125 TTIE MORNING OREGONTAX, MONDAY, JUNE 27, 1521 $2 BEAL ESTATE. ""Tor Salf Ixrts. SAVE RENT. NO EXPENSIVE BUILDING RESTRICTIONS IN Wli-SHIKK ADDITION. All we ask Is that the place be neat and attractive. THE WII.SHIRE TRACTS ARE LARGE. Many trants are 110x150 ft. Priced from 75 to SJ5 and very easy terms; all cleared and ready for cultivation: some tracts in fir irrove. See this property at once. Salesmen at either branch or main office. Branch office open every day until 8 P. M. Take Broadway car to Bryce ave., go 4 blocks east. J. L. HARTMA.N COJ1PANT. 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 2US. LOT BARGAIN'S. BUILDERS TAKE NOTICE TV s lnt rieht on hu H; thnrne ave. carline. cor. 71st. that will ell for 1-00 apiece. have lota In Rose City Park an-! other districts that v.e will be ftlad to snow you and can give you some real Dar gains. Seo REVERMAN INVESTMENT CO.. REALTOllS. , TW Iwls Bid. TMwy. S3:.4 ciccinrl! PRICE SIMM. FACTORY WAREHOUSE SITE. .ii-- H,i.wll-f;lhert Candy fac- tnrv on O.-W. R. A N. tracks, Holladay venue, near . EL 24th. Mr. Carey. Main 74S7. umif KT'll.nR.-;. ATTENTION. HrWlns in Laurelhurst. Rose City Park. IrvinRton and Alameda Park lots. PK WKMKTRB I- KINCAID. 401 Lewis Bide. Phone Broadway473S. For Sale Houses. IRVINOTON. $7000. ON IflTH ST.. NEAR KNOTT. 8 wonderful rooms and sleepina- porcn. Iiardwood floors, fireplace and furnace, perfect condition inside and out. ( -fal sacrifice, owner leaving city. Don t buy Ubtll you see this. MrDOXELL. EAST -410. MCE LITTLK BLNGA LOW $1750 5-room plastered hunpalow with elec tric lights, gas, bath, toilet, white en .nat.d Tnt..h kitchen, near r lrland, S'i'ift cash. $15 monthly. Photographs of this and many other medium-prlcen hune-alnur and cottages at office 01 i'RED W. GKRMAX CO., Realtors, 732 Cham, of Com. MOUNT ZION. Without SEEING a house you can form no adequate opinion as t Its value or desirability: therefor. before buying le where, please examine this: six-room house, modern, with dining nd aleepinif porches. large wooded lot and beautiful view; $7000. easy terms. John Bain, owner. SO" Spalding bldg. 5Art ROSE CITY $1000 CASH. Attractive modern 0-ronm bungalow and garage, built 1 M years, full base ment, nice roomy kitchen, all built-ins and breakfast nook, hardwood floors 1n living and dining rooms, fireplace. Hall gas floor furnace; I blk. north of Bandy and R. C. carline. corner lot: easv terms. See owner. Phone Tabor f1 K72 Fast fi.1d st. X. FEATTTIFTTL ALAMEDA, Corner home, 6 rooms and sleeping porch, In perfect condition, hardwood floors, furnace and fireplace; easy terms, McDONELL. EAST 419. ROSE CITY. A beautiful home. block car. 7 rooms, all modern conveniences, now oc cupied by owner: will sell furnished. tMMA; without $4950: consider discount tn !l or heavy cash payment. Tabor S059. HERE IT IS Small farm, acre. 0 rooms, garage, all city conveniences, near 2 carlines, cement walks, fruit. berries. flowers, excellent neignoors, beautiful view of river; price right; small pavment will handle; owner leav ing Call 001 Stock Exchange bldg. $000 BUYS A NEW NIFTY MODERN 4-rm. bungalow, with large tract of ground in sightly location, near Multnomah on the Orvgon Elec. ; beautiful home at a low price. For particulars call at 404 PLATT BLDG. 127 Park St. ONE OF the prettiest and most desirable homes in Rose City Park; 5 large rooms and sleeping porch; wido cement porch with stucco pillar; garage; roses, lawn. A bargain at $5500. on easy terms: less for cash Phone owner. Tabor 2806 or Main M96. BY OWNER Nice rive-room, modern bun galow in first-class condition. It Is on a corner lot and near car, schools, churches and stores. Located at 540 Webster st. Take Alberta car to E. 12th 8t one block north. Price $3200, terms. XEW 5-ROOM bungalow, full basement, hardwood floors, built-ins. near park, school. Kenton car: bonds, cash and lot part payment, balance terms. 15oi Mis sissippi, corner Morgan. Eenlngs, East A-RuOM bungalow, beamed ceiling in din ing room. buffet. bookcases cabinet kitchen, good bathroom ; lots nf small fruits- 'good garden: lot JMxlOO: base ment. Owner, 1712 (J5th ave. S. near lOth st. ' HOUSE PLANS. Distinctive Homes," illustrated book af over 100 designs. $1; blueprints, $10. DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPANY. '94 Northwestern Bank Bldg. JflCE 7-room house, beautiful cerner 80x103. fruit and flowers, fine local rner lot. ation for business or residence; warning ois tance; $I3.0(K; lot worth twice the price. A R 701. Oregonlan. blX-ROOM house, sleeping porch. sun porch, 6 lots, 35 bearing fruit trees, as sorted berries, chicken houses and run. Lawn, roses, etc. $5000. Owner leaving citv; must sell. Auto 044-14. &OUSES built, your lota or oura. We will assist in making plana and negotiate loans. FABRICATED CONSTRUCTION CO. 616 McKay Bldg. LAURELHURST Corner. looxlOO: ga rage; lovely S-room colonial house; sun parlor, den. etc. ; best materia, and work throughout ; very reasonable; terms. Zimmerman. SIS Cham, of Com. FOR SALE BY OWNER UP-TO-DATE HOME WITH INCOME: A-l CONDI TION. IN FINEST DISTRICT ON NOB HILL. BJ 707. OREGON IAN. 6TEP into modern furnished C-room home, all conveniences, on improved 100x100. Irult, trees, berries, lawn, etc.. terms. See owner, 151 E. 7"d st. N. MV ca r. $iiooi $500 DOWN, six-room, semi-mod ern house, A-l condition. 014 Junior St.. one block to Woodlawn car. vacant. Auto. 042-65. $5000 S-ROOM home In Piedmont, abso lutely a bargain: 100x100. on paved street; a beautiful place. Phone Tabor &S73. Call for Mr. Acker. A MODERN home, one-half block from Kenton car in the restricted district: a bargain it taken this week. Wdln. 812. 71 W. Schofield st. VERY attractive bungalow, furnished. 3 rooms and bath, full cement basement, lot 40x120. i block to car: price rea sonable. Owner 5721 Woodstock ave. 6-ROO.YI modern house. 40x100 lot. 2 blks, from Grays Crossing. Mt. Scott car line muni sell this week. Price $050. halt cash. See owner. MJ54 03d ave. S. E. -NEAT 5-room houe, ttill base ment; one block from carline anc paved street, ner Franklin high. Terms. Ca.il COZY 5-room house, fireplace, electricity irs ana sewer, everything one could wish: lot 75x100; fruit trees, berries roses; $320. terms 2100 Holladay ave! BARGAIN by owner, only $25O0; 5 rooms iarge sleeping porch, paved street in and paid; $500 down, balance easy. Main 7135. .BEAUTIFUL new 5-room bunga;ow with all oak floors and ail built-in features white enamel and ivory finUh. This li a bargain, come and gee it. Columbia 65. COZY 5-room house, garage, beautiful lot 7.U126 ft. Lots of fruit and berries. Street paved nid paid. Ml. Tabor dis trict. Owner 2454. 241 E. 52D ST Bungalow, excellent con dition; interior newly finished Call Tuesday. Thursday Sunday afternoon Ey terms. UR. BUILDER, are you selling your house? Let me help you. Buers waiting. T. O Bird. 526 Cham, of Com. Ma r. 1 022. OWNER will sell good 7-rooin house, large garage, lot 100x100. beautiful rose gar den. East 506S, mornines. JPOR SALE 5-room bungalow, fruit and garden; good district; bargain; $3500, easy terms. Phone Sell 1151. FOR SALE OR RENT 1-room bungalow. terms. Call Main 5431. NICE 5-room bungalow in Sunnyside.. East 37th street, rhuno Tabur 3bGX 2D BEAL ESTATE. Ior Sale House. NOTICE. I have taken over from the builders j THREE BRAND NEW. MOLfc-K POUR-ROOM BUNGALOWS, each on an acre of the finest garden lands, 2 blocks north from end of Alberta car line, a i most beautiful home location COMMENCING Wednesday, June 22. I will offer themy substantially constructed I little tioma at a. great sacrince: first payment; immediate possession. Representative at houses afternoons or I phone Broadwav 1188. J. W. CKOSSLEY. Custodian. BUY FROM OWNER. Just completed, doubls constructed. with paper between: modern 5-room I bungalow: fireplace, bookcase, writing j detk. buffet, paneled dining room, solid I hardwood floors Dutch Kitcnen. nrean- fat nook table and benches: inside and outside entrance to full cement base- f ment. wash travs beautiful electric nx- tures: all rooms nicely finished in ivory; east front: walks: 1 block south Alberta car 1C10 E. 2Sth N. Auto. 322-04; $3700, terms. Open 3 to v P. m. $1000 3-ROOM cottage, lot 55xlS4, $500 I casn. $2400 5-room cottage, $300 cash, Sun nyside. $2550 5-room cottage, $500 cash, Sun- nvsirie. $3050 5-room modern cottage, $1500 cash; Sunnyside. $4750 S-room modern, easy terms, Sun nyside. .1. P. McKENNA. Realtor. 