Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 29, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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$2,000,000 Block Brings
$2940 Above Par.
Highway Commission Awards Con
tracts or Bridges and 2 8.6
Miles of Road Work. ,
MISSION. Sold $2,000,000 highway bonds,
bearing 5 per cen. for 5 2,-
Awarded contracts for 28.
miles of road work, aggregat
ing 1117,830.10.-
Bridge- contracts awarded
amounting o $16,912.
Ehedd-Halsey section. Pacific
highway, referred pending re
turn of Commissioner Yeon.
Selected Brockway route for
Eoseburg-Coos Bay highway.
New record established when
21 bids were received for one
grading job on Corvallis-New-port
General tone of all bids much,
lower than of recent months,
and bond bids better than a
month ago.
More bids to be awarded at 10
o'clock this morning.
Two factors favorable to the Ore
gon road programme developed at
yesterday's session of the state. high
way commission. One was the
stronger market for the road bonds
and the other was the lower bids
of contractors. The bids "made for
a block .of $2,000,000 of bonds were
considerably better than the tenders
made for a block last month.
John E. Price and E. H. Rollins
ft Sons received the award of $2,000.
000 bonds for a premium of $2940.
The interest, fixed by the bidder,
was hVi per cent. This Is especially
encouraging to counties which have
undigested road securities bearing
S and 6 per cent. The bond market
was bad a month ago, but judging
from the bids yesterday, counties
should be able to sell their holdings
and apply the cash where It is in
tended, on the roads, for co-operation
with the state.
Contractors Prices Slump.
Without warning came the slump
in the bids of contractors. It was
not an isolated instance, but man
after man bid low. Many were far
below the estimates. The explana
tion is that labor is now easier and
more efficient; materials are being
supplied promptly; railroads are
making deliveries without delays,
and the prices for materials are
dropping somewhat. All told, it is
said that the efficiency of labor and
the prompt delivery of materials and
the other factors represents about
30 per cent with a contractor.
Under the surface, the big con
tention at yesterday's meeting was
the paving Job on the Shedd-Halsey
section of the Pacific highway, 7.8
miles in Linn county. The grade is
such that a concrete pavement can
be laid without further fixing, but
if an asphaltic pavement is used, sla
crushed rock base will have to be
provided. A. V. Kern bid $237,131
for asphaltic pavement and Guy Pyle
bid $225,720 for concrete. While the
Kern bid Is the lowest, it does not
take Into account a rock base. In
the absence of John B. Teon, his
colleagues, R. A. Booth, chairman;
and W. B. Barratt, commissioner,
preferred to delay action and both
bids were referred to Herbert Nunn,
highway engineer, pending the re
turn of Mr. Yeon.
21 Bid on Job. i
When Commissioner Teon returns
there will be half a dozen matters to
decide, such as road work In Baker,
Union and Grant counties.
In the past there has been lively
bidding on particular jobs, but yes
terday the grading of ten miles on
the Chitwood-Toledo section of the
gCorvallis - Newport highway estab
lished a new highwater mark. Twenty-one
contractors bid on this work.
There were so many bids to compare
and analyze that the commission an
nounced that awards would have to
go over until this morning at 10
o'clock. There are a number of other
contracts to be awarded at the same
hour. So many bids were received
yesterday that all forenoon and a
part of the afternoon were devoted
to opening and reading them.
No new projects were ordered at
yesterday's session, although a num
ber of delegations were heard and
their wants noted in the record.
Grant county made a proposal for
the state to gravel one unit of the
John Day highway while the county
graveled another on a yard-for-yard
basis. A swarm of telegrams were
received wanting the La Grande
Perry road fixed this year and Baker
county wanted a contract let for a
connection between Richland and the
Baker-Middle Bridge section.
Contracts Are Awarded.
Contracts awarded last night were:
1-akeview La Pine highway 16.8 miles
frrntllnjr. awarded to Lake county for
Tillamook county "Wllaon river to Biv-
erton. IS miles of gravel, awarded to
Tillamook county tor 113.842.
lieschutee oounty Unit- No. 2, front
Paulina prairie to Klamath county line.
on The Ialles-Calltornia highway. 9 miles
gratlm?. awarded to Deschutes county tot
Clatsop county Miles Crossing; to Skip
anon. 2 milf-s shoulders: 1.3 miles grad
ing and macadam John Siott & Co.
