14 tttk uroRxixa oregoxiax. Tuesday. ,tut.y 19,. 1921 HKAL ESTATE. 100x1 SO FT. FIR TREES. MACADAM KOAD. $825, 10 per cent down, $15 month, total payment; 2 car lines; Wilshlre Ad dition Just opened, nortb of Beaumont, east of Alameda Park; 80 acres platted &11 size, cleared land, trees, bearing or chard. Branch, of Ice open every day until 8 P. M. Take Broadway car to liryce ave., go east 4 blocks. J. L. HARTMAN CO., 8 Chamber of Commerce Bids. Main 206. Bl'ILU TOUR UREAM HOMK IN BEAUTIFUL CAPITOL. HILL. The Ideal Restful Home Site. ONE-FOURTH ACRE. $400 Total Price. M0 Down. -$8 Per Month. On the west side of the river, with no bridges to croaa. Beautifully located homesites that are being offered in a final great clean-up Bale. Two blks. to car; fine rich soil, all cleared, no gravel, city water to tract, telephone, gas, elec tricity available; 4 blks. to public school. Tli is is your great, never-to-be-found-again opportunity. BUY NOW! v Ask lor C. W. Borders, with, FRANK 1 McGUIRE, Abington Bldg Main 10C8. 3d St.. et. Wash, and Stark. . DRIVE OUT.TODAY. LAURKLHURST TRACT OFFICE. EAST 3MTH AND GUSAN. Some big bargains in lot:; just think of It! Full lot in flice location with ail street improvements paid, ' for $M50; a very choice east front lot for $1250; an extra large ciner, near the park, for $2250. See nie before buying. Office on the property. 3lllh and East Glisan. Ta, bor 3433. Phone for auto. Eve. East 773S. DEl.AHl'XTY. OPEN EVENINGS. CONTRACTORS A NO B U I L D E R S . 14 lota la one block, between 3tith and 37tn. Maiden and Lambert aves. This Sroperty is attached to Eastmoreland lock ; 2 blocks from school ; sewer, paved to corner; sell cheap. Dahlgren. 31 Oil Lexington ave., Eastmoreland. Sell. 2155. 43xJ05. $1000, MOO do '-a, M0 a month, all Im provements paid, fine for garden, ber ries and fruit, on car, near school, close In on East 15th N. See us at once. JOHNSOX-POB-KON CO., 633 X. AS'. Bank Hid. Main 3787. IMMEDIATE SALE BY OWNER. Muxt use money and will sacrifice my lots In Kenton for half price; 4 in one group, 5 in other. Level and cleared. One group produces 2t0 to 250 crates raspberries a season. Will pay to inves tigate. Call or write 75 Front st. 1 ' E X INSULA PA RIv I ) I S T R I C T . 75x100 choice building ite. Just enough fir trees to make it desirable ; sidewalks in and Included In price; one block to car; $800, easy terms. JOHXaOX-DODSON CO., 33 X. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. " PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. All kind of liometdtes in this district. Xo trouble to show you. BROOKE. 641 Montgomery Drive., cor. Elm St. Mar. 4S27. Every Customer Is a Reference. BUILDING eiie on Portland Height. lOOx 3 00; lies between two paved streets; worth anv wav $4iN0; for quick ale will take 27..0. He quick. COE A. McKEXXA CO., Realtors. S2 Fourth st. Main 071. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. AU improvements paid, MOD down. $10 a month, near school, car and new park. JOHXROX-DODSOX CO., 33N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. IRV1NGTON East front, on E. 24th; M700; between two fine homes; let ua show you this one nnd many other choice homesites In t hla pect ion. BITTER, LOWE & CO.. REALTORS. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. CAN' YOU BEAT IT? Oantiy building lot on Sumner st.. near Concord; sewer, ce ment walks, curbs, water, all in and paid : 5ix 100; price 5550, $50 down. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. REALTORS. JO 1 -,-,-:t-5-7 Hoard of Trade Bldg. LAUD'S ADDITION $1500; Elliott near Hawthorne, east front. Remember this Is walking distance and there Is an alley in the rear. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. REALTORS. 2H-2-:,-..-7 Board of Trade Bldg. EAST front. Mix 100. 37th and Tillamook, $000. C. D. McConahy, D55 Empire bldg., Seattle, Wash. For Sale -Houses. ROSE CITY. SMALL DOWN PAYMENT! $52no ATTRACTIVE 5-ROOM BUN GALOW WITH ELEGANT PLATE GLASS WINDOWS AND MIRRORS; LONG LIVLNG ROOM WITH COVE CEILINGS. FIREPLACE: FIXE BUF FET; H A X BY DUTCH KITCHEX WITH BREAK FAST NOOK ; LARGE ATTIC; MULLER FURNACE. THIS WOX'T LAST ! R. KOMKRVII.LE, BROADWAY 2478. CLASSIEST DUTCH COLONIAL, $4000. 6 rooms, something different than the usual bungalows, hardwood floors, fire place, Dutch kitchen. Ivory finish, breakfast room tapestry paper. See tracings,, at once in window. HARRY BECKWTTH. Realtor. 104 5th. St. Phone Main 00. Sudden business move south necessi tates ouick sale of One 2-story, 7-roorn modern home, sleeping porch, beautiful grounds, trees, on East 2Ist t., near Til la monk ; never offered before ; quick poescesiun ; a real sacrifice; terms. Tabor 407. 4ino. HAWTHORNE. 5 rooms and bath, living room across the front of the hiuj. separate dining room, 2 good bedroonw, fireplace. See this at once. Terms. HARRY BECK WITH, Realtor. 104 5th St. Phone Main 0S60. SACRIFICE. 5-rooTYi new bungalow; fireplace, built in effects, hardwood floors, Hawthorne district. $3150. Easy terms. See Mer rlfied. 210 Oregon bldg. W. M. Urabden stork fc Co., Bdwv. 1058. . COX V E X I EXT, BEAUTI F I - L, COZY HOME. strictly modern, five rooms and sleeping porch ; in perfect condition; wonderful view; excellent lo cation; half block from car; $50. Phone Wdln. 2017. BEAUTIFUL. IRVIXGTOX HOME. Exceptional bargain, 12 rooms, steam .neat. lOOx 1041, double garage, beautiful Bhrubs; all improvements in and paid; any terms. Sell wood 203:1. -jt4 to.M uungaiow. nose lily Park ; price $1325: $54(0 cash., bal. $20 per month. Call 311 Panama bldg. days ; 706 East 78th X., 2 blocks south of Sandy, eve nings, i'OR SALE Must forthwith sell my two- tory plx-roorn hoiife at a sacrifice full sired corner lot; 4233 East 52d it. South east : price $:.2U0. See owner. 1260 Bel mont at., evenings at 1201 E. Main st house plans; ar-1 Distinctive Homes," illustrated book f over 100 designs. M; blueprints 1 10 DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPANY P24, Northwestern Bank Bldg. " PIEDMOXT. " ! $5000 Eight-room hote. til bath, laundr trays, furnace, cement basement twn block to car. 335 Portland blvd. E. WILL sell my -room home In Laurel burst, 3 year old, ivory finished through out, hardwood floors, furnace, com plete In every detail. Phone Tabor 7oSl for appointment. I RVIXGTOX BARIC Compelled to sell my 5-room residence at a big loss; price Tor quick sale, $3000 good terms. W. M. t mbdonstocfc fc Co 210 Oroeon older. Rrnn(iwv 1 ku FOR SALE $i;i00; 5-room strictly mode bungalow, full cement basement Lutch kitchen, fireplace; all built-ins, book cases: i block to car line. Miss, ave Call Woodlawn 2QQ6. a e' DA XUY BARGAIN' $1050 5 rooms with bath, newly tinted clos to car; $750. balance easv termal HARRY BECK WITH. Realtor 1Q4 5th St , Phone Main 0800 $4500 5-ROOM BUNGALOW.' ftOout com-itleteri- nt AIMnn. nnri Aff - Peninsula park. Open ' for Inspection! week days nnd from I to 3 Sunday. 1 AM VERY anxious to set! my 0-room modern home in Sunnyside at once I price cut from $4750 to S.I OHO un ...,:' clv very good terms. Main 7oa 6. AM LEAVING city, so will sacrifice my 6 room house ; ail conveniences near car line; paved at.: good Condition: by oxn er. loss K. ?0th X or Wood;awn 4.?lft THE BEST of material and workmanship goes into the houses w build; as-ustance in f inane tu. Fabricated Construction Co., r.lG McKay bklg. FORECLOSURES, -mortgages, redemption contracts, equit.es bought, houses ard lots, unfinished buildings with liens 01 F SI 1. Oi egoman. WEST side, close In cos;- five-room cot tage. modern, fine shupe; price $3oo ' terms Mam 1003. 5)ll Chamber of Commerce bldg. Reside new Marshall 803. Bl'V AT builder's cost, flfij 5-foolnbun-;:ai low. Boston and I'ortiuud blvd X-i-flin terms. Tabor 2070. -ou. SACRIFICE of $KHMt 011 modern C-room bunstalow. Alameda drive, if taken this wek. Tabor 207H. x . 1 SELL on'.y my own houses; "see m be fore you buy. T. C Sialey. architect 704 rt'ygant st Q-ROOM houke. 32700; 7 ber ciaim: by oner: Tsiior 5470. city lots: 1 tim am -o.ng south. fi-ROOM ttoufv. RUieuour, Wdln. Mrs. S37L REAL ESTATK. For Ie -Houses. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. LARGEST HOME SELLEk OX THE . PACIFIC COAST. -00 PhotOKra Uha of Home.