i i 1 1. I'D Improved N2 annul rnrfnr.n The improved construction makes a RKDI.MADE a better, more substantial building aj. no greater cot to you. They are the best built sectional buildings on the Pacific coast Flrst-claMs Houses, Garages for Lena. Erected In Portland Practical to ship. Iledimade Bids:. Ck, Portland, Or. B. 11th and Marktt. Phone E. 5114. Dnvuiown sales office Commonwealth bldg., 6th & Ankeny. Phone Bdwy. 4335. MORTGAGE LOANS irMt Interest ratesi Installmeat rs. rmnts. it desire. BullUlnar loans sultde. Mo delay la clvains A. H. BIRRELL-GILL CO. PormfrlT A. H. Blrrell Co. 116-219 Aorttawestem Bank ilulldla Marshall en. KEAL ESTATE. For Sale Beach Property. FINE BEACH LOTS. SALTAIR TILLAMOOK BEACH. I have four choice lota, all together, two lacing the Pacific ocean: board walk; county road and railroad run in front of property. The other two lots adjoin th two above and face on the road in the rear. All are near the de pot, hotel and Rockaway; size of lota la 23 feet by about 70 feet ami are excep ' tionallr well adapted for bustness of residence: orice $125 and $150 each. Address Y 723 Oregonian. I'hr sii v. sn irt i Or. 7-room house, furnished. 50x100 corner lot with im provements: one block from beach in Hermosa park. 242 First ave. and E at. owner there. fOR SALE 16 lota. Coat View addition. Yaquina Bay; reasonable. AJ 7.L Ore gonia n. For Sale Lots. LOTS LOTS LOTS LOTS. TATE'S ADDITION. -7- Jti A UT.KK. Here's your opportunity to buy a lot with cement sidewalks, curbs, graded streets and water, on Alberta car line, at Irs -than acre aire prices. You never, never would expect to buy such lots for so little money. lour own terms, too. Tflk A lh.-rta car to end of line, con tinue one block north, then four short blocks east. Salesmen on ground Sat urday afternoon and Sunday. 1 nese lot are unrestricted. Build a shack or-put up a tent. A. G. TKEPE CO. Realtors. 270 Stark St.. Nertr 4th. Main 3092. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. GO OUT SUNDAY to East lth and Fremont, at the BIO SIGN. Salesmen will meet you from 1 P. M. until 6 P. M. Sunday. See these choice lota, with paved streets, cement sidewalks, curbs, sewer and water ail in and paid. Several new houses under construction now. t.iose to scnooi, car. etc. Inside lots $7.10, $875; corners J 1000 to $130(; $100 down. $10 a month. JOHNSON'-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bide. Main 37S UPPER WASHINGTON. REAL SNAP. $7500. 60x100. on Ella st.. just off Wash., verv suitable for garage or apartment. HITTER. LOWE & CO.. REALTORS. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bids. 50x150, $502.50. $100 down, $10 a month; fine for gar den, berries and fruit, block to car, 3 blocks to school. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Hank Bids. Main 3787. THL'KMAN. NEAR 2 1ST. 50x100, $2500. Very suitable for store, shop or small factory. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. SACRIFICE PRICED $1800. " FACTORY WAREHOUSE SITE. Adjoining Russell-Gilbert Candy fac tory on O.-W. R. & N. tracks. HoIIaday avenue, near E. 24th, Mr. Carey. Main 747. WE HAVE a beautlfu. lot on Grand ave., near A ins worth, one block from Union ave. car, $650; terms $65 cash, $10 per mor,;h. F. E. Bowman & Co.. 210 a of C. bldg. A FOOL I AM to pay rent. $2 down, $2 week, buys looxloo, all nice and level, no brush or stumps, fine view, $550, in cluding assessments: Alberta car. R. W. Cary, 1210 .X. W. Bank bldg. ATTENTION, BUILDERS! Thirty-four lots, in a fine addition, near car lines, clear, no grading, at half price; terms. John M. Payne & Co. Main 0Q12. ALWAYS BROKE; paying rent; $1 down. $1 week, soxioo, A inert a car; no better lots at $250 to fyuU. R. W. Cary, 1219 X. v. uanK uiug. .Mam lJit, SIGHTLY lot on East 25th near Division St. ; all assessments paid, including; as phalt paving; price $750. Owner, 30Q A'iatt DKJg. BUY LAURELHURST LOTS. PIRECT FROM LAURELHURST CO. See J. A. McCarty. 207 H Stark St. Main 1700; evenings. Tabor 5057. I HAVE a lot in Swinton Add., will trade for a car worm doo. Address T. A Glovpr, Ill North Jersey st. LAURELHURST LOT BARGAINS. See J. A. McCarty. 270 Stark St. Main 1700. Evenings. Tabor 5057. SIGHTLY lots, 50x126 ft., on Interstate ave. and Wygant St.; $b00. Owner. 30 iiatt Pit g. WILL exchange beautiful lot for diamond. Broaaway v--s4 or Broadway 2S4X For Sale Ilouet. BUT FROM OWNER. Just completed, double constructed, with paper between: modern 5-room bungalow; fireplace, bookcase, writing aesK. Duuei. paaeiea aining room, solia hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen, break fast nook, table and oencnes; inside and outside entrance to full cement base ment, wash trays, beautiful electric lix turea; all rooms nicely finished in ivory; east front; walks; 1 block south Alberta car. 1019 E. 2Sth N. Auto. 322-04; $3700, term a Open 3 to 9 P. M. FOR SALE BY OWNER My home. S36 E. 31st; paved st.. H .block to carline. 50x100 lot; four large rooms down and floored attic; furnace and fireplace; fine concrete garage; ai. paid. $4500, $1500 down. Phone Sell. 10S. BY OWNER Nice live-room, modern bun galow in xirsi-ciass conaiuon. it is on a comer lot and near car, schools, churches and stores. Located at 540 "Webster sL Take Alberta car to E. 12th St., one block north. Price $3200. terms. OHI YOU NEWLYWEDS. Here's your chance to get a brand new, 4-r. bungalow, complete, stylish, snappy for $2700. Small payment down, balance like rent. See it today at 615 Lafayette st. Phone owner. East 4000. HOUSE PLANS. " "Dlstiiwtive Homes," illustrated book of over 100 designs, $1; blueprints. $10, DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPANY. 924 Northwestern Bank Bldg. SIX-ROOM house, sleeping porch, 8un porch, 6 iois, oo oearing iruu trees, as sorted berries, chicken houses and run. Lawn, roses, etc. $5000. Owner leaving city; must sell. Auto 044-14. HOUSES built, your lots or ours. We will assist in maiting pians ana negotiate loans. FABRICATED CONSTRUCTION CO 616 McKay Bldg $3700 $"00 CASH, $50 month; 5-room oungaiuw u pavrii eireei, oargain. Call for Mr. Acker, 210 Oregon bids. Bdwy 1 6T.S. VERY attractive bungalow, furnished, 3 rooms, anu uttiu, .un ement oasement lