I ' ll. NEW TODAY. 1 REAL ESTATt T I . ... . . I " : Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms, professional men, manu facturers, repair men, etc, classified for ready reference. Information as to any class of work not listed may be obtained by calling Main 7070, House 40. ACCOrHTANTS. JULIUS R. BLACK, public accountant, auditor, income tax service. Concord Plug.. 23 and Stark. Phone Main 7443. ATTOBXETS. K. XV. EASTMAN, lawyer and notary pub 11c. P34 Cham, of Com. bids. ASSAVKR AND ANALYSTS. JIOXTAXA ASSAY OFFICE. 14a Second. Gold, silver, platinum bought. Al'TO PAINT1SO. AUTOMOBILK and vehicle painting at 2!lS Russell st.. near Williams ave. ; good . work at reasonable prices. liOES your car need attention? Experi enced general mechanic. Tabor S850. BATHS. DR. McMAHON'S baths. Portland: steam, showers, plunges, tubs, all for 35c: tell your friends. Fourth and Washington. CHIROPRACTIC steam baths and rna sages. 10th floor Broadway bldg. Mar shall 3 1 S 7. l)r. Laura L. Downing. CAKPENTKK. CARPENTER work of a'.l kinds: repair work a jspeciu-uy. r or ei.i.t 640-37. CELLULOID BfTTONS. THE 1HWIX-1IODSON COMPANY. 8S7 Washington. Broadway 434. Tabor 1234. . CHIROPRACTIC. DR. McMAUON (McMan) 1007. cntroprac tlc. speaks for itself. Portland 12lh yj" Successful. Prool; Thousands of satisfied people praising work after comparison and fair trial. Phone friends, i-xtended time. 31 adjustments. $15. , . DR. KLlZAUETIi ROSTOCK Chiroprac tic that is different: 8 years' successful Dractice. CUO-GU7-BOS Swetland bldg. Hours 10 to 8. Phone MainSTl DR. NELLIE BVRU, 504 Panama bldg. Chiropractic and electric-therapy, ale"j hemorrhoids, constipation, high blood pressure, etc. Main 3159. , CHIROPODISTS. WILLIAM, Estelle. Florello and Dewane De Veny. the only scientific chiropodists and arch specialists in Uty. Parlors aoj Oerlinger bldg.. sou", nweat corner Second and Alder sts. Mam 1301 DEL o. O FLETCHER Foot troubles scientifically corrected. Lady assistant. 512 Morgan bldg. Main Si. C A KPKT CLEANERS. EUGS AND CARPETS WASHED on your Xloor, Our method restores the colors trt their original brightness. AREFUL CARPET CLEANING CO. EAST 7373. CLEANERS AM) PRKSSERS. REGAL CLEANERS TAILORS AND HATTERS Cleaning and dyeing a specialty. 127 North Sixth St.. Portland, or. COLLECTIONS. NETII & CO., Worcester bldg. Main 1706. No collections, no charges. Estab. 1000. CONTRACTORS ANI Bl'ILDEKS. RELIABLE CONSTRUCTION CO. House construction and general .jobbing. 1(18 West Park Street. Phone Main 2029. DENTIST. DR. B. E. WRIGHT Third Floor. Raleigh Bldg. Corner Sixth and Washington Sts. Main 2119. Automatic 2119. nFWTKTRY DR' A- w- KEENE, 351 UUS 1 10 I n I Washington street. Without pain. Latest nerve-blocking system. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. ELECTRIC MOTORS bought. sold, repaired. .Armature winding, wiring and nuppliea STAR DELTA ELECTRIC WORKS 15th and Glisan Sta Broadway 2748. H. M. H. ELECTRICAL CO, 31 N. 1st St., Portland, Or. Re winding and electric repairing a specialty. New or used mo tors. Broadway 1043. fggZfr MOTORS REWOUND Repafred TZj?V BOUGHT AND SOLD. gJti NICHOLS ELECTRIC WORKS Phone 527-27. 226 Main St. Motors bought, sold and repaired. Vv, O. W. Rouse Electric Co., 200 Broadway. Main 6495. WHOLESALERS AND ENGINEERS AND MILL SUPPLIES. THE M. I.. KLINE CO.. H4-8U-S7-X9 FRONT THE PEERLESS PACIFIC CO., 08-70-72 FRONT ST. HATS AMI CAPS. THANH AUSER HAT CO.. 53-B5 Front St. PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. HIDES. WOOL AM) CASCAKA HARK. '. KAIIN BROS., 105 Front street. FLORISTS. MARTIN & FORBES COMPANY 354 Washington. St. Main 269 Largest rose growers In the Northwest. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. Personal attention given wedding, reception, tea and table decorations. Floral tributes promptly attended to. 6WEIXAN D'S FLOWER SHOP. Morrison St., bet. 3d and 4th Tel. Main 419 And Florat Designs. 25 Hothouses. No Branch Stores. 25 Years on Morrison street, bet. 4th and Fifth. Main 7709. Smiths Flower Shop Portland's Progressive Florist. We spe cialize in funeral ueslgns. 14H4 Sixth oppoalte Meier & Frank's. Main 713. IRIS PLANTS FOR SALE. Choice plants all klnde of peren- riiala for sale. Call Sunday A. M. or Monday. 1067 Senate St.- Tabor 8253. " NOB HILL FLORISTS. Estate. Alfred Burkhardt.) tl. V. cor. 3d and Glisan. Main 1359. TOXSETH S FLORAL CO.. 287 Washington St.. bet. 4th and ftth. Main 5102. A 110L RATES FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Dally or Sunday, One time 12 o per line Same advt. S consecu tive times ...N 22c per line Same ad vt. 3 consecu tive times . .30c per live Same adrt, 7 conseca- tive times 9Se per fine One montU 92.50 a line Six months.. ..$.1.25 a line per month (Change of copy allowed monthly.) 1'tie above rat applies to adverUHe meuis under all cliutnificutions except ing "Situations Wanted Male" and "Situations Wanted- .female," whica In ire pr line fur each insertion, So ad taken for lens than two lines. Count five average words to the line. Advertisements (except "Personals" and "situations Wanted") will be taken over the telephone if the advertiser i m nuiHoribr to eiLher phone The Oregonian will receive copy by mad provided sufficient remittance fur definite number of issues is sent. Ae knowiedKinent will be lorwarded promptly. o prices will be quoted over the phone, but statements will be rendered the following day. Advertisements are taken for Xhe la!ly Orfgunian until ,:30 P. M. ; for The Sunday Oregouiaa until 1 At. Saturday. DANCING. SUMMERS DANCING ACADEMY, 85 6th st. Lessons day and evening. Open all summer. Sdwy. 3590. FOOT SPECIALISTS. FOOT SPECIALIST Tr A M. Cochrane Lady assistant. 411 Macleay bldg., 4th uMumBion. juarsnau vvt. FL'KNITURE MOVING. FURNITURE moving, local and long dis tance, competent men by responsible unn. iiroaaway dto. UAT CLEANERS AND DYERS. HATS cleaned, blocked, dyed: reasonable nun aansiactory. Royal Hat wks., isi. ML'SIC TEACHERS. 1 CARROLL DAY, teacher of piano and oice. croaQB-ay 255. 148 I3tn sr. OPTOMETKISTS. EVES SCI EVTl vie x r.i.v tested with modern instruments, glasses fitted at a saving, satisfaction guaranteed; out of me uign-rent aistrlct, no overneaa exp. A. E. HURWITZ. Optometrist, 255 1st St. PAINTING. PAINTING, kalsotnining and roof repair ing at moderate nrices: work guaran teed; cabinet work a specialty. East 463. C. H. TERRILL. house and sign painter, papering, tinting. 407 E. 37th. Tab. 2611. PATENT ATTORNEYS. PATENTS Our practice has extended over a period of 74 years. All communica tions strictly confidential; prompt, ef ficient, conscientious service; handbook tree on request. MUNN & CO., Hobart mag., S!)4 Market St., San franclsco; Chicago office, room 810 Tower bldg.; Washington office, room 103, 625 First; n lorn otlice. Woolworth Plug. R- C. WRIGHT. 