THE MORXIXG OREGONIAX. . TUESDAY, JULY 19, 1021 17 V FOR KENT. Furnished House. FIVE-ROOM modern furnished cottage, 3U E. 0th. near Hawthorne, 35; close in. East r23."i. Houiti for Rent Furniture for Sale. FOR RENT 5 -room bungalow with ifar afre. In excellent condition. close in, $47.50; furniture for sale. Call East 2557. FL'KMTL'RJS for sale, house for rent; a nice home, small Income; $200 will bar die. Call Main 0497. FURNITURE for sale 27 Knott st. and flat for rent. HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale, term. Mar. SIS. 167 W. Park at. , Slimmer Kfnorte. W. G. McDONALD, proprietor. Special features, a perpetual high-class art ex hibit of painting. RutiL'B fcJLK RESORT On Crater Lake Highway. A GOOD P LACE TO LINGER. At the mouth of Klk creek on Rogue river; excellent fishing and hunting. Ac commodations first-class. Guides and horses for hunting parties. Good swim ming pool. The best time of your life to be had at the Rogue Elk Resort. Trail. Or. AX IDEAL stopping place at Seaside, "The Pine Lodge." Large, eoramadioua summer home, 1 block from ocean, 3 blocks from Broadway; large lobby. 2 fireplaces, bath, shower bath and tennis court, large grounds; rates $2 per day up, with kitchen privileges. Mrs. Flora Ferguson, manager. SEASIDE For rent for season, nreely furnished co'tage, 1 blks. from ocean; large stone fireplace, porch 10x'8 feet, S beds. mcrt rt- it v and cttv water, view of ocfla n and Tillamook head. Call Main 5041. LONG REAHH KORTH BEACH INN. Directly facing ocean. Surf bathing. Large shadv grounds. Rooms $1.50 day and up. FURNISHED HOUSEfCEJ-PlNG TEXTS, J10 week. Hotel Oekiey, Port land, or X. B. Inn. Long Beach, Wash. MACLEAN S CAMP OSWEGO LAKE. One summer cottage for rent, boating, ffshlng. swimming. See caretaker at ca mp. FOR RENT by the week or for balance of July 7 rooms, bath and firep-ace, block from board walk. 4 blocks north of Seaside hotel. Wdln. 402.". WANTJSD for month of Aug.. furnished cortage at Cannon Beach. Phone Main u&M, or address S. G. Smith, 313 14th St., Portland. FOR RENT for month of August 0-room cottage at Sea view.. Wash., on boule vard and beach ; 5 beds. elec. lights. Phone Earn -tVl. FOR RENT -At Oearhart, liitle cottage, one room, all built-ins; no children; very thing new. Call East 873S. 320 East 24th st. iWASIDE, Or.. Pacific cottRges. a nevr one every day; get yours now. Furnished complete. Two beds, wood, light, water, ftlft ppr week. Apply H. P. Kimball. lANNON BEACH For August, modern furnished house, sleeping, porch, bath, hot and cold water. Address M. B. Mc Kay, Lucrctia Court. EAVlEW. Wash.. 1 large cottage with V- garage and 1 small cottage. Phone Sun day, f.ast j. jionuay tiain imn. FOR REXT until Sept. 7, 6-room cottage at Seaview., Wash., on boulevard And beach; 5 beds. elec. lights. Phone East 2651. CANNON BEACH House, beautifully lo cated; three bedrooms and sleeping porch: $13.50 wee k. Sellwood 758 WANTED Furnished house at Cannon Heath for month of Auguat. facing ocean preferred. Phone Mar. 2474. SUA SI I --ASTORIA stage leaves New Houston hotel, 72 X. Gth St., 2 A. M-, 9 A. M-: 12 noon. 3:30 P. M. FOR REXT At Pacific Beach. Wash., fur nished rooms and apartments, by day, week or month. Mrs. C. J. Erickaon. OCEAN PARK. WASH. B-r. apt., all or part of season; ref. Main 516-.'). Aak for King the p river. COTTAGES for rent, all kinds and sizes. Mrs. S. Snyder, cor. 3d st and 3d ave.. Seaside, Or. ROOMS with use of kitchen. T 1 1 nr. 104 Fourth st. Joy the 6-ROOM furnished cottage at Long Beach. 9 blocks irom depot. .ast Q3-o. SEASIDE, overlooking ocean, --room mod- ern cottage. labor i3il CANNON" BKACU cottage, tent houaea. Particular, O. L. Wlncrd. 50J Morrison. NEWPORT, OK. ; 5-room furnished cot . titga; o c e an view. W d 1 n. &-1 3 5 . Stores ana llumnfas Places. GROUXD FLOOR SPACE. 5000 to R000 square feet in con crete building, spur track, shel tered loading plat form, cement floor; good natural liKht and office space make this very desirable. Apply at warehouse. 19th and Up shur sts., or see any realtor. VEHY reasonable, centrally located on the ensr side. 2 floors. 50x100 ft. tieeu rented separately of together. Equipped with office, shipping platform, elevator, etc.; on railroad track; suitable for ware house or manufacturing purposes. C 7 .'. Oregonlan. VERY reasonable, centra! !y located on the cast side. 2 f:oors, 90x100 ft. deep; rented separately or together. Equipped with office, shipping platform, elevator, etc. On railroad track. Suitable for warehouse for manufacturing purposes. (' 750. Oregonlan. FOR RENT or lease, 100x100 on Union ave.; office and garage; fine location for woodyard. 1025 E. 17th No. Wood lawn 2433. KOIl REN T Large store In produce cen ter on Front st. jJan give long lease. Address N Oregonlan. full UElRAiJi-E space In fireproof war hou phone Broadway 8716 t Offices. FURNISHED private office and ante-room, prewnt tenant will share ante-room and telephone expense. Bdwv. 3G7. 431 U. S bank bldg. Bdwy. 32.YT. SMALL with entry room and share steno. ana telephone. In best building. AR 704. Orcgonuin. DESK room, with telephone and steno graphic service. Phone Bd wy. 3715. FRONT offices, modern. In Railway Ex change bldg. ApDiy room 312. BUSINESS OPPORTf'NITIES. REAL ESTATE OFFICE. For salt, nicely furnished real estate and business chance office with large Ustincs. soiling account leaving city; fine opportunity. WESTERN BROKERAGE) COMPAXY. S18 Northwestern Bank Bldg. BAKERY, confectionery and light grocery in apartment-house district; $3000. GORDON MORTGAGE CO.. 631 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Mitn 170. A CO E S S O R Y T I P. E STORE. Automobile row, clears $300 month : owner will invoice. Room 511 Railway Exchange CASH GROCERY Best you ever saw for the money; clean, attractive store, apart ment house district; entire price $705. Mr. Jordan with O. H. Skothelm Co., 40tt- 11 Couch bldg. $575 RESTAURANT, fine location, well equipped. $500 cash, doing a big business. See or yourself. Harper A Ro y er. 413 R ail wa y E x. bldg. DAIRY LUNCH AND BAKERY. . Excellent location, can buy half Inter est for $400; big future. Room oil Railway Kxcha nse. PARTNER WANTED. In west side, large garage, equal half interest. $ 1 :0 down. It is a money -mkrr. Room 511 Kailwav Exchange. "Fa rtn e u fok manufacturing. To look after office, check goods, deliveries, etc., a staple business, draw $ ,-0 week. Roc m 4Q1 Dekum l?d g. TaRAGE and rep.tir shop in Tillamook city for sale at invoice or trade for Portland property; 91SO0. Box 184. Till amook. Or. OR SALE Stock of groceries, invoice about 5 4000, doing over $70OO business a month; will sell at present prices. AV 33. Oregonlan. RESTAURANT CK RAP. GOOD RESTAURANT $475. 293 H X XTH ST.. COR. PETTY GROVE. BAR. G A I V. U'UAIR barber shop for sale, with living rooms in rear; 2 men working steady. Main 6175 PARTNER with $200 to take half interest in $rift0 shooting g-Uery and travel. 