10 THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, 3IOXDAY, JULY 23, 1921 RATES FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING jylly- or Sunday One time 12 P' Utm Bame adrt, S eonsecn- tlve times 22c per line game advt. S consecu tive times 30c per line game advt. ' 7 consecu tive times 63c per line One month . ii.50 a line bix months. . . .$2.25 a line per month (Change of copy allowed monthly.) The above rate applies to advertise ment, under all clarifications except Ing "Sitaatlnn- Wanted -Halo' uul aituations U anted imm," wtiKtt 9c per line for eucta Insertion o ad taken for less thau two lines. Count five average words to the line. Advertisements (except "i'cnonai" and '(situations Wanted") will be taken over the tele plume if the advertiser i suhtcriher to either phone. The Oregoniau will receive copy by mail provided sufficient remittance for Ueiiitite number of issues is sent. Ac knowledgment will be lurwarued promptly. No prices will be quoted over the phone, but statement will be rendered the following day. Advertisement are taken for The Jnly Oreguinan until 7:3U I. AI. ; tor The Sunday Oreguiiuta until 6 1. M. toaturday. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates all cases of alleged cruelty to animals. Offices, room 150 courthouse. .Phone Main 378 from 8 A. M. to u P. M. The society has full charge of the city founri at its home, 535 Columbia bou-evard- Phone any time. Wood lawn 764. Dogs for sale. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled horses. S tu a 1 1 animals painlessly electrocuted where necessary, and stray animals cared for. All dead animals, cows, horses, etc, picked up. NEW TODAY. Tidies Save Tour Old Carpets, bit irs and Woolen Clothing. Iet lit Make New Kukh for You wmm The oldest and best equipped fac tory. Fluff and rag rugs woven all sizes; carpets refitted; 9x12 rugs steam cleaned. $1.50. - W call and deliver. 183 K. Eighth St. Phone East 3580. SEND ITS VOI R OM CARPETS, OLD Kuga and W Milen Clothing We Make Reversible, Hand-Woven FLUFF RUGS Raff Rugs woven, all sixes. Mail orders Send for booklet. Alattrenses renovated, made over. Feathers renovuted, carpet cleaning, refitting, etc. .Largest, finest equipped carpet clean ing, refit tin K works in Oregon. Separate plants, iixi'i rug steamed cleaned $1-50. WKSTKKN r'l.UFF KUG CO., 54-60 Union Ave. N. Cor. East Davis, l'hones Fast f516. Fact 6953-237-07. K CALL AND DFL1KK. MATTRESSES Ttlade New New Mattresses for Sale Feat hers Renovated Satisfied Customers our Policv PIOM4KII MA1TKKSS I'AI) CO. 1072 K. Lincoln St. t7-07. MORTGAGE LOANS Lowest lntereat ratei lnatailment re paj nientM. If desired. Uuildlnir luamt made. No delay in cloning:. A. H. BIRRELL-GILL CO. , I'ormrrly A. II. lllrrell Co. 2lG-21i Aorlhwrdtrril Uank Huildlns. Marshall 4114. HAVE YOU TWO THOUSAND DOL LARS TO PAY DOWN? And do vou want a good residence in the heart of Laurelhurst? See Mr. Vail. FINANCE SERYICE CO. Main 4441. 1MI9 Wilcox Hide Edward E.Goudey Co. nORTT.AGR LOANS. 1 nllfil Snc llnnk Building. JN0. B. COFFEY Sl'KKTY BONDS INtil'ltAM'B 400 Wilcox lSldc. Alain 80x0. Phone Your Want Ads to THE OREGONIAN Main 7070 Automatic 560-93 BKAt FSTATK. 'or Sale Flat and Apartment l'ropcrty. $7000 BXCKPTIONAU BARGAIN Store anl 3 apartments, furnished; it as heat, Karate connected. assessments ( pain, excellent condition, permanent net income. $1300 per year. See owner. tiOl W orcos t e r bl d g . For Sale Beach Property. F INK H E A C H I . TS ' PAI.TAIR TI LLAMOOK BEACH. 1 have lour choice lots, all together, tw o facing the Pad fie ocean ; board walk, county road ami railroad run in front ot the property. The other two lots adjoin the two above ami face on the road In tne rear. All are near the de pot, hotel and Reckaway; size of lots is 23 feet by about o leet and are cxcen t tonally well adapted for business or res i donee. Price $ 12. and $lo0 each. And r OS's 1 i -., urcsonian. a-HOOM tot la . with I ire place, at Can non beach, facing the oceiiu and partly furnished. Terms. Win. M. Yates. Cor- var.is. Or. GEARHAHT cottace. seven rooms and Lath, iurnlshert: s-pienaiu location ad joining golf course; a foap lor $2500. l'hontf E;ts t 2li . SKiHT beautiful Nea bkahnle. t : s. Hnvoi'ean; f O0; on 00 k u. uregonJan SECOND MORTGAGE PRIVILEGE. ROSE CITY rARK. A pood 50xlon-foot lot on 46th street. next to the corner of St a ut on St., east front, all im provements paid; price only $oo, $15d down, balance $17 a month, interest Included ut U pur cent. J. I.. HARTMAN COMPANY. S Chamber of Commerce Bids. Main Rranch office open every Any. corner -l."th and Sandy blvd. Ta bor - o '-. i v ' (. n y i i .'x i . .mi i . T.aure! hurst lot . while t hey last, at extrmr'.y low prices. See J A. Mo Cart y. 270 S Stark. Main 1 TOO. Eve- nine- Tahor HAVK a beautiful lot on tlrand ave near Ainswortn. one itinek irom Union ave. car, $H50: terms. $t5 cah. $ 10 per month. K. 1'. How man & Co.. 210 l. er of Comm o rce bids. JltK ' Southwest corner 'J .1th and Pavler sts.. 6h(i, awessmnti paid. Phone Jlii POW'N and 7 per nionth, 50xlon lots city waier. fine view, close to YVoodlawn car; $300 ai.d up. Holcomb Realty Co J 1 1 ' V aching ton bldc. IfilELHURST I-OT BARGAINS." See J A. Mci any, j.u Stark Main 1700. Kvenimcs. Tabor ,10,17 LOT lO. BLOCK union t k Cook, m4 iiiaitfdell ava' Mintiea'PoMfl. Minn. SHmTI-Y lot. Kast 2.1th, near division st.; $ uwner. aoa I'latt bids: FINE ;E Kti. 5nxl26 ft.. Interstate and Wy ant sts.: StMO. Owner. 3vi Piatt hldg. THREE good lots in Mgdalena Park, $450 cash; very cheap. 103 3 First at. T. Oda, wmmwm JREAL ESTATE1 For Sale Lots. AT YOUR SERVICE. Lv HARTMAX COMPANY. REALTORS. Main Office, of Com. Blug.. 8 Cham. Main 20S. GENERAL REAL ESTATE. No. 1 Branch Office. Cor. Sandy Blvd. and 4.1th Rose City Park Property. Phone Tabor 2o2. No. 2 Branch Office. Sandy Blvd. at end of Park rose. Car Line. PARKROSE PROPERTY. Tabor 21)04. No. 3 Branch Office. Cor. 33d and Bryce, Avenue. Take Broadway car to Bryce Ave., pro East 4 blocks. WILSHIRE. NEW SUB DIVISION. Phone Auto. 329-31. AT YOUR SERVICE. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. REALTORS. LAKE FRONT $026. PARKROSE. $14 down. J14 a month, in terest Included in monthly pay ments at 6 per cent; this wonder- ful building site for sale; first ' time offered ; rich silt land ready for garden: wonderful view of alley and Mt. Hood: just a short distance north of Sandy blvd. and car line; no restrictions; low county tax; no street Improve ments to pay; garden and chickens will more than pay your pay ments; the first buyer gets this snap. Take Rose City car to Parkrose car. branch office end of Parkrose car line, open every day, . do not delay, come out at once. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bids. Main 20S. 8 ACRES. ' PARKROSE. $3300. f"!3 down. $33 a month; an Island between two running streams: wonderful building site with commanding view of valley and mountains, maple trees, rich silt land; springs close in; just a" short distance north of Sandy blvd. and car line. A true snap; ideal home site; no building re strict ions; low county tax. This piece will make 2 or 3 fine building sites. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY". 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 20S. Branch office, end of Parkrose carline; open every day; sales men with autos to show you. ROSE CITY. 1923. Choice 50x100 within two blocks of Sandy blvd., east facing, on paved street; all improvements in and paid. This is one of the best buys In Rose City Park. Branch office. 