6 TIIE 3IORXIXG OREGQNIAX, FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1921 SECRET COKFERENCE Success Held Dependent Public Discussions. on 'PARIS MEETING CITED Mark Sullivan Declares Open Ses sions Must Be Held or Fail lire Is Certain. BY MARK SULLIVAN. . Copyright by the New York Evening Post. Inc. PubliHhed by Arrangement.) WASHINGTON. D. C, July 29. (Special.) The preparation of what , is known aa the "agenda" for the -Washington conference on limitation of armaments is now beginning. Strictly speaking, the term "agenda" applies to the subjects to be taken up, . but there is one aspect of the manner of carrying on the conference which is fully as essential to success as any one of the subjects to be discused or all of them together. The aspect is -the degree to which the sessions shall be public. Senator Borah, who feels and has a right to feel a kind of fatherly guard clanship over this conference, passed the last six months advocating the calling of It. Fos the immediate pres ent he is now laying emphasis on the 1 demand that the sessions shall be open, with the sunlight of public opinion streaming through the wln .' dowa. - . 4 Secrecy Is Oppoaed. ' It can be said that if the coming 'conference should be managed with as much secrecy as the Paris peace J conference was, then it is doomed in . advance and might as well not be - held at all. The Paris peace confer ' ence lasted for about six months. . During that six months there were about 12 hours of open sesssions. All 7 the rest was aa secret as anything ' could well be. For this secrecy several reasons were given. In fairness It should be ( said that some of them had merit. So far as the American delegation was concerned, its first impulse towards , agreeeing to secrecy came when it became apparent that if all the ses , s-ions were public an interminable amount of time would be wasted by 1 statesmen from large and small na ' tions who wished to make long ' speeches for consumption in their home countries on each and every subject that came up. Some Merit Seen In Stand. Another reason for secrecy was the '. fear that certain conclusions of the .conference, if made known at that time and telegraphed baok to some of the countries concerned, would cause so much feeling as to lead to the overturn of the existing govern- merits. Undoubtedly this would have , happened in some cases, and, consid- ering the unstable condition of the ' world at that time, there was some merit In this argument. Essentially, however, this reason - is based on the theory of protect ing statesmen In office against their home electorates by not permitting those electorates to know what the. . statesmen were doing. The world is more stable now and that sort of justification doe not exist in so great a degree. It can be taken for granted that America, as the initiator and host of the coming conference, will'advo cate a greater degree of openness ' and publicity than France did in the capacity of host for the peace con- ; ference. France did not want an '. open conference. Open Conference Opposed. ; The French government was lm- '.placably opposed to an open con- - ference, and the more important , French newspapers, having relations of intimacy to the French govern " ment, did not want open sessions. '. The fight for open sessions at the Paris pvace conference was made al , most wholly by the American jour- nalista, and they had the thorough ; going opposition of all the more im- portant French Journalists. Of course, there is no such thing as any conference being 100 per cent open. There was a degree of com ' mon sense in Clemenceau's Impatient ; utterances that "you can't carry on ', negotiations In the open street." Borah's Stand Praised. Let the sessions be as open as . they may, there will always be a certain amount of arriving at private understanding In the cloak rooms and elsewhere. This Is unavoidable and without harm. It happens in the -American house of representatives and the American senate, the ses- sions of which are as open as any : such bodies can be. It will do no harm for Senator Borah to keep his insistent demand ' for openness and It will help if the - public backs him up as consistently , as it back up his demand for the - calling of such a conference. The disposition towards an open conference will always be stronger ; with America than with almost any of the other nations concerned and any expressions of public feeling in . America which