VOL. LX-NO. 18,934 Entered at Portland (Oregon) Poaroffir as Srond-ClaBs Matter. PORTLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1921 PRICE FIVE CENTS mm TARGET OF ABE DEFENSE Blood-Smeared Goat Is Produced in Court. DROWNING MAN SAVED I I U Jl DfDC DIPU RY IDAHO'S rnVFRNHR MifiLDLlld, illUll 1925 EXPOSITION HERE APPROVED BY HOUSE ADMINISTRATION PLAN FOR CREDITS CARRIES E CLACKAMAS DEPUTY ! JAPANTO ATTEND JAILS STATE AGENT II W I kill 1 W LOG SHOVED I"TO IAKK SO PRESIDENT IS AUTHORIZED TO INVITE FOREIGX NATIOXS. SENATE BIPARTISAN" COMBINE CRUSHES XORRIS BILL. ROW BETWEEN" COOTY COURT AN D SHERIFF TIN COVERED. VICTIM CAN GRASP IT. . PHQn COMPANY ARMS DISCUSS V ERSHIP IS DENIED Music Teacher Confronted With Knife and Garment ' L, From Death Scene. WITNESS' NERVE UNSHAKEN Man Who Told of Improper Relations With Murder De fendant Now Under Fire. A blood-smeared hunting knife, a black overcoat with blood-stained sleeves and a fragment of sheet music purported to have been found with the weapon in the pockets of the coat not many blocks from the scene of the murder of Harry Agee on the early morning of June 11 placed the star witness for the pros ecution on the defensive when pro duced last night at the trial of Mrs. Louise Agee for the alleged murder of her husband. Judge Morrows courtroom was thrown into confusion for an instant when John A. Collier, attorney for the woman,' produced the articles, existence of which had not been sus pected by the prosecution, and de manded that Joseph H. Klecker, wit ness for the state, explain their rela tion to the foul crime. Ownership Is Denied. Unshaken by the piercing gaze of Collier and apparently unmoved by the sight of these gruesome objects, Klecker denied that he had ever seen the knife, or coat before, though ad mitting that the music probably had belonged to him at one time. An excitement approaching panic swept the district attorney's repre sentatives when Collier cut short his cross-examination with "That's all." "Here, try on this overcoat," ex claimed Samuel H. Pierce, deputy district attorney, rushing to the wit ness stand with the garment in his hands, followed by Joseph L. Ham mersly, chief deputy. Klecker got down from the stand and slipped his arms into the coat held by Pierce. The fit was snug, but the sleeves were the right lengtli for him and the garment appeared none too short. He was told to stand before the jury and turn around. He did so, as the jurors appraised the fit. Then he returned to the stand and the prosecution sought to undo some of the damage created by the bombshell hurled by the camp of the defense. Collier had led up to the climax by a striking series of questions, of which the final one was: "Will you deny that it was your knowledge of the existence of this thing that was the motive behind your willingness voluntarily to besmirch the charac ter of the woman accused of this crime?" Klecker answered with a weak negative, clearly heard all over the courtroom, for the profound silence into which spectators and jurors had fallen was such that it appeared as though all were holding their breath The scene was the culmination of a day of sensations and was enact ed but a few minutes before ad journment of the night session of court at 10:30 P. M. Coat Kept in Bag. From a traveling bag at his feet Collier suddenly produced the over coat, on the sleeves of which blood sad caked. "Did you ever see that coat be fore?" he demanded, holding it in front of the witness. His tones were cold as his glance was piercing, and held in them a threat. - Klecker lowered his eyes to the garment. His expression did not change. There was neither surprise nor fear in his eyes. Efforts of the attorney to goad him to anger had failed before. He showed no ex citement now. "No, sir," he replied in a low tone, heard distinctly by the straining ears tCunciuded on ta.se 14, Column I.) Executive Strips to Undergarments In Order to Reach Deputy Game Warden About to Drown. BOISE. Idaho, Ju,ly 27. How Gover nor Davis of Idaho stripped to. his undergarments and J. N. Apgar, dep uty rame warden of Stanley basin, saved Otto M. Jones, Idaho state game warden, from drowning in Red Fish lake, is graphically described in a story to the Statesman today from Stanley, a mountain village, 200 miles from -Boise. The near-tragedy occurred Satur day, July 23, after the governor and his two sons had driven to the game