22 years' experience U. S. and foreign patents. 601 Dekum bldg. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. Broadway building. Rheumatism, stomach, bowel, lung, liver, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostate, female disorders, skin affections, blood pressure, enlarged tonsils, moles, birthmarks. PIPE REPAIRING. PIDES GEPAIPEO BY EXPERTS S01 Panama bldg-, 3d ana AJde- PLLMBING SLPI'LIES. PLUMB UNG supplies at wholesale prices. -Davis Co., 188 4th st. Main 7U7. Stark PRINTERS. DDIIUTiWf! F. W. BALTES & COMPANY I lllll I IflU First and Oak. Main 165, 811-65. ROOF PAINTING AND REPAIRING. ROOFS repaired and painted; gutters cleaned. Roof Security, Inc., Mfra. WEBFOOT PAINT; references given. 226 Board of Trade bldg. Main 571, Main 5644. OREGON ROOFING CO. 1764 East Glisan Street. Tabor 4817. HOOF REPAIRING. KOOFS Old and new repaired and shin gled. Phone Tabor 4bu. TRADEMARKS. OREGON TRADEMARK BUREAU, 601 Dekum bldg. U. S.. foreign trademarks. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH DRAYAGE AND STORAGE. Motor and Horse Equipment. Furniture Moving and Packing. PHONE BROADWAY 3309 SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER, CO. Packing Moving Storage. Money loaned On goods In storage. &S Fourth st.. opp. Multnomah, hotel. Phone Broadway 373 5. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 474 Glisan St. Broadway 1281. DRAYAGE. STORAGE. Four Warehouses on Terminal Tracks. UPHOLSTERING. UPHOLSTERING Overstuffed davenports and chairs, znan- facturer to consumer prices. ROSE CITY UPHOLSTERY, East 1208 Repairing 40 Union Ave. H. WALL PAPER, PAINTS, ETC. WALL PAPER, PAINTS, ETC. ' 230 SECOND ST. UHL BROS., INC. VETERINARY. ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL! East 7th and Grant sts. Both phones Day and night service; 3 veterinarian MANUFACTURERS ROPE AND niXDKB TWINE. Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrup. PLUMBERS' SUPPLIES AND PIPE. THE M. L. KLINE CO.. 84-86-87-89 FRONT THH PEERLESS PACIFIC CO.. 68-70-72 FRONT ST. INC. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERDINQ & FARRELL. 140 Front St. FUNERAL COMPLETE Cankrt, two An to a, Ileai-ae, Em balming;, OotMlde Box, Gravo Mnlc.KT, Fnnersl Notice. Bear era' Gluvea, L'e ol Chapel Miller & Tracy Independent Funeral Directors Washington at Ella Phones. Main 2601, 578-83 OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY S " aa!salof&rfoorne!Io courthouse, phone Main 378 Xroin 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. The society has full charge of the cltf pound at its home, 535 Columbia bou iark Phne any time. Woodlawn 64. Dogs for sale. Horse ambulance for sick, or disabled horses. B m ai 1 animals painlessly electrocuted where necessary, and stray animals cared A1i 5ead animals, cows, horses, etc. picked up. NEW TO PAT. For Sale Blacksmith Shop F.nii I rr. rui. t . .Merchandise store 50 feet of S , echoolhouse mile. Address CHAS. G. HOFFMAN, R. 2. Box 36. Aurora. Oregon, OLD MATTRESSES w MADE NEW TedatJ Same-day Service. Mall Order Dent.' 10?I0E0:l!TR MATTRESS A PAD CO." 10. g K. Lincoln bt Phono 237-07 Edward E.Goudey Co. MORTGAGE LOANS, TTnlted Slates Bank Building;. JNO. B. COFFEY BrRKTY BONDS INSURANCE 409 Wilcox Bidx, Alain 8020. THE 1 BUY I 100x100 fl S EAST FIRST AND MORRI- S 8 SON J J IyESS THAN 3nfl PER FRONT FOOT. "J ACROSS THE STREET ? C FROM JONES' CASH Tl STORE. J-jSj The Imprnvrd g&&.a, PsPTfvrATyE The Improved construction makes a REDIMADE a better, more substantial building at no greater cost to you. They re the best built sectional buildings on th? Pacific coast First-class House. Garages for Leas. Erected in Portland Practical to ship. Redlma.de Bids. Co., Portland, Or. E. 11th and Markec Phone E. 5114. Downtown sales office Commonwealth bldg., 0th A Ankeny. Phone Bdwy. 4335 STORAGE (SPRISKLERED) ON TRACK- POOL CAR DISTRIBUTORS GENERAL DRAYAGE. NOTHING TOO SMALL OR LARGE, CLAYS. MORSE, INC. Bdwy. 3470. 4&4 GllHan. Tjidles Rave Tonr Old Carpet. Buga and Woolen Clothing. Lei La Make New Rugs for Ton The oldest and best equipped fao tory. Fluff and rag ruga woven all sixes; carpets refitted; 8x12 rugs steam cleaned, tl.au. Wa call and deliver. 188 S. Eighth St. Phone East 3580. SEND Va TOUR OLD CARPETS. OLD Rugs and Woolen Clothing We Stake Reversible, Hand-Woven FLUFF RUGS Rag Rngs woven, all sixes. Mall orders. "Send for booklet. Feathers renovated rarnet cleaning, refitting, etc. LargeHt. finest equipped carpet cleaning, refit ting works in Oregon. Separate plants. txl2 rugs steamed cleaned $1.50. WESTERN FLUFF RUO CO.. 64-60 Union Ave. N. Cor. KaMt Davis. Phones Kast 6516. East 6053. WE CALL AND DELIVER. MORTGAGE LOANS Lowest Interest rates i Instniiment re payments. If desired. BulldinK loans - made. No delay In closing;. A. H. BIRRELL-GILL CO. Formerly A. H. Blrrell Co. 216-218 Northwestern Bank. Uuildlnax. . Marshall 4114. Phoive your -want ads to The Ore gonian. Main 7070, Automatic 560-95. REAL ESTATE. ONE-FOURTH block, paved street, with beautiful view, overlooking Eastmore land and Reed college; comfortable 8 room house, lots of fruit 'and flowers, good garage, close to street car; owner going away and will take good car If priced right; J 4 500. terms. BORLAND & PARSONS, 803 Stock Exchange. Auto. 52!)-Q4. IVi ACRES, 4-room house, full basement, fruit and garden, 40 minutes out on Oregon Electric, $1000, one-third cash. Woodlawn 2497. . For Kale Flat and Aoartment Pnmrtv 1 7000 EX CE PTIONAL RA RRAIV Store and 3 apartments, furnished; gas beat, garage connected, assessments paid, excellent condition, permanent net income, $1300 per year. See owner. 601 V orcester bldg For Sale Beach Property. FINE BEAPR I.I1TS SALTAIR TILLAMOOK BEACH. I have four choice lots, all together, two facing the Pacific ocean; board walk, county road and railroad run in front of the property. The other two lots adjoin the two above and face on the road in the rear. All are near the de pot, hotel and Rockaway; size of lots is 23 feet by about 70 feet and are excep tionally well adapted for business or rcsiueuce. r-nce izo ana sioo each. Address T 723. Oregonian. EIGHT beautiful lots. Bayocean; 1800: one ..ctujnaiime. uu rt wuu. oregonian For Sale Lots. ALAMEDA LOTS. Beautiful corners; also less expensive Inside lots, ranging in price from 'J0O to M000. MRS. SNOW. BDWY. 4664. ALAMEDA PARK. By owner I have a number of Ala meda Park lots: will sell cheap. Mar 14S7 or East 536. REGENTS DRIVE ALAMEDA PARK. t50. BEAUTIFUL LOT WITH SHADE TREES. All street improvements are In and paid. Will sell on easy terms. HBXDERSON-BANKUS CO.. 628 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4754. BEAUTIFUL ALAMEDA. Attractive 50x100 H lot on Glenn ave. price 00. Mrs. Snow, Bdwy. 4664. YOUR OPPORTUNITY. Laurelhurst lots, while they last at extremely low prices. See J A. Mc carty, 270 y, Stark. Main 1700. Eve nlngs Tabor 5057. 