12 TITE -MORXIXG OREGONIAN, MONDAY, JULY 18, 1921 FOR ROT. furnished Apartments. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Sta. Five minutes walk to Maier A Frank store; good surrounding's, strictly mod ern 2 and 3-room furnished apta. oat side, with French doors and balcony. Permanent and transient. KIXGSBUEY APARTMENTS. ISO Vista avenue, near 23d and Wash ington, HI eh -class apartment nous. One 3-room beautifully furnished with good ruga, flee view, outside balcony; must be seen to be appreciated. Call Main SSR3. MODERN, completely furnished, apart ment, 5 rooms and bath, all outside rooma, lota of light and air; large front porh. fireplace with gas Radiantfire; 2d floor, west Lde location, easy walking; distance; adults only. 341 Montgomery. corner Broad w ay. THE JACKSON. B1H Union Ave. North. Three-room apts., $30 and $40; private bath, steam heat, hot ana cold water, phone service; 15 minutes' walk to 5th and Alder. Roso City car. East 2846. BONNIE BRAE APARTMENTS. Beautiful 3 rooms and bath, newly tinted and painted In white enamel; nicely furnished ; Irvington district ; reasonable rent. Apply apt. 11, or Jan llor, 514 Hancock st. BUENA VISTA APTS. 434 Harrison St. Strictly modern 2 and 8-roora apts., newly papered In tapestry; outside kitchen and tiled bathroom, $50 and up; adults. Main 1052. SHEFFIELD 272 BROADWAY. FirFt-cIass 3 and 4-room furnished or unfurnished apts., newly decorated, all outside rooms; permanent or transient. Under new management. THE DEZENDORF APTS. 208 IGth. near Taylor. Mar. 128. Nicely furnished 5-room apts. for resi dent or transient and tourist; no ob jection to children; walking distance. SPECIAL SUMMER RATES Nicely fur nished 2 -room apartments; steam heat, no extra charge for private phone and lights, walking distance. Lincoln i.pts,, 4th and Lincoln. CINCINNATI COURT. Two and four - room well - furnished apartments, one three-room unfurnished, walking distance, reasonable rents. 401 10th st. Main 2480. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. Corner 10th and Salmon; 2, 8 and 4-room apts.; permanent or transient; also single rooms. Main 6641. THE LILLIAN APTS. Close In. 2 and 3 rooms, large and light, modern brick building. 381 tftn st. Marshall 1378. KINO ALBERT APARTMENTS. 2 and 3 room furnished and unfur nished apts., strictly modern, elevator, 1 1 1 e hath. 11th and Montgomery. M 359. THREE rooms, dressing room and bath, white woodwork, hardwood floors, free use of e lcctrlc washer and mangle. Phone East 372. BEVARQ APTS, 271 South Broadway, liv ing roo'm, kitchenette and sleeping porch, steam heated, running hot and cold wa tor. Under new management. BELKNAP APARTMENTS. 1H7 17TH ST. 2-room furnished apartment," Main 4097. MARSHALL APTS.- Nicely furnished 3 rooms; -uluo a semi-basement apartment; private phone. 024 Marshall st. Broad way 351. BOZANTA APTS. Nicely furnished 4-room apt., with bath, all outside rooms, front apt. ISO X. 23d. M ars h a 1 1 214B. BENSON APTS. 205 N. 20th st.. 2 and 3-room furnished apartments, including all linen and silver; pr i c e s$3 0 to $ 50. Bdwy. 4443. "the staxfielu. Modern outside 2-room apts.. light, heat, phone, laundry facilities. $20 and S2.:.50. Main 73H2. TWO AM) THRKIvROOM light outside apartments, modern, clean, reasonable rent; walking distance. Arline apart- ments. 17U i and Lovejoy. B d w y. 1 b72. HI SLOP HALL. 410 Hawthorne nve.. near Grand ave. Beautifully clean, strictly modern 3-room fur, apt s . . $:io a month up. E a stSS 2. MARSHALL APARTMENTS. Nicely furnished three rooms; also a semi -basement apartment ; private phone. tI24 Marshall st. Broadway 3351. NEW desirable 3-room apt.; sun room, Dutch kitchen, unfurnished or partly furnished; good neighborhood; private reside nee. Tabor 4 :". ALICE COURT. E 8TII AND BURNS1DE. Modern 3-room apt., 2 beds, fireplace. walking distance. East 3506. HOSE FRIEND APTS. Modern 5-room furnished. Marshall 1410. Walking distance. MODERN ."-room front apartment, all out side windows, completely furnished, Marshall 1.S57. 4-ROOM a part men t. nicely furnished porch. Irving apts., 21st and Irving. Main 9239. 4-ROOM. steam-heated apt., private bath, west side, $35. Cottel Rug Co., 1st and Sherman. NICE cltan 3-room apt., private bath and phone, also 1 1-room apt. 242 Killings worth. W. 5802. It EN T for month or longer f urnish ed 4 room apartment with piano. 31) Trinity P La ce. Mars hall 1150, apt . 48. EXTRA nice furnished H. K. rooms at 153 Irtth st. North; free place to keep your car. Nlt'K large apt., light and clean; every thing furnished. 1 03 HSrh t.. cor. Morri son. Phone Main 4933. 2-ROOM modern furnished apartment. $-8. by week or month. Warrenton apart- menl. 402 Third st. COLIHGE Modern 3-room apartment, sip. porch ; walking di stance. Phone Marshall 5.V.5. 432 3d st. NICE two-room apartment, fine location, light and phone, furnace heat, $25. 054 H. Madison, corner 13th st. FLORENCE apts., 3SS 11th st.. 3 and 4 room apts.. one with sleeping porch for rent, by month or week. Call Mar. 4174. iiODKRN light 2 and 3-room apartments; private bn loony, bath, closets, fine view. H a n o v ex a part men t. M a rah a 11 2000. 1 ROOM with kitchenette, bay window! dressing room, light, phone; also 3-room apt. for $13. 250 X. 19th st. BERKELEY Apts.. 3'. Trinity place. Nice 2 and 3-rm. apts $4f up. with phone ; walking distance. Mar. 1130, apt. G. S-ROOM furnished apartment with bath, light, water, phone free, $33. bS2 East Ash st. The Alta. F U R N IS 11 ED a p t. nt .,-. S H ist Madison, corner 33d, near Hawthorne ave. Rent reasonable. Phone Auto. 234-30. JAEOER APTS., 701 Washington. 3 and 4-room furnished apts. ARCADIA APARTMENTS. ' One 2-room anil one 3-room furnished apartment. 700 Everett at. 5-ROOM furnished apartment, phone and bath, one block from two car lines. 843 Nelson st.. m-ar 27th and Sandy blvd. roUTNOMAli 3 ana rooms : hard w ood floors, sleeping porches, walking dis tance; well turnlshed: adults. 2Qu E. 13th. THE PENROSE. Grand ave. at Belmont Large, front 3-room. newly finished In 1 d Ivory ; al so2 - room a pa rt me n t. Nlt'KLV furnished 4 -room .mr ,.. private bath. 31U Guild sr., between -3d and 24th. off Thurman. Main 3705. " v " 'i rniTn i j iim 2 and 3-room fur. apt-, reduced rates. m nhnnp. Mar 53(lii ' free phone 11A.MIIMU. AITS. Nicely furnished 3-room apartment jvp e d a. pr i vat eh : i , o ny. 251 Uth t . 2 ROOMS. $5 week up. 1 room. $3 week up ; sleeping room. $3 week up. 208 w aiming tun at., iui nrr r irst. Til E JEFFERSON1AN. Kith and Jefferson Reduced summer rates; take small chil- Trt E MEREDITH Furnished apts fTee phone, steam hat, hot water. 22d and Wash. Mat n JT134. and KINGS HILL APTS and apt. Phone Main ZVMHRO COURT. 20th and Washington - - Aliments; strictly modern: transient or permanent. na phone; very CAR LOIS APTS.. 14th and Market Two room modern apt. ; reasonable. THREE clean, well furnished apts.. fa.rin s.rcefc. at .87 Johnson st. " 257 12TH ST. Room, kitchenette, modern- walking distance. CLEAN, modern, completely furnished 2- reom apartment. o;u Lombard. Col. 01T. UKNNISUN A I TS ut'imont. one It.rnnni f urn ished inarinipnf CARLOTTA COURT. 553 EVERETT. " JULIANA APTS.', 45 Trinity place 2 and B room furnished apta, MarshalI 8S3. V" ST H iVn riM,. " KO K LY N APTS.. 110 N. 21st sr.. 2 rma bath, dressing room, disappearing bed. " TEASDaLB APT.. 30 N. 20th One fur nished 3-room a nd bat h. M arshall 1652 15-DAY STORAGE FUSEL : Movln g for less Phor Bdwy. 244ft. NEW YORK apartments, furnished, cor. UNION AVE. and Klliintfsworth ; furn. art. $21.50. all complete; concrete buildings. TO URNS Y BLDG., 2d and Taylor. 1 and 8-roum spta. cwly renovated. $22.50 up GARFIELD 3 rooms. s:eeping porch' rea sonable. 301 Falling. bik w. Union. NEWLY furnished 3-room flat. block from car oa Eat C-d su Call Tab. 451. TWO 3-rm. apts-. modern, clean, light out side rooms; rea.tonah rent ; walking d ist am-o. 17th and Lovejoy. Bdwy. 1812. I nVh'I.V modern 3-ronni am i i , rooms; private bath a FOR RENT. - Furnished Apartments. WHY PAT $60 AND $70 FOR AN APARTMENT WHEN TOtJ CAN GBT A 3-ROOM APT.. PRIVATE BATH. PHONE. AUTOMATIC ELEVA TOR. ALL OTHER CONVENIENCES AT THE GRANDESTA FOR $40 AND UP? ONE OF THE MOST MODERN AND UP-TO-DATE APARTMENT HOUSES IN THE CITY. 68 GRAND AVE., COR NER OF STARK. EAST 208. STELWVN APTS.. HIGH-CLASS. Resident and summer homes for tran sient and tourist; handsomest furnished apts. In the city: no objection to child under 2 years; 1 to 5-room apts.. with sleeping porch ; we also have bachelor apta. and service; single rooms and bath ir,r refined gentlemen : references re quired. Mar. 2S30. 