TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1921 15 DECEPTION IS CHARGED CONSPIRACY" TO OCST JAPAN ESE ATTACKED. Hard Working ' Orientals Declared Misrepresented in Statements Made to Congress. WASHINGTON. July 28. Chairman Johnson placed today in the records of the house immigration committee hearings, in connection with pro posals that Chinese labor be per mitted to enter the Hawaiian islands under restrictions to meet the labor situation there, a telegram from John P. Irish of San Francisco sent in reply to statements recently tele graphed the committee by V. S. Mc Clatchy of Sacramento. Mr. Irish asserted Mr. McClatchy had sent figures as to Japanese irrigated land holdings in California .which were not correct. "This BOrt of misrepresentation." the message said, "is intended to de ceive congress and poison eastern public opinion. - The Japanese, by hard work, have reclaimed to produc tive fertility more barren land than they have secured. "I long ago warned McClatchy and his conspirators against International peace that their fals.e and vitupera tive attacks on the Japanese would lead to mob violence. This ' result has come in the incendiary burning of five houses of Japanese in Fresno and the kidnaping of Japanese and threats against their lives. "It mignt interest tire committee to know who is interested in the depression of stock in Hawaiian sugar plantations, which will be the effect of .extending the California conspiracy to that territory." M0NT1CELL0 ON MARKET Owner of Jefferson Estate Offers a Property to Government. NEW YORK, July 28. Reports that Monticello, the home of Thomas Jef ferson, near Charlottesville, Va., was on the market were confirmed today by Jefferson M. Levy, former con gressman and present owner of the historic estate. Mr. Levy said he had made efforts to have the government buy the estate at a summer home for presidents and twstated he awould be willing to sell Monticello to the government for $500,000. He valued the estate at 1, 000,000. . - Germans Send $800,00O. NEW YORK. July 28. Silver valued at from $750,000 to $800 000 to be con verted into dollar credits to aid in meeting reparations payments, before August 31, arrived from Germany Wednesday. The -shipment waa con siened to the Equitable Trust company- by the Rfichshank. TOO I.ATE TO CLA98IFT. EW STAGE LINK hill been put on to Government Lamp by tne Mount Hood AlrahlD Co. Kouna trio for Saturday and Sunday, ill. Call at 35 6th at. to gt your tickets and take the bus toi; AH. nooa. ' MAN AND WIFE driving to Californli non in roomy Drtvate car. can accom modate two or three tdults desirous of making leinurely comfortable trip.. P 842, Oregonian. WANTKD 2 girl,. Apply 3664 Broad way, Friday, between and 11 A. M. ' RATES FOR ' CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Dally or Bandar, One time 1X Dr lla 6am advt. S . onseesj- tiv time Z2e par line Same advt. onseca- tlve times S0 per Una Bam advt. 1 eonsocm- tive times .............. .3e per Una One month f tt0 i Um bix months.. ..$2.25 a Una per month (Chang of copy allowed monthly.) The above rate applies to advertise meals under all cliuuttf lcatifn except ing "Situations Wauled Male" and "bit nations Wanted remale." Whjuh Is per line for each insertion. No ad taken tor less tliau two lines. Count live average words to the line. Advertisements (except "A'ersoimltf" and "situations Wanted") will be taken over the telephone if the advertiser is a subscriber to either phone. The Oregonian will receive copy by mail provided sufficient remittance for definite number of issues ia sent. Ac kuowiedg went will be lorwarded promptly. No prices will be Quoted over the phone, but statements will be rendered the following duy. Advertisements axe taken for The Daily Oregonian until 1 :o f. jl i xor ine sunusy ui until P. Jkl. Saturday, AMTTSKMENT9. SAMUSEPie-NT PAP f E X T R A All SPECIAL ADDKD ATTRAC TION. SUNDAY AK'l'KRNOON. DARED EVIL' D f YILLIERS In a spectacular exhibition of wingr walk ins; and dropping- In a parachute from- a hydroplane at a height of 5000 fet. De Vil liers Is champion, of th weBt coast and the one and only bull-dogger from a plane. 9 Admission to park free until 5 P. M.. except Sundays, noli- days and special days. Cars at First and Alder. Fare 6c. PANT AGES Mr. ..xander Fanfare Sublets A GAY MTT1.K HOME." Arcornimirfatir.s; Frank Sinclair, Mary Col Una, Cliff Otxoo and Ttielr Cbarmins Acquaintance. SPECIAL ATTRACTION Exclusive View of the Dempary-Carpentler Battle. 6 Other BIk Acta d Three Performances Ually 2:30. 7 and TODAY lt Shown Saturday TONIGHT Jark l'ICKFOKJU Jack in "JVST OCT OK OOMKGE." Pownlnf and the Benin MNtera. " -Finest audevltle and rbotoplaya at l ittle Prices. GLOBE 11th and Washington VIOLA DANA "H0INIE "STUFF" CIRCLE Fourth t Washington EILEEN PERCY "The Blushing Bride" Alo a Comfdy, Mhrre's the Fire?" and fat he Krview. Open from 9 o'clock In the morning until 4 o'clociL tbs following morning. HWodrOME AMUSEMENTS. OXE DAT ONLY HEILIG THEATER SUNDAY, JILT 31 Aft. 2:1 Eve. 8:15 Mat. 2oC and 50c Eve. JSOe, 77c and 91 53 RO .Season . Phone your want ads to The Ore gonian. Main 7070. Automatic 560-95. AUCTION BALES. At Wilson's Auct'.on House. 10 Furniture. 169-171 Second street. MEETING NOTICES. AIj KADER'S ARABIAN DANCING GIRLS' first an nual dance on boat Bluebird, August 2.. 1921. at 8 P. M. All Nobles. Masons and friends invited. - Tickets on sale at Brady A Oliver, Yeon cigar store: E. P. Helm. 100 4th st.. or any Arabian dancer. WASHINGTON CHAPTER. NO. IS. R. A. M. Called con vocation this (Friday) event nr. East 8th and Burn side streets, at 6:30 o'clock. R, A. degree Visitors welcome. By t order E. H. P " ROY QUACKENBUSH. Sec' SUNNYSIDE CHAPTER No. 42, R. A. M. Called convoca tion tonight 7:30 o'clock, E. 39th and Hawthorne. Work on R. A. degree. Visitors wel come. By order of E. Br. P.. W. J. -BRISK EL, Sec. MASONIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. Employers needing; helo of any description telephone Bdwj, 5258. Only Masonic hsln fiirntfthaM frnm this nf- flea. No charge to employer or employe. N. H. Atchison Mgr.. Masonic headquar ters, Multnomah hotel. SELLWOOD LODGE. NO. 131. A. P. AND A. M SpecHl meeting this (Knday) evening at 7:30 o'clock. - Work E. A. degree. Visitor welcome. By order W. M. J. H. BUTLER. Sec. PORTLAND LODGE. NO'. U5. A. F. AND A. M. Special Communication this (Friday) evening, Pythian bldg., 7 o'clock., Work In M. M. degree. Visiting brethren welcome. Bv H. J. HOUGHTONSec. ALBERT PIKE LODGE No. 102. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication . Friday eve ning:, July -9, at 7 o'clock, M. M. degree. Visiting broth ers welcome. GEORGE W. COOK, Sec MOOSE EXCURSION. SSA . S1DH, SUNDAY, JULY 31 Special train leaves S. P. & S. dfpot 8 A. M. Old-fashioned family picnic. Everybody bring a basket of EATS. Get chummy. We expect you to bring along enough to feed an extra bachelor brother. Tablet, cot tee, cream, etc.. will be ready on tbe beach. Old-time sports and games, mermaids' parade, dances and 8 full hours of solid fun. tret your tickets at the Moose club. MOOBK EXCURSION, SEA SIDE. SUNDAY. JULY 31. Special train leaves S. P. & S. depot 8 A. M. Old fashioned . family picnic. Everybody bring a basket of EATS. Get chummy. We expect you to bring along enough to feed an' ex tra bachelor brother. Tables, coffee, cream, etc., will be ready on the beach. Old-time sports and namea mermaids' parade, dances and 8 full hours of solid fun. Get your tickets at the Moose ciub. .. WEBFOOT CAMP. Np. 5, WOODMEN OF THE WORLD, meets every Friday night at W. O. W. temple, 128 Eleventh street. All members requested to be present. . Visiting mem bers welcome. REGULAR meeting to- HASnYuD night (Friday) at I. O O. F. o'clock. Visiting brothers always welcome. O. J. KOENECKE, N. G. W. P. SCOTT, Rec. Sec PHALANX LODGE. NO. 14. K. OF P. Meets every Friday night. 8 o'clock, at 4JtH East Alder St.. corner East Oth. F. O. SEATON, K- R. S, PICNIC ON THE COLUMBIA. For member of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, ladies auxiliary, tlrelr friends and the public, on the excursion boat Bluebird. Leaves foot of Morrison St., west aide, at 10 A. M.. goes down the Columbia, lands for a real good old family picnic and a general good time. Follow the Bluebird jaxs band and don't forget the date. Sunday. July 31. Dancing, re freshments and cards a! I the way down and back. For full Information call 315-6S. Tickets, adults $1. children 5 to 15 years 25c. GENERAL GERMAN AID SOCIETY. All members of the General- iierman Aid society are requested to attend the funeral of our late member. Henrv Albera, from the Catholic church at Milwaukie, Or.. Sat urday, July 30. at !::t0 o'clock A. M M. FLE1SCHHAUER, Sec- THE 100 CLUB announces Its annual moonlicht dancing; party on tbe Swan ttnisi r riaa , juiy rsoa leaves loot Ol lamniu st. s:io r. m. THE 209 LIVE WIRE CLUB will give s 500 card party this Friday evening. 386 W Washington Several good prizes. Come with the crowds. Jo cents admission. . LODGE EMBLEMS, class pins, officers' 1eweL: carry larsre stock to select from: special work to order in our own factory. uavias, jeweiers ana opticians. aa waia Ingtoa street, at Broadway. FRIEDLANDER'S for lodge emblems. class pina and medals. 310 Washington st. EMBLEM jewelry, buttons, charms, pins. new aesigna jaeger rtroa. iax-a eixtn at, FtXEBAL NOTICES. HBALD At Hood River. Oreiron. Jalv 20. ih-'I. ciara i. weaia. sgea 1 years, late of 673 Bast Washington street, sis ter of Brnet C and Ralph P. Heald of Portland. The funeral service will be held today (Friday), at 1 P. M.. at Finley's mortuary, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Concluding service at Rlvervlew cemetery. STEELHAMMER In this city. July 25. Albert Steelhammer. aged 42 years, husband of Marie titeel hammer and father of Albert iena, Kdith and J ess i a St eel hammer. Funeral services will be hld at Holman's chapel. Third and Salmon sts.. today (Friday). July 29, at 1 P. M Interment at Mount Scott cemetery. CR AND ALL The funeral service of the late James A. Crandall 6927 Eiffhty third street. S. will be conducted today (Friday) at 4 P. M.. in the mor tuary chapel of A. D. Kenworthy & Co., 5802-04 Ninety-second street, S. .. tn Lents. Interment at Everett. Wash. WESTERGRES The funeral service v of the late Andrew Westergres will be conducted today (Friday) at 3 P. M.. at the graveside. Rose City cemetery. A. I. Kenworthy A Co., morticians, .VS02-04 Ninety-second street, S. E.. in Lents M VGERS Albert G. Mafrers. The funeral services will be held today (Friday), 2:30 P. M.. In Salem. Or. Funeral services conducted by Elks lodge of Salem. order JKM taof. ITXEKAL NOTICES SCHATZ At the residence, 11 East 25th i St., July 27, Maria Schats, aged 66 years, ; , beloved mother of Mrs- Carl France of Boring, Or.: George Paul and Mary j Schatat of Portland, and sister of Mrs. i Anna Logus of Portland. The funeral 1 cortege will leave the above residence: Saturday, July 30. at 8:30 A. M., thence ' to the Sacred Heart church, where mass will be offered at 9 A. M. Interment Rose City cemetery. Remains will be f at tne residential parlors ox J&mer k Trace y until Friday afternoon. GRIFFITH In action on the Argonne front-, France, October 2, 1918, William W. Griffith, aged 27 years, son of Mrs. Emma Sliger of this city, brother of Alfred R. Griffith of McMinnville and Robert Griffith of this city. The fu neral services will be held at the con servatory chapel of the East Side Fu neral Directors. 414 East Alder street, under the auspices of the American Legion at- 2:30 P. M., today (Friday) July 29. Interment at Multnomah ceme tery. Friends invited. "WALSH At the residence, Milwaukie, Or.. July 28, Antoinette J. Wath, aged 38 years, beloved wife of Michael J. Walsh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kuppenbender ' of THlamook, Or.; sister of Bernard Kup penbender of Portland. Hubert and ' Ewald of Tillamook, Or. Funeral serv ices will be held Sunday. July 31,- at 3 P. -Ja". at the St. Johns church, Mil Waukie. Interment Milwaukie cemetery. Oregon City papers please copy. Re mains are at the residential parlors of Miller & Tracey. c, WILKI80X The funeral service of the late Levi P. Wilkinson, aged 68, beloved father of Fay Wilkison and B. A. Wil kisun of Oak Grove, Or., and Lillian Roach and B. F. Wilkison of Los Ange ' les, Cal., and Bell and Nalbandian, Cin cinnati, Ohio, will be conducted Tuesday, ' August 2 at 3 P. M., in the mortuary chanel of A. D. Ken-worthy and Co.. 5S02-5S04 92d st. S. E. in Lents. The I interment Rose City cemetery. PROHASKA At Chateau Thierry, . France, June 30, 1918, Frank B. Prohaska, aged , 25 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Prohaska, brother ot Cyril and Joseph Prohaska of Beaverton, Mrs. Amelia Riley, and Mrs. Elsie Tinney of Port- land. The funeral service will be held Saturday, July 30, at 1 P. M-, at Fin ley 'a mortuary, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Concluding service at Mount .Scott cemetery. ALBERS At Milwaukie. Or.. July 27. , Henry Albers. aged 53 years. Brother of Mrs. Frank Terheyden. William, George and Frank Albers. Funeral will be held from late residence, Saturday, July 30, at tt A. M., thence to St. John's Catholic church at Milwaukie at 9:30 A. M., where requiem mass will be offered. Friends invited. Interment Mount Calvary cem etery. McEntee & Eilers. directors. AIKIN At SoulUy, France. Dec. 7. 