45th and Sandy Blvd., Tabor 232. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208.. WILSHIRE ACRES. mon. 100x233 FEET. $20 a month. 10 per cent down, just outside city limits; Bull Run water, macadam etreet, on 42d street, north of Beaumont car, view of valley and mountains, gar den soil all cleared. Branch of fice open every day until dark Take Broadway car to Bryce avenue. Phone Auto. 329-31. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME IN BEAUTIFUL. CAPITOL HILL. The Ideal Restful Home Site. ONE-FOURTH ACRE. "f.400 Total Price. $40 Down, S Per Month. On the west side of the river, with no bridges to cross. Beautifully located home sites that are being offered in final great clean-up sale. Two blocks to car; fine rich soli, all ciearea, no gravei, city water to tract, telephone, gas, elec trli-ltv available: 4 blocks tO DUDll school. This is your great, never-to-be found-again opportuhity. BLY r0Y Ask for C. "W. Borders, with FRANK L. vMcGUIRE, Abinirton Bldg. Main 1068. Third St.. bet. Wash and Stark. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY All kinde of homesttes In this district. No trouble to enow you. BROOKE. 541 Montgomery Drive., cor. Elm St. Mar. 4827. Everr Customer Is a Reference. SACRIFICE PRICE. $1800. FACTORY. WAREHOUSE SITE. Adjoining Ruseell-Gilbert Candy fac torv on o.-w. a . iracKs, jnonaa avenue, near East 24 th. Mr. Carey, Main 74-S-r - ROSSMKRE LOT. E. S3-.4. $750. CLEAR. PHON For Sale Houses. SIX ROOMS and bath, furnace, full-size basement and garage, fruit trees and berries, chicken yard and house: improv ments all in and paid; 70 ft. from har surface street and car line ; lot 50x105. Il E 6iUh N. Tabor 70;i6 BY OWNER FOR SALE. 8-ROOM Hn S i. lArr ooxsiu; w ijuju takk ca ON FIRST PAYMENT. CALL AT 230 EAST 34TH EOL'ITY in modern 5-room cottage, doub! instructed aad full cement bascmn 2 blocks from Alberta car. Streets paved ana pam nu. . .ii . uin, 3toH WEST SIDE ROOMS., GAS. BATH MKNT BAM-.-ue. l, t-v-' i ouxiUU. OWN EH. ' in i n i . $13uiw5-KOOM BLNUALOW. about com pie tea, at Aioina anu organ, near remnsuia i'ou lor inspection week days and from 1 to 3 Sunday 1 StuLL on.y my own houses; see me fore you buy. T. C btaley. architect. i 1 ' v mi. ATTRACTIVE 3-room house, modern con veniences. 12'JU E. 20th at. South. Sell wood car BV OWNER. 1 reasonable: 1 Phone Auto. and 7-room house, modern, mull payments, easy terms 6.1 5-32. FOR SALE l-room unfinished houe; rea sonable cash offer takes it. 3531 74th street S. E. $550 CASH. $2550 This will not last long 6-room home, cement basement, bath Sunnyside 1038 Belmont. $350 DOWN on my five-room house, good district and car service, nice place, bal ance $20 monthly. BC S33. Oregonlan. 1RVINGTON bungalow, 5 rooms, hoice lo cation, modern in every respect; owner will sacrifice. Main 6327. UKUuW market value; new, modern. 5 room bungalow; fine attic. $400. terms. Tabor 2S7i. HOM E in Westmoreland, near municipal goit links; $55lH'; no agents. 1350 E. Tilth st. Auto. 2111-24 K. C. CORNER. 50xllu; marvelous 6-room bungalow; large attic. $7500, terms. Ta bor 2676. $650 CASH. $2200. cottage, bath, toilet, cement 2 garages. 103S Belmont. 4 -room basement, FURNISHED or unrurnished modern 5 room bungalow. 1S0S E. Hoyu Tabor 2iS. 6-ROOM house for s.ile cheap. Call Tabor 5777. by owner. 5-ROOM HOUSE Modern. new, woodwork. Woodlawn 666. NEW BUNGALOW, near park, school. ' cars 1260 E. Aider Main 594 NEW HOUSE and Call E. 3252. arae, $1S00, terms. REAL ESTATK. lor Sale Hou. ROSE CITY PARK. BELOW THE HILL AND JUST A STEP TO SANDY BLVD. 6 room and garage. We are of fering fur the first time one of the best houses in this beautiful resi dential district. All rooms are exceptionally large and well ar ranged: heavy plate glass windows tn livinjr and dining rooms. The floor are inlaid with choicest oak. Three big bedrcoms on 2d floor. , with spacious closets. Thia home is located on a corner lot. It is priced for cash, and ia a bargain for 7oOO. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 45th and Sandy Blvd. RALPH HARRIS COMPANY. REAL ESTATE. FIRE INSURANCE. . A nifty little 5-room cottage on Broadway Drive. Portland Heights. Here is a chance to get a nice little home on easy terms, overlooking the city; walking distance of business center; $2700, $40O cash. 5-room bungalow- with complete bath, in very good condition; on paved street. All assessments paid : close in, fine dis trict; 2.150, $300 down, $30 per month. No mortgage. 5-room burigalow-type home near Franklin high, vacant : very neat and clean; $2000, small down payment. 5-room bungalow. Alberta district. A nifty little home with east front, full porch and large basement; $2000, $k0 cash. t RALPH KARRIS CO., Realtors, 816 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5R24. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. Beautiful new colonial bungalow Just completed, garage, choice location among the firs, fine view, large lot ; ultra modern interior, large (33-foot) living room, old English floors, fireplace, fur nace, cement basement; built by owner for a home; will paint exterior and ter race grounds to suit purchaser; $7000; about $2300 cash. Phone after noon. Main 37 21. VACATION SPECIALS. PLENTY OF TIME TO SHOW NEW 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. READY TO MOVE IN, I R V I N G T O N. CHOICE HOME LOT SOxHH). IN ALAMEDA. SOME DESIRABLE LOCATIONS ON MARSHALL STREET. WEST SIDE. WITH HOUSES. AT LOW PRICE. PHONE MARSHALL 1684. BERRY & BERRY. BUNGALOW. Corner lot on East 42d st.. one block from Sandy. Double construction; paper between walls; cement basement; fur nace, fireplace. 13 eat built house in Rose City Park. Price, including garage. $450. W. H. ROSS, 1100 Northwestern Bunk Bldg. NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. PRICE $3SU0 700 CASH. New 5-room bungalow, just finished; ready to move in; has breakfast nook, hardwood floors in 2 rooms, fruit and grapes; 2 blocks to car, 20 minutes' ride; $7w cash, balance like rent. DUD RE Y INVESTMENT CO.. 509-lQ Panama Bldg. Main 3042. A BARGAIN AT ANY TIME. $4300 EASY TERMS 4:;lO. 5 rooms with fireplace, furnace, hard wood floors, buffet, bookcases. Dutch kitchen, garage, corner lot with east front. Photo at office. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO.. 628 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4754." FOR CASH BUYER. Six large, sunny roomM two-story absolutely modern bungalow. Best car. of Hawthorne, walking distance of Franklin high; $4500, $1000 under- priced. RALPH HARRIS CO., Realtors. 810 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5fi24 2-STORY. 8-room houte, like new, large sleeping porch, nice attic, lots of built ins, cement basement, fruit room, wash trays, wood lift, gas and electricity, bed room downstairs, lot 5OxH0, lots of fruit nice lawn, 2 blocks from car, 3 blocks from school, double garage. Price $.:o0, terms. See it at 1115 East Taylor. Owner. HAWTHORNE New, modern 5-room bungalow, hard wood floors, fireplace, all improvement in. $4500; will take iff car, some cash, balance like rent. .'ttMonies, with In terstate Land Co., realtors. 