would strengthen the position of our country in arguing "' with the others for open sessions . will be useful. " DEPUTY SHERIFF IS SHOT J. F. Cbatfield Is Wounded and Alleged Assailant Is Held. " BELLINGHAM. Wash.. July 28. J. F. Chatfield, deputy sheriff, was dying in a hospital here tonight and J. Anderson, a Canadian, was held in the county jail charged by the' police with being his slayer as the result of a revolver battle near the Canadian '.border two miles east of Blaine, Wash., this afternoon. Alfred F. L. Tool, said to have been Anderson's companion at the time of the shoot- lng, was held as a witness. Chatfield, accompanied by Richard Drain, was scouting for liquor run ' ners when he came upon Anderson and Tool, who claim to have been search ing for a drug smuggler. When or dered by Chatfield to throw up his hands, Anderson opened fire with revolver, according to the police, shooting Chatfield through the ab domen. Chatfield emptied his revol ver at Anderson as he fell, but the bullets flew wide. Anderson and Tool then submitted to arrest by Drain. ' WANDERER IS REPRIEVED " Wife-Slayer Gets Say of Execution Till September 30. SPRING FI ELD, 111.. July 28. Carl Wanderer, slayer of his wife and man, was reprieved by uovernor Small today. The reprieve wUl be effective until September 30. , loA Toe Groaouian .iiiied ads. SLAIN WOMAN AND PERPETRATOR OF MURDER AND -4 SUICIDE IN PORTLAND S SELF KILLED JILTED SUITOR SLAVS AXSA BAl'RD, MBS. Attentions Declared to Have Been Scoffed at -Bodies Clasped in Death Grip. (Continued From first Page.) umber of regular lodgers. It was because she owned the property, it was asserted by neighbors, and Shep- rd was practically penniless, that he looked upon his suit with eyes f disdain. Golts Maklns Inxpection. Lieutenant of Inspectors Goltz was inspecting the house and the prone igures before the powder smoke had cleared fro?h the hallway. He was assisted by several inspectors and pa- roimen, who answered the call with very emergency vehicle obtainable. An examination of the 38-caliber re volver showed that three shots had been fired. The affair -was one of the most pectacular in recent years, the echoing shots bringing screaming irens from all directions and col lecting a crowd of more than a thou sand curious spectators, many of whom stood on the sidewalk thinking that a fire was in progress. The lat ter impression was given through the coincidence that a Are alarm wai turned in a minute or two after the mergency call reached police head quarters. The morbid crowd eddied into the house and surrounded the bodies before it could be dispersed bi police. Investigation Lasts Honrs.' Following an investigation which overed several hours, police formed he opinion that Shepard had made Mrs. Baira another proposal of mar riage yesterday and she had refused him. In brooding over his disap pointment he was thought to have planned to kill as he did, for James O. Darnell, a lodger of Mrs. Baird's, told Lieutenant Goltz that he saw Shepard remove a newspaper wrap ping from the revolver preparatory firing it. Deputy Sheriff Snodgrass, who was standing across the street and heard the shots, said that he had observed the couple come outside onto the porch and re-enter the . house. - He said they did this several tiroes be fore the shots rang out. It was sur mised that Shepard wa9 using his utmost ability to plead his suit be fore he resorted to the revolver. Mrs. Batrd Hit Twice. Examination of the bodies by Coro ner Smith showed that two bullets entered Mrs. Baird's body. The first struck her wrist, passed through it and entered the Bhoulder. She was holding the telephone receiver to her ear. She half turned at the first wound and the second bullet entered the rear of the left shoulder, passing through her body and lodging under the .skir. of her chest. Shepard was shot through the heart. Mrs. Ethel Smith, 240 Fifth street, told detectives that she was well ac quainted with both parties. She said that Shepard was wildly In love with Mrs. Baird and was of a jealous dis position. She asserted that he had "beaten her up" several times and that it was fear of another beating which prompted Mrs. Baird to en deavor to telephone the police. Investigation by the coroner and detectives failed to reveal the name of Mrs. Baird's ex-husband or the ad dress of Shepard. It was said that the Shepards had separated and were divorced about three years ago. The coroner said last night that the