14 THE MORNING OR EG O NI AN. TUESDAY. JULY 12, 1921 jtEAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. ROSE CITY PARK LAURELHURST. Polks. If you contemplate buying In either one of these districts, you owe it to yourself to inspect our listings. We give most of our time and attention to the sale of houses in Kobc City Park and Laurelhurst and re can serve you best. Those who wan to sell naturally list their property with us. Our sales men are Instructed never to urjje one to buy. The houses must sell them elves. Come, see for yourself what won derful buys we have to offnr. You'll be under no obligations, positively. A. G. TEEPB CO.. Realtors Inus uranee. 270 Stark St.. near 4th. Main 3002. 40th and Sandy. Tabor 93H6. I-ROOM modern bungalow, attic and sleep ing porch, modern plumbing and , light ing; 1 block to car. Only $3130, $300 cash, balance to suit. 5 rooms, fireplace, hardwood floors, all the built-lns, Richmond district. $3700, $473 cash. 4-rm. modern bungalow, electricity and gas, 3 blocks from Sandy, $2050, $300 cash, balance to suit. 3-room house, lot 50x100 feet, fruit, sidewalks in. All for $800, $3.'0 cash. 3 rooma, completely furnished, lot 50x lOO feet, block from AH car, $1323. will take car and aome cash for first pa vment. B U R K 1 1 AR DT Bl'SIN ESS BCI LD E RR. 415 Piatt Bldg. Realtors. Main 7017. BY OWNER Priced rlgni; terms; with hardwood floors and every built-in fea ture, and If you are going to buy a home in one of the most popular dis tricts In Portland you owe it to yourself and family to inspect this attractive bungalow, ai.d it is a wonderful location; it has 6 rooms, full cement basement, wash travs. bath and fireplace ; beauti fully finished in Ivorv; lighting fixtures and plumbing the best. This bungalow has been occupied one month and has expensive furniture, which can be pur chased with bungalow or separately. Will show place any time day or evening. ' Owner, 250 Alder st. Main 1102. JLMONG THE FIRS OX PORTLAND HTS. $500 down and $23 monthly buys a 4 room rustic cottage with abmit 8-10 of an ere of ground, all kinds of native trees and assorted bearing fruit trees and ber ries. It la located in a district of choice homes, on a paved street and has cost the owner nearly $7000. We are now authorized to offer this property for $3020, plus bonded assessments. Fred W. German Co., Realtors. 73- Cham, of Comm e rc e. 7 MINUTES' EASY DRIVE. 1ATJRELBLRT OFFKE. K. GOTH AND GUHAN. If you are looking for a 5-room bunga low and will drive -out today, you will ret the surprise of your life; nothing like It ever offered by me before. Owner leaving city. Call 'for key at office on the property. East 3!ih and Glisan streets, or phone Tabor 11433. Evenings call East 7738. DEUHUXTY. OPEN EVENINGS. L PERFECT BUNGALOW FOR LITTLE MONEY. 5 beautiful rooms and breakfast nook, complete with furnace, fireplace, hard wood floors and garage, tapestry paper, fixtures and shades. You can make no mistake. Inspect this home at once. Price $10OO cash, balance $40 per mouth Lnti Interest. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. REALTORS, Broadway 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. ALAMEDA PARK VIEW HOUSE. 6 rooms, hardwood floor In all rooms, tile floor in bath room, shower bath, one-piece tub, plate glatta, 2 toilets, full cement basement, breakfast nook, com position, drain board, all rooms papered, Banltia cloth In kitchen and bath, lot 60x106, runs through from the Alameda to Regent's drive, overlooking the city. Phone Tabor &4S3, owner and builder. Very low price. SACRIFICE SALE. $37O0 Liberal Terms. On account of sickness, owner will sac rifice new double-constructed strictly modern 5-room bungalow; hardwood floors; connected with sewer; one block to paved street ; between two carllnes; close to stores, school and churches. 101 E. 28th st. N. Open 4 to 8 P. M. For appointment rail Auto, r 'J 2 - 04 . ALAMKDA DRIVE. VIEW HOME. Exceptionally fine well constructed flew home, with large living room, oak floors, ivory and tapestry paper finish, cove ceAMngs, 2 bedrooms, bath and toi let down; 2 large bedrooms and sleep ing porch up; fireplace, furnace, garage. This Is a real home. SSC00, easy terms. East 4074. ROSE CITY PARK. BIG BIT Y. 7-room bungalow, Wvlng room 15x28. tilce dining, oak floors, fireplace, 12x14 bedroom, Dutch kitchen, breakfast room, toilet down; 2 bedrooms, sleeping porch, bath and toilet up, finished m ivory and white, furnace, garage. 1 blocks north of Sandy, below hill. East 4074. A REAL SNAP. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. Beautiful modern 6-room bungalow In restricted district. Price $4200. cash $700. MRS. SNOW. Bdwy. 4404. A REAL. ARTISTIC GEM. Alameda's best district, on Glenn ave.. near Skldmore. 5 rooms and breakfast room, Just being completed, beautiful wall paper, white enamel Woodwork, garage, everything modern, price $3730. W. M. Umdenstock, 210 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1158. HOMES, EAST BIDE; HOMES. WEST SIDE; ACREAGE. CHOICE LOTS IN 1 RVINGTON, REASONABLE. WILL HELP TO FINANCE BUILDINGS TO SUIT BUYER. BERRY & BERRY. MARSHALL 1084. BY OWNER Modern 7 -room house, all built-in effects; hardwood floors through out; white enamel Dutch kitchen. 3 large bedrooms, linen closet, large bath room, cement basement, stationary tubs, fur nace and cement garage; street paved and paid; 1 block from andy blvd. 131 East 10th st. North. ALAMEDA. New bungalow, A rooms, best district, finest workmanship. $40S.V $1500 down. This is less than cost. This will be sold quick. tret keys at P24 Glenn ave. N. W. M. Umden.tock. Room 210, Oregon hldg. Broa d w ay 1 658. 6-ROOM bungalow, ready for occupancy, at corner of 3th and Holman streets; take Alberta car. Your opportunity to have painted and tinted to your ta.te. Me chanics working. House open during the week. Information from owner at bOt) Wr.cox bldg. $3350 ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN. Modern 6-room bungalow, good condi tion, very homelike; complete plumbing, dec, gas, full basement, nice r.nxioo lot; lawn, shrubbery, f rut t : garage ; a cant, move right In. Tabor 4S03. WESTMORELAND BUNGALOW $3000. ft rooms, modern, paved street, extra large lot. fireplace, full cement base ment, wash trays. Dutch kitchen, eauy terms. Marshall 102- or Sellwood 2706 Sunday. l SPLKN DID residence in Walnut Park, suitable for a large family or a small tan Uarium ; a nice large lawn, some fruit; no trade and no agent, no in flated price. S. M. Glaffee. 264 Sumner ftreeet. Jd O NTAVIL LA N EXT TO CONVENT. For sale by owner, newly built mod ern house, 7 rooms and bath, built-lns, tattonary tubs, furnace, cement bast ni"nt. garage. lflSS E. Stark. Call 213-NO. ALHKRTA 1 U' NG A I ,0 V . Dandy 5-room, ail on one floor, very complete and iu cozy as can bf; garage, shrubbery and fruit. $3000, $750 cash. Fast 4074. WIDOW MUST SELL. Westmoreland, it -room modern, 3 up stairs, furnace, fireplace, 'rented. 5Oxl00 corner, lsth Ft. Terms. T. O. Bird, realtor, 5LM1 Chamber of Commerce. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. New and very complete 5-room bung-alow, oak floors, white enamel finish, fireplace, nice large rooms, 50x100 lot. $4S50, $500 cash. East 4074. ROSE CITY PARK 0-room bungalow, all one floor, fur nace, fireplace, garage. 1 blocks off Sandy, below hill. Splendid value, $5500, $150 CASK. bat. $15 per mo., very cosy 4 -room bungalow, patent toilet, sink, lot lHOxlOO. sidewalks In xml n.a-oH tt- - oOxlOO, sidewalks In and paved. Pnc great sacrifice, $1050. Call 6410. 70th St. PIEDMONT. $5OX Eight-room house, tile hath, laundry trays. lurnace, cement basement, two emeus to ooo t oruanu blvd. E. ROSE CITY PARK. Modern 7-room house ; all built-in ef fects, oak floors throughout, white en amel Dutch kitchen. 3 bedroom and li'-fl'ing porcn. uwner, I a Dor .3'n. MR. HOME HUNTER. w knuw iulk WANTS; waste no mor time ; our iists are large ; make your selection; we'll show you. Mr. Colt 526 Chamber of Commerce. $3tM DOWN GLENN AVE" 5-room semi-bungalow, sewer, 33 x j is, e-cauMii luiwimn, easv terms, T O. Bird, realtor, Marshall 1022. S2S50 TERMS ROSfcl CITY PARK. Modern 6-room bungalow, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, full plumhlng, nice iixiurrn, nar f a nay, i nror t51I. STRICTLY modern, six -room hiimr.i furnished If desired. $700 cash, balance terms. 