68 N. IMh st.. rooiA 1. O i ' R BUSINESS Is for sale. Sheet meia 1 works, we 11 -equipped shop, doing good business. A V 34. Ore gonian. j PA KTNKR for estubllslied wood working factory, good opportunity for practical in an : n-"" n ni ,es. i i pk u m hid JPOOL HALL. 5 tables, front and back bar. I cigars, candies, lunch; very central; bar- gain see this. 124 Second st. j FOR SALE Fully equipped mvat market ; and slaughter house. For particulars 3 "rite Ceo. K. Strong. Red Bluff. Cal. il'OR SALE One of the best garages In the j city ; no agents need appiy. BC 824. f00-W EST SID B grocery, living room. ; corner, $400 cash; sickness: easy terms. I H a r per tig Ro er.4 1 Railway Ex. bidg. M'AHTNEK wanted m ima'l business! can make wnce; j"o required, room 511 Uxthange. i i lKi'liiiN. two-room apt. hnuse. furnished fine business, fine opportunity. Box 66! I Hock way BfJCh. j 'Si LES can be permanently cured without i operation. Cal; or wr.te Dr. Dean. Sec ond and Morrison. t WOULD you buv or sell a business? Tell 8nnmifil 0 II enry bl 1 g. LUNCH room, doing good business, chep , lor cash. 24 X. 6th L BrSIVESa OPPORTSITlKS. WOOD saw. dandy outfit, on Cadillac chassis. Yoa can pay for this in a short time; working every day; $475. Grocery, apartment-house district. Ton can make a good living and some money here; $1100. Laving rooms. Wood business. V interest. $S00 or 2-ton truck can he used hauling wood; very little money needed. BORLAND PARSONS. 303 Stock Exchg. Auto. .Y-'.)-Q4. CORDWOOD BUSINESS. Wholesale wood business, consisting or barges, floats, gasoline engine, towboat, gasoline pump, houseboat (small), con tract with logging company, etc. Good going business, with good profit on ac count of water transportation. Mrs. Alhaugh, wtth John Ferguson, Realtor. .101 Gerlinger bidg. SAWMILL AND OUTFIT. Sawmill. Atlas engine, lxl. donkey. Jxl 1, planer. Two 5-ineh saws, log haul, log turn, small pond practically full of logs, over SOO.ono feet of timber paid for. Will consider farm or acre age or city lots. Piedmont district pre ferred. See lira. Alhaugh. with JOHN FERGUSON', Realtor. Gerlinger bldg.. . GROCERY Corner location, apartment and rcnmlnz hflUM diatric . no competi tion ; good stock and fixtures, good living rooms, nicely furnished ; 5-year lease, rent J30 month; insured for uou. Positively the best buy in Portland; will Invoice more than price asked. $2700. Call 311 Panama bldg., 3d and Alder. LOBBY CIGAR STORE. rOn I.EASR. CHEAP REXT. Old established cigar stand In one of the largest office buildings in the city; Hhm o-nnd and verv cheap rent ; reasonable price on fixtures and invoice IOCK. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 5flfl Panama Bldg.. Main 3042. PARTNER wanted In good established business: work pleasant and easy to i--rn mnt h a va fair education : experi an - tint (-.- a ft nWriPT Will tach you; if hustler we can easily clear J200 month each; price $450. 311 Panama bldg., 3d and Alder. m.APKSMTTH shon. size 24x40 ft.: acres good land, with 5-room house: 2 wells barn and other outbuildings. Will ell or rent. Fine location on Coos Bay road. Call or write. J. C. Moore, boon Ing Ola sb. Or. GROCERY STORE. T.oc.itpd on a busv street, east side. doing $2000 a month business. "Rent $45 a month. Stock and fixtures, $2730, or will Invoice. .IOH WIV-DODSON CO.. "3 X. W. Bank bldg. Main 3T". RESTAURANT. BUSY NORTH-END DISTRICT. A dandy little business in the north end district where they are doing busl ness ALL THE TIME. Price $i00. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. SO0-10 Panama Bldg., 3d and Alder. MODERN equipped meat market, doing a paying cash business; this is high-class money-maker, best town southern ldano Don't answer this ad unless you mean business. Address H. S., P. O. box 1: "Boise. Idaho. FOR SALE Good established millinery store for the last 25 years; owner must leave on account of ill health; guaran tee from $3000 to $4000 per year on In vestment if properly handled. Phone Main 1406. A GARAGE SPECIAL. Brick garage, under good lease, west side, full of storage, large repair busi ness, clearing $500 month. This place will stand Inspection. Price $2100. Room 401 Dekum bldg. GARAGE BUILDING BUSINESS and equipment. 2-story brick bldg, 60x70 feet, good equipment, lathe, drill press, etc. good business, best location in town: on Mt. Hood loop; terms on building, G re-ham Garage. Gresham.Or. GARAGE PARTNER WANTED. In large west side garage, want help in office and front end. This place does a fine business; sioou will handle Room 401 Dekum bldg. CAUTION, FlUYEIlB Before closing a dea! of so-called Interest in established real . estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board. 421 Oregon bldg. Phone Broadway 1002. PARTNER IX EXPRESS BUSINESS. Half interest in auto express busi ness, central location, ah established trade, profits are good; $eU0 will hand.e, Koom ucKum mag. AUTO repair shop in good Oregon town in rear of a good garage; made owner ap proximately siu.uou lost year; Dareat at $3200. John E. Waiter. 314 Stock Ex change bldg. AUTO top business, good Washington town. building 25xS0, steam hefited, weil equipped, turn over about $800 month price $1700. Walter, 314 Stock Exchang bldg. COXFECTIOXERY. cigars, soft drinks, do Ing good business, room in back for liv itig rooms or card room; 1200 handles. some terms; weat side location; see thii at once 250 Third st. A GARAGE SPECIAL. Busv street. Sell gas, oils, tires, etc. 25 cars storage; plenty repair work. Only $1000 required. Room 401 Dekum blils. PARTY INTERESTED IN ONE OF TH BEST FREIGHT HAULS TO BE HAD, ALL PAVFIP ROAD. ACT QUICKLY CALL AFTER 11 A. M., 4U1 UXIO AVENUE N. PARTNER IX PAIXT SHOP. Good paint shop, full of work. Will sell half interest, to steady man for $325; can soon learn business. Room 401 Dtkum bldg. $3uoo BUYS an electric lantern business, with stock, macninery ana equipmen for manufacturing same toget her wit patent issued on July 5. 1021. Call IVdin. 46QQ. FOR SALE COMPLETE BAKERY OUT FIT OF MACHINERY AND ELECTRIC OVENS. HAS BEEN USED ABOUT 30 DAYS. TERMS IF DESIRED. P. O. BOX 3205, PORTLAND, OR. ABSOLUTE BARGAIN. Road house on Col umoia river hlirh way at Horestail Falls for Bale. Address l M rs. V. J. GeBott. Warrendale. Or. i WILL write up books and take trial bal ance monthly for corporations having a limited amount of bookkeeping; very reasonable fee. N 797. Oregonlan. ABSOLUTE BARGAIN. Road house on Columbia Highway at Horsetail Falls for sa le.. Address Mrs. W lllia m G e b o p t . at Wa rrendale ,0 r COXFECTIOXERY and pool business on highway, near Portland, well equipped, clearing $350 per month. Sell at invoice, $4250. Walter, 314 Stock Exchange bldg. LEASE on fireproof building, occupied by paint and repair shop; accommodate 12 cars; must sell. 351 E. Oak st. Aak for P-lnter. Phone Marshall 2o73 evenings. GROCERY store, with three living rooms; stock, fixtures and furniture for $1500. A bargain, doing good business. Call East 7754. or 877 East Stark. FOR SALE by owner, liht grocery and confectionery, ice cream and soft drinks, jiving room. 825 "Third st. Last time offered for sale. HALF INTEREST In well paying cafe; must sacrifice; $475: $375 balance $10 per month; 2-.vear lease. 