THE 3IORXIXG OREGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1921 17 Miscellaneous. LUMBER. BUILDING AND New and second-hand, list Xor estimate. Call or mend DOLAV WRECKING AND CONSTRUCTION CO. 460 Belmont at., cor. E. 8th st. Block off East Morrison. East 6110. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. Fan, irons, motors, vacuum cleaners, washing machines, etc. Wo sell, repair and exchange everything electrical. Will cUl and deliver. HTM SON KLECTR1C CO., 62 6th t. Broadway 42t3. ACCOMPLISHED AT LAST. Pain lets dentistry, by the nerve-blocking method, without after effects. I make X-ray examination of teeth. I specialize In first-class dentistry at rea sonable fees. Lady attendant. Mar. 3205. UK. A. W. KLENB, Majestic Theater BIdg. 351 Wash. . WOOD BUYERS. ATTENTION. Guaranteed sound block, 6xo-in. np to 14xl4-ir... $13.50; 2x6-ln. smallest, runs mostly 3xl2-in., $12 SO; lfe-cord loaus only. MT. HOOD FUEL CO. Phones East 702O, Automatic 235-21. DOORS and windows, lumoer, latn. sbin glea, mould ins; and miii work. See our odd stock of sash and doors tor pricea D. B. SCULLY CO.. DOWNTOWN LlllBEK STORE. 171 F RO N T T . Fao n M a I n 4 2 13 . WHY AN everlaatmg aggravation by a leaky roof T Why not a comfortable and dtibjo roof 7 We repair. Rubber Bond and rejuvenate all kinds of leaky roofs. Work guaranteed. Main 5130. .OT WATER tanka, 30-gal., $7; 40-gal., $9; tested and guaranteed; stove and furnace colls, gas heaters Installed, ex pert plumbing. repairing. East Side Welding Shop. 203 Adams at. East 8516. SEWING machines, new and second-band, old for less; no agents employed; com plete lines of parts for all makes; ma chine repaired and rented. Main 94L SEWING MACHINE) EMPORIUM. mo Third street, near Taylor. LOfBING, seweu; wo are open for new work now; best work at lowest prices; pleaded to figure with you on job or ma terial. Central plumbing & Supply Co., 852 V4 Glisan at. Broadway 4004. Tabor 3 182. R1FLKS, SHOTGUNS, PISTOLS. BOUGHT. SOLD. EXCHANGED. BEAUREOARD'a, Colt Distr., Ma!n St. Vancouver, Wash. IP DAVID'S CAN'T REPAIR- TOUR WATCH GIVE IT UP. Only gen ulna watch materials used. DAVID'S. Jewelers and Opticians. 843 Washington St., at Broadway. BAKES Fire .and burglar-proof safes.. new and second-hand at right prices bought, old and exchanged. Easy terms if de- NORRIS SAFE & LOCK CO., 103 Second St. Main 2045. IKXR 3x6 ft. 6 In, natural finish fir, com- Slete, wood chute, cupboard with 2 flour Ins. kIum sections, about 6-f t. length. fianej 15x24, (rood for hothouse or sleep ng porch, other odds and ends. Aut SHOES AT BIG DISCOUNT. 816 pairs shoes, ladies', men's, boys' Few shoes, good makes, clean stock, wholesale value $850. Call 40 N. 6th st, Broadway 1024. REGISTERS, all size, floor cases, new and second hand, fountain complete, meat I leer, cotf ee grinder, large icebox, card tables, grocery display counter; sacrifice. cash, credit. 140 Salmon. BAHREIN, kegs and steel drums all sizes, oak and flr, new and second hand. RE ASON A RLE PRICES. LA YTON COOPERAGE CO. Main 3147. 327 Water St. NEW AND USED DUSKS, chairs, flies, ta ble, etc., used typewriters, check writers, add. machines, safes, safe cabi nets. $300 time clock, complete with rarks. $60. Wax. 24 N. 5th st. Bdwy. 2739 LADIES TAKARA ANTISEPTIC powder la a soothing, cleansing, healing germi cide and Invigorating application: a great aid. In female disorders; 5c and $1 per box. Portland Hotel Pharmacy. OFFICE TRUNK. Suitable for engineer, flies, desk, everything complete. D. B. Scully Co. Lumber Store, 171 Front st., bet. Mor rison and Yamhill. Phone Main 4213. MULTIGRAPH, s ightly used, with Quan tity of type and equipment, $100; also paper cutter cheap. 7 Board of Trade bldg. BAFKS Fire and burglar proof. Hlg bar gains second-hand safe and vault doors. Bushong & Co., "0 6th st. Bdwy. 1 262. JK " 9 1 50 BLACK satin evening dre, size 3S, trimmed In ostrich plumes: will fell for $7S. terms; worn but twice, AN 820. Ore-gin Jan. DRUGS AT BIG DISCOUNT. $170 drugs at wholesale, all in good, clean condition; a nice assortment. Call 40 N. 6th st. Broadway 1Q24. LADDERS. D. B. Scully Co.. Downtown Lumber Store. 171 Front st.. bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Phone Main 4213. GOOD domestic sewing machine. $6. Child's mechanical train, $1.50; small bookcase. ; large set of kitchen shelves, $ 4. Tabor 1JU4. FOR SALE Electric washing machine, well-known make; has been used for demonstrating: vou can have It for $90; regular price nu. t an at -ihu Hoyt st. OFFICE FURMTl'RB' Bough t, sold and excha nged. WANSKN-WAI'BNSTEIN DKSK CO., 10.1-107 12t st. Droadw a y 177. COMPUTING cale. cah register, coffee mills, meat "iioppers ana general store fixtures at 224 Stark. St., between First and Second streets SHOTGUNS AND RIFLES. Bought. Sold. Rented and Exchanged NEWMAN. Main 4495. US First St. Near Alder. FOR HALE New refrigerator, cheap, in quire W. C. Snyder. . mile south of Ardenwald stat ion. Phone Bdwy. 1G40, betwecen 0 and 5. CR RENT Electric vacuum Cleaners. 24-hour day, 85c: delivered, guaranteed good condition. Woodla wn 1250. KODAKS. We buy. sell, rent and exchange ko daks. Sandy. 320 Washington ft. KO It SA LK Ranger bicycle, good condi tion, cheap. Call Main 70U4. 3&3 Third, room 207. rOE SALE AUTOMOBILES. U EAL R ARGA1N S." 1016 Maxwell turni, electric lights and nartrr. Here's your chance, 1 105 1017 Maxwell touring. In elegant condi tion, new top. new paint $2S5 191 9 Chevrolet touring. finest condi tion $li5 1920 Chevrolet touring, practically new. only $485 1017 Chalmers Six roadster, a very classy car. new p-tnt $585 391$ Iodge touring, finest condition. jrt'.O 1017 Saxon S;x touring ,.$;i25 You nuitt see these cars to appreciate them. Terms if d es ied . FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Grand and Hawthorne. East 5770. VANTED Men to sell the fa&tt-st belling Ford acceory ever put on the market; extra big profit. Write or call with $10 for ram pit's and stock; get started now: best sea&cn at hand ; you can make big money. Wizard M:. company, lilo Jei-ft-rsnn St., Portland, Oregon. yo H SA LE 1020 Ford coupe, just over hauled; new piston rings and transmis sion linings, new battery, fully equipped, ext ra tire, shock absorbers, speedometer and safety lock; will sell or trade for Ford or Chevrolet roadster. Call Main 2766. 102i FOR D COUPtS. DEMONSTRATE, WITH 4 -SPEED TRANSMISSION AND CORD TIRES. CALL MR. FROHMAN. BDWT. 21. CARE OF W. L. li UG H -HON CO.. FOR D AGENTS, BROAD WAV ANIMSVERETT. " HAYNES LIGHT 12. 4-rns!enKcr chummy roadster: will sacrifice for cash or take cheap lot as first payment. Tabor 4 70S. 1020 FO R D sedan, $r.50 Auto Laundry. 21st a n il Aide r. Ask Im r M r. Peard. Bdwy. 321. 1010 DO L IE ro.tdtfter. jus: overhauled. will sacrifice for q uiok sale; will take Ford in. Minion, Bdwy. 1572. Jkl 1'ST ha e money ; la te 1020 chummy Chandler. New tires. 1 pare; looks and runs Hkenew. Cheap for cash. East "14. f"y20 DOlG ii touring, excellent condit on with many extraa and some terms. Mr. Jungers. Bdwy. 15T2. VB PUT eteel teeth lu your old flywheel. crankshaft turning. 11. B. Biack ui- c hlne shop. 634 A.der st. Bdwy. j jrORDS. all models, at reduced prices, cash or e&fv terms. Robinson-Smith Co 6th and Madison. Main 1 UH. COLUMBIA SIX. $1550. PORTLAND RUSSELL H. LAWSO.V AUTO CO 854 EAST BROADWAY I'OR SALE 1021 Ford coupe, purchased SO days ag;o; price right. Room Perkins hot 1. CH KVHOL ET 1010; for only $350 for a quick sale; .ail overhauled; good tires- see It. Bdwy. U172. Mr. J angers 1021 HUFMOBILE, good condition and eo,ulpJif nt. Owner. Alain 20X8. 