case was so clearly one of murder and suicide that no Inquest would be held. SOLDIERS' RITES TODAY MILITARY HOXOKS WILL BE PAID VETERANS. Tom C. Blair, William F. Griffith and Frank B. Prohaska to Be Buried This Afternoon. With relatives, friends and old com rades paying their final tributes, fu ner'al services for four Oregon boys who lost their lives at the front in France will be held today and to morrow. The bodies arrived in Port land Wednesday night with a ship ment of 40 others dispatched to vari ous points in the northwest. Services for Private Tom C. Bair, B company, S05th infantry of the 7"th division, will be held this afternoon at 12:30 o'clock in the A. D. Ken worthy funeral parlors at Lents? In terment will be made in the American Legion plot of Mount Scott cemetery. Chaplain McCormack of the American Legion will officiate and veterans will act as pallbeaerers. Private Bair was the son of Lon Bair of Bay City, Or. - At 2:30 o'clock services for Private William F. Griffith. G company, 361st infantry of the 91st division, will be held in the East Side Funeral Di rectors' parlors. Griffith was the son of Mrs. Emma Slinger, 1S10 Siski- . you street, and is survived by two LATEST LOVE TRAGEDY 4 X.- V si Anna Baird and George Shepard. brothers, Alfred R. and Robert GriT fith, both of Portland. He was killed in action October 2, 1918, in the Meuse-Argonne. The services will be held under the auspices of the Amer ican Legion and interment will be made In Multnomah cemetery. The body of Frank B. Prohaska who fell fighting with the 9th com pany, 6th marines, 2d division, a Chateau Thierry, June 30. 1918;- will bt intered in Mount Scott Cemetery this afternoon. Christian Science services will be held at the Finley mortuary at 1 o'clock tomorrow. The American Legion will participate with pallbearers and a firing squad. Pro haska was the son of Mr. nd. Mrs. Frank Prohaska of Beaverton. The body of Private Stephen A. Manning, formerly an employe of the Sherman-Clay company and the son of Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Manning, 287 Williams avenue, lost his life in Chateau Thierry while a member of the marines of the 2d division. He will be buried tomorrow at Mount AngeL HARD WINTER HELD- FACED i Salvation Army Head Cites Cnem ployment Situation. NEW YORK, July 28. Commander Evangeline Booth, head of the Salva tion Army In the United States, today said that the country 4s facing the worst winter Industrially It has known in 15 years. in New York city alone, she de clared, we are receiving an average of 800 registered applications a week for regular employment. That is less than one-third of the actual numher applying, because we do not register me transient or unskilled men: nor does it include the hundreds who come to us daily for food and lodg ing, ui tne applicants for work to day, 34 were really professional men whose credentials entitle them good-paying positions. "Most ol the men who aDDlv to us ror relief are young men under 40 who are willing to work, but there are no jobs for them. Last week we had 84 families to care for, with lit tie children who are actually starv ing. eviction because the rent money was lacking was imminent for most o them.'. , . G. A. R. VETERANS MEE Tillamook County Members Hold - Picnic at Rockaway. KOCKAWAT, Or.. July 28. (Spe cial.) The annual gathering of the G. A. R. veterans of Tillamook county took place Tuesday, when the Rock away .Woman's Relief corps, under the direction of Mrs. Anna Billings, held a picnic and provided a pro gramme to which all the comrades and their families and the relief corps members of the county were invited. About 200 persons were present at the picnic, which -was held In the park at Rockaway. Floyd H. Wilkins of Rockaway presided at the programme, which consisted of an address by Stanley Tweedy, a concert by the Rockaway band and short speeches by H. W. Spear, commander of Tillamook county; Comrade Le Mar of Tilla mook, Comrade E. D. Curtis of Twin Rocks and Comrade I. P. Putnam. GOTHAM" MUSICIANS OUT Play-ers at Movie Houses Get 'No tices of Discharge. NEW YORK July 28. Musicians in every leading vaudeville and moving picture theater here have received a two weeks notice of discharge. Thi action was taken, according to the theatrical managers, because the directors of the Musicians' Mutual Protective union refused to discuss with them a proposed cut in wages of about 20 per cent. Filling Station Robbed. ' A