13, THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY. J TILT 1 121 REAL ESTATE. For Sale House. IRVINGTON. $9500. $9500. TERMS. CORNER HOME, 8 rooms and sleep Ing porch, hardwood floors throughout, wonderful living room, artistic lighting fixtures and rIate class throuzhout. one oversized bedroom, lavatory room on urs. noor; Douse just painted outsiae. In perfect condition inside, beautiful lawns, trees and shrubs, fine garage, immediate possession. WcDONELL, REALTOR PHO.NK EAST 419. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. 1207 East Ankeny. Near Laurel hurst Park. Owner leaving state and will make most attractive price. Beautiful living room and dining room, four bed rooms, tiled bath. Pullman kitchen and breakfast nook, unusual light ing fixtures. hardwood floors, sleeping porch. MRS. HARRY PRTPE PALMER, EAST 7070. IMONG THE FIRS ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS. $150 down and $25 monthly buys a 4 room rustic cottage, with about 8-10 of an acre of ground, all kinds of native trees and assorted bearing fruit trees and berries. It is located in a district of choice homes on a paved- street and has cost the non-resident owner nearly $7000. She now authorizes us to offer this property for $3 DUO, plus bonded as sessments. FKKD W. GERMAN CO., Realtors. 732 Chamber of Commerce. JUST FINISHED. Ideal cozy five-room bungalo y, large living room with fireplace and book cases, large dining room. Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook and canopy over gas range, two nice bedrooms and bath. cement basement and large attic. This is one of the best made bungalows in Portland, hardwood floors throughout. Price $:.H50 on terms to desirable party. Particulars G. A. Series, 1 02 Northwestern Bank bldg. AVONDERFl'L BUY FROM OWNER. IRVINGTON. $5.-00 $1300 CASH. Wonderful home; 6 large rooms; hard wood floors, French doors, old ivory throughout, 2 fireplaces, one in over size bedroom. finished third floor; grounds 6fxll0; real bargain; owner leaving city. EAST 419. ROSE CITY PARK. $.-.7.10. Fix rooms and bath in fine condition; hardwood Jloors In living, dining room and hall; gas range and water heater; jurtt been enameled and papered full basement, furnace and fireplace, large porch, corner iot at 5wth and Sandy blvd. ; gt-rage. fruit and walnut trees 5U3 E 59 th North. Ttv owner- Tit hi-n- r.iJT COLONIAL BUNGALOW OF UNUSUAL CHARM, EXCLUSIVE APPOINTMENT - AM) ARRANGEMENT. IN SKLECT IRVINGTON: SEVEN CLUBBY ROOMS AUTISTIC FURNISHINGS INCLUDED IF DESIRED. PARTICULAR PEOPLE SEE OWNER. LEAVING CITY FOR ATTRACTIVE PROPOSITION. 672 EAST SIXTEENTH STREET NORTH. NICE LITTLE BUNGALOW $1700 5-room plastered bungalow with elec tric lights, gas. bath, toilet, white en ameled Dutch kitchen, near Firland $50 cash, $15 monthly. Photographs of this and many other medium-priced bungalows and cottages at office of FRED W. GERMAN CO.. Realtors. . 732 Cham, of Com. MO U N T ZION. Without SEEING a house you can form tio adequate opinion as to its value or desirability; therefore, before buying elsewhere, pleuse examine this: Six-room house, modern, with dining and sleeping porches, large wooded lot and beautiful view; $7000. easy terms. John Bain, owner. 507 Spalding bldg IRVINGTON New 7-room bungalow; large living room. 4 bedrooms, tile bath, hardwood floors throughout, finest tapestry pape very be-t of material and workmanship! Open afternoons and evenings 594 E 20th st. N. For sale bv A. C. .Malmqulst. owner and builder, 390 E. 23th st. N East 22. ' ONE OF the most beautiful stcae bun galows In Mount Tabor district, unex celled east view, corner lot 6'- oot frontage, artistically furnished, is of fered at $6300. For nn exposition in vestment this buy will yield 50 in four years or less. An inspection of this house will be convincing. 102 N. A . Bank bldg. IN L A I R E LH I'RST. QUICK ACTION NECESSARY Owner leaving Portland; will sell very reasonable. Is modern tt-room cottage fine location; good garage. Get key at Laurelhurnt tract office, E. 30th and Glisan; drive out today, or phone Tabor 3433, evenings. East 7738. Deiahunty PORTLAND HEIGHTS See our listing before you buv X4'nn iv.4?t.00 " n the ffiti -js - m,A..R??.' McCABE CO.. REALTORS, tailing Bldg. Marshall 31)U3. laukel.hu h'stI Beautiful S-room modern home. Hard wood floors throughout, furnace fire place, garage, lot 100x100. close to Lau relhurst 1'ark. This is a very attractive home. Price right. J950O See Mr Hoehm, 1!10 Oregon bl dg. Bdwr. 16SS READ ! -BA RQAIN! RE AD ! Brand new 4-room bungalow, com plete, ready to move right In; No. 613 Lafayette at ; price 2TJ0; ..mail pay ment down, balance like rent- if inter ested call owner. Eait 4000. or any Port. land realtor. IOR SALE OH EXCHANGE 1 acre and new modern S-room bungalow, located at Lake Urove. 10 miles from center of city, on S. P. red cars, near Oswego Oswego "aa.10 PORTLAND HEIGHTS! Modern colonial bungalow with garage Just completed, choice location, beauti ful view. JS000. about J3000 cash ba -572!? term"" Vhoaa a"er noon. Main 6-KOOM bungalow, beamed celling in din lng room, buffet, bookcases cabinet kitchen, good bathroom; lota of sma.ll fruits; good garden: lot Oxl00: base 100th wnar. '71a a3th ave- S. E.. near yOR SALE, at once, a 6-room modern house in splendid condition, with garage - in restricted inlerurban district, close to 1'ortland and close to carline, very clieaD Phone Sellwood 3842. PIEDMONT. ' " 3000 Eight-room house, tile bath, laundry trays, furnace, cement basement. 2 blocks to car. 335 Portland blvd. E ' HOUSE! PLANS. 1 ; Distinctive Homes." Illustrated book of over 100 designs, $1; blueprints lia DISTINCTIVE HOMES COS1PANT . B24 Northwestern Bank Bldg. HOUSES built, your lots or ours. We will assist ia. making plana and negotiate loans. FABRICATED CONSTRUCTION CO , 618 McKay Bldg. tt- J4S00. ROSE C1TT park A S-room bunga low just completed; all modern con veniences, full-sized basement: can he , oen at 351 52d at. N. Tabor 56BI " IMMEDIATE SALE. DESIRABLE HOM R 7 RMS.. DOUBLE GARAGE ONE BLOCK FROM WEST KILLINGS- OHTH: I3i00. .500 D1S. FOR riiu FURNITURE FOR SALE. WDLX. 141..' CLICK SALE Bungalow house: lirst-clas. concrete bailment; price J500 cash come out and toe; you will be satisfied' 4211 CSih ave. S. E. ""ilea. FOR QUICK SALE L 100x100, S-room house, m good rendition; garden, fruit and berries chicken house, etc.. cheap for aulck sale. Aut. 610-14. Quick A REAL BARGAIN. S-rom bungalow with sleeping porch Gaaeo furnace, fireplace, lot 50x100 nice shrubbery. Price only 300O. See Mr ltoehm. 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 168. H1CRE is a snap, leaving town, furnished S-room bungalow. 60x100 lot. Dodge car geeso and chickens. S2250; $1000 cash' balance terms. Automatic 313-35 GIVE me an offer on that newly refin ished. 7-room house with garage. 495 E Pine si., cor. 10th: Immediate possea sum; owner on premises. " WEST SIDE CLOSE IN ' Lot 60x50, with good 6-room dwelling on Taylor st.. near 16th: price S6000' t easy terms. Owner. 308 Piatt bldg ilODEHN 7-room bungalow; restricted dis trict: near high school; excellent car service; should be seen to be annra clated. Call Woodlawn 643. Pr- 4-room house finished In white'enameL Make me an offer. Uo8 East 33d at Sr Woodlawn 44S3. " i'OK SALE 5-room bungalow, fruit and garden; good district: bargain- xlin.i easy terms. Phone Sell 1151. JJW' x r X i v .,...... n. vuilKUlow. O TOOms. breakfast room, attic and full base- nient. -00 Longvtew ave.. Wdln. 1777. 3.".00 SACRIFICE 7 rooms, modern- im. HOUSE and lots for sale. SOxlOO- nrica tllWO. 1004 S. 27th st. N. ' p"c 6-ROOM house for sale. 2700, by owner. MODERN bungalow, readv to occudv - n E.Tt Alr-er st. Main aj -ou 7-ROOM houM for sale; .4000 cash- SelL 2 LOTS and 4 houses, corner Front end Hooker. Inaulro 27 Hooker. . REAL EST A TIC. For Sale Bouses. ONLY 3800 1000 CASH. COMPLETELY FURNISHED. Nifty 4-rm. bungalow and sip. pch., fireplace, bookcases, buffet, h. w. floors. Cement basement, furnace, trays; mod ern in every respect and fine oak furni ture. Including piano, Wilton rugs. HAWTHORNE FURNISHED. 