s THE MORNING OREGONIAX, MONDAY, JTTLY 4, 1S21 " Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms, professional men, manu facturers, repair men, etc., classified for ready reference. Information as to any class of work not listed may be obtained by calling Main 7070, House 40. ACCOUNTANTS. JULIUS It. SLACK, public accountant. auditor. Income tax service. Concord bldg.. :a and Stark. Phone Main 744 i. ATTORNEYS. . W. KASTMAM. lawyer and notary pub lice. ;u Chamber of Commerce bldg- ARMY iOOIS. V. S. ARMY GOODS for sale, wholesale and retail: prices reduced. K. Horen r stein. 2o0 2rt st. or 204 1st st. Main jq. . ASSAYEK3 AND ANALYSTS. 1IOMANA ASSAV OFFICE. 14J Second. . Gold, silver, platinum bought. ALTO FAINTING. LUTOMOB1LB and vehicle painting at Russell St.. near Williams ave.. eooa work at reasonable prices. BATHS. DR. McMAHON'S baths. Portland: Bteajn showers, plunges, tubs, all for your friends. Fourth ana .... CHIKOPKACTIO steam bathB and mas- sagis, loth floor Broadway bid. . Bhali 31S7. Dr. Laura E. Downing.. RI'II ItlVi M1TKHIAIA COLUMBIA PLASTER WALL. BOAKU. Can t buckle, needs no battens: Oregon CKLLl l.l)in BlTTO.Na. THE IRWIN-HODSON COM PAN ;,. . SS7 Washington. Bdwv. 434. Tabor 1-54. CIILKOPKACTIC. DR. NKLL1E ilYKD. 504 Panama blag. Chiropractic and electrotherapy. ei. hemorrhoids, constipation. High. Dioou pressure, etc. Aliim sio- UK. Mc.MAHONo chiropractic speak for Itself. Portland. 1-th year. Phones. . chiropodists. .WILLIAM, ilstelle. Florello and Dewane I)e Veny. the only scientific chiropo dists and arch specialists In city, i-ar-Jors 3U2 Gerlinger bldg.. southwest cor ner Second and Alder sts. Main 1JUL ARCH SUPPORTS Come to Dr. Gart ner, foot specialist: corns, bunions. JH Swetland bide. Main 10S1. FOOT specialist. Dr. A. M. Cochrane. Lady assistant. 411 Macleay bldg- 4th and Washington. Marshall 902. UK. O. O. FLKTCHKK Foot troubles scientifically corrected. Lady assistant. 512 Morgan bldg. Main W7C2. CARPET CLKANKKS. ItUGS and Carpets washed on your floor. Our method restores the colors to "their original bi.rihtncss CAREFUL CARPET CLEANING CO. EAST 7373. . C A RPET 8 DYED. CARPETS dyed n the floor at your own home: reasonaole price. K. P. Binnek, East C041. CLEANERS AND PRESSER9. REGAL CLEANEnT TAIL.0HS AND HATTERS Cleaning and dyeing a specialty. lit North Sixth St.. Portland. Or. ' COLLECTION'S. NETH & CO., Worcester bide. Main 1796. No collections, no charges. Estab. 1900 COXTRACTOKS A.U BtlLDEKS. j RELIABLE CONSTRUCTION CO. TTonse construction end general Jobbing. 1S West Park St. Phone Main g023. DENTIST. DR. B. E. WRIGHT Third Floor. Raleigh 61d!7. Corner Sixth, and Washington &t. M aln 211ft. Automatic 2119. fTpUTIOTpY IR. A. W. KEENK, 351, Ul.il 1 10 I II I "Washington street. Without pain. Latest nerve-blocking system. HEMST1CTHIXG AND NEEDLE WORK. LHR HEMSTITCHING & NEEDLEWORK EXCHANGE, 330 Mohawk Bldg.. over Roberts Bros. Hemstitching in at 10 fln jHhed by 5. Cotton 8c; silk 10c. Spe cial orders taken for embroidery lac mi8e dresses. IT AT CI.KANEItS AM) DYEKH. HATS cleaned, blocked, dyed reasonable and satisfactory. Royal Hat Wks. 223 ;.st. ELECTK1CA L KEI'AIRING. MOTORS REWOUND Re" 'paired BOUGHT AND SOLD. NICHOLS ELECTRIC WORKS. Phone Sl'7-27 226 Main St rf&TxSX H. M. H. ELECTRICAL CO.. ,''" Xl 1 1ST 1st at.. Portland. Or. R- V.l' winding and electric repairing 'd a specialty. New or used mo tors, tiroaaway iuij. jl lu-io. WHOLESALERS AND KNOINEKKS' AND Mll.t, SfPPLlKS. I111S PHEHLEiiS PACIFIC CO., 6S-70-72 FRONT ST. h'HE M. L. KLINE CO.. H4-S0-87-S9 Front. HATS ANO CAPS. THANH A USER HAT CO., 53-53 Front's! ' PAINTS, OILS AN1 GLASS. Sides.' Wool and cascaka bark.! KAHN BBOTHKBS, 11)5 Front street. EW TODAY. SPLENDID BUYj In Flat Property Located within walking distance center of city. Four oix-room modern flats, all rented, with in come of $152.60 per month. For lull particulars addreBS A. W. Cochran MS OUEGOMAN BUIXDIXG. Brick Layers, Marble Cutters and Copers; Tile Setters, Bridge and Structural Iron Workers. For Full Information Apply at 133 North 6th St. I 8 760 A good 8 -room dwelling with S lota, on Multnomah street, close in. The land alone is worth SlO.Ooii. 1 000 for li1- acres, all in cultivation. ' House bulit 3 years ago. Family orchard. Lots of small fruits. 10 miles from Portland on Oregon electric railway. Ideal for chick- 15,000 For" 60 acres, all In cultivation. 2 dwellings. Dairy barn, chicken houses. On electric railway. An ot her good chicken ranch. $75 000 'For a real farm. 22 miles from tivation. 20 acres in l-year-n!d commercial apple orchard. The soil is a chocolate loam. The buildings are in good condition; all electric lighted and piped with water. No incumbrance. $25,000 oanh end might consider as part cay Improved Portland property. R. H. BLOSSOM. U0 Chamber of Commerce Bid. MORTGAGE LOANS LnMt Interest rnteei Installment m strnests. If dealren. liuiialns loaaa aaade. Ik a delar In clualns. A. H. B1RRELL-GILL CO. FormprlT A. B. Birr ell Cat tia-lB jttnswMttra BaaJc BnlHlna . - Mmral.aU 4114. WANTED MCSIC TEACHERS. L. CARROLL DAT, teacher of piano and voice. Broadway 2555. 148 13th at. HWNMQ1YER REPAIRING. LAWN-MOWER HOSPITAL Repairing, sharpening: 24-hour serv ice. We collect and deliver. Tabor 4611. Tabor 4072. OPTOMETRISTS. EYES SCIENTIFICALLY TESTED with modern instruments, glasses fitted at a saving;; satisfaction guaranteed: out of the hiirh-rent district, no overhead exp. A. E. HURWITZ. Optometrist. 225 1st St. PAINTING. C. H. TERRILL. house and sign painter, papering, tinting. 467 E. 37th. Tab. 2611. PAINTING AND CALCIMININO. PAINTING and calclminlng and roof re pairing at moderate prices; work guar anteed. Phone East 463. PAINT. WALL PAPER. ETC. WALL PAPER, PAINTS, ETC. 230 SECOND ST. UHL BROS., INC. PATENT ATTORNEYS. PATENTS Our practice has extended over a period of 74 years. All communica tions strictly confidential: prompt, ef ficient, conscientious service; handbook free on request. MUN.N & CO.. Hobart bids., 584 Market St., San Francisco; Chicago office, room 810 Tower bid.; Washing-ton office, room 103. 625 First; New York office, Woolworth bldg. . R. C. WRIGHT. 22 years' experience U. S. and foreign patents. 601 Dekum bldg. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A, PHILLIPS, Broadway building. Rheumatism, stomach, bowel, lung, liver, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostate, female disorders, skin affections, blood pressure, enlarged tonsils, moles, birthmarks. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. PLUMBING supplies at wholesale prices. Stark-Davis Co.. 188 4th st. Mala 797. PRINTERS. PRINTING 5 '. W. BALTKS & COMPANY First and Oak. Main 165. 511-65 KOUF PAINTING AND REPAIRING. Boor Protected" aTNt.- JS XJar CrraremUe E5.&-II-Eoof Painters B3CIERT ROOPBRS We use compressed air and Spraco guns , 1443 EG lisan Phone Tabor. 6987. PAINT your roof while the sun shlnea We do all kinds of roofing, shingles, gravel, paper or metal; only first-class material. OREGON ROOFING CO. 1764 E. Gllran St. Tabor 481T. ROOFS repaired and painted; gutters cleaned. Roof Security Inc. mfg. WEBFOOT PAINT: references given, 226 Board of Trade bldg. Main 571. Main B64 4. TRADEMARKS. OREGON TRADEMARK BUREAU. 