THE MORNING OltEGOXIAN. TUESDAY. JUL.T 26, 1921 9. CITYNEWS IN BRIEF V City Editor Main 7070. BBO-OS Sunday Editor Main 7070.T'60-!5 Advertising Department. 7070, 5K0-H5 Superintendent of Bldg .. Main 7070. 5G0-K5 AMrSEMENTS. HIPPODROME (Broadway at Tamhlll) Vaudeville and moving pictures, 2 to 5. 0:45 to 11 P. M.. Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays continuous. 1:15 to 11 P. M- PANTAGES (.Broadway at Alder) Vaude ville Three shows daily. 2, 7 and 9:05 P. M. THE OAKS Amusement park. Parisian Follies in "A. Chinese Festival." Take cars at First and Alder. ' OKEUOMAN AT RESORTS. Subscribe with the following agents, at your summer resort, to secure the moat prompt delivery of The Oregonian. City rates. Subscriptions by mail are payable In advance. y Barview, Or. W. A. SIpprell Bay City. Or O- E. Shelley Bayocean. Or F r. Mitchell (.Breakers. Wash J. M. Arthurs Brighton. Or .' A. "W. Rows Carson. Wash C. K. Smith and Mrs. M. St. Martin Chinook, Wash. t R. Knutson Ecola, Or. Cannon Beach Merc. Co. Garibaldi Or..D. C. Kllis and J. L. Kidder Gearhart. Or. W. L. Robinson Hot Lake, Or. ...'...Hot Lake Sanitarium Long Beach, Wash ..W. E. Strauhal Manhattan Beach. Or Sarah F. Angell .Manxantta. Or B. Kardell Kahcotta, Wash H. J. Brown Keah-kah-nie Beach, Or... A. C. Anderson Nehalem, Or. . . T. C. Peregoy Newport. Or. O. F. Herron Ocean Tflke, Or Nettie Tomprett Ocean Park. Wash Emma S. Campbell Pacific City. Or. E. F. Edmunds Rockaway. Or. ............ -Frank Miller Keanide. Or C. W. Alward Bhipherd'a Hot Springs. Wash Shipherd s Hot Springs Hotel Peaview, Wa-h. G. N. Putnam Tillamook. Or J. S. Lamar Vvheeler. Or..Jas. Hamilton and Leo Sohler Dr. Lovejot Is Divorced. Con firmation, of rumors that George A. Lovejoy and Xr. Esther Pohl Lovejoy have been divorced was given by Mr. Lovejoy yesterday. Other than to say that the doctor got the decree and the grounds were Incompatibility of temper, Mr. Lovejoy made no further comment. The divorce was granted In Oregon last year. rr. Lovejoy was democratic candidate for representa tive in congress In the third district last year, against C N. McArthur. republican candidate. The doctor, who was formerly a city health offi cer In Portland, served overseas In the war and Is the author of a widely-read book, which contains her observations In Europe. The doctor has been In the east since the elec tion. Mr. Lovejoy is in the insurance business. jAMEBOif Clew A clew to the whereabouts of W. T. Jameson, who has been missing since July 13, received yesterday proved to be false. Mrs. George Klnonopa of Columbia City telephoned to Inspector Klingen emlth at police headquarters and said a man whom she recognized as Jame son from the pictunre and description printed on the circular offering $100 reward for his discovery had stopped at her house and stated his intention of taking a room in Columbia city while attending a .convention. A family friend of Jameson living at St. Helens was sent to the other town and reported that the man in ques tion was not Jameson. Driver's Trial Postponed. Trial of Russell Cowling on a charge of reckless driving was postponed yes terday in municipal court until Au crust 25. Bending the recovery of Mrs. F. P. Page. 'Multnomah station who suffered severe lacerations and a fractured Jaw in a collision at "West Park and Everett streets last Saturday. Mrs. Page is in Good Samaritan hospital. The accident oc curred when Cowling attempted to turn the corner and collided with three other cars. His ball wag In creased from $100 to $1000. Holeman's Hearing Postponed. The preliminary hearing of Andrew Hoteman, charged with shooting Robert I Whitesides. special patrol man, a week ago tonight at the cor ner of Twenty-first and Washington etreets, was postponed yesterday morning in municipal court upon the request of counsel for the defense. Holeman's attorney is assisting in the defense of Mrs. Ann Louise Agee whose trial for murder of