401 Stock Ex exchange. Main 53S5. SOMETHING NEW. Will furnish cabinet 12x18 with ' French mirror and No. I linen towels. Writ s C. T S.. 6-'n Ogden ave. WANT partner with Utile cash to manu facture cement building material, have good location; lady or gentleman. N S02, Qregonian. LARGE garage, an excellent buy. long lease, vulcanising, welding, brazing, etc., price $0O0, terms. Walter, 314 Stock Ex ch an ge FINE LITTLE confectionery and bakery, doing $40 day. good living rooms; price $ 2000. Walter, 314 Stock Exchange bldg. WANTED A partner for established dancehall T S06. Oregonlan. I J was R6ht UAlCAAjy lla& iMSisTei That y ,m spite of Th SfTEF? Ul at'Y I iSait rrl rr ult A f- TrtAT atW 11 J -r-,-vyi -7rr The. PAPERS I ft 111 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. SALE OF FLOURING MILL. Sealed bids will be received by the un dersigned for sale of Scio Milling com pany properties. Roller mill, 100-bbl. ca pacity, warehouses and elevator 65.000 il cap., 44 acres ground and perp-tu1 water rights connecrted therewith, first c'xas .condition, bids to be opened July 20. -af 2 o'clock P. M.. 1921. at office mill company. Scio. Oregon. Terms, one- nair cash balance on or betore i ana years, interest 8 pr cent; right to re ieot any and all bids reserved. RILEY SHELTON. Trustee for Creditors. On account of poor health of wife I will sell fur $2500 or trade for prop erty or acreage near Fortland, a well equipped and established printing plant doing a cash business of approximately $5000 a year without soliciting. On one of the busiest streets in Spokane. Plant is clear; might assume. Addre-s W. F. Conyard, P. O. box 234, Gladstone, Or., or 150S Er fth ave., Spokane. E LBCTR 1C WI X DO W BAKERY FOR SALE, LEASE OR RENT. ALL NEW EQUIPMENT AND UP-TO-DATE ; ALSO LUNCH COUNTER IX CO N N E CT ION. FIXE OPPORTUNITY FOR BAKER AND WIFE. FAVORABLE TERMS GIVEN TO RIGHT PARTY. DEAL WITH OWNER; NO AGENTS. PHONE BDWY. 325R. HAVE rood state run with room for 8 cars and no railroad competition; mierwieu partlea call Mr. Wilkinson at Bdwy. 3231- FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT and con fectionery, clearing $350 per montn; win invoice over $40O0; ritfht In the heart of St. Johns, the coming part of Port land ; caters to high-class trade only; best of reasons for selling; bank refer ences; price $3500. $2650 cash, balance terms. HVfl N. Jersey. COUNTRY STORE. 13 miles from Portland on 4 corners, wonderful opportunity for right party; gas filling station, living roornjp in con nection, rent $15 per month; will sell at inventory, $150 for business: new. Chev rolet goes with business. $1800 will han dle. 52; Chamber of Commerce. PARTNERSHIP offered in old-established auto repair and parage, doing gooa business; full line of tools, good equip ment, fine location, good lease, low rent; making good; need man handy with tools and willing to learn; price $650. 311 Panama bldg., 3d and Alder. fiARAfiK Trcllent location. lon valuable lease, low rent, plenty storage, gooa ousy rsn-lr hnn. r as wtRl ion. oil. accessories. etc. Price $1350. some terms. Best buy in Portland, clearine better than J300 month. Call 311 Panama bldg.. 3d and Alder. THE STATE of Montana Is obtainable for the fastest-selling article on the mar ket to a man with executive ability and about $2000 in cash. Southern Idaho ts also open and would require le-s cap ital. Address for appointment Ait 821, Oregonlan. WARM mineral -rtrincs. bath house, cot tage, large swimming pona xniea wnn natural mineral water; mil Mt. Hood loop highway, 14 mi. east of government camp ; some cash, part in traae. xi. u. Meserve. Rhododernron. Or. RESTAURANT in the best payroll town in Coos Bay county; population about 4000; leading restaurant of town and best trade, with two-story building; everything complete. Write for infor mation. Box 5R1. North Bend. Or. MTTKT KF.tVl ON ACCOUNT OF SICKNESS, A transfer business la town or auuu, no competition, furnish all the fuel for en- tire city and do all hauling for 0 cheese factories; all fully equipped with trucKB, wagons and horses. Auto. I HAVE a fully equipped office and ware house, would like to nanaie aistrmu tlon of some factory r specialty com pany. Call or write 44 FRONT ST.. Phone Broadway 163S. CONFECTIONERY;' large corner ...$4500 Wnh rrtnn Kt . .rest aii ran r. low rent l.nm Clean and press, good location .... 1000 Can Arrange Easv Terms, INTERSTATE LAND CO., Realtors. 248 Stark St. CLASS A CASH GROCERY. Doing $150, strictly cash. daily cln.od otrpninec and Sundays. Rent $35 invoice about $3000. Simms, 610 Henry hldg. rr.ASST rnvPTPTinXERY. On busy east side corner, dolnr good business : rent free; si:ou win nanaie. SIMMS. 610 Henry Bldg. GROCERY, good west flide location, a busy corner, will Invoice aoout i.uu. ee us for grocery and confectionery stores, we have them, any price or locamy. w. ca kins. 315 Couch bldg.. 100 4th st. BAKERY, confectionery and light grocery in apartment houe district: 3juuu. GORDON" MORTGAGE CO.. B31 Chamber of Commerce Building. Main 1370 GOOD opportunity to participate in large acreage oil leases, near production. In Montana: dri ling close by. 102 N. w Bank bid". Marshall 5510 FOTTTtTTT AXD TAYLOR. drv r-nf octionerv. soft brinks prominent transient corner; price $3000. .ppiy at store irii-ct Tr.n n ACCOUXT of sickness, will sell my cash-and-carry grocery; 2 large living rooms, good street, cheap rent, Owner. T M 2, Qregonian. i.-gt a t-r a 'NTT Fine nlnce for man an wifn- riotns- sood business, reasdnabl rent with leas. See owner, 353 Yam hi! I ft., near Broadway. GROCERY and confectionery, west side nn rpnt to nav : will take small car a; part payment; price about $lSOO. in voice. 410 Railway Exchange nidg. HAVE up to $3000 cash to Invest with K-rvire- in some paying proposition : n wild cat scheme considered. Michael, Main 5420. c.Ror rry with nice living rooms, at in voice, about $1500; doing $4O-$50 day business; rent $25. 410 Railway Ex change bldg. FOR SALE Grocery and butcher shop, doing fine business; must leave town. 15P.R E. Glisan. F. Mateson. WILL sell erocery cheap if taken at one no fixtures to buy ; living room ; low rent. Phone K22-B2. CLEANING and pressing establishment for sale, good location, easv terms. i Main gt. Phone 200. Oregon City. BRIGHT young man or woman with $100 to $300, with services; in saiarv start. Act quick. Y TfiS, Qregonian RKSTAURAXT and lunch counter for sale; i have to leave town on account of other! business; rent moderate. 244 Wash, st. j PA R TNE R wanted for aviation business: i Ssoo requiren: no experience neeuea. ah S04. Qregonian. $1300 GROCERY, doing good business, 5 living rooms, very little competition. Z. Eakins. 315 Couch bldg, 10H 4th st. tow s LE Confectionery, grocery and soda fountain, a good business, corner location: rooms In back. Call 521-48. STOCK of leather sporting goods, trunks $1100. E. 785. Oregonlan. bags. GARAGE for sale on Main highway, com- pletely eq"PfCi. pi'-"'-". v a BEST business corner on Yamhill for fruit and risnnquireii"iiiii. SOFT drink and confectionery and cigar store. 103 North 6th. 8-CH AIR shine stand for a.le. 246 Waan- lngton st. GROCERY, cheap; must be sold this week. Main 37.