THE MOItXING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1921 RKAl ESTATE. For rAle Farms. 4 ACRES, bail under cultivation: run ning water. Rood soil. Price 11X10. $200 down. Draper. 408 Board of Trade. WAVTED REAL ESTATE. HAVE 40-ACRK FARM. IRRIGATED. All stocked and equipped. Ready to move right on; lo cated In thickly settled farming district. Price $3500; clear of debt; want good little home about lame price. DUDREY 17.TE6TMENT CO.. 500-10 Panama Bids.. Third and Alder. WILL give two acres of fine cultivated land with a nice little brook running across it. aa a first payment on a 5 or 6-room modern bungalow or house in a desirable location. This land faces on the Oregon City carllne. near Oak Grove, and is free and clear of any incum brance,. Dr. Barrett. Main 3398. WILL, PAY CASH FOR LOT. Interested buyer will pay all cash for best offer made on a lot located between 12th and 33th streets and Hawthorne and Stark street; lot must not be over 2 block from car line. Call Mr. Young at Main 6308 Tuesday morning. I WANT A HOME. A bungalow, worth $5000 to $6000, on terms, $50 to $75 a, $1000 down; give location so I cac drive by In eve ning and see surroundings; no time for appointments unless 1 am interested. Answer S 672. Oregonian. EX-SOLDIER wants home, can pay $300 now and balance as soon as state loan funds are available in fall. Wants S rooms to $4250. Rose City Park, east of 70th or Richmond district. BURKHARDT BUSINESS BUILDERS. 413 Piatt Bldg. Realtors. Main 7027. READY TO BUY. Have cash customer for a 5 or 6-room modern bungalow; prefer new one In crood district from $1000 to (3000; state best terms. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 21Q Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. WANTED 5 or 6-room modern bungalow between $3000 and $4000 from owner in good district on paved St. ; new car as (art payment; no inllatea nome wantea. L 896, Oregonlan. WANTED To buy from owner. 5 or 6 room house on full-sized lot; Sunnyside preferred; not over $3000. Will repair and Improve for down payment. Ad dress H 8(2. Oregonian. WANTED To buy or rent new 5 or 6-room bungalow, modern and up to date; rent to apply on purchase price, within 6 months or one year; references. Main 4-4. WANTED A 3-room bungalow In Haw thorne or Mt. Tabor district, east of 43th St.; have $800 cash. E 862, Orego nlan. WANT property to sell or exchange. If priced right we can move it. INTER STATE LAND CO.. Realtors. 248 Stark st. Main 5420. HAVE $300 cash lor first payment on modern bungalow in good district: will make good monthly payments. Merri fleld. 2111 Oregon bldg. HAVE brand new car as first payment on house to $25O0. East 6S22. Wanted to Rent Farms. WANTED TO RENT. SMALL PLACES. Havo several people wanting to rent acreage or small farms close to Port land preferred. Some people will buy the place after leasing for year or more. We make lots of sales this way. Will buy equipment If priced right. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerllnger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. WANTED To rent large ranch on shares for 5 vears; have own equipment. Bock hold Bros., Realtors, 601 Swetland bids. Main S760. WANT to rent or lease on shares. 30 or 40 acres for a term of years within 10 or 15 miles of Portland. Address J. F. Bunnell, route 1. Box 763. Portland. Or. TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE Sawmills located la pine. fir. or spruce timber, also good tracts of virgin timber In Oregon or Washington. See Wlnslow Co.. 419 Lumbermens bldg I FOR RENT FARMS. 13 NEAR Vancouver, until December. $73; slso 40 near Oregon City, until Nov.. 1123. $450; 500 cords seasoned wood on place. $3 85. Owner. Box 6S. Astoria. Or. 247 ACRES, well watered, 8 miles from Newberg. Apply 781 Brooklyn st. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. SMALL FARM FOR SALE. An excellent 84 -acre farm fronting on Pacific highway, abundance of berries, plenty of buildings, chicken runs, some fruit trees, excellent garden land. etc. . Price $nOO. Will accept small house In Portland as Dart payment. Balance can be arranged. Submit your proposition to A. B. Chrlstenson. 410 Henry bldg. Broadway 4731. YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS. $5000 for this modern 6-room bunga low, all completely furnished, ready to move right in. Just off of the" car in the heart of the Hawthorne district; owner will take any good car as first payment. This Is absolutely too good for you not to see. See Mr. Stephens, Fred W. German Co., realtors, 732 Cham ber of Commerce. CHOICE FRUIT FARM. Clarke county. 20 mlls from Port land. 4 miles from highway: 12 acres bearing prunes, excellent condition: se lect stand of walnuts, apples, cherries, pears, good 8-room house, hot and cold water, bath, choice, shrubbery;' will ex change for city home to $4000: aome rash, balance terms. E. R. 3.. 513 Couch b 11 g. FARM AND ORCHARD. 85 miles from Portland, on auto road and electric line, free and clear. Splen did buildings, every foot cultivated. 25 acres In 12-year-old Spitzenberg apples, 25 acres in wheat; low cash value, $14, 000. Will accept Portland improved prop erty for part of full value. W. H. ROSS. 1100 Northwestern Dank Bldg. HAVE fine 40-acre farm with stock and equipment, orchard. 5-room house, barn, chicken house, good spring, etc., to trade for small business in Portland. confectionery, cigar stand, pool hall or any good little business; or consider small bungalow. Mrs. Albaugh, with J onn f erguson. terunger Diqg. I HAVE to exchange a larfte 210-acre farm with all modern Improvements; an up-to-date place In high state of culti vation; 7iear good town and school. $16,000. Will exchange for city property. tsee ill -N u. m rTatt bldg. 127 Park xt. EXCHANGE San Francisco Income prop' erty. excellent location, also best pro. ductlve fruit land, under irrigation, for Portland income property or a good pay ing ousiness to me value, tio.uuil. uwner, 1927 Geary at., San Francisco. Cal. 10 OR 20 ACRES first-class land in Rogue river valley. 5 acres in bearing pear trees. H mile to S. P. ststion. water available vear around: trade for Port land property or first-class small car as first payment, pnone owner. EaBt 7945. TO TRADE Eight-room house and small store building In Deerfleld. Mo., on trunk line and highway to Kansas City. 90 miles north: will trade for raw land in western Washington or Oregon. Address Mahion stepnens. ueipntne. Mont. WILL TRADE. We are prepared to arrange a trade for you. Bring in your proposition and we will match you on anything that has merit; lots, houses, acreage or farms. B. K. t.. oia uoucn oiag. FIVE ACRES CLOSE IN. m Irhrh wtate ot cultivation: 3 acres In fcmnes. Itne soil, -room Dungalow, barn. enicRen nouse: citmr os coot: to ex change for home in the city. B. R, s. .MS Couoh bldg. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 87 acres, new house ami barn, ranun. water system. 20 miles east of Portland, clear of debt. Will take house In Port land to $4000; balance terms. E. R. s.. M3 toucn oioy. 20. 40 OR 80-ACRE farms, on main hlgb way. near Wlllamlna, Or., all improved price $125 per acre; want to trade on or all for Portland home or suburban. Address owner. 430 Lumbar Exchange mag. WANT Ford car in exchange for dandy ouiming lot on r.. 10a. near nalsey. 