18 TIIE IIORXIXG OREGOXIAN, FRIDAY. JTJLT 15, 1921 HELP WANTED MALE. CABINET MAKERS $ 7.40 Bricklayers . 9.25 Plasterers 10.25 Paperhangers and decorators 8. S3 , Sticker men 8.00 . Marble cutter and copers 6.W5 Garble polishers 6.00 Bed rutter 6.50 Glass worker 7. 85 Tile setters 8.35 I'lumbers 9.-5 - 133 X. 6th St, KEAL ESTATE SALESMAN WANTED, Fine opportunity for 2 good men: must know the business thoroughly and have a, car. Want one man on residence prop erty and one on acreage. See Mr. Fulton, DUD RET INVESTMENT CO. 309-10 Panama Bldg., 3d and Alder. 1HB PLACE bent equipped to render -itance to men and boys seeking em ployment in clerical, commercial ana technical line ia the advisory and em ployment dept. of the T. M. C. A- if jou need assistance in finding work you are cordially invited to talk your prob lem o ver with one of the secretaries. VAXTKD, BOOKKEEPER Single man of experience familiar with keeping pay roll bookkeeping, time keeping, some tiae of typewriter, etc., for saw mill; ta miles from Portland: crew of about 20 men at present. Write giving expe rience, awe and references. Address "Personal." F. E. Arnold, Willard. Wash. WANTED Window trimmer and card writer; prefer young man with depart ment store experience; no pool shark or cigarette smoker need apply; permanent position to one who can qualify. See Mr. Ross, between 9 and 11, Friday morn- ing. J. C. Penney Co.. Ill Fourth at. THE CLEARING house ior men and boys seeking employment in clerical, tech nical and commercial lines Is the ad visory and employment dept. of the Y. M. C. A. Employers know this and that Is why we are able to assist you even when Jobs are hard to f;nd. OUT OF A J OR? Work for yourself by buying one of our good little cigar stores, cash groceries or rooming houses with $300. $5on cash down. See us at once. O. H. SKOTHE1M Co.. Realtors, 4iS-ll Couch bldg. BOY WITH wheel solicit meat ordefs; commission. Call at 317 East 3fth st. II el u W an tvd Salesmen, WANTED Live wire salesman with Ford car or truck to demonstrate and sell an article to attach to Ford automobiles that every owner needs and will want it when shown; here is your chance to make big money if you will work. E 820, Oregonian. SALESMAN with auto and $300 for the best proposition in Oregon today; noth ing "but a high-grade man considered; give age and past experience and tele phone number in letter; letter given tnct confidence. BF 818, Oregonlan. Tf YOU want real money start your own business; we furnish you merchandise, your profit $5 upward per order, could be done at your spare time. Write for particulars to AV 980, Oregonlan. WANTED Salesman in every citv for two fast-selling repeating office specialists; over lWW-b prollt. Carpenter Co., 1624 Fourth ave.. Seattle. CITY salesman wanted for staple lines; references required. 400 Commonwealth building. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agent to sell Washburn acet ylene torches and battery molds; must be familiar with torches and have auto. Big money for a hustler. Address Wash burn Products Co., 1 155 X. .Beach wood Drive, Los Angeles, Cal. WANTED Agents to sell automatic wind shield cleaner; an absolute necessity for evry auto owner; exclusive territory given. Call Broadway 2045. between S:30 and 10:30 mornings, or write John Mc- K ro g Co.. 471 Morrison St.. Portland. Or. EXPERIENCED house to house canvass ers, attractive article, 50 per cent com mission. 1)45 Sandy blvd. HEALTH, accident and hoar tal insurance. Big commissions. 501 Corr-ett Dtdg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED By investment banking house, experienced stenographer; must be able to take dictation end operate machine With accuracy and speed, position perma nent; references required. Address BC 77'., Oregon ian. WILL the lady who called at 1250 Mon tana ave. July 12 In answer to house keeping position, that gave her address on Oregon st., please call again? Your address got mis p laced. EDUCATED woman, interested in kinder garten or Sunday school lines for work along those lines: can use a few elderly women, too; salary $0O month. Give ythnne. and address. AC HOP. Oregonlan. BERRY PICKERS wanted. Take Oregon City car. First and AlderT get off at Rothe station. 1 block south on track Come ready to pick raspberries. Sax's Fruit vale farm. W A NTE D At once, ior 6 or 8 weeks, middleaged woman to assist in small country resort. Must be fair cook. State wages. Write Mrs, G. W. Sickafoose, Outer, Wash. 6TEXOGRAFHERS, bookkeepers and all office help and clerks, register with "WILLIAMS PERSONNEL SERVICE, 504 Spalding Bldg. High-class office po sitions uany LOOKING FOR A POSITION? Pe your own boss by owning small rooming house, $300 cash will handle. O. H. Skotheim Co., Realtors, 408-1 t Couch Hldg., Main 1575. WANTED A woman or girl to lldn with general housework, washing. ironing, for family, etc., in town ; two children In family ; will pay reasonable wages. Write box 45S, Ashland. Or. WANT two ladles for restaurant! I will furniMi the place, if you run I will share the profit; cost you nothing. Call and look into. 775 Savier St., at 23d, X. Port land. W ANTED 6 or 8 neat appearing girls, can earn a good salary for a few hours' work each day; clean and easy work; at your own convenience. Call 405 Raleigh bldg. Hazel Skinner. NY GIRL In need of a lrtend apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home. May fair and Alexander streets. Phone Main 3430. DM car. ToiT CAN make $13 per day at least in your spare time by selling beautiful pearl necklaces, direct Importer will suddIv them. Write fo r sample AV 1. Oregonian. PLEASANT LAUREL-HURST BUNGALOW ant girl do light work; some cook ing, partly care for million dollar vear old buy. Call Tabor 370. 1002 E. Irving. iHUULK-AUKD lady with experience who can ably demonsrate War-Ever alum inum in score; state qualifications. AE M.'i, Oregonlan. Cook for hotel, out, $75, room and board; ailress. hotel, out, $50, board ; cook for club, $ UK), room and board. 3ol Raleigh bldg., 327 Washington. WANTED Two more young ladies to call on homes out of the city, good pav to workers. Phone room 324 Alder hotel, before 11 A. M. A TEACHER Lo sell scholarships in book keeping and shorthand; also teachers to teach high school subjects. 415 Artisans hldg. Bdwy. UMil. A STRONG teacher of shorthand and al lied subjects. Give full information as to education and experience. AR 825, Ore gmiian. A BRIGHT young lady can obtain a good business course in exchange for light work. AR S22. Oregonlan. TO UNO women wanting employment and telephone operators call at room 601 -ieiepnone building. Park and Oak atj. V OMAN to care for Invalid ladv and do housework; two in family. Call between 1 a nd 12 today. Auto. 323-55. EXPERIENCED hand ironer wanted, none other need apply. Main 4445. 6SS Wash ington st. WANTED First-class experienced cham bermaids; $45 per month, room and hoard. Seaside hotel. Seaside Or. OLD LADY to care for small home and 3 children. 11. 9 and 2 during confinement tu rno;ner. ft. uonns. rnone Col. 1310, LADY wanted to sell our photographic coupons. Best offer. Good commission. BF 814. Oregonlan. MARCELLING taught by experienced op erator, special rates for next 10 days. EN PERI ENCED button noie a .id button on shirts, also experienced operator. Call uregon uy v ooien .Mllis. 44 Kussell. STENOGRAPHER and typist, expert and accurate, preferably familiar with lum- ber. AE spit. Oregonlan. WOMAN for light work, mornings; must live walking distance. 1210 Woodward avenue, corner 41st st. EN PKRIENCED marcel waver and hair dresj-er. Lipman. Wolfe & Co., merzanine floor. It KF I N ED girl or woman to assist 2 adults in light housekeeping: all modern appli- ances: moderate wasea Main 277S. t ADY between 2(1 ami 30 to do light housework for family of two for short time. Phone East :ifl75. THE FLORENCE CR ITT EN TON home Is ready to help any girl in distress. 