8 THE MOEXIXG OREGOMAX, THURSDAY. JULY 28, 1921 ESTABLISHED BY HENRY L. PITTOCK. Published by The Oresonian PuDltahins; Co.. 15 Sixth Street. Portland. Oregon. C. A. JIORDEN'. E B. PIPER. Manager. Editor. The Oregonian Is a member of the. Asso ciated Press. The Associated Prans Is ex clusively entltledTto the use for publication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in .this paper and also the local news published herein. All rights of publication of special dispatches) herein are also reserved. Subscription Rate Invariably In Advance. (By Mail.) Dally. Sunday Included, one year $8.00 Daily. Sunday included, six months -.25 Lally. Sunday Included, three month... 2-- Daily. Sunday included, one month .... - Daily, without Sunday, one year. ....... o.OO Dally, without Sunday, six months..... 3.-S-") Daily, without Sunday, one month. ..... .60 "Weekly, one year 1-00 Sunday, one year 2.50 (By Carrier.) Daily. Sunday included, one year J9.00 Daily. Sunday Included, three months... 2.2o Daily. Sunday included, one month. .... -J5 Daily, without Sunday, one year 7.80 Daily, without Sunday, three months.. l.O. Daily, without Sunday, one month.. .... .65 How to Remit Send nostofflce money order, express or personal check on your local bank. Stamps, coin or currency are at owner's risk. Give postofflce address In full, including county and state. Postage Rates 1 to IS pans. 1 cent: IS to 22 pases. 2 cents: 34 to 4S pages. 3 cent: 0 to 64 pases. 4 cents; 66 to 80 paaes. 5 cents: t? to 9A paces. 6 cents. Foreign postage double rate: Eastern Business Office Verree & Conk Iln 3H Madison avenue. New York: Verree A Conklin. Steaer building. Chicaco: Ver ree & Conklin. Free Press Building. De troit. Mich.: Verree fk Conklin. Sellinl building. ' Portland : San Francisco repre sentative. R J. Bidwell. CONGRESS SINGLES ITS JOB. Protests from many directions against the Fordney tariff render its wholesale revision by the senate cer tain. Several months of debate, then several weeks of conference between senate and house committees will follow, deferring- final enactment of a tariff till late fall or early winter. While this is going on the people will be called on to wait for that which they most want revision of internal taxes early enough to make It apply to the income of this cal endar year, to give prompt relief from the waste of capital and the vexatious exactions due to the pres ent laws. Tariff revision could have waited, for the emergency tariff law meets present needs and can easily be extended beyond the term set for its operation. Congress has gone about the work for which it was called in extra ses sion wrong end to. This is due to the retirement of old leaders, to the failure of new men endowed with the qualities of leadership to come to the front, to the effect of the seniority rule in pushing into posi tions of leadership men of mediocre talent for no other reason than that they have the most years of con tinuous service. The consequent weakness of the majority is aggra vated by its size, for this relaxes the sense of party allegiance among members and prevents the party from forming and giving: effect to a" collective will. It also makes oppor tunity for a few members who know precisely what they want to use their positions on committees to lay their wants before congress as party measures. Thus old-guard protectionists on tha ways and means committee offer a bill which combines high duties on the general run of manufactures with increased duties on farm prod ucts, free import of manufactures used by farmers and of some raw materials for manufacture. The protests that have come from unex pected quarters and the changes that the house has made in the bill ex press the great modification of pub lic opinion on the tariff which has taken place in the last eight years years of economic revolution. Manu facturers are less interested in pro tection for their products than in ability to produce at prices enabling them, to export. Farmers are not conciliated by a duty "on hides, which, they say, will benefit the packers and raise the price of shoes and harness for them. A duty on petroleum provokes a cry that we do not want to exclude imports, but to encourage them in order to increase our supply, lower prices and con serve our own resources. The lum ber industry fails to see the justice of being exposed to Canadian com petition in order that cheap lumber may be secured to the farmer and homebuilder In the cities. These conflicts of interest and opinion should have been antici pated by relegation of the tariff question to second place on the leg islative programme, after that of in ternal taxation. Always complex through conflict of interests, the tariff question is more than ever so since the war has at one stroke made us both an exporting nation and a creditor nation which must collect debts from abroad by having a large balance of imports. To adjust the tariff to this situation and at the same time to give protection where and in the measure needed requires time without limit, for it requires exhaustive inquiry, much delibera tion and careful adjustment to the needs of industry and commerce, always with a careful eye to in creased revenue. i Public opinion and public neces sity will not brook the delay in tax revision that would follow priority for the tariff when all this labor is Involved. Tax laws are doubly ob solete ana injurious. They are a piece of legislative imposture. They pretend to tax the rich, the big in comes and the excess profits, when in fact they impose pyramided taxes on the poor and people of moderate means and exempt big incomes by letting them flee into exempt bonds. This is done when industry is de pressed, millions are unemployed and we need more capital to quicken industry and put men to work. That is an emergency which cannot await completion of the ponderous task of revision of the tariff. If congress had had for leaders some of the giants of former days they would have framed a pro gramme which put taxes first, tariff second or farther down the line, for they would have sensed the pub lic desire and the logic of the situa tion. They would have" conferred