1151 Belmont, at 3th. Tabor A403. $1500 WILL handle this new. modern 5-1 room Dunira ow: will oe rcany to mo-i Into on a few days; was built by owner) as a home for himself; located in nose City; all improvements In and paid; all I huilt-Jns; fireplace, narnwooa rioor, large attic, cement basement, furnace, and laundrv traye. If you are looking for an up-to-date home it will pay you to look this over. For appointment call Mr. Fulford. Bdwy. !.. A CHANCE FOR A BUILDER. Am owner, must sacrifice best town- I site on Oregon Electric and main nign- wav to someone who can improve the place: school and storp there. The need f tinnifn hank, hardware and imple ment store, ttc, compels me to make the move; In the heiirt of the Willam ette valley, and loganberry country; might take citv home part payment. If Interested call 2W Failing bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Flirnismed or unfurnished: magnificent rlew: spacious landscaped grouna. Portland's choicest neighborhood. Sun days Main 85.1, week days Alain J.o. NEAR FRANKLIN HIGH. Eajv terms: charming home; absolute ly delightful In every detail: 5 rooms. hnth firr floor: 3 finished attic rooms. r.Ovino lot. earace. 2 blocks to Mount Scott car: price a positive sacrifice. $:U50. $:;50 cash, balance to suit you. Owner. 3220 51st gt. S. B. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into Income ? We design and build apartments, ga rages, residences, anything; furnish plans and finances. Established 10 years. We Oiler PCiLt nu i, orjn. v ov i - i ISFACTION. L. R. Bailey Co., 924 N. W. Bank bldg. A SNAP. CLOSE IN Save carfare. 6 rms. with large hall, batn ana pantry, gas and wood range and 2 large kitchen I cabinets Included: fuil cement basement I and furnace. 4s East Davis, near nun, baif block to Rose Citv carline: $3750. $750 caah. balance long time. Phone R. R. R.. Main 172. or call 143 second st READ! BARGAIN! READ! Brand new 4 -room bungalow, com- j nlete. readv to move ritrht in; No. H13 Lafayette st.; price $2700; small pay ment down, balance like rent; if inter ested call owner. East 4000, or any Port land realtor. TWO-ROOM shack and nice lo 75x100, v ih ii inr7 i rum trees una uuua lot of berries, located on corner of 6th and Brvant. in Woodlawn; 1 block east Wnnrilnu-n IChOO Ild.i'l. '.U CBS balance term: might consider late Ford Box S7. Sherwooa. ur. MODERN residence, nearly new. fine lo- ntion In Westmoreland district, i diock i-f st of Sell wood car; on account of sickness will sell at a sacrifice, leither . fnrnkhpri nr un f urnlsheii : part cash. Innuire on premise oi owner. aii Se 1 1 wood lHtff. On Toi man ave. IVE-ROOM new bungalow. fireplace. Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors, ivory nnH white enamel finish : cement base ment, light fixtures ami shades; 50x100 lot. Price $3500. 13(H) down. 51 1. Scott car to Wood mere. 4OU 01st ave. Call Tabor 025 for appointment. BY OWNER Completely furnished or un furnished nice, light, modern. 5-room bungalow: this place is in first-class condition: lare rose-covored portico. fruit and berries: price Ji-hou, untur nished. $3100 furnished: terms. 1154 E. 20th st. N Phone Wdln. 105. ' BY OWNER, modern 5-room home in Irv-I ington Park; furnace; fuil cement base ment; fireplace, built-ins; sleeping porch. sewing room; union Kitcnen; new ga rage; $1000 down, $40 month. 1181 E 27th N.. or Wdln. 552. or Wdln. 4240. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 1 acre and new modern 5-room bungalow, located at Lake Grove, 10 milt-s from center of city, on S. P. red cars, near Oswego lake; electric lights and water. Phone ( wegp 432. 5-ItoOM modern Kenton bungalow, paved street, high-class district, a coat of paint will easily add $500 value, present price is a sacrifice. See it today. BRUCE HOLMAN, REALTOR, 200 Failing Bldg. Main 6327. IMMEDIATE SALE. DESIRABLE HOME. 7 RMS., DOUBLE GARAGE, ONE BLOCK FROM WEST KILLINGS WOKTH: $3700. $500 D1S. Ft i R .CASK. F U R N I TURK FOR SALE. WDLN. 14 1 4 . t-4(jQ 5-ROOM bungalow, bath, gas, elec trie light: lot 50x100, good chicken house. 1 block to car and stores; close to school and church. 4520 01st ave. S. E. Woodstock car. LAURELHURST ADDITION. New 5-room modern bungalow: full basement, garage, oak floors; sacrifice for i4T50: $250 less than It cot me to build; $1500 cas. u&r, Wasco t. WONDERFUL HOME FOR A THRIFTY FA.U1LI : -vi yj u r. t . v. w. v n.-iiL.NL fc.s AND CITY COMFORTS: 3 ACRES OWNER. 657 E. 3yTH. SELL. 3640 OR MAR. 3 6S4 OPPORTUNITY HERE'S YOUR CHANCE YOUNG COUPLE: CLASSY 3-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. GARAGE AND WORKSHOP. $1650. TERMS. TABOR 6 64 4. 359 E. 74TH ST. N. $250 CASH, lik la nee monthly, for a 5-room with toilet and sink, lot 50x100, only H blk. from Sellwood car, for $000 if sold this month. F. L. Bianchurd, Marshall S2! or East 2134. ROSE CITY special, reduced from $5500 to $5000 until July 1 only, modern 6-room bungalow, garage,, cement basement, two fireplaces, laundry: blk. south Sandy. 503 E. 5 2d street North. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 4-room house, modern, finished white enamel, corner lot 75x100; ienns. Wdln. 4 1 S3. !3S E. 33d. N. BEAUTIFUL Irvlngton home, large rooms, flowers, etc Phone owner. Eust 3069. WEST SIDE. 7 ROOMS. GAS. BATH ELECTRICITY, 2 FIREPLACES. CE MENT BASEMENT. LOT 50x100. OWNER. 407 Tenth st. FOR SALE By owner. 12 rooms and sleeping porch, good furniture, best lo cation, price $lSO0, terms, reasonable Main 1646. FOR PARTICULAR people is this fine R. C. corner of 6 spacious rooms; every heart's desire. $8400. Terms. Tabor 2676. FOR sal.Ks c lassy new oungaiow now under construction. Price $1350. Easy terms. 1650 Minnesota ave.; 3 blocks to Kenton car. OWNER $3250. modern 6-room home. A-l condition, fine view, good location. 1554 East 25th st. Sellwood 20S3. 5-ROOM house, gas. electricity, modern plumbing. 17 Gibbs st., rent $25. John Singer, 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. YYAVERLEY HEIGHTS 8 rooms?" modern home, 100x100; fruit, berries, roses, paved streets. 574 E. 33d. Owner. Sell. 3552. FOR SALE. Modern 7-room hous with double garage, on corner lot at 265 E. 15th st. OWING to death of wife win sacrihee 2 new. modern homes with' acres. 7124 Powell Vallev road. $2S50-IN ROSE CITY PARK. 6-room bun galow; hardwood lioora; $1050 cash. Va bor S004. ROSE CITY A nitty 5-room bungalow on corner, full lot with double garage, only $4000. Main 6327. NIFTY Overlook bungalow. 5 room breakfast room, attic and full basement. HOP Long view ave. Woodlawn 1777. 4-ROOM ceiled house. lot 75x100; fruit trees. Auto 631-53. ROSE CITY Artistic new 7-room bunga low and garage. Owner. Aut. 317-70. COZY, attractive little home, furnished or unfurnished: sacrifice 603. E. 60th st. X. 2 LOTS and 4 houses, corner Front and Hooker. Inquire 275 Hooker. MoDERN bungalow, ready to occupy. 