Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 02, 1921, Image 11

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and Close-in Districts, All
Orders Taken to 5:45 P. M. LllllllilltlliUlilUllllUllllllllllllllltllllllilllillllllllllllllllllllilllllliUllU
1 Double Trading Stamps
xeept Groceries i
Given Today With Cash
Purchases in All Depts.
Many Tons of Small Fruit Are
Available for Market.
Flags and Bunting
For the Fourth
Every Portland home should display the na
tional colors on Independence Day. Get your
Flags and Bunting at this store Saturday.
Quality Chocolates 59c Lb.
Main Floor High-grade chocolates, pure cream
filling. Assorted flavors. No telephone CQf
orders and no deliveries. 1-pound boxes JJs
FUDGE Assorted flavors; special, 39 pound.
PortJand Housewives Are Expected
to Help Save Kew Industry of
County From Collapse.
Portland housewives may be the
means of tiding- the berry men of
Multnomah county and adjacent ter
ritory through the period -when the
canning: industry is recovering; from
financial reverses following; last sea
eon's pack. It is proposed, through
an agreement now under negotiation
with the city council, to market in
ths city In the neighborhood of 100
tons of raspberries, loganberries,
blackberries and blackcaps at a price
fair to consumer and grower during
the month of July.
The berries- will be sold at a new
market area to be established in
Yamhill street. between Kirst and
Kront streets, and' will be disposed
of from grower or growers' associa
tion direct to the Portland house
wives. It is probable that some ber
ries will be marketed by the close
of next week, but definite announce
ment will be forthcoming as soon
as negotiations for the transaction
are completed between Market Master
Kastman and D. E. Towel, manager
of the Co-Operative Berrygrowers'
association of Gresham.
Commerce Body Backs Plan.
The negotiations are not in line
with the strawberry fiasco of a
month ago, inaugurated by Pred
"Wright of the Hubbard berrygrowers'
association, but are backed by the
Portland Chamber of Commerce in
an effort to avert a crisis that con
fronts the berry men of this county.
Judge George E. Stapleton introduced
the matter before the city council
yesterday as spokesman of a com
mittee from the Chamber of Com
merce. Berry growers of the Gresham
neighborhood face the alternative of
finding a market for 470 tons of small
fruit during the next six weeks or al
lowing their season's work and in
vestment to go to waste. The can
nery which has handled their product
in the past is closed down. The berry
men are trying to raise enough capi
tal to open the cannery. If they are
able to do that they will divide their
berries between the Portland market
and the cannery. If they fail with
the cannery Portland is their only
hope for an outlet to an enormous
crop of berries.
New Industry Threatened.
The question of disposing of the
crop is not merely one of preventing
waste, but of saving a new industry
worth thousands of dollars to the
county, Judge Stapleton ' explained. ,
Portland housewives do not stand
to lose by the transaction, for one of
the stipulations made by the council
was that the market should be sup
plied with first-class fruit in quanti
ties at the fairest price the growers
could make and realize a profit on the
The exact price will not be known
until a meeting of the directors'of the
association at Gresham tonight, but
it was indicated before the council
that loganberries and blackberries
would be about J1.10 the crate, Cuth
bert raspberries and blackcaps, $1.60,
and Marlborough raspberries $1.25 as
a maximum price. A further reduc
tion of about 8 cents a crate will be
possible through an exchange of
crates and covers. The hallocks, or
fillers, cannot be used again.
Big Opportunity Offered.
The disposal of the berries will
mean a great opportunity to Portland
families with sugar prices - at the
present level, members of the council
and the Chamber of Comm'erce com
mittee declared. The refusal of can
neries to handle fruit except at ex
ceedingly low prices may not mean
cheap canned fruit to the consumer
who depends on the canned product.
The actual canning costs are high and
will amount to about $3 the 24-can
case, according to figures submitted
to the council.
The fact that canners are packing
only a fraction of their usual output
may hold up prices rather than force
them down, some members pointed
out, but if Portland housewives make
1921 a "home canning" season they
will have little to fear from the fruit
supply, no matter what turn affairs
may take.
The Chamber of Commerce delega
tion Included Judge Stapleton, E. C
Johnson, W. O. Munsell, O. M. Plum
mer, P. w. Merrill and E. N. Wein-baura.
Two Detours to Be Eliminated for
Motorists Today.
VAXOOLTER,' Wash.. July 1.
(Special.) Two detours on the Pa
cific highway In "Washington, be
tween Vancouver and Olympia, will
be eliminated tomorrow, according to
word received from the field secre
tary of the Automobile club of west
ern "Washington.