1363 E. Harrison. Phone Tabor GOOD 6-room house, fireplace, hardwood iioors. an ouiu-ins. near sc,nooi and car. Owner. Main 2770. I-ROOM modern house. Woodlawn district. very low price of $2200, your own terms. Phone Kast 6228. FOR SALE) Small houe. near O. W.. R, A. N. siiopa, cheap. Terms, ilaia 7314, REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. RORH CITY PARK. $500 DOWN. $4750 A very pretty 5-room modern bungalow with furnace, fireplace. . all built-in features, on paved street, just off Alameda drive; balance than rent. ROSE CITY PARK. $5150 A discount of $700 on this prop erty. 6 rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, fur nace, all built-in features, full cement basement, located right in the heart of Rose City under the hill, lot 70 by 100. has beau tiful lawn and flowers. If It is a snap you are looking for. then don't look any longer. Remem ber we are headquarters for Rose City bungalows. This can be handled on guv reasonable terms. LAURELHURST. $G50O This bungalow Is exceptionally good, attractive and new. It has rooms, and every modern fea ture, gara ge, all Improvements In and paid, all we ask of you is to look at this bungalow and com pare it with any other you have seen. We can give you good terms. If we are not offering you a bargain, don't take It. for you are your own Judge. It is our Intention to offer you the very best there is on the market, if we don't do it. It Is because our Judgment is wrong. Call us for appointment. MOUNT TABOR. $4500 Extra large 7-room bungalow: this place was built to live In. thor oughly modern', hardwood floors, beautiful fireplace, large buffet with plate glass doors. If you appreciate construction and good workmanship, please look at this. Full cement basement with fur nace, lot 50 by 147, double ga rage, near car and school. We can arrange terms within reason HILLER BROS.. REALTORS.. 211 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 86. Branch office 50th and Sandy. Tabor 8485. WM. A. HUGHES CO.. 218 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG., -3D AND STARK STS. MAIN C102. $4150 $600 cash; ft rooms, some bunga low, on Improved street, in Sell wood; fireplace, laundry trays, fruit trees, etc. ; this is a new house and is being sacrificed; will accept some trade to $1000 $5000 $1000 cash; Alameda Park; some swell little 5-room bungalow; has fireplace, hardwood floors and all the things that go to make up a high-ciam bungalow; a home for $5M0 in a $10,000 neighborhood. $4700 $1200 cash; new 5-room bungalow in Hawthorne. 3 blocks from car line: all improvements in and paid; this is an exclusive type and won't be on the market loni;. $4200 $O0 cash, 6-room bungalow In Hawthorne, improved streets, 3 blocks from car line; this is not only a home but an investment. $4-000 $1000 cash ; 5-room bungalow in Rose City; garage; fireplace, hardwood floors ; full cement basemen t ; good attic ; some home and some bargain. $2150 $500 cash; small bungalow In Montavilla ; fully modern on full lot with garage; this Is cheaper than stealing it. WM. A. HTUGHES CO., 218 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG., 3D AND STARK STS. MAIN 6102. ALAMEDA PARK COLONIAL BUNGALOW. $5250 $1250. 5 rooms and garage, all complete, hardwood floors, plate glass windows, fireplace, built-in features, furnace and tapestry paper. Will tint balance 'of interior to suit. Exceptional lighting fixtures. S40 Skidmore street, 8 blocks to car line. Drive by this and make an appointment to inspect It. J. L, HARTMAX COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 203. SELDOM SUCH OPPORTUNITY. ROSE CITY. $3M) DOWN. Beautiful new and modern bungalow. As a special offer, this excellent home, with large garage and. cement runway. Is offered on these terms; close to school, complete with hardwood floors, real fire place, lovely breakfast nook and built in kitchen, 2 perfect bedrooms with bath between, and as well, it's double constructed. Truly, someone Is going to have a lovely home.- Don't delay. Frire $4SOO, $300 cash. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. 410 Henry Bldg. Broadway 4751. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Real Bargain. On one of the finest corners In this beautiful section, exceptionally well built. 8-room, thoroughly modern bun galow, very large living room, break fast room. Pullman kitchen, 4 bedrooms, extra large concrete porches, garage, beautiful shrubbery, grapes; good terms to reliable parties and no reasonable of fer refused. For appointment call East 409L LAURELHURST BUNGALOW, GARAGE. BEST BUY IX LAURELHURST. New modern 5-room bungalow, oak floors throughout, plate glass windows, fireplace and ail built-ins, large base ment and attic, garage and full cement driveway, located near park. If you can make a substantial cash payment you will get the best buy in Laurel hurst. Call owner, F. M. Phelps, Main 74L $4200. MODERN IRV1NGTON BUNGALOW. Why buy In a poor district when you can get a place like this? Close to the Irvlngton car. It has five rooms, floored attic, large otment basement, furnace, trays, large enfpets, with built-in drawers; buffet. bookcasHs, dandy fireplace. The house looks like new and is well built; Is a real buy. ALVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR. 204 Board of Trade. Fhon- Bdwy. 37. Evenings. 223-07. BY OWNER. . TERMS. COZY 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Interior done in white Ivory finish, 3 bedrooms in pussy willow gray, bath. ount-in features in "arior. aming room, Dutch kitchen, full basement. wash trays, newiy painted inslde-and out. at tic, garden plot, street paved and all paid; close to school and best car serv ice in city ; am leaving city ; will sell for $675. 1304 E. Salmon at. Tabor 1507. INSURE YOUR HAPPINESS. BY OWNER. Terms or Discount for Cash. Modern, new bungalow, right on H. A. line: Interior done in white Ivory finish. 2 bedrooms in French gray and buff: hardwood floors, fireplace, beautiful fix ture h. wall paper and all built-in fix tures, wall papt-r and all built-in fix Dutch kitchen ; good basement, with sanitary wash trays. Splendid location. Come, see for yourself. $43O0 cash or $4500 on terms. 2S47 E. 02d st., south of Division. Tabor SSS6 T RVINGTON. $S500 $1500 CASH. Wonderful home; ft large rooms; hard wood floors, French doors, old Ivory throughout. 2 fireplaces, one In oversize bedroom, finished third floor; grounds 68x110; real bargain: owner leaving city; 1 Hi blocks from Irvington or Broadway car. t EAST 419. $4730 100x100 CORNER. A 5-room house with good basement, bath, etc.. sleeping porch, large screened in back porch, 100x100 cornwr; city Im provements in and paid. Fruit and ber ries and roses; $750 down, balance like rent ; vacant. RUM MELT, & RtTMMELL. 274 Stark Street. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. SELLWOOD. PRICE $3000. f-1300 DOWN. 5-room modern bungalow and good garage, full lot. on paved street and all paid for. some bearing fruit trees: $15u0 cash and balance like rent, cfee me at 40ft Panama bldg. Main imp 4. IRVINGTON. Will sacrifice strictly modern, semi bungalow, large entry, living room, din ing room and Dutch kitchen : built-in buffet and fireplace, hardwood floors. 3 ben rooms and bath: run cement base ment with wash travs snd rood fur nace ; walking distance. By owner, 400 nancorn, corner sm. BEAUTIFUL 7-room home, has sewer, gas. garage, iuu piumDing. outre t, iireplace, furnate. double constructed, good dis trict; near car. on MlxlnO lot with nic shrubbery; price onlv $4200. JOHXSOX-DODSON CO.. fi33 N. W. Rank Bldg. Main 3787. IRVINGTON. Bungalow. 4 rooms, sleeping porch, bst of plumbiiig. a real buy at $3300, $S00 down. $25 and Interest monthly. JOHXSOX-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Liu. Ma, in 37 S 7. REAL ESTATE. For SaJf -Hotine. NEVER I.V THE HISTORY of Portland could you find BIGGEK HOME BARGAINS THAN THESE. Small payments down. Terms easier than rent. 1200 photographs of homes for sale. LARGEST HOME-SELLER ON THE PACIFIC COAST. FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. v If necessarv, we'll help you make your down payment. Open until 9 every eve ning. 2.S salesmen at your service. -OWNER LEAVING COUNTRY. BIG FAMILY, LOOK! $3250 $400 down. A wonderful bargain. S-rooui very large and substan tial central peninsula home; hav ing five fireplaces. 