1260 East AVer st. Main 3504. FOR SALE 313-37. -room tent house. Auto. NEW SIODERN, 6-room bunrnlow. 61st ave.. terms. Auto. 642-23. LAURELHURST Artistic new colonial home, a bargain. Ow ner. Tabor 0452. SIX-RUCM house on East 0th st. N., $2700. Phone owner. Tabor 5476 after Sunday. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. IRVINGTON. $0500. $0300. TERMS. CORNER HOME. 8 rooms and Bleep ing porch, hardwood floors throughout, wonderful living room, artistic lighting fixtures and plate glass throughout, one oversized bedroom, lavatory room, on first floor; house just painted outside, in perfect condition inside, beautiful lawns, trees and shrubs, fine garage, immediate possession. McDONELL. REALTOR BUNGALOW BARGAIN. A five-room cosy home for you and has Just been newly painted inside and cut; has hardwood floors, half, cement basement with wash trays, fireplace and French glasa doors; an abundance of berries and fruit; street paving and sewer and cement walks in and paid for. Price $3500; liberal terms. See WEBSTER L. KINCAID. REALTOR. 401 Lewis Bldg. Phone Broadway 4735. IMONG THE FIRS ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS. $130 down and $25 monthly buys a 4 room rustic cottage, with about S-10 of an acre of ground, all kinds of native trees and assorted bearing fruit trees and berries. It is located in a district of choice homes on a paved street and has coat the non-resident owner nearly $7000. She now authorizes us to offer this property for $U0, plus bonded as fcesnmenti FRED W.' GERMAN CO., Realtors. 732 Chamber of Commerce. OWNER WISHES TO LEAVE CITY WILL SACRIFICE HIS I RVINGTON HOME. R-ronm modern home, a beauty, fire place, bookcases, large buffet, oftk floors, fine basement. furnace. fine garage, shrubberv and flowers. Before you buy come and see this place, 1071 Tilla mook st.. value over $7500. Will sell for $0000. $1200 cash, balance like rpnL C. L. Parrish. owner. 20: Failing bldg. Main CJ27. Sunday and evenings iabo BY OWNER. TERMS. COZY FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW. Interior done in white ivory finish. 2 bedrooms in pussy willow grey, bath, built-ins in parlor, dining room. Dutch kitchen, full basement, wash trays, new lv painted inside and out: attic; gar den plot; street paved and all paid, close to schools and best car service in citv. Am leaving city; will, sell for $ 3i 7 5. 13H4 E. Salmon st. Tabor 150i. BARGAIN if sold quickly, lW-story house. 7 rooms, bath and sun room, an raounu conveniences. Bull Run water, tile bath room, hardwood floors, plate glass win dows, tile fireplace, ivory and enamel throughout, Vi-acre, all small fruits, t fruittrets, electric lighted poultry house and garage, attractive yard and an abundance of flowers; Oregon City car, 25 minutes to town. 4 blocks to Pa cific highway; Evergreen station. Call owner. Oak Prove 11-J. , Siihurbuii Homes. ' BUILDING SITES AT MULTNOMAH. Beautiful view places, ready lor gar den development; others with natural eh rubs ami trees Intact; all facing on streets, with Bull Run water, electricity, gas and telephone in the street, at prices ranging from $300 up. Don't buy your homesite before Investigating Mult nomah, the choicest suburban district on the west side. Seeing it believing. Let me take vou out and submit this de lightful section for your serious consid eration. BEN RIESLAND. Dealer in Multnomah Property Exclusively. 404 Piatt Bldg. Main SSO. ONE ACRE AND NEW BUNGALOW. New 5-room bungalow, fireplace, full cement basement. Bull Run water ana gas. with one acre all cleared on paveu highway close to car service. This is a bargain. $:,N00; $1500 cash, bai. $25 a month. Main 5201, DOv Couch bldg. open evening. $8500 SWELL suburban home; my own eiec. p:ant and spring, anunaance or water, heavy pressure: cozy nook on Columbia highway; mod. 5-room bunga low, garage; 1 uj acres, highly Improved; easv worth $10,000; some terms. J. P. McKenna. realtor, 1151 Belmont at 39th. Tabor 6403 . BY OWNER, Tabor 1320 1-room house. $1450; light and water in. partly fur nished, over s acre, all in garden, 12 fruit trees, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries; on Boone's Ferry road, Lake Grove, three blocks from station SUBURBAN HOME $2600. One acre, berries, fruits, poultry, cow; little house BUILT FOR TWO. Some terms. ic car fare. Mr. Colt. 626 Cha.no. of Com. MODERN 5-room bungalow. 1 acre, fruit. utrrifa, gnrutfu, ciuuKfn noue ana barn; I acre, fenced, wooded pasture; cheap, D. A. Norton, Bdwy. 321. 307 Keiuofl bldg. ACRE PARK ROSE; all set and bear ing; cozy nouse, w chickens, $30no; terms; 6 per cent interest. Tabor 2076. HERE is your chance to buy modern house and 2 acres at a reasonable price very easy terms. Owner. Auto. 020-47. HOUSE and acre, city conveniences. Park Rose; $2300. Tabor 7312. For Sale -Acreage. ACREAGE BARGAINS. $34002 acres near Newberg. new six room plastered bungalow, com pletely furnished, one acre in strawberries, close to grade and high school; very easy terms. $1600 2 acres, 4-room house, near MII waukie; This is a real bargain and can be bought for $200 cash; balance to suit. $2600 20 acres fine garden land, 15 in cultivation, some bcaverdam, bal ance in pasture; $500 cash, bal ance to suit. Before you buy your ranch or acre age come in and see our' list. We have a fine list of acreage, both large and small both in size and price. . See REVERMAN INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 210 Lewis Bldg. Broadway 2954. GARDEN HOME SNAP. $250 PER ACRE. 19 acres with frontage on Main St.; Bull Run water, gas, electricity. Must sell immediately to close estate. Garden xa u rue jaain o-ou. WILLIAM P. MERRY. 301-2 Title & Trust Building. $25 DOWN. $7.50 MONTHLY. A splendid one-acre trm-t. e-.tnH small creek, fine for chickens, berries nu irun. i mnes rrom city limits, lotai price J3..0. We have only 14 tracts in this platting left, some as large as 5 acres and proportionately on the same terms. Get in on the ground FRED W. GERMAN CO., Realtors, 732 Cham, of Com. NEAR BEAVERTOX. 10U acres, all In cultivation; .1 blocks from highway and Red car line; barn and other outbuildings; large orchard, good soil, city gas and water. T6000 TERMS. WILLIAM P. MERRY 301-2 Title & Trust Building. BEAUTIFUL TUALATIN VALLEY. This 24-acre tract located on graveled road. of a mile from electric station, aboit 3 miles from Tualatin, all practi cally level, about 3 acres in cultivation; a good many more acres easilv cleared Investigate this. Price $22o0; ?:ioo cash' $75 semi-annually with 0'P interest ' FRED W. GERMAN CO.. Realtors, j 732 Cham, of Com. BY OWNER acres just outside rtiv .limits, close to paved road on Johnson creek; city conveniences, 3-room house, outbuildings; about acre in young or chard, berries: cow, 110 chickens, garden tools, etc.; $6500, or will trade for a house, west side preferable. Inquire at loo 12th st.. ROCKWOOD ACREAGE. " One or more acres close to station on Troutdale electric, all cleared. $."i00 per acre ; easy terms ; see Mr. Boehm, 210 Oregon bldg. Broadway 165S. $15 TO $30 PER ACRE. Logged-off lands in tracts of 10 to 40 acres, 40 miles down the Columbia. Good roada. school. Easy terms. Holcomb Realty Co.. 211 Washington bldg. WRITE tor map of western Washington, showing location, low price and ay terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAUSER TIMBER CO.. T a. c o m a,Wa s h . 4 ACRES. 7-room house, 2 chicken houses, barn, variety of fruit trees and berries, five minutes' walk to Durham station, on Oregon Electric, easy terms. 163 N. 1 6th at. Broadway 4450. 