16C St. Clair et., cor. Washington. . VERT HTGH-CLASS. Elegantly furnished 5 rooms and 2 baths, top floor, outside apts., 16 win dows; wlil rent to desirable adults; also a very choice 4-room and sleeping porch, all outside rooms. ,166 St. Clair St.. corner Washington. CLACKAMAS APARTMENT. 3-room modern apartment, private bath and laundry trays; free phone and lights; thoroughly renovated and com pletely furnished. Under new manage ment. Rates reasonable. 270 Williams avenue. . ROSE FRIEND APTS. Modern 5-room furnished. Marshall 1410. Walking distance. ; Unfurnished Apartment. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 180 Vista ave., near 23d and Washington High class apartment house; 3-room unfur nished apartments with disappearing: bed In living room, also bedroom. Call Main SS83. BRUCE APTS., 2G6 N. 25th St., near Northrap, a north-side apartment, vacant August; modern, steam-heated, 6 out side rooms, sleeping porch, west side. East I3'i. . PORTLAND HEIGHTS. We will have a vacancy In our -19tn and Elm sts. apt. house August 1; A rooms. $125 per month. F. E. BOWMAN &. CO. TWO 5-ROOM unfurnished apartments for rent or lease; connected or separate as desired. Light, shinny and clean. . Rea sonable rent; can be seen at 794 Thur- man st. Phone Bdwy. 3258. CHOICE APARTMENT. "Merlin," Broadway and Grant, fine large 3-room corner apt., 2 dressing closets, bath, strictly modern, $42.50 per month; fine view. GRACE apts.. 24th and Northrup. went side; 5-rm. mod. outside, first floor, front porch, large sleeping porch, janitor ser vice, oteam heat. Mar. 2512. evening Mar. 554. . WICKERSKA3. Beautiful 5-room unfurnished apart ment, well located; reference Bdwy. 2201. STEVENS APTS.. 791 Northrup. near, 24th, 0 large sunny outside rooms; front, back and sleeping porches; heat, water, yard. Phone Main 0J58. . CHOICE 3-room apartment, rent reason able, 187 Green ave.. west side, near city park; references. Phone Main If 140 or Marshall 5343. - THREE unfurnished rooms and bath, $22. See janitor, Waverly Court, E. 26th and Clinton sts. ONE 3-ROOM; has dressing room and bath. Is exceptionally nice. Phone East 3 OR 5-liOOM unfurnished apartment. $32 and $15 month. Including lights. 402 Third st. , , CECELIA APTS., 22D AND GL1SAN. Very desirable 3-room front apart ment. 2d fjoor, newly done In old ivory. THE DEZENDORF. 203 10th st, near Taylor. Mar. 128. 5-room unfurnished apartment. THE AMERICAN, modern 4 and 5-room apartment. Bdwy. S3hu. PORTNOMAH. 3 and 4 rooms, walking dlstince; adults. 200 E. 13th. DAYTON APTS 5 and 6-rtn. apts., $05 and $70. 602 Flanders. Bdwy. 3134. GARFIELD. 3 rcorns. sleeping porch, rea- son able. 301 Failing bldg.. W. Unlon- GR ACE apts.. 4-rm.. mod., outside, ground floor: $40 Mar. 1315. MORTON APTS.. front 5-room unfurnished apt. 097 Washington at. Alain lus: 4-ROOM, sleeping porch, breakfast . nook, hardwood floors. Call Wdln. 3043. THE ORMONDE Five-room unfurnished apartment. 636 Flanders, tin wy. or) a. IRVING APTS.. 21st and Irving. Main !231). 4-room light, sunny apts.. porch. iirnlnhctZ or 1 nf urnianf d Apartment, 2. 3. 4 AND 5-ROOM APTS. 521 EVERETT SU BDWY. 4218. FOR RENT 3-room apt., light, heat, hot and cold water. Call 10024 Hawthorne ave.. apt -t t t erf -t r a rTa 3-ROOM. FURNISHED OR UNFW- MODERN 3-ROOM APT. EAST 3611. Flat. FOR RENT 9-room upper flat, living room, dining room, music room, bed room and kitchen, on second floor; four large bedrooms and store room on third floor; two bath rooms, hot air furnace and fireplace; pleasant location on 24th st.. near Hoyt. Rent $60. Write appli cation to owner, 794 Irving street. WEST SIDE, close in. lower flat; 4 rooms, bath. etc. ; newly papered and painted throughout; adults. 571 5th st. Tabor 4553 Also 5-room upper flat after July 21. SIX-ROOM modern lower flat; adults; west side; walking distance. 311 North 10th st. 5C1 DAVENPORT street, corner Patton Road. 4-room nicely furnished flat of private home. GOOD 5-room lower flat. 4K8 E. 12th St.; rent $32.50. See Wakefield, Fries & Co.. S3 Fourth st LK('iR 7-room lower flat, completely re modeled and painted; suitable for large or 2 small families. East 2100. 0-ROOM clean flat, west side, walking dis tance, nice view, nrepiace. iurnace. 1 rt ;h st.. south Montgomery. Vlnney. NICE 5-room flat, close In, $25. 474 E. Yamhill. , Furnished Flats. NOB HILL, walking distance, 2 large, newly decorated rooms, with kitchen ette, dressing room and private bath ; $4S 50. Call 606 Irving NICELY furnished living room, bedroom, kitchen and bath. $37.50. Including phone, garbage and water; modern; walking distance; oaa i ayior. COMPLETELY furnished 4-room flat. piano, walking distance. Call 535 East marltet, i . 4-ROOM furnished. 820 Vaughn st. For information call 743 Roosevelt St. or Mar. 3719. 5-ROOM. modern, nlcelv furnished lower flat, walking distance. $50 month. 426 Rodney ave.. near Tillamook ave. J-ROOM upper flat, like new. furniture for sale, responsible tenants: walking d is t a n c c . M v 1 n 311n. 330 13th st. FIVE large rooms and bath, beautifully furnished, close to car line; good loca t Ion. Wood lawn 067. 0-ROOM upper flat. like new; furniture for sale; responsible tenant; walking distance. Main 5!99. 330 13th st. MODERN 3-room flat, first floor, clean and nicely furnished, lawn and shade trev. doe in; price $37. Sellwood 1068. MODERN 4-room flat, nlcelv furnished. 616 Commercial st. Phone 319-01. 6-ROOM furnished flat. Close in. east side; $30. East 3607. NICELY furnished modern 5-room lower flat. 711 Kearney. Main 1 303. FURNITURE for sale; modern flat for rent. 713 Kear n e y. Main 1 563. Housekeeping Rooms. 3 WELL furnished housekeeping rooms, free lights, telephone, water, walking distance. OtiO Hoyt st. FOR RENT Furn. 1 or Z-room housekeep ing apts.. $3 a week and up. 401 E. Mor- nson. cor, olji. EXTRA nice furnished. H. K. rooms at 153 10th st. North; free place to keep your car. 1 LARGE room on ground floor, $3 per week ; 1 single, $3. 323 3d, opposite auditorium SINGLE housekeeping rooms, running wa ter, large and clean. 255 Fifth st. $3.50 WEEK UP, furnished H. K, rooms" - 2533 Wash. St.. corner Third. $5 WEEK UP, completely furnished h k. suites. The Cadillac, 3d near Jefferson. JEFFERSON APTS. Front 2-room apt. 303 V Jffferaon st SINGLE H. K. rooms. $10 per mo. up constant supply hot water. 147 13th st. CLEAN, well-futnishea n, k. rms.. facing park. 3f3 Davis st. SINGLE or en suite, modem, close in. :ea sonable. Hotel Royal, 132 East 3d. NICELY furn. .1' furn. 3-room suite; elec. lights; o nable. S3Q Thurman at 23t h . reaso 3-ROOM furnished housekeeping apt. $6 2 FURNISHED h. k. rooms. UrTge. clean. 44 Buchtel ave. Rent $20. 2- NICE large housekeeping rooms, close In. r S Davis st. FOR RENT Two desirable unfurnished nouseKceping rooms. a2 Ot h. FURNISHED h. k. room. $1.30 per week and up: elecrric ghts. 32 1st. 3-ROOM and 2-room h. k. aDarrmpnts single rooms. $12 a month. 261 13th st TWO FRONT rooma. room and kitchenette. FOR REM. Housekeeping Rooms. FURNISHED n Jc rooms. 1 room with kitchenette, hot and cold water, private phone, electnc lights, steam heat, five minutes' walk towa. 291 Columbia. ifcr Fifth THE BEAVER, 12th ,and Marshall Fur nished h. k. rooms. $15 up. Including hot water, electric lights, laundry roooL 2H "K. ROOMS, bath, phone, light, laun dry, $3 week up; (walking distance. 321 H v water St., cor. Clay. Main 5. CLEAN furnished housekeeping room, nice location and view, Portland Heights. 76S Park ave. Main 3278. HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms, close in. reasonaote. 11 Tenth. .Broadway 8383. . v IN OWNER'S modern home. 215 11th st., 1 block Central ' library ; cheerful roomy; adult. Main 8678. . FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing, everything furnlshe'd. $3.50 per week and up. 193 y Second st. TWO FRONT connecting housekeeping rooms on lower fioor. 306 Columbia at. near city hall. . NICELY furnished h. k. rooms, very rea sonable. 2H1 j Morrteon. Housekeeping TtTKims In Private Family. LARGE, clean, airy room and very best of meals In modern, congenial home: suit able for two. close In. 368 Schuyler st. near Union and Broadway. East 6393. 