100x100. BEAUTIFUL LOTS. i2 DOWN $2 week, $555, including assessments-' N. W. Bank bldg. LAURELHURST LOT BARGAINS See ,--.Mc:arty 2704 Stark st .",lll j-cmm;a. xaPOT OUOT. 50x100-FOOT LOT between 28th and 20th on Wasco st. $800; very easy terms. 415 Piatt bldg. Main 7027. BY OWNER S. W. cor. E. ISth and Klickitat. Irvington. I800. L 830, Ore gonian. FOR SALE Will sacrifice my choice corner, 23d and Hawthorne: snap for cash. E. W. Z.. Box 90. Oregon Citv. Or SIGHTLY lot. East 25th, near Division St."; asphalt paving; all assessments Daid- FINE lots. 50x126 ft.. Interstate and Wy- gant sts.; $600. Owner. 309 Piatt bldg. ROSE CITY 2 lots. 48th and Siskiyou1 $300 ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT 60x100, assessments paid.. Tabor 6553. MORNING OREGONIAN, FOR SAL 39 AT A BARGAIN ONE QUARTER BLOCK ON WESTOTDR. . Will sell this war below market price to clear up estate; might interest court to allow a trade for small home; one of best, views and right on car line. H 852. Oregonian. . S896. 60x100 FT. EAST FACING. On 38th st.. SO ft. north of Thompson. Paved street. Every thing in and paid. J. L. HARTMAN 'COMPANY, 8 Chamber ot Commerce Bids. Branch Office 45th A Sandy Blvd. Tabor 252. CHOICE ALAMEDA LOTS. 60x100 frontage on Regents and Ridge- wood drives: J1700. 60x100, southeast corner East Slat and Prescott: J 1000. 50x100. northeast corner of East 82d and Skldmore: (1000. 50x100. east, side of East Slut, north of mason ; sguu. 50x100, west side of East 80th. north of Mason: 1SO0. 60x100. west aide of East 83d. south of juason; SttOO. MAKE TOUR OWN TERMS. WILLIAM P. MERRT. 301-2 Title & Trust Bldg. DRIVE OUT TODAY. LAURELHURST TRACT OFFICE. EAST 39TH AND GLISAN. Some big bargains in lots: Just think of it! Full lot in nice location with all street Improvements paid, for $850; very cnoice east front lot for J1250; an extra large corner, near the park, for S2250. See me before buying. Office on tne property. 30th and East Glisan. Ta bor 3433. Phone for auto. Eve. East 7738. ui.LAHU.STr. OPEN EVENINGS. SACRIFICE PRICE. flSOO. FACTORY. WAREHOUSE SITE!. Adjoining Russell-Gilbert Candy fae tory on O.-W. R. & N. tracks. Holladay avenue, near ciast -4tn. Mr. Carey, For Sale Houses. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. 16750 16750 X6750L TERMS. One of the best buys In this beautiful district. Five large rooms, in perfect condition, . hardwood floors. tapestry paper, all built-ins, inverted lighting system, garage, street improvements in and paid, one block to car; must have about $1S50 cash; .owner leaving and is sacrificing. Shown by appointment only. a. autri. or I AM FORCED TO SELL. MY MODERN HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. Six rooms, one floor, nearly new. in iinest condition, cement basement, fireplace, hardwood floors, all built-ins. breakfast nook, garage, near car, all assessments in and paid; now vacant house sold for ?4750; conditions compel me to let go and I want a pronosition: very easy terms. Call owner. Tabor 81SU or Main 7917. ROSE CITY. 5 ROOMS 4400. A real Pick-un in a bungalow that Is strictly up-to-date in every detail; hard- wooa iioors, nrepiace, lull cement base ment, laundry trays and furnace: on i full size lot and paved street. It owner can get lull equity amounting to auuia exouu it can oe oougnt ngnt. MR. HARP, COEvA McKENNA & CO.. Realtors, ' 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. WANT TO TiTTV A HOMK? We have a large list of good buys in M.H j.iu-is u tne cny. Rose City. Laurelhurst. Alameda. Irvington Nob Hill. And the Heights. See Mr. Acker, with DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 609-10 Panama Bldg.. Third and Alder. LAURELHURST BIIxr.AI.nw Almost finished. Ideally arranged and modern in every detail; 2 bedrooms on first floor; bedroom and sewing room on second floor. No inflated values nere. The owner, needing money, has priced tne house to sell. See today. i r.. noyi. one diocic north of Ollsan near 33d GROVJSLAND PARK. 450O. CLOSE TO FRANKLIN HIGH SCHOOL, Six rooms, fireplace, Dutch kitchen. buffet, bookcases, 3 bedrooms; located on one of the most prominent corners in iroveiana raru. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO., 628 Henry Bldg. Broadway 4754. A REAL ARTISTIC ALAMEDA GEM. A new S-room humrnlnw nnH varacrA built-in effects, art wall paper, all hard- wooa iioors, oreaklast nook; in best dis trict, east of car line: Drice ixn.sn terms. W. M. Umbdenatock & Co., 210 taregon oiag. Broadway 1658. Sundays, Woodlawn 726. FOR "BETTER TYPES OF HOMES." See J. W. Crosley. with ELROD & DRYER. 2S3 Stark St. Phone Bdwy. 11S8. LAURELHURST FORECLOSURE. $6300 cash buys modern 7-room home. Laurelhurst ave.. near Glisan-at: lawn hiBhly improved, large fruit trees; street pau. rroperiy win siana loan or S4UOU. Must act Quick and have cash. CHAS. R1XGLER & CO.. o rlenry Bldg. FOR SALE by owner. 6-room bungalow Waverly Heights; paved street, close in, nrepiace. ount-in leatures, Dutch -kitchen, large attic, cement basement. 4 fruit trees; must sell In August. Sell wood 31S4; by appointment; oU00, $1500 cash. 2300 CARPENTER or painter with a little money and some work can make money by repairing and selling a house we have. GORDON MORTGAGE CO".. 631 Chamber of Commerce Bldg Main 1370. UP-TO-DATE 4-room bungalow, furnished, lot 50x100, all In Ivory, lawn and shrub bery, living room all In reed furniture, five-piece ivory bedroom suite, bath, kitchen built-ins, breakfast nook: will take light car in trade as part payment: $4300. Call Mr. Hein. Broadway 2270. IRVINGTON. 6-room modern house, furnished or unfurnished, nice large rooms, not far from Irvington school. Exceptional good buy for $6000. including furniture. See Mr. Boehm, 210 Oregon bldg. Bdy. 1658. SEE THIS TODAY 1 New 5-room modern bungalow, good district hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, all improvements in and paid; a good buy at $4200; a fine chance for an ex service man. Call East 661. ALAMEDA SACRIFICE. A new 5-room bungalow; modem in every way and especially well built' garage. W. M. Umbdenatock & Co.. 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. Evenings and Sundays 824 Glenn ave. North. $4000 ROSE CITY PARK. Nifty, modern 5-room bungalow, spick and span, hardwood floora, fireplace gas floor furnace, bullt-tns, full cement base ment, laundry trays, 50x100 lot, vacant. move in; terms. Tabor 4803. ST. JOHNS DISTRICT. New 4-room house, modern, fireplace and full basement: reasonable cash and monthly terms. Columbia 2C9 Tuesday morning. $2325 5-ROOM bungalow, east slope lit Tabor, full lot, full basement, paved streets, sewer connected and paid -equity . of $850 cash, $20 a month' Tabor 2U34. unia. KAST IRVINGTON 8 rooms, strictly mod ern house; with garage. Well improved lots, hard-surface street, $0500 terms Tabor R473. $300 ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT 4-room house, "city water, gas. lieht 50x100 lot, small fruit. 