15 ACRES, 40 rods pavement, Columbia highway, in cultivation; $4500; half cash, balance 6 years, 6 per cent. This U a good buy. 513 Couch bldg. $100 DOWN. 1 acre on paved highway. Bull Run water, gas, good car service, all cleared, 5(vr, Couch bldg. Main 52ol. $100 PER ACRE Four 5-acre tracts, fine laying land, good soil, timber McFARLAND, Realtor. Fail in g Bid g. ACRE tracts, near Scappoose, 1, 2, 3 acres $100 per acre, good soil. McFarland, Realtor. Failing bldg. 06 ACRES adjoining Portland, sale or trade. Owner. East 745. CAMBY growers, small tracts at your oi terms. J. C. Rones. 130 U Third st. 15 ACRES, a leo house-movin outfit. ftlSl . 93d at, S. JS. Thomas Allen, city. REAL ESTATE. For Sole Acreage. IRRIGATED LANDS UNDER . WARM SPRING PROJECT. f ALFALFA. CORN AND GRAIN. DAIRYING. HOGS AND POULTRY. VERY LIBERAL' TERMS WRITE OREGON & WESTERN COL. CO ONTARIO. OREGON. 1C0 ACRES. 50 miles north of Edmonton. Alta., Canada.; an ideal spot for stock. 060 E. Main. Tabor 700. Homestead Kehnqn.slim.enta, I AM LOCATING HOMESTEADS from 40 to 160-acre tracts, either Portland or Roseburg district, farming or li nber land; am in a position to give you as good, If not better, service than anyone In the state; government map. checked u? to dace. E. W. Helm. 316 Board of Trade bldg. 2 VALUABLE homesteads., mile apart, one on Pacific highway, nearly all levti., creek, lots timber, $400; one with $20uu improvements. fed rods from town -ind Ry. : joins $:10,000 fruit ranch, near Grante Pass; $750 cash. 301 Corbett bids. THIS is your last opportunity to et a and satisfactory locations guaranteed by J reliable ex -govt, cruisers; maps i. J&. t Anderson, uJl Railway . xcn.oiQg- WANT to buv a good homestead relin quirthment. Write B. L. Arvin, 0423 Toon st. Phone Automatic b-J Fruit Lauds for ?ale or Rent. HE IS IT ON WALNUTS. If you want a bearing orchard or any expert advice on walnuts, see T. Withy combe. Hin clients have all made good money on their investments. 43J 12th st. Marshall :i 1 1 8. ALL OR PART of 30 acres bearing walnut orchard, at saorifice price for quick iale. Ati uregonian. For ESaie I: arms. FARMS FOR SALE. The Canadian Pacific Ry. Co. has re rpntlv nt,npd un for settlement theil last large block of fertile park lands in the Lloydminster and attieioru ais trintM in rontrul A 1 hurt ft nnd SaSkatChe wan, where grain -grow ins and mixed farming conditions are ideal. These lands can be bought on 20-year terms, at an average price or Jis per acre i per ceut cash with no further payments of urincinal until the end of the fourth yer 0 per cent interest under certain conditions oi occupation ana develop ment only 2 per cent interest first two years. Personally conducted parties of landseekers with reduced rates. For further particulars apply or write Cana dian Pacific Ry. Co.. 208 Railway Ex change bldg.. Portland. Or., L. P. Thorn ton, district representative. , 20 ACRES between Portland and Salem on electric line. i mi e to Conconuey, towns within 14 miles, 1 mile to school, 1 to churches: all under cultivation 3i norm in lncranherries. 1 acre in as sorted berries, 1 acre in garden. 2 acres in orchard, balance in hay; lair 4-room house, barn, chicken house, 3 piows, cult ivutnr 1 tnnwor. 1 hUCEV. 1 W agOh harnis, 1 hay fork, assorted tools. 1 norse. a stanus Dees. stoves, eume ,u- rfture : most lv fenced in woven wire all goes for $3000; terms, $500 down $100 per year as I live in California owner. Mrs. 1. w. iJlliey, itouie- -. vais. Or. YAMHILL COUNTY FARM. . Krt ACRES. 100 acres oak grub timber, which will cut about 3500 cords wood; 100 acres in cultivation and in crop, bal ance fir timber and pasture; all can be farmed when cleared; fair harn, house and outbuildings; will sacrifice at $00 per acre; one-third cash, or will take small farm or Portland residence property as part payment. W. E. Kidder, Carlton. Or. 20-ACRE FRUIT AND POULTRY RANCH. For sale or trade for city home on eot niftne nf Mount Tbor. Hawthorne. or Rose City district, all cleared, fine land: 10 acres in prune and cherry or chard; 4-room house, fine springs on place, water piped across place. 32 miles from Portland on paved road most of the wav: $4200. $1000 cash. Parrish & Parrteh. 200 Failing hid?. Main tV!-" PiUMS. FARMS. 40 to 320 acres. Some well-improved; ninx ii stocked and eouipped. All kinda. oil nri,.e a H locations. So me wonderful bargains. Let us tell you about sortie of the best farms in Oregon. G. G. McCORMIC CO., 212 Washington St.. near Second. Main S220 or Main 031S. RY OWNER 500 acres. 320 under the niAw at u hie room for 100 head of cat tie- drive barn and horse stable for 10 v,oai rtf hnro nitr Den. potato house, bunkhouse. blacksmith shop, large dwell ing house: living water on mo pi, about 30 minutes from courthouse. Port land: lying between Powell Valley road and Estacada car line: can be divided. Tabor 2240. residence 1033 Oregon st. 00 ACRES very best land : 1 hour to Portland, over hard-surface: J50 acres under plow; 40 acres prunes. 20 acres walnuts and cherries; all bearing; 40 acres rich bottom; 3 tons hay per acre. Two living streams. $35,000. terms. E. E. Morgan, owner. Gaston. Or. MEXICAN LAND. A fine agricultural and cattle ranch, 34 000 acres. Hermosiilo district, So no'ra; title clear; will sell cheap to close an estate ; part cash, balance on time. Further particulars address W. H. Min shull P. O. box 1009, Bisbee Ariz. FOR SALE, bv owner, 10 acres, between StelU and Oak Point. 2 acres under cul tivafion, 35 fruit trees, berries, running water, good soil, fenced, small house and bain, close to school, price $700, terms. Address E. Norman. Oak Point. Wash. 93 ACRES, six miles south of Lebanon. 65 In cultivation, well fenced; a good tiy. or will trade. Owner. Tabor 6308. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES near Portland, $50 to $500 per acre easy terms best soli, farms for sale, all sizes. ' McFarland, realtor. 208 Failing blug. 2 ACRES, near R. R. town. 10 acres cleared, spring water, good buildings, good road, terms. J. A. Hickman, own er. Yamhill. Or. '0 ACRES, small dairy farm. 2 hs miles from city limits, in cultivation, on Tay lor ferry road. Fred Staiger. LOGGED-OFF lands. $10 acre up; running water good soli. Vi tillable: school, easy terms J. R. Sng.rpe. 83 Si Third st. 14 52 ACRES, 2 houses. $400; on Columbia highway. Rowena. H. W. Lewis, box 124 Stanfield. Or. 10 OR ACRnS level tlmoer land witn creek, nr. Beaverton. J. R. Sharp. 3d. WANTED REAL ESTATE. SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED. We do not care how old and dilapi dated they are or where they are. We can seil them if your price is right and your terms easy. Six keen,(salesmen at vour service. , FRED W GERMAN CO., Realtors, 732 Cham", of Com. I WANT a few high-grade business and apartment buildings and distinctive dwellings in exchange for well-improved . farms and ranches. R. H. BLOSSOM. 010 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WE HAVE several clients waiting to buy homes in Rose City. Irvlngton or Ala meda; about $5000; must be modern and worth the price asked. Fqr quick action call Bdwv. 105S. Umbdenstock & Larson Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Ask for Fulford. PART cash customer for a strictly mod ern 5-room bungalow: prefer Hawthorne, with all improvements in; must be a bargain. Owners only. F. L. Blanchard, Marshall 829, or East 2134. WANT business properties, flata and dwellings in exchange for farms and acreage. E. S. JACKSON. Realtor.. 207 Ry. Exch.Bldg. WANT HOUSES. We want to list houses that can b sold on partial payments; have client! waiting to buy. R. M. GATE WOOD ft CO.. lQTjU. 4th St. HAVE buyer for a good eight-room house to $6000 on west side, or close in on east side, on full lot with furnace and garage; will pay half cash. Main 1003. 