 0967, 913 Chamber of Com merce bldg. LOST Will berryplcker who picked up boy's mackinaw coat at Wedeburg July 20, please mall to Arthur Baldwin. Westlmber, Oregon? LOST Brindle pit bull bitch, ears and tail clipped, collar; answers to name Toots. Liberal reward. F. W. Webster. 2704 48th st. S. E. LOST A pocketbook containing a $5 bill and an army dlscarge. Finder return to room No. 5. Glenwood hotel. 0th and Burnside. Reward. LOST On macadam road Sundav. small gray fur neckpiece. Reward. 1438 Mac adam road. LOST Near town of Sandy. headlight glass and rim of Hupp, model N. Please 1 nit 1 a nor 14. LOST An Eastern Star pin. from Union depot to Morrison. Anyone finding same please phone East 2335. LOST Sundav at Oaks park. Women of Woodcraft pin. valued as keepsake. Ke ward. Return to 418 Knott or East 5340. WILL party finding suitcase on Molalla road, half mile from Spangler station please call Broadway 1211 again? ELDERLY man out of work lost pair of glasses at Columbia park. Finder please ca!I East 2097. LOST Keys on ring between Portland and Seaside Saturday. F. S. Blaser. care Clarke-Woodward Drug Co. Reward. LOST Child's brown coat, corner Milwau kie and Crampton sts. Please call Sell. 2S' LOST Skunk fur between Silverton and Hubbard on Pacific highway. Reward. Mrs. J. M. Bruhn. 581 Weldler. East 817. LOST Crank to 8-qt. ice cream freezer at Fairvlew park. Finder please call Mar shall 6480 and ask for Mrs. Moyse. LOST On Willamette moorage walk or in river near Oaks, purse containing about $40 In bills. Sell. 3608. Reward. LOST Large Irish setter, reddish brown hair. Please return to Dr. Reingold, 613 Ladd ave.. for reward. East 6020. WILL party finding bunch of keys In . Olds 8 on Sunday please mall to 305 Lewis bldg. and oblige? LOST A string of pearls. Finder please cal! East 8312. Reward. LOST Monday, a purse containing nearly $200. Call Broadway 2295. Reward. CONTRACT lost. Apply 404 2d St. G. Stern. BATHING suit lost on the Island at Os wego lake. Please call East 8195. LOST Bunch of keys. Return 815 fillers' Music bldg. Call Tabor 6565. PARTY who found bundle of silk on 83d and Sandy please call Tabor 9014. SPECIAL NOTICES. CROWN STABLES. INC. For sale for feed bills 6 horses; some with harness or without. These horses have got to be sold. Phil Suetter, Pres.. 2S5 Front St. MOST The V JE AS r-n SPECIAL. NOTICES. Miscellaneous. Aug. 1. 1921. NOTICE Is hereby given that funds are available to take up the following war rants drawn upon the clerk of Union High School Dist. No. 1, Multnomah county. Oregon, and Indorsed "Presented and not paid for want of funds." Inter est Is to stop at the date of the pub lication of this notice: Warrants Nos. 83. 321. 401. 439. 448 and 404. Above war rants will be paid upon presentation, properly Indorsed, at the office ot the undersigned. A. G. SALZMAN, Clerk of Union High School Dlst. No. 1. Corbett. Or. HAVING purchased business ot S. Cham tov at 168 King street. I will not be re sponsible for debts contracted prior to July 28. 1921. L. K. Touley. I WILL not be responsible for any debts contracted by Mrs. J. P. Jones from this date, August 1, 1921. D. H. JONES. FINANCIAT.. FINE INVESTMENT AT DISCOUNT. All or part of 30 shares of preferred participating capital stock of the J. L. Hartman company, par value $3000; this stock has never been known to pay less than 10 annual dividends, payable semi-annually, and principal will be re deemed at par in three years if so de sired. This stock at all times has a loan value of $S0 per share and up. This company Is one of Portland's old and well-known concerns and Is in the very best of financial condition and will bear closest investigation. Am forced to sell, as I am going east and need the money. For quick tale will take 99. Stock bears accrued dividends since June 30, 1021. V 801. Oregonian. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. TOU BUT OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WB FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 07 SELLING BLDG.. SECOND FLOOR. FOR SALE Will sell two shares preferred stock and one share common stock In western States Finance company, par value $100 per share, all for $200. Ad dress Louie Foo. 362 Morrison st.. city. W ILL loan on contracts, second mort gages, etc.; preference given to builders who would apply funds on lumber we have for sale; full house bills furnished. AC 70K. Oregonian. WANTED Loan from private party. $1500, on Laurelhurst home worth 730O. bringing $70 month Income, first mori-f?