Cars will be able at 6 P. M. tomor
row to run over the completed hard
surfaced highway from Vancouver to
Pioneer, making the detour via
Kidgefleld unnecessary. The high
way north of Tenino also will be
thrown open. Cars then can make
the run north without ferrying at
The highway Is being opened -to
Pioneer two days earlier than in
tended, out of courtesy of the state
highway department, on account of
the Oregon autoists attending the
auto races at Tacoma on July 4.
Lincoln Building at Centralla Will
Cost About $50,000.
.ST-"-1-' Was-. July 1. (Spe
cial.) The Centralia school board
yesterday awarded a contract to
Blows & Tuell of Tacoma for the
erection of a new Lincoln school.
Their bid. M4.82.1. was the lowest of
six submitted. The Modern Plumbing
w.,ih-"7 ul was iwi
the n umh insr - ...
- ....-vi. r tiiia, am
the Devore Klectrlcal works of Cen
. -" ii. .1 UL cen
tralia Was thA n-..f v. ; .j i r . .
j - v-wv uiuuer ior me
electrical fitures.
Bids for the school first were called
year ago. the lowest totaling SS -977.
The board thus effected a sav
.lng of approximately $20,000 by post
'poning construction a year.
Plans for a new manual training
building, to cost J10.000, were com
pleted by the architects Wednesday
night and construction bids will be
Buiieii By me Bcnool board imme
Supply Over-Sunday-Holiday Needs Here Today j
Quick Service Dependable Merchandise Lowest Prices. STORE CLOSED MONDAY, JULY 4TH "
Portland Registers Greatest Decrease
In Cost of Living!
Babson's Report on business conditions throughout the country
gives Portland first place in decrease of cost -of living from June,
1920, -to May, 1921' the percentage being 19.1. This is a much
greater decrease than is shown by any other large city, including
New York, Buffalo, .Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, Houston and
San Francisco. This report is considered authentic and shows
conclusively that Portland merchants are giving the residents of
this city the lowest prices on commodities known anywhere in the
United States.
New Veils and Veilings
.Large Assortments Moderate Prices
Slip-On Veils
Plain and novelty meshes
with colored dots in all the
wanted shades. Also plain colors
in the most desirable shades.
Fancy Slip-Ons 350 to G5
Plain Slip-Ons at only 25
Our Veiling section will fea
ture a special showing Satur
day of the newest creations in
Veilings by the yard and made
up Veils. Don't fail to see these
novelties. Dept., Main Floor.
New Drape
Main Floor Square and half
drapes in plain and fancy
meshes with scroll and dotted
borders in solid colors and com
binations. $1.00 to $3.5
New Auto Scarfs
These are made up in good
heavy quality chiffon. Large
full styles; ideal for motoring
and outing wear. White, navy,
brown, rose, yellow, sky, purple,
gray and green. 950 to $1.75
20c Handkerchiefs
.Special 9c .
Main Floor Children's Handkerchiefs in
plain white with colored tape borders and
white with one corner embroidery de
signs; 20c values. Specially priced at w'
Handkerchiefs 19c
Main Floor Women's sheer Swiss Hand
kerchiefs with dainty one-corner I Q
embroidery; 25c values. Special at J-Jv
Khaki Suits, Special $4.79
Second Floor Women planning outing and
camping trips should make it a point to secure
one of these good suits. Fitted Coat with
.breeches to match. Made of excellent
quality khaki material. Sizes 34 to 46
Women's Bathing Suits
$5.98, $6.50, $7.95
Second Floor At the above prices you may choose from
a number of different styles and makes. Bound and V
necks, fitted skirts, with or without shields. Large selec
tion of desirable colors in the very latest color com
binations. Choice of either the fine or rib stitch.
Women's Cotton Bathing Suits priced $2.50 to $0.5O
Bathing Suit'Bags, Water Wings, Bathing Shoes, Caps.
Sport. Sweaters
Smart Sport Skirts
Of Wool Flannel
Second Floor The separate skirt has become an im
portant part of every woman's summer wardrobe.
Saturday we shall show an attractive line of the new
Flannel Skirts so much in demand for sport and
outing wear. Plain colors, checks and . stripes.
Box plaited and tailored with belts and pockets.
Ask to see these. Prices range from $10 to $16.50
Wool Middy Blouses
$5.95 to $7.95
Second Floor Quite the proper thing to wear with
sport skirt. Scarlet, helio, rose, canary, green, navy
and heather mixtures. Laced or yoke effects with
long sleeves and sailor collars. Emblem and braid
trimmed. Full range of sizes. $5.05 to $7.95
,Crepe Blouses $4.69-
Center Circle, Main Floor
Women's Blouses in many beautiful styles.
