THE MORNING OKEGOXIAN, THURSDAY, JT7LT 23, 1921 ! - CITY NEWS IN BRIEF City Editor Main 7070. 560-95 Sunday Editor Main 7070. 50-85 Advertising Department. .Main 7070. 560-95 Superintendent of Bldg .. Main 7070. 500-85 AMUSEMENTS. HIPPODROME (Broadway t Yamhill) Vaudeville and moving: pictures. 2 to 5, 6:4S to 11 P. M.. Saturday!. Sundays and Mondays continuous. 1:15 to 11 P. M PASTAGES (Broadway at Alder) Vaude ville. Three shows daily. 2, 1 and 9:05 P. M. THE OAKS Amusement park. Parisian Follies in "A Chinese Festival." Take cars at First and Alder. OREGOMAN AT RESORTS. Subscribe with the following; agents, at your summer resort, to secure the most prompt delivery of The Oregonlan. City rates. Subscriptions by .mail are payable In advance. Barview. Or W. A. Slpprell Bay City. Or O. E. Shelley Bay ocean. Or F. D. Mitchell Breakers, Wash J. M. Arthurs Brighton. Or A. W. Rows Carson, Wash. ...... ............... C. R. Smith and Mrs. M. St. Martin Chinook, Wash. R. Knutson Ecola, Or. Cannon Beach Merc. Co. Garibaldi. Or..D. C. Ellis and J. L. Kidder Gearhart. Or. . W. I Robinson Hot Lake, Or. Hot Lalte Sanitarium Long Beach. Wash W. E. Strauhal Manhattan Beach. Or Sarah F. Angel! Manzanita. Or. .............. ..E. ICardell Nahcotta. Wash .....H. J. Brown Neah-kah-nie Beach. Or... A. C. Anderson Nehalem, Or. ..............D. C. Peregoy Newport, Or. O. F. Herron Ocean Lake, Or. ........ .Nettle Tomprett Ocean Park. Wash. ....Emma S. Campbell Pacific City. Or. E. F. Edmunds Rockaway. Or. ............ .Frank Miller Seaside. Or. ,C. W. Alward hlpherd's Hot Springs. Wash Shipherd's Hot Springs Hotel Beaview, Wash. G. N. Putnam Tillamook, Or. ............. .J. S. Lamar Wheeler, Or..Jaa. Hamilton and Leo Sohler Los Angeles Writer Here Todat. John S. McGroarty, well - known magazine and newspaper writer of Los Angeles will arrive here today and will be the guest of the Cham ber of Commerce, on an extensive trip over the Columbia River highway and about the city. Mr. McGroarty is gathering material for a number of special articles on Portland and the highway. The committee from the chamber who will entertain Mr. Mc Groarty is composed of Walter "War ren, Sydney Vincent, Sam Gorman and Judge Munley. Mr. Gorman and Judge Munley are personally ac quainted with the writer. In addition to the magazine and newspaper work, Mr. McGroarty is the author of the San Francisco mission play. Bootlegger Is Fined. Anton Covich was fined $50 in the federal court yesterday for violation of the prohibi tion law. Covich was caught pour ing out a drink of moonshine for a customer in his soft-drink place while a government agent was in the establishment to return a borrowed flashlight. Word was received by the officers yesterday that Pete Rea has been arrested in Baker on a charge of operating a still. A deputy marshal will be sent to conduct him to Portland. Boise to Get Convention. Execu tive committee members of the North west Electric Light & Power associa tion met in Portland this week and decided upon Boise, Idaho, as the place for holding the 1922 convention and the time is June. Portland en tertained this year's convention last month. W. R. Putnam of Boise, presi dent, and J. F. Orr, secretary-treasurer, also of Boise, came to Portland to decide on the convention city for next year. Mickl-e Quits League. J. D. Mickle, former state dairy and food commis sioner and since January 1 connected with the organization work of the Oregon Dairymen's Co-operative league, announced yesterday that he had resigned and would take up other work. M. S. Shrock, organization manager of the dairymen's league, caid that no successor would be ap pointed to fill Mr. Mickle's place since the league was not pushing Its organization work at present. Commissioner Ajtchison to Speak. Clyde B. Aitchison of Washington, D. C, a member of the interstate commerce commission, will be the speaker at the regular