- Want on Aug. 20. Call Main 3 1, 87. ask for Rlchanbach. E BUY. sell and guarantee automobl'e P-a,Pv-i"f1.leK!'.,contracts and mortgages. GENERAL FINANCE CO... 712 Lewis bid. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' con tracts on real estate: Washington. Ore- PP-H.E. Noble, 316 Lumuermens bldg. CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT on Oregon banks In all denominations for sale at discount. Pt.one Main 6416, or East 1275. WE BUY first and second mortgages and '""' contracts. F. E. Bowman & Co.. .... ..iwuer or uom. Diar. Main 3026. t L HUlhb, contracts, mortgages. F H Lewis, 713 Lewis bldg.. 4th and Or u Money to LoanonRealK.il mt TALK ABOUT LIBERALITY. READ THIS: RESIDENCE LOANS. 6 PER CENT. .lit?" eI"lod repayment privilege ?I.i00 or y multiple thereof. IXSTALLMENT LOANS. 6 PER CENT Five-year period: will loan 60 per cent er the value of your home; only small monthly payment required with Interest; you may pay more or all on the first of each month: no penalty. BUSINESS PROPERTY LOANS. 6H PER CENT. T,'X:vear. Period: repaying privilege. BRICE - MORTGAGE CO., Portland mortgage correspondent the Prudential :.-nc" company of America. 1210 1217 Yeon bldg. Main 8308. SEE US TODAY We loan money on city property: lowest rates, no commlss.on on choice loans: long time and short time; monthly payment: pay as you can. sums to suit contracts, second mort gages bought. 725 Gasco bid. 5th and Alder sts. CELLA RS-MURTOM CO. MORTGAGE LOANS on farm or city property. Prompt and helpful service. Liberal repayment priv ilege. Lowest rates. WESTERN BOND A. MORTGAGE CO 80 Fourth St.. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS In any amount at lowest rates on cltv or country property. Prompt and Helpful Service. B. LEE PAGET. Realtor 622 Corbett Bldg. Main 6230. WE HAVE funds available for eood resi dence loans: also insurance money for Business property, at lowest available rates. MORTGAGE BOND CO.. . Main 2831. Wilcox Bldg. FARM LOANS Insurance com nil n v mnne tn )mbh mt lowest current rates on Willamette vaney iarms: no commission: no delays. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE CO.. S7 Sixth St Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOAN'S Any amount: low rates: promptly closed. Attractive rennx-ment privileges. A. H. BIRR ELL-GILL CO.. . 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall41 1 4 $30O. $400. $500. $7. 0. $1000. $1200. $1500 $2000 snd up. lowest rates, quick action. Pay off $1O0 or more at anv Interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co , 631 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. Main 1370. MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved farms ana cltv property: favorable repaying privileges: no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO. Ltd. 309 Piatt Blrig. Main 5371. PRIVATE funds to loan on mortgages, second mortgages and sellers' contracts on real estate In Oregon and Washing ton. Charles Daifel, 318 Railway Ex change bldg. MONEY to loan on real estate contracts and second mortgages; funds to be used against lumber credit; liberal arrange ments. AC 707, Oregonian. MORTGAGE loans In sums to suit: city, farm and suburban property. BUILDING LOANS A SPECIALTY. WILLIAM G BECK. 213 Falling Bldg $1000 $1500 $2000 $2500 1300(1 NO DELAY. We are loaning our own money. Loans quickly closed. F. H. DESHON. 613 Cham, of Com, bide. HAVE $3000 private funds on hand for Immediate loan; will divide In amts. to suit: lowest rates. See A. K. Hill, 426 $300. $400. $300. $750! $1000 AND UP Low rates, quick action. Fred W Ger man Co. 732 Cham nf fm 1-1- e . t MONEY to loan on real estate security at going ratea of interest. Otto & Harkaon rteany lo., iij enam. or tom. LOANS at current rates on well Improved farms and city property. K, K. Baxter. Sialrilnr hid $500. $1000 AND UPWARD on Improved rea: estate: favorable terms ; no delay ; no brok erage. John Bain. 507 Spalding b 1 d g. PLENTY of money to loan on real estate at 7 per cent if security is ample, E4w. P. Mall. S09 Cham, of Com. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 per cent Salomon St Co.. 307 Railway Exch. bldg. SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Cham, of Com.. 4th and Stark. MONEY to loan on real estate. Metsger Parker Co.. 269 Oak st. $1500 TO LOAN on city property. 