Bridge contracts awarded:
Clackamas county Bridges on Tryon
and Sucker creeks. paving on britlgs
floors; Warren construction company,
s:.t;ss. '
Wnllowa county- Bridge over Prairie
creek; Oscar Oberg. $L1S.V
Washington county Bridge at
creek; Beam Construction company. $1539.
A numbar of bridge and grading
contracts were referred to the en
Vancouver Plumber Is President
of Central Council.
VANCOUVER. Wash., July 28.
CSpecial.) O. T. Clarke of the plumb
ers union, was chosen president of
the Central Labor council, and C. S.
Osborn of the carpenters' union, vice
president, at the meeting of that
body. Clarke, ex-mayor of Camas,
has been active In "labor circles, as
has Osborne, farm-labor candidate
lor sheriff at the last election.
Claude Moran, ex-president of the
council, was chosen secretary-treasurer,
and Jack Carpenter conductor
Eoth are from the laborers' union. M
Converse, painter, is warden, while
J. Wheeler, carpenter, H. W. Jones,
carman, and C. Thomas, carman, are
I. 3. De Villiers to Do Stunts at
Park Xext Sunday.
To hurtle 5000 feet through space
Into the Willamette river from the
deck of a hydroplane after perform
ing acrobatic stunts in view of spec
tators, I. J. De Villiers, the "flying
cowboy" and holder of the first
world's - record for altitude jumping
from a plane, has arrived in Portland
from Seattle to fill an engagement at
the Oaks park.
De Villiers, who is the nephew of
General P. G. De Villiers of Boer war
fame, wijl appear on the river aboard
the hydroplane some time in the
afternoon at the OakS' park, and
after some startling exhibitions from
the wings, will ascend a mile into
the air and then drop from a para
chute directly in front of the Oaics
grounds, or as near as is humanly
De Villiers has performed other
'..I ,;J ,S ; . K fx-J&- lM
fl e- .ri -V I ' : fev f?3U Mr .
; jJwy'J (t:. '- v r W A
n.i ! K-. - x Ja jr L
, - s j?" t fV J " ' " -
feats, such as standing on the top
plane of a machine as it does a loop,
an Immelmann or a tail spin, leaping
from one airplane to another while
both are in the air without the use of
a ladder, and last, but not least, bull
dogging steers at round-ups from an
Couple's Domestic Troubles Culmi
nate In Shooting.
MISSOULA, Mont., July 28. Charles
E. Mitchell, aged 47, is dead and his
wife, Angeline, 39, is seriously wound
ed as a result of a shooting which
took place in an unfinished attic at
the home of Mrs. Mitchell's parents,
where the two were alone this morn
Following a succession or snots,
Mrs. Mitchell was found shot twice
n the breast. The husband later was
found by officers in a dark corner
of the attic with a bullet through his
head. According to statements made
to the officers, the couple recently
had experienced domestic troubles.
Mrs. Mitchell, who formerly lived
with her husband at McGill, Nev., had
been visiting for several weeks at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
B. Ritchotte. Mitchell came a week
ago from Gateway, Or., where he has
been residing. He is survived by a
son, aged IS, and a daughter of 17.
Labor Is Interested in. Mr. Ford's
Plan for Wage Rise.
WASHINGTON', D. C July 28. The
American .Federation of Labor offi
cials are considering the advisability
of having a labor delegation investi
gate the method by wnich Henry Ford
proposes to reduce freight rates and
raise wages, on his railroad, the De
troit. Toledo & Ironton.
The Consolidation Coal company of.
Baltimore protested today to the in
terstate commerce commission against
the reduction of rates on coal from
the Ohio river to Detroit proposed by
Mr. Ford s road. The complaint said
that the proposed reduction would be
prejudicial to the rates it has to pay
on coal to the same points. The re
duction proposed by the Detroit, To-
edo & Ironton amount to 72 cents a
ton on coal.
Harding's Announced Visit Causes
Boom in Village.
commercial boom whose rumblings
have been felt in Washington has
been started in Lancaster, N. H., since
it developed that President Harding
is to spend several days near there
next week at the home of Secretary
Before the president's plans be
came known a telephone call from
the White House to the village hotel
elicited the information that rooms
with bath could be obtained for $2.50
a day. But today the hotelkeeper
telegraphed: "All our baths engaged
for next week. We are now Ameri
can plan, $6 a day."
