14 THE MORNING OREGOXIAX. FRIDAY. JUI.T 22, 1921 REAL ESTATE., "A HOMK FOR EVERYBODY.-, up, on terms. $2300 room,. SOxlnO lot. bath, toilet etwer. sidewalks; H car. 7 FIXE LARGE ROOMS. $4T0f Full cement basement, trars: 2 Hall Kas furnaces, fireplace, newly paint ed: fine condition; double constructed; 0x100 lot. - S ROOMS. COMPLETELY FURNISHED. iiTJUl HAWTHORNE 1000 DOWN. Modern bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace bookcases, buffet; 8 years old; H block ca : furnace. FINE MT. TABOR COLONIAL. ONLY 4iX0 GOOD TERMS. Modern throughout: furnace: hardwood floors; fireplace; bookcases, buf let ; dou ble plumbinff: SOxlSO. 6 fine rooms and sieeplnK porch. HAWTHORNE ONLY 13350. 4-ROOM BUNGALOW AND SLEEPING PORCH. , Cement ba.iement. trays, Dutch kitch en; cosy little home. 4 blocks HA car. 3-ROOM HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. This is a dandv little home on a beau tiful lot: coat of paint makes it good as new. 300o; 700 DOWN. MARSH McCABE CO., REALTORS ;ia,-3-4 Falling BKlg. Marshall 3003. FINE COLONIAL HOME. 7 rooms, finished in ivory and tapestry: fireplace and all built-lns; corner lot: double garage; furnace; $0300. 1RVINGTON 0-ROOM BUNGALOW Completely modern, on corner lot. fine location; beautiful rooms down. - up; sleeping porch; furnace, fireplace; harii uoud floors, built-lns; garage. , LACRELHt'RST BUNGALOW. 0 rooms, hardwood floors, 2 fireplaces, bookcases, buffet, full basement, furnace, garage. OOxluO lot; fine location. MARSH & McCABE CO.. REALTORS VJ2-3-4 . 'ailing Bids. Marshall .i'.'3. IRVINGTON RESIDENCE New and modern 12-room Irvington residence, containing spacious living, din ing and breakfast rooms, library, sun parlor and large central hall, all nnlsheo In the finest selected mahogany and oak. hardwood lloors throughout: five large bedrooms, artistically finished: maids nuarters separate'y arranged: three toi lets, two tile bathrooms, all plumbing futures of the most expensive and san itary tvpe: house contains large nnlsnd attic and full cement basement; t.nree nrtLstlc tile fireplaces, stationary vacuum cleaner, large grounds, beautiful, with rare flowers, plants and shrubs. This beautiful home, for sale by owner on rea s,.nhle t-rm? AL S-l, Oregon!:-n. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. One of the most attractive, roomv. fi-room modern homes on the heights. '1 ."lOxloo lots, shade trees, magnificent view, large view porch, garage. This is a home In a class bv Itself. A home for people who care." Price $0000. naif cash. See Mr. Crossley with ELROI) & DRYER. "Better Types of Homes. 283 Stark st. Broadway 118S. AMONG THE FIRS ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS. $."100 down and 2i monthly buys a 4 room rustic cottage, with absut 8-10 of an acre of ground, all kinds of native trees and assorted bearing fruit trees and berries. It is located in a district of choice homes on a oaved street and has cost the owner nearly J7000. "We are now authorized to offer" this property for I.IUL'O. plus bonded assessments. Fred W. German Co.. Realtors. 73- Cham, of Commerce BY OWNER. New 5-room bungalow, sightly loca tion. flOxlOO lot with fruit trees; double constructed, hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcase, buffet, Dutch kitchen, break fast nook, basement and lull plumbing; finished In old Ivory and white enamel: near Creston school and walking dis tance of Franklin high: on Powell, be tween 4Jd and 43d. Take Mt. Scott or Woodstock carllnes: no Incumbrances, easy terms. U. E. Rostall, 111U Wood stock ave. BIG BARGAIN. 0-ROOM HOUSE AND ;.-)0xl0(l, PRICE ONLY 4300. This means exactly what it says, I bargain. It's more than that. It's al most a gift. lr you are from MIssouM. come In and we will show you. Located In a fine location, on a paveti street; lots of fruit and berries. Dandy chicken house, garage, etc. Dl'DRUf INVESTMENT CO.. Sna-HI Panama BUlg. Main 3042. TWO GOD IIUXS. 7-room modern bungalow, duplex style, furnace, fireplace, sleeping porches, lot fc.lxl.'ti feet, garage. East 53d St., near M. V. car; price $3700, $1000 cash. bal. easy; this is a real bargain. U-room modern house in first-class condition. East 35th St.. near car, $4300, rood terms. R. M. t. AT K WOOD & CO.. Hi 5 'i 4th St. IV IHVIVCTHM Brand new bungalow, 5 rooms. ' down tine location; some nice irees. east ironi, iriiiif, ui'wi jV". . at G77 E 10th st. N. F. B. Turner, owner and builder. Tahor .'ililll. sacrifice! ' Good B-room modern bungalow and ga rage. Woodlawn district, $21130. $500 cash. New five-room modern bungalow In Hnwthorne district Just completed. $4200. $1000 cash. W. M. I'M ltDENSTOCK CO.. 210 Oregon bldg. $2700 BUNGALOW; new, modern. 4 rooms and sleeping porch: Lutch kitchen: full basement: lot 50x123; 2 blocks to Haw thorne car; 50th st. and 31st ave. S. E.: all assessments paid; $300 cash, balance $25 per month including interestr big discount for half cash. Owner. 428 Washington st. I'hone Rilwy. 13311. Sl'NNYsIMK RKSIUKXCE. $450 down. 8-room residence, semi modern, with 4 bedrooms, ample closets, etc., large double lot. abundance fruit, etc.: near car and schaols; ready to move Into; payments $30 monthly; con sider good auto. Call Main HSOtl. Mr. Koenigs. WI'IN. 2O0 M or g an Bl d g.. REALTOR. ARLINGTON- HEIGHTS. ACCEPT AUTO FOR PART. Dandy 7-room strictly modern house, only one block to car. Will accept medium-priced car for part. .Mutt have some cash. Price $75uo. See Mr. Asker. Dl.DREY INVESTMENT CO., K00-1O Panama Bldg. Main 3042. ATTRACTIVE 8-room modern home, from owner, bedroom and lavatory downstairs, large comfortable porch, garage' and 7 foot cement driveway; flowwrs and ber ries: on paved street: furniture for ale If desired. 513 Alnsworth ave. - Wdln. 20 2. HOUSE V'On SALE BY OWNER. A beautiful home In Sunnyside; fine place fur children; large sbudn and fruit trees: 7-room house, not modern but well built. Price JHl'.OO- $SOO down. 3." month. Including interest. 1108 E. Yam hill st. Phone Tabor SSI..'.. $1000 CASH. 5-room bungalow, fireplnce. plenty of built-lns. good floored attic, cement basement, laundry trays, furnace, garage, full lot. paving and sewer paid; near car; close in. It Is a gift at $4ooo. Rea sonable monthly payments. ot0 Cham, of Com. bldg. Main 1113. $4750 $4730. 6 rooms, on corner Hawthorne, full cement basement, laundry trays, furnace, built-in kitchen, breakfast nook, screen porch, bookcases, linen closet. Terms 700 down. $35 per month, interest in- c lu ded. O wncr. Tab or 5355. $14;.tv EASY terms, beautiful new, cheap, clean and classy bungalow, now under construction. If you want a home be low the market see this at once. N. Peninsula park, near school and Indus trial center. 1045 Miss. ave. $2.750 TERMS Modernbungalow. 4 large rooms, basement, attic, vacant; in fine condition; good neighobrhood. halt block to paved street snd car. 130 East GOth St. North. Must sell. No agents. Owner. Tabor 7700. AMONG THE FIRST ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS. $500 down and $25 monthly buvs a 4 room rustic cottage with about 8-10 of an acre of ground. Fred W. German Co.. Realtors. 732 Cham, of Com. ROSE CITY. $MM down, 5-room bungalow-style residence, excellent condition and fully modern; pric $-170(1. Monthly payments j:.0. Main SSOtl. Mr. Koenif?. (jVIN. ao Morgan Bldg.. K E AITO R . ONLY 1S0 KASV TERMS. Takes 4-room home with bath, etc., nd garase in basement; chicken house and i;ardtn ; full lot ; near school and cariine, '-'"ft Morgan bldg. HAVE been transferred and must sell our home, liiKS E. SSth. X. corner Hancock. Has every modern convenience. 4 bed room, breakfast room. den. fine lawn flowers, nhruliberv, Tabor 4.5.t. HAWTHORNE Bl'.NGALO 24V East ."-2d Street. 8 rooms, basement, heating plant. See this fine little home, you will like it. Sold on espy terms by owner. WEST SIDE, Ci-room ftrictly modern home, cloe in. fine viexv. exceptional value at price offtre-d. Phone owner eveninga Main Stif-ii. ENAP; rfv house and garage, $1S00, terms Fast S J 2 . NRW nrX'TAT-OW. near park, school cax 1200 . Alder, d&ia 4. stairs. J above; finished In old Ivory and malm-tan ; oak floors, papered and dec orated throughout; tiled bath: best of plumbing fixtures; full basement; large Karaite : REAL KSTATK. INCOME PROPERTY. 7-r. English Bombay bungalow, com pletely furnished, west side; finest over stuffed black African mahogany furni ture. Ivory bedroom suites. Queen Anne dining suite; hardwd. floors throughout large basement, fine furnace; edge Westover Terrace: will rent for $150 a month; price $0500, $3300 cash. SUNNYSIDE S-room bungalow, com pletely furnished with fine furniture; hot water heat. hdw. floors: will rent $0 mo. PRICE $750O. $:;uoo cash. 2WO 5-ROOM FLATS, double garage, unfurnished, modern; will rent for il0 mo, Price $0500. SEE US FOR GOOD INCOME PROP ERTY. MARSH ft MoCARE CO.. REALTORS. 322-3-4 Falling Bldg. Marshall 3093. ATTRACTIVE I.AURELHURST , . . HOME. Eight splendid rooms: frontage 'of 100 ft. on GUsan St.. near 30th: best home environment, roomy ga rage. This is one of the most de sirable modern homes in Laurel hurst. The price Is but $10,300. It's worth much more. Half cash win handle. Inspection by appoint ment. e J. W. Crosslev with EI.ROD & DRYER, "Better Types of Homes." 283 Stark St. Broadway 11S8. CHARMING HOME. $750 DOWN. 7-room. absolutely modern home, with wonderful sleeping porch, dressing room, (toilet and lavatory adjoining). Has exceptionally large living room with rireplace, beautiful hard-wood floors, buf fet and china closet: new pipeless fur nace: house in absolutely perfect con dition and is a positive sacrifice. $5S50. Call 42 Buchtel ave.. corner Pine. 3 hjocks w-ost of Laurelhurst. STOP) LOOK LISTEN!!! $3350. Good S-Rikiiii House, an be arranged for two families. , , , , Lot 50x111. J- Milwaukle. Cor. Knapp Ave Terms: Assume $1500 Mortgage Pay Cash $850 Balance $25 Per Month and Interest. SALOMON & CO . Established 1KSS 307 Railway Exchange Bldg LOOK ...FURNISHED BUNGALOW This Is a dream. 4-room bungalow and s eeping porch, completely furnished, in cluding piano: hardwood floors, fire place, bookcases, buffet.- Dutch kitchen, run cement basement: house and furni ture like new. The Trst one to see this Wl.l buy. as the location Is wonderful "e nest barKan we hav(j ha(J mon,h. for $:ssoo; MARSH McCABE CO., REALTORS . .1,-3-4 Falling Bldg. Mar. 3003! i ,ivi. ca sn IRVING TON. $8500 15O0 CASH. Wonderful home: 8 large rooms: hard wood floors. French doors, old Ivory throughout. 2 fireplaces, one in over size bedroom, finished third floor grounds 08x110; real bargain: owner V, ciiy. i Dlocka from Irvii 'ington or firuauway ca-. EAST 419. 7 MINUTES' EASY DRIVE LAURELHURST OFFICE. E 31TH AND GLISAN. ' If you are looking for a 5-room bunga low and win drive out today, you will get the surprise of your life: nothing ike It ever offered by me before. Owner leaving city. Call for key at office on the property. East 3ilth and Gllsan streets, or phone Tabor 3433. Evenings call East 7738. D15LAHCNTY. OPEN EVENINGS DON-T PAY RENT WHEN YOU CAN BUY -,A HOUSE ON THESE TERMS, we have good 7-room house, in good condition Inside and out. full basement. - toilets, nice porcelain bath and lava tory, lot Is SOxIOO. several fruit trees. Sh..V.!ien house and run: price is only J..000. Owner will take $500. balance -0 per month and interest at 0 per cent STEWART & JOHNSON. joNorthwestern Bank Bldg. , $42.-.0 EASY TERMS' Don t miss this one; a brand-new R-room bungalow, all modern, full lot in inrlsor Heights, restricted district .... . 1.1 uvciueiiiH in linn paid; very easy terms. G. C. GOLDEN BERG Main 4803. Tabor SC4. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Beautiful new colonial bungalow and garage, choice location among the firs tf-.tt 1 '., "t''-modern lnteror ,RrBe i . ,, -. -,. "" wtooows on 3 sides. ?L?..EnS l!-n floors, many new features: . am, about $2300 cash. Phone owner ONE-HALF ACRE. Brand New 4-room Bungalow $10110 Terms. $300 Down. ,,' Plastered, has city water, sink i . il, ,. , berries, garden, chick- ...... una Jn. taoor car. 2200 E. Taylor. Tabor ..1!W. POK-1 LAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY Houses, all kinds and prices In thl district- Call for appointment. BROOKE. Mi Jiontgomer Drive, cor. Elm St. .iar. j." ( Every Customer Is a Reference 4-koo.m house with sleeping porch, water .a... ciectric ngnt. gas stove, winter's wood, beautiful sightly corner, quarter block flowers, garden, 2 garages. Ham Tabor 1.08. '"'"" Fark Ro86 w -.-... . unii.oiu--, t neurooms. corner - iv. . nn.. t,- trees. Harden, place i-roii-i ot. pavta street. i blocks from """ tome out, let us show you. lorts Hrlmont. DunitHlow, bain, gad electric liKht. lot 50x1011; pood chicken house 1 i'.lnn t0no storel: tclose to ho'ol; " ' V-.,.. "nce montfilv Owner. 4.0 61st ave. S. E., Wood stork car. W A A E RLT HEIGHTS ADDITION " Attractive, modern, 7-room bunpniow see this before you buy; equity $!I00 Lr fi;r',; - DltK'M from car. Call BRAND NEW BUNGALOW ' 4 rooms and bath, double construc tion, full cement basement. -$2300 easv terms, uo see iu 1313 Detroit. Ta h,.. 585. C-1 13 C T IT" If 4 I , . 7vn, o.. ""'I luriuwun sell my two story fix-room hou.-e at a sacrifice; full- . 9-i-An c 1 J-a -South mont st.. " " - r.--". sz.ee owner. 1 ''tut R I evenings at 12Q1 K. Main st. G-rtOOM modern house. 30th and Harridon; Rood car service and larjre lot and fruit trees; cash Kast view with East rms. bee owner, oti-3 Belmont HOUSE tLANS. Lisiincnve nomes. Illustrated book ui "'-'"', i; o.ueprints lid DISTINCTIVE1 HOMES COMPANY tt4 Northwestern Bank Bldg. " bunnnlow with extra lartre llvin,' " hardwood floor, fireplace, built-in buf tot. eplendid kitchen, furnace and eal rage. K. 17th st. X. Wdln 4S4 1 3-koom nuuse, iot 4rV2XS0. fruit and ber- i .v.; "1.,, "it,l"e. P-ace. balan v u. consiuer late model Ford jTi uluiaia can Auto. WILL hu lurst 1 year old, ivory finished through-, ut. hardwood floors, f urnar nV., Tii bo r TOMfor appointment. MODERN HOME. R RDOt3 1 lots, line view of city, close in. near car; splendid value. $SOuo. Hawtborne to Murraymtad car to 3l5 Kast 'ath, near 1 1 arnwn st. PIEDMONT. $50t0 KtKnt-room nose, tile bath, laundry rajii, i ui wcmriii Dastmeoi, two r L-- - . . " 11 u Diva, e. i-I.-.imi ou.MiALOW, about com pieL-ru, ai ft.iMu mlu morgan, near Peninsula park. Open tor Inspection THS BEST of material and workmanship re build: assistance goes into the houses in financing. Fabricated Const ru-i mn Co. :.! I . U -j i- hi.lt. lE.AV1.nu me ci.v. miwc sell -- the EatJt oMn. corner Hancock. Stricriv modern, all convenience call Tabor IRVINGTON colonial, corner, sun rooms sun porch. French doors, old ivory and hardwood floors throughout, real home East 4 1 M. PIEDMONT Am leaving town and sell mv .seven-room modern homi will for t..i-ji. .nry uun. v ooaiawn igjin U hKiJun .ew Dungaiow at cost 5 rooms, hardwood iloors. See this before you buy; $ 4 5Q0. Ca 1 1 Wood I awn 1 462. $850 FOR a 4-room with toilet, sink and water, lot 50x100, 1 blk. from Sellwood car; $ 2 00 ca sh. 401 Swet land bl d g. FURNISHED 4-room bungalow. East 24th" near S. P. shops. $2100; $300 cash $50 per month. Owner East 3225. JOHNSON & ANDERSON, owners and builders. 2 new. modern bungalows in .Alameda Park. 124 Skidmore st. FOR SALE Large 4-room bungalow. 50x 100 lot. fruit trees, shrubs, and flowers, e astsi d e. Call Wood lawn 15 1 3 . WILL sacrifice close-in W.-side income property, paying lov on $24,000 at great barg ain East Sol .V MODERN 5-room oungalow. 1 block from rr. 1S0S E. Hovt Tahor Sifl $2700. 050. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Houses. ROSE CITY PARK. $3000 A beautiful little 5-room bunga low; located near 50th and Fre mont; has all built-in features, also a nice sleeping porch and garage: is located In a beautiful fir grove. The o'vner must have money and it will require $1300. It Is some bargain. $3800 A new bungalow with hardwood floors, fireplace, every built-in feature; full cement basement: located on 56th street, south of Sandy, faces east, corner lot 50x 100. You can buy this bunga low on a very small cash pay ment and balance less than rent. $0500 Here Is one of Rose City's most beautiful 6-room bungalows. There is no use to tell you what it has because it has everything that goes with an up-to-the-minute home. If you are look ing for something in t'Ms class It is worth your time to inspect this and compare it with the $8000 homes you have seen. H1LLER BROS.. Realtors. 