50x114; cement walks, curbs, grsded street, east iront. tjau -jui Hoard Trade bldg. ' Main 567. TstAPE grocery store with 10 rooms and opening tor meat maraet or drug store. invoice fiOn. on Columbia blvd. Want 4-room bungalow and $1000. Buckhpld nros., neannrw, mn fwenanq oiag. COMPLETE wholesale and retail milk plant, located close in on east side. Cheap rent. Will sell or exchange foi small residence. F. L. Miller, 833 w aynington st. wain ao ly. WILL consider a good property In Che nana, uenirana or uiympia. as part oh v. ment on a trsde for a farm of 38 acres. Write If Interested, H. J. Rlchter, Amity, or. FOR EXCHANGE 6-room house and ove an acre of land, right at electric sts tion. ideal home for old couple; price Jimu, wouia isKe rornana properly, C. M. CRITTENDEN. Hubbard. Or. FOR SALE or exchange, large, comnlete equipped etock and alfalfa ranch; owner wishes interview wun interested parties. 3 t'reponian. TO EXCHANGE Apple orchard In fh Mosler fruit belt: 10 acres, 10 years old for groc. store, trom a.muu to 940IH) In- voice; t. an h.kf umnn ave. .North. a ACRES. 7 miles from Stanwood. Wh on good aoad: good land. Exchange fo car or lot. Big r-iatt ping. HAVE a two-rooin House and lot. pave street, Seattle: will trade for Portland hnw.-e. Scott. Hflmont st. GOOD 'Vkland 5-paes. car. exchange for lots, acreage or nouse equity. A. H Al-'ERPON, 420 Henry nidg. TWO WEST SIDE lots. $6000; want incom ana assume. .pion, cast lout. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. 2 ACRES MULTNOMAH STATION. All in cultivation, fruit of all kinds, berries, grapes, walnuts, garden, your living on these 2 acres. 5-room house, barn, poultry house, double garage, well located on hard road: price is $4730; a bargain. WANT a Portland home in good dis trict. MacINNES. EXCHANGE DEPT. R1TTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Where Trades Are Made, FOR EXCHANGE An ideal general pur pose farm of 231 seres with 130 acres under plow, near Woodburn. Or., close to electric line, fair farm 'buildings and In the heart of the berry and hop grow ing belt; would taks Portland income property for part. This is good and property offered must be. There is sev eral thousand cords of wood on this place. Price $30.00. C. M. CRITTENDEN. Hubbard. Or. FOR EXCHANGE Half Interest in 130 acres of timber land In Stevens county, Washington, would take good auto. C. M. CRITTENDEN. Hubbard. Or. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. AUBURN BUG Trade for real estate. Vic- trnla or what have you? Wdln. 2227. 60x166 LOT FOR trade for hemstltcher. BP 820. Ore gonlan. CJTY LOTS for house. and tlmherland. Tabor 5476. some cash FOR BALK Horses, Vehicles. Livestock. CROWN STABLES. INC. For sale, hire or exchange horeeei of all kinds; little and big. young and old; pack horses; In fact, horses for any ami every kind of Job. We take in horses, mules or cattle. Sell on time to people who can give us security. Have farm wagons, spring wagons and buggies. New and second-hand harness. Have 100 sets bolster springs. lOOO lbs., 15O0 lbs., 2000 lbs. and 70(10 lbs. ; the orig inal price $12 to $40 set; for elandard and wide-gauge wagons. We give you your cnolce for $5 and a set. nave 27 rabbits; have nice 6-mos.-old regis tered nanny goat; have all kinds of fresnos. slip, plows and harrows, spring tooth harrow, mower. 10-ft. rake, as good as new. Phil Suetter, Pres.. 28j Front st. . ONE YOUNG. fresh Holsteln. heavy milker: two young Holstelns, will freshen September, and two fresh family Jerseys. 420 82d st. WANTED Good grade dairy cows, fresh or comlnr fresh; state age and price. I. 3 TEAMS of large mules and 6 head of horses; also Harness; no reasonaoie oner refused. 420 Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE Six hornes; reasonable prices. Holmsn Fuel Co., barn E. btn and Ivoa street a DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly. Phone Milw.aukle r.lJ for beat service. VETERINARIAN. DR. HOWES. TABOR 6566. DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly Call day or night. Auto B27-64 FRESH cow, and calf. 4-gal., tub. tested. Woodyard. 3lii front. WANTED Young dairy cow. fresh coming fresh soon. Route 1. Box 19. It an oh. Organs and Musical Instruments. READJUSTMENT PERIOD SALE. Some of the finest pianos in the world. Including demonstrating and used pianos, player pianos and phonographs. SAVING OF $73 TO $300 FOR YOU. I vers & Pond, last year's model . . . . $3P5 lvers & Pond, last year's model 073 Hazelton Brds.. last year's model.. 535 Haines Bros., last year's model.... 405 Haines Bros., last year's model.... 595 Franklin upright, in mahogany . 493 Foster & Co.. upright, in oak 315 Hobart M. Cable, player piano 405 Stuyvesant, mahogany player piano. 573 Kimball, large upright 3to New England, large upright 225 Ca?h or as low as $8 to $15 a month. Seventh Floor, I.ipman, Wolfe & Co. PHONOGRAPHS Some reduced over 50. New and Used Cabinet Models. Readjustment Period Sale. Victrola. model 10 J110 00 Widdicomb. No. 6. walnut 100 00 Pathe. No. 10, cabinet 75.00 Stradivara Melody 112.50 Bluebird, in mahogany 125 00 Pathe. fumed oak. model 12 115.00 Stradivara Chopin, mahogany.... 00.00 Victor, style 0. small 40.00 $10 or more at time of purchase, $5 or more a month thereafter. LIPMAN. WOLFE & CO.. 7th Floor. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. $375 J. P. Hale & Co. used upright .. $210 $450 Peerless, upright, mahogany... 105 $275 Collard & Collard. upright . 63 $750 Planista player piano 215 $250 Pianola player, walnut 45 Parlor organs, $18, $23. $35, $38, etc 103 TENTH ST.. CORNER STARK. SCHWAN PIANO CO.. Downstairs Store. $B50 Kimball, used, best style, mahg.$3!3 $75 Singer, upright grand 203 $750 Adam Schaaf player 415 $000 Steger, in rich mahogany 45 $000 Stelnway & Sons, upright 3!3 $475 Hallet & Davis, upright 1U3 $10 to $23 cash,"6 to $12 monthly. $150 Pathe. mdl. 10. used phonograph . $80 $123 Brunswick, No. 107. phonograph. 03 $115 Stradivara. in oak . 31 $75 Victor, in mahogany 45 $30 Victor, In oak '..... 30 Termi, $5 cash, $3. $4 and $5 monthly. 101 Tenth St.. at Wash, and Stark. AMERICA'S CHOICEST PIANOS. HA ROMAN, fine shape $250 STEIN WAY, apartment size $3S7 PACKARD, art walnut $438 ilAHLlN. American burl walnut J4bl Perfect Interior. Faultless exterior. PHONOGRAPHS SLAUGHTERED. Players and Phonographs for Rent. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 384 Yamhill. Pianos Sold. tHented, Repaired. PHONOGRAPH SPECIAL. One large size cabinet Brunswick, $100; one cabinet Fonora. $75: one Col umbia cabinet, $100, and many other good bargains at our store. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 140 Sixth Street. SPECIAL this week. 5 88-note player rolls xor si, .all guaranteed. Agents for Am plco & Q. R. S. rolls. G. F JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 14!i Sixth Street. REAL bargain in a practically new Everett piano; hear the tone; $385. terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 Sixth Street. FOR SALE Latest model "C" Melody Conn saxopbone, complete with case; used about one month; first $75 cash takes it. See E. Little. 59 X. 20th St., evenings. Broadway 5564. CONN cornet, silver, with gold bell, high and low pitch, slides and mute, $oo. O. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 Sixth Street. CLARINET outfit, first-class condition. $25. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 Sixth Street. FINE condition, Schulhoff piano, walnut case. $z.u. tee mis, terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 Sixth Street. C" MELODY saxophone. - case, complete, new, $110, terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 Sixth Stre KRANICH 4c BACH, walnut csso, best of condition. J I you wane a real good pi ano, come in and see this one. Seiber-llng-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th st. STUDENT'S outfit, violin, case, bow, rosin and extra strings. $o. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 Sixth Street. KIMBALL grand, mahogany case, new; slightly snop worn; sen reasonable and will give terms. Selberllng-Lucaa Music Co.. 125 4th st. PRICED to sell quickly. Haines Bros., mahogany case. $jr. terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 Sixth Street. KIMBALL player, used for demonstration only. Kessonaoiy priced. See it: terms given. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th st. BUSH & LANE player piano, left on sale by doctor; make us an orrer; piano equal to new. Seiberling Lucas Music Co.. 123 4th st. BRADBURY piano, mahogany case, a won derful buy; beautiful tone. $325, terms G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 Sixth Street. ORGANS, $10 and up. Kimball, Chase Es tey and others. Terms given. Seiberllng Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th St. MAHOGANY full-size cabinet phonograph, new. regular $223. at leas than half price. fnone aiain oo:,.i. AS FACTORY representative I can save you 50 and more on new phonographs ail models. AP 839. Oregonian. FRANKLIN, walnut case. $275: best of condition. See it. Selberllng-Lucaa Mu sic Co.. 125 4th St. FISHER piano, art case, $350; equal to new; a snap. Selberllng-Lucaa Music Co., 123 4th st HARD MAN, $330: plain mahogany case; a real bargain for such a good piano. ' Seiberling-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th st. PIANO WANTED from private parties: pay cash for bargain. AR 844, Orego nlan. COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH, cabinet size, with 36 records. $73; terms given. Sei berling -LucasMu sJcCjvi125 4thsL $1000 CHICKERING piano, almost new, $400. terms. 311 Worcester bide. FISHER piano. $200. . snap. Seiberling Lucas Music Co., 125 4th St. WANTED Piano, must be bargain, cash. Main 4424 before 5 P. M. WANTED Good used piano for all cash. Call Marshall 5709. $1200 WM KNABE piano, equal to new, $400. terms. 311 Worcester bldg. SBLMKR saxophone. perfect condition, cheap. Hazel Thompson, Main 7517. PIANO WANTED; pay cash. Main SoSU. FOR 6ALK. riaaoa. Organs and Musical Instrumpt. "C" MELODY saxophone, silver with gold bell, complete with case. $135. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 14S Sixth Street. Farnitore Fog gale. SALES OP DRESSERS. Beginning tomorrow we place on sale 3 lots of odd dressers at the following very much reduced prices tall brand new): Lot 1 $20 fir dreseers. with 1 by 24-lnch mirrors, going at . .$14.75 Lot 2 $24 tvorv dressers with 16 by 24-lnch mirrors, now only $15. o Lot 3 $30 ivorv dressers) with 1J by 24-inch plate mirrors, reduced to .. .$19.70 MISH FURNITURE CO.. 188-1S9 First St. SAVE MuScY. Try our sales department if you want to buy or sell household goods. Reduced freight rates to most all points In our through pool cars. Expert packing, re pairing and refinlshing. Mousy loaned on goods In storsge. Fireproof storage. Low Insurance rates. SECURITY 8TOKAGE TRANSFER CO., 63 4th St., opp. Multnomah HoteL Phone uroioway FOUR rugs, $13 apiece; fern stand wltn fern, $8; cedar chest, $12; tea wagons. $16; gasoline fireplace, $30:- electric heater. $3; ivory dresser and chair. $3o; kouu ,ri with soring and mattress, $3.; drsk. mahogany. $16; large looking glass. $11; Hoover vacuum sweeper $40. Call Tuesday after 1U A. M Auto. 221-23 trfir RAI.E CHEAP. Child'e rocker. high chair. white enamel bed. sulky, crosscut saw. electric hritnr and Sonora phonograph. East 4201. DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture it going east or to California. We can save you An vi.ur freiffht in our tnrough c-ar: fireproof storage, C. M. Olson Transfer & Storage Co.. 248 Pine street. n;rw-ni.-Nr Yi nnt nDrlncs. kitchen cabl net. 9x12 Axminster rug. lous K. 21st t. Norm irnw R&t.R R rooms of beautiful furni ture, good income, west side, walking distance. 210 N. 23d. M. 4121 LEAVING CITY, NEW. GENUINE MA HOGANY DINING SET CHEAP. MAR SHALL 23-i. BIG SALE going on at the Universal Wood Working Co., 100 North 3d st.. cor. Inlan ders. WOOD range, two 9x12 rugs and new grub box for automobile, tor sale cheap. 7481 aiason st. OAK combination book case, writing desk, ik china closet. East 61109. FEW PIECES furniture for sale. 5th. 1 block from city hall. 309 ft SOLID oak kiteahen treasure and wood heater for sale. 342 Broadway, weat side. Office A-urmure, BEFORE purchasing new or second-hand desks, chairs, files or safea. visit our sales rooms and inspect wait we have to """'THE IRWIN-HODSON CO.. FURNITURE DEPT. 10TH AT STARK. ,EW AND USED OFFICE FURNITURE. Typewriters, adding machines, dicta phones and mimeographs. WAX OFFICE EQUIPMENT HOUSE. "4 N. 3th St. Bdwy. 2730. 1 T W. DESK and chair. 2 tables. 3 roll top desks, 2 flat-top desks, 3 bookkeep ers' desks, 8 chairs, 8 filing cabinets, 2 safes. BUS HONG & uu., VI ran pi. SMALL oak roll-top desk in good condition; price $23. See Jack at the Dekum bldg. Typewriters. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKES. IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE. CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Washington St. Main 568L REBUILT typewriters, all makes, rentals, repairs, supplies. Distributors Corona portable Sundstrand. adding machines. Main 22S3. JnV. W. Pease Co.. 110 Sixth sLreet. CHEAP for cash or will trade, one No 11-12-ln. Remington, nearly new. wltn metal wheeled cabinet for same. Phone Biff y. 3258. 603 I ltle st Trust Diqg HHP AIRS. rent. buy. sell; supplies. Type writ e r lrispectLinCo;;31SJakiLM4a ALL MAKES rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co., 114 5th st. Main 36S8. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D Co., 231 Stark. Main 1407. Dogs, Rabbits. Btrtls and ret Stock. 2-YEAR-OLD St. Andreasberg female nanarle:. : also larce cazes very reason able. Call East U874 or 687 Multnomah street. FOR SALE Three Angora kittens. Phone East 445. ONE THOROUGHBRED pointer pup, months old. Call 842 E. Caruthers. FOR SALE Pedigreed Boston Call Main 8006 before noon. FRENCH bull pedigreed puppies. 6175. 793 Belmont. GENUINE St. " Tahor 5617. Andreasberg singers, $4. Poultry. FOR SALE 150 Leghorn roosters. 3 s months old. 30c each. Falling st.. Park rose. Tabor 3556. FOR SALE Pekln ducks for table use, from 3J2 and 4. pounds each. Sell 191. BOSTON terrier pups, pedigreed, reasona- bie. East 600. 224 E. 2d N. Boats, Launches and Marine Equipment, & HOUSEBOATS for sale or rent; easy terms: come furnished, lights.- water, free wood. Inq. 1374 Macadam road. Fulton car. ... HOUSEBOAT for sale, $400. Etst 5104. Built 1819. FOR SALE Canoe. Orst-claa Call Broadway 2716. condition. Machinery. C. L. BEST 73-H. P. tracklayer tractor. This macnine has been run part of two seasons snd on account of being a forced sale it is an exceptional buy. R. H. MILLS. 114 N. Wenauhee ave., Wenatchee, Wash. Phone 2635. NO. 1 AMERICAN sawmill, complete with carriage and one 48-inch saw. See It in operation at the Fordson Tractor Show on Bliss farm, near Gresham. all of this week. Federal Box & Lumber Co.. Yeoa bldg.. Portland FOR SALE One Willamette donkey. lOx 13. with line; two G. E. motors. 35-h. p., 1200 rev., with compensator: will take lumber in exchange. BIG PINES LL'M BER CO.. MEDFORP. OREGON. TWO VERTICAL steam engines, one 6 and one 8-horsepower. good condition; will ' sacrifice. Oregon City Laundry. Oregon City. Or. 5th St.. near Main. FOR SALE One 3-eack Smith concrete mixer, gas drive, first-class condition. A st orla Fuel & Supply Co.. Astoria. Or. TWIN cylinder Evenrude motor. $100; Port Orford cedar hull.. $25. Bdwy. 2533. 