2 baths, fur nace, all conveniences, beautiful grounds '-with loads of fruit; grapes, nuts, berries. The chil dren can play here to their heart's content. Oatman st. Se this. $2490 $400 down. New Kenton bunga low with built-lns, breakfat nook, etc.; owner must sell. Kil patrick st. $2200 Cozy 4 -room Montavilla bunga low with furnace and every con venience. East OVth su Only 1500 down. $2090 A neat and very attractive well built Ros City bungalow of 3 airy .rooms; every convenience: butlt-ins; paved street: an ideal Uttle home. E. 00th st. Terms. $1650 $2N0 down: comfortable little brown bungalow on Gardner ave., in Mt. Scott, gas range, bed. dresser included; 5 rooms, lots of fruit, flowers, etc Look this up- $2190 $r00 down, cozy little 2-room bungalow for two. Has every feature that the apartment con talria; has a wonderful garden; fruit trees: smooth green lawn; think of this. Start life right. E. 31st street. $1990 Brooklyn. To close estate. This comfortable cottage must be sold. Has 3 rooms with bath, plumbing, electricity, gas. close to car and, school and near playground. K. 13th st. Only $400 down. IMPORTANT. We have hundreds of more bargains like these. Come in and look them over. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Realtor. Abington Bldg. Main 100S. ALAMEDA PARK $.r.KOO. Beautiful seven-room colonial bunga low with garage on louxloo lot; fireplace, furnace, concrete basement, hardwood floors, absolutely new and modern; A GENUINE BARGAIN; $1300 cash, bal ance easy. ALAMEDA PARK $'000. Six-room new and modern bungalow, corner lot, oak floors, hot water heat, linoleum. Ivory finished woodwork, excel lent district: $i:Ho down. PORTLAND HEIGHTS $0300. Modern seven-room bunga'ow with double garage, large lot. oak floors, big livinjc room, tapestry walls, many built in features, fine tire place, concrete base ment, large attic and only $lo00 .cash payment. ROSE CTTT PARK 4S0O. Modern five-room bungalow with oak floors, fireplace, furnace and all enn veuiences. THIS IS SPLEXDIB VALUE and the easiest kind of terms. UNIVERSITY PARK $2,100. New and modern four-room Pullman bungalow with all modern conveniences; many bu!lt-ins. concrete basement, brenk fat nook; only $"00 down, balance like rent. WE DEAL ONLY TN BARGAINS. CONSULT US. COE A. McKEXXA & CO REALTORS. (Meaning reliability). S2 Fourth St. Main 4522. DREAM BT'NGALOW. ROSE CITY PARK, on 50th st. This place is double constructed, absolutely modern, right up to the minute. with a cosy breakfast nook. If vou wa nt something out of the ordinary, SEE THIS. Price Is right and only $ 1 30 cash as first payment. PETERSON YORK. 437 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 8005. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT Just fin ished 5-room bungalow. large living room, dining room, really a eun room, breakfast nook, fireplace, hardwood floors, plate glas windows, tapestry pa per, space for 2 room." in the attic, cor ner lot. garage: must be seen to be ap preciated. Owner, East 2004. 4ol Weid jpr street. WEST MOREL AND. Fine new bungalow, fireplace, buffet, oak floors, bookcase, furnace. streets paved and sewer In ; take Sellwood car to Duke st.. walk 2 blocks east and half block south to 1347 East 18th sr.: this fine home will be sold at a great bar gain. Owner, phone Woodlawn CI 8fl. BY OWNER. 3 blocks from St. Johns car. 2 blocks from Portsmouth ave.. paved, 5 rooms, bath and gas. 2 beautiful cor ner lots, sidewalks in and paid: chlckn house, fruit, berries, garden in; $1730. $1100 down, balance $20 per month. 7 per cent interest, or $1700 cash. 890 Syracuse st. A BARGAIN 3-room bungalow, large at tic, full basement, garage; GOxIOO cor ner lot ; f irt-plHce. furnace, bookcases, Iruffet, many built-lns in kitchen: roses, shrubbery; was built for home, but owner s compelled to sell. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. . 033 N. W. Bank Bldg. . Main 37S7. $3S04) ONLY $400 DOWN. RICHMOND. B-room house, newly finished with 3 bedrooms, large closets, close to car. full lot; big bargain with easy payments. J. ROBBINS, Main 7031. 301 Railway Exchange Bids TWO-ROOM shack aud nice lot TSxlOO. with 17 large fruit trees and quite a lot of berries, located on corner of fith and Bryant, in Woodlawn: 1 block east of Woodlawn school ; $1330. $itu0 cash, balance terms; might consider late Ford. Box 87, Sherwood, Or. ; WESTOVER HEIGHTS HOME. Cozy, compact 2-story, 7-room home, with garage, center entrance. large main rooms, view, porch, 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch. 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, oak floors, hot water heat; unobstructed view of citv. mountains, river. Tabor 407. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. A protty 5-room bungalow with hard wood floors and ivory enamel trim: in fine condition : built one yea r; flower garden and boxes; Gasco furnice and priced to niove this week. Call 579 East 26th st. North. Ownr. GOING TO BUILD? We design and build residences, or any building. Assist in financing same. The best service at lowest cost to you. Established 12 vears. Security and sat isfaction assured. L. R BAILEY CQ,. I N C-. 024 N. w. ttanK tiias. J14O0 SOME cash, balance like rent, a nice 4-room oungaiuw mui muuw im ished). a very fine garden ; arrange to have us show it to you. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 X. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3T87. LAURELHURST. Corner 33d and Oregon sts.. nw 6 room bungalow modern in every detail. Including light fixtures, furnace, shades. SRr.no. Main 3144. OWNER WILL SACRIFICE. Modern bungalow, 5 rooms, with fire place, cement basement, laundry trays. Home of owner, in fine condition; three blocks to good car service ; price for 10 davs. $2173. terms. Location north Mt Tabor. Tabor 7 700 or Tabor 4031. ALAMEDA COLONIAL HOME. Attractive. modern 2-story. 7-room home on view Bite ; center entrance, ivory finish, large rooms. 2 fireplaces, 3 bfdrooms. sleeping porch; garage; trees, shrubbery; $S300. Tabor 407, $17(iO 3-room cottage, close in; 7C9 E. Sth N. ; bath, electricity, gas; all kinds fruit trees and berries; lot 50x100; for sale un til the 15th, for rent after. Owner 402 Flint., near Williams and Russelt. East 5571 . SNAP OWNER WILL SACRIFICE. Modern 4-room bungalow with bath, furnace. Dutch kitchen, sewer, bullt-ins- 1 block to car; easy terms. Loca tion 172 E. 60th st. N. Tabor 2S43. 243 LAURELHURST AVE. New 5-room bungalow, complete In everv detail. S670ti. Tabor 69.sC HERE'S YOUR HOME CHANCE. HAWTHORN AVE., CLOSE IN. Large bungaloV, strictly modern. 50x 100 lot, half block to car. You can buv this home right and on good terms. Phone Aut. 623-17. FINE HOME ON TERMS. Seven rooms. 4 loti. fruit trees; berries, shrubs, garage, barn : tine chicken coop and runra country home in the city. 70J Glrard st., University rarit, -ROOM modern house, conveniently lo cated in Sunnyside; price $.1300. $S00 down, balance easy terms. Owner. 172 East Taylor st. $2s.".ti PLUS $;tno city 11-us. modern bun galow, like new. fine lot, fruit, garden, lawn, paved streets, sewers.- Not leaa thn SHiOO cash. Phone Wd!n. 5'.W. 5-ROOM semi-modvrn bungalow in Al berta. 2 blocks from car, on 25th. Price cut from 32SQ to S2500. Wd!n. 62C0. WHITE TEMPLE, near school; beautiful home and good income, close In; no a cents: bargain. AH SIS. Qregonian. FOR SALE 5-room modern house. 1W7-E. Caru t hers st. Tabor fl.".2. $1500 MORTGAGE on house in Sellwood. Will trade Xor fiood lou 523-70. REAL ESTATE. i HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. , 4 ROOMS AND SLPG. PORCH $3350. Nifty little home with garage ; fine lot, cement basement. Ttrras. S-RM. MOD. HAWTHORNE BUNG. $4300 Terms. Full cement basement, trays, Dutch kitchen, fireplace, book cases, buffet, hardwood floors, fine loca tipn. SUNNYSIDE, 6 ROOMS $3800. Very roomy and comfortable home. 6 rooms, all on one floor, newly decorated. Cement basement. Sea this. NEAR WALNUT PARK $4000. Easy terms. 