211 Ry. Exch. BJdg. Main 86. Branch Office: . 50th and Sandy. Tabor 84S5. OME SITE3. E Art Y TKKM-S. NEW WILSH1KE ADDITION. All sixes from 50x100 ft. to 11 ox 100 ft lifi down, easy monthly payments: we will help you fi nance a home here: bearing or chard: cleared land ; natural wood ed parks: you can find a tract that will please you In this beautiful new addition; branch office open every day until 8 P. M. Take Broadway car to Bryce ave., 8TO ' east 4 blocks. J L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Com, Bldg. Main 20S. EAST SIDE HOUSES. fl-room J-story house, lot SOxIOO It., $301)0; f'tOO cash, 1'5 mo.; 21st st. 6-room modern house, newly painted, paved street, close to car. good district, on 33th st.; S4300, 150t) cash, balance S-room modern cottnee. fine repair, lots of fruit, berries, garden; this is a choice little home for 300. 8-room modern house. E. 12th st.. near Ankenv st.. $3."00; rented for 40 a month; termti. fi-room modern house : furnace, place; paved street; lot SOxIOO ft.; lor near L'7th; $420O. good terms. 7-room modern bungalow, like close to car; lot DOxlOO ft.; $4300, fire-Tay- new, good terms. This i nice. 3-room cottage. 1124 E. .24th st. Alberta; 14."0. $250 cash, balance easy, Take a look: then come in.' R. M. GATE WOOD & CO.. 165 4th st. ROSE CITY PARK. NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. $4850. Here, folks, is your opportunity to get a new 5-room bungalow with hard wood floors, fireplace. Dutch kitchen expensive tapestry paper in living and dining room; cement basement. Just completed, never been lived in; $.00 CASH WILL HANDLE. . Let us show you. AG. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark St.. Near 4th. Main snr2. Branch. 40th nndSandv. Tabor I5S0. BROADWAY BARGAIN. Four blocks from Broadway car. 6 room modern house, hot water heating svstem. ivorv finish. white enamel kitchen. 3 bedrooms; only $4600, $oO0 cash, balance like rent. Nw 4-room house. 3 blocks from car. modern plumbing, electricity, gas. built in bed in living room; $2000, $2..0 cash, balance easy terms. BURKHARDT BUSINESS BUILDERS. 415 Piatt Bldg. Realtors. Main 702.. ALAMEDA PARK. J5S1I0. Here is some sacrifice: 7-room Dutch colonial bungalow. 7 rooms and sun porch, hardwood floors, two fireplaces; all the latest built-ins: full concrete basement, furnace; garage; ground lOOx 100 corner. You cannot, beat this under $ 10 000. Anv reasonable terms. COE A. McKENNA CO.. REALTORS. 82 Fourth St. Main B871. - 2.VI0 A BARGAIN $2800. OWNER MUST SELL. 7-room yemi-modern house, full lot, Ms block to car, paved street, hot and cold water, modern bath, toilet, full base ment; fruit trees; house jut reflnished inside; now vacant; near 50th and Di vision. Some buy ; terms. ROBT. S. COE JR., 3M'A Hawthorne Ave. Bast 4726. $ 4 25 ft S 4 2 50 $4250. A 5-room bungalow (new), hardwood floors, all built-in:., fireplace, cabinet kitchen, cooling closet, etc., cement base ment, wash trays, finished In ivory and enamel, cement porch ; full lot ; hard surface st. and sewer In and Included in above price; $750 down, balance like rent; adloins Alameda park on the north. RU.MMELL & RUM M EL L2 7 4 S t ar kS t. 720ODAXDY buy In Groveland Park. 6-room bungalow. fireplace. buffet, hardwood floor, full attic; some buy. T. I" RELHI'RST. We have some real bargains in this beautiful location. oooo to 3U.uuu. Glad to show you. J. ROBBTXS, 301 Railway Kxchange. Main 7031. Tahor 5310. A NIFTY little 5-ronm cottage on Broad way Drive. Portland Heiehts. Here is a fhnnce to tret a nice little home on easv terms, overlooking the city ; walk ing distance of business center; $2700, $400 cash, $25 Including 7 per cent. R'-PH HARRIS CO.. RE VLTORS, 810 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5H24. REAL SACRIFICE. 4-room bungalow. completely fur nished; also chicken house and 30 chick ens, on lot 40x140; everything in first class condition: all goes for only $1350, on terms. Particulars see F. R. Jesse, 527 Corbett bldg. Main 7141. vp-w .-.-RC,OM bunealow. corner 30th and Hoi ma n. Double constructed, best of plumbing, hardwood floors and all the butlt-ips Street improvements in and paid Will s-?!l at actual nost today, $5000. See Mr. Vail. ik Wilcox bldg. Main 4441, M R. HOM ESEEKER. Have lust completed 2 new buncalows with all modern reatures; can 'bought on terms lik rent. We invite you to see them. Houses open afternoons and evenings. Call at 32d and E. Mor rison, Sunnyside car. ' BITXGALOW. NEW. AT COST of construction. $3850 ; easy terms: in South Hawthorne district ; hardwood floors, fireplace, fully modern, paved st. full lot. Marshall 3324. 403 Stock Ex i-yi nire b'dc -S.-0 ROSE CITY PARK. TERMS. Modern Fix-room bungalow, hardwontf floors. Al plumbing, nice fixtures. Dutch kitchen, lawn, snrunnery- i oiocks n Sandv boulevard; quick possession. Ta bnr 550. FOR SALE! Five full-sized lots and 5-rm. house also dairy house; rm. for-31 cows; smoke hn"t r."'k,i house, fruit trees, all for $3600. 1U4S oolsey st., near Columbia Park. Come and look over. ABARGAIX BY OWNER, 10-room house, 2 baths. double plumbing.. 5 rooms down and 5 rooms upstair?: suitable for two families: some fruit : $3000 ; terms; reason for selling, going ast. Call at 1181 E.17th North. WOODSTOCK. 7-rnom hou-, modern. 50x100 lot. fruit and berries. 1 block to car: $2000, $300 cash ; will take lot. , McMonies. with In terstate Land Co., realtors, 24S Stark st. Main 5420. I RVINGTON BUNGALOW. Attractive 5-room home in fine con dition, complete in every way. well built and In splendid neighborhood. 26th Norths 579 East MODF.RN 7-room house. 100x100 lot. chicken house, paved street, near car line: 51000 down, $22.50 month; in good condit Ion ; quick possession ; must be seen to be appreciated. Auto. 613-81. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. Fine corner, 10oxl05. close to Sandv; large 1 -room building, vacant. $1350. $250 gives you possession. Why rent ? See Roal. 72d and Sandy.- Tabor 155. IRVINGTON BARGAIN. 6Sr.O. terms, buys this wonderful snap; near iMth and Braxee; all oak floors, ivory finish, art paper, garage. Neuhausen, East 304. Main 8078. 5-ROOM modern bungalow in Rose City Park for rent: has furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, etc.. $50 month. Will give one year lease. See Richards. T a bor 05 86. 5-ROOM bungalow, good condition. large lot. ga rd e n . garage, m m t be so 1 d this week, $23O0, some terms. MV car to CJd. 1060 Oregon. Tabor 0004. $3500 5-ROOM bungalow, 45x165 lot. beautiful view on Willamette blvd. : this is a snap: no agents: terms. Phone East S62S, or call at 1843 Willamette blvd. IRVIXGTON. 6-room house; 5 short blocks from Irv ington school; lot SOxtoo; good garage; snan for $5510. Owner. East 3452. ROSE CITY PARK. By owner, beautiful modern 5-room bungalow, block to car; $5500. Marshall 4400. apartment 21. FOUR rooms and bath, modern, excellent condition, completely furnished, lot 100x . 100. bearing fruit. $3250, owner. Sel'. 2k36. a. i i kal i i jz j-room nouse, modern con veniences, tu. oin st. south. Sell wood car. 6-ROOM house at 151. Price $1375. Phone 2: E. Flanders ,7-27. SMALL house and lot for sale, reasonable, Apply (to! Woodward ave. REAL ESTATE. For -Hon EAST OK LAURELHl'RST. $3500 tt lovely rooms in this m -story cottage ; walks and sewer in ; a fine new furnace; from $2o0 to Koo will handle. 47.-,0 jSOUTH MT. TABOR. acre. with an exceptionally nice 5-room bungalow. If you are looking for a self-supporting home inside the city, take a look at this. $o500 E. 7TH ST.. NEAR MARKET. 