THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TOURSDAY, JULY 2S, 1921 REAL ESTATE. NEW LAURELHtJRST BUNGALOW. One of the prettiest modern bungalows in Luralhurst. 5 nice large, airy rooms, hardwood floors throughout, artistic fireplace, full cement basement, wash, trays, nice big lot, lawn. etc. Owner bought this three months a go, lost wife and will sacrifice at $."S00, $1200 cash, bal. $50 monthly. Price includes beautiful and ex pensive draperies, linoleum, etc Immediate possession. All furnish ings for sale if wanted. See J. W. Crossley with ELROD A DRYER. 'Better Types of Homes." 2S3 Stark St. Phone Bdwy. 1188. BEATJTIFTJL IRVIN'GTON HOME. All modern conveniences; in. per fect condition : hot water heating system, double garage, 100x100; all improvements paid for; 10 bed rooms, large drawing rm. and din ing rm music rm. and library, central hall. Can be had at an ex ceptional bargain; any terms. Call Sellwood 2t3;. WM. A. HUGHES CO., . 218 Ri EXCHANGE BLDG. MAIN 6H2. T-Isrt your property with us if you want ction. We have plenty of buyers. Wo list. photograph and advertise your property, with no expense to you unless we make a satisfactory sale. Reg ular commission charged. Our custom ers are our best references. WM. A. HUGHES CO., 218 RY. EXCHANGE BLDG. MAIN 6102. ROE CITY PARK BY OWN E R. Modern house, 5 extra large rooms and inclosed sleeping porch, bedrooms and porch upstairs; hardwood floors, fire place, furnace, paneled dining room, all built-in features, large closets, full ce ment basement; 50x100 :ot, fenced-in back yard, fir trees and berries; 4 blocks north from Sandv, 2 blocks from Beau mont car line; $5100, $2150 cash, balance $25 a month and Interest. 490 East 40th st. N., near Thompson. - ALAM BDA BUNG A LOW. Built on fine view corner. The kind of home for professional men. Priced reasonable, JftooQ. Living room extends width, of bungalow; dining room has unique built-ins, kitchen and breakfast room possess richness and simplicity. Perfect home, tapestry, lighting fixtures, very best. Nothing overlooked in com pleting this new bungalow. Fully de- scriDect rirst man. uau xaoor i03t. HIGH-CLASS IRVING TON HOME. I This choice 8 rooms and sleeping j porch is up to the minute in every par- ticular, is located on large lot and con- sidered one of the best-made homes in I Portland; will sell on very reasonable ! terms to right party. If you desire a high-class home at right prices call on O. A. bar lea. 102 Northwestern Bank . bldg. SMALL DOWN PAYMENT. ROS-B CITY DISTRICT. 325 BRAND NEW. ARTISTIC LIT TLH BUNGALOW; VERY ATTRAC TIVE; DOUBLE GARAGE. LARGE LIVING AND DTNING ROOM. 18x13 I'KET ; HAH DWOOD FLOORS : ONE BEDROOM. ATTIC. DUTCH KITCHEN, BREAKFAST NOOK. GAS FURNACE. R. BOMERVILLE. BDWY. 2478. SiUST sell for best reasonable offer 8 room modern home, exposure, Haw thorne Addition, southwest corner. East 14th and Madison. Hardwood floors, two fireplaces, furnace, full cement basement, garage, paved streets, six blocks from high school and grammar school; now occupied by owner who de sires to sell direct. 203 East 14th St. East 2374. $1200. 3-room house, elegant 50x100 lot, sts. tn, cement sidewalks, sewer, electric light, gas. everything paid for and property clear. 3 blocks to 2 car lines and 15 minutes ride from Bdwy. and Wash. Am forced to sell as I need some money at once. Terms can be arranged. 320 Alder s t . NEW 1RVINGTON. Most beautiful ft-room bungalow; 3 hedrooms, breakfast nook, wonderful oak floors, mahopany inlaid borders, tile bath. Ivory woodwork, all built-ins; every modern convenience and comfort: built for a home; very beat of materials and workmanship; garacre; just finished. 092 Eaat 25th st. N. h tjRNISHED BUNGALOW. $3000. Rose City Park. 4-room neatly fur nished, 1 block from paved street, 4 from Bandy blvd; good terms. RICHARD W. MAST, REALTOR, RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ARB YOU from the east? And are you looking for a beautiful home with views that would be most soothing and rest ful to the mind and nerve of any per tmn needing a quiet, restful home? We have just such a place. BARR AND RK T.T Y CO.. 34ft Salmon. Main 445. GOING TO BUILD? We design and build residences, or any building. Assist in financing same. The bst service at lowest cost to you. Established 12 vears. Security and sat isfaction assured. I. R. BAILEY CO., INC., i24 N. W. Bank bldg. 6-ROOM HOUSE. GOOD CONDITION. 1151 CORHETT ST.. WITH LOT 50x100 FEET; PRICE $2000; TERMS $000 CASH. BALANCE EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS AT 7 PER CENT. PARRISH, WATKINS & CO., 2.12 STARK ST. BY OWNER, 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Full basement, complete plumbing, sewers in. paved streets, built-ins, newly tinted and refinished in ivory; new light ing fixtures, 2 blocks to Alberta and lrvington carlines. Woodlawn 5065 after 5:30 P. M. All day Sundays. 8-ROOM HOME FOR $4000. Near Laurelhurst park. corner lot 55 by 100 feet. Fine shrubbery, furnace, hardwood floors, garage; paved st. Price $4000. clear title. Call at 1101 E. Morrison st., evenings or Sundays. Ta bor 604, owner. MiW 5-ROOM bungalow, corner 30th and Hoi man. Double constructed, best of plumbing, hardwood floors and all the bul it-ins. Street improvements in and paid. Will sell at actual cost today. Jr.rtOO. See Mr. Vail. l)0D Wilcox bldg. Main 4441. OWNER WILL SACRIFICE. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HUM H. Modern 10-room house, like new, old Ivory finish, hardwood floors, large garage; 2 lots, beautiful trees, shrubs and flowers. Owner leaving; will posi tively sacrifice. Owner. Marshall 2486. HOME WITH INCOME. A 2-flat building. 8 rooms, sleeping porch; 1 flat rents for $40, I occupy the other; paved street, fine location, near Jefferson high; garacre, allev. full base ment, furnace. Radiantfire; $0500, 'terms. Call Woodlawn 351. DUTCH COLONIAL IN LAURELHURST. Very Complete and Modern. For Quick Sale, a Bargain, Terms. 1210 East Pine St. Tabor 4528. Owner. $4500 $000 CASH, balance $40 per month. for my Piedmont home, near Jefferson high, Woodlawn and Catholic schools: 7 rooms, fireplace, furnace, garage. Call N. B. Stone. Woodlawn 2800 days or v oodiawn -" alter o. i'OK SALE Bungalow 20x30 ft. on lot 50x100 f t. ; six rooms, pantry, bath and fireplace, full basement, furnace, ga rage, fruit trees and berries In rear: 1 bik. to car. Price $3800. Call Automatic 2 1 -.y 1 ..-., center st. LATEST model 5-room bungalow in best part Rose City Park, beautiful interior finish, paved st.. everything paid in full; big discount for all cash or take late model liht car as part of first pay ment. v w ner. 1 a oor v A t ; . ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. 5-room modern, 1 block to car; if you want something nice look this over: $1500 will handle this: bal. like rent. v. l. HUHKLb CO., 320 Lumbermens Bldg. For Sl -BuwtnesB Property. BIG MONEY MAKER. Extreme old age prompts me to offer my OOO bu. capacity commercial prune oryer ana l acres ground.; most beau tiful view in Oregon; big season fast an preaching; 7-room house. 2 large barns, fruit and berries galore ; only IS miles from Portland; paved road; will sho you figures to prove big profits: will sell all or dryer with one acre. Price Tor all $10,000; easy terms. See my realtor, Air, i-tippey, oiu-ii Aicivay bias 3d and Stark. $30.00 MORRISON street. close in apartment or business site. 100x100 with income. Must sell. 415-10 N. W. Bank bldg. Suburban Homes. FOR SALE One acre, $900: house, chirk en house, fruit: Courtney station. Oregon City electric railroad, east to Oattield road, south one block, then east on Pine hurst road. Milwaukie. Or., Route 1. box CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near carltn. from I1S00 up. Inquire 3d house north of nis.f y siaton. on uregon my car tine. iSEAUTl t L natural pars; of 80 acres, large creek, and springs, electric station on groundji, near city. $15,000. AH 7d. urKoman. 5o0 CUT for quick sale; 2 acres in Gresham; fine family orchard : modern 5-room bungalow, completely furnished garage; 2.M,Q wi II handle. Tabor 267ft. $1175 NEW SUBURBAN bungalow, large lot. water, nm nis. gas. snaae : ic fare $l.n gown, owner. .uo Loncora bldg. Park ROSE, ideal home, on imorovd acre or hi acre; convenient terms. Tabor 2678. t ACRE in Gresham. set to fruit; modern s-o Iaw - t I Ml frm f hnr OtlTM. REAL ESTATE. Suburban Home COUNTRY HOME. BH acres at Aloha station on good graveled road, 2 minutes' walk to paved highway, 1 acre in heavy bearing logan berries, 2.10 bearing fruit trees, lota of red cap raspberries, gooseberries and strawberries. Entire 5 acres under high state of cultivation. The house is only li years old. has 8 rooms, with hardwood floors downstairs; all built in conveniences; heated and lighted, by gas; city water pipeti in house and barn, also on land for Irrigation. Good barn, chicken house, cow and hay shed, large woodshed and double garage. This an ideal country home. Price onlj $8000; $5500 down, balance mortgage. See us at once. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 33 N. W. Rank Bide. MM" tLBUTRlC LIGHTS. GAS, CITY WAi'ElC One acre, 4 blocks from electric sta tion, mile from city limits, all under cultivation; attractive 5-room cottage, all city conveniences; price $1050, $5U0 cash, balance $15 per month. JOHN FERGUSON, Realtor, $ Geriinger Bldg. Over 500 small places near Portland. Get our extensive classified lists. For Sale Acreage. TERWILLIGER BLVD. ACRES. Unsurpassed homesites on Terwilllger blvd. now offered for sale in tracts of one or more acres, you may have your choice of wooded tracts or cleared, with unexcelled views of the city, rivers and mountains. It is as close in as Laurel hurst park, on a 5 per cent grade to the tract, with no bridges and no tracks to cross; along the most beautiful boule vard in the city, less than 10 minutes rY from Sixth and Washington sts.; building restrictions; no such value has ever been offered for the money; It is the cheapest acreage offered in the city and on easy terms. Why go much r and pay 80 mch more ? wny go the same distance out and pay so much more for a city lot than we are asking for an acre of ground? Why pay more for a city lot with no view than we are asking for an acre with such a view as you will soon be unable to purchase at any price. R. F. BRYAN. 509 Cham, of Com, bldg. Main 1063 FRUIT LANDS. GARDEN TRACTS. BEAUTIFUL HOMESITES. In Sunderland acres, fronting on Co lumbia blvd., between E. 20th and E. 33d sts. North, convenient to Alberta and Woodlawn cars; 1 to 20-acre tracts of the very best of soil; within 4 miles of the business center. This is a new tract, just opened, there are some very valuable pieces to choese from. Prices and terms attractive. See Mr. Nay lor. with ELROD A DRYER, OWNERS. 283 Stark St. Broadway 1188. peconq floor tiordon Bldg, FRUIT TREES AND BERRIES. Acre tracts, on paved street, with Im provements paid; every kind of fruit and berries. Alberta district, city con veniences; $200 cash, balance easy terms at tt per cent. Also acre tracts on mac adamized road for $100 cash, balance B per cent. Half-acre tracts also in fruit. Nearly acre, ML Scott district, un der cultivation; small bearing orchard, -room house with sleeping porch, chick en house and runway, woodshed, city water, gas, electric lights; price $ 1325, $525 cash, balance $lo per month JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor, Geriinger Bldg. Over 500 small places near Portland. Get our extensive classified lists. N 10 AND 20-ACRB TRACTS. $25 AN ACRE AND UP. $10 down and $5 per month buys a five-acre tract in this addition of 800 acres; down the Columbia river, on the Oregon side, close to Columbia highway and river; fine transpot tatlon, railroad, river, auto stage and truck; beautiful lying land, free from roe's and gravel; some tracts have beautiful- view of river; there are also some with si reams, fine location for chickens, dairy, beu'ea, fruit and vegetables. CHARLES DEFEL, 318 Railway Exchange Bldg. 10 ACRES of fine land in Chehalis; 8-room house, phone, lights, chicken house, woodshed, store room, barn to accommo date 12 head stock ; all new buildings; 10 min. walk from depot; land cleared and in cultivation : will trad for Port land real estate or part trade and cash; price right: owner here until Sat. at room 20. 300 Jefferson t. SO ACRES, COWLITZ COUNTY, WASH.. 80 This tract is located about six miles from Woodland, Wash., about 10 acres cleared, all good land when cleared; same cost me $3500. will sacrifice at any price within reason for cash; actually worth $4000 for home site. Owner. G. A. Sarles. 102 Northwestern Bank bldg. HERE is your chance to own a small farm down the Columbia river, 18.61 acres on payments that you can make. It is rich productive soil on a good road. Price $558. Terms $140 cash, balance $83 a year. Let us show it to you. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.; 63 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. PRICE REDUCED ONE-HALF. We have several small tracts from 2 to 10 acres within 8 to IS miles from Portland, near Mt. Hood electric line and hard-surface auto roads ; very fer tile soil; our auto at your service. W. M. Umbdenstock &. Co., 210 Oregon bldg. NICE 3-ACIIE TRACT AT TIGARD FOR ONLY $1500. 2 acres In garden, balance in brush, 2-roorrt shack, but at this price one can afford to build; $S50 cash, balance terms. STEWART A JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. LOCATION determines real estate value; acre tracts at Powell Valley and 82d sts. will never be worth less. All city conveniences, easy terms. McClure & Schmauch Co., 306 Railway Exchange building. FOR SALE 10 acres very close to As toria oil well at very low price. Must be sold before Aug. 2. If oil is found this is worth a fortune. Miller, Main 2035. ACRES, acres; $10 down. $10 month; Alberta car; Kennedy school; water each tract; no assessments or gravel; let me show you. R. W. Cary, 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. Sbi ACRES creek bottom land 15 miles irora saiem, 1 mile to town, church, school, P. O.. R. R. depot and highway; $1600 cash, from owner. S 831). Ore gonian. WRITE for map of western Washington, snowing iuiui.iua. iu w price ana easy terms offered to settlers. WEYERH AUSER TIMBER CO., T a co ma. Wash. 6-ROOM house, acre ground, 17 minutes out ; assortment iruit, water, gas; 7 cent fare; $15O0, $250 down. DRAPER. 408 BOARD OF TRADE MULTNOMAH DISTRICT. Half acre, berries, garden, good house; $2000, take $500 cash; act quickly. Mar shall 3324. u. .v t, l. j-. r . x iMuu hi. ou per acre on the Loiumoia nvur. gooa roaa; easy term. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. - 633 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Aji.ia, miles south of r-nnHv ia uuuci IUIU..UUM, no uuuamgs, in order i fsimo win sen verv cheap. O S35, Oregonlan. WILL SKLL 15 acres in thru im. THom- AMn ft 1 M 1 o .1 j ?UT-cr Portland. ,u 81 L' ACHE, close In, Gresham car. Bell slat iTT lie iare; iOU, ou aown; will dixorv.TA, iiou tor r&sn. iiain 4 - b'l'UCKilK.N, atitention: user. 415 East 60th st..'Lpa AnTel., KV CHOICE email acreage tracts close to Port- can be handled with small cash nt. Main 7027. 415 Piatt bldg payme ACRE, shack, garden in. 6 blocks north Sandy blvd., $lt50. terms. J. L?eder e2S i-:q ana rescott sts. , 4 ACRES, on electric line and hichwav" Pnn,l oil nrw rock: S-lnO t xiJVi vvivu KJP x HADE. ACREAGE adjoining Portland. $150 per acre, uwner, caa; 120 acres of land lor sale. p. Wolke N. halem. Or. DIKED LAND Columbia blvd , 5-a.cri tracts. R. 'Vy. Cary. lll'j N. V. Bank bid. 80 ACRES, fruit, timber. 5-room house- ACRE for sale. Idea! place for berries" or flowers. East 43J3. 