248 Stark st. Main 54211. OWNER ill-Bell seven-room newiy paint ed home on iwikhi grouna in uannurst; large new garage with concrete lloor and driveway ; 14 bearing fruit trees. plnty of berries; price on terms $4750. substan tia reduction for cah. Phone Wood lawn 6302. Call or address llb'J E. lath t. North. $3730. RICHMOND DISTRICT. Cosy 5-room bungalow with furnace, fireplace and built-in effects, full ce ment basement with laundry trays, pav ing in and paid; terms. J. L. KARNOPP & CO., 310 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 65 ROSE CITY. $500 down, beautiful 5-room bungalow style, fully modern residence, perfect con dition, accessible to car, schools, churches; delightful neighborhood, easy monthly terms if desired. Main 3S06. QU I N N. 200 Morgan bldg.. REALTOR. LOWER PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Fine view of city, 100x100. level, and beautifully landscaped. Modern, well bult, 9-room house, very large living room, hardwood floors, hot water heat ing. 100 feet to car. Will sacrifice. BROOKE, Mar. 4K27. BEAUTIFUL HAWTHORNS BUNGALOW. 50x100 lot. half block to car, large rooms, attic, fully double constructed, strictly modern. Reasonably priced, good terms. Buy from me. You save. Auto. 623-17. VERY attractive home. 308 E. 38th N., corner of Hancock ; living room, den, dining room, kitchen, breakfast room, lavatory on first floor; 4 bedrooms up stairs: finished floors throughout. Own e r. Tabor 4553. ON THE HEIGHTS 7 -room artistic home, built about 0 years, hot water heating system, 2 fireplaces. 3 sets of plumbing, beautiful tiled main bathroom with finest fixtures, large garage, large natural grounds. Main 6327. $3500 7 ROOMS, aemi-modern; lot SOxlOO; apples, plums, quince, berries; streets, sewer paid ; small cash payment ; must sell quickly. J. P. McKenna. Realtor, 1151 Belmont, at 33th. Tabor 6493. THAT LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Here is the one big bungalow, swell location, strictly modern, new; ready to occupy; one block to car. None can equal price. Easy terms. Auto. 0 23 -1 7. WEST SIDE 7-room palatial home: til baths, large pretentious rooms, hot water system, gooa view, in tne neart of the city, yet it Is like a mountain retreat, truly a beautiful homey home. Main 6327 FOR SALE BY OWNER. A beautiful fine home in Irvlngton narawooa iioors, two zirepiaces. corner iot; win sen peiow cost ix taken at once Ta bor 33 93. ' u nebn no 1 o-roora oungaiow, very modern, good garage, lot 50x100. im provements in ana paia, tnauu, liberal terms, worth $1000 more than we are WAVER LEIGH HEIGHTS 6-room. 2-storv square, massive, well-constructed, fine community, close to car; see it and then weigh it against the price of others. vry i t-c toe faati. Jiain bJ -1. 1R VI NGTON 5-room palatial bungalow; palace, h. w. floors throughout, tile fire place, Gasco furnace, garage, large lot; a paradise of shrubbery and flowera Main 0327. A uultuk s rtu.M Beautiful, artistic nome, ruvium huu sleeping porcn. large lot with natural shrubbery and trees right in town, yet on the heights; priced a way oeio w 1 in- re a 1 va me .vi a in 6327, $juu t-KuuAi. moaermzed house, full ioi. uerncB, ovu tasii ; Will take Car. Aic-Monies. wun interstate Lund Co.. $1250 3-ROOM cottage, lot 60xS0. fruit berries, small cash payment. Mt. Tabor sciiooj uisuiui. u. r. iurvenna. Realtor 1151 Belmont, at Sftth. Tabor 643. ROSE CITY PARK HOME of ix rooms modern: pavea street and newer paid 03 E. 62d t. N. Vacant. Phone Wood- tawn 101 t W E ST SID E C LOSEIX. " " Lot 50x50. with good 6-room dwelling on Taylor st.. near 1 6th ; price $6000: FO R SALL tooa s-room cottage: 216 jiorrii st., i diock west or ks carline. Phofie labor Uii or call at 872 East VI II s 1. HERE is a snap; a it-room house, modern in every re!pw;i. -o minutes Walk business district. see owner, 688 E. layior m.. caii Easi ;!. b-KOOM house: bath, toilet. flrat-class concrete basement; price $2400; $1000 cash, the rest monthly payments Come ana eee piae. t-n win ave. a. e. 5-ROOM bungalow, gooa condition, large lOt. 81U'-ii, fe,;, must. DC SO'O thll w eek. $2300. some terms. MV car to 63d. IRA I -o 1 u.x coioniai, corner, sun rooms sun porch, French doors, old ivory and narawoou uwn vuruuKnoui. real nome. Kaat 1. BY OWNER. Strictly modem six-room house; all built-ins, hardwood floors, good furnace fireplace. Tabor 3067. v.RIi)DK New bunsalow n t k rooms, hardwood floors. See this before Oil UUf 1 vh uvuikM a A.tJ. REAL ESTATK. $6750-IR VI NGTON. We consider this one of the best buys in the district. First floor Entrance hail, large living room, dining room and kitchen. Second floor 3 bedrooms, a glassed -'.o sleeping" porch, paved street and sewer improvements ii; paid. Lo cated on 21st at., one block to car line. Lot on grade with street. Possession will be had in a few days; $33 mortgage on this property for 3 years, balance in cash if desired, although easy iciina wim gooa mommy ments will be considered. pay- J. L. HARTMAN CO., 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 20 H. FURNISHED BUNGALOW REAL BARGAIN. $3250. $550. $5250. Beautitul d-rooui bungalow, complete ly furnished for h- k. ; substantially built, best of material7 and workmanship; all built -tns, full concrete basement, ptpe less furnace, very good furniture, beau- tlrur lot, fruit trees, paved street; a real buy; about $1500 cash required to handle, balance $50 a month, including interest; no encumbrance or other indebtedness: shown by appointment only. .East 4iUL TRIPLEX APARTMENT HOUSE. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, , $12,200. 1 This is the finest thing In the city; two Mats, six room and sleepihg porch and sun porch and bath; one of four rooms, sleeping porch and bath; each ha finest view on the heights; hard wood floors, separate entrances; each has separate basement, furnace for each flat, each has automatic water heater. You can live in one Hat and have a good in come besides. s You cannot beat this at double the price. This is a (rood in vestment. COE A. McKENNA CO., Realtors. 82 Fourth St. Main 6871. IRVING TON RESIDENCE. New and modern 12-room Irvlngton residence, containing paciou living, din ing and breakfast rooms. library, eun parlor and large central hall, all finished in the finest selected mahogany and oak. hardwood floors throughout: five large bedrooms, artistically finished; maidj Quarters separately arranged; three toi lets, two tile bathrooms, all plumbin; fixtures of the mowt expensive and san itary type; house contains large finished attic and full cement basement: three artist. c U:e fireplaces, atationarv vacuum cleaner, large grounds, beautiful, with rare flowers, plants and ah rubs. This beautiful home for sale by owner on rea eonable terms AL S21. Oregonlan. HOLSK FOR SALE BY OWNER. An attractive 5-room modern bunga low, hardwood floors, built-in bookcase and buffet, fireplace, furnace, full ce ment basement: lot 50xlO0; sewer, walks a nd gas in and paid for; price $.O00, $500 down, $50 per month. Owner, Overlook Land Co., 50a Corbett bldg. Telephone Main 21. A BARGAIN. A beautiful 8-room strictly modern home, walnut trees, grape arbor, lawn and flowers, 10U rose bushs; full ce ment ba.-ement. wash trays, fine chicken house and run, cement garage, 20-fL alley, paved street, iot HOxlOO; hot water furnace with radiators. Price $0350, $3uOU cash, balance eatv terms. Mc GEE & DENNIS, Woodlawn 50b4. U0 Union ave. N. BARGAIN. 6 -room house, Woodlawn district, new ly painted Inside and out. Only 5 yearB c Id. Better than new. Some berries and shrubbery. Full lot 5OxlO0. Price only 2SOO. terms. Open for inspection Sunday from 1 to 7 P. M. at (tl Hol man st., near lth. Week days call Broadway 1734. A SNAP, CLOSE IN Save carfare, G rms. with large hall, bath and pantry, gas and wood range and 2 largo kitchen cabinets included; full cement basement and furnace. 