7 bearing irSlt trees, cement walks, terms. Tabor 655a. BUNGALOW. 5 rooms and bath, gas eleci tricity, . cement basement; V. acre' pitv limits; $2900. MOO down, bal terms H Schulze, 169 2d st. EveV Tabor 746' IRVINGTON. Beantiful. new, 5-room bungalow $5000. 665 Fremont, bet. Irvington and Broadway car lines. Owner. Main 8205 $4500 DOUBLE on carline; hard-surfaca walking distance; built-ins, fireplace Bv 2148er" 46U E" llth " Phone SeUwood CLOSE-IN. ' 2 modern houses, 6 and 8 rooms, on cor. lot; good home, Income; near Catho lic church and school. D 859. Oregonian $500 CASH, balance monthly, new 6-room bungalow, near Jefferson high. J 2!) 00 Main 7036 or East 3592 evenings. R(?f CITY, new 5-room bungalow, $3500, $600 cash, balance $25 and Interest ner month. Main 7036 or East 3592. TUESDAY, AUGUST VERT NEAT MODERN BUNGALOW. ROSE C1TT. 1350 cash will handle this dandy bun galow, on paved street with all lm- eroveraents paid. This bungalow home as one lovely bedroom, large combina tion living and dining room, built-in kitchen, breakfast nook and cement basement with laundry trays, complete with real fireplace and hardwood floors. It is close in and right near to the Sandy blvd. Price S3U00, terms 1350 cash, balance $30 per month. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. REALTORS, Broadway 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. WM. A. HUGHES CO., 218 81. EXCHANGE BLDG. ,, MAIN 6102. L1t your property with ns If yon want action. We have plenty of buyers. We list, photograph and advertise your property, with no expense to you unless we make a satisfactory sale. Reg ular commission charged. Our custom ers are our best references. WM. A. HUGHES CO.. 218 RX. EXCHANGE BLDG. MAIN 6102. ROOSE CITY PARK. EAST HALSEY ST., near 61st St.. Is a beautiful 5-room bungalow with a nice breakfast room. This place Is new and has hardwood floors throughout. It has furnace, fireplace, garage, a fine base ment with laundry trays; all improve ments in and paid. Call us at Main 5S3 or Main 1094 and let us show you this home. J. A. WTCKMAN CO.. REALTORS. "Shortest Way Home." 264 Stark St. MT. SCOTT. FURNISHED BUNGALOW. $2750 Four rooms completely furnished rms. All extra large, best of plumbing, full basement, like new. House alone worth more than price asked and furniture would cost you $1000 and yon can get It on easy terms. Immediate possession. Call Frank Mahoney, COB A McKENNA CO.. Realtors. 82 Fourth St. Main CS71. IF YOU are building a new house why not have an Iceless Refrigerator? I have two sizes, both new, which I will sell for about half price. They cost me $60 and $90 each. Easy to handle and would be splendid for use at a beach cottage; requires no installation. Would consider trade for something. See C. H. McGirr, Union . Depot garage. Phone Broadway 4102. AT BIG REDUCTION. Must sell at once new 7-room 1 story bungalow at 936 East Broadway; double constructed throughout: every convenience: -lnch oak floors all down stairs, floors stained upstairs; finest of paper, best of plumbing. Rudy furnace, garage, full lot: all improvements in and paiu. tail fast t3T3 and owner wll call for you. SEE THIS BEFORE YOU BUY. 5-room bungalow, strictly modern, with garage, on paved street, in good district. This bungalow is finished In the most exquisite manner and built so as to stand thorough inspection; price $4800. on terms. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS, Broadway 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. SIX LOTS BUNGALOW HOME. Ground all In cultivation and set out. to fruit and berries; good 6-room bunga low, 2 bedrooms, full basement, large porches, linen closets. all kinds of but't-lns, good wood lift, splendid view, on macadamized street; newly painted Inside and out: $500 cash, $20 monthly: total price $3050. FRED W. GERMAN CO., Realtors, 732 Chamber of Com. BUY THIS HQME NOW. A double constructed 5-room house, exceptionally neat and attractive with in, all rooms are very spacious, base ment 22x42 feet, laundry travs, wood lift, 50x95-foot lot, 3 nice fruit trees. This house is close to school and two car lines. Price only $2500, $450 cash, balance $35 per month. See A. B. Chrls tenson. 410 Henry bldg. Broadway 4751. CLASSY 4-room furnished bungalow, full oatn. uutcn kitchen, sun porch, cement porch, full attic, half cement basement, wood lift, gas. electricity, garage, chicken house, berries, garden, fruit trees. lawn: corner lot 57x102: three. blocks to car; $3000. must be cash. Auto. 615-71. $1250 3-ROOM cottage, lot 60x80. fruit and berries; $2500. 6-room cottage, terms. Sunnyside lot: $2000, 7-room cottage, terms, Sunnyside lot; $3500. 7-room cottage, lot 80x100. lots of fruit. J. P. McKENNA, Realtor, 1151 Belmont, at 30th. Tabor 6493. LAURELHURST SNAPS. $6500 Mod: 6-rm. bungalow, lot 50x100. $0500 Mod. 5-rm. bungalow, lot 50x100. $7500 Mod. 6-rm bungalow, lot 50x100. $8900 Mod. 7-rm. colonial, lot 50x100. J. P. McKENNA, Realtor. 1151 Belmont, at 30th. Tabor 6493. WE DRAW PLANS. WE BUILD. WE HELP YOU FINANCE. Take your building problems to ns; we save vou money. HEDSTROM CONSTRUCTION CO. 614 HENRY BT.DG. Bdwy. 1S31. ROSE CITY PARK. ' A wonderful buy: built this 5-room bungalow for my own use; art wall paper, fireplace and built-ins: must be seen to be appreciated; price $6250. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg Broadway 1658. GOING TO BUILD? We design and build residences, of any building. Assist in financing same. The best service at lowest cost to you. Established 12 3-ears. Security and sat isfaction assured. L R. BAILEY CO., INC.. 924 N. W. Bank bldg. BY OWNER. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Full basement, complete plumbing, sewers in, paved streets, built-ins, newly tinted and reflnished in Ivory: new light ing fixtures. 2 blocks to Alberta and Irvington carlines. Woodlawn 3065 after 5:30 P. M All day Sundays. $300 DOWN. S-room apt. bungalow, Murphy dis appearing bed. Ivory finish, best of plumbing, most convenient kitchen; price $2000. HARRY BECKWITH. Realtor, Main 68B9, 104 Fifth Street. MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE. LOT 50x115. 1 BLOCK FROM ROSE CITY CAR ON EAST GLISAN, NEAR 22D ST. PHONE EAST 3437. WOODLAWN $1800. Very attractive 5-room shingle bun galow, soxioo lot. 3 fruit trees; $500 aown, 9-o monxniy. HARRY BECKWITH, Realtor. 