- for Sale. Every humj personally inspected and appraised. If n;cesar. wc'ii ne.p you riiaKfe yjur down payment. SERVICE MEN I Our office hcis hunureds t Dumei listed upon which you can apply your bonus, with Iitie or no down payment. Our attorney will attenu to ail cietai.s lor you. Seven jjervue men to alttt you. Open Evenings Until It 2S Salesmen at lour Service. $425.0 $."hm) down. Unuuaiiy homelike 0-room, story-and-it-half Haw thorne bur.ga,iow that is In im maculate condition throughout; being ju&t newly tinted anu paint ed; has very clever and useful uuilt-in conveniences ; tapestry paper; beauti:ul lighting fixtures; berries: garden; 1 block to car, on E. 30th st. .1'JQO one of the biggest values In Roe ity toaay ; 0-room, artistic, very modern and practical bungalow, on paved street, close to car. We recommend this as a genuine bargain. E. GUth st. WALK SAVE MONEY. $'(400 $5'tu uown. Just aeross the Bdwy. bridge: substantial, modern six- room home with every tonven-4 ienee : paved t. paid. Wheeter street. $2700 ado down. Xea 4-room Alberta bungalow cottage on full lot; bath, plumbing, electricity, gas; line garden, small fruit; chicken house. E. 12th ail. Ask about this. $21!X i.usE XO TIM E IX SEEIXG "THIS! It's a regular nap ! Dainty little brown shingled 5-room bun galow beauty, with every modern convenience; Te ideally located, wnhin just loo ft. of beautiful Portland blvd.. close to business center and 1 blk. tocar; chicken house, trees"." etc. Burrage st. Ea- terms. M T. SCOTT 20 FRUIT TREES. $2200 $4110 down. DEFIES COMPETI TION. One of the biggest bar gains in our office. Artistic and ever so homey 5-room bungalow on an SOxlOO corner with beauti ful Bhrubbery, emooth green lawn and 20 full-bearing aborted fruit trees : chicken iou!e ; paved et. IF YOU'RE WAXTINO SOME THING REALLY GOOD DON'T FAIL TO SEE THIS ONE. 07th street. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy lour Home. Main IOCS. Wash, and Stark. Abington Bltig. Third St., bet Entrance under the big electric sign. IRVIXGTOX HOME NEAR XOTT. t IO.000. GROUND 75x100. Real bargain, wide cement porcti across the front, central entra nee. 1st floor liv ing roo'n. dining room, kitcnen. targe bedroom, lovely, well-equipped bath, fine electric stove in kitchen ; 2d f ?oor, 2 large bedrooms and bathroom, glass In closed sleeping parches, plate glass win dows and full length screens throughout; full basement; $275 instantaneous heated. Wide driveway, garage. McDOXELL EAST 410. R EALTORS. - FURNISHED BUNGALOW. $0250 $5250 $5250. TERMS. Well-built 5-room bungalow, all built ins. Dutch kitchen. pipeless furnace, large basement, cement floor; furniture Just good as new ; fruit trees, paved st. Exceptional buy ; about $1 500 to handle, balance $50 per month, including Inter est. By appointment only.' East 4901. T.AURRLHURST HOME FOR SALE BY OWXER. Three bed 1 coins, dining room and breakfast room with French -doors opening on pergola porch, living room and den with French doors opening- on laj-ge front porch- All very attrac tively arranged. Priced for quick sale at $7500. Phone Tabor 1819. JUST A FEW OF OUR MANY BARGAINS. $ 1400 3 - room ccX age. lot 60x80 ; East Burnside. $1700 3-room cottage, lot 55x184; Mt. Scott car. $1600 5-room cottage. lot 25x100, base ment; E. 2Sth. near Oak. $2600 7-room semi-modern. 33 1-3x100; Sunnyside school. $3500 6-rooin semi-modern, 33 1-3x124; Sunny side school. J.' P. McKEXXA, Realtor, 1151 Belmont at 30th. Tabor 64tt3. WM. A. HUGHES CO.. 218 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG.. THIRD AND STARK STS. MAIN 6102. To buy or sell your home, farm, apartment house or hotel, SEE HUGHES. It costs no more to do business with a live organization. WM. A. HUGHES CO.. 218 Railway Exchange Bldg. Ihlrd and Stark St a. Main 6102. IRVIXGTOX. $8500 $1500 CASH. Wonderful home: tt large rooms; hard wood floors. French doors, old "ivory throughout. 2 fireplaces, one in over size hedroom. finished third floor: grounds 68x110; real bargain ; owner leaving city ; 1 4 blocks from Irvington or Broadway car. EAST 419. ROSE CITY. $520t $24100 5-ROOM BUNGALOW AXD DEX, SLEEPING PORCH. FURNACE. FI RE PLACE IX LARGE LIVING ROOM; BEAM CEILIXG IN DINING ROOM; CHOICE LOCATION. BELOW THE HILL OX 45TH ST. SHOWN ONLY BY APPOINTMENT. R. SO.MERVILLE. BROADWAY 2478. 7-ROOM. absolutely modern nome, with wonderful sleeping porch, dreasing room, toilet and lavatory adjoining. Has ex ceptionally large living room with fire place," beautiful hardwood floors, buf fet and China closet ; new pipeless fur nace; house In absolutely perfect con dlotion and Is a positive sacrifice. $65O0, $10(H cash. Call 42 Buchtel ave., corner Pine, near nist st. FOR CJUICK SALE Five-room plastered house needing some repairs, on full-size lot; has city water, gas main at front door; woodshed, chicken house; 5 min utes' walk to schools (high and grade t, church and - first-class electric train service, 15 miles from Portland with low commutation fares; price $750, cash or good terms. Write P. O. box 370, St. Helens. Or. WESTOVEIt HEIGHTS HOME. Cozy, compact, 2-story, 7-room home, with Karages. center entrance, large main rooms, vie w porch. II bedrooms, sleeping porch. 2 baths. 2 fireplaces, oak floors, hot water heat; unobstructed view of city, mountain river. Tabor 407. ONLY $400 CASH. PRICE $2000. Beautiful 5-room bungalow with bath and toilet and half basement, full lot with variety of fruit. Front yard laid out verv artistically with lily pond, etc. HARRY BECK WITH. Realtor. 104 5th St. Phone Main 6860. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Houses, all kinds and price in this district. Call for appointment. BROOKE. 541 Montgomery Drive, cor. Elm St. Mar. 4S27. Every Customer Is a Reference. BEAUTIFUL 7-room house, has sewer, gas. garage; full plumbing, buffet, fire place, furnace, double constructed; good district; near car. on 50x100 lot, with nice shrubbery; price only $1200. J O H N S O N -10 D SO X CO., 633 X. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. 5 -ROOM bungalow. bath. gas. electric light, lot 50x100; good chicken house, 1 block to car and stores; close to school; $2400, $5PO down, balance month 1 v. Owner, 4520 61st ave. S. E., Wood stock car. BRAND NEW BUNGALOW;. 4 rtoms and bath, double construc tion, full cement basement, $23O0. easy terms. Go see it. 1315 Detroit. Tabor 585. 4-ROOM cottage, water, gas. electric lieht gas stove, winter's wood, beautiful sightly corner. quarter block: flowers' garden, 2 garages. Bargain. Hammond and Brainard avenue. Tabor 90s. BARGAIN Bungalow, just finished 4 rooms and sleeping porch; double con structed; best of plumbing; 50x100 re stricted district; $ 1050. J250 down, J20 per month. A. Searie. 1028 E. Glisan NEW AXD modfrn unsalow u-irh hardwood floors and fireplace, $noou cash. $1000 terms; Vs blk. from carilne Owner, M. Hansen. 1 40 E. pt h N. LAURELHURST. Strictly modern 7-rooni house for sale by owner. Plonty of rosea, near park. If Interested, address J SI2. OreKOOian TAKE NOTICE! ' A beautiful bungalow in Alameda $1000, underpriced ; must be sold this week: very easy terms. Main 7030. LAU RE LHUR"sT. beautiful S-room modern home. 100x100. garage, price reasonable Zimmerman. 818 Chamber of Com merce bldg. . EQU1T Y in new modern R. C. bungalow balance $50 month, consider Ford tour ing; inquire after Sunday, 537 e 54th North. FOR SALE 5-roorri house, located close in. good location; will take small car as part payment. Call East 5110, Easy Trms JOHNSON & ANDERSON, owne'rs and builders. 2 neMj. modern bungalows in ' . "- .'Mumore st. ROSE CITY 2 lots SI 4t0 Fast 51U 4S:h- and Siskiyou, MODERN .Vmojn bungalry; 1 block from car. 1808 K. Hojl Tabor 24oaT REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houmch. ROSE CITY PARK. , ROSE CITY PARK. LAURELHURST. LAURELHURST. If you are going o buy in either of these districts, see us. We have the tiT'81 Iwings many real bargains. Phone now positively no obligation. $4b0U ROSE CITY PARK A real nifty little bungalow with garage, on corner lot. Real modern nifty. Very easy terms See this. 9o20 ROSE CITY PARK We are of fering a hfme of 5 rooms and sleeping porch that was formerly priced at JU500 for $5250. This is your opportunity to get a real bargain. LAURELHURST. LAURELHURST. We have any number of splendid buys In La u re 1 h II r Mt Vn -.. Q t - 11- n u t x- of home you want or the price you wisn to pay, you owe it to yourself to first inspect our listings. A. G. TEEPE CO.. Realtors. Insurance. 