500 Ch. of Com. Bldg. I HAVE two clients for Irvlngton 5-room 1 n tn -ri-o.H Kir.nn-f t:tnno and $15(Mi'cash. Call me today. C. M. DERR, 1215 X. W. Bank bldg. Mar. 2245. HAVE many client to b'iy west side houses and flata south of Madison st. JOHN SINGER. 420 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. SUBURBAN HOMES. We want to list suburban homes, havi many inquiries; small acreage. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO., 165 4th St WANTED 5 or 6-room bungalow, nr. car. in exchange lor business corner on uivi eion st. 100x100, some cash. Call 1143 Clinton St.; no agents. SOLD 3 PROPERTIES. Can sell yours; have buyers waiting fox" suburban homes. T. O. Bird. 526 Cham, of Com. Realtor. Mar. 1022. WANT good six-room house in Hawthorne or near to oouu, 1 ou aown payment. Must have large rooms. 500 Chamber of Com merce. Mai n 1003. LATE model Chevrolet touring to trade as first payment on or o-room house, c 752!. Oregonian. ' WANTED 5-room bungalow- in good dis trict; must he bargain. Call Mr. Mil ler. Main 733S. WILL PAY CASH for a few lots; prefer north of Alberta and east of 30th. B 757. Oregonian I SELL your property or business quickly. HELEN JC OHissxors, zu. Artisans bid. Phone Bdwy. 5004. WANTED 2 lots in Irvington; give price and location. AC 757, Oregonian. WANTED REAL ESTATE. Wanted to Rer.v I-arms. WANTED TO RENT, SMALL PLACES. Have several people wanting to rent acreage or small farms; close to Port land prefeired. Some people will buy the place afHer leasing for year or more. We make lots of sales this way. Will buy equipment if priced right. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE or trade, 120 acres of timber land, containing 1.000, 000 feet of second growth fir; 1 mile from tidewater; 4 miles from Toledo; price $720; will take auto as all or pirt payment. A. H Schlecht, Toledo, Or. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A SAW MILL OR TIMBER SEE THE WINS LOW CO., 41i LUMBERMEN'S BLDG.. PORTLAND. OREGON. 2500 CORDS old growth fir near Scappouse, bargain. J. R. Sharp, 83 V 3d st. FOR RENT FARMS. 15 NEAP. Vancouver, until December $100, also 40 near Oregon City, until Nov., l'j'-'d, $450; 500 cords seasoned wood on I place, 3.iu. uwner. dox t&, Astoria, ur. OWNER Farm for rent, Nov. 1. Adjoin ing O. A. C, lor snares or cash. 5011 Ulisan. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. DAIRY farm. 17 miles west of Portland, on 2 good highways; 21 fine cows, team and farm im plements; milking machine, gas engine and pump cement silo; 43 acres rich land, all cultivated and in clover; 3 a. orchard, good 6-room house, large barn; priced very reasonable, on easy terms or part trade. . See Ralph Ackley, 527 Corbett bldg. BEACH LOTS. EXCHANGE FOR PAINTING OR BUILDING. Lots are well located at Tillamook! Beach, near station and ocean. Address I AP 643, Oregonian. . LOT FOR AUTOMOBILE. A dandy lot of 1-3 acre on .th, near Division ; gas, wati-r, grove fine trees ; priced iraht at $750, WANT good automobile to full value. Mr. McINNES, KXCHAN G K UtiVl., HITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-2-.J-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg., Where Trades Are Made. WANT to pel! or trade 320 acres of wheat land In eastern Washington. 100 acres W l..n,l 1 1 .,,1 ,..11 trAo. fur a good rooming house or apartment, or would consider a, modern nome. r, Oregonian. WE HAVE some choice wneat farms in Alberta ranging from 320 up to 2000 acres that can be traded for farms in the Willamette valley or other good dis tricts. We will submit a list of these properties on application. F. A. Gillila Ltd., Land Bldg.. Calgary, Alberta. COR. M)x200. WITH RENTED BUILJMNGS COR. 100X100. ltf-KOOAl JTtOL&H.. All free of incumbrance: will trade for apartments or income property and assume. Zimmerman. blS Chamber ot Commerce. FRONTING -Columbia highway. 40 min utes out. well cultivated, nest son; house, barn, fruit, crops, cows, horses nnd equipment; will accept bungalow $00o0- some cash, balance terms. 513 Couch bldg. - WHAT have " you to exchange for my equity of $26,0 in a $42o0 house and tur niture? Also will exchange for stock and equipment of a rented ranch. Phone Automatic 641-00, dr write X 755. Ore gonian. 320 ACRES of land, all tillable. 4. acres cleared, balance easily cleared: small house and well. $1000 cash will handle. or will trade. Wdln. oii a v . ocno- field st. STOCK FA R M. Want city property tor a stock farm; the best ever: will assume, W. H. ROSS. 1100 N. W. Bank Bldg. WANT bungalow; will exchange good auto and mommy pajmeni counact. W. H. HOSS, ' 1100 N. W. Bank Bldg. TV", kki.Ii.OR TRADE SO a. of A-l tim ber land in tiarne -u., .nu.. lur viij residence property up to $4500. Call Sell. S030. TO TRADE Equity oi sum? in a tJuo 4. room modern nou&e iu oeuwouu ior tar or lot; will assume on car. AV S7u. oregonian. wavTKD LOS ANGELES AND VICIN ITY IN KAtnA.M-iB rjn. mi nuuoa AND 7 LOTS. 2071 DELANO ST. GOOD lot to exchange lor X ord. Eaat i 801. FOR SALK. Horwes, Vehicles. ..Livestock. h it ru;v sta ri.KS INC. For sale or pxehance. 100 head of horses. Have horses of all kinds which we sell. hire, or exchange for horses. mules cattle or liberty bonds. Have 0:1 k inrla nf now nnd .second-hand har ness, wagons, grading outfits, and Fresnos. We hire by day; week or month, to responsible people. Every thing guaranteed as represented. PHIL Sl'EPTsER. President., 25 Front StreeL VOTirR TO SHEEPMEN. Stop your shipments at Caldwell, as we are the onlv Vards between Pendle ton and Montpelier that have bluegrass nnnliirA fnr shepn Try us once and you will do so again. CALDWELL. IDAHO. TEA M -weighing 2,I00 ibs.. brown mare nd bav gelding, wun narness ior quu-n sale $100. Hazelwild Fuel Co., US4v Foster road. Mount Scott car. 1NE pair mules in spienaid condition with harness. w eifrnt aoout !uu each. Price $215. Phone Columbia l.iO. Allen. 423 Chicago St. YOUNG Hoistein cows, aii fresh coming fresh soon; $75 each; also Hoi stein bull. E. E. Morgan, Yamhill. Or. DANDY driving' and riding mare, bugy and harness, gentle ana trusty. b2i Williams ave. Wdln. 321. vnR sale Six horses: reasonable Drices Holman Fuel Co., barn E, 0th and Ivoo streets. DEAD horses and cattle taken free. Call day or night. Auto. 0L'7-4. DEAD horses and catti taken quickly. Phone Milwaukee coj rc r best service. $00 JERSEY cow and calf, fresh ti days. wood yam. .1-1 r 10m. VETERINARIAN. PR. HOWES. TABOR 6309. WANT to rent small barn close in, F 75 Oregonian. TEAM. 2S00 lbs., harness, wagon, scraper, plow. labor gaii. FOR SALE CHEAP A milch goat, xallon milker. toeiiwooa iia. SMALL bay mare. $35; also wagon and harness. 0447 05th st. Wdln. car. HORSE, 1400 lbs., good worker; no mate. Wood yard. 32i t ront. Piano. OrgaiiH and M usieal Instruments. KIMBALL PIANO $250. A SNAP; SEE IT. SEI BE RLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St.. Bet. Wash, and Alder Sta. POPULAR music taught beginners 1st les son ; players learn real jazz. Parker Piano, Banjo, Guitar school, 515 Eiiers 1 bldg. " PLAYER ATTACHMENT, $35. with rolis. SEI BE R LING-LUCAS MUSJC COj, 4th St., Bet. Wash, and Alder St; CONN CORNET. Silver with case. 40. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 140 Sixth Street. FISHER PIANO, $200, big snap, terms given." SEIBERL1NG-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 15 4th St.. Bet. Wash, and Alder Sts. " KIMBALL GRAND, A BARGAIN. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. U5 4th St., Bet. Wash, and Alder Sts. ' MILTON PIANO, , plain mahogany case. $300. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 1U5 4th St.. Bet. Wash, and Alder Sts. FOR SALE Gibson harp guitar and case. a snap. 125 4th st., Seiberling-Lucas Music Co. ' LADY alone .will keep piano tuned and pay drayage on good piano for storage. Alain viuo. th H EK new phonographs, to close oul half price; unusually attractive models ard tone. ueaum piug. FOR RENT Graionoia. late dance music, may exchange records, $3 mouth, Broad- w ay a i. FOR RENT Piano, graionoia, late rec ords, $3 month. Empire Transfer. Broad way 1 "- XaAhJi VTCTROLA for used piano. Uood nroDoSKion- aium PIANO WANTED Cash, for private par ties, it bargain Marshall 1532. FOR SALE New Packard piano, $150 off new price. iuui 00. WILL store good piano for use of jt. Woodlawn a;:: aiier o r-. n. USED PIANO, $200 cash; good condition. Automatic ,vw--. PHONOGRAPH and records wanted. Newman. 128 First. Main 44145. 627-4d REMBRANDT piano for sale or trade for u.-vd automopiie. Jiain o-oi. PIANO WANXiil t-ia dAJ. Hum SoSS FOR SALE. PI an oh, Organs and Musical Instrument. Downstairs Store. Schwan Piano Co. $325 Vose & Sons dark mah., used...$H5 100 Steinway & Sons, mah 305 550 Kimball & Co., gold, oak 2H5 575 Chase, large, oak 2;"' 1050 Singer player piano 61,5 $10 to $25 cash. $5. $8, $10. $15 monthly. Phonograph Dept., Used Specials Victrola & Brunswick cab., each . . . $15.00 Columbia and Pathe, cab., each 85.00 Stradivara. $05; Grafonola, small.. 12.50 101 10th St., at Wash, and Start St a. Security Storage Co., closing out for cash. $450 Spier 1'iano Co., upright, mah. .$15 450 Starr Piaao Co., upright, oak... 15 ' 275 Collard 6c Collard, small up. 5 H0 Pianista player piano and music 2l5 t-ianoia player ana: 3j rons 4 Parlor organs, $25, $35, $;tS and, 4h 103 10TH ST., COR. STARK ST. WE HAVE a fine assortment of used phonographs, comprising most all the different makes, at prices that can't fail to move them, come in eariy and make your selection: terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 1 41 Sixth Street. EVERETT PIANO. Mahogany case, one of the three best pianos, come In and hear its beautiful ' tone, a wonderful piano at a low price, $oi5: terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 140 Sixth Street, . STUYVESANT pianola . . .$550 . .. 23S . 275 ... 450 use ,t Son Crown Autopiano player ... r rankiin 207 HAROLD S. GILBERT. 3S4 Yamhill St VIOLIN OUTFIT. A specially good instrument with bow and cas1. rosin a-nd extra strings; $25. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 140 Sixth Street. BEST BUY IN TOWN. Modern case, perfect condition, don't miss it; $105. terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. ' 140 Sixth Street. WELLINGTON PIANO, oak case, $275; also one in mahogany case, $275; each a bargain, terms given. SEIBERL1NG-I.UCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4i h St.. Bet. Wash, and Alder Sts. BUY YOUR PHONOGRAPH AT HYATT'S. Remember we sell you any model oi Vletrola. Edison, Columbia or Rrunswirk up to $125 on pavments of $5 per month. Hyatt Talking .Machine Co.. 350 Alder. CON X CORNET. Silver with all slides, mute and case, only $55. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 140 Sixth Street SAXAPHONE. Melody CV late model, silver with gold be!!, all complete. S135; terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 140 Sixth Street bush Sz Lane player piano, lpf t by dot-tor to sell, equal to new ; make us an offer. SEI RERLI NG-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St., Bet. Wash, and Alder Sts. STEEL GUITAR. Of standard make with equipment and case; $:t5. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 140 Sixth Street. SMITH & BARNES. One of the old reliable, specially priced at $3 to. terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 140 Sixth Street. WILL pay cash for a C melody saxa- phone, low piten. Must oe wen xoneu and in best of condition E. E. Dole. Box 304. Indrpendence. Or. Furniture lor Sale. SAVE MONET. Try our sales department If you want to buy or sell household goods. Reduced freight rates to most all points In our through pool cars. Expert packing, re pairing and refinishmg. Money loaned on goods In storage. Fireproof atoruso. Low insurance rates. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO., 63 4 tb at., o p p ai u i tnoma n no tei, Phune Broadway 3715. FURNITURE of 4-room house for sale. house tor rent, per muntn, paia until July 14. Can have possession after July 1. $io. terms, or $j0 cash, ail 24th st. DON'T sacrifice your furniture If gotr.tf east or to California, vie can save you money on your freight in our through cars: Iirerroci storage, i. ai. uisuo Transfer & Storage Co.. 248 Pine st. FINE Imported chenille rug, 2 Wiltons, 1 Bigelow. 1 wicker leatner-soat settee, l rocker. 1 Acorn range, all used but few months ; also house for sale. 1304 E. Sm Imoii st. Tabor L7. DRESSERS, 1 library table. 1 folding bed, 1 dining table and 4 chairs. 4 rock ers. 1 velvet rug ix 12; 1 kitchen treas ure, 1 sanitary couch and pad. Phone Ka.t 4575. DINING SET, coucn. piano, music cabi net, machine, brass bd, 2 chiffoniers. 54 St. Francis aptf., 21st and Hoyt si s. NEW dressers. Ivory finish. $ 15.75 ; furni ture factory. 100 Norih 3d st.. cor. Flan ders. KITCHEN range, tuble, refrigerator, bod bprings, mattress, oak dresser, or what have you to trade? Phone East 8000. FURNITURE of 3 rooms for sale, rooms for rent to party buying furniture. 20S E. Broadway. MAHOGANY dresser with mirror 21x31. 2 mattresses: a bargain; call Broadway 4101 before 3 P. M. Office Furniture. T W. DESK and chair. 2 tables, 3 roll top desks, 2 flat-top desks. 3 bookkeep ers' deaka, 8 chairs. 3 filing cu bine is. 3 B'USHONG & CO.. 91 Park St. Tyue writers. R ECO N STRUCT E D MACH I N ES. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKES. IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE. CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO. 321 Washington St. Main jOM. REBUILT typewriters, all makes, rentals. repairs, supplies, uistrihutors t okona portable, S L N D ST R A N D , adding ma chines. Main 2285. E. W. Peae Co. 110 -Sixth street. RENT A REMINGTON First -claas, mod ern typewriters only ; reasonable rates. Special offer to students. Remington T ypewTltnr-Co.. r8 liruadway. ALL MAKES rented and repaired, Oregon Typewriter Co., 04 5th st. .Main 3008. NEW, rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut r a tea. P. D. Co., 231 Stark. Main 1407. REPAIRS, rent, buy, sell; supplies. Type writer Inspection 00., ju tatarK. M. ;i54i. Poultry . 10 WHITE Leghorn laying hens. 835 Tib- bet ts. Dogs, Rabbit. Birds and Pet Stock. FOR SALE Wild Mallard ducks for de- c o y i ticks. 2.i i 6 1 st st. 1 an o rjooj THOROUGH BRED Irish eettcr. eeven months old. v uooiawn Si. ENGLISH setter puppy. 12 weeks old. fe- male; $7.50. At bookstore. Main st. Boats. Launches and Murine .fcquipmcnL 10-H. P. GREY marine engine, Hyde pro- pellor. spark coil. pump. etc.. iuu casa. or will trade tor bath fixtures, tub. toi let, bowl, etc., or anything I ca n use. Phone E ast 5715 or H 705, Org g onlan. . COZY, compact furnished houseboat ror sale: in urat -class eonoitioti ; m urrsmi Yacht club. Apply K 51. i-itcarn. Cana dian Bank of Commerce, 4th and Slurk sts. HOUSEBOAT for sale; 3 large, llgnt rooms with porch all arouna noune, -iecu- tric lighta, partly furnished; bargain. 103 rs ith st. HOUSEBOAT for sale at a bargain; cash or terms. none au'.o 011-1- or case 405 1. FOR SALE Skiff, IS foot; located at east horc of Broadway bridge, cati c. ,j-..i. Coal M.nd Wood. r NO. 1 CORDWCOD. highest grade first- growth nr. .ji per cora at our yaru In North Portland ; wholesale or retail ; house deliveries also arranged for. Fir Co.. Main 4247, 10 A. M. to 5 P. M 100 CORDS of wood cue from big timber. taken by a widow on a aeot; must sen nart of it now; $S. tf-cord lot. Alberta, Irvington. Piedmont. Woodlawn 4S07. o00 CORDS seasoned wood, near Oregon City. $3.00; aieo 40 acres ior rent unit. November, 1123. Owner. Box OS. As toria. 