4500 1000 CASH. Completely furnished, strictly modern o-rm. bungalow, including piano; alt THls'118" llani"decorated- A Peach. SEE NEW FURNISHED BUNGALOW. J8I(0 EASY TERMS. 5-rm. strictly modern, .oak furniture. THESE ARE ALL DANDIES. MARSH Sc McCABE, REALTORS. 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 3i!l3. RALPH HARRIS COMPANY. REAL ESTATE. FIRE INSURANCE. A GOOD HOME Splendid little four room home with breakfast nook, white enamel plumbing, in excellent condition; nice lot with fruit and berries, S1750; $500 cash. A SNAP AT fl00 i rooms and bath and electric lights; white enamel plumb ing; cement foundation; cement base ment; close to car and school; only $200 cash. RALPH HARRIS CO.. REALTORS. S16 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5i;24. FINE HOME IN WOODSTOCK. This home is practically new and has J rooms, modern, bath, lights and gas, fine cement basement, woodlift, laundry trays, fine Dutch kitchen on large east front lot; belongs to non-resident, who prefers to sell rather than renting and it la absolutely a snap for $4000, includ ing a lot of furnishings; $500 cash will handle; will make you a loan of $2000 If you want It and the balance you can pay out in small monthly payments less than rent. See this If you want a real snap In a suburban home. Can give quick possession. Do not hesitate look ing this up. It is worth while. .See E. W. HUGHES. 607 Journal Bldg. Main 2858. LAURELHURST. 7-ROOM BUNGALOW $7500. Folks; we want the pleasure of show ing you this magnificent home. situ ated on one of Iurelhurst's most beautiful corners. No words can ade quately describe the beauties of this splendid home. If we can have but the opportunity of showing you then we are satisfied. Come see this. You'll not be urged to buy positively. A. G. TEEPE CO., Two Offices. 270 Stark St.. near 4th. Main 3092. 40th and Sandy. Tabor 0586. Open Evenings. NEW BUNGALOW $300 DOWN. Just the thing for a young couple as It contains all the essentials of modern housekeeping; breakfast nook, fine fix tures, concrete basement, living room, white enamel kitchen, fine bath and 2 sleeping rooms; 50x100 lot. This will be grabbed up as bargains are scarce Price $2500. COE A. McKENNA & CO., REALTORS. 82 Fourth St, Main 4522. NICE HOME. ROSE CIT1'. Located on E. 63d St.. good surround ings: living room with fireplace and bookcase, dining room has buiit-ln side board, kitchen in white, two large bed rooms and bath, attic with small room finished, full cement basement, good furnace, hardwood floors in living and dining rooms: good garage; hard-surface street; an extra well-built home In ex cellent condition, offered at a real bar- BAiu. x-rice -tuu. terms. A. H. BIRR ELL-GILL CO.. 216 N. W. Bank Bldg.. Marshall 4114. BY OWNER, TCKMb. COZY FIVE-ROOM . BUNGALOW. Interior done in white Ivory finish. t Y,e,oomB in Pussy willow grey, bath, punt-Ins in parlor, dining room. Dutch kitchen, full basement, wash trays, new ly painted Inside and out; attic: gar den plot; street paved and i 11 paid, close to schools and best car service in !,.:- 4f?. yJ" cl"r: w 1 11 sell for $... 1..04 E. Salmon st. Tabor 1567 LAVSVHi'J?ST BLWGALOW. GARAGE. LOCATED NEAR PARK AND CAR SACRIFICE ON TERMS. Modern 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors throughout, plate glass windows, all built-ins. fireplace, splendid cabinet kitchen large floored attic, garage and fLn dUl c,?ment driveway; an excep tionally well-built bungalow for less than the old ones are seiring for.' Call T NT T A r'n L" it-t.. TWO BIG BARGAINS THIS WEEK The best I have ever offered and" I nae Bold Laureihurst property for 1" years exclusively. " Ior i Drive OJl Today. nulii.Ce T,n. the ProPerty, E. 39th and wnfNJo he yH,U Wan,t a lot bargain, you hvt- lo UsaPPointed. Phone Tabor 3433; evenings East 7738. Deiahunty REAL HAWTHORNE HOME 9 rooms, sip. pch., full basement, trays ice' ,,ruii, rm - 4 rms. down. 5 up "e P'umblng, fine lot 05x100, fine home for large family, or good place for roomers, 1 blk SS car Tni'rt v'T BEAT THIS FOR J 500 0. E AST T ERMS 5HS4H McCABE CO.. REALf' J J-4 Failing Bldg. MarahH 39U3. . HERE IT 1ST ' NEW JUST COMPLETED $950 A line o-room house. It is new' and I"' Located near Lents, not far from car. Nice 50x100 lot. Fenced Several fruit trees: $950 Is all ceu- OTTO & HARKSON. ' 413 Chamber of Commerce. ZI7 THAT VACANT LOT ' Why not turn a burden into Income? We design and build apartments rages, residences, anything? fn'rh Plans and finances'. Established 10 yeafs Vve offer SECURITY. SERVICE sJt' Bank0?- K' Ba"ey ' N.AW LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. -J"'1 "ropIetea bv owner, 5-room bun galow and garage, every modern con venience; splendid location. 243 LaS nelhurst ave.. niur ftotn u - . . iAnuAI.. 6-room modern house, cement base ment, furnace In first-class conditio" newly painted paved st.. Toseo m' R. MI'TEWrSble terms' $000 BUYS good furnished' three-room house on river hanu XV,ee ro?ra location; sleeping porchT larfe pantry bath tub, lights, water: two blocks from "?iS?iif . modern residence, nearly new f ne y located. Westmoreland district i turVt.!?1 l Selld car. 100x100 feet furnished or unfurnished: owner nn ff'.rjr" av..Te?rwood P0in?.A-"OUL1,,BiLh.. Jo", MyrUe' land property or an autbi vaTu'e BVJrdwavqU42.?9 SSor.f Woar'ks! "AIodnUnlUA?lYPWNER. basement and walks. aved street' all garage; perfect condition, vacant aSaO terms. 1114 E. Sh.rm,. .... A Lv 'ZSt a .5e77frl?r- ftrea.l bargain at JS50. mostly caVh '' "omi'an0." bungalow -4 VERY attractive bungalow, furnished i rooms and bath mil r"'sned. 8 lot 40X120 V, block" to car: pr"!"1"' sonsble. Owner 5721 WonJ..".i, '" i- 'f -V- K , la, J- - - . "uiqc: ave COZY 5-room house, lueplace. electricity gas and sewer, evervrhinr. . ' ?: wish; lot 75xlOO; fruit treea Kai roses: $3250. terms. Sinn Vi rrles. 2,EAn5.2D."-Bu"?,ow-.ir BEAUTIFUL Irvington home, large r. flowers, etc Phone owner. EaJ? 3069. MODERN 6-room house, fireplace -h.," wood floor, all built-ins pave"1 l"4" near Clinton Kelly school, block from Woodstock car. Ownor xt . i. a--. Irom B5Aro7ma't.r.nrndern ""."f OOdiaWn". .fd'er,,'"; w ... - . in st. -North. KS)S,y C1TY J ARK 5-room bungalow" 4 imst-iiifui. iurnace, etc.. urn ra 2 lots, garden all in. paved rttStf noar car, very reasonable. Owner, Tabor 1573 IRVINGTON COLONIAL" SIMPT V CHARMING, all oak floors, 2 bathj S078y Karage. East 394. Main HAWTHORNE. S ROOMS. STRICTLY MODERN 1184 M1XTER ST.. NEAR 89TH- CALL MAIN 103S, MARSHALL 5599. FOR SALE. " Modern T-room house with double ga rage, on comer lot at 2u.i w i.. . H?USB J"OR SALE Six-room modern N1,S:,6;room ,burjealow. by owner. InaiUre 1007 MlMMllDDi A VA SEAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE. Irvington New bungalow, must be sold; sacrifice. Folks, we have for sate a real downright classy bungalow with hardwood floors throughout Borne of the finest flooring obtainable. Everything the best. The owner is forced to sell but we are not author ized to advertise the price. We can Say this much vou'd exnert to nav $1000 or $6500. but you'll be able to buy oh! so much cheaper hundreds of dollars cheaper. ' We have the key here at the office. Make an appointment right now for inspection. Probably never win you be able to buy cheaper. A. G. TEEPE CO., Two Offices. 270 Stark St.. near 4th. Main 3092. Branch. 40th and Sandy. Tabor BftSO. YOU CAN MAKE NO MISTAKE. FOR $300 CASH We will build on a beautiful 100x100 lot, enhanced by nature's beauty, land scaped grounds, modern double-constructed bungalow, together with ga rage and cement driveways (pattern bungalow can be seen), has 2 lovely . bedrooms, complete bath room, built-in kitchen, breakfast nook, and fireplace. Price $3650, $3O0 cash, baL $37.50 per month, incl. Interest. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, Bdwy. 47.-.1. 