warden's camp to inspect fish plant ing operations at the lake. Shortly after tb arrival of the gov ernor at the camp a truck load of fish arrived to be planted in waters tribu tary to the lake. Governor Davis and his sons started with Jones and Ap gar in a small motorboat to take the fish to the head of the lake. After the party had traveled about two miles toward an inlet a storm swept the water. Considering the boat un safe with the load it was carrying, the party put to shore. The governor and his sons remained there while the game warden and his deputy swung out into the lake again. Before the motor could begin functioning sufficiently to head into the waves the boat was swamped about 50 yards from shore. As the boat settled Jones took to the water, starting to swim ashore while his deputv clunr tn th un turned craft. Jones, who is only a fair swimmer, found it impossible to make much headway, as his heavy boots dragged him- down. He returned to the boat with the assistance of his deputy but the boat filled with water would not hold them both. Apgar, a strong swimmer, started for shore. The boat continued to settle, leaving Jones" head barely above water. A huge swell from the lake carried "him off, just as Apgar had reached shore exhausted and the governor wrenched loose a drifted tree near shore and started it toward the drowning man. snouting tor iiim to seixe It. It lacked ten feet of reaching Jones, who had gone down the second time after a warning cry. "Boys, I'm all in," and waving goodbye. The governor shout ing "for God's sake, stuv im ih.... his weight against the submerged loa and was gratified to feel Jones tug at it some distanoe under the surface. Fearful lest he should be too inii to hold on Governor Davis and Apgar proceeded slowly toward shores giving couragement to Jones as each paddled with one hand and towed the log with the other. CHILD STRUCK BY AUTO Lad's Skull Fractured and Internal Injuries Sustained. vvnue nis parents were admiring me Deamy or Horsetail falls, on the Columbia river highway yesterday afternoon, little 7-year-old Norton M. Winchell, son of tr. and Mm r-. Winchell, 1117 Eleventh street Eugen, climbed out of the car in which he had been left alone and ran out on the highway, where he was struck by a car driven by J. O. Statts, 915 East Twelfth street. Portland. I He was removed to the Good Sa maritan hospital, where it was found that his skull had been fractured and that he had suffered internal injuries. He was in a critical condition last night. Dr. and Mrs. Winchell were on the way to their home in Eugene, follow ing an automobile trip to Michigan. According to Mr. Statts, who was driving the car which struck the boy, he was going at a speed of about 12 miles an hour at the time. He did not see the boy until too late, as the little fellow ran out from the car into the road just ahead of Iiim. RICH MAN KILLS HIMSELF H. H. Duryea, Whose Father Was Slain by Son, Suicide. NEW YORK. July 27. Harry H. Duryea. 47, who inherited a fortune from his father, the late Hiram Dur yea, president and founder of the National Starch company, today shot himself to death In his Madison ave nue office. He was a director of the American Woodworking Machinery company. Mr. Duryea's attorney declared his business affairs were in good order and that he had no worries so far as his friends knew. He is believed to have left an estate valued at $500,000 to 91.000.000. Hiram Duryea, was shot and killed May 5. 1914. at the age of 81, by his son, Chester 3- Duryea, who later was declared Insane. RAILROAD BUILDER DEAD Man Who Helped to Connect East and West Passes, f OAKLAND. Cal.. July 27. 3. H. Strowbridge, railroad and empire builder, the man who 'drove the last spike inaugurating a transcontinental railroad and linking the east with the west in 1869, died at his home in Hayward. near here, today. Strow bridge was 99 years of age. He is survived by his widow, two sons and two daughters. Coming here from New York 'when he was a little more than IS years old, Strowbridge probably built more miles of railroad than any other man on the Pacific coast. He was con struction encineer for the Southern and Central Pacific railroada. MILLER, IS DEAD War-Time Offender Suc cumbs at Milwaukie. NEW TRIAL TO BE DROPPED Offer of Pardon Following Appeal Is Revealed. AFFLICTIONS ARE MANY Blindness, Paralysis, Mental De rangement and Expulsion From . lodge Brings About Death. John Henry Afbers, over whose head hung a sentence of three years in prison and $10,000 fine for viola tion of the espionage act, died at his home in Milwaukie yesterday morn ing at 10 o'clock. Within the last three weeks he was paralysed, be came sightless, suffered cerebral hemorrhage and became mentally de ranged. These physical and mental afflictions followed hard upon the 1 heels of his expulsion from the lodge of Elks a few days earlier. The "further proceedings" against Albers, directed by officials at Wash ington a week ago, will, be formally and officially dismissed by Lester W. Humphreys, United States attorney, to clear the record. Complete Pardon Offered. For the first time It was revealed yesterday that a complete pardon was offered Albers a few months ago. The tender was made to Charles H. Carey, who was representing Albers in an appeal of hi case to the United States supreme court. Owing to the business prominence of Albers, no other war-time case in the Pacific northwest attracted such widespread attention. At the time of his indictment for utterances which ultimately caused his conviction. Am bers was president of the Albers Bros. Milling company, which has mills in Portland, Seattle, Bellingham, San Francisco Oakland, Los Angeles and Ogden. This coast-wide institution had been built up by Henry Albers and his brothers from a small feed and grain store which they started in 1S95 after Albers had worked as a dishwasher, baker and Janitor. Albera Bora In Germany. It was in the little town of Lingen, Hanover, Germany, that Albers was born, April 13, 1866. Having learned the business of miller, he came to the United States, following his brothers. With 1000 marks as the foundation of his fortune, Henry Al bers became assistant cook in a boarding school in Portland. This was in 1S91. Four years later Al bers Brothers & Sneider had started a small establishment at Front and Main streets. Later the name was changed to the United States Mills. The business grew; Henry Albers be came a naturalized citizen; Albers (Concluded on Pane 2. Column l. ) A N J. Ct M VV. V2.CiJH e.v. - News of Action Causes Enthusiasm Anion? Backers of Fair and Business Men of City. THE OREGONIAN news bureau. Washington, D. C, July 27 (Special.) By a vote of 192 to 43 the house this afternoon passed the McXary resolu tion authorizing the president to in vite foreign nations to participate in a world exposition at Portland, Or., In 1925. Representative Rodgers of Mas sachusetts, member of the house for eign affairs committee, had charge of the resolution, while the opposition was led by Representative Gurrett of Tennessee, democratic floor leader. Representatives McArthur and Sin nott of Oregon, Arentz of Nevada, Chindlom of Illinois and Cooper of Wisconsin, all republicans, appealed for support of the measure. Repre sentative Blanton, democrat, of Texas, opposed it. Representative Almon, democrat, of Alabama, who makes frequent vaca tion trips to the northwest, spoke for it. The resolution having passed the senate, it is expected to become a law in a few days, whereupon the poBt office department will issue special exposition stamps to be used on all mail outgoing from Oregon. News received here yesterday that Senator McNary's Joint resolution had passed the house by a large af firmative vote aroused much en thusiasm at the chamber of com merce, among tne fair committees, and business men generally, who learned of the favorable action taken. It was announced that this left the way clear for the exposition pro moters to go ahead and tell the world about the 1925 plans. It was said that before this action was taken the promoters did not feel free to outline the scope of the undertaking, but now it will be all right to go ahead and obtain the participation of foreign countries. It is felt that ex hibits from abroad will be a great drawing feature. "I feel particularly gratified." said Julius Meier, chairman of the fair committee, . "on account of . the way our resolution was handled in Wash tngton. First of all, we asked Sena tor McNary to present it before the foreign relations committee. Without any appreciable delay. Senator Mc Nary got a hearing, presented his facts, laid Oregon's cards on the table and obtained a favorable report. Im mediately thereafter the resolution was read in the senate and passed unanimously. Then it was referred