18. TITE MORNING OREGONIAN. WEDNESDAY. JULY 20, 1921 HKI.f WANTB,!) MAf.f. Help Wau t e d Sal e m en. Ot.D-LINE life Insurance company desires to communicate with men who are am bitious and willing to work hard for ;- I success ; we have bank connections throughout the state and will cash promptly all (food notes; you should have a car and b prepared to pay your own expenses for 3u days; our super visor will work with you for a few days until you can stand alone. Call In the forenoons or write M. C Tipton, 1204 Wilcox bldg WANTED A live man with automobile for long Job In each county In Oregon; a small Investment, bis profits, quick sales; be your own boss: come and see demonstrations every day. 9 A. M. to 4 P. M.. near corner Fourth and Salmon sts-. opposite courthouse, or address Fred H. Dunlap, state agent, 5404 lOOth St.. S. E., Portland. - -NATIONALLY advertised organization has vacancy for high-grade specialty pales man possessing initiative and forceful personality, excellent remuneration on strictly commission basis. Applicants must be not under 23 years old. State experience, references and present em pioyment. AP S4, Oregonian. REAL ESTATE SALESMAN" WANTED. Can use 2 good men or women ales men; must know the business. See Mr. Fulton at DL'DREY INVESTMENT CO., 0 Panama Bldg. LIVE-WIRE salesmen to handle big-paying automobile accessory. Apply at 307 Graphic Arts bids- lth and Couch sts. HIGH-GRADE man between 25 and 35. ex perienced, to sell we; 1-known nationally advertised office appliance In exclusive city territory; liberal commission: appli cation must state age, experience and qualifications; bond required. G 834), L'rexoniitn. - I HAVE an opening for one good atock salesman In outside territory w here the wav has been opened for a large amount of buatnes. Call 712 Lewis bldg., 10 to 12 A. M., Rfk for sales manager. SALESMEN I have place on our sales force for 4 men with ambition to earn money ; ad vertised household line. 205 Artisans bldg.. 2 to 0 P. M. G. Hougen. 57 .MILES per gallon mnde with new patented gasoline vaporizer. Write for particulars. Stransky Vaporizer Co., Puk wana. S. D. W ANTED Realty salesman with car; one experienced in working on suburban acreage, good deal for right man. J 821, Oregonian. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agents to sell automatic wind shield clt-aner; an absolute necessity for evtry auto owner; exclusive territory given Call Broadway U4. between 8:30 and 10:30 mornings, or write John Mc Krog Co.. 471 Morrl aon St., Portland, Or. TAILORING AGE NTS Have strongest Tall-winter line men's tailor-made clothing on market. Want producers. State experience. LEELS WOOLEN MILLS. 230 So. Franklin. Chicago. HEALTH, accident and huar ta.1 Insurance Big commissions. 5til Coi Sit oldg. HELP WASTE U FEMALE. WANTED 5 EXPERIENCED BAG-MACHINE OPERATORS: ONLY EXPE RIENCED GIRLS REQUIRED. APPLY AMES-HARRIS-NEVILLE BAG CO.. 15TH AND HOYT STS. TAKE N. AND S. OR 16TH-ST. CAR. " OFFICE POSITION OPEN. ' Retail store neds experienced book keeper ; applicant should be reliable, steady and accurate and understand principles of accounting and the detail of office and cashier work, also stenogra pher; permanent piare. Apply In hand- writing. A 11 SQ7, Oregonian. EN P. PRACTIOA L nurse. 1 S. $20 per woek; call early. First-class second maid, private home, fine place. Girl for housework and laundry, no cooking, same family. Ref. SCOTT'S EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, 3 20 Hh nry HI d g. YOUNG WOMAN FOR STENOGRAPHIC WORK IN OFFICE OF A LARGE IM P LE M ENT COR POR A TION ; GOOD PERMANENT POSITION IF CAPABLE OF M A K I N G G ( H.l 1 ; M I" ST FUR N IS H GOOD REFERENCES. Alt 840, ORE OONIAN. EN 1' E u 1 E.N (.'ED lumber stenog rap her and typewriter for permanent position in I 'or Hand ; name references from whom we miy make Inquiries. Box BK 8-iO. Oregonian. W A N T EJ Stenographer who would like to get away from dtsk and make better money la selling line; 35 per cent com mission. Apply after a A. M., Toft Spalding bldg. ANT GIRL in Ltwi ii x ineitC. apply to the Salvation Aimy Rescue Home. Mny fMir and Alexander streets Paon Main 450 DM cur. WANTED Lady florist who understands putting up designs for funeral work as well as general flower shop work ; po- sit i o n out of to wn. Mr. 1 1 a w it i n s. M. 411. TH REE refined, wel I -ed uca ted women wanted: only those poswesing Initiative and willing to work hard need apply. it S42 Urt'Konian. WANTED Strong. capable woman for general housework to assist with In valid, family of 2; $50. AF 837. Ore gonian. WANT elderly lady for light housework for two; no washing, no children, good home and small wages. AH 813. Oregc- n 1 arv W A N T E I P ri va t e t e a e h r for shorthand, typewriting and bookkeeping, one who will come to my home evenings. 7utf Glisan sirpet. even i n g iv WOM EN seeking employ mont in and out of the city, call at Scott's Employment Bureau. 329 Henry bldg., cor. 4th and Oak. REFINED middle-aged lady for light housework and companion to wife, in family of two adults. C. S. preferred. 2 7 2( 1 st. Ph o ne l uiw y tf: S . YOUNG lady for lieht work," part of time demonstration work; you must be unin cumbered and have good e eslght. Mr Harris. Enon hotel, room 1. 5.30 till S. W ANTE l H . k . widow, middle-aged or elderly ; one who w an ts work : a good home and reasonable wages. Mrs1. W. E. Brown, HJUsboro. Or. OCNG women wanting employment as teleuhone operators call at room fldl Ti-hone building. Park and Oak sts. NEAT appearing woman to cook in luneh room, evening; must be excellent pastry cook. Call Si Br";-, d way. DISH VV AS If E K and good c lean kitchen helper. George II. McMuiiln. Hood , River. I'ho ne or w r 1 1 GOOD, reliable plain cook wanted at the Burl In game ; fair wages and good home to ri if lit i 'arty. Cal I at Oswego, Or. A YoUNG GIRL to assist with housework In exchange for room and board. Auto 231-25. EXPERIENCED woman for canvassing; salary and commission for competent solicitor. F SIT. Oregoni:in. EXPERIENCED lady's ready-- wear salesladies. App!y nt once 355 Morrison st., b.-twee n S : 30 a nd 1:30 A. M. WA.VTKU Middle-aged lady who under stands how to take care of lnalid; good home and good 'ay. AH 8 2 11 u reg on i a n. WA NT ED Experienced nursemaid for 3 small children: references required. Mrs. Burk. 77$ North r u p . Marsh all 857. THE FLORENCE C R I TT E N TON home !s ready to help any girl in distress. i55 East Ol man "M V" or. East 37t. GIll-S of good appearance can make good money seeing an article of great demand. 202 LIa..n.,? near Broadway. EXl'KIU E N C EI cloak and suit sales lady: apply The Fashion Suit House, 314 Washington ST ENvGHA PH ER Good position for girl wit h alMl ity. A E 10. Orego n ia T EACH ERS register free. .Many calls. Westmore Agency. Spokane. Wash. EXl'ERIENCED stenographer living at lume for whuirsa le grocery. Bdwy. S"44. WANTED lood. hand iror.e 1 1 a nd Jjun d ry. U71 11th s t. Diamond RASPBERRY pickers wanted, clos. to 1 ortlundt "all r.borS20. WANTED Experienced dishwasher. Wash, st. 41 W a nted Ijq m esti fa. GIRT, or woman for general housework and plain cooking, washing machine ; 3 children; only neat and congenial party who can be treated us member of fam ily need apply. Wages Tabor 2000. l"ss. Nlultnoiuah st. "WANTED Girl or middle-aged woman for general housework at beach; call Mar shall 4413 before lu A. M. or after 3 P. M j WANT experienced girl for general house work in bungalow, small fa:nily, best wares; no laundry or cleaning. East 7023. a WANTED Girl for general housework: electric washing machine: must be neat and good cook: 3 adults. 1 child; $50 pormonth. Call T:ibor !B0. W AN TED -Competent n?at ladv for gen eral housework in new modern Laurel hurst home: citv references required. 'a:i st Ml E 44ih N . Y A NT E D G 1 r I to a ssist w i : h house w o rk and care of children, school g4rl age Plinnf Main 47."S v' ANTED Experienced girl for general hfus work : 11 d cooking. 33 East Main, corner of 2ttth. Ea.