410 Henry Bldg. IRVINGTON ENGLISH HOME. $16,500 Very artistic, built for home: 100x100 corner, large living room, fireplace, bal conied library; three large bedrooms first floor, two have fireplace; beauti ful tiled bath room second floor: two bedrooms, large glass-enclosed sleeping porch and bathroom: south and east pergolated porches; lovely shrubs and natural trees; double garage; corner could not be duplicated for $20,000; near 23d and Knott. East 419. $2400. BUY FROM OWNERS. Five roomed house in Sunnyside; two blocks to car; $400 cash, balance by the month. 507 COUCH BLDG. Suburban Homes. COLUMBIA HIGHWAY HOME. Nearly acre, under cultivation with bearing fruit: 100 feet from paved high way, 2 blocks from station. 5-room plastered bungalow, cement basement, complete white enamel plumbing, ga rage; chicken house, city water, nice lawn and shrubbery. Price $3000, $1000 cash. Mr. Hunter. MULTNOMAH SPECIAL. Building sites on she pavement, 3 blocks above the station. All sites have been reduced $100 as owner must go to California. Prices now $700 to $900. Also a new Colonial bungalow with one half acre. This cost SD5U0. will sell for $8500. See Mr. Kemp. One acre, one block from electric sta tion, between Portland and Gresham. 2 miles from Portland limits; good 4 room plastered house, lots of berries and young fruit trees, chicken house and woodshed. $600 cash, balance $15 per month at 6 per cent. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. Realtor. Over 500 Small Places Near Portland. Get Our Extensive Classified Lists. OREGON CITY LINE. ' CHOICE ACRE. It's one of the choicest acres on the best suburban car line; trains every 30 minutes; acre right at Hull ave. sta.; city conveniences; gas. electricity already in house, and city water probable soon paved road to door, store 1 block; soil best; a few trees; small house; up-to-date chicken house for 400 chickens. Hy owner, and not advertised before. A. Li. HAMPTON, Hull Ave. Station. NICELY FURNISHED SUBURBAN HOME. Almost 3 acres, located near the Ba.e Line road, 3 miles from city limits, about 5 blocks from car; acre under cultivation, nice shade trees, 3 -room house, living room and dining room to gether, large porch, gas available, all furniture included, which Is good golden oak, white enamel bedroom suite, bed ding, linen, dishes; price $3000. JOHN FERGUSON, REALTOR, GERLINGER BLDG. BY OWNER. 2H acres of fine sandy loam soil with a new 4-room California bungalow, plas tered, newly furnished; 90 minutes from Portland on the main line of 3 railroads; new outhouses, poultry, crop. etc. Ad dress C 'J4, Oregonian. SUBURBAN HOME 1600. One acre, berries, fruits, poultry, cow little house BUILT FOR TWO. Some terms. 9c carfare. Mr. Colt. 520 Cham. of Com. BUYS ON OREGON CITY CARLINE. 3-room house, acre, $i."0; $3oo cash. 3-room houce, big lot, $1000; $"J00 cash. 5-room house, close to sta., mod., $200. McFARI.ANO, Realtor, Failing Bldg. OREGON CITY" CAR LINE 1 acre, fruits, berries, garden, poultry, srarage, 2 blocks depot, 0 rooms, mod ern, electric light, full basement, $3S00, terms. Mr. Colt. 526 Cham. C o m. MODERN 5-room bungalow. 1 acre, fruit, berries, garden, chicken house and barn; 1 acre, fenced, wooded pasture; cheap D. A. Norton. Bdwy. 32. 307 Fentoa bldg. HERE'S A DANDY AT OSWEGO LAKE. Big homeslte. rock road, light, water, together with fine spring brook; remem ber, only $550, on easy ternefc. Owner, 500 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near carline, from $1800 up. Inquire 3d hou.se north of xv.Bicy i.jt.tion. on uregon fjity carline. 5-ROOM house, partly furnished, garden planted, 5 blocks south Eroll station. Tc carfare. A. E. Bradford. For Sale Businewa Property. CASH grocery store on east side; good lo cation, $2500. Address AP 751. Orego r.inn. owner. FOR SALE 3-chair barber shop. 351 An . keny st., at Broadway. For Sale Acreage. NEAR COLUMBIA RIVER. High, sightly ground, 10 acres, 23 miles from Portland, 1)4 miles from good town with high and grade schools; 4 acres under cultivation, all can be cultivated when cleared, best of soil, good macadamized road by place; 60 bearing fruit trees, all rural conveni ences, 5-room house, barn 24x43, chicken house; price $2875, $1200 cash, which in cludes crop, one horse and some eauio ment. ONLY NINE MILES OUT. 10 acres of good land, 9 miles from center of Portland, one mile to school, 10 blocks from car line and electric sta tion; good loam soil ; 500 apple and walnut trees, 5-room house, barn, chick en house, woodshed, electric lights can be had; only 2 miles from Vancouver, Wash. $700 cash, balance easy terms at 6 per cent. EVERY KIND BEARING FRUIT. 5 acres, 5 miles south Portland court house, all under cultivation except some shade trees, over Hy acres in bearing fruit, 165 trees, every kind, 10 years old, in fine condition, also all kinds berries and grapes, macadamized road, 8 blocks to school, creek on place, large chicken house for 1000 chickens, small barn and house and 2 small outhouses. Price $3500, half cash, balance easy terms, only 15 minutes out. Inspected by Hunter. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. Realtor. Over 500 Small Places Near Portland. Get Our Extensive Classified Lists. OF AN ACRE. $10 MONTHLY NO INTEREST. Don't miss this; biggest bargain; beau tiful district; . of an acre, about 6 lots for $350; 7c and 9c car fare. Call us at once. COMTE & KOHLMAN. M. 6550. 208 Chamber of Com. Bldg CLOSE-IN APREAfiR. Two to five-acre tracts on East 82d Bt. (main Oregon City road), near Ken dall station; paved road. gas. city water, etc.; $750 per acre: easy terms. Owner. 309 Piatt bldg. . ANY SIZE TRACT YOU WANT. Near transportation, on good road, good soil : slightly rolling; near school, church, store, etc. See JOHNSON. DODSON & CO.. 033 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. 5 ACRES, OREGON CITY CAR. " 5-room bungalow, large barn, close to station, good well, land -cost more than asking 5 years ago, only $3850, some cash. J. B. ROCK. 403 COUCH BLDG. NEAR RIVER TRANSPORTATION Good productive soil; any size tract you want; very easy terms. For partic ulars see JOHNSON. DODSON A CO . 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787- 4 ACRES, 7 -room house, 2 chicken houses, barn, variety of fruit trees and berries, five minutes walk to Durham station on Oregon Electric, easy terms. 163 N 16th ct. Broadway 4459 ROCKWOOD ACREAGE. One or more acres, close to station on Troutdale elect. All cleared $500 'per acre. Easy terms. See Mr. Boehm. 210 Oregon Bldg. Bdwy. 1653. ' X0 5 ACRES unimproved gooa land, neighbor's 4 sides: timber enough to pay for land 6 miles city limits Portland; price S70o' FOR SALE or lease. 10. acres bearing IT. pies. Yamhill. Or. O. Unmack 211-A Cit. Nat. Bank Bldg., Los Ange.es. CaL FOR SALE 3.7 acres. 5 rooms, electricity" gas. Bull Run water, close to Shahanto station. $4000. D 780. Oregonian. 50 ACRES, just outside city and north Columbia blvd., $15,000. One-third cash. Trta 1 n nttt tor-m a V TTT i ' 96 ACRES adjoining Portland! sale or trade. Owner. East 745. 15 ACRES, alfio house-moving outfit. 61S1 4. o c i nmua Alien, cm 120 ACRES of land, tor aaie. p. Wolke, Ne halem Qrt - REALESTATB. For Sale -Acreage. SMALL ACREAGE HOMES. We have a number of 2 -acre tracts fronting on Barr road;- rich, deep aolL part cleared; will erect-' small homes to suit purchaser and sell on easy terms of payment. See us about It at once. STRONG CO.. REALTORS. 606 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WRITE for map of western Washington. showing location, low price and easy terms offered to settlers. WEYERH AUSER TIMBER CO.. Tacoma. Wash. Hcia-tcsteail, xieilnauishmeutrv YOUR BEST OPPORTUNITY to take a homestead is this month. Am locating claim throughout western Ore gon, either farming or timber tracts; specfal inducements to ex-service men; satisfaction, guaranteed by experienced locator. L. W. HELM, 316 Board of Trade bldg. THIb is your last opportunity to get a valuable homestead in Oregon: correct and satisfactory locations guaranteed by reliable ex-govt. cruisers; maps $1. M. J. Aiiueraon. oji railway Kicti. bldg. Fruit Landa for sale or Rent. HE IS IT ON WALNUTS. If you want a bearing orchard or any expert advice on- walnuts, write T. Withycombe. His clients have all made good money on their investments. 