- CAFETERIA, best buy on the east side. See Forgonroe'.f , BF 850. Qregonian. FURNISHED 91 room house for sale We: income $105. S3 2 Raleigh st. 1 CIGAR stand, office bldg. Opportunity for I lady. Call at 409-11 Couch bldg. I FOR SALE 2-chair barber shop. 62 N. eth. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. . POOL HALL, CONFECTIONERY AND LIGHT LUNCH. Located in a fine suburban business center, and doing a dandy business; 3 first-class pool tables, new large gas range, steam cooker, 8 bras leg stools and other good equipment. Price only $150O. A real bargain. DUDREY. INVESTMENT CO.. 509-10 Panama Bldg. Main 3042. ARE YOU TIRED . of looking for a good GROCERY? If so come in and look over our list. We have them in all sizes, all prices, and In most any location you want. Many of them have good living rooms In con nection. For full details see DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 509-10 Panama Bldg.. 3d and- Alder. VULCANIZING. Vt INTEREST. ABOUT $1000. One of the best equipped vulcanizing shops in the city ; flue location and doing a good business : sell at Invoice, about $2000 for all, or h Interest for $1000. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 509-10 Panama BldK-. 3d and Alder. AM MANUFACTURING a new article that full to Ihr retail stores: a necessity that everyone will buy; retails for 25c. cost 5c to manufacture. I need a live young man who can invest $500 and a few hours each evening : money secured. Write R 822, Oregonlan. Give phone number. MACK TRUCK, GOING ON ONE OF THE BEST GRAVEL HAULS IN THE STATE. LONG JOB AND BEST OF ROADS. ACT QUICKLY; TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED TO RESPONSIBLE PARTY. CCAFTER 11 A, M.. 461 UNION AVE. HAVE just bought a chicken ranch. therefore will sacrifice my restaurant ; well equipped, fine business, very cheap rent; will staitd Investigation. This Is an opportunity and a snap at $1 10O, $ rO0 down, balance your own terms. 321 Lumbermens bldg. DELICATESSEN. PRICE ONLY SHOO. A dandy business, located in good west side location, ana cneap ai me pntc rent $25. Hurry if you want this. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 509-10 Panama Bldg. Main 3042. BARBERS Selling 2-chair shop; health's bad. 32H ad. Busmrfts Opportunities V utrrt. ARE YOU WORRIED and sick of business cares? Cheer up, we are doctors that can cure you! WE SELL ALL KINDS OF BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Thla nur anclaltv. and we carefully Inspect all our listings, and give you real service. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. -n-i ist r - Xf-in 304.' WANT rooming or apartment house from 12 to 30 rooms: give location, quality of furnishings; also would con sider grocery and confectionery store; must be bargains. W. T. Custer, 188 17th st., city. WOULD like to meet party with $2000 or 12500 and will eaual the same amount. with the idea In view to purchase some paying business; age 813. orr gonian. WIT.T, PAY SPOT CASH. Want modern apartment house from nv-ner S400Q to StlOOO. We mean business. Phone 11 A. M. to 4 P. M. Broadway 421. Aak for Mr. Hill. ; r a RTvrn k nnrTTOV T. CAPITA L. Havo investors ready with services for reliable business. W. M. Umbdenstock Co.. 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. leas. HAVE $10,000 TO $15,000 TO INVEST IN LEGITIMATE IiUSINs; ri A v r J tiLJ BROAD BUSINESS EXPERIENCE. AE 770, OREGOXIAX. HOTELS, rooming houses, or any other kind of business to buy or sen. se JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 X. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. WE CAN sell your business. We have buvers for rename enterprises, w. l, Umbdenstock Co.. 210 Oregon bldg. WANTED Suburban moving picture the ater. Give full information. a oiu, Oregon la n. WILL invest $2000 with services; money to be used for expansion. x sis. ore gonlan. WILL exchange my residence as whole or part pavmfint ior nouse Keeping or apt. houac, Mrs. De Man bey. Bdwy. 2125. SAY, NO fool In", have 3 cash buyers for small restaurants or luncn counters. Main 2095. , IF YOU have a small grocery to sell, see us right away, we sure nave ouyera. n Main 2UB5. - WILL pay cash for any size grocery price is right. Woodlawn 3226. OUT OF a job but have $300; want a small business, tan jiain ! t ytooltw nd BonOi. FOR SALE Ten shares of common, ten shares of preferred stock in the Alba tross Motal Mfg. Co., a local concern. I am willing to discount this stock 13 per cent as I am in need of ready cash; $100,000 of this stock is ' being sold at par by H. E. Wills Co.. U. S. National Bank bldg.. city. D 815. Qregonian. SECURITIES INVESTIGATION BUREAU. Reliable information confidentially fur nished; stocks or bonds; very small fee if satisfied. P 704. Oregonlan. 1000 CHAP-PEL OH stock for sale for $1 per share for cash, to be delivered in about 2 weeks. H 818. Qregonian. tlimn TO S10.000. .Wafh.-Wa. W. S. & P. Co. 6 per cent preferred stock for sale i for best cash offer.. N S04. Qregonian. m STOCKS and bonds, any marKet. Harring ton Co.. Mn. 381". Title and Trust Bldg. Hotels and Rooming H onset. WE HAVE exclusive listing of a hotel on aa" M.hlniTnn Ktreet. close in. tha t is one of the best buys In the city. Tere are i0 t-noniH with mnnmsr water In each room, good furnishings and the house is always run. ui snow you. RYAN REALTY CO.. v Realtors. 415-16 Ablngton Bldg. Mars n ail !&-. HoVsEKEEPI NO APARTMENTS. 26 rooms, lease ; high-class west side location; nets $20O. Will sell for more this winter; $3500. $1700 handles. C. E. BOWDEX CO.. 81 S Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 3 ROOMS. White Temple district, hot water heat. beRt condition, fine furniture, brass beds. Here Is what you want; $1800, $1000 down, less for cash. E. C. Kennedy. 2lQ btocK men, oiqg. HOTELS. ROOMING, APARTMENTS. SEE ME FOR GOOD BUYS. LIST WITH ME FOR RESULTS. J EUGENE HEDGES, REALTOR. 201 West Park. Main 2500. WHITE TEMPLE location, 15 rooms, H. it i furniture, modern. This Is a good home and income, price $4530. for a few days only, good terms. 387 Taylor. Main 5157. SPOT CASH. $4000 to $6000 for modem apartment house, quick deal. Call Broadway 421 after 11 A. M. No agents. FIVE-YEAR lease, modern downtown brick hotel for sale; nets $R00 a month; $8500 cash handles. O. H. Skothelm Co.. 408-11 Couch bldg. Main 15.5. F-OR BEST bargain In apartment house see members of the Realty Board. Yates Realty Co . 245 4th at. 28-HOOM hotel In Astoria, good location, fine furntiure, good income, small rent, lease. Write 440 Bond st ... Astoria. Or. LlT vour hotel or rooming house with DeBianche, 201 Globe bldg. Broadway 2818. Quick action. 33 ROOMS for $1450. $S50 cash, nets about $150 per month, $40 rent, with lease; ex clusive listing. 191 Park street. COMPLETELY and elegantly furnished flat on College st. for $650 ; reasonable rent. Call Main 1575. WANT to buy for cas-h- small rooming house. 12 to 16 rooms, walking: distance. AH 803, Oregonlan. POLLY AND HER PALS WATER ATTRACTS WATER, AS IT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Booming Honws. WM. A. HUGHES CO.. 218 Railway Exchange Bldg. Third and Stark St. Main 6102. 