2i0 Stark st.. near 4th. Main 3092. Branch office. 40th and Sandy. Tabor 0580. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW GARAGE 1103 FLANDERS ST.. AT 41ST. . PRICE $G000. TERMS. New, modern S-joum bunstalow. hard wood floors throughout, plate glnss win dows, fireplace. built-ins. Iarc att.c and basement; garage and full cement driveway; splendidly located near park and ca r. For sale by owner. Open for inspection this evening alter 7. ALBERTA HOME $3000. 7 rooms, finished in old ivory and -white enamel throughout, cement base ment, laundry trays. 1 bedroom, bath and toilet down, 3 bedrooms up; large lot, bearing fruit ; located on Vernon ave.. bet. Alberta and Prescott; price $3000. terms. HEXDERSOX-BAXKUS CO.. 628 Henry bldg. Bdwv. 4751. ' :;500 SPECIALS. EACH ONE A GOOD BUY. On E. Flanders t.. In Montavilla. 5 room, garage, rec. hail, living room and dining room have beamed ceiling. Dutch kitchen, sleeping porch, bath. 2 bed ' room. II re place, fruit. 75xli0-foot lot. E. KELLY ST.. XEAR 3!TH. ii rooms and rec. hall: paved; 2 good bedrooms and bath, furnace. laundry trays, fruit and shruhberv : mahogany tlnish : One condition ; oniv $.".."io GLADSTONE AVE.. WOODSTOCK. 5 rooms. 50x1 OO-foot lot. 2 bedi-oomi and bath, sas furnace, launrirv tray, some fine fruit. This Is a bargain and will go todav; $350O. J. A. WICKMAX CO., REALTORS. "Shortest Way Home." 2HA Stark St. Main 5 S3 and 1004. WE ARE otaprm today an S-room house in the Irwngton district t a bargain. Hardwood floors throughout, all the bui!t-lns, plate glass, large ground's. with fine shrubbery: $12,000. A 4-room bungalow with all the built ins. breakfast nook ; cosy ; just for two. $4000. A 5-room bungalow, just being fin ished, at less than cost. We will follow your color scheme in tinting if bought now. ' Corner aoth and Holman. If the above does not meet your ap proval we will build to your own good tajte, within the limits of your purse, using sound construction -and clean-cut designs. We specialize in commercial houses. Pee Mr. Vail. FINANCE SERVICE COMPANY. 00O Wilcox Bldg. Main 4441. WM. A. HUGHES CO. 218 Railway Exchange Bldg., Third and Stark Sts. Main 6102. 7-room house in Sellwood district, modern, on good lot with all improve ments paid'. Will trarle for 3 to 5 acres, close in, improved; Tigard district pre ferred. Ask for Mr. Robins. Wichita station;, one acre, close to good school, good 5-room house, garage, chicken house, good well: 3400 cash handles. Will take cheap car up to 3400 and some cash. Ask for Mr. Robins. WM. A. HUGHES CO.. 218 Railway Exchange Bldg. Third and Stark StB. Main 0102. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. A real home; corner, south exposure; close to Sandy. Absolutely double constructed and well-built: living and dining room in connection, fireplace, bookcases, buffet; handy kitchen, two roomy bedrooms and bath downstairs; two bedrooms, sewing room up. Plenty closets, full cement basement, laundry tubs. $4050. with terms; liberal dis count for cash or large cash payment. See me for terms. ROYAL, 72d and Sandy. Tabor 1 5 3 . EUCLID HEIGHTS $3750. Brand new and all dolled up with hardwood floors throughout, four love ly rooms, pressed brick fireplace, cabi net kitchen with a large breakfast nook, a good feasement with laundry trays and besides, a cracker-jack garage; it will take 31000 to handle this and the bal ance as rent. COE A. McKEXXA & CO.. REALTORS. (Meaning reliability), 82 Fourth st. 'Main 4522. - IRVINGTON. $6300. - $0300. TERMS. Well-built 6-room house. 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch; hardwood floors; Gasco furnace; garage. Possession at once. By appointment. East 4001. WOODLAWX. 33500 This is a giveaway, five-room bunga low, great big living rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, full concrete basement, furnace, wash trays, fine garage, only four years old. on paved street, first party with 3730 cash gets' It. COE A. McKEXXA & CO.. REALTORS. P2 Fourth st. Main 0871. ROSE CITY PARK. Will sacrifice beautiful 7-room bunga low and dandy sleeping porch, everything is strictly modern, large lot, fine shrub bery. This is one of the show places of Rose City Park; very easy terms. G. C. GOLDENBERG, 424 Abington Bldg. Main 4R03. Tabor 884. LA U R E LH U RST BUNG ALOW. Magnificent 7-room bungalow with ga rage, on large corner, near car and prk; very large living room, breakfast room. 3 large bedrooms. Ivory finish, mahogany trim and door, finest oak floors through out; beautiful shrubbery ; like new. Ta bor 407. PORTLAXD HEIGHTS. Beautiful new colonial bungalow and garage, choice location -amonjr the firs, tine view; ultra-modern interior, large (35-ft. living room, windows on 3 sides, old 'English floors, many new feature; 3700O. about 3 23O0 cash. Phone owner a fter noon. Main 5720 m ROSE CITY BARGAIN. 7-room modern, bungalow style home; hardwood floors, fireplace, all the late built-ins. excellent basement and fur nace; two blocks to car on aSth st. Price $5250, 31250 down, bal. long- time. East SQ:iS. OWNER GOING ON FARM. Alberta J-rm. modern bungalow, reception hall, large lot, $2000, easy, terms. Woodstock, 5-room modem, full plumb ing, lots of built-ins, $2500. 3300 cash. Interstate Land Co.. Realtors, 248 Stark st. Main 542SI. STRICTLY modern 5-room bungalow, al most new, in Laurelhurst. lot 50x100, new garage, about 3 block of car; $0500. $20O0 cash. It Is a dandy; must be sold this week. J. P. McKenna. Realtor, 1151 Belmont at 39th, Tabor 6403. t FOR SALE by owner, strictly modern 8 room bungalow with two-thirds acre set to choicest bearing fruits, berries and English walnuts ; fine garden. large chicken houses and runs; price 35000, 32000 cash, balance easy terras. Arthur Foster. Forest Grove. Or. GOING TO BUILD? We design and build residences, or any building. Assist In financing same. The best service at lowest cost to you. Established 12 years. Security and sat l5faction assured. L. R. BAILEY CO., INC.. 024 X. W. Bank Bldg. $1150. Small, neat house. 50x100 lot. lawn and flowers; 3350 cash. bal. 1 323 per mo.. Including int. RoBe City Park car to 72d st. GREGORY I XV. CO. BY OWXER. 4 HOUSES. Xew 6-room house and garage, up-to-date, almost finished tt 753 E. 7Sth st: X., 2 blocks south of Sandy blvd., cor. lot. 80x100, price 355G0, part cash: also 2 houses for $4500 and 1 for $5000. Wood lawn 4047. FOR SALE 13 acres, mile south of Scap poose, on Columbia highway: $10,ooO, half cash, balance 6, five years. E. K. Rumrelch. owner. 6-ROOM house ; bath, toilet, first-class concrete basement; price $2400; $1000 cash, the res monthly payments. Come and see place. 4211 6Sth ave. 5. E. BY OWXER. 4 and 7-room house, modern, reasonable: ema'.l payments, easy terms. rnone auto. w..-j- XEW OVERLOOK bungalow. 5 rooms, breakfast nook, full basement and attic. SOO Long view. Wood lawn 1777. FOR SALE Bj owner at bargain, double r.instrurted S-room hnuito stIsi.. j ern. 1021 Garfield ave. WoodlaVn St" SACRIFICE $tWn down, term same as rent, secures 6-room modern h 00 use la euim.' amc wwiiei. u E.. a ay ior St. FOR PLA.NS and estimates call Sellwood BY OWNER Six-room house, close In a bargain. East 4603. NEW BUNGALOW, near park, school cars. 1260 T. Alder. Main 3501. 4 REAL ESTATE. For Sslr House". ROSE CITY PARK. 31000 Located near 6th and Fremont. 5 room and sleeping porch thU is a real buy and there is nothing better for the money; located in a beautiful little grove of fir trees; owner needs cash and it will take from 31500 to 320OO to handle this, but If you want a bargain tor the money, call us up and we would be only too glad to show you this along w-irh other bargains that we have. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. 