her hus band began yesterday. An $18,000 Home to Rise. Prelim inary plans for an $18,000 residence at 67 Kloral street, between East Davis and East Couch' streets in Laurelhurst, were filed yesterday with the city bureau of buildings for checking. The residence was designed for E. A. Finkbeiner. The plans call for stucco finished tile construction The residence will be two stories, 2! bv 80 feet ground dimensions. C. H, Wallwork is the architect. Counterfeit Notes Afloat. Coun terfeit notes of three types are in circulation, according to local offi cers of the secret service. Notes on the federal reserve bank of Cleve land are in denominations of $5 and $20, and $10 notes are being cir culated on the federal reserve bank of San Francisco. The .notes are printed on plain bond paper, are in distinct and are without threads. Postal Savings Decrease. Postal savings deposits decreased $3000 in Portland during the month of June, according to a report that has been postmaster-general. The that Portland n savings, bu has fallen behind Tacoma. The de posits here for the month of May totalied $1,626,851. In June they fell to $1,623,26S. Auto Tank Blown Up. A fire alarm yesterday morning at Sixth and Pine streets resulted in the arrest o Alfred Ellen. 17 years old. 110 Gibb ettreet. The fire, which was out when the apparatus arrived, was in an automobile which Ellen was driving. He attempted to have his gasolin tank tilled while the engine wa running, which resulted In an expio elon. Mid-Week Dances to Begin. Th mid-week dances at Columbia beach will begin tomorrow night in the new pavilion. Harry Bewley's eight piece orchestra has been engaged for the season and has made a distinct hit with the crowds. The mid-week dances will be a feature at the amuse ment resort for the remainder of the season. Women to Give Dinner. The women of Clinton Kelly Methodist Episcopal church will give a chicken dinner to morrow evening at the church. Powell valley road, near East Thirty-ninth street. The event is planned to cele brate the 14th anniversary of the church. Mat asp Elton Court Apartments were gutted by fire. Tenants lost thousands of dollars in personal ef fects. Are you protected in case of fire? If not phone Mar. 2391 for rates "vV. R. McDonald Co. All kinds of in surance. Yeon bldg. Adv. Partt. who is responsible and can jrive best of references, wants to rent modern eipht to ten-room unfurnished fceuse oti west side for nine months or 'one year. No smail children. X S3S, Oregonian. Adv. Str. Nacine, Astoria to Portland, vpeclal excursion, up trip only, $1. Leaves Astoria daily except Sunday, Monday. 9 A M., passengers only. O.-W. R. & N. dock. Astoria. Adv. Hotel Seaside Seasie, Or. Ocean Beach resort, excellent meals, dining room faces ocean. Open all year Adv. Tired, aching feet can be relieved; consult Dr. Ingalls, Knight Shoe Co., Morrison, near Broadway. Adv. Safety Boxes, 10 dally. 284 Oak. AST. rR- Cation, (Iuhi, SvdU&nd, bide N&ccurum5 to a. rri'i'u made by the postmaste statement also shows is ahead of Seattle tr, Hebrews Honor Herzle. As a tribute to the memory of Theodor Herzle, memorial services will be held j t Neighborhood House tonight at 8 I 'clock. Herzle's publication, "The I ewish State," was the inspiration . that led to the first Zionist confer- nce in Basle, Switzerland, convened by Herzle, Max Nordau and others. Herzle's death occurred 17 years ago. Taking part in the programme will be children of the Portland Hebrew chool; the prinlcipal, Bert I. Treiger; Bromberg, chairman of the board f education, and Rabbi Bachman, the newly-installed -cantor of the Shaarei Torah synagogue. Cantor Bachman will sing "El Mole Rachmin," he traditional chant of the orthodox Jewish burial service. Garage Regulations Urged. TT. E. Plummer, chief of the bureau of build ings, has asked City Attorney Grant to pass on the legality of an ordi nance that would prevent the erec tion of street line private