-t li'.H). WANTED Good nurse girl for 3 chil- dren. Apply 2S3 Morrison st. Gl RI for general house work. S:tt B razee. Take Uroauwajr car. 13 dU. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Wanted Doin est Ic-m. WANT girl to assist with general house work. 381 10th street. HELP WANTED-MALK OE FEMALE. BOOKKEEPING "teacher wanted; Interview desired. A K 823, Oregonian. GREGG shorthand teacher wanted: Inter view desired. BF 841. Oregonian. jELPWANTK WITH INVESTMENT. EXPERIENCED salesman who Is capable of helping put a staple article on the market; $230 required for half Interest and half proflt. BF .37. Oregonian. UasiRABLa employment in co-operative box plant which has operated continu ously; $300 to $500 required. Olympla Box A Package Co.. Olympla. Wash. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. YOUNG MAX. 20 year old. with mechanical indication and abil ity, desires position; hav com pleted manual training course in high school and 2 years' me chanical engmeering at O. A. C. H&ve workea In lumber mills and shipyards and am not afraid of hard work; excellent refer ence. Pbon Columbia 363. FISHERMAN. ATTENTION! BEFORE TAKING THAT FISHING TRIP CONSULT ONE WHO CAN REALLY TAKE YOU WHERE THE BIG ONES ARE. FOUR HOURS FROM PORTLAND, AND YOU WON'T RE GRET IT. RATES REASONABLE. PHONE EAST 0fi5, AT NOON. FIRSTLASS engineer and machinist wishes position with manufacturing firm: I have 20 years' experience In these branches of mechanical engineering; will go anywhere; 8 years experience in aaw-mJ!1- alo a good welder; X will take anything where there is a chance for jjruinQuon. Art o05, Ore g o nian A-NLMBER-1 CHAUFFEUR. REFER ENCE, 4 YEARS DRIVING A CAR FOR PRIVATE FAMILY ; PREFER TAKING CARE OF HIS OWN CAR. 490 UNION AVE. NORTH, CITY; GOOD REFER- tfi, COLORED. DON T try to get a Position till we press your suit for 45 cents, whlie you wait. Moy, the tailor, 10 4th. near Stark, JOY, THE TAILOR. 104 FOURTH STREET. PAINTING and kalsominlng, good work at a low rate; estimates free. Call me ud before letting your work. Phone East 6201. apt. 4. b A KM work by industrious, willing man ; married. Life experience general farm ij s' Capable of running farm. Lloyd Hiirtman. Sherwood. Or., route 4. EXPERIENCED janitor and handy man or landscape gardener, reasonable wages; 4044rn,"eS Kiven- 227 Headway. Main 1 Ot'NG man, S3, wide experience, electric ity, mechanics, automobiles, desires po ut ion with future. Write tov Martin fa.dd,Bendjpr PAINTER Fast brsh man. 75c per hour; you furnish pure lead and oil and l'JI mix and color to suit and save you 30 per cent and satisfy. Woodlawn 3573. A" HOY, 13 years, wants a place on a farm where there is stock, horses espe cially. Mrs. Lena Bariand, 43 Davis. Portland. MAN AND wife wish hotel or rooming house to manage, any reasonable offer considered. Main 7133, apt. 4, after 2:30 FIRST-CLASS chef desires position, in town or out of town, best references. AJ 83 1. Ore g o n la n: PAINTING AND PAPERING. First cUiss work guaranteed; estimates freeiy given. J. H. Jenkins. East 7842. GRAIN buyer desires position at count rv point; five years" experience; well recom- mended. Taylor. 1488 Cleeland ave. ROOFS repaired, flat roofs a specialty, all work guaranteed. F. L. Rosegrant. Phone 528-48. WANTED By man and wife, janitor work in club or apt. house. Call Alco apts., apt. 224. YoUNg man wants work after 4:30 week days and ail day Saturdays. Call 321 -23. or write F 02. Oregonian. PAINTING, tinting, interior and exterior work a specialty by ex-service men. Mnin 7nf4. PLLMBING and pipe fitting, soldering and gen, repairs. F. O. Howland. W. E. Crop- , Pgr, 2d and Oregon. East TWV.. ELDERLY man wants position as Janitor or houseman; must have work. BC 800. Oregonian Hoi 13 YEARS old. without home, wishes one in the country with nice couple 1QS0 Francis ave. YEAR-OLD boy. wheel, wants work after 6 P. M. Cail for Walter Olson. 2u7 'herry tt.. after 5:30 P. M. CESSPOOLS, cement work, sewer connec tions a soeclaltv: flat infr inn im n teed. Call Auto. R2o-4o. W. S. Sm 1 1 h. t-tbli lLfc MAN wantes to contract for city delivery with 1-ton new Ford truck Best equipment. Phone East 3570. EX-SERVICE MAN wants work driving truck or touring; good at repairing; can give good references. Phone East 3.1 7 0. HAVE your garden work done by experi enced man: no job too small: no job too .r-iioiie aiam .i 1 j. Air, uaidwin. YOUNG man with Dodge screen -t truck would like delivery work. AJ 814, CARPENTER work, repairing, remodeling, etc.. done cheaply by careful, experl- cm-eu v. ornmen, wftiiwooq 17(S. PAINTING KAI.ROMlvrvr: ' Best work, reasonable prices. Call Gaither, Marshall 2703. or Tabor 1 OCX G man wi.-hes position as truck driver or chauffeur, best of references. East 2210. J A PANESE, first-class cook, desires posi tlon, best referer ces. George Tanaka. 2't$ Everett street. PAINTING, paperhanging for particular people; price, material and workmanship 1 U please vou. Peatrs. Mar. o77l). EXPERIENCED packer In wholesale house; can give best of references. BC regon.ian. J A PAN bJSE couple desire situation as family help. good cook, wife second work. M 820, Oregonian. 1'A IXTLNG and tinting done reasonably. CARP ENTER, fast and accurate work, e- tlmatea frt-e. Call Main 86S. EXPERIENCED young man as janitor wishes work day or night. Tabor 8779. I'EAIRS, the painter and decorator. Mar 577 fo r estimates. PAINTING, paperhanging, tinting. Try me once. Tabor 232S. J PAINTING. tinting. prices reasonable, work g u a r a n teed. East 71) 5 . TWO MEN want con-tract to cut 1000 cords of woodor more. Phone Woodlawn 5310. CEMENT WORK All kinds and garagci. reasonable. Ca!l Tabir t00. MAN WISHES work ol any kind in city. Marshall 33 12. Aug. Neuman. PA PERU A NO ING, 2oc single roll; es:l mateg on painting. Main 1032. E. ROGERS, HOUSE PAINTING. IvAL- SOM INING WANTED. BAST t75. HOUSE painted. J50-$l3; rooms tinted. Jl 3 ; papering. 35c roll. Woodlawn 6084. PAl'ERHANGING and tinting, inside fin ishing: first-class work. Tabor 80S0. KESHiNGLING wor guaranteed. Phone Col. lOofi. I'AINTI Nil, tinting, papering, good work, reasonable. Sell wood 13W. YOUNG marr.ed man wou'.d tike to learn a trade, needs work. Mar. 1322. room 12. WANTED Work. references and bond Eiyen. Phone Main 291. after noon. JAPANESE young man wants housework. L S)3S, Oregonian. PAINTING, kalsomlning, papering Auto. 523-0S. room 3G. Call ALL AROUND cook and pastry man; ref-t-rences. H. M., Main 35. WANTED Wood hauling contract from ''" to 3nno cords. Phone Wdln. 15il. ItookK.ee pers. tytenucra miers. Off ice. YOUNG tingle man wishes position as bookkeeper, 10 years' experience. A-l references as to character and ability. Phone Tabor 34U. WANTED Position by good bookkeeper with small concerns, requiring services 2 or 3 evenings a week. L 621, Orego nian. ACCOUNTANT can handle another set books reouiring full or part time; income tax report handled as part of service Phone Condon. Tabor 92?S. AN EXPERIENCED accountant desires small set of books to keep. Systems in stalled. Hooks kept by contract. Tabor 75 S. EXPERIENCED accountant wants book keeping work requiring portion of time ont- Call East 5277. COLLEGE graduate desires position, per manent, if possible, do most anything. Tabor 4fl45, after 6:30 P. M. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE, GOOD cook wants job in harvest field or In ram p. Broadway 3243. room 2. MIDDLE-AGED woman wants dishwash ing with machine. N 806. Oregonian. RELIABLE girl will care for children at the beach. Thone 320-31. EXPERIENCED laundress and cleaner wants work. Main SI 22. EXPERIENCED woman wants day's work, Mon Tues.. Wed.. Sat. Bdwy. 1324. GOOD all round worker, first-class refer ences. Automatic C10-19. WANT laundry work or cleaning, dally, first-class worker: colored. East 7027. DAY WORK wanted. Call Auto 625-09. SITUATIOXS WANTED FEMALE. EXPERIENCED, trustworthy iaay wanes bousecleani&K. wasmnK, other work; good work oaraLt0- Puoae Wcod- lawn 03 OS. WANTED By unincumbered, middle-aged woman, housework in country or cook-' ing for small crew of men. Main 1112 or 30 Cable st. ELDERLY woman will ketop house for man with child of school age; $3 a week ; give P h one number. T 807. Oregonl an. - MIDDLE-AGED lady wants housework or care of children in Jewish family. Phone a. .