meeting of the City club tomorrow. His subject will be "The Present Duties of an Inter state Commerce Commissioner." The speaker will be introduced by Joseph J. Teal. The club meets in the Crystal room of the Hotel Benson at 12:15 o'clock, noon. Train Has New Equipment. New equipment throughout for the North Coast Limited, crack passenger train of the Northern Pacific, will be pro vided and hereafter the last word in steel coaches, Pullmans, dining cars and baegage and mail cars, will be used. The North Coast Limited leav ing St. Paul today will have the new equipment and the train leaving Port land August 1 will be equipped similarly. Thieves Ransack House. Three re Tolvers and a to bill were stolen yes terday afternoon from the residence of J. E. Hailey, SIS Haight avenue, during the absence of the family. Hailey reported finding the front loor open when he returned about 3 P. 'M. and the house ransacked. Bureau drawers were turned upside down on the floor, clothes presses emptied and the clothes searched. PTTHIAN3 TO HOLD PICNIC. The band of Abd-uhl Atef temple. No. 117, Dramatic Order Knights of Khoras san, the sunshine rank of Fythianism, will hold a picnic and band concert at Crystal lake park Saturday. Be sides the band concert there will be dancing all day and games and sports for which prizes will be given. All Pythians and their friends, as well ts the general public, are invited Classes Honor Teacher. The psy chology classes of Dr. Samuel C. Kohs of the University of Oregon exten sion division will give a dinner In his honor tonight at the Seward hotel. Tenth and Alder streets. Do Not Forget to call up East 3088 when you want the Salvation Army auto truck to call for cast-off cloth ing, magazines, newspapers, furniture, etc. Address 24-26 Union ave . Major John Bree, district officer. Adv. Str Iralpa. for Astoria. $1; Seaside one way, $fi0; r. trip, $3, inc. tax; passengers only; leave Portland Tues., Thurs.. Sat., 9 A. M., Alder-st. dock. Main S323. Leaves Astoria .Man., Wed., Fri., 9 A. M. Adv. Str Georgiana, 5 hours to Astoria. Special excursion to Astoria and way points, SI, down trip only. Tues.. Thurs. and Sat. Leave Portland, S A. M., Alder-st. dock. Adv. Str. Undine. Astoria to Portland. special excursion, up trip only, $1. Leaves Astoria daily except Sunday. Monday, 9 A. M-, passengers only. O.-W. R. & N. dock, Astoria. Adv. Students' Entertainment Art Mur GEt'M. Rosso summer class "Jinks" xhibition, paftitomime. dancing. Fri day, July 29, 8:30, everyone invited. Admission $1. Adv. Astoria and Seaside stage leaving New Houston hotel. 72 N. 6th st. Hdwy. 16S, 2 A. M., 9 A. M.. 12 M. 3:30 P. M. Adv. Hotel Seaside Seasie, Or. Ocean Beach resort, excellent meals, dining room faces ocean. Open all year. Adv. Close Out Sale. D. C. Burns com pany, grocers. Watch for our ad July SO. Goods to be sold below cash. Adv. Tired, aching feet can be relieved; ills. Knight Shoe Co., Jroadway. Adv. Kegs, hardwood, new and 2d-hand. Panama Cooperage, Front and Salmon. Adv. Kemmerer Coal. Carbori Coa Co., mine agents. East 1188. Adv. Lumber Conference Planned. Ralph H. Burnside, chairman of the committee on lumber activities of the Portland Chamber of Commerce, is handling the arrangements for con ference of Oregon lumbermen and forestry officials with the forestry policy commission of the United States Chamber of Commerce which will be held here tomorrow and Sat urday morning. The visiting com mission is made up of about ten members with David L. Goodwillie of Chicago as chairman. Discussions of many pertinent questions affecting the lumber industry here will be taken up by the conference, and a complete discussion of all phases of logging, lumbering, timber preserva tion and reforestation is called for on the programme. Poultry men to Come Here. Ore gon poultrymen are preparing to par ticipate In the convention of the American Poultry association, which