488 East Davis, near 10th, half block to Rose City carline; $3750, $750 cash. bal. long time, phone R. R. R., Main 172. or call 145 Second at. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY nouses, all kinds ana prices in this uiointu -au ior appointment. BROOKE. 641 Montgomery Drive, cor. Elm St. Mar. 4827. Every Customer Is a Reference. rsfc.v o KOOM bungalow, corner 30th and noiman. - i,ouoie constructed, best of Ejumoing, narawooa iioors and ail the uilt-ins. Street improvements in and paid. Will sell at actual cost tod-ay. .ttOO. See Mr. Va.il. 4HM Wilcox bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. eu Duut ana arrangea, modern bun galow fireplace, 3 bedrooms. Lot 50 by 140, facing on 2 streets. Nice trees, beautiful view and surroundings. Close to club, stores and A ins worth school BROOK IS. MAR. 4S27. BY OWNERS New 5-room bungalow, modern in every respect; large garage; window shades in, water and lights on; all ready to move Into; this bungalow has very fine sur roundings and the best buy in Rose City Park Call 323-67. 2 LOTS with modern six-room house: hardwood floors woodllft, full cement bascement. furnace, laundrv trav hot and cold water, bathtub, electricity and gas. srarage; house in good condition For ale by owner. Here's a bargain. i nwini)i PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. Almost new; built for home; 4 rooms, large living room, fireplace, hardwood floors, ivory wood work, cut-glass knobs, etc. Fine view of Tualatin valley, $3500. $o00 down. BROOKE. MARSHALL 4S27 If OK SALE by owner, amctiy modern 8- room bungalow with two-third acre sat to choicest bearing fruits, berries and English walnuts; fine garden. !arR chicken houses and runs; price $5U00, $2000 cash, balance easy terms. , Artbur j- iwtw, ruresi urove, ir. GOING TO BUILD? We design and build residences or any building. Assist in financing same The best service at lowest -coat to you Established 12 years. Security - and sat isfaction assured. L. R. BAILEY .CO INC., 024 X. W. Bank bldg. t- 5-ROOM bungalow. batn. gaa. electric light, lot 50x100; good chicken house. 1 bloek to car and stores; close to school; $2400, $5t0 down. balance monthly Owner, 4520 61st ave. S. B., .-Woodstock car. BARGAIN In large colonial home. Nob Hill; shrubbery, double garaget two lot uuu cdnv ituourss nn. E. S. Jackson, Realtor, 207 Ry. Ex. bldg. SAVE $130. Buying from owner a new 4-room mod ern bungalow cor. of Willamette blvd and Van Houten at. ; paved st. in and paid for; $2750, easy terms. Phone East 4462. FOR SALE: 6 large, pleasant rooms; bath toilet, electric lights, fruit, within 50 ft. 01 paveu sircei, diock to canine, near church, school, stores: good neighbor hood; price right, terms. Phone Wood lawn Sh5. $2750 TERMS Modernbungalow. 4 large rooms, basement, attic, vacant; In fine condition; good neighobrhood. half block to paved street and car. 13i East 6!th st North. Must sell. No agents. Owner Tabor 7790. 4-ROOM FURN. BUNGALOW. New house, new furniture, best part St. Johns. y block car. $3400, some cash baL like rent. Owners leaving city' E. R. S., 513 Couch bldg. Main 5604 $310o. Five-room cottage, lot 50x100. Radi anvt fireplace, fruit, berries, roses, two blocks north of St. Johns -car: 1253 Del aware. Phone owner. 327-08 or 516-1L ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A HOME? We have 2 bungalows, one 6 and one 5 rooms. See JOHNSON & ANDERSON f24 Skidmore St. FOR SALE Must forthwith sell my two story six-room house at a sacrifice; full stzed corner lot: 4233 East 52d at. South east; price $3J00. See owner. 1260 Bel- mODt St.. eveimiga i i-m c. .Main St. HOUSE PLANS. "Distinctive Homes," illustrated book of over 100 designs, $1 ; blueprints $10 DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPANY, 94 Northwestern Bank Bldg. $65U0 IRV1NGTON HOME New 5-room bungalow with extra large living room hardwood' floor, fireplace, built-in buf fet, splendid kitchen, furnace and Ea rage. 720 E. 17th st. X. Wdln. 4841 HOME and income. 7 rooms; upper 3 room rented for $23 per month; on East 21st St.. near Brooklyn car; imap for $3350. See Mr. Boehm. 210 Oregon bldg WESTMORELAND. For sale by owner, tine nw bungalow; a?l latet improvements; street ami sewer paid , to be sold at a bargain. 1347 East ISth st. Phone Woodlawn 616 NEAT bungalow, 4 rooms, bath, pantry, gas furnace, basement, garage, garden and berries; lot 50x 100 ; paved street; . near ears; $2400. $550 cash, 1119 Mon- tana avenue. PIEDMONT. $5000 Eight-room he, tile bath. laundry trays furnace, cement basement, two blocks to car. 333 Portland blvd. B. $300 1-ROOM bungalow, 1315 Detroit. near boulevards; a beauty, just finished; full basement, ivory finish.- improve ment paid ; terms. Tabor 585. MODERN 12-room house, full-sixed lot, $'650. Mount Tabor district. Answer ly mall. J. C. 171 W. Park. 10 ROOMS, all housekeeping. $375. Answer by mail. J. C. 171 W. Park. . REAL ESTATE. Far Sale H oases. LAURELHURST Dutch colonial home, terms ; new. modern and f ul ly equipped. Owner, 1210 Pine. TeL Tabor 4528. Suburban Hemes., ROCKWOOD. 4 acres or less, to miles from post office on - hard-surface road and near station. Troutdale electric; real bargain, easy terms. GILLIS. On Bull Run electric, near station. 7 acres or less, unimproved and 3 acres or less Improved ; fine soil ; suitable for chicken farm and berries. Tremendous sacrifice, easy terms. W. M. UMBDEN STOCK & CO.. 210 Oregon Bldg. . Bdwy. 16.18. SUBURBAN HOMES IN CITY. 350x100 ft.. 7-room house and bath. gr.s. electricity, cement basement, wash trays, etc.. house 40x100 ft., creek run- ; ning through center of property with trout ponus and a neautitui artistic t Mower "beda" and celT fruit berrfe,; i ,..t h . . k. h SfUHin. I eagy termg. Sellwood !S. OSWEGO LAKE. I 1 to S acres, cleared land; your own terms. RALPH HARRIS CO., REALTORS. 816 Chamber of Commerce Main 5054. $5oo CASH, cottage, acre, garden, ber ries, fruit, water, lights, good road, near electric station. Lake Grove; $1050. McFARLANP. Falling Bldg. Main 3672. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near carline, from $1800 up. Inquire 3d house north of Ristey staton. on Oregon City carline. BEAUTIFUL natural park of 30 acres, largo creek and springs, electric station on grounds, near clty $15,000. AH 76, Oregonlan. ? $5K) CUT for quick sale; 2!4 acres in Gresham: fine family orchard; modern 5-room bungalow, completely furnished ; garage; $2.tQ0 will handle. Tabor 2676. A BARGAIN and on very easy terms; rt room modern house and 1 acre of good soil. Owner. Auto. 62H-47. PARK ROSE, ideal home, on improved acre or y acre; convenient terms. Tabor 2076. ACRE in Gresham. set to fruit; modern 2076. oungaiow; terms. taoor Fruit LandM for ?aie or Iteut. HE IS IT ON WALNUTS. If you want a bearing orchard or any expert advice on walnuts. write T. , Withycombe. His clients have all made good money on their Investments. 432 12th st Marshall 3118. 5 ACRES bearing wainuis and cherries. Yamhlil county, worth $2.00: sell for $1500. half cash. AF S42, Oregonlan. For Sale -Acreage. MAKE AN OFFER. 7fl acres, a 11 level, enough timber for lOOO cords of wood, part of land easy clearing; mostly paved road. balance rock road, about 9 miles from Vancouver and 1 miles to electric line: will take cheap lot or light car as part of first payment. HOLCOMB REALTY CO.. 211 Washington Bldg. Main 536. Woodlawn 071 Evenings. $25 DOWN. $7.50 MONTHLY. , A splendid one-acre tract, good soil, small creek, fine for chickens, berries and fruit. 