432 12th st.- Marshall 3118. For -t anus. 30 ACRES on Foster road, 15 miles from center of Portland. 8 miles from city limits, all under cultivation. Lots of bearing fruit and berries, best of loam soil, free from gravel and rock, all in crop, which is included with place, nice level land, 7-room house, barn, chicken house, good granary. Good team, cow, 50 chickens, nlow. harrow, rtrill. tools. etc. Price $7350 for 1 month only, $30000 ctwo. -inspeciea Dy iseison. 20 acres, 9 miles southeast of Port land limits. 14 acres under cultivation. all can be cultivated, nice level land, 3 acres timoer, about 300 cords of wood, one of the best orchards in the coun try. "i acre strawberries. eond attrac tive 6-room house with plumbing, large cuicKen nouse ior zuo cnicKens, macad amized road by place, crops all in and included at $6000, also full line of ma chinery, stock and chickens, $3000 cash, balance tor 3 years. Inspected by Brooks. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlrager Bldg., Realtor. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. Over 500 Small Places Near Portland. Get Our Extensive Classified Lists. IRRIGATED FARM FOR SALE. REAL SACRIFICE. 640-a ere farm, all irrigable, situated In the great C. P. R. block. Alberta. Canada, Every acre tillable, 450 in cul tivation; land chocolate loam and very level. Well-fenced and ditched, large hip-roof barn, small house, machinery shed, large corrals, etc. Blacksmith out fit, 35 head horees. 1 cow, 2 large trac tors; very complete line machinery. This farm Is cheap at $125 per acre and is being sacrificed for $85 with all equip ment. Terms, $24,U00 cash, bal. runs 17 years. Interest 6 per cent. Taxes are practically nil and water only $1.25 per acre; oiner iarma in neignoornood can not be bought for $125 per acre tor land alone. Clear title property might be be considered for $15,000 of cah pay ment; must be sold. Act quickly if you wish the biggest snap ever offered In irrigated lands. Write or wire. E. A. Thompson, manager stockyards branch. Merchants' Bank of Canada. Calgary, Albert a. BARGAIN. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 160 acres. 140 A. in working condition; clay loam soil; no rock or gravel; on main county road; rocked road to place. About 50 acres cleared and in cultiva tion: bal. pasture, easily cleared ; all fenced and cross-fenced; all in crop; 4 living -springs; li miles, from Btore, postoffice, station and boatlanding; fine view; small family orchard; about 1 mile from 2-room school ; paid up share in telephone; good 8-room house, fair barn 38x76, root house, separator bouse, chicken and pig houses; included are 7 milch cows, four 2-year-old heifers, five 1-year-old heifers. 3 horses and harness, 3 pigs, about 50 chickens. Implements: Wagon, hack, mower, horse rake, plow, harrow, disc and cultivators; cream sep arator, platform acales, root cutter, ho? cooker, some small tools; price $10,000. hilf cash, balance terms at 6 per cent. Geo. McCotlam, Mayger, Co lumbia Co.. Ore. 240-ACRE STOCK RANCH FOR $1650 CASH in DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON. Located three miles from Pacific high way on county road, one mile from school, five miles from Drain. Oregon. 20 acres has been cultivated, 40 acres more tillable, very easily cleared ; bal ance pasture, partly covered with small fir timber; watered by several springs; good outside range for stock. Old house, family orchard of 3 acres In fair con dition; 80 acres of government land adjoining could be homesteaded. This, connected wit It the 240 acres, would make an Ideal stock farm of 320 acres. Price for all $1700. This is absolutely the biggest snap in Douglas county and can only be had by quick action If interested. W. A. BOGARD. Roseburg. Or. BARGAIN ON ACCOUNT OF SICKNESS. 69 acres, 40 acres in crop. 19 acres pasture with running water; good house, fair bam and other buildings, fenced and cross fenced, orchard and small fruit, good road, 4 miles R. R. town, less than 30 miles Portland, Or., in high school district and near grade school; 8 cows. 1 heifers, 6 calves, 3 horses with har ness, 2 brood sows, 5 shoats, 7 stands bees, chickens and all farm tools to op erate, and all crops. Price $0000; only $5500 cash. Land can be purchased without stock and crop for $0500, only $3500 cash, balance terms. This is cheap. Will Invoice great deal more, and you may get your own ap praisement of land and have personal property Invoiced. ATKINSON & PORTER, 705 Main. St. Vancouver, Wash. FOR SALa by owner, 292 acres, stock and dairy larm; about 65 acres In cultiva tion, balance pasture ; lots of timber; farm fenced into 8 different lots; lots of running water, close to R. R. station, stores, P. O., shops and flour mill, school and church: good road: 8-room house, high-pressure water system. 3 barns. 8 sheds, garage, shop, etc., family or chard, lot of berriep; good soil, no rocks; - $65 per acre, including machinery, eilo, horses, cattle, sheep, goats, hogs, chick ens, turkeys, etc.; priced to sell; no agents. For Information write G. A. Numan, Kings Valley. Or. 40 ACRES COL. BOULEVARD. This beautiful tract of 40 acres ad joins the city limits of Portland; finest of garden soil ; lies beautiful for sub division if desired; no better land any where; will show speculative value. See this at once. F. L. EDDY, Realtor. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IDAHO LANDS FOR SALE. Through foreclosure we offer about 4175 acres Improved farms. Bingham and Cassia counties, Idaho, for $10 an acre; can take city improved property up to $14.5O0 and can arrange to carry $18,500 at 7 5 yrs. This property was appraised for loaning at $80,000. HODGSON. PCHMITT & WIPKET. GOODING. IDAHO. FARMS. FARMS. 40 to 320 acres. Some well-improved; some all stocked and equipped. All kinds, all prices. All locations. Some wonderful bargains. Let us tell you about soma of the best farms in Oregon. G. G. McCORMIC CO., 242 Washington St., near Second. -Main 8220 or Main 9318. 173-ACRE farm; 110 acres in cultivation, very fine soil; new modern 7-room house, running water; 16 head of fine stock; 6 good work horses. 30 pigs, some chick ens: all kinds of farm implements; all wire fenced ; good roads. 24 miles from Portland. Only $150 per acre, including all. Might take some trade. See Mr. Boehm. 210 Oregon Bldg.. Bdwy. 1653. A SNAP. 40 acres. 3 miles from railroad sta 1 tlon. 5 acres in cultivation, balance timber, about 2000 cords; half mile to school, 16x24 house, small barn, R. F. D. Price $1600, $500 cash, balance three years. THE LEBANON REAL ESTATE CO., LEBANON, OR. ' A NICE little home at a reasonable price. 30 acres, 22 in cultivation, good 7-room house, good barn, other out buildings, all fenced, R. F. D., phone, stock and equipment, all goes for $3000, $1250 cash, balance long time at 6 per cent. THE LEBANON REAL ESTATE CO., LEBANON. OR. FINEST FARM IN OREGON. $1000 CASH $500 PER YEAR. One of the finest farms in Oregon, all In cultivation; good buildings; pay ments like rent. Hurry If you want it. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., 405-6-7 Panama Bldg. Third and AI d er. SMALL farm for sale. 1 mile fror- Clats kante, a large team of horses and all kinds of farm equipment, half cah. balance easy terms. For information write owner. Tom Peterson. b- 1, Clatskanle. Or. 93 ACRES, six miles south of Lebanon. 63 in cultivation, wen xencca; a gooa ouy. CHICKEN, FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES terms, best soil, farms for sale, all 'sixes. McFarland. realtor. 208 Falling bldg. SEASIDE BARGAIN. Seven rooms, ocean viw, furnished $1500. your own .terms. Phone 631-31. LOGGED-OFF lands. $10 acre up; running water, good soli, tillable; school, easy terms. J. R. Sharpe. 83 V Third st. 14.52 ACRES. 