601 Dekum bldg., U. S. foreign trademarks. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH DRATAGE AND STORAGE. Motor and Horse Equipment. Furniture Moving and Packing. Bapcaffe. PHONE BDWYr 3309 SECURITY STORAGE ft TRANSFER CO. Packing Moving Storage. Money loaned on goods In storage. 53 Fourth st.. opp. Multnomah hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. OREGON' TRANSFER CO.. 474 GUsan Street. FIVE WAREHOUSES. STORAGE CARTAGE. PHONE BROADWAY 128L 30 DAYS free storage; furniture moving trucks $2 per hr. and up. Open evenings and Sundays. Call Broad way 1207. VETERINARY. ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL, East 7th and Grant Sts. Both phones. Day and night service; 3 veterinarians MANUFACTURERS KOPE AND B1NPEB TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and N'orthrnp. PLUMBERS' SUPPLIES AND PIPE, THE PEERLESS PACIFIC CO INC. 08-70-72 FRONT ST. THE M. L. KLINE CO.. 84-86-87-89 Front. PROPt ce commission merchants. EVERDING & FARRELL, 140 Front St. NEW TODAT. LAdiei Save your old carpets, rnirs and woolen clothimr Tet us mak rw Tugu tor too. The oldest and best-a-jinn,i fOB. tory. fluff and r&g rues woven all sixes; carpets refitted; 8x12 lutrs steam cleaned, $1.50. We call ar.q deliver. 188 E. Eighth St. Phone East S580. STORAGE (SFRn-KLERED) OX TRACK. POOL CAR DISTRIBUTORS GENERAL DRATAGE. NOTHING TOO SMALL OA LARGE. CLAY S. MORSE, INC. Bdwy. 3170. 454 Gliaan. COR SALE A Flrt-Cl.a. Reutnurnnt Paying well and onlv offered for silJ on account of the owner havis. tJ seek another climate on ac?Jit of e2lth- This is a bona fide bargain CrJir.a.re,.aunfe for someone. n MrCALLIM'g REAL ESTATE MART SK5 CummrrelRl St.. Aria TJ Phone Office 1257. Re.ldene13Sf Edward E.Goudey Co. MORTGAGB LOANS U-tlted States banx Bull dins BEAtESTATK, For Sale Flat aod Apartment Property, $7000 EXCEPTIONAL B A RG ALN APARTMENT PROPERTY. Store and three apartments, furnished. neai, garage connected, assessments BAwiieni conauion, permanent net income, $1300 per year. See owner, 60J For Siito Etarh Property. FOR SALE Seaside, Or., 7 -room house, lurnished; 50x100 corner lot, with im- , ... iiium x-arrt, one OJOCK from beach. 242 First et. and Ave. , SEASIDE RiRnAIV Seven rooms, ocean viw. furnished; saww, .? ww ww a jurmjb rJijone v:-ftl. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Bf-Bcb fropcrty. FINS BEACH LOTS. SALTAIR TILLAMOOK BEACH. Z have four choice lota, all together, two facing the Pacific ocean; board walk; county road and railroad run In front of property. The other two lota adjoin the two above and face on the road in the rear. All are near the de pot, hotel and Rockaway; size of lota is 23 feet by about 70 feet and are excep tionally well adapted for business or residence. Price 125 and tliO each. Address T 723. Oregonian. LOT 3 AND west front half of lot 4. block 8, Gearhart Park, $600. Vr'oodlawn 1597. For Sale -Lots. WHY XOT BUILD? X will build and finance on sbt of the lota lifted below or sell lots only. ALAMEDA PARK. Comer E. 30th and Shaver: beautiful surroundings in best part of this district; 67x102. Lot 50x100 at 31st. near Skidmore; $800. ROSE CITT PARK. I own three trood lots in this district; $500. $600 and $100. LAURELHTTRST. B0t128 near park ...$1200 &Ox358 near park J lftOO 7. "x75 corner, near car. .......... . 17O0 8. ",x75 nar car ....SIROO SaxTo near car ....$1400 N. O. EKLUND. Owner and Builder, gist and Sandy Blvd. Phone Tahor 630. LOTS LOTS LOTS LOTS. TATE'S ADDITION. $273 $1 A WEEK. Here's your opportunity to buy a lot with cement sidewalks, curbs, graded streets and water, on Alberta car line, at less than acreage prices. You never, never would expect to buy such lots for so little money. Your own terms, too. Take Alberta car to end of line, continue one block north, then 4 short blocks east. Salesmen on irround Sun day. These lots are unrestricted. Build a shack or put up a tent. A. O. TEEPE CO., Realtors Insurance, 270 Stark St., near 4th. Main W2. SACRIFICE PRIC13 $1800. FACTORY WAREHOUSE SITE. Adjoining Russell-Gilbert Candy fac tory on O.-W. R. & N. tracks. Hoi lad ay avenue, near E, 24th, Mr. Carey, Main 7-487. , WE HAVE a beauUful lot on Grand ave near Ains worth, one block from Union ave. car, $050: terms $65 cash, $10 per month. F. E. Bowman & Co., 210 Chamber of Commerce bldg. $300. 50x100 lots. fine view. close Dekum-ave. carllne. easy terms. HOLCOMB REALTY CO to wasningion Plug. TWO BEAUTIFUL lots In Alameda Park lot 6. block 29, price $1000; lot 3 In block 44. price $1100; all improvements in and paid for. See owner at 414 Rv 100x100 ALBERTA car. cultivated; $550 including assessments: $2 down, $2 week; 11219 X. W. Bank bldg. Main 1643. Rea! Main 1377. 67 LOTS, tldeland. West Astoria, on Young's bay; also 2 lots. Bay City, Or., centrally located. Owner, 967 Belmont st.. Tabor 7185. ROSE CITY 2 lots, corner of Slsk'you end 48th, Siskiyou paved anc. paid, and 8th sidewalk and sewer paid; L40O. 'ast K164. 50xlOO CEME.NT walks; Alberta car; $1 down. $1 week: $325. including assess ments. Why rent ? R. W. Cary 1219 X. W. Bank bldg. Main 1643 ROSE CITY, S. W. corner. 48th and Tilla mook; improvements paid. $1250. Tabor 6441. FOR SALE or exchange, fine residence lot in Santlago, Cal. Call Woodlawn 2459. For Sale Houses. $250 CASH, 5 ROOMS $2750. Close In, paved st., sewer all paid, house in absolutely perfect order and one of the best constructed houses you ever saw. It's an unparalleled snap; 1 block to Miss. ave. cars. 492 Albina ave. Vacant, walk in. Owner. Marshall 746. OVERLOOK ADDITION Attractive 5-rm. bungalow, hardwood floors in living and dining room ; bullt-ins. fireplace ; full cement basement, furnace, wash trays; lot 50x100, sewer, walks, gas in and paid for; house built 1919; $0000; reasonable terms. By owner, OVERLOOK I,ANT CO.. Tel. Main 216. FURNISHED DANDY HOME. Bungalow style, 5-room home, com pletely furnished, garage, fruit galore, grade and Franklin high school, good district, just block to Mount Scott car. few hundred down, balance as rent, only $2300. Mrs. Addison. 5604 41st ave. S. E. EXTRA. EXTRA. EXTRA. $1200 first payment buys 6-room house at foot of Mt. Tabor, between Belmont and Hawthorne car lines; furnace, fire place, paneled dining room, beam ceil ing, built-ins; $35 per month, including interest on balance. Seeing la believing. Tabor 2271. No agents. ALBERTA BUNGALOW $2350. This 5-room cottage with lot 50x100. 4 blocks from Alberta car line, electric lights, gas, bath and toilet, in good con dition, can give immediate possession; $500 cash, $20 monthly. Take a look at this. Fred W. German Co., realtors. 732 Cham, of Com. JUST being finished ; a five-room bunga low ; large living room, fireplace, hard wood floors, dining room has six win dows, all built-in conveniences in the kitchen ; breakfast nook and large bed room. Also garage: 45th and Siskiyou; wilt be at the house from 2 to 5 today. East 2604. IRVINGTON. CHARMING ENGLISH COLON! AI BEST BUY IN IRVINGTON. Artistic floor plan, ivory finish, art paper, all oak floors, 2 baths, garage, near Broadway car and Knott street. NEUHAUSEN, Realtor. Main 8078. - East 394. $4750 BRAND-NEW $4750. Nifty 6-room bungalow, all built-ins, oak floors, fireplace ; music room and breakfast nook. Full basement and large attic; close to Sandy blvd. on paved st. It's a bargain; some terms. Take Rose City car to 72d st. See Gregory Inv. Co., 1808 Sandy Blvd. Open Sundays. BARGAIN FROM OWNER IN IRVING TON, 1 BLOCK FROM BROADWAY. BEAUTIFUL STRICTLY MODERN 8 ROOM HOUSE. READY TO MOVE IN. SMALL PAYMENT DOWN. BALANCE MONTHLY. TAKE SOME TRADE. 