055 East OHsan. ",MV" car. East 376. W ANT experienced lady pressers on fancy work Good wages. Pheasant Dyt Wks., 9."0 Thurman. HE FIN ED. capable, middle-aged woman s husekeeier in gentleman's home. V S25. Oregonian. WANTED 5 girls, experience unnecessary. Apply 316 4 Broadway, between 9 and 1 1 A. M. Friday. W A NTED Woman, experienced ironer. Domestic French laundry. 1 73 11th st. T EACH ERS register free. Many calls. Weslmore Agency. Spokane. Wash. GK-NTLEMAN wants housekeeper (or small home. O 819. Oregonian. GIRL to attend switchboard nights In ho- tM. 449 Morrison st. LADY LAKJJi.K. -OUs M.urruua. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Stenographer who has the ability to work in a aw office will take beginner; must have good personality and conscientious in her work; one to start and work up with office; state wages expected. AC 87. Oregon Ian- Wanted DomfwliQ. WANTED Neat, willing girl, over 20 years old, wishing permanent position for gen eral housework is. new, convenient house; must be good plain cook; references re quired. Wages $45. Main 6045. WANTED Neat, willing girl over 20 years old wanting permanent position for gen eral housework In new, convenient house; must be good plain cook; references re quired; wages $45. Main 6045. WANTED Lady about 40 years of age to do housework on farm for 3 adults. Cath olic lady preferred. Answer AC 825. Ore- gonian. EXPERIENCED maid for general house work, small house and 4 in family; city references required. Call Main 6540 after 6 P. M. HAVE several needy women for day work, no charge to either party. Public Em ployment Bureau, 203 Artisans bldg,, Broadway at Oak. Phone Bdwy. 4369. A-l COOK, some light housework: three In family; keep second help." Apply im mediately. AL 804. Oregon lan. GIRL, 16. to help with housework for room and board. Phone Automatic 231-25, 999 Hawthorne, GIRL with some experience to assist with general housework. Phone Tabor 6261. GIRL for general housework, willing to go to b?ach. 641 Washington. GIRL for housework ; some experience In cooking. Call Main 2773. WANTED Young girl evening to assist with meal from 5 to 8. Marshall 1231. WANTED A girl for house work. GIRL for general housework. Phone Man 7011. or call 595 Talbot road. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE.. WEAVERS. SEVERAL GOOD WEAVERS AT ONCE. OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILLS. OREGON CITY. OR, TWO NEAT appearing, $3 to $5, 6 hrs. If you are a hustler. No. 6 E. 7th at, 8 A. M. SINGERS wanted for permanent Job In town. Call East 5374. 12 to 1 noon. HELP WANTED WITH INVESTMENT., $650! $650! $650! Interest In new business that will bring in quick, large returns: must be delivering on contracts in September; investigate; your services needed. J 801, Oregonlan. DESIRABLE employment in co-operative box plant which has operated continu ously; $300 to $500 required. Olympia Box & Package Co., Olympia, Wash. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. DRAFTSMAN, good on residence and gen eral construction; good estimator and superintendent ; also sales experience, wants position, with or without in vest -ment. V 80S. Oregonlan. AN EXPERIENCED accountant desires small et of books to keep. System In stalled. Books kept b contract. Ta bor 7858. TRACT IONEER. gas engine and separator man, 15 years' experience operating and repair work, desires work anywhere; ref- erences. AK S06. Oregonlan. CARPENTER wants work by contract; plans and specifications furnished; bun galows a specialty. Marshall 817. even ings MARRIED man. educated, responsible, wants day or night work;- sales, clerical or electrical-mechanical. AE 811, Ore gonian. A YOUNG Japanese. 18, wants position general housework near the Benson school ; now attending school. Auto matic 517-70. EX-ARMY engineer, experienced In steam, electric, refrigeration, auto mechanic, de sires position. Phone Main 4236. ask for Hoffman. SHOE salesman and graduate practipedlc. wishes a permanent position; will work as extra. Address J. D. V.. 690 E. Alder. EX-SERVICE man wishes position as help er in garage; has some experience. Main 97 9. . PAINTING by day or contract; Inside a specialty; very reasonable. Phone East 53 S3. 12-YEAR-OLD boy wants work on ranch or small farm. Call or write Mrs. Martin, 428 4th st. Phone Marshall S96. JAPANESE boy of 20 wants anv kind of work after 1 P. M. Write O 803, Ore gonian. CARPENTER work. alteration, repair work by day or contract. Phone Colum bia 4-5. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wants a few hours work, day or evening. AM 819, Oregonlan. I HAVE 2 good teams, weight 3200 lbs., would like to get work for them. Oregon City phone No. 116. PAINTING, tinting and paper hanging ijeatly and reasonably done. Call GalWier. Mar. 2703. YOUNG Japanese schoolboy desires posi tion: can handle an automobile. Broad way 272. - COLORED chef. cook, with 15 years' ex perience, wants position in or out city. Phone East 6058. ALL ROUND baker's helper wants situa tion, city pr country. Wabasfi hotel, 204 M a d 1 son st . VOUXO ex-service man now studying traf fic management desires connection with going concern. AC S5, Oregonlan. WANTED Position as cooks by man and wife; camp or country restaurant. BF S16. Oregonian. ELDERLY man wants position as Janitor or houseman; must have work. BC 800. Oregonian EXPERT auto repairing at your home or mine, work guaranteed. Phone Auto. 512-52. JAPANESE, married man, wants 3 hours ( to 9 P. M.J work of any kind. Ohara, - 266 Front. EXPERIENCED young Japanese wants position general housework and cook. P. O. Box 900. HIGH school student of 18 desires posi tion clerking in men's clothing store. Sell. 2052. AF 816. Oregonlan. HAL' LING wanted for 2 - ton truck, cov ered body by hour or contract. Bdwy. CARPENTER, all kinds of Jobbing and remodelling. Marshall 1155. Shop 327 23d street. HAVE your garden work done by experi enced man; no job too small: no Job too large. Phone Main 9375. Mr. Baldwin. PAINT your house while good weather is on: skillful work done, reasonable. Sell wood 3745. JAPAN ESE wants position. housework. cook, porter, half day. morning or noon t Ime. tifi .V, Te n t h st. Ike ya. PAINTING at reasonable rates. work guaranteed. East 6SSS. WANTED Carpenter work, day or Job. Ca 1 1 Marshall 2045, Oberg. COLORED, experienced Janitor and dec- orator. for apartment bldg. Call E. 1633. PAINTING. TINTING. Summer prices. Main 4691, apt. 22. COLLEGE boy wants position driving car all or part of day. East 335S. CEMENT WORK All kinds and garages. FIRST-CLASS barber, steady, American Legion barber shop. 6th and Pine. JAPANESE boy wants position, house work. Phone Automatic 527-65. PLUMBING work done. large or small jobs Tabor 13S2. CARPENTER. A-l finisher. Phone Sell wood 424. LET SPINDLER care for your lawn and flowers. Wdln. 11)55. Wdln. 5346. CARPENTER, jobbing. Dutch kitchens and put i et worK specialty. jo lumbla 1450. PAINTING, tinting, first-class, reasonable P ric eg. nroaaway ti HXPERIENCED middle-aged man wants position as janitor. Money. 4a-ii. EXPERIENCED hotel clerk wishes night- clerk position. AF 819. Oregonlan. YOUNG boy wishes work of any kind, can do farm work. 308 Fessen den st. CEM EXT and concrete Jobs contracted large or small. Main 19S7. A. E. ROGERS. HOUSB PAINTING. KAL SOMINING WANTED. EAST 675. ARTISTIC garages built to order. C E. Moore. Tabor 1205. PAINTING, tinting, papering; good work reasonable. Sellwood 1 399. CEMENT work done, first class only TeL Bdwy. 403. Louia Schmidt. PAINTING, kalsomining. day or contract. n". -iarsnau ZUS. HOUSE painted. $50-$05; moms tinted $1 fi; papering. 