2 bouses. $400; on Columbia highway. Rowen. H. W. Lewis, box 124 ManriLMii, i r. 10 OR 7 ACRES level timber land with i creek, ax. Beavertoa, J. R, Sharp, 3 ft rL REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Farms. SOUTHERN OREGON. BETTER LAND FOR LESS MONEY. Best fruit and farm lands in the state. UNLIMITED VIRGIN TIMBER. Write LAKE & AIKI.NS, Riddle, Or. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE HAVE a party looking for half to one acre,' clore In, must have at least 6 rooms with city conveniences; can make good substantial payment down and month) v payments. STEWART & JOHNSON. . 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. WE HAVE many buvers tor homes of 1 to 10 acres: not more than 4 miles of city limits. If the price is right we'll effect a quick sale for you. Call us at once. COMTE &. KOHLMAN. Main 6550. 208 Cham, of Com. BUNGALOW WANTED. Have quick buyer for bungalow not over $3500 on terms. If your house i worth the money, let us show It. HENDERSON-BAN KUS CO. ft 'J ft Henry Bldg. Broadway 4754. HOME WANTED. Direct from owner, high-class home, must be choice location and bargain, around $5000; terms wanted or will turn stock in thriving corporation; give par ticulars first letter. R 778. Oregonian. WEST SIDE HOME WANTED. I wish to buy & modern house west of 20th st. ; must hsve four or more bed rooms; not over $10,000. I might ron sider Portland Heights. Phone Main 2233. CASH CASH CASH. All Cash for Real Buy. Want a real farm near Portland for all cash. Hurry, for quick deaL I mean business. P 770. Oregonian. 5 OR 6-ROOM modern in eood condition: not over $3500; will pay all cash; must De a bargain. 303 2tocK n-xcn. aui. 520-04 7 TO 9-ROOM house, modern, large living room, close in, west side; $6500 to $10, 00O. Y 756. Oregonian. WANTED To buy from owner. Rose City Park. 5-room bungalow on paved street, close to car. East 6929. 5 ROOMS, full lot. up to $2750. $1000 cash down ; owners only ; rive location ; buy at once. -X. 770. uregonian, MODERN house or income property, close to steel bridge, or west sloe. $ooo down, 94 N. 3d. DODGE touring as first payment on sub urban home; not over $2500. Phone Ta- Dor H4 1. $COO PIANO to exchange for equity on first payment on bungalow. Auto. 214 85. WANT Irvington home, must be-a bar gain for cash. East 394, Main 8078. WANT LOT near car to $400. All cash. AF 795. Orego n i an. Wanted to Ken. -Farms. WANTED TO RENT. SMALL PLACES. Have several people wanting to rent acreage or small farms close to Port land preferred. Some people will '.uy the place after leasing for year or more. We make lots of sales this way. . Will buy equipment if priced right. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. FOR RENT FARMS. SHEEP PASTURE 150 acres; fine feed, heavy stand; will keep growing all sum mer; plenty running water; uee of build ings care taken; near Portland. AJ 782, Oregonian. FOR RENT 196-acre dairy ranch; A-l place; well improved; heart of valley; $2000 a year;. 3 to 5-year lease. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. 14 North Second Street. TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE or trade. 120 acres of timber land, containing 1.000,000 feet of second growth fir; 1 mile from tidewater; 4 miles from Toledo; price $720; will take auto as all or part payment. A. LL Schlecht, Toledo. Or. WANT to buy 3,000.000 to 10,000.000 feet of fir timber; not over 24 miles from railroad, located on any railroad, except Southern Pacific; pay as cut; respon sible party. Winslow Co., 419 Lumber mans b 1 d g., Portland, Or. FOR SALE 400 cords second growth fir timber and 40 cords ash timber; 1 miles frm railroad. $150. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT COMPANY, 14 North Second Street. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A SAW MILL OR TIMBER SEE THE WINS LOW CO.. 419 LUMBERMEN'S BLDG., PORTLAND. OREGON. WILL let contract to log, roads In, good horse logging. BP 709. Oregonian. 2500 CORDS old growth fir near Scappoose, bargain. J. R. Sharp. 83-6 8d st TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. ONE-HALF MILE FROM CITY LIMITS. 10 acres, east of Portland, good land; 6 acres under cultivation, 4 acres in light brush and is easy clearing, macad amized road, large barn, orchard, good cement basement, complete white enamel plumbing, water system; barn, chicken house, half mile to grade school. Owner will consider clear Portland residence as first payment up to $5000 and give easy terms on balance, CONSIDER HOUSE TO $3000. Nearly 11 acres, south of Portland, near Sherwood, on macadamized road, mile from electric station and high way, 3 acres set to berries, H mile to school, best of black loam soil. 12 large fir trees on place. Land not under cultivation in brush and stump pasture, 8-room house, barn 15x24. chicken house, good fruit room, woodshed. Included with Dlace 1 cow. 1 heifer, chickens, gar den tools and furniture. Price $3950, or will make discount and keep furniture. $2000 cash. Consider 5-room house, 82 acres near Woodburn. Or., one mile from high and grade school, all under cultivation ana in gooa crops, ri acres of loganberries, bearing family orchard; 5-room house, barn, granary, hog house, etc. This place Is all stocked and equipped and the crops are included. Owner will consider residence in Port land of 5 or 6 rooms up to $4000, five years' time on balance at 6 per cent. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bids. Realtor. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. Over 500 Small Placea Near Portland. Get Our Extensive Classified Lists. WANT PORTLAND HOME TO $15,000. A highly improved diversified farm of 162 acres in Clarke Co.. Wash., includ ing stock, equipment, tools and house hold furniture. 115 acres in crop, prunes, grain, hay, potatoes and garden. All buildings In cluding prune dryer, first class, and all work done right up to the minute. Price, including everything ready to carry on is $30,000. It is high-class and priced right. It belongs to a business man and the books will show that it pays. Would take Income to full value. MAC INNES, Exchange Dept., RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bid. Where Trades Are Made. 170 ACRES, all in cult, and under irri gation, 60 in alfalfa, balance in g-ain and blue grass pasture; living creek through place; large barn, stanchions for 80 head of cattle, place produced 100 bushels of oats per acre last year; located on gcoc. country road 5 miles eant of Gn terrrlse, Wallowa county. Or. Exchange for Willamette valley farm or i?otiaid income TALLMADGH REALTY CO., 619 Henry Bldg. v KANSAS. 400 acres Philips Co., Kansas, 13 miles north of Phillpsburg; corn, wheat and alfalfa belt, 200 acres cultivation, balance can be, good buildings, plenty good water, excellent roads, good neigh bors, price $20,000, clear of debt. I now live In Oregon and will trade for good property here, and assume. E. H. S., 513 Couch bldg. WILL TAKE LOT AT APPRAISED VALUE AS FIRST PAYMENT. 4-r. new. bungalow, Univ. Park $2600 6-r. bungalow. Alberta $320u &-r. new bungalow, Laureihurst. .$5250 And Others. COE A. McKENNA CO REALTORS. 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. SALE OR EXCHANGE 140 acres. Tilla mook county, depot on place, fine resi dence. 6 rooms, all newly furnished ; chicken bouses, buildings, spring water piped ; ready market for ail produce; added revenue as fisherman's resort if desired; good orchard, berries, etc.; 6 acres cleared, more easily; valuation at wouu is a girt, tsv oi, uregonian. EIGHT-ROOM modem house, basement, garden, fruit; on Ellis st. Trade tor farm up to $7500 with stock. BOCKHOLD BROS., Realtors. 601 Swetland Bldg. Main 5769. HAVE $2000 equity In a good 160 acres of choice wheat land in the famous Ver million district. Alberta. Canada; all level prairie; well settled. Trade for lots or automobile. C 799. Oregonian. 