with President Harding and would have enlisted his authority as leader of their party in support of their programme. There being no such leaders it was the more incumbent on the president to take the reins. His delay in doing- so sprang from aversion to the least appearance of dictation, but his temper is so well understood that any moves he ha made or may. make will be regarded as advising and guiding, not dic tating to congress. Without that guidance legislation may fall into such confusion that tax and tariff bills may block one another's way, preventing action on - either or on several other momentous questions. Mr. Harding's action on several occasions proves both that he pre ferred to be forced to take the lead and that he was not reluctant to act when circumstances forced him. For 1. that reason his action has been al- most unanimously approved, not only by the people, but by congress itself. If he would calf on congress to give priority to- tax revision over all other bills congress would obey the more readily., because it must recognize that the people are behind the president and are impatient with congress for having: wasted months that should have brought solid re sults. WATERFRONT IMPROVEMENT. Improvement of . the Portland waterfront, for many years the wishful dream of those who believe both in beauty and utility, seems near at hand through the process of private capital. . In a time when public bond issues are frequently proposed as additions to the burden already carried, this willingness on the part of private property to ac cept its own responsibilities and. finance its own improvements is heartening. It is certain that any municipal proposal, having a similar purpose, would be defeated by the voters despite the manifest ad vantages of having a seemly and well-equipped waterfront. Property owners, in this instance, do not seem disposed to shirk their duty, and it is an appreciative public that ob serves their attitude and approves their project. . Portland is a port, somewhat jealous of her reputation as a port, and desirous that every visitor, to the city shall bear away the tidings that her claims are well substan tiated. It is the fact that to mans visitors the attractions of a seaport are not least of those the city can offer. They wish to see the ships, the wharves, the great docks and all the maritime evidences that to them are linked with commercial ro mance. Tnelr pilgrimages to the waterfront of today, though the shops and wharves are there, can not but prove disappointing. The present condition makes only mod erate claim on utility and none at all on sightliness. Improvement of the waterfront is an important integer in the plan of port development, of community progress in general. Of itself it will not make the port renowned, but as it provides facilities in keeping -wfth the sound and practicable character of the port it will inevitably add to the good impression created in ship ping circles and elsewhere, and will speed the word that Portland is one of the great ports of the Pacific. WORDS OF DREADFUL DOOM. Leave it to Wilbur Glenn Voliva of Zion City to draw the last gill of gloom from any situation, even the distraught weather. The torrid summer that has come upon the northern hemisphere, he solemnly asserts, is but a foretaste of that tor ture the planet must endure for its sins. It must fry and sizzle as a lost soul in perdition and cry in vain for ice water and the keen, cool vigor of rain. "This summer," said the seer, "is but a shadow of the heat that's com ing. There is nothing ahead but universal chaos and anarchy. Society is doomed. There will be a heat wave that will destroy two-thirds of the inhabitants of the world, . and the dead will lie from one end of the earth to the other." ( The natural assumption of practical-minded persons will be that Wilbur has a touch of sun. But prophecy must not so lightly be dis posed of, nor disregarded, for the reason that Zion City is forever daubing danger signals with the red paint of fanaticism. It should be rationally considered. It must be. Time and again Voliva has re minded the world that he and bis are of the elect. It follows that the sultry weather predicted by the Zion City prophet should, if it is to de stroy but two-thirds of the world's inhabitants, "be considered enough to provide shade and a gentle breeze for Voliva and his votaries. One cannot imagine, nor can Wilbur, that these saints of earth will perish with the unregenerate. ' But the facts wear an evil aspect and augur ill for Zion City, Illinois. We have at hand no weather report from there, but Chicago also is in Illinois. On the day that Voliva voiced his warning the Chicago weather office reported a tempera ture of 92 degrees. And at the same time the Portland thermometers registered only 72 degrees, with slight clouds and a light wind pre vailing. Obviously Zion City is be yond the pale of exemption from the torrid rigors predicted by Wilbur, and Portland is within. Perhaps the chamber of commerce would care to call this fact to the attention of the gloomy prophet, and suggest the precaution of a hegira to Oregon. TUB COUNTRY PIPE. This sentence obtruded and commanded attention: "The pipe has even more strength in the country than in the city." Though the paragraph entire dwelt on the medicinal value of pipe smoking, all therapeutic hazardings vanished like a vagrant whiff before the summoned reality of an old truism. Indeed, it has! The country pipe, the mellowed cob of grandsire's day and of the rural present, had ever more trenchant powers than the blackened briar or golden meer schaum of the city. Of this the nose was vibrantly aware, though the comparison escaped us until haply, a more gifted observer set it down for the truth it is. The country pipe so well recalled was its own herald. Given the lightest breeze to waft its odors, one knew, to the moment. Just when the old man turned into the lane behind his cows. It came before them on the breath of evening, softened and ameliorated and made pleasant dissipating its pungent fumes over the acres of outdoors, like the very spirit of the weed. From the crossroads to