1918. Omar O. Aikln ; survived by his mother, Mrs. Sarah Atkin, Beaverton; Mrs. Ida May. Cedar Mills: Mrs. Ada Jones, Mrs. Ora Alkin. Berry and Henry Alkin. Body at Pegg's undertaking parlors. Beaver ton. Or. Funeral services will be held at the Grange at 2 P. M. Saturday. July 30. Friends' invited. Interment Rose City cemetery. BAIR In action In France, Nov. 1, 1818, Tom C. Bair, formerly of Bay City, Or. The funeral services will be conducted today tFriday) at 12:30 P. M. in the mortuary chapel of A. D. Kenworthy & Co., 5&02-5&04 92d st. S. E., In Lents, under the' auspices of the American Le . gion. Friends invited. Interment in ll Legion plot, ML Scott Park cemetery. PLUMMER The funeral services of the late Clara Plummer, beloved wife of Thomas Milton Plummer, will be. held Saturday, July 3J. at 2:3o P. M. at the chapel of Miller A Tracey. Interment tos city cemetery. - WHITTEN July 28. at the residence of hi son. F. C. Whltten, 310 East 16th North, William S. Whitten. age 85 yeans, . 13 days. Remains were forwarded by Downing at McNemar today to I Newport, Oregon, for interment. FlIKEBAL CARS. LIMOUSINES for funeral service. JONES AUTO LIVERY... MARSHALL 114. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. VAULT ENTOMBMENT . .or Cremation Portland Crematorium ' I'hone Sellwood 967. V EAST KOIRIEEMH . AND BHItB Aak for Booklet. TOMBS Sincle or In Kamtlr Bectkns. ' Handsome ty arranged. Built to endure Permanent care. Cost no more in RIVER VIEW ABBEY MAUSOLEUM We have mauuoleomW in all principal cities in state; they contain the only sanitary to nibs in Oretron. PORTLAND MAUSOLEUM CO. 639 Plttock Block. Phone BdwT. 351 MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Less. Independent Funeral Directors Washington street, between l!0th and 2 1st sts.. west side. Lady assistant. Main 3691. Auto. 578-85. HOLMAN & SON (Waiter J. Holman.) FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Third and Salmon Sts. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy ot a nome. tain ana Everett sts. Phones Broadway 2133. Auto. 631.-33. , J EAST SIDE FT7XEJR AL DIRECTORS. F. S. DUNNING. INC.) The family sets the price." 414 B. Alder Phone East 52. 225-25. DOWNING & McNEMAR The Residential Funeral Home. 441 Multnomah st. Irvinuton Dist. E. I LERCH. UNDERTAKER. . East Eleventh and Hawthorne. " Phone East 7S1. FINLEY'S MORTUARY MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH. MAIN 0. A. D. KENWORTHY & CO. 5S04 DL'd tit.. Lenta. Auto. 618-21. OITUrO UNDERTAKING CO. ' OIVCTICO Third and Clay. Main 41?2. T3T? T7,Tr"7XT1 jP, C!MrT 1017 Belmont x JiV-LjiJiJ u wm. kjuui Tabor 21 AD 7CI CD Pfl 592 Willlams"AVi: . II. Z.tLLLn UU. Phone East 1088. fLORlSTS. MARTIN & FORBES COMPANY. , 354 Washington St. Main 269 Laraest rose row era In the NonhwuL Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. Personal attention given wedding, reception, tea and table decorations. Floral tributes promptly attended to. SWETLAND'S ROWER Morrison St.. bet. 3d and 4th Tel. Main 419 ... And Floral Designs. 25 Uothousea . No Branch Stores. 25 Team on Morrison street, bet. 4tn and Firth. Main 7709. Smith's Flower Shop Portland's Progressive Florist. We sne- clause In funeral uesigns, 141 H SUth opposite Meier A Frank's. Main 7215. IRIS PLANTS FOR SALE, v Choice plants c; all kinds ot peren nial for sale. Call Sunday A. M. or Monday. 1067 Senate st. Tabor 8253. NOB HILL FLORISTS (Estate. Alfred Burkhardt- N. E. cor. 23d and Glisan. Main 1359. TONSETH S FLORAL CO.. 287 Washington St.. bee 4th &nd oth. Main 5 102.. A Ii.UL lillllll Portland Business Bulletin A Iirectory of business firms, professional men, manu facturers, repair men, etc, classified for ready reference. Information as to any class of workmot listed may be obtained by calling Main 7070, House 40. . - " AtCOCNTAXTS. JULIUS R. BLACK, public accountant, auditor, income tax acrvtc. Concord bids-, -d antT Stark. Phone Main 7443. ATTORNEYS. E. W. EASTMAN, lawyer and notary pub- 11c. 934 Cham, of Com, bldg. ASSAYEK AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 14: Gold, silver, platinum bought. Second. AITO PAINTING. AUTOMOBILE and . vehicle - painting at RusmII at., near William, ave.; good work at reasonable prlcea. AITO KEFAIKING. CAR OWNER I will repair your car at my home or at yours, by contract or 91 per hour; satisfaction absolutely : guaranteed. Phone Tabor 2102. BATHS. DR. McMAHOX'S baths. Portland: steam. ' showers, plunges, tuba, all for 35c; tell your friends. Fourth and Washington. CHIROPRACTIC steam baths and mas sages, luth floor Broadway bldg. Mar shall 3187. Dr. Laura L. Downing. CELLI'LOID BITTONS. THE IRW1X-HODSON COMPANY. 3S7 Washington. Broadway 434, Tabor 1254. ' CHI ROPRACT1C. DR. McMAHON tiicMan) 100 chiroprac tic, speaks for itself. Portland 12th year. Succaful. Proof: Thoawnili of aatinfied people praising work after comparison and fair trial. Phone friends. Extended time, 31 adjustments, $15. DR. ELIZABETH ROSTOCK Chiroprac tic that is different: 8 years' successful practice. 600-07-608 Swetland bldg. Hours 10 to 5. Phone Main 871. DR. NELLIE BYRD. 504 Panama bldg. Chiropractic and electric-therapy, diet, hemorrhoids, constipation, high blood pressure, etc. Main 3159. CHIROPODISTS. WILLIAM, Estelle. Florelto and Dewane De Veay, the only scientific chiropodists and arch specialists in city. .Parlors 302 Gerlinger bldg.. southwest corner Second and Alder its. Main 1301. ARCH SUPPORTS Made to order. Come to Dr. Gartner, foot specialist; corns, bunions, 311 Swet land bldg. Main 1081. DR. O. O. FLETCHER Foot troubles scientifically corrected. Lady kasiatant. 