3liu William, ave aruu i-anu. lor al. or Kent. HE IS IT ON WALNUTS." If you want a bearing orcnard or any expert advice on wainuta, write T Wlthycombe. His client, have all mad. good money on their investment. .4J 12th st- Marshall $118. Honiratead.. ltellpqulhmepte, HAVE put more settlers on.Oregon" lands In past 6 months than all other individ uals or associations in state combined list of hundreds of satisfied clients to refer to. Call at office for detailed de scription of open tracts: maps $1 by mall M. J. Anderson, 531 Railway Ex change b'.dg. YOUR BEST OPPORTUNITY to take a homestead is this month. Am locating claim. tHrougnout western Ore gon, either farming or timber tracts special inducement, to ex-service men: satisfaction guaranteed by experienced locator. -, E. W. HELM. 816 Board of Trade Bldg HOMESTEAD. 160-acre timber relinquishment for ale. 16 mile, west of Eugene, on good auto road, county road runs through place; place is surveyed; house 10x20. in sured for $600; will sell out for $500. Ad dre Box 642. l-augi-iie, Oc. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. 53 ACRES. 31 miles from Portland, 6 miles from good town, 1 y miles to grade school; good macadamized highway by place, creek through place; 8 acres un der cultivation, all can be farmed when cleared and Is good level land In favor able location; house 18x20, yoOO feet of lumber on premises, barn; price $370O, $0O0 federal loan, which is included in price. Consider house In Portland and assume. WELL STOCKED PLACE. 25 acres, 60 miles southwest of Port land, one mile to school, 4 miles from small town; good bearing orchard, cheap house. Included with place: 12 good milch cows, one bull, one brood sow, chickens, team and equipment. Price $3200, Including $000 incumbrance at $100 per year. Offered on easy terms, or consider bouse in Portland for equity. Inspected by Berger. JOHN FERGUSON, Realtor, . Geriinger Bldg. Largest farm dealer on Pacific coast. . Over 5O0 small places near Portland. Get our extensive classified lists. SOMEONE IS GOING TO MISS A BAR GAIN IN THIS NICE LITTLE FARM. ON NEWBERG HIGHWAY. Consists of 24 acres all in crops. 2 acres of Cuthburt raspberries set out this spring, young orchard in bearing, dandy new 5-room bungalow, with large living room all kinds aof built-ins, storage house Just off back porch, good barn, garage, poultry house, in fact every thing is good on this place, with It goes household furnishings, good team, lots of implements and tools, all for $11,000, might consider house in Portland for part. STEWART A JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank -Bldg. SMALL PLACE BIG INCOME. 23H acres with crops, stock, equip ment; on excellent rock road, 1 hours from Portland, near Goble; good build ings; cold spring water piped in house, barn and chicken houses; free out-range for stock; furniture, farm tools, black smith outfit, 7 fine cows, 2 horses, few registered .hgs, over 200 chickens, nice Income from cows and chickens; im mediate possession; photos In office. Nothing better on the market .for price, $5S00; terms. O. B. RIPPEY, REALTOR, 610-11 McKav Bldg., 3d and Stark. Main 6229. YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS 7 ACRES FOR THE MONEY. Located jiear Reedville, owner of this place works In Portland and goes back and forth every day. half cleared, good young orchard in bearing, good 3-room hq,use, nice little barn, chicken house and wood shed, all buildings are good; some in garden and clover, house fur nishings go with place ; also 1 horse and buggy all for only $2700, good terms to right party. STEWART A JOHNSON. S15 Northwestern Bank Bldg. MUST sell 100 acres at Carrolls. Wash.. Cowlitz county; 45 acres cleared. 25 un der plow and good fence; 7-room house, root cellar, woodshed, chicken house; barn will bold 15 head of cattle; well, spring.' creek, 2 hog houses, 4 cows. 8 calves, chickens, new wagon, new har ness, new plow, rake, mower, buggy, all small farming tools, all household goods, 3 miles to town, mail route delivery, on rock road, phone in house; $3300. $1300 cash for quick sale. Call 12 to 3 P. M 351 East 57th st. North. 127 ACRES OF FINE LAND, IMPROVED, NEAR GASTON, OR., FOR $5000, ATTRACTIVE TERMS. 30 acres in crops, 10 acres slashed and burnt, some fine fir, cedar and alder timbers, good 5-room ouse, large barn and outbuildings, spring and run ning water. Will consider lot in Port land or automobile to $1000 and $1500 cash, balance $2500 for 16 years at C per cent. STEWART & JOHNSON, 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 80 ACRES, STOCKED AND EQUIPPED $2500. The owner must sell this 80 acres, lo cated near Philomath, in Benton Co., IS acres under cultivation; good orchard and lots of small fruit; mile to school; 6-room house, barn 20x3G; full set of farm tools, team. 1 cow, 1 heifer, 2 hogs, everything Including crop goes at only $2500; $12O0 cash. F. L. EDDY. Realtor. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 120 ACRES, LINCOLN CO., EQUIPPED $2000. 120 acres,, with 10 under plow and in crop, orchard and berries; 4-room house, running water, barn 16x32; 4 Jersey cows, 1 heifer, 1 horse. 30 chickens ano all farm tools and furniture included at only $26O0; $1SOO cash. F. L. EDDY. Realtor. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 13 ACRES Vz mile Eagle creek, 14 acres In fine state of cultivation and in crops, the balance brush and some small tim ber, plenty of fruit for home use, good fences, ail buildings new; 4-room house, barn, woodshed and other buildings; nice spring branch on the place; also fine well water at house. You will find this Al buy at price asked, $3750. CARY REAL ESTATE CO. ESTACADA. OR. 10 ACRES. WAPATO $2000. 10 acres, located only 1 mile from "Wapato, 5 acres under plow; family or chard and berries, fenced with woven wire; 8-room house, barn 30x50, 1 cow and 1 dozen hens Included in price of only $2000; $500 cash. F. L. EDDY. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. HOOD RIVER BARGAIN. Have 10 acres at Hood River, all cultivated; 3 acres bearing apples, other fruit and berries. Good 5-rm. . house, barn and outbldgs. Well and irrigation; 2 horses. 1 cow, chickens and farm Im plements, furniture, etc., all for $4200, on terms. Will pay you to investigate this. F. R. JESSE. r,?7 Corbett bldg. Main 7141. 100-ACRE FARM AT ONE-HALF VALUE, $3600. Forty-five acres cultivated, seven-room house, large barn, outbuildings, fruit, etc., cows, calves, chickens, new wagon, har ness, mower, rake, buggy, house fur nished complete. Terms can be arranged for quick sale. See Grant Hoberg, Geo. Englehart, 624 Henry bl d g. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. SELL OR TRADE. Equipped dairy, 5 cows. 3 heifers, team, all implements and tools, new barn, 4-room house, creek, two springs, all crops, hay in barn; 1000 cords wood, 12 miles Portland; $13,00i; small pay ment. long terms. 526 Cham, of Com. $2500 -BUYS my 160-acre western Lane Co, Or., ranch; about 40 acres creek bottom, part cleared, rest easily cleared, balance low bench; wagon road, telephone line throutrh place; fine for dairy, fruit; close to school; will take good late model Ford touring car part and give time on . .a. -vi e a a rteea. ur." ACT QUICK. 98 acres, 35 acres in cultivation, 6 room house, big barn, other buildings, 19 mnes xrora roniana. jrice $0500. SABIN & RIMA. 1032 Union Ave. N. Woodlawn 589. NOTICE Buy from owner .10 acres good land: no rock: 8 in cultivation; 4-room house, outbuildings, horse, cow. tools: 1 y. miles to town; price $4.'i0, some terms. Come see or write H. A. Taber, Scappoose. Or. 20 ACRES, all cultivated and in crop; best of soil, good house and barn, good well, near highway and elec. station; stock and Imp. Consider some trade. Owner. John Calderwood. Yamhill. Or. 80 ACRES, very productive; some heavy timber, pasture, bungalow, trout stream, on R. R.. 2 ml. from town and pavement; half river bottom: $125 per acre, tenna H. B. Allen. Gaston. Or. SOUTHERN OREGON BETTER LAND FOR LESS MONET Best fruit and farm lands in the state. UNLIMITED VIRGIN TIMBER. Write LAKE & AIK1NS. Rldd:.. Or. EXCELLENT land at J30 per acre on the Columbia 'river; good road; easy terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 30 ACRES, bottom land; high school: all you can efc mi. nnucr; uerry ranch; stock and equipment; cheap, good terms. Box 102. Canby. Or. 10 TO 40 ACRES, cleared land, $250 per acre; situated 14 miles southwest of public market: terms. Owner, room 621 new P. O. bldg.. Portland. Or. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. $50 to $500 per acre; easy terms, best soil. larms for sale, all sixes. McFarlana. realtor, .po railing bldg. 22-ACRE Tillamook Co. dairy. best river bottom", house, barn. silo, machinery, 4 cows. Price $7600. F. P. Thun. Clover dale. Or. S3 ACRES, six miles south of Lebanon; 65 In cultivation, well fenced t a good buy, or will trade. Owner. Tabor 6308. LOGGED-OFF lands. $10 acre up; running water, good soil, H tlllab!.; school, easy terms. J. R. Sharpe, S3hi Third st. VAXTKD REAL ESTATE. BUNGALOW WANTED. S rooms, strictly modern, good loca tlon; Sellwood preferred. E. R. S., 513 pouch bldg. .aiain OBf WANT 5 to 7-room modern house.-paved street, sewer, . garage preferred; lowest cash price; must be bargain, C 840, uregoniao. WANT home In Alameda or lrvington up to soouu; nave casn. main lUJtt. WANT to buy 4 to 6-room house on easy terms. Automatic WANT lot. close In, on paved st.. about $xuuu. easy term, auvo. lo-ii. WANTED REAL ESTATE. LARGEST HOME SELLER ON THE PACIFIC COAST! DO YOU WANT RESULTS? Tour home Is sold If listed with us! We are in touch with hundreds of EARNEST HOME BUYERS for bomea In all parts of the city. We Inspect, appraise and photograph within 24 hours after listing. No charge except the standard commis sion of 5 Si in the event of a satisfac tory sale. 28 salesmen to work on your property. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Sell Your Home. A bin Ft on Bldg.. Main 1069. 3d St.. Bet. Wash and Stark. HOUSES WANTED. WALNUT PARK. Have clients wanting houses In this district, want houses under $7000. If priced right I can sell it. Call FRANK MAHONEY, COE A. McKENNA CO.. S2 Fourth st. Main GSTU HAVE cash buyers for houses or flats on west side, south of Madison st. If your proper ty is on sa le, see the man w ho makes a specialty of handling west side property. JOHN SINGER. 420 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. READY TO BUY. Have cash customer for a 5 or 6-room modern bungalow ; prefer new one in good district from $4000 to S5OO0; state best terms. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1G58. WANTED Five or 6-room modern bun galow in good district, view lot if pos sible: have $1500 to $2000 cash and good acreage, or auto to trade on same. Dr. Johnson. 523 Plttock bldg. Broadway 4906. TO SELL YOUR HOME, ' CALL, MR. GREENE. WITH J. BRUCE GODDARD. MAIN 4557. Forms anted. FARMS WANTED. Want 20 to 40 acres near Portland. Have clients with Portland property to exchange. Give lull description first letter. MARSH & McCABB CO., REALTORS, 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 3393. WANT FARM ON SHARES. Have thoroughly reliable farmer who wants to lease farm stocked and equipped ; can furnish best of references. Will consider cash rent if personal property furnished. F. L. EDDY, Realtor. RITTER, LOWE & CO-, 201 -2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. MR. FARM OWNER, Why not rent your farm and sell your personal property? We have many par ties wanting td lease farms; see us at once; we specialize in farm leases. F. L. EDDY. Realtor. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WE ARE in touch with several parties looking for small improved farms near Portland, ranging in value from $2000 to $4000. Write or phone us and we will come and look your place over. STRWART & JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg WANTED To hear from owner of good ranch for sale; state cash price, full particulars. D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. INTEREST in patent valued $1000. fine 7-pasfl. automobile and cash for a farm. C sO. uregonian. V a nted to Rent Farms. WANTED TO RENT, SMALL PLACES. Have several people wanting to rent acreage or small farms close to Port land preferred. Some people will buy the place after leasing for year or more We make lots of sales this way. Will buy equipment if priced right. inj rRRfiTTSON. Geriinger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. ti- m75 n a nlace. with up to 3 acres. must have house and fruit; prefer near irtwr Columbia river highway, not farther west thap Rainier; must be rea sonable. X 840, Oregonlan. FOR RENT FARMS. GOOD GOING DAIRY RANCH. A a. milp from center of Port' -miiamivpri mad. mile from pavement, lots of outrange, bearing or chard, close to school: 4-room uuu, , .i.(rn tn,ia hnir rtIIK flil- etC i milch cows, young team, 8 w AA onri inrcp line of equip " tami vear. Will lease for 3 years. 32 acres in crop, gasoline engine and silage cutter, hay n barn, ec.. all included in price of $2000. Ask for Mr. Hunter. JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor, Geriinger Bldg. 137 ACRES. AN EXCELLENT DAIRY RANCH pno XtV. VT Best of river bottom, well located and well improved; good crop; complete equipment, and stock for sale; special offer to party with $3i00 casti. . tt. a., 513 Couch bldg nE-vT V11TTV1 T. A XD . taA in1 nrllne team and all farm Implements wheat, alfalfa and potato crop. cow. 300 chix. 1.)00; will acaept light auto or truck part payment; ..,1,i lrknps. E. R. S.. 513 Couch bide. Main 50!4. 10 ACRES garden land, gooa o-room nou.. barn, chicken houae; clo.e tn on paved Columbia hiKhway. lajior. 316 Board Trade bldg. Main-8H6 5T? acres, well watered. S mliea irom Newberg. eenwooa uwo. TIMBF.K 1AXD8. - HOMESTEAD. IfiO-acre timber relinquishment for sale, 16 mile, west ot r-ugene. un auto road, county road run. througn Fured'for $600: sell out for 500. AddreM Box 84. isugene. jr ..,. ,'ut'c timhor land In Lincoln county. ,, tiHawnter-. cruise at least ?o nn,. int. of eond Diling. This Is" red fir. This place would make a good stock rancn wnen ine nmw, Price of the place $3500. some terms. CARY REAL. ESTATE CO. Estacada. Or. ... -. . c. cu.)!!. in nine. ftr. .n.,. timber, also good tract, of virgin timber In Oregon or Washington. See Wlnsiow . ... TO FXCHANGF HBAL ESTATE. . SALE OR EXCHANGE 140 acres, Tilla mook county, depot on place. resi dence 6 rooms, newly furnished; chicken houses, buildings, spring water piped; market for all produce: added revenue as fisherman's resort; good orchard, ber ries etc.: 5 acres cleared, more easily; VJlZ ,t $6500. is a gift. 218 Piatt bldg.. Park and Washington IMPROVED. STOCKED A.ND BUUirrnu, ... r hmi.p and barn, garage. water system. 20 miles east; absolutely clear ot debt; $12,500; will take good home in Portland to $6o00. balance long irr,. n ner cent. E. R. S.. 513 Couch building. v- ... T n.ii-tT TtTTVOALOW. Has bath, toilet, electric lights and gas, 1 block to car. x-nte ft tn 10 acres near electric lint v.inn of bungalow. See Mr. c,.hn. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. o7V tt AVE three of the best ranches In barns full ot hay: will exchange for city property TRY Uh. MARSH mcladei aw-a a wxv... 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 3.93. Tn TRADE Eieht-room house and small Aila.A wiirii- i TWrflelH Mo., on trunk line ana nignway i V V miles north; will trade for raw land In western Washington or Oreeon. Address Mahlon stepnene. ueipimic at S4TRIFICE A FARM. rami ir.hnee for anything. 80 acres. i from Grants Pass, on Kood road in Josephine county: Rood outrange for cattle. Call Xr. Johnson. Broadway 4006. STOCK FARM. Want Portland or Seattle property will E$ve J30.000 stock farm as part pay. W. H. KUSS. 1 1 00 Northwestern Bank Bid g. 1 BO-ACRE ranch, etocked. equipped, for citv res. to $4000; price $6400; 30 acre, bottom; orchard, good 7-rm. house and outbldgs. Frea Lawson o., au Com. Main SELL equity of $00 in two lots, near p: ROth and Washington sts.. or will tmrtft for anything I can use of equa value. Call after noon or evenings. Spllwood 70S. in-c-e-T st rue. modern cottage, close In. fine shape, clear of incumbrance. Value tiADA- will exchange for larger house, will assume. Main 1063. 