-ua-ua. stay home nights. WANT J. E. Murray who answered H S06, for cook, call today. Room 1. 208 Co lumbia et. WANT home with lady who will let me share expenses and housework. Auto matic 321-58. LACE AND SILK SCRIM. AND MAR QUISETTE CURTAINS done up ilk new. Will call. East 8618 EXP. MAID wishes cooking and down stairs work; wages $tk. Marshall 2778, room 5. WANT work, washing dishes, in hotel or other place. Rom McConkey. 232 V First St.. r-ortiana. GIRL, 15, would like to take care of baby afternoons and evening's; prefer west side. Phone Mar. 2883. apt. 31. YOUNG lady 13 yrs. old would like work in light grocery or confectionery store. Auto. 113-25. WANTED by trust wort ny -woman for convalescent; good cook and housekeep er. Marshall 27U7. afternoons. GIRL wants day work as waitress or kitchen work in hotel or restaurant. Call East 5374. Miss Forseth. COLORED girl wants day work by the hour, Wednesdays. - Thursdays and Sat urdays. East 5Ofl. YOUNG girl wishes housework in quiet private family. Phone East 542 after 8 A. M. FOR GENERAL housework or housekeep er with an 8-months-old baby boy. Write to S. H., 9Q9 Mich, ave., city. LAD1' wants work as waitress in board ing house or restaurant, have some ex- perlence. Phone Broadway 2337, R. 33. WANTED To cook evening meals or any light housework. 3 hours day. Wood lawn 4004. WOMAN wants work by hour, curtains and other laundry done at home. Wood lawn 3749. WOMAN wants day work Wednesday. Broad way 354Q. room 29. WANTED Finnish girl would like steady day work. Woodlawn 5773. DAY WORK wanted, experienced, perma nent. Woodlawn 43. ELDERLY lady will take the care of ciil dren by hour. East 3025. GOOD laundress wi?hes 5 to 8 hours. Phone Woodlawn 304H. RELIABLE woman wants day work In private family ; references. Auto. 044-31. COLORED, experienced gin, wisnes work, 4 to g hours Thursday. Friday. East 5703. EXPERIENCED laundress wants wash Ing and ironing by day. Broadway Ittat. Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Of fice. Yo L'NG woman wants clerical position; has knowledge of stenography; experi ence in England and France also. AG M)3. Oregonian. YOUNG girl with high school education wishes work in office or store. Phone East 542 after 8 A. M. HIGH school girl wants work in office as cashier, clerk or usher. Phone Bdwy. 2:t.H7, room 3.V LADY with several years' experience de sires clerical position ; no stenography. BP SI C, Oregonian. - CAPABLE stenographer wishes typing to do evenings; have typewriter. BF 29, Oregonian. oUNG lady wants position as stenogra pher; can furnish reference and start at ;r. 10 pur monin. auio. i-t-o. BEGINNER wants stenographic position. Please call Woodlawn 5!7. TflQ per month. Auto. 2 1 3 -25. HALF day work daily; experienced in stenography ; reference. Last anal. WANTED Position as stenographer. I am a beginner. Woodlawn 2475. Dressmakers. BRING your hemstitching, buttons, pleat ing to 1006 Broadway bldg. corner Broad way and Morrison; we pay your street car fare both ways. W ILL make your summer frocks, $7-50 up l.elah Hutcn:nson. r27 Mo-gan bldg. SPECIAL rates. July. August, high-grade work.1001 Broadway bldg.Main 5354. WANTED Plain dressmaking. Phone Au tomatic 520-44. DRESSMAKING, tailoring and remodeling, done by day. Tabor 3213 I DO plain sewing very reasonable, E. 6 S3 5. N urrs. NURSE by day or week, efficient, gives naturopath bath, massage. 95 E. 34th. Tabor 2594 UNIVERSITY student wishes position with invaiid or children, experience in prac- tlcaL nursing. AG 815. Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED woman wants practical nursing or care taker to aged person. AF b3U. Oregonian. WILL take maternity cases or invalids in my home and give best of care. 069 Union ave. N. East 30S3 EXl'ERIENCED practical nurse wants position; excellent references. Woodlawn 1241. NURSE will take paralytic, rheumatic or any convalescent patient in her home. Call Automatic 62S-90. TRAINED nurse takes all kinds of cases; reasonable t e. rm s. M ar. 3 4 9. CHEERFUL practical nurse wants day position. Bd w y . 3055 . room 37. Housekeepers. YOUNG ladv wishes housekeeping in een tleman's home or club; good cook. Wdln. 14.V2- MIDDLE-AGED woman, city references; good cook; no laundry; adults. Phone Woodlawn 3302. REFINED lady wishes position as house keeper for gentleman. M 850. Oregonian C ATH O LIC w i d o w with child 2 y ears old, wishes housekee ping. Wdln. 19U8. WOMAN. 35. with little girl, wishes posi- tion as housekeeper. M 821. Oregonian. Domestics. WANTED Housework by 16-year-old girl; reasonable wages. Call Bdwy. lOtij. JAPAN ESE girl wishes situation in fam- Uy; housework. M 822. Oregonian. tlousecleaning, HOUSE CLEANING. FLOOR WAXING. WINDOW CLEANING. PAINTED wails, ceilings and woodwork, kitchen and bathroom cleaned. FIRST-CLASS WORK. P. J. ROWE, 24S CHERRY ST. Phone East 8581. . HOUSECLE A NING Expert white and ivory enamel cleaning: floors waxed, fur niture polished, carpets cleaned, win dows washed. CITY HOUSECLE ANING SERVICE. 1SS Chap man s: Phone Main 113T. . COLORED woman wants day work or general housework; go home nights and Sundays off. Tabor 321 5. CARPETS cleaned at your home; new method. Broadway 4S76. WANTED TO RENT. MEIER &. FRANK'S. Information and Rental Bureau Reliable, up-to-date lists of desirable vacant houses, apartments and flats with definite Information pertaining to each. . Newcomers to Portland will find this bureau of great value In helping them get properly and quickly located. Eighth Floor. WHY" NOT list your home with us to rent, as we can rent both furnished or un furnished, large or small places. Pomroy. THOMSON-THOMSON, REALTORS. 620 H e n ry bldg. Bdwy. 4ss0. TWO ADULTS wish four or five rooms, furnished, first floor or house, prefera bly west side or close in on east side; will furnish references and assure best care of furniture; want permanent loca tion. AJ 813, Oregonian. WANTED To rent by responsible party, furnished 5 or 0-room modem home In good residence district; family of four, two girls 11 and 14. Address ma by card or letter, room 215 Imperial hoteL WANTED By Aug. 3, modern 6-room house; must have fireplace and furnace. Wash, high school district preferred ; will lease for 1 or 2 years, adults only. Phone East 480. WANTED To rent by September IS. 10 room furnished house near North Pacific college, suitable for fraternity. G S32, uregoni.in. WANTED BY RESPONSIBLE PARTY, HOUSE OF 7 OR S ROOMS. IRVING TON, LAURELHURST. HEIGHTS OR NOB HILL. MAIN 1006. FOUR-ROOM house with bath, yard, trees, must be close in; not over $30. Main 868. 5-RM. COTTAGE Inside of 48th st. on E. S-, steady renter; not over $25. J 834. Oregonian. WANTED ft or j-room modern house, not over $30; will lease; reference. Call Coi. no. WANTED Furnished 5 or 6-room bunga low or flat by 3 adults. Rosa City. Irving- ton. i-none t.ast ot-t-. FI E or slx-roora modem house near rchool ; might buy furniture; will pay around $400 per year. 5 844. Oregonian. WANTED To rent modern 8-9-rm. house close in. west side preferred; adults; ref erence. Scdlwood. 3780. WANTED -TO RENT. Houses. RENTAL BUREAU. Llwt your houses, flats or apartments with e; quick results and good tenants. PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE. LOANS, SECURITY STORAGE 4 TRANSFER CO., 53 Fourth St., Opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. 3-ROOM BUNGALOW. Responsible party wanu to rent, by August 1, moder.-Tfurnished 5-roora bun galow with garage, in Rom City Park, about 54th and Sandy blvd. ; permanent; ran give best references. Phone Marshall 505. UNFURNISHED 5 or 0-roorn house. Haw thorne district. Phone Sell wood 37. Rooms. BACHELOR wants sleeping room, with private bath, in good downtown build ing. Rent must be reasonable. K $34. Oregonian. Rooms With Board. TWO GENTLEMEN. 