6fl2 ELLIOTT AVE. PHONE E. 6041 LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Just completed hy owner, 5-room. bun galow .nd garage, every modern con venience; splendid location. 243 Lau rel hurst ave.. near 30th. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Attractive 9-room house, beautiful lot 100x100 ft., fine view of mountains and city, bearing fruit trees; on Spring st., near car line. For sale by owner at $U.O00, with terms; less for cash. Phone Main 3200. A HOUSE for sale at 724 E. Tyler. Price $373U. ouu casn ana automobile valued at $700 taken as the first payment, bal ance $20 a month and interest. Lot 100x100, fine fruit trees, nut trees and berries. First-class 7-room house. Call wain, eido We design, and build residences, or any building. Assist in financing same. The best service at lowest cost to you. Established 12 years. Security and sat- l.foi .-w-r. DIOIIrut T. TJ D 1 TT L IT INC.. 924 N. W. 'Bank Bldg. A ' $600 BUYS Kood furnished three-rnnm house on river bank opposite Oaks; nice location ; sleeping porch, large pantry, bath tub, lights, water: two blocks from Fulton car. Jaroee Risley, foot of Ne vada street. ruivi uAi w j i r. ij n i o. Modern colonial bungalow with ga rage, just completed ; choice location, beautiful view; $7000, about $2300 cash, balance terms. Phone after noon. Main KT"0 garage, green house over garage; chicken hnuuo- liltu nf fruit- 1 H1rwLr line; 5 rooms . down, 4 up. Here is i bargain for someone. Price $3700. In quire 12 I4th st. FOR SALE Rose City Park buniralnw. $3900, if $2000 or more cash $3700; is sincuy mouern, rooms, etc. 690 E. 48th st. N-, take Beaumont car to-Siski you ana waiK east, tp mn. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW BY OWNER wui - . y iuii cement basement and walks, paved street, small garage; perfect condition; vacant. $3350, terms. 1114 B. Sherman, near 37th. BY OWNER, 5-room modern bungalow on paved street, all paid ; price $3500, $1000 down, terms. Also some furni ture. 1016 E. 12th st, N., half block to Alberta car. IRVINGTON HOME BARGAIN, $7800. " Terms; 7 fine rooms, sleeping porch, finished attic, oak floors, fireplace, dou ble garage, near 17th and Knott. Neu- nausen. realtor, cast an. Main 8078- OWNER will sacrifice for $1000 Modern 5-room bungalow. Built 1 year. Fine location in Alameda Park. 2 blocks from Broadway car. You will find this real ai nam. wain. ROSE CITY BUXGAinvv ti"",n 6 rooms modern, furnished or unfur nished, two blocks from Rose Citv car All bullt-ins; no dealers; some "terms. Tabor 9184. ROSE CITY. New 7-roora bungalow and garage shown by appointment. Owner. 317-70 JOHNSON & ANDERSON, owners and builders; two nice modern bungalows in Aiamfua rarn. n if-k feKiamore St. FOR SALE House and lots, 50x100: nrica f xosk fit -Win et. & RIAL ESTATE. For baJr -IIouk EXCLUSIVE HOMES. $25,000 View home, elegant grounds, everything desired in exclusive home. $15,000 Irvington home with 1 acre of ground, on E. 28th st.; fruit and garden. $1T,000 Laurel hurst view home, S lots and strictly modern home. $8,5O0 Laurelhurst 9-room home and garage, ideal location big value. 1 7,350 New modern, bungalow with garage. 875 E. Harrison st. ; view of entire city and moun tains. $7.S(W Laurelhurst 8-r. modern home, $6.500 Rose City corner new bungalow. $4,850 Rose City bungalow, garage and Gasco furnace, corner lot. paved iw $3,750 Modern 6-r. house, E. Clinton at. $4,000 100x100, fruit, berries and 6-r. bungalow, garage, paved t-, good location. CHAS. RINGLER CO., 225 Henry Bldg. XiATJH ELHTJR ST BUNGALOW. SACRIFICE SALE. KIne corner, exceptionally wetl built 8-room bungalow, overlook ing the whole of Laurelhurst. 2 blocks from park, extra large liv ing room, 4 bedrooms, double plumbing, breakfast room. Pull man kitchen, hardwood floors, ga rage; owner must sell before July 7. For appointment, phone East 409 L IRVINGTON" ENGLISH HOME. $16,500. Very artistic, built for home: 100x100 corner, large living room, fireplace, bal conied library; three large bedrooms first floor, two have fireplace; beauti ful tiled bath room. Second floor, two bedrooms, large glass-enclosed sleeping porch and bathroom: south and east pergolated porches; lovely shrubs and natural trees; double garage; corner could not be duplicated for $20,000; near 23d and Knott. m East 410. 80 ROOMS. $500 DOWN. Price $5500. Here's a wondeful chance for world's fair business; large 3 full story building and full corner lot; street paved, sewer In, all paid: bull clinic now rented to. pay 10 on $7000, and you get It for $5500 on your own terms in rea son; S. W. corner Hood and Grant sts.. west side. Owner, Mar. 746. forenoons. SEE THIS TODAY. BY OWN ER 5-room mod-em bun ga low in excellent condition. Not the run down kind, but a real buy. It is near car, schools, churches and stores. Paved street and plenty room for garage. Lo cated at 540 Webster et. Take. Al berta car to E. 12th st.. then one block north. Price $3200; terms. This house la going to sell, so don't delay seemg it. 8 ROOMS $350 DOWN. Charming house, 1 stories, all rooms are bright and cheerful, 5 rooms and bath 1st floor; full lot, garage, 1 block to Mt Scott car, near Franklin high. You would never expect to find such a lovely modern home for $3350, on your own terms in reason. 3220 51st st. S. E. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Six real rooms on the 1st floor with a full-floored attic; modern to the letter, large rooms, eastern oak floors, built for a home by one of the best contractors in the city when good material was obtain able; a real buy at $650O. Call me today. C. M. DERR, Phone 6419. 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 224 S. FOR SALE BY OWNER, 131 E. 32D STREET. $3500 SUN NY SIDE $500 CASH. Six light, airy rooms. 4 on the 1st floor; 2 on the 2d; ivory finish, tapestry walls, inclosed porch, concrete basement: garage; east front; imp. paid. See this today. 10 A. M. to A P. M. Phone C519. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW-HOME SACRIFICED. Lot 100x100. beautifully landscaped ; has 6 charming rooms, sleeping porch, large billiard room. 2 fireplaces, extra fine plumbing, double garage. NEUHAUSEN, Realtor, 830 N. W. Bank. Main 8078; East. 394. A SNAP, CLOSE IN Sa.ve carfare. 6 rms. with large hall, bath and pantry, gas and wood range and 2 large kitchen cabinets included; full cement basement and furnace. 488 East Davis, near 10th. half block to Rose City carllne; $3750, $750 cash, bal. long time. Phone R, R, R., M a i n 172. or call 145 Second st. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. New 5-room modern bungalow, hard wood floors, all later built-ins, finished In old ivory, Dutch kitchen, linen closets, window shades, cement basement, wash trays; lot 50x100, paved streets, improve ment paid; price $4200. Owner, Sell wood 1778. READ! BARGAIN! READ! Brand new 4 -room bungalow, com plete, ready to move right in; No. 615 Lafayette t.; price $2790; small pay ment down, balance like rent; if inter ested call owner. East 4O00, or any Portland realtor. SHACKS AND SMALL HOUSES WANTED. We do not care how old and dilapidat ed they are or where they are. We can sell them If your price is right and your terms easy. Six keen salesmen at your service. Fred w. German Co., realtors, 732 Cham, of Com. FOR SALE, at once, a 6-room modern house in spienaiu conuiuun, who garage In restricted interurban district, close to Portland and close to carllne, very cheap, phone Sellwood 3342. LAURELHURST home, 6 rooms and nieeuintr oorch. every modern conven ience, perfect condition. Just refinished inside and out; priced for quick sale at $7500. Call owner atraoor iiw. DRIVE PAST No. 495 Going, cor. 10th; beautiful 75x100; paved, paid; fruit, shade ; 7 rooms, fireplace ; $950. terms. R. W. Cary, 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 1G43. res. Aiain un. PIEDMONT. I5QOO Eight-room house, tile bath, laundry trays, furnace, cement basement, 2 blocks to car. 335 Portland blvd. B. HOUSE PLANS. "Distinctive Homes." illustrated book Of over 100 designs. SI: blueprints, $10, 924 Northwestern Bank Bldg. $4800. ROSE CITY PARK A 5-room bunga low just completed; all modern con veniences, full-sized basement; can be seen at o - wx. vnrt rale 2 modern 6 and 7-room bun galows. 490-494 Tillamook, cor of 10th. Irvlngton ; well built; open every day 10 to 6 P. M, trrrt SALE BY OWNER. 4 -room house finished in white enamel Make mo an offer. 938 East 33d St. N. -w o nil law u - 3-ROOM modern bungalow, nicely fur nished lull cement basement, furnace: lot 40x120; Vz block to car. Owner, 5721 wv.sT SIDE: 7 ROOMS. GAS, BATH AND ELECTRICITY, 2 FIREPLACES, CE MENT BASEMENT; LOT 60x100. OWNER. 467 TENTH ST. IRVlNViTUW o.'s.rt.r, ruuu o-ruom noma u Dj" " r " lines; muwcui " ? realtor. - - - 5 ROOM BUNGALOW 15TH, ALBERTA. Attractive flowers, garden, berries. See this for a good buy, $3000. 1060 E. 15th st. N. realtor. East 3'.-4. Alain us. BEAUTIFUL Irvlngton home, large rooms, flowers, etc Phone owner. East 3069. 6 ROOMS, ground 100x1 00. fruit, berries. earaen, Ba.iUCii a.uu sarage. 1452 Fern st., one block Wood- fawn car. Woodlawn 4862 6-ROOM house at N. 9th, near A Ins worth, J0700 7 city lots: timber claim. Owner "Jri Tabor 64 7 A. goinn p"- Z- tV Cj i .N U 13 i II IV, 1, Beautiful 6-room bungalow, now under construction, selling below the market; j 1 4-y0 127 E. Farragut st., near Albina. SAVE RENT 4-room house, partly fur nished, cheap, small down payment, bal ance cheaper than rent. Inquire 543 & 5-ROOM house, large lot and garage. 100 feet east 92d st, Foster road. Lents; $1000 down, balance terms. By owner, B 247, Oregonian. ROSE CITY PARK. $4600, new 6-room bungalow, all modern, $300 down. Sell wood 683. HOUSE FOR SALE Six-room modern house by owner; phone east f6&d or call 62 E. 20 th. BUY FROM owner at cost, new modern R-room bungalow, hardwood floors; S45QO 915 Colonial ave.. Wdln. 1462. I WILL sacrifice my $2500 equity in 7 room Mt. Tabor home for $1200 Owner. East o--a. ALBERTA $2250; a great bargain; 5 room modern cottage from owner. Phone Woodlawn 2727. $150 DOWN, 3-room house, lot, close in. Price $650. Ed Orr, 115 Grand ave. East 1676. NEW 5-ROOM HOUSE, block Kenton car near park, 1511 Mississippi, corner Mor gan. East 67fi3. NICE 6-room bungalow, by owner. Inquire 1007 Mississippi ave. 2 LOTS and 4 houses, corjier Front and Hooker. Inquire 275 Hooker. FC R SALE or lease. 9-room furnished house, by owner. Main 34-S6. MODERN 6-room house. 1 block car; easy terms. 741 and 753 E. Ash. JfEW HOUS E nes r pa rk. fhI REAL ESTATE. For Sale -House. $3500. Fine residence on board walk facing eeean at Cartwright Park addition. Sea side, Oregon, together with two 50x100 lots is offered for sale for a limited per iod; completely furnished. including four bedrooms, modern bathroom, hot. cold water and stationary wash tub. all of which is included in first-class price; present value of the house alone i equal to price asked. WHITMER-KELLT CO.. 414 Ptttock Bldg. TRVTNGTOX. $8300 $1500 CASS. Wonderful home: 6 large rooms; hard wood floors, French doors, old ivory throughout. 2 fireplaces, one in over size bedroom, finished third floor; grounds 68x110; real bargain; owner leaving city. EAST -419. ROSE CITY BUNOALOW. A real home, corner; aouth exposure; close to Sandy; absolutely double con structed and well built; living room and dining room in combination : fireplace, Bookcases, buffet, kitchen with all rood- built-fns; two roomy bedrooms and bath downstairs, two bedrooms and sew ing room up; plenty closets, full cement basement, laundry tubs; $4950; liberal discount for cash or good cash payment. Seem , or terms. ROYAL. 72d and Sandy. Tabor 155. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. A new. modern home of 7 rooms and sweeping porch, fine garage, paved sts.; a wonderful, perfect view of mountains, river, timber and city; nothing more modern to be found at anywhere near the price; shown by appointment. SAMUEL R. NORTTON. 611 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 2326. Main 4099. EAST IRVINGTON SNAP. Our bungalow, 5 rooms, modern in all respects, hardwood floors, etc.. Karate; all improvements in and paid for; place ready to move Into. Call 1072 Lam bert Place. Best buy in city; $950 cash balance only $3000; terms if desired. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. Cute li ttle 4-rxn. bungalow ; two bed rooms, tapestry paper in living room, built-in kitchen, good bath, basement, front and back porches, full lot, shrub bery, fruit, lawn, etc.; close to car and school ; $2650, very small cash payment to responsible people. 735 E. 77th st. N. Tabor 155. FOR SALE 5-room bungalow; fruit, gar den; $3500, easy terms. 1152 Gladstone, "Woodstock car. Suburban Homes. 4TH OF JULY AND SUNDAY. Lake Grove. Oswego Lake ; nice acre tracts with bungalows and cottages, shade trees, fine grove, elec, piped water, auto road: prices range from $350 to $1000 per acre or with buildings $750 to $4000. on liberal terms. A beauty spot, 30 minutes from city; big clean lake 3 miles long.. Take Red Electric cars 4th st. to Lake Grove picnic grounds at McFarland's store: you can buv fire crackers, ice cream, groceries and lunch gooas, nave a good time, ooating, bath ing, eating or fishing; will show property from office after 4th. Main 3672. McFARLAN'D, REALTOR. Falling Bldg. BY OWNER. Suburban home In the city, 350x100 feet; 7-room house and bath, gas, elec tricity, cement basement, wash trays, etc. Has creek 40x100 ft. running through center of property with trout ponds and 3 beautiful artistic flower beds in creek; fruit, berries, etc. Must be seen to be appreciated, $6000, easy terms. PHONE SELL. 388. EXCLUSIVE COUNTRY HOME. 21 acres jus toutside city limits; ideal gentleman's country home, with all city conveniences: electricity, gas. Bull Run water, modern 7-rm. house. 