to the house under the care of Repre sentative McArthur. "The "foreign affairs committee, of the house called for a hearing, and such facts were presented that thi committee finally indorsed it. Today the house took its vote and -passed the measure by a vote of 192 to 43. Not a bad record for Oregon. "We have assurance already from President Harding that he will sign tne resolution wnen it reaches him. This then will give Oregon the right to invite foreign participation in the exposition and clear the right of way for immediate development of our plans. "Oregon is particularly fortunate this time, continued Mr. Meier, "to have the privilege of staging a world event in the face of a reconstruction period that will draw the attention of the world to its activities. "I can see nothing but success (Concluded on Five 2. Column 4.) STRAIGHTENING OUT OUR RELATIONS WITH RUSSIA. ?M Sponsor Protests Action, Charging Hoover-Meyer Farmers' Aid Measure Is Political Job. WASHINGTON, D. C, July 27 A bi-partisan movement in the senate today got behind the administration plan for agricultural credits as a sub stitute for the Norris bill, caused a split in the unofficial agricultural "bloc" of senators and roused a vigor ous protest from Senator Norris. re publican, Nebraska, in charge of the measure bearing his name. Charges of "political machine tac tics" against his bill were made by Senator Norris, whose verbal blast in cluded the administration broadly, the White House, Vice-President Cool- idge, the cabinet and other govern ment officials and senators. The attack, which followed an agreement today between republicans and democrats to support the admin istration plan to have the war finance corporation placed in charge of agri cultural credits, was directed at the substitute bill of Senator Kellogg, re publican. Minnesota. This measure was drafted by Secre tary Hooverand Director Meyer of the war finance corporation and was Introduced yesterday before a mes sage from President Harding sug gesting such a measure was read. Characterizing the Kellogg bill as an illegitimate child." Secretary Hoover and Director Meyer as its "wet nurses' and Senator KelloE-sr as its foster father," Senator Norris said that the effort to defeat his bill was the topic of many White House con ferences. It was "no secret," he said, that the administration was opposed to the Norris bill. Suggestions of collusion between Vice-President Coolidge and Senator Curtis of Kansas, republican whip, in connection with Senator Kelloggs in troduction of the substitute were made by the senator. He said Senator Curtis, presiding over the senate while Mr. Coolidge was attending the Tuesday cabinet meeting, had given the floor to Senator Kellogg without the latter requesting recognition. The plans all were arranged. Senator Nor ris said, and soon after their consum mation, he continued, Mr. Coolidge en tered the senate. The Kellogg bill. Senator Norris said, was drafted under "mysterious, secret" circumstances. f The- Kellogg bill, he said, was changed by elimination of original provisions authorizing the war fi nance corporation to take over rail road debt funding. "But the president forgot to change his message and left the railroads in," he continued, adding that the bill had to be changed "to bring some senators into line." Senator Norris, referring to Sena tor Kellogg as -"a'horny-fisted son of the soil," declared that the Minnesota senator was selected to sponsor the measure because he came from an agricultural state. Secretary Mellon opposed the Norris' bill, the senator said, and "could not help it because he always has seen through the same glasses, seeing banks, bankers, trusts and millions." Support was given the Kellogg sub stitute, however, by Senator Sim mons, democrat, North Carolina. Other suppcrt came from within the agricultural "bloc" and the agricul ture committee. The committee 'of which Senator Norris is chairman to- (Concluded on Pag 4, Column 4.) ADMITS DEFECTS Corrections in Rural Serv ice Promised. FARMERS AIR GRIEVANCES Rise Held Unbearable Due to "Falling Prices. CORVALLIS EVILS CITED Improvement Following: Expendi ture of $60,000 Is Questioned by Witness at Hearing. SALEM, Or., July 27. (Special.) The eighth day of the telephone rate rehearing . before the . public service commission developed into an "adjust ment day" and while no rates were adjusted, promises were made