509 Chamber of Commerce bldg, Kresiaence. Mar. SO, ALBERTA LAND. Have 640 acres of fine level-lying land, finest soil, free and clear of all incumbrances; will sell cheap or trade for 7-room home in ronmnn.. jasr in irriw sale lease or trade for Portland nrontrtv. modern house, Astoria. Write or see me personally. 609 Board of Trade Bldg. Portiana. m. tt. Reeves. 7-room modern house. E. 62d st.. lot 14: 109; also 20 acres joining Woodburn to trade for clear property. BOCK. HOLD BROS., 601 Swetland Bldg. WANT clear home. R. C. or lrvington, give 2 nouses near jeuerron uiga. wood lawn loi. HAVE good valle farm to trade on cits income property 10 ou,wu. auto nail' way Exchange piag. 5-ROOM bungalow ior sa.e or exchange for house and lot in Portland. 15U6 Olin st.. Portiana. nr.1 HAVE a two-room house and lot. oaved street. Seattle; will trade for Portland house. tscott. naw neimont st. WANT close-in improved acreage; hav 6-room home in gooa section; will TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. WE HAVE 1120 acre choice wheat land in one of Alberta's best and surest dis tricts, 1 miles from station and ele vators. There are eight elevators with in a radius of eieht mites: 100O acres can be plowed with tractor, 500 acres broken. 200 acres of summer fallow ; 6-room house, barn 28x04, three gran aries, two good wells, ice house for X0 tons, fine living water on the place and excellent shelter for stock; 250 cres of crop. Price $68 per acre. In cluding the crop No encumbrances Against this property. Owner will take in trade a smaller farm in the Will amette valley, balance to be paid on the half-crop payment basis ; no crop, no payment on either principal or In terest. We have other smaller proposi tions offered in exchange for Oregon or Washington farms. F. A. GILLILAN. LIMITED. LAND BUILDING. CALGARY. ALBERTA. NO. 190 80 ACRES, STOCKED. 80 a., 30 a in cultivation, balance In open seeded-down pasture, all tillable. !'." to 30 a. more very easily cleared; fine spring, can be piped to building; timber for domestic use ; good 6-room house, brick basement, wood shed, chick en house, large cellar, large dairy barn, five acres in bearing orchard, elevated building spot, small fruits and shrub bery of all kinds. '2 dairv cows, heaw farm team, harness, wagon, implements and crops: adioinint? highly improved farms in thickly settled community; all xencea ana cross fenced; close to school and church: on main automobile road. with all rural advantages; only 5 miles from good Pacific highway town. Price $8000; will accept Portland or Vancouver property. THOMPSON", SWAN & LEE, Realtors, 3d and Main Sts.-, Vancouver, Wash. NO. 16T. 50 acres, almost all tillable, 20 acres high state of cultivation, 15 acres more very easily cleared, oOO to 1000 cords of first-growth red fir timber, 5-room box house, new 3-room bungalow, good dairy barn, necessary outbuildings, 1 acre bearing orchard, fine spring stream through place, adjoining highly Improved farms, in thickly settled community on main county road; mail route, telephone, excellent view of Columbia highway and Portland. 5 miles from good Columbia river highway town. Price $4000. Lib eral terms. THOMPSON", SWAN & LEE, Realtor 3d and Main Sts. Vancouver. Wash. IN CANBY DISTRICT. 40 acres of the richest river silt soil, finely located on the Molalla river, a great soil and location for asparagus, rhubarb, celery, early garden fruit and berries; very early soil; 25 acres in cul tivation and crop. See this crop. House has 6 rooms, running water, bath and toilet; barn, hog house and other buildings; 2 cows, some poultry, hog, Fordson tractor, cultivator, plows, wagon, horse, all go for $7300. WANT Portland home to $4500. Per sonally Inspected and recommended. . MacINNBS, EXCHANGE DEPT. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201, 2, 3. S, 7 Board of Trade Bldg. Where Trades Are Made. FINE SUBURBAN HOME. FOUR. ACRES. 6-rm, modern bungalow, electric lights, water, bath, full concrete basement and trays, good bam and chicken house, etc.; 1400 White Leghorn chickens, fine Jer sey cow, all garden tools, fruit of all kinds; right at electric sta. and store. Will take 5-rm. modern bungalow to $4000 in good district. See PARRISH & PARRISH, 209 Falling Bldg. Main 6327. SEE OUR EXCHANGE DEPT. FOR ANY THING YOU HAVE TO TKAD. 120 acres timber, will exchange for equity In Portland home and assume up to $5000. 160 acres, near Woodland. Wash., to exchange for Portland property. 160 acres neaf Washougal, Wash., for equitv city home. WE HAVE SEVERAL OTHERS. MARSH A McCABE CO.. REALTORS i22-3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 3-Q3. Hi ACRES, unimproved, some open ana easy placed under cultivation, udmm.e small timber, fir and cedar; two all-year-round creeks, good roads and only 0 miles from Estacada, Or., R. F. D. mail- an IDEAL place for poultry or berries.- Will consider - even exchange for Portland home, price $2000, or will sell on good terms, small ' amount down nd bal. long time at 6 per cent. CARY HEAL ESTATE CO. Estacada, Or. DO YOU WANT TO EXCHANGE FOR Anyone able to take' care of $10,000 mortgage can get one of the best farm bargains in the state, either 200 or J00 acres. Owner will take his equity In clear property. Has got to make a turn In the next ten days. STEWART & JOHNSON 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg- , 8-ROOM MODERN HOME In good district, fireplace, built-ins. full cement basement, trays, etc. A ill lake improved 5 or 10 acres, close in on highway or near station. A hat have you ? See PARRISH. 209 Failing Bldg. t . ii.:. C907 V . r. r,. unvi c. A VD DAIRY. XI l LiJ-fO DVJJ A.AV--.A-. 1 14 acres, good 0-room house, nearly new : land partly set loganberries. raspberries, .tra wherries: full dairy equipment. Inclndin. cow. and I team: In cept suburban home and acreage or small conleclinnery. siii" ' V R. S-, M3 uoucn pius- . m . -r cTHPtr RANCHES. We have several of the best stock ranches In the west to exchange, also ranciie. .. v ..nPh. Prices are 7ow and this is the time to trade for that kind of property. Ji you ........ iated we will furnish full particu.ars. eatea we COMPANY. 13 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. CACKLE ! CACKLCACKUKU: ! WAIN J. trj rv x ux. iricity and water, all buildings fine barn, complete poultry equipment: 700 S O W U. pullets, fruits, berries. 4 Mr road, near pavement. 56 Cham, com ctt.i-RR4 HOTEL. - 34 rooms in a thriving Willamette town, completely furnished; hot and cold IflOxlOO corner: value 1' 000- 2000 cash. Will take balance In small ranch or Portland property. This &,ACr?SH,lkMcCrBE,c6.rREALTOR? Filling Bldg. Marshall 3093. der cultivation, m.f, - rultlvatlon; larse orlng eood well. 3-room house and ba"iu Vi mile from highway, near horn: Srice $4000; free from in- fine sp cumbrance': exchange for Portland res. or good rooming house. Owner. 228 Vi KlrstKt WATED From owner, good farming and rT."ture land In Oregon. In exchange for apricot, peach and orange grove, au selected buds, fine crop, all or part, Sln nnn Tlution. E. A. Carr. 164 Ro- nana Drive. Riverside. Cal. nn ...... wm at hairmoni orcnarus. price 1800. take car first payment. 814 Stock iyxcnanis u"6- Tft EXCHANGE nSCELLASEOC9, CABINET work or new furniture to trade ror iignt car. j - . . 867 N. 18th st. WANT groceries or tailoring trv or painting. Main 12J2. for carpen- VICTROLA and records. S5. or i for trunk. 4630 62d at. S. E. or will trade FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicle. Livestock. BARGAIN. S3.'.: horse, 140O lls.. good, nlC6 worker- 1200 lb. mule, no mate, sell cheap: S small horses at your own price; 2 good cows, tub. tested: harness of all kinds: must be sold to make room. Wood i aro. a-i r ruin, mmc. v.j. FOK SALE Good horse and harness, with wagon, plow and harrow, or will trade for one or two cows. 23S Stark st. Main 2 LARGEX fresh Ho!sxeina. fine, young, fresh, gentle family Jersey. 