2 baths, fur nace, fireplace, keeper's house, 2 large barns, garage, all kinds fruit, berries, garden and shrubbery. Price $25,000; $10,000 cash, baL terms. CHAS. RINGLER & CO., 225 Henry Bldg. $25 CASH puts you In possession of a good nomeaiie, Daiance siu per monin and in terest; lots from $250 to $425; 2 to 3 blocks from Shahapta station, O. E. rail way, between Multnomah and Maple wood; 9c commutation fare; Bull Run water, gas, electricity available ; good school. Phone Main 2182. Wm. Borsch, owner. Maple wood. Or. SPEND THE 4TH AT OSWEGO LAKE. The finest resort near Portland; fish ing, boating, bathing; only 30 minutes out; camp sites for rent; home sites for sale. See Mr. Allen or McClure at Lake Grove station. S. P. Electric. FOR SALE Half acre within city limits, good chicken ranch, 5-room house and outbuildings; garden; 30 apples trees, all kinds of berry bushes. Price $3000. Write M. N. Scastrand, Seaside, Or. MODERN 6-room bungalow, 1 acre, fruit, berries, garden, chicken house and barn; 1 acre, fenced, wooded pasture; cheap. D. A.. Norton, Bdwy. 32. 307 Fenton bldg. ONE ACRE, house, barn, chicken house, berries and garden, Oswego lake, $300 cash, balance $1000, like rent, or $1000 cash. S. P. train. Goodin station. ln guire M rs. L. M. Johnston, acre 52. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near carllne. from $1800 up. Inquire 3d house north of Risley station, on Oregon City carllne. BEAUTIFUL etone modern 5-room bunga low; city water, gas. electricity; acre or more; no city tax; paved road, 20 min utes to Portland. Owner. Tabor 3267. HERE is your chance to buy modern house and 2 acres at a reasonable nrfr- very easy terms. Owner, auto. 626-47. FOR RENT 2 acres and house ; 1 acre in fruit; one and a half miles from city limits. Call Main 1962. 5-ROOM bungalow on Improved acre, on 79th st. S. E. 40-mlnute car service $5000. terms. Tabor 514 or Mar. 6186 For Sale Business Property. FOR RENT Good size store room, fine business location. For information call at 88 Killingsworth ave., or phone Wood lawn 3683. For Sale Acreage. ACREAGE BARGAINS. 81600 One acre, good double constructed 4-room house, running water, pat ent toilet: near Milwaukie; your own terms on this. $2000 2hb acres, brand new 4-rm. house, near car, on good auto road ; easy terms, and a regular bargain. 46505 acres. Just east of Montavilla, 6-room house, barn, fine orchard and garden; Bull Run water; easy terms. For Acreage Bargains See REVERMAN INVESTMENT CO.. REALTORS. 210 Lewis Bldg. Bdwy. 2954. WRITE for map of western Washington, showing location, low price and easy terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAUSER TIMBER CO.. Tacoma. Wash. $10 DOWN, $10 MONTH. Acres, half acres: Alberta car; no as sessments or gravel; city water. R W. Cary. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 1643. Res. Main 1377. 20 ACRES, partly Improved, good soli. 20 miles out. Estacada carllne, price $1800; consider good lot or auto first payment. O 761. Oregonian. FOR SALE or lease. 10 acres bearing ap- nl. Vamhlll Or O TTnmnrlr 'M 1. Clt. "Nat. Bank Bldg,, Los Angeles, Cal 50 ACRES, Just outside city and north Columbia Diva., aiu.uuii. one-third cash. TO TRADE OR SELL 200 ACRES OF CHOICE LAND. CALL AT 210 FIRST STREET, NEAR TAYLOR. 15 ACRES, also house-moving outfit. 0131 03d st. S. E Thomas Allen, city 120 ACRES of land for i halem. Or. lie. P. Wolke. Ne- Homestead. Rfiuiquiwhmfnto. YOUR BEST OPPORTUNITY to take a homestead is this month. Am locating claims throughout western Ore gon, either farming or timber tracts ; special inducements to ex -service men; satisfaction guaranteed .by experienced locator. J L. W. HELM. 316 Board of Trade bldg. THIS is your last opportunity to get a valuable homestead in Oregon; correct and satisfactory locations guaranteed by reliable ex-govt, cruisers; maps $1. M. J. Anderson. 5di Kan way Kxch. bldg. Fruit -Lands tor sale or Rent. HE IS IT ON WALNUTS. If you want a bearing orchard or any expert advice on walnuts. write T. Withycombe. His clients have all made good money on their investments. 433 12th st. Marshall 3118. For Sale -Farms. SOUTHERN OREGON. BETTER LAND FOR LESS MONEY. Best fruit and farm lands in the state. UNLIMITED VIRGIN TIMBER. Write LAKE & AIKI.NS, Riddle. Or. BIG SACRIFICE IN FARM. Death causes sale 100 acres, near T? ville. stocked and equipped, $125 per acre. See it. Easy terms. Mr. Colt. 026 CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES near Portland. $50 to $5X per acre; easy terms, best soil, farms for sale, all sizes. Mcrariapq. reanor, -ua r atling bldg, 8S-ACRE Rogue river valley fruit ranch for remarkably low price. Very easy terms. Write E. F. McCormick, Oak land. Cal. 93 ACRES, six miles south of Lebanon 65 in cultivation, well fenced; a good buy. r will u quo. v t. . . a uur O.iUB 14.52 ACRES. 2 houses. $400: on Columbia highway. Rowena. H. W. Lewis, box 12 atantieia. r. 16 ACRES In sunny Alberta. Canada. $ 12(H) cash: for particulars apply to W w iAXW 97 -ft Xioctt tit, Joiuu. REAL ESTATE. For fair -K ti rms. BARGAIN. FOR SALE BY OWNER, 160 acres. J40 A. in working condition: clay loam soil; no rock or gravel; on main county road; rocked road to place. About 50 acres cleared and in cultiva tion; bal. pasture, easily cleared; all fenced and cross-fenced; all in crop; 4 living springs; 1 ft miles from store, postoffice. station and boatlanding; fine view; small family orchard; about 1 mile from 2 -room school; paid up share in telephone; good 8-room house, fair barn 38x76, root house. separator bouse, chicken and pig houses; included are 7 milch cows, four 2-year-old heifers, five 1 -year-old heifers, 3 horses and harness. 3 pi?s. about 50 chickens. Implements: Wanton, hack, mower, horse rake, plow, harrow, disc and cultivators; cream sep arator, platform scales, root cutter, hos cooker, some small tools; price $10,000. half cash, balance terms at 6 per cent. Geo. McCollam, Maygor, Co lumbia Co.. Ore. 210-ACliE STOCK: RANCH FOR $1650 CASH In DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON. Located three miles from Pacific high way on county road, one mile from school, five miles from Drain. Oregon. 20 acres has been cultivated, 40 acres more tillable, very easily cleared; bal ance pasture, partly covered with small fir timber; watered by several springs; good outside range for stock. Old house, family orchard of 3 acres In fair con dition; SO acres of government land adjoining could be homesteaded. This, connected with the 240 acres, would make an Ideal stock farm of 320 acres. Price for all $1700. This is absolutely the biggest snap In Douglas county and can only be had by quick action If interested. W. A. BOGARD. Ros e b u rg, Or. $1200 40 ACRES brush land, house and orchard; spring water. $1600 35 acres. 10 acres cleared, bal ance partly cleared pasture land; good house, barn and woodshed; spring and creek water. $3800 100 acres, 30 acres under plow; baL partly cleared pasture land; all good farm land; 6-room house barn and orchard; spring water piped to house. $4000574 acres. 40 acres under plow, balance pasture ; all fine level land; house, barn and large or chard. The first three places are located 8 miles southeast of Toledo on Salmon creek; the 57-acre farm is 4 miles east of Toledo, "Wash. For particulars write or phone owner. H. H. Hurst. 831 Wash in gton ave., Chehalis, Wash. Phone 108-M. 80 ACRES on the Inland highway, 24 miles south of Astoria; 5 acres in cul tivation; 8-room furnished house, a barn, new garage, cellar and chicken house; gravity water system: young orchard, all kinds of berries, 1 cow, 16 Brown Leghorn hens; garden and crops In; ex cellent for garden or berries; close to logging camps; easy terms. Apply to owner. Wm. Wage, Jewell, Or. 160 REAL soil; can plow 20 this fall; on county highway; fair buildings, springs, creek, all plow land, heavy feed. 10O0 a, outrange; SO easily cleared. McMinnville country. $2000. 301 Corbett bldg. OWNER NON-RESIDENT. TEM ACRES. NEWBERG. NEW BUNGALOW. $3500. Improved, vacant, some fruit, must be soid, any reasonable terms. Mr. Colt. 626 Cnam. of Com. LOGGED-OFF lands. $10 acre up; running water, good soil. H tillable: school, easy terms. J. R. Sharpe. 83 '4 Third st 10 OR 7 ACRES .evei timber land with creek, nr. Beaverton. J. R. Sharp. 834 d. WANTED REAL ESTATE. 30 ACRES cultivated bottom land. 26 miles out, near station, on Pacific high way; $175 an acre; want dwelling equal value, 130 acres cultivated valley land on county road, near Pacific highway; $150 an acre; want two dwellings. E. S. JACKSON, Realtor, 207 Railway Exchange Bldg. WE ARE In need of several small homes with small down payments. Phone yours in at once. RALPH HARRIS CO.. REALTORS. 816 Chamber Co m m erce. M a i n 5024. 5 ROOMS, full lot. up to $750. $1000 cash uown ; owners oniy ; give location; ouy at once. X 770. Oregonian. I HAVE $200 as first payment on small home. Can pay $20 per month. Good refere nces. AR 715. Oregonian. MODERN bungalow ; have 6-room modern house with furnace and garage; will pay cash difference. Phone Tabor 3400. Farms Wan te d. DAIRY FARM WANTED. Client wanting stocked and equipped dairy farm of from 60 to 50 acres, lo cated in Willamette valley, not too far from Portland; prepared to pay cash If priced right; no inflated values consid ered. F. L. EDDY. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Wanted to Rent Farms. WANTED TO RENT. SMALL PLACES. Have several people wanting to rent acreage or small farms close to Port- land preferred. Some people will ,uy the place after leasing for year or more. We make lots of sales this way. Will buy equipment if priced right. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. MR. FARM OWNER. Wo have many parties wanting to lease farms this fall. Now is the time to send us your place, so that we can put a good man on same. Call, write or pnone F. L. EDDY. Realtor. Hitter, lowe & co.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WOULD like to rent or run on shares. large grain and stock ranch that also has 50 acres or more of alfalfa. Some thing near a railroad and preferably umatiiia co., out migm consider otner eastern Oregon locations if good. Will give best of references. Can take poa- session early tnts rail. F ids. Oregonian. FROM two to ten acres of land with small house and barn, close to city. Call Main oa-io, apt. . TIMBER LANDS. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A SAW MILL OR TIMBER SEE THE WINS LOW CO., 419 LUMBERMEN S BLDG., PORTLAND. OREGON. GOING east, will sell first-class second growth timber claim for 4 price ; not iar irom iu xui a gooa cnance to make money on tats, u 7U4. Oregonian. 2500 CORDS old growth Xir near Scappoose, bargain. J. R. Sharp, 83 ft 3d St. FOR RENT FARMS. WILL LEASE a 41 V. acre farm, well fenced, large barn, orchard and well watered on hard road mile from Amboy. 7-room house, furnished or un furnished; hot and cold water, sink and bath. Will sell 8 fresh Jersey cows, 1 Jersey bull and 4 heifers, crop and gar den, reasonable. Lota of outrange. Will take light car In part. Take Yacolt and Amooy stage at Vancouver. Ernest Neal, SHEEP PASTURE 150 acres; line feed, heavy stand; will keep growing all sum. mer; plenty running water; use of build ings care taken; near Portland. AJ 7o2, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. 40 ACRES, uniiwproved. some clear, bal ance easily cleared; running water; good soil, no rock or grave-; three miles Sheridan. Or., cash value $2150; as first payment on bungalow; good resi dence district in Portland. Answer owner. AV "944, Oregonian. WE HAVE several stocked and equipped farms to trade for Portland property; among them are some good bargains. Call in and let us talk with you about tnem STEWART & JOHNSON. 315 N. W. Bank Building. 1921 BUICK. ROADSTER. Fully equipped, cord tires; only run ' 3000 miles: price $1700; will exchangs for 5 or 6-room modern bungalow in ML Scott district; wiu assume up to Jisoo. See Mr. Stephens. Fred W. German Co., realtors. 732 Cham, of Com. HAVE $2000 equity in a good 160 acres of choice wneat land in tne ramous ver million district. Alberta. Canada; srit level prairie; well settled. Trade for lots or automobile. C 789. Oregonian. 160 ACRES land in Alberta. Canada; 40 acres seeded to timothy; 30 acres poplar timber, the rest in prairie; for ate or traae ior vregon property, taii 632-38 or Af 7iH, oregonian. SEND ME FULL DESCRIPTION OF YOUR FARM TO TRADE FOR CITY PROPERTY. B. F. KELLY. 715 Swetland Bldg. 160 ACRES hill land, suitable for stock raising, with outside range, will trade for a 4 or o-room nouse in Portland. F. O. Russell, tjneweian. wasn. WILL exchange $2500 equity In valua quarter block on Belmont st. for 1, ble quarter d:ock. on ueiraont st. lor late auto or otner property. nat have you? T7n,t ft" FOR SALE OR TRADE For hotel or apartment lease. Hood River orchard property; noma nouera, tva, urego nian. FOR EXCHANGS 1320 5-pass. auto. A-l condition; no Junk, for 3 or 4-r. house and :ot or y iota ana jw. owner, J RESIDENT Yakima owns two Portland lots, trade for Yakima. BF 779, Ore go nian. , 115 ACRES of fruit land to trade for modern home or 7 or o rooms. Main 47QR. carutnera. WILL TRADE well established second hand store for acreage. 288 N. 16th st. RELINQUISHED homestead for ftal or TO KXCHAXGE REAL ESTATE. EQUITY FOR EQUITY. I have an acre with 6-rm. house, gas, bath and elec, that lies in the heart of east side, 1 4 blks. to W. W. car. Paved street, fruit and berries. I want a small house around 4 or 5 rooms and with a value of 12500. Your mtg. must not be over $1000'. My place is worth $4700. Call Tabor 6531 or Main 7l31. $55iH APARTMENT HOUSE, 4 -story, west side, income $4ti0 mo.; exchange for smaller income property. $35,000 Apt. house, west side ; take residence to $10,000 in exchange, $7000 apt. house, east side, income $120 mo.; take residence to $45u0 or good lot; trades all kinds. See us CHAS. RIXULER & CO.. 225 Henry Bldg. 7-ROOM house, close in; income and busi ness property; value $10,000; to exchange for acreage near Portland. Inquire Dr. Carrigan. room 401 FUedner bldg. loth and Washington sts. r TO EXCHANGE MISCETXAXgOrS. LOT FOR trade for sneep. norses or cowa ueaumoni aoaition. 42d st. 561 Gliaan. FOB SALE. Horses, Vehicles. Livestock. CROWN" STABLES. INC. For sale, exchange or hire, 150 head of horses. We are always in the market to buy a good horse or mule. We buy for cash or sell on commission. Have all kinds of harness, farm implements and wagons. Everything guaranteed as represented. Phil Suetter, president, 285 Front st. 10 COWS, all just fresh. 4 choice Jerseys. 4 10 o gaia The balance are .tioistem and Durhams, 4 to 6 gals. Beef cattle taken in exchange. 1128 Macadam rd. South Portland car to end of line 1 block south. 1 east. 23O0-LB. TEAM brown mare, heavy har ness and 3-in. farm wagon. $135; also small team norrel mares with harness, $75. Hazelwild Fuel Co, 6840 Foster road. Mt. Scott car. FOR SALE I have a good farm horse, harness and wagon, works single or dou ble, or would trade for one or two good family cows. See Mr. O'Brien, 255 Stark st. Main 2363. ONE FRESH young Jersey Holstein giv. ing 5 gallons good milk; easy milker? aiso x jersey Durham giving 4 gallons. 780 Insley ave. Sellwood car. FOR SALE A Jersey null. 4 years old. grandaon of Ladd's lmportc d bull; kind ana gentle. Adaress N. X. iNeison. ea verton. Or.. R. F. p. No. 2. box 8. A GOOD 2800-lb. team, harness and wag on for sale or trade for 1-ton truck. Phone Auto. 213-13. Call at 724 &po kane ave.. Sellwood. WILL trade Jersey cow 5 yra old for com. range or otner lurniture in good, condi tlon. 1532 Macadam st. FOR SALE 18-mo.-old Hamiltonian stud price $30. L. H. Flye, Pine Knot Lodge. FOR SALE Six horses; reasonable Driest. Holxnan Fuel Co., barn E. 6th and Ives streets. DEAD horses and cattle takenvfree. Call DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly. rnone aiiwaume o;'j ior pest service. V ET ERIN AR LAN. PR. HOWES. TABOR f366. FRESH Toggenberg milch goats at bargain prices. narzoerg, -Macadam st CALVES WA.NTBD. PHONE MARSHALL I a. FIKST-CLASS fresh Jersey cow for sale. naroiq ave. Pianos. Organs sun d M usical Instruments. DOWNSTAIRS Store. SCHWAN Piano Co. $575 Kimball, handsome oak $295 $675 Singer, upright grand 2U5 ;h"0 Heger mission oak 495 t''J5 Vose & Sons upright 195 $750 Adam Schaaf player piano.... 495 4750 Planlsta. 65-note player 365 910 to $25 cash. $3 to $15 monthly. Phonograph Dept.. Used Specials. Grafonola. Brunswick, cab., each. $13.00 Columbia and Pathe. cabinet, each. 85.00 Stradlvara, $65; Grafonola, small. 12.50 101 10th st. at Wash, and Stark Sts. Security Storage Co.. closing out for cash $425 Hailet & Davis, upright $193 $450 Peerless, large, upright 165 $75 Collard & Collard. small, up.. 65 $250 Pianola player. 35 player rolls 45 4 parlor organs. $25, $35, $38 and 43 1U3 lUTn ST.. COR STARK ST. FISHER. $200. A fine practice instrument. Terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 Fourth St. ALDRICH. Fumed oak case, equal to new, with oencn, ax a snap. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 Fourth St. BUSH & LANE PLAYER. Left on sale by a doctor. Make us an otter; equal to new. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 Fourth St. WELLINGTON. Cabinet grand, oak case, $275. See this wonderful instrument. Terms given. SliiilittLlNG-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 Fourth St. KIMBALL PLAYER. Used for demonstration only, at bargain. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 Fourth St. FRANKLIN $275. Plain walnut case. Terms given, SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 Fourth St. WANTED Care of good piano for summer or longer in private iamiiy. No children. No storage. Good care. Phone Woodlawn zii-jb. i loi HortnwicK st. WELLINGTON. Plain mahogany case, $275. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 Fourth St. VIOLIN for sale, mellow and soulful tone a very high-grade instrument. AG 780. Oregonian. FOR RENT Grafonola, late dance music. may mcuhoku iowub, o monin. Jsa wy. a i lit. FOR Kr -i nano. graionoia. late rec ords, 3 moDto. empire iranaier. Bdwy, 155. FOR SALE $So0 mahogany piano player and caoinei iuii ot roaa, oniy ior $32. Come and see ai ti rast jviain st. ENTERTAIN your guests; rent a pia Diaver-olano or phonograph. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 384 Yamhill St. FO R S A L E Piano, new Harvard, $200 casn. ia.it xauur o.q. Furniture for Sale. SAVE MONEY. Try our sales department if you want to buv or sell household goods. Reduced freight rates to most all points in our through pool cars, expert packing. pairing and refinlshing. Money loaned on goods in storage. Fireproof storage. Low insurance rates. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. 53 4th st., opp. Multnomah HoteL Phone Broadway 3715. DON'T sacrifice your furniture if going east or to California. We can save you money on your freight in our through cars; fireproof storage. C. M. Olson T ransfer &. Storage Co.. 248 Pine st. 2 RUGS, gas range, water heater. Jaco bean dining set, ivory iron bed. rockers and spring, breakfast table, lawn mower 3 wicker chairs. 603 E. 66th N. Auu 322-73. FOR SALE Sideboard, tables and other furniture. AG 776, Oregonian. or call Tabor 4894 before 9:30 A. M. or after 6 P. M. FOR SALE Furniture of 6-roora flat, in cluding 3 cords wood. $300; rent $35; one block off Washington. Call 526-37. ROOM for rent, Buchanan bldi furniture for sale. LARGE enamel bed, coll springs, good mattress. 405 10th st.. apt. G. Office Furniture. EVERY article in our large stock of new and used office furniture, safes, safe cabinets, typewriters, add. machines, etc. is a bargain. See us before you buy. Anything fo your office. Wax Office E quip. House.. 24 N. 5th. Bdwy. 2 739. 1 T. W. DESK and chair. 2 tables, 3 roll top desks, 2 fiat-top desks, 3 bookkeep ers desks, 8 chairs, 3 filing cabinets, 2 safes. BUSHONG A CO., 91 ark gt. AM LEAVING city, will sell my sanitary mahogany desk, office chair and type writer for $120. 209 Falling bldg. Typewriters, RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKES. IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE. CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Washington St. Main 668L REBUILT typewriters, all makes, rentals, repairs, supplies Distributors CORONA portable, SUNDSTRAND, adding ma chines. Main 2285. E. W. Pease Co., 110 Sixth street ALL MAKES rented and repaired, Oregon Typewriter Co.. 94 5th st. Main 3668. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. P. Co., 231 Stark. Main 1407. REPAIRS, rent, buy, a writer Inspection Co.. ill; suppliei 312 Stark. Type M. 5549. FOR RENT Underwood. Remington. $3.50 m o. Empire Transfer. Bdwy. 155. Poultry. MY OLD packing nouse on the Linnton road for rent, is very suitable for chick en farming. Frank L. Smith, Smithshire, Scappoose. Or. O A. C. White LEGHORN chicks, ,15c ea. Barred Rock and R. I. Red, 20c ea. ; ready now. J. R- Maguire. 787 Oregon St., near East 24th and Sandy. tea R-OLD Leghorn hens, excellent lav- ers, $1 eaoh. J. R- Maguire, 7SJ Oregon! ftU. near. Jaat Ui and. &nd I rOR SALE- Dogs. Rabbit. Birds and Vet Stock. CHESAPEAKE Bay retriever pups, reg istred and pedigreed; bst duck dog known. J. R. Maguire, 77 Oregon st. '- ana unay. DOG FANCIERS Tov Kostnn t-rriornun. pies, A K, c. stock, reasonable. Broad way Srt3. FOR SALE New Zealand Red and Flem ish Giants, pedigreed rabbits rhMn st.. McCory. Brentwood C. Fisher. A riit,L A LE pups, males, $5. Phone Tabor 6:34. $10; females. POINTER puppies cheap. 504 Concord bldtr Main 1.