3500 CASH. $JS00 A new 6-room thoroughly modern bungalow near the Rose City school, on 50th street: hardwood floors. buit-in features, full con crete basement, corner lot; will arrange balance of the purchase price to suit vou. HAWTHORNE. We have several new bungalows in the best part of Hawthorne district, ranging ijt price from 342O0 to $450, which we are able to offer you on excep tionriiv easv terms. HILLER BROS.. Realtors. 211 Rv. Exch. Bldg. Main S6. Branch office 50th and Sandy. Tbor$4S5 EASY TERM HOMES. BROOKLYN $3350. 6-room modern bunga low. lot 50 x 100 feet, paved street, sidewalks anil sewer, on Powell st. $00 cash. bal. temu. RICHMOXD $2750. 4- room modern house, completely fur nished, on Cora ave.. lot 50x100 ft., ce ment basement, $500 cash. bal. easy. RICH M O X D $ 3700. 5- room modern bungalow, fireplace, bookcases. Dutch kitchen, good base ment. 4 blocks to CI In ton -Kelly school. $450 cash; terms to suit. HAWTHORNE $3675. 5-rbom modern home, buffet, book cases, good basement, $075 cash. Terms to auit. , IRVIXGTOX $400. 0-room modern home, hot water heat ing system, built-ins. finished in old ivory and white enamel, 50x00 foot lot. - garage. Only 3700 cash to handle. BURKHARDT BUSINESS BUILDERS. Realtors. 415 Piatt Bldg. . IRVINGTON RESIDENCE. Xew and modern 12-room Irvington residence, containing spacious living, din ing and breakfast rooms, library, sun parlor and larire central hall, all finished in the finest selected mahogany and oak. hardwood, llnonc throughout: five large bedrooms, artistically finished ; maid's Quarters separately arranged: tnree toi lets, two tile bathrooms, all plumbing fixtures of the most expensive and san itary type : house contains large finished a trie and full cement basement ; three nrtiaiic ti!e fireplaces, stationary vacuum cleaner, large grounds, beautiful, with rare flowers, olants and shrubs. This beautiful home for sale by owner on rea sonable trms AT S21. OresonUn. BY OWNER. TERMS. COPY 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Interior done in white ivory finish. 2 bedrooms in pussy willow gray, bath, built-in features In parlor, dining room. Dutch kitchen, full basement. wash trays, newly painted inside and out. at tic, garden plot, street paved and all paid; close to school and best car service in city : am leaving city : w ill sell for $3075. 1304 E. Salmon st. Tabor 1507: LAURELHURST. A Golden Opportunity. I hare under construction on a corner lot 100x103x100x57, a 5-room bungalow and sleeping porch. Will have hardwood floors throughout, beautiful buffet, all built-ins. tile bath, pedestal stand, shower, fireplace, tapestry paper, light ing fixtures and shades, furnace, garage, grounds to be beautifully landscaped. Price $0750. Get in touch with me at once. Auto. 320-67. 7 MINUTES' EASY DRIVE. LAURELHURST OFFICE. E. 30TH AND GLISAN. If you are looking for a 5-room bunga low and will drive out today, you will get the surprise of your life: nothing like It ever offered by me before. Owner leaving city. Call for key at- office on the property. East 30 th and Glisan streets, or phone Tabor 3433. Evenings call East 773Hr DELAHUXTY. OPEN EVENINGS. IN BEAUTIFUL PARKROSE. Xew bungalow of 3 rooms and bath, living room 13x20. large porch across the entire front of house. H acre of ground, all In cultivation. This is located 1 H blocks from the carline and commands a view of the highway. A nifty little home for $3250. $1000 cash. $25 month ly, Fred W. German Co., Realtors. 732 Cham, of Com. $3630. SUXXYSIDE BARGAIN. Complete 5-rm. bungalow, all con veniences, F. P.. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, floored attic, house newly tinted and painted, looks and Is classy. 1 blk. to Sunnyside car and just east of 3Sth. Terms at price if you hurry. J. Bobbins, Tabor 5319. Main 7031. ONE OF the best buys In Portland, fine duplex bungalow; beautiful grounds, full basement. furnace, double plumbing, laundry trays, lot 80x140, fruit trees, roses, ehr.ubbery; at least $1000 under value; must be seen to be appreciated; for quick sale $3700, $1000 cash, bal. 0. See this todav. BR AHA M" & WELLS. 307-8 Couch Bldg. Main 6023. IRVINGTON. MODERN 6-ROOM HOME. New, nifty, neat. hdw. throughout, tapestry paper, double set French doors, tiled bath, dandy furnace, full basement, in fact, a most complete bungalow, and compelled to sacrifice, which you can ascertain by calling Main 7031 or Tabor 5310. ALAMEDA PARK BUNGALOW WITH A VIEW. 5 dandy rooms, modern to the letter. Ivory finish, tapestry walla, fireplace, all the built-ins. breakfast nook, 1 block to car; you will like it; $6500. C. M. DERR. 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 2245. $475o $4750. 6 rooms, on corner Hawthorne, full cement basement, laundry trays, furnace, built-in kitchen, breakfast nook, screen porch, bookcases, linen elbset. Terms $700 down, $35 per month, interest in cluded. Owner. Tabor 5355 BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON HOME. Been occupied only 6 months: on cor ner lot: 8 rooms, hardwood floors all over house ; wonderful sun parlor ; dou ble garage: fine shrubbery; reason for selling, need money in mv business. I am the owner. Phone Automatic 328-52. BEAUTIFUL WINDSOR HEIGHTS. Brand new 5-room bungalow, strictly modern, all Improvements in and paid; only $4250, very easy terms. G. C. GOLDENBERG. 424 Abington Building. Main 4803. Tabor 864.' ATTRACTIVE home. 308 East 38th at. N.. coF. Hancock, furnished or unfurnished, living room, den, dining room, kitchen, breakfast room and lavatory on first floor; 4 bedrooms and bath upstairs: hardwood floors throughout; excellent condition". Owner, Tabor 4553. HOUSE FOR SALE BY OWNER. A beautiful home In Sunnyside; fine place for children; large shade and fruit trees; 7-room house, not modern but well built. Price $3600; $800 down, $35 month, including interest. 1108 E. Yam hill st. Phone Tabor 8S6r.. BY OWNER A bargain If taken at once. A real home, 7 rooms, clean, good plumbing, close to Franklin high, near car, bearing fruit trees, berries, shrub bery and roses, furnished or unfurnished. Piano. Broadway 2125. $1450 EASY terms, beautiful new, cheap, clean and classy bungalow, now under construction. If you want a home be low the market, see this at once. X. Peninsula park, near school and Indus trial center. 1645 Miss, ave. $2750 TERMS Modernbungalow. 4 large rooms, basement., attic, vacant; in fine condition; good neighobrhood. half block to paved street and car. 130 East 60th st. North. Must' sell. Xo agents. Owner. Tabor 7700. $3800. $400 DOWX; have one too many houses, and I will sacrifice this 6-room house with furnace- and fireplace: there are 3 elegant bedrooms and whole house is immaculate. Call me at Main 7031. Tabor 5319. LAURELHURST. 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors throughout, fireplace, furnace, garage; owner leaving city: no reasonable offer refused. 210-15. 1212 East Hoyt st. WESTMORELAND BUNGALOW. $3600. 5 rooms, modern. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, extra large lot, paved st., easy terms. Mar. 1022. Sell. 2706 Sunday. MODERN 3-room house, new; lot 50x140; fine plumbing, electricity, gas. garage; price $1500. , BRAHAM & WELLS. 307-8 Couch Bldg. Main W23. BEAUTIFUL 3-ROOM BUNGALOW. BIG SACRIFICE FUH UK"K SALE. Don't fail to see this. For further In formation call owner. Tabor 3S25. IRVINGTON ccjonlal, corner, sun .rooms, sun porch, French doors, old Ivory and hardwood floors throughout, real home. East 410. $500 CASH, nice cottage, 4 acre, garden, berries, fruit, water, lights, auto road, near electric sta.. Lake Grove, $1650. McFARLANP. Falling Bldg. 5-ROOM bungalow, good condition, large lot, garden, garage, must be sold t"his week, $2300, some terms. MV car to 63d. 1600 Oregon. Tabor 9094. WEST SIDE CLOSE IN. Lot 50x50, with good 6-room dwelling; on Taylor st., near 16th: price $6000; easy terms. O w ner, 300 Pla 1 1 bldg. MR. EX-SERVICE MAN! If vou are thinking of buying or building, I'll save you money.. See Mr. Stewart, 863 Sandy, or cail Ijst 661. . IF YOU want to sell, call us up; If you want to buy, see it. J. H. Ely Jk. Co., 12S I4th st. 4-ROOM furnished. $1450. Including furni ture. 34 ii. Wine hell, Kenton districL REAL IS STATS. For Sai 1 IF TOU WANT A BEAUTIFUL HOME. Irvington Is the ideal home district of Portland; here is a beautiful one for sale ; it Is modern In every detail, you can inspect It from the full cement base ment to the floored attic and you will find this home was built for comfort, convenience and durability and nothing was left out to make it complete; it has living room, dining room. den. beau tiful Dutch kitchen, three lovely sleep ing rooms, fine sleeping porch and sun porch, fine floored attic for billiard table, extra large east front lot. all cov ered with fine flowers and shrubbery; there is no better home value in Port- iano ior s.mjuu tnan tnis one; we tnvrt your inspection. See E W. HUGHES. 