35c roll. Woodlawn 6084. PHONE Marshall 5779 for a paparhanger Jfixak-clM every way. SITUATIONS WA STEP MALE. ENGINEER with first-class license, ex perienced In refrigeration and ice mak ing, also heating systems, electrical or elevator repairing; 37 years of age, mar ried; steady and reliable; can give best of references: if looking for a man in this line, phone Main 6788 or write M oia. oregonian. EXPERIENCED grocery salesman in wholesale or retail wants work. Could manage a general merchandise store or supply house for lumber or other camp. Will take anything along these lines. Steady, reliable, best references. Wdln. 1572 Friday LOOK here! I am going to build a house and need some extra money. Am young, married and property holder; competent to take charge business on Sundays and few evenings a week. What have you? Answer W hl5. Oregonian. DON'T try to get a position till we press your suit for 45 cents, while-you wait. Joy. the tailor, 104 4th, near Stark. JOY, THE TAILOR. 1 04 FOURTH STREET. EXPERIENCED investigator, criminal, civil and industrial cases; fire preven tion and efficiency surveys; first-class service, reasonable rates. AK 807, Ore gonian. . . WANTED Position as clubhouse mana ger or secretary by a government club house secretary. Address Wm. J. Platts, assistant secretary, Balboa, clubhouse, Balboa. Canal Zone. WORKING foreman, married, wants posi tion to take charge of up-to-date farm; can handle any size ranch, understand all machinery thoroughly. AV 8, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED mechanic wants Job in garage or running a tractor during threshing; can furnish good references. Address K. F. D. No. 3, box 64, Albany, Or. MAN AND WIFE. A-l farmer both in grain or dairy; wants farm by shares, rent or wages. Phone East 7511. or write apt. 17, Lambroock Apta, East Yamhill PAPERHANGING, 30 CENTS A ROLL; PAINTING AND TINTING AT LOWEST PRICES. ONE ROOM OR A BLOCK CALL MAR. 2493. ASK FOR MR. CAR RICK. YOUNG MAN wants work, would like to get in where there is a chance to learn some good trade; good truck or touring car driver. E. Jackson. 426 Burnslde street, city. JANITOR. Experienced in steam end hot-water heating; able to do own repairing, wants steady position; big heating plant pre ferred. Phone East 5731. GOOD blacksmith, horseshoer and acety lene welder wants job; I understand all three lines thoroughly; will go any where. AE 812. Oregonian. .BOY, 14, GOOD milker, helper on the farm, wants good home, small wages. AK 813. Oregonian. PAPERHANGING. 3uc per single roll; es tlmates on painting. Main 1U32. HANDY all around man, repairing, driving, take anything. 832 East 14th st. North. PAINTING, papering. first-ciass work guaranteed: '"west prices. K. 7842 Boo kkeepers, frtenographers. Office. ACCOUNTANT, married. has initiative and ability to manage; has had com missary, logging, payroll and public ac counting experience; willing to go any where and start at small salary if po sition holds good future. M 802. Ore gonian. OFFICE man thoroughly experienced In accounting and detail work, correspond ent of proven ability, wants connection with local firm; can furnish good refer ences. R 812. Oregonian. YOUNG man, aged 26. experienced office man and bookkeeper, good salesman. 16 months assisting manager of large wholesale firm, desires a position with future. L 809, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. A TEACHER would accept position tor summer with family where children wish to continue lessons. Including music and drawing: no objections to leaving town; references exchanged. AJ 820, Orego nian. YOUNG lady of good appearance wlsnee work for board and room for herself and husband; husband goes to school: cafe teria or restaurant work preferred. W 8 1 3, Oregonlan. REFINED college girl desires position; doctor's, dentist's office or general cler ical work ; teaching and office expe rience; reasons ble salary expected; ref erences. AN 780, Oregonlan. YOUNG lady, experienced in office work and business generally, desires connec tion with real estate firm, both office and selling. Small office preferred. L 805, Oregonian. . DRUG CLERK Young woman wishes , practical experlenc; good education, re-, liable and energetic. AM 810. Orego nlan. EXPERIENCED, trustworthy iaay warts bousecleanlng, washing, other work; good work guaranteed. Phone Wood lawn 6305. YOUNG lady, 9 years' experience in buy ing, selling and office work, desires po sition in ladies' ready-to-wear, or office. Tabor 4872. LADY cook wishes position of trust in delicatessen or cafeteria ; state particu lars. Main 254. R 810. Oregonlan. ELDERLY woman will keep house for man with child of school age; $3 a week; give phone number. T Oregonian. LACE AND SILK SCRIM AND MAR QUISETTE CURTAINS done up like new. Will call. East 8518 GOOD plain cook-desires position in small family, beat of references. AC 820, Ore gonlan. WANTED Position by capable experienced switchboard operator. Address AE 807, Oregonlan. ' WANTED Place as nurse girl or helper in a desirable family. East 2533. WANT children to care tor; mother's care. 308 Fessenden. YOUNG girl wishes house work where she can come home nights. 308 Fessenden. CARE for children afternoon and evening, near Auditorium. Marshall 3961. WASHING, ironing and house cleaning by day; references. Wdln. 35H5, apt. 4. YOUNG woman would like days work. Call East 4434 ' RELIABLE woman will care for children by the hour: references. Tabor 471. WOMAN wants day work Friday. Broad way 3540. room 29. EXPERIENCED CLEANER AND IRON ER. APT 4. BROADWAY 3423. THOROUGHLY experienced housekeeper in hotel or apt, house. Phone Sellwood 2953. THOROUGHLY experienced waitress, in or out, at once. Phone Sellwood 2953. GIRL wants employment in office, cafe teria or store. Broadway 2100. room 306. Bookkee pers, Stenographers, Office. COM PETENT woman bookkeeper-cashier of 12 years' experience; also experienced in lumber, wants permanent position of, responsibility; will leave town. BF 799. Oregonlan. A RELIABLE young lady wants a clerical position; experienced in bookkeeping and timekeeping: will begin at a fair salary. Call Tabor 3378. FIRST-CLASS legal, commercial stenographer-bookkeeper desires temporary or permanent position. Apt. 311. East 291. STENOGRAPHER desires position: some experience. Se.Ilwood 3175. YOUNG woman wishes stenographic, dic taphone or clerical position. Tabor 2445. YOUNG ladv 18 years of age wishes light office work. Call Main 6133J D reMHm a ke rs. DRESSMAKING, tailoring and remodeling, done by day. Tabor 3213. WILL make your summer frocks, $7.50 up. Lelah Hutchinson, 827 Mo'gan bldg. SPECIAL rates. July. August, high-grade w o rk. 100 1 B roadway bldg. Main 5354. DRESSMAKING, tailoring and remodeling, done by day. Tabor 3213. DRESSMAKING, tailoring and remodeling, done by day. Tabor 3213. . FIRST-CLASS dressmaker wants work by day. Marshall ,1278 I DO PLAIN SEWING. EAST 6335. WILL take maternity case or invalid In my home and rive best of care. 669 union ave. e.ast joj-j EXPERIENCED trustworthy lady will care for children. Mrsv Wachenhelmer, Broadway 1465. NURSE giving naturopath treatment will take case: successful and efficient. Phone Tabor 2594. PRACTICAL nurse ready for case; ma ternlty. women or children. Main 5135. LADY wishes position as children's nurse. AC 810. Oregonian. . YOUNG, healthy mother, would take a chiW to wet nurse. AH 816. Oregonian. TRAINED, efficient nurses by day or week, reasonable. Marshall 349. XURSEGIRL, experienced. L 803. Orego nlan. PRACTICAL nurse wishes case, housekeep jng. too. If needed. Woodlawn 5326. H o us ekee pcrs. WANTED By trustworthy, neat young woman, position as housekeeper in wid ower's modern home with one or two children; prefer walking distance, city, east or west; I love children, am a real home maker; would keep house for coup re employed aay; Dest of rererencea Answer all week. AP 800. Oregonian. LADY wants position housekeeper in wid ower's home. Phone East 6039. 