148 13th st. Coal and Wood. OAK WOOD for sale. $10.50 a cord, de livered anywhere within 2-mile limit of O. & W. freight sheds. East Portland. East 8510. East 851L DRY OR green 1jt-growth red fir wood, lengths 4 ft. 10 In.; aleo dry oak wood. ground hog fuel and sawdust In car loads or truct: lota, Western Cooperage Co., Columbia D- CORDWOOD. guaranteed sound and sea soned. $7.50 to $8.50. Aut. 639-73. De livered on east side. 500 CORDS sessoned wood, near Oregon City, $3.85; also 40 acres for rent until r.HARAXTEED beat old-growth cordwood. $8.50 per cord; green slab, $6. Bdwy. 4110. BLOCK and slab $11, two-load lots; Wash, coal $9.50 in 2-ton lota. Oregon Fuel. Wdln. 4102. HEAVY country slab. $6.50; Al first- growth fir. $8 to 3S.50. Broadway 2211 or East 2226. i BEST old-growth fir cordwood. $8.23 per cord, seiiwooa on. FIRST-GROWTH year-old cordwood, $7.60 per cord, wltnin a-miie limit, fliar. 4318. COUNTRY dry slab wood, short slab and block, alar. 2B43. 1ST GRADE cordwood $8. 2d grade $7, al der xs.ou. lau Automatic BIG LOAD of boxwood $5.50. Call Wood lawn 5004 or 1133 Montana ave. Miscellaneous. ei AK A STAR" sningles direct rrom mliL, Call Taylor-street oock. Main 8065. PURE goats' milk. Tabor 307. Port. Goat & Dairy uo. FOR SALE A lady's beautiful grey suit. size - ..n m uroahv. LADIES, oe well aressed." Exclusive use a garmcmn 111 Home. laDor 283 SCREEN doors, windows, mirrors; furnl- ture repairing, cauinet wont. Wdin. 1487. FOR bALb. tasn register, sate, adding machine, showcase. 43 1st it. near .Lib. fcECOND-H AND tents and covers for sale. pacric lent a w ni rig tjo.. wo. 1 1st at. BOXES, shingles, cedar posts, in mixed carioaos. ov- xewis oma., Portland. ONE GOOD oak eUee. $10, Jiast 1530. FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. WHILE TH:i LAST. Orders from Dodge Bros, to equip all cars in stock, with oversize cord tires has placed on our bands an unusual entity of 82x3 Si Babrlo tires and tubes. These will be sold at a great reduc tion while they last. 32xSV4 plain tread. .$13.00. reg. pr. $19 .90 82x3i Non-skid.... 16.50. reg. pr- 22.15 82x3ft Gray tubes.. 2.25. reg. pr. 3.00 COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 21st a: Wash sts. Main 6244. LUMBER. BUILDINO AND PLUMBING SUPPLIES. . New and second-hand. Call or send list for estimates. DOLAN WRF.CKINO & CONSTRUCTION CO., 460 Belmont St., cor. E 8th St. Block oft East Morrison. B. 6110. IF YOU are building a new house, why not have an icelesa refrigerator? I have two sizes, both new which I will sell for about half price. They cost we $60 and $110 each. Easy to handle, and would be splendid for use at a beach cottage; requires no installation, would consider trade for nin.rhln See C. H. McGlrt, Union Depot Garage, phone proaqway S1HZ. CAMP TRAILERS. Complete camping outfit, auto camp trailers, you can have the luxuries of a home and the quickest camp to set up if you get one of these. Only two in stock, one slightly used at $250. one sample at 1323. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 21st at Wash, sts. Main 6244. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING Fans. Irons, motors, vacuum cleaners, washing machines, etc We sell, repair and exchange everything electrical. Wtl call and deliver. HYNSON ELECTRIC CO., 62 6th St. Broadway 4293. ' ATTENTION. MEN Have your fall suit and overcoat made to measure by one of the beat clothiers in U. S. : all wool, hand tailored, fit and workmanship guar anteed, at prices more reasonable than ready mades; hundreds of patterns 13 choose from. Call Marshall 56Q9. apt. E. LATH FOR SALE. 50 M 114 -In.. 4 ft.. No. 1 yellow fir. $4.30 M: 10 M Hi -in.. 4 ft.. No. 2 yellow fir. $3 M : 10 M Hix32-In.. yellow fir. $2 M. Day time see Smith. 1 blk. N. of Port land Broom Co.. 31st and Sandv blvd; evenings Broadway 1443. Mr. Bellows. SAFE 3 Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged, easy terms if. de sired. NORRIS SAFE & LOCK CO., 103 Second Street. Malri 2045. FARM WATER SYSTEMS CHEAP. A number of Paul water systems at manufacturers' cost; all sizes. These are exceptionally fine plants and the right, man can make money with them. -Mr. Karnes. Bdwy. 1400. DOORS and windows, lumber, lath, shin gles, moulding and mill work. See our odd stock of Fash and doors tor prices. r R snn.r.T ri DOWNTOWN LUMBER STORE. 171 FRONT ST. Phone Main 4213. SEWING machines, new and second-hand. uiu tor less; no agents employed; com plete line of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. Main 943L SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. luu Third Street, near Taylor. IF DAVID'S CAN'T REPAIR YOUR WATCH GIVE IT UP. Only genuine watch materials used. .DAVID'S, Jewelers and Ontlplani 843 Washington St.. at Broadway. PLUMBING, sewers, cesspools, septic tanks. steam ana pressure work; we are open for new work now, contracting or time work; Just phone us. Central Plumbing & Supply Co., 352ft Glisan st- Broad way 4U94. FOR SALE CHEAP. Child's rocker, high chair, white enamel bed, sulky, crosscut saw. electric heater and Sonora phonograph. East HOT WATER tanks. 30-gal, $7: 40-gal., $9; tested and guaranteed; stove and furnace colls, gas heaters installed, ex pert plumbing, repairing. Kan Side weioing anop, 203 Adams St. East 8516. FOR SALE Small National register. $35. Fountain complete, new and second hand floor cases, meat sllcer, hat-cleaning ouiEiL. gas peanut roaaster. &t sacrifice. Cash or credit. 240 Salmon. BARRELS, kegs and eteel arums all sizes, oak and fir. new and second hand. REASONABLE PHPTFa LAYTON COOPERAGE CO. Msln 3147. 327 Water St. LADIES TAKARA ANTISEPTIC powder la a soothing, cleansing, healing germi cide and Invigorating application: a great aid In female disorders: 50c and $ 1 per box. Portland Hotel Pharmacy. FOR SALE Nearly new ladies' summer dressej. blouses, blue polo -coat, sllpon eweater, wool bathing suit, high brown shoee. 7. Hudson seal set. Main 6S15. NAVY silk trlcolette dress, braided, tan 3S-40. perfect condition. $15: black satin pumps. 5V:C $5. Sunday and evenings, Marshall 3205. SAFES Fire and burglar proof. Big bar gains second-hanu safes and vault doors. Busbong Co.. 70 6th mt, Bdwy. 1 262. OFFICE FURNITURE. Bought, sold and exchanged. KANSEN-WADBN8TEIN DESK CO 105-107 12th St. Broadway 1877. COMPUTING ecalee. casn register, coffee mills, meat choppers and general store fixtures at 226 Stark st.. vbetween First end Second streets. NEW "SINGERS." $5 down. $3 monthly! Expert sewlnor machine repairing MORRISON STREET SINGER STORE. 382 Morrison. Marshall 721. WRECKING COAST SHIPYARD All kinds of lumber and plank wood for sale. Prices righL Come and get what you want. DUCK HUNTERS Chance for 2 sports men to Join Duck club, best shooting lakes on Sauvles island. AJ 874. Orego nian. GENTS' 01 points 20th century cut, per- tect; aieo lauiea , over 1 1-4 Karat : must sacrifice, in need of money. Call East 4261. FOR SALE 73.000 feet of 2x6 shlplap sheeting timbers and 1x12: all In Al condition; $10 per M delivered. Phone East 8101. or East 6641. GOOD strong trailer, used one summer. large enougn to sleep in. with mattress. $30. Mar. 1678. 720 Rodney ave. NEW and jsed furniture for your office. our prices are tne lowest In the city. Wax. 24 X. 5th st. Bdwy. 273 9. SECOND-HAND lumber and wood for sale: also 4x12 plsnks. See at Second and Columb.a. Marshall 3227. VICTROLA with 61 records, $135; 50 pieces naviiana cnina, too; iirepiace grate. $7. Auto. 629-47. 'OK RENT Electrio vacuum cleaners, 24-hour day, 85c; delivered, guaranteed good condition. Woodlawn 1259. FOUR-HOLE gas range. Liberty coal or wood neater; vxiu rug. see Janitor, jaeger apm.. mi v m n ot. BLACKBERRIES Pick them youreelf. To -per lb., or $1.2 per crate. Phone 647-33, 82d and Division sta. KODAKS. : Ws buy. sell, rent and exchange ko daks. Sandy. 