512 Morgan bldg. Main 87. CARPET CLEANERS. RUGS AND CARPETS WASHED on your Xloor, Our method restores the colors to their original brtRhtness. iAREFUL CARPET CLEANING CO. "EAST '7373. HAVE yonr rugs and carpets dyed on tne iioor. mwy. CLEANERS AND PRESSERS. REGAL CLEANERS TAILORS AND HATTERS Cleaning and dyeing a avec North Sixth st., Portland. Or. ecialty. 127 COLLECTIONS. NETH & CO., Worcester bldg. Main 1706. No collections, no charges. Estab. lflOO. CO XTRACTORS AXO 111 1LDKBS, RELIABLE CONSTRUCTION CO. House construction and Reneral Jobblna. 168 West Park Street. Phone Main 0. DANflXi. SUMMERS DANCING ACADBMT, 8SVS 6th at. Lessons day and evening. Opee all summer. B8y. SjOO. DENTIST. DR. B. E. WRIGHT Ttrfrd Floor. Ralelph BMg. t Corner Sixth and Washington Sta. Main 21ir. Automatic 2110. nCWTITBY A. W. KEENE, 3514 UCriflOinl Washington street. Without pain. Latest nerve-blocking system. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. ELECTRIC MOTORS boufrht.Bold, repaired. Armature winding, wiring and supplies STAR DELTA ELECTRIC WORKS 15th and Olisan Sta Broadway 2748. H. M. H. ELECTRICAL CO.. 1 N. 1st St., Portland. Or. Re Vlndinlt andlectric repalrinic a specialty. New or used mo tors. Broadway 1045. A 1046. MOTORS REWOUND , and 1 Repaired BOUGHT AND SOLD. NICHOLS ELECTRIC WORKS. Phone S27-27. l!2fi Main St. Alotors bought, sold and repaired. G. W. Rouse Electric Co., 200 Broadway. Main 5495. , WHOLESALERS AND ENGINEERS AND -MILL K17PPI.IKS. THBM. l,. KLINE CO., 84-S6-S7-89 FRONT THE PEERLESS PACIFIC CO., 68-70-72 FRONT ST. HATS AMI CAPS. THANHAUSER HAT CO.. 53-55 Front St. PAINTS, OILS AND (.LASS. RAS.MUSSEN & CO.. Second and Taylor. r- ' HIDES. WOOL AM) 'A SOAR A BARK KAH.N BROS., 105 Front street. MONUMENTS. ivi:ia.MM'i,n:.M PORTLAND. MARBLE WORKS lee 4th St.. opp. CltT Hall. NEC BROS. OTTO SCHUMANN MARBLE WORKS QUALITY MEMORIALS E. THIRD . PINE STS PHONE E.743 OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates all cases of alleged cruelty to animals. . Offices, room 150 courthouse. Phone Main 378 from 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. The society has full charge of the city ftound at its home. 535 Columbia bou evard. Phone any time. Woodlawn 764. Dogs for sale. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled horses. Smalt animals painlessly electrocuted where necessary, and stray animals cared tor. AH dead animals, cows, horses, etc.. picked up. FUNERAL COMPLETE Casket, two Aatot, Hcane, Em balmlas, Oatalde Box, Gran Mmrlter, Fanrral Notice.. Bear era' Glovea, Use of Chape i Miller & Tracy ladeaeDdent Fincra)'' Director. Waaainstoa at Ella Phoneai Mala 2S91. 578-83 NEW TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS Lowest tmtereat rates t Instailmest re pmj menta. If deal red. Build las; lojuaa Bavade. No delay In elosiaisf- A. H. EIRRELL-G1LL CO. Formerly A. H. Blrrell Co. 21S-218 Morthweatera Baik Balldias. Marshall 4114. JNO. B. COFFEY Bl'KETY BONUS lN(5l RANCK 09 WUcu Ilidc ALaia SOSv. Jpj f. FOOT SPECIAUSTS. FOOT SPECIALIST Dr. A. M. Cochrane. Lady assistant. 411 Macleay bldg.. 4th and Washington. Marshall 992. . FtKMTl'KK MOVING. FURNITURE moving, local and long dis tance; competent men by responsible firm. Broadway 970. HAT CLEANERS AND DYERS. HATS cleaned blocked, dyed; reasonable and satisfactory. Royal Hat Wks.. 2-3 1st. LAWNMOWER REPAIRING. LAWN-MOWER HOSPITAL Repairing, sharpening; 24-hour service. We collect and deliver. Tabor 4641. Ta bor 4072. MUSIC TEACHERS. I CARROLL DAY, teacher'of piano and voice. Broadway 2o5o, 148 l3th st. OPTOMETRISTS. ETE3 SCIENTIFICALLY TESTED with modern instruments, glasses fitted at a saving; satisfaction guaranteed ; out of the high-rent district, no overhead cip. A. E. HLRW'ITZ, Optometrist. 255 1st at. PAJNTINO. PAINTING, kalsomining and roof .repair ing at moderate prices; work guaran teed; cabinet work a spec laity. East -463, C. H. TERR ILL, house and slgn painter, papering, tinting. 407 E. S7th. Tab. 2611. PATENT ATTORNEYS. PATENTS Our practice has extended over a period of 74 years. All communica tions strictly confidential ; prompt, ef ficient, conscientious service; handbook free on request. ML'N.N & CO., Hobart bldg., 584 Market st., San Francisco; Chicago office, room 810 Tower bldg. ; Washington office, room 103, 623 First;. New York office. Woolworth bldg. R. C. WRIGHT. 22 years' experience U. S. and foreign patents. 601 Dekum bldg. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. Broadway building. Rheumatism, stomach, bowel, lung, liver, kidney, bladder, rectal,- prostate, female disorders, skin affections, blood pressure, enlarged tonsils, moles, birthmarks. PIPE KEl'AIKING., PIPES REPAIDCD BY EXPERTS 801 Panama bldg.. 8fl and Alder. PLIMBLNU 8tPPU-ES. PLUMBING supplies at wholesale prlcea Stark-Davis Co., 188 4th st. Main 71)7. PBXNTEKS. DDIWTIV1P F. W. BALTES & COMPANY rillil I II1U First and Oak. Main 165, 511-65. KOOF PAXNT1XG AXD KEPAIB1KG. ROOFS repaired and painted; gutters cleaned. Roof Security, Inc.. Mtra WEBFOOT PAINT; references given. 226 Board of Trade bldg. Main 571. Main 5844. OREGON ROOFING CO. 1764 East Gllsan Street. Tabor 4817. HOOK R EPA I KINO. ROFS Old and new repaired and shin gled. Phone Tabor 40. TRADEMARKS. OREGON TRADEMARK BUREAU, 601 Dekum bldg. U. S., foreign trademarks. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH draVagb and storage. Motor and Horse Kquipment. Furniture Moving and Packing. Baggage. PHONE BROADWAY 3309 SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER QO. Pac k i n g M o v i n g S t o r age. Money loaned on goods in storage. 63 Fourth st., opp. Multnomah hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. A74 Glisan St. Broadway DRAYAUB. STUKAUK. Four Warehouses on Terminal Tracks, I THOI-STKBINT.. UPHOLSTERING Overstuffed davenports and chairs, man facturer to consumer prices. ROSE CITV IPHOL8TERY. East 1208 Repairing 4i Union Ave. N. WALL PAFLR, PAINTS. ETC. WALL PAPER, PAINTS, ETC. 230 SECOND ST. UHL BROS., INC. VETERINARY. ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL, haat 7th and Grant sts. - Both p nones. Day ana nignt service ; 3 veterinarians MANUFACTURERS ROPE A NO -BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordaye Co., 14th and Northrup. PLUMBERS' SUPPLIES AND PIPE. THE M. L. KLINE CO., 84-86-87-89 FRONT THE PEERLESS PACIFIC CO.. INC. 68-70-72 FRONT ST. rBOni't'E COMMISSION MERCHANTS. BVERDING & FARRELL. 140 Front St. NEW TODAY. ladle. Sare Tonr Old Carpet., Bus. and Woolen Clothing. Let Alake New Bass fur Voa Tbe oldest and best equipped fac tory. Fluff and rag rugs woren all sixes; carpets refitted; Vxia rugs steam cleaned. 11.50. We call aad deliver. 188 B. Eighth St. Phone Bast S580. 8KNI US YOm OLD CARPETS, OLD Hues and Woolen Clothing -We Make Keveraible. Hand-Woven FLUFF RUGS Rag Rags woren, all sises. Mall orders. tSeml for booklet. Feathers renovated, carpet cleaning, refitting, etc. Largest, finest eiuippd earpet clemning. refit ting works in Oregon. ep&nt.te pUuitSr 0x12 rugs steamed cleaned ai.50. WESTERN FI-tTF KCG CO.. A4-0 L'nion Are. N. Cor. East Davia. Phones East 6516. Eat 6U5jt. WE CALL AND DELIVER. Old - MATTRESSES Blade New New Mattresses for Sale Feathers Renovated Satisfied Customers Our Pollcv piom;er mattress & pa.d co. 1072 fci. Llncoia St. 237-OT. Edward E.Goutley Co MORTGAGE LOAS. United State. Bajik Building;. REAL ESTATE. for Sale Klat and Apartment Property. WE HAVE two good apartment bldgs.. In cluding good furniture; both are corners; all outside rooms; private baths, very modern; one has 4$ rooms, 4 3 and 2 roora apts. $30,000; Vi cash. baL 6 per cent; one is 30 -room apt., 4, 3 and 2 room apts.; best of furniture; $16,000; $0000 handles, bal. easy. Both are very good money-makers. Be your own land lord. ( World's Fair 1925.) We serve to ? lease. Barney Johnson & Co., Realtors.' 70 10th st. Main 3160. For Sale Beach Property. BEACH COTTAG1S -Ideal situation over looking beach and breakers, at Salt Air; no other property comparable to be had on Tillamook beach ; has 2 good -sized rooms, running water and electric lights; 50x100 ft., for $1500. Phone E. 6524 for further information. KCAt ESTATE. for twle Bac-li Property. FINE BEACH LOTS ' SALTAIR TILLAMOOK BEACH. I have four choice lots, all together, two facing th Pacific ocean; ' board walk, countf road and railroad run in front of the property. The other two lots adjoin the two above and face on ' the road in the rear. All are near the de pot, hotel and Rockaway; size of lots is 23 feet by about 70 feet and are excep tionally well adapted for business or residence. Price (125 and $lo0 each. Address Y 723, Oregonian. ROCK AW AT BEACH, lots S and 9. block 4. next to Ocean Crest hotel; these are the best lots in Rockaway and are on Ihe main highway; $323 each or the two for $tK0. A. Oisen. J17 Michigan avenue, Portland. 317-05. i-ROOM cottage, with flrepla.ee, at Can non beach. fa.cing the ocean and partly furnished. Terms. V m, M. Yatea, Cor- vahis. Or. EIGHT beautiful lota. Bayocean; $S00: on yeahkahnle. $200 R goo. Oregonian 5 -ROOM house for sale, trade or rent. Sea side. 7504 60th ave. Auto. 627-08. , AT TOUR SERVICE. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. HE ALT O RS. Main Office. 8 Cham, of Com. Bldg.. Main 208. GENERAL, REAL. ESTATE. Ko.- 1 Branch Office. Cor. Sandy Blvd. and 4.MH Rose City Park Property. Paon. Tabor 232. -No. 2 Branch Office. Sandy Blvd. at oad of Parkroa. Car Line. PARKROSE PROPERTY. Tabor 2U0A No. 3 Branch Office. Cor. 33d and Bryce Avenue. Take Broadway car to Brycs Ave., go East 4 blocks. WILSHIRE, NEW SUB DIVISION. ' Phon. Auto. 329-31. AT. TOUR SERVICE. 1. I HARTHAN COMPANY. . REALTORS. LOTS LOTS LOTS. HTiia pir; "rarcjatns. WESTMORELAND 50xlOO lot with all lmprovcmenta In and paid. $550. This i. less than coat of Improvements. Cash. ROSE CITY PARK 60x100. on East 67th st. 1 block north of bandy Diva. $550 cash. ROSE CITY PARK SOxlOO. on E. 60th street. Just north of the ALAMEDA DRIVE, S00. All assessments paid. Terms. ALAMEDA PARK. on REGENTS DRIVE; all improvements In ind paid, t950; terms. HE.VDERSON-BANKUS CO.. fOIS Henry Bids. BJr. 4754. DANDY 100x100 corner Irvington ParK, near plavground, nic trees, beautiful C . i i .1 1 n TUa. a f,-. all nr nart uuiiuiug apui. a anv acu a.va w w - - of price, $1200. Factory building leased for 10 years to going concern, seven full lots on R. R. siding. Income better than $300 mo. Will trade equity $33.00o for residence or income property; mortgage $7000. BORLAND & PARSONS, 303 Stock Exch. Auto. 529-04. DRIVE OUT TODAY. LAUREL HURST TRACT OFFICE; KAST 30TH AND GLISAN. - Some big bargains in lots; just think of It! Full lot in nice location with all treet improvements paid, for $850; a very choice east front lot for 11250; an extra large corner, near the park, for $2250. See me before buyfng. Office on the property, 30th and East Glisan. Ta bor 3433. Phone for auto. Eve. East 7738. DELAHUNTY. OPEN EVENINGS. W. -APRF. S MONTHLY. 4 big city lots, fine soil for garden or f.i.flcnK nntslde cltv: beautiful district . southeast of Reed college; no city taxes IO pay; S car tinea, " " - J.: ' The- price Is $325; pay $S monthly. Yi charge no interest for 2 years. Buy $o0 worth of lumber and put up a shack and cut out the rent. Call us at once. COMTE & KOHLMAN. Main 550. " L'Ort Chamber of Commer.ce Bldg. TRBWII.T.I fiER HEIGHTS. Magnificent home sites of 30.000 square feet or. more In area on Terwilliger Heiphta on the west side of the ler-tc-fiito-fsr hAiiiavnrf! fit its southern end Theve sites command an unobstructed view of the city, rivers and mountains; building restrictions. Improved drive ways; city water and lights included in a loT price on easy terms. R. F. Bryan, 509 Cham.- of Com. Main 1903. WESTH AMPTON. BIG H ACRE, $250 $10 A MONTH. Wood-row. 20 minutes by 4th-st. elec. trie; commutations 8c. .If tartlcular regarding suburban home, it will please. Call af office or phone and arrange to r out: Bull Run water: agent cm ground dajly. 