by at torneys for the telephone company immediately to correct a number of faults brought out at the hearing dur ing the afternoon session by farmers living in the vicinity of Corvallis. B. P. Cator, a farmer residing near Corvallis, who was called to the stand by E. M. Cousin, testified that he was a director in a farmers' line which connects with the lines of the Pa cific company in Corvallis. Formerly 12 subscribers were on this '.Ine, he said, but at the present time there are but six or seven, Farmer Aira Troubles. A portion ot this particular line ex tends into the Philomath district, in which an independent telephone ex change is operated by G. H. Jones. The witness told the commission that the Bell company had entered into an agreement with Mr. Jones whereby a dividing line was drawn so that one company would not take business which existed within the borders of the other company's district. When Mr. Cator attempted to fill up his line to the former maximum of 12. subscribers, he testified, the man ager of the Pacific company's ex change told him to see Mr. Jones. . Mr. Cator said he saw Mr. Jones and laid the situation before him, but was told to go to a place hotter than the Sahara desert. "I told Mr. Jones I would come before the commission and here I am." Fault Is Admitted. Attorney Shaw informed the -witness that he was impressed with the fairness of his story, and that he admitted that the company was re sponsible to some extent for a wrong which the company would correct. "We will make an immediate in vestigation of this situation and will instruct our manager in Corvallis to arrange with Mr. Jones for a new agreement which will permit you to fill up your line to its former maxi mum. The company, as you know, is trying each day to improve its service and correct the defects and we cannot always be right." Apparently satisfied that the repre sentatives of the company were in a mood "to grant concessions, C. Ei Ingle, the next witness, who lives I near Corvallis, complained of .a I switchboard in Corvallis which he said he had been told was obsolete. In fact, an employe of the telephone company, he testified, had told him that so long as this switchboard re mained poor service would be all that might be expected. "" Better Service Promised. -To this complaint Attorney Shaw stated that an approved estimate for $6000 had been filed with the com mission to cover the improvement of this board. He assured the witness that before long this defect would be corrected and better service would be insured. L. D. Porter, C. A. Bearinger and several other farmers living near Corvallis were called to the stand by Mr.' Cousin, the commission extending the afternoon session until after o'clock In order to give these wit nesses an opportunity to give their testimony. Complaint was made of the service by each of these witnesses and allof them argued, that the present in creased farmers' rates were not justi fied. They held that they would not object to a reasonable increase, but insisted that an increase from 4.80 a year to 99 for switching charges was excessive. All of these sub scribers must pay for the mainten ance of their own lines which extend to the city limits of the exchange city. Rise Held Unjuirtlf led. With the cost of farm produce re duced from 30 to 60 per cent in some instances and even more in others, there is no justification for telephone rates which farmers cannot bear, ac cording to the opinion of W. K. Taylor," president of the Oregon tele phone federation. Mr. Taylor traced the history of the organization, which he heads, saying that it was organized in April or May. The first meeting of the fed eration, he said, was held in Cor vallis and was attended by citizens of that city and farmers from Lane, Linn. Benton, Lincoln and Polk coun ties. Later the organization was en larged, including members from Klamath, Douglas, Clackamas, Sher. Concluded ' on Pae Culuittn Defendant's Fine for Carrying Gun Is Revoked When He Produces Evidence of Authority. OREGON CITT, Or., July 27. (Spe cial.) Had Shakespeare been in Clackamas county Tuesday, and stood beneath the statue of Justice that adorns the court house, the bard of Avon might well have murmured. "Oh man. clothed with a little brief authority." Traffic Officer Long, holding his position by grace of the sheriff, ar rested R. E. Wagy. holding the same position by grace of the county