1J1H PAIGE, 7-pass., price $600. Call D u fry. Bdwy. 27u. 1917 B RISCOE. $ 1251 good rubber, run right. Call Dumaia. Bdwy.. 2270. HAVh) a good ued car. will trade for good used motorcycle. CiU Fropat. Bdwy. 3tk5. j'OKU delivery car ith panel box, firsT- clafrs condit ion. Colurnbia 01 1. XATE model Ford touring, looks like new; no starter; $200, Call Auto. 633-65. FOR BALE ArTOMOBTLBW. AT THE COVET MOTOR CO. PLANT. How easy it is to pay from $150 to $200 too much for a used automobile through the simple factor of not get ting a rebuilt and reflnished car. An exclusive used car dealer cannot afford to rebuild his cars and U them at or below market prices. It is only because we are depending on our new car sales for our profit and operate an elaborate used car de partment to further the sale of these new cars that we can afford to give ao much value for the money expended. Good cars priced so as to give good . value sell with bargain store ease and the volume of business obtained this way does not limit the number of cars we can accept in exchange on our new car business. Our new car buslnesa therefore is brought to a maximum voiume and our eventual profit is ac cordingly satisfactory. DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CARS. There Is really no used motor car value at the present time to compare with that to be found In a used, re built Dodge Brothers car. The pres ent low prices as compared with Jae sterling quality involved establishes this enviable position. 1920 Buick sedan $2000 1014 Oakland touring 400 1915 Cole 7 -pass, privately owned car, only 1019 Briscoe touring, excellent con ditlon 4T5 1017 Grant touring 8;0. 1020 Ford sedan.; a dandy 700 1019 Ford roadster 400 1920 Ford roadster 1920 Chevrolet sedan s 0 J 020 Chevrolet roadster, fine shape, 54o , 1920 Chevro!et touring 5 ' J910 Chevrolet touring 400 1918 Chevrolet baby grand 5 1020 Maxweil sedan, an excellent car for 1200 9120 Maxwell touring 1918 Willys-Knight, only 12H) 3 920 Nash touring, special price.. 1100 1919 Studebaker big six. 5-pass... 147 1018 Studebaktr coupe; real buy.. 000 1017 Studebaker 4. touring 300 1019 Haynes touring, only 1,no. 1910 Buick roadster H"0 1920 Hudson speedster, extra fine. 1000 1020 Hudson. 7 -pans 1"M 3918 Chandler touring, new tires.. 850 1910 Chandler chummy roadster, fine shape 129 1020 Chandler, good condition, snap 1400 3 019 Oldsmobile 6, roadster 850 3019 Oldsmobile 8, touring 90 3916 Packard, a wonderful buy.., 1400 3018 Scripps- Booth coupe 130 1019 Peerless 8, touring; not re built, onlv 1475 3920 Overland roadster; a good one 583 050 jh-mj overland 4. sedan 1010 Hudson limousine,. In fine con ditlon ; a wonderful taxicab 1020 Liberty touring 1275 1915 Dodge touring car 1916 Dodge roadster and touring.. 3017 Dodge touring 1917 Dodge sedan 3 018 Dodge roadster and touring.. 1918 Dodge sedan 3019 Dodge touring 1920 Dodge touring DELIVERY CARS. 1918 Dodse. screen-side delivery.. 425 575 650 975 71! 5 1150 825 950 725 . 1918 Dodge, panel, good shape 775 3019 Chevrolet, panel delivery 400 3920 Ford delivery, starter 1918 Buick delivery 400 CADILLACS. Used Cadillac sales have been stimu lated greatly owing to the excellent stock of rebuilt and refinlshed cars- now on hand. This is a good time to se lect one of these excellent cars instead of Investing the same money in some new but cheaper car. All Cars Guaranteed and Sold on Easy Terms. WE ARE OPEN SUNDAY. 21st and Washington. Main 6244. Also a big display at the new Broad way salesroom downtown. Call at the salesroom most convenient for you. Our automobile transportation service makes it quickly possible for you to look over our entire stock. BROADWAY USED CAR BRANCH. 28-30 N. Broadway. Main 6 '2 4 4. SACRIFICE SALE USED CARS OF MERIT. These cars will sell at these- prices; get one while they last: GARDNER touring, demonstrator, latest model $1000 LIBERTY, 4-pass. sport model.... 1250 HUFMOBILE. 5-pass. touring 700 OAKLAND, 5-pass. touring, model 84 B 800 NATIONAL, 4-pass. sport mode":... 600 OAKLAND, 5-pass. touring, model 34 H 750 MITCHELL, 2-pass. roadster 600 OAKLAND, 5-pass. touring, model 34 700 OAKLAND 8. 7-pass. touring 500 SCRIPPS-BOOTH touring, demon strator, latest model 1000 OA KLAND, 6-pass. touring, model 34 675 OAKLAND roadster, model 32 350 OAKLAND tourings (2), models 34; each 400 OAKLAND touring car, model 32. 500 STUDEBAKER touring car, spe- t cial price of 250 EXCELSIOR motorcycle, at special - price of 75 Many others at equally good pIces. Cash or terms, liberty bonds at face. OPEN NIGHTS AND SUNDAYS. Broadway 41H4. WILLAMETTE MOTORS CO., 100 North Broadway at Flanders. BUICK light six. D-45 model. In fine condition: private owner; terms. Call evenings between 6 and 7. 352 East 12th. Phone East DURT TOURING. Bought new about a month ago, care fully broken in and really better than new. Spare tire and cover, motometer. spotlight, bumpers, etc. Buying sedan and will sacrifice for $075. with $20u down. Cost me $1356.35. BJ blO, Ore gontan. FORD BUGS OF ALL KINDS. Any style or shape of Ford bug you want can be found here. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, Grand Ave; and East Yamhill. Open evenings and Sundays. East 471. West Side Branch Broadway at Glisan. 11)20 STUDEBAKER big C; has five extra, good cord tires, has the original paint and you can ha.rd ly tell It from a new one; guaranteed to be mechanically per fect; will take car in trade or will sell verv cheap and give easy terms. Call Propgt. Broadway 3006. REO 6 TOURINF car in very fine condi tion at a price that will startle you. Here' your chance to buy a real car for, about 50c on the dollar of real worth. See Mr. Jager. Northwest Auto Co.. 18th and Alder. Phone Bdwy. 14ti0 1020 PAIGE. -pa. : has been run less than 5OO0 miles: has new cord tires all around: this car Is .lust like new in every way; will accept small car ae part pay ment or sell on eaay terms. Call Propst. Broadwav 3606. 1020 CUALM ER3 5-pass. ; has SI I vert own ct-rUs ail around; just been overhauled and Is a real buy at the price asked. WiH tHke email car as part payment, lontr. e.iy terms on balance. Call Propst, Broadway 0 1 5. 1020 STEPHENS Salient Six, sport model, all in A-l condition in every way; some buv at the price asked: some cash and balance on easy terms. Call propst. Broad w a y S 905. FORD SEDAN, driven less than 1000 miles, starter, dem. rims, new spare tire, shock absorbers, bumper, etc. ; terms ; trade in Ford touring. Billlngsley Motor Co., Hawthorne ave. at 8th. East 720. I HAVE two cars in good running condi tion', good rubber and good paint; have 21 licenses; $100 down on either car, bal ance on eay terms. Call Propst. Broad way aoofl. 1010 PAIGE. 7-oafis.. just been overhauled from tem to stern; has six good cord tres. good paint and OH! how cheap. Small payment down, balance on easy terms. Call Propst. Broadway ".606. 1018 OLDS 8. guaranteed to be in perfect condition, for sale for $700; good paint end good tires: terms, yes. Call Propst, Broaawav ;;ao.. BRAND-NEW Ford bug. Gray & Davis starting and lighting system, spare tire, 2 spotlights, etc. ; $500. Call Dumaia, Bdwv. 2270. BUG ART SM ITU'S famous raclna: car. equipped with motorcycle engine; some real advertising car for Eale for $150; terms, yes. t all Propst. Bdwy. 3005 1020 STEPHENS roadster, overhauled from stem to stern ; jcood paint and good cord tlrej; a real snap; will take car in trade; rw te r m a. can rropei. roaflw ay 3 hob. BUICK SIX Motor overhauled, new tires. new paint, some buy for $800. See it at Wller Motor Co.. N. W. cor. 15th and v. asningron- CHANDLER Dispatch in A-l condition ; wire wheel: a very classy car; thia car mu?t be soia: aon t overlook it; good terma. v .i i .pros a way atiuo FOR SALE. 1020 Ford coupe. A-l shape $150 cash Balance easy terms. Phone .Main ,7W4. 