7-room bungalow on beau tiful corner lot with garage; shade trees, house in excellent condition, 1 bedroom down, 3 up; fireplace, Dutch kitchen, extra large roonw. PIEDMONT COLONIAL, ONLY $."GO0, JUST THINK. ONLY $750 DOWN. 6 rooms and den, cement basement, furnace, trays, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors, fine 00x100 lot. Don't overlook this bargain. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Very fine C rooms and sleeping porch; nice large living room, stone fireplace ; all built-in features; hardwood through out; built-lns In bedrooms; decorations in excellent taste, full basement, Gasco furnace, level lot, garage. WILL BE GLAD TO SHOW THIS. MARCH & McCABE CO., REALTORS. 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 3093. J. A. WICKMAN CO. $13o0 MT. SCOTT; 3 rooms. 100x100; $2:15 down will handle. $1450 MT. SCOTT; 4 rooms; 100x100; .$.'100 down payment. $4300 HAWTHORNE CARLINE; $250 DOWN or will take good lot: 5 rooms and break l ast nook, lire place, hardwood floors, basement and laundry trays. $5750 ROSE CITY PARK: T large rooms and breakfast nook; hard wood floors throughout, iireplace, furnace, garage; $1000 wiil han dle. $2000 ROSE CITY CAPr new 4-room bungalow : $200 will handle. ALAMEDA PARK. We have aevural very classy bunga lows In Alameda Park that can be had at very reasonable prices. LAURELHURST. Never before have we had better buys in this beautiful district. No doubt we have just the home you have been look ing for in LA URELH L'RST. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. REALTORS. "Shortest Way Home." 21 Stark st. Main 5X3 and 10O4. FINE HOME IN WOODSTOCK. This fine suburban home is furnished for housekeeping. It has 4 sleeping rooms, living room, dining room, fine kitchen with all the bullt-ina. full cement base ment, wood lift and laundry trays; big lot, 00x120 feet, and alley; It is new; is double constructed throughout; bwlongs to a banker who Is a non-resident, who will give you finest kind of terms and It la obsolutely a snap for $4000; do not hesitate coming in and investigating this to your entire satisfaction ; immediate possession can be had for this snap and many others. Se E. W. HUGHES, 507 Journal Bids- Main 2838. IRVINGTON COLONIAL! s'tr.on sir.oo cash. SEVEN BEAUTIFUL ROOMS. FINE R EXCEPTION HA LL, WITH OPEN ST A I R W A Y. LO N G LIVING ROO M, FIREPLACE. EXTRA LARGE BED ROOM. WITH BLUE TIL?; FIRE PLACE, ELEGANT APPOINTED BATH ROOM. TILE FLOOR. RECESS TUB. PEDESTAL LAVATORY. ALL HARD WOOD F LO ) RS. FU RNACE AND GA RAGE. CHOICE LOCATION. IF IT IS IN IRVINGTON WE HAVE IT! R. SOMERV1LLE. BDWY. 247H. A LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. MODERN. $5500. TERMS. E. B. HOLMES CO., 272 STARK BT. MAIN 8051. A BEAUTY. 5-room bungalow. Just being com pleted by one of our beet builders; mod ern in every detail; surrounded by splendid homes: east facing, excellent car service. Terms. $4400. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO.. Cnr. 30th and Haw. Realtors. T. 743. TRULY A SACRTFTFCE. $700 CASH PRICE $4200. Beautiful 6-room bungalow In restrict ed district; hardwood iioors. fireplace, Hovnton furnace. You will have to act ouicklv, for this Is a real bargain. MRS SNOW. BDWY. 4O04. DIRECTLY IN HEART OF IRVINGTON. By owner direct, modern well-touiU -room house; garage. block Knott t. House in excellent condition and not of recent get-nch-nuick construction; lib eral terms can be arranged. Appoint ment can be made with owner direct. Phone Mr. Olson. Bdwy. 3S04. T0U MODERN BUNGALOW. $750 CASH SOUTH HAWTHORNE. Combination living and dining room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, breakfast nook, cement basement, paved street. ats. paid. hardwood floors, carline. bal. $:;7 50 per mo., including interest. 4(i3 Stock Ex. bldg. Marshall 3324 iPVlf:TO' SACRIFICE. Sudden business move youth necessi tates quick sale of fine 2-story. 7-room modern home, sleeping porch, beautiful grounds, trees, on East 21st St.. near Tillamook; never offered beiore; quick possession; a real sacrifice: terms. Tabor J PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. Strictlv mortem ten-room house, prac tically like new; beautiful grounds large garage- owner leaving, will positively sacrifice reasonable terms. Owner, Mar shall 24V SWELL BUNGALOW, GROVELAND 5 rooms, choice lot. close to cnr, near Franklin high. This Is a real buy. S4fi59. Terms. Phone A. 023-1 1. TTrTRFT.HTTRST HOME. Attractive 2-story, 7-room house with Earaee on wonderfully improved lot near car- ivorv finish, lots of French doors; walls nicely papered, finest oak floors: want offer. Tabor 407. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW BY OWNER. Modern 5-room. fireplace, full cement basement and walks, paved street, small garage; perfect condition; vacant, y.3.0, terms. 1114 E. Sherman, near 37th. PIEDMONT Owner will take $1000 less than cost; 7-room modern 2-story houte; ha large rooms and built-ins. bIw built in dressers, furnace and fireplace; $4UoO; l'.hral terms. Main 7030. FOR SLE Must rortnwun sen my iwo-i--ronm hou.e at a sacrifice: full- sized corner lot: 4233 Eat 52d st.r?ou:h-e-isf price $3200. See owner, 1 J Bel mont st.. evenings at 12Q1 E. Main st. WANTED Bl -MiALU w r " it v,wl,- NIALS IN IRVINGTON. ROSE CITY OR LAURELHURST FOR CLIENTS. R SOMERVILLE. BDWY. 2478. REALTOR, U- S. NAT. BANK BLDG. 4TroOM house with large sleeping porch, on paved street. lot lOOjclOO. abundance of fruit, chicken house and garage. Wilt sll or $2050, will give some terms. 70S N n halem ave PHBTT.AVn HEIGHTS. Vew, modern colonial bungalow "with earage just completed ; choice location, beautiful view; $7000. about $2300 cash. P h o ne afternoon, m am - r NOB HILL BUNGALOW. attractive, modern, lH-tory, 7-room hu'nEfllow on Glisan st.. near 2Mh; never offered before: $0000. Tabor 40 THE BEST of material and workmanship goes into the houses we build; assist ance in financ ing. Fabricated Con struction Co.. 616 McKay bldg. . FOR SALE l-room nouse, completely furnished, with corner lot', garage, car line; modern; easy terms; by owner; big bargain ; act quicKiy. au tu aaimon. WE BUILD houses that last. Your lot on ours. Assistance In financing. Fab ricated Construction Co.. ttlti McKay DUIK. . L IF YOU want a 5-roo-m bungalow, sleeping porch cement basement. 2 lots and gar den' and berries, $3000 (and terms), call (11 -T7. HONOR BUILT HOMES built on your lot or ours. Assistance in financing. Fabricated Construction Co.. 616 McKay bldg $500 CASH vets house and lot. Kern Park, price $120O, bal. month iy. McFARLAND. REALTOR, Failing Bldg. $200. fflno'CASH. 10-room house, heart of Sunnyside. large lot, money-maker. 103A litrimont. OVERLOOK bungalow at cost : 5 rooms, hardwood floors. See this before you buy; $4500. Woodlawn 1402. 5-ROOM bungalow. 1 block of Broadway to $.v;no, easy terms. Wdln. 620'i. nw-TVd n Haain rf a.-tfi will m-, , r' f new modern homes with acres. 7125 Powell Valley road. $ 1S00 5-room house, partly modern, some furniture; 50x125 lot. fruit trees, berries. garden. 1603 Oregon st. 4-ROOM house with sleeping porch. In Sunnyside. 22 E. 37th st. CHOICE corner. P.. C. ni'Wrn 6-room bun jtaiow; terms. Tabor 2Ct6. REAL ESTATE. LAURELHURST HOMR. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Three bedrooms, dining room and breakfast room with French doors opening on pergola porch, living room and den with Prenca doors opening on large front , porch- All" very . attrac tively arrangt-a. Priced for quick sale at 7500. 1'fcune Tabor 1819. Suburban Home. ON PAVED HIGHWAY. - One acre, 1 miles from city limits, all under cultivation, few young fruit trees, some berri;, 3-room house and pantry, city water, gas, small barn, ga rage, chicken house. Included with place : One cow, 33 chickens, garden tools and some furniture. Only 5 blocks from station and school, good car serv ice and low commutation fare. Price $2000, $1000 cash, balance $20 per month, interest tl per cent. VERY MODERN SUBURBAN HOME. 5 acres. S mile from city limits; all under cultivation. Good macadamized road ; 50 bearing fruit trees of every variety; 7-room plastered house, cement basement, very modern; garage, chicken house. This is an exceptional home with pleasant surroundings and close to car line; will consider Portland house in Irv ington, Laurel hurst oi- Rose -City ta $?ooo. easy terms on balance. Ask for Mr. Kemp, JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg.. Realtor. Over 500 Small Places Near Portland. Get Our Extensive Classified Lists. BUILDING SITES. In and about Multnomah, on the Ore gon .Electric, beautiful tightly tracts, ranging from a lot to an acre, on terms of 10 per cent down and easy monthly payments thereafter; just the place for your figure home ; don't lall to look over Multnomah district before dter minlng finally on your permanent place of residence; this is the bet west side suburb; it haa all the modern conven iences in the streets. BEN RIESLAND. Exclusive Sales Agent for Multnomah and Surroundings. 