7-room 1 -atory bungalow on 100x100, 4 nice bedrooms, fire place, fruit. $5ti0 will handle. $3950 On E. FLANDERS ST., IN JOXESMORE. is a cracking good 5-room bungalow that can be handled for oOHt down. It has a good furnace and la very handy to the car. $2750 On E. 64th ST. S. K.. 5-room bungalow on a. SOxlOO-foot lot; paved street; $5oo will handle this nicelv. J. A. WICMMAaV CO., REALTORS, '"Shortest Way Home." 264 Stark St. Main 5J3 and 1004. $400 DOWN. Take Mt. Tabnr car to K. 72d at., walk 2 blks. south to 18t3 Main at. and see this dandy 4-rm. bungalow, living room, 2 bed rooms, bath. Dutch kitchen, break fast nook, cement basement with laundry trays, large lot. This home has an unobstructed view of Mt. Hood. tio inspect this place ; if you are not able to make this payment, see ua and we will help. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 208. ALAMEDA BUNGALOWS. OPEN TODAY FRUM 2 TO G P. M. lo:t E. 32d st. N., between Mason and Skid more, is a most beautiful 5-room bungalow. It has a very pretty break- last nook. Take a look at it today. Owner's representative will be on the ground from 2 to A 1 M. V13 Mason st., between 30th and 31st, is another beautiful bungalow that you might look at. Either of these classy homes would be a credit to anyone. There will be a man on the spot to show you this house. If not. call at 0O3 E. 32d st. and you will find him. Ask. our representative to show you some choice Alameda lots. BY OWXfclK Four-room bungalow, mod ern conveniences, built-ins, garage; lot 50x100. Berries, garden, chicken run. l-iOO. call after Sunday. 1345 N. Glenn avenue. NINE-RM. modern home with garage; also vacant lot for sale at a sacrifice, by owner, on Ladd ave. Mrs. Sutton. i.o jotn st. Phone E. 5.34. bub urban . 4om.es. SUBURBAN HOMES. 5 acres choice level land on the pave ment at railway station, 10 miles city, close to school; 2 acres in cultivation, balance pasture, little timber; 5-room house, furnished complete; fruit, berriea, chickens; $3700; $1500 cash, bal. easy. 5 acrea level land, dark loam soil ; 2 acres in cultivation, balance pasture; 3-room cottage, furnished; 100 chickens; close to school and railway station; 10 miles out; $2750; $750 cash, bal. easy. 5 acres choice level land; 3 acres in crop ; lots of berries ; 4-room house, chicken house; i-ton Ford truck, tools, 160 chickens; 8 miles out, Base Line rd. ; $4000, half cash. 5 acres in cultivation; 5-room house, barn, chicken house; 16 miles out on Red car line; paved road; half mile sta tion; $3500, terms. 1 -Vi acres at Risley station, Oregon City line; neat cottage, good chicken arra-nngements, orchard, berries, etc. ; $400O, half cash. 2 acres in crop, fine orchard, berries, grapes, etc. ; 4-room neat cottage, near station. Oregon City line; $3000, half cash. Half acre at Evergreen station, Ore gon City line; 3-room cottage; $1000, $350 cash, balance easy. 1 acre choice black land. 6-room bun galow, fireplace, Dutch kitchen ; close to railway station, store, school, church; $2100, easy terms. 3 acres on the pavement at railway station; 100 fruit trees, bearing: 4-room cottage and outbuildings; Johnson creek runs through place; large spring, 10 milts out; $420O. 10 acres near Reedvllle; 5 acres In cultivation, 5 acres pasture and timber; 4-room cottage, brooder house and out buildings: $3500, good easy terms; take auto $1200. little money. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO., 165 4th st. MODERN PLASTERED HOUSE. 4 acre, just outside citiy limits. 8 blocks to city car line, all under cul tivation, woven wire fences, 15 bearing Iruit trees and all kinds of berries; 6 room plastered bungalow, cement base ment, white enamel plumbing, large chicken houae, garage, woodshed, price 3ooo, terms; or will sell plce fur nibhed for $3250. SMALL PAYMENT DOWN. Over 2 acres, between Portland and Beaverton. mile from electric sta tion. -Vj mile to chool; good bearing or chard, acre loganberries, creek on place, -fine black loam soil, good 4-room plaster board houte with Fome plumb ing, Portland gas and gas lights, chick en house and runways; price $2500, with chickens and garden tools ; easy terms. JOHN FERGUSON, Realtor, Geriinger Bldg. Over 500 small places near Portland. Get our extensive classified lists. $500 HANDLES THIS. 2 "4 acres, 3 miles from courthouse, near electric station, paved road all but 2 blocks, that good macadam; 7-room bungalow with cement basement. Bull Run water, gas in every room, many outbuildings. I,i fact you could not re place the build.ngs on this property for more t'iian price asked; abundance of fruit, berries, grapes, etc.. and for a chicken ranch is an ideal location. Price $6500, $500 down, balance your own terms at 5 per cent. See F. R. Jesse, 527 Corbett bldg. Main 7141. FOR SALE by owner, modern bungalow ; 5 min. to station on O. E. Ry. ; -Vs acre of ground, all improved ; new garage. Call Main 7115 or see me at 204 Henry . bldg. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near carl'ne. from $1MOO up. Inquire 3d house north of Kisiey staton, on uregon City canine. BEAUTIFUL natural park of 30 acres, large creek and springs, electric station on grounds, near city, $ 15,000. AH 700, Oregonian. $375 FIVE-ROOM house. 5Oxl00 lot. gar den, fruit, berries, near highway, gas, water, electricity, Oswego, terms. Mc Farland. Failing bldg. Main 3672. CHOICE ACRE or one-naif acre, Parkrose; all in cultivation ; modern home and garage; terms. Tabor 276. IF LOOKING for beautiful suburban home, complete, convenient and well located. Telephone owner. Q3k Grove 102-M. iJ ACRES or i acre in Gresnam; all in cultivation : modern bungalow on each. Terms. Tabor 2676. For Sale Acreage. TEN ACRES NBWBERG. ALL" CULTIVATION, some fruits, new 4-room bungalow; mile pavement, beautiful view. NON-RESIDENT MUST SELL, $750 down, $10 mo. 626 Cham, of Com. ACRES. y ACRES. $10 DOWN, . $lo month. Alberta car, Kennedy school, no assessments; city water. R W. Gary. 1110 N. W. Bank bldg: Main 1643. WRITE for map of western Wash inir ton showing location, low price and easy terms on ere a io wetners. WEYERHAUSER TIMBER CO., Tacoma, Wash. FXJR SALE l-SH acres, 6 acres in crops, acr in strawberries: mll from sta tion and school ; sell stock and imple ments wuu iai in. -u- x. jiii merman. strassei. or. FOR SALE 40-acre farm, 17 cleared. 34 in first-year berries; fine soil; 27 miles from fortiana. roues on loop road take good car as first payment. Write box 170, sanay. or. ' 20 ACRES. $1250. 2-room house, barn. 2 acres cultivated, good spring water, piped to house: near Sherwooa. rune to si at ion and high V a y . A. H. Akeraon. 420 Henry bl d g . FOR SALE-t-13 acres, mile pouth of Scap poose, on Columbia highway; $10,000, half cash, balance 6, five years. E. K. Rumreich. owner. CHEAP by owner. 10 acres improved with house and barn; 3 miles S. W. of Hood River. Mrs. W. H. Calavan. Hood "River. Or., route 4. EXCELLENT land at $30 per acre on the Columbia river; good road; easy terms .tnHXSOX-DODSOX CO 633 Northwestern Bank Bldg, WILL trade G acres fine land 3 miles from Gresham for good car. Write box 176, Sandy. Or. 4-5 ACRE, Just outside city limits; Gresham car. Bell station; $750, $150 down, terms. Main 4 112. WILL SELL 15 acres in three or four-acre lots. Thomas Allen, 6131 2d at. S. E., roruaim L.W1STON orchard tracts, Portland hold ers; have matter of interest to taik over Write T 821, Oregonian. STOCKMEN, atttention! 320 or 2000 acres at $10, near Bend, Or. Address Adver User. 415 East 60th st.. Los Angeles. CaL 120 acres of land for sale, P. Wolke. Ne halem. Or CHOICE acreage adjoining Portland; snap, by owner. East 745. ACREAGE adjoining Portland, $100 per acre. Owner. utL 743. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Acreage. COLUMBIA HIGHWAY HOME. Nearly acre, under cultivation, with bearing fruit; 1O0 ft. from paved high way, two blocks from station; 5-room plastered bungaio w. cement basement, complete white enamel plumbing, ga rage, chicken house, city water, nice lawn and shrubbery. Price $3000, $2UO0 cash. Mr. Hunter. lo acres, I miles from good town, with high school; tf acres under culti vation, bearing orchard. 