the log house was a long mile, thickly screened with alders and red plumed sumac, and yet the drowsing shepherd ever lifted his head and sniffed, and beat upon the clay with his tail, when the old man turned the corner coming home from town, It may have been that he caught the blended smell of the familiar horses, whose stalls he shared, and the. scent of his master himself, but who shall say that the puissant corncob, full-flavored and belching, did not eclipse these lesser sniffs as attar of roses shames the modest violet? Take three such pipes at evening, with the chores all done and the kitchen cozy three pipes- for three cronies and stuff them well with weed and set them going, what rare adventures were not Ho the fore? One heard pop-eyed of catamounts slain ever so long ago, when all the west was wilderness; of hoss-trades epochal, of feats of valor at country dances, of boys who went away to war in '61. As the smoke thickened, weaving idly up and down the room like an imprisoned tide, the . tales grew taller taller till they towered in drowsiness and it was time for bed. O, a potent thing was the country pipe. We hold no brief for it. Crusaders set themselves against its solace, and come riding down with incon trovertible argument as their lance. Yet one remembers well when wrinkled old ladies, with black lace scarfs about them, puffed a pipe for their ailments. They carried buck eyes, too, you say, for their rheu matics? Of course they did, but while that eccentricity has passed, it is singular to note that modern men of medicine are writing learnedly and zealously of and for the pipe. They say that it is an excellent prophylactic for the gums and teeth, and that it routs other ! germs. We do not know. A tough and resolute germ it had been, in deed, that would not have curled up all its tentacles and quit before the country pipe. FISH AND FIGURES. 'Numbers are staggering devices. The trout hatcheries of Oregon will distribute among the streams and lakes of the state approximately 12.000,000 trout fry during the year. Let us assume that a catch of ten fish per. angler is a fair catch an average one. Thus we perceive that when thpse trout are grown to the legal length no fewer than 1,200,000 anglers will joy in their capture. Kvery trout has a tale, but as trout increase in girth and strenuosity those tales grow taller. Imagine 1,200,000 anglers swapping their epic yarns and employing, at the rate of at least 100 words apiece, no fewer than 120,000,000 words to do justice to their piscatorial adventures. Assuming further that no viola tions will occur in the taking of un dersized trout, and that if they do the larger fish will compensate, let us consider these trout as in the creel at an average of six inches. Placed nose to tail the 12,000,000 silver fighters would stretch away for 1136 miles. At 12 to the frying pan it is a simple matter to compute the number of such utensils neces sary to bring them to a golden" sizzle. Personally we incline to a pro fessor, or a blue upright, but have at least one friend so odd that he bespeaks the McGinty. In 12,000, 000 trout doubtless there will be a fish as odd as he. AIRPLANES AND ACCIDENTS. An airman, writing to an eastern paper, complained that the press in general is inclined to give promi nence to airplane accidents, while laying little stress on the compara tive safety and constant development or. aviation. His is the blinded par tisanship of a true craftsman, and to such zeal and interest is the progress of aeronautics indebted. Yet it is too much to ask the public, the unbiased opinion of the country' at large, to forego observation and comment on those tragedies that are all too common in the new science. They obtrude insistently, they are news, they point the flaws in avia tion, and tttey cannot be overlooked. The very intensity of public interest in these mishaps testifies to the depth of that same interest in avia tion. The world hopes much for it, and believes that it will attain a hu man standard of perfection, but the world Btoutly refuses to disbelieve its' own eyes and admit that perfec tion yet exists. The recent report of the Manu facturers' Aircraft association yields tne information that only one death resulted in an aerial accident during the year for every 464, 285 miles flown. Th.e public has no way to contest these figures, and but little disposition, but surely the pro ponents of aviation will not com plain against the almost daily evi dence of aviation accidents of fatal nature, nor deny an onlooker the privilege of comment. -Figures have also been compiled, by inquiring statisticians, that seem to refute the claim that taking an airplane jaunt is ruiiy as sate as rjdlng in an auto mobile or venturing on a railway trip. Public opinion concurs with this latter view. For the sake of imDartialitv it must be borne in mind, however. that a great number of planes are now being flown in this country, and that the frequency of accidents has increased by that ratio, and that many of the aerial misadventures ire of the preventable sort, arising either through reckless handling of the machine in ordinary flvinsr. through unskilled piloting or through sium iiying. Many amateur aviators, unversed in tne mechanics of the science, have purchased planes that would not be flown by any experi enced airman. odds in such in stances may freely be given that the pilots will come to grief. If we were to eliminate from aviation these elements of hazard over which we have, or should exercise, perfect control it is to be surmised that the accident toll would instantly dimin ish. - For example, there can exist no possible excuse for stunt flying save in the experimental test of new ma chines. It is a recognized fact that the various loops and spins, so thrilling to the crowd, may at any time be resorted to by any com petent aviator, but that with the ex ception of employment in aerial fighting they serve no purpose save the spectacular. There is no need to inject into this new science, for which so much is hoped, the perilous" hazards of the Koman arena. Stunt flying should be eliminated; if not by the good sense of the airmen themselves, then by statute. Recent accidents yhere planes have crashed into crowds have .but one logical lesson, that aircraft should not be flown at low levels in the vicinity of crowds. There should be some concise code of aerial regulation, some uniform system of inspection, that will recognize all these pre ventable perils and provide against the possibility of their occurrence a federal statute of aeronautics. American enthusiasts of the air plane point ever to the successful commercial operation of the heavier-than-air machine in Kurope, where it is an accepted and valued addi tion to the means of transportation and where the danger of navigation has been reduced to a minimum. Such a condition in foreign parts argues merely that America, which gave to the world this new science, has failed lamentably to meet the duties contingent upon that gift, and la not yet- prepared, to derive full benefit. Only the close official I Sturiv rtf avinlinn atrtaA Kw -. u-uuu -J J - &--V- . t. authority, can redeem this situa tion through remedial measures. Proof that the airplane is not necessarily perilous; and that the passenger assumes little risk under normal conditions, may be found in the fact that competent pilots, with good machines, flying sanely and conservatively, rarely meet with an accident. . The experience does not fail to make a convert of the novice the clean, splendid flight through an element that seems as secure, or more so, as any lake surface, the quiet ease of control, the absence of fear or vertigo, the surprising as surance that comes with -the trip, all contribute to a conviction that the perils and discomforts of flight have been grossly exaggerated. And so they have through almost crim inal carelessness. We have played fast and loose with aviation long enough. The plane is not a toy for our amusement It is the greatest gift of the century, deserving of that serious application and legal protec tion that will give It the chance to make good. BRINGING - THE BOLSHEVISTS TO TERMS. Secretary of State Hughes' warn ing to the, soviet government of Russia that no relief to that coun try's distress can be expected from the United States so long as Ameri cans are .held prisoner, tortured by hunger, M Jn no other way, by the monsters who serve the soviet as jailers, is ' the only argument to which the bolshevist mind is open. The bolshevists have practiced to an extreme degree the old, bar barous custom of taking hostages in order to force their enemies to terms. They held in their power the families of reactionary officers whom they forced to serve in their army, the threat to massacre the family being sufficient to prevent men from turning against a cause that they loathed. They held hundreds of British citizens prisoner until a trade agreement was assured. Their methods can be combated only in the same manner. Entire provinces of Russia have been stricken by famine, which threatens to kill the people by tens of millions. It is the direct result of bolshevist rule, which has driven the peasants to limit food production to their own needs and has wrecked tjhe rail roads, so that there is no surplus in one district to make up the short age in another, and there ' is no means of transporting a surplus if there were any. Passive resistance to the soviet has become general, arid its authority is breaking down. This condition has inspired the ter rorists with fear. Refusal of relief to the Russian people tends to intensify this hos tility of the people, to break down the nerve of the Moscow oligarchy and thereby to bring nearer the day of successful revolt. It is only by fear of overthrow and of popular vengeance that the bolshevists can be driven to release their prisoners; either that motive or hope of some diplomatic advantage. Repulsive as it is to American instincts, appeal to these base motives is the only species of coercion that can prove effective. If the Moscow coterie should still resist, the sufferings of the American prisoners will at least have hastened- Russia's deliverance by intensifying the people's hatred of It. The fact that the United States should resort to such an expedient in order to secure treatment of its prisoners with humanity illustrates how far . the world has descended from the civilized standards' of seven years ago. For the sake of national self-preservation we have had to fight the devil with fire by using poison gas in war, and now we must refuse relief to starving pinions -lest by so doing we condone savage cruelty to some of our own people. The old west is not passing. It has passed'. If any man doubts this let him search his memory for the card index of Jackson Hole, Wyo ming, and compare the old record with the new. Jackson Hole, of course, was where the bad men fled when they had shot up the dance hall, robbed a stage, looted a train, or in sportive pleasantry had slain some fellow less nimble on the draw. Quite recently the sedate little vil lage of Jackson Hole emerged from the silence with a woman mayor, women -council members and a fem inine police force. A Chautauqua session gave the final stamp of re demption. . It no longer Is the wild and woolly west, and if the tourist is wishful of thrills he need not leave the east, where the last stand of- the bad man is made by daring liquor runners, bank robbers and bandits extraordinary. Dr. Russ is merely demonstrating old stuff in showing the . moving power of the stare. That's the way a wife works the husband for more money, and, Belt-conscious' of guilt, he succumbs. - . The government is considering a return to 3-cent letter postage as a measure of revenue. Another ex cuse for the absent husband who forgets to write to his wife. Governor Olcott's request for economy is bearing fruit. One mem ber of a commission scheduled for a trip east has canceled it. Let it go down the line. A curbstone broker is charged with swindling a woman in a real estate deal. There is a law to take care of such fellows if found guilty. Trans-Pacific liners are speeding up for new records. The ocean is one place where there are no speed cops, and none seem to be needed. All of us know Portland is the place for the peace meeting, but how to convince the powers is the ques tion. Mayor Baker is resourceful. Seattle is making a general cut in pay of city employes. The reduc tion is not much; in fact, much less than the cut in prices of cars. Both, electric companies planning additions to their hydro-electric power plants. Yes, business in Port land is good. "Free all Americans!" Is the Hughes message to soviet Russia. There - is no "May I not ask?" in that. Half the marriages in San Fran cisco end in divorces, and the only wonder is that the other half don't. too,. ........ Stars and Starmakers- By Leone Cass Bner. Gerald Gilbert, who played the role of Larry in "Irene" last week at the Heilig, was the house guest of Cap tain and Mrs. A. B. Graham and Miss Katharine Graham during his en gagement here. Both Mr. Gilbert and Miss Graham were members of May Robson's company in "Tish" season before last. Mr. Gilbert is a Chicago boy, who has made rapid progress in his profession. He appeared last sea son with Margaret Anglin in "The Bronze Woman." Dr.- Mabel Akin was hostess for a motor trip on the highway during the "Irene" engagement with Dale i Winter, the prima donna, and Flo Irwin, the comedienne, . who played Old Lady O'Dare, as her guests. . The Shuberts have 12 shows in ac tive rehearsal for next season. This is a larger number than they have been wont to make ready so early in the season due to the scarcity of attractions through the defection of several of their producers of previous years. The scheduled coast tour of Oliver Morosco's "Adam and Eva" has beem dropped and the play will not show out this way as announced. It was due at the Curran in San Francisco next month. 1 Cancellation of the proposed plans for a Trixle Friganza road show for a three weeks' tour of the email Cali fornia towns has also been announced. Lady Tsen-Mei, former vaudeville prima donna and at present star of "The Lotus Blossom," a feature which has just been produced by a company financed entirely by Chinese, has let It be known that she was married before leaving New York recently. Her husband is Merritt Moore, who is connected with a New York trust company. Henry W. Savage returned las week from Kurope with rearrange ments In the ecore of "The Merry Widow" and the score for "The Blue Mazurka. i William Bock is reported recover ing from - an operation at the St. Bartholomew hospital. New York. Rock was recently married to Hiller Eby, who had been appearing with him in vaudeville. Rock's previous wife was Gladys Tilbury, an English girl whom Rock brought back hure after visiting the other side a few years ago. , Harry Sprigler, husband of Vera Michelena, prima donna of Ziegfeld's "Follies," has been granted a divorce in Los Angeles on the ground of de sertion. Miss Michelena was the wife of Paul Schindler, the musical director, be fore she married Harry Sprigler. . Florenz Ziegfeld will produce in August a musical version of "Good Gracious, Annabelle," with incidental songs, but no chorus. The piece has been entirely rewritten by the author, Clare Kummer. Blllie Burke is to be starred in it. , Special colored three-sheet posters have been made for general billing of Francis Ten Bushman and Beverly Bayne during their Orpheum circuit tour. The only other vaudeville act the Orpheum people have advertised this way is Singer's midgets. Francis Ten continues to bill himself as the "prettiest man in the world." Josephine D. Jefferson, daughter of the late Joseph Jefferson, . died July 19 at her home in Montclair, N. J., 62 years old. She was born in New York city and spent the greater part of her life here. She was never on the stage. Three brothers sur vive her, Thomas, living in California, and Frank and William- of New York. . The deal between A. L. Erlangei and Famous Players-Lasky, whereby the latter is to make a film version of "Ben Hur," directed by Max Rein hardt, has been consummated. It is reported Famous Players paid over an advance of $500,000, under a guar antee that Erlanger's profits shall be not less than $3,000,000, under a 60-50 division of the gross. Robert Walton Goelet and John D. Rockefeller Jr. are understood to have advanced Erlanger the money with which to "buy out the interests in "Ben Hur," held by Marc Klaw Harper & Bro. and the Wallace estate. Otis Skinner is now on his way back to America, a passenger on the Paris, which sailed from Havre last Saturday. He spent most of his visit abroad buying costumes and studying the native of Spain with a view to fash ioning his acting after them In "Blood and Sand," his next vehicle. This is the play by Tom Cushlng. founded on Blasco Ibanez' novel and is sched uled to open at . the Empire theater on September 20. Rehearsals of the play will get under way immediately upon Mr. Skinner's arrival and the first per formance will be given at Buffalo on Labor day. SOLlTtDE. "Alone!" What pathos trembles in that word! 'Tis like, an echo lost among the hills. For strandied here in this vast wil derness, . With flickering candle flame I med itate. Not one familiar glimpse I catch, nor sound I hear of all the varied forms of life. Just these log walls that shut me from the night, And mock me when I speak. Hark! What is that? The ticking of my watch sounds loud and wild, Like ruthless echoes from the Clock of Doom. And e'en my thoughts seem audible, and) crash Like living waves upon, the shores of Silence. But Solitude, thou'rt- sweet to me! How oft such fair secluded spot I've sought. Where I could drink deep draughts of Nature's meed, And tune anew the quiring chords of life. WILLIAM STEWART GORDON. Young; Mas Is ffeolded. Boston Transcript. A homely young English chap, hav ing his view obstructed by the head gear of the girl In front of him, ven tured to protest. "See here, miss," he said, leaning over, "I want to look as well as you." "Oh. do yer?" she replied, in a rich Cockney accent. "Then you'd better run 'ome and change yer fice." Those Who Come and Go. Tales of Folk at the Hotels. The streets are of sand and wind swept; the houses are, almost with out exception, covered with shingles, some of them cut fancy and put on in ocnate designs. Such is Port