404 Piatt Bldg. Main 8S0. Mr. Rogers in cnarge of Multnomah office on the boulevard. , SUBURBAN HOMES. Fin lVa-stury bungalow. 4 rooms and ath 'downstairs. li:'t;e living room, width of house ; built-ins, full cement basement with wash tray; 3 rooms up stairs that could be used for another family if desired ; one-third acre ; beau tit ul surroundings, not far from Capitol hill, and a place well worth the price of $4500; good terms. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 203 Abington Bidg. Main 1018. Third St.. bet. Washington ana Stark. ROCKWOOD. 4 acres or less. 10 miles from post office, on hard surface road and near station, Troutdale electric. Real bargain, easy terms. GILLIS. On Bull Run electric, near station. 7 acres or less, unimproved and 5 acres or less improved ; fine soil ; suitable for chicken farm and berries. Tremendous sacrifice, easy terms. UMBDENSTOC'K S LARSON CO., 210 Oregon Bid g. Bdwy. 1 5 8. $M00 BUYS A LARGE MODERN BUN GALOW on acres, just south of Multnomah Station; beautiful, bightly place. The property has two fireplaces, two bathrooms, and can be u&ed for a sanitarium or roadhouse; Is a large building. For particulars call on BEN RUTLAND, exclusive tales agent. Ot Piatt bldg., or his representative. Mr. Rogers, at the Multnomah office on the boulevard. $3J0 DOWN $300 DOWN. - Full acre, all in cultivation, assorted young orchard; ail, kinds of beiries; 5 room houe witn gas and running water; barn and ch'icken uouse; close to school and not tar lrom Maplewood station. Oniy $2300. Ask for F. O. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abington Bldg. Main 1008. Third St., bet. W'ash'ington and Stark. ONE ACRE, ONLY $400 DOWN. Fruit and berries, all in cultivation, G roora bungalow with bath, Dutch kitchen and bast men t ; chicken hou.se and ga rage ; close in ; wiin only 8c carfare. $3075. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUiUE. 205 Abington Bldg. Main 1008. Third tt., bet. Washington and Stark. IDEAL SUBURBAN HOME. 5 A., all under cultivation; &ood build ing, e'ec. and gas. Bull Run water, also private water system; this 1k one oi the best ulrttrlcts, six miles from city; price $12,500; will take home in citv up to $75oo for equity. 403 Couch bldg. J. Li. ROCtv. HOOD RIVER. FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. 20 acres, part In berries, two good houses, hardwood floors, fireplace, bau ' tifuily furnished, also good tenant houne. farm buildings, to sell cheap; will make beautiful country residence. "S." Phone Marshall 3402. $3OO0 BUYS A NEW MODERN BUNGA LOW with large sightly tract of ground near Multnomah Station, on the Oregon Electric. For particulars call on BeiN KlEcSLAND, 404 Plait bldg.. or his Multnomah office on the boulevard. Mr. Rogers in charge. V- ACRE. MULTNOMAH DISTRICT. Good 3-room house. barn, chicken houne, all in fine berries and garden, f rui t and flowers ; a real sna p for $ I 350. 403 Stock Exchange BUlg. Marshall 33J i. $500 CASH. y acre in garden, fruit., ber ries, 3 blks. elec. sta.. neat cottage, lights, water, auto road, garage, near Lake Grove. $1050. easy terms. McFar land. Failing bldg. NEW BUNGALOW home for the family, with full acre for, the chickens, onl J $1275, right near station, 35 minutes out; get my terms. S e owner, 500 Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOM ES and acreage, well located, near carllne. from $is0o up. Inquire 3d house north of R.sley station, on Oregon City carllne. - TEN ACRES good land, 0-room house, smalt creek and spring. Milwaukio dis trict, terms. Owner. E. Coleman. Coleman station . Carver R. R. BEAUTIFUL natural park or .'10 acres, large creek and springs, electric station on grounaslieur city. $15,000. AH 7iHi, Qregonian. 34 ACRES in Gresham, all bearing; mod ern bungalow, completely furnished; garage. Terms. Tabor 207C. , DON'T miss this: 6-room. modern house and 1 acre,- at a bargain and on very easy terms. Owner. OutQ. 60-47. CHOICE acre or V acre Park rose, all In cultivation; modern home and garage. Term s. Tabor 267fl. For rale Acreagr. ACREAGE BARGAIN. 9 acres, 4 acres cultivation, bal. tim ber ; J -room houte, some fruit trees, line well water, close to Oregon City; $1500; easv terms. B. H. Stewart, room 21, 105 4th t. Main VJ75. PARK ROSE BARGAIN. 12.00 acres, fronting on Sandy blvd.; price $0m per aore; subdivide into 23 tracts and sell for $800 per tract; figure the profit. GIBSON (REALTOR). MarshnH 12. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE. 6 acres. 4 acres cultivation; fine 4 roo'm house, barn, outbuild i?. family ' orchard, iotR of f-mall fruit, good -water; close to Oregon City; $1250; good terms. B. H. Stewart. 1'mH 4th st. Main 5275. MULTNOMAH ACRE SNAP Fine culti vated acre fronting on good auto road, only 3 blocks to electric station; owner will sacrifice for $12-'0, half cash. Phone - McCormic, owner. Main .8220, or Main P31K. CORDWOOD PROPOSITION. 40 acres. 1 acre oats. 5 acres easily cleared, balance fir and cedar. 2.)0 cords wood. 500o cedar nost. dandy 2-room log bungalow, barn, nne water, cioae to Ore gon City ; $25u0. terms. B. H. Stewart, room 21. 105 4th st. Main 5275. EXCELLENT land at $30 per acre on the Columbi a ri ver ; goo d roa d ; easy terms. JOHXSOX-DODSON CO.. 633 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Main 3787. MAKE me an offer on equity of $700 on 3 -acre tract .outside cits limits; price $350O; would take Ford or clear lot. End of Utopia ave. on 72d S. E.,- past Tremont. l WRITE for map of western w'asninKion. snowing location, low price and easy terms offered to settlers. WETERHAUSER TIMBER CO... Taroma. Wash. TWO ACRES ori highway and electric line, all in cultivation ; small house ; electric lights; $1750, $250 down. Draper. 408 Board of Trade. ACRES unimproved good land, negihbots 4 sides; timber enough to pay for land; 6 miles city limits Portland. Price $700. terms C. L. Becker, 133 lwt st. 61 ACRES, 40 in crop: located on Oregon Electric, 30 miles out, for sale cheap; am buildfng and need the money. Own er C. T. Gates, 94 West Lombard st. FOR SALE 2 acres north Park Rose; water, 2 blocks to car. rrady to plow. - Owner 1397 Sandy blvd. Terms. . FIVE ACRES, near Scappoose, $500 cash; good soil; will sell 1. 2, 3 acres.- Mc Farland. Failing bldg. L $2S"0 CASH, 10 acres, 4-room new bunga low. hores. cows.' chickens, barns, fruit. on highway. Tabor w.-bi. STOCKMEN, attientionl 320 or 20u0 acrei ,t $10. near Bend. Or. Address Adver tiser. 4t."t East 6!'th st.. Los Angeles. Cal. 15 ACRES, also house-moving outfit. 6131 93d st. S. E. Thomas Allen, city. 120 acres-of land fur tale. P. Wolke, Ne halem. Or. ; .. FIRST-CLASS acreage adloinine Port land, ap.le or trade. East 74.. ACRE, $1300. $300 down; 2 bikj. from WoodsLock ctr. S23-70. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. TERWILLIGER BOULEVARD ACRES. Unsurpassed homesltcs on Terwllliger blvd. now offered for sale in tracts of one or more acres ; you may hav e your choice of wooded tracts or cleared, with unexceled view of the city, rivers and mountains. It is as close in as Laurel hurst park, on a 5 per cent grade to the tract with no bridges ind no tracks to cross, along the most beautiful boulevard in the city, less than lo minutes drive from ttth and Washington st.. This Is the cheapest acreage offered in the city snd on easy terms. Why go so much farther out b nd pay so much mre ? Why go the same distance out and pay so much more for a city lot than we are asking for an acre of ground? Why pay more for a city lot with no view than we are asking for av acre with such a view as you will soon be unable to purchase at any price? R. V. BRYAN, 5M Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 11 03. . $1100 -100x235 Feet SHADK TREES. 