garages, except where they are built in an embankment. Large cities in the east do not have the problem, according to Mr. Plummer, as there seems to be custom of building all garages in the rear of dwellings. The garages on the street line interfere with the view and in many cases present an unattractive appearance. The plan contemplated by Mr. Plummer would provide for revocable permits where owners wished to erect temporary garages. Woman Asks Divorce. Feminine handkerchiefs and hairpins found in the pockets of Webster F. Lange con vinced Mrs. Hazel E. Lange that her husband was untrue, she asserted in divorce action filed in the circuit court yesterday. When she demanded to know where he got the handker chiefs, he had the audacity to tell her that they belonged to her, she said. Lange also took a Jaunt to Seaside in company with a young woman, charged Mrs. Lange, saying that she and her mother met the couple at the resort, unexpectedly. Another divorce suit filed was that of Maggie Hodgson against Robert J. Hodgson. Salmon Label Held Fraud. De claring that a court could not be a partner to a transaction involving a fraud. Judge Bean, in the federal court, yesterday ruled against the Tallant-Grant Packing company in a suit brought by Howard Winter. Winter alleged that the packing com pany was using a label on canned salmon which stated that the goods were packed at Waterford, Wash, whereas the evidence showed that no salmon was now being nor had been packed at the town, specified for some time. Winter owns the label in question and brought suit against ths company for improper use of the same. Wife Charges Threat. Convinced that his wife, who is employed at the Limit Cafe, Fifth and Burnslde streets, was accepting the attentions of other men, Clarence Willett stood across the street from the restaurant most of Saturday afternoon shaking his fist in her direction, and when she left threatened to kill her, she com plained to Deputy District Attorney Mowry yesterday. Willett was lodged in the county jail on a charge of threatening to kill Mrs. Willett. The Willetts were married two years ago. Candt Pull Announced. An old- fashioned candy pull will be held at Peninsula park at 3 o'clock tomor row afternoon under the auspices of the Peninsula park playground com munity. The affair will be in charge of Mrs. Felix Zavero and F. Rlngo will make the candy. Children are invited and requested each to bring a pound ot sugar to help keep the pot boiling. Sandy will be on hand to take movies of the event. Milk Rating Corrected. Although credit was given In The Oregonian to the Riverview Dairy for making the highest score on pasteurized milk in the ratings made by Dr. D. W. Mack of the city health bureau, a typographical error-iuthe summarized statistics of all the dairies made the Riverview rating appear 86.7 instead of 96.7. Bridge Paving Bids Asked. Bids for paving the steel spans of the Mor rison-street bridge are being adver tised for as the result of a resolution passed by the county commissioners yesterday. There are 4250 yards to be covered with asphaltic concrete. Eto Not Forget to call uri East 3088 when you want the Salvation Army auto truck to call for cast-off cloth ing, magazines, newspapers, furniture, etc. Address 24-26 Union ave.. Major John Bree, district officer. Adv. Str. Iralda, for Astoria, $1 and tax: seaside one way, 91.60; r. trip, 13. inc tax; passengers only; leaves Portland Tues., Thurs, Sat., 9 A. M., Alder-st. dock. Main S323. Leaves Astoria lion., wed., Fri., 9 A. M. Adv. Str. Georgiana, 5 hours to Astoria Special excursion to Astoria and way points, si, aown trip only. Tues.. Thurs. and Sat. Leave Portland, 8 A. -L. Alder-st. dock. Adv. Astoria and Seaside stage leaving New Houston hotel, 72 X. 6th st. Bdwy. 16S, 2 A. !., 9 A. M.. 12 M 3:30 P. M. Adv. Kegs, hardwood, new and 2d-hand. Panama Cooperage, Front and Salmon. Adv. Kemmerer Coal. Carbon Coal Co., mine agents. East 1188. Adv. See