robber with a red handkerchief for a mask held up the Standard Oil company s filling station at Forty -first street and Sandy boulevard last night, obtaining $40. - He was de scribed as a young man, dressed in a gray auiu FORESTRY SESSION TO BE HELD TODAY Oregon Views to Be Present ed to U. S. Committee. MANY TOPICS ARE LISTED National Chamber of Commerce Representatives to Learn Opin ions on Questions of Policy. To obtain tne -viewpoints on all aspects of the forestry qiestlon from lumbermen and . others inter ested in the subject with a view to recommending to the national cham ber of commerce a forestry pol icy which may be submitted o a ref erendum vote of the more than 1400 business organizations - within the chamber's membership, a conference of the committee from the United States chamber and local lumbermen will open here this morning at 10 o'clock in the green room in the Chamber of Commerce. The lumber activities committee of the Chamber urges that everyone in terested in the lumber industry here attend the conference, as this will give them an opportunity to get their views on the present forest policy of the government before a national body. The national committee con siders this one of the most important meetings to be held on the tour and the views of the conference here will no doubt have considerable bearing upon the final policy suggestions. Many Topics Scheduled. Oregon lumbermen are vitally in terested in the conference and a big attendance is expected. The commit tee explains that it is not the purpose of the conference to confine itself to a study of the principles embodied in either the Snell or the Capper bill relative to forestry administration which are now pending before con gress. but to go into the subject In the broadest possible manner. Among the topics which will be discussed are: Government regulation private holdings, individual versus public rights, fire protection" and ex penditures, acquisition of land, na tional forest survey, taxes and taxa tion, utilization of wood and forest conservation, reforestation and na tional forests. Gnests to Be Entertained. Following the opening session at 10 o'clock, a luncheon will be given at the Chamber of Commerce at noon. The afternoon conference will open again at 2 o'clock and the sessions will close with the final morning meeting, tomorrow at 10 o clock. To night the members of the committee and the local committee and guests will be entertained at a dinner at the Waverley Country club. The Portland committee is headed by Ralph. Burnside, director in charge of lumber activities of the Chamber of Commerce. The other members are H. B. Van Duzer. O. M. Clark, G. M. Cornwall, A. W. Cooper. E. T. Al len, George H. Cecil and P. Hetherton. The committee from the United States chamber of commerce Is headed by David L. Goodwillie, Chicago, chairman. The other members are as follows: Charles S. Keith, president Centra Coal & Coke company, Kansas TOlt.-Mo.rF. C. Knapp. president Pen- Insular Lumber company, Portland; George L. Curtis, Curtis Companies, Inc., Clinton, la.; John Fletcher, vice president Fort Dearborn National bank. Chicago, 111.; Charles F. Quincy, president Q. & C. company. New York City; Dr. Henry S. Drinker, Merion Station, Pa.; Dr. Hugh P. Baker, sec retary and treasurer American Paper & Pulp association,- New York City; Harvey N. Shepart, attorney, Boston, Mass.; Junius H. Browne, vice-president Pacific Lumber- company. New York City; W. B. Heinemann, presi dent B. Heinemann Lumber company, Wausau, Wis.; W. DuB. Brookings, secretary of committee, chamber of commerce of the United States, Wash ington. D. C. TACOMA CONFERENCE HELD Forest Conservation, and Lumber Marketing; Discussed. TACOMA, Wash., July 28 Lumber problems of the Pacific coast were discussed from two angles today at a Joint conference of local lumbermen, a visiting delegation of lumbermen from many states of the union and the national forest policy committee of the United States Chamber of Com merce. Forest conservation was the topic at the morning session and marketing of western lumber the subject of the afternoon meeting, which included the first annual convention of the west coast forest products bureau. That Pacifio coast loggers and manufacturers are not wasting the timber except In so far as economic conditions force waste upon them, was the defense which lumbermen pressed home before the chamber of com merce committee. The point was con ceded by the committee which de clared that the means of conserving what Is left must be the point con sidered. V The viewpoint of the eastern re tailer was described by Harry S.Gould of Middletown, N. Y., who told of trou bles encountered with undersized western lumber and urged standard ization of sizes so that eastern re tailers might send out mixed deliv eries with assurance that the pine and fir would work together.