100 f,t. north of Shaver St., on 42d st. in Wilshire Acres; just outside city limits. Macadam st.. Bull Run watr, no restrictions; terms $110 down, $20 per mo. Branch office, open every day un til dark. Take Broadway car to Bryce ave., go east 4 blks. J. L. HARTMAX COMPANY, S Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 2((S. NICELY FURNISHED SUBURBAN HOME Almost 3 acres, located near the Base Line road. Seniles from city limits, about 5 blocks from car, acre under cul tivation; nice shade trees, 3-room houe. living room and dining room together, large porch; gas available. All furniture Included. which t good golden oak. white enamel bedroam suite, bedding, linen, dishes. Price $2750. ONE MILE FROM HILLSBORO. Over 8 acres, V mile from electric station, best of soil, young orchard. G seres under .cultivation. all can bi farmed when cleared. Close to scnoo. good 5-room house, barn and other buildings. Price $2025. $1500 cash, bal ance long time at (i per cent. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. Realtor. Over 500 Small Places Near Portland. Get Our Extensive Classified Lists. ACREAGE BUYS. One acre on 97th st., gas and -water, close to school; make us an offer, or we will trade; make your own terms. $4600 Three-quarters of an acre just east of 82 st.. with a lovely 3-room bungalow. D-itch kitchen. fireplace, bookcases, buffet, cement basement ard sleeping porch; gas. lights and liull Run water. This Is a regular bargain; terms. Before you buy your acreage or farms come In and see-us, we have a fine list of farms and acreage, large and small, both in size and price we will be glad to show you. See RE VERM AN INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 210 Lewis Bldg. Broadway 2954. 8. 10 AND 20-ACRPI TRACTS. $23 AN ACRE AND UP. $10 down and $5 per month buys a 6-acre tract in this addition of W00 acres: down the Columbia river on ths Oregon side, close to Columbia highway and river; fine transportation, railroad, river, auto stage and truck; beautiful lying 'land, free from rock and gravel: some tracts have beautiful view of river: there are alto some with streams: fine location for chickens, dairy, berries, fruit and vegetables. CHARLES DEFEL. 3 1 S R a i'way tC x c h a n g e B 1 WEST SIDE ACREAGE. Have a few choice acre tracts within 4 blocks of Council Crest-car. with city water, gas. etc., that I will spII as low as $150o per acre on very easy terms to parties that will build within iO days. 1 have a large tract 20 arn-s. close to the above acreage, without improvement, as low as $7u0 per acre cash. If you are in the market for west side land see me before buying, as I know where the bar gains are. J. J. . I cC A RT HY. A b 1 n g ton Bl dg. 9 ACRES. ON PAVEMENT. 3 MILES OUT. Verv choice suburban property. 3 miles east from city limits, pavement all the wav and right at electric station; viry best soil, no rock, lies up in good shape; living water; very choice fruit, nuts, berrit-s, etc.; 5-room plastered bungalow, porch on three sides: large red barn, good outbuildings; price $7000; or will ell Improvements and part of land. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 12 '2 North. Si x t h St. Broad w ay 43 S L I HAVE 2 people that want a nice little home and a piece of ground, must be goodi Call Pomroy, can also dispose of "THOMSON-THOMSON. RBALTORS. B20 H-nry Bldg. Bdwy. 4SM1. HoniHtead. Relinquishments "YOUR "BEST OPPORTUNITY to take a homestead is this month Am locating claims throughout western Ore gon either farming or timber tracts; special inducements to ex-eervice men; sutisf action guaranteed by experienced locator. L. W. HELM. 316 Board of Trade bldg. THIS is your last opportunity to get a valuable homestead in Oregon : correct and satisfactory locations guaranteed by reliable ex-govt. cruisers: maps $1. M. J. A n derson. ."i31 Railway E xch. bldg. 2"v A L U A B L E relinquishments on Pacific " highwav. Grants Pass, farming land; will give $40oo for timber on each; springs and creeks, some easy cleared; $400 and $S00 fr quick ale. 301 Corbett bldg. Kniit" I-amlH tor rair or Rent. ' HrflSlf ON WALNUTS. If you want a bearing orchard or any expert advice on walnuts. write T. Withvcombe. His clients have ail made good monrv on their investments. 432 12th st. Marshall 3118. For Sale Farm. 40 ACRES. 20 MILES SOUTH. RIGHT ON ELECTRIC LINE AND EQUIPPED. ' for $;roo. This is a mighty good farm for the money ; right on electric line. 20 miles south of Portland: 40 acrs. 30 cleared, 15 best bottom land with peach orchard; good S-room house, barn and outbuild ings; family orchard; price, with crops, stock and full equipment. $6500. HARGROVE REALTY tO.. 122 North 'Sixth St. Broadway 43S1. '1 A.CRES. 22 acres wheat, 25 acres oais, 32 acres clover, 4 acres potatoes. 1 acre corn. balnre pasture. line 8-room houe, water pipd fc house, good ba rn. out bnildinc 3 horses. 10 cows. hogs, chick ens full line of machinery, 16 miles from Portland ; $l3,0i"Hi: terms. B. H. Stewart, H'.r.V, 4;ti st. Main 52.3. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 200 acres, 14 miles from Portland, all in'wheat and oats, a little hay, and 22 acres in fine timber; crop ready to take off: 1 mile from fine school; implements and' stock included. Write MRS. L. C. HUNT, 706 Johnson St;, Portland. $00 BUYS my 160-acre western Lane Co.. Or ranch: about 40 acres creek bottom, part cleared, rest easily cleared, balance low bench; wagon road, telephone line through place;, fine for dairy, fruit; close to school; will take good late model Ford touring car as part and giv time on $1000. W. A. Mead. Reed. Or. FOR SALE, trade or rent to prospective buyer, my beautifully locate 120-acre unlimited open range, trout stream, good buildings, etc.; $4500; $1730 J cash; a chance to double your money; in few years. CLYDE E. PRATT Yoncalla. Or. 16 ACRES of good prune and berry land, Hea nice house, barn, hen house, wood shed water in house; 2 a. cleared, quite a lot' of fruit, 2 mi. from Sherwood. $2600. $700 cash, consider late Ford aa part EXCELLENT land at $30 per acre on the Columbia river; good road; easy terms. AOHNSON-DODSON CO.. G33 Northwestern Barrtc Bldg. Main 3787. EXCELLENT lend at $30 per acre on the Columbia river: good road; easy terms. JOHXSOX-DODSON CO.. G33 Northwestern Rank Bidg. Main 3787. LOST In or near auto camp park on nackamas river, large amethyst ring, silver mountaing. Finder please phone Broadway 4 SO 3 during day. Tabor 7G22 ; evenings. Reward. SOUTHERN OREGON. BETTER LAND FOR LESS MONEY. "Rest fruit and farm lands In the state. UNLIMITED VIRGIN TIMBER. frrite LAKE A1KIXS, Riddle. Or. 03 ACRES, six miles south -of Lebanon. 63 in cultivation, well fenced; a good 'juy. Owner. Tabor C30S. ACRES, about half In cultivation, ning water, good soil, price $0srj. $i."0 down, balance yearly payments, uraper. 408 Board or X raue. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES ..i- Pr.rrlnnd. $50 to $.0Q per acre: ar terms, best son. iarin lor ne. an size. J McFarland. re I LOGGED-OFF lands. CIO acre up; ! water, good soil. Mt tillable; pch running hool tta-v S3H Third st. term j R. Shame. FOR SALE or rent, 247 acres. 8 miles from Newberg ; building, well watered. Sell wood 503. 10 A. Btump lanu near acappoose; creek, shack, county road; some level; $3o0 cash, bal. easy. J- R- Sharp. H3 3d. ml. 14 3 ACRES. 2 houses. $400: cn Columbia highway. Roweua., H, W. Lewis, box 124 4kla.nfield, Or, KKAI, KSTATK. For Salt -iarms. CHEAP LANDS ALL SIZES. (Hargrove Rea'.tv Co.. Realtors.) 040-ACRE HOMESTEAD $250. , Near Bend. Or., fenced 8 sides, best bunch graps and outrange; price $2-0. 4.' ACRES. IM MILES OUT $15lK. Lies along P. R.. L. A P. Co.. between Boring and Barton; fine fishing stream -n place ; 2 ca nins ; 45 acres; some lum ber; price S13no. 320 ACRES. GRANT COUNTY $1500. Good stock ranch, well fenced and cross-fenced, fair build incs. some good timber: 50 acres cultivated: price $K00. 14 ACRES AT EAGLE CREEK $1500. Splendid soil, lies good; 6 acres cleared, nice streams, smue timber. H mile elec tric station at Eagle Crek; price $151)0. 