court, on a charea of carrvinsr concealed weapons. Judge Noble, upon evidence showing that Wagy had no authority to carry a gun, fined him 910. Then it developed that Wagy was in pos session of a commission as special state agent. The commission was tn the office of County Judge Cross. So Judge Noble had to reverse his own decision, as Wagy, with the state commission, had authority to carry the weapon. Effective July 1, the county court appointed Wagy traffic officer. The sheriff refused to remove Long. The court then obtained the state com mission from the governor. The question is, who will get the pay check at the end of the month? The court order named Wagy, but Long has not been removed officially. Both are evidently on the job. The county judge referred inquisitors to the official records. The trouble started when the court decided to make a change in the sheriffs personnel. Sheriff Wilson refused "to remove Long, whom he had appointed, without charges being officially filed against him. He also refused to appoint the man named by the court. v Legally the question resolves itself into whether the county court or the sheriff has the authority to decide the detail of the sheriff's office. The matter probably will not be settled definitely without a decision from a higher court. NO SMOKE BAN WANTED Women Xot in Favor of Law to Prohibit Public Puffing. WASHINGTON, D, C, July 27. Out of a room full of women at a house committee hearing today only one indicated she favored a: law to pro hibit feminine smokers from puffing cigarettes in public. A' bill by Representative Johnson, democrat, Mississippi, would prov'de a fine -of S5 for women who smoke in public places in the District of Columbia, a 9100 fine if they repeated the offeiree and a similar schedule for proprietors of hotels, restaurants and "public vehicles" who fail to en force the ban. One male spectator saw need for the law, while 19 op posed it. MERE L00j COSTS $2 Toronto Landlords Charge Tenants Just to See Apartments. TORONTO, Ont., July 27. Some landlords here are asking prospective tenants 92 for the privilege of looking at apartmentsi. Complaining to .the newspapers today' about it, one house hunter said a landlord told him the 92 would not apply on the rent if he should accept the apartment. "I charge you 92 to look at the place," said the landlord. "It has nothing to do with the rent." INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Highest temperature, 80 degrees: lowest 06: clear. TODAY'S Fair, northwesterly winds. Foreign. Resistance of Turkish forces reported utterly broken by Greeks. Page 2. re Valera cabinet considers British pro posals on ireiana. rtgt a. National. Japan to attend arms conference. Page 1. Yankees' release demanded of reda Page 9. 1925 exposition here approved by house. Page 1. Senate leadership forced on Harding. rase 4. Beet men oppose coolies in Hawaii. Page 6, Bipartisan bloc In senate defeats Norris Agricultural credits bin. Page 1. Tax revision bill slated for early passage. rase l. Domestic Illinois sheriff awaiting governor's return to capital. Page 4. Orang-outang fights way from Borneo to ew Tork zoo. Page 7. Pacific Northwest. Dr. Stone's death laid to attempt to rescue wile. Page 8. Telephone company admits defects at hearing.' Page 1. Clackamas deputy jails state agent. Page 1. Sports. Court frees two In baseball conspiracy case, f age l. Pacific coast league results: at Portland Portland 7. Vernon 17; at Seattle, Seat tle 12. Oakland II: at San Francisco, San Francisco 1, Salt Lake &: at Loa Angeies, Los Angeles 2. Sacramento 4. Page 12. Norman Ross advises calmness In water. Page 12. Billy Shad takes honors In Australia. Page 12. Dr. Earl C. McFarland, Portland, ties on world record for bait-casting. Page 13. Commercial and Marine Wheat advances made at Merchants' Ex change. Page 21. Standard shares show firmness. Page 21. Price close of wheat nervous. Page 21. Egeria. Portland-owned steamer, to take lumber to San Diego. Page 20. Portland and Vicinity. Mercantile leaders of 14 states to be In Portland for Bayers' week. Page S. Friendly suit to clear np points In budget laws. Page 11. Bodies of 44 soldiers arrive In city. Page 10. John Henry Albers, war-time offender, dies. Page 1. Committees busy with Buyers week. Page 1. Day proves Joyous one for grocer picnick ers at Bonneville. Page 14. Age defense turns guns on Klecker. Pae 1. ' ' . No