- Howard Jayne of Portland, who pre sided at the afternoon meeting, said the difficulty of northwest lumber manufacturers was that the market is Insufficient to absorb the cut of lumber. C. H. Hogue. manager of the forest products bureau, made an extended report on the requirements of the eastern trade. Lumbermen of Oregon and Wash ington" are not wasting any more timber than can be helped. Major Everett Griggs of Tacoma declared. "A great many of the eastern people do not realize conditions on this coast," he saM. "We can't shut down or wo will los our crews. The as sessor can tell you of our problems. Districts insist on taxing our tim ber. They Jauil-d the finest of schools and force us to cut timber ahead of time to save ourselves from loss. We al have heavy overhead expenses and mst keep going to meet them. 1 think perhaps that the increased rail road rates did more to destroy tim ber in the northwest than anything else. "When every act of the lumberman is impugned I think it Is time that the criticisms be answered. I hope you will give proper publicity to the men who have built up this country. It has taken a lot of money to enter this game and there have been big prob lems to meet." E. H. Polleya of Missoula, Mont., president of the Western Pine asso ciation, also struck the taxation an gle. "I don't believe that one of the timber holders here today," he said, "will say that his timber is an asset. I If we could turn our timber back to the firovernment and h. ssRiirea of a i supply in years to come, we would be J glad to do so." Of the low-grade log, 50 per cent ! now goes into the w-oodpile or the burner, said A. C. Dixon of Eugene, Or., who spoke at length. He said ! freight rates make It impossible to i get the waste now burned to the j places where it could be used and that the whole basis of rate-making , is against conservation. j Carl M. Stevens, chief of the tim ber section income tax bureau. Wash- I ington, D. C. was one of those who maintained that no conservation pro gramme would be effective as long as state and federal tax systems re mained as they are. R. H. Burnside and L. F. Keith were other Portland men who addressed the conference. After an inspection of Washington logging operations at the St. Paul and Tacoma Lumber company's camp near Kapowsin. Wash., the visiting lum bermen left for Portland, Or, tonight. FIREMEN'S CASE IS UPi DEMOTED IilECTEVAXTS FAIL TO GET REINSTATEMENT. Civil Service Commission Reserves Final Action on Matter Until Tuesday. Attempts to reinstate E. L. Bout- right and A. L. Pullen, lieutenants In the fire bureau who were demoted last November at the expiration of their probationary period by Commis sioner Bigelow, proved unsuccessful yesterday at the meeting of the civil service board. John F. Logan, chair man, declared that he doubted the j authority of the board to reinstate the men after it had approved their demotion. Final action was reserved until a meeting of the board mem bers with Commissioner Bigelow and City Attorney Grant is held Tuesday. The two men were formerly as signed to the fire marshal's office. ' They were given tests on their duties last November by Fire Chief Young, and were found to be un ready to meet all the requirements. Commissioner Bigelow demoted them to hosemen, on recommendation of Chief Young. Since that time they have been given temporary appoint ments as lieutenants. They, again took the civil service examinations for the rating on July 15, 1921. The question was raised by the board yes terday as to the reasons for wishing their reinstatement. "Sufi'cient influence has been I brought to bear on Commissioner Bigelow by the friends of the men to induce him to have them rein stated," said George C. Mason, mem ber of the civil service board. Mr. Logan stated that it was not a question of the reasons for reinstate ment, but of the 'actual power of the commission to do it. Commissioner Bigelow told the board that he had no apologies to make for the demotion of the men in the first place, but they had since proven