will be held In Seattle from August 8 to 13. At this meeting delegations from all parts of the country will be in attendance. Many will come from Canada. Following the conven tion, the delegates will come to Port land, an Invitation extended by the Portland Chamber of Commerce and the Oregon Poultry and Pet "Stock association having been accepted by the president, Thomas F. Riggs of Iowa Falls, la. The delegations will be taken on a trip over the Colum bia River highway and otherwise entertained. Deputt Sheriff Is Grandfather. Charles L Doty, deputy in the office of Sheriff Hurlburt, has ordered a larger hat, ripped up a, new shirt through increased chest expansion,. and taken on a smile that has a permanent appearance. While he was busy at work yesterday afternoon the telephone rang and Doty was in formed that his ambitions to be a grandfather had been reached. "It's seven-pound boy," he excitedly ex claimed to fellow deputies. "I"m a grandfather after 23 years of expecta tion." The child has not been named yet, but Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Byron De Young. Citt Puts Up Cash for Telephone Fight. An appropriation of $5000 from the general fund "to aid in pro curing relief from excessive tele phone rates, poor service and obsolete equipment,'" according to the word ing of the ordinance, was passed yes terday by the council. The ordinance was introduced as an emergency measure by Mayor Baker to enable the city to continue its fight for lower telephone rates at the hearing before the public service commission. The council pledged Itself to spend 310.000 In the fight. The first toOOO was appropriated when the rehear ing was first urged. Four Escape From Rolling Car. A narrow escape from injury was ex perienced by four men early yester day morning when a front wheel on the car driven by W. B. Taylor col lapsed and caused the car to roll over several times at Stanton and Delay streets. All of the four men riding in the roadster, whose names are Taylor. William Reuhl, V. V. Davis and Leo Owens, got off with slight bruises which were dressed in the emergency hospital. Taylor was ar rested on a charge of reckless driving. but was released on the grounds of insufficient evidence. Postmaster Tests Set. Applicants for postmaster at Portland and Pen dleton will be examined August 16. Applications of aspirants must be in the hands of the postmaster-general, Washington. D. C, before that date. This information was received in Portland yesterday. Examination In sofar as Portland is concerned, will be more of a questionnaire. The three highest will be winnowed out and the postmaster-general can select any one of the three for the appointment, after he has consulted with Senator Stan field. Father Is Missing. Juvenile offi cials of San Diego county, California, have asked T. J. Hewitt, chief proba tion officer here, to assist them in locating Charles Griffeth, whose daughter recently died in the county hospital in San Diego. Mrs. Landing, the daughter, left several small chil- dren and the small estate which she left cannot be probated and dis tributed to her heirs until her father. whose disappearance took place short ly prior to her death, is located. Salvation Army Meetings Today. Brigadier and Mrs. Frank Waite of the Salvation Army will conduct two special meetings today at the hall of Corps No. 1, 243 Ash street. Open-air services will be held at 7:30 P. M. and an indoor meeting at 8 P. M. Briga dier Waite is noted in the Salvation Army as a singer, poet and orator. He has charge of the Salvation Army orphanage at Lytton Springs, Cal. School Director Returns. After a three weeks' trip through the east, during which time he attended the National Education association meet ing in Des Moines, la., George B. Thomas, school director, has returned to Portland. While attending the meeting in Des Moines Mr. Thomas was made chairman of