5-room house, barn, chicken house. Price $1U00, in cluding stock and equipment ; only 20 miles irom Portland ; e-cepLionaiiy fine soil. Terms on pa rt. JOHN KEUGUSOX. Realtor, Geriinger Bidg. Over 600 small places near Portland. Get our extensive classified li.ts. $300 CASH DOWN. NEW BUNGALOW "WITH ACRE. New 5-room bungalow, fireplace, full basement, strictly modern; gas. Bull Run water; facing on paved highway, close to car. This is a full size acre. Really, the house could not be built for price asked for all: immediate sale 'price $300: possession at once. Only $300 cash, balance $25 per month and interest. 20 minutes' drive from office. Main 5201. Open evenings BOONE & CLEARWATER. Realtors. 505 Couch Bldg. NEW MODERN BUNGALOW', 1 ACRE. $300 CASH PAYMENT. This beautiful acre facing on paved highway with a new 5-room bungalow, strictly modern. Is priced at $3N00 for immediate sale. Just $300 cash, bal ance $25 month. M.tin 5201. 505 Couch bldg. Open evenings and Sunday. $2300 ACRES, just outside the city limits; 60 fipe fruit trees. acres of excellent strawberries; an old house : property is all fenced : on hard surface road : the berries alone paid more than $1000 this past season; easy terms. HILLER BROS.. Realtors. 11 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 86. Branch Office: 50th jand Sandy. TEbor S4S.V COLUMBIA' SLOUGH ACREAGE. 13.30 acres of garden land, located just below Columbia blvd., on the Co lumbia slough, all dyked and does not overflow, about 1 1 acres in cultivation. This has wonderful soil and is priced to sell. $7OO0, 3500 cash, balance at 6 per cent. Fred W. German Co., .Realtors, 732 Chamber of Commerce. $45 DOWN BALANCE EAST. 1 ACRE. BULL TtUN WATER. GAS. One full acre, all cleared, all city conveniences, fine soil ; on paved hfgh-w-ay, close in. Main 5201. 505 Couch bldg. MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK. 1 full acre, all in cultivation, woven wire fencing, good well, 17 fruit trees, all kinds of berries, good log bungalow of 4 large rooms, chicken houses, etc., on the Oregon Electric, 7 mites out. Price $1050, $300 cash. Fred W. Ger man Co.. Realtors. 732 Cham, of Com. 6 ACRES on paved road, two miles from city limits of Portland; 100 full bearing fruit trees, one acre assorted berries ; running water. also spring; 4-room house, barn and other outbuildings; price only $6500: terms on part. BURKHARDT BUSINESS BUILDERS. 415 Piatt Bidg. Realtors. Main 7027 SACRIFICE. 10 acres just outride city limits: fine large house, barn and other buildings, fruit, berries and grapes. This place is worth $10,000. but I am obliged to sell; no reasonable offer refused: will consider trade on small place. Owner, 100 16ih sU Main 360. 2 ACRES. POWELL VALLEY ROAD. All In cultivation, level, beautiful loca tion, gas. electricity, city -phone, city water available shortly. A real bargain for $1250; $350 cash. $25 per mo. 403 Stock Exch. bldg. Mar. 3324. 30 MILES DOWN COLUMBIA HIGHWAY. Choice 10 and 20-acre tracts, best soil, no rock or gravel, low price, easy terms. Can handle some trade. Johnson, 248 Stark st. Main 5429. IlomcMteadw, Relinquishments. YOUR BEST OPPORTUNITY to take a homestead Is this month. Am locating claims throughout western Ore gon, either farming or timber tracts; special Inducements to ex-service men ; satisfaction guaranteed by experienced loca tor. W. HELM, 316 Board of Trade Bldg. HOMESTEAD relinquishment for sale; free land, house, barn, chicken house, wood house, spring water, creek, plenty timber, garden, potatoes, strawberries. on public road; finest kind of range for stock; this place will go cheap if sold soon. j. ua. uregonlan. 160 OX PACIFIC highway, nearly all ulow land, near Grants Pass; 2000 cords wood, on nice creek; 20 acres easy cleared; if quictc tau 14QO. 301 Corbett bldg. Jbruit LanUw lor oaio or Kent. EXCELLENT ORCHARD For sale with crop of fine commercial apples; M0 acres land, 3S acres in bear Ing orchard, 10 acres timber, balance partially cleared; good buildings, 2 bun galows, large barn and other outbuild ings; this is an unusual chance to buy a good Income producing property which should pay fur itself in a very few years. The location is all that can be aesirea. near Lyle on North Bank R. R, Delightful climate and good water sup ply; price reasonable, easy terms. Own ers must sell. John Bain (part owner), 5Q7 Wpaldin g bldg.. Portland. O r. HiS IS IT OX WALNUTS. If you want & bearing orchard or any expert advice on walnuts. w r-t r T Withycombe. His clients have all made gooa money on their investments. 43: 12th st. Mart-hall 311S. For Hale -Farm. NO PAYMENT DOWN 20 ACRES. I have 20 acres of good land in Wall vt ana county. v asn., that 1 am going to sell. I am going to sell It upon such terms that some man who wants a little farm that will make him money is going to buy. I p.ni j sure the land will pay for itself in a short time that I will sell it without any down payment and wait until the land is producing1 full crops for the payments to begin. It is raw sage brush land, not far from Ken newick, in the earliest district in the northwest. The buyer must put the land into cultivation. If I could sell to the right kind of a man I would even be willing to help him buy seed or get a habitable house on it. Price $3000, 6 per cent Interest. T 841, Oregonian. DAIRY. STOCKED AND EgL'IPPED. 40 acres, 34 acres In high state of cul tivation, 6 acres old stump pasture; run ning water; lots of fruit and berries; 7 room plastered house, 2 barns, granary, chicken house, garage, all in good condi tion; 10 milch cows, team horses, all machinery and tools necessary to oper ate; this is an extraordinarily desirable place, 2 miles Tualatin, 13 miles Port land; 11.500. half cash, balance 6. R. M. GATEWOOD ,t CO.. 115 4th st. 173-ACRE farm, 110 acres In cultivation, very fine soil, new modern 7-room house, running water, Id head of fine stock, 5 good work horses, 30 pigs, some chick ens, all kinds of farm implements, all wire fenced, good roads, 24 miles from Portland, only $150 per acre, including alj. Might take some trade. See Mr Bdehm, 210 Oregon bldg.. Bdwy. 1 G5S. BARGAIN! BARGAIN ! BARGAIN! 14 acres of rich loamy soil, all under cultivation; good orchard, berries; fine modern 5-room bungalow with bath; good barn ; only 10 miles from town) close to Sandy blvd.; $3500 handles Surety Investment Co., 311 Panama bldg " 3d and Alder sts. FINE 10-acre berry ranch in the berry district at Rochester. Wash. Well im proved, five acres in strawberries and all kinds of other berries, two cows horse, chickens and all farm Implements go. A big bargain. Price $375o, $2500 cash. bal. easy. See owner. W. s Evans Arlington hotel, until Friday $bOOO BU YS 37 acres, part under fence two fish ponds with fish in; good house small barn and other outbuildings- minutes' walk from R. R. station 5 miles from Vancouver; for full infor mation write or call Peter Ciotti Prindle, Wash. ciotti. BY OWNER SNAP I N . LINCOL N CO " 160 acres, good house. 2 barns. 5 bead stock, young team, farming implements crop and household goods: about 25 acres cleared ; all goes for $3000. Call Eat 5P4S or 3034 Burnslde st. OWNED by bank, that must sell, 40 acres 30 acres in cultivation, good buildfngs! fine water, good road, near school. 30 miles. Portland; $2000 cash, $4000 very easy terms. 705 Main st,, Vancouver Wash. .- ' 4 ACRES, clear. 5-room house, barn and chicken house, stock and imple ments; V ,-7. VV . j n UreRon City; p-"-c ' "--u icu l, 3i box 120. Oregon City. Or. route SOUTHERN OREGON- BETTER LAND FOR LESS MONEY. Best fruit and farm lands in the state. UNLIMITED VIRGIN TIMBER. Wiite LAKE&INS.RlddIe, Or. EXCELLENT lana at $30 per acre on the Columbia river; good road : easy terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 Northwestern Bank Bldg CHICKEN. FRUIT GARDEN RANCHES near Portland. $50 to $50O per acre; eay terms, best toil, farms for sale, all sizes. McFarland, realtor. 208 Failing bld$ 93 ACRES, six miles south of Lebanon; 65 In cultivation, well fenced; a good buy or will trade. Owner. Tabor 6308 14 52 ACRES, 2 houses, $400; on Columbia highway. Rowena. H. W. Lewis, box 124 Stanfield. Or. LOUGED-OFF lands, $10 acre up. running water, good soil. tillable; school, easj tc.ma. J. K. Sharpe, 3 Third sU REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farmn. 