70-room hotel. 5-year lease, modem in every detail. 20 private baths, brick bldg. First-class west side location. $550 han dles; 5-room flat, walking distance, can rent three rooms, low rent, sood furni ture, price $275. APARTMENTS. hawii a - h anartments. needs cleaning and decorating. Here is an opportunity for a live one. 5-year lease at reasonable rent. $5500. terms. WM. A. HUGHES CO.. 218 Railway Exchange Bldg. Third and Stark Sts. Main 6102, 29-ROOM transient Brick hotel, well io . t nn m.-r iH- rent 1 -IO. Wl'O IW- - niHcM S22GO. With good terms. This place is Just $1300 below market price. You will have to U27yk. K. room 21 of them fumlshe5: all rented; fair furniture; rent $50; good building; will clear over $1jO mo. uii price $1350; good terms. 8 exceptionally well-furnished Jng rooms; close in on west side: tne best location In city; some of the room ers have been in same house 10 years. Price $1175; good terms. 425 CHAM. COM- BLDG. BCWT. 90S. Our cars will call for you. . WANTED. APARTMENT HOUSE. Will consider trade for furnished apartment houee. Address apart ment 5. Westminster apartments. 262 6th st. Phone Main 63,0. NOW AND $5000 PROFIT BETWEEN FALL. IftOOC O. H. Skothelm Co.. Couch bldg. Main 15 5. M E LENT COMFAM. 623-4-5 NORTHWESTERS BANK BLWJ. LEADING HOTEL AND APARTMENT HOUSE AGENCY. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL rn'vn. ,v AND TALK IT 0ER; 14 ?FARS IN THE BUSINESS IN PORT LAND ENABLES US TO LOCATE YOU RIGHT. 41-ROOM apt. house, each api. "5 room, bedroom, ciu-va, kitchen: all outside RPW-. ' " ture ; Price junk, year. 4500. $30OO cash. This Is not The besX buy we have listed this A. PEARCE COMPANY 201 Oregon Bldg .irro la l ii i" i T 1 11 room with garage, rent 60: beat ia Thla 1. a .pTen- d biy and you had better nve.Ut. immediately It you want It: 100O. terma. C. E. BOWPKM CO.. 815 Chamber or commerce jiq. . ... . -t. T-rv nny OR SELL. biStnliir hofeT. rooming or apartment houss of s,ny kind, anywhere, see F. Kierdon. RITTER, LOWE A CO., 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. We Write All Kinds of Insurance. t-, t v l- apt HOKSE BUY, it nit mints' 3 and 4-room, 5-yr. bri i?n" .'iSS V? mo a .,- 1- This is fine buy and $6500 handles. . ., - E. S. KERR. REALTOR 301 'Yamhill. Marshall 5a04 a v iRTMV.vT house. nicely lurnisnea. brick bldg. Close in, west fide, hajvfc'f A good money-maklsg proposition. $10.- 000 will handle this. JOHNSON-DODSON CO am XT w. Bank Bldg. Main 3 1 ST. ,Tmm i --.t hmi-o verv nest loca tlon; 85 rooms, " 35 apts. private baths and balconies; well furnished; heat and telephone included with wre?1 V yI lease; nifty, clean; nets about $800 per month. llil Parte street, uiTvnHV.ri DOLLARS A ROOM 13 "h. k rooms, elect, light, stove hoRt eood west-side location, rent $41 including water, net income $0 and . rooms for self; good terms. 301 Yam hill. 938 NORTHWESTERN" BANK BLDO. APARTMENT HOUSES AND HOTELS TF LISTED WITH US AND PRICED RIGHT WILL BE QUICKLY bULU MAIX 7861. , tn nni Vt r .Motto In west sWie elect, light, "furnace heat, cement base menf rent $H0; net income w a rooms for self; $2300; $1800 down. nd 301 Yamhill. ia TjnoMs. an h k. ants., rent $ i o. Clean i ii ...ndh.rl- 1H rtear over $2' npr $2500 will handle. For further infr.rma.Hnn call 517 Cham, of Com, Bldg. ROOMING house, 15 rooms, ciom in. west side, all In H. K. suites, well furnished, price 91250, terms. cash; all outside rooms, oth'er snap. Garland, 201. Third st.. corner Taylor, NINE housekeeping rooms, heart west aiu. Splendid returns on investment. 13 housekeeping rooms, location can t be beat. Rent $47.TiO. terms. , A KOSOV.VC. 410 Ger.inger Bldg. 7-ROOM FLAT. Rent $37 51); good furniture, excep tionally clean; close-In Broadway location- first time offered. Snap at $8o0. C. E. BQWPEX CO., Main 3bdS. FOR SALE 2 J -room rurnisnea apanmrni house, west side, close in. terms If neces sary or consider property as part pay ment, by owner, no agents. F 806. Ore gonlan. . STrOOM furnished flat, downtown modern. rent $37.50, lets out 6 rooms. $850. only $400 down. Barney Johnson & Co.. Real tors. 170 10th st. Main 8160. FOR HOTELS, apartment nouses, ruum ins: houses modern homes or leases see E. S KERR. REALTOR. 391 Yamhill. Marshall 5594. 13 ROOMS, close In, good appearance, rent $41 50. rooms occupied; $1500. $1000 down. E. C. Kennedy. 210 Stock Exch. bldg. Mar. 231U. 5-ROOM brick, right down town, gooa transient or single H. K.. nicety fur nished, all outside rooms, snap. $300. Garland. 201 Third rooms west side, walking distance, all T-i k clears $105 a month over rent Price $1150, $800 down. 14th street. J. H. Ely. 128 ct-o xu.K Hotel on Coos Bay. 42 rooms, 7 H K apts. good furniture. Center of town. -rent $75, price $1500. Box 700. Marshfield. Or. m I BUY chattel mtgs., hotels, houses, etc. Call mornings. B. rooming 7434. LOST AND FOCNP. LOST By laboring man. In Lyric theater, brown leather billbook containing four $10 bills, registration card and other papers. Return to Lyric theater or W. D. Scott, 810 First St.. and receive $20 reward. LOST Sat. eve., In postoffice. R. R. script book and papers. Return W. O. Warnock. Hoyt hotel. Reward to finder. LOST On Rock wood road. Swiss watch, red dial, saddle fob. Finder please call Gresham 1664. LOST Blue tassel, ornament off Finder pieaae can pawj. o-jn. LO"PT Sunday. Linnton road, lady's blue jacket. Reward. Auto. 223-65. LOST Sleeveless black and white cotton blouse. r inuer pica80 pnuuo oti-oi LOST A tablecioth near Multnomah falls. Phone 23(1-43. LOST Wrist watch Sunday at Columbia Bach ; reward. Main 2408. LOST at Vista house Saturday, July 14, jade ring; reward.' Main 6762. Our conservative predictio n if you bny now-; this wonderful close-ir i brick hotel with nearly 100 rooms; mo.TB. lease, netting about $9000 a year. or hurry le . $6000; cash $4000. term payment. MVSTERlOUS FE.RS A vyy&ATHEJ 3 - PROPHtT, W MR. -ERJWS ? V rs, ii Zjj WEREA - BY CUFF STERRETT. 11, ' M EV1 JL TXST AND FOUND. PARTY. PICKED . UP "SMALT BLACK PURSE, CONTAINING ABOUT $28 AND SMALL ARTI CLES. PLEASE CALL TABOR 7493. AM WIDOW WITH TWO BABIES. OX STJNXYSIDE OR M T. TABOR CAR JULY 14. 7 O'CLOCK, MORNING. xhf Pfl,I"G T-t!cI were found on the cars of the Portland Railway. Light & Power Co.: Julv ie - luncn ooxea, purse. 1 pin. 2 suitcases, 1 handbag. 1 pr.. 1 sgl. glove. 4 books, hat. coat, bas ket, 2 keys, kodak pictures, glasses cae, check book, 8 packages. July 17 2 um WrllftH o lunrh hnios. 4 nurses. 1 pin. 2 suitcases. 2 handbags. 1 pr.. 2 sgl. gloves, 1 book. 2 kvi. 2 scarfs, o packages. Owners may obtain same upon proper identincaUon t First and Aider street Ftatlon. LOST On Coinm hi hiehwav. between Hood River and Cascade locks. iaay s white shawl and man's gray coat, coat carried Elk's button and had checkbook with business cards tn pocket. If finder will leave at Portland Elks' cluo or ior ward to C. W. Mason. 