-.21. 'EMALES $1, singers $5. 615 Union ave. N. AIREDALE -pupp-.es. cheap. Tab Boats, launches and Marine Eqmu m ent. WANTED Real good motorboat, 45 to 60 it. long; must be equipped for salt water. Will you trade for Oregon prop erty 7 120 acres, stock or dairv ranch, on coast, -creek running through 75 acres; good alder bottom, balance side hills are covered with second -growth merchantable timber. u liable for logs or piling, about 2 million feet; In fact it is the tinest place in that part of country; it Is something you will never lose the value, at the present time or future. P. O. box 1127. Portland, Or. COZY. COMPACT. FURNISHED HOUSE BOAT FOR SALE; IN FIRST-CLASS CONDITION; AT OREGON YACHT CLUB. APPLY K. M. P1TCAIRN. CA NADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. 4TH AND STARK STS. POWERFUL 6-cyl. 4S-h. p. motor, com- witn magneto and carburetor; just the thing -for speed boat; has just been overhauled: look it over at THE WHITE CO., Flint and Hancock Stai A REAL SNAP. MY HOUSEBOAT AND LAUNCH FOR ONLY $125 CASH. FOR PARTICULARS CALL OR FHOXEJ FULTON BOATYARD. FT. VIRGINIA, M A R. 2005. FOR SALE Six-room furnished house boat; all modern conveniences. No. A Willamette moorage. Sell. 3668 or Sell. 856. FOR SALE Motorboats of all descrip tions at bargain prices. Rose land, Ben son moorage, foot of I von st. LAUNCH, 32x7, 20-ft. cabin, 15-horse power, medium duty; $J00. Guy Ingram. 1653 Macadam road. Mar. 52. Coal and Wood. NO. 1 CORDWOOD. highest grade first growth fir. $6.25 per cord at our yard in North Portland ; wholesale or retail ; house deliveries also arranged for. Fir Co.. Main 4247, 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. 4-FOOT green mill slab, $6 per cord; block and slab mixed stove length, $6 per load; ' double load, $11. A. W. Warner, 624 Northrop st. Broadway 4110. BLOCK and slab mixed, $5.50 load in 2 load lots; also special on cordwood and coal. Oregon Fuel. Wdln. 4102. BIG LOAD of box wood, $5.50 per load. Call Woodlawn 3649 or 373 West Lom bard. GUARANTEED best old-growth 4-ft. cord wood, $9 per cord; $8.50 in 4 -cord lota. Broadway 4110. GROUND hog fuel and sawdust In car loads or truck lots. Western Cooperage Co.. Col. 52. ROUND oak cordwood. $ 11.50 per cori delivered. F. E. Bowman & Co., Main 3026. BEST old-growth fir cordwood. $3.23 per cord. Sellwood 314. CORDWOOD. $7.50 per cord. Phone Auto, 623-55. FOR COUNTRY SLAB WOOD AND FIRST GROWTH CORDWOOD. BDWY. 1783. DRY 16-INCH 1-inch and 2-inch lumber wood. $6 per load. Phone Wdln. 252M. Machinery. $1200 R. P. M., $500; ALSO 2 H. P.. T. C motor, with starter, $75. 129 E, Water. Auto. 231-64. 50 H. P., motor. 3-PHASE. 220 or 440-volt, G. B 129 E. Water st. Auto. 231-64. FOR SALE "H-h. p. electric motor, near, ly new: price $185. Call Mar. 3966. Mr. Newton. FOR SALE Sandwich hay press. Portland route 1. box 467. Phone Tabor 4284. FRENCH motor. Fine for launch. Wdln. 587a. Call 6-7 P. If. Miscellaneous. SOLID oak mission dining table. 6 boards, $12; small dining table. $4; heat ing stove, gas fixtures, half price. 363 lth. Mar. 27rt7. ROYAL ANNE cherries on trees. 4c; picked. 5c; bring contalnera N. B. Harvey's place, 32d St.. 3 blocks north of Harrison st.. Milwaukie. Oregon. FUR SALE Registers, soda fountain, new and second-hand floor cases, meat slicers, root beer barrel, coffee grinder, scales, cash or credit. 240 Salmon SNAP Used 18-inch screw-cutting lathe with 14-inch chuck; fine for auto repair work. See It at Spencer's, 289 East Mor rison st. FOR FRESH fruit drive out to the Curtis fruit ranch, on the Base Line road, lii miles east of Montavilla. &OUAKS. We buy. sell, rent and exchange lto daks. Sandy, 829 Washington st. FOR CORRECT time call Main 3579; for scientific watch repairing see Miller, next door to Majestic theater. FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners, 24-hour day, S5c; delivered, guaranteed good condition. Woodlawn 1259. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean. Second and Morrison. RUGS washed on your floor with Hamilton-Beach electric carpet washer; also vacuum cleaning done. East 4045. RASPBERRIES and cherries for sale; pick them yourself; bring containers. 32 Rose Hill. 4 blks. north Harrison. Milwaukie. CHERRIES CHERRIES CHERRIES. Pick 'era yourself. 4c lb. Grebe Fruit ranch, 40th and King street. Milwa u ki e. CABBAGE plants for sale. Inquire hk mile south 5th and Washington at Duka ranch, or call Bdwy. 3413. WE PUT steel teeth in your old flywheel, crankshaft turning. H. B. Black ma chine shop. 534 Alder st. Bdwy. 2681. FINE Blng and Oregon cherries. 7 cents a lb. 49 E. Kilpa trick st.. 3 blocks east Kenton bank. FENCE posts, cedar, direct from th woods, car Iota D. B. SCULLY CO.. 171 Front St. MUST SELL medical Instruments and books. BD 787. Oregonian. or call Tabor 4894 before 9:30 A. M. and after 6 P. M. REED baby carriage, good as new, cost $56, will set) for $25. 657 Petty grove. Broadway 4655. ELECTRIC fixtures at cut prices at the upstairs electric fixture store. 207 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. FOR SALE Royal Ann cherries, 4 cents; Black Republican, 3 cents if you pick them. Tabor 650. POSTAGE stamps for collectors bought and sold; Columbia Stamp &. Coin Co., 94 North 16th st. 86C DOZEN 100-lb. flour sacks, laun dered; mail orders. S. Hodea, 428 Bei mont st.. near 6th. VIOLIN for tale, mellow and soulful tone; a very high-grade instrument. AG 780. Oregonian. FOR SALE Royal Anne cherries at 3c a lb. .pick them yourself. 743 Greenwood ave. LICENSED, independent electrician wires 3 rooms for $12; 5 for $20; guaranteed to pass inspection. Woodlawn 3791. SCREEN doors, windows, mirrors: f urnl ture repairing, cabinet work. Wdln. 1487. ORDER your dry kiln wood new, stove length. S. E. delivery Sell. 1S71. CHERRIES Bings and Oregons, 7c picked. Wdln. 769. 715 Col. Blvd. 16-1 N. WOOD, also 5x12 plank in cord- w o od lengths. Broadway 4292. TWO TRUNKS and fi shall 1009. -eless cookera Mar- FOR SALE American meat slicer, as good as new; less than half price. 240 Salmon. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, showcase. 43 1st st.. near Ash. VACUUM cleaners for rent. S5c per day, delivered anywhere. Wdln. 3405. GOOD 1382, Chicago sieel 920 E. Main. range $25. Tabor BINGS, Lamberts, 5c; Royal An nes. Sc. You pick them. 1693 Dwight street. FOR SAL1S Small and large registers. Sacrifice price. 240 Salmon. LADIES, "be well dressed." Exclusive used garments In a home. Tabor 2825. " TRAILER FOR SALE CHEAP. BROADWAY 3160. FOR SALE Royal Anne rherries. Tabor SSO. and Lambert CHERRIES. Royal Ann. bert. 1762 Division St. Bing and Lam Tabor 1636. FIVE gals, good white paint for $10. Call 165 North 16th. "STAR A STAR" shingles direct rrom mill. Call Taylor-street .dock. Main 8065. SAFES, trucks, scales, coffee nills. cheese cutters. 4S Front St., near Pine. CURRANTS and Lambert cherries for sale. 82d and Division. Phone 647-33. FOR SALE 9x13 Wilton rug. slightly used. 61 5 Mason st. 4-o CARAT, beautiful stone; outside owner will sell at bargain. D 7S7. Oregonian. ROYAL 9t. ANNE cherries for sale. Tabor ROYAL ANNE cherries for sale. You pick them. Tabor 9302. 5c lb. i;Alii ClicrriOa. tieUwooti 400.