our west end Morrison St. windows m - nJiiii n i 1 i i Every Silk Shirt IN OUR BIG STORE Values to $12 EXTRA SPECIAL $6-45 Jersys. Broadcloths, Crepes, PuKsywlUows, SUlts. White and fancy striped. All sixes. S. & H. Stamps Portland's Only Kuppcnhelmcr Uooie MORRISON at FOURTH HE EELIG TH EAT E R BROADWAT AT TATtOR BEGINNING MON. EVE. AUG. 1 TWICE DAILY Thereafter, 2:15, 8:15 Limited Engagement Not a Mere Photoplay, But A Cinematic Road Show With Its Own ORCHESTRA of SYMPHONISTS In Full Thematic Score Has Triumphantly Toured This Continent Amid the Plaudits of a Nation being shaded to a basis of the Denver combination, which, makes reductions ranging- from cent to 3 cents a hundred pounds. The new tariffs also will contain a routing from the Pacific coast to Omaha via Minneapolis trans fer in connection with the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha railway. DETECTIVES BELIEVE ROB BERS HAVE "3IA1UCER." Circa instances of Recent Crime Indicate Girl Is Advance Agent for Housebreakers. Detectives yesterday expressed the belief that a gang of burglars is perating in the city with a woman marker" as an advance agent. The ome of George H. Beuhler, 490 East Twenty-third street, was burglarized baturday night, end clothing and a valuable walrus-skin bag were stolen. Entrance was madje through a first- floor window and the house ran sacked during the absence of the family. Mr. Beuhler reported to Detectives Coleman and Collins that a woman had asked to use the telephone about two weeks ago, calling a number and talking about the return of a bor rowed book. Mr. Beuhler overheard the conversation and noted th num ber called. He found that the house with that telephone number was closed, and the occupants out of town t the time, so apparently the worn an s conversation was a blind over an empty wire. The detectives believe the woman was engaged in marking the house for the burglars working with her, noting the floor plan, windows and doors, and the likelihood of a profit able haul. She is said to be about 9 years old, rather plump and good looking, andi wore a white dress. green coat, white footwear and large straw hat. JUDGES' VACATION NEAR Members of Supreme Court to Ad journ Some Time Friday. SALEM, Or., July 25. (Special.) The supreme court will adjourn some time Friday for August, according- to an announcement made here today. Chief Justice Burnett expects to pass a part of his vacation at a beach resort, while Justice McBride will gro to his ranch in Washington county Justice Brown will rest at Roeeburs. Justice Bean will work on his ranch in Umatilla county, and Justice Johns will pass two weeks on fishing streams in southern Oregon. Justice Benson will divide his vacation be tween Salem and Portland, while Jus tice Harris will pass his entire vaca tion on his ranch near McK.enzie bridge, in Lane county. LUMBER RATES REDUCED Charges to Points in Southwest Are Cut, It Is Announced. Reduced rates on lumber and shin pies to southwestern territory, -which includes Texas, Oklahoma Arkansas Louisiana and intermediate points. were announced yesterday hy tele gram from R- H. Countiss, agent for the transcontinental freight bureau to W. D. Skinner, traffic manager f$r the Spokane, Portland & Seattle rail way. lx. Countiss is reissuing east bound transcontinental lumber tariffs 18-C and 28-E, effective September 10, Kates to the destinations named are 4 THE SENSATION OF THE SEASON SEE IT " THAT'S ALL- SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES. Only installation in the Pacific northwest of Yale & Towne Change able locks. It s worth your while to find out how this lock differs from all others. All sizes now available. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, Sixth and Morrison. Adv. CARDS OPTHASKS. "We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to the relatives and friends for the beautiful flowers, kindness and sympathy shown us during the llness and death of a dearly beloved husband and brother. DESTA HOYT. J. H. HOY T. A. HOYT. W. L. HOYT. R. L. HOYT. Adv. MRS. MAY SHEA. We wish to express our gratitude and appreciation to the Woodmen of the World and the American Legion for their services, to those -who sent the manv beautiful floral offerings and to our friends who were so kind and sympathetic in the death of our husband, son and brother, Kay J. .tuns. (feigned) M RS. RAY D. ELLIS. MR. AND MRS. GID T. ELLIS. MRS. FLORENCE PETERSON. Adv. MRS. MERLlfi MACK.IN. Lea p Injures Woman at Bend. BEND, Or.. July 25. (Special.) Mrs. N. W. Levitt, endeavoring to cross a bridge spanning me Des chutes, which the city has declared unsafe, snipped, fell and sustained fractured ankle yesterday. fahe had endeavored to leap across a sub merged sect ion. of the bridge. '"' : 1 The Picture the World Has Welcomed! NOTE "Owing to cost, length of production and ironbound contracts, 'Way Down East' posi tively never will be shown anywhere at less than1 first-class theater prices." David Wark Griffith VHAZELW00D,2r I mnnrawnifltmtuuiiiwniHuuniiwupiromtuBUmiiu3 hazelwood; PASTRY HAZELWOOD LAYER CAKES Chocolate, walnut, cherry, pineapple, orange, devilsfood, cocoanut 75c each , HAZELWOOD INDIVIDUAL PIES Dainty little pies made with choice fresh fruits and rich cream fillings 10c each - MONTE CARLO CAKE A delicious fine-gTained cake made in checkerboard style with a rich chocolate icing $1.25 and $1.75 each Gluten bread (for dieting) . ,:...B. .25c and 45c Buttercups . .mm.i.j. . 10c Scotch Scones . ... . . . . .mm... . ... . .30c dozen English Muffins . . . . .40c dozen Eccles Cakes . . . .H.I.1,M..$1.00 dozen Butterhorns ...... .. . . . 15c each THE zelcDOod .CONFECTIONERY & RESTAURANT 388 WASHINGTON ST. 127 BROADWAY All Seats Reserved Mail Orders Nqw On Sale Friday EVENINGS Lower Floor $1.50 Balcony, $1.00 Gallery, 50c Plus 10 War Tax MATINEES Lower Floor $1.00 Balcony. .77c and 50c N. B.- -Owing to the unusually heavy demand for seats, make your reservations early. Engage ment positively limited. Make mail order checks payable to Heilig Theater. mitllrii An to fill temporarily for the coming college year, the newly established Frederick Weyerhaeuser professorship of Biblical literature established this spring .at "Whitman when a gift of $75,000 was received by the college from the children of Frederick Weyerhaeuser andi his wife, Sarah. attending morning services. The own ers are: F. W. Stone, correspondent for a. Portland newspaper; Roy Had duck and Basil Wolverton. R. Fulla wlder was arrested at the came hour In the morning- for speeding- at the rate of 25 miles an Twenty-first street. bour on East S & H. green stamps for cash. Helman Fuel Co., coal and wood. Main 353: 660-21. Adv. Bicycles Stolen From Church. VANCOUVER, Wash., July 24. (Special.) Three bicycles were stolen from in front of the First Methodist church between 10 and 11 o'clock today while the owners were inside Missionary to Head' Sen School. WHITMAN COUL.EGB. Walla Walla, Wash., July 25. (Special.) Dr. E. T. Allen of Walla Walla, ex-pastor of the First Presbyterian church of this city. and a returned missionary from Persia and the east, has been selected GROUND GRIPPER The shoe devised by sci ' ence to correct pedic ail ments so that walking is a pleasure. We guaran tee fit and comfort. You will like the workman ship and conservative lines. - GROUND GRIPPER SHOE STORE 381 V2 Washington Street HIIflBIIIIIIIBIIBI here is a proper rug for every requirement- Our stock; offers the widest possible choice- IMPORTED DIRECTLYEY C ARTO ZIrYN BROS1- SEATTLE SPOKANE TPITTOC1C BLOCK PORTLrVNDORE. HAMDAN, PERSIA, I ,1 Summer Storage, Repairing and Wash Cleaning Call' Broadway 3433 or 3592 "Goodbye, trouble, Goodbye, worry, ' Grocers Picnic, Hurry! Hurry!!" 