an important committee of the national association. Boys Plan Walking Trip. Eart Henry, son of Mrs. G. Henry of 5505 Thirty-sixth avenue, and Jack Reid, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Reid, both about 14 years old, will walk to San Diego, Cal., leaving Portland next Monday. A side trip will be made to Carson city, Nev. . Young Reid has Just returned from a walk to Van couver, B. C. Sewer Contract Let. The contract for building a sewer on East Fifty third street north from a point 125 feet south of Hassalo street to a point 111 feet north of East Irving street was awarded yesterday by the city council to the Portland Realty Trust company. The contract calls for $895.30, an amount $512 under the estimate of the city engineer. Broker Held Swindler Charged with larceny by bailee by a woman he is alleged to have swindled out of $250, C. E. Reedy, alleged curbstone real estate broker, was arrested by Deputy Constables Watkinds and Druhot yesterday. He was released on bonds and will have a hearing today. R. K. Whitings Have Daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Whiting, 963 Front street, are receiving con gratulations on the birth of a baby daughters. Mrs. Whiting and the infant are at St. Vincent's hospital. Parties having repair jobs at Port land Leather Co., 226 Wash., please call for same. Adv. S. Jfc H. Stamps Ut frt y 1 1 FT At m See Fonrth Street "W indowi Help Out That Old Suit It can be matched; we can match. It. Special Reductions Trousers Blue Serges Included , $ -$7 All wool, all patterns, sill colors, all sixes. J I FortLand'a Only Knppenlielmer I House UMORRISON at FOURTH Lodge to Be Installed. El Karaz grotto. Mystic Order .of V e il e d Prophets of the Enchanted Realm, will be instituted at Salem about the last of August. - This lodge is to the Masonic blue lodge what the Shrine is to higher degrees of Masonry. The new Sii-lem lodge will be installed under the guidance of Charles Min singer, grand venerable prophet of the national body, who was largely responsible for obtaining 'permission to form the organization at Salem. Dr. Youngson to Speak. Dr. Will iam Wallace Youngson, superintend ent of Portland district of the Metho dist Episcopal church, will be the chief speaker at the luncheon of the Progressive Business Men's club at the Hotel Benson today noon. He will tell of his observations on a recent trip through Alaska, accompanied by Bishop Shepard of the Portland area. Tariff Act Is on Hand. W. Spliidl manager of the foreign department of the State bank ef Portland, has an nounced that he can furnish mem bers of the foreign commerce club with copies of the booklet contain ing the emergency tariff act of 1921. BEGINNING MON. EVE. AUG. 1 TWICE DAILY Thereafter. 2:15, 8:15 Limited Engagement BLAZE DAMAGES GARAGE LOSS IX BAST SIDE PLAXT ESTIMATED $5000. Fire, Which Proves Stubborn One, Believed to Have Been Due to Spontaneous Combustion. Spontaneous combustion is thought to have been the cause of a fire which did about $5000 damage in the Ladd addition garage, operated by the Laf faw Motor company at East Thir teenth street and Hawthorne avenue, shortly after noon. The garage, which was. formerly oc cupied by the Francis Motor Car com pany, faces on Hawthorne avenue and is a two-story stone building. The I fire originated in the paint shop on the second floor, where two automo biles and several bodies were being refinished. Chief Young, arriving' in response to the first alarm, sent in a second call for additional apparatus as soon as he ascertained the in flammable nature of the contents of the room. The paints and oils stored there cre ated a stubborn blaze, throwing off heavy fumes to hinder the firemen in their work. The fire was confined to the room in which it started, cars and accessories stored in other parts of the building being saved. The two machines and the bodies in the paint room suffered