300 ACRES NEAR MOl.ALLA. n tlilloa f r,,n, P.Jtnn Tv.il... fp.-tm Xfrtl- slla. 100 acres. 7 cleared, old house and nam; mignty goort value at is pr acre. S 20 ACRES, EQUIPPED. FO R $- 500 . Near Bund, good stock ranch, 40 acres bottom land. 2 small houses and barn; 1 mile to school; 6 horses, 'harness, binder, drill. harrow. wagon, 2 plows. 2 wagons, rake. etc. 320 acres; price $2."p00. - All of above places can be handled on easy trms. HARGROVE REAT.TT CO.. 122 North Sfxth St. Broadway 43!1. NEW. FULLY MODERN HOUSE. 22 ACRES LAND. EDGE GOOD COLLEGE TOWN. We herewith offer the acreage bar gain of the season. It will especially ap peal to parties wanting acreage with ab solutely modern house and best school advantages. The houe Is new. less than one year old. hardwood floors through out, interior finish fine coat white en amel, best brass hardware with cut glass door knobs; living room has t Il fireplace, built-in book cast-, brt-akfast room, laree bath room, full cement base ment, furnace, wasn trays, all built-ins. It Is a 6-room house with large attio and sleeping porch: faces on pavement, Just few hundred feet from city limits. It haa electric lights and city water; about to forgf-t but there are 22 acres of good land and all in cultivation : price $500. Either the house or the land is worth right at the price asked for both. In easy walking distance of high school, college, grammar schools of McMinnviile Can make you this price only for few days. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 North Sixth St. B roa dway 43M. ONLY 14 MILES OUT. 00 acres, on rocked road. nort'heaM of Oregon City, 38 acres under cultivation, balance In timber, about 1500 cords of wood bearing orch ard-. 4-room hous-, barn, garage, chicken house. The piace is stocked and equipped, which is in cluded at $0500. $2000 cash, or will con sider Portland property for part of the value. Part of this land Is steep, but the soil is good. Ranch inspected by Hunter. WANT PORTLAND LOTS. Over 17 acres. iu mliea from edge of Oregon City ; electric station on place; 52 mile to school: woven wire fences; T0 bearing fruit trees; i acre berr:es; 3-room house, good large barn, chicken house. 0 acres under cultivation, balance In pasture ; no waste land. Price $4000, $2000 cash. Or consider lots in Port land and some caeh. Property Inspected by Berger. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg.. Realtor. Largest Farm Dealer on -Pacific Coast. Over 500 Small Places Near Portland. Get Our Extensive Classified Lists. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 120 acres, 45 In cultivation. 15 In mighty fine apples, 10 In alfalfa, splen did set modern buildings, stocked with team, cow, hogs, sheep, goats and chick ens, full sot of equipment; owner has no time to bother with this farm and will sell with a most nothing down if buyer responsible or will take some trade and 10 years on balance at 6 per cent. This is a gilt edge proposition. W. C. BECKTELL. 1305 N. W. Bank Bldg. PRUNE RANCH FOR SALE. 55 acres, mostly river bottom, four miles from Riddle, in the beautiful Umpo.ua," valley; two creeks running through ranch: good modern 7-room house with bath and Trot and cold run ning water, gas and telephone; good roads; ai mile to school; good outbuild ings; price $15,0O0. sma payment flown; will ell with full stock and equipment or without stock; no agents. Please apply owner, box 34. Riddle. Or. O ACRES 7 miles south of Molalla. Or.; 20 acres in cultivation, family orchard, good garden, some berries, good well tho year round; fair house, good barn, tattle, horses, farming- machinery; for only $55W; sold by owner; can be rea- hed either by phone or mall. J. A. Marts, R. F. D. No. 1, Molalla, Or. Phone F-53. WANTED REAL KSTATK. SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WA NT FIX t Wo- are having continual caita fnr small and medium priced homes, which can be bought on earn- terms ; we pr sr.nallv Inspect and photograph each list ing. For quick result list with us. Fred W. German Co., realtors. 732 Cham, of Com. ' HAVE client for S-room house on west side or close-in on east side, to $0000. Will pay half cash. Phone or come In immedia t-ly if your property is worth the money. Mam 1903, 509 Cham, of Com. bide. WANTED For part cash. 5 or 6-room house in Rose City or Laurelhurst or Heights; mu.-t be well built and reason able pric: not over 5 or 6 years old. Owner only. Will buy equity for cash if right. BF Mm, Oregon Ian. 204 BOARD OFTRADE BLDG. We have calls for houses. $4ft0 or un der, with reasonable down pa vment. ALVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR. Bdwy. 37. Rvenings 223-67. APARTMENT HOUSE WANTED. Buyer waiting for apartment house, $25,010 to $40,000 with furniture. W. C. BECKTELL, 1305 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 6:200. I HAVE $3000 cash to P'lt into a home, might assume up to $300. I am not particular about location. Write me full particulars. Weston & Co., 1200 N. W Bank bldg. WANTED Building lot with all improve ments In and raid; must be a bargain for cash ; give full pa rtlculars. I mean business.- Y 802, Oregonian. WANTED 0 or 7-room home in Laurl- hurst: will pay up to $0."OO for right property: have only $.100 down. $00 per mo.. Including interest. WANT 5-room house on pavement up to $2200, one-half cash; Alberta. Kenton or Peninsula districts. BF 787, Orego nian. , WANT at once, brick or concrete building, at least 7-xlOO, one story and basement; close In, will buy or lease. Phone East 22. WANT home up to about $3500, any good dist.: will pav 5--iOO cash, balance when soldiers' loan becomes effective. Main 703B. HOUSE or lots wanted. If you cannot g't cash let's trade. I have 140 acres and furnished home on Tillamook line. N 70, Qregonian. WANT Tot"i Alameda Ol instead Park'; am ready to build permanent home; your chance for a quick sale. AL 811. Ore gonian. SMALL HOUSE. MUST BE UNOB STRUCTED VIEW ON WESTOVER TERRACE. NOT TO EXCEED $12,000. MARSHALL 16S4, WANT home up to about $320O in any good district; will pay $2500 easft, bal- ance monthly. Main 7030. MT. TABOR view; modern five-room bun- galow with attic. Tabor 2070. Wanted to Rent Farm. WANTED TO RENT. SMALL PLACES. nave severa 1 peopje wanting 10 rem acreage or small farms close to Port land preferred. Some people will uy the place after leasing for year or more. We make lota of sales this way. VU1 buv equipment if priced right. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. T,r-"- "n-vr P.-ilAf on Pncific Coat WANTED to rent an acre or more, with chicken house and shacks on, in or out side city limits. buy later. Peter Knutien. 513 Morrison street. TIVBKK T AXPS. FOR SALE Sawmills located In pine. fir. or spruce timber, also good tracts cf virgin timber in Oregon or Washington. Pee W)nslov Co.. 410 Lumbermen; bldg BAM logging logger. Wri contract to let to reliable te Dauyherty Lumber Co., Curtin, Or. J1"011 RENT FARMS. FARM FOR RENT. Fifty acres, all in cultivation, four room house, two barns. 4 acres in wal nuts, two good wells, tile drained, renter to buy 13 head of milch cows and other personal property. RE VERM AN INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS, 210 Lewis Bldg. Bdwy. 2934. FOR SALE Milch cows. Implements, crop and t?am. ranch for lease. Inquire 7o0 Flanders t. Main 1857. Mr. Moffatt. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. 13 & ACRES In Tillamook county, about 8 a. cleared, fair buildings, partly fenced, on county road, 4 creeks; $2."ii0: for hoiiv and lot. W. Schultn. Nehalem. S-ROOM house. $::00u. terms, or exchang for something equal value in or near Victoria. B. C AR 719. Qregonian WILL exchange for a good farm, 30.000.000 feet of timber with saw mill and logging outfit. B S07. Qregonian. PARKROSE modern bungalow, corner lot. $17o; terms, or will take small light ca.r. Tabor 2076. CORNER lot, on paved street, as first pa vment on modern 4 or 5-room bunga low, owner, Broadway TO KXf H ANOE REAL KSTATK. FARMS FOR TRADE. (Hargrove Realty Co.. Realtors.) We have many good farms for trade. Following submit few representative ones: 151 PROVED 23 A. FORKST GROVE. No waste land. 2 miles electric station. 4 miles Forest Grove. 23 acres. 