150 ACRES of Canadian land, clear title; no rocks; near town, school; 75 acres in crop; all can be cultivated; for the build ing of a 5-room bungalow. Owner, 80 E. Baldwin. Phone Woodlawn 535. WANT good building lot, small house, acreage or late auto in part payment on modern Portland home; all improve ments In. Main 7027. FOR SALE or trade, faulty in, mo.Jorn six-room house at Garden Home, acre of WILL trade 6-roomed house in Sunny side; take good auto as first payment. Price $2700. owner. 507 Couch bldg. RESIDENT Yakima owns two Portland lots, trade for Yakima. BP 779. Ore- gonlan. . 6 PER CENT first mortgage, trade for acreage. Write T 795, Oregonian. $600 PIANO to exchange for equity on irst payment on bungalow. Aut b5. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. BEACH LOTS. EXCHANGE FOR PAINTING OR BUILDINO. Lots are well located ct Tillamook Beach, near station and ocean. Address AP 648, Oregonian. WILL exchange for good car two good lots. Went Seattle. 24 Court Apartments, Salem. . TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. WILL give a For for good piano and pay or take cash difference. What have you? Address AG 777. Oregonian. LOT FOR trade for sheep, horses or cows. Beaumont addition. 42d st. 561 Glisan. FOR SALE. Horses, Ve bit let.. Livestock. NOTICE TO SHEEPMEN. Stop your shipments at Caldwell, as we are the only yards between Pendle ton and Montpelter that have bluegrass pasture for sheep. Try us once and you will do so again. UNION STOCKYARDS COMPANY. CALDWELL. IDAHO. FOR SALE A Jersey bull. 4 years old, grandson of Ladd's imported 'bull; kind and gentle. Address N. L Nelson. Bca- v eri on. u r.. R. F. u. No. 2. box a. A GOOD 2800-Ib. team, harness and wag on for sale or trade for 1-ton truck. Phone Auto. 213-13. Call at 724 Spo- Kane ave.. Sellwood. FOR SALE Beautiful small Shetland puiiy, o years oiu, gen lie ana euuame for children's use. Phone Main 0406. 30 YOUNG Hoistein cows, ail fresh or coming fresh soou: $75 each : also Hoi stein bull. E. E. Morgan, Yamhill. Or. SALE Six horses; reasonable prices Holtnan Fuel Co., barn E, 6th and I von streets. DEAD horses and cattle taken free. Call day or night. Auto. 627-64.. DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly. Phone Milwaukie 6IJ for best service. 2 MILCH goats cheap. 212 N. Central ave., St. Johns. Phone Col. 1278. VETERINARIAN. DR. HOWES. TABOR 6566. GOOD milk cow, Oregon City car to Silver cpring station. .Miner. MY FARM TEAM, weight 2S23 lbs., for gate. Eeu. ubi. Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. DownBtairs Store. Schwan Piano Co. $525 Vose & Sons dark mah., used.. $105 900 Stein way & Sons, - mah 3!5 550 Kimball & Co.. KOld. oak 205 575 Chase, large, oak 200 IO.iO Singer player piano $10 to $25 cash, $5, $S, $10, $15 monthly. Phonograoh Dent.. Used Soecials. Victrola & Brunswick cab., each. . $H5.O0 Columbia and Pathe, cab., each... 85 00 Stradivara, $03; Grafonola, small.. 12.50 101 10th st., at Wash. and. Stark sts. Security Storage Co.. closinz out for cash $450 Spier Piano Co., upright, mah. .$185 450 Starr Piano Co., upright, oak. 195 275 Collard & Collard. small up.. 65 800 Pianista ulaver oiano and music 205 250 Pianola player and 35 rolla 45 4 Parlor organs, $25, $35, $38 and 4S I'M 1U1H ST., COlj. STARK ST. DOWNSTAIRS Store. SCHWAN Piano Co $575 Kimball, handsome oak. ..... $675 Singer, upright grand 2W"; $O00 Heger mission oak 405 $525 Vose & Sons upright 195 $750 Adam Schaaf player piano.... 495 $750 Pianista. 65-note player 35 iO to 2o cash. 8 to $15 monthly. Phonorranh "Donr ITaoH Knpinl. Grafonola. Brunswick, pah.. .-ich.S;...00 Columbia and Pathe. cabinet, each. &5.00 Stradivara. $65; Grafonola, small. 12.50 iua iuiq st. at w aen. ana atarK sts. Security Storage Co.. closing out for cash $425 Hallet & Davis, upright $105 $450 Peerless, large, upright 103 $275 Collard & Collard smn.ll tin . . 155 $250 Pianola player. 35 player rolls 45 4 parlor organs. $25. $35, $3S and 4a H'J 1UT11 ST.. UOR STARK ST. A VERY fine Victrola, Just like new, the kind that costs $175; sacrificed for only $85, actually less than one-half orice : pay cash or terms, $25 down, $10 per month. Oregon Eilers Music House. 3d floor, Eilers Music bldg. Seven stories aevoiea to music and musicians; take elevator, 287& Washington st. WE HAVE a fine assortment of used phonographs, comprising most all the different makes, at prices that can't an to move them, come in eariy ana make your selection: terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO- 149 Sixth Street. . A FINE mahogany Kimball sacrificed at less than half price; also small size Kimball, oak case, only $215. See or phone Main ll-'3, piano .department, za floor, Eilers Music building, or write for Illustration tree. TaKe elevator, bt 'n Wash. St., Just below 5th. 10 FINE PIANOS, $110 to $225. Why pay $100-150 more up at the big stores? touch makes as ivlmbatis, uaoie. Aiuton, . Bradbury, Kingsbury, Hinze, Wellington, many others; no rebuilt pianos; some of them are just new; easy terms, liroker age Co., 311 Worceste r bldg. EVERETT PIANO. Mahogany case, one of the three best pianos, come in and hear Its beautiful tone, a wonderful piano at a low price, $385: terms. , Q. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO- 349 Sixth Street. BEST BUY IN TOWN. Modern case, perfect condition, don't miss it: $395. terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO 149 Sixth Street. WELLINGTON PIANO, oak cas, $275; also one in mahogany case. $275; each a bargain, terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th .St.. Bet. Wash, and Alder Sts. rv.w rnn ":isT Silver with all slides, mute and case, only $55. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO- 149 Sixth Street, SAX A PHONE. Melody "C," late model, silver with gold bell, all complete. $135: terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO- 149 Sixth Street. BUSH & LANK PLAYER PIANO, left by doctor to sell, equal to new; make us an offer. SEIBERLING-LTTCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St., Bet. Wash, and- Alder Sta O 1 CL.U uui nil" Of standard make with equipment and case; $35. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO- r- t- IT" T.- T niHTiD SMITH & BARNES. One of the old reliable, specially urlced. at $310. terms, pricea i jqhNSON PIANO CO- KIMBALL. PIANO $250. A SNAP: SEE IT. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St.. Bet. Wash, and Alder Stg. POPULAR music taught beginner. 1st les-aon- playera learn real jazz. Parker Piano Banjo. Guitar .chool. 515 Eller. bids. r-nw roRNET. Silver with case. S40. a P. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 149 Sixth Street. ptsWKR PIANO. 00 bi(C snap, terms given. SBI BE RL1NG-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St.. Bet. Wash, and Alder Sta. KIMBALL GRAND. " A BARGAIN. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St.. Bet. Wash, and Alder Sta. MILTON PIANOS ' clatn mahogany case, 300. P SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St.. Bet. Wash, and Alder Sta. 6 UPRIGHT pianos, $100 to 150 each; many fine standard makes, easy terms. Brokerage Co.. 811 Worcester bldg. FOR KENT Grafonola, dance music, may exchange records. $3 month, Bdwy. a 1 1 if FOR RENT Piano, grafonola. late rec ords, $3 month. Empire Transfer. Bdwy. HOBABT M. CABLE piano, almost new, plain mahogany: make offer. Terms. 311 xv orcesi'gr ums. $105 BUYS player piano and 60 rcil3 music; cost new about $600; terms, ffll Worcester bldg. ENTERTAIN your guests; rent a piano, a vor.nlsnn or phonograph. H AROLD S. GILBERT. 384 Yamhill St. ALDRICH piano, In first-class condition; walnut case, oencu. caat .mj. WANTED Used piano for cash. Marshall 5709. $125 MAHOGANY cabinet Victrola. $G0. NEUMAN, 123 First, near Alder. SHON1GER piano, very latest, cheap; make offer, terms. 311 Worcester bldg. TRADE VICTROLA for used piano. Good proposition. mam oooo. PIANO WANTED Cash for private par ties. If bargain. Marshall 1532. WANTED Used piano for all catth; no dealers. Main 4424. PIANO WANTED Cash deal. Main 85R6. Kurniture for Sale. FOR SALE Brass. 2J)4 post; 1 double coil spring; 1 good cotton mattress; l ivory dresser. 