507 Jounrnal bldg. Main 285S. MUST SELL THIS MONTH. HOME IN SUNNYSIDE. 14 blocks to the best car service in the city: 5 rms. and sleeping porch, fire place, buffet. Dutch kitchen, full ce ment basement with furnace. We con sider this our best buy in Sunnyalde. If you can pay $800 we will make a propo sition that wiil interest you. J. L. HARTMAN CO., 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 20N. BT OWNER Modern 7-room house, all built-in effects; hardwood floors through out; white enamel Dutch kitchen, 3 large bedrooms, linen closet, large bath room, cement basement, stationary tubs, fur nace and cement garage, street paved and paid. 1 block from Sandy blvd. 131 East Btth at. Norths fcrub urban .lomei AT SHERWOOD. OREGON. 9 acres on good macadamized road. H mile from station; all under cultiva tion ; black loam soil, good well. acre bearing orchard, 4-room house, barn. large chicken house and chicken yards; price $30O0, $1500 cash ; electric lights and city water available; an ex ceptionally fine piece of land. H acre. 6 blocks from station. mile from city limits; 14 bearing fruit trees, lots of berries. 4-room house, chicken house, gas and gas lights, 5 blocks to school. Gresham carline ; price $2100; will consider larger place of 10 acres and go out as far as 30 miles. CLOSE TO MULTNOMAH STATION. Vt acre. 1 block from paved highway; some berries, 3-room house with gas, city water and electric lights ; close to school; total price $20O0. $1U0U cash. Mr. Kemp. JOHN FERGUSON. REALTOR Oerlinger Bldg. Over 500 small places near Portland.. Get our extensive cla&aif ied Huts. S:;ooo FOR A MODERN nungalow and 2 :argc sightly lots in Buckingham Heights, near Multnomah station; a beautiful place for your home; wonder ful opportunity to pick up a modern house at a low figure; will be glad to show you the property, taking you out In my automobile over the Terwilllger boulevard, or you may call on Mr. Rogers, my local agent, at Multnomah, Sunday or weekdays. BEN RIESLAND. Dealer In West Side Suburban Property. 404 Piatt Bldg. 127 Park St. UNFINISHED LAKE GROVE HOME! CLOSE TO OSWEGO LAKE! Four blocks from station. About an acre with FIXE SUNKEN GARDEN; 3-room bungalow that is not finished inside, but - owner has been living in same. Electricity and city water. About 8 cords of wood on the place. ONLY $1400; could make terms. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with . FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abington Bldg. Main 106ft. . Third St., Bet. Washington and Stark LAKE VIEW VILLAS, PLAT 4. A new tract at Oswego lake, water, auto roads, lights, fine view property with good soil and splendid groves of cedar, dogwood, yew and madrona; spring brook flows through several, giv ing admirable chances for effective landscaping; a walk through this beauti ful tract will convince you. Prices run from $300, on very easy terms. Call 500 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark sts. Phone Main 85. MOVE IN AT ONCE! HALF" ACRE $50O DOWX. 5-room bungalow with good cement foundation; has just been newly calci mined and refinished; some fruit trees and berries; not far from car and school. ONLY $2000. WE WILL BE GLAD TO SHOW YOU THIS. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Third St., Bet. Washington and Stark. IF YOU WANT A BARGAIN, see that $3500 6-room residence on improved county road near Multnomah station on the Oregon Electric; all kinds of fruit and flowers, beautiful sloping tract of land ; an ideal place for your perma nent home: owner compelled to sen. needs the money; place is worth con siderable more. For particulars, call on BEN RIESLAND. 404 Piatt Bldg.. or see Mr. Rogers, local agent, at Mult nomah office on the boulevard. TWO ACRES WITH FRUIT. $500 DOWN $500. 6-room house with electricity and gas; 5 blocks from car and school; one acre of potatoes, fine garden and fruit; $3OO0. Owner would consider house in town of same value. Ask for F. C Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Third St.. Pot. Washington and Stark. SUBURBAN home-in the city, 350x100 feet, 7-room house and bath, gas, electricity, cement basement, wash' trays, etc. Has creek 40xoo feet running through cen ter of property, with trout pond, and 3 beautiful, artistic flower beds in creek, good berries, etc. Must be seen to be appreciated. $6000, easy terms. Phone Sellwood 388. FRUIT! FRUIT! FRUIT! Three lots with all "kinds 05 fruit; only one block to - car at Troutdale; 4-room bungalow with bath and sleep ing porch. Only $3000, some terms. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with ' FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abington Bldg. Main IO68. Third St., Bet. Washington and Stark. ACRE HOM E $1500 $500 Down. $10 Month. 2-room house, poultry house, near school; 700 strawberries, 370 raspberries, 15 logans, 1 acre commercial spuds; good fishing, duck shooting ; near city limits. 526 Cham, of Com. ATTENTION, EX-SERVICE WEN. Another Buddy has 10 acres close in for sale, 11 miles from city. Will take small sum down and monthly payments. Call Main 7115 or see me at 204 Henry bldg. 1 FOR SALE 3 acres, house. 8 rooms, bath, 3 closets, 1 pantry, good well on porch, city water, assorted fruiLs. several out buildings; price $3500, cash. Box X North Plains. 6-ROOM modern house and 1 acre within cay limits; ic car tare : 2 blocks from Ardenwald station : beautiful view of Portland: only $2500. easy terms. Sell. 1 441. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near carilne. from $1500 op. Inquire 3d house north of R.sley station, on Oregon City carline. BEAUTIFUL natural park or 30 Acres, large creek and springs, electric station on grounds near city. $ 15,000. AH 706, Oresonian. OVER acre with 3-room house, close to city: price $650. $.00 down. bal. $10 a month; leaving city. Call 3G1 East 11th st. South. FOR SALE 7-room house, new ; 2 blocks to station on Capital highway, Mult nomah. All city conveniences. Call Main 7115. A BARGAIN and on very easy terms: 6 rooin modern house and 1 acre of good soil. Owner. Auto. 626-47. CHOICE ACRE or one-half acre. Park rose; ail in cultivation ; modern home and garage: terms. Tabor 2676. 2 ACRES or acre in Greshanv; all In cultivation ; modern bungalow on each. Terms. Tabor 2076. For Sale -Acreage. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. 2 to 5-acre tracts on East. 82d st. (main Oregon City road), near Kendall station; paved road, gas, city water, etc. ; $750 acre; easy terms. Owner. 300 Piatt bldg. ACRES, Vt ACRES. $10 DOWN. $10 month. Alberta car, Kennedy school, no assessments; city water. R W. Cary, 1210 N. W. Banit bldg. Main 1 643. WRITE for map or. western Wasmngton. showing location, low price and easy terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAUSER TIMBER CO-. Tacoma. Wash. 10 1-5 ACRES creek bottom land, three miles west of Goble. Columbia Co.. Or.; " fine soli, running water, near school, good road : terms to suit. N. F. Nelson, ow n e r, Oa kGrpve. Q r. EXCELLENT land at $30 per acre on the Columbia river; good road ; easy ttrm. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 4-5 ACRE, Just outside city limits; Gresham car. Bell station; $750, $150 down, terms. Main 4112. STOCKMEN, atttention! 320 or 2000 acres .t $10, near Bend, Or. Address Adver tlser. 415 East 6!lth St.. Los Angeles. CaL $10 ACRE, half section. Washougal river, 19 miles Portland stockyards; good soil. S. Lesaard, Warren, Or. K t,. L ESTATE. For Sa le Acreasge. STOCK A.y EQUIPMENT INCLUDED. 