104 Fifth Street Main 6869. SPLENDID home, 6 rooms, basement. iruit, moaern conveniences, near car, paved street, school and church: sell cheap on terms or exchange for smaller house or take lot as part payment if rightly located, uwner. woodlawn ,!55. CHEAP AND GOOD 7-room house In Tier feet order, bath and inside toilet, full basement, gas and electricity, 2 full lots, garaen. iruit ana snruonery: ne car line and two schools. Owner, 5506 ;-ftin ave. r.. rnone dj:i-. MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK. Beautiful 5-room bungalow Just com pleted, in Hawthorne district: will sac rlfice for $4200; $1000 cash. W. M. Umbdenstock & t-o., ;:iu Oregon bldg. uroaaway in.ta. WESTMORELAND. For sale by owner, fine new bunmitnw all latest Improvements; street and sewer paia. to oe buiu at a bargain. 1347 East latn st. rnone wooqiawn 6186. A 4-ROOM house In Sellwood. modern will accent any reasonable sum as first payment, or take in Ford, or give you a job at orrice work to earn first pay ment. L 854. Oregonian. UP AMONG THE FIRS. $4250: five cosy rooms; beautiful view oak floors, fireplace, bookcases, gas heat, pavea street. i.aa you oear. it c it. 899, Oregonian. SHINGLED cottage with screened porch. z lots, water ana gas in street, 1 block from Willamette blvd: $2.i0 cash, bal ance $11 a month, including interest Address A B4i. oregonian. FOR SALE Must forthwith sell my two storv six-room uouae at a tacrine- r,,i . sixed corner lot: 4233 East 5 2d st South east: price ouu. oee owner. 1260 Bel mont St.. evenings at 1201 E. Main st HOUSE PLANS. "Distinctive Homes," illustrated book of over 100 designs, $1; blueprints Sia DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPANY 924 Northwestern Bank Blag. ' $300 CASH or will take small car as first payment, o-room nouse on llpkum ave. all modern, cement basement. 100x100 lot with 'fine garden, price $3250. Main 7036 or fcasi aan.-. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A HOME? We have 2 bungalows, one 6 and one 5 rooms. See Johnson & Anderson. 924 Skldmore st. IRVINGTON 8-room modern up-to-date. in every detail; J fireplaces and furnace garage. $6500, cash $2000. Main 7036 East 3502 evenings. BY OWNER 100x100 corner, five-room cottage, two blocks from Jefferson H S fruit treea and shrubbery of all kinds' $2100. terms. Mar. 3798. ' WEST SIDE CLOSE IN. Lot 50x50, with good 6-room-dwelling-on Taylor st, near 16th; price $6000 easy terms. Owner. 309 Piatt bldg ' WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS Modern 6-room bungalow, fine view select neighborhood, on carline: easv terms: $7500. Owner. Main 3836. FOR SALE On easy terms. a 3-room house and lot some fruit, close to car school and good roads; price $650. Tabor 4142. LEAVING Portland, must sell my S-room modern home In Ladd's addition: sja rage ana iota m nowers; EJast 2997 I SELL, on;y my own nouses; see me ba fore you buy. T. C, Staley. architect ? Wygant st " 2, 1921 BEAUTIFUL MT. TABOR. $4500 A wonderful 7-room bungalow, built fora home by the present owner. This house has the very best of material and workman ship throughout, beveled plate glass windows, beautiful fireplace, oak floors, very large bedrooms. iuu concrete basement, xurnace, double garage, lot 60x147. well Improved. If you really want something for a home, you can do no better. The owner is forced to sell, being unable to meet the payments; near car and school. Can be handled with $1000 cash ana balance on easy terms. ROSE CITY PARK. $4750 $1000 cash m.nA n mnnth. In eluding interest, will buy you one yi mose oeauutui nttia Dunga- lows. This Is strictly modern, large living room, plate-glass. uu.ru woou iioors. an Dunt-tn lea tures, breakfast nook, full-size jot, garage, street paved and paid. This house is about 2 years old and is now vacant. The owner is out of town and you can move ngnt in. wny not save that rent? s.tnn riu $2500 A 6-room modern house, close In on east side. This house is lo cated on corner lot, 50x100, near . car ime, street paved. Owner is moving to ranch; balance less man rent. There Js an abund ance, ot froit and flowers. In fact. It Is a real home, and at the above price and terms it Is uesi you nave seen. HILLER BROS, Realtors. ill Ksuway Exchange Bldg. Main 86. auwu wince, outn ana sanay. Tabor 8485. TA,iSMENT EXTRAORDINARY, .i- GREENE, formerly connect ? wi flori,ollr Harwood & Jesse. Inc. or Miami. Fla.. has taken charge of th real estate department in the office of J. Bruce Goddard, 501-2 Couch bldg., and with an efficient stair of co-workers will 'are of the sales of houses and lots .u larrns. jar. Greene has had many years' experience In the realty business "? i JrePared to give you prompt and r .""'" 11 yu want to sell. . Call Main 4557. ' If -vr.,, wan R.. get In one of the automobiles kept for , l Muriwso ana De enown me Duys to be had in Portland WHEN DEALING THROUGH- BRUCE "DDARD-S OFFICE YOU ALWAYS )SA. awvAtim ue.aij and no after $4500 ROSE CITY PARK Below the hill a very attractive n-mnm hin..!n,. hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, pav- newer paia; a real bargain. nose Lity fark .New 5-room bungalow with garage, modern to the very last detail: moderate terms; price . ,-. x uu win want mi3 ior yo home. $42o0 Alameda district. This attrac tive bungalow of 5 rooms, hardwood uoors, nrepiace, all bullt-ins. street Im provements In and paid, is a splendid buy for someone, and it might as well ue you. iiao cash will handle. For a real home see A. G. TEEPE CO., Realtors, Insurance, 270 Stark St., near 4th. Main 3092. Branch, 40th and Sandy. Tabor 0586. MOUNT TABOR. 4-room bungalow, modern, close to scnoot ana car, good basement, on full lot with plenty of fruit and shrubbery, $1850, $500 cash. PENINSULA DISTRICT. 6-room bungalow, close to car and nigh school, near Peninsula park, three bedrooms, good basement, fireplace, new ly decorated throughout; price $3700; $500 cash. BEAUTIFUL ALAMEDA BARGAIN. Wonderful little 6-room bungalow, on full lot, all In lawn and shrubbery, hard wood floors, cove ceilings, Dutch kitch en, fireplace. This was built by the owner as a home. Drive out and see this. 871 East 24th N. Main 6102. $5800 IRVINGTON $5800. A POSITIVE BARGAIN. The owner has Just cut the price from $6500 to $5800. We want you to com pare this bungalow with others you've seen in this district up to $6500. These are five rooms and bath on lower and another finished bedroom and sleeping porch in the attic; hardwood floors, a big beautiful fireplace, built-in book-ca.-es and handsome buffet. Dutch kitchen, big glassed-in porch; full con crete basement, furnace, garage. Owner must have $1800 cash, balance like rent. Better see this todav. Call us. COMTE & KOHLMAN. 208 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 6550. IRVINGTON. See this cozy new 5-room bungalow, good material and workmanship. Has hardwood floors throughout, fireplace, built-ins, beveled mirrors, good garage, everything first-class. Price $6200, terms arranged. WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS. $475 Cash, balanr. In suit hnv. a 5-room bungalow near 81st st. Hard wood floors, fireplace, built-ina, wash trays. Price only $75. BURKHARDT BUSINESS BUILDERS 415 Piatt Bldg. Realtors. Main 7027. MT. TABOR VIEW BUNGALOW. $400. BEAUTIFUL GROUNDS, shade trees, lawn and shrubbery; 50x100 lot with 5 room modern bungalow, fireplace, fur nace, buffet, bookcases, cabinet kitchen, cement basement with cement floor and laundry trays. AH street Improvements in and paid. Fine view; terms. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO.. 628 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4754. PALATTNE HILL RESIDENCE. Among Portland's prettiest and delightful residences; a most se date home and beautiful grounds; data upon request AH 884. Ore gonian. WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS. $4300 $1000 cash, balance easv terms, by owner; modern 5-room bungalow; nrepiace. hardwood floors, furnace, buf fet, bookcases. Dutch kitchen, laundry trays, large attic, full basement, gara.se; free from all incumbrance: owner leav ing city, must sell. 994 Brooklyn st Tabor 4536. ALBERTA. JOINING ALAMEDA PARK, ft-room bungalow. $3850. easv terms: full cement basement, double constructed, wash trays, breakfast nook, fireplace, bookeaue, writing desk, window shades. 2 floors oak. others imitation: Dutch kitchen; sewer paid; east front: lawn seeded. 1019 E. 2Sth. Open 4 to 8 P M. Auto. 322-04. ALAMEDA DRIVE SNAP Muet effect Quick sale of dellshtful 2 story 7-room colonial home on ridge, with unobstructed view of citv: immense plate glass view windows, 2 view porches, illiard room, gas heat, large grounds, double garage. Never offered before. Ta bor 407. IRVINGTON PARK. Classiest 5-room bungalow, large liv ing room and senarate dininir room hardwood floors, finished in old ivory fireplace, new furnace, full concrete basement. HARRY BECKWITH. Realtor. 104 Fifth Street. Main 6869. $1700. i3.-u aown. cozy home with garage, chicken house, garden, corner lot. block to car, school, near Richmond district. "Will accept Ford on deal. Also our other nouse, V-u down. call at 20(5 Morgan Bldg. LAT'RELHURST BUNGALOW. Magnificent 7-room bungalow with ga rage, on large corner, near car and park; very large living room, breakfast room, 3 large bedrooms. Ivory finish, mahna-anv trim and doore. finest oak floors through- oiit: peautirui snruonery. lapor $231)0. MODERN S-ROOM COTTAGE. FUR NISHED, well built, double construction, cement basement, connected with sewer and paid: full lot. berries, trees. 2 tons briquets, half block to carline. Owner. Automatic 321-58. "SVESTOVER HEIGHTS HOME. Cozy, compact 2-story 7-room home, with garage, center entrance, large main rooms, view norch. 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch. 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, oak floors, hot water heat: unobstructed view of city, mountains, river. Tabor 407. FURNISHED VACANT. Beautiful double-constructed 4-room bungalow, full basement: 2 blocks to W. S. car. close lni J GOO cash; price J280O. A dandy. RALPH HARRIS CO., Main 524. 8I Chamber of Commerce. MT. TABOR BUNGALOW. New modern well-tiullt 5-room break fast nook, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, hardwood floors, garaire. beautiful loca tion, paved streets. Price 5B300. terms. East Blth st.. near Stark. Mar. 1433. ALBERTA DISTRICT. 5-room bungalow, close to car and school, full cement basement, laundry trays, etc. Must be sold at once; price $3150. easy terms. 21 S Railway Ei change bldg. Main 6102. - IRVINGTON SACRIFICE. Business move south necessitates auick sale of fine 2-story modern 7 room house: sleeping porch, beautiful grounds, trees, exclusive neighborhood. 457 E. 21M St. N. Terms. Tabor 407 ONE 4-ROOM bungalow. Iinno. one 6-room bungalow, sijwo. J?.00 cash. bal. like rent, clos-e to car and school. McMonies. with Interstate Land Co.. Realtors. 248 Stark st. Main 5439. WE HAVE a beautiful 5-room bungalow ln Laurelhurst. honestly constructed and complete in every detnll which we offer on terms. FABRT-CATED CONSTRUC TION CO. Auto. 514-3S. . RICHMOND HOME. ' $450 down; 6-room residence and a dandy home; nice lot, fruit and flowers $3750. easy monthlv terms. Main 3808 AtTTV T . . ft,. . , . . - ' ncaum, un jimrigan .Blag. SEE BUNUALOW at 3010 Holladay. JVZ relhurift, and you will buy no other Owner. Auto. 514-30. NEW BUNGALOW, near park, school. cra 1260 17. Aider, Mala 6HOP WHERE IT'S ALWAYS COOL! SEE FRANK L. McGUTRE. To Buy Your Home. Over 1200 photographs of homes for sale. LARGEST HOME SELLER ON THIS PACIFIC COAST. If necessary, we"ll help you make your down payment. We are headquarters for homes for service men ! SELECT YOUR HOME NOW ! MOVE IN' APPLY YOUR BONUS LATERl 28 Salesmen at Your Service. Open Until 8 Every Evening. .o?A,!1"rHORNE BUNGALOW. $4180 Homelike Hawthorne bungalow, typical artistic California lines; vacant; Immaculate in old Ivory enamel throughout; hardwood iioors; living room extends full width of front; tapestry paper; buffet; Indirect lights; French floors; large windows; paved f"eet paid; garage; terms. Loo $3490 Dandy home in the Franklin high aistriot; 7 rooms: with every modern con vn in - r u)), r.aai Dtn street fireplace; bullt-ins: 4 'large, light .. bedrooms; cement retaining wall and garsee.- .TtatrH ua.u; on car nne: only $500 down and rest easier than rent: Inves- oonV-oteJthl"- Wonderful value. 2-50 "00 down. Such a cozy little bungalow: neat and clean: fiv rooms, attractive dining room with built-in buffet; 2 bedrooms and sleeping porch; nice big whitf enamel bath; convenient kitchen; garage; cool grounds with fruit Jnfh V "apes; Paved street: SHOO tlon SCa5 1 w hw y this? lluo J200 down. Comfortable Rose City bungalow of 2 rooms and bath frni? S?" lot WLth a Profusion of iasWtethh.rt.Ubbery: Ci" 10 of thT3, AiB JTJST raw bareafna htl ?' ""P"""' home arfKain,w9 ave for sale in every part of the cit Now Is the time to .e. J:K r- McGUIRE, . a TI?,JBuy Tour Home. Ablngton Bldg. Main innt' Third St.. Bet. W.,h.,.,.. -"-"V-1 OX THE ALAMEDA ROSE CITY PARK. wltlMTntlfu! hrne of nine rooms, nlceiv- a-rounds. 100x123 ft., and L3prove5 w,th trees- flowers !n ffi. r' Tnere ar five rooms Bun narinr'0 includ"S a large Is simni nd real den. which ffren ??iv ranJ. with a massive KnZncd 19 re"y another liv 3 blS?",- Second door: There are oot nh"l two of which open u'f n balcony and are equal to S SrS , p"" Porches, and a. fine billiard room, which may be used man." ?, ns room- Choice oak and "ors throughout.: You Sure ?h"fe thls home- and I am ft i y"2 wlU aree with me. J.Jf.J Pnaei"Priced at $10,500. Will payment"" bunalow Pari J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. Branch Office 45th and Sandy Blvd. Tabor 252. 7 MINUTER EASY DRTVF LAURELHURST OFFICE. E 38TH AND GLISAN. lowy'.,dartm0!5ir"; for a '-room bunga low and will drive out today, you will fike It lverUTSe your ""th'ng eating clfv c7n V m,e beore- Owner leaving city. Call for key at ofrice on f7"1'. East 39th and GUsa'n ts . 