1 V miles from city limits; total price $350. We have only 14 tracts in this plattipg left. Home as large as 54 acres and proiwrtionately on the same terms. Get in on the ground floor. Fred W. German Co., Realtors, 732 Cham, of Com. FIVE acres rich level land, nearly all under plow. Price f 2.0 an acre. This is a real sacrifice by owner. Only ;tA miles from city limits. Located 1 mile .south of Foster road on the Rock creek road, or call Mr. Towson. East n77 CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. 2 to 5-acre tracts on East 82d st. (main Oregon City road . near Kendall station; ' paved road; gas. city water, ete. ; $750 acre; eafy terms. Owner. 30J Piatt bldg. 20-ACRE BARGAIN $1500. Only 18 miles out, 1 mile from high way; 2-room house, barn, water piped to house, 2W in cultivation, balance easy cleared; price $1500. $."oo down. A. H. AKERSON. 41iO HENRY BLDG 40 ACRES FOR $1000. EASY TERMS. Good rich land, close to good town stores, etc.. 1 mile to paved highway, between Port land and Astoria. A. JL AKERSON. 420 Henry bldg. WRITE for map of western V showing location, low price ishington. and easy terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAUSER TIMBER CO. Tacoma, Wash. EXCELLENT land at $30 per acre on the Columbia river; good road; easy terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. term8 633 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 4T5 ACRE. Just outside clty limits; Gresham car. Bell station; $750. $15 down, terms. Main 4112. k'ILL SELL 15 acres in three or four-acre lots. Thomaa Allen. 6131 If 3d at. s. K.. Portland STOCKMEN, atltention: 320 or 2000 acre Lt $10. near jena, or. -Address Adver tiser. 415 East 60th St.. Los Angeles. Cal. ACREAGE adjoining Portland. $150 per acre, uwner. luajst no. 120 acres of land for bale. p. Wolke, Ne- halem. Or. CHOICE acreage adjoining Portland: snap, by owner. East 745. Homestead. Itellnquislitnenta. HAVE put more settlers on Oregon land in past 6 months than all other individ uals or associations In state com bine d list of hundreds of satisfied clients to refer to. Call at oilice for detailed de script ion of open tracts; maps $ 1 by man M. J. Anaerson, oji .Railway r,x change bide. YOUR BEST OPPORTUNITY to take a homestead is this month. Am locating claims throughout western Ore gon, either farming or timber tracts; special Inducements to ex-service men; satisfaction guaranteed by experienced locator. E. W. HELM, 31ft Board of Trade B 1 d g . 160 ON PACIFIC highway, nearly all ulow land, near Grants Pa.ss: 2000 cords wood On nice creek: 20 acres easv cleared: if quick sal $400, 301 Corbett bldg. For Sale Farms. FOR SALE At sacrifice, an Ideal ranch of lt5 acres, easily supporting 30 cows; located on two highways. 4 miles to city of 20O0 population and running con densery, 5 minutes to graded school. There are 45 acres clear. 40 acres under cultivation, rest local bench land, some timber, cedar, about $120o ; apple, pear and prune orchard; 6 acres sold $100 worth fruit; creek runs through place, bottom land ; when farmed right pro duces two crops of hay; 4-room house, big stock barn, chicken and two small houses. Price $17,000, half cash. Write box 644. Bandon. Or. FOR SALE By owner, 73.50 acres near Camas; 20 in cultivation, prune orchard and stock; large house and barn. Price $5500; will tak- property in trade for part, terms. W rite Mr. Henry Nelson, Camas. Wash., 00 x 82. CITY FARM SACRIFICE. LADY. UNABLE TO HANDLE HIGHLY-IMPROVED 2-ACRE CHICKEN AND BERRY FARM. RIGHT IN CITY. MUST SELL THIS WEEK. AUTO. 640-08 SOUTHERN OREGON. BETTER LAND FOR LESS MONEY. Best fruit and farm lands in the state. UNLIMITED VIRGIN TIMBER. W rite LAKE & A1KINS. Riddle, O r. EXCELLENT land at $30 per acre on the Columbia river; good road ; easy terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 Northwestern Bank Bldg. CHICKEN. FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland, $j0 to $500 per acre; easy terms, best soil, farms for hale, all sizes. M c Farland, realtor. 208 Failing bldg. 2-ACRE Tillamook Co. dairy, best-river bottom, house, barn, silo, machinery, 4 cows. Price $7C00. F. P. Thun. Clover dale. Or. 83 ACRES, six miles south of Lebanon; 65 in cultivation, well fenced ; a good buy, or will trade. Owner. Tabor 6308. LOGGED-OFF lands, $10 acre up: running water, good soil, tillable; tchol, easy terms. J. R- Sharpe, 83 Third st. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE HAVE a great demand for homes with small payments down and easy terms. Any size, any kind. RALPH HARRIS CO. REALTORS. S16 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5624. OWNER. DEAL WITH OWNER. Want 2 Portland residences. 6 and 7 room. modern, for 8-room plastered bun galow, built-ins and highly improved 10 acres; assume. T 846. Oregonlan. WANT good home In Portland In exchange for 5 acres in cultivation, fine soil, 4 acres berries; 5-room bungalow, barn, chicken house, close in, clear of debt; $7500. E. R. S., 513 Couch bldg. FROM owner only, five or six-room double constructed modern bungalow, full lot, Roe City. Laurelhurst. Mt. Tabor or Heights preferred; substantial payment. R S2S. Oregonlan. ' - MAN WITH large family wants home near grade and high school, not over $3000; can pay $50O to $7oo down; balance must be easy ; prefer Peninsula district; no agents. Columbia 4-6. MUST have at once, singte lots or in blocks of ten lots together. J. L. KARNOPP & CO.. 319 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 675 BARGAIN WANTED 5 or 6-room bunga low with bathroom, fair location; owner only apply. Will assume mortgage. Cash, R - a ltor. 503 McKay bldg. WANT a modern 7-room home on Port land heights to $15,000; client waiting. Mr- Holman. Main 6327. WANT modern house; will give good auto mobile and lot as part pay. AK 84L Qregonian.. WANTED A lot in Woodlawn 643. Walnut Park. Phone W ANTE P R E A L ESTATE. LARGEST HOME SELLER ON THE PACIFIC COAST! DO YOU WANT RESULTS? Your home Is sold if listed with us! We are In touch with hundreds of EARNEST HOME BUYERS for homes In ail parts of the city. We inspect, appraise and photograph within 24 hours afttr listing. iton of In the event of a satisfac- 1 $ ;ory saie. salesmen io w or un vu property. See v FRANK L. VcOflRE, To Sell Your Home. Abington Bids . Mam 1065. ::d St.. Bet. Wash and Stark. HAVE cash buyers for houses or flats on west side, south of Madison st If your property is on sale, see the man who makes a specialty of handling west aide property. JOHN SINGER. 420 Chamber of Commerce Bltig H AVK ffrt, who w.nt. to b . to "n Alberta. Woodlawn or Albina that $2000 to $2500 will buy, with garage; 4 or o-room nouse. McGEE & DENNIS Phone Woodlawn 5fiS4. !!! Union ave. N. WANTED Five or 6-room modern bun galow in good district, view lot if pos sible; have $1500 to $2000 cash and good acreage, or auto to trade on same. Dr. Johnson. 523 Pittock bldg. Broadway 4000 OWNER. DEAL WITH OWNER. Want two good homes, 6 and 7 rooms, modern preferred, close car. school; as sume; trade best Reedville acreage, fine plastered 8-room bungalow, close car, pavement. AE S37, Qregonian. WANTED It in Roe City Park. Al meda or Irvlngton: give location, price and terms. AC SI7. Oregonlan- Farms Wanted. WE ARE in touch with several parties looking for small Improved farms near Portland, ranging in value from $2000 to $4000. "Write or phone us and we will come and look vour plaei-- over. STEWART & JOHKSON. 