32 ACRES, 13 miles from center of Port land, near Tigard; mile to school, good macadamized road; 14 acres under cultivation, balance in fir timber, over 4(10 cords of wood: 28 acres can be farmed when cleared; two acres of or chard, two springs, water system wit "h gasoline, engine; 4-room houte, also a t wo-roo " hotie. water pioed to both. Price $0 ."0, $200 cah, or consider 3 or a-1 vm noe in fori .an a or one acre with house, cloi-e In, up to $4tKHl. Ranch Inspected by Nels-on. TAKE PORTLAND HOUSE TO $3000. 20 acres, mile from Canby. Oregon, on a line road: 15 acres now In crops. balance can be farmed; large orchard and lots of berries : 5-room house, new barn and silo; Included with piace, 3 cows. 3 hogs, 1 team, very complete line of machinery and crops, cream sepam toi , etc. Price $lt,'uo. Take Portiahd houfe and give easy terms on balance at 6 per cent. JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor, Geriinger Bidg. Largest Farm dealer on Pacific coast. Over ZtOO small p. aces near Portland. Get our extensive classified lista.. BUY COLUMBIA RIVER BOTTOM LAND at a price that is sure to more than double in a very short time. Th:s land is located less than a mile from the city limits of Portland, near two paved high ways where there are atreet cars and other city conveniences; The soil is extraordinarily productive, producing natural white clover, 3 cuttings of al falfa, abundance corn and twice as many potatoes as ordinary land. Also unsur passed for tomatoes or ot her garden truck. The property has been diked and does not overflow. We will sell in any size tracts desired at $225 per acre, which is less than you could buy the same quality of land if It w-re located 50 to 100 miles from Portland. The fact that this land adjoins the city and is extra fertile makes- it a cinch that it will raise to $1000 per acre soon. In (act. all adjoin ing ,land is held from $t;oo to $1000 per acre now. See Ralph Acklcy. 527 Cor- pttt Duiioing. SXAP! Obliged to sell quickly. 175 acres, near Silvorion, i0 acres ill cultivation: imple ments; also 70 acres crop, 20 acscs prunes 5 years old, htr fruit: good 10 room house, large barn, water piped to both; $15,000. half ca.h. balance terms. 6 per cent. See or write D. Gidley, Box 2Scot tal UliOregon. jO At. RKS adjoining O. A. C. ; will .sell on long term with small pavment down or will trade on alfalfa stock ranch or Income properrv or will lease for 5 years, cash rent. 501 Glisun. WA XTK l R KA T, ESTATE. .LARGEST HOME SELLER. OX THE PACIFIC COAST! w DO .YOU WANT RECLTST Your homeTs sold If listed with us! We are in touch with hundreds of EARNEST HOME BUYERS for homes In all parts of the city. We inspect, appraise and photograph within 24 hours after listing. No charge except the standard commis sion of 5 In the event ofa satisfac tory sale. 2 salesmen to work on jour property. See FRANK L. McGCIRE, To !Sell Your Home. Abington Bldg., Main IOCS. Bet. Wash and Stark. OH SALE or trade. 40 acres; 10 in cul tivation. 20 a. good land, easily cleared; good house and barn, family orchard, wagon, team, harness, 25 tons hay, farm implements. 10 cows, cream separator, chi kens and pig. 25 miles from Port land. 5 miles from Hackinson. in -Clarke Co., Wash.; $4500 takes everything, or would sell or trade place .alone, $3500; country grocery or acreage preferred W - mi-, omr route, uni Krimti Prnirle. Wash. WANTED! WANTED' WANTED! Have customers for 5-room new or nearly new bungalow, about $5000. In Walnut psrk. also 2 parties for 5 or fi r jm hoUse UP lo $2300 and $3000. $150 and 2o0 cash, and ond wanting rooming house on west side up to $4500. ALBERT HARALA. S01 Mississippi Ave. Wdln. 1201. WANT A LOT WEST SIDE MT. TABOR. Will take lot in on strictly modern 5- ""- oungaiow, located on 5 1st. near morne; not-water heating plant ; hardwood floors, all rsewlv finished" fine O I lin; value -MSuO. WHAT HAVE MARSH McCABE CO., REALTORS. 322-.",-4 Failing Bdg. Mar. 'A'.KKi i a modern Laurelhurst home, value up to $15,000; will exchange highly im proved suburban acre, with modern bun galow, located on Oregon City line and paved highway, valued at $000 and pay difference or. assume your incumbrance. T S3 i, Oregonia n . a -n i t. u ive or fi-room modern bun galow in good district, view lot if pos- nave i..uu to onu cash ami good acreage, or auto to trade on same. Dr. 4'01n' 523 PIUock bldff- Broadway OWNER. DEAL WITH OWNER. Want two good hmr-en A unH T modern preferred, close car. school: as sume; trade best Reedvllle acreage, fine piamereq o-room bungalow, close car pavement. AB S37. Oregonian. OWNER. DEAL WITH OWNER. ni 2 Portland residences. 6 and 7 room, modern, for S-room plastered bun galow, built-ins and highly Improved 10 "v ' " awuir.e. i uregonlan . CASrI J"UK 5 OR 6-ROOM HOUSE WITH SLEEPING PORCH. CALL ME AT R. SOME R VI LLE. BROADWAY 2478 i a bungalow to $4000; will trade Hudson car at $2000; will pay $500 cash auu H."fUIIie. WALTER & THOROUGH MAN 314 Stock Exch. Bldg. Main 7540. WANT house near Sandy, between E. 20th and 2Sth: 8 or 9 rooms: not over $0000. Aiain im. Realtor. 104 5th St. w AN I implored 20 to 40 acres; niu have Income a nd be equipped . ATKINSON '& PORTER. - "n: Main St Vancouver . Wash .i-jtutjAi, strictly mod-ern bungalow. R. C. i.:iBO location ar.d In first-class twl,,;-"u- -ou m. uregonlan. 1 (1 7i t." TJ -V- -u TT . , ' aiMut V I wlLn aras. not over fUyv, iiiine or unrurnisned, in aorne "i . au.c nruoiirnoou, give lull par iicuiars m iirst letter; will pay cash. E HOUSES WANTED. Buyers wafting. Need more listings. DLDREV INVESTMENT CO r.OO-10 PANAMA BLDG. MAIN 304 WISH to turn in a real estate contract as part payment on a modern 5 or 6-room bungalow, not over $4000; give location i'-ie letter, a - n ii, Oregonian. IRVIXGTON HOME W ANTED. Hve cash to buy a $0000 place. Phone Iwy. 570. FURNISHED bungalow, five or six rooms. not over $5000, $1500 cash, balance good . monthly payments: must be modern and in kuuu m st net. nasi 4:iitl. WANT 0 or 7-room hnnco T-tne Cft Alameda Park; will pay all cash for kmju uuy. xvummeu He Kummell. 274 CUSTOMER wants 0-room semi-modern nouse, soutn oi nawthorne, west of 12th Pay cash; must be bargain. Robt. S. oe jr., -tawtnorne. iast 4720. WANTED Strictly modern bungalow in Rose City or good district. Cash buyer v ill mis. v-an cany. iL,asi mi. SMALL house, must be bargain; state full particulars, terms, etc.. first letter. B M3, uregonlan. IF YOU wish to sell your lot see JOHXSON-DODSOX CO.. 031 X. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37R7. WANTED Laurelhurst lot; will pay cash give location and lowest price. P 82ti Oregonian. WANT small tract acreace nea r Pnrt ) nH Trade light touring car first pay menu 314 Stock Kxchange Bldg. Main 7540. WANT small house that $150 cash will nanaie. AG uregoni Jn. WANT lot in Irvington district. L 847. Oregonian. Address WANTED A lot in Walnut Park. Phone vv ooo 'awn 4t. Wanted to Rene Fartnu. WANTED TO RENT. SMALL PLACES, Have several people wanting to rent acreage or small farms close to Port land preferred. Some people will buy tne piace aiter leasing ior year or more, We make lots of sales this way. Will buv equipment if priced right. JOHN FERGUSON". Geriinger Bldg. Largest F.irm Dealer on Pacific Co a st I WAXT to lease truck fanru berry fruit lands: not more than 24 miles from Portland. Write or call. N'o agents. H, .room -iJt, venaoie notei. ortiana. miRKR I.AXPSL FOR SALE Sawmills located in Dine, fir, or spruce timber, also good tracts cf virgin timber In Oregon or Washington. :-"e winsiow t:r.. 4 Hi Lumpermens bldg CORD WOOD timber, five or six million feet, 30 miles from Portland, 1 i miles railroad station, close to highway. F. M. Miles, ihint .ichay Dicg. .Main :;.o. WANTED Contract to log and saw or log ana saw Dy i. write tJ.i. uregonlan. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT 10 acres. 2 blocks east of St Johns car line, on Berkeley and Fessen den; lease for 2 or more years; equip ment for sale. Inquire at Berkeley and Fessenden. A-l BERRY ranch. 