Orford, on the bluffs of the Pacific ocean in Curry county. It is the most westerly town in the United States and during the war there wasn't an able-bodied youth of military age who didn't vol unteer before the draft became ef fective. From Port Orford are shipped immense ties of the famous cedar, these ties being worked up into fur niture and other articles, for the cedar is too valuable to be used for railroad sleepers. Registered at the Imperial are Newton Moon and Joha R. Hill, from Port Orford. They are contractors and have been building a section of the Roosevelt highway in Curry county. In the senate last winter, A. W. Norblad consumed almost an entire day in giving a demonstration of how purse-seiners work, exhibiting their gear and telling of how this sort of business is ruining the industry. The purse-seine fight took up a great deal of time during the session, but finally Senator Norblad won out and now the .purse-seiners are going to sea for the last time, as after January 1. 1922, they will not be permitted to operate out of Oregon or off the coast of this state. Senator Norblad was a visitor in Portland yesterday. Jonathan Bourne Jr., in addition to having left his stamp on the politics of Oregon, aiso got his name on the map. The mining town of Bourne, in Baker county, was named after Jon athan. The community, some 200 or 300 people, is located on Cracker creek -and is seven miles from the town of Sumpter. the nearest railroad point. Gold mining is the principal industry. Charles R. Schroder, at tne Benson, is one of the few people who have registered in a Portland hotel from Bourne in the past three years Harold Stephens, formerly district Judge in Salt Lake City, lsat tnt Multnomah with Mrs. Stephens. The judge and his wife have been listen ing to the sad sea waves at Bay Ocean, on the Tillamook coast, where the bathing is not as attractive as floating in Great Salt Lake. The judge says that there is an immense amount of tourist travel passing through his home town, as Salt Lake City is a sort of gateway, but that the mining bus! ness In Utah is quiet, owing to the low price of copper. One of the beauty spots and hunt ing and fishing grounds of Oregon is the McKenzie With the construction of better road3 along the river the stream is becoming more of a mecca for sportsmen than over before. A. L. Parkhurst. formerly of the hotel at Crater Lake, arrived at the Multno mah yesterday with his son. Mr. Parkhurst has secured an option on Nimrod Inn on the McKenzie, "88 miles from Eugene. He figures on making it a headquarters for sportsmen, -both Oregronians and the tourists who want to enjoy a bit of outdoor life, On hand to talk'road matt'ers with the highway commission today are F. M. Sturgill and Ed Wright of La Grande. W. E. Meacham of Baker, and John and Oscar Oberg of Enterprise Or. Portland hotel merr should be strong boosters for good roads which they are because every time the commission holds a session there are delegations of officials and contrac tors and citizens assembled from nearly every county in the state, and the hotel lobbies look like a conven tion was in progress. Having attended the meeting of ed itors at Bend, George K. Aiken of On tario is in no especial hurry to go back to Malheur county, where the weather is somewhat tropical at pres ent. So, with Mrs. Aiken, the editor is in the city and is registered at the Hotel Oregon. There is probably no place in Ontario, Or., where It is hot ter than in front of Mr. Aiken's office. E. H. Smith, county judge of Lake county, came to Portland yesterday to attend the meeting of the state highway commission and also to take up matters regarding taxes.- The judge Is a member of the newly ap pointed commission which is con ducting a survey to discover if there is some way of finding new sources of revenue. R. Roy Booth of Yoncalla, Or., has been attending the meeting of wool and mohair growers of the western part of the state. These growers are forming an organization to pool their wools and have them graded in Port land. Mr. Booth, son of the chairman of the state highway commission, has a farm a few miles out from the ham. let of Yoncalla. R. B. Montgomery of Gurdane, Or., is at the Imperial. A search will re veal that Gurdane has a population of about 40 and that it has an altitude of S350 feet. It is on Butte creek, in Umatilla county, about 28 miles south west of Pilot Rock. The Gurdane region is mostly given over to the sheep Industry. Mrs. Robert J. Burdette, widow of the noted "Bob" Burdette, lecturer, humorist and preacher, arrived at the Multnomah yesterday from Puget sound. With Mrs. J. S. Torrence, she is making an automobile journey across the continent. The women are residents of Los Angeles. "The road is very nice," is the way J. S. Williams of San Jose, Cal.. de scribes the Pacific highway in Ore gon. Mr. and Mrs. Williams, who are motoring northward, are reg istered at the Perkins and were quite satisfied with the highway as they found it. While there Isn't the crowd at Seaside at present that there usually is at this season of the year, still business is good with M. F. Hardesty, who has a danoe pavilion at the resort. Mr. Hardesty came to Port land to give it the pnee over and re turned. M. S. Levy, who opened the new hotel Union, at Union, Or., is at the Imperial. The new establishment is one of the moat attractive hotels east of the mountains. The hotel was built by the citizens as a matter of civic pride. Looking all in, J. C. Maxfield drove up to the Hotel Portland, arriving by automobile from San Francisco. "There are too many detours on the road to suit me," he declared, when asked as to the condition of the high way. Among the road contractors who are drifting, into Portland to attend the meeting of the state highway commission today is S. S. Shell of Grants Pass. He is registered at the Imperial. On a voyage of exploration of the Pacific - northwest come General Charles St. G. Sinkler and Dr. W. K. Fishburn from South Carolina. They are at the Multnomah and are booked by a tourist agency. J. C. King, a cadet from West Point military academy, is registered at the Hotel Portland. Charles