3 OF THE best furnished' housekeeping rooms for the money, including bath, tight, water nd a.i for cool.:ng; refer-cnc-g exchanged. gOS Williams ave. ' LARGE rooms, pantry dressing room, private entrance; light and phone; close In. 430 Jefferson st. " 2 NICE, clean, iurnished h. k. rooms, pri- ve iamiiy: garage; diock easi or Union ave. 391 Russell. East 1740. 2 AND 3 furnished housekeeping rooms, hot. cold running water, free phone, re a sonable. 83 X. 23 d. i 4 NICE, clean, fu$ntFhed housekeeping rooms, with large front porco, $15 a month. 0523 56th ave. S. E. TWO completely furnished h. k. rooms In private iamiiy;' light, water ana pnone. Tabor 2729. - FOUR rooms. 2 beds, rent $25 ; close In ; suitable for 3 or 4. 308 College street, between 5th and 6th. LOVELY large room, kitchenette, private nome; modern; two working people. Rent $30. 145 North 23d. 2 ROOMS, furnished for housekeeping, walking dlst., adults. 11 E. 14th st. N. H. K. ROOMS, walking distance. 275 Will- lama ave. Ea st 67 97. Mrs. Wilco x. 2 EXTRA large light H. K. rooms, electric lights. 3051,2 3d st. . 2 CLEAN H. K. rooms; everything fur nlshed. 862 Mississippi ave.; 2 adults; $35. 3 OR 4 ROOMS, 1st floor; piano, garage. 21 E. 8th N. East 2619. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, furnished", $14. 803 Grand ave. S. Phone East 944. 1 single h. k. room, $11 per month. 206 13th st. 3 CLEAN furnished rooma including mod ern Kitchen: aauits nniy. iaDor oui. 2 ROOMS, unfurnished, h. k.. apartment. Nice neighnornood. alar. d4;m. H. K. ROOM, modern home. sink, gas range, adults. Wdln. 21 28 Monday. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 267 Knott st.. near w imams ave. Hounch. PIANOS moved, $3; stairs extra. 1 each flight; 30 days' free storage on all house hold goods; furniture moving. 1-ton truck. $2 per hour; large truck. $2 75 per hour; we are experienced and have good packing. Call Broadway 1207, Atlas Transfer & Storage Co.. 104 N. Sth St. Open Sundays and evening!. FOR SALE or rent for one year to re liable party, new 5-room modern house. Just completed; hardwood floors, full basement, wash trays; will build garage if desired. Cor. 77th and Halsey. Call Main 4Stll after 10 A. M. WILL lease for one year or longer, mod ern unfurnished 6-room house, furnace, close to Sunnyslde car line; rent $40. Call before noon Sunday or ween. days. 167 East 40th., cor Belmont. FOR RENT 0 rooms, nearly new home. just been kalsomined. one piock irom streetcar. 412 Clinton. O. E. Wilson. 740 E. 7th. Phone Sellwood 1730. -. NEW BOATHOUSE on land; carpets on floor, kitchen range, electric lights and water. Foot California st. Inquire 120 Broadway. CALL BROADWAY RH0 FOR NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO. LIGHT POWER H EAT. WASHINGTON AT 10TH ST. 9-R. HOUSE, good, near, E. side dlst., ga rage; modern conveniences. A-l condi tion. , Will lease; Mar. 3509. FOR RENT Modern three-room house iii Parkrose for $15. Inquire N. Mueller, Richardson rd., north of Sandy blvd. 8-ROOM Willamette Heights home for lease for 1 year. Mrs. L. K. Moore, 21 E. 14th N. East 8254. MOVING Pianob, turniture and long-distance hauling a specialty. C. & W. Truck Service Co., 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 5121. ELK TRANSFER & , STORAGE CO. 15 days' storage free; furniture mov Ing fcr jess. Broadway 2445. JUST vacated, inspect fc3 E. 10th st N. Six-room cottage, fruit, garage: adults. S30.KO. Owner, box 08. Astoria. FOR RENT House of 10 rooms. 3 baths; sightly location ; furnished or unfur nished. Tel. Main 737. FOR RENT, 4-room houe- and 1 acre 1 block from Wilson station, Gresham car line. $14 per month. Auto. 633-76. WH EN moving, city or country, get the best at lowest price. Green Trans. Co., Main 120L CGJ V Alder st. 5- ROOM cottage, walking distance. 368 Stevens st., corner Union ave., 4 blocks south of Hawthorne ave. 6- ROOM house, furnace, etc., $20. 754 Kelly St.. near Porter, west side. Call 318 Board of Trade. Main 7452. 6- ROOM cottage for rent at Bayocean, Or. Call East 5693. GOOD house. 214 45th st. corner Salmon. Tabor 1742. 7- ROOM modern houFe. cement basement, furnace; walking distance. 7Q7 1st st. Furnished Houses. JTICELY furnished seven-room house in Alameda Park for rent to adults for one or two months. Owner reserves one room. Phone Broadway 4790 or Wood Jaw n 5518. VERY nicely furnished five rooms and bath, walking distance, west side, $35. 493 Market st.. near 14th. References re quired. FURNISH ED 7-room house, 4 bedrooms. Nob HIM district, walking distance, full lot, 50x100. flowers, etc. Will lease for one. year. $75. Main 2501. NICELY furnished 3-room suite in modern home; 2 bedrooms, sink, private bath and entrance : walking distance, west side. 94 N. 16th St.. corner Flanders. WELL furnished five-room colonial bunga low. Rose City Park ; garage. Owner. - with child, occupy separate apt. C. S. preferred. Tabor 8730. 5-ROOM modern furnished cottage, 311 E. 9th. near Hawthorne, $33, close in. East 5235. $10 2-ROOM furnished house ; no objec tion to children; yard. Inquire 527 Market st. 4-ROOM furnished, $14.50, Including fur niture. 34 E. Wlnchell, Kenton dis trict. WILL share 5-room modern bungalow with reliable couple. Wdln. 4033. CONGENIAL couple will share fine mod- ern home wun acuna. henwooa 3Q. FURNISHED 6-room modern house with garage, $35. 746 Woodward ave. CHOICE fl-room furnished house, sleeping porch; Kicnmona car. aiain 3. $30 MODERN 5-rm. bungalow, furnished. renovaipu, ntrw i ukm. Auiu, uo.- i v, WOULD share 6-room home; well nished. with couple. Tabor 5118 ell fur- NEAT six-room furnished house, close In. until Sept. 1. East 24fr. FOR RENT 5 rooms completely furnUshed, $45 a month. Call Wdln. 2310. HoufM for Rent Furniture for Sale. FURNISHED 6-room house, modern, play er piano, furniture for sale or will rent lurnisnea. -io montn. rnone wast T33U. FURNITURE for sate, house for rent: nice home, small income; $250 will hap. die. Call Main 6497. Summer Resorte, SB -SIDE, Or., Pacific cottages, a new one every day4; get yours now. Furnished complete. Two beds. wood, light, water, $15 per week. Apply H. P. Kimball SEAVIEW, Wash., 1 large cottage with garage and 1 small cottage. Phone Sun day. East 4373, Monday Main 5401. FOR RENT until Sept. 7. 6-room cottage at Seaview., Wash., on boulevard and beach; 5 beds. elec. llghta.PhoneEast2651. SEASIDE-ASTORIA stage leaves New Houston hotel, 72 N. 6th St., 2 A. M.. 9 A. M.: 12 noon. 3:30 P. M. FOR RENT At Pacific Beach. Wash., fur nished rooms and apartments, by day. week or month. Mrs. C. J. Erickson. OCEAN PARK. WASH. 5-r. apt., all or part of season: ref. Main 5 1 85. Ask for. King the Driver. COTTAGES for rent, all kinds and sizes. Mrs. S. Snyder, cor. 3d st and 3d ave.. Seaside. Or. 2 ROOMS with use of kitchen. Joy the Tailor, 104 Fourth et. FOR SALE 4-room furnished cottage at Ocean Park. Wash. Call East 3749. 5-ROOM furnished cottage, at Long Beach. i wo Q1QCK3 irom cepot. H-ast 6325. SEA v Ijsw , ash MX-room cottage for rent, furnished. Main 113. SEASIDE, overlooking ocean, tt-room mod- ern cottage. Tabor 7371. BALANCE of season. 7-room furnished house, ijfiaview. Wash. Main 6324. ROCKAWAY Furnished tent house, $1 a day. Seliwood 1877. .... . A FOR REM. Summer Resort. AM IDEAL ' stopping place at Seaside. "The Pine Lodge," Large, commodious summer home. 1 block from ocean. 2 blocks from Broadway ; large lobby, 2 fireplaces, bath, shower bath and ennts court, large grounds; rate $2 per day up, with kitchen orivilegea. Mrs- Flora Fe rguso n, ma na Jre.r. SEASIDE For rent for season, nicely furnished coage lfc blks. from ocean; large stone fireplace, porch. 10x28 feet, 8 beds, electricity and clty-'watec, view " of ocea n and Tillamook head. Call Main 5041. , VACATION home, for rent on Nehalem ' river. Tillamook line. 4-room furnished house, fishing, bunting. Phone Main 1279. ' COZY NOOK cottages. 2-room houses for housekeeping, electricity, shower, full furnished. 100 1st ave. West. L. F. Mc Neil. P. O. Box 3S3. Seaside, or. MACLEAN'S CAMP OSWEGO LAKE. One summer cottage for rent, boating, fishing, swimming. See caretaker at camp. FOR RENT by the week or for balance of July 7 rooms, bath and fireplace. Vi block from board, walk. 4 blocka north of Seaside hotel. w-ain. w.. WANTED for month of Aug.. furnished cottage at Cannon Beach. Phone Main 5511. or address S. G. Smith, 313 14th sL. Portland. ; CANNON BEACH cottage, tent houses. Particulars C. L. Wtngard, 553 Morrison. btore and liuwiness Places, GROUND FLOOR SPACE. 