considerable damage Other machines 6n the first floor were damaged by water. SKAMOKAWA BUTTER. Booth at Fifth and Yamhill. Cream that really wh'ps and butter that claims none better. Users of this butter can now obtain it at this convenient location. Adv. HEELIG THEATER BROAD WAT" AT TAYLOR Not a Mere Photoplay, But A Cinematic Road Show With Its Own ORCHESTRA of SYMPHONIStS In Full Thematic Score Has Triumphantly Toured This Continent Amid the Plaudits of a Nation 9 D. Wop 101 The Picture the World Has Welcomed! NOTE "Owing to cost, length of production and ironbound contracts, 'Way Down East' posi tively never will be shown anywhere at less than first-class theater prices." David Wark Griffith All Seats Reserved Mail Orders Now On Sale Friday EVENINGS Lower Floor $1.50 Balcony, $1.00 Gallery, 50c Plus 10 War Tax MATINEES Lower Floor. ...$1.00 Balcony, ,77c and 50c N. B. Owing to the unusually heavy demand for seats, make your reservations early. Engage ment positively limited. Make mail order checks payable to Heilig Theater. ' (PORTLAND 1925) . H WE SERVE only the best food products the mar ket affords. For instance: Swift's Premium Hams and Sinclair's Fidelity Bacon exclusively Maid o Glover Butter always Pure leaf lard in our. pie crusts Absolutely fresh eggs in our custards Pure, unadulterated Whipping Cream and right on down the entire bill-of-fare it's the same QUALITY FIRST all the time. Enjoy a meal today in one of our Three Convenient Locations Washington Street 291 Washington St. at West Park Bet. 4th and 5th LIBERTY THEATER BUILDING For Your Convenience. We 'Sever Close DEruKijyOL dais" fo women will be the fashion I 40 years old. who died last nisht at a of the fall. Straps for clippers will ! be correct and heels will be all styles, but the' lower heel will predominate. The Sally sandal and the Grecian san dal will be greatly in evid-ence. The cut-out sandals will be somewhat like the children's barefoot sandal, only they will be more elaborate and flain ty and attractive. In addition to be coming: acquainted with the shoe fads. Mr. Knight took time to attend, the Uempsey-Carpentier fight. local hospital, was shipped to Port land today for interment. Miss Heald went to Parkdale a month ago for her health. Suffering a relapse, she was brouerht here. Hr brother. Ernest Heald, end- was with her at the S. & H. green Hoiman Fuel Co., Main 3S3: 560-21. stamps for cash. coal and wood. Adv. Body Sent to Portland. HOOD RIVER, Or.. July 27. (Spe cial.) The body of Miss Clara Heald. Sandals to Be Style in Kali. W. A. Knight of the Knight Shoe company has returned from a trip throughout the east and has brought with him the news that "cut-out san- Tired, aching f consult Dr. Ingal Morrison, near Br Miss Catlin's School FOR BOARDING AND DAY PrPlLS opens Tuesday. September 6. Now occupies its new building on W'BSTOVBR TERRACES An Ideal Location Basketball and Tennis Courts. Prepares fcirU for eastern as well as western colleges and schools, under a faculty of able eastern teachers. Num ber of Primary. Intermediate and High School Jjepartments Boys Accepted in Primary Grades. College Preparatory and Special Courses. Music. Art. Physical Training and Science. French Taught Throughout th Sohool, Boarding department Special Feature. Cutalogu Sent I pon Request to Wentover Terrace, Portland. Or. Phone Auto. 5 12-7 -i. CADILLAC Five passenger, just like new, with six good cord tires, bumper, spotlight, motormeter; newly paint ed; car in perfect condi tion. Owner leaving city. Price $2850. Phone Broadway 398, or eve nings Main 5080. I CLOSE - OUT SALE Watch for Our Ad. Saturday. . GROCERIES This Sacrificed to Make a Quick . Clean-up. We Are Coins: to Save Yon Money on Snrsr, Too. D. C. BURNS COMPANY Grocer for 40 Year. 20S-210 THIRD STREET illllllllllllll mum EUtfOOD iiimiimiiH zx 32 THE SENSATION OF THE SEASON SEE IT THAT'S ALL Hazelwoodi Restaurants Appetizing and - E Seasonable Specials Served Daily in Both Restaurants t : Larch Mountain Straw- ' berries 25$ : Strawberry Shortcake. .. .350 i Raspberries and Cream.. 