2106 Electric ave nue, BelUngham. Wash., they will re ceive liberal reward. LOST Bet. Portland auto park and Ta- c-rri rtune- nnt con tai nine i w dresses, one knit, and quantity of towels and underclothing; liberal reward if sent to Mrs. K. L- Ehev. care or L,I Beliingham Nail. Bank. Belllngharn, Wash. LOST Tan suitcase from auto Friday morn nr on Francis ave.. pet ween, -um and 2th or on 2th between Francis and Clinton. Reward. 1204 Francis Phone Sellwood C50. LOST Friday evenuig, July 15. on 12th or Yamhill sts., or in lvnign.s oi r ui ... hall, an oval moss agate, striped red and white, valued as family keepsake. Re ward. Phone Marshall 4216. T.D5T PnrMAn N'ewhflrf road. $50. and Phar.hnn. a OA A mnrn LiCKlDD lucini- fication card. Amanda needles and other small articles. Reward. Keturn 10 wrc- gonlan office. LOST White gold bar ptn, set with dia- mnnrl v. nd rs KeeneaKe. newum Will Identify. Call Marshall 1024. 04 Upper Drive. LOST Portfolio containing Ford Motor company literature, between bcappoos and Linnton. Sat. night. Reward. Call Sell. 3449. 436 Maiden ave. LOST Large cameo pin. valued as keep sake; reward. Return to Mra m. j. v ea sels, care Chamber of Commerce, or 385 Mill gt. LOST A handbag with a purse, koflait and revolver, a erocnet yoKes, near Crawford. Wash., Sunday morning. Mrs. E. N. Sields, 1428 Oatnitajt LOST Smooth-haired fox terrier, round black spot on back. 1 biacK toe nan on right hind foot. Phone 54D-61 Auto. Re ward. . LOST Black and tan rat terrier puppy. 21st and Haisey. Call vast -o.. ward. - LOST Black satin bag at Oaks Sunday: reward Ior return or tortoise sneu glasses. Call Woodlawn 4204 . LOST Ring and keys on ring and emblem of Hoquiam. wash., . u. J. rmoer notify J . P. aiurpny, r-erxms ooiei I FOUND a purse on pr about July 1. Owner erlve full description and 1 it re turn to them. J 830, Qregonian. t r er k . hiiriaa l molp 1 female : both left place togemer. nmsaaie. Min TS2. Mr. Flora. FOUND Three shirts at 13th and Morri son. Pay for this ad ana get mem ai 400 Morrison. LOST Baby sulky, bet. Portland, Oregon City. T. Anderson. Rt. 2, dox it. iin- wauKie. LOST Female dog. English pointer. looks like a collie dog: name "Queenie." 305 Tabor 3fcrt. LOST Vanity case, containing wrist watch and small cnange, in separate case, xve ward. East 2533. . LOST Bunch of keys, Sunday, in vicinity of Newberg; reward. Phone East 3644. SPECIAL NOTICES. Miscellaneous. FROM this date,. July 18, 1U21. I will not be responsible for any bills con tracted by Mrs. Erva Ledbury. Fred Ledbury, Troutdale. Or., route 2. box 142. Proposals Invited SEALED bids will be received at the of fice of the undersigned, 401 courthouse, Portland, Oregon, until 5 P. M.. July 21. 1921, for Janitors supplies and for gen eral supplies. School District No. 1, Multnomah county. Oregon, for the year 1921-1122. Bids will be opened at a reg ular meeting of the board of directors to be held at 8 P. M., July 21, 1921. in room 304 courthouse. Specifications may be obtained at the nfflce nf the suoerintendent of proper ties, old Failing school. First and Porter streets, Portland. Oregon. A certified check for IO per cent (10) of the amount of the proposal must accompany each proposal. The board of directors reserve the right to increase or diminish the quantities shown in the list of articles desired; to reject any or all bids, or to split the a warn. (Signed) R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk and Business Manager. Dated July 13, 1921. SEALED bids will be received at the of fice of the undersigned. 401 courthouse; Portland. Oreeon. until 5 P. M-. July 21. 1921. for painting exterior of Kerns school. East 28th and Couch streets; Sunnvside school East 35th and Yam hill streets; Eliot school. Rodney avenue and Knott street, and Sitton school, Reno and Chapel streets, Portland, Ore gon. Bids will be opened at a regular meeting of the board of directors to b held at 8 P. M.. July 21. 1021, in room 304 courthouse. Specifications may be obtained at the office of the superintendent of proper-, ties, old Falling school. First and Porter streets. Portland, Oregon. A certified check for 10 per cent (10) of the amount of the proposal must accompany each proposal. The board of directors reserve ths right to reject any or all bids. or. to split the award. (Signed) R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk and Business Manager. Dated July 13, 1921. . SEALED bids will be received at ths office of the undersigned. 401 court house. Portland. Oregon, until 4 P. M., July 21, 1921. for sewing: supplies and equipment, school district No. 1. Mult nomah county, Oregon, for the year 1921 1922. Bids will be opened at a regular meeting: of the board or directors to De held at 8 P. M., July 21. 1021, in room 304 courthouse. Specifications may be obtained at the office of the superin tendent of properties, old Failing school. Ftrst and Porter streets. Portland, Ore gon. A certified check for 10 per cent U0) of the amount of the proposal must accompany each proposal. The board of directors reserves the right to increase or diminish the quantities shown on the list of articles desired ; to reject any or all bids or to split the award. (Signed) R. H. Thomas, school clerk and business manager. Dated July 16. 1921. SEALED bids will be received at the of fice of the undersigned. 401 courthouse, Portland. Oregon, until 4 P. M. July 21, 1021, for manual training and cooking supplies and equipment. Bids will be opened at a regular meeting of the board of directors to be held at 8 P. M. July 21, 1921. in room 304 courthouse. - Specifications may be obtained at the office of the superintendent of proper ties, old Failing school. First and Porter streets, Portland, Oregon. A certified check for ten g per cent (10) of the amount of the proposal " must accompany each proposal. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to split the award. (Signed) r, H. THOMAS. School Clerk and Bus iness Manager. Dated July 15. 1921. p ' 1 1 SpeaH Tvxo hours it vil SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. NOTTCE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIMBER, General Land Office, v ashing tou. D. C. June 10. 1921: Notice is hereby given that subject to the conditions and limitations of the act of June , 1V13, (39 Stat., 218, and the instructions of the Secretary of the Interior of September 15. 1917 46 L. !.. 447), the timber on the following lands will be sold at 10 o'clock A. M., July 29. 1&21. at public auction at the United States land office at Roseburg. Oregon, to the highest bidder at not less than the appraised value as shown by this notice sale to b subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior. The purchase -price, with an additional sum of one-fifth of 1 per cent thereof, be ing commissions allowed, must be de posited at time of sale, money to be returned if saie is not approved, other wise patent will Issue for the timber which must be removed within 10 years, I Bids win be received from citizens of the United States, associations of such j citizens and corporations organised un-. der the laws of the United States or any state, territory or district thereof, only. Upon application of a qualified pur chaser, the timber or any lepl subdi vision will be offered separately before being included in any offer of a larger unit. T. 16 S.. R. 2 W.. Sec 8. N. B. M. S. K. 4, fir 1250M., not to be sold for less than $1.75 per M. T. 21. 