140 acres. fully equipped, near Portland, for rent, stock and crop for sale. E. R. S 513 Couch bid g i I ain 5j04. f 247 ACRES, well watered, a miles from Ivewbexg. Sellwood 503. TO KX CHANGE REAL .'STATE. W HAVE 1120 acre, choice wheat land In one of Aiberta's best and surest dis tricts. 1 H miles from station and ele vatots. There are eight elevators with in a radius of eight miles; looo acres can be plowed with tractor. 5O0 acres broken, 200 acres of summer fallow ; 6-room house, barn 2Sx64, three gran- ' aries. two good wells, ice house for lo tons, fine living water on the place and excellent shelter for stock ; 250 acres of crop. Price $6.S per acre. In cluding the crop. X o en cum bra nces against this property. Owner will take In trade a smaller farm in the Will amette valley, balance to be paid on the half-crop payment basis; no crop, no payment on either principal or in terest. We have other smaller proposi n tions offered In exchange for Oregon or Washington farms. F. A. GILLILAX. LIMITED, LA.l BUILDING. GA LGAR Y. ALBfc. RT A- LET M B SHOW YOU THESE. $12,000 Close in on the east sidt. In a good district, six apartments, 3 completely furnished; income $175 per month, besides owner's apartment, improvements all in and paid for ; very good piece of Income property; want one house up to $7000. or two houses to full value. $3.200 One-story five-room bungalow, on pa ved street. In good condition ; will take light car as part pay ment. We have dozens of ot her good legitimate exchanges; come in and s-ee Mr. Stephens. FRED "W. GERMAN CO.. REALTORS. 732 Chamber Commerce. SELL OR TRADE. VH ACRES. Charming country home on good auto road, 17 miles from busin--s center of Portia ndi. 1250 prunes, 50 apples, OO cherries, 30 peaches, 40 pea rs, 50 wal nuts, all bearing; b-room house, bath, hot and cold water, gravity flow from Kprins ; barn, out bid ks.. dryer. Beau t.ful yard, ornamental trees, shrubs, flowers, p;cturenque surroundings. Take home in Portland, part payment. Price only 1 00OO. J. A. HBXKLB. - 512 Ger'inger Bldg. HIGH-CLASS apt. house in good district. income 1200 mo. want large rancn. uriv ing distance Portland. 240 A. near Great Falls. Mont., some improvements and implements, in grain and oil district, near R. R. Good oil lease on Ml acres, $42O0. 1 120O mort. Trade fir Portland property or business. BORLAND & PARSONS. 303 Stork Bx-'h. 100 ACRES 21 HEAD STOCK $0"04. 100 acres, tillable, 30 acres irrigated, rich creek bottom soil; 7 -room house, large barn and numerous outbuildings: large orchard, pure water, 27 miles werft of Portland, 2 horses, ft cows, 8 h-ad young stock, 11 hogs, chickens, hay and grain "in barn. Plenty of farm tools, $0.)OO for everything. Part trade, prefer property near Multnomah station. Ralph Ack.ey. ."27 Co r b ett bldg. SALK OR EXCHANGE 140 acres, Tilla mook county, depot on place. Tine resi dence, C rooms, all newly furnished ; chicken houses, buildings, spring water piped; ready market for ail produce: added revenue as fisherman's resort if desired: good orchard, berries, etc.; 3 acres cleared, more easily ; valuation at $0500 is a gift. 21S Piatt building. ON 10TH, very close to Morrison, foil lot. brick building, secured lease ?-u per month, price $30000; will take free and clear property up to $15,000. This place will stand closet investigation as to value, as It pays after deducting taxes l'o on abfcut $40,000. McClure & Schmauch Co., 300 Kailway Exchange building. WILL TRADE CLEAR PROPERTY AND A SSU M E. Clear Idaho business property, consist ing of two stores, 12 living rooms, ware house, size of ground and building 50x UK); will accept Portland propertv or good farm property ; my price $5500; this property rents for $i0 per month. Owner. 507 Couch bldg WILL CONSIDER CLEAR PROPERTY FOR EQUITY. Anyone prepared to take care of a $12.ooo mortgage can get big bargain in 350-acre. weil improved farm. Owner will take all of his equity in clear prop- ' erl' STEWART & JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. FOR SALE Hood River 30-acre orchard home, west side, about lu acres com mercial orchard, 10 acres timber, meadow, pasture, etc., good 7-room house, bath, electricity. water plant, good clean crop of apples. After 5:30 phone East 1137. 540-ACRE wheat farm, Gilliam county, 270 acres in crop, good buildings, share of crop goes to purchaser for $35 per acre. Sell or trade for valley farm about same value. WALTER & THOROUGH MAN, 314 Stock Exch. Main 7540. WILL consider modern bungalow up to $3000 or view lot In Laurelhurst. as part of consideration for modern bungalow and highly improved suburban acre lo cated on Oregon Cit v line and paved highway, valued at $S000. T S3G. Ore gonian WILL TRADE. We are prepared to arrange a trade for you. Bring in your proposition and we will match -you on anything that has merit; lots, houses, acreage or farms. K. R. S.. 513 Couch bldg. 10 ACRES. 14 miles out. near Tigard. 7 cultivated, shack, barn; part bottom land ; half mile from paved highway; trade first payment 6-room bungalow near Laurelhurst. 840 East Ash. East SOTO, owner. AT SACRIFICE A FARM.. Will exchange for anything. 80 acres. 11 miles from Grants Pass, on good road in Josephine county; good outrange for cattle. Call Dr. Johnson, Broadway 4000. 20 ACRES, cult!., irrigated, 1 mi. Grants Pas; no buildings; trade for Portland propertv. BOCKHOLD BROS.. Got Swetland Bldg. Main 57 00. Re alto r s. $3500 PORTLAND RESIDENCE Wanted for highly improved 5 acres, close in, hard-surfaced roads, modern bungalow, cow. poultrv. brooder house; BARGAIN". See it. 520 Cham. Com. FOR SALE OR TRADE, fl-room bungalow on 64th st.. rented for $30 per month, for improved acreage or northeast Portland Income. Auto 312-97, or write Hesgard. M2 Alhambra st.. city. ACRES, all under plow, 6-room house, some chickens, good cow; on paved road, 7 miles from Vancouver. Wash. Want apt. or rooming house up , to $.'JOOO. Marshall 3331. WILL trade 10 acres in growing Florida community and 2H acres In Reno. Xev.. for light car. late model. Mr. Clay, Broadway 31S0. HOUSE and lot in Tucumcari. N. M., town of 450-0, for Portland property or sub urban, either one. N. W. Mosely, 569 Leo aye 5-HOOM HOUSE for team, wagon, har ness or chickens or cow. price is $1000; must have $500 or ?0OO cash; $050 mort gage. 4715 65th st. S. E. .22 MARLIN repeater, Lyman sights, fa ir condition, or pair of wind deflectors, like new. I want 34x4 tires. J S14, Or egonian. EXCHANGE good young timber. Lane county, for Income property or s-Ml cheau with easy terms. II. A. Cox. Mctzger, Or. WILL g 6 $1000 Interest. 7-passenger au ie. ba lance cash for improved AL 822. Oregonian. " torn farm 5-ROOM house, $2000, terms, or exchange for something equal value in or near Victoria. B. C. AR 710, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE. 25 acres on electric line, for store building with living rooms. By owner. Phone Broadway 3228. PARKROSE Modern bungalow, corner lot. $1700; terms, or will take small light car. Tabor 2670. TO EXCHANGE MISCELIAXEOIS. .22 MARLIN repeater. Lyman sights, fair condition, or pair of wind deflectors, like new. I want 34x4 tires. J bl4, Ore gonian HIGH-GRADE custom-made tailoring for used automobile in good condition. AR S45. Oregonian. A. B GAS RANGE, sell cheap; trade for buffet or phonograph. Tabor ft!74. $00 COLUMBIA Grafonoia and records to trade for canoe. AK 831. Oregonian. VIOLIN, bow, set of furs, exchange for good grafonoia. Broadway 24S.3. . FOR SALE. Horse. Vehicles. .Livestock. FOR SALE Large 5-year Jersey cow and 5-day-oid heifer calf; cow gives Jive gallons ml'k and is steady milker. Ap ply Mr. Hewitt, Ashdale Sta., Oregon City line. WANTED Burro, must b- in or near city; state price and size. Dee Wright, 1m- periai no tei. city. FOR SALE Six hordes; reasonable prices. Holman Fuel Co., barn E. tth and Ivon streets. EXTRA good fresh Jersey. Guernsey and Hoist efn dairy and family cows. 741 and 753 E. Ash st. FOR SALE Good cow. 3 years old. 1417 Vancouver avenue. FRESH Toggenberg milch goats at bargain prices. C. Herzbcrg. 040 Macadam st. TEAM and outfit, sell or trade for auto mobile. 