406 Van couver ave. Call R-ll. 8 A. M. or 5 P. M. REFINED woman desires position as housekeeper to elderly couple. AC 822, Oregonian. Domestics. REFINED lady, very neat, reliable, wishes nouseworK in small iamily. good plain cook; will go to beach; references. F 607, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Domestics. EXPERIENCED girl wants general house work in small family; good plain cook. AE 824, Oregonian. . COLORED girl, general housework; adults only; no laundry; home nights. Wood lawn 3!i0. EXPERIENCED second maid wants posi tion, city references. AE s25, Oregonian. Housecleanlng. HOrSECLEAXING Expert white and ivory enamel cleaning: floors waxed, fur niture poiished. carpets cleaned, win dows washed. CITY HOUSECLEANING SERVICE. 1SS Chapman st. Phone Main 115T. EUREKA HOUSEC LEANING CO. Flrior waxing and window cleaning our specialty. Phone Auto. 020-51. . WANTED TO KENT. Houses. RENTAL BUREAU. List your houses, flats or apartments with us; quick results and good tenants. PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE. LOANS. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO., 53 Fourth St., Opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. WANTED Small, modern house, adults, close in. Hawthorne or Morrison bridges, or west side. Columbia 1133. WANTED Clean 4 or 5-room modern house, not over $30; will lease; refer ences. Columbia 60. TO RENT or lease, 5 rooms, modern, for tw-o adults. Tabor 7433. SMALL family desire furnished house. F 804, Oregon ian. WANTED Clean unfurnished house flat, about 6 rooms. East 2200. Rooms. BACHELOR wants furniehed room with bath. Aug. 1. Good building. Will see to care of room; rent must be reasonable. State price, location, etc, E 818. Orego nian. 1 Rooms With Board. YOUNG lady stenographer desires real home In private family, close in. AL 825. Oregonian. JAPANESE gentleman wants boarding, room or small apartment. AL 808, Ore- gonian. H o usekeeping Rooms. TWO RESPECTABLE girls want h. k. rooms, walking distance Oaks Park. SelL 2181. between 5 and 7. ADULT Want 2 housekeeping rooms, close in. west side. AL 8J9. Oregonian. FOR RENT. ONE 2-ROOM apartment, one separate sleeping porch, one sleeping room. 655 Washington st. 1- urnibhed Rooms. HOTEL FRANKLIN. Washington at 13th. Rates by the week, $5.50 and up; hot and cold run ning water, hot water heating system. Tub and shower baths. HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL. EAST MORRISON ST., AT EAST 6TH. QUIET, DIGNIFIED AND REFINED. $1.25 PER DAY. $0 PER WK. AND UP. CONVENIENT ALL-NIGHT GARAGES TAIT HOTEL All outside rooms, best $1 day hotel In city; rooms $4 to $7. and with bath $H to $10 per week; pleasant lobby; automatic elevator. 12th and Stark. ANGELA HOTEL, 625 Washington st. Large lobby, automatic elevator, phone and running water in each room, rooms with or without bath, $5.50 per week up; excellent home-cooked meals next door. HOTEL CON RADIX E, 22 North 10th St., 2 blocks north of Washington st. ; pleas?, ant rooms and suites at very reason a b 1 era t ej by day or week. R1TZ HOTEL PARK AND MORRISON. Ideally located in the very center of the theater and shopping district. Spe cial summer rates now m effect. HOTEL ROWLAND, 2074 4TH STREET. Rates 75c, $1, $1.50 per day; $4 to $7 and with bath $8 to 10 per week; kitchen privilege to tourists. WASHINGTON HOTEL. 12TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rooms And suites at reason sble rate by week or month. ARTHUR HOTEL. 170 Eleventh St.. near Morrison; clean and modern rooms by day, week or month at reasonable rates. LARRABEE HOTEL Modern rooms $2.50 week up; close to dental college and 2 blocks from steel bridge. East 840. HOTEL UCiv LEY, Morrison st, at 10th $1 day, weekly $5 and up. Free phone ana batns. L.ignt anf airy, BUCKINGHAM hotel, 652 Washington. Modern rooms, free phone, bath; reason able ' MARLYN HOTEL,' 17TH AND COUCH Large attractive modern rooms by week or month. Rates reasonable. RECTOR hotel, North Broadway, new and modern xaie iocks on aoors, xi per day up. $5 per week up. Private baths. NICELY furnished rooms, beautiful grounds; references required. 243 11th st., corner Main. HOTEL BARR. 112 N. Sixth. 2 blocks of depot. $1 per da. $5 per week and up. DON'T SEARCH 2 corner rooms, gas range, eiec. lights, couple; $23. 300 4th st. 75c DAY. $2.50 WEEK up; clean, baths free. Hotel Cadillac. 3d rar Jefferson. FURNISHED sleeping room, walking dis tance. 549 Wash. St.. apt. B NICE furnished rooms, including bath and phone at summer rates. Y. M. C. A. FURNISHED sleeping rooms. 471 Jef ferson. . Furnished Rooms in Private Family. BEAUTIFULLY furnished Iront room in private apartment ; private dressing room, phone and bath. Must be seen to be appreciated. One block from cen tral library; $20 per month; gentleman only. Main 4655. BEAUTIFUL large room In private home; twin beds, parlor piano, home conven iences, close in; also furnished apart ment for rent. 61 N. 18th bL Broad way 272 V . NICELY furnished room with sleeping porch, strictly modern ; running water in room: suitable for one of two gentle men. 351 W. Park. Phone Mar. 4215. LARGE front room nicely furnished, bath and phone, suitable for 2 ladies or gen tlemen ; 1 block Mississippi car; very reasonable. Phone Woodlawn 4375. ATTRACTIVE, comfortable, well furnished room, modern Rose City home, within block of car line; breakfast and dinner if desired. Tabor 9254. ONE NICELY furnished front room. All modern conveniences. Home privileges. 1SH No. 21st st. Gentleman only. Bdwy. 3t(S3. UN USUALLY desirable room for gentle- man, cool, quiet, modern, mahogany fur nished, overlooking park. Mar. 1780. 302 K Park st. NICELY- furnished front room, with or without sleeping porch; all conveniences; suitable for ladies or gentlemen. 381 12th. Main. 486. NICELY furnished clean and cool outside sleeping rooms, bath and phone. $2, $3; large front room $4; close in. 361 14th st. Auto. 521-64. . LARGE, nloely furnished front room In first-class apartments; 3 outside win dows; hot and cold water; separate dressing room; close in. East 5968. FIRST floor, front sleeping room, near Sa maritan hospital; monthly $16. 777 John son st. NOB HILL Walking distance; large front room adjoining bath, exclusive home. Main 57 5. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, rea sonable, walking distance. Call Mar. 2421. PARLOR and bedroom with piano, suitable for 2, ground floor and 2 sleeping rooma 7i Hoyt st. STEAM-HEATED. furnished room. all modern conveniences. 564 Couch, apt. 3. bet. 17t h and 18th. after 6 even lngs. LARGE front room in private home, all modern conveniences, west side, walking distance. Bdwy. 3498. CLEAN sleeping room for man. $3.50 per week ; oiock rrom vvasn., near zd. 733 Everett. HOME privileges and best of cooking for z gentlemen in ramiiy oi jolly young people. Auto. 312-96. 569 Commercial st. ROOM for lady employed witlvriome privi leges, very reauonaoie ; ooara n aesirea. Woodlawn 667. PLEASANT sleeping room in private fam ily, near .wawtnorne ave. car. 323 E, 34 tn st. FURNISHED room, bath adjoining, in a modern bungalow; also garage, , 987 East Main st. 34 tn st FURNISH ED room for rent in 5-room apt., walking distance. 656 Flanders Broadway 373. NICELY furnished, pleasant, airy room. 73H Johnson. Main 3796. FRONT room, attractive home, wek side. warning aisiance. aiar. auw. LARGE. CLEAN FRONT ROOM. 3D FLOOR, $2 W KKK.. 332 ROSS ST. LARGE, neatly furnished bedroom, walk Ing distance. $2.25 a week. , 429 6th st. FURNISHED room in private family, near Burnslde ana itn. tiast s3. Rooms With Board. CH ESTER BUR Y HOTEL. 201 N. 20TH ST. Transient and residential. Rates by day. week or month. Meals served transients. MARTHA WASHINGTON HOTEL for busi ness girls at moderate rates. . $80 10th st. Marshall 1251. HEREFORD hotel. 735 Hoyt St.. near 23d. Excellent board ; large, shady porches; n re a I home. Summer rates. BwAKO and room at Whitehall Hotel. 253 6th st. FOR RENT. Rooms With Board. CAMPBELL HOTEL, 23D AND HO YT STS. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two ofthe best-known residential ho tels on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath. $2.59 a day up. rates by day or month. Meals served to transienta NORTON I A HOTEL. Portland's downtown high-class family hotel; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you all the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates ROOM and board for, ousiness girls: all modern conveniences; walking distance; $5 per week. Auto 219-74. 12 K. 7th st. R"om With Bosvrd In I'ri vate Family. CLEAN airy rooms, 1 and 2 beds, suitable for 2 men; phone, bath, good meals; re liable home, perfect board; $s pr week. Ca 11 a t 85 Tenth St.. b e t. Stark and Oak. HAPPYLAND COTTAGE A nurse's sub urban home for children, plenty of eggs, milk, fruit and vegetables, with a moth er's love. Automatic 640-08. BOA RD and room In nicely furnished home: home conveniences, home cook in g. etc. : rates reasonable. 223 E. 20xo. Phone East 7 3 $4. BEAUTIFUL east side home offers room and board for $35 per month ; prefer married ' couple employed, or- two girls; pretty front room; home privileges, etc Phone Tabor 1442. IF YOU ARE looking for a good, clean light room, every convenience, with or without board, call at 5S9 E. Burnslde before 12 A. M. or after 5 P. M. LADY having a large, handsomely fur nished home, with all modern conven iences, would like 2 people to room and board. Woodlawn 3031. YOUNG married woman would like 1 or 2 children from 1 to 3 years to care for. Good home, best of care. 5517 ti&th st S. E. WANTED 2 babies or small children to board; have tested cow. close in, plenty of shade trees. L 811. Oregonlan. IRVINGTON One block from car; modern home away from home Cor buaineas peo ple. East 329. NICE large room, close In, walking dls tance, west side; suitable for 1 or 2 persons. Aut: 519-36. ROOMS Running water, excellent board; one-half block car line, walking dis tance; garage. Broadway 4633. ROOM and board In private family; all conveniences ; block from Sellwood car Phone Sellwood 2203. CAN OFFER pleasant room with board, beautiful location, to one having their own furniture. East 7328. NICE large room, phone and bath, for 1 or 2 w home conveniences; board if desired. Marshall 416. BOY, 14, would like to spend several weeks in country with good family. AL 781. Oregonlan. WANTED to take care of children over 2 years old In private home. Phone Sell wood 1052. BOARD and room In nicely furnished bungalow; real home for couple or two gentlemen. Sellwood 2270. PRIVATE home for children; 20 years' ex perlence. 714 Everett st. Marshall 2162. WILL take children to board out In the country. inquire at aui Kaieigh bldg. DESIRABLE room Ior 2 with 2 meala 320 11th St.. cor. Clay. Mar. 672. ROOM and board for men 98 week. 628 Irving st. FURNISHED rooms, with hoard. 407 Clay st. Main 3834. FIRST-CLASS room and board, 394 Co- lumbia. corner of 10th. Main 2864. SMALL children- boarded, 1567 H East atara ana outn. Airs. u. v. rtoiana. VERY desirable room, clone in, w. m.. suit- aoie ror two: excellent meals. Main 75H. GENTLEMEN' Fine room, good board, near Multnomah club. Main 2219. Furnished Apartments. VERT HIGH-CLASS. Elegantly furnished 5 rooms and 2 baths, top floor, outside apts., 16 win dows; will rant to desirable adults; also a very choice 4 -room and sleeping porch, all outside rooms. 166 St. Clair St., corner Washington. NEWLY decorated apts., all white wood work; one with private bath; also front sleeping room; running water, fireplace; 2 meals it wanted. 696 Irving, near 2let st. WILL share my modern apartment with some congenial couple; everything fur nished; $35 a month. 377 Vancouver ave., apt. 5. Phone East 4768. HISLOP HALL. 410l Hawthorne ave.. near Grand ave. Beautifully clean, strictly modern 3-room fur, apts.. $.io a month up. East 8S: THREE rooms, dressing room and bath, white woodwork, hardwood floors. Free use of electric washer and mangle. Phone Bast 3782. FURNISH ED apt. at fl.SS East Madison, corner 33d, near Hawthorne ave. Rent reasonable. Phone Auto. 234-39. JAEGER APTS.. 701 Washington. 3 and 4-room furnished apts. ARCADIA APARTMENTS. One 2-room and ne 3-room furnished apartment. 706 Everett st. PuKTNoilAH a ana 4 rooms ; hardwood floors, sleeping porches, walking dis tance; well furnished ; adults. 20U E. 13th. THE PENROSE, Grand ave. at Belmont. Large, front 3-room, newly finished in old ivory; also 2-room apartment. VTrrcr.Y furnished 4-room ant .-ith private bath. 394 Guild st.. between 23d and 4tn. Oil. I m man. Jittin j Kt, HnrSMAN APTS.. 2 to 4 rooms, larm ri sirable, clean, well furnished, sleeping nnV,1, Main 15.V ymv...- . MODERN light 2 and 3-room apartments;' private oaicony, diui, ctosets. tine view. Hanover apartment. Mar. 2009. ROSE FRIEND APTS. Modern 5-room furnished. Marshall 1410. walKing aistance. 5-ROOM furnished apt., private bath, phone, garage near. 856 East 6th North. t- U..rn iU71 2 and 3-room fur. apt., reduced rates. Nicely furnished 3-room apartment; K,U nrival balconv 151 T'th 2 ROOMS. $5 week up, 1 room. $3 week up; sleeping room. $3 week up. 208 W a sh i ngton st., corner First. PENINSULA APARTMENTS. 2 and 3-room apartments. 1135 y Alhlna ave. . THE JEFFERSONIAN. 16th and Jefferson. Reduced summer rates; take small chil dren. THE MEREDITH Furnished apts.. free phone, steam heat, hot water. 22d and W ash. Main 7134. ALTAMONT APTS.. 804 COLLEGE. Cool, cozy, modern 8 and 4-room apartments; reasonable rent. THREE furnished rooms, bath and" aleep ing porch; phone, light, water and heat. Phone evenings, cast invn, Nice 4 and 5-room apta Phone Main 5744. ZUMBRO COURT, 20th and Washington 2 and 3 room furnished apartments; strictly moafrnj transient, or permanent. LOVELY, modern 3-room apt., all out side rooms; private bath and phone: TWO 3-rm. apts., modern, clean, light, out side rooms ; reasonable rent ; walking distance. 17th and Lovejoy. Bdwy. 1812. LOVELY,- modern 3-room apt., all outside rooms; private bath and phone; very cheap. Tabor 6065. , FOR RENT A fully well-furnfethed four room apartment, piano; vacant July 19. Phone Marshall 2851. CLASSIC APTS., 662 Glisan. 3 rooms and bath, modern. Bdwy. 20-34. FURNISHED 2 or 3-room apartments. Jeannette apts.. 471 Jefferson st. FINE bungalow apt., modern, walking distance. 2 disappearing beds. East 841. BERKELEY APTS.. 39 Trinity place; nice 4-room ap. Jiar. i-.i.m. apt, p. CLEAN, modern, completely furnished '2 room apartment, 680 fr Lombard. Col. 617. "i 1.- . I T I tr 1 f T V f,,-n H J . . ' BEAUTI FULLY furnished 4-room apts.. Hlgniana uurt, --u ana Lriiaan. THREE-ROOM outside apt., corner, 394 5th. Harrison Court. Main 5148. JULIANA APTS., 45 Trinity place. 2 and 3-room fu r nish e d a pta M arshall 9S3. WINDSOR APTS. 2-rrn. furn. Apt. East 2907 SAN MARCO, E. 8TH AND COUCH 3-RM. MOD. APTS. E. 2312. ROSELYN APTS., 110 N. 21st St., 2 rms., hath, dressing room, disappearing bed. 4-ROOM modern. $35; also 3 rooms, $27. 71 Grand ave. N. TEASDALE APT.. 30 N. 20th One fur nished 3-room and bath. Marshall 1652. 13-DAY STORAGE FUSEL M o vl n g for less Phor.t Bd w v. 244 3. NEW YOR K apartments, furnished, cor. 7th and Belmont. East 23a UNION AVE. and Killingsworth; furn. apt. $21.50; all complete; concrete buildings TOURNEY BLDG., 2d and Taylor. 1 and H-room apts.. cwly renovated. $22.50 up. ELBRIDGB AT.. 274 N. 31st St.. 2 and 3-room furnished apta. Broadway 4730. PAGE. E. 8th and Burnside. 3 rms., $35, $55; 2 beds, fireplace. Walking distance. NICE clean 2-room furnished apartment for rent. 2S9 10th st. GARFIELD 3 rooms, sleeping porch: rea- son a ble. 361 Fa 1 1 Ing blk. w. Union. CORNER FURNISHED APT . 3 outside rooms 304 5th st. HARRISON COURT. WILL sriiire my cozy downtown apt. with refined working girl. Marshall 3232. HE KM EN I A 400 Hall St.. corner 10th, 2 room modern, Iront apartment. FOR RENT. Furnished Apartments. THESE STRICTLY MODERN APART MENTS CAN'T BE BEAT IN ALL PORTLAND. Large completely furnished, light, airy. Immaculately clean four rooms, with all up-to-date conveniences, $50 per month; one beautiful 3-room front apt. for $50; also one on first floors for $45; lovely homes for you; equipped for two to four persons each; first-class Janitor service guaranteed. Main 1911. THE COLUMBIAN. 