10 acres, 2 miles from Oregon City on macadamised road; H mile to school; 7 acres under cultivation ; all can be farmed when cleared; small orchard; 4-room house, barn 3ox36; large chicken house; included with place 3 milch cows, one horse, 4 hogs, 30 chickens, wagon, hack. plow, harrow, cultiva tor, harness, cream separator, etc. ; also some furniture and crops. Price $3ooo. $1500 cash; or consider acre tract near Portland with 3 or 4 -room house up to $250u. WILLAMETTE RIVER FRONTAGE. . 6 acres, 25 miles south of Portland, right at school, store and garage ; good macadamixed road; 2V acres raspoer rtes. some log n berries, acre straw berries. gra pes and bea ring orchard. Very attractive 6-room plastered bun galow, full cement basement, fireplace, etc.; barn, chicken house; incljided with place complete machinery, gas engine, good cow, chicken, horse, pig; this land is all In fruit and- vegetables; can be irrigated by pumping from Wil lamette river; price for everything $5250. terms; or consider Portland house up to $30UO that is clear, or rooming house. Land inspected by Hunter. JOHN FERGUSON. REALTOR. Gerlinser Bldg. Over 500 small places near Portland. Get our extensive classified lists. P. 10 AXD 20-ACRE TRACTS, $25 AN ACRE AND UP. $10 down and $5 per month buys a five-acre tract in this addition of fioo acres; down the Columbia river, on the Oregon side, close to Columbia highway na rter; fine transportation, railroad. river, auto stage and truck ; beautiful i mg land, f 1 ee from rock and gravel : some tracts have beautiful view, of river; -there are also some with streams, fine location for chickens, dairy, berries, fruit ttuu vegetaoies. CHARLES DEFEL. 318 Railway Exchange Bldg. R ESI EM BER. 1 ou can get 1 big. beautiful wooded acre out Powell Vailev road for $4oo; $.jO cash and $10 per mo., so close In that jou can live mere and still work in th city. R. H.CONFREV, Realtor. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ItcRfc. is your chance to own a small farm down the Columbia river, 18.61 acres, on payments that you can make. It is rich, productive soil, on a good road. Price $558; terms $140 cash, bal ance 10 ne paia f3 a year. Let us snow it to you at once. JOH.NSOX-DOOSOX CO, 633 Northwestern Bunk Bldg. MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK. 1 full acre, all In cultivation, woven wlre fencing, good well, 17 fruit trees, all kinds of berries, good log bungalow of 4 large rooms, chicken houses, etc., on the Oregon Electric, 7 miles out. Price $1650, $300 cash. Fred W. Ger-ms-n Co.. Realtors. 732 Cham, of Com. 0 ACRES, all or nurr :t.'.0 n-r a -r short distance east of city, near Buck- ie ave. ana aarr road; soli good; city water in front: beats buying lots a few blocks nearer in. A chance to get some thing that will furnish a living for the family when times close down. Owner, 615 Railway Exchange bldg. Marshall 1 oS5. S ACRES. 5 miles from St. Johns ferry; tor'-and-haJf house, 1 acres cleared, rlr grove, two springs, small running iieeett. prune ana two cnerry trees: two miles from city limits, on hard- surrace road; price $700. H. W. Munson Whit wood Court, near Linnton. IRRIGATED LANDS. Ochoco project in central Oregon. The very best of improved land, close to county seat, good schools, all within 5 miles of railroad, very easy terms Brown at 200 Oregon b 1 d g. Bdwy 1658. FARM LANDS. In 1 to lo-acre tracts, very easy terms, 10 down, balance to suit pur chaser, very fertile soil, near electric line, splendid ronds, mostly cleared. See Brown, 200 Oregon bldg Bdwy. 1658. FOR SALE 5 acres f uli-bearing-apple or chard. Spitzenbergs. in Sutherlin valley. Or. Big crop hanging on trees; will take $600 per acre if cash. L. B ' GRAY. Owner. STf ART. IOWA. 120 acres of land for sale, halem. Or. P. Wolke, Ne- ItomeHteads, KeUnquinhments. YOUR BEST OPPORTUNITY " to take a homestead Is this month. Am locating claims throughout western Ore gon, either farming or timber tracts BDecIal inducements to ex-servtco msn satisfaction guaranteed by experienced locator. E. W. HELM. 316 Board of Trade B 1 d g, THIS ia yeur last opportunity to get a valuable homestead in Oregon: correct and satisfactory locations guaranteed iy reliable ex-govt. cruisers; maps $1. M. J Anderson. H1 Railway Exch. bldg Aruit Lands tor aaie or Ueut. EXCELLENT ORCHARD. For sale with crop of fine commercial apples; 80 acres land, 38 acres In bear ing orchard, 10 acres timber, bala nee partially cleared; good buildings, 2 bun galows, large .barn and other outbuild ings this is an unusual chance In hiiv a. good. Income producing property which should pay tor itself in a very few years. 1 The location is all that can be uemrea. near i-yie on ortn Bitnk R. R. Delightful climate and good water hud- ply; price reasonable, easy terms. Own ers must sell. John Bain (part owner). pni.uiiK mug., roriiana, or. HE IS IT ON WALNUTS! If you' want a bearing orchard or any expert advice on walnuts, write T Withycombe. His clients have all' made good money on their investments. 432 12th st. Marshall 3118. For Sale Farms. XO. 481 SMALL FARM BARGAIN. 14 a., along paved highway; 7 a. in cultivation, fair house, good turn rhtnU. en house, hog house, woodshed and other ouiounuings ; gooa-sizea creek running through this place; cow. chickens. jujrae, a eianas Dees, piow, narrow, cul tivator, plenty of small tools for small farm. Price $3500, some terms. NO. 432- 40 ACRES ON LEWIS RIVER. 3 miles from Battle Ground, Wash.. 20 a. bottom land. balance second bench, about 17 a. bottom land, under cumvantn. oaiance an slashed, can be easily cleared, fair 5-room house, good large barn and other outbuildings, good orchard. 2 springs. Lewis rlvef is boun dary line on two sides. $2400, half cash. THOMPSON, SWAN & LEE. Realtors. 3d an.d Main sts. Vancouver. Wash. 75 ACRES EQUIPPED. 6 miles Newberg, Including crop, team, cows, hogs, chickens, all farm Imple ments, garden, fruit, berries, 7 acres prunes. Cash price JflWO; will accept Portland home to $4500, bal. terms, E. R. S., 613 Couch bldg. Main 5694. $800O BUiS 37 acres, part under fence two fish ponds with fish In; good house, small barn and other outbuildings; 25 minutes' walk from R. R. station. 25 miles from Vancouver; for full infor mation write or call Peter Ciottl Prindle. Wash. FOR SALE 10 acree on Champoeg road. 1 1 miles north of Salem. 1 mile from Oregon electric; about half In cultivation; 1 acre old loganberries, more, set out; house, barn, poultry houses, etc., creek and 2 wells; $150 an acre. Owner. Main 1 2Q1 BY OWXER SNAP IN "LINCOLN CO. 160 acres, good house, 2 barns. 5 head stock, young team, farming Implements, crop and household goods: about 23 acres cleared ; all goes for $3fH0. Call Kawt 5048 or SO? Burnside st. 160-ACRE stock ranch, real soil, 14(1 acres real plow land, 10 acres cleared. 40 acres nearly all clear; could be plowed this fall. House, barn, creek; county road west of McMinnville, $2000, half cash. 301 Corbett bldg. 80-ACRE TILLAMOOK DAIRY RANCH. ONLY $1200. TERMS. Partly clear, house, barn and wagon shed; school .4 mile, on county road 6 miles from small town. Owner 454 Going st. Woodlawn 2227. SOUTHERN OREGON. BETTER LAND FOR LESS MONEY. Best fruit and farm lands In the state, UNLIMITED VIRGIN TIMBER. Wiite LAKE & A1KINS, Rlddle.Or. FOR SALE Three acres and three -room house; land all In cultivation; three miles from Oregon City. Price $ 1000 ; $250 cash, baL yearly. R. 6, Box 111, .Ore gon City. 160-ACRB farm .cheap. 30 acres bottom land, for alfalfa; water to irrigate; good 5-room house, barn, orchard. 1 mile to town, 70 acres in cult.; a snap for $2500. terms H cash. Garland. 201 3d st. 16 ACRES, nearly all In cultivation; good soil; land ilea well; price $75u. $200 down. 4 uKArEn, 4 ttoara or Trade. EXCELLENT land at $30 per acre on the Columbia river: good road ; easy terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 Northwestern Bank Bldg. CHICKEN, FRUIT OARDE.N RANCHES near Portland, $50 to 50l per acre; eusy terms, best soil, farms for sale, all sizes, McFar!and. realtor. 