their ability and desire to perform their duties in an efficient manner. Commissioners .Veils and Mason and Chairman Logan, the entire per sonnel of the civil service board, at tended. HOTEL INTHM HMY DIE CONDITION OF- A. W. CARR, SHOT BY DETECTIVE, SERIOUS. Man Ascends to Top of Building by - Climbing Tree, and Is Halted by Bullets. Albert W. Carr. who was shot by detective and dangerously wounded on the roof of a small building ad joining the Hoyt hotel early yester day morning, was reported to be in a serious condition at St. Vincent's hos pital last night. The hospital officials held doubts as to his recovery. Carr was shot by John J. Snodgrass, deputy sheriff and employe of the Burns detective agency, who was em ployed by the Hoyt hotel after a num ber of thefts - had occurred in the rooms there. Snodgrass and H. R. Haines, another Burns operative, who were lying on the roof of the building, said Carr climbed up by means of a email tree, leaving his shoes on the ground and. hanging his coat on a branch. When he reached the roof on which the' officers lay he Is said to have started toward the windows of the Hoyt hotel. He ran when the two men commanded him to halt and throw up his hands. It was then that Snodgrass fired, the bullet entering under the left shoulder blade and lodging under the right. The wounded man was taken to the emergency hospital over night and then removed to St. Vincent's hospi tal. Examination showed that the bullet had broken' two ribs, pene trated the pleural sac and possibly passed through the spinal cord. The lower half of Carr's body Is paral yzed. He gave his address as Napa vlne. Wash., and his age as 25. He is held at the hospital as a pris oner, charged with carrying concealed weapons. At the Theaters. Hippodrome. A BIXXi in which an interesting photoplay and a well-balanced array of vaudeville acts vie for hon ors is the new offering at the Hip podrome. The screen feature la "Just Out of Collpge," a film comedy with Jack Pickford in the leading role. The hero of the story Is a young college chap, suitor for a rich man's daugh ter. How the boy cleans up a fortune and wins the girl Is the basis for series of keen comedy situations. Topping tne vaudeville bill are Downing and the Bunin sisters in a musical offering which they call "It Is to Laugh." The girls' are assisted by a dapper chap. The trio put over sparkling comedy patter in a refresh ing. and sparkling style. Frank B. Dixon . and Marguerite Murphy present a one-act playlet called "Straight," written by Aaron Hoffman. s Evans, Mero indvns are a clever trio who present 'A Breeze From Mark Twain. The boys are real har mony singers and make a decided hit. Bob Robinson and Renee Pierce won applause yesterday with their comedy novelty, "liimme the Money." Bumps, bounces, thrills and falls make up the lively turn or meters and Le Buff. Major Kelso Is Shifted. SPOKAN'fc, Wash., July 28. (Spe cial.) Major John H. Kelso, United States army, retired, today received orders assigning him to active service as professor of military science and tactics at Oregon Agricultural col lege, Corvallis. Major Kelso was for merly in command of the army re cruiting service in this district. Dur ing the world war he was on duty at Jefferson barracks. Kead Tii urugonlaa classified ads. Send Mail 9000 r ' Sport Oxfords, White Oxfords, Pumps $2.98 White Oxfords and Strap Pumps, French or Cuban heels; Sport Pumps and Oxfords with 1 I oiacK ana Drown trimmings special 1 1 '"".M,'''T?"l. ,. J sn"'" m I in in iiii-jrTOig ! iin iiii-uni-jin I f I I -A ""iic ijiiucs r f i i , u nLu onuto I .ol 1 ill? I I I X Si Cuban. Krenek. Milltarr or l.o-rr C f 111 98c " 1 31 ' I fi 1 r 1 Ml V . rr o r II with i.VtY.; - WV1 II II WUVCJ. . I K. till I 5S Mary Jane K I K I P.HIinRFN'5 r- rr 5'L- Hfffl II V ---' T. f 3 '. "!- Uft COLORED TOP I I ;? J E l r 3 1 J I ! ",me" 1 10 ' ' - S 1 Button and T I 1 PV 1 I 4 I 98 -a-a 1 1 L.cS.o. J?) H i : 7 la I it i ti is y i r;.a ratent Leather or Gn. r i I J If: O I itU i-J5 tr C .3 metal Mary Jaae Slippers, 1 I Jg ; 7 4 H - 1 j' J Infanta' sixes, no heel, ngg 1 f' tdP I tf''-'' "4 M ; I Children's alzea', Vp'ring QQn 1 ' Jjf ' iStfP ' lM & 3 U I i heel. 5 to 30U I 1 Jr I t W-. . -. J' S I 1 Children, Kl.es, I 00 F j Sorn. Fiber f 1 SSSmt0 I El I unrinir heel. 8M1 to llO 1 130 In k a1 .nd some I 3 I D .. ... ' .. . L JS I 1 i Mi-.;.l, HVi to( no 4 , " Leather Sole-. I , sis jTtoV.Trin. heeU Se i B ! 