Attorney-General Holds Contract
With Teachers Valid.
SALEM. Or, July 28. (Special.)
I. H. Van Winkle, attorney-general.
In an opinion given today, held that
when a vacancy is declared in the
office of a school director the re
maining directors have authority to
contract with teachers: also that the
board, after the election of two new
member has no authority to invali
date such contracts.
The attorney-general held that the
board Is a continuing body and in
contemplation of law is always the
same board although its personnel
may change from time to time. Hence
it is bound by previous contracts.
Read The Oregonian classified ads.
Agee Defense Continues to
Score on MusicTan. '
Teacher Again Deni-esl
Ownership of Bloodstained
Coat and Knife.
Continued From First Page.)
contents, promised Collier, who also
asserted that he was prepared to show
that the sprinkled blood on the over
coat came from human arteries.
Yesterday's session opened with
Klecker still on the . witness stand.
The state attempted to repair some of
the damage inflicted by the broad
sides of the defense the night before.
Klecker produced a brown and a
brown and a green overcoat, which
he said were the only ones he had
worn in years.
The prosecution asked the witness
If he ever possessed a white hat. The
defense had promised to show that a
mysterious stranger seen not many
blocks from the murder scene shortly
after the slaying had worn a white
hat or had ' something white about
his head. Mrs. Agee, according to po
lice witnesses, had said that an un-
Known intruder in tne nouse wore
sumeiiiing wnnc &oou tne neaa.
Klecker said that he had owned a
white hat, worn when he was in the
navy, but, he explained, it was given
to his wife's brother in Los Angeles
in 1919.
Asked what suit he was wearing
the night of the murder, Klecker re
plied that he was wearing the same
one he had on in the courtroom,
minus vest.
Mviiie Sheet In Evidence.
Identification of the sheet music,
which the defense claimed was found
in one of the pockets of the blood
spatxered overcoat, was not made pos
itive, ' but Klecker said that be
thought it was the same that he had
given Mrs. Agee to UBe In practice. He
denied that he had ever taken it from
the Agee home.
"Can you produce anyone who conld
testify as to your whereabouts on the
night of June 10 until daybreak?" de
manded Collier of the witness.
No one but the motorman on the
JI0"'. h"" ,Le cker'
and I am not sure he would remem-
ber- me.
"Can you produce anyone " began
Collier again', when Judge Morrow in
terrupted to say: "Mr. Collier, the
witness does not need to 'produce'
Clashes Are Frequent.
"Tour honor, I take exception to
and cite the remarks of the, court as
prejudicial," responded the ; attorney,
whose clashes with, the jurist have
been frequent.
Judge Morrow demanded of Collier
when court opened to state whether
or not he expected to connect up the
overcoat he had shown Klecker with
the case. Collier replied that he cer
tainly intended' to do so.
Mrs. Nellie Young, whose fainting
spell as she was called to the witness
stand the night before furnished the
first excitement, was able to testify
yesterday. She was a neighbor of
the Agees, a friend of Mrs. Asree and
had taken care of the Agee children
on numerous occasions.
She knew nothing bad about the
defendant or at least testified to
n-.hing. though given ample oppor
tunity to do so through leading
questions by Deputy Prosecutor
Invitation Is Declined.
She did testify that on one occasion
Mrs. Agee endeavored to persuade
her to accompany another man on
an automobile trip with Klecker. She
said she refused and did not' think
Mri Agee went, though asserted she
believed Mrs. Agee met Klecker in
the city that day. She testified that
on June 8, about 24 hours before the
murder, Mrs. Agee met Klecker.
Remark Thonnht Joke.
The prosecutor elicited the infor
mation mat as Airs, xoung and Mrs
Agee were walking along a down
town street an automobile drew . up
to the curb alongside. Mrs. Young
denied that either she or Mrs. Agee
signaled the driver or encouraged
him in any way, but testified that
she recalled that Mrs. Agee had
commented a moment later, "I believe
we could go riding with those fellows
If we wanted to.