615 Uth at. N., near Stan ton st. " FURNITURE of 5-room house for sale. complete or separately; no dealers. 812 " North Kellogg st.. St. Johns. FOR SALE One bed, 1 dressing table, 1 chiffonier, 8 chairs, all Ivory enameL $.2.-. Call mornings 102 N. 2i3t st. WALNUT dresser and chiffonier, sanitary couch, rocker, dining room chairs, ee w lng machine, like new. East 6342 POOL table in good shape, cues, balls, cue rac.-, etc., fid?, .wooa.awn FOB SALE. Furai t ure ior Sale. COMBINATION SALE OP THE MEIER & FRANK STOCK of furniture damaged In warehouse and the $10,000 stock of Arpets, rugs and linoleum bought at less than half price and Is now on sale lor the biggest bar gains in the city at .,49-331 OAK ST. Across From Telephone Building. Overstuffed davenports, reg. $250. now $65.00 Overstuffed chairs and rockers, reg. now 30.00 Mah. and walnut ext. tables, reg. $100. now 30.00 Mah.- and walnut chairs and buf fets, half price. Iron beds, 2-inch posts 7.50 De Luxe coil springs. 4 5.00 Cotton mattresses, reg. $12, now. . 5 00 Mah. piano lamps 9.00 SPECIAL RUGS, LINOLEUM. tTl7 velvet rugs, reg. $S0, now. . $37.!u 9x12 velvet rugs. reg. $47.50, now 23. 7Q 11.3x1 2 velvet rugs, reg. I'.Kt. now 46 hO 9x12 Brussels rugs, reg. $38. 50, now 21.00 9x12 gen, t'rex rugs, reg. S20, now ll.T.I 9x12 Chinese rugs, reg. $17.50. now 7.23 11.3x12 heavy wool fiber rugs, reg. $43. now 13.30 6x1 heavy wool fiber rugs, reg. $1S. now 8 73 27x34 heavy rugs, reg. $ ;.50, now 1.43 27x34 heavy rugs, grass, reg. $1.25, now 60 Pro-linoleum, reg. 75c yd., now. . .40 Genuine linoleum, reg. $1.23 yd.. now 70 12-ft. width linoleum, reg. $1.83 yd.. now 90 Rag stair and hall carpet, yd 42 Kitchen cabinets, reg. $39.60, now 20.00 Bed bolsters, asst 1.33 349-3K1 OAK ST. Cohn Bros. & Director. SAVE MONEY. Try our sales department If you want to buy or sell household goods. Reduced freight rates to most all points in our through pool cars. Expert packing, re pairing and ref inishing. Money loaned on goods in storage. Fireproof storage. Low insurance rates. SECURITY STORAGE ft TRANSFER CO. 53 4th st., op p. Multnomah BoteL Phone Broad way 3715. THIS Is a plain statement of facts. Am leaving town and have for immediate sale complete good furnishings, 2 bed rooms, living room, dining room and kitchen. Don't confuse this with adver tisements endeavoring to sell junk at exorbitant prices, and don't pay 1200 new when this sells for $600. Seeing is Deiieving. i-ine o-room house can be rented. 772 E. Yamhill. DON'T sacrifice your furniture if going east or to California. We can save you money on your freight in our through cars; fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer & Storage Co.. 248 Pine st. FOR SALE New coal and wood rante."lS- inch oven, white enamel back, sanitary Dase, at great sacruice. (Jail at 200 First street. FOR SALE Sideboard, tables and other furniture. AG 776, Oregonian, or call Tabor 4b04 before 9:30 A. M. or after 6 if, M. FIVE pieces of new wicker furniture for sale at 167 11th st.. ask for Mr. Davis. Office furniture. EVERY article In our large stock of new and used office furniture, safes, safe cabinets, typewriters, aaa. macnines, etc., if a bareain. See us before vou tin v Anything for your office. Wax Office Equip. House., -t -n. otn. na wy. 739 l T w. DESK and chair. 2 tables. 3 roll- top desks, 2 fiat-top desks, 3 bookkeep ers' desks, 8 chairs, 3 filing cabinets, 2 safes. BUSHONG & CO.. 91 r'ark St. Ty e writers. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES; THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKES. IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE. CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LTT THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO. 321 Washington St. Main 668L REBUILT typewriters, all makes, rentals, repairs, supplies. Distributors CORONA portable, SUNDSTRAND, adding ma chines. Main 22S5. K. W. Pease Co.. 110 Sixth street. REMINGTON typewriter for sale at half price. Apply at Willamette hotel. 322 Stark st.. room 8. between 5 and 8 P. M. ALL MAKES rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co., 94 5th st. Main 3008. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co., 231 Stark. Main 1 407. REPAIRS, rent, buy, sell; suppliea Type writ erln s pecUonCOjSlOSlaMj 4 9 . FOR RENT Underwood. Remington, $3.50 mo. Empire 1 ransie r. nawy. loo. Poultry. FOR SALE 7.2S-acre chicken ranch ; I acre cleared, bottom; living water: 3-rm. ha use, barn, chicken house, woodshed Isih.. Part terms. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT COMPANY, 14 North Second Street. 110 1-YEAR-OLD W. L. hens. $1.30 each 60 4-months-old W. L. pullets, $1.50 each, Hanson s strain, will take light auto in trade. A. Nelson. 44th and Ains- worth. Woodlawn lil7. MY OLD packing house on the Linnton roau ior rem. is very eunaaie ior cnicK en farming. .Frank L. Smith, Smithshire, Scappoose. Or. WHITE Leghorn hens for sale, year old ail laying. Woodlawn 5C0X. - DogH, Rabbits. Birds and Pet Stock. BOSTON terrier puppies. $30 to $75. A. K C. stock. Wdln. 196S. 120 Killings- worth avenue. THOROUGHBRED French bull puppies. Mra Mattson. g2 E. Morrison. COCKER Spaniel puppies, 1007 E. 30th st. N. Wdln. 3948 after 5:30 P. M. WANTED Fox terrier pup, 6 to 8 weeks old. R. O. Robinson. Ho'.ley. Or. BRASS BIRD CAGE. PHONE TABOR 8000. COCKER spaniel puppy from registered stock. 1C93 E. 8th st. Phone Sell. 2005. Boats. Launches and Marine Equipment. 10-H. P. GREY marine engine, Hyde pro- t.11ot-. ana rlc ri.il. nnmn etc.. ilUO Cah or will trade for bath fixtures, tub, toi let bowl. etc.. or anything 1 can use. Phone East 5715 or H 703. Oregonian. FOR SALE Canvas canoe and outfit; a bargain if taken at once, toee &ewara, Portland Rowing club. NEWLY painted launch with house: just tne tning to go camping in, uu icrju jo 1. e. HOUSEBOAT for sale at a bargain; cash or terms Phone Auto 511-12 or East 405L 20-FOOT motor skiff for Bale or trade. Call Tabor 6.6j mornlnga. EVINRUDE motor, 2 il. P! practically new. A bargain ior- casn. cawy. ,uq. CANOE. $30. See at Stark st. dock today, 12 to 3 P. M. . NOK for sale. Call Auto. 637-32. Machinery. AN AUTOMOBILE sawing machine com plete, at a bargain; also Stover engine. Tabor S931. . FOR SALE 7-h. p. electric motor, near, ly new; price $1&3. Call Mar. 3966. Mr. New ton . FOR SALE Sandwich hay press. Portland route 1. box 407. fnone laoor FRENCH motor. Fine for launch, Wdln. GS70. Call 6-7 P. M. . Coal and Wood. NO. 1 CORDWOOD. highest grade first growth fir. $6.25 per cord at our yard In North Portland ; wholesale or retail; .bouse deliveries also arranged for. Fir Co.. Main 4247. 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. HOW ABOUT YOUR WOOD? Can you beat these prices ? Dry big eocs-'Tf slab, $6.75 per cord; old growth. K. 1. $ 8. 50 ; oa k , $lL5u. Haw t ho r ne Fuel Co.. East 6106 4-FOOT green mill slab, $6 per cord; block and slab mixed stove length, $6 per load: double load, $11. A. W. Warner, 624 Northrup st. Broadway 411th BLOCK and slab mixed, $3.50 load in 2 load lots, also special on cordwood and coal. Oregon Fuel. Wdln. 4iua. BIG LOAD of box wood, $5.50 per load. Call Woodlawn 3649 or 373 West Lom bard. BLOCK AND SLAB, PARTLY DRY, 2 LOAD LOTS SPECIAL PRICE; DELIV ERED NOW. EAST 2041. GUARANTEED best old-growth 4-ft. cord wood, J9 per cord; $8.50 in 4-cord lots. Broadway 4110. Al CORDWOOD, free of knots and no deadwood, $6.75 delivered. Sellwood 1205. GROUND hog fuel and sawdust in car loads or truck lots. Western Cooperage Co.. Col. 52 ROUND oak cordwood, $11.50 per cord delivered. F. E. Bowman fc Co.. Main 3i'2fl. BEST old-growth fir cordwood, $8.25 per cord. Sellwood 314. CORDWOOD, $7.50 per cord. Phone Auto. 623-55. COUNTRY slab wood, short dry block wood and slab wood. Main 8065. FOR COUNTRY SLAB WOOD AND FIRST GROWTH CO RDWOOD. BDWY. 1783. Miscellaneous. LAD I ES, "be well dressed." Exclusive used garments in homa. Tabor VoAA. FOR SALE. M ItM-el laneous. DIAMOND. Mounted in beautiful white gold: gen tleman's ring, looks 1 H karats, weighs 93 points; $273; not a dealer. Mr. Bab cock. 24 N. 5th. Broadway 2739. OFFICE FURNITURE, BARGAIN PRICES. Our complete line of new and used of flee equipment at better than pre-war prices. WAX. 24 .N. 3th. Bdwy. 2739. HEMSTITCHING and picoting attach ment, works on any sewing machine, easily adjusted. Price $2.50. with full Instructions. Oriental Novelty Co.. Box 11. Corpus Chrlsti. Tex. WHY AN everlasting aggravation by a leaky roof? Why not a comfortable and durable roof? We repair. Rubber Bond and rejuvenate all kinds of leak roofs. Work guaranteed. Main 3120. SINGERS. Whites. New Horn s, like new, $-3 to $43; other guaranteed drop-heads $15 to $1S; latest Singers, cash or term. Rentals $3 per month. Singer Store, 193 4th. Mai n 6S33. HOT WATER tanks. HO-gal., $7; 43-ga... 9: tested and guaranteed; stove and furnace coils, gas heaters installed, ex pert plumbing, repairing. East S:ds We 1 d i ng Sho p. 203 Adams st. East 85: 6 ELECTRIC fixtures, wholesale. 