6.. R. 3" W.. Sec 27. Lot 1. fir 130 M.. red cedar 230 M.. hemlock 1P0 M.; Lot 2. fir 1710 M.. red cedar 330 M . hemlock. 50 M. ; Lot 7. fir 2350 M. red cedar 450 M-, hemlock 350 M. ; Lot S, fir 2000 M.. red cedar 300 M.. hemlock 800 M.. none of the fir to be sold for less than $1.5o per M., and none of the red cedar or hemlock to be sold for less than $1.25 per 41. (Signed) D. K. PARROTT. Acting Assistant Commissiouer, General Land Office. f FINANCIAL. X WOULD undertake to assist you In un tangling your financial affairs and coun sel with you in your business; strictest respect of conridenee guaranteed. W rite for appointment. A M6. Oregonlan. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' con tracts on real estate. Washington, Ore gon.K.E. N oble. 316 Lumbermen s bldg. WE BUY first and second mortgages and sellers' contracts. F. E. Bowman & Co.. 210 Chamber of Com, bldg. Main 302H. WE BUY. soil and guarantee automobile paper, sellers' contracts and mortgages. GENER A L FINANCE CO.. 712 Lewis bl d. BUY NOTES, contracts, mortgages F. H . Lewis. 813 Lewis Bldtr.. 4th and Oak sis. Money to Loan on RenJ Kstate. TALK ABOUT LIBERALITY. READ THIS: RESIDENCE LOANS. BU PER CENT, Five-year period repayment privilege or lO0 or any multiple thereof. INSTALLMENT LOANS. S PER CENT. Five-year period; will loan 60 per cent or the value of your nome: only monthly payment required with interest; you may pay more or all on the first of each munth; no penalty. BUSINESS PROPERTY LOANS 6"j PER CENT. Five-year period : repaying privilege, BRICE - MORTGAGE CO.. Portland mortgage correspondent the Prudential insurance company of America, 1-lU i eon oia. .Main S3Ut. BED US TODAY We loan money on city property; lowest rates, no commission on choice loans; long time and short time; mommy payments; pay as you can sums to sui. contracts, second mort gages bought. 725 Gasco bldg., 5th and - Aider sts. CELLARS-MURTON CO. MORTGAGE LOANS, on farm or city property. Prompt and helful service. Liberal repayment priv ilege. Lowest rates. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO., SO Fourth St.. Portland. Or. WE HAVE $500. $600, $1000 and $2500 for first mortgages, loans, or will buy first contracts or mortgages. RALPH HARRIS CO.. REALTORS. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5tj24. MORTGAGHT LOANS. In any amount at lowest rates on city or country property. Prompt, and Helpful Service. B. LEE PAGET. Realtor. 622 Corbett Bldg. Main 6230. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farms: no commission; no delays. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE CO., 87 Sixth St.. Portland Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount; low rates; promptly closed. Attractive repayment privileges. A. H. BIRRELL-GILL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank Bldg, Marshall 4114. MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved farms and city property: favorable repaying THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO.. Ltd. 309 Piatt bldg. Main 5371 PRIVATE! funds to loan on mort-ares. second mortgages and sellers' contracts on real estate in Oregon and Washing ton. Charles Daifel. 318 Railway Ex change bldg. $300. $400. $500. $750, $1000. $1200. $1500, $2000 and up; lowest rates; quick action; pay off 10 or more at any interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co.. 631 Chamber of Commerce ldg. Main 13. MORTGAGE loans in sums to suit; city, farm and suburban property. BUILDING LOANS A SPECIALTY. WILLIAM G. BECK. 215 Failing Bldg. $1000 $1500 $2000 $2500 $3000. NO DELAY. We are loaning our own money. Loans quickly closed. F. II DESHON, G15 Cham, of Com, bldg $500. $1000 AND UPWARD on Improved real estate; favorable terms: no delay; no DroKerage. jonn nam, ftQi Spalding bldg $300. $400. $500. $750. $1000 AND UP Low rates, quick action. Fred W. Ger man Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Main 6445 LOANS at current rates on well Improved rarms ana city property. . . Baxter, bpalcing blag. MONEY to loan on real estate security at going rates or interest, otto Sl Harkson, Realty Co.. 413 Cham of Com. PLEXTY ot money to loan on real estate at 7 per cent u security is ample. Edw. p si au. soo inam. or torn. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 per cent Salomon & Co.. 307 Railway Exch. bldg SEE OREGON 1XV. MORTGAGE CO.. C h am. of Com.. 4th and St ark. MOXE Y to loan on real estate. Metzger- firKer o -mi uan. $1100 TO LOAX. 7 per cent on imp. city property, can am -oara or rrade bids. $3500 FOR IRVIXGTON. Laureihurst, west side: $2500 for Rose City. East 75Q4 $1000 TO LOAX 3 years. 2 broker age. Phone East 804. Mr. Whiteside. $1100 TO LOAN 7 Der cent on imo. city property. Call 315 Hoard or Trade birtfr Mon ey to onn Chattels and Salaries . SALARY LOANS. CHATTELS. WE LOAN MO.M5Y. on short notice to salaried or working mn on their own notes: weekly, semi monthly or monthly pay m Ants. Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSER, ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household goo da pianos, etc. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, ( Licensed-) 218 FAILING BLDG. MONEY TO LOAN " on roods in storage. Bank rate. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. Phone .uroanway 3. 15, MONEY to loan : diamonds, jewelry, etc. legal rate; articles held one year. Vines, Jeweler, cor. 3d and Washington. QUICK money to salaried people on unse cured note; confidential investigation. 318 Cham, of Cora. (Licensed.) KIN ANC1 A Money to Lonn hatirls and Salaries. DO YOU NEED MONEY? AT LEGAL RATES. QUICK SERVICE? YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES. FURNITURE, PIANOS VICTROLAS. REAL ESTATE, BONDS. ETC t If your payments are t-o larjre on your automobile or furniture contracts we wiH pay thm up and advance you more money -f needed. We make a specialty of these loans and inv th security in your possession and you ran i epay us in sm il monthly pa ni'ris. WF ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS in salaried people on their own notes. Rates reasonable. Private offices. All busi ness srrictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. Licensed) 80R-307 Dekum Bldg. Marshall S2S6. S. V Cor. Third and Washington. DAN MARX Jk CO., 315 Washington St.. between 4th and 6th sts.; established over 35 years; only high-class Jewelry store in city with loan department in connection; private room for ladies; busi ness strictly confidential; under tts supervision; all articles held one year; do business with an old-established firm. MONEY to loan on cttsmonds and Jewelry; confidential service; government licensed and bonded brokers. Zell Bros. & Co.. 2h3 Wnsh. St.. between 4th and 6ttu Marshall 727. Loans Wanted. FRAN K L. McGUIRE. with his years ot experience and Xpert knowledge of val ues, is In a position to safeguard your every Interest In locating your money. Hundreds of applications for loans. Of fice of personal service. Let us loan your money. See J. Logle Richardson, msnager of loan department. AO ing ton building. Main 1068. $ Wanted. 