11th and Columbia. WHT PAY $60 AND $70 FOR AN APARTMENT WHEN YOU CAN GET A 3-ROOM APT.. PRIVATE BATH. PHONE. AUTOMATIC ELEVA TOR. ALL OTHER CONVENIENCES AT THE GRAN DEST A FOR $40 AND UP? ONE OF THE MOST MODERN- AND UP-TO-DATE APARTMENT HOUSES IN THE CITY. 68 GRAND AVE.. COR NER QF STARK. EAST 208. $70 BEAUTIFUL 5-room furnished bun ga'ow apartment, all large, light, airy rooms, immaculate condition: good fur niture, music room with disappearing bed. large living rm.. dining rm., white Dutch kitchen, private bedroom, bath, steam heat, telephone, janitor service included; close in; juu across he Broad- " vy unoge, Dloca norm or aroaa- way. The Meda apts.. 377 Vancouver ave.; adults only. Lease for one ) ear. STELWYN A P TS., HIGH-CLASS. Resident and summer homes for tran sient and tourist; handsomest furnished apts. in the city ; no objection to child under 2 years: 1 to 5-room apts.. with sleeping porch : we also have bachelor - apts. and fcervlce; single rooms and bath for refined gentlemen: references re quired. Mar. 2530. 166 St. Clair sU. . cor. Washington. the Cromwell. Fifth and Co:umbia Sta Five minutes' walk to Meier & Frank's store; good surroundings, strictly mod ern 2 and 3-room furnished apts. out side, with French doors and balcony. Permanent and transient. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 186 Vista avenue, near 23d and Wash ington. High-class apartment house. One 3-room beautifully furnished with good rugs, fine view, outside balcony; must be seen to be appreciated. Call Main 3SS3. THE JACKSON. M H Union Ave. North. Three-room apts., $30 ai.d $40; private bath, steam heat, hot ana cold water, phone service ; 13 minutes' walk to 5th and Alder. Rose City car. East 2846. BUENA VISTA APTS. 434 Harrison St. Strictly modern 2 and 3-room apta, newly papered In tapestry ; outside kitchen and tiled bathroom. $50 and Up; adults. Main 1052. THE ELM WOOD. Strictly nrtit-ciass 2 and 3-room apta, furnished and uni umished : new porlod furniture, Wilton rugs, silverware, linen, tc.. $50 to $75; 'adults. 415 Tenth st. Main 6600. THE PARK. Flrst-clBAS 3 and 4-room apts., fur nished and unfurnished: just reflnlshed, hardwood floors, fireplace, loin of closet room, $50 up. 353 HarrUon. Mar. 133. BERKLEY APARTMENTS. 39 TRINITY PLACE. Nicely furnished 2 and 3-room apts., $40 and up; Includes phone, hot water and heat. Marshall 1950. apt. 6. SHEFFIELD 272 BROADWAY. First-class 8 and 4-room furnished or unfurnished apts., newly decorated, all outside rooms; permanent or transient. Under new management. THE DEZENDORF APTS. 208 16th. near Taylor. Mar. 128. Nicely furnished 5-room apts. for resi dent or transient and tourist : no ob Jectlon to children; walking distance. SPECIAL SUMMER RATES Nicely fur nished 2-room apartments: steam heat, no extra charge for private phone and lights, walking distance. Lincoln .pta. 4th an d Unco 1 n. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. Corner 10th and Salmon; 2, 8 and 4-room apts.; permanent or transient; also single rooms. Main 6641. WILL sublet my completely f urn. apt. until Sept. 15, 4 large rooms and sleep ing porch; cool snd airy, splendid loca tlon. Call Col. 815. business hours. THE LILLIAN APTS. Close In. 2 and 3 rooms, large and light, modern brick building. 381 etn at. Marshall 1378. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. 2 snd & room furnished and unfur nished apts.. strictly modern, elevator, tile bath. 11th and Montgomery. M. 359. BENSON APTS. 205 N. 20th st., 2 and 3-room furnished apartments. Including all linen and silver; pr Ices $30 to $50. Bdwy. 4448. BELKNAP APARTMENTS. 187 17TH ST. 2-room furnished apartment. Main 4697. THE CAMBRIAN. Nicely furnished 2 and 3-room apts. In first-class apt. hotute, $50 up; adulta 433 Columbia. Marshall 2 4 06. 3-ROOM apartment, completely furnished, for rent now till Sept. 15: Walnut Park; rent $25 month; references. Broadway 3220. THE ST AN FIELD. Modern outside 2-room apts.. light, heat, phone, laundry facilities, $20 and $22.50. Main 7392. WATSON APTS., two 2-room furnished apts., electric lights, steam heat, clean as a pin; 2 blocks to Lincoln high. 341 Harrison, corner Broadway. THE ST AN FIELD. Modern outside 2-room apts.. light, heat, phone, laundry facilities, $20 and $22.5Q. Main 7392. . BEAUTI FUL 3-room apartment In a pri vate residence, ground floor, private en trance, close in. 324 East 1st st. North. East 7279. CHETOPA APTS. One nice 3-room and one 2-room apartment in Al condition; best loration in the city. Call Broad way 4936 TWO AND THREE-ROOM light outside apartments, modern, clean, reasonable rent; walking distance. Arllne apart- ments. 17th and Lovejoy. Bdwy. 1872. BAZANTA APTS. Nicely furnished. 3-room apt., with bath and kitchenette. 189 N. 23d. Ma r. 294 5. DRICKSTON APTS. 448 11TH ST. . Modern, clean. light 2-room apt. NICE, clean 3-room apt., private bath and phone. 242 Killingsworth. Wdln. 5892. Inf urn! shed Apartments. KINGSBURY APAP.TMENTS. 186 Vista ave., near 23d and Washington High class apartment house; 3-room unfur nished apartments with disappearing bed in living room, also bedroom. Call Main 3883. FIVE rooms, unfurnished. East 60th and Glisan ; good light, newly kalsomined; good plumbing, rent $25. A. H. Birrell Gill Co 216 X. W. Bank bldg. Marshall 4114. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. We will have a vacancy in our 19th and Elm sts. apt. house August 1; 5 rooms. $125 per month. F. E. BOWMAN & CO. GRACE apts.. 24th and Northrup, west side; 5-rm. mod. outside, first floor, front porch, large sleeping porch, janitor ser vice, steam heaL Mar. 2512. evening Mar. 554. J-ROOM apartment, in excellent condition, ivory woodwork and beautiful tapestry walls; . adults onlv; rent reasonable. ARBOR COURT. . 14 th and Columbia, , WICKERSH AM. Beautiful 5-room unfurnished apart ment, well located ; references. Bdwy. 2201. STEVENS APTS., July 15. 6 large sunny outside rooms. Front, back and sleep ing porches; heat, water, yard. Phone Main 9358. BRUCE APTS. A north-side apartment, vacant August; modern, steam-heated. 6 outside rooms, sleeping porch, west side. East 1369. 2 AND 4-ROOM apartments. Private bath, $23 and $25. Light and clean. 1523 " E. Glisan st. Tabor 9373. ONE 3-ROOM; -has dressing room and bath, is exceptionally nice. Phone East 3782. NICE 4-room apt, can be secured. Rose Friend, Bdwy. and Jefferson. Marshall 1410. 3-ROOM modern unfurnished apt., $28; no children. Waverly court, E. 26th snd Clinton st. IRVING APTS. 21ST AND LOVEJOY. MAIN 9239. 4-room light, sunny apartments, porch. 3-ROOM desirable unfurnished apartment. Trinity Place apartments; references re quired. Phone Marshall 860. THE DEZENDORF. 208 16th st.. near Taylor. Mar. 128. 5-room unfurnished apartment. THE AMERICAN, modern 4 and 3-room apartment. Bdwy. 3360. PORTNOMAH. 3 and 4 rooms, walking distance; adults. 200 E. 13th. DAYTON APTS. 5 and 6-rm. aprs., and $70. 662 Flanders. Bdwy. 3134. GARFIELD, 3 r corns, sleeping porch, rea sonablo. 361 Failing bldg.. W. Union GRACE apta. 4-rm., mod., outside, ground floor: $40. Mar. 1315. MORTON APTS., front 5-room unfurnished apt. 697 Washington at. Main 1082. 4-ROOM. sleeping porch, breakfast nook, hardwood f'.oors. Call Wdln. 3943. THE ORMONDE Five-room unfurnished apartment. 606 Flanders. Bdwy. 3S73. DENNIBUX APTS.. 1027 Vfc Belmont, one 3 - ro o m furnished apartment. Furnished or V a furnished Apartments. FOR RENT 3-room apt., light, heat, hot and cold water. Call 1002 Hawthorne ave.. apt. A. VILLA ST. CLARA APTS. 3-ROOM. FURNISHED OR UNFUR NISHED. 203 i:iH ST. FOR RENT. .burnished or Unfurmaned Apartment. 