2o0 : Honey Dew Melon 20 : Crab Louis and Thousand E i Island Dressing. .2o, oO j Iced Watermelon 2O0 : j Head Lettuce, Roquefort . E Cheese Dressing. .2o, 500 j Cracked Crab, Mayon- ' naise 5O0 Fried Spring Chicken with : Country Gravy 750: Hot Chicken Biscuit 400 3 : Old Fashioned Steak. E : Hazelwood 550 E : 2 Lamb Chops .400 E : 3 Lamb Chops 600 E E Tenderloin Steak with E Mushroom Sauce ......750 E New Peas and Potatoes. .250 E Hazelwood French Pastry ..150 French Ice Cream 250 ! Broadway 1 Hazelwood 1 : 127 BROADWAY j The j Hazelwood I 388 Washington St. : riiimiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiii Vacations at the Ocean The people of Portland have the .finest salt water re sorts in the land Clatsop, Cannon and North beaches, on the Pacific Ocean reached by a short, delightful trip on fast trains of the North Bank Road along the Lower Columbia River. o oiy w oays Till October! Have you arranged for your Gasco Furnace? The Fall Rush is already making itself felt. Please don't wait until we are swamped. Complete display at the Gas Co., Alder Kear Fifth. ROUND TRIP FARES $4.50 Week-ends Tickets on sale Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Return limit Monday. $6.00 Every Day "Return Limit October 31 War tax 8 additional. To Seaside, Gearhart and North Beach points trains leave Portland : Limited, 8 :30 A. M. daily and 1 :45 P. M. Saturday; Express, 6:20 P. M. daily. Similar service returning. Tickets, Parlor Car Seats, Etc., at: Consolidated Ticket Office, Third and Washington; North Bank Station, Tenth and Hoyt Streets. Use HI-LIFE and have no more motor troubles; carbon eliminated. Price $1.00. Treats 100 gallons of gasoline. Money-back guarantee. FRY MFG. CO. Ankeny St. at Broadway DON'T . DESPAIR If you are troubled with pains or aches; feel tired; have headache, indigestion, insomnia; painful pas sage of urine, you will find relief in GOLD MEDAL i HIGHWAY LODGE Formerly Automobile Club 18 miles east ot Portland, on Colum bia River Highway and Base L,ine road. Dinners served for $l.f0. meals a la carte, private dining rooms for paritea. Special arrangement can be made for private da-nclns: and dinner parties. For reservations phone Tabor 1. Mrs. Erma Delmas Communicate with River News, Rio Vista, California. C. W. Flodin, publisher REPAIRED MAN OS. PLAYKR FUNOS. PHONO GRAPHS l,a ref lnlsbr I br i new and bttr pracu. for kss money. Tuning and action rerulatla. ikl V am kill btreot rianua Bauskt. ftcates). ftoU. HAROLD S. Wanted Chairs to Cane and Pianos to Tune by School j or Blind For Particulars Call MRS. .J. V. UTTERS. BAST 7 Si MissHarker'sScliool for Girls PALO ALTO, CAL. Resident and day school; favorable climate ana misw " ...... - - all the year. New ymnaium in process or construction. ITincipal Catherine Harker, A B., Vaasar, A Moderately-Priced Hotel mt Merit HOTEL CLIFFORD East Msrrlsra St. ssd Bast Sixth. SlJU Day. Per Wa J Phone Your Want Ads to THE OREGONIAN Main 7070 Automatic 560-93 The world's standard remedy for kid ney, liver, bladder and uric acid trou bles and National Remedy of Holland since 1696. Three sizes, all druggists. Guaranteed. Look for the name Gold Medal on every box and accept no Imitation. it II For Three Generation Have Mada Child-Birth, Easier By Using BOOKLKT OK HOTHBaHOOBASDTMB BAST. FM bsAOFlCLO RteULATOR CO.. DEPT. -D. ATLANTA. CA. ton ST ALL DRUG STOBtt PILES FISTULA. .FISSURE. ITCHING and all other rectal conditions, except cancer, treated without surgery. 11; method or treatment saves the tissue Instead of destroying It. j.t Is painless, requires no anesthetic and is permanent. There is no confine ment in -ed. no intereference with business or social engagements. Call or writ for booklet. DR. C. J. DEAN