102O OLDS 0 touring, cash purchase, spare tire, spotlight etc, $1050. Call Dumaia, tiroaaway -.iw. W E TEAR 'em up and sell xh pkcm Portland Auto Wrecking Co 631 Aids near 17th. Bdwy. 5254. perfect shap?. like new. Price $65o. Easy terms. Call Wdln. lo4. MUST sell linn Ford In perfect snape, all new rubber. Price dfrt cheap, ea&y term. Call Wdln. 154. $47.i OAKLAND light six. Just think of it. Only $475. It's at Weller Motor Co., N. W. cor. 15th and Washington. FRANKLIN touring car at real bargain Call Wood lawn 1S8S. PARTS Oregon Auto Wrecking Co., Belmont, near 6th. 1020 DODGE roadster, cord tires, $750. Call East 6088. 1010 FORD touring car In A-l condition. cheap for cash. Call ownT, Wdln. 6337. SACR I F1C E 10 Ford touring. starter Mock, extras. $325. Tabor 16G0. $400 CASH 1018 Hupmobiie for tirst-claos condition. eU. 065. S750; FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. 20 HUDSON SPEEDSTER. "Wire wheels, 5 of . them cord tires and all the tools and instruction book that cornea with It when it left the. factory. Now we wiU sell this car Jst like you can buya new one ; guarantee it and service it; give any trial you like be fore you pay for it, and sell it with $SiK down. bai. $100 per month for 30 months. Take late model roadster in trade or liberty bonda. ltith and Alder streets. M URPHY MOTOR CAR CO. A REBUILT MARMON. This car should not be confused with an ordinary "used oar," for this car has been thoroughly serviced in our own shops and Is guaranteed the same as a new car. Here is your opportunity to buy a real Marmon touring car at less money than you would pay for an in ferior new car. You will see the value at a glance. Mr. Goodfellow, Northwest Auto Co., 18th and Alder. Phone Bdwy. 1460. 1919 VELIE In fine condition every way; good tires, new paint; Just the car for that vacation trip you are planning: easily worth several -hundred dollars more than the $00 I am asking; $l20 cash, bal ance $44 per month. 553 Taylor street, west side. NEW AND USED OAKLAND SEDANS SACRIFICED. - New sedans will be sold at $375 undet present retail price; $1600 takes any one of these new sedans. Sedan demonstrators at a wonderful price. Will show or dem onstrate at any time. Open nights and Sundays. Phone Broadway 41S4. Wil lamette Motors company. 100 North Broadway at Flanders. , FORD COUPE. 1919 coupe; extras; first-class shape; looke new; price $625. Terms) If you wish. Call today. Auto. 224-36. 20 CHANDLER DISPATCH. This new car. Has only been run 44 0O miles and has all the tools and other things that come from the factory with It. Cord tires. 1 extra. Extra low price and terms. Take bonds) or car In trade and give service same ' as new car: also take $600 down. bai. oat year, ltith and Alder st. MURPHY MOTOR CAR CO. 1917 BUICK little six touring. In fine shape: pantasote top, good tires, extra tire and tube; a real snap, $600; terms to responsible party. Phone Tabor 4430. A CADILLAC FOR $250. No, its not a 1021 model by any means, but it has lots more miles In it than lots of new cheap cars. Motor re cently overhauled and runs very smooth ly. Tires far better than average. Look it over. Mr. Wareham, Bdwy. 1460, Northwest Auto Co., 18th and Alder. BUICK. "-PASSENGER, TOURING. I want to get in touch with someone who knows a real car when they see it. This car Is far better than the average used car and you can buy it at a real bargain price. Might consider a light used car as part payment. Call Mr. St. George. Bdwy. 1460. MITCHELL ROADSTER. This car is in fine condition mechanic ally and looks well; will give rigid test. I will be glad to demonstrate; must sell, so wiil sacrifice for $600 cash or terms, liberty bonds at face. Mr. Stover, phone Broadway 4184. See car at corner Broadway and Flanders. A HUFMOBILE FOR $575. To the man who appreciates real value in automobiles we offer this Hup mobile touring car for only $575; in very good mechanical condition, good tires; reasonable payment down, balance eany terms. See or' call Mr. Jager, ?rthwest Auto Co.. Bdwy. 1460. '19 MAXWELL TOU R I N'G. Thia fin light four is reflnished and looks and runs fine, new tirea and 1 extra mounted, full set of tools and car is ready for any trip. Low price with terms, pome down, bai. eaay. Take bonds. 614 Alder st. MURPHY MOTOR CAR CO. SEE THIS COLE AERO 8. Cole Aero 8 touring car, slightly used, at a big reduction In price. Don't con fuse this with the ordinary used Cole. Demonstration cheerfully given. Mr. St. George. Bdwy. 1460. Northwest Auto Co., 18th and A'.der. NATIONAL 4-PASS. SPORT MODEL. $000 buys one of the best cars you ever looked at for that price: runs and rides fine, looks like $3000; am forced to sell, hence my low figure; will show car to you upon request. Phone Broadway 4184, Mr. Clover. HAVE good stage run with room for three cars and no railroad competition. If interested call Mr. Wilkinson at Bdwy. 3231. HUFMOBILE TOURING CAR $700. Here is a real value, car in fine con dition, will give wonderful service; will not last long at this price. See It and try It. it is the famous model N and will stant rigid test. Call Mr. demons, Broadway 41S4. See car at 100 North Broadway. A REAL BUY. One of the classiest Ford" bugs in town. $385, easy terms. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, Grand Ave. and East Yamhill. Open evenings and Sundays. East 471. West Side Br.inch Broadway at Gliaan- FORD TOURINGS. Good Ford tourings, $175 and up; long. eaiy terms. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Grand Ave. and East Yamhill. Open evenings and Sundays. East 471. West Side Branch Broadway at Glisan. FORD ROADSTER. We have some dandy buys In late models, starter-equipped roadsters. ' UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, Grand Ave. and East Yamhill. Open evenings and Sundays. East 471. West Side Branch Broadway at Gil san. LIBERTY. 4-PASS. SPORT MODEL. Must pell this car quickly, so I wilt take a fair offer; looks and runs like new, is in wonderful condition; a dem onstration will convince you of Its value. - Call Mr. Trndewell. Broadway 4184. See car at 320 Flanders. WHILE THEY LAST. NEW .OAKLAND TUUKlU C ArtS, Xll'KJ. Prevailing retail price $1373. save $275, terms. Open Sundays and nights; will gladly demonstrate at any time. WILLAMETTE MOTORS CO.. 100 N. Broadway. Phone Bdwy. 4184. NEW OAKLAND TOURING CARS. $ 1 100 delivered to you. A saving of $275 less than retail. These cars retail at $1375. Buy while they last. Terms. Phone Bdwy. 4184. Willamette Motors company. Open Sundays. 100 North Broadway at FIandr. 7-PASS. FORD BUS. - Late model Ford bus. $375. terms. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Grand Ave. and East Yamhill. Open evenings and Sundays.. Eaxt 471. West Side Branch Broadway at Glisan. FORD DELIVERY FOR $375. If you are looking for a good Ford delivery for only $375 you will find it at the Northwest Auto Co., 18th and Alder. Call Joe Goodfellow, Bdwy. 1460. 1O20 FORD touring, demountable good tires and extras. Connecticut ignition sys tem, hot spot, speedometer, foot throttle and other extras. Special price for quick m .Bale, terms. Call Ea st 3S40. CADILLAC touring car. run about 4000 miles, looks and runs like new; written guaranty for 6 months; any old car in trade; price $h35; self -starter and cord tires. See J. W. at 210 Jefferson st. 1921 FORD touring with demountable rims speedometer, gas llgnts ; will sacrlnoe," as I need some cash immediately; tertns to responsible party. Call East 7338. 1021 NEW OLDSMOBILE roadster, used 2 weeks; take touring car in trade or sac rifice for $1250, terms if desired. 