5000 to 8000" square feet In con crete building, spur track, shel tered loading" platform, cement floor; good natural light and office space make this very desirable. Apply at warehouse, 19th and Up shur sta., or see any 'realtor. VERY reasonable, centrally located on the east side, 2- floors, 59x100 ft. deep; rented separately or together. Equipped with office, shipping platform, elevator, etc. On railroad track. Suitable for warehouse for manufacturing purposes. C 759. Qregonlan. FOR RENT Desirable store in heart ot Rose Cltv Park, on Sandy boulevard, between 30th and 51st: suitable for home bakery, drug tore. dressmaking, milli nery, etc. Call Broadway 50W2 Sunday. STORE for rent; 2 big display windows; good location for furniture, hardware, grocery -or any other business; rent rea sonable; will . giv"e lease. Call at 2o0 First at. FOR-- RENT or lease. 100x100 on Union ave.;. office and garage; fine location for w'oodyard. 1025 E. 17th No. Wood lawn 2433. . FOR DESIRABLE fepace in fireproof ware h-u" rHnne Brogd wa v 8716 Office. LIGHT, convenient office space, with store room, telephone and stenographer serv ice, on the sLreet, rent -reasonable. Main 3453. , OFFICES for rent, Fliedner bldg., McKay bldg. and Globe bldg. sJThos. Meienberg, n.irent WILL KENT Half of corner office In modern building; references exchanged. P. o. box o SMALL office with entry room and share steno. ana telephone, in best building. AR 704, Oregonian. DESK room, with telephone apd steno- raphlc service, pnone rsu wy. jna. DESK room, front office, 2d fir. Worcester bldg. Main 2016. FRONT offices, modern. In Railway Ex change bldg. Apnly room 312. - BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE Good established millinery store for the last 25 years; owner must leave ' on accouht of ill health; guaran tee from $3000 to $4000 per year on In vestment it properly handled. Phone Main 1-196. GROCERY, confectionery. near school. Good 'place to . serve lunches. Dandy place for man, wife or two ladies; plenty living rooms; cheap rent. Making $-," month profit. About $1300 for all. Owner, lutv.i f. Marn st GARAGE BUILDING BUSINESS and equipment, 2-story brick bldg, 60x70 feet, good equipment, lathe, drill press, etc.; good business, best location in town: on Mt. Hood loop; terms on building. Gresham. Garage. Gresham, O r. FOR SALE Good paying confectionery, one that is a money-maker and of real merit; thts place must be seen to be appreciated; price $4300. Address box 174. Hillsboro, Or. FOR SALE Merchants' lunch room and restaurant, good location, doing good business; reasonable . rent ; must sell on account of poor health. Apply at 106 North Sixtn st, RESTAURANT for sale, newly furnished, doing good busiaess;, must sell on ac count of sickness; long lease; good place for anvone who knows the business. Box 624, St. Helens, or. FOR SALE. . Upholstering and cabinet business. We -sell established and. stock .machinery and trade at $HM) par for a few days. (37 Savier. Bdwy. 1519. ; CAUTION BUYERS Before closing a deal of so-called interest in established real estate business., get advice of Portland Realty Board, 421 Oregon bldg. Phone Broadway. 1902. CONFECTIONERY, cigars, soft drinks, do ing good business, room In back for liv ing rooms or card room ; $200 bandies, some terms: west side location; see this at once 230 Vt Third st. $3oH BUYS an electric lantern business, with stock, machinery and equipment for manufacturing same together with natent issued on July 5. 1921. Call Wdin. 4600. FOR SALE COMPLETE BAKERY OUT FIT OF MACHINERY AND ELECTRIC OVENS. HAS BEEN USED ABOUT 80 DAYS TERMS IF DESIRED. P. O. BOX 3205. PORTLAND, OR. FIRST-CLASS restaurant and confection ery clearing $350. per month, located In ' st Johns; price $3500. $2650 cash, bal anoe terms; bank references. 10C N. Jersey x TiSOLUTE BARGAIN. Roadhouse on Columbia river high way at Horestall Falla for sale. Address M rs. W . J . t.eumt. cimaic. vt. WILL write up booKs ana teae cnai oai ance monthly for corporations having a limited amount of bookkeeping; very reasonable fee. N 797. Oregonian. GOOD established cash business. Oregon City ble Pav roll, one of the best loca--tlons- fixtures, stock and Jease. S 820, Oregonian ABSOLUTE BARGAIN. Roadhoune n Columbia Highway at Horsetail Falls for sale. Address Mra Will lam G e bopt. at W a r rendale. Or. LEASE on fireproof building, occupied by raint and repair shop, accommodate 12 cars- must sell. 331 E. Oak st. Ask for painter. Phone Marshall 2673 evenings. HALF INTEREST fn well paying cafe: must sacrifice; $475; $375 balance J10 per month; 2-year lease, . 401 Stock E exchange. Main o385. ITi MILLINERY store In fine location! clean new stock ; doing good business. East56S0 days. Sell. 3406 Sunday and evenings . FOR Q ALE Taxlcab and touring car busi ness in a city of 7750 population. Estab Ushed ten years AV 979. Oregonian. WANTED Reliable business man to finance young man in obtaining patent on completed Invention ; references re- CAMPTHTVO NEW. Will furnish, cabinet 12x18 with French mirror and No. 1 linen towels. W rl te C. T. a.. o- mi"tn u v. GA RAGE and repair shop In Tillamook ritv for sale at Invoice or trade for Portland property; $1800. Box 184. Till- amooK. ur. Fon SALE-Stock groceries. Invoice about $4000. doing over $700i) business a month: will sell at present prices. AV 3 5 . Oregon l an. RFSTAT7RANT CHEAP. GOOD RESTAURANT $475. -93H N 16TH ST.. COR. PETTYGROVE. BAR GAIN BARBER shop on 6th st.. 3 white, chairs, $450, terms. Business Service. 718 De- kumniag 3 CH MR barber shop for sale, with living rooms In rear. 2 men working steady. Main 617.. PARTNER wltji $200 to take half interest in $600 shooting gallery and travel. 68 X- 9th st.. room 1. OUR BUSINESS is for sale. Sheet metal works, well-equippedj shop, doing good business, a v vsh.. POOL HALL. 5 tables, front and back bar. cigars candies, lunch; very central; bar galn; 'see this. 124 Second st. . E7T5 gat . F.-Fu 1 1 v eauiDned meat market and slaughter house. For particulars write Geo. to . strong, neu n j. un. -a.i. FOR SALE One of the best garagea In the city; no agents need apply. (BC 824. Oregonian FIFTEEN two-room rn.pt. house, furnished; fine business, fine opportunity. Box 661, Rockaw av ceacn. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, Sec ond and Morriauu HALF interest, well-established real es tate office. $150. AH 811. Oregonian. WANTED A partner for established dancehaU T hUtt. oregonian. WOULD you buy or sell a business? Tell LVKCH room, doing good business, cheap tor casn. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. ! SALE OF FLOURING MILT. - Sealed bids will be. received by the nn-J oersisiiea i or saie 01 rxrio ai:lhuk turn- pany propertiea Roller mill, 100-bbl. ca- pacity, warehouses and elevator 63.OO0 bit cap.. 4H acres ground and perpetual water rights connected there with, first class condition, bids to be opened July 20. at 2 o'clock P. M.. 1921. at office mill company, Scio. Qpegon. Terms, one half cash, balance on or before 1 and 2 years. Interest S per cent; right to re ject any and all bids reserved. RTLRY SH ELTON. Trustee for Creditors. WOOD SAW.-A-l outfit, on Cadillac chas sis; season Just starting; good nnenp lor work; better ee this quickly: $473. Dandy small grocerv. west elde; new tock and fixtures party leaving city; $650 cash takes iL , See this early; it won't last. Grocery, good residence district, doing over $100 daily:- no dilverv except by hand; $3500; cheap rent. We also have others, anv size and-location. BORLAND & PARSONS. 303 Stock Exchange. Aut. 529-04. SPOKANE. WASH. On? account of poor, health, .of wife I will sell for $2500 or trade for prop erty ox acreage near Portland, a well equipped and established printing plant doing a cash business of approximately $5000 a year without soliciting. On one of the busiest -streets in Spokane. Plant Is clear; might assume. Address W. F. Conyard, P. O. box 234. Gladstone. .Or.', or irui.s K. gthtave.. Spokane. ELECTRIC WINDOW BAKERY FOR SALE LWAKB OR RENT. ALL NEW - IS QUI r MB'T AND UP-TO-DATE. ALSO LUNCH COUNTER IN CONNECTION. FlNffl OPPORTUNITY FOR BAKER AND WIFE. FAVORABLE TERMS GIVEN TO RIGHT PARTY. DEAL WITH OWNER; NTO AGENTS. PHONE BDWY. 3258. FOR SALE One of the best paying, best located stores la Oregon. SO miles from Portland, rich farming and dairying dis trict; sales last 'year $90,000; clean, staple stock . dry goods, furnishing, shoes, groceries, hardware, etc.. Invoic ing $15,000 with fixtures; owners must sell;, will sacrifice below present cost E. H. McCnne. 