315 Northwestern Bank B'.dg. LOT. VALUE $500. and some cash as first payment on Tillamook dairy farm, value $2500. Sellwood 2421 or Tabor 5S5fi. Wanted to Krnt Farm. WANTED TO RENT. SMALL PLACES. Have several people wanting to rent acreage or small farms close to Port land preferred. Some people will buy the place after leasing for year or more. We make lots of sales this way. Will buy equipment if priced right. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. SL'BL'RBAN place, with up to 3 acres, must have house and fruit: prefer near lower Columbia river highway, not farther west than Rainier; must be rea sonable. N SIO, Oregonlan. WANTED To rent, small larm on shares. Y 844, Oregonlan. FOR RENT FARMS. 247 ACRES, well watered, 8 miles from New berg. Sellwood 503. 11VBEK LANDS. CEDAR SPRUCE. We want cedar logs, posts, lumber; spruce, hemlock lumber. P. O. box :t!2 FOR SALE Sawmills located in pine. fir. or spruce timber, also good tracts of virgin timber In Oregon or Washington. See Winslnw Co., 419 Lumbermens bldg TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. WE HAVE 1120 acres choice wheat land in one of Alberta's best and surest dis tricts, 1 mllea from station and ele vators. There are eight elevators with in a radius of eight miles; 1000 acres can be plowed with tractor, 500 acres broken, 200 acres of summer fallow; 6-room house, barn 28x4, three gran aries, two good wells, ice house for iO tons, fine living water on the place and excellent shelter for stock; 250 cres of crop. Price $68 per acre. In cluding the crop. No encumbrances against this property. Owner will take in trade a smaller farm In the Wili a mette valley, balance to be paid on the half-crop payment basis; no crop, no payment on either principal or In terest. We have other smaller proposi tions offered in exchange for Oregon or' Washington farms. F. A. GILL1LAN, LIMITED, LAND BUILDING, CA LG A R Y. A LB ERT A. SALE OR EXCHANGE: 140 acres. Tilia mook county, depot on place, fine resi dence, 6 rooms, all newly furnished; chicken houses, buildings,, spring water piped ; ready market for all produce; added revenue as fisherman's resort if desired ; good orchard, berries, etc. ; 5 acres cleared, more eastly; valuation at $65 on. is a gift. 21S Piatt building. FOR SALE or trade for Portland property, best-located corqer grocverv and prop trtv in Yakima: ciears $:too0 yearly; also has market space rented out. 5 living rooms lawn, parage in connection. Write for term. It. McKinctry. 216 N. 6th ave.. Yakima. Wash. IMPROVED, STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 37 acres, new house and barn, garage, water system. 20 miles east; $12,500; clear of debt absolutely; will take good home in Portland to $U50u. balance long time at 6 per cent E. R, S., 513 Couch bldg. WILL TRADE. We are prepared to arrange a trade for you. Bring In your proposition and we will match you on anything that has merit; lots, houses, acreage or farms. E. R. S.. 513 Couch bldg. BRING IN YOUR TRADES. Houses, farms, hotels, rooming houses, restaurants, automobiles, anything you want we can match you at THE TRADERS' EXCHANGE. 501-2 Couch Bldg. AT SACRIFICE A FARM. Will exchange for anything. 80 acres. 11 miles from Grants Pass, on good road In Josephine county; good outrange for cattle. Call Dr. Johnson. Broadway 4006. 80 ACRES FOR CITY. 44 miles east of Oregon City, on good road ; 10 acres cleared. Some pasture, 20 a cres t i m ber. Will assume. A. H. AKERSON, 420 HENRY BLDG. 6-ROOM hou.e. Iot 100x130. clear of In cumbrance; garage, fine location. In Te nino. Wash., for Portland property. For further information address S b2S, Ore gon i a n. THREE choice acres In city limits, close to schools and car, to trade for house, lots or acreage in central California. Will sell cheap for cash. J. B. McEiroy, 43 Parker ave.. Safi Francisco. MODERN 7-room bungalow ; hardwood floors, built-ins. full cement basement : near Peninsula park. Jefferson high and grade school. Take auto and cah first payment. AN 846. Qregonian. STOCK FARM. Want Portland or Seattle nronertv will give $30,0oo stock farm as part pay. W. H. ROSS, 1100 Northwestern Bank B 1 d g. FOR SALE or trade, equity In 1 acre, 4 room house at Tigard. Oregon ; garden in, on good road. Trade for Portland bungalow. AH 847, Qregonian. WANTED To trade 2 lots at Medical lake, near Spokane, for good grafonola and records and $50 cash. Phone Mar. 5600. apt. A. REPUBLIC truck. 1 tons, aimost new; to exchange for vacant city lots or acre age. E. R, S., 513 Couch bldg. Phone Main SfHU. 5-PASS. Oakland, trade for house equity, lots or acreage. 420 Henry bldg. Mar shall 4070. TO EXCHANGE M 1 SC ELLA X EOF 8. VERY beautiful-toned Stradivari model violin, valued at $450; will trade for a diamond of equal value. Ask for Myers, 62 South Broadway, weekdays only. AR 841. Oregonian. TOLEDO computing scales, weighs to 30 lbs. ; worth $125, for cash register to same value. Newberg Grocery. New berg. Or. CAMERA. SVtX'-ihi special, to exchange for typewriter; will give or take difference. Tabor 769. A-B GAS RANGE, sell cheap; trade for buffet or phonograph. Tabor 7174. FOR SALIC Hontts, Vehicles. Livestock. 20 HEAD OF HORSES. SELL CHEAP. Consisting of 10 head of street-used horses, weight. 1000-1400 lbs. each, also some mated teams and some 4-year-old , colts, well broken. The above stock is right cut of hard work and will be guar anteed In every respect. . G. K. Howitt, Columbia stables. Front and Columbia streets. $5 PONY, saddle and bridle, also 1040 pound horse cheap. Wood yard. 327 Front. FOR SALE Very fine St. Mawes regis tered Jersey bull calL $150. R. D. Su f o r d , 300 Be a ch st.. Ash land, Or. FRESH light-colored brindle. 4 gala, rich milk at 5:30 P. M. 7S0 Insley ave., Sellwood car. t THOROUGHBRED Guernsey bull calf. 2 weeks old. 76th st and 20th ave.. end of Hawthorne car. MUST sell 234)0-Ib. team, sorrel chunks. blocky built and fat; very cheap. Foster road. Mt. Scott car FOUR fresh family cows and one young fresh Very large. 420 S-d s $40 to $65 each 6-gal. Holstein. DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly. Phone Mllwiukie 61J for best service. VETERINARIAN. DR. HOWES. TABOR 6566. DEAD hore'.-s and catt'e taken quickly. Call day or night. Auto 627-64. FOR SALE. llursni. Veil: lctt. Litfwoclj GOOD 2700-.b. team, etl single or to gether, harness and spring wagon; also a good Durham cow: must sell at once. No reasonable offer turned down. Call at vacant lot. East 10th and Slain sis. FOR SALE Six horses: reasonable prices. Holman Fuel Cw.. barn E. 6:h and lvon streets. GOOD Wood yard. I'ianos, Orcaus and Musical Instrument. DOWN- STAIRS Store. SCHW'AN Piano Co. $213 205 493 $575 Kimball, handsome oak.. $t75 Singer upright grand.... iH0 Heger n.iuion oak ose & Sons upright i;3 $750 Adam Schaaf player piano . 4H5 $750 Pianists.. 65-note player 303 $10 to $25 cah. $3 to $15 monthly. Phonograph Dept.. Used Specials. Grafonoia. Brunswick, cab., each . . $'.'5.00 Columbia and Pathe, cabinet, each. SYOO Stradtvara, $95; Grafonola, small. 12.50 101 10th st.. at Wash, and Stark Sts. Security Moraee Co., closing out for cash $425 hallet v Oavis. uoriaht $15 $450 Peerless, .large, upright 15 $275 Collara & Collard. small, up.. 65 $250 Pianola player, ho piayer rolls. 