351 Burnside st. SACRIFICE BY OWNER. Leaving town, must sell at once my VeMe sport model for $1100 cash. Mar. 2146. OLDSMOBILE 8 Don't Pa this up at $550. You sure will get a bargain. Weller Motor Co., X. W. Cor. Washington at 15th. $ 20r i S OUR price on one of those good Maxwells. If? a real bargain. Weller Mo tr Co., N. W. cor. 15th and Washing ton. 1920 FORD coupe, all extra equipment. 4 good tires, 1 spare; a reai bargain ; private party; $6fu, terms. W 843, Ore- gonian. F O R SALE: 1020 Cole 8. first-class coi d it ion ; never used in winter; must sell before Aug. 1. N 801. Oregonian. 1021 DODGE roadster, must be sold at once. Inquire 761 Williams avenue, be tween 5 and 7. s OLDSMOBILE 6 demonstrator, run 1000 miles, will take light used car In trade, give terms. Call Dumais. Bdwy. 227". DODGE, best buy in the city, new tires, top and paint. Phone Marshall 5032. ask f o r M r. Seec lOiO OLDS 8. Pacemaker, in A-l condition, service with this car. Call Duffy, Bdwy. 2 2 TO. 1910 and 1921 OLDSMOBILE roadster, lightweight, cheap, terms. Call Dumais, B-oad way 2270. - lit 20 OLDS S. excellent condition, cord tires; snap buy. Call LaBounty, 737 East Tay lor st. E. 3158. . FOR SALE Reo 6. 7-paasenger. in first claps condition, cheap for cash. Call Auto. 222-06. DODGR touring, good condition, cheap for cash. A 815. Oregonlan. MUST seTl. lOlS Ford touring, $275. Call Auto. 633-t6. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. THE USED CAR WAREHOUSE. Grand Ave. at East Taylor. Portland's Largest Used Car Store. Following im a small' sample of our stock, prices are surprisingly low and we give easy terms. 1020 Dodge touring. Lata Winton 6. 191 S Ford touring. 1017 Ford touring. 1019 Reo touring. -1010 Hudson Super. 1016 Franklin touring. 1016 Haynes, fine shape. 1017 Maxwell touring cheap. 1014 Stuts bug. 1016 Oldsmobile eight cheap. 1020 Hupmobiie touring. 1015 Chevrolet touring. 101S King Eight cheap. THE USED CAR WAREHOUSE!. Grand Ave. at East Taylor. USED CAR BARGAINS. 1019 Nash, lots of extras. 6 cord tires; guaranteed. 1020 Maxwell roadster, run 6000 miles $525 1918 Country Club overland, wire wheels; good tires $450 1015 Cadillac 8. Think of -this for $875 191S Ford Sedan ...$450 1919 Pan-American, ' run 3000 miles, for $loo0 1918 Nash, overhauled, cord tires -for $O0O PORTLAND MOTOR CAR ?0., , 10th and Burnalde. Bdwy. 521. VRANSON'S USED CAR EXCHANGE. 1915 Ford touring, as is 135 1016 Ford roadster, Al 15 1017 Ford roadster, extras 250 1917 Ford touring, snap 20a 1918 Ford touring, extras 8-5 1020 Ford roadster, Al shape 3W5 1020 Ford touring, starter, extras. - 405 1021 Ford touring, starter, extras. 600 1018 Chevrolet touring, new tires.. 325 1019 Chevrolet touring, overhauled 450 1020 Chevrolet express, cord tires.. 450 1016 Dodge touring, new top 175 1917 Overland 75 touring 400 3019 Overland 90, country club 500 1921 Overlartd 4 roadster, like new B05 1017 Buick 6 touring, overhauled.. 750 1019 Buick 6 touring, sacrifice 1050 1017 Hup 4 touring, f iret-cla&s . . . . 850 1017 Cole 8, 7-passenger 625 3912 Packard 30, 7-passenger, Al. 450 1016 Jackson 6, 7-passenger, Al.. 350 Paige bug. top and fenders. . 175 VRANSON'S USED CAR EXCHANGE, Union Ave. and Belmont St., Upstairs. Open nights and Sunday. East 4376. FACTS AND FIGURES. BIG -BRICE SALE ON NEW CARS. Positively the biggest cut ever made on new automobiles. We are actually selling new Elcars at just about half their original price. Four-cylinder, regular price, $1795; our price, $050. While they last. We have one 6-cylinder Elcar left at $1250. This is also about half the regu lar price. COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. STANDARD EIGHT MOTORS CO., Park and Couch, Sis., Portland. Or. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. Bought new last yeanr electric lights, starter, electric horn, bumper, demount able rims; extra tire and tube; 2 spot lights, new lock steering wheel ; dome light mirror, accelerator, special oiling system and water pump. Sunshade, shock absorbers, etc. Best equipped Ford sedan in the city, with nearly $200 worth of extras and $750 buys it. Smith Wall Paper House. 110 Second. LATE 1020 model light car with Miller cord tires and other extras. Never been off pavement ; run but 5 (KM) miles and is in excellent con- dition and appearance every way, at sacrifice price; terms. Phone Woodla wn 1543. ROADSTER, $123 DOWN. Late model, brand-new seat covers, full leather top, good tires, one extra mounted, refinlshed, new battery, set .tools and set Weed chains; runs fine. Bai. purchase price $20 per month for 10 months. 514 Alder &t. MURPHY MOTOR CA R CO. '10 OLDS SIX TOURING. This fine light six U reflnished and will stand any teat you wirh to give It. Has good tires and one extra and full set tools; looks just like brand-new car; come and trjfr it all day. Low price and will take car In trade or $50 down, baL monthiy. 16th and Alder st. MURPHY MOTOR CAR CO. - NEW ALLEN AT DISCOUNT. Our best offering this week is a brand new Allen touring car at a big discount. This is a good car and is a real buy at the price, offered. See Mr. Johnson. Northwest Auto Co., 18th and Alder. .Phone Bdwy. 1460. . PAIGE BARGAIN. 3019, 5-passenger. thoroughly Late overhauled and reflnished: car like new cord tires; sacrifice for $1350; will take diamond or first mortgage or good lot as first payment, balance monthly. Mr. Argo. Broad way 328 1 . 1017 HUP. MODEL N. Completely overhauled, new paint, new top, new battery ; car hasn't been run for over 2 years; will take lighter car in trade or sell very reasonable; most any terms. Call Mar. 575. FORD racer, underslung. new. $325. 129 E. Water St. Auto. 231-64. 1919 SEVEN-PASSENGER. Chandler. 5 wire wheels, good tires and spare, bumper and spotlight; will sell reasonable. Call Bdwy. 4006 be tveen 2 and 5. 1D20 HUPMOB1LB COUPE. 5 cord tires, two bumpers, well equipped and In fine condition. Chance to get a popular car at a bargain price. Billings. ey Motor Co., Hawthorne ave. t: 8th. East 720. ONLY $550 for this Stearns Knight, 1018; needs paint, but is overhauled; terms. Mr Argo, Broadway 3281. A RARE BARGAIN. 1920 Maxwell 5 passenger, A-l condi tion. Cail owner, Mr. Anderson, Broad way 22 70. OAKLAND six touring, looks good ; runs fine: good rubber; only $425. A buy for someone who wants a good light car. Bdwy. 1572. Mr. Jungers. ELGIN SEDAN SNAP. 1918, 5-passenger, overhauled, refin lshed, good tires, a beautiful little car. $075. terms. Mr. Argo. Broadway 3281 MODEL "X" HUP. cord tires, good me chanically. $050, terms- Trade in Ford. Billlngsley Motor Car Co., Hawthorne ave. at Sth. East 720. CHANDLER DISPATCH In A-l condition five cords; oniy run 3500 miles. Owner gone east, leTt with me lor sale. Mr. J ungers, Bdwy. loi 1020 FORD sedan, by-private party, spare tire, shock absorbers and spotlight; must sell at once. Can arrange terms. 722 Shuyier street. HUDSON, 7-pasa. If you want a real car for a small price, see this; good condi tion throughout; fine rubter. Only $500. Mr. Jungers, Bdwy. 1572. WINTON SIX. This is in excellent con dition ; sure some stage car: owner go ing east so must sacrifice. Air. Jungers, 1918 FORD touring" this car Is in the best of condition, and a bargain ; private parry. cast. i'u. POPULAR six. touring car, like new, will take diamonds as part payment, balance cash or terms, an. au, oregonlan. BUICK 4 bug. $100 if sold at once- trade for diamond. 209 E. 20th st. N. alter t ai- 1918; worth $1800; sacrifice "for $1400, terms. Jir. gi. aroauway n-rsl, 120 OVERLAND light 4 $575, terms. Trade in Ford. Btllingsley Motor Co., Hawthorne ave. at 8th. East 720. 