418 rtoarq 01 iraqe. Alain 4154. $12.300 DIVIDE $5000. $2800. $2000. $1500 $1000. Epton. East 7504. Realtor. Money to Loan Chattels snd Salaries. MONEY TO LOAN " on troods in storage. Bank rate. SECURITY STORAGE TRANSFER CO. Phone Broadway 3715. MONEY to loan: diamonds. Jewelry, etc; legal rate: articles held one year. Vines, Jeweler, corner 3d and Washington. tS PEC i ALL WHEaJ HCaI - OxsIER HAS By "The COLLAR iaJ MV CASt FINANCIAL. Monsy tu I.onn Chattels and ftalarimi. DO YOU NEED MONEY T AT LEGAL, RATES. QUICK SERVICE! 1'OU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES. FURNITURE. PIANOS. VICTROLAS. REAL ESTATE. BONDS. ETC. If your payment, are too larjro on your automobile or furniture contract, we will pay toem up and advance you more money lr needed. We make a specialty of these loans and leave the security In your possession and vou can repay us In small monthly payments. WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried peop.e on their own notes. Kates reasonable. Private ofllces. Ail business strictly confidential PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. (Licensed) SOS-Sin Dekum Bldg. Marshall 3!S. 3. V. Cor. Third and Washington. SALARY LOANS. CHATTELS. WE LOAN MONEY on short notice to salaried or working; ' men on their own notes: weekly. emi monthjy or monthly payments. Kacq transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE. NO 1NDORSER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household sooda, pianos, etc CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, (Licensed.) glS FAILING BLDG. DAN MARX & CO.. 31S Washington St.. between 4th and oth sts.: established over 33 yeara: only high-class lewelry store In cltv with loan department In connection: private room for ladies: busi ness strictly confidential: under state supervision: all articles held one year; do business with an old-established firm. MONEY to losn on diamonds tnd Jewelry; confidential service: government licensed and oonded brokers. Zell Bros. & Co.. 2S3 Wash, su, between 4th and 5th. Marshall 727. QUICK, money to salaried people on un secured note: confidential Investigation. 318 Cham of com (Licensed I.oans Wanted. FRANK L. McGUIRE. with his year, of experience and expert knowledge of values. Is in a position to safeguard your every Interest in locating your money. Hundreds of applications for loans. Office of personal service. Let us loan . your money. See J. Logle Richardson, manager of loan department. Ablngton building Main 106S WANT to borrow $30(10: security, new Gr ft. coastwise schooner, value $30,000; will be insured for $20,000; loan to be used in furnishing boat. Address B 804. Oregonian. WANT $1000. tl.VIO. J.'OOO, -.'.-,(Ml. $S0o0 loans, all appraised to run 3 years. 8 per cent interest, c. De Young &. Co.. 810 Spalding bldg. i'ABHICATKD CONSTRUCTION COM PANY houses make the best loans; we now want $2000 on bungalow in tm proved district. Call Automatic M4-3!. WANTED One $2000 and one $3000 loan on new buildings. Call Henry Lyons, Main 1201. WILL sell $2000 8 per cent Utility bonds," 5 years to maturity for $1800. E. SU0, Oregonian. $100 WANTED 5-room bungalow. 1 blk. ot 2 car lines, 11 minutes' service to city. BC R08. Oregonian. $2.-00 AT 7. FIRST mortgage on nice Irvlngton home: plentv of security. B. Lee Paget. 022 Corbett bldg. HAVE 2 lots worth-JlOOO each In fine resi dence dist. Want money to build house on each. K 807. Oregonian. ,2.UU ON NEW Irvlngton bungalow; 8 per cent, $0 bonus. Broadway 3013. $4cl(l FOR 1 year, on Irvlngton lot. All clear. It S'.1i. Oregonian. SEE OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Cham, of Com.. 4th snd Stark. PERSONAL. THESE DAYS MAKE THRIFTY SHOPPERS. For women who save and know quality and style we advise early buying for new fall suits, coats, dresses, blouses,! skirts and millinery at Petersen's Up- stairs Siore . 2d floor Pittock block. SOUTH AMERICA. Landseekers, pioneers, I can locate yon In Chile. Bouth from Valparaiso; scenery like Switzerland, climate like California. ' Ask free booklet explaining conditions. W. Fahrenkrog, Los Angeles, Cal., 2033 East Fourth st. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE is hereby given that supplementary arti cles of Incorporation have been tiled changing the name of "The PALACE GARAGE COMPANY" to "PILCHARD MOTOR COMPANY." C. L. Pilchard, president. MRS. DR. W HE AT LEY Home Indian herbal doctor; ladies' faces treated free; rheumatism, paralysis, dropsy. gout. Mood, skin, etc.; Indian herbal baths. 