2, S. 4 AND 5-ROOM APTS. EVERETT st- BDWY. 4218. LA MB ROOK APTS. 430 East Yamhill St. For rent, reasonable, 2-room furnished apt. Call East 4062. DURFEY APTS. -Nice, light 3-rm. apt.; all conveniences. East 3611. Flats. FOR RENT 9-room upper flat, living room, dining room, music room, bed room and kitchen, on second floor; four large bedrooms and store room on third floor: two bath rooms, hot air furnace and fireplace; pleasant location on 24th St.. near Hoyt. Rent $60. Write appli cation to owner. 794 Irving street. WEST SIDE, large, modern 6 rooms, fire place, gas range, good furnace. Main 7351. 3-ROOM modern fiat, oak floors, all built in, cement basement, near Hawthorne ave. E. 47th at once. T 824, Oregonlan. 5-ROOM modern upper flat with sleeping porch, newly tinted. Phone Sellwood 1639. 741 Ivon st.. corner 22d. 6-ROOM clean flat, west side, walking dis tance, nice view, fireplace, furnace. 389 16th st., south Montgomery. Vlnney. 4-ROOM fiat In clean, quiet neighborhood; must be seen to be ap p recia te. Auto. 544-33. 4 NICE rooms. 1218 Mall st.; $18. Mar. 1204. IRVINGTON Choice four-room flat and sleeping porch. $40. East 801 5. FOR RENT Six-room flat, 11th and Hall st-. Call at 426 Hall. FLAT In Hawthorne. 5 rooms and sleep ing porch. $30. East 8407. CLEAN 5-room flat, close in. 658 Third st. Rent $16. Furnished Plata. $20 CONVENIENTLY arranged 4 rooms and Bleeping porch: fairly well fur nished. Cobb Bros., 928 Chamber of t ommerce. NOB HILL New furniture of an upper - room xiat ior sale wit n sleeping porch; flat for rent with good Income. Call 692H Everett St.. or Main 4848. NICELY furnished living room, bedroom, kitchen and bath, $37.50, Including phone, garbage and water; modern; walking distance. 555 Taylor. MUST sell at once furniture of a nice, clean 6-room flat, close In on east side: can more than make rent here. Call East 4759. $3f TWO EXTRA well furnished rooms with private bath, must be seen to be appreciated. Sellwood car. 540 Halg. Sellwood 8011. 6-ROOM upper flat, like new, furniture for sale, responsible tenants; walking i wtance. Jiain r.'y.t. ,4.;u 1 ,n St. 6-ROOM upper flat, like new : furniture for sale; responsible tenant : walking distance. Main o'.iyw. a.iu 13th st. Fl VE large rooms and bath, beautifully furnished, close to car line; good loca- tion. wooaiawn (oi. THREE-ROOM flat, well furnished 40 in eluding phone : adults; references. East 4U11 after 5:3Q. 4-ROOM furnished flat. 2 or 3 months. Piano. Walking d-lstanee. No children. Call after 9 A. M. Sat.. 333 H E. Market. 4-ROOM apartment flat for rent; furniture ror sale. open P. Al. dally; rent $35. 787 E. Gllsy.n. cor. 24th. Phone 233-07. NEW 4 snd 5-room flats, garage, gas range, ruga, west side, walking distance 873 Cable st. Main 8311. NEWLY finished flat, four rooms and oath; SS car. 146 East 30th st. See Spear. lQOQH Belmont st. FOR RENT 5-room flat, furnished, with piano. 3.Y 333 Cook ave. Houwekeeplpg Rooms. FURNISHED h a. rooms, 1 room with kitchenette, hot snd cold water, nrlvate phone, electrto lights, steam heat, five minutes- want to town, zvi (JoiomDia. near Fifth LARGE room and alcove, also single h. k. room; clean, modern: $5 and $6 per wk.; two d locks rrom 14th and Montgomery. 501 Harrison. Auto 518-13. 2-ROOM apt., lovely furniture, for $35 per mo.: also 2 single h. k. rooms at $4 and J5 25 per week; block from Wash. 735 Everett st. LARGE room with alcove. $6 per week: also single H. K. room. $5; modern ; 2 blocks from 14th and Montgomery. 501 narrison. Auto, sih-ij. THE HEAVER, 12th snd Marshall Fur nished ft. k. rooms, $ 15 up. Including hot water, electric lights, laundry room. FURNISHED H. K. rooms, single or double. $2 SO per week and up. Buckeye apta. ao mast Morrison. CLOSE In. clean, desirable, front 2-room h. k. apts., $.1.50. $6 week. City Hall apts., 47 Vfr 5th st. TWO H. K. rooms with kitchenette, $25 a montrf; everything furnished. Call E 1 LARGE, well-furn.. clean a. k. room on first floor. Roy crest apta, 175 12th, cor. Yamhill. TWO 2-ROOM suites, front room, large closet, clean, cheap: suitable for 2 or 4 people. 493 Montgomery. Main 3310. 2 AND 3 rooms. H. K. apartments, for rent. Very reasonable. 892 East Burnslde and Grand ave. TWO LARGE, rooms, furnished, house keeping, on ground floor. Call after 10:30, 306 Columbia st., near 5th. TWO LARGE front rooms, also room and kltche"nette. 655 Flanders. FURNISHED H. K. rooms, single or double. 549 Washington St.. apt. B. $3.50 WEEK UP, furnished H. K, rooms. 253 V2 Wash. St.. corner Third. NICE, clean housekeeping room. 341 11th street. LARGE front room and kitchenette, cheer fully furnished. $22.50. 306 4th st. $5 WEEK UP, completely- furnished h. k. suites. The Cadillac, 3d near Jefferson. FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep- ing; rent reasonaoie. ju second st A.N D 3-ROOM unturn. h. k. apta., nice JEFFERSON APTS. Front 2-room apt. 305 Jefferson st. SINGLE H. K. rooms, $10 per mo. up; constant supply hot water. 147 13th at. CLEAN, well-fui nisned hi al rms., facing park. 383 Davis st. DON'T search; 2 corner rooms, gas range. electric light; couple. $23. 3004 4th st. WELL furnished housekeeping room, walk- ing distance. East 7279. CLEAN rooms for h. k. 508 Alder st. Housekeeping Rooma In Private Family. NICE H. K. apt., suitable for girls in a modern home with 2 girls alone; every thing furnished; very reasonable. Sell wood 8. - NICE, light, clean, airy h. k. rooms, close in; look at them, 128 14th, bet. Wash ington and Alder. 13 ROOMS, all h. k., close in; nice furni ture, elec lights, good income; price $1400. $900 down. J. H. Ely, 128 14th. ONE MODERN fur. housekeeping room with kitchenette, neat and comfortable. East 8029. 3 CLEAN front h. k. rooms, 2 beds, sink and wash tray; $30. 447 Sixth st. Mar shall 2848. 2 NICE, clean, furnished h. k. rooms, pri vate family : garage; H block east of Union ave. 391 Russell. East 1740. 2 LARGE, light, well furnished rooms, walking distance, reasonable. 707 Flan ders st. 2, ROOMS, furnished for housekeeping, 'walking dlst.. adults. 11 E. 14th st. N. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, heat. light, phone, batn. ntn st FOR RENT 2 housekeeping rooma 267 Knott st.. near Williams ave. H. K. ROOMS, walking distance. 275 Will lams ave. East 5797. Mrs. WUcox. 3 CLEAN furnished rooms, including mod ern kitchen ; adults only. Tabor 661 S. 8 FINE housekeeping rooms with sleeping porch, close in. t.aai 2 DESIRABLE unfurnished housekeeping rooms. 32 6 tn sc. 2 CLEAN H. K. rooms; everything fur nished. 862 Mississippi ave.; 2 adults; $35. TWO CLEAN neatly, furnished H. K, rooms. 187 Chapman, near Yamhill. TWO H. K. rooms in clean, modern home for 2 people. 01 liuwan. Marshall 3911 TWO H. K. rooms, furnished. $14. 33 Grand ave. a. rnone r.ast COZY 2 or 3 apta, separate entrance, yard and porch. E. 3151. HOUSE for rent. 6 rooms, furnace, cement basement, modern. 124 East 18th st. Call Main 7011. AUGUST 1, 9-room house, sleeping porch, modern conveniences; also garage; good d i strict, east side. Marshall 369. 3-ROOM house, no objection to children; rent reasonable. 249 Harrison at., near Third. 6-ROOM houtte. furnace, etc., $20. 754 Kelly St.. near Porter, west side. Call 318 Board of Trade. Main 7452. $ 5-ROOM bungalow. 1188 Front. Call 329 Salmon. " 6-KOOM modern house, inquire 62 E. 20th street. East 2689. $.". ti-ROOM house for rent. 188 44th iL Phone Tabor hp-. aunnyioe cr BEAUTIFUL new 5-room bungalow to de sirable tenant. Sell. 2218 after 9. 10-ROOM house. Tillamook and 21st, Auto. 332-30. MODERN 4-room bungalow for rent. Main 5431 7-ROOM house: sleeping porch; fireplace; breakfast nook, etc.. $30. 326-07. 7-ROOM modern house, cement basement, furnace; walking distance. 707 1st st. 5-ROOM house and garage. 775 Vancouver ave. Automatic 610-31. 7-ROOM modern bungalow, garage. Rose City car. line, $4U. t62 , 77th sL N. FOR RENT. Houses. PIANOS moved. $3; stairs extra, $1 each flight: 80 days' free storage on all house hold goods; furniture moving. 1-ton truck, $2 per hour; large truck, $2.75 per hour; w are experienced and have good packing. Call Broadway 1207. Atlas Transfer & Storage Co.. 104 N. 5th at. Open Sundays and evenings 3-ROOM modem bungalow, laundry travs in basement. 