1920 CHEVROLET. Good condition, only $550, terms. Ai;o. Broadway 3281. PACKARD twin six, 5-pass.. fine shan 25oo. Will take smaller car and-cash. 4:.i w hi tarns. MAX Vv ELL., in nne condition ; new too : five good tires; looks dandy; for oniy 1010 CHEVROLET. 5-pasa. tourine car l fine mechanical condition, will sacrifice and give easy terms. Phone East 1962. 1120 CUDS light six, well equipped; $1050, trade in Ford. Billlngsley Motor Co., Hawthorne ave. at Sth. East 720. 400 CHEVROLET, like new, $485. terms. Trade in ora. -ouiing-siey Motor Co.. H a wthorne ave. at 8th. East 72 0. 1021 FORD coupe; I will save you the eec- ond-hana aeaier s pront. tan East 35 70. HUDSON bug, $350, in good condition. 34 r.ast uuiitu. FOR SALE Studebaker conpe, old car. 1U. 1919 FORD touring with $350 B 822. Qregonian. tarter block HUDSON bi a-pass, license; must sell this wee n- ai. warn. 2831 FOR SALE iuica. six. $675; in fia conouion. pw'icr cast A-iUl. MODEL N HUP. A-l condition, extras. snap tot ' Qgoj, $100 DOWN, balance easy, buva " light touring car. Bdwy. 2329. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. BARGAIN PRICES. LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM SAFETY AND SATISFACTION. "v7e rebuild hofh Hudson and Essex used automobiles and ei them with a warranty the same given with the purchase ot new cars. We also give 00 days' re service, the same as is given ' on new cars. On other makes of automobile that we trade in we repair and overhaul them so that used care that are not sold with a warranty are in first-class condition and. are sold with ten days free trial, subject to their being returned with full credit on any other car you may select. 1917 Hudson sport model, re built throughout, over sire cord tires, now be ing repainted. A won derful automobile and a bargain $1300 1918-1919 series Hudson Su per Six. rebuilt and re painted, sold with the warranty .-. 1 - 1920 Hudson Super Six. re built and repafvited. sold with the warranty 1775 1920 Hudson Speedster, like a brand new car; sold , with the warranty 1830 1919 Essex automobile, re built and repainted, sold " with the warranty..... 1125 1920 Ewx, like new. sold with the warranty 12j0 1919 Maxwell, all gone over, repaired and repainted; a fine little car &75 1919 Grant six, a dandy little car. good tires, good paint, and in fine run ning condition, excellent buy at 675 1919 Chalmers, first -class con dition throughout 1030 1919 Chandler. In first-class condition, wire wheels, cord tires. A reai buy at 1100 1918 Haynes light six Chum my roadster; all In fine condition, a bargain at. 700 1920 Olds 8, 4-pass.. sport model, fine condition, good tires excellent buy at 1100 1920 Studebaker special six, full cord equipment and a bargain at 1400 Our store for these used-car bar gains at 40-46 North Broadway, which Is Broadway and Couch st. Phone Broadway 5730 or Marshall 867. Open evenings and Sundays. C. I. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. USED CAR BARGAINS. One Dodge, $oO. One Allen, $500. One Baby Grand Chevrolet, $400. One Saxon six, $325. One Ford. $325. One Overland, $200. One Stewart truck, 44 -ton, $300. LONG &. SILVA, 462 Hawthorne. FORD BUG. Fine rebuilt car. ail new tires and can do all the ha on high and L re finished bright red body with cream gears and wheels; looks fine, low price of $325: take $125 down. bai. easy. Take late model touring and pay cash differ ence. 10th and Alder ets. ML'RPH Y M OTUR CAR CO. 1920 PAIGE LARCHMOUNT. One of those snappy 4-pass. sport models, perfect- mechanical condition, good tires, spotlight, bumpers and wind deflectors, runs and looks just like new; will take small car as part payment, terms to responsible party. Phone E. 2177. Will for qu'Ck sale. 4-CYLINDER. 4 -passenger, sport model Mercer. $600. 120 IS. water st. Auto. 231-64. 20 ESSEX TOURING. This fine light hrgh-powered car la just like new ; has fine tires and all the tools and other extras: runs fine, needs nothing; low price and take $4O0 down or take car of late model in trade. 514 Alder st. MURPHY MOTOR CAR CO. FOR QUICK SALE. 1919 Ford touring, starter type, instru ment bed, clock, dash light, motometer, shock absorbers and many other extras; no dealer; $375 takes It. Call' 940 East Main or phone Tabor 2336 mornings or between 6 and 7 evenings. ALMOST brand-new classy 6 cylinder chummy 4-passenger beauty, with many extras, only run 1900 miles; cost $2450 ; must raise money; price $1450, terms. Owner. East 6228. PAIGE BARGAIN. A Paige kowner is always satisfied; 1919 model, mechanically perfect; sacri fice. $1250; terms $400 down. Mr. Argo, Broadwav 32SI. KING S, seven-passenger car. A-l condi tion, driven less than lO.miu miles: price $850. Inquire for owner, Wm. M.Hoover, at grocery in tourists' auto park, acroaa from Peninsula park. WE CARRY a full line of auto accessories, tubes. Ford parts, light globes, etc Also do towing. Open day and night. LONG 6t SILVA. Phone Ea3t 6840 462 Hawthorne. 1921 FORD sedan: speedometer, shock ab. and many extras: only used two months, like new; must be sold this week: wiil sacrifice, terms. Car at 242 Killings- . worth ave. Phone Woodlawn 5S92. YOUR OPPORTUNITY. 1921 Ford sedan, fully equipped and brand new; extra tires and tubes, chains and a complete set of tools. Call Tabor 0254 any evening. 1919 OLDSMOBILE speedster, factory fin ish, cord tires, one extra tire with tire cover, one bumper and spotlight. A good buy at $1100. Call Auto. 218-11. BIG STOCK USED CAB. a , PRICES RIGHT. No Misrepresentations. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. HUDSON SUPER-SIX. Cord tires, good mechanical condition: just the thing for a stage car; Don't miss this : $750. terms. Bdwy. 126v. HUDSON SPEEDSTER, 1020-21 series, ex cellent mechanical condition, good paint ; a sacrifice. Buy it and save money. Tabor 2634. 1921 FORD coupe, run 2S00 miles, perfect condition, never off pavement, over $100 . extra equipment, including 1 new tire. Phone Automatic 517-40. APPERSON SEDAN. Will sacrifice for $2000 less than cost, run only 4000 miles, good as new. See M r. Argo, Broadway 3281. ' 1018 OAKLAND SIX, newly painted, over sized tires on rear and extra, new bat tery, spotlight, all for $750. AE 828, Qregonian. SACRIFICE Veile bug. $20; starter, lights, spotlight, demountable rims. 1 spare, top. everything in good condition. 552 E. 20th st. Sell. 3172. KING 8. , New King, never licensed: extra tire, wind deflectors, spotlight, bumpers, cord tires, etc; $1750, terms. Bdwy. 1269. 1916 DODGE TOURING. $400. 1020 Chevrolet, touring, -new tires, new battery. $500 handles. Call Mr. Frohman. Bdwy. 321. " 1021 HUDSON touring limoiine, like new in every way; run very little. Chas Af fo'leu 428 Yamhill st. Phone Marshall 76H. MITCHELL FOUR, overhauled, repainted, new top. 5 good tires, $150 down will handle, balance to suit. Bdwy. 2329. ' ELGIN LIGHT SIX in perfect condition ; a trood Ford as part payment. Bdwy. 2329. FOR SALE J S) 16 Ford; a family car; on account leaving city; fine condition. Call Tabor 4193. Cheap. 1920 FORD tourinpr with starter; extras: good rubber, $500 and terms. Bdwy. 1572, evenings East 5186. LATE 1020 Maxwell touring In perfect condition; cord Urea all around. Phone own er. ast 1920 CHEVROLET touring, guaranteed for 90 dyi, same as new car. Will sacrifice for $550 with terms. Phone East 178. FO RD touring, in good shae. Call Col. 432 Automobiles Wanted. CARS Wanted to wreCK; parts for all cara for 8. & S. Auto Wrecking Co., 13th and Alder. Broadway 636. WILL pay cash for small light touring car; must be good and have starrer equipment; no juna. r tssrj, Qregonian. CASH for all makes of cars: condition no object. 