Mrs. Toung said that Mrs. Agee
always said she married Agee to
please her folks.
"She said it before er .husband and
we always took it as a sort of josh,'
went on the witness.
The witness also told of going to
a aance witu Mrs. Aeree and a Mrs
Nelson in the Swiss halL where Mrs.
Agee danced several times with
In Cross-examination of Mrs. Young.
(oiiier probed intj the incident in
wl.ich the two men in an automo
bile attempted to pick up a couple
ot passengers. - Mrs. Young affirmed
former statement that the men
ere not encouraged.
Did either of you want to tor
emanded Collier.
We didn't seem to," answered the
John Goltz, police Inspector, was
called by the state to testify con
cerning the amount of Hght thrown
into the bedroom of the Agee home
by the arc light on a nearby corner.
Judge Morrow refused to permit his
conclusions to go into evidence, sus
taining the objection of the defense
to such testimony.
Goltz was the last witness offered
by the prosecution, and when he was
not permitted to testify, Hammersly
announced that the state rested its
case. .
Engineer -Is Witness.
George S. Edmonstone. clyil en
gineer who drafted the sketches used
by prosecution and defense depicting
the arrangement of roams in the
Agee home and the map of the. Ports
mouth district In which the murder
occurred, was the first witness to be
called by the defense.
Collier laid much stress on the lo
cation of a clump of bushes -on Wall
street near Lombard street, with ref
erence to car lines and the Agee
home. Though nothing was testified
concerning the same, the inference
drawn was that this was the spot
where Collier would endeavor by di
rect testimony to prove that the
blood-spattered overcoat, the gory
knife and the trombone music score
were found.
The spot was 2740 feet from the
Agee home by air line and 3115feet
by streets.
In cross-examination of Edmon
stone, Hammersly elicited the Infor
mation that the most direct route
from the Agee home to the Lombard
streetcar line was along Fiske street
and only 1500 feet distant.
Leaders of Charch Are Present to
Assist in Programme of
Daily Sessions.
JEFFERSON, Or., July 28 (Spe
cial.) There were more than 200 reg
istrations to date And will be more
than 500 persons on the grounds by
the end of the week, at the Epworth
league institute now In progress at
the Jefferson camp grounds here.
Nearly 100 tents were up and many
persons were being entertained, by
friends in town.
From Astoria and Ashland they
have come with their families, and as
far in the other direction as Prine-
. . . . . . a,A TT. I 1
church' from all over the -.tat. have
. n.v, Ch.k.rj r pnri.nH
was on the grounds yesterday and
addressed the classes in the morning
session, leaving for Seattle In the eve
ning. District Superintendent Young
son of the Portland section has been
here twice. He went to Albany last
night. District Superintendent Dan
ford, from the state's southern sec
tion, was mingling with the campers.
and District , Superintendent Gilbert
of Salem, who was here, said he would
like to be the "daddy" of the whole
bunch of young Epworth Leaguers
were it not for the expense, so earnest
and happy were the youthful church
workers as they pursued their labors
and recreation stunts.
Dr. J. O. Van Winkle was manager,
with Professor Burgess Ford, assist
ant. Rev. Blaine Kirkpatrick was
president, with Rev. Dr. Hickman
backing him and delivering the eve
ning addresses.
Central Market Bakery's -Action
Presages General Drop-.
What is believed may be a general
drop in bread prices - was presaged
yesterday when the Central Market
bakery announced a drop of 1 cent
a loaf in the pound pan loaves, mak
ing the price 8 cents a loaf. The same
establishment cut the twin-pound
loaves baked together to 12 cents for
the pair.
The price on the 1 -pound loaves
was made 13 cents and on two such
loaves 25 cents.
The management of the company an
nounced that the cut in prices was
justified by cheaper materials enter
ing into the bread.
4550 Tons of Berries to Be Canned.
SALEM, Or.. July 28. (Special.)
Approximately 45E0 tons- of logan
berry products will be manufactured
y Salem canneries during the 1921
season, according to a survey com
pleted here today. The total pack
of the state last year was 3900 tons
In the Willamette valley 5200 tons
of loganberries will be handled this
season, reports Indicated. Most of
the Salem product will be shipped to
eastern markets for disposition.
North Dakota Banker Arrested.