820 Washington st. D1EBOLD safea. new and second hand; special price, pagptno Scale A Supply Co.. 48 Front st Broadway 1966. FOR SALE 10x12 tent, good condition. first reasonable offer accepted. E. Ed wards, Alder hotel. A. TV GAS RANGE. used four months; sell for I AO. ll.t.t V. cost $11T5 new; will sell for $60. East Main. East 4109. - rlLalo can be permanently cured witnou: operation. Call or write Dr. Deac ,-econd and Morrison. HUGS washed on your floor with Hamll- ton-Beacn electric carpet washer; vacuum cleaning done. East 4045. BICYCLE Double-bar motor bike model In A-i condition; nttie used: $Z2.50. Hai sey 365. Phone 332-57. ORIOLE, only used a few times, and col lapsible carriage, very reasonable price. Woodlawn 341:3. TUXEDO eult, never worn, size 94. pur chased last montn. coat 190. Sell.. $3o. Phone Woodlawn 3774. LARGE ptpeleas Mueller furnace. Just been UBea tew times; cost new 4Bo, will sell for $250. 826 Johnson st. 1 10x12 WALL ten. new, $12: 2 folding camp oeas. iu.iiw eaca. luo tLst w t. N.. near Gilsan. HEMSTITCHING, 8c yd: one yard free by bringing this ad. 830 Mohawk bldg.. over nuurna t i wo. FOR SALE Family size electric washer and electric reversible wringer, good conqinos: .o. .u lauor tn.n. FOR SALE New counter. $6. 527 Division street. , WILL sell cheap, my beautiful diamond ring. r-ast -t-ui lfexl2 16-INCH wood. 5V4 cord lots; 2 cord lots, ai'im ucuvcreq. sawy. 4fn9 BLACKBERRIES are ripe: pick them and gave. " "u xi. otarjaC. FOR SALE Two trunks two suitcases: PULLETS. rabblLe and household good for sale. Aut. 32i-76. GAS APPLIANCES, stoves and furniture repairer. w-e..... peu.ansi ELECT Hit-, tixtures tor d rooms. $15; iots OI oilier milium w v...,m. cawy 4253. TWO Vemls Martin beds. $15; dresser. $5. FOR SALE cheap, practically uw ew lug machine. Main 6012. FOB SALE. M iscellaneons. BEHOLD the man who stops all leaks: rubber-bonds and rejuvenates all kinds of warped, cracked, weatherbeaten. de teriorated, old, leaky roofs. Telephone Broadway 70. . GARLAND gas range, $32.50; side oven Ruud water heater, new, $17.50; a 3 hole gas plate, $3.50. 769 E. Broadway. East 4852. SHOWCASES, new and used cash regis ters, scales, fans, general store fixtures; sacrificed. 246 Washington st. t REED babr cart, fine condition. 23-F12, Vancouver. Wash. TWIN baby carriage. Heywood-Wakeneld. like new: $33. 845 Williams ave. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. SUNDAY SPECIALS. Elgin Six. 1920 $1350 Super Six Hudson TOO Oakland Six 450 See these and many mora bargains at WELLER MOTOR COMPANY, X. W. corner Washington and loth Sts. 1920 CHANDLER DISPATCH- Runs and looks like new: will sacrifice this car If taken at once, liberal terms to responsible party. BRALY AUTO COMPANY. S01 Burnside St. Broadway 901. BTUDEBAKER FOUR. 1918. Car in fine mechanical condition, good rubber and body; very low price for quick sale. . V. Parsons. tou r.. croaa way. Broadway 32L FORD BUG. See our large stock of bugs, all types prices right: terms liberal. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, Grand Ave. and East Yamhill. Open. Evenings and Sundays. East 471. SEE THIS. By owner, late '20 FORD, special large - body, good 81x4 tires, demountable rims. Al shspe, $300. Call evenings. 1182 East salmon. 1919 ESSEX touring, new tires and Is in Al condition in every way. Ride In it and be convinced. Oh, boy. worlds of pep! Some cash, balance easy terms. Call Propst, Bdwy. 36Q6. 1919 CHANDLER Dispatch. Just been over hauled, has new top, new seat covering, wire wheels, fair tires. A real buy; small payment down. Call Propst. Bdwy. 3ic. 1919 HUPMOB1LE. Best of condition all around, many extras, cord tires. Owner needs money and would sacrifice for cash. Phone East 2177. 118 OLDS 8, guaranteed to oe mechan ically perfect, good tires; for sale for $600. Some buy. good paint, top and upholstery. Some cash, balance terms Call Propst. Bdwy. 36(6. WB CARRY a full line or auto accessories, tubes. Ford parts. light globes, etc. Also do towing. Open day and night. LONG m SILVA. Phone East C840. 462 Hawthorne. 1017 OAKLAND touring. Just been over hauled; has fair tires and good paint, and Is a real buy at the price asked. Small payment down. Call Propst. Bdwy. 3605. LATE model Bulck touring, fullv equipped, cord tires, bumper, deflectors, etc a aulck bargain; like new. Dr. Patton, Mar. 3?)8. 1 ir L.L., new o-cyitnder, 4 passenger chummy roadster, fine lsdy's car. cost s-tou; many extras; must raise cash price $1230. terms. Owner. East 6228. 1920 STUDE BAKER special 6: cost $2100; run 4000 miles: am going east; will sell for $1500: car looka and runs like new. Owner. East 4930. 1918 FORD touring: new top. new cuah Ions and upholstery, good rubber: a real i'oi-a. in pertect condition. Terms, yes. Call Propst. Broadway 3606. BIG STOCK USED CARS PRICES RIGHT. No Misrepresentations. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. BUICK As good as new; has been fam ily car; six good co-d tires, newly palnt- ea; a reai snap; seeing is Deltevlng. Fast 5027. 1917 MAXWELL light delivery, new paint. gooa ruoDer, overnauiea; siuu down terms on balance. Call Dumaia, Bdwy 2270. 1921 HUDSON SUPER. Latest model 7-passenger, never run, $250 less than regular price. BF 887, oregonian. 1920 5-PASSENGER touring car. will accept residence property or small car in traae. pnone iiroadway 8281,. Ober hauffer. 1918 PAIGE CHUMMY ROADSTER: 6 cord tires, fine condition; $750. Bllllngsley aiotor v p.. nawtnorne at 8tn. E.ast 7-0 1919 PAIGE at sacrifice: owner will con- siaer any reasonaoie oner. Phone Mr. in lcnoi at nroaaway 1920 HUP. WITH lots of extras; trade Ford: terms. Billlngsley Motor Co.. Haw thorne ave. at Sth. East 720. I MAXWELL. $225; overhauled, new paint. 5 tires; going east. C. W. Parker. 837 E. Glisan. Phone E. 2036. FOR SALE New Ford touring body com plete. $83. Oregon Laundry, E. oth and Oak. - 1919 OLDS 8, Pacemaker, in Al condition, service with this car. Call Duffy. Bdwy 2270. . WE TEAR em up and sell the pieces. Portland Auti Wrecking Co., 631 Alder, near 17th. Broadway 5254. 1918 FORD touring, extras, new rubber all around, $275 takes It. Call Tabor 1535. LATE 1919 PAIGE, FINE CONDITION $1250, TERMS. 818 CHAMBER OF COM MERCE. MAIN 8032. DODGE touring, positively the best buy $400 cash; like new. Call before 12 noon. Marshall 5032. 1919 FORD, overhauled and painted $330; take old Ford as part payment. Marshall 301 evening s. . 1919 AND 1921 OLDSMOBILE roadster, lightweight, cheap, terms. Call Dumaia. Broadway 2270. STAGE CAR. 1918 Cole 8, price $500 terms. Duffy, Bdwy. 2270. Call PAIGE, absolutely In lst-class condition: nert the money, so will sell cheap. Mar. 24S9. 50 ACRES unincumbered land in Clack amas county, for good 5 or 7-passenser auto. D 863. Oregonian. , 1917 BUICK "6," $G75. terms; trade Ford. Bl.lingslev Motor Co.. Hawthorne ave. at Sth. East 720. FORD coupe. 1920; wire wheels, speed ometer, shock absorbers, bumper, clock etc.: $625. Phone owner. 217-06. DODGE touring car. $750: excellent con dition; two spare tires, tire holder, soot Ilght. etc. Tabor 9569. PRIVATELY owned National six, like new; cord tires; trade for citv property. E M. Crouch. Broadway 1651. OAKLAND. 