1 light chain $1.25; 3 light fixtures. $3.75; electric stove, $4; brass shell socket. 35a. We do electric work. Reliable Electric. Union and Russell. East 368 CHOICE Bing cherries, "Vac; loganberries, $1.23 per crate: bring containers. H. W. Strong, on Powell Valley road, near (. resliam. UI'ML K J? L It . 1 1 L 1 E. Bough t, sold and exchanged. H A N S E N - W A L E N S T E I N DESK CO. , J ? il0 T welfth St. Broadwa y 1 877. TENT HOUSE 12 ounce canvas, 14x20; lumber to set up; elec lights and camp stove; good condition. Briarwood sta tion on S. P. electric; $60. East 2246. ROYAL ANNE cherries on trees. 4c; picked, 5c; bring containers N. p.. Harvey's place, 32d St., 3 blocks north of Harrison st.. Milwauk'.e. Oregon. 2 RUGS, gas range, water heater. Jaco bean dining set. Ivory iron bed, rockers and spring, breakfast table, lawn mower. 3 wicker chairs. 322 73d St. HAVE brand-new auto camp outfit, com plete with folding table, cots. etc.. for sale cheap. Wenger. 612 Pittock block. Bdwy. 673. Residence Auto. 527-2S. Til E BIRTH STON E for June is agate. They bring health, wealth and good luck; Idea, for graduation gifts. Miller, next door to Majestic theater. CHERRIES Pick them yourselves, bring baskets, we furnish ladders. 1 block; west, 1 block north Jennings Lodge sta tion. Oak Grove 104-M. SAFES AND VAULTS 70 Sixth St., near Oak. New or 2d hand Herring-Hall-Marvln safes for sale or exchange, terms. Bushong & Co., phone Broadway 1262. NEW "SINGERS." $5 down, $3 monthly. Expert sewing machine repairing. MORRISON STREET SINGER STORE. 32 Morrison. Marshall 721. TWO IRON BEDS, spring and mattress, 1 bureau. 1 extension kitchen table, heat ing stove, chairs and canned, salmon. 146 Vermont. Marshall 1600. RASPBERRIES, 0c lb.; logans. 3c; Mam moth blackberries, 5c; pick your own; bring containers. Cooper, Buckley ave.. between Base Line and Section Line. COLUMBIA PLASTER WALL BCARD Can't bulge, swell, warp or shrink. Makes jointless. battenless walls. Fire retard i ng. Oregon made. Ohsfelcit. 145 First. CHERRIES. Bings, Lamberts, Black Re publicans. 2 cents lb. You pick them; 4 cents picked. Foster road to Grange h all, to en 3 miles s-outh. Geo. Graves. GOOD electric washing machine, -ttheap, with wringer power. 253 Hancock. East 1046. FIREWORKS for sale; Council Crest car. Hewitt station. 2 blocks west. Mar. 5210. AUTO camp bed very cheap; manufac tured sample; steel frame with running board case. Broadway 2931. LOGANBERRIES, 1 to 1000 crates. Phone Tabor liS6. Main 2272, or drive out to flrt farm other side of Oswego cemetery. CHERRIES. Royal Anne and Bing. 5 and 7 cents picked. Wdin. 70 J. 715 Colum bm blvd. ROYAL ANNE cherries. 4c a pound, pick them yourself; northeast coiner of Lorn bard a n d 11th. Woodlawn district. STROLLER wicker chair. 2-wheel cart with folding handle. East 1643. Just the thing for beach. SELL OR TRADE. $75 Cream separator, only $30. NEUMAN. 12S First, near Alder. SCREEN doors and windows, medicine cabinets, mirrors and furniture repair ing. cabinet work. Phone Wdln. 14s7. VULCAN gas range, side oven, cost new JM 50. for $45. 904 Corbett st. Marshall 3591. A FORD Fine for bug or delivery: $215 takes it. Call 111 13th St.. Phone Broad way 4416. Eilers Auto Sales corporation. KODAKS. We buy, sell, rent and exchange ko daks. Sandy, 329 Washington st. FENCE posts, cedar, direct from th woods, car lota D. B. SCULLY CO., 171 Front St. FOR SALE Holly electric plant complete; almost new. B. Metzger, 409 Dekum bldg. Phone Main 7SS6. LICENSED independent electrician wires 3 rooms for $12, 5 for $20. Guaranteed to pass inspection. Woodlawn 3791. FLuL'R sacks. 1U0-1D. size, laundered. $1.50 doz, $10 per hundred; mail orders. S. Hodes. 428 Belmont st. MUST SELL medical instruments and books. BD 787. Oregonian. or call Tabor 4 8 9 4 before 9:30 A. M. and after 6 P. M. CHERRIES Royal Annes. on trees at 4 cents Bowman Farm, Base Line road and Falrvjew ave. Tabor 5552. t FOR CORRECT time call Main 3579; for scientific watch repairing see Miller, next door to Majestic theater. FUR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners, 24-hour day, 85c; delivered, guaranteed good condition. Woodlawn 1239. ACCORDION plaited skirt, very pretty plaid. $10; black and white sailor hat. $3. Marshall 501. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean. Second and Morrison. RUGS washed on your floor with Hamilton-Beach electric carpet washer; also vacuum cleaning done. East 4045. SHOWCASES, new and used, cash register. scales, other fixtures. 11 j &econa. CHERRIES for sale. 988 E. 28th L S. Sellwood 2422. . CHERRIES 3Vs cents per pound on tha tree. Wdln. 4397. TRAILER FOR SALE CHEAP. BROADWAY 3160. LLOYD baby carrige for sale at $30. S53 Powell Valley road, near 28th st, RASPBERRIES, 0c per crate, pick them yourself. 500 E. 72d st. near Division st. FOR SALE First-class bicycle, good con ditlon. 20. 3S0Vii Morrison. CHERRIES, large Royal Anne, 4c and 6a a pound. 35 E. 53d N.. cor, of Couch. TIMOTHY, STANDING, 1 ACRE. 743 GREENWOOD. SMALL DIAMOND. VERY REASONABLE. 17 EUCHTEL AVENUE SOUTH. ALASKA mink choker. 27 inches long. Sellwood 3792. ROYAL ANNE cherries, 4c per pound. 7S4 E. 31st. Woodstock car. CASH REGISTER, fine 6-drawer elec trio machine, cheap. 335 Ankeny st. CHERRIES for sale reasonably. Phone Ta bor 772. $65 DUFOLD DAVENPORT. $33. NEUMAN. 128 First, near Alder. ELECTRIC vacuum cleaner, good shape. East 3413. 16-IN. WOOD, also 5x12 plank in cord wood lengths. Broadway 4292. CABINET phonograph. What am I of fered ? E. 1928, mornings. FOR SALE Cash register, almost new 2031 E. Stark. ROYAL ANNE and Bing cherries for sale. vutn ana J"., ash, muur jj.-. J.VORY reed baby carriage, almost like new, $30. Automatic 635-40. USED pipe furnace complete with pipe cheap. 92 6th st. CHERRIES for sale, newly picked. E. 44.tn st... cor. 01 aia. FOR SALE Royal Anne cherries, 7c de livered, fliain oj.'o. BINGS. Lambers and Royal Annes, &o if you pick them. 1603 Dwight st. TWO TRUNKS and fire less cookers. .Mar shall IQU'J- FOR SALE Hot Point vacuum cleaner. gooa, as new, 1 u-j .. FOR SALE American meat slicer, as good as new: less than half price. 240 Salmon. FOR SALE One Sandwich hay press. Box 4t7t route i, roruftuu. ruoiie i auur FOR SALE Small and large registers. Sac Hflee price. 240 Salmon. WONDERFUL diamond, nearly 4k. ; will sacrifice at 2-3 value. Tabor 43o3. MY BEAUTIFUL dinner ring, cost $200w will si? 11 for J125. AO 735, Oregonian. BLOCK WOOD and plank, for sale, cheap. M a rsh all 1561, or Auto. 528-25. CHERRIES and loganberries, first-class, pick them yourseir. Tabor 34.9. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding m acnine. snowcaae. u j.sc su, near Asn, 'STAR A STAR" shingles direct rrom mill. tail ray tor-street qock. mam cuua. SAFES, trucks, scales, coffee mills, cheese cutters. 4a jront st., near Pine. SECOND-HAND tents and covers for sale. ir'aciric lent fc Awning uo., .so. 1 iat st. :SED South Bend malleable range; excel- ient snape. j ttn at. CHERRIES for gale. Call Auto. 637-32 f Oft SAUOh--Attlo bed, Tabor 67S?. Aah. I