414 Glisan. cor. 10th. Bdwy. 293. SPOT cash for late Ford. 457 E. oSth. Taboriwi-. HAVE cash for 17, 18 or be bargain. Aut. 230-59. 19 Ford; must WANTED Best Ford $300 cash will buy - 36 E. Ankeny. Call days. FURNITURE, hlgh claap. to exchange for late moaei car. .-yn gcnuyier W'AKT good uwed Dodge, cheap for cash. Tabor 19 45. FOB SALE AlTOMOmLES, Automobile Wanted. AUTOMOBILE WANTED. Will exchange two choice lots at Salts It station, Ttilamook beach, near depot and hctcl; adjoins board walk, county road end railroad; faces the Pacific ocean: also AO by about 140 feet, suitable for busi ness or for cottace; will pay some dlf ferenefc. Address Y 724. Oregonlan. CASH FOR CARS. I want to buy for spot cah Bulcke, tour ing and roadsters: Chevrolet. Maxwells, Fords. Dodges. Bring your car to me and get money. Phone 513-67. Late models only, ltith and Alder sts. MURPHY MOTOR CAR CO. TRADE four nice level building lots in Rochester. Wash., for your old automo bile. Ford or other light car. See owner. W. S. Evans. Arlington hotel, until FTl- day. WILL exchange clear lots near Oswego lake for substantial equity in Ford and assume. What have you? O 832, Ore gonian. WANT light car or bug ; must be first class shape and cheap; have clear lot in Linn county town and some cash. Mar. 6779. WE WILL loan you money on your auto mobile. GRANNING A TREECE. 542 Alder St. Bdwy. 1723. WE WRECK THEM. Highest cash price paid for old cars, condition no object. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO.. Third and Glisan. LATE model Chevrolet, or juick. must be in good order and cheap. Phone Broad- way 3658 or call 350 Burnalde. WE FAY cash for late model light cara Used Car Warehouse, Grand ave, and ii. Taylor CASH for roadster, must be cheap. What have you? LaBounty, 737 E. Taylor, or E. 315S. HAVE lot or equity in lots in El Tovar addition to trade for light cap. Y 837. Qregonian. 100 CARS wanted to wreck- condition ni object. Oregon Auto Wrecking Co., 428 iielmo n t, near 6 th. East 4569. WANTED Used Dodge or Buick roadster for cash; full details first letter, li 83d, Oregonlan. e-KOOM modern bungalow, close in, would take good late model light car, balance cash, for my equity. East 5116. LATE model Ford touring, with starter. Call Auto. 633-68. ' . Motorcycle. 1010 CLEVELAND motorcyclo in A dition ; a real buy: terms, yes. Propst. Broad 3ay 3-605. 1 con Call INDIAN 2-speed. Good tires. Presto-lite, $100. Man-shall Z4o7. 10 to A. AL., 7 to 8 P. M. MOTORCYCLES and parts, all makes. , EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO., 44-46 Grand ave. 1O20 INDIAN motorcycle and side car in perfect condition: easy payments. Call Propst. Broadway 30o6. MOTORCYCLES, many to select from, at greatly reduced prices; easy terms Bdwy. 2320. FOR SALE On easy terma, 1021 Harley Davidson motorcycle with sidecar and a lot of other extras. Call Sell. 2379. 1010 H A RLE Y -DAVIDSON motorcycie; all In A-l condition: small payment down. Call Propst. Broadway 3606. TRADE Buick bug for Excelsior or Hen derson. 1106 Rural, cor. 41st S. E. Call after 6 P. M. , 1910 INDIAN motorcycle. Ford. East 4376. will trade for 1010 INDIAN twin and sidecar, will trade for car. 150 Union ave., upstairs. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 204-20C 3D ST. MAIN 6139 An to mo biles for Hire. AUTOS FOR HIRE, with or without driv ers. Day or night service. COUCHMAN GARAGE. 19th and Couch. Broadway 3696. Kerne m oer our number. Broadway 3606. JAKE'S Used Car Exchanee. S25 Glisan, between Broadway and Sixth. Bdwy. 5593. Open Sundays and evenings; new cara for hire without drivers; reasonable rates. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New 1020 models, reasonable rates. 132 12th st.. bet. Washington and Alder. Broadway 840. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. L. L SULLIVAN. FASHION GARAGE MAR. 232. 10TH AND YAMHILL A 1230. H. S. BENNETT, CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE. THIRD AND TAYLOR. MAIN 1687. FOR HIRli-NEW 7-PASSENGER WITH DRIVER. MAIN 1536. AUTOMATIC 1020 5-PASS. BUICK FOR HIRE. DRIVER. BROADWAY 3547 FORD, competent driver; go and get back. Tab 102S. FOR SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. 2'i -ton GER-SIX, lots of speed, lots of power; will pay for itself In a short time $ 775 2-ton GMC. new tlre3 on all four wheels, every part of this machine is in the very best of condition ; has run exclusively on pavement and we consider it to be one of the best buys in our shop. vWe are backing it with the Bme liberal guarantee that applies to our new trucks. 1950 2-ton Federal, thoroughly over hauled from start to finish, ail standard units, such as Continental motor, Brown Lipe transmission and Tim ken rear axle 1250 l-ton GMC, on pneumatic tires. We are overhauling this truck at the present time. This is an excellent machine for work in soft fields where traction is im possible for solid tires 1250 IH-ton Nash, overhauled, self- etarter, electric ngnts ana cab j 1-ton GMC. carefully over hauled from stem to stern, ail the tires are in first-class condition and there are - years of hard work in this truck 1-son Moreland on solid tires, overhauled from start to fin ish; all standard units and a bargain at e. 1-ton Republic, on solid tires, first-class open express body, cab and windshield, in good mechanical condition 34 -ton GMC. 33x5 pneumatic tires; a buy that will be difficult to duplicate any w here on the coast 775 WBNTWORTH & IRWIN, INC.. 00 Second St., cor. Taylor. Portland. Or. v ' NEW I NEW! NEW! We have 6 uiew STANDARD TRUCKS to be sold at a little more than half of the retail prico, and we will give terms; thtse 'are 1-ton trucks equipped with either solid or pneumatic Urea. THE USED CAR WAREHOUSE, Grand Ave. at East Taylor. FORD PANEL DELIVERIES. eries and are se fling them at very low prices, easy terms. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, Grand Ave. and East Yamhill. Open evenings and Sundays. East' 471. West Side Branch Broadway at Glisan. FORD DELIVERIES. We can show you anything from a tall delivery to a 1-ton truck, some as low as $ its ; easy terms. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE,. Grand Ave. and East Yamhill. Open evenings and Sundays. East 471. West Side Branch Broadway at Glisan. WANT A LIGHT TRUCK? A -ton Oldsmobile chassis, repaint ed and looks like new, and fine shape mechanically. ) ou 11 oe surprise a a the low price. Mr. St. George, North wen Auto Co., 18th and Alder. Bdwy. 14ttO. LATE model Ford ton truck, $375. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, Grand Ave. and East Yamhill. Open evenings and Sundays. Eaat 471. West Side Branch Broadway at Glisan. ATTERBL'RY truck, late model, comolete ly ovrhauled: will take light automobile In trade. Terms. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. o:n. fcve.. Aiar. ai. MACK 5-ton with body. Ia.te modeL and In excellent shape. This truck is look ing for work. Easy terma. Phone Jen- aen. Bdwy. Btn. ve.. Mar. &'J4i. 1018 DODGE DELIVEBT. See this before buying another: I'm out of business-and will sell cheap. Ta bor 5836. , - MACK 3 -ton. almost new,, license and all complete; easy terms. Can you use -it? phone Jensen, Bdwy. 691. Eve. Mar. 5241. 102( 1-TON truck, pneumatic tires. 1450. Phone Jensen. Bdwy. 601. Eve., Mar. 524 1 - WANTED 2 o wood In city. 3-ton E. 222 truck for hauling 4-TON Packard truck, on good gravel 1ob, $1575. AuL 636-4-1. 