10 to 4. J. D. Hanley, 709 Gasco bldg. Phone Auto. 527-31. ACRE LOTS between Irvington Park and Columbia blva., convenient to AiDtria and Woodlawn cars; beautiful homesites. dandv view, rich soil. See Xaylor. with ELWOOD & DRYER, OWNERS, 23 Stark St. Broadway 118S. IF YOU want a lot in Piedmont, phone this office right now. we nave mem m prices way below what you'd expect to pay. Tour choice of nearly 200 lota. Any kind of terms. A. G. TEEPEJ CO., 270 Stark St. Main 8092 LAURELHURST 50x100 on-Hazelfern, 100 ft. west or 4lst st. uandy lot in tine location and priced far under the market. All improvements paid. Price only $900. COE A McKENNA & CO., REALTORS. S2 4th st. Main 4522. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. All kind of homesites In this o.tricL No trouble to ehow you. BROOKE. 641 Montgomery Drive., cor. Elm 8L Mar. 4827. Every Customer Is a Reference. IMPROVED IRVINGTON LOT. On Weidler street, between lilst and 22d. 50x100 with fine modern garage, fruit and shade trees; 1 block from Broadway car line. RITTER, LOWE A CO., Realtors. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $100 DOWN. 140x100 on East 76th and Madison. N. W. corner, all present - improvements paid; price only $950. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N W. Bank Bldg. Main 378T. FINE large lot. 50x150. on east 70th st.. 1 block to anuy. pavea street, im provements all paid. This Is a real bar gain. Price $750. COE A. McKENNA ft CO.. FEALTOR& 82 4th st Main 4522. ' , BARGAIN IN LOTS. Two lots, 50x100 each, on E. 11th St., half block north of Ainsworth ave.; also one 50x100 lot on B: 17th. close -to Ains worth ave. Apply to Winthrop Ham- mend, 127 Sixth gt. $50 DOWN. $10 a month, corner 40x100. on East $2d and Emerson; price $400; free and clear. JOHNgONTot)SON co 63S N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. BEAUMONT Exceptional bargain, 50x100, on paved street, good district, improve ' tnents all in and paid. Located on 46th, near Klickitat. Price only $575. COB A McKENNA A CO., REALTORS, 82 4th st. Main 4522. SACRIFICE PRICE. $1800. FACTORY, WAREHOUSE SITE. Adjoining Russell-Giibert Candy fac tory en O.-W. R. as N. tracks. Holladay avenue, near East 24 th. Ml Carey, Main 74S7; ; YOUR OPPORTUNITY. - Lanrelhurst lots, while they last, at extremely low prices. See J. A. Mc Carty. 270 Stark. Mam 1700. Eve- nings Tabor 505 xxrv. HAVE a beautiful lot on Grand ave.. near Ainsworth, one block from Union ave. car. $650; terms, $65 cash, $10 per month. F. E. Bowman & . Co.. 210 Chamber of Commerce bldg. $10 DOWN and, $7 per month, 50x100 lots, city water, fine view, close to Woodlawn car; $300 snd up. Holcomb Realty Co., 211 "Washington bldg. FOR SALE A fine lot on E. 17th X. Irv ington. 75xluv; ail new nomes surround ing; at a very reasonable price. B 834. Oreeonlan. LAURliLHURST-BURNSIDE, near 39 th. Overlooking park, reasonable. Owner. Mar. 1H,. FOR SALE Cheap, 100x100 In Capitol - Hill; good location, near depot. Call 317-41. STRICTLY modern 2-flat building. lot 100x100; a splendid buy. E 845, Orego nian. $s0 ROSE CITY PARK CORNER. Fine 55x100, ass'mnts paid; fine loca tion: 1 block Sandy bivd. Tabor b55!i. $773 ROSE CITY PARK CORNER. Short blk. Sandy blvd.; splendid loca tion; pavement paid. Tabor 4803. LOT IN HOLGATE ADD. ; GOOD CHANCE FOR HOME BUILDER: FOR SALE AT COST. M 7S6. Oregonian. WANT lot. close in. on paved st., about $1000; easy terms. Auto. 216-14. ALAMEDA, lots 1 and 2. N. E. cor, of 2Mh and Bryce. East 0971. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lota. BUILD TOUH DREAM SOME IN BEAUTIFUL, CAPITOL HILL. The Ideal Restful Home Site. ONE-FOURTH ACRE. 400 Total Prlca. x 40 Down. (8 Per Month. On th. west side of the river, with no .bridges to cross. Beautifully located home sites that are being offered in a final grest clean-up sale. Two blocks to car"rfin. rich soil, all cleared, no gravel, city water to tract, telephone, gas. elec tricity available: blocks to -ouolic school. This Is your great, never-to-uc-found-agaic opportunity. BUY NOW! Ask for C. TV. Borders wi;h FRANK L. McGCIRE. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Third St., bet. TVash and Stark VTILSHIRB ADDITION. This tract recently bpened: 100 choice locations. Low prices and terms. This is a good opportunity for ex-service boys. Take Broadway car to Bryce ave.. go east 4 biks. Branch office opea every day. 33d and Bryce ave. J. L. HARTSTAX CO.. & Cham, of Com. Bldg. slain 20$. ., 750 50x103. $100 DOWN. Ho a MONTH. CLOSE IN ON EAST SIDE. SEE US AT ONCE. . JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. tor Sale -Houses. SO MR RAPr:4IVQ , FIRST TIME ADVERTISED-. TH lCvE ARE SAMPLES OP MANY OTHERS. J55U0 ROSE CITY PARK;. 5 rooms. thoroughly modern ; garage; terms. $6000 ROSB tlTY PARK; 8 rooms; 2 fireplaces. Modern. Will take good 3-room bungalow as part. $3000 SELLWOOD 5-room bungalow. take 3 or 4 acres in trade. $5300 ALAMEDA PARK, fl-room mod- ern bungalow. Only $tio0 down. $4t50 SOUTH MT. TABOR; H acre and new 5-room modern bungaiow. TERMS. $3500 E 57th st. X.. 6 rooms, furnace. From. $250 to $500 down. $3750 On Marguerite ave.. 5-room mod ern bungalow; furnace, fireplace. Verv eoori t rm. $2200 ON WOODSTOCK CAR; 5-room bungalow, in fine condition on a very small down payment. See ""a " you are looking or a real bargain. . J. A. WICKMAN CO., Realtor, Shortest Way Home." . 264 Stark St. Main 5S3 and 1054. WEST SIDE BARGAIN". Very desirable modern home of 7 rooms and sleeping porch; four bedrooms, hardwood floors, fire place, furnace, splendid home en vironment, fine view. Owner leav ing Portland will sacrifice at $7875. It's worth $1000 more. Entire furnishings for sale if wanted at $750; worth $1500. See J. W. Crossley with ELROD A DRYER, "Better Types of Homes." 283 Stark St. Phone Bdwy. 1188. A BEAUTY! $rtfM EASY TERM'S. 8 PER CENT INTEREST VERY ATTRACTIVE LITTLE BUN GALOW. DESIGNED BY PROMINENT AKi ril l Ei T AND BUILT FOR OWN ER3 HOME. LIVING ROOM IS lx 22 'A FEET. WITH BEAUTIFUL OAK FLOORS. ATTRACTIVE BURNISHED BRICK FIREPLACE, LARGE. LIGHT Ut-DKUUM WITH TWO CLOSETS FINE BATHROOM, WONDERFUL DUTCH KITCHEN. BREAKFAST NOOK. OWNER LEAVING CITY. R. SOMERVILLE. BDWY. 247S. SMALL DOWN PAYMENT, ROSE CITY DISTRICT. $3250 BRAND NEW, ARTISTIC LIT TLE BUNGALOW; VERY ATTRAC TIVE; DOUBLE GARAGE. LARGE LIVING AND DINING ROOM. lSxUl FEET; HARDWOOD FLOORS; ONE BEDROOM, ATTIC. DUTCH KITCHEN, UKeiAKf As 1 - 't K. GAS r iKNALii R. SOMERVILLE, BDWY. 2478. 