741 and 7r:E. Aah. THOROUGHBRED Poland China sow., bred, cheap. E. A. Fearing. Jenning. Lodge. FOR SALE Six horse,; reasonable prices. Holman Fuel Co.. barn E 6th and Ivon streets. TEAM horses, weight l.VXl. harness and . dump wagon, all for $30. Call Tabor 8145 PEAD horses and cattle taken quickly. Phone Mllwiukie 69 J for best service. Veterinarian. dr. howes. tabor 6586. DEAD hors'.-s and cattle taken quickly Call Pay or nmi.. n p.i-pt TEAM of horses and outfit for sale or trade. n."9 Amherst. FRESH Jersey cow with calf, either or both. 77 E. 6olh N. $30 PONY, saddle and bridle, gentle; -also pros-en m uit.c. jem Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. MY PRACTICALLY new little :.00 up right mahogany piano for 225 .ash. Mrs. Cassell. apt. 2. Altonla. WILL SELL my little oak upright piano for $200 cash. Mrs. Reese, apt. 62. West fall. Marshall 2654. ENTERTAIN your guests; rent a piano, player-piano or phonograph. HA-ROLD 6. GILBERT. StUi XajnhlU St. FOR SALE. Plavnos, Organs and Musical Instruments. DOWNSTA IRS Rrnr. x.-H vV'XM Pi ADO Co tr;3 Klmhal-. h.nH.n $205 $675 Singer, upright grand 203 $000 Heger mission oak 43 , $.'25 Vosa A Sons upright 1 I $75f. Adam Schaaf player 4'.5 $750 Pianists. 65-note player 505, $10 to $25 cath. & to $15 monthly. Phonograph Dept.. Used Specials Grafonoia, Brunswick, cab., each. .$05.00 Columbia and Pathe. cabinet, each. $5.00 Stradivara. $65; Grafonoia. small. 12.50 101 10th st . at Wash, and Stark Sta. Securlty Storage Co., closing out for cash $425 hallet Davis, upright ..$195 $450 Peerless, large, upright - 15 $275 ColLtrd & Coilatd. small, up. . 5 $230 Pianola player. Si player roils. 45 4 parlor organs. $25. $35. $38 and 43 103 10TH ST.. COR. STARK. ST. READJUSTMENT PERIOD SALE, Grand pianos, first-class and from $975 up, savings $200 to $300. Every pianist, every womau hopes to own a grand piano during her lifetime. Tour upright taken in part oaymenl. Player pianos, new and used, from $4J5 up. Pianos, new and used, froiu $2-5 UP for cash o on a littls cash, balance ( spread over 8 years' tim to suit your requirements. Your phonograph. Pno or organ taken as first payment. 7th floor, Lipmn. Wolfe A Co.. 6th and w asningtOTi PHONOGRAPHS Some reduced over 50$ New and Used Cabinet Models. Widdicomb Sheraton model 6. oak... $85 Bluebird, in mahogany Pathe. fumed oak. model 12 Va15 Mandl. in golden oak.. Emerson phonograph Va Stradivara Chopin, mahogany Victory, style . small I $10 or more at time of purcuase, vt more a month thereafter. L1PMAX, WOLFE &. CO.. 7th Floor. SPOT CASH PAID FOR PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS BRASS AND STRING INSTRUMENTS. NEWMAN'S RECORD Ui.VL'HA.MjEi. MAIN 44y5, 128 FIRST. AUTO G27-4b. 6S5 HOB ART M. CABLE piano, beautiful oaK case, almost new. M. Cable, latest, mahogany, only J'-iOO. easy terms. They are wonderful fine toned pianos. Brokerage Co.. 311 Wor- cester bldg. KKA.MCH & BACH piano, walnut case. best of condition, at Dargain price. this piano. Terms given. 6E1BERLINO-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 12.1 4th St., bet. Wash, and Alder. WM. KXABE, tho world's best piano. and bench, looks almost new: wonder ful condition, only J390. Would be cheap at $650. easy term.. Brokerage Co., 311 Wo rcester bldg. VICTOR table phonograph with recora cabinet. I4.i complete, uoiumoia pho nograph at $oO and others at equally low prices: terms if desired. 610 N'orihweat- ern riank punning. TOUR choice of 10 fine upright pianos. $11Q to $173. easy terms. KimMll. uraa bury. Everett. Kohler & Campbfll. other terms. Brokerage Co.. 811 Worcester bldg. SPECIAL violin outfit for students, violin.' case and bow; includes extra strings aou rosin. $25. " G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. . 14! Sixth Street. BUSH & LANE player piano, just like new. greatly reauceu. tome in mu bcc w. bargain. SEIBERLING-LUOAS MUSIC CO.. 120 4th St., bet. Wash, and Alder. LOOK over our line of used phonographs; we have some gooa Duys in an tne uu- ferent makes. O. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 140 Sixth Street. USE YOUR brains and save a lot of money on that piano you are goinK to uuy . col leges, dealers and schools buy from us. Why? Because they know value. Brok- erage Co.. all Worcester piag $225 secures New England upright piano; xazo line nowara oc vni . .; If you don't want to pay cash, then $ or $8 a month Is all you need pay. Seventh Floor, Llpman. Wolfe & Co. STYLE XVI. mahogany Victor, electric, "J i T KO nnur 1 T -. - nMlHv Tl W " "G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 14H Sixth Street. FRANKLIN piano, walnut case; terms uiTtE-UT.rNrn-T.TTr-AS MUSIC CO.. Vjr, 4th St.. bet. Wash, and Alder. CLARINET outfit, first-class condition., '.0. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 14'. tsixtn street. J. C. FISHER, old styie enony case; wouia make a gooa practice t,ianu. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 12.1 4th St., bet. Wash, and Alder. C" MELODY saxophone, silver with gold bell complete with case. $135. terms. O F: JOHNSON PIANO CO.. " 140 Sixth Street. USED COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA AND RECORDS cneap. terms Bicii- SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 1 -T 4th St.. bet. Wash, and Alder. u, . a- tr ri itiITk. Rneclal. SS-note, 5 rolls IOr h F. V5HNSONPI ANO CO. 14rt Sixth Street. cpHULHOFF piano, walnut case, fine con- anion. "jon-n pIANQ CQi 14? Sixth Street. EVERETT piano, refinished like new, ma- boganv case, in ma. - G F JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 140 Sixth Street. HAINES BROS., mahogany case. 275, termG. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. WELLINGTON piano, dark oak case. $275. KKIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 4th St., bet. Wash, and Aiaer. MELODY saxophone, complete with rase SI 10, terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. CONN cornet, sliver wltn goio oeii. uign and "JOHNSON PIANO CC-T. " 140 Sixth Street. JV B. COOK piano. manoKany taae. guuu "Seiberling-lucas MUSIC CO.. 1 4th St., bet. Wash, and Alder. t P Fisher; oeautiiui wvamuL iusc, 'TeipeVung-lbcas MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St., bet. Wash, and Alder. HTfiHTfiRADE phonograph at wholesale price for winter' wood. M 820. Ore- gonian. FOR SALI3 Golden oak uoiumoia uraro nola and records; practically brand new: will yacrince ior ia. " WANTED Sweet-toned piano for cash. M a 1 n 4 4-- flitiuutfj' Furniture For Sale. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Way below actual value. Building is being torn down. Must be sold by noon today. There are 7 rooms complet. hut we mention the following articles: Dressers from $10 up. 1 buffet (quartered oak. J17.5V. 1 brass bed complete, $12.i0. Iron beds complete, $7.50, and other bargains too numerous to mention. 215 Broadway, near Salmon. SAVE MuSc-I . Try our sales department if yon want to buy or seli household goods. Reduced freight rates to most all points in our through pool cars. Expert packing, re pairing and refinishlng. Money loaned on goods in storage. Fireproof storage. JScUBITyVtOKAGB A TRANSFER CO.. A3 4th St., opp. Multnomah -Hotel. Pftone proaaway ait. COOK stove, 10; C-hole steel range; gas range 8; gas plate, $1.50; new (25 silk floss mattress for 18; dresser, 15; chif fonier 15; dining table. $0; Wtchen table $2.50: kitchen chairs. $1.25; baby crib, '$5: baby bugjry, $3: rugs and car- Tjet. cheap, niast t;'.TI. lia urnnu ave. TO TRADE for auto. Ford sedan pre ferred, beautiful new mahogany Queen Ann. dining room, bedroom and living room suites, rugs and draperies, every thing romnlete: some kitchen furniture. Muse be seen to be appreciated. Call Automatic 222-fii. FIR TV TABLE. 4 chairs. 