3324, 55th st, S. E. fOR 8AI.H TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. NEW! NEW! NEW! AT A BIG DISCOUNT OFF LIST PRICE, NEW REPUBLIC TRUCK'S NEW REPUBLIC TRUCKS NEW STANDARD TRUCKS NEW STANDARD TRUCKS These trucks are absolutely new and come from dealers who have to sell and are taking a tremendous loss. They svre equipped either with pneumatic or solid tires. We give easy terms. We have the following used trucks: 7 GMC trucks, late models. Wo are elllns; them completely overhauled at $850. All equipped with pneumatic tires and 1-ton trucks. 1920 Maxwell. 1-ton. 191S Republic. i-ton. 1019 Chevrolet light delivery. 1920 Chevrolet. 1-ton pneumatic 1918 Dodge delivery screen. 1019 Oldsmobile speed wagon. H18 Ford deliverv. 101 S Ford panel delivery. 1018 Selden, 2-ton. I'.nti Ger Six. 3 -ton. cheap. 1U13 Federal. 1-ton. cheap. THE VSED CAR "WAREHOUSE. Grand Ave. at East Taylor Su BARGAINS IN USED TRUCKS. Federal lH-ton with body $ 450 Reo 2-ton ith bodv 4.0 Republic -T.on with body 625 Gary 1-ton with body 750 Republic 1-ton with body 900 Republic lH-ton chassis 8-"0 GMC 2-ton chassis 850 GMC lk-ton chassis 1000 Terms Given Trades Taken. ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO., Republic Truck Distributors. Broadway 1360. Park and Everett Sts. FEDERAL 3-ton worm drive: can you beat this price. $1300: easy terms. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. 6.1. Eve., Mar. 5241. GARAGES. GARAGE SPECIAL. 100x1 00 new brick building, good re pair shop, stock and accessories; Income $10O-$140 per day. Good lease; rent $150. Only garage of any Importance In an Immense district; offered this week only for $3500. MRS. SNOW. Broadway 464. GARAGE for rent. E. 15th, near E. Oak E. 1669. Mrs. E. R. Root, 30 E. 6lh, N. cor. WTeldier. STORAGE, $7.50 mo. 40.000 square ft. Speedwell Garage. 14 th and Couch, 2 blks. from Carlton hoteL AUTO REPAIRING. YOUR auto repaired at your home or mine. Phone 220-12 ; work guaranteed. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. $12.50 UP TO $25 FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS. OVER COATS. MACKINAW'S. SHOES. CALL MEYER THE TAILOR. HE PAYS MORE THAN ANYONE IN THE CITY. WILL CALL DAY OR EVEN ING. CALL MARSHALL 1229 OR 253 MADISON'. NEA R THIR D ST. $8.50 UP TO $25. GOLDSTEIN. THE TAILOR. PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS, SHOES. ETC. BROADWAY 3f32. 243 BURNSIDE. BETWEEN SECOND AND THIRD. CALL ME BEFORE ANYONE ELSE. UP TO $35. FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. We pay any price for men's clothes. OREGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS. 117 2d St.. N. W. cor. Wasn. Main 0344. FURS. FURS. FURS. Low rent and low prices; remodeling ana repairing; furs tanned and dressed. La France Fur Mlg. Co.. 163 W. Park st. Phone Main 6529. - TO BUY. soil or trade seconl-hand furni ture and household goods, see OKI FURNITURE CO.. 209 Second. Main 4197. INVALID chair, adjustable. first-class, with springs and rubber tires. Gle price AV 983. Oregonlar. DIAMONDS bought at highest market prices. E. Deeds. 340 Washington st. WANTED To Stark St. buy ca&h register. SCHOOL book and other books bought and sold at Hy land's. 204 4th st. WANTED Showcase, casit register, sc, desks, type w rlter. M a. i 40 5 - 1 -8 K 1 rs t . DIAMOND wanted, about a karat. Must be a bargain. AR70'.).Oregon lan. WANTED A Ford delivery. road. 6411 Foster WANT tent and -complete camp outfit. Main 4405; Auto. 627-46. 128 1st St. JUNK, rags, nietalH, clothing, tools, furni; good prices. Broadway 1 fr3. WANTED A good rowboat. Address "L." 145 Hamilton ave., city. WANTED Small car from private party. cash. East WANTED Gdfed standard make piano. 4120 04ih st. S. . WANTED Kodak amateur printing box. East 61SS. 353 Vj Williams avenue. Furniture Wanted. CASH FURNITURE CASH. We n e ed used furniture, stoves, "ranges, etc., to chip out of town. Will pay higher prices than any other loal dealers. Call us up for one article or a house full, and a courteous, competent buyer will cail. Main 7714. Rosenberg's Furniture Exchange. LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! 1 am the man for you to call when selling our furniture, tools, etc., as 1 have a ready market for same, there tore can pay more than anyone else; don't forget my number, Main '5433, for one article or a full house. CALL MAIN 7S. YOUR FURNITURE AND HOUSE HOLD GOODS WANTED. WE PAY IOU MORE THAN ANY DEALER IN THE CITY" BECAUSE WE NEED THE GOODS. M A1N 73 6 CALL MAIN 8S78. We pay the highest prices for used furniture. See us before you eil. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE. Main 8878. VuU WILL benefit when selling your fur niture by calling Main 5433. as we are paying more than anyone in the city; if y o u have one article or a house full. WE BU V EVE RYTHI NG. Call Main 4058 for best prices on fur niture and household goods, tools, cloth Ing. etc. 303 First st. WE WILL buy your furniture or sell for you on commission. George Baker Co.. auctioneers. Main 3332. IT IS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE and benefit to sell, your furniture to us. Call Mar shall 2603. Crown Furniture Co. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash. Phone today. Main 4C27 or 166 1st st. WE ARE in need of your furniture. If you are ready to sell, call Bdwy. 3603. EDUCATIONAL, DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME; THE WORLD WANTS TRAINED MEN Learn advertising, the world's highest paid profession; we offer the shortest, best and most economical way into the ? advertising field; investigate our epcial ow rates and terms. Pacific School of Advertising, 606-6O9 Railway Exchange building. MOHER BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks, furnish a se: of toois to you and give some pay while learning; positions secured ; former ex service men receive state aid while at tending our school. Write or c.U for catalogue and particulars. 234 Burnslda. BE A COMMERCIAL ARTIST. MAKE BiG MONEY. Drawing taught instantly from life or models; absolute correctness guaran teed, for one month only ; free demon stration. Apply room 330, Lumber Kx- change blag. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will ; acn you the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and face massage specialty; tools free ; positions guaranteed ; pay while learning; tultloa reduced tnis trm. 233 Madison. BEHNKE-WALKER. West's largest business college. Enroll any timo; day or night school. WRITE FOR FREE CATALOGUE. Fourth, near Morrison. Phone Main 590. MODERN baroei college tea cnes trade In 8 wks.. tools furnished, some pay; position secured; special rate this month. Write or call for particulars. 234 Firs t at. MISS MATTINGLY'S private school, short hand, typewriting. 269 14th St.. near Jefferson ; $6 a month. Main 3893. LEAKN TELEGRAPHY Railway Tele graph Institute. 434 Railway Exchange ROCKY MT. Teacnerr Agency. Enroll free. Frank K. Welies. ex-sst. state lupt, Mgr N W. Bank bldg. Auto. 512-1S IF YOU WANT TO learn tne vulcanizing business call 358 East Broadway. LEARN good trade evenings. Beauty cul ture. Madam Curtis. Mar. 1702. YATES-FISHER Teachers' Agency Free registration. Main 6274. Bdwy. bldg. FISK Teacners' Agency Journ.; bidg. Main 4fe3S. Teaching position, free reg. NIGHT school beauty culture. Curtis. Marshall 1702. LEARN hemstitching, lessons given to Iim- '. lied number. 242 Alder su or Mala 207&. i EDUCATIONAL FOR A FEW days only students may reg ister at the Miller school and for $15 obtain a regular $50 Burroughs calcu lator or comptometer machine course. Course lasts six weeks and Is thorough. Miss Miller giving her personal atten tion - to these classes. Only a limited number can be admitted. - There art few office positions today where the knowledge of calculating ma chines Is not required; why not learn now at the lowest rates at an accredited school and fit yourself for a better posi tion. This course will fit you for civil service, railroad or other excellent posi tions. Apply MILLER SCHOOL. 