FARGO. N. D July 28. T. L.
Beiseker of Fessenden. N. D.,' prom
inently known North Dakota banker,
head of a string of banks and heavily
interested in other business activities,
submitted to arrest in Fargo today
on a charge of violating the federal
bank laws.
Dr. Ford -A. Carpenter Pays
Portland Visit.
Sinking- of Battleships Declared to
Be Warning of Possibility or
New Line of Defense.
"Tfie recent bombing experiments
on battleships off the Atlantic coast
did more to advance peace than all
the Paris peace conferences, Hague
tribunals and leagues of nations ever
This was the statement of Dr. Ford
A. Carpenter, consulting meteorologist
for the air service of the war depart-,
ment and widely known lecturer on
Dr. Carpenter Is visiting at the
home of Henry W. Fries, whom he
knew when he was a "buck" private
in the signal corps and acted as
weather forecaster for Portland in
1888. He. recently participated in the
bombing tests.
Bombs Declared Powerful. -
"One of the smaller bombs dropped
into the sea two miles from one of
the smaller vessels or the fleet so
damaged that ship tnat it had to be
towed into port," said Dr. Carpenter.
"Imagine the damage that can be
done by one of the 1900-pound bombs
dropped from an aeroplane at a high
altitude. If it did not put the great
est super-dreadnoughts in existence
out of commission as I believe, it
surely would it would obliterate the
crew and render the ship worthless."
Dr. Carpenter is a great admirer of
President Harding and hp believeB
that the chief executive has done more
in four months in office to advance
the cause of peace than has ever been
done by any president.
Challenge Is Issued.
Dr. Carpenter issued a challenge to
the average army officer who declares
that the "strong right arm of the serv
ice will ever be the infantry." He
expressed his belief in the air service
and contended that the strengthening
of this branch would be the salvation
of the army and the navy in any war.1
It is a long jump from a private
second class in the signal corps in
1888 to."Who Who in America" and
a half-page wrlteup therein, but that
Is the history of Dr. Carpenter. He
came to Portland as assistant to Cor
poral E. J.- Glass in the army signal
corps office which then ga,ve out the
weatner -reports when he was a boy
of 20 summers. He remained here
two years and theiy was transferred.
nr. carpenter la Author.
Dr. Carpenter is also head of the de
partment of meteorology for the State
university at. Los Angeles and is the
author of a great many books on cli
matology and meteorology.
"The airplane has ceased to be an
Instrument of entertainment and ex
hibition it is a commercial imple
ment," said Dr. Carpenter. "It is the
new life in the commercial world and
is the safety of this country if prop
erly developed in time of war. It is
the dove of peace for which pacifists
have been searching. It will bring
peace because no nation can afford to
go to war against another that has
completely prepared itself for an air
Dr. Carpenter will remain here
few days visiting old friends and then
will return to his home in Los An
and Could Not Rest.
Cuticura Healed.
" I suffered for about four years with
eczema on my limbs, from my knees
down. At first they were very small
pimples, and after a while the skin
would begin to swell and get thick
and crack open. My clothing rubbed
the eruption, causing awful itching
rnd burning, and I could not rest
t all.
" I began to use Cuticura and got
relief, and when I had used two cakes
of Cuticura Soap and otie box of
Cuticura Ointment I was healed."
(Signed) Nelson Smith, Cache, 111.
Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Tal
cum promote ana maintain skin pur
ity, skin comfort and skin health
often when all else fails.
BKipi. Swh Tm r 1T.11. Addr: "vtlTLk
r.terlM. Dpt. B. al&laa4S. kui." SoW .Terr
where. Soap 2Sc. OmmntSudtOc. TalcmlSe.
nsT"Cariciar Soap shavws without mac
8SS3S T'm "Arrlcordo e Xapule....
By Enrico Caruso
8490S Country Dance....- -
By Mischa Elman
84070 Because Tou're' Here.......
..By Edward Johnson
S'327 When the Roses Bloom
By Louise Homer
18709 Meditation .".
By Florentine Quartet
Star of the Sea Reverie...'
By Florentine Quartet
1S24S Mother Machree (harp solo)
By Alberto Salvi
Scherzo In E Flat Minor....
By Alberto Salvi
35709 Golden Star.. By Sousa's Band
Stars and Stripes Forever..