5-pas.engep, $500: privately owned: .lust overhauled; excellent coadi tlon. Main 1S4. SERIES 9-B FRANKTLN, newly finished; iciiiia. .LutiiiK0iay motor TJO. , haw thorne ave. at 8th. East 720, WE PUT steel teeth in your old flywhesa, vriiaHu luiuiua. xi. -. jsiack ma chine shop. B34 Alder st. Bdwy. 2681 1919 CHEVROLET In good condition- lust vc..m,u, Ww. ---- j . iji.. air. .lun gers. AUBURN BUG First-class condition. ' "a oemonairauuu win aausi you. CheaD Wdln. 2227. . K" CHANDLER touring car. Al condition good for stage purposes. Phone Auto 619-67. FORD roadster, starter type: $340. terms. niiitUBsie.v mtiiur v.v. aawiaoma ave at Sth. East 720. WB BUILD truck bodies, also do body re pairing. B. B. Body Works, 600 Williams ave. East 1 19 8. CHEVROLET, $490. run 6700 miles: looks like new. runs like new; new tires; $500 cash. 1102 Martins ave.. Eastmoreland. PARTS Oregon Auto Wrecking Co.. 2& Belmont, near Oth. FORD coupe; this car la 95 per cent new for only $6S5. Bdwy. 1572. Mr. Jungers! 1UZ1 HUPMOB1LE to oe sacrifloed. Phone OLDS six coupe, perfect condition, at $1450. pnone air, isicnol at Bdwy. 3281. 1920 CHEVROLET touring, like new; aac riflce for cash. Tabor 6644. 1920 SPORT model Paige at big reduction. Phone Mr. Nlchol at Bdwy. 3281. 1918 CHEVROLET, good tlraa, good shape. Call Duffy. Bdwy. 2270, K1SSELL 100-Polnt six. In excellent con dition. Broadway 1572. Mr. Jungers. DODGE roadster, of extras. $i'Q. 1918: special top, lots East tjSUO. 1918 BIG SIX Studebaker 7-passenger. $475 quick sale. Auto. 632-24. MAXWELL 5 good tires, new top; runs fine. Broadway 1572. Mr. Jungers. 1820 CHEVROLET touring, like new; sac rifice for cash. Tabor 6644. STEPHENS roadster, 5 wire wheels. Call Duffy. Broadway 2270. FORIs" seoao; wire wheels. Broadway 1572. good tires. LATE 1920 Chevrolet touring, like new, $590: terms. East S158. FOR SALE 1917 Buick six In good condi tion, yoe ri. tjoucn. n. s-ii. 1918 OLDS six, Al shape, good Urea. Call Duffy. Bdwy. ZZ7Q. 1921 OLDSMOBILE coupe, $1000 leas than new one. uiu journals, uawj, i.o. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. BARGAINS. SAFETY. SATISFACTION. We rebuild both Hudson and Essex used automobiles and sell them with a warranty the same as given with the purchase of new cars. We also give 90 days' tree service, the same aa La given on new cars. On other makes of automobiles that we trade in we repair and overhaul them sathat used cara that are not sold with a warranty are in first-class condition and are sold with ten days' free trial, sub ject to their being returned with . full credit on any other car you may select. 1917 Super Six Hudson speed ster, rebuilt. $1330 1918-1919 series Hudson Super Six. rebuilt 1300 1920 Hudson super six 1650 1920 Hudson speedster 1825 1919 Essex built automobile. 030 1225 575 623 675 900 1083 1920 Essex, like new . 1919 Maxwell Late 1917 Dodge. 1919 Grant Six 1918 Oldsmoblle Eight 1919 Chalmers 1919 Olds eight. 4-pass., sport model 1100 1919 Liberty, model' . 4-pass.. sport 1100 Our store for these used-csr bar 'galns at 40-48 North Broadway, which is Broadway and Couch st. Phone Broadway 5739 or Marshall 867. Open evenings and Sundays. C L, BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. WE HAVE one of the largest stocks of automobiles on the Paclfle coast; come across the river and save money. Following ia a small list of our atock- 1920 Ford touring. 1918 FORD touring. 1918 Ford roadster. 1920 Chevrolet touring. 1919 Cadillac 4-paasenger. 1919 Reo touring. 1919 Hudson super. 7-passenger. 1916 Haynes. fine shape, 1018 Oakland six. 1917 Maxwell touring. Model 85-4 Over. and touring. 1920 Velle touring. 1919 Hupmoblle touring. Late model Winton six cheap. THE USED CAR WAREHOUSE, Grand Ave., at E. Taylor St Portland's Largest Used Car Store. USED CARS ' AT SPECIAL. PRICES. EAST TERMS. MAXWELL MOTOR SALES CORPORA TION. CHALMERS MOTOR CAR COMPANY, East Oregon at Third St- , FORD tnnrinsr car. a nerfect guarantee- special Ford, new non-skid tires. 2 extra special carouretor, rear 11 uo yraaeo, . spotlights, wizard lighting system, stor age battery, wizara nailery coarner dash light, tool box. motor horn, sea cut down for sleeper, speedometer, tool etc.. a mechanic owns mis rora: 11 perfect; go anywhere on high; 6 month guarantee and service. I have repa hon to back un my guarantee: nee cash: $385 spot cash takes it- 210 Jet ferson st. NATIONAL, SIX TOURING. Car In Al mechanical condition: must be sold at once; no reasonable offer re fused. BRALY AUTO COMPANY. 501 Burnside St. . Broadway SOL CAMP TRAILERS. Complete camping outfit, auto camp trailers. You can have the luxuries of a home and the quickest camp to set up If you get one of these. Only two In stork, one slightly used at $250. one sample at $323. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 21st at Wash. sts. Main 0244. COMET SIX TOURING. BRAND NEW. BRAND NEW. Regular price $2675; for quick sale we will take $2000 for this most powerful automobile. This car has the wonder ful N Continental motor. LAFFAW MOTOR CAR CO.. 43 N. Ninth St. Broadway 118. Sunday. Broadway 4339. LITTLE SIX CHALMERS. In dandy condition; looks like new, $600 cash or terms. BRALY AUTO COMPANY. SOI Burnside. Broadway 001. ELGIN SIX. 1921. Will sell my new Elgin six. only 3 weeks old. run but 900 miles. Is In perfect condition and still under full guarantee; must sell at sacrifice. S. V. Parsons, 60 N. Broadway. Bdwy. 321. MTJST sell new 1921 Lexington tour ing at once; cheap; run only 200 miles; terms. Carlton hotel. 1920 STEPHENS 4-paes. sport, has been run less than 5000 miles, has 5 cord tires, the original coat of paint and looks Just like new, and is guaranteed to be me chanically perfect. A real bargain; will take small car as part payment and give terms Call Propst. Bdwy. 3606. RK.AT, BARGAINS. Let us show you some real buys In used Forda. All models and types, large stork. Prices low. Terms if desired. USED FORD HEADQUARTERS, Broadway at Hoyt, Opp. Postoffice. MERCER. - 4-cyl.. 4-pass.. sport model. $T50. Ford racer, new, underslung. $273. 129 East Water st. Auto. 231-b. ITSKD FORDS. Each used Ford we sell Is guaranteed exactly as represented; Duy from an ex clusive Ford house. USED FORD HEADQUARTERS. Broadway at Hoyt. Opp. Postoffice. CHEVROLET TOURLNG CAR. L&te model touring. In better eondi titxn than averaie car that tias made thi same mileage. The car la good and the price Is right. Call Mr. cniaramonte, Broadway nwi. 1!o FORD ROADSTER. with Ford starter, extras, in fine eon dltlon. A reai buy at $385; terms if desired. IKD FORD HEADQUARTERS. Broadway at Hoyt. Opp. Postofflce. LEXINGTON, 4-passenger. 6tcylinder, $490. Grant. b-Dassenger. e-cyiinner. -if. Dixie Flyer, 5-passenger. $560. These Tmut be sold to Day storage and repair. Speedwell garage. 14th -and Couch. Ask for Mr. Howara. FORD TOURING. 1920. In good mechanical condition, new tires, body and top in fine shape; a real good buy at $450. Parsons. No. 60 North Broaoway. rsroanway a.i. 1D19 OAKLAND touring. Just been rebuilt, has new tires, newly painted and you can't tell it from a new one. a real buy; some cash, balance easy terms. Call Propst. Broadway anon. IF YOU WANT SERVICE If you want a good car at a low price, nee nils uriif Overland 90 model at $485. You will be satisfied. Weller Motor company. N, W. corner 15th and Washington. CHALMERS . roadster, new paint, excel lent rubber, runs like new, wire wheels: for quick sale will take $600, time or c as h. Broadway 4840. BRAND-NEW Ford bug. Gray & Davis starting and lighting system, spare tire, two spotlights, etc; $500. Call Dumaia Broadway 2270. ONE 490- CHEVROLET, model 1920. in Al condition. Call or phone 431 Taylor St., Marvin Apt., suite 38. Phone East 2615. HERE IS A BARGAIN. 1920 Maxwell car, perfect condition, by owner $490 -cash. Call Bdwy. 5463. apt 3 COSY chummy roadster Yes. it's an El gin Six at $775. Y'ou get some ear. Weller Motor company. X. W. corner Washington and 15th sta. FOR SALE Ford touring, late '17: new tires, extras: good repair; $250; leaving city. 956 Glenn aVe. N. OLDSMOBILE 6 demonstrator, run 1000 miles, will take light used car in trade, give terms. Call Dumals, Bdwy. 2270. 