45 4 parlor organs. $25, $35, $33 and 46 103 10TH ST.. COR. STARK, ST. READJUSTMENT PERIOD SALE. Grand pianos; first-class and new. from $375 up. savings $200 to $3U0 Every pianist, every woman hopes to own a grand piano during her lifetime. Your upright taken In part payment. Player pianos, new and used, from $4f3 up. Pianos, new and used, front $225 up for cash or on a littl cash, balance spread over 3 years' time to suit your requirements. Your phonograph, piano or organ taken as first payment. 7th floor. Llpman. Wolfe A Co.. 5th and wshlngton sts. PHONOGRAPHS Some reduced over 507 Ntw and Used Cabinet Models. Widdicomb Sheraton model 5. oak..-$f5 B'uebird in mahogany $125 Pathe. fumed oak. model 12 Vq Io Manual, in golden oak i Emerson phonograph .$37.50 Stradivara Chopin, mahogany J50 Victory, style 9. small .-$40 $10 or more at time of purchase. $5 or more a month thereafter. L1PMAN. WOLFE & CO.. 7th Floor. SPOT CASH PATD FOR PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS. BRASS AND STRING INSTRUMENTS. NEWMAN'S RECORD EXCHANGE. MAIN 44K5, 12S FIRST. ALTO 27-4i. KKAXll'H & BACH piano, walnut case, best of condition, at bargain price. See this piano. Terms given. SE IBER LING-LUC AS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St.. bet. Wash, and Alder. SPECIAL violin outfit for students, violin, cane and bow; includes extra strings and rosin. $25. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 14i Sixth Street. BUSH & LANE player piano, just like new, greatly reduced. Come in and see this barga in. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St.. bet. Wash, and Alder. LOOK over our line of used phonogra phs we have some good buys in all the dif ferent makes. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 1 40 Sixth Street. $225 secures New England upright piano; $325 fine Howard & Co.. (in mah.) piano. If you don't want to pay cash, then $6 or $8 a month is all you need pay. Seventh Floor. Llpman, Wolfe & Co. STVLE XVI, mahogany Victor, electric, was $.137.50. now $275; nearly new ; terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 1 4H Sixth Street. Fit A N KLIN piano. walnut case ; terms given. SE IBER LING-LUC AS MUSI.C CO., 125 4th St.. bet. Wash, and Alder. CI-A RIN ET outfit, first-clats condition., $25. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 14! Sixth Street. J. C- FISHER, old styie ebony case; would make a good practice piano. :i0. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 1J5 4th St.. bet. Wash, and Alder. "C" MELODY saxophone, silver with gold bell, complete with case. $1:15, terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 141 Sixth Street. USED COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA AND RECORDS cheap. Terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4rh St.. bet. Wash, and Alder. PL A VEK rolls, special. SS-note. 5 rolls for $1 ; all good rolls; guaranteed. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 14! Sixth Street. SCHULHOFF piano, walnut case, fine con dition. $250. term p. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., ' 140 Sixth Street. EVERETT piano, refinlshed like new, hogan v case. $35, terms. G. F. .JOHNSON PIANO CO., 140 Sixth Street. HAINES terms. G. BROS., mahogany case, $27 JOHNSON PIANO CO., 140 Sixth Street. WELLINGTON piano, dark oak case, $1 Terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St.. bet. Wash, and Alder. MELODY saxophone, complete with case. $110. terms G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 14U Sixth Street. CONN cornet, silver with gold bell. high and low pitch siines ana mute. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 140 Sixth Street J. B. COOK piano, mahogany case, good condition, yi-t. lerms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St.. bet. Wash, and Alder. J. c. Fisher; beautiful walnut case. BIG reduction in price. Pee thi Instrument. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St.. bet. Wash, and Alder. My" PRACTICALLY new little $500 up right mahogany piano for $225 cash. Mrs. Casspll. apt. 2. AUonla. WILL SELL my little oak upright piano for $200 cash. Mrs. Reese, apt. 62. West- fall. Marshall 2Q54. ENTERTAIN your guests; rent a piano, plaver-piano or phonograph. H . R OLD S. GILBERT. 3S4 Yamhill gt Furniture For Sale. SAVE MONiiY. Tr mir sales denartment !f yon want to buy or sell household goods. Reduced freieht rates to most all points in our ihrnmrh nnol cars. Expert packing, re pairing and ref inishlng. Money loaned ' on goods in storage. Fireproof storage Tir t ciimnre rales. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO., 63 4th bL, opp. AiUitnoman notei. Phone Broadway 31S. BUGGY Babv. Lloyd wicker, almost good as new and looks the part. See It and vou will buy. 631 East ISth st. North, near Stanton. PRIVATE home sale furniture Kitchen range. 2 heating stoves, dresser. 2 beds 1 .nrinfit 1 davenDort. 2 sectional book r hairs, beautiful 60-inch Berkc A.- Gav dining table and chairs. I5'.6 Virginia stl Take Fulton car; not home Sunday. WE ARE leaving the city ; 1 mahogany baby upright piano. 1 very fine oak dining table with extra asbestos cover, 6 chairs, 2 rugs, 1 couch, 1 sanitary cot. 1 oak dreaser, canned fruit. 401 E. 41st st. N. t DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture if going east or to California. We can save you money on your freight in our through cars; fireproof storage. C. M. Olson T ransfor .fc Storage Co.. 24S Pine street. TWO SCREEN doors, new and painted, $3 each. 2 ft. 6 In by 6 ft. 8 in.; also kitch en table w ith bins and draw ers, $7. East 419. FOR SALE Solid oak dining room table and six chairs, walnut bedroom suite. 5S5 Halsey st., phone East S4S5. BEDROOM suite, curtains, rug. etc., for sale at sacrifice; party leaving town, mupt sell at once. Tahor 44SO. BEAUTIFUL $H5 Axmtnster rug, most new, for $35. East 6745. 0x12. al- Ol fire Furniture. . ASALEOF NEW AND USED OFFICE FURNITURE. A few used roll and flat top desks, tables, chairs and files; used Under wood. Remington and Royal type writers; Wales and Burroughs adding machines and time clocks. Our new furniture at almost the price of used elsewhere. Wax Office Equipment House. 24 N. 5th. Broadway 2730. BEFORE purchasing new or second-hand desks, chairs, files or safest, visit our sales rooms and inspect what we have to '"""THE IRWIN-HODSON CO.. FURNITURE DEPT. 10TH AT STARK. DESK and chair, 2 tables. 3 roll top desks, 2 flat-top desks. 3 bookkeep ers" desks, 8 chairs, 3 filing cabinets. 3 -afes. . i , ALMOST new bookkeeper s aesK ana stooa, $45. Inauirejanitor, Railway Exch. Poult ry. LAYING young White Leghorn hen. Hoeranizei stock ; heavy laying guar- anteed. J- RMa-ire. 787 Orc-goo st. Dogs. KnhbitH Birdw and Pet Stock. VANT good first-class Fox terrier pup. need not be thoroughbred. Phone Auto. 514-48 or K &75. Qregonian. RED COCKEREL spaniel for sale. Wd 1 n. 5SS2. Call Typewriter. REBUILT typewriters, ali manes, rentals. ir.-.IrV aunrlie. Distributors CORONA trtable sdding chlnea. Main 225 Pease 110 Sixth street. REPAIRS, rent, buy. sell: supplies. Type writer Inspection Co.. 312 Stark. M. 5549. OLIVER perfect condition; leaving city; sacrifice $20. Mar. 1402. FOR SALE. ..Typewriters. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKES. IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE. CALL OR WRITE FOR NiiW PRICE LIT THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO. 321 Washington St. Main 5tL ALL MAKES rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 1'4 5th st. Maln36ti$. NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. P. Co.. 2 31 Sta rk. Main 14 0 7 . Boat?. Launches guid Marine Equipment. MOTOR launch, 8-passengei 4 -cylinder, 4-cycie motor. length 3J ft. Excellent condition. Complete with equipment. Seilwood 2fi5tf. A MOTOR canoe, just the thing you are looking for to take that outing; this little canoe is fully equipped. Call East 1 titift. FOR SALE Motor boat. 4-cyl. engine. 30- ft. length, 5-ft. beam. A snap. Price $-75. Call weekday. Wdln. 2145. MODERN houseboat for sale. Sell. 110S. Coal and Wood. FIRST-CLASS cordwood. first growth, for sale at JS per cord, delivered as far east as E. 30th st., and south to Broadway. S. R. Howell. Phone tiW Y, R. 2, Van couver, Wash. OAK WOOD for sale. $10.50 a cord, de livered anywhere within 2-mile limit of O. & W. freight sheds. Kaat Portland. East S510. Eat S511. CORDWOOD for sale in any quantity; will sew in tne timoer, panKea on road or loaded aboard cars. W. W. Harris, Ore gon City. BLOCK and slab mixed, $5.50 load In 2 load lots, also special on cord wood and coal. Oregon Fuel. Wdln. 4102. GROUND hog fuel and sawdust In c.r loads or truth lots. Western Cooperage Co.. Columbia 52. GUARANTEED beat old-growth cordwood. $v5o per cord; green slab, $0. Bdwy. 41 10. HEAVY country slab. $ti 50 ; first -growth fir. $S to $S.5Q : Bdwy. 2211 or East 2226 OR COUNTRY SLA Li WOOD AND FIRST GROWTH CORDWOOD. BDWY. 1783. BEST o!d-frrowih tlr cordwood. $8.25 per cord. Seilw on d 314. FIRST -GRO W T H year-old cordwood. $7.50 per cord, within 3-mile limit. Mar. 4313. BIG LOAD Call Wdln of box wood $5.50 per load. 5IW4 or 1113 Montana ave. Machinery. NO. 1 AMERICAN sawmill, complete with carriage and one 4s-im:h saw. See It in operation at the Fordon Tractor Show on Bliss farm, near Gresham. all of this week. Federal Box and Lumber Co., Yeon bldg.. Portland. 50 H. P. 3-PHASE 220x440 volt motor, practically new, $150. 129 East Water. 231-64. TWO VERTICAL steam engines, one 6 and one S-horsepower, eood condition: will (saorlriVe. Oregon Citv Laundry. Oregon Citv. Or. 5t h st.. near Main. FOR SALE 7 H -H. P. electric motor, nearly new; price $185. Call Mar. 3066. Mr. Newton. 4x;:i TOWER edger. $:;0; xl4 Russell engine. $250; both in fine condition. J. M. Level, Yacolt. Wash. MOTOR canoe for sale. Call evenings. For in form at ton ml! Main 7223. MACH INK shop equipment, lathe, drill. reyes iqois. etc. l,t. IS. Otn St. M bce 1 la n pous. WOOD heater with water coils. $15; gar bage burner with water coils. $20. 116 E. 60th N. Tabor 7050. TEXT. !x7. In. ounce. $12.50; .22 Winches ter repeater, good shape, $S. Davis, Auto. r.24-:'.5. after ii P. M. VACUUM cleaners for rent. Soc per day, delivered anywhere. Wdln. S4'J5. "STAR A STAR" shingles direct rrom mlit Ca II Taylor-street dock. Main 8065. SECOND-HAND tents and covers for sale. Pacific Tent Awning Co.. No. 1 1st st. FOR SALE Sign board, side. 68x3.. 325 Burn- COUNTRY dry slab block. Mar. 2643. wood, short slab and RASPBERRIES. l0c pi?k them Tabor S232. Bring containers. RASPBERRIES. $1 35. pickrd. Tabor 10S0. Miscellaneous. HOT WATER tanks, 3o-gal, $7; 40-gal., $0; tested and guaranteed: stove and furnace coils, gas heaters installed, ex pert plumbing, repairing. East Side Welding Shop, 203 Adams st. East S 5 1 6, 50 H. P. 3-PHASE 220x440 volt motor. practically new, $150. 129 East Water. 231-64. FOR SALE Ca."h registers, iloor cases. new and second-hand; wall case, meat slicer. fountain complete; other store fixtures, low price, cash, credit. 240 Salmon. BARRELS, kegs and teel drums all aizes. oak and nr. new and second hand. REASONABLE PRICES. LAYTON COOPERAGE CO. Main 3147. 3-7 Water St. LADIES TAKARA ANTISEPTIC powder is a toothing, cleansing, healing germi cide and invicoratinir application; a great aid In female disorders: 50c and $ 1 per box. Portland Hotel Pharmacy. SAFES Fire and burgiar proof. Big bar gains Eecond-hanj safes and vault doors. Bushong &. Co.. 70 6th sL .Bdwy. 1262. LADDERS. D. R. Scully Co.. Downtown Lumber Store. 171 Front St.. bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Phone Main 4213. MULTIGRAPH. slightly used, quantity of type and equipment. $100; alf-o paper cutter and tablet press. 7 Board of Trade bldg. SL'PERPO automatic water heater, used six months. $10. New Process gas range, good condition. .$40. 425 6th st. No phone. Ixl2xl0 WOOD for sale by the cord delivered, $5.50; all first-growth fir cordwood. $7.50 per cord. Call Broad way 4f2. O F FI C E FU R N I T URE Bought. told and exchan ged. H A NSBN-WA DBNSTEI N DUSK CO . H'5-107 12th st. Broadway 1S77. COMPUTING wale. casn register, coffee mills, meat choppers and general store fixtures at 226 Stark St.. between First an d Second M reets. NEW "SINGERS," $5 down. $3 monthly. Expert se wine machine repairing MORRISON STREET SINGER STORE, 3S2 Morrison. Marshall 7 2 1. RI NG Diamond fine color. Fine special, perfect stone, bargain. N 837, Ore- gonian. juR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners. 24-hour day, S5c; delivered, guaranteed good condition. Woodlawn 1251. KODAKS. We buy. sell, rent and exchange ko daks. Sandy, 32ft Washington st. D1EBOLD safes, special prices. Co., 48 Front new and second hand; Pacific Scale & Supply st. Broadway 1966. M AGNUS root beer barrel, complete, cop per steam table and gas stove, cheap. 254 1st st.. cor Madison. FOR CORRECT lime call Main 3579; for scientific watch repairing see Milier, next rioo- to Majestic theater. PILES can oe permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, second and Morrison. . RUGS wa-shed on your floor with Hamilton-Beach electric carpet washer; also vacuum cleaning don e . E as 4045. THAT'S MY BUS I N E SS. House painting. Inside or out; reason ahle. re I iable : references. Aut. 621-57. BOXES. SHINGLES. CEDAR POSTS In mixed car loaxis. -804 Lewis bldg., Port land. VACUUM cleaner, good us new; hand washer $5; hand wringer $4; hand cleaner $3. Tahor 7QQ7. SHINGLES. EXTRA STAR A STAR. CHEAP. PHONE MARSHALL 4003. FOR SALE Serpent necklace, with brace let to match. Price reasonable. Call 40O CoRI'S first-class cordwood, 7 miles from Portland on highway, at $4.25 per cord cash. Call mornings. Tabor 3561. FOR SALE Hoover vacuum cleaner for $30. and beautiful hand -painted china d is h f s. Phone for engagement. E. 4S37. 6-GRAVE io. level, very choice location, in Lone Fir cemetery. ' Marshall 7u6, room 4. FOR SALE Year-old monkey. Call Mon day. U E. Main st. SFT babv clothinR. everything finished to w r ar, $ to. Automatic , 643 -."P. TENT. 14x16. 10 -oz.. ised three times, as good as new. $12.50. AH 827. Qregonian. DRXGSAW Cheap; in ood condition. 4S24 5.-. t h at. S. E.. near Foater road. oitpi) h.ibv carriage. Ivory enamel, 'good as new, for ale cheap. Auto. 228-65. FOR SALE Broadway -Good sewing machine cheap. Till. FOR SALE New Siuris twin baby bug- p v re a r-onable. Broadway 711. GA S APPLIANCES, stoves: and furniture repaired, aio bought, sold. SelL3051. 15 G T.LONS snow white ename! ; sells for $7.5Q; will take $! a pal. Main5404. HONEY V a r r a nted unadulterated, s t rR 1 n ed. mild : 7 Or quart. East 1416. E L.FCTRIC fixtures for 5 rooms. $15; lota of other styles. 207 C. Com. Bdwy. 4253. FOR-SALE Kitchen cabinet, second-hand". LADIKS. "he well used ga rments in dress i hon rd." fclxciusive e. Tabor 2S25. SCREEN doors, windows, mirrors ture repairing, cabinet work- W! fnrnl- i. 1S7. FOK SALE Cash reRi&ier. . adding machine. 6hovvae. 43 1-t at,, near Aih.