V. Brown, for years active in civic affairs in Astoria, is reg istered at tha Imperial, BLAME FOR WAYWARD YOUTH Training School Director Mentions) "OsmiKed Goods" of Divorce. STATE TRAINING SCHOOL. Salem, Or.. July 25. (To the Editor.) All over our country hands are being held up in horror at the multiplicity of crimes committed. A large percentage of them are committed by youthful offenders boys and girls who have not yet reached the age of adoles cence. Almost every dally paper bears record of some youth's mal feasance;1 and at such, parents and citizens at large shake their con- i derailing heads and place the crlm-! Inals' stigma upon the offender. The popular mind looks no farther than the child; condemns him for his act and immediately brands him as a thing to be avoided, persecuted and made an example of all of which are sometimes necessary to maintain the proper morale of society but we must look beyond the malefaction of the youth. Here in our. comparatively speaK- Ing, sparsely populated state, we are maintaining a reform school for our delinquent boys that harbors approx imately 300 during the course of a year. Only a few years ago the school population was well under a nunarea. Now it Is necessary to rebuild the school, both because" of the crowded quarters and inadequacy of the pres ent plan. And boys are still coming thick and fast. Now let us see who is to blame. During the last twenty years the 'damaged goods of divorce have ag gregated a total, of &,o8i,o persons, of which Oregon has one of the big gest percentages of all the states, in most cases each divorce has left child insufficiently, cared for or cast adrift. If the child is unwanted it takes but a slight misdemeanor to give the parent an excuse to send him to the state school. Many of them do it with a great deal of relief. Boys have repeatedly told me that their parents did not want them, be ing only a care. And when parents give their offspring a raw deal like that. .It is not to be wondered that thev lose courage and hope. Worse yet, we have boys committed who have never been guilty of mis deeds merely to relieve the pleasure loving parent of his responsibility. Divorced women ride gayly over the country with traveling salesmen; oc casionally send honeyed phrases to their caged-up sons, but usually take care to steer clear of them. Divorced fathers live around promiscuously with other women and drive the son out to root for himself. Quite nat urally he errs; and the reform school claims the youth which the lying, blasphemous father says is ungov ernable. A large percentage of the smaller boys detained in the state Institutions should be at home under proper care, but it is astounding to note the many parents who have no understanding of boy nature and control. Any normal boy is mischievous and sometimes re fractory, and a little careful manag ing ant", guidance will convert all this energy into constructive channels; but the nonchalant parent will send him to the reform school, expecting it mysteriously to turn out a new and perfect boy. In the meantime, since the boy is gotten rid of, the parents are free to enjoy themselves again. One lad, an example of many in our school, recently said: "My old man doesn't like me; he ain't written me since I come otit here." Another bright fellow, talking to a chum, said: "Before I came here my mother would send me away to play while she vis ited with a man she used to go to see. He's my step-dad now and I know they won't send for me." And when parents fail, boys haven't much faith in anyone else. There are, at present, seventy such boys in our state school. Then there are other Influences at work. There is no greater proof of the movies' grip on boys than their own acts and conversations. Groups are continually discussing outlaw feats and daring adventures Been on the screen. Their reality is all too impressive on the adolescent mind. In numberless cases boys have been committed here for rehearsals of soxeen adventures. Yet people say there is no harm in the movies. With all the proof behind me here, I defy such a statement from anyone. But the boy gets all the blame. Two-thirds of all our delinquent boys come from Portland. The reason is evident: Not room enough for good wholesome play; too little of home life with parents away; and the continual seeking of sensational amusement. But few boys come from the country, where there is real home life, and where parents live in happiness to gether, even though it be in poverty. It is true, many of our boys Inherit seemingly incorrigible characteris tics toward meanness but here again, the boy is not to blame. Our state permits marriages of imbeciles. Igno rant humans, not capable of rearing a family, and the living together out of wedlock, which has thrown untold misery broadcast. Such acts are crim inal and should be dealt with as such. The deserters of illegitimates are cowards equaled only by murderers themselves. Our delinquent boys are human. They feel just like any normal boy; they have just as much energy and common sense as the average boy; but they have erred because of snar ing pitfalls, to which & contorted and glamoring society has blinded them. JOHN H. STOVALL. -Physical Director. JUDGE McCOY NOT A FEUDIST Tribute to Law-Abiding Character of O tie-Time Wuhlngtonian. BUNKER. Wash.. July 23. (To the Editor.) I notice an item in The Ore gonian of July 9 concerning the mur der of ex-Judge John J. McCoy of Mastin county. Kentucky. which would lead the public to believe that Judge McCoy was the leader of the famous McCoy-Hatfield feud of 35 years ago. His old age and the fact that .he bore the name of McCoy and lived in eastern Kentucky, near where the McCoy-Hatfield feud was car ried on, is not a sufficient reason for branding Judge McCoy with such a scandal as the old McCoy-Hatfield feud carried. He had never taken any part nor associated with the feud parties. He believed in settling all such troubles by law. He always was a strict ob server of the law and believed in its enforcement to the letter. During the eight years he lived in Washing ton on a farm near Ceres he was a law-abiding citizen and much re spected