28. having own mag nificent furniture, desire room and board; would prefer two rooms with running water, private bath if possible; west side only; not over 12 minutes' waik; would consider room already fur nlshed. AL 82 3. Oregoni an. CAPABLE, trustworthy young man, 20, desires work for summer and after school, exchang for room and board. AV 9S9. Oregonian. WANTED By traveling man. a room and sleeping porch in private family where wife can board. Y 830. Oregonian. 2 SISTERS want board and room in private home, prefer west side. Must be reason ahle. Address 1 777. Oregonian. WORKINGMAN desires room and board with Christian Scientists, at Kenton or near Kenton car line. R 824. Oregonian. Business Places. WANTED -Desk room and phone In of fice building centrally located. Telephone or advise by letter. Carlton hotel. A. J. G rover. FOR RENT. 1 SLEEPING room. 1 separate porch. 1 two-room apt., porch. 05 Wash. ' Furnished Rooms. HOTEL FRANKLIN. Washington at 13th. Rates by the week, $3 and up; hot and cold running water, hot water heating system; tub and shower baths. HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL. EAST MORRISON ST., AT EAST 6TH. QUIET. DIGNIFIED AJvD REFINED. $1.25 PER DAY. JO PER WK. AND UP. CONVENIENT ALL-NIGHT GARAGES AMERICAN HWTEL. 92 N". 3D. One of the best moderate-priced ho tels in the city, elevator service; good baths, very clean, always lots of hot water, day or night. Edw. F. Goddard. mgr. TA IT HOT EL All outside rooms, best 1 day hotel in city; rooms $4 to 7, and with bath $8 to $10 per week; pleasant lobby; automatic elevator. 12 th and Stark. ANGELA HOTEL. 025 Washington st. Large lobby, automatic elevator, phons and running water in each room, room with or without b.ith. $5.30 per week up; excellent home-cooked mes.ls next door HOTEL CON RAD IN E, 22 North 10th St., 2 blocks nortn of Washington st. ; pleas ant rooms and suites at very reason able rat e by aay or week. RITZ HOTEL PARK AND MORRISON. Ideally located in the very center of the theater and shopping district. Spe cial summer rates now in effect. HOTEL ROWLAND. 207 4 4TH STREET. Rates 75-, $1, $1.50 per day; $4 to $7 and. w'th bath $S to 10 per week; k.tchen privilege to tourlsta EUCLID HOTEL. 373 Washington, at 18th. Large. clean, airy rooms, private baths ; rates to permanent guests. WASHINGTON HOTEL. 12TH AM WASHINGTON SIS. Attractive rooms and suites a.t reason- able rate by wtek or month. THE ST. PAUL, 130 4th, cor. Alder. A RESPECTABLE downtown HOTEL Rates 75c up. Private bath $2. Special rates by week or month. ARTHUR HOTEL. 170 Eleventh St.. near Morrion; clean ani modern rooms by day, week or month at. reasonable rates. LARRABEE HOTEL Modern rooms $2.30 week up; close to dental college and 2 blocks from steel bridge. East 849. 2 FURXL.S.ILED rooms for light housekeep ing or sleeping; home privileges. 753 E. A n fceny st. HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison t.. at 10th $l day. weekiy $5 and up. Free phone and baths. Light and 'airy. BUCKINGHAM hotel. 632 V Washington. Modern rooms, free phone, bath; reason- I able MARLYN HOTEL, 17TH AND COUCH 'Large attractive modern rooms by week or month. Rates reasonable. H1LLCREST HOTEL. 733 Washington, rooms with or with out bath; reasonable prices. NEWLY furnished room, hot and cold water in each room, all home privileges. Call Main 3436. hjiCioit hotel. North Broadway, new and modern Yale locks on doors, $1 per d ay up. ir Pr week up. Private bath s. NICELY furnished rooms, beautiful grounds: references required. 243 11th st.. corner .wain HOTEL EARIt 112 N. Sir;th. 2 blocks of depot. $1 ye da'r. $3 per week and up. 75c DA 1 . J2.5U WEEK up; ciean. baths free. Hotel Cadillac. 3d r-ar Jefferson. NICE furnished' rooms, including bath and phone at summer rates. Y. M. C. A. CLEAN sleeping room for man. $15 month. Bio c k from W ashing t o n. 735 Everett. NK'ELY furnished front room with fur nace heat : board if de-sired. Easi 3510. THE MAPLE, 30 N. 17th. Furnished rooms $3 wk and up. Attic room $H month. $2d A MONTH for 2 rooms and a kitchen ette, light and phone free. QQfi 6th st. Unfurnished Rooms. 2 UNFURNISHED rooms with bath, walk- in g dist ancfl028N20 uija;. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. BEAUTIFUL large room in private home; twin beds, parlor piano, home conven iences, close in; also furnished apart ment for rtnt 61 N. 18th stj, Broad w.iv 2721. - WELL-FURNISHED airy room to perma nent gentleman in family of 3 adults; no other rooiers; $10 per month. 531 Couch st. , LARGE front room, nicely furnished, bath and phone. 12 minutes business center, summer rate. 870 Albina. Woodlawn 4375. $20 A MONTH for 2 rooms and kitchenette, lights 'and phone free; l.Vmlnute walk from Meier & Frank's. 606 0th st. Aut 521-47. TjrSnA-fS Runnlnir water, excellent board. ' half block carl'ne. walk ing distance. garage, phone. Eroadway 4aa. FURNISHED room and garage, phone, etc., included ; near Washington high school. Call East 8537 after 5 P. M. NIC-ELY furnished, clean and cool outside sleeping room, bath and phone; walking dist ance; $3. 361 14th st. Auto. 521-K4. HOME privileges and best of cooking tor 2 gentlemen in family of Jolly young people. AUIO. o L--i'U- .JO f vuimm-i'.igi ok LARGE front room, .west side, strictly modern, walking distance; reference Bd w y. 3498. LARGE, airy room in flrst-clitss apartment; hot and cold water, walking distance. East 5(J4VS. STEAM-HEATED furnished room, modern conveniences. 504 Couch st-, apt. 3, bet. 17th and 18th. Call after 6 P. M. LOVELY large front room, modern home; refinement ; walking distance; reason able. East 7210. FOR RENT Sleeping room for 1 or 2 ladles employed or lady with child ; meals if desired. 6S1 E. Everett st. FOR RENTI Front room apt.; free phone and light; 4-min. car service, 10th and E. Morrison. Call East 2743, NICE room for gentlemen ; bath, lights, phone, in a good location; reasonable. Phone East 21Q6. FOR RENT To employed lany. furnished foom in private family; good car service. Will furnish breakfast. Tabor 9046. HOME conveniences, best of cooking to 2 gentlemen in family of jolly young peo p le. Auto. 312-B6. 569 Commercial it. NICELY furnished room in private fam ily. 006 Northrup st. Phone Broadway 3 0 f JO. ROOM and attic room for gentleman. 729 Glisan. M a r shall 3013. Re f ere nc e&. WELL furnished rooms, lovely home, 10 m inutes business center. Main 4254. $16 LARGE room in nice home for gent. Mar. 604.6. 5-4 Lucretla. nr. 23d and Wash. IRVINGTON room, breakfast. 1 block to car and Brazee st., near club. East 410. LARGE pleasant room for rent; board If desired. QUO Overton st. Mar, 120. CLEAN room, pleasant surroundings, two blocks Broadway bridge. 382 Ross st. DESIRABLE room for gentleman ; also garage. Call East 51)21 after 7 P. M LARGE neatly furnished bedroom, walk ing distance. $2.50 a week. 420 0th st. Rooms With Board. NORTONIA HOTEL, Portland's downtown high-class family hotel ; rooms cn suite - or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you all the comforts of a home. RgafonabJ ratw KOU.M and board for Dullness girls; all modern conveniences; walking distance; S5 per weeK. Auto tL.. 4 in st. MARTHA WASHINGTON HOTEL for busi ness girls at moderate ratea 880 10th st. Marshall 1251. BOARD and room at Whitehall HoteL 2SI 0th at, . FOR KENT. Rooms With Board. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 3D AND HOl T STS. CAMPBELL HOTEL 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best-known residential ho tels on tha Pacific coast. American plan, with or with on t bath, $2.50 a day up. rates by day or month. Meals served to transients. HAVE large, clean, front room, three windows. large closet, bath, lights and phone, suitable for two giTls or man and wife sharing large, comfortable bed. Including two meals, $55. Phons St; 11 wood 2203. CHESTER BURY HOTEL. 201 N. 20TH ST. Transient and residentlaL Rates by day, week or month. Meals served transients. Rooms With Board In Private Family. 