5 I Ladles nilta, 24 ) 00 t ? I Sizes 8V4 to 11 l.4.S F heel .1. 15 1 f j I W iPtJU I I lsi 2V4 to 8 1.4S I Sixes 11V4 to 2, heel . . .l.ls K J f 1 . , sgrr-roiiiiiapai ii jii iai iiimai.iiMi '" ' lm' "'w" "" "J"'t "V V.'uj tiw'. saj-.si'jjjttjj f i 13 If. sa BI 11 1 ' Vs. M. X. V-J J-J kZ 9n BS bI R BH . H N II K " A tl t J - fc5i J 13 baa., J.J VZ baca. ' 1 1 l P '4 ll $3Jt ALL STYLES," SHAPESANB LASTS $4-iH 7 I ! 1 1 . - s&y i 11 It f, 70. tout new snipmems 01 wonoenui 0TS I I I lUi x3 shoes to be sold less than former costs ! --X I -1 f J ! 53 V TV "JB -v n.. rw,..j u rwi d-.ii I f; i VSsT W A Strap Oxfords, Brogue Shoes and Dress V 1 Shoes with narrow, medium or wide -a .7 J l SrS toes. AH leathers: Vici, Calfskin and J"cH I 1 S O S 5 side-leathers black, brown, tan, mahog-' j m o e E l , J ny im two-tones; all sizes in these I jf & X J1 fc i I j three lots, 5 to 12; A to EE. Work 4rAC t 1 I Ir, S Shoes in Veals and Chromes, with 4XlSrf i I j a OOUDle soies, single ana aouDie-stiix:neanjt , '"I I &k Remember Between Washington A I f 1 11 ScOUtS $1.48 J and Aider, on Fourth Street f mKedS Boys' leather scouts, ' ' Opposite Circle Theater t l. '"-;'. . ' ' leather soles. - i ' 1 ;fe:jsV ; ixil- W h lUJiJ i?iLl j Ladies and Men's White ; 1 LS -r. UI 1 - J Tennis Shoes, with t ' "rlJt C lMWt J heels- . .' QQ : - v- -1 1 fepsiis -bttm? 1 special . 4. ..... y OC ; , i rrrTlTTl I Store Onen Saturdav Niht Till 8 I. V." "U" ' I'l 2 Send Mail MAYOR GOOD SAMARITAN AID GIVEX IX PLACING IX- JTJRiED lit IX AMBULANCE. Mr. Baker Assists in Caring lor Xorton M, Winchell, Struck by Auto on Highway. Mayor Baker, it developed yester day, played the part of the good Samaritan Wednesday afternoon when Norton M. Winchell, 7 years old. was struck and seriously in jured on the Columbia river highway near Horsetail tails by an automomie driven by J. O. Staats, 915 East Twelfth etreet, Portland. The boy is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Qeorge Winchell of Eugene, and wandered across the road while his parents and two sisters were admiring the falls. An ambulance was sent for and the boy was placed on a cushion across the laps of his mother and a sister in tne ramuy car ana oianea ir Portland. Near the old automobile club the ambulance met the car and Mavor Baker was driving directly behindV As soon as the mayor learned what had 'occurred he got. out and aided in transferring the lad from the car to the ambulance, and then rranged for one of the girls to ride as Hildas - he could buy no more delicious coffee saaaacsi eKC . s NATIONAL CREST 1,800,000 Cups Were Served at the PANAMA - PACIFIC S International KXPOSITIOX Kant 7054 farP TaVrg enrich 15 "B at Hi Orders to Wright's, 131 Fourth St. EI airs at Factory COST! $1.48 White Pumps $1.48 h AD SHOES. VALFES TO $6. White RaMmakln Km brie. Duck mad Fiitii with French, Kidnef or loula keU, flexible wwea sole, speciai, per pur - oou " y Orders to Wright's, 131 on the seat of the ambulance so as to be with her mother. "I believe in a fellow doing all he can in a case like this." Mayor Baker said when he resumed his journey. The Winchell family was returning from an automobile trip to Michigan and had made the entire trip without accident until within a few hours of home. Barn and Hay Crop Burned. BEND, Or., July 28 (Special.) Fire from an unknown cause this morning destroyed the barn and sea son's hay crop of Frank Post, living 21 miles from Bend In the alfalfa seo- r.:-,H t- i f.i.ff3ssrti?i f J w i ihte '1 Funeral Edward Holman & Son Salmon Fourth St. C stiair tion. No insurance protected the $2500 lops. Neighbors, seeing the flames, hastened to Post's assistance, and then helpless for lack of water, watched the barn burn to the ground. South American Drive Planned. BUENOS AIRES. July 28. An ef fort to interest Latin-American na tions in the cause of Irish independ ence will be made by Laurence Gin nell, a member of the southern Irish parliament who arrived here yester day. He carried credentials from Eanimon de Valera, leader of the Irish republicans. Pioneers Across deserts, choking hot, through snow - swept moun tains and down into the tran quil valley of the Willamette came the Pioneers. And with them marched the men who founded Edward Holman and Son the first institution of its kind estab lished in Portland. For more than four genera tions it has maintained lead ership because it has ever been guided by the kindly ' Ideals of its pioneer founders. Directors at Third