Conditions Are Made in Definite Reply. SOME LIMITS ARE PROPOSED Only Questions of General In terest Are Suggested. FAR EAST IS NOT BARRED Matters Relating to Armaments to Be Taken lTp Whether They In volve Orient or Xot. WASHINGTON, D. C July 27. (by the Associated Prfess.) Japan's def inite acceptance of a place in tho disarmament conference, which reached the state department today, gives consent to a discussion of far eastern problems in connection with the conference, but suggests that problems which concern only particu lar powers or which can be regarded as closed incidents be omitted. There was every evidence of satis faction over the reply in official cir cles and it was indicated that the way now was regarded as clear for the preliminary negotiations, which will fix the time and place of meeting and details of procedure. Pre-Cosfereaee Sewslon Plasu Comprehensive consideration of the conference programme before the del egates assemble also was suggested in the Japanese note, and now is re garded as assured. The attitude of officials here has 'been that such a discussion would be held in case all the invited powers had accepted invi tations. A portion of the Japanese reply which attracted attention was a paragraph declaring it the sense of Japan that during the conference "problems such as are of sole concern to certain particular powers or such matters that may be regarded accom- plished facts should be scrupulously avoided." It- was made plain, however, that officials here regarded this statement not as a condition of acceptance by Japan, but as a forecast of the atti tude she will take on the conference programme. Eastern Questions Included. It is pointed out that Japan agrees to a discussion of such subjects as may be regarded as bearing directly on disarmament, and says that she is willing'to talk about Pacific and far eastern questions. It is suggested that some questions which might oth erwise affect only two or three pow ers will readily find a place in the category which the Tokio government has accepted. It was recalled here in connection with the Japanese reference to "such matters that may be regarded accom plished facts" that the Japanese am bassador at London recently indi cated that his government would not care to discuss questions like Shan tung tand Yap because it regarded them as having been settled by the treaty of Versailles. In other quarters, however. It has been pointed out that the Versailles treaty is not recognized by China so far as Shantung is concerned and that the United States has not consented to the treaty's terms on Tap and other mandate territories so that in each case an open question is raised which would seem to make further negotiations necessary. Limitation May Not Be Possible. It also is emphasized that because of the situation in the far east where various powers have a direct concern Ip Chinese Integrity and have large material interests and concessions, it may be difficult to agree that any particular question affects only a limited number of nations. All of this, however, is expected to be threshed out in the exchange of views which is to precede the conference. It was explained that the Japanese government had taken into considera tion in reaching its decision, the com munications and the published state ments of the American government of the conversations between the secretary- of state and Baron Shidehara. indicating that the American govern ment proposed to discuss the Pacific and the far eastern problems because of the close bearing they have on the question of the limitation of armaments. It was with the under standing, therefore, that discussion of the far eastern problems was made a preliminary to disarmament nego tiations that the Japanese govern ment has consented to consideration. The state department made public Japan's reply and the memorandum sent by the United States to the Japanese government through the American embassy in Tokio July 23. It was disclosed that other powers besides China having interests in the far east might be Invited to take part in the conference on far eastern questions. . Reply Is Received. The Japanese reply follows: "The Japanese government hus takenxnote of the contents of the American memorandum of July 23, r. -' ceived through the American cliarfif d'affairs, in reply to the Japanesr memorandum of July 13 on ar confer- tConcludtd on Page Column 1.)