059 Amherst st. DEAD horses and cattle taken qulckiy. Ph one Milwaukie fl!"J for best service. VETERINARIAN. DR. HOWES. TABOR 6510. DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly. Call dayor night. Auto 627-64. Pianos. Organs and Music-al Instrument w. FOR SALE V'ery fine old violin ; a rare chance. Main 4TS3. WANTED To ketp piano for ast 870. FOR BALK, Pianos, Organs ami Muicallnstrumenta. IAIRS Store. SCHWAN Piano Co. 5 Kimball, handsome oak. ....... $205 S,inser' upright grand 215 Heger mission oak 495 .j5 ose & Suns upright ltS 0 Adam Sch.iuf player piano.... 4'5 Pianista. 65-nue piavcr 365 '0 to cash. S to $15 monthly, i lionocraph Dept., Used Specials, urarono.a. Brunswick, cab . each . . JH5.00 o.uribia and Pa;he. cab.net. each. fVOO btradivra. $ii5; Grafonoia. small. 12.50 101 loth st.. at Wash, and Stark Sts. ecur:iy Storage Co.. closing out lor cash "a-lot Ae Davis, upright $15 I ,epr'-3. large, upright 165 !r,!! Voilarc & Coliard. small, up.. 65 0 Pianola player, 85 player rolls. 45 4 parlor organs. $25. $35. J3S and 48 103 10TH ST.. COlt. STARK ST. RKADJUSTMENT PERIOD SALE. Grand pianos, first-clns-s and new, rrom $075 ,up, savings $200 to $300. Every pianist, every woman hopes to oven a grand piano during her lifetime, our upright taken in part payment. Player pianos, new and -used, from $4J up. Pianos, new and used, from $225 up for cash or on a lit'ls cash, balance spread oer 3 years t'.m to suit your requirements. Your phonograph, piano or organ taken as first payment. 7th floor. Lipman. Wolfe & Co.. 5th and Washington sts. PHONOGRAPHS Some reduced over 50. New and Used Cabinet Models. Widd:comh Sheraton model 5. oak...$SS B uebiid. in mahoganv $125 Pathe. fumed oak. model 12 $75 Manii-.. j golden oak $2.3'1 Kmerson phonograph , -. .$67. SO Stradivara Chopin, mahogany $M Victory, style 9. small $40 $10 or more at time of purchase. $3 or more a month thereafter. LI I'M A N. WOLKK JC- CO.. 7th Floor. BUSH & LANK PLATER. Plain mahogany case. Just like new: left here to be sold. Come in and glva us p. price. SKIBfcKI.ING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 12.' Fourth Street. DO NOT overlook cur l:ne of used phono graphs this week : all the jlif ferent makes from $15 up. Come in early and make your select !n G. F. J"HNSON" PIANO CO.. 1 4Q Sixth Street. I'SK'J Or.AKOXOTaZ Walnut case with 3 dozen records, cabiue; size. See this machine, terms SEIBERLIXG-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 12.". Fourth Street. IF YOU are interested in a player piano we have a fine bargain for $450. 8 note and latest improvement s ; terms. G. F. JOHNSON" PIANO CO., 140 ixt h treot " W E I .LI X G TON. P'am oak .a.-e. i275; very good con-d-tion; t.mi- given. SiJ:BERl.ING-Ll'CAS MUSIC CO.. 1 5 Foil rt h St reet. DON'T miss t his buy ; a wonderful tone Everett piano, one of the three best pianos. $rts5: terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIAXO CO.. 140 Sixth Street. .7. r C. FISHER, ut if ui walnut case, at big bargain. Se- this worn' erf ui piano. -EI HEKL1NG-I.UCAS MUSIC CO.. 1 25 h'eni rth S t.; I yt. Wash. an d Al der. BANJO ukuleles, new arrivals;, see these beautiful instruments and call fur dem onstration, $10 and up. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 140 Sixth Street. VIOLIN outfit, special tor students, sweet toned instrument, case, bow and extra strings, $25. G. F. JOHNSON PIAXO CO.. 140 Sixth Street. "franklin. Walr.ut case, $275; excellent condi tions, terms given. SlilDKii LING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 Fourth Street. $225 secures New England upright piano; $325 fine Howard -c Co., (in n ah.) piano. If you don't want to pay cash, then $4 or $s a month is all you need pay. Severn h Floor. Lipman. Wolfe & Co. SCHULHOFF piano, beautiful walnut case, $250. terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 140 Sixth Street. 11 IN ZE PIAXO at big reduction; terms given. SE1BERL1XG-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 Fourth Street. B FLAT clarionet, liae new, standard make, only $40. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 140 Sixth Street. BRUNSWICK Grafonoia and record, like new, $0"; Xew process gas range, prac tically new. $r.0. 51 F. 77th U N. ; MV car to 70:h, walk north. SCHULHOFF piato, beautiful walnut case. $250. terms. G. F. JOHXSOX PIANO CO.. 140 Sixth Street. ORPHECM tenor banjo. complete wTTE case, $50. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., ... 140 Sixth Street. A DANDY mahogany piano, up-to-dat case, $105; terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 140 Sixth Street WELLINGTON. Plain mahogany case, $275; terms given. SEIBERLI NG-LUC A S MUSIC CO., 125 Fourth Street. ALDRICH piano, a-ianost new, $325 to sell quick; termsi G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 140 Sixth Street. C MELODY saxophone, silver, complet with case. $130. terms. G F. JOHXSOX PIANO CO., 140 Sixth Street. WILL store piano for use of it ; best of car no children, good references. Main 4236.' . ENTERTAIN your guests; rent & piano, plavrr-piano or phonograph. H a'rOLP SJLilLBERT. -'4 Yamhill et Furniture For ale REAL FURNITURE SALE. OF THE MEIER & FRANK STOCK. of hich-grade overstuffed furniture, rugs, portieres, linoleums, dining and living room furniture, slightly damaged in warehouse, together with about 50 roller and flat-top desks from Northwest ship yards and put on sale. 340-351 Oak st. Between Broadway and Park, across from Telephone bldg. These goods must all be closed out by about August 1. as the store has been rented to Blaney's Bowling Alley com pan v. Below we list a few of tha many bargains for the coming week: OVERSTUFFED DAVENPORTS. Overstuffed davenports, the very best spring construction, made on high-grade velours. mohairs. plush or tapestry, worth up to $250. now $65 and up. Overstuffed chairs and rockers from $30 up. RUGS. PORTIERES, SHADES. fix12 velvet rugs, reg. $47.50. now $23.50. 0x12 OxV- Aim, rugs, reg. $50. now $27. Brussels rugs, reg. $38.50, now $21.0'.. Genuine Crex -rugs, all sizes, half price. Rag rugs, matting rugs, small velvet and Axm. rugs at greatly reduced prices Bring in your sizes on shades. We will save you money. Pro-linoleum, reg. 70c,. now 40c yard. Genuine linoleum, reg. $1.25. now 70o yard. 12-ft. width linoleum, reg. $1.85. now 00c yard. DINING AND BEDROOM FURNITURE. Ext, tables, oak, mah. and walnut, $20 Buffets. oak. mah. and walnut. $35. Chairs, oak, mah. and walnut, $2.50 up. Mah. davenport tables, reg. $50, now $20. no. Mah, and walnut gate-leg tables, now $25. oo. Mah. lamp stands, reg. $20, now $&. Dressers from $15 up. Dressing tables 3 mirrors). $15 up. Iron beds, good selection, $5 up. Coil springs, $5 up. Mattresses, $5 up. Bedroom chairs, $1.50 up. Bedroom chairs, $3 up. DESK CABINETS. Roller-top desks, flat-top desks, type writer desks, standing desks. cabinet files (good asst.), paper baskets, etc.. etc.. at very low prices. CThese desks ar slightly used.) 349-351 Oak sL Between Broadway and Oak. across from Telephone Bldg. COHN BROS . DIRECTORS. DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture if going east or to California. We can save you money on your freight in our through cars; fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer & Storage Co.. 243Plne street. XEW" D. R- SET. buffet, table and chairs, in Flem ish tlaked oak. Tabor 3ui2 or Bdwy. 450. C'll Marshall. LlbKA it V table, refrigerator, 15 yards of stair carpet, curtain stretcher, garden tools. Call 356 Ea st 4 Sth St. DESKS, cabinets. Vhairs. files, safes, etc.; -hiirh-claj- equipment. 661 Marshall t 20th. Broadway 450. BEDROOM suite, curtains, rug. et;.. for sale at sacrifice; party leaving town, -m ti r-t ell t once. Tabor 44SQ. DINING tah!e and 4 chairs, $50; liberty bond accepted. 907 Vancouver ave. Wood lawn 140v - FURNITURE for 43 E. Clay house for rent, $20. FURNITURE and Thor washer; owner leaving city. Call 620 Savier st. HOOSIER cabinet. 501 Market . ere; cheap. no deal- GAS RANGE, hi'h oven, like nw will take gop'l woou range, seii. MASSIVE oak dining table; also free sew ing machine, line new. Tabor 35