by his neighbors. ELLSWORTH McCOY. FISHING TIME. Far back where the trail's not broken. Where nature is seen at her best; Where the tall scented pine bids you welcome To come and enjoy a short rest. Where the hillsides are dotted with flowers And the air hat a scent of perfume. And the sunshine creeps through the . bowers When it reaches the high point at noon. There's a swift-flowing stream by the hillside Where the speckled trout dash to and fro As they gather the worms and the insects That have been caught by the wa ter's swift flow. It's the same old story I am thinking; I've depicted it time after time; So I think I'll pack up my camp out fit. For I guess it's about fishing time. B. F. Rose man. More Truth Than Poetry. By James J. Montague. YOU KNOW HIM. He sees you fall and wrench your arm And bids you not to mind a bit. Says he: "A sprain will do no harm And if it's broken, it will knit." He sits beside your bed of pain. As on the brink of death you hover. And murmurs: "If you stand the strain The chances are that you'll re cover." If you have had a motor smash. This bird is certain to appear And say: "If you'll just sae your cash You'll have another car next year." You lose your job, and do not know However you can live without It- He says, in soothing tones and low. It does no good to fret about it. Your house burns, on a winter night. And as you view it, in despaic. He says: "Oh. that will be all right. There s lots of houses, everywhere. Your girl picks up another John And leaves you plunged in tears of sorrow: He says serenely: "Carry on! loull find some other Jane to morrow!" Your worries never make him blue; He's never woeful or distressed. Whatever troubles trouble you. "He says are only for the best. And if you look into his eyes And read the kindly thoughts that fill him. If you are human, you will rise. And take a rock or club and kill him. He's Listening for Km Now. What's become of the fussy man who used to grumble about the racket made by the pneumatic riveters? . They'll Be Interested. Of course arrangements will be made to give the disarmament con gress the latest reports of the Greco Turklsh war. Compensation. If the breweries were 6till brewing, Bergdoll would be worth ten times as much money. Which almost recon ciles us to the Volstead law. Burroughs Nature Club. Copyright, Hough ton-Mlfflin Co. Can Yob Answer These Questions f 1. What species of snakes bore their way into the earth and what method do they use? 2. What makes the fire in fire flies, and is the light for beauty or use? . 3. Will Baltimore orioles build ! apple t.ees, same as the orchard ori ole? Answers in tomorrow's Natuie Notes. Answers to Previous Questions. 1. Is there any relation between the skunk cabbage and the calla lily? The water arum, Calla palustris often called calla Illy because of Its resemblance to the cultivated plant, Aroides atethiopicum (also called Richardia) and the skunk cabbage are both members of the same fam ily, Araceae, or arums. The house plant is simply a cultivated form of , African variety. All have flowers in a fleshy spike, or spadix, around which folds the leafy bract, or spathe. 2. How long does it take gold fish eggs to hatch? The period for hatching depends on the temperature and the weather the warmer the water up to a point- the quicker the hatching, which may take but two days. Direct sun light helps the process. In cooler wster and with less sunlight the eggs may require six days. 3. Will a bluebird live in captlvltyT How should it be housed and fed? Perhaps it might be possible to tame a young bird and accustom it to cage life, but there can be no real pleasure in attempting it. The bird is not a songster, and its warble, heard during its double or even triple mat ing season, is loved for Its associa tion with out-of-doors. Bluebirds are useful as insect gleaners and should be enjoyed In their natural state. In Other Days. Fifty Year Ago. From The Oregonian of Jnly 28, 1871. Albany is doing its usual trade, and is realizing some substantial im provements. Three carloads of linseed oil were. Bhipped a day or two since from the oil jtvo'rks at Salem. From here it was shipped -to San Francisco. The contractors. Messrs. Hart A Co., on the Oregon Central railroad, commenced laying track yesterday morning near this end of the Fourth ttreel, bridge. It is eaid that the rain which set in yesterday morning will do much ' damage to the crops if it continues long. Much of the hay crop Is now down, and It requires sunshine to save Lt. Some wheat is cut. but it can stand a week's rain without much, injury. Twenty-Five Years Ago. From The Oregonian of July 28, 1809. London The International Socialist-Laborer Trade Union congress, -ieh opened this -rooming, devoted Most of its time to wrangling as to, whether anarchists should be ad mitted. The people who collected to see wood-block pavement laid on Fourth street yesterday were again disap pointed, as the expert was the only man at work and, as there were not half enough blocks to keep him busy, he took lt easy. Rear -Admiral L. A. Beardslee, in command of the Pacific naval squad ron, now visiting Portland on the flagship Philadelphia, is an ardent trout fisherman. The free silver advocation is likely to seriously affect the sale of im provement bonds. There probably will be from $10,000 to $30,000 worth of these sold in the near future. Work Called Joy of Life. New York Herald. "My life is very uninteresting," said Senator Smoot. "All I do Is work." "How much do you work?" hewas asked. "Sixteen'hours a day, sometimes 18." "How long have you done If?" "Forty years and more." "How do you like it?" ""To me it is more fun than any thing else. I would rather wrestla with statistics on the tariff than g to the theater. I never go to base ball games nor play golf. Seven hours' sleep a day is enough recrea tion for anybody. I have never taken a vacatjon. Neither have I ever been sicki There is not a healthier man in congress. "I believe that there !s more pleas ure In work than In anything else for the average man. If he did more vork he would be happier. It is a great mistake to devote one's time to anything- else."