16; 2 fir rockers, $7.50: fir chiffonier, no glass, $10; 1 oak C table, $4.r0; K. table with drawers, $3.50; tub and wash boiler, $2.50; '4 fiat Irons and handle. $1.50; elec. curling iron stand, Aving jtioert, Apt. ouo. juar. 179. WE ARE leaving the city; 1 mahogany baby upright piano, 1 very fine oak dining table with extra asbestos cover, e chairs, 2 rugs, 1 couch, 1 sanitary cot. 1 oak dresser, canned fruit. 401 . 41st st. N. VULCAN, 4-burner gas range, excellent condition ; sanitary couch and mattress; also small Gasco heater with 15-ft. wire hose; a bargain. 110 N. 21st, Apt, 1, Call after 1 P. ai. DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture if going east or to California. We- can save you money on your freight in our through cars; fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer & Storage Co.. .248 Pine street. FOR SALE Heating stoves, ranges, din ing table, carpets and other articles. 110 E. 14th st; OH- STOVES, one and three burners; ivory dresser and dressing table, cheap. &45 Williams ave. GAS RANGE, firsf-class condition: will sacrifice for $25. Main 3024. Also 2 mattresses. 5 each 8-PI ECE practically new bedrogm suite, 7fi: cost 170. Main 3042. 29x12 .RUGS for ale. cheap. 4,81 oa at. FOB SALE. Furniture For Sale. SALE of the MEIER A FRANK STOCK of high-grade furniture, rugs, overstuffed davenports and chairs. siigntiy aamugea m warehouse, and about 100 fiat-top and roller top desks, chairs and cabinets from the Northwest shipyards, and put on sale at 349-351 OAK STREET, Bet. Broadway and Park Sts. (Across from Telephone Co. Bldg.) RUGS. PORTIERES. 9x12 velvet rug. reg. $47.M). now.. $23.50 9x12 Brussels rugs. reg. $.50, now 21.00 ujti:a genuine Lrex rugs. reg. $J0 now 9x12 Chinese rugs. reg. $17.50. now Pro-Linoleum, regular 70c, now.. Heavy linoleum. 12 fu width, reg. $1.85, now Rug hall and stair carpet, reg $1.. A lot of larger and smaller rugs at -proportionate prices. 9.25 a.2j .40 .90 .40 Portieres, values up to $25 $2.50 up OVERSTUFFED DAVENPORTS. Overstuffed davenport, the very high est construction, made of the best cloths, in all shades and colors. Some worth up to $3O0, now being sold for $G5 up. Overstuffed chairs and rockera irom up DINING AND BEDROOM FCRMTURE. Man. and walnut ext. tables, rer $65, now $30.00 Mahogany and Walnut Buffets, Chairs, half price. Mali, davenport tables, now only.. 20.00 Mah. lamp sticks, reg. $20, now... U.OO .uressers, good selections, from . 15.00 Dressing tables (.3 mirrors) from.. 15. OO iron beds, 2-inch continuous poat.. 7.50 DeLuxe springs, special $i size.... 5.00 A-l mattresses, from 5.00 lie a room chairs and rockers, half price. DESKS, CABINETS. Flat-top desks, roller desks, filing cabinets, office chairs, standing deska. paper baskets, etc., etc., at your own price. 349-351 OAK ST. COHN BROS. & DIRECTOR. WHY PAY MORE? We are placing the "Favorite gas range on special sale this week! it ha elevated side oven with white porcelain door, four cooking burners with gas-saving needle valve adjustment, auto matic lighter and enameled tray; we have reduced the price to $o9.75, with $4.75 as a first pay ment, then. $5 monthly. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 1SS-100 First St. Office Furnitnre. FLAT-TOP desks. 1 roll-too desk.' tyne "writer desk. 1 typewriter stand, swivel chair, chairs, tabourettes. fancy stone flower boxes and ped. vases. 1 rutr. eleC' trie light fixtures. Remington typewrit er. Burroughs adding machine. M osier safe 44x;six27. check writer and other equipment. Call b'.H N. . Bank bids. BEFORE purchasing new or second-hand desks, chairs, files or safes, visit our sales rooms and inspect what we nave tt ofxer. THE IRWIN-HODSON CO., FURNITURE DEPT. 10TH AT STARK T T. W. DESK and chair. 2 tables, 3 roll- ton desks. 2 llat-toD oesKa. a oooKKeep- ers desks. 8 chairs. 3 filing cabinets, 2 safes. BCSHOXG & CO.. 01 Park St. Typewriters. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS, ALL MAKES. IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE. CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Washington St. Main StibL REBUILT typewriters, all makes, rentals, repairs, .supplies. Distributors CORONA portable. SUNDSTKAND, adding ma chines. Main 2285 E. W. Pease Co.. 110 Sixth street. CHEAP for cash or will trade, one No. ll-12-ln. Remington, nearly new, with metal wheeled cabinet for same. Phone Bdwy . 3258. 603 Title & Trust Diag. REPAIRS, rent, buy. sell; supplies. Type writer Inspection Co.. 312 St ark. -M. 5549. ALL MAKES rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter i-o.. v otn bl. ihiii oqqj. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. Jr. V. o., Jl aiam. nmm Poultry. LAYING young White Leghorn hens. Hoganlzed stock; heavy laying guar- anteed. J. R. Magnire, 787 Oregon Bl. Docs. Babbits. Birds and Pet Stock. BOYS make money and get Dusmess ex perience raising rabbits. My rabbits and hutches for sale because of moving away Cal! Sell. 3101. HARTZ Mountain Rollers from .mporteo stock, 2 years old. trainer, cages. East 55SB. THOROUGHBRED French bulldog. 6i)2i4 F.ast Burnsiae. evenings aun .juimaj. THOROUGHBRED PERSIAN li-lTTliS. BOSTON terrier pups, sired by Wheatland Jackie. East omj. n.. -u ANDREASBERG rollers, imported; rare snncslprs: alsrt VOUniT SlllKeito. I-.--'. ENGLISH setter, 15 months old. and puppy ontns oia, pom lcmmcp. j........ Boats. Launches and Marine tquipment. MOTOR launch, 8-passenger. 4-cyiir.der, 4-cycle motor, jenata it. condition. Complete with equipment. Sellwood 2658. y FOR SALE Oldtown canoe and equip ment, with phonograph, good condition: price $50. Owner 2S5 Cook ave.. after a MOTOR canoe, Just the thing you are looking for to take that outing; this little canoe is fully equipped. Call East 16GI;. Machinery. NO 1 AMERICAN sawmill, complete with carriage and one 4.s-inch saw. See it in operation at the Fordson Tractor Show on Bliss farm, near Gresham. all of this week. Federal Box and Lumber Co.. Yeon bldg.. Portland. TWO VERTICAL steam engines, one 6 and one 8-horsepower. good condition: will Sacrifice. Oregon City Laundry. Oregon -ltv Or. Sth St.. near Main. VULCANIZER Akron & Williams, trv machine; will handle all biz -cav- zes: for $125. Write box 12 1, Boring. Oregon. FOR SALE one a-oaca s juiu miier gas drive, first-class condition. Astoria Fuel & Supply Co.. Astoria. Or. Sf.D SALE tr. nearly new; pric. $185. Call Mar. 3368. Mr. iNewton. i-oi? le One water-cooled Kingston rnmnrAssof with Ms-h. P- new motor, cheap. N S34. Oregonlan, Coal and M'ood. OAK WOOD, for sale. $10.50 a cord de livered anywhere within 2-mile limit of w. ireiRiu ""X" East SAlu. East CORDWOOD for sale In any quantity; will sell in the timber, banked on road or foaded. aboard cars. W. W. Harris. Ore- gon City. GROUND hog fuel and sawdust In car load or truclt lots. Western Cooperage Co.. ooiumpia CORDWOOD. guaranteed sound and sea soned. 7.50 to S8.50. Aut. W9-.3. De livered on east smt? VERY fast dry, cut from big timber, first growth firs, west side delivery. Broad way 44UU ior pneea. GUARANTEED bet old-growth i cord wood. $8 50 per cord; green slab, $0. Bdwy. 4110. . BLOCK and slab $11. two-load lots; Wash, coal $0 50 in 2-ton lots. Oregon ueL Wdln. 4102 xi v a v v country slao, b..".' , ai iir&i. HAXth SS? $5 to $8.. Broadway 2211 or East 2220. BEST old-growth fir cordwood. $8.25 per c o ru. seuvsuj va pa-. Kl RST-GROWTII year-old cordwood, 7.5i r r-ord. within 3-mile limit. Mar. 4313 BIG LOAD of box Ca;l Wdln. 5004 o wood $5.50 per load. r 1113 Montana ave. OAK fir and ash wood, carload lots or 4-c'ord lots. N 842, Qregonian. DRV COUNTRY siaDwooa, i pn vuru.. aiSO COTQ WOOt-l. rt.UL.ji.iaw. . COUNTRY dry slab wood, short slab and block. Mar. 2643 HEAVY mill -run slab, 0.ia Hroaaway o. M isce 1 1 an eous. LADIES. "be well dressed.' a home. USea Earnitina m SCREEN doors, windows, mirrors; f urnl ture repairing, cabinet work. Wdln. 1487. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding irchine. showcase. 