2 ROOMS, twin beds, suitable for two gen tlemen: running water; 1 room suitable for 3 gentlemen: excellent meals, walk ing distance, hk blk. to capUne. Bdwy. 4033. . ROSELAWN DAY NURSERY. Excellent care and a pleasant home for children. E. OtH and Roselawn. Phone Woodlawn 3f92. EAST FLANDERS, near 22d; board and room In a nicely furnished home, suit able for two ; home cooking ; reasonable rates. Phone East 3208. HAPPYLAND COTTAGE A nurse's sub urban home for children, plenty of eggs, milk, fruit and vegetables, with a moth er8 love. Automatic 640-98. YOUNG married woman would like 1 or 2 children from 1 to 3 years to care for. Good home, best of care. 5517 68th at. S. E. IRVINGTON Elegant double room and board; also sigle rooms; laundry priv-. lieges, lovely home for summer. East G645. LARGE, clean, airy room and very best of meals in modern, congenial home : suit able for two, close in. 308 Schuyler st. near Union and Broadway. East 6303. NICELY furnished rooms with bath; ex cellent board : all home privileges; $8 per week. 305 Halsey. near Union ave. CLEAN, comfortable room or sleeping porch: Just like home; 2 meals: walking distance. East 8382. FOR ELDERLY couple, clean, quiet rooms, with or without meals; no children: ex clusive home. 414 Market, cor. 1 1 th. WANTED on farm, lady boarder, room and board, $ 15 month. Ella Turner, 1W3 N. Church St.. Salem, Or. GOOD room, real home with best board, cheap to business girl or man. 214 East 33d. Tabor 6875. WILL care for child In my home in sub urbs; fresh fruit, garden, playground; music lessons If desired. , Auto. 614-69. CLEAN room in modern home; good lo cation, very close in. Main 8038. .849 6th st. PLEASANT room, with or without board; reasonable. 595 E. Taylor, corner of 15th. East 6949. DESIRABLE large front room with board, walking distance ; fine location; suitable for 2 East 5715. ROOMS with board, close In. 553 East Couch St. Phone East 8099, WILL board school girl, IO to 12 years; $20 pT month. Woodlawn 4434. ROOM and board, price reasonable. 669 Union ave. N. E. 3083. PRIVATE home for children; 20 years' experience. 714 Everett st. Mar. 2102 Fu rn islied Apartments. BOZANTA APTS. Nicely furnished 4-room apt., with bath, all outside rooms, front spL 189 N. 23d. Marshall 2945. BEAUTIFUL 2-room apt., $35, one large room, hardwood floors, fireplace, kitch enette. beautrfu!Iy furnished, $30. Block from Wash. 735 Everett, near 22d. tin . a f 1 a. 205 N. 20th st.. 2 and 3-room furnished apartments. Including all linen and silver; price a $30 to $ 5 0. Bdwy. 444S. THE STANFIELD. Modern outside 2-rooin apts.. light, heat, phone, laundry facilities. $20 and $.50. .M.iin 73H2. TWO AND THREE-ROOM light outside apartments, modern, clean, reasonable rent ; walking distance. Arllne apart- ments, 17th and Lovejoy. Bdwy. 1872. HISLOP HALL. 4104 Hawthorne ave., near Grand ave. Beautifully clean, strictly modern 3-room fur, apts.. a month up. East 8-SJ. WHY RENT small poorly ventilated apts., when tiere are lovely large outside rooms for same money? Let me show you. East 841. or East 4646. ALICE COURT. E. 8TH AND BURNS1DE. Modern S-room apt.. 2 beds, fireplace, walking distance. East 3566. THE CAMBRIAN. Furnished and unfurnished 2 and 3 room apts. in first-class apt. house. $50 up; adults. 433 Columbia. M arshall 2400. ROSE FRIEND APTS. Modern 5-room furnished. Marshall 1410. Walkln g distance . ZL J1URO COURT, 20th and Washington 2 and 3 room furnished apartments; strictly modern; transient or permanent. TWO 3-rm. apts.. modern, clean, light, out side rooms ; reasonable rent ; walking distance, 17th and Lovejoy. Bdwy. 1812. MODERN 3-room front apartment, all out side windows, completely furnished. Marshall 1 So 7. 4-ROOM apartment. nicely furnished porch. Irving apts., 21st and Irving. Main n-.in. APT. FOR RENT, furniture for sale; first floor, front; Aiuncey apis-; no aeaiers. 3to Clay sL JEPFERSONIAN apts., 10th and Jeffer son : reduced summer rales; take small children ALTAMONT APTS., 304 COLLEGE. Cool, cozy, modern 3-room apartment. Reasonable rent CLEAN basement apt., furnished; private entrance, gas, water, lights; very rea- . sonable. 512 Clay st. MODERN light 2 and 3-room apartments; private balcony, bath, closets, fine view. Hanover apartment. Marshall 2009. 1 ROOM "with kitchenette, bay window, dressing room, light, phone; also 1-room ant. for $15. 250 N. 10th st. BERKELEY Apts., 39 Trinity place. Nice 2 and 3-rm. apts $40 up. with phone; walking distance. Alar, iuou, apt, g. 3-ROOM furnished apaKment with bath, light, water, phone free. $35. 882 East Ash st. The Alta. JAEGER APTS., 701 Washington, 3 and 4 - room furnished spts. ARCADIA APARTMENTS. One 2-room and one 3-room furnished aDartment. 700 Everett St. 3-ROOM furnished apartment, phone and bath, one block from two car lines. 843 N e 1 son st.. near 27th and Sandy blvd. PuhTXoMAH 3 ana 4 rooms: nardwood floors, sleeping porches, walking dis tance; well turnished : adults. 2QO E. 13th. THE PENROSE. Grand ave. at Belmont. Large, front 3-room, newly finished in old ivory; also 2-room apartment. ROSE FRIEND APTS. Modern 5-room furnished. Marshall 1410. Wa 1 k in ga ist a nee 2 ROOMS. $5 week up. 1 room, $3 week up; sleeping room, $3 week up. 208 Washin gion bl.. uurncr r trsL, THE MEREDITH Furnished apts.. free phone, steam heat, hot water. 22d and LUXOR APTS. 13TH AND CLAY. 2-room apartment; strictly modern. TWO-ROOM. APT. and sleeping porch, neat and clean, free light, water and p ho n e. 545 Washington. AT SEASIDE, 2-room furnished apart ment for month of August. Call Main 5070 from 8-0. BEAUTIFUL '4-room apartment, all con veniences, walking distance. 573 3d st Main 2777 . THE CHELTENH AM-s-2 and 3-room apart ments, all out-side rooms, nicely fur ni.'hed, lith and Northrup. Bdwy. 3058. HOUSMAN apts. 2 to 4 rooms, large, de sirable, clean, well furnished. large clos- et. sleeping porcneg. jqain luoJ. BE A UTIFULLY furnished 2-room apt,, neat and clean; first floor, close In. west side. j:J5. 474 Clay. Marshall 4194. WILL sublet 3 year, 3-room furnished out side apt., east 13th and Morrison. Call apt. 3Q7. or East 3122. MORTON APTS., 3-room furnished apt. 097 Washington st. Main 1082. MODERN 2 and 3-room apts.. week or month : reasonable. 414 4th st. ELBRIDGE APT.. 274 N. 21st St.. 2 and 3-room furnished spts. Broadway 4730. BEAUTIFULLY furnished 4-room apt. Highland Court Apts.. 22d and Glisan. 3-ROOM furnished apt., corner, 394 6th St., Harrison Court. Main 5148. CLASSIC APTS.. 062 Glisan 3-rooms, $42. Broadway 2934. NEW YORK apartments, furnished, cor. 7th and Belmont. East 238 UNION AVE. and Klllingswortb ; furn. apt. 1 au ; an complete ; concrete Duuaiaga TOURNBY BLDG., 2d and Taylor, 1 and 3-room apta. nwly renovated. $22. 50up. GARFIELD 3 rooms, sleeping porch: rea sonable. 301 Falling. b?k. w. Union. CARLOIS APTS,, 14th and Market Two room modern apt.; reasonable. CLEAN, modern, completely furnished 2 room apartment. 680 1 Lombard. Col. 617. JULIANA APTS.. 45 Trinity place. 2 and 3-room f urnlshed apta Marshall 883- SAN MARCO, E. 8TH AND COUCH 3-RM. M(3U. APTS. E. 2312. 15-DAY STORAGE FREHL Moving for less Phone Bdwy. 24 4 S. ARDMAY TERRACE. 3i5 12TH ST. Large, light apt., available at once. 3-ROOM apt., private bath, $32.50. apts. 89 E. 12th. Todd 2-ROOM furnished apartment for rent; 6th and Madison. Phone Mala 5582. FOR RENT. Furnished Apartments, $70 BEAUTIFUL 5-room furnished bun galow apartment, all large, light, airy rooms, immaculate condition; good furni ture; music room with disappearing bed; large living room, dining room, white Dutch kitchen, private bedroom, bath, steam heat, telephone, janitor service included; close in; just across the Broad way bridge. block north of Broadway; The Med a apts., 377 Vancouver ave.; adults only. Lease for one year. STELWYN APTS.. HIGH-CLASS. Resident and summer homes for tran sient and tourist; handsomest furnished -pts. In the city ; no objection to child under 2 years; 1 to 5-room apts.. with sleeping porch : we also have bachelor apts. and service; single rooms and bath fcr rcudried gentlemen; references re oulred. Mar. 2830. 