1919" PAIGE, 7-passenger. price $600. Call Duffy. Broadway 2270. FORD touring, good machinery. good tires, reasonable. By owner. Sell. 3049 1920 FORD, with extras, in first-class con dition. $473; Main 5404. J FORD COUPE. Cail Duffy. Bdwy. 2270, FOR SAI.rV-MTOMOBIlES. AT THE COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY PLANT. Mr. Covey has Just returned from east ern automobile centers, where dealers from all over the United States were assembled. Shown facts and figures re garding our sales volume, these dealers were astounded, and after an explana tion of our merchandising method, as well as selling policy, we were accorded unanimously a hearty applause. Portland automobile dealers acquainted with the facts readily concede that the new and used car business we are do ing is quite aboe the average. WHY IS IT? It Is because our business policy ra diates friendliness, kindness, service and In each transaction a mutual benefit. It is because our merchandising meth ods call for the rebuilding and refinlsh ing ot each used car we own and hold for sale. They must be better than the average and as good as possible. They must be as low in price, if not lower than others quoted cn the market. Our new car sales depend on our used car volume and we look to the new cars for our profit. DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CARS. 1915 Dodge Brothers touring car. .$ 425 .limb tiotige .Brothers touring anu roadster 1917 Dotrge Brothers touring 1918 Dodge Brothers roadster and touring 1918 Dodge Brothers sedan 1919 Dodge Brothers touring 1920 Dodse Brothers touring IOl'O Bulck sedan 1920 Buick touring .1919 Bulck roadster 1921 Franklin sedan 1914 Oakland touring 575 630 725 11 50 825 950 2OO0 1230 11(10 350 400 Late 1917 Chandler coupe, excellent cond itlofl 1920 Ford touring 1920 Ford sedan, a dandy". 1919 Ford roadster 1916 Ford touring 1920 Chevrolet 490 sedan 1920 Chevrolet roadster, in fine shape 1920 Chevrolet touring 1919 Chevrolet touring 1918 Chevrolet Baby Grand 1920 Maxwell sedan, an excellent car for POO 473 700 S50 175 850 545 5 4. Ml 475 1200 590 1920 Maxwell touring 1918 Willys-Knight, only 1919 Studebaker Big Six. 3-pass... 1918 Studebaker coupe, a real buy at 1917 Studebaker 4 touring 19J0 Haynes touring 1019 Haynes touring, oniy 1920 Hudson. 7-passenger 1018 Chandler touring, new tires... 1919 Chandler Chummy Roadster, fine shane 12 (Ml 1475 600 325 2100 1500 17.-.0 850 . .. 1173 1020 Chandler, good condition, snap 1400 IIH'I Ol. Immobile 6 roadster 850 1018 Lexington touring "00 1910 Oldsmobile 8 touring 9"0 ; 1916 Packard; a wonderful buy at. 140 191S Scripps-Booth coupe 1350 1919 Peerless 8 touring, not rebuilt, only H75 1920 Overland roadster, a good one 55 JOHO Overland sedan. 4 950 1919 Hudson limousine, in fine con dition; a wonderful taxicab. 1920 Liberty touring 1273 DELIVERY CARS. 1918 Dodge Brothers, screen side delivery 725 1918 Dodge .Brothers panel, gooa shape 1919 Chevrolet panel delivery 1918 Bulck delivery 1920 Ford delivery CADILLACS. 773 4O0 4110 423 Cadillac popularity Is a direct reflec tion or the excellent satisiaction i-aa iliac has given its owners. A used, re built and refinished one far exceeds In value, comfort and ease of operation some other new car of enual cost. All cars guaranteed and sold on easy terms. we are open aunaay. 21st at Washington St. Main 6214. Also a big display at the new Broad way salesroom downtown. Call at the salesroom most convenient for you. Our automobile transportation service makes it quickly possible for you to look over our entire stocK. BROADWAY USED CAR BRANCH. 28-30 North Broadway. Main 6244 WHILE THEY LAST. Orders from Dodge Bros, to equip alt cars in stock with oversize cord tires has placed on our hands an unusual quantity of 3ii3Vi Babrio tires and tubes. These will be sold at a great reduc tion while they last. 32x3 plain tread. .315 00. reg. pr $19.90 32x3 Non-skid.... 10.5O. reg. pr. 22.15 32x3Va Gray tubes.. 2.23. reg. pr. 3.00 COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 21st at Wash. sts. Main 6244. A COLE "S" FOR $390. Cord tires all around, with two good spares: body and upno.tftery In nne con dltlon; the motor needs a little work, but we have allowed for that in tne price- Here is absolutely the best bargain In a high-class car in the city. This car should easily be worth $1000 to anyone py spending m lew dollars on tne motor. Not a lunk heap, but a real automobile. Owing to this exceptional price little if any terms can be given. Lall jar. fet George. Bdwy. 1460. ' Northwest Auto Co.. 18th and Alder. USER CAR BARGAINS. 1 chummy Chandler, run 60UO miles $1250 1 Allen. 1918 475 325 375 1 Grant. 1918 1 Baby Grand Chevrolet .. 1 Ford sedan 1 Ford, 1920 1 Ford. 1919 1 Overland 1 -ton truck LONG & SILVA, 462 Hawthorne. 1 300 DORT TOURING CAR BARGAIN. Late model DORT touriner car in ex cellent shape: tires are good and body shows very little service. This Ls one of the most economical cars to ooerat made; lots of power and easy on tires price only $700 and we will make you easy terms. Broadway 14t0. CLOSED CARS. Thinking of buying a closed car? Re our. stock of sedans and coupes. Used Fords exclusively. USED FORD HEADQUARTERS, Broad way at Hoyt, Op. Postoffice. 1919 PAIGE 7-pass., has 6 good tires bumper and spotlight, and is median Ically perfect. Ask the price and drop dead with surprise. Small Daymen down, balance on easy terms. Call Propst. Bdwy. 36H6. FORD ROADSTERS. We have some excellent buys in lat model starter type Ford roadstprs. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Grand Ave. and East amhill. Open Evenings and Sundays. East 471. CHEVROLET. F. B sedan; a fine lookln closed car in excellent mechanical con dition; finish and upholstering very good. Privately owned and driven. Shown by appointment. Wdln. 5002. 1921 HUDSON TOURING. New, for sale at a bargain. See Mr. Ielon. Aiuiinoman notei oarage 1020 STEPHENS roadster, has wire wneels cord tires, just been overhauled and varnished. You can hardly tell it from a new one. Long, easy terms if de slred Ca:l Propst. gviwy. ati'i.i. TAKE YOUR PICK. Your choice of ten cars at $173. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, Grand Ave. and East Yamhill. Open Evenings and Sundays. East 471. OVERLAND TOURING CAR. Newly painted and overhauled; goo 4tr.- and eocxi value. The price is s reasonable it will startle you. Terms. Call -Mr. Jager. Broadway 1400. 1920 PAIGE 5-pass.. has been run Jus 4800 miles, has new cord tires and look insr likA new. A real car at & small price. Some cash and balance on easy terms, .ali i-ropst. irsqwy. ooo. 1920 FORD roadster, starter, block type, with extras, $12o down and eight month ly installments of $25: will conside exchange fr Ford coupe. Mr. Lewis, Main 4538. 1919 REO 5-pass.. just been overhaule from stem to stern, has six good tires and for sale very cheap. Small payment down. Call Propst. P.dwy. 3606. i2lCHEVROLET touring". 3 weeks old: my sacrifice price $675 with very easy terms: will save you $123. For demon stration phone East 178. 1920 FRANKLIN, 4-passenger, at big aaerlflce; owner Is willing to lose over $1000; car Just like new. Phone Mr. Lowder. Bdwy. 32S1. 1921 FORD; starter, dem. rims, speed ometer, a-hock: $525. terms. Billlngsley Motor Co., Hawthorne ave. at tith. East 7 20. 1918 MAXWELL, recently overhauled and painted; owner has left town and this must be sold at once: no reasonable offer refused. 6018 E. S7th st. Auto. 640-32. 