654 Plttock blk. WILI sell my general merchandise stock 01 snoes, ary gqods. drugs and groceries at invoice; stoek will Invoice around $7000; fixtures $1000; rental $20 per month ; in town on Pacific highway; splendid location ; just opened a large mineral spring resort H mile out of town: teVras cash;'no trades; must selL AV 31. Oregnnians FOR SALE-i Soft drink oarlsr. cardroom snd restaurant, fully equipped, st Seattle. Wash. For further Information call Broadway 727. WANTED Men to sell the faseiest-selllng Ford accessory ever put on the market; extra big profit. Write or call with $10 for samples and stock; get started now. 'Best season at hand. You can make big money. ' Wizard Mfg. company, 210 Jef ferson. st., Portland. Oregon. GOOD GROCERY in thickly settled east" side district, doing over $2000 month; no fixtures buy; price $2250. SIMMS, oip 'Henry niflg.i I OWN one-fourth interest, and have con trol of 40 acres of land In' the famous Cado lake and Beaumont oil belt: want to meet man of means nd influence: ob ject, to forfct company to develop same. If interested write AG 816. Oregonian. WARM mineral springs, bath house, cot tage, large swimming pond filled with natural mineral water; H mile Mt. Hood loop highway, I'M mi. east of government camp; some cash, part In trade. H. E. Meserve, Rhododernron, Or. RESTAURANT in the best payroll town in Coos Bay county ; population about 40O0 ; leading restaurant of town and best trade, with two-story building; everything complete. Write for infor mation. Box 581. North Bend. Or. DANDY BIO GROCERY. Doing over $100 dally, 5 strictly mod ern living rooms, with bath In connec tion. $25u0 cash will handle. Simms, .610 Henry bldg. ' BREAD and doughnut stand In Liberty market, will positively be .sold to s&me one within a few days, the right person can do wonders, the' 'people are there. Call between 4 and C P. M. to see owner. Natural Food Products. f 5th and YamhilL FOR SALE or lease, ice cream parlor and confectionery, high-grade fixturVs. One of the best located ctgar stands In Van couver. Good lease, brick building. 1 In quire of P. M. Elwell, 308 Main st, phone 2S6, Vancouver. Wash. : X HAVE a fully equipped office and ware house, would like to. handle distribu tion, of some factory or specialty com pany. Call or write 44- FRONT ST.. ... Phone Broadway 1638. 1 BARGAIN Grocery Ktock. fixtures. Invoice about $2500. cash sales $100; best sub urban location, Willamette valley, no competition; modern living quarters. Box 46. Salt-m, Or. Busi-'iess OpportpnlTiee Wanted. WOULD like to meet party with $2000 or $2300 and will equal the same amount, with the Idea In view to purchase some paying business; age "35. E 815. Ore gonian. PARTNER ADDITIONAL CAPITAL. Have Investors ready with services for reliable bueiness. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co.. 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 3 05S, HAVE $10,000 TO $13,000 TO INVEST IN LEGITIMATE BUSINESS; HAVE HAD BROAD BUS IN ESS EXPERIENCE. AE 770, OREGON I AN. HOTELS, rooming houses, or any other kind of business to buy or sell, see JOHNSOX-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Btfig. Main 3787. CIGAR store, give price, location, rent; average sales. No agents. AE 817. Orego nian. WE CA N eell your business. We have buyers for reliable enterprises. W. M. Umbdenstock Co.. 21 0 Oregon bldg. WILL Invest $2000 with services: money to be used for expansion. E 813. Ore gonian. WANT to' buy a confectionery or grocery store to $2500: prefer living rooms. AR 824. Oregonian. WILL exchange my residence as whole or part payment for housekeeping or apt. finuae. Jirs. ie ji anuey, iu wy. zi:. I WANT to buy a bakery to $3000. AR si 7. oregontan. STOCK of leather sporting trunks. $1100. E. 785. Ore g goods. bags. gonlan. STORE bldg. 24x48. corner; 6 rooms above; TAILOR cleaning, pressing shop for sale. 402 East Morrison. - GARAGE for sale on Main highway, com pletely equipped, jjuuua. w aan. BEST business corner on Yamnill for fruit and fish, inquire j.iininiq SOFT drink and confectionery and cigar utore. 103 North 6th. WILL pay csh for any size grocery if p r i c e is rig nt.yy qoqi a w n a.-.-u, FOR SAL E 2-chair barber sho p. 6 N. 6th. OWL grocery for sale. 421 6th St.. rocks f n d Bonn.. SECURITIES INVESTIGATION BUREAU. Reliable information confidentially fur nished; stocks or bonds; very small fee If satisfied. P 704. -Oregonian. 1000 CHAPPEL Oil stock for sale for $1 per share for, cash, to I be delivered in B DOUt wee Kg. rx - oin, vrcKunwu. STOCKS and bonds, any marKet. Harring ton Co., Mn. 8K17. Title' and Trust Bldg. Hotels and Rooming Howes. M. E. LENT COMPANY. '628-4-5 NORTHWESTERN BANK 'BLDG. LEADING HOTEL AND APARTMENT ' HOUSE AGENCY". IF YOU WISH TO Bli OR SELL, COM E IN A ND T A LK PT OVER; 14 . YEARS IN ITHE BUSINESS IN PORT LAND ENABLES US -XO -LOCATE YOU RIGHT... tk vnn WANT TO BUY OR SELL business, hoteV .rooming or apartment house of any kind, anywhere, see F. Rierdojr. RTTTER, LOWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of 'Trade Bldg. We Write All Kindr of Insurance. 15 ROOMS h. k.,-close in", west side, rent $60, good furniture - and rugs. $1804 handles. 7-room lower flat, rent $45; best loca tlon. fine furniture, ' $1 300. E. S. KERR, REALTOR. S91 Yamhill. - Marshall 5594. WEST BURLINGTON. Hotel. SO rooms, completely furnished; rent $40, lncl.i cigar stand: income about $600 per month; price $2250, half cash. J. H. Ely. 128 14th sL. ' FOR SALE 22-room furnished apartment house, west side, close in. terms if neces sary, or consider property as part pay ment, by owner, no- .agents. F &0. Ore- FOR HOTELS, apartment,- houses,- room ing houses, modern homer or leases see ' E. S. KERR. REALTOR, 391 Yamhill. - Marshall 5534. FOR SALE Hotel on -Coos Bay, 42 rooms, 7 H K. apts. good furniture. Center of town, rent $75. price $1500. Box 700. Marshfield, Or. ; FOR BEST btrfgam in apartment house see members of the Realty Board. Yate Realty Co . 245 4th st. 28-ROOM hotel in Astoria, good location, fine fumtiure, good income, small rent. le ase. write -u jaona st.. Astoria, kjt. LIST your hotel or rooming house -with DeBlanche, 201 Globe bldg. Broadway 2SLS. Quick action. BY OWNER 13 rooms, well furnished; bargain; must be seen to be appreciated. 410 2d st. REAL bargain, 8 rms., White Temple dlst. Rent $30. Full price $600, term, fi. Owen Co. A74 YamhilL - BUSnCESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels svnd Rooming Home 2i-ROOM transient brick hotel, well lo cated on weet side; rent $140, with lease, good furniture; full price $2150. with good term a- ThU place Is Just $l3O0 "beJow market price. You will have to -hurry. 27 H. K, rooms, 21 of them furnished; all rented; fair furniture; rent $50; good building; will clear over $150 mo. Full price $1350; good terms. 8 exceptionally welL-furnlahed alep lng rooms: close In on west side; the beet location in city; some of the room ers have been In Mm house 10- year. Price $13 75; good terms. 425 CHAM- COM. BLDG. BDWY- 90S. Our cars win call for you. DORCAS-BOON- -$)3S NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDO. APARTMENT HOUSES AND HOTELS IF LISTED WITH US AND PRICED RIGHT WILL BE QUICKLY , SOLD. MAIN 7861. X BUY chattel mtgs., - hotels. rooming houses, etc Call mornings. B. 7434. LOST AND FOUT. LOST On Columbia hrghway. - between Hood River and Cascade Locks, lady's white shawl and man's gray coat, coat carried Elk's button and had checkbook with business cards in pocket. If finder will leave at Portland Elks' club er for ward to C. W. 'Mason. 2106 Electric ave nue. Beltlngham, Wash-, they will re celve liberal reward. LOST Friday evening, July 15, on 12th or Yamhill sta, or In K-nigMs of Pythias hall, an oval moss agate, trrped red and white, valued aa family keepsake. Re ward. Phone Marshall 4210. LOST Purse, on Newberg road, $50. - and checkbook, also American Legion Identi fication card. Amanda needles and other ma 11 art idea Reward. Return to Ore gonlan office. . . LOST Liberal reward to finder Ashley A Rum ley fold checkbook, enclosed bank book, two lodge -receipts, other papers, picture, $60 paper money. Woodlawn 3686. s LOST Tan suitcase from auto Friday morning on Francis ave.. tietween. 