22 cleared, 1 acre timber, living water, best of soil, water piped to buiMings. fc-room. house, barn 3(x4 lots good outbuildings; orchard; price $r000. Once sola for $600. It is equipped. Take house to $3."00. "0 AL'KKS $4otHt HEI.OW COST. In Forest Grove district, right at elec tric station. 80 rods from paved highway. 50 acres, 47 cleared. 8 acres timber; lies f:ne; bare land cost owner $S0O0: build ings cost him $000 they have easilv a replacement value of $ l0.0t)0) ; 6-room bungalow, fireplace, a'.l built-lns. ex ln,ve plumbing, full basement, modern barn; price $12,500; tako $00U house or other Income. 64 ACRES. $3200 WILL ASSUME. On main road. 5 miles east of Browns ville, 04 acres, half cleared, which is fine, smooth black land, balance upland w-ith timber, pasture. 2 springs, old barn, no house ; price $3200. Want house in Portland Will assume. 32 AiRES IN KIh'.B OF WOODBURN. 82 acres, nil cleared. 6 acres in berries, bearing orchard. 6-room plastered house, hot and cold water, bath, good red barn, largo- double-decked chicken houe. It is faliy stocked and equipped; move right on; easy walking distance grammar and h gh ichnol at Woodbum; price $10,OoO; t.tke $4fli0 house; time on balance. 32 ACRES AT CANHY FOR LARGER FARM. No better soil anywhere; lying In that f .imous farming district Just east of Can by. It is all cleared, well Improved and fully stocked; price $9000; trstde for around tiO acres and pay ca-h difference; must be ntar Catholic church and good aoii. MODERN FARM ON PAVEMENT. 78 acres, on pavement, between Mc Minnviile and Yamhill : not a more at tractive home on entire west side high way; has an $0t0 modern residence with city water and lights; other build incs In proportion. It is about all cleared and CO acres best Yamhill river bottom: f u 1 1 y stocked and equipped : price $21,000. Take good $G0O0 residence. It is w it hln easy walking distance of high school. 100 ACRES. $3200 WANT HOUSES. Gobi en dale. Wash . dist rict. 1H0 acres. 30 cleared. 2.0O0.U0O fet saw timber, good S-room houso. good ba rn and out buildings: price $3200. Trade for house in Portland. We have manv others. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 North S.xth St. P.roadway 47.1. EXCHANGE REAL- ESTATE. 6-room semi -bungalow, on Improved street in Sellwood; 2 blocks from car line; this is a new house and has nu merous attractive features; can be han dled with a few hundred cash and will accept good lot in a good district or auto up to $lu00. WM. A. Ht'GHES CO., 218 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG., 3D AND STARK ST3. MAIN 6102. YOU CAN BE INDEPENDENT on these five acres adjoining McMinn viile; all in cultivation, fenced with woven wire ; fruit, berries, garden ; good 4-room house, barn, poultry house and run; a pleasant home near a pleas ant town; price $3000. Want a 5-room house in citv. MR. MnTXXES, Exchunge Dept., v RITTER. LOWE A CO., 201-2-3-3-7 Board of Trade Rldg. Where Trades Are Made. EwL'lTY FOR EQUITY. I will trade this acre and 6-room house with fruit and lots of berries, for a small 4 or 5-room house with a value of, about $25tMi; your mortgage must not be over $1000; my place Is close to Woodstock car and the street is paved with sidewalk in; school, both grade and high, are close. Call Main 7031. J. ROHBINS. 301 Railway Exchange Bldg. IMPROVED ACRE HOME FOR LAND. In Portland. 3 blocks Woodlawn -car, full block of ground (one acre) lots fruit, garage, and modern S-room bun galow; price $S0OO. Trade for land: will pay some cash difference; prefer 20 to 40 acres, not too far out; want to trade right away. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 North Sixth St. Broadway 4381. KANSAS. 400 acres Phillips county, Kansas. 13 miles north of Phillipsburg; corn, wheat and alfalfa belt, 200 acres cultivation, balance can be; good buildings, plenty goM water, excellent roads, good neigh bors; price $20,000. clear of debt: I now live In Oregon and will trade for good property here and assume. E. R. S., 513 Couch bldg. 120-ACRE dairy farm for sale or exchange. One mile from college and high school at Philomath, only 8 miles from Cor valilB. on fine road: excellent soil, 100 acres under cultivation. 20 acres in oak timber, family orchard, running water. Will accept small farm or suburban property up to hooo and give long time on balance. John J. Cramer, owner, Harrishurg. Or. WILL take lot or auto and some caflSl as first payment on my O-room hou.e at 100 E. 10th st. N., balance like rent; hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace; just painted and tinted; near 2 good car lines: price $43oo. See A. R. Johnson, 33 X. W. Bank bids. Main 37S7; rea., Wdln. 0371. SALE OR TRADE. 70-aere farm: 25 acres improved; clear of incumbrances; good barn and out buildings: 3u0 yards from good school, 4 miles from railroad, river and high way; want larger place ; will assume; eustern or southern Oregon. X 7 SI, Oregonkm. . 25 ACRES. Fronting Columbia highway. 40 min utes out; well cultivated, beet of soil; house, barn, fruit, crop, horses, cows, general equipment; will accept bungalow to JtOtitWt, balance cash and terms. 513 Couch bldg. FOR SALE or exchange. HO acres 1 illa mook cunty. 0-room houe artiM'caKy furnished ; ideal for country ht.-m or fishing resort. AM equipped for small ranch; depot on property. E S24, Or-o-nlan. . LOS ANGELES OR SO. CAL.. WANTED fir beautiful 0 2-3 acres, with stream, all clear; cost me $2000 years ago; near Orenco. Submit what you have to trade or low cash offer accepted. Am hre for next 4 or 5 days. A J boo. Qregonian. WILL TRADE. We are prepared to arrange a trade for you. Bring in your proposition and we will matcn you on anything that has merit, lots, houses, acreage or farms. E. R. S.. M3 Conch bldg. WILL TRADE ' 320 acres, 200 acres under cultivation, house, barn, good water. 8 mlies from tewn, 2 miles from school, will accept city propertv or good auto Jn part pay ment E. R. M3 Couch bldg. Td ! A D E FOR B U N G A L O V . S-room modern house; open iireplace, all bulit-ins: l"t s.".xh3: line view. . on Willamette boulevard, close ii. C. W. M illersh i p. Hl-V 3 -4th t-t. Main . J7r. FOR SALE or trade for small hnuse and lot anywhere in Peninsula. 100 acres pine land. 1.000. 000 logs, wood worth $4 on ground. Call Marshall 132. COS Flanders st. EXCHANGE FOR FARM. Quarter block, close in on east fide, good location, improved with two homes and two flats; income $ 133 per month. BJ S22. O re gontan. INCOME PROPERTY. Will accept bungalow part payment on good income property, balance terms. K. R. M3 Couch bldg. MINNESOTA DAIRY FARM. 320 acres good land, price. $40 pr acre ; will accept Portland real estate and some cash. -D P0V Orpgontan. PORTLAND lots, free and cleaj ties. Mr. Long. Main SO '-'ft. for eciui- FRANKL1X, little 4, will trade for West moreland lot. or acreage. Main S003. TO EXCHAXCF MISCELT.AVEOl S. DOL'ULB barrel Stevens safety shotgun, good as new, to exchange for refrigera tor. Call Main SS0. FOR SALE. Horse. Vehicle, Livestock. crowv stahi.f.s INC. For sale, hire or exchange. 100 head of horses. We are always In the mar ket for good horses and mules.: We sIl on commission or buy for cah. We don't intend to run any feed bills on our consigners. Have new and second hand harness, collars, all kinds of grad ing implements. plows, harrows and wagons. We hire by the day. week or month tj responsible people. Everything guaranteed as represented. Phil Suetter, president . 283 Front st. 210u-POl"N'D tcajn sorrel geldings, good workers. harnessed on farm wagon, $12. Hazeiwfld Fuel Co., tio40 Foster road. Mt. Scott car. FOT'R logging horses for sa'.e. weight 1SC0 lbs., ages 8. 9. Columbia Academy. Fred Boer Lbr. Co.. Battle G round. Wa. $3T (i( Mil pony. adlle and bridle ; aisfl K50-lb. horse, name a'r.d litrht wt goo very ch-op. Woodynrd. 327 Front. k'KjH 6ALt Six hTPi: reas jnaoie price a Holinao Fuel Co., btrn K. 6th and ivua FOR SALE - Pedigree Shetland ponies. George Ca 11a n, M : I wa ukie. Or., Route 2, box lul. or phone Hdwy. J0: LhOfl-LB. TEAM, harness, eoosoni'ck wimn. dump wagon. Deere 14-iiu plow, scraper, $3-5. wit h plenty of work. Tabor SMI. DEAD norses and cattle taken quick. Phone Mtiwaukie 6J for best service. VETERINARIAN DR. HOWLS- TABOR B3BC DEAD horues and cattle tak"n QUiulfc. Call day or nitUt. Aula. G.7-6L