773S aDr 3433" Evenings call Easl D EL A HUNT Y. OPEN EVENINGS WALNUT PARK. i ooo hardwoodCffl!L?0m!'- 2 "'"P'" Porches, t' reWp7acesf,f0urrSn .E5 ' back V ""1U,U and alley Would h Vi.r,."' ln,s aistnct in... l, -.-. .vr roomers or a nice ;" "''". Tills is worth far more ....... vv a-s asKed. on any term -i And you can have p., ..I, tOB A. MtKEWl -,, 82 Fourth St. Res Itnr M:lin 6871. T INGTON $S750 Lovely sma 1 tlful location lntr anrl Hini, lng and din i V ' ro,n. . "a ' ' break faT.i V,iP '""n. Kitcnen and ivorv Z , u on firat "r: old i,J7-and mahogany finish: abun- garage. ""rubbery and flowers; MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER. hiim iJ. . "room house, semi-modern. rnrY w' ?r,aee' garden, fruit, chicken ave- A!K5?1U0: 1Bn- 1345 X- Glenn Suburban ilomrn. U LOCATED SUBURBAN HOME rnart fill OIL BOod macadamized and' a li" f- P"-t unrt.V Y nU L"mu8: acres rr,nV VS"1.," ua" "e cultivated -w f-v-iuc station; Z acres raspberries; attractive 5-room plastered ?lreSia'W Wth fu" cnt basement fireplace, -white enamDi i v.: "--. TA??.: hl!rken houses, water sv'stem ouu ieet from paved hlghwav uungaiow lor S3500. Personally inspected JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor Gerlinger Bldg. ?r?r S5la" Plas Near Portland Get Our Extensive Clarified Li: ' VI AND 20-ACRE TRACTS. 25 AN ACRE AND UP. 10 down and 5 per month buys .V.- 1 uct ln lnI" addition ot 800 acres, down the Columbia river, on the .-j , uc- c,ose to Columbia highway ana river; fine transpoi tation, railroad, liT' iaU -5tage and truck; beautiful ijing land, free from roCt and gravel; . , ' "s uvuuuiui view ot river: lA ,i ? some with streams, fine .v... r cnicitens, aalry, beires. fruit and vegetables. CHARLES DEFEU 318 Railway Exchange Bldg. $2900. SUBURUBAN HOME. One acre, with modern 5-room bunga low, large, massive, cobble-stone colonial fireplace, buffet, bookcases. Dutch kitch en. French doors, sleeping porch, cement in , '.'' sc' tsrove ot native trees 20 fruit trees, small blocks to Mt. Hood electric car line- ISOfi Si" hSiIIT this; located 4 o0 HENDERSON-BANKUS CO., 623 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4754 IN Vv BUNGALOW. $1273 Full acre with new 3-room bungalow, painted and tinted, electric lights shade trees, close to station; terms almost lik rent See owner, 5-00 Concord bldg. 2d and Stark sts. Jv.JAR Capitol highway Urtre tract of ground with 4-room bungalow. Price J1400. $700 cash; balance easy terms Jot particulars se Mr. Rogers at our Multnomah office on the bivd Ben Rlesland. 4P4 Plattbldg. 127 Park st Jtti U W - tL rt , all modern -room modern bunxralow. conveniences; basement lace. Dutch kltrhn r., i furnace, fire-place. Dutch trees and approximately y- acre. ' Small payment down, balance like rent. 04 Henry bldg. Call Main 7115. FOR SALE One acre. $900: house, chick en house, fruit; Courtney station Oreeon City electric railroad, east to OaS road, south one block. thn east on Plne hurst road. Milwaukie. Or.. Koute 1. box BT OWNTR, 7-room house, close to deoot 5 miles out on O. E. ; strictly modern and all city conveniences. Am sacri- aiuitjfs v-iiii AiajQ 7115. or me at 204 Henry bldg. fiee FOR SALE, by owner, approximated ul acre tracts only 5 miles out. oi-- station on O. E. Small payment down. balance $15 per month and Interest 04 Henry bldg.. or call Main 71 IS. $15iM CLASSY new bungalow with 300x 120 lot; water and lights; 9c fare- ?1V) Is the first payment. Come see it. Own er, 500 Conrord bldg., 2d and Stark sts BEAUTIFUL natural park of 30 acres, large creek and springs, electric station on grounds, near city, $15,000. AH 796 Oregonian. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near carline from $1800 up. Inquire 3d house north of Rlsley staton, on Oregon City car line a. BARGAIN and on very easy terms; 6 room modern house and 1 acre of good soil ; owner. Automatic 626-47. For Sale Acreage. NICE Vz -acre 6-room house, garage as sortment fruit, water, gas, 7 Vic fare Price $1 500, $250 down. Draper, 40S Board of Trade. DIKED land, just outside city, near 42d and Columbia blvd.; water and lights available; 5 and 10-acre tracts: terms R. V. Cary. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. WILL SEUL 13 acres in three or four-acre lots. Taomas Alien, 6131 92d sL S E., Portland. ACRE, close In. Gresham car. Bell station. - 1 -. t'Trt Kf nn, . -.ill J ; i l a l , apt uJt .iu uirnu, (Tilt UlSVOUD I 100 for cash. Main 4112. 6TOCKMJSN. attientlon! 320 or 2000 acre .t $10. near Bend, Or. Address Adver titer. !' East 60'.h St.. Lm Angeles. CaL 20 ACRES of loggef-ott land. 10 miles from Scappoose. cheap: small payment down. Owner. W'dln. 2X28. XftR.T ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW. je ,crc on good macadamized road. H mile from electric station, east oi Gresham; ail under cultivation. r.0'1. wire fences, one acre logan berries. 80 young fruit trees. New Plastered bungalow with fireplace and sleeping porch; garage, work shop. etc. Price $4800. $1300 cash. Place now in na is an exceptionally good piece or land with attrnr-.tivM hAm. uAujr inspeciea. 100x130 Just outside city. Capitol H'.IU ail under cultivation, city water, gas; good 5-room plastered house on con foundation. small barn. Price oou. 500 cash; or consider house in Kemp UP ' 4500- Aslt tor r JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor. . Gerlinger Bldg. Over BOO Small I'l x: - tj ,i , - vur extensive Classified Lists. SIAtl- HOUSE AND 2V4 ACRES. v.. . arr road, three miles from ct: I !? e U rew with good well: rich, deep 5 Partly cleared; $1730 lakes it. $175 down and $20 per month. n ?-!ROG & co Realtors. "OO Chamber of Commer-fn TJ1,- PRICF5 R IT FITT vr nvw u . t t. have several small tracts from 2 I? JO acres within 8 to IS miles from andi nar Mt- Hood electric line ana hard-surface auto roads; very fer 'le "?": our auto at your service. W. M. .cmCK v; tjo.. ziu uregon bldg. BY OWNER 10 seres, only JOu, miles ontV Good 3-room house and fine chick en Bouse. 2 sprines and well on place, famall payment down, balance $20 per month and Interest. Call Main ?L13 or see me at 204 Henry bldg. Itnpi'U-nn v 1 or more acres, ell cleared, ekwe to station on Troutdale electric and Bass Jlne road Ideal place for poultry .nl E-Irlfr)c850 Pr cre. ay terms. 165S Boehln- 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 20-A.CRE BARGAIN 160V mile" t. 1 mile from Newbera; highway. 3-room honse, barn, fenoed. . iMpCTi to nouse, 2 wMu, easv terras. - AKEBSQN-. 420 Henry Bldg. WRITE for map of western Washington, showing location, low price and easy terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAUSER TIMBER CO- Tacoma. Wash. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. to 5-acre tracts on East S2d st fmara Oregon City road), near Kendall station: paved road, gas, city water, etc.; $750 acre; easy terms. Owner, 309 Piatt bldg ACRES, half acres. $10 down, $10 month; near :a ana Alnsworth; no assessments; water each tract. R, W. Cary, 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. 80 ACRES. $600 cash. fruit, timber, o-room house; ui stock Kxcnange. Fruit Lands for Sale or Kent LARGS sums have been lost on walnut properties in Oregon; expert advice could have reversed it. T. Withycombe's clients made 400 to 600 per cent on their walnut investments. Write 432 Llth St. Portland. Or. Homewtends, KeDnqalihrnepta. HAVE put more settlers on Oregon lands in past 6 months than alt other Individ uals or associations in state combined; list of hundreds of satisfied clients to refer to. Call at office for detailed de scription of open tracts; maps $1 by mall. M. J. Anderson, 531 Railway Ex change bldg. For Sale Farms. SMALL DAIRY RANCH. Nearly ID acres, 18 miles north ot center of Portland ; joins good town, with high school; 10 acres in crop, balance in pasture, spring and creek ; bearing orchard and 2000 strawberry plants; good 5-room house, large chicken house, barn. etc. Included with place: 4 cows, chickens, 7 hogs, milk bottles, dairy equipment and complete line of machinery, harness, wagon and crops. The milk is sold right in town and the income is over $100 per month. Price $5000, $21)50 cash ; balance 5 per cent. Or will turn this place in for lease and personal property on 40 acres up. GOOD MODERN" BUILDINGS. 24 acres, 10 miles south of Portland, 1 mile from good town with 'electric lines, rocked roads, good coil ; all can be cultivated, 17 acres under cultiva tion; new 8-room plastered bungalow with water system, garage, barn 4tx."i0, chicken house; 1 mile to high and grade schools. Included with plat-t-; 1 team, 2 cows. 1 heifer, 30 chickens, cream separator, brooder. incubator, complete lino of machinery, 300 sa-ks of onions. 15 sacks potatoes, crops and all household furniture including piano. This is a fine home, well located; buildings are reasonably worth $7too. Consider Portland house for part value. JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor, Ger linger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealers on Pacific Const. Over 500 Small Places Near Portland. Get Our Extensive Classified Lists. SACRIFICE. Owner must leave at once and must sell this ideal 52Lj acres, located only 3 miles east of Oregrn City on Moliala road. 25 acres are under cultivation, bal ance pasture, only mile to electrio station, 8-room house, new barn. 32x70. chicken house, etc., wagon, plow, har row, cultivator, 8 H. P. gas engine, cream separator, ail new this spring. ( team 3200; 5 Jersey cows, 4 heifers, 2 registered sows, 150 chickens, all crops, also household furniture, cooking uten sils and food, take your suit case and move in. The price is right, and only requires $2500 cash and lung time on, balance. F. L. EDDT. Realtor. HITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE Modern poultry piant of 45 acres on Pacific highway ( paved), five miles from Olympia, Wash. Capacity 3000 layers; 300u-chlck brooder (hot water heating), 7000-egsj Incubators; 15 acres clear, 3 acres berries ; one large modern built house; one small house for htslp; 1000 hens and pullets, cow, horse; $14,000; 10 per cent discount for cash, as owner is absent from place on ac count of health. Meet owner on August 3 and 4 at the office of Master Incuba tor Co, Portland, or write AV 102, Ore gonian. 40-ACRK FARM. IRRlOATEa ALL STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. PRICE ONLY $3500. Paid up water right; thickly settled district; near good school; good set farm" building, 2 horses. 2 cows, cream sep arator, farm implements and household goods; would consider a good home in Portland same price. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. ri0-10 Panama Bidg., Third and Alder. FOR SALE la cows. 1 bull, 2 horses, harness, delivery truck, milk route, bot tles and cans, .steam boiler. 60 tons hay, y acre beets, kale, potatoes, 1 0 acres corn; price $3500; cash; income $450 per month ; there are 00 acre. houtie, barn, milk house; rent $70 a month. For more information see Joe C. Genie mann, 210 Railway Exchange bldg., Portland, Or. $2500 BUYS my 100-acre western Lane Co., Or., ranch; about 40 acres creek bottom, part cleared. rst easily cleared, balance low bench; wagon road, telephone line throug-h place; tine for dairy, fruit; close to school ; will take good late model Ford touring car as part and give time on $1000. W. A. Mead. Reed. Or. 240 ACRES of fine farm land on the Louis river; over lOO acres of choice bottom. Ideal place for a stock ra7ich ; considerable timber. Owner compelled to sell; will sacrifice for SSOOW. For particulars call on BEN RIESLAND. 4Q4 PUitt Bldg. Mn In SSO. GOING RANCH, EQUIPPED. 700 acres, plenty of water for Irriga tion, good buildings, plenty of range; including equipment, $40 per acre, clear of debt; will exchange for Portland or Seattle income and assume. E. K. S., 513 Couch bldg; BY OWNER Snap in Lincoln county. 100 acres, good house, two barns, 5 head of stock, young team, farm implements, crop and household eoodn: about 25 acres cleared : all goes for $-".00o, termn; no trade. 303 hi Burnstde st. Call between i A. M. and K V. M. 342 ACRES, near Eugene, ail in cultiva tion, exceneni snu; gooa Duuamgs, lour wells; $10,000 cash, balance 0 per cent, long time. GORDON MORTGAGE CO.. 631 Chamber of Commerce Bidg. Main 1370. NOTICE Buy from owner 30 acres good land: no rocK: s in cultivation: 4-room house, outbuildings, horse, cow. too's; 1 miles to town; price $2450. some terms. Come see or write H. A. Taber, Scappoose. Or 200-ACRE dairy ranch, 17 miles of Port land, wen stocaea, gooa nouse. several large barns; will sell for J24.000 or trade for income property in city; ill health. P. P. McKcnna. Realtor. 1151 Belmont St. Tabor 64H3. 100 STOCK ranch, real eoil. 140 real plow land; can piow mis iaii. balance easy cleared: house, barn, creek, school coun ty road, west McMInnviile ; loori acres heavy feed back range: $2000. 301 Cor bett bldg. 83 ACRES, plx miles south of Lebanon; 63 in cultivation, well fenced; a good buy. or will trade. Owner. Tabor 030S. FOR RENT OR SALE Ranch suitable for dairy or general (arming: abundance of water and feed. On state hlghwav Address P. O. Box SS4, Prinevllic Or CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES near Portland, $50 to $"00 per acre; eay terms, best soil, farms for sale, all sizes. mcraiiunu. iccum. railing Dldg. HUSBAND sick, must soli or trade" mv dairy, chicken farm. 20 acres; consid er small place or city property J v Wolfe, Winlock. Wn.. Star route. LOUGED-OFP lands. Sio acre Aip; -unnlna water, good soil. tillable; school euv terms, J. K. Sharpe, S3i4 Tiurd st. A