106 St. Clair t.. cor. Washington. VERT HIGH-CLASS. Elegantly furnished 5 rooms and 2 baths, top floor, outride apts.. 16 win dows: will rent to desirable adults; also a very choice 4-room and sleeping porch, all outside rooms. 100 St. Clair L, corner Washington. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia St Five minutes' walk to Meier & Frank's store: good surroundings, strictly mod ern 2 and 8-room furnished apta, out side, with French doors and balcony. Permanent and transient. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 186 Vista avenue, near 23d and Wash ington. High-class apartment house. One 3-room beautifully furnished with good rugs, fine view, outside balcony ; must be seen to be appreciated. Call Main SSS3. MODERN, completely furnished apart ment, 5 rooms and bath, all outside rooms, lots of light and air; large front porch, fireplace with gas Radiant tire ; 2d floor, west side location, easy walking distance: adults only. 841 Montgomery, corner Broa d way. $45 WEST SIDE APT. $45. 715 Wayne. bet. KING and ST. CLAIR. Four large, light rooms, closets, bath, heat, phone, water furnished; ground floor, private entrance; no children. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH. THE JACKSON. 51 Union Ave. North. Three-room apta, $30 and $40; private bath, steam heat, hot and cold water, phone service: 15 minutes' walk to 5th and Aider. Rose City car. East 2816. BUENA VISTA APTS. 434 Harrison SL Strictly modern 2 and 3-room apts., newly papered in tapestry; outside kitchen and tiled bathroom. $50 and u p; adults. Mai n 1052. 4 ROOMS and bath, fine mahogany furni ture; oriental rugs, piano, main floor, corner apt. Nothing in the city finer; will rent to man and wire or z laaies must furnish references. $75 er montn. Phone Marshall 1100. THE ELMWOOD. Strictly first-class 2 and 3-room apts., furnished and unfurnished ; new period furniture. Wilton rugs, silverware. linen, etc., $50 to $75; adults. 415 10th st. Main 6000. . THE DEZSNUORF APTS. 208 10th. near Taylor. Mar. 128. Nicely furnished 5-room apta for resi dent or transient and tourist: no ob j ectlon to children: walking dlsta r.ce. SPECIAL SUMMER RATES Nicely fur nlshed 2-room apartments; steam heat, no extra charge tor private phone and lights, walking distance. Lincoln i-pta, 4th and Lincoln. THE PARK. First-class 3 and 4-room apt., fur nished and unfurnished; Just refinished. hardwood floors, fire-place, lots of closet room. $.10 up. 353 Harrison. Mar. 133. TWO FELLOWS. 28. desire to meet clean cut business man to share apartment ; we have our own mahogany and reed furniture, oriental rugs; truly wonderful furnishings. AK 824. oregonian, WAGONER APTS., 715 WAYNE ST. 6-ROOIl FURNISHED APARTMENT. Easy walking distance, large, V ;ry, outside rooms; best west side district. SM1TH-WAGONE R CO., STOCK EXCH. SUNN YSIDE APTS. S.cure your apart ment now for winter. Have one fine furnished three-room, ready Thursday, steam heat, excellent location, cluster Bt. lights; high-class house. Tabor 3!0. M ON TGOMERY APA R T MENTfl. Two rooms furnished, hardwood floors, elevator, strictly modern: all outside; walking distance. 3S0 Third st., corner Montgomery. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. Corner 10th and Salmon: 2, 3 and 4-room apts. ; permanent or transient; also single rooms. Main 6041. ' KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. 2 n nd 3 room furnished and unfur nished apts., strictly modern, elevator, tile Dath. 11th and Montgomery. M. 359. THE LILLIAN APTS. Close in, 2 and 3 rooms, largo and light, modern .brick building. 3hl 0th st. Marshall 1378. . SEVARG APTS. 271 South Broadway. liv ing room, kitchenette and sleeping porch, steam heated, running hot and cold wa ter. Under new management. BELKNAP APARTMENTS. 187 17TH ST. 2-room furnished apartment. 4097. Main CHETOPA APTS. Three-room apartment in A-l condition ; jut painted and tint ed: best location in clt y. .Br o ad way 40H. I'nfurnisned Ai'Ttmentw. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 186 Vista ave., near 23d and Washington High class apartment house; 3-room unfur nished aoartments with disappearing bed in living room, also bedroom. Call Main 3883 TWO 5-ROOM unfurnished apartments for rent or lease; connected or separate as desired. Light, sunny and clean. - Rea sonable rent; can be sern at 794 Thur- man st. Phone Bdwy. 3-'5M. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. W -ri havA . varancv in our 10th and Elm apt. hoiwe August 1; 6 rooms. 123 ptr montn. F. E. BOWMAN & CO. rtrvrvr apts . 791 NorthruD. near 24th. 6 large sunny outside rooms, front, back and sleeping porcnes; neat, water, jaru Phone Main 9358. ; , IONIAN COURT. 18th and Couch: 4-room Iront corner apartment, ne iy iimcu, with white enamel woodworm close In; a 3 nits. Broadway 2701. WICKEKSHaAi.. Beautiful 5-xoom unfurnished apart ment, well located; references. Bdwy. 2201. 50 CAN be saved on brand-new furni ture in a first-class apartment house, also apartment for rent. See apartment 64. American apts., 21st and Johnson sta. ONE " 3-ROOM; has dressing room and bath, is exceptionally nice. Phone East 3782. . THE DEZENDORF. 208 10th st . near Taylor. Mar. 1ZS. 3-room unfurnished' apartment. THE AMERICAN, modern 4 and 5-room a p a rtment. Bdwy. 3,i. PORTNOMAH. 3 and rooms. walking distance: adults. 200 E. 13th. DAYTON APTS 5 and 6-rm. apts.. $05 and wiO. 662 t'lauacrs. tawy. GARFIELD. 3 rooms, sleeping porch, rea son a bl . 36 1 Fa Ring bldg.. W. Union IRVING APTS.. 21st and Irving. Main 239. 4rcom JhLunnyapt.. porch. MORTON APTS., front 5-room unfurnished apt. 6H7 was nin gton st. ji at 11 ocv THE ORMONDE 5-room unfurnished apt. Flanders. Bdwy. 3873. Furnished or Lnfurntsned Apart meni- 2. S 4 AND S-ROOM APTS. 521 EVERETT SL BDWY. 4218. ANNEX 3-rooms. large sleeping porch, bath, gas, electricity, yard, garage if wanted, to adults; references. 64 E. 15th St., bet. Oak and Stark. ROOM 202. MARSHALL 6170 THE LEONARD 3-room apts.. furnished and unfurnished, steam heat, all out jilde rooms. 603 E. Main. VILLA ST. CLARA APTS. 8-ROOM. FURNISHED OR UNFUR NISHED. 203 12TH ST. DTTRFEY APTS. MODERN 3-ROOM APT. EAST 3011. Flats. MODERN six-room flat, furnace, fire place. No. 688 Vk Northrup street. $50 per month. Donald Woodward, Main 1430. MODETRN 5-room lower flat. 48 Twelfth st., near Division. $32 50. WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO.. 84 Fourth st. East IRVINGTON Classy 4-room flat, sleeping norch: $40; also lovely 5-room flat; 2d ana mis?., j. - $15 4-ROOM lower flat, near car, school, etc., use of gas range, all connected up. CO B P tW.ua.. U-J iiam. m yum. 5-ROOM upper flat, 272 Going st.. on Williams avenue carline; gas, electric lights. Phone East 4316. FLAT for rent, furniture for sale. 850 Woodward avenue. Phone Woodlawn 2138. or Sellwood 132. UNFURNISHED 4-room flat, clean, mod ern $18.00. 672 Mississippi. Wdln. 3812. Adults. LARGE 7-room lower flat, completely remodeled and painted ; suitable for large or two small families. East 2109. UPPER 5-room flat, sleeplag porch, garage. SS7 Fargo St., nr. Union ave.; $40. in- q u Ire 307 Railway Exchange bldg. NICE 5-room flat, close in 25. 474 E. Yamhill. . MODERN 4-room flat, $20 per month. In- quire 14 63 union avenue .North. 4-ROOM flat, partly furnished. 304 Fargo, near Union. SIX-ROOM modern lower JJat; adults; west aide, Sll .'orth 10th FOR RENT. Flats. FOR RENT 0-room upper flat, living room, dining room, music room, bed room and kitchen, on second floor; four large bedrooms and store room on third floor: two bath rooms, hot air furnace and fireplace; pleasant location on 24th St., near Hoyt. Rent $60. Write appll- cation to owner, i Irving street. IRVINGTON Beautiful, new. 5 rooms and sun room, first floor. 2 fireplaces, built in bookcases, buffet, Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors throughout, ivory fin insh. tapestry paper, large porch, nice yard, best residential section ; rent VJ0; garage Jf desired. 