By Sousa's Band
18762 Thinking of Toll.
By Peerless Quartet
Carolina Lullaby
By Campbell and Burr
18775 Down Yonder.
By Peerless Quartet
Don't Tou Remember the
Time?.. By Terrel and Hart
-Listening Fox Trot By All-
Star Trio and Their Orchestra
I'm Nobody's Baby Fox
Trot A 1 1 - S t a r Trio and
Their Orchestra.
77 Cho-Cho-San Fox Trot
By Paul Whiteman and His
Song of India Fox Trot. .
By Paul Whiteman and His
1S77S Learn to Smile Fox Trot
By Paul Whiteman and His
Oh. Me! Oh. My! Medley
Fox Trot.. By Paul White
man and His Orchestra.
Mall Orders Given Prompt Attention.
G. F. Johnson Piano Co.
149 Sixth St, Bet. Morrison and Alder.
geles to continue his experiments in
Board of Control Studies Proposed
Sew Plant for Boys.
SALEM, "Or., July 28. (Special.)
Members of the state board of con
trol passed most of today considering
plans prepared by W. C. Knighton,
architect, for the proposed new plant
of the state industrial school for
boys. ' .
Tha plant will cost $280,000 and will
be constructed' on the cottage system.
The plans, as prepared, include the
major conveniences adopted in the
training schools of other states, and
insure a system of buildings that will
meet demands fora number of years.
Some minor, changes are to be made
in the plans, however, and it is not
expected that bids will be received
for several weeks.
Robbers Believed to Have Mur
dered 5 Men and AVonian.
VIE&NA, July 28. Five men and
one woman, all tourists, have disap
peared from summer resorts in Salz
burg province within a fortnight, ac
cording to reports reaching police
Police are inclined to believe that
responsibilty for the disappearances
rests with -a band of criminals who
murder and rob their victims and
bury the bodies.
Prune Installment Paid.
VANCOUVER, Wash., July 28.
(Special.) A total of 867,000 in
checks was mailed out Wednesday by
the Washington Prune Growers' cor
poration no growers. This was the
second payment on the 1920 crop, the
first payment being $137,000. A small
tl'ird payment will be made in about
9IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIf Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllflf Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllf Itlllllllllllllllf
Present-day business conditions demand
that all reasonable economies be practiced.
Quick service to your patrons is the essential
. thing. The business world needs increased effi
ciency and reduced overhead expense.
The long-distance telephone service offers
rapid, sure and economical communication and
you don't have to wait for an answer.
By using Pacific long-distance telephone
lines you can do in minutes what it would re
quire hours or days to accomplish by other
means of communication. ' -
Ask for Pacific long-distance or dial 211
from Automatic telephones.
1 The Pacific Telephone & J
Telegraph Company J
America's Greatest Orator
Dr. D. V. Bush
World's Most Versatile Poet-Author
Aug. 3 Applied Psychology. What is it?
Aug. 4 Undiscovered Talent.
Aug. 5 The Function of the Subconscious Mind.
Aug. 6 What is Love? How to keep it.
Aug. 7 Inspirational and healing silence. How to
be beautiful.
Aug. 8 Poverty a Disease. How to double your
Free to the Public
a month. All of the 1920 prune crop
has now been disposed of by the cor
poration. Community's Morals Studied.
SALEM, Or- July 28. (Special.)
That the morals of a community is an
essential studied by easterners in
search of a honje In the west, was the
statement made by S. SI. Taylor, lo
cal manager for the Ellison-White.
Newsboy Is Found Hanged.
body of Patrick Ward, 12-year-old
newsboy, was found hanging to a
Time Is M
NIGHT 8:15
bedpost in his home here today, ac
cording to reports to the police by the
boy's father. A leather strap, used
by the lad to tie newspapers, was
found titcht around hi3 neck. Shortly
before the finding of the body, the
youth had been scolded because his
face was dirty, th1 police said.
How to Avoid Trouble.
You may sve yourself a lot of
trouble and suffering by obtaining a
bottle of Chamberlain's Colic and
Diarrhoea Remedy, at once. It is
almost certain to be needed before
the summer is over and when needed,
is worth many times its cost. It is
thoroughly reliable. Adv.
. ,' f A