5 p cent, splendidly constructed 5-room cottage in abso lutely perfect condition, 5o100 lot. mac adam street and sewer in and paid. 42 A.bina ave , 2 blocks south Russell, or phone M a r h .i 1 1 4 7 (i. MORTGAGE LOANS WANTED. $tiOO at 8 pr cent and $soo at S per cent on Portland homes; ao have 3 mortgage, for sale. $150 at per cent and at 8 pt.-r cent. Fred W. German Co.. 73- Cham, of Com. Bldg. $.O0 ON CLOI-:-IX good renting prop erty wor'h $tVKi from private party. Interest not over 7 per cent. IMMi X. W. Bank bltig. Main 1t77. $6 mki OX COUNTRY home, highly im proved. Stith and Division. Main 42t3, Ui6-(5. $o2r.O WANTED; modern house. 42 Buchtel ave. beautiiul 7 -room strictly near Laureihurst. Call ., corne.r Pine. E1 ULEGUN 1XV. MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Cham, of Com.. 4th ana Stark. PERSONAL. DR. G. LOCKE, FACTORY REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE VI T-0-.NET ELECTRICAL AP PLIANCES. EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS CITY OF PORT LAN D. KINDLY RING A L'TOMATIO 627-72 FOR INFORMATION REGARD ING SALES. ETC. VIT-O-NET MFG. CO., CHICAGO. ILL. OUARl) YOUR EYESIGHT. I employ only the most modern in struments and the most scientific meth ods in examining your eyes; 20 v arV experience. Thousands oi satisfied pa tients. Evenings and Sundays by ap pointment, diaries W. Goodman, op tician. 2u9 Morrison. P hone Main 21-4. LEAVING TOWN. Move your furniture by truck and save -crating and delay. Will take 2200-pound -load of furniture to Tacoma or Seattle August 1 to 3. Rate reasonable. If in terested communicate with L. F, Jones, 732 St. Helens ave.. Tacoma. Wash. LADIES with smal capital who wish to become independent, join Madame Pate naud'a school of beauty culture. Includes special treatments of skin and scalp, marcelling, faairdressing. etc Benson Hotel lni provemi-nt Shop. DRUG LESS PHYSICIAN'S. Nervous and chronic diseases a spe clalty. If others hvs failed, don't be come discouraged, out give me a trial. Dr. Ada N. Scott, 136 13th at., between Alder and Washington. Bdwy. 5C52. LADIES, are you weary or exhausted after atanumg an day on your feet 7 li so. be fore you sit down for a rest use a warm water application with Takara Anti septic Powder, 60c and $1 box. Portland Hotel Pharmacy. ANYONE knowing whereabouts of Mathew uurran, last nearu ot at Portland, Or., m, year ago; age 33, height 5 feet 5 inches, black hair, dark eyes; kindly Inform hie anxious mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Curran, 50 Weat Eric street, Chicago, Hi. LET GEORGE I RUiiENSTJCIN, the Vet eran Optician, make your eyeglasses; expert optical service. Prices rtu ton able. No charge for testing. 226 Mor rison st., near 2d. IRENE STOY, formedy of 51 Selllng-Hirsc bidg.. off lets at 326 and 327 Fliedner uiug;., iuiu iiu v as ii. specialty V lt-( Net sweat baths, violet ray. body mm -sae. 10 A. M. to 7 P. M. CHIROPRACTIC. BEST STEAM BATH, chiropractic, vi bratory and electric ma-age. Dr. Mar garet Haynie. 215 Swetland bldg. Rea aonable prices. NETTIE BENSON. D. P., expert massass. mineral, steam bath and shower, son therapy, violet ray and sinusoidal treat ments for both sexes. 10 A. M to a P. M. 304 Dekum bidg. Main 7789 IF YOU ARE TIRED AXD NERVOUS " you can rejuvenate your nervous centers and poor circulation by having a scien tific body massage. Dr. Ovldia JL&rsen. ' 634 Morgan bldg.. Main 1999. RHEUMATISM treaLed. stomach and kid ney trouble, steam and mineral baths, ; ladies by appointment. Utili tarian Institute, 710-711 .wetland bldg. Main 6:55, 9 A. M. to 8 P. M HAVE complete housekeeping outrit; want riuiicuiic io join me in renting uniur- nished hoouse or Hat. commencing first Sept.; references given and req-Jired. Address me Cloverdale. Or. T. J Petti t LADIES and gentlemen, I do the Nestle permanent wave; natural, soft and silky absolutely clean your scalp of dandruif: . can refer you to satisfied customers. 327 Eat 42d st. Tabor 34M. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR permanently removed by multiple needle method ; consultation free. 504 S wetland bldg.. 5th at Wash. Main 1308. IF TIRED OR SICK BE REFRESHED -WITH A GOOD BODY MASSAGE AT 415 BUCHANAN BLDG.. WASH.. BET. - WOULD like to hear Horn Francis J. O'Dell, or anyone knowing his address. Z. lmell, box 193. R. F. D. 3. Sacramen to, Cal. POPULAR music taught beginners 1st les son. Players learn real jax. Parker piano, banjo, guitar school, 615 Eiitira bldg- MRS. G. A. OR BESIE HARRIS It will be to your advantage to see Wanda Marks at Columbia beach afternoon or evening. CHIROPODIST, manicurist, massage undsr medical supervision. Open evenings. Moved from 205 h to 21 Alisky bldg.. ,d and Morrisonu SCIENTIFIC body massage, steam baths and shower, lady assistants. Hours 10 A. M. to 7 P. M. 322 Fliedner bldtf., lOtii and Wash in gton sts. FEB VET HANKBUT, leading wig and loupe makers; finest stock human hair goods; permanent and marcel waving: scalp treatments. 349 Alder. Main 646 Jl GETS both feet fixed up at Dr. Eaton's, the CHIROPODIST and ARCH SPLSTl who doesn't hurt you; 8 yrs. here; exam, free. Globe bldg.. 11th & Wssh. bdy. PR. ELJ'A SCHt..NSB.N, druelesa phya massage, baths, kidneys. constipation. rheumatism. 508 Panama bldg. M. aosg- DRIVI.S'G to Oakland In Buirk thi week: can take two passenger, r.asonaole. ACt h03, Orfgojiian. OOlTRbl. enlarged gianas. Cur. yourself. A. R. Stracnan. route 5. HUlsboro, Or. Ko ents or representatives. RADIANT LIGHT THERAPY. VIT-O-NET sweats, body massage, vloiet ray. 10 to - daily. -tSU Morgan bldg. Main 7579. If iVATK detective, investigations treated . In absoiut. confidence. Amwtr B 810, i treif onian. viL.S can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Ir. Lun, Seo ond and Morrison. j-ET SORE? See Dr. Ethel A. Sacra; pedicuring and manicuring; 30, A. S-80 I: M. Cs7 RalBigh .bids. NURSE by day or week, efficient, rives nturapth bath, massage. U5 K. 84tbu Tabor .:14. DRESSMAKING and alterations. 311 Cen tral blU. luth and Alder, i'hone Jdain. 4U i. . ' W W'TE Add ress of M rs. J t$ie Nead. whoe husband was killed in Letrolt. L A C'.em. l'-it -th st. WISH to near oi pi ty or uupit goinn to California, this month. AP 811. Ore go niaa: SijlP'HL'R steam bath maaaage, vioUt ray and vibratory treatment. Clay. Maia 7Tp1RFLUOU hair, moles, warts removed bv 10-neecle method: trial free. Jose Fin--jcy. fi!4 Busn -s Lane bldg. Main ti388. KiiMTlVlC masBe, steam baths; hours 1U to 0 4 17 Swetland bldg. PROSTATR troubles cured without operas 1 1 on. Dr. R- A. Phillips. Broadway bidg. JUNlCI-JK will cure rheumatism or mone back. 40K Dekum bldg. t PR1MKUA BALM, formerly called Balm of Flea. 844 . 83d. teil. 2213 momjnga. LuBSN'T Tom, Dick or Harry pay you ? Sea Viereck. collectors. Dekum blag. DIAMOND wanted, about a. karat, must be a bargain. AR 70. Oregoni a n. KTKL MoCCY, chiropodist. 401 Buchanan b Ids-. Wash., between 4th and oth ttx TAILOH wanted to exchange suit for den ts, work. i bUi, Orom.iu - n to8.of