415 E. 16th st. N. 6-ROOM ciean flat, west side, walking dis tance, nice view, fireplace, furnace. 3Sd 10th St., south Montgomery. Vlnney. Furnish ed Flat. TO RESPONSIBLE tenant, nicely fur nished and up-to-date 5-room upper flat, 172Vi North 23d. near Johnson st. ; adults only; rent $05. Call bet. 2 and 6 P. M. NOB HILL, walking distance. 2 large, newly decorated rooms, with "kltchen ettA. dressing room and private bath; -ttt .-Mi. uil rem Irving. NICELY furnished living room, bedroom, kitchen and bath; $37.30. including phone, garbage and water; modern; waiKing distance, aaa Taylor. COMFORTABLY furnished 4-room flat, piano, $35. Apply after 0:3O P. M., 557 Taylor. Marshall 8'J05. MODERN, well-furnished 3-room flat: lights, water and garbage free. Call after 5 P. M.. 2S2 Beech st. 5-ROOM, modern, nicelv furnished lower flat, walking distance, $50 month. 426V Rodney ave.. near Tillamook ave. FIVE large rooms and bath, beautifully furnished, close to car line; good loca tion. WoodJawn 607. FO R RENT Completely furnished 4-room flat, piano, 30. Walking distance, 535 Va E. Market. i-ROOM upper flat, like new ; furniture for sale; responsible tenant: walking distance. Main 599. 830 13th st. MODERN 4-room, nicely furnished flat. 610 Commercial st. Phone 319-01. 6-ROOM furnished, on E. 16-vh and Alder St.. $50. Inquire 010 E. Alder st. E. 3007. llausraeeping Rooms. FURNISHED n k rooms. 1 room with kitchenette, hot and cold water, private phone, electric lights, steam heat, five minutes' walk to town. 291 Colcmoia. near Fifth CLEAN, well furnished. 3-room house keeping a part meat on first floor, close in. Roy crest Apartments, 175 12th Bt.. corner of Yamhill. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall Fur nished h. k. rooms, $15 up. includln hot water, electric lights, laundry room. FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing, everything furnished. $3.50 per weik and up. I'J3V ?econu st. LARGE, newly papered front room with kitchenette ; everything: furnished; $20. East 7842. IN OWNER'S modern home. 215 11th st., 1 block Central library; cheerful rooms; adults. Main 8R78. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, in rear, suitable for bachelor. 252 Broad way. $3 WEEK, furnished h. k. suites, clean, every convenience. Hotel Cadillac, 3d near Jefferson. TWO HOUSEKEEPING rooms, clean and cosy, reasonable. 1734 N. 2lst st. Mar. 277tf. 2-ROOM suite ; front rooms; large closet ; newly papered ; reasonable. 413 Mont gomery. Main 3310. (3.50 WEEK UP, furnisned H. K, rooms. $5 WEEK UP, completely furnished h. k. suites. The Cadillac. 3d near Jefferson. SINGLE or en suite, modern, ciose in, rea sonable. Hotel Royal, 132 East 3d. FURNISHED h. k. rooms. 91.50 per week and up: electric lights. 3-0 1st. TWO FRONT roorra. room and kitchene'te. sleepin g po rch. C5 Fland HOUSE KEEPING rooms at 549 Wash L. apt. B. . A SUITE of furnished housekeeping rooms. clean, running wai-r. -t- jam ai. JEFFERSON APTS. Front 2-room apt. 3t5fe Jefferson st. FURNISHED h. k rooms. $3.50 per week nd up. - ri v as ii mi: ton t? i THE MAPLE. 30 N. 17th. Furnished h. k. rooms. Reasonable. 2-RooM suite, phone, bath, hot. and cold water. 07 North 2th st. Bdwy. 4123. H ousekeeping Rooms In Frlvate Family. $ZsEeOND floor, 3 nice large furnished housekeeping rooms, including fine sleeping porch, lawn, trees, roses, water and light free; walking distance. Brook lyn car; no children. 504 E. 0th. Sell. ll 00. ; . T WO 2-ROOM furnished h. k. suites, light, airy and clean, ground floor; rent reasonable; children welcome. bl Haw thorne ave. LARGE, airy, furnished h. k. rooms, first floor, private family. Phone, gns, electric lighta 337 Ivy st. Phone East 14-S. THREE furnished 11. K. rooms, good lo cality, near east side car lines; at least six months, for two Protestant adulta Phone East o38S. iorenoons. 2 LIGHT housekeeping rooms with sleep ing porch, not suitable for children. Phone i anor a.iw, LOVELY large room with kitchenette, gas range, clean home, for nice couple; reasonable. 71 North 22d st. 2 BEAUTIFUL h. k. rooms, gas range, lawn, porch; blk. to Williams car. 205 Blandena st. NEWLY furnished, clean, light rooms; phone, light and water free; close in; adults only. uranam avmu- TWO completely furnished h. k. rooms in private family ; light, water and phone. . OR RENT Housekeeping room, use of kitchen, close in, walking distance, rea sonable rent. 5a0 Couch st. Main 3040. TWO ROOMS, absolutely clean, in quiet, modern home. 087 Glisan st. Mar shall 3911. H. K. ROOMS, walking distance. 275 Will iams ave East r- v iicox. 2 ROOMS, unfurnished, h. k. a: Nice neighborhood. Mar. 345 apartment. 150. LARGE front room with kitchenette, rea onable walking aistance. oi- --. FOR RENT 2 housekeeping rooms ; will care for child. Sellwood 3325. . COZY 2 o; 3-room apartment, separate en trance, yard and porch. East 3151. THREE or 4 rooms and garage : no chil- riren. East S441. DON'T search. 2 corner rooms, gas range, electrlc light; couple. $23. MOO1.. 4th st. FIVE-ROOM modern furnished house, yard. Qi0 Clinton. Richmond car. Mar. 3S00. Houses. A BEAUTIFUL strictly modern 0-room residence in Laurelhurst to lease to re sponsible party; rent $75; must be seen to be appreciated. C. De Young & Co., 810 Spalding Diag WILL lease for one year or longer, mod ern unfurnished 0-room house, furnace, close to Sunnyside car line; rent $40. Call before noon Sunday or week, days. 107 East 4th.. cor ne.mon;, S-ROOM house, St. Johns, close to mill and cooperage; paved st. Owner at house U to 7 Wednesday and Thursday. 33 S. Jersey, or write F. A. Johnson, 00 N. ll'th. 4-ROOM house and garden, all In. on lOOx 133 lot. fruit and berries, nice place for chickens: lease, rent $25. Mr. Pomroy, THOMSON-THOMSON, REALTORS. 020 Henry Bldg. Broadway 4880. 8-ROOM house for rent, option of buying; close-in, very good locality for doctor or dentist or both; rent $55 per month: will give lease. Call residence, 022 E. Burn- si a e st. Jiain p-tci PAI.I. BROADWAY 5H0 FOR NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO. LIGHT POWER HEAT. WASH IN G TON AT 1 OTH ST. HOUSE, 6 rooms, bath and furnace, at 430 East Harrison, near 7th, to adults only; rent $35 a month. Open between 11 and 12 noon today. A MODERN house, eight rooms and bath, on large corner lot. Is available for a responsible family. For Inspection call East o-Ui. MODERN 7-room house In lower Albina. close to Mississippi ave.; newly renovated throughout; pieaaant yard with fruit, $35. Call at 404 Piatt bldg. -K. HOUSE, good, near, E. side dist- ga rage; modern conveniences. A-l condi tion. wnik-asejilar:3 MOVING Pianos, turniture aua long-distance "hauling a specialty. C. & W. Truck Service Co.. 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 5121. EIGHT rooms a-d bath, 503 West Everett, in roomingL house district; gas and elec tric i t y tlLK. TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. 15 days' storage free; furniture mov- i n g fcr less. Broadway 2445. 6ROOM house, furnace, etc., $20. 734 Kelly St.. near Porter, west tide. Call 318 Board of Trade. Main 7452. FOR RENT Strictly modern 7-room house, garage. East Irvington; refer ences. 331-G8. WHEN moving, city or country, get the best at lowest price. Green Trans. Co., Main 1261. 202. Alder st. u MODERN nine-room home on large cor ner lot; four large bedrooms, two fire place s .fUJ2'. ROOMS for rent, li-story bungalow, ga rage; Rose City car line. 002 E. 77th it N.; $40. m FIVE-ROOM modern furnished cottage, 311 E. 9th. near Hawthorne, $35; close In. East f235. 7-ROOM modern house, furnace, cement basement, walking distance. 7Q7 1st st. UP-TO-DATE 7-room Irvington home1; will lease. X 813. Oregonian. THREE-ROOM furnished housekeeping apartment. tQ per week. 8-"0 14; h st. 8-ROOM modern house, walking distance, good neiehborhooA. X 4i, Oregonian, FOR RENT. Houses, TO THE RIGHT tenant we will give lease fo" year or longer on our modern. 