8o-9 E. 9th sL N. ; $22.50 per month. 5-room modern bungalow ; ready In a few days. 472 Shaver st. ; $22.50. See FRANK L. McGUIR E, . . . To Rent Your Home. AMngton Bldg. Main 106S. WILL lease our modern home at 1599 E. Glisan for one yr. or longer; 2 large bedrooms snd much storage In closet room. This is an exceptional opportuni ty for permanent tenant. Rent $55 a mo. ji. neiss, 1 aoor t $25 ANOTHER exceptionally convenient 4-room house, basement, laundry trays, bath and phone, new and clean: adults only; garage. $5. Fulton car, 1603 Vlr- gin la. FIVE-ROOM cottage, modern except heat, lot 60x100. west side; $19 a month; water paid. 509 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Phone Main lt"3. CALL BROADWAY 580 FOR NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO. LIGHT POWER HEAT. WASHINGTON AT 10TH ST. WILL lease my new 7-room bungalow just finished, in Alameda, strictly modern, with garage and lovely ground a L 814, Oregonlan. WHEN moving, city or country, get the best at lowest price. Green Trans. Co., .-iain 202H Alder st. MOVING Pianos, furniture and long-distance hauling a specialty. C. A W. Truck Service Co.. 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 5121. PARTLY furnished 4-room modern house; Ivory woodwork, tapestry papering, ga rage: 835. Aut. 621-24. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Modern S-room house, fine view, best residence di-- trlct. $10u mo. : references. Main 244. 4-ROOM modern cottage, $23; 5-room bun galow, furnished, garage, $50. Roda baugh. Tabor 42".9. 3-ROOM house; adults only. 88 E. 8th st. North, bet. Everett and Flandera East 836. RUSE CITY DISTRICT 1-room bungalow with sleeping porch, $30. Royal, 72d and Sandy blvd. 6-ROOM house in Laurelhurst, $65 per month. 256 E 33d N. ; 1 year's lease. Tabor 736. LOWER 5 rooms of house. 671 E. Ash, near 18th; partly furnished; nice lawn, good neighborhood. SO. ELK TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. 15 days' storage free; furniture mov- ing for less. Broadway 2445. JUST vacated, inspect 863 B. 10th st N. Six-room cottage, fruit, garage; adults. S-ROOM house. $20: 1.1:1 . I4tb t. S- Furnished Houses. 6-ROOM modern bungalow, furnished, open fireplace, ail bullt-lns. close in; rent $40 per mo. Sell furniture, consider auto. C. W. MirershTp. Ma In 5275. FURNISHED 7-room house, 4 bedrooms. Nob Hill district, walking distance, full lot. 50x100. flowers, etc. Will lease for one year, $75. Main 2561. WELL furnished five-room colonial bunga low. Rose City Park; garage. Owner, with child, occupy separate apt, C S, preferred. Tabor 8736. VACANT. July 21st. modern furnished 5 room bungalow. Rose City Park; price $75. Call afternoons or evenings. 433 East 42d st. North. Tabor 2594. WELL furnished 5-room colonial bunga low. Rose City Park ; garage. Owner, with child, occupy separate apt. C. S. preferred. Tabor 8736. $6' MODERN, completely furnished 7 roorn house; Hawthorne ave.. 3 bed rooms, annual lease; references; adulta only. Tabor 4679. , COMPLETELY furnished 7-room house." good location, near two carlines. lots of fruit; reasonable. Call Wdln. 6095, be tween 9 and 12 o'clock PORTLAND HEIGHTS Six-room house, furnished, until Sept. 15. Automatic 312-72 between 2 and 6 P. M. 7-ROOM furnished house in Overlook. $50 per month. Wdln. 202, after Saturday phone Wdln. 1155. 2Pn FOURTH, entire upstairs. $7.50 week; single h. k. $2.50 to $5 week, bath; h. k. suite. $5 week; phone and sink. MODERN furnished 5 or 6-room bungalow, permanent tenant only, $50 per month. Tabor7173. FOR RENT 7-room furnished house. 51ft Broadway drive, near Davenport. SelL 279. , 6-ROOM furnished, fireplace, furnace; oak floors, built-ins; near Laurelhurst; re gponslble parties only. $50. Tabor 7705. CONGENIAL couple will share fine mod ern home with adults. Sellwood 836. 6-ROOM mdern house for 3 months or more. $55; adults: references. East 760S. 5-ROOM cottage, some furniture, weet aide. 636-21. morn.ngs $5( MODERN 5-r. bungalow, furnished. renovateo.. new rug. auhi. - - 5-ROOM furnished bungalow In Rose City Park, tarage. rnone uapor nao. ATTRACTIVE bungalow. 5 rooms, neatly FURNISHED 6-room modern house with garage. .. 7 4tt wooawaro ave. 4-ROOM furnished house for rent. $7 a week. 3520 esuh st. s. r. Houses for Rent Furniture for Pale. ON Al'EST SIDE House for rent. $30. Furniture for sale, reasonable; adults only. Main 2738. Call mornings. FURNITURE for sale, house for rent: a nice home, small income; $250 will han dle. Call Main 6497. 7-ROOM house for rent, furniture for sale. 420 Woodward sve.. cor. 6th, east aide. Call any time. - Summer Report. AN IDEAL stopping place at Seaside. "The Pine Lodge." Large, commodious summer home. 1 block from ocean, -blocks from Broadway; large lobby, 2 fireplaces, bath, shower bath and tennis court, large grounds; rates $2 per day up. with kitchen privileges. Mrs. Flora FerguHon. manager. LONG BEACH NORTH BEACH INN. Directly facing ocean. Surf bathing. Large shadv grounds. Rooms $1.50 day and up. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING twntt.ci tin l-Totl Oeklev. Port land, or N. B. Inn, Long Beach. Wash. One summer cottage for rent, boating. fishing, swimming. See caretaker at camp. . OCEAN PARK, WASH.. 3-r. private apartment. 3 bedrooms. $15 week till Aug. or by season. F. C King. Perkins hotel. . 2-ROOM apt. $10 per week. Long Beach. Wash., nice location. 1 room with use of kitchen. $6 per week. Joy the Tailor. 104 Fourth st. LARGE h. k. room, 2 beds, everything or housekeeping, fuel, lights, water free. 10 weeks. England 321 6th ave.. Sea side. FOR RENT- Seaside cottage, 5 rooms snd large porches, comfortably furnished; has city water, electric lights, fireplace, etc. fnone owner, nasi ooor COLUMBIA BEACH camp grounds will open on July 17. Grocery store 011 grounds. See Pearson or call Wood lawn 4024. . AT RHODODENDRON Furnished cot tages for rent, $10. $18. $25 per week. Also newly built cottages for sale. Rho dodendron Inn. Rhododendron. Or. FOR RENT by week, month or season, 8 -room cottage overlooking ocean, one of the best cottages In Seaside. Address Miss Damonn, Necanicum Inn. SEASIDE. Or., Pacific cottages, a new one every day; get yours now. Furnished complete. Two beds, wood, light, water. 515 per weea. Aptny J FOR RENT Seaside, a clean well-furnished house, Urge sleeping porch. 3 beds, completely furnished. Phone Ta bor 4255. LARGE house for house parties, last two weeks in July; also housekeeping accom- modations. Cannon neacn. uu Jiain oou. SWELL camp for rent near Neah-ka-nie beach; everything furnished. For infor mation phone East 64 8. CANNON BEACH cottage, tent houses. For particulars, G. L. Wlngard. 553, FOR RENT until Sept. 7. 6-rooin cottage at Seaview., Wash., on boulevard and beach; 5 beds, elec. lights. Phone East 2651. FURNISHED house at Tioga. Washington, overlooking ocean, rent for season $300. Apply f . n. rage, roruanu, r. FOR RENT At Pacific Beach. Wash., fur nished rooms and apartments, by day, week or month. Mrs. C. J. Erlckson. L RGE cottage to rent. 5 beds, modern "improvement. ocean view. Address Box KOCKawan. FOR RENT At Long Beach. 3-room fur nished house. 2 blocks from depot. East 625. SEASIDE-ASTORIA stage leaves New Houston hotel, 72 N. 6th St.. 2 A. M-. S A. M.; 12 noon. 3:30 P M. SEASIDE 5-room cottage, modern 2-room cottage; H. K tent; also rooms. East 8424. SEA SI DE 7-room cottage, suitable for 2 families for July or season. East 8424. . SEAVIEW, Wash Six-room cottage for rent, furnished. Alain 1 1 3. OCEAN CREST, housekeeping apta A.d dress Ocean Crest, Rockaway. Or. FOR SALE or rent, 6-rm. cottage. Sea slde; 'ocean view. Main 9264. SEASIDE, overlooking ocean, 6-room mod ern cottage. Tabor 7371. BALANCE of se;iwin. 7-room furnished house, Seaview, Wash. Main 6324. SEAVIEW, Wash. Completely f urnlahed. 4-room co u as a. Eaat 2utd. 1