40th and 26th or on 26th between FranciJ and Clinton. Reward. 1204 Francis ave. Phone Sellwood 650. LOST White gold bar pin. set with dia mond; valued as keepsake. Reward. Will Identify. Call Marshall 1024. 904 Upper Drive. LOST A large shell cameo pin In Van couver or Camas on July 4. Phone Wdln. 249. Mra. McConnell. 004 Mason St. Reward. LOST Portfolio containing Ford Motor company literature, between Scappoose and Linn ton. Sat. night. Reward. Call Sell. 3449. 456 Maiden ave. I FOUND a purse on or about July 1. Owner give full description and I'll re tura to them. J 830. Oregonian. LOST Female dog. English pointer, looks like a collie dog: name "Queenie." 355 E. 37th st. N. Xabor 3862. LOST Vanity case, containing wrist watch and small change. In separate case. Re ward. East 2533. LOST Sat. eve.. In ' postof f ice, R. R. script book and papers. Rturn W. O. Warnock. Hoyt hotel. Keward to rtnner. LOST Pointer dog. lemon and white. Call owner. Tabor 5051. BA R PIN. blister pearl setting. Reward. Phonw Bdwy. 2S51. LOST Blue tassel, ornament off cape. Finder please call Bdwy. 325. LOST Fob with Elk's head, diamond set. Tabor 2646. . - LOST In market block, package. 2 shirts. Reward. 815-58: SPBCIAL NOTICES. M lscel laneoua. JULY 31 Is the last day for filing returns of the capital stock tax. To avoid pen alty, the returns must- be In the hands of collectors of internal revenue on or be fore midnight of -that date. Blank forms syre available at the office of collector of internal revenue. Milton A. Miller, 210 Customs house. Portland, and the following branch offices: Pendle ton and Eugene. Form 707 is required for domestic, and .708 for foreign corpora tions. The capital stock tax Is a special ex cise tax imposed on- corporations with respect to "carrying on or doing busi ness." The tax on domestic corporations is $1 for each $1000 or so much of the fair average value of its capital stock for the preceding year ending June 30 as is in excess of $5000. Foreign corpora tions are required, to pay a tax at the rate of $1 for each $1000 of their cap ital employed in the transaction of business in the United States without the benefit of th $3000 reduction. The tax is payable. In advance, return filed In July of this -year covering the tax able year, beginning July- 1, .1921. and ending June 80. 1922. The bureau of internal revenue estl- - mates that approximately 325.000 such returns will be filed, and that the amount of revenue collected from this source will be approximately $90,000,000. Returns are required- of every domes tic corporation regardless of the par value of its capital stock, and of every foreign corporation irrespective of the amount of capital employed In this coun try in the transaction of- its business. Certain corporations not organized for profit are exempt from capital stock tax. The class of organizations entitled to the exemption is described In regu lations 50 revised, copies of which may be obtained at the. following offices: Portland, Pendleton and Eugene. Corporations claiming exemption are required to file returns setting forth their reasons for such claims, accom panied by evidence, in support thereof. If, because of lack of,complete data or other reasons than illness or absence, it is impossible to file a complete re turn on or before July 31. a tentative return may be filed, reporting the ap proximate fair value in order that an - initial assessment may be made,, thus avoiding penalty. The penalty for failure to file a re turn within the time prescribed is an added assessment of 25 per cent of the amount due. unless It is shown that the failure was due to a reasonable cause and not to neglect. In addition to the added assessment a - fine-of not more than $1000 is provided for failure to make a return on time. For wilful refusal to make a return, wilfu! evasion of the tax, wilful refusal to sup ply Information requested by the com missioner, or attempting In any way to evade the tax and payment when due. the penalty is a fine ef not more than $10,000 or imprisonment for not more than one year, or both. With a view to the prompt collection of the capital stcok tax, and for the convenience of the taxpayer as well as the government, the bureau suggests the corporations submit checks with the returns for the amfunt of tax due. This method is appealing to corporation, aa it lessens liability to penalty. FROM this date, July 11, 1921, I will not be responsible for any bills contracted by anyone In connection with my name or address Miles T. Starr, 390 Russell t Portland. ' Or. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals for constructing the Leonia bridge, national forest road project, ""located within the Pend Oreille and Koot enai national forests, state ot Idaho and Montana. Counties of Boundary and Lin coln, will be received by the district en gineer, - bureau of public roads, U. 3. department of agriculture. Liberty thea - ter building, Missoula. Montana, at 2 o'clock P. M. on the 27th day of July, 1921. The right is reserved 'to reject any and all bids, and none will be con- sidered except those from contractors as certained to be experienced and respon sible. The bridge to be constructed will con sist of two steel spans of 210 feet each and one timber trestle approach of 140 feet. Principal it-ima of work are ap proximately as follows: 277.300 lbs. of steel In superstructure. - 730 cu. yd. class X'B" concrete n sub structure. t . 580 L. F. bridge decking. - - 1030 L F. piling In approach. , 4 MBM caps and bracing. ' -r The work embraced In thia contract "shall be completed wLthinasO weather working days, following- he execution ot the contwtct .by the secretary, of agri . culture. Equipment of various kinds can be rented of the -bureau, -of public- roada List attached to specifications. The contract form and maps, plans , and specifications, and estimates of" quan tities may be -examined by responsible contractors at the following addresses: Bureau of Public Roads. Liberty thea ter building. Missoula. Mont., Forest Supervisor, Sand point, Idaho. Forest Supervisor. Llbby. Montana: Associated General .Contractors of America, Hyde bldg.,. Spokane. Wash. All proposals must be made on forms,' and In accordance with instruction, forming a part of the specifications above referred to, . and must be accompanied by proposal guarantees in an amount at least equal to five 5) per cent of the total amount of the proposal. T h is pr o j ect is ioca ted at - Leon la Idaho, oa the main 5 Line of the .Great Northern railroad - t- T. M KEEKS. District Engineer. SEA-LED bids will be received at the of flce of the undersigned, 401 courthouse, -Portland, Oregon, until 4 P. M. July 21, 1921, for manual training and cooking supplies and equipment. JBida will be opened at a regular Vmeettng of the board of directors to be held at 8 P. M. s July 21. 1921, In room 304 courthouse. Specifications may be obtained at the office of the superintendent of proper- ', ties, old Falling school,' First and Porter Streets. Portland, Oregon. A certified check for ten per cent (10&) of the amount of the proposal must ' accompany each proposal. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to split the award. (Signed) R. H. THOMAS, School Clerk and Bus iness Manager. Dated July 1$, 1921. . SPECIAL NOTICFS. Propone Is Invited. NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIMBER, General Land Office. Washing ton. D. C. June 10. 