6 ROOMS and bth. furnace, full-size base ment and garage, fruit trees and berries. cnicKen yard and nou.se ; improvements an in ana paia; u it. from hard-surface st. and car line. Lot 50x105. $750, bal. terms. Ijoyt int. it; k. 'iitth :v. 5-ROOM modern bungalow: full cement basement, garage; all street improve ments tn and paid for: $4250. terms. 1226 n.. . i-.incoin st. can see Vednesav & ! day or after 7 P. M. any day. or phone appointments. n.ast j-t or labor 53.4. FOR SALEt-6 large, pleasant rooms: bath toilet, electric litrhts. fruit within Kit ft of paved street, 2 blocks to carline. near cnurcn. scnoei. stores; good neighbor- nooa; price risnt, terms, fflono Wood lawn yva. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW $450 CASH. At tractive 5-room bungalow, fully modern, best district; $4700. Only $450 cash. Our very best buy in Rope City. O. A. PEARCE COMPANY. 201 Oregon Jtjdg. Bdwy. 4S35. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A HOME? We have 2 bungalows, one 6 and one o rooms, are , JOHNSON St ANDERSON. 924 Skidmore St. FOR SALE Must forthwith sell m two. - story six-room house at a sacrifice; full ' sized corner lot; 4233 East 52d trt. South east; price $32Q0. See owner. 1260 mont ss... evenings at xjtix m. jviain St. HOUSE PLANS. "Distinctive Homes," Illustrated book Of over iuu aesigns, i ; Dtueprints $10. DISTINCTIVE HOMKS COMPANY, .24 isortn western jaanK Jaldg. WESTMORELAND. For sale by owner, fine new bungalow a;i latent improvements; street and sewer paid, to oe som at a oargain. 1347 East ltn st. rnone wooa lawn 61 S6. FOR SALE BY OWNER Half acre. 5 room bungalow and oatn. garage, chick en hoiLae. all kinds fruK and berries fin. garden; must be oid this week; no agents: $3250. Aut. 640-53. $2100, $250 DOWN, 6-rooms and sleeping porcn; diocks io Mississippi car. im provements all in and paid. Go. F. Crow, with Albert Harala. 801 Mississippi avenue. i IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. 5-room palace. oversized lot, witn a paradise of flowers and shrubs, finest community ; pwner leaving town, will sell at a sacrifice; shoppers neen not answer. Jiain t3L' MODERN "-room house, two lots, lUOxlOO Xt., all Dunt-ins, narawooa i:ocrs. white enamel Dutch kitchen, all conveniences, cement garage, all imp. paid., l block Sandy blvd. 131 East 19th st. N. NEW 5-ROOM bungalow. See this today. One diock to car. ah Duui-ins, a break fast nook, $3250, $500 cash, hard sts. All imp. paM. Fred V. Spears, 5520 65th st. Auto. 619-19. ON THE HEIGHTS "-room residence. close to car and school; fine view of the city and mountains; on account of owner leaving city will sacrifice, $6300. Alain 6327. 6-ROOM house, 66x110. modern. Minnesota st., near City Park; plenty fruit, imp. paid: real home; a bargain, $3150. Main 867. Broadway 4794 evenings. FOR. SALE Small house and small lot, close In, west side; will consider Ford as part payment. Balance as rent. Wdln 3405 or Mar. 365. $2300 4-ROOM .bungalow. 1315 Detroit, ncai uuji-.aau.i3, a. uca u i v , jUi iinibnea; full basement, ivory finish, improva ments paid; terms. Tabor 5S5. THE BIGGEST kind of a bargain in two houses, E. 28th st.; paved, improve ments all In and paid. See owner 51 Merchants' Trust bid?. ALAMEDA PARK BEAUTIFUL COLO NIAL. Must sell. All oak floors, ivory finish, choice location. East 304. Main 807S. BY OWNER 6 rooms, modern; lot 50x150 apples, pears, prunes, berries, garage: save commission, save rent, save carfare: own your home: easy terma. Main 4057! - ROSE CITY PARK. Sacrifice at $2400. Furnished $2600. Call Auto. 310-10. ATTRACTIVE 3-room house, modern con veniences. 129 E. 20th st. south. Sell- tirinH mt. MODERN five-room bungalow, excellent condition; sewer. paved street; price LEAVING Portland, must sell my 8-room modern home in Ladd's addition; g rage and lots of flowers; East 2U07. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. 6-rm. modern house; wonderful view, bargain, soi .. .wain R. C. CORNER. 50x110; marvelous 6-room oungaiow, lAifia iouu, ierma. Ta bor J X SELL only my own houses; see me be fore you buy. T. C Staley. architect. 711 Wvtrant St. FURNISHED or unfurnished modern 5 room bungalow. 1803 E. Hoyt- Tabor IN OVERLOOK One 5-room bungalow and 7-room bouse. Owner, 836 Long-view. Woodlawn 1777. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Good 7-room house, hardwood floors, fireplace, fur- nace. gooa w "Q- IRV1NGTON Bargain. 6-room, modern, hot water heat. Phone East 3592. Owner. 9-ROOM house for sale. 2 blocks to Mt. -a D or car mic. v-a.it j t. uri . i ur o.tod . $350 EQUITY, small, new bungalow, near Laurelhurst. RC car. 224 E. 30th N. NEW HOUSE and garage, $1800. terms. Call K 3252. 8-ROOM house for sale by owner, cheap. Call Tabor 4777- REAL ESTATE. NEW! NEW! KKW! NEW J (Never before advertised.) (SHOP WHERE IT'S ALWAYS COOL.) TJnparalleled New Listings.- . ICome In and Look Them Over! See . u FRANK U McCVIRE. v. 'ill To buy lour Home. Service Men! Buy Your Home Now! MOVE INt APPLY YOUR BONUS LATB5. 2S Salesmen at Your Service Open Until 9 Every EveniOK. ROSE CITY PARK. $5300 IDEAL California bungalow, new snd modern in every respect. 5 rooms, hardwood floors, large liv ing room with bookcases and fire place, massive built-in buffet, sunny breakfast alcove off coot white Dutch kitchen. W block to car; K. 54th. near Wistaria. $3990 it's a very artistic typical 6-rm. bungalow with evry modern con venience; fireplace, garage, fruit, grapes, berries, smooth lawn. - flowers. E. 75th. A REAL ROSiS CITY. PARK SNAP. Hawthorne, Sunny side. Mt. Tabor. $6500 Distinctive 8-room home on 65x 100 corner, with beautiful lawn, shrubbery, trees. B.- Alder st. $5250 A radiant 5-room ultra modern Hawthorne bungalow, paved St., paid. E. 42d ct. $2990 A genuine homelike Mt. Tabor bungalow, very pretty lines, big vine-covored vorch, best white , enamel plumbing, electricity, gas; close to car. E. 54th st. WAVKRLY-RICHMOND HOME. $5500 Beautiful 6-room very modern home, right on carline; built-ins. furnace, fireplace, etc.; garage; Clinton st. WKST SIDE $4190 Portland Heiehts. a home that v will appeal to you; & rooms, very substantially and attractively built; every modern convenience; -. large living room and fireplace and indirect lights; beautiful shrubbery, etc., paved liens paid, close to car and school. THIS IS A POSITIVE BARGAIN. nm si. WALKING DISTANCE. $3190 $500 down! Just across the? - Bdwy. bridge: save carfare; a cosy 3-room cottage, bath, elec tricity, gas ; will accept soldier s bonus. Wheeler st. "1 ALBERTA HOME DISTRICT. $3S90 Typical pergola bungalow of 3 rooms and sleeping porch; hard- wood floors, built-in conveniences, only H block to car. on paved st. EASY TERMS. Can't w show you this? E. 29th st. KENTON BUNGALOW, With Trult $2790 VERY EASY TERMS I Substan- " tial attractive 7 -room bungalow with built-ins, best white. porce- lain plumbing, electricity, gas, fruit. Terry st. FRANKLIN HIGH DISTRICT. $3650 $500 down! YOITLI, call this yours! 