4-FOOT green miii siao. $tt per cord; block and slab mixed stove lengen, iu per ioaa; double load. lit. a. w . w arner. uj North rup st. Broadway 4110. BLOCK, and slab mixed. $5.50 load in 2- load lota, also special on cordwooa ana coal. Oregon Fuel. Wdln. 4102. BLOCK AND SLAB, PARTLY DRY, 2- I.OAD LOTS SPKC1AL KKlLli JJtL.1V- ERED NOW. EAST 2041. GUARANTEED best 010-erowth 4-ft. cord- wood. a per cora; o ou in -cora lots Broadway 4110 FOR COUNTRY SLAB WOOD AND FIRST GROWTH, LUnUVUUU, CALL BUH X. 17 S3." GROUND hog fuel and sawdust in car loads or truck; iota, western cooperage Co.. Gol. 52. BIG LOAD of hex wood, $5 50 per load. Cell Woodlawn duul or 1133 Montana avenue. ROUND oak cordwood. $11.50 per cord delivered. Jr. tn. Bowman & Co. Main 3026 BEST old-growth ti: cora wood. $25 per cord. aeuwooa sn. CORDWOOD. $7.50 per cord. Phone Auto. 023-ou. COUNTRY slab wood. short dry block Main 8005. wood and siao wood. OLD-GROWTH cordwood. delivered any- place in city ror is. wain. 2300. BLOCKS 2-cord lots, reduction, delivered Irom the car, jsast .y-ii. FOB SALE. Coal and ooq. HOW AHUUT YOLK WOOD? Can you beat these price, ? Dry big country slah, $0 75 per cord; old growth. No. 1. $850; oak. $11.50. Hawthorne FupI Co.. Fast 6106 . Machinery. FOR SALE 7V-h. p. ly new: price $1S5. Newton. electric motor. near Call Mar. U66. Mr FOK SALE 2-horse HuiUeve g. engine cheap. The Evening Repair Shop. 310 N '-;! st. . Miscellaneous, .FOR SALE Hughes electric range, style 47. good condition, sacrifice. $s.V Address W. M. Smith, Kelso. Wash. SEWING machines, new and second-hand, sold for less; no agents employed: com plete lines of parts for all m ikes; ma chines repaired n1 rented. Main 943L SEWING MACHINE EMPOIUUM- , 100 Third Sr.. near Taylor. IF DAVIDS CAN T REPAIR YOUR WATCH, GIVE IT UP. Only genuine watch materials used. DAVIDS. Jeweler and opticians, 31 Washington St. at Broadway. SAFES Fire snd burgiar-proof safes. r.-w nd second-hand at right prices bought, sold and exchanged; tasy urmi if de sired. NORRIS SAFE & LOCK CO.. 105 Second St. Main 204?. SACRIFICE if taken Monday of Dayton meat siicer. lute mode;, t ost -; a0 Hobart electric coif to. mill. cot -M; anv reasonable offer w itl be accepted ; must sell. Tall at 320 Henry b.dg Broad wav 551K). pome lernw. WE CLEAN and poli.-h your Mlver. bra, copper, etc., at our tanllary cleaning plant or send competent metal cleaners to our home. We do plating, all work guaranteed. Danner Co., 3W-317 Bush A- Une bldg. Main 6701. HEMSTITCHING and picotmg attach ment, works on an v tewing machine, easily adjusted. Price $2.50 with full instructions, oriental Novelty Co.. Box 1 LCo r ius C h r i s ti.Tex . RUGS and Carpets washed on your floor. Our method restores the colors to their original brightness. CAREFUL CAKI'ET CLEANING CO... EAST 73T3 LET THE VoGLE sell jour misfit or idightiy used garments: hae a dandy line of ladies' and children's hats and bhnes. Rourn 41. J AlUky bldg.. Third, near Morrix.n. liYN'eTerlasTiiig aggravation by a leaky roof? Why rot comfortable and durable roof? We repair. Rubber Boi.d and rejuvenate ait kinds of leaky roois Work guaranteed. Main5120. FOR SALE or trade for stmiethin 1 can use. late model Butterklst peanut and popcorn maehine. looks and runs like new, cost $lloo. What have you? W. . Cohngan 4M Washington jSt. HOT W AT E R t,nks. 30-gal., $7; 40-51. . $0; tested and guaranteed ; stovo and furnace cods, gas heaters installed, ex pert plumbing, repairing. East S:d Wcldi ins ShopOSAdji msst. East 8.1 1 "i ELKCTK1C fixtures, wholesale. 1 light chain $1.25; 3 light fixture. $.i.i.i; electric stove. $4; brass shell socket. ;.e. We do electric work. Reliable Electric, Union and Russell. East 30MI COLUMBIA PLASTER WALL BOARD Can't bulge, swell, warp or uhrtnk. Makes join Hess, battenless walls. Fire retard ing. Oregon maide. Ohsfeldt, 143 nri. FOR SALE Registers, soda fountain, new hiiiI seeond-h.ind floor case, niert t slicers, root beer barrel, coffee grinder, scales, cash or rrodit. 2 10 Sa Inion. STRAWBERRIES. 2c lb., pick them your self; bring containers; two miUs south of Hubbard on Pacific highwuy, mile east. H. W. Kuiikle. LOGANBERRIES tons, 2:--c pound bring your 3'uc picked Donald. Or. n tamers and pick t hem. ripe now. Frank Perketi, OFFICE FURNITURE. Bought, sold and exchanged. HANEN-VADENSTKIN DESK. CO.. 105-107 Twelfth St. Broadway lA77. COMPUTING ti:alt, casn retisicr, cof Tee mii.s. meat choppers and general etor fixtures at 22tf stark bl, between First and Second streets, TH E BIRTH STONE for June Is agate. They bring health, wcailh and good lurk; Ideal for graduation gifts. Miller, next door to Majestic theater. bAFLS AND VAULTS lo Sixth ht., near Oak. New or 2d hand Herring-Hall-Marvin ates for sale or exchange, terms. B ushon g& Co., plune Broad w ay1202. NEW "SINGEKS," $5 down. $3 monthly. Expert sewing machine repalrlnsj. MORRISON STREET SINGER STullE, 8o2 Morrison. Marshall 721. yOR SALE A Kirslcn 1-man stump puller, almost new, ued In clearing 2 acres; will sell U-fS than na.f price. East 5501. 2s" Hawthorne ave. frtU wicRt.CT Mint) :al iiui 4.'u, wi scientific watch repairing kua Miller, a; door to Majestic theater FOR RENT Eiectrtc vacuum cleaners, 24-hour day, 85c, delivered, guaranteed good condition. Woodlawn 125tf. Z AC TO camp beds. $!. each: 1 auto ga- Ollne cainptftove, 3. iuu iu. oisi. near GHtftf n. , PILES can be permanently cured wit hou: operation. Call or write Dr. U-.az. bee on d and Morrison. SCREEN doors and windows, medicine cabinets, mirrors; and furniture repair ing, c ; ibtnet w o r k. Phon Wd I n H "i 7 . RLGS washed on your lioor with hamiMua. Beach electric carpei va.uer; ai&o vac uum cleanlng done. Eat 4045. BASSINETTE HALF PRICE Beautiful wicker, decorated bassinette, like new; $1S. 554 Tillamook. KODAKS. We buy, sell, rent and exchange ko daks. Sand. 320 Wahingtcn tt. RoVAL ANNE cherries, tic lb.. 5d-Jh. box delivered to houBe; 4c un tree. Wood lawn 1402. . FENCE I woods. D. B. osts. cedar, i(r lots. SCULLY. CO.. direct from 171 Fro nt St. th LICENSED independent electrician win 3 rooms for $12. 5 for $20. Guaranteed to pars Inspect ion. Wood la wn 3701 . TRtJfSSEAC 4-)iece wash sal in and georgette: mu'lo foi'cusiomer. Main 5o.il, Tool Broadway bldg. FLoUK ack. loo-ii. sue. laundered, $1.50 doz, $10 per hundred; mail orders. S Modes, 42S Belmont st. NEW COT WITH MATTRESS. SUITABLE FOR SLEEPING P RCH OR DAMP ING, $3.50. TABOR 1507. WANT TO BUY hay standing; mutt be good quality. Crown .stable. Inc., Ph. I Suepter. president. 2S. r ront lvITCllEuN r.tns- table, r-fnger-ttor. bed springs. muttrSK, oak dresser, or wh h;i Vf you to trad ? Phone East SO'i'1. FOR SA LK Strawberries, pick them yoi felf. 5oc crate. Route 2, box t. Silt wood. Or. if o. T. K u m agaw a. FIKIiWuKIvS for haie; Council Crest car. Be witt station. 2 blocks wt. Mar. 5210. FOR SALK Royal Anne cherrieii on the ,rt-p ('i,n 101M Jtudney ave., or plione Woodlawn 4570. FOR SALK One Sandwrlrh hay p 407. route 1. I'oriianu. i iion-- ijt or 42n4. CAMPING trailer lor 371 North 21 n street. INVALID'S wheel chair for s.ne; good con- diiion. r-tM iv'niiV blankets.- very cheim. 304 Phoenix 'l'!Sj Broadway 1". WOOD and coal range, very tion. Main 45P. LAW N M o W E RS sharpened HO H a w t h o r n e ave. East ip1 repa 07 SO. 2, WOOl .port jacket. tiT worn. Sfu East too.. FOR PALE Small a nd large Sacrifice price. 240 Salmon. registers. WON i ; l . RFC L dia mti nd. in arly k ; will sacrifice at 2-3 value Tabor 43o3. Jiy BbiAlfTIFl'L dinner ring, cost$200. will Hell for i 125 AG 735, tregoinaii. 