5-room home at 15i E. Glisan. Beau tifully decorated and a real home with flowers and garden; large living room, two sleeping rooms and large storage room; $55 per month. Phone Tabor PIANOS moved. $3: stairs extra, si each e ' days' free storage on all house hold goods; furniture moving. 1 ton truck. $2 per hour; large truck. $2.75 per hour: we are experienced and have good packing. Call Broadway 1207. Atlae Transfer St Storage Co.. 104 N. 5th sL I'pen punaays and evenings CON VEN'IKVT RP- a I'TTPt-r. COZY HOME. strictly modern. five rooms and sleeping porch; in perfect condition ; wonderful view ; excellent lo cation; half block from car; $50. Phone tiin. .o-ti, COMFORTABLE 3-room shack; 17G7 Court ney st., on St. Johns car line; rent $10. . Call 23.1 St.trk st. Furnished Houses. FURNISHED or unfurnished 8-room home, Portland Heights, lease. Partly furnished 8-room, a sleeping porch, east side home, garage, walking; distance, fine 4-room bungalow and ga- rage on Terwilliger blvd.; furnished. modern. Mr. Pomroy. THOMSON-THOMSON. REALTORS. fi-0 Henry Bldg. Broadway 4S0. FI E rooms of six-room house. 1 room reserved for storage: modern; 3 months East MODERN 7-room house, complete! v f ur n.shed; rent $05 per month; 722 E; iV Ft- McClure & Schmauch Co., ?0jtaUway Exchange bldg. CtLPLETIL,Y furnished bungalow. Dutch kitchen. - breakfast nook, pan4ed dining room. French doors. built-ina, wash trays. 1317 Corbett st. FI E-ROOM furnished house, fruit; ne ??rtCilon to babie: $: including water. llJU Hawthorne ave., near 40th. May be seenafter 7 P. M. NEW 8-ROOM modern bungalow, large grounds and fruit trees. Hawthorne car 5 p: Mnt JG5' al1 Maia 1330 from 9 lo F lv-R 1 ED 7-room house. 4 bedrooms. rb 2imtl8trict- talking distance, full lot, 50x100, flowers, etc. Will lease for one year. $75. Main 2."tU. OR RENT 5-room house, furnished: wilt give lease for a year; $40 per month. , JOHNSON-PODSON CO.. B33 N. W. DankBld g Main 3 7 S 7. NICELY furnished 3-room suite in" modern home: 2 bedrooms, sink, private bath and entrance; walking distance, west side. 94 N. 16th st.. corner Kl a n d e r s . NICELY furnished 4-room mod.-rn flat. first floor, aiutts only. 543 E. 17th. 1 block from RM car. MODERN 8-room furnished house includ ing piano: 2 carlines; reference required. Wdln. 2111 after 5 P. - M. CORNER house. Irvington, garage, nWly furnished, nominal rent to responsible adults till Sept. 1st. East 4103. FOR RENT Small furnished houre; piano; references required; no children. Sell. 2710. NICELY furnished house in Rose City Park until September 1. Tabor 206S. be tween 10 and 12 A. M. FOR RENT or lease, modern house, com pletely furnished. 4 rooms, bath, full basement. Call Sellwood 3tf3. NICELY furnished bun ca low cottage fT rent during August, $35; reference 1 S"0. Oregonian. 4-ROOM newly furnished cottage, piano ; close in ; responsible party ; adults. 145 Broadway. 0 to 12 P. M.. cashier. 730 E. BURNS! DE 0 large rooms, com pletely furnished, piano; references re qulrfd; $75. Main 5437. mornings. MODERN, clean, completely furnished 7 roora house. 3 bedrooms; perman ?nt people. Hawthorne district. Tabor 4071. $50 MODERN 5-rm. bungalow, furnished. renovated, new rugs. Auto. 032-70. FURNISHED house of 5 rooms, piano; 1 1 23 Vernon ave.. corner Emerson. FOR RENT 5 rooms completely furnished. $ 15 a month. Call Wdln. 23 10 4-ROOM house, partly furnished. 513 Vista ave. Main 7017. Houses for Rent Furniture for Sale. FURNISHED 7-room Iiouse for rent, fur niture for sale for $235. $150 cash, bal ance monthly payments: good .garden and fruit, on car line. Call between 8 A. M. and 2 P. M.. 1134 Union ave N. FURNITURE for sale, house ror rent; a r ice home, small income ; $25t will ha. T -d;e. Call Main 04i7. SEVEN rooms of beautiful furniture for sale by whole or piece, and house for r-nt. 3S7 Oregon. FOR RENT 5-room bungalow with gar age. In excellent condition. close in.. $47.50; furniture for sale. Call East 2557. Hol'SE for rent, furniture for sale, term. . Mar. S I X. 107 W. Park st. FURNITURE for sale in ton rooms; house fo-r ren t. 80 1st. P h o ne M a rs h a 1 111 07. TO R ENT Modern 4-room bungalow and furniiure for pale. CS3 Harold ave. Summer Keori. W. G McDONALD. proprietor. Special features, a perpetual high-class art ex hibit of paintings ROGUE ELK RESORT On Crater Lake Highway. A GOOD PLACE TO LINGER. At the mouth of Elk creek on Rogue river; excellent fishing and hunting. Ac commodations first-class. Guidt-s and horses for hunting parties. Good swim ming pool. The best time of your life to be had at the Rogue Elk Resort. Trail. Or. AN IDEAL stopping place at Seaside. "The Pine Lodge." Lurge. commodious summer home. 1 block from ocean, 2 blocks from Broadway; nrge lobby. 2 fireplaces, bath, shower bath and tennis court. large grounds ; rated f 2 per day up. with kitchen privileges. Mrs. Flora Ferguson, manager. MAKE VACATION TIME A PLEASURE. The Ocean Club Mansion at Ciasslo Ridge beach. Nehalem, Oregon (via Tillamook trafn), opens July 1. Prices reasonable. For reservations address O. C M. or J. H., L. H. Edwards. 165'.. 4th st. at Mo rrlson. Main 72J2. SEASIDE COTTAGE. 2 rooms, newly furnished. H block to ocean walk; good view; 1 double bed. 1 single; wood, lighta and water included; $100 to Sept. 1. Main 6707 evenings. MACLEAN'S CAMP OSWEGO LAKE. One summer cottage for rent, boating, fishing, swimming. See caretaker aC camp. WANTED for month of Aug.. furnished cottage at Cannon Beach. Phone Main 6511, or address S. G. Smith, 313 14th St., Portland. FOR RENT by week, month or season, 8 room cottage overlooking oc ean. one of the be.rt cottages in Seaside. Address M iss Damann, Necanlcum Inn. FOR RENT at Seaside, comfortable 2 room furnished apt., near ocean ; rea sonable rent: Aug. 1 for balance of sea son. C aJ 1 M aln 212 4 business hou rs. FOR RENT ior month of August 0-room cottage at Seaview.. Wash., on boule vard and beach : 5 beds. elec. lights. Phone Ea wt 2 tV5 1 . CANNON BEACH For August, modern furnished house, sleeping, porch bath. hot and cold water. Address M. B. Mc Kay. Lucretla Court. GEARHART cottage for rent during Au- gust. Phone Broadway 308 or address box 60. Gearhart, Oregon. WANTED Furnished house at Cannon Beach for month of August, facing ocean preferred. Phone Mar. 2474. SEASIDE-ASTORIA stage leaves New Houston hotel, 72 N. 0th St., 2 A. M 9 A. M.: 12 noon. 3:30 P. M. FOR RENT At Pacific Beach. Wash., fur nished rooms and apartments, by day. week or month. Mrs. C. J. Erlckson. OCEAN PARK. WASH. 5-r. apt., all or part of season: ref. Main 51S5. Ask for King the Driver. WANT furnished cottage to accommodate five, first two or second and third weeks August. Tliiamook beach. Tabor 2447. 5-ROOM furnished cottage at Long Beach. Two blocks from depot. East 0325. CAN N ON BEACH cottage, tent houses. Particulars C. L. W i n gard ,5 5 3 M o rrlson. MODERN 0-room cottage near ocean at Seaside. 121' Third ave., Mrs. J. Ramsey fttores gnu lousiness- t'taces. GROUND FLOOR SPACE. BOOO to 8000 square feet In con crete building, spur track, shel tered loading platform, cement floor; good natural light arid office space make this very desirable. Apply at warehouse, l.th and Up shur sta, or see any realtor. VERY reasonable, centrally located on the east side. 2 floors. 50xltK ft. deep; rented separately or together. Equipped with office, shipping platform, elevator, etc.: on railroad track: suitable for ware house or manufacturing purposes. C 750. Oregonian. FINE store. 124 N. 6th, 1 blk. from depot, ix4Q feet. $50 per month. FOR RENT Store room, corner First and Washington sts. VuK L3iKAbi.H; space In fireproof wars hous nhone Rrosdwiv 3715 STORE at Astoria, Or., splendid location for goft dr inks. Call 701 Northrup st. $20 LARGE store, 251 Columbia at., near 3d; now vacant. Offices. ONE-HALF finely furnished suite. 500 Ar tisans bldg.. J.iO. with stenographer $00, Broadway 1220. DES K room, with telephone and steno graphlc servlre. Phone Bdwy. 3715. FRONT office, modern. In Railway x? chance bldg. Apply room 312.