7 large rooms are in this modern, attractive well-built home, close to Franklin high -school; fireplace, furnace, ga rage, on paved st., on car line. 50th st. CENTRAL EAST PORTLAND. $3490 E. Ash near 6th, comfortable 6- , room rnt t a ec with hath slt i-lt. ity, gas; THE LOT ALONE 13 WORTH THE PRICE. NORTH MT. TABOR BUNGALOW. $34U0 TERMS! Close to car, a very homelike 5-room bungalow. 4 blk. . to car with an abundance of fruit, ' berries, grapes, flowers. E. 6b til st. . MT. SCOTT DISTRICT. $3100 $500 down! Here's a little gem bungalow made to be happy in! Very artistic and "neat as a pin !" 4 nice rooms,- with all modern -conveniences; lots of fruit, grapes 'and berries; (gas range and Ruud neuter guoj . oun $1400 $250 down! VACANT! New dainty little 2-room bungalow; If you're "just starting out," this Is the place. 57th ave. SELLWOOD GARDENS. $1650 275x50 with garden, etc., and cosy 4-room little cottage; easy terms. We'll help you make your dowv payment if necessary. See FRANK L. McGTJTRE To Buy Your Home. Realtor. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. 3d St. Bet. Wash, and Stark. BEAUTIFTTL IRVINGTON BOMB. All modern conveniences; in per fect condition ; hot water heating system, double garage, 100x100; all improvements paid for: 10 bed rooms, large drawing rm. and din ing rm., music rm. and library, central hall. Can be had at an ex ceptional bargain; any terms. Call Sellwood 263. I AM A BARGAIN. $4200 Have 5 moms, fireplace, furnace, Dutch kitchen, buffet, bookcases, cement base ment with cement floor and laundry trays. Beautiful front and back yard with nice lawn, shade trees and shrub bery. Paved street and no bonded Jiens. Am located on the slope of Mt. Tabor and have & wonderful view of the city and river. HENDERSOX-BANKUS CO., C2S Henry Bldg B d w y. 4754. WM. A. HUGHES CO.. 218 RY. EXCHANGE BLDG. MAIN 6102. List your property with us If you want action. We have plenty of buyers. We list, photograph and advertise your property, with no expense to you unless we make a satisfactory sale. Reg ' uiar .commission charged. Our custom ers are our best references. WM. A. HUGHES CO., ' 218 RY. EXCHANGE BLDG. MAIN 6102. ROSE CITY PARK BY OWNER. Modern house, 5 extra large rooms and inclosed sleeping porch, bedrooms and porch upstairs; hardwood floors, fire place, furnace, paneled dining room, all built-in . features, large closets, fuil ce .. ment basement; 50x00 :ot, fenced-in back yard, fir trees and berries: 4 blocks north irbm Sandy, 2 blocks from Beau - mont car line; $5100, $2150 cash, balance. . $25 a month and interest. 490 East 40th st. N., near Thompson. WOODLAWN. $350 cash, balance $25 per month, buys 7-roora modern home on Dekum ave. ; electricity gas, modern plumbing, lUOx 100-foot -lot. Price only $2750. $3900 ALAMEDA. ' - A j3andy 5-room bungalow, all the built-ins, very conveniently arranged, clean and neat. Only $S00 cash required, balance easy. BURKHARDT BUSINESS BUILDERS. 415 Piatt Bldg. Realtors. Main 7027. LAURELHURST. Five-room modern bungalow In the best part of Laurelhurst. All oak floors," canopy over Btove, plate glass windows, fine hnffAt first.rluRi ennstrnrlinn ra. - rage. - If you are looking for the best buy In Laurelhurst, take a look at this mod ern home. Located,at 1193 East Flanders SU " Open after 7 P. M. HIGH-CLASS IRVINGTON HOME. This choice 8 rooms and sleeping porch Is up to the minute in every par ticular, is located on large lot and con sidered one of the best-made homes in Portland; will sell on very reasonable terms to right party. If you desire a high-class home at right prices call on G. A. Sacles. 102 Northwestern Bank bldg. . $1200. 3-room house, elegant 50x100 lot. sts. In. cement sidewalks, sewer, electric light, gas, everything paid for and property clear, 3 blocks to 2 car lines and 15 minutes ride from Bdwy. and Wash. Am forced to sell as I need some money at once. Terms can be arranged 326 Alder st. NEW IRVINGTON. Most beautiful fl-room bungalow; S bedrooms, breakfast nook, wonderful oak floors, mahogany Inlaid borders, tile bath, ivory .woodwork, all built-ins: every modern con veniendb and comfort; built lor a home: very beet of materials and workmanship; gajaKe; Just finished. 592 East 25 1 h s t. N. BY OWNER Beautiful 7-room house large living room with fireplace, dining room, hardwood floors, large Dutch kitchen, toilet on first floor, full ce ment basement, laundry trays snd largo furnace. Four bedrooms, bathroom and sleeping porch upstairs. Floored attic Price $'ir,00.Can East 1917. GOOD BUY $2250. 4-room furnished cottage ; has Irving room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms and bath, lot' 50x110; nice little house for small fam ily. $500 will handle. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., (133 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 87 ST. GOING TO BUILD? We design and build residences, or anv building. Assist id financing Mta The best service at lowest cost to you. Established 12 years. Security snd sat isfaction, assured. L. R. BAILEY CO, INC., 924 N. W. Bank bldg. ' . ALBERTA DISTRICT $3200. $500 CASH. 5-room bungaiow-style house, roo-.n conveniently arranged ; gas and electric light; large attic, full cement basement. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. ALAMEDA PARK $5000, TERMS. Five-room bungalow, up to date and a wonderful home, beautifully finished inside and outside ; the kind of a lawn that you want to stretch out on, shrub bery and flowers. See owner at 87i E, 24th N. or phone Main 6102. WEST MORE LA ND. " For sale by owner, fine new bungalow; sll latest improvements; street and sewer paid, to be sold at a bargain. 1347 East 18tb st. Phone Woodlawn 61SS. 4