1921: Notice Is hereby given that subject to the conditions and limitations of the act of June 9, 1913, (39 Stat., 218). snd the Instructions of the Secretary of the Interior of September 15, 1917 (49 I. D.. 447). the timber on the following lands will be sold at 10 o'clock A. M., July 29, 1921. at public auction at the United States land office at Rosebug. Oregon, to the highest bidder at not less than " the appraised value as shown by this . notice sale to be subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior. The purchase price, with an additional sum of one-fifth of 1 per cent thereof, be ing commissions allowed, must be de posited at time of sale, money to be returned if sale is not approved, other wise patent will Issue for the timber . which must be removed within 10 years. Bids will be received from citizens of the United States, associations of such ci Use na and corporations organised un- der the laws of the United States or any state, territory or district thereof, only. Upon application of a qualified pur chaser, the timber or any legal subdi vision will be offered separately before being included in any offer of a larger unit. T. 16 S., R. 2 W.. See. S N. B. S. B. M. fir 1250M., noto be sold for less than $4.T5 per M. " 21. S.. R, 2 W.. sec 27. Lot 1. fir 3780 M., red cedar 230 M., hemlock 150 M.: Lot 2, fir 1710 M., red cedar 830 M. ; t hemlock. 50 M. : Lot 7. fir 2350 M-. red -cedar 430 M.. hemlock 350 M. ; Lot-8. fir 2600 M red cedar 3iK M.. hemlock 300 M.. none of the fir to be sold for less than $1.50 per M., and none of the red cedar or hemlock, to be sold for less than $125 per AL Signed D. K. FARROTT. Acting Assistant Commissioner. General Land Office. SEALED bids will be received at the of fice of the undersigned, 401 courthouse. Portland, Oregon, until 5 P. M., July 21. 1921, for janitors' supplies and for gen era) supplies. School District No. 1. Multnomah county, Oregon, for the year 1921-1922. Bids will be opened at a reg ular meeting of the board of directors to be held at S P. M July L 1921, in room 304 courthouse. Specifications may be obtained at the office of the superintendent of proper ties, old Failing school; First and Porter streets. Portland. Oregon. A certified check for 10 per cent (10) of the amount of the proposal must accompany each proposal. The board of directors reserve the right to Increase or diminish the quantities shown in the list of articles desired; to reject any or all bids, or to spUt the award. (Signed) R. tT. THOMAS. School Clerk and Business Manager. Dated July 13. 3921. SEALED bids will be received at the of fice of the undersigned, 401 courthouse, Portland, Oregon, until 6 P. M.. July 21, 3921. for painting exterior of Kerns school. East 2Sth and Couch streets; Sunnyslde school. East "35th and Yam hill streets; Eliot school, Rodney avenue and Knott street, and Sit ton school, Reno and Chapel streets. Portland. Ore gon. Bids will be opened at a regular meeting of the board of directors to .be . held at 8 P. M., Jul 21, 1921, in room S04 "courthouse. Specifications may be obtained at the office of the superintendent of proper- ties, old Falling school. First and Porter streets. Portland. Oregon. A certified check for 10 per cent (10) of the amount of the proposal , must accompany each proposal. - The board of directors reserve, the right to reject any or ail bids, or to split the award. f Signed) ,R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk and Business Manager. Dated July 13. 1921. SEALED bids will be received at the. office of the .undenlgned. 401- court house. Portland. Oregon, -until 4 P: M . July 21, 1921, for seeing supplies and equipment, school district No. 1. Mult nomah county. Oregon, for the year 1921 1922. ' Bids will be opened at a regular meeting of the board of directors to be held at 8 P. M-, July 21, 1921, in room 304 courthouse. Specifications may be obtained at the office of the superin tendent of properties, old Failing school First and Porter streets. Portland, Ore gon. A certified heck fox 10 per cent (10) of the amount of the proposal must accompany each proposal. The board of directors reserves the right to . increase or diminish the quantities shown on the list of articles desired; to reject any or all bids, or to split the award. (Signed) R. H. Thomas, school clerk and business manager. Dated July 16, 1921. FIN.S'CIAL- X WOULD undertake to assist you In un tangling your financial, a flairs and coun sel with you in your business; strictest reepect of confidence guaranteed. - Write ior appointment. AV att. oreg onian CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' con tracts on real estate. Washington, Ore gon. H. E. Noble. 31 Lumbermens bldg. WE BUY first and second mortgages and setters' contracts. F. E. Bowman & Co.. Chamber ot Com, bldg. Main 302' WE BUI. sell and guarantee automobile paper, sellers' contracts and nortgages. GENERAL FINANCE CO.. 712 .Lewis bid. BUY NOTES, contracts, mortgage. F. H. Lewis. 813 Lewis Bide. 4th and Oak sts. Money to Ioiin on Real Kstate. TALK ABOUT LIBERALITY, READ . THIS: - - RESIDENCE LOANS. 65" PER CENT. Five-year period repayment privilege of $100 or any multiple, thereof. INSTALLMENT-LOANS. 6 PER CENT. Five-year period; will loan 64 per cent of the value of your home; only small monthly payment required with interest; you may pay more or alf on the first of each m-jnth; no penalty. , BUSINESS PROPERTY LOANS ' 6Vfc PER CENT. Five-year period; repaying privilege. BRICE - MORTGAGE CO.. Portland mortgage correspondent the Prudential Insurance company of America, l-lo- 1217 Yeon bldg. Main 8308. SBB US TODAY We loan money on city property; lowest rates, no commission on choice loans; long time and short time; monthly payments; pay as you can ; sums to suit contracts, second mort gages bought. 725 Gasco bldg . Sth and Alder Sts. CELLARS-MURTON CO. MORTGAGE LOANS 7 on farm or city property. Prompt and helful service. Liberal repayment priv ilege. Lowest rates. WESTERN BOND A MORTGAGE CO.. nu rnunn r.. roninnq, cjr. WE HAVE $500. $800. $100 and $2500 for first mortgages, loans, or will buy first contracts or mortgages. RALPH HARRIS CO.. REALTORS. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5624. MORTGAGE LOANS. In any amount at lowest rates on city or country property. Prompt and Helpful Service, B. LEE PAGET. Realtor. 622 Corbett Bldg. Main 6230. WE HAVE funds available for good resi dence loans; also insurance money for business property, at lowest available ratea MORTGAGE BOND CO.. ' Main 2831. Wilcox Bldg. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farms; no commission; no delays. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE CO., 87 Sixth St.. Portland. Or. Any amount; low rates; promptly closed. Attractive repayment prtvilegea A. H. BIRRELL-GILL CO.. 21T N. W. Bank B Idg. Marsh all 4114. MORTGAGE LOANS on improved farms and city property; favorable repaying privileges; no -commission or delay THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO., Ltd. 309 Piatt bldg. Main 5371. PRIVATE funds to loan on mortgages, second mortgages and sellers' contracts on real estate in Oregon and Washing ton. Charles Daifel. 318 Railway Ex change bldg. $300. $400. $500. $750. $1000. $1200. $1500 $2000 and up; lowest rates; quick action; pay off 30 or more at any interest date Gordon Mortgage Co.. 631 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 137. MORTGAGE loans In sums to suit; city farm and suburban property. : BUILDING LOANS A SPECIALTY ' WILLIAM G. BECK. 215 Failing Bldg. $1000 $1500 $2000 $2500 t.lOtiO NO DELAY. We are loaning our own money. Loans quickly closed. r-. i. up-miu. . nio 1-nam of Com, bldg. 5UU. siuuu a.l upward on Improved real estate; favorable terrnsr no deiay: too pruKcrage. -j ' n n oain, an opaiaing bldg $300. $400. $500. $750. $1000 AND UP Low rates, quick action. Fred WOer man Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Main 6445. LOANS at current rates on well implored farms and city property. K. K. Baxter, Spalding bldg. MONEY to loan on real estate security at going rates of interest. Otto & Harksen, ' Realty Co.. 413 Cham of Com. PLENTY of money to loan on real estate at 7 per cent if security Is ample. EdW. P Mail. 309 Cham, of Com, ' MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 per cent. Salomon & Co.. 307 Railway Eiih. bldg. SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO.. 22 Cham, of Com.. 4th and Stark. MONEY to loan on real estate. Metzger Jarker Co.. 209 Oak. $1100 TO LOAN. 7 per cent on imp. city property. Call 31S Board of Trade bid g. Money to Loan Chattels- svn d Salaries. " MONEY TO LOAN on goods in storage. Bank rate. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. Phone Broadway 3715. AIONEY to loan ; diamonds, jewelry, etc., legal rate; articles held one year. Vines, jewelr, cor. $4 an4 Washington. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan Chattels Mil Sniarie. DO YOU NEED aO'BT! AT LEGAL RATES. QU.CK 7 E R VICE f YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES. FURNITURE. PIANO! V1CTROLAS, REAL ESTATE. Bo?ns. ETC If your payments are fv large- en your automobile or fwniure contracts we will pay them up and advance vou more money if needed. We make a specialty of these loans aiJ leave the fctcurity in your possession nJ rou ran , a f also Make salary loans -to salaried people on their own notes. Rates reasonable. Privst offices.- All buai neas strictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. (Licensed) 806-307 Pekum Bldg. Marshall 328 . S. W. Cor. Third and Washington. SALARY LOAXb. CHATTELS. WE LOAN MONEY, co short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes: weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE, NO I XhORSER, ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household goods. pianos, etc CALL AND INVESTIGATE. -COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, i Licensed. 218 FAILING BLDO. DAN MARX & CO.. 315 Washington st.. between 4th and 3th sts.; established over 35 years; only high-class Jewelry store in city with loan department m connection; private room for ladies; busi ness strictly confidential ; under state supervision; all articrvs held one year; do busmena with an old-established firm. MONEY to loan on almonds and Jewelry; confidential service: government licensed and bonded brokers. Zell Bros. A Co.. 2&3 Wash, su, between 4th and 6th- Marshall 727. QUICK money to salaried people on unse cured note; confidential investigation. 31H Cham, of Com. I Licensed.) Loans Wanted. FRANK L. McGU IRE. with his years of experience and expert knowledge of val ues, is In a position to safeguard your every Interest In locating your money. Hundreds of applications for loans. Of fice of personal service. Let us loan your money. See J. Logls Richardson. . manager of loan department. A bins; ton omiQing. aiam lOtis. $3.00 AT 7 per cent for 5 years on twe -houses: 204. 206 N. 24th. between Kear ney and Lovejoy; Income per month $60. See Mr. Ballis, WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO., 85 Fourth St. $2500 ON CLOSE-IN good renting prop erty worth $65H) from private party. ' Interest not over 7 ner cent. IHXi N. W. Bank bldg. M ain 1077. $3000 ON MODERN suburban home and 4 acres from private party. T 505, Ore- gonian. WANTED $2500 on 40 acres improved land. Phone Tabor 232S. 15 FOR $125, ttO DAYS; good security. G S14, Oregonian. SEE OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO.. aaa ChAsn. of Com.. 4th and Stark. $30(0 WANTED one year, good references arKl security. N SIS. Oregonia n. $6000 ON COUNTRY home, highly Im proved. 864 Division. Main 4263. 636-65. PERSONAL. OUARD YOUR EYESIGHT. TT. I employ only the most modern In struments and the most scientific meth ods in examining your eyes; 20 v-ars' experience. Thousands 01 satisfied pa "? tients. Evenings and Sundays by ip. ' pointment. Charles W. Goodman, op- tician. 2U9 Morrison. P hone Mala 2124. I.AhlRS with HTT-1.1 1. nitol whn ch V. become independent, join Madame Pate nauq, s-schoo! of beauty culture. Includes special . treatments of skin and scalp, marcelling. hairdresing, etc Benson Hotel lm provement Sho p. DRUG LESS PHYSICIANS. iNervous ana caronic diseases a spe cialty. If others have failed, don't be come discouraged, but give me a. trial. Dr. Ada N. Scott. 136 13th St., between Alder and Washington. Bdwy. 5052. LADIES, are you weary or exhausted after standing all day on your feet? If so. be fore you sit down for a rest use a warm water application with Takara Anti septic Powder. 50c and $1 box. Portland P ? . armacy. . ANYONE knowing whereabouts of Matlu-w . tuvan, last heard of at Portland, Or., a year ago; age 33, height 5 feet 5 Inches, tlack hair, dark eyes; kindly Inform his anxious mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Curraa GO West Eri stre et. Chicago. H I. LET GEORGE KUBENSTBlA', the Vet eran Optician, make your .yeglasses; expert optica 1 service. Prices r-iii, tri able. No charge for testing. 22tf Mor rison St.. near 2d. IRENE STOY. formed y of 51 Selling-Hirs.- b;dg.. ofTIces at 326 and 327 Filed 11 er bldg., luth and Wash. Specialty Vit-O-Net sweat baths, violet ray. body niad sage. 10 A. M. to 7 P. M. CHIROPRACTIC. BEST STEAM BATH, chiropractic. vL - oratory and electric manage. Dr. Mar garet Bay 111 e. 215 Sweiland bldg. Rea sons b lepri ces. NETTIE BENSON. D. P., expert massage, mineral, steam bath and shower, zone therapy, vfelet ray and sinusoidal treat ments for both sexes, lu a. M. to 8 P. M. 304 Dekum bldg. Main 7789. AF YOU ARB TIRED AND NERVOUS you can rejuvenate your nervous centers and poor circulation by having a scien tific body massage. Dr. Ovidia Larsen.' U34 Morgan bldg.. Main 1999. MARCEL WAVING AND WATER WAV ING ecientiTic treatment of scalp and .skin, shampooing and manicuring; eve. nings and Sunday by appointment. 428 Medical bldg. Main 766. RHEUMATISM treated, stomach and kid ney trouble, steam and mineral baths, massage; ladies by appointment. Utili tarian Institute, 710-711 S wetland bldg. Main 6955, 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. LA DIES and gentlemen, I do the Nestle permanent wave; -natural, soft and silky absolutely clean your scalp of dandruff a can refer you to eatisried customers. 327 East 42d st. Tdbor S4al. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR permanently removed by multiple needle method; consultation free. 504 to wetland bldg.. Gth a t Wash. Main 1308. IF TIRED OR SICK BE REFRESHED WITH A GOOD BODY MASSAGE AT 415 BUCHANAN BLDG.. WASH.. BET. 4 t rt A.n IJ o 1 n. nutna j iu u , W Ol'LD like to hear irom Francis O'Dell, or anyone knowing bis address. Z. ImelL box 193, R. F. U. 3. Sacraxuen- to. Cat. DR. CLAIRE HENSERLING. drugless phvsician. gives baths and scientific maa sage. Office hours 10 to 6. Room 51 It.g-Hlrsch b'.dg. Main 77S6. POPULAR music taught beginners 1st les son. Players learn real jaix. Parker piano, banjo, guitar school. 615 Eilersj bldg. MRS. G. A. OR SESIE HARRIS It will ' be to your advantage to see Wanda Marks at Columbia beach afternoon or CHIROPODIST, manicurist, massage under medical supervision. Open evenings. Moved from 2(Kfe to 216 Allsky bldg., 3d and Morrison. SCIENTIFIC body massage, steam baths and shower, lady assistants. Hours 10 A M. to 7 P. M. 322 Fiiedner bldg., 10th and Washington sta. FEB VET Ac HAN E BUT, leading wig and toupe makers; finest stock human hair goods; permanent and marcel waving; CS IP tremiin--" on7 aiuci. Alain ft 4 . SI GETS both feet fixed up at Dr. Eaton's, the CHIROPODIST and ARCH SPLSt!! hn doesn't hurt you; 8 yra. herefrom f ree. Globe bldg.. 11th & Wash. Bdy. 2a 24. ELNA SORENSEN. drualea nhv. massage, baths, kidneys. constipation, rheumatism. 608 Panama bldg. M. 5086. GOITRE, enlarged glands. Cure yourself. A. R. Strachan, route 5, Hillsboro, Or. js;0 agents or representatives. . RADIANT LIGHT THERAPY. VIT-O-NET sweats, body massage, violet ray. 10 to 7 dally. ""-'"' uiK- Jiain JP.tf. PRIVATE detective, investigations treated in absolute confidence. Answer B 810, 1 jregonian. PU ES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr.. Dean, Sec ond anMorrlson. DRESSMAKING and alterations. 311 Cen tral bldg., luth and Alder. Phone Main 34Ufl. WANTED Address of Irs, Jessie Nead, whocse husband was killed in Detroit. E. A. CI em, 1G5H 4th fit. PIERCE-ARROW motoring to Seattle ilon- 7 day. 10 :30. Blackstone hotel. See E. Sandford. V 1 s H to hear of party or couple going to - California this month. AP 819, Ore gonian. SULPHUR steam bath massage, violet ray and vibratory treatment. 420 Clay. Main b359. 10 to 8. Dr. Percie Rollins. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts removed by l0needle method; trial free. Jose Fin ley. 514 Bush & Lane bldg. Main 6308. SCIENTIFIC massage, steam baths; hours 1Q tO O. ! jwctiamj mug. PROSTATE troubles cured without opera tion. Pr. R. A. Phillips. Broadway bidg. JUNIC1DE will cure rnfumatism or money hftCtt. UO ieKum uiiik. PR1.MKDA BALM, formerly called Balm of Figs. B44 E. 33d. Men. 2213 mornings. DOESN'T Tom. Dick or Harry pay you 7 Se e Vlereck, collectors. Dekum blag. SWITCHES made from combings. S. , F. Pierce. z rmnngswurm. wain. 3SO. DIAMOND wanted, about a karat, must be a pargain. u. uregoman. ETHEL McCCY, chiropodist. 401 Buchanan bldg.. Wash., between 4th and 5th sta. SCIENTIFIC body massage at your home by appointment. 40. i