252 Monroe st.. Williams ave. car. Phone 311-87. LADIES with small capital who wish to become Independent, join Madame Pate naud's school of besuty culture. Include, special treatments of the skin and scalp, marcelling, halrdresslng. etc. Benson Hotel Improvement shop DRUG LESS PHYSICIANS. Nervous and chronic diseases a spe cialty. If others have failed, don't be come discouraged, but give me a trial. Dr. Ada N. Scott. 13H J3th St.. between Alder and Washington. Bdwy. 5652. LADIES, are you weary or exhausted after standing alt day on your feet? If so. be fore you sit down for a rest use a warm water application with Takara Antl ' septic Powder. 50o and $1 box. Portland Hotel Pharmacy. LET GEORGE RUBENSTEIN. the Vet eran Optician, make your eyeglasses; expert- optical service. Prices reason able. No charge for testing. 226 Mor rison St.. near 2d. CHIROPRACTIC. BEST STEAM BATH, chiropractic, vt 'bratory and electric massage. Dr. Mar garet Haynie. 215 Swetland bldg. Kea- sonable prices. NETTIE BENSON. D. P., expert massage, mineral, steam bath and shower, xone therspy. violet ray and sinusoidal treat ments for both sexes. 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. 304 Dekum bldg. Main 7789. IF YOU ARE TIRED AND NERVOUS, re juvenate your nervous center and poor circulation by having a scientific body massage. Dr. Ovidia Larsen. (134 Morgan bldg. Main 1009. Lady assistant. COUPLE going Los Angeles, Wednesday. In private car. would like to communi cate with party going. 1 04, Ore K'lnlan. CHIROPODIST, manicurist, massage under medical supervision. Open evenings. Moved from 205 Vi to 210 Allsky bldg., Th I rd and M orrison. EXPERIENCED nurse gives steam baths with shower and scientific body mas sage. 322 Flledner bldg., 10th and Wash ing tnsts. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR permanently removed by multiple needle method; consultation free. 504 Swetland bldg.. oth at Wash. Main 1308. WlfY PAY fancy prices for trusses when you can get them at commercial prices at the J. A. Clemenwon Drug Co.. 2(KJ Morrison St. Call and see for yourself. FEBVET & MANEBUT. leading wig and toupe makers; finest stock human hair goods; permanent and marcel waving; scalp treatments. 34D Alder. Main 546. HAVE your eyes properly attended to at Goodman's; right glasses at right prices. Prompt service. Thousands of satisfied patrons. son juorrlson. JHaln 2124. $1 GETS both feet fixed up at Dr. Eaton's, the CHIROPODIST and ARCH SPLST.. who doesn't hurt you; 8 yra. here; exam, free. Globe bldg.. 11th & Wash. Bdy. 2824. DR. CLAIRE HENSERLING. steam baths. scienniiv " " " p. . " " " " aw iu o. ox L'li m.,. H!r,r li hid?.. W. Parle o r, .1 W..K Main 7786 MASSAGES FOR LUMBAGO. ETC. 415 Buchanan bldg.. Wash., bet. 4th and 5th sta Also Sundays and evenings. THERE are beautiful silk skirts snd wonderful Jersey Jackets at Peterson', Upstairs Store tnis ween at $ each. Axy.y, 10 lessons; popular songs Immedi ately; advanced course for players. Parker Piano School. 515 Ellers bldg. Pr; ELNA SORENSEN. drugless phys.. massage, baths, kidneys, constipation, rheumatism. 508 Panama bldg. M. 5086. GOITRE, enlarged glands. Cure yourself! A. R- Strachan. route 5, Hillsboro, Or. No agents or representatives. TWIN 6 Packard leaving for San Francisco Saturday 10 A. M want 4 passengers 125 Sixth st. Main 8; RADIANT LIGHT THERAPY. VIT-O-NET sweats, body massage, violet ray. 10 to 7 dally. 4ou Morgan oiog. .-viain iota. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean. Sec ond and Morrison. FEET SORET- See DrT Ethel A. Sacry. Pedicuring and manicuring. Open evenings and Sundays. 007 Raleigh bldg. IVERSON'S eczema, poleon oak cure re lieve all skin affections at once. Call Wdln. 104.1. 11T.1 E. 2th st. X. SULPHUR steam bath, massage, violet ray and vibratory treatment. 426 Clay. Mala 8359. 10 to 8. Dr. Percle Rollins. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts removed by 10-needle method: trial free. Jose Fin ley. 514 Bush & Lane bldg. Main 6368. ETHEL McCOY. chiropodist. 401 Buchanan bldg.. Wash., between 4th and 5th sts. SCIENTIFIC massage, steam baths: hours 10 to 6. 417 Swetland bldg. PROSTATE troubles cured without opera tion. Dr. R. A. Phillips, Broadway bldg. JUNICIDB will cure rheumatism or money back 408 Dekum bldg. PRIMEDA BALM, formerly called Balm of Figs. 844 E. 83d. Sell. 2213 mornings. LEARN beauty culture evenings. Madam Curtis, Marshall 1702. DOESN'T Tom, Dick or Harry pay youT See Vlereck. collectors. Dekum bldg. HAIR combings made up. S. F. Pierce. 24 Kllllngsworth. Woodiawn 4380. SIX MASTER keys for Janitors, etc.. tL LocK&mlth, Box 442, Raymond, Waaa.