10- IN. WOOD. ,-ood lengths. 5x12 plank in cord v. 421(2. Bdi SHoK repair finihlitr for sale. Cheap. 503 Union ave. N. BLoifk WOOD and p ank, for faie, cheap. Marshall 1501. or Auto. 5 2S -25 FOR SALE Ko.al Ann ana itmg encrrie nmt voung anl old chickens. Wri;n. l".!i B1RT FOR SA 1.1-; N son. Eat IMH. ar loth and Than CBERIUE3 for sale. 1014 E. Clay. Tabor 04 1 5. SOD fountain. 12-ft.. Red Cross root beel bbi. and steam table, cheap. 430 Wash CHKRRlES and loganberries, first-class, nl.'-k them yourself. Tabor 3470. ELFCTKIC FANS, BAR' . A IN PRICES. N t. wman. 12S 1st., near Alder. Main 4405 . FOR SA LE Cash register, sate, adding mac nine, s n o v 1 u ft vi-, near Am "STAR A STAR" shingles direct from mill Call Tavlor-street dock. M;in Uto.V SAFES, trucks, scales, coffee nulls, cheeac euttt.rs. 4S Front at., near Pine. SECOND-HAND tents and covers for saie. pacific Tent Awning Co., No. 1 1st sL ELEC vacuum cleaners sold, exchanged, r e p aired. Ray Bentiey. i 1 ain 4 IHJ 7. VACUUM cleaners for rent. K5c per day; delivered anywhere. Wdln. 315. LADIES, "be well dressed." Exclusive used g arnients in a home. Tabor 2S25. 1ST-CLASS Soudun grass seed, 6fe cts. The Lewis Co.. S:n Jose. Cal. FOR SALE Hot air lurnace, equipped for 5 rooms. Auto. 332-10 FOK RENT Grafonola, late records, piano. typewriter, sewing m Mi-nine. aia;n law FO R SALS While bassinette, Eat 7t'3S. CHKUR1LS for aaie. iloaroe. . UJ, I M ift-Hlaneous. DO .AN WRECKING CONSTRUCTION CO.. 4iO Iteinioni. corner KuM Mb. Blot, k Lst of Morrison bt. BUILDING MATERIAL, New and the Equal For all building purpopee, com plete hous bilU, alterations, ad ditions. A SAVING ON EVERY ITEM. Lumber, doors, windows, frames, ready roofing, plumbing fixtures, pipe and fillings. Lumber stock, complete In all prad. s. dimension lumber, boards, aheathing. htpp, flooring, rustic, ceiling, jtlnngUa, mouldings, finish, 5OO.OO0 feet heavy timbers. PUna listed. i.is Loured, estimates fur nished. Garages built to order In our shops, complete, at low cost. NVw stock galvanised and Mack wrought iron pipe. 4 -inch to 2 lnch. Any quantity at reduced price in ordor to move over slock uf this material. Bath tubs, lavatories, kitchen sinks. Uundry trays, low and high tank to n.-t, con. p let e wit l nickel plated fitting; cat iron pipe fit tings. Lead and brass guuua, all priced low. New 1, 2, and 5-panM doors, $2 to $2.50; glaxs doors, $4 up; win dows and sash, glazed or open, 50c up. For any building material you may require, call, phonn or write to DOLAN WRECKING & CON STKUi'TloN CO., 400 Belmont St., curm-r East 8th. LAWN mower and phonograph . chc.p . I bed, Ed n-on c East S504 evenln GAS RANGE Splendid condition. Seil- ood 1 4 i). FOR HALF ATTOMOBILFS. COME ACROSS the river and hut your ca rs. 10 per cent cheaper. Following la a small list of our ued cars; prices are astonishing and we give very reasonable terma 1018 Dodge roadster. 1020 Maxwrll roadster. 1020 Maxwell touring. 1019 Reo touring. 1020 Hupmcbile touring. 1010 Oldftmoblte eight. 1020 Oakland touring. 10M Chalmers touring. 1017 Saxon touring. 1015 Wluton touring, 7 -pa. 1020 Stephens touring. 1018 Chevrolet 4-00 touring. 1017 Maxwell touring. 1018 Ford rosdster. 1013 Ford touring. 1010 Ford touring. 1010 Ford touring. I'JVJ Hup touring. THE USED CAR WAREHOUSE. Grand Ave. at East Taylor St, Portland's Largest Used Car Store. 1017 f". I'll "K Little Si touring, good mrcManliMl condition, aim nut new lirrs. j'.intHVite top. Here is a snap M ust e!I. Phono o ner Lioadw ay dovt kail to attend the great est used car salk ever held is Portland, beginning Monday. JUNK 27. 1021. Rumx Mo ron: car co , inc., BROADWAY AT HOYT ST. OPPOSITE NEW Po.sTOFFlCE. 1 1 ROADWAY HO. SPORT MODEL BARGAIN. heels ami font mental motor, oMhiiuled. run JM m ii milts, speciat uriHllir. clock, bumper. l'tj li ii .lust side 1 cense, ( 1 1 ik hi, ot her eM ras. Beauti ful in a -t ion and look. srif lea, ' ner. HIT Morrison. l'raslev studio. Ol.D8K ' $:m.-, CASH $3.15. This vn r nt n be m at 3f Broad w;t ; all e trail, not including this year's li-- life 1 1 u ulso in At shapff. Call Main 1 I 75 Al'To Tops, fMt covers, curtains snd iiphoirnng. Better materials, finer t or k nix 11 mi 1 p, at r rat -live lirices. North -went Auto Co., iMh and Alder. Bdwy. 1 KoUD Hl'i;, uiidt-rslung, 5 wire wheu., A t water-Kent ipnJllon. electric start-, t"p and fender. ; cost $oo, fuicrtfti c, $ 250. Y ran.-on s. Union Avu, and Bel- mon 1 m 10 B r 1 c k r extlH ; d.iik idhtel' coid tires and '.111. n' - Car runs and looks hkn hlue body, cresin wheel; a mil or ti rnis. Phone Main lOto 0I.DSM0BI l.K ii. run i-.oo miles, com plet. ly overhauled; 5 Mna; will aril or trad' for Miuilli-r i-ar. BARGAIN FOR QUICK HALE. Phone Auto. 5I0 47 evening. KEo si'liKM wrfuoti, only $025! You know th Roo. Roliahl,- nd econoni ita 1, rlictnc it; tiled ai.d s Lur led. Call Joe Uood fe.jow , !:. 1 4do. North w 1 at Auto Co . 1 vh and Aider. IF A Hudson sp.ed.nr, thin is it. Latest model, run only 42oo nillen. n-flnuh-d and carries a warranty mniie an factory, one real ha ri'din, $ l!5u, term Man viilo. Last m;;i5 -,.,0 ( k LA N D $550. This car is a bargain, new paint, good tire, spott'tlit: must se;i this week Call Aut 1. 217 12. Ri: I -TON FoRf truck in A-l mechanical condition, cab, ex pre body and canopy top. ihv biKge-t bargain In town at $lou Oill Ad.inis, Bdwy. 40H3. FOUR-PASSKNGKIt Studebaker. in good condition, conl tires, $."50; a demonnra- tion wui siiuw you an execution, buv. Mam 1470. l'.M! BL'ICK 5-pilot louring. .-l condi tion: 5 turd tire, upotllght. bumper; $1250 cufh. Inquire at 275 Burnsida st. or phftiu- Hroad a v 4.VS FoltD touring, demountable rims, hrenee. Hasher siiock absorber. brand new top; overhauled. Cach or terms' $.;23 Cal! H:ib.-o. k. Tabor 4725. CHAXDI.KU Lrfle model. uood paint. Only $!75. Mr. K 1 1 re 1 1 . North wet and A ' 1 e r Bdwv. 1 4d0 Rent hap. ey payment. Auto Co,, IMh ELK"TRIC CAR. $ C.inopv Kfa top, u Kay h:d a. Good condition. So.d for storags. LIGHT six four olds or HiimUr . m want ( reg d; give best cash price. AL 75." n ian. 101 h FoKD panel del, very, fin; hape; ex. cedent tire?-, good paint; low price. Easy t r n 1 s I'lu 1 1 K a t 3 ' 2 HUDSON ape-dstcr, 1020 21 ju ries, p-rf-cl coin! it ion, like n w, c ord tires, terms. WE TEA R 'em up and m fl th pir., Portland Auto Wrecking Co., 31 Alder, nf ar 17 1 h. I M wy. 5254. FOR SALK Ford touting in good condi tion. $-00 c.ish. 0712 05th at. ti. E. Near 1hm h y'.. WILL Disrol NT my new Hudfon JJtMi. never been drnen, will tak a ligtit car and gie terms. AN 7lo. Oregonian. FOR SALK liu.ck good nieebanienl paint. Price 177." ilghl six. L;7 niorteT. condition and lhon Easf TI 40T Fit AN KLIN OR. all new cord ttreii. looks and runs like new car, good price for q 11 ick a le. give t-rm s. 3 07 S t a r k . NEW overlMnd. run only 5oti miis. must sell for $750, terms. Alf. Being, 64 loth . 1020 MAXWELL, will saerlfice f.ir quick snle, $050 or trade for better car. East 4.' HI. LATE moilel Ford dellvcrv: $.15. roadster body Kad hi 21. vith light CAMPING OUTFIT, trailer and lent. Kat 1010 STUDEBAKEH light . $1100, terms. A. H. Kreul. 51oo milti; Wdln. 1145. SALE 1010 Ford touring ar' a days at 300. Call Aut 33 . FoRD terms 10JO. wire win-elf. extras, cajh or 404 East Ankeny. BU1CK roadster in good shape. CHEAP. Ca!! at 0 '.5 Hawthorne ave. gee h o p m a n. WILL itacriflcu 1120 iihmi c'hevrolel trur- tng ffr 5150: phone ownr, K.ist 17. LATE Ituick, corl tires will oertf ice. In bf auilful hap; K 42If. SLR IKS 1 baricaln. Franklin cur. touring-, at Cad Woodlawn 1k. FOR SALE Ford and Overland cheap. Auto. ill-aT.