43 1st st.. near .f .in. VACUUM cieaners for -rent. 85c per day. delivered anvwhers. Wdln. 3405 ; VERY nice oak dining room set, reason able. ast 5602, FOR SALE. M Isce 1 1 an eous. WHILE THEY LAST. Orders from Dodge Bros to eo.uip all cars in stock with overbite cord tires has placed on our hands an unusua.1 "iniity of 32x3 v Babric tires and tubes. These will be sold at a great reduc tion whll they last. SIxSi plain tread. .$15 00. reg. pr. $ a2x3i Non-skid 16. SO, reg. pr. 22.15 32x3 Gray tubes. . 2.25. reg. pr. 3.00 COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 21st at Wash, sts. Main 6244. LUMBER. BUILDING AND PLUMBINU SUPPLIES. New and second-hand. Call or send list for estimate. DO LAN" WRECKING AND CONSTRUCTION CO. 460 Belmont St., ' cor. E. Sth st. Block off Katt Morrison. Enst 6110. BUY. SELL OR TRADE. SHOWCASES. CASH REGISTER. SCALES. TYPEWRITER. DESKS. FURNITURE, RUGS. KEWMANS EXCHANGE. 128 FIRST. MAIN 4495. AUTO. 627-46. 625-82. CAMP TRAILERS. Complete camping outfit, auto camp trailers. You can have the luxuries of a home and the quickest camp to set up if you get one of these. only two in stock, one slightly used at $250, one ample at $32r COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 21st at Wash, sts. Main 6244. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. Fans, irons, motors, vacuum cleaner, washing machines, etc. .We sell, repair an exchange everything electrical. Will call and deliver. HYNSON ELECTRIC CO., 62 6th St. Broadway 4293. AUTO SHINE POLISH. See that you get the auto shine polish. It will brighten and preserve the paint and add to its beauty; It is valuable for polishing automobiles, furniture, floors and enameled surfaces of all kinds: guaranteed to be free from acid. Ask your dealer. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged, easy terms if de sired. NORRJS SAFE & LOCK CO., 103 Second Street. Main 2045. DOORS and windows, lumber, lath, shin gles, moulding and mill work. See our odd stock of . ash and doors for prices, D. B. SCULLY CO.. DOWNTOWN LUMBER STORE. . 171 FRONT ST. Phone Main 4213. SEWING machines, new and second-hand, soid for less; no agents employed; com plete line of parts for all makes; ma chJnes repaired and rented. Main 943L SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, 190 Third Street, near Taylor. IF DAVID'S CAN'T REPAIR YOUR WATCH GIVE IT UP. Only genuine watch materials used. DAVID'S. Jewelers and Opticians, 343 Washington St.. at Broadway. PLUMBING, sewers, cesspools, septic tanks, steam and pressure work; we are open for new work now, contracting or time work; just phone us. Central Plumbing & Supply Co., 352 Glisan st. Broad way 4! to 4. 2 FINE duck lakes, located this side of Scappoose, very convenient to reach by auto. Will lease to responsible party only. For further information call 223 Jefferson, between 10 and 11 A. M. onlv SEWING machine, E.dridge automatic chain stitch, with all attachments antf electric power, $30; Ohio vacuum sweep er, all attachments, $35; both almost new. Marshall 2HH3. Main 5143. BARGAIN. For sale, 2 wooden tanksr In good con dition, 1000 gal. and ir.oo gal. HUGER HASENFUTER. 1108 E. 6th st. East Vancouver. Wash. 20 DROPHEAD sewing machines. $12.50 to $45 ; Singers, New Homes. Whites. W. W. ; all makes machines rented and repaired. E. R. Steen. 152 Grand ave. East 2350. WHY AN everlasting aggravation by & leaky rooi? Why not a comiortable and durable roof ? We repair. Rubber bond and rejuvenate all kinds of leaky roofs. Work guaranteed. Main 5120. HOT WATER tanks, 3u-gai, 7: 40-gal., $Ct ; tested and guaranteed ; stove and furnace col is, gas heaters installed, ex pert plumbing, repairing. East Sids Welding Shop. 203 Adams st. East S518. FO R SA LE Cash registers, floor cases, new and second-hand ; wall case, meat siicer. fountain complete; other store f ixiu res, lo w price, cash, credit. 240 Salmon. BARRELS, kesrs and cteel drums all sixes, oak and fir. new and second hand. REASONABLE PRICES LA V TON COOPERAGE CO. Main 81 4 T. 327 Water St. LADIES TAKARA ANTISEPTIC powder is a toothing, cleansing, healing germi cide and invigorating application: a great aid la female disorders: 50c and $1 per box. Portland Hotel Pharmacy. SAFES Fire. and burglar proof. Big bar gains second-nan .a safes- and vau'.t doors. Bushong A Co.. 70 6th st. Bdwy. 1262 LADDERS. D. B. Scully Co.. Downtown Lumber Store. 171 Front st.. bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Phone Main 4213. MULTIGHAPH. slightly used, quantity of type and equipment, $1U0; alto paper cutter and tablet press. 7 Board of Trade bldg. " OFFICE FURNITURE. Bought, sold and exchanged. HAN SEN-W A DEN STEIN DESK CO.. 1 OS -107 12th st. Broadway 1877. KITCHEN QUEEN white table, bins and drawers, $7; 1 screen door, white, 2 feet 6 inches by 6 feet 8 inches, new. $3. East 410. FOR SALE Two tents. 10x12 and 14x18. with flv to cover both, good condition. $30. Woodlawn 62i. Call Thursday and Friday. . COMPUTING scale, casn register, coffee mills meal choppers and general sior fixtures at 226 Stark st.. between Fir and Seconfl streets. NEW "SINGERS, J5 down, 53 mommy. Exnert sewine machine repairing. MORRISON STREET SINGER STORE. 3 8 2 Morrison. Marshall 72 L FOR SALE Ideal tireless cooker. 3 com partments, practically new; 1 baby fold ing dressing table, 1 mahogany fiat-top desk. Phone iast jooj. SHOW CASES, wall cases, cash register, scales root beer barrels, fountains, res taurant equipment, sacrificed. 240 Wash ington. FOR SALE Fruit Jars, pint and quart. Children's Home, 887 Corbett st. Phone Main 57. BEST grade Sherman & Williams gray house paint in 5-gallon can, $1.50 gal- lon. East 7280. m FOR SALE Cooking range, chickens and chicken wire fencing. Call 41st and Clinton st.. or Tabor 7451. SECOND-HAND lumber and wood for sale; also 4x12 planks. See at Second and Co 1 um bia. Aiarsnau --. APEX. electric wash machine, almost new. $100 cash. 725 E. 73d st. N.. Rose City. ELECTRIC washing machine. cott $150. sell for $100; used three months; ex ceptional buy. Main 5785. 3 HIGH-GRADE American Beauty show cases, also large safe and cash register. I. Holsman. Multnomah hotel. . PORTABLE chicken house, large enough for dozen hens, also Ruud heater, cheap. Phone East 3au. DIAMOND ring, beautiful white solitaire, snap. $150. Call 1008 Raleigh st. Mar. 74C. . HAMILTON BEACH carpet washer. 1 H drums soap, extra brushes; used very little- perfect order. $100. 125 14th St. h uR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners. 24-hour day. 85c; delivered, guaranteed good condition. Woodlawn 1259T. ' KODAKS. We buy, sell, rent and exchange ko daks. Sandy. 329 Washington st. Dl EBOLD safes, new and second hand; special prict. Pacific Scale A Supply Co.. 48 Front st. Broadway, 106d. FOR CORRECT time call Main 3579; fjr scientific watch repairing se next door to Majestic inemmr. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or writs Dr. Dean, w eCon d and Morrison. - RUGS washed on your floor with Hamilton-Beach electric carpet washer; v a cuum clea ning done. Eaal 4045. THAT'S MY BUSINESS. House painting. Inside or out; reason able reliable; references. Aut. 021-57. ' STEWART wood and coal range, go r n qition. 5331 37th ave. S. E. SslNt-ifc-K urop-nead sewing machine. $20. TMi y. 23d. apt. 31. A B. GAS RANGE, $35 ; Acorn water heater, $18; good as new. Tabor 1622. FOR SALE CHEAP 1 lady's diamond ring. Price $125. Woodlawn 57U2. UNCALLED-FOR suit cheap, size 37. 600 Washington St. -STAR A STAR" shingles direct Horn nrlli. C a 1 1 Taylor-s treet dock. M aj n80 05! SECOND-HAND tents and covers for sale. Pacific Tert A Awntng Co.. No. 1 1st st; PRICES reduced on auto camp outfits. Courter, 224 3d. or phone Wdln. 5313. FOR SALE Siberian squirrel cape. Call Main 8123 after i i . -i. jumh Jiaann. STURGIS baby buggy, excellent condition. cheap. 347 E. 12thS. TWIN baby carriage. Hey wood-Wakefield, like new. 35. 845 Williams ave. TAILOR iron. American Beauty, used one week cheap. 211 on on