21ST ANNUAL GROCERS' PICNIC Bonneville, July 27 Many valuable merchandise prizes given away Hood River, Oregon City and Vancouver merchants will close their stores and go in a body. Portland Grocers and their friends will ALL be there. The public is invited. Won't you. come? . Special trains leave Union station 8 to 9 A. M. Round trip tickets, including admission to the grounds, $1-50. Gate admission for those going by automobile over Columbia River highway, 50c. Children half price. " . Ask Your Grocer YOU WILL GAIN By Letting Me Care for Your Eyes. You will receive the benefit of 22 years' specialized study and scientific research gen uine KRYPTOK lenses and SHUR-ON mountings Per fect Fitting Glasses. Dr. WHEAT EYESIGHT SPECIALIST ' Suite 207 Morgan Bldg. Second Floor T omorrow and only tomorrow, an all metal Copper Tub Washing Machine, electric-driven, gas heated, at y2 The Perkins Grill & Steak Shop Fifth Street, Between Washington and Stark. Club Breakfasts, 25c up. Luncheons, 35c and 50c Weekday Dinners 75c Sunday Dinners $1.00 Continuous a la carte service at common-sense prices. Choicest Steaks and Chops broiled over charcoal, just to suit you. m i mi1 mu Mr. Employer, What Have You? A thoroughly competent younsj man, with ten years practical business experience, wants a place where opportunity also means a niche In a deep-rooted organization. He offers a well stored mind, steady working habits and ability to keep on learning-. He has both selling and buying- experience, is a good organizer and manager. He is accustomed to responsi bility but will be glad to serve In any capacity where future prospects warrant. He is 34 years old, married, college edu cation. Address Box E S33, Oregonian. Use HI-LIFE and have no more motor troubles; carbon eliminated. Price $1.00. Treats 100 gallons of gasoline. Money-back guarantee. FRY MFG. CO. Ankeny St. at Broadway the price at which it was made to retail $185.00). Cut this in two and you can have one delivered to your home, pro vided you call before they all are gone. $92.50 net cash ! But only tomorrow! PORTLAND GAS & COKE CO. ONE NEIGHBOR TELLS ANOTHER Points the Way to Comfort and Health. Other Women . Please Read Moundsvflle, W.Va. "I had taken doctor's medicine for nearly two years because - Wanted Chairs to Cane and Pianos to Tune by School i or Blind MRS. For Particulars Call J. V. MYERS. EAST 739. MissHarker'sSchool for Girls PALO ALTO, CAL. Resident and day school; favorable climate and large grounds permit of outdoor life all the year. New gymnasium in process of construction. Principal Catherine Harkef', A. Vasemr. A Moderately-Priced Hvtel of Mertt HOTEL CLIFFORD East HorrlMs St. amd Cut Sixth. SUa ru Vajr. Ja Woe to. my pe riods were irregu lar, came every two weeks, and I would suffer with bearing-down pains. A lady told me of Lydia E. Pinkham'8 Vege table Compound and how much good it had done her daughter, so I took it and how I am regular every month and have no pain at alL I recommend your medicine to everyone and you may publish my testimonial, hoping that the Vegetable Compound does some other girl the good it has done me. " Mrs. George Tegarden, 915 Third Street, Moundsville, W. Va. How many young girls suffer as Mrs. Tegarden did and do not know where to turn for advice or help. They often are obliged to earn their living by toiling day in and day out no matter how hard the pain they have to bear. Every girl who suffers in this way should try Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound and if she does not get prompt relief write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., about their health. PILES jrr.CTTTT.A. FISSURE. ITCHINO an all other rectal conditions, except cancer, treated w-.tnout surgery. My method of treatment saves the tissue Instead of destroying It. A im painless, requires no- anesthetic and Is permanent. There is no confine ment in Jed, no intereference - with buslnesr or social engagements. Call or writs for booklet, DR. C. J. DEAN Second and Morrison atsPortlnnd.-Oc, Phone Your Want Ads to THE OREGONIAN Main 7070 ' Automatic 560-93 r33 109.0