414-15-16-17 TEOX BLDO. WHY BE OUT OF A JOB OR WORK AT AN UNDERPAID POSITION? Call at Union ave. and Wasco st. any day except Saturday, at 11 A. M.. or write for free catalogue No. 5. It will not cost you anything to find out how wo have helped over 30o graduates to good positions. We can help you, too. ADCOX AUTO A AVIATION SCHOOL, Special Inducements to ex-service men. Reduced rates J une 1 to Sept 1. AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL.. Ton want nothing but the best. Here tt la Standardised with schools In 60 other cities. Best laboratories, best shop equipment and Instructors. Actual shop practice given on real repair jobs. Results absolutely guaranteed. The time for you to go to school Is while busi ness is quiet. Prepare now for big busi ness openings in a few months, inquire Oregon Institute of Technology. Main street at Sixth. Ex-service men get STATE AID. MAKE MONEY. Be a Commercial Artist. DRAWING LEARNED INSTANTLY. From life or models in any sixe required. Absolute accuracy guaranteed in one lesson. WONDERFUL INVENTION. vree demonstration until August 15, Apply at Room 830 Lumoer Exchange BIdg. From 0:3O Until 6:30. AMBITIOUS young men. enroll In toe De Keyser Institute of Optometry and fit 'yourself for hlgb salary or an optical business of your own. Oregon ex-servlc men receive state aid. Spring term opened In March. Write for information. HELP WANTED MALE. SALESMAN wanted to call on and sell retail grocers of Portland and state of Oregon, the full line of package cereals under Quaker and Mother's brands; puffed rice, puffed wheat, etc.. do not apply unless you can sell goods; give education, age. weight, height, complexion and business expe rience: unless you are a "go-getter" and willing to work, don't waste your time or ours. Quaker Oats Co., 1607 Hoge bldg., Seattle. CABINET MAKERS , 7.40 Bricklayers 9-25 Plasterers 10.25 Paperhangers and decorators ..... 8.35 Sticker men 800 Marble cutters and copers 6.95 Marble polishers - 6.00 Bed rutters 6..M) G lass worker j .................... 7.85 Tile setters 8.35 Clumbers tf.uo Carpenters 8. 85 Painters 8.33 .Sheet metal workers 9-i5 133 N. 6TH ST. WANTED By wholesale furnishing goods house, young man of good home influ ence with thorough knowledge of short hand and typewriting; or with selling a bility will be given thF preference. Splendid opportunity for advancement. Reply in own hand-ritlng, giving age, experience and references. BC 823, Ore gonlan. A BUSINESS OP YOUR OWN. representing- a reliable established company; good territory ; experience unnecessary ; we help you succeed; eoine splendid open ings now fur middle-aged &id elderly men. TOPPRNTSH NURSERY CO.. Toppenlsn. Washington. THE PLACE best equipped to render as sistance to men and boys seeking em ployment in clerical, commercial and technical lines is the advisory and em ployment dept. of the Y. M. C. A. if jou need assistance m finding work you are cordially Invited to aik your prob lem over with one ot the secretaries. THE CLEARING house lor men and boys seeking employ men t in clerical, tech nical and commercial lines Is the ad visory and employment dept. of the Y. M C. A. Emplojers Know this and that is why we are ab3 to a5iat you even when Jobs are hard to find. WANTED A first-class experienced pan trv man ; must be good on siins, etc. Wanted, a first-claes ail-round baker's helper. must be good on bread, pies, cakes. Ice cream, etc. Seaside Hotel. Sea- er. WE HAVE an opening for a good live solicitor, calling on the business men of Portland, no competition- a hustler can make good money; no Investment re- . quired; reply, stating references. BC 822, Qregonian. ., WANTED General woodsmen capable of driving team anh-using canthook, f3 to $4 per day; board $125; only efficient, all around general workmen wanted. Cascade Lumber Co.. Casland, WTash. WANTED Good all-round restaurant man. one willing to do short-order work, open up place in morning and capable of takji:g full charge if necessary. F 826, OiVgonian. WANTED Neat appearing young man to demonstrate silk hosiery line, house to house, no delivering; permanent po sition and good pay. Apply mornings, 9 to 12. at 214 Stack Exchange bldg. WANTED Young man who is a hustler and desires connection w ith advertising concern; advertising or .-ales experience not necesarv. Call between 9 and 11 A. M., 519 Artisans bldg. WE HAVE an opening on our sale force for 2 ambi tlous young men: no exper ience necessary; big Tay while learning. Fuller Brush Co.. 61 f Stock Exch. Bidg., lifter 10 A. M. WANTED Battery and ignition man with charging outfit to share part of service station, good location. Mulford's fill ing station. 363 E. 11th st. HALF interest in good restaurant and bakery can be obtained by man of ex perience with $5uo. Mr. Wood. Bdwy. MEN WHO wish to become motion picture camera men call 1020 Chamber of Com- mercp bidg, 7 to 9 P. M. . WANTED One first-class sash and door maker. $5 per day. 8 hours. The J. G. Flook Co., Roseburg. Or W A N TED A Ch rietlan man between '0 and 60 yea rs to d rive one horse ; food home, small wage. Aut. 617-14. WORKING mill foreman, experienced In furniture line. Box C. Portland Orego nlan. 742 Market St.. San Francisco. EXPERIENCED vulcanizer; state salary wanted, and references of wnere for rrKriy employed. J 832. Qregonian. MANAGE-R for !eeiaity store: men's goods, salary and interest; must in- ' ve s t $1500. H 811. Qregonian. WANTED Florist for store work, cut of town ; must know how to make up funeral pieces, etc. Mr. Hawkins. M. 410. WANT 3 good house union) for work in Oregon bldg. carpenters (non city. Apply 510 WANTED Two men who wish to become piano tuners in easy way. S 836. Ore- gonian. WANTED All around artificial limb maker, Los Angeles, Cat. Joe Linneman. 7ti5 W. 8th st. ; . WA NT ED Experienced poultry pickera Applv produce dept.. 4th and Hoyt sts. Swift & Co. . WANTED Boy with wheel to solicit and deliver for meat market. Call 2403 East 50th. near Division. CANDY factory wants high-grade cream, marshmallow and gum man. Address KnH. Oregonlan. ' WANT Man Roofing Co., to 12 A. M. to take orders for Neollle call at job. 1357 E. 17th. 10 WANTED Bushel man dept. R. M. Gray. tailors for men's DENTAL work in exchange for electrical work on automobile. V 827, Oregoniun. I HAVE 1-ton truck; you find work, we s p tit 50-50. Brcadwa y 480 8. iOY to wash dishes and care for garden. Woodlawn 3031. SALESMAN, promote dairy company, ex- pe.rtenrfrd In some. Y 835, Qregonian. WANTED A good shingler to shingle 5 houses. Call Oak l'ark. E. H. Bollinger. W ANTED 2 or 3-ton truck for hauling wood in city. E 2226. WANTED At once, man to learn vulcan- Izlng and rtftreadi n g. 432Hawthorne ave. Help Wanted Salesmen. TRAVELING salesman, calling upon the retail drug trade, to sell a well-known and advertised line of hair nets, as side line. Address B.l 841, Qregonian. Al PHOTO ticket salesman wanted; good ticket, liberal commission. R 623, Ore- gonian. WANTED Salesman for Industrial pre ferred stock. ugden-Richarda, 02 Mc Kay bldg. FURNACE salesman capable ot meeting and dealing with contractors and buiid ere. V 826. Qregonian. REAL estate salesman with auto for work at beach balance season. Apply Gear hart Park company, Gearhart. Or. WANTED Salesman for Ford can. truck and tractors; a good opportunity for a livewire. D 814. Qregonian. SALESMAN canvassing city and country. Sensgaard Mfg. Co.. 525 Division gt. WANT ID Good coal salesman.- M 819. n. h