208 Falling bldg. 93 ACRES, six miles south of Lebanon; 63 in cultivation, well fenced; a good buy or will trade. Owner, Tabor 63o8 14.52 ACRES, 2 houses. $400; on Columbia highway, Rowena. II. W. Lewis, box 1-4. Stanfieid. Or. FOR SALE 3J0 acres of Alberta wheat land. Write Ueorge Philpott Ac Son, R. a Albany. Or. 10 A, stump land near Scappoose, creek, shack, county road, some level; $500 cann. dm. eaay. .n. onarpe. B3 Sfr 3d St. LOGGED-OFF lands. $10 acre up. running water, good soil, hi tillable: ,chool, easy terms. J. JE. Sharpe. 63 ft Third at. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Farm. WELL STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 40 acres. 26 miles northeast of Port land, 3 miles from store and cream sta tion; 10 acres under cultivation. 22 acres can be cultivated whn cleared ; lots of good pasture, barbed wire fences; mile to school; bearing family orchard; 6-room house, barn Hx.'i'i,. chicken house J 6x20, milk house 14x26; spring and creek. Included with place 10 cows. 6 heifers, 2 brood sow, good large team of horses, harness, wngon. plow. 2 cultivators, cream separator, crop, etc. Price $4100 for everything. $23oO t-ah : or considerhouse in Portland and small amount of cash or cltar huu.se up to $4000. 20 acres. SO miles southeast of Port land. 2 miles from Colton. Or., 8 miles from Molittla. rail a nd wire fences, one acre- bearing orchard; good 5-room house with fireplace. barn. chicken house, fruit cellar; buildings all in f ; shape; 9 acres under cultivation; pri $2000, which includes crop; $1000 each, balance easy terms. Will consider prop erty near McMinnville, Or. ON PAVED HIOrtWAY. 20 acres ner Hillsboro. Or., ail under cultivation, wire fences; cheap S-room hou.se ; city water, gas and electric lights all there 2 blocks from electric station; close to school. Price $325 per acre, one-ha If cash, bala nee easv terms. JOHN FERGUSON. REALTOR, Oerlinger Bldg. Largest farm deafer on Pacific coast. Over 5o small places netr Portland. Got our extensive rlassif ir 1 lists. LOUIS RIVER DAIRY FA RM of 240 acres, over IOO acres In the bottom. 50 to 75 acres on bench : .several million feet of good standing tim her ; eq nipped with 4 living springs running out of the mountains: some improvements; wonderfuj opportunity for an ideal " dalrj- farm ; $0OO. term. For par ticulars, see BEN RIESLAND. 404 Piatt building. HERE Is your chance to own a small farm down the Columbia river, IS. 61 acres, on payments that you can make. It Is rich, prod uctive soil, on a good road. Price $55S; terms $140 cash, bal ance to be paid $3 a year. Let us show it to you at one. JOHNSON-DODSON CO, 633 Northwestern Bank Bid g. EIGHTY acres near Toledo. Or. ; slashed ; oome firewood: to exchange for lot in Rose City Park district. Tabor 2720. .WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED From ow ner only. 5 or (i-room bungalow, large living room, dowirable location; must be modern In every re .Tect and bargain: small initial pay ment, large monthlv payments. Apply sta te bonus soon as available. Tabor 10s7. SHAfKb AND SMALL HOMES WANTED. We have calls for small and medium priced homes, which can be bought on easy terms ; list with us. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO.. 1654 4th st. 5-ROOM, strictly modern bungalow. R. C. Park; good location and in first-class condition. BD 81U, Oregonian. FROM ow ner, six-room modern bungalow or hous1. I.aurel hurst or Irvington, be tween $4000 and $50"0 cash: must have garage, furnace, built-ins and free of in cumbrance. H 804. Oregonian. CHANDLER dispatch, driven less than looo miles. trade for modern home Portland or vicinity, take or pay some difference and assume some. Ehrlich, 1103 E. Taylor. WANTED TO BUY 1 or 5-room fur nished or unfurnished house, place for garden and chickens, near carline; most he reasonable. G R31. Oregonian. WANT 4 or 5-room house on or nea r M issipsippi car line, about $3000; can pay up to $1000 cash. 314 Couch bldg. Main 7036. WANTED 5-r.om bungalow. not over $4000. $500 cash, any good district ; . prefer to deal with owner. AJ 600, Oregonian. WANTED Modern home on Portland Heights. Give Lowest price for cash and please tell exactly where situated. AN 7Ss, Oregonian. I WANT some cheap houses, any part nf the city; have buyers waiting. Robt. S. Loe Jr.. 3S4 4 rlawtnorne ave. East 4726. WANTED From owner, the best lot In iventon district that $300 will buy. S. 843, Ore gonlan. WILL trade small car as first payment on house and lot In desirable district. F S33, Oregonian. WANTED Good building ite on Portland Heights. Must be a bargain. Please give exact location. AN 7S4. Oregonian. WANTED A 5-room modern bungalow, any good district; state price and loca- ti o n first letter- H "12. Orpgon ia n . NEED a small house ; have $250 cash ; substantial payments. Call Main 15 73. WANT home in Sunnyside or clos-in othpr district, up to $4000. Main 7036. Wanted to Kent Farm. WANTED TO RENT. SMALL PLACES. Have several people wanting to rent acreage or email farms close to Port land preferred. Some people will buy the place after leasing for vear or more. We make lots of sales this way. Will buy equipment If priced right. JOHN FERGUSON, Oerlinger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE Sawmills located In pine. fir. or spruce timber, also good tracts of virgin timber In Oregon or Washington. Se-- Winslow Co.. 419 Lumbermen bldg CEDAR SPRfCE. We want cedar logs, cordwood, lumber. Also spruce lumber. P. O. box 302. FOR RENT FARMS. 15 NEAR Vancouver, until December; $75; also 40 near Oregon City, until Novem ber. 1023, $450; 500 cords seasoned wood on place. $3.85. Owner, box 68, As toria. Or. 247 ACRES. wpII watered. Newberg. Sellwood 503. 8 miles from TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. WILL take lot or auto and some cash as first payment on my 6-room house, 1020 E. 16th st. N.. balance like rent; hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace; just painted and tinted ; near two good car lines. Price $4500. See A. R. Johnson, 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. Res. Woodlawn 6371. 10 ACRES - loganberries. 1 acre strawber ries'. 1H acres orchard, near Beaverton. on highway, to exchange for grocery or confectionery up to $2500 ; will give terms on balance; price $6500. Michael, with Interstate Land Co., Realtors, 24S Stark st. Main 5421. . . SALE or trade, 140 acres. Tillamook coun ty. on Nehalem river: newly furnished 6-room bungalow; depot on place; chick en houses, other buildings; 5 acres cleared, more easily; good orchard, ber ries; at $0500 it's a gift. S 801, Orego nian. ACRE FOR AUTO. Want auto to $1200 to cover equity on my acre with 6-room. house, rooms all on ground floor, gas. electricity and water, fruit and berries, st. pavd and close to car; this Is on 30rh. Main -7031. Tabor 5311. J. Robbins. WILL exchange my equity in modern 4 room bungalow near Sunnyside and E. Ankeny cars for unincumbered cheaper property with smaller house, or would consider light car as part on deal; large lot with fruit trees desired. East 8543 or BD 700. Oregonian. WILL TRADE. We are prepared to arrange a trade for you. Bring in your proposition and we will match you on anything that has merit ; lots, houses, acreage or farms E. R. S., 513 Couch bldg. WILL EXCHANGE equity In 5-room house, almost new, street improvements in and paid; to exchange for vacant lots 100x100 E. R. S, 513 Couch bldg. Phone Main 5604. HOTEL. 40 ROOMS. "Ground, buildirig and furniture: well located, netting $30O mo. ; completely equipped dining-room and kitchen $S0on wiil trade for an equipped dairy ranch. E..R. S.. 513 Co u eh bldg WILL TRADE 820 acres. 200 acres under cultivation house, barn, good water, 8 miles from town, 2 miles from school, w ill accept city property or good auto in part pay tnent. E. R. S.. 513 Couch bldg. WILL TRADE We are prppared to arrange a trade for you. Bring in your proposition and we will match you on anything that has merit, lots, houses, acreage or farms E R. S . 513 Couch bldg. FOR SALE or trade. What have you? Two good lota in Easton, near Wood mere school on 80th su Address huo North st.. Newberg. Or. 5-ROOM HOUSE for team, wagon, har ness or chickens or cow. .price is $1000; must have $500 or $600 cash; $650 mort gage. 4715 65th st. S. E. WE HAVE trades of all kinds; come in, we will match you. BOCKHOLD BROS., Realtors. R01 S wet land Bldg. "Alain 5769. APARTMENT HOUSE WANTED. Have $L'0.000 cash and ranch fot $35.000: will assume some. Main 703 1 5-ROOM house, HOOij. terms, or exchange for somet thing equal value in or near Victoria, B. C. AR lit, Oregonian. 