Beaded, braided, embroidered, or fringe, and loop
trimmed. Georgette Crepe, Crepe de QA CQ
Chine and Tricolette. Priced special at t&rr.OI
Khaki Breeches, $2.25
Second Floor Women's and 1 Misses Khaki
Breeches in peg top style with reinforced knees
and laced bottoms. Full range of 0 OP
sizes from 24 up to 36. Special a pair
Women's Khaki Outing Skirts $3.95-$5.50
Women's Sweaters of
pure silk and fiber silk in
many handsome new styles
with belts and sashes.
Priced $8.50 up to $15
New Wool Sweaters in
plain and fancy weaves.
Just what one needs for the
beach. All the latest color
ings. Priced $5 to $25
Women's Auto
New shipment of Women's Auto Hats
just received. Very latest fashions from
eastern style centers. Satin, Batavia
Cloth and Straw. Also much the vogue
for outing wear. $1.50 up to $1.75
One lot of Women's Auto Hats on
sale Saturday at just HALF PRICE.
Veiling Department
Main Floor
Portland's Best Neckwear Shop
Presents the Newest Modes of the Moment
Women have come to look to this store for the new things
first. Especially is this true when it comes to neckwear. Our
policy of having the new things sent on by express as soon as
they appear on the market assures a constant supply of the
latest novelties. A recent shipment brings a wonderful collec
tion of new Peter Pan Collars, Tuxedo Collars, Cascades and
Camisettes in net, crepe and linen materials. Elaborately
trimmed with hand-embroidery and real filet and Irish laces.
Also Organdie Collars and Sets in a wide range of charming
styles for Summer wear. Prices range $1.00 up to $6.95
Neckwear Shop, Main Floor
Juniors' Middy Dresses
$3.75 to $25
Junior Shop, 2d Floor Galatea, khaki,
wool serge and chambray Middy
Dresses trimmed with narrow braid
and emblem. Styled with laced front,
finished with silk ties, pockets and
belts. Blue, pink, white and khaki color.
Ages 6 to 14. Priced $3.75 to $25
Girls' Tut Frocks
Girls' Tub Frocks of plain and fancy
ginghams and cotton poplin. Attrac
tive styles. Ages 6 to 14. PO QQ
Priced special for Saturday D.0
Girls' Dresses of organdie and ging
ham. Number of dainty (PQ QQ
styles. Sizes 6 to 14. Priced 50.t70
Girls' Coats $10
This is an odd lot of Girls' and
Misses' Coats. Good serviceable styles
and splendid materials. fl" f (f
Sizes 6 to 16. Special at 5XU.UU
Misses' Wool Sweaters in plain and
fancy weaves, $5.00, $5.50, $7.75
$12.50 to $35 Hats
Your Opportunity!
The Millinery Store will be the center of interest Saturday
for every woman who has a new Hat to buy. Over 200 beautiful
models in dress, semi-dress and sport hats will be closed out at
just half price. Georgette
$12.50 Trimmed
Hats priced special
$15.00 Trimmed
Hats priced special
$18.00 Trimmed
Hats priced special
$22 Trimmed f ff
Hats priced only D-Lvl.UU
ana .satin Hats are
$ 2 5 Trimmed
Hats priced only
-427.50 Hats,
trimmed, at only
$3 0 Trimmed
Hats priced only
$ 3 5 Trimmed
Hats priced only
Sport Sailors $5
These are not ordinary Sailors, but quality merchandise from
the best makers. Black, white and contrasting facings.
Excellent $7.50 and $10 values. Specially priced Saturday
Millinery Salons, 2d Floor
Ivory Soap
Special, C
4 Cakes jZDC
Main Floor Limit 4 cakes to a
customer and none sold or de
livered except with other pur
chases made in the Drug De
partment. Ivory Soap, OP
special, 4 cakes for only &Js
will be given to customers
visiting the. Drug Depart
ment Saturday. Sepol
cleanses and beautifies the
hair and leaves it soft and
glossy. Get your free sample.
Toilet Goods
25c Shah of Persia "I Q
Glvcerine Soar). Knecial JLJs
Amami Egyptian
Henna Shampoo, pkg.
$1.00 cartons priced at 79
u arieton's British
Bath Soap priced at
50c Ou-Kiah Hair Re
mover Special at only
25c Walnut back Nail
Brushes, special at only
Hair Brushes of good
quality priced special at
Bathing Caps 25 to $1.75
t 79tf
Saturday "Men's Day-
And it's going to be a busy day, too, for we have
prepared a list of money-saving specials no man can
afford to miss. Glance over the following items and
get your share of the savings offered for today.
Men's Silk Shirts $8.95
Pongee Shirts $5.95
Main Moor Men's Silk Shirts
300 of them in a greatre
holiday sale at a substantial
saving. New stock just received.