1921 OLDS six sedan; must seii at once; car run 2000 miles and will take big loss. Phone Mr. Nlchol at Broadway 32S1. WILLY'S Overland 6, Continental motor; Just a little work to make this a fine car. Broadway 1572. . Ben. CHALMERS roadster in f!rst-clas running order, good tires. For sale for $3o. $100 down. Cell Propst. Bdwy. 306. FLETCHER'S body works, builders of truck and delivery bodies: lowest prices: best work. 21st and Division. CLOSED delivery body for Ford, almost new; will sacrifice, 107 Sth st, Oregon City. Or. ; fCHEVROLET 8 TOURING CAR, FINE CONDITION: $550. MOTOR INN GA RAGE. FORD Snao: late '17 touring, overhauled. good rubber, new top. $325 cash: no trade. Call after Sunday. East 7085. FORD good nines -1918: good tlrf-s, new top. extras: condition: $250. East 6351 eve Tabor 937 days. 1 LOCO., 4-cyllnder; car will make fine service car or bug; $150. Motor Inn Ga- 1919 FORD touring. Hassler shocks, de mountable rims: fine condition; $365, terms. Auto. 230-M). FOS SALE ATTOMOBILKS. SOME GOOD CARS CHEAP. Paige bug. top and fenders. .... .$ 145 Ford bug. 4-pasenger 200 1917 Saxon 4 roadster, starter 200 1917 Chevrolet touring 225 1916 Ford express. A-l 230 1917 Ford roadster, extras. ..... 293 1917 Ford touring, extras. 295 191.8 Chevrolet touring 325 1916 Jackson 6. 7-pass. 850 191 Ford touring, new tires 385 1916 Oakland 6 touring, new top.. S'.'" 1916 Oakland 6 roadster 425 1917 Overland 75 touring 393 1920 Overland 4 roadster 450 1919 Overland country club 475 1916 Dodge touring, new top...... 450 Packard 30. 7-pas 425 1920 Ford roadster 3S5 1920 Ford touring, starter, extras. 4S5 1920 Chevrolet, expresa. cord tires) 450 1921 Ford touring, starter, new... 5v l'.lL'O Ford coupe, extras .......... 55 1917 Cole 8. 7-pass 600 191 S Studebaker 6. T-pass 600 1917 Hup 4 touring, overhauled. .. 850 1919 Buick 6 touring, private 1050 Ford bugs from $20O to $400. 1919 Indian and eidecar... 275 1919 Indian, overhauled, extras... 200 Ford roadster or touring body 45 VRANSON-S USED CAR EXCHANGE. Union ave. and Belmont at.. Upstairs. . REBUILT BUICKS. THOROUGHLY REBUILT AND GUARANTEED. AND SERVICE SAME AS NEW CARS HOWARD AUTOMOBILE CO.. New Salesroom: TWELFTH AND ALDER. Phone Broadway 1180. TJSED CAR SALE. We have cut the price on every car in the place down to rock bot tom. Y'ou can't find the equal to thfse-any place in town. 1919 Chandler, wire wheels. cord tires, new paint. .....$ 900 1919 Nash, new paint 900 1918 Nash, Al mechanically 700 1920 Nash. 7-pass.. overhauled and reflnlshed Just like new 1200 1918 Country Club Overland. good tires, new paint 450 1916 Reo. 7-paascnger; think ot this soo 1918 Ford seran 400 1919 Nash. 7 -pass-, new paint 1000 Pan-American, run BOO miles. Al mechanically, new. paint 700 PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO.. 421 Burnside. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGK CO. 207 SELLING BLDG., SECOND FLOOR. DIXIE FLYER. BRAND NEW. BRAND NEW. This car was slightly scratched In shipment; was- $17:iV; we have cut the price to $950. so you will have to hurry if you waut a real bargain in an auto mobile. LAFFAW MOTOR CAR CO.. 47 N. Ninth St. Broadway lis. Sunday. Broadway 4339. FORD WIZARD CHARGER. Charges 6-volt battery from Ford mag neto. Insures bright hesdlights. gives steadier spark, no more oil lamps; elec trify your Ford; fully guaranteed: price $10. Ford owners, get our Introductory offer. Garages, accessory dealers, sgenta investigate $10 offer for samples and stock. Wizard Mfg. Co.. 210 Jefferson St.. Portland. FRANKLIN. SERIES A. TOURING CAR. in iirst-ciass mecnanlcal condition; runs like a new car; must be sold Imme diately, and will sacrifice same for $1000 if taken at once. BRALY AUTO COMPANY. 501 Burnside St. Broadway 901. HAVE some exceptionally rood buys In light used cars Rulcks. Dodges and Maxwells; easy terms. Phone Ehrett, East 303. Sundays and evenings Tabor 135 3. 90 OVERLAND sedan, one of the classiest little sedans In the city, has wire wheels, you can hardly tell It from a new one. Guaranteed to be mechanically perfect. Don't overlook this one, as the rain starts pretty soon. Some cash, balance on easy terms. Call Propst. Bdwy. 3606. LOCOMOBILE SPECIAL. Racing type with special wire wheels, all cord tires, absolutely perfect me chanical shape, new paint, new up holstering, electric lights, and a hear for speed; a rare pick up for $900. Call Main 213. Mr. Welgar. BARGAINS. -.HO'S GOT THE BARGAINS If you come to 1220 E. Salmon st. with the cash today you can buy a light six 5-pass. car in guaranteed condition, with cord tires and run less than 9000 miles, for only $550; cost new $1960 and you wou't find a better bargain. CHEAPEST CHEVROLET IN PORTLAND. 1918 model, in first-class condition, good tires. I need money and my price is Just half its value. $250 cash and drive it home. Owner Tabor 81S9 or Main 7967. 1920 MAXWELL TOURING CAR, Only run 40OO miles: guaranteed me chanical condition. first-class shape throughout; will sacrifice for quick sale. Easy terms. Clark, Broadway 2399 after 6 P. M. DON'T FORGET. We have a large Mock of used Fords, all models. See our bargaina before you buy that csr. Easy terms. USED FORD HEADQUARTERS. Broadway st Hoyt. Opp. Postoffice, MAXWELL. $223; overhauled, new paint. 5 tires; going east. C. W. Parker, 851 E. Glisan. Phone East 2056. Automobiles Wanted. AUTOMOBILE WANTED. Will exchange two choice lots at Baltslr station. Tillamook beach- near deoot and hotel: adjoins board walk, county road end railroad; faces the Pacific ocean; also 50 by about 140 feet, suitable for busi ness or (or cottage: will pay aome dlf ference. Address Y 724. Oregonian. AUTOMOBILES WANTED. Ford roadster, 1920 or later model, must be in first-class shape mechani cally and fully equipped, starter and demountable rims. good tires and shocks; no dealers. Main 8043. WANT Ford car in exchange for dandy building lot on E. 73d. near Halsey. 50x114; cement walks, curbs, graded street, east front. Call 201 Board of Trade Mdg. Main 667. LAT15 MODEL Harley-Davldson. twin cyL, fully equipped, has speedometer and tan dem; will se-11 for cash or terms or trade for light 4-cyL car. Call East 7338. Mr. V.arh. WE WANT the bet buy we can get In a Chevrolet and a Ford: Chevrolet not to exceed $250, Ford $175: $50 first pay ment. See Vale, on Whip, at Oaks park, between 5 and 7. WE WRECK THEM Highest cash price paid for old cars, condition no object. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO, Third and Glisan. WE WILL loan you money on your auto- mobile. GRANNINO & TREECE. K47 Alder St. Bdwy. 1T2H. WANTED A light touring car in trade for a desirable lot. one block from car line. Sell. 1378. LATE model Chevrolet or Bulck. must be In good order and cheap. Phone Broad- way 3656 or call 850 Burnside. 100 CARS wanted to wreck- condition no object. Oregon Auto Wrecking Co.. 428 Belmont, near 6th. East 4569. CASH for 1917. '18 or '19 Oakland: no hay wire: give price, condition and telephone. R 900. Oregonian. CARS wanted to wreck; parts for all cars for less. S. & S. Auto Wrecking Co.. 15th and Alder. Broadway 636. 20 ACRES on Columbia highway; will take a car same value. 3504 1. 68tla st. S. E. WE PAY cash for used Fords, condition no object. 500 Williams ave. East 1 198. CASH for al! makes of cars: condition ns object. 414 Gllsap. cor. 10th. Bdwy. 293. WANTED Ford light express if bargain. II S64. Pregonlau. FOR RENT New residence garage at 100 l.aurelhurst ave. Motoreycles. 1H20 EXCELSIOR motorcycle. In Al condi tion. $225 takes It. Terms If desired. Ca 1 1 Propst. Bdwy. 3606. 1920 HARLEY side car. slightly used. $93 cash. Call Monday. East 2135. LADY'S blue serge suit, size 36. cheap. IIO-'s re. l st st. iNortn. FOR M OTOftf YCI.ES AND BICYCLES I TRY U6. 204-206 3D ST. MAIN 6139.