1 HAVU a 2-room house and lot in Seat tle: want to trade; what have you? 103S Belmont. 4 LOTS, unincumbered, at Port Angeles. ' ior car; wouia ramer nave runabout, oi small rooming house. Call Tabor 5118, PARKROSE Modern bungalow, corner lot. I $17W; terms, or ill take small lignt i car. Tabor C7C 1 TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. WE HAVE 1120 acres choice wheat land in one of Alberta's best and surest dis tricts. 1 ij miles from station and ele vators. There are eight elevators with in a radius of eight miles; HH acres can be plowed with tractor. 500 acres hrorfen. 200 acres of summer fallow; u-room house, barn 2Kx64. three gran arn ; . two good wells, ice house for 10 tuns, fine living water on the place and excellent shelter for stock; 250 acres of crop. Price $6Sf per acre, in cluding the crop. No encumbrances against this property. Owner will take i Vif a smaller farm in the WiU trl va,1y. balance to be paid on the half-crop payment basis,: no crop. tlP,ayTn t'ithir Principal or in terest, wo have other smaller proposi- iru- f"r,ld lxl P,fl'hn0 for Oregon or Washington farms. A. ISII.LILA.V. LIMITED. LAND BL1LP1M1.. -l.liAKY. ALBKRTA. RA-1;,ThD IMPROVED OITY PROPERTY. i i exchange a lo-acre ranch near r.V ,lrE" f,1r Improved PortUnd citv Jr.Vi.if Vr Approximately WO acres In i";W "'0 ""' In orchard with nr? S L'linBS- Property has been ap praised by well known Portland real ii - , ,i ""f"1'" us beinit worth from l.. lion to $17,000. Propertv held bv mortuase company fvr about 50 per cent or its aotua value. Would consider sale m.'ionlr.a;'i w'" reasonable cash pay nlenc Address r,. K. SHAW. o34, NORTHWFSTKRN NATION AT. RANK HI.niT PORTLAND. OR . . rT "aI or wl" exchange for equity in modern bungalow. Tabor 8510. TO K Q'ANOB MlSCFIXAXEOt S. LARGE -Webster dictionary with revo:v- "ik adjustable stand, exchange for suit. kodak. iHior lo44. P,'.NITf n.d klao""ne your house on In- ?o''Tla'inP-gon;aapPtri4f,; WU"? c""d" r1iIlo.P".rrc'.ly"m,u'ht'a' smi1" diamonds"; trade for fruit and Jars. Tabor 43S.L FOR SALB. H?r?;JVliM (etti.i vent ock. I-HOWN STA BLKS. LScT for 100 head ot horse, that sra out hi lre ,r. "chsne with or w-lth-UA h,"1,'s- Jv hve plows, harrow. T-h,. tre""- tor sale or hire. New Thorns mower. 10-ft rake, has only rlVL'Z'lL1- Front! TOO MA XV HOUSES. JUST 5EI.I. 3 head good work horses, guaranteed ZZ!PZ'V:?" C..."E. 2d and TEAM m irei. harness. Fprlnjr truck, w.n ',,. ' "incninery. potatoes in ?nedWC.hV'r"let car; sickness! . I orr .. IIP! t'9Ji.!iA"L'i:'tr511J norsea; reasonable pric.a. Hottnan Fuel Co.. ham v. a, k treet.. " ' w V,nnSAJjK cneai 1 bay team, weijrhti -MKl harness and warfon. Call at 22.4 -Norm 14th. Bdwv. 113l. A WANTKn Cow for her keeping- must Pi ve milk. Moe Bruley, Battle Ground, "ash., nrar anroiiver DEAD horses and cattle taken aulcklv Phone Mllwaukie 6;J for best servlcs UCTf D rv 1 OTaitT DR. HOWES. TABOR 1KAD horses and cattle taken Quickly. fin mj w. iiiau. .num. U- 4 -". THRRB fresh cows, riving- from 4 to 6 gallons; cheap. 40 8M st. THRKH good dairy cows, $00 to S5. 205 K. I'Jd st. X. I'ianoH. Organs and Mimical Instruments. READJUSTMENT PERIOD SALE. Grand pianos, first-class and new, - Jorn !75 savings $i00 to 300. Every pianist, every woman hopes to own a grand piano during her lifetime. Tour upright taken In part payment. Player pianos, new and used, from $495 up. Pianos, new and used, from $225 up for cash or on a little cash, balance spread over 3 years' tim to iuit your requirements. Your phonograph, piano or organ takensut- first payment. -7th floor. Llpman. Wolfe & Co.. &th and Washington sts. PHONOGRAPHS Some reduced over 507. New and Used Cabinet Models. T iddicomb Sheraton model 5. oak... $95 Bluebird, in mahogany .- 125 Pathe. fumed oak, model 12 $75 Manual, in golden oak... $82.50 Emerson phonograph $87.50 Stradivara Chopin, mahogany $90 ictory. style ii. small .- $40 $10 or more at time of purchase. $5 or more a month thereafter. LIPMAX. WOLFK A CO.. 7th Floor. BUSH & LANE PLATER. Plain mahogany case, just like new; left here to be sold. Come in aqd .give us a price. .SEIBEKLIXG-LTTAS MUSIC CO., 125 Fourth Street. USED GRAFONOLA. "Walnut cj&se with 3 dozen records, cabinet size. See this machine, term given. .SElBERUr,-UTAS MUSIC CO.. 325 Fourth Street. WELLINGTON. P1a!n oak case, $275; very good con d'tion ; t.'rm s given. SKI BER LI NO-LUC AS MUSIC CO., 1 25 Fourth Street, DON'T miss this buy ; a wonderful tone Everett piano, one of the three best pianos. $35 ; trms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO..' I4'. Sixth Street. .7. & C. FISHER. Beautiful walnut case, at big bargain, Sej this wnnderful piUno. SEIHERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 Fourth St.. bet. Wah. and Alder. BANJO ukuleles, new arrivals; see these beautiful instruments aid ca-11 for dem onstration, $10 and op. , G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. Sixth street. VIOLIN outfit, special foe students, sweet toned inst rument, case, bow and extra strines. $25. G. F. JOHNSON ?IANO CO.. . 149 Sixth Street. F R A N K LI NT" " Walnut ca.e. J275; excellent condi tions, trrms Riven. SEILKRLlNi; -LUCAS MUSIC CO., i -i rourin street. $225 secures New England upright piano; $325 fine Howard & Co. (In mahg.) piano. If you don't want to pay cash, then $6 or Stri .a month is all you need pay. Seventh Floor. Lipmarh. Wolfe & Co. HINZE PIANO at big reduction; terms given. SEIBERLINO-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 Fourth Street. WI LI, trade one acre of land near Bea - verton. Or., part cleared, good for gar den or chicken ranch, for learn of horse or m til eg. 31 1z Second st., room 23 S. FI NE Edison, mahogany case, large size, 50 double records, for $225; pplendld piano, sat in finish, dark oak, for $205. non lawn otmi. SCHULHOFF piano, beautiful walnut case. $250. terms. G. F. JOHNSON" PIANO CO., 140 Sixth Street. BUY. SELL OR TRADE ' PHONOGRAPHS iOR RECORDS NEWMAN RECORD EXCHANGE 12S First, near A 1 der. Main 4405. J. A C. FISHER" ' " $2on; good practice piano: terms given. SEIBERLINtfc-LUCAX MUSIC CO., 125 Fourth Street. B FLAT clarionet, like new. standard make, only $40. G. F. JOHNSON" PIANO CO.. 34ft Sixth Street. $1200 WM. KNA BE. almost like new only $310, easy terms. The world's best piano, cheap at ?G50. Brokerage Co., 311 Worcester bldj:. ORPHKNM tenor banjo, complete with case, $50. G. F. JOHNSON PTAXO CO., 340 Sixth Street." A DANDY mahogany piano, up-to-date case, $105 terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 349 Sixth Street. WELLINGTON . Plain mahogany case, $275; terms given. SE1 BER LING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 325 Fourth Street. ALDRICH piano, almost new, $325 to sell quick ; terms. G. F. JOHNSON PTASO CO., 340 Sixth Street. C MELODY saxophone, silver, complete with case, $130. terms. G- F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. . 340 Sixth Street. ENTERTAIN your guests; rent a piano. player-piano or phonograph. HAROLD S GILBERT. 384 Yamhill St. $17.0 BRUNSWICK phonograph, 40 rei ords. $;n canh. terms. Good bargal Mar ricsf,. ronm 1 ft. $35 PONY, saddle and bridle, also 3000 pound horse, harness and light wagon. Main 445. FOR SALE One complete trap drum out fit; it's a bargain. Call E. 44t0 after .y:io P. M. FINE upright piano for rent or sale; will trade for lie ht car and pay difference. East fi704 P,2t First st. 13 PIANOS. $110 to $235. easy terms, many fine standard makes, why pay more? Terms. 311 Worcester bldg. USE YOUR brains and save money, buy that piano at 311 Worcester bldg. W A N T E I J G end, Marshall 5700. toned piano for cash. THREE pianos, $125 each, fine toned, up right. terma. 311 Worccsf er bldg. FOR SALE Very fine old violin change. .y am 4 1 f-J. THOMPSON player piano, polished oak fln- tsn; go i s new; ouu. w oooiawn 5781, $200 BUYS $ti75 Kingsbury piano, a-rnost new, easy terms. 311 Worcester bldg. $175 BUYS $(125 W. W. Kimball piano, plain ease. 311 Worcester bldg.