Broad range of new and distinc
tive patterns in the best colors.
Full assortment of PQ QT
sizes. Special only DO.7tJ
Main Floor These
Shirts will compare
with those offered
stores in Portland at
$7.00. Bates Street
dependable makes,
splendid quality im
ported Pongee, priced
by many
$6.50 and
and other
Made of
Men's $1.50 Athletic Union Suits
Main Floor Cooper's Athletic Un
ion Suits. V neck style with knitted
seam in back. Made up in barred
nainsook of excellent quality. Prac
tically all sizes in this sale. Stand
ard $1.50 Union Suits. On fl- 1Q
sale Saturday, special at
Men's Union Suits
Main Floor Chalmers "Inrox" Un
ion Suits lightweight knitted gar
ments in short sleeve, ankle length
style. We also include in this sale
high-grade Porosknit Union Suits.
Cool, comfortable under- (Jt QQ
wear. Priced' special only 3J-07
Men's Sport and Outing Togs
Corduroy Pants $4 and $5
Wool Bathing Suits $4 to $6
Khaki Pants $3.50-$4.50
Men's Khaki Hats priced $1
Men's Cotton Khaki Shirts for
outing wear $2.5 to $3.oO
Wool KhakTShirts at $6.50
Men's Golf Hose to $5.50
Boys' Store Specials
2 -Pant Suits
Main Floor Sturdy, well-made Suits that will
give maximum service at small cost. Novelty
mixtures in grays and tans. Belted flQ OtZ
coat .and 2 pair full-cut knickers tDI.Oi)
Boys' Corduroy Pants
$2.80 Pair
Main Floor For knockabout wear Corduroy
Pants are in a class by themselves. These are
shown in dark brown shade and are GJO OA
extra well made. Sizes 7 to 18 5.OU
Boys' Khaki Pants
$2.50 and $3
Main Floor Just the thing for the boy who
is going to the country or to camp. Well
made, cut in standard sizes and excellent
quality material. Sizes- range from 4 to 16.
Regular $4.50
Suit Cases
Third Floor M a 1 1 i n g Suit
cases, size 24x7 inches.
Fiber bound, 2 straps all
around. Folds in cover. Light
weight, strong and dur- CQ
able- Regular $4.50 cases
Model Grocery
Saturday Specials
35c Lily of
Valley Catsup
L. & P.'s Worces
tershire Sauce, hot.
Armour's Deviled
Meats 12 cans for
the OH-
at X-iU
Fairy Soap, for OP.
toilet and bath, 3 J,
Sliced Pineapple Qff
in large cans at
We give S. & H. Stamps,
an additional cash saving!
The Delicatessen Shop
is prepared to supply anything you may desire in the
way of delicacies for picnic luncheons. Cold Roast Meats,
Salads, Cheese, Pickles, Olives, etc Grocery, 4th Floor.
Fry Pans
15c, 25c
Basement Sanitary Sheet Steel
Fry Pans in 8-inch size. Priced
special Saturday at only 150
10-inch Fry Pans, special 250
Delivered only with other pur
chases made in the Basement
Housewares Store.
Men's $9 to $12 Oxfords
Special $6.95 1
Main Floor Step in and get a pair
of these splendid Oxfords, Mr.
Man! Nothing like them in town
at the price. Vici Kid and Calf
skin Leathers in black and cordo
van. Practically every popular last
from the narrow English to the
comfortable wide toe. ? QJ?
All patterns-and styles 50.D
Men's Shoes
in all the above lasts and leathers
at $7.50 a pair. These are also
remarkable values at the price.
Full range of izes in this lot.
"Foot Fitter" Shoes $7.50 Pair
Grain Insoles, Leather-Lined Heels
Men who have worn the famous "Foot-Fitter" Shoes are
life-time customers. For real comfort, appearance and service
ability "Foot-Fitter" Shoes have no superior. . Made on modi
fied army last. Leather lined heels, genuine grain QT7 PA
leather insoles. Full range of sizes. Priced at, a pair D JJ.
Shoe Department, First Floor
Silk Gloves
3 Pairs
Bargain Circle, 1st Floor Wom
en's Tricot Silk Gloves in 2-clasp
style with double finger tips. Also
fabric gloves in broken sizes.
White only. Regular 75c Q- ff
values. Special, 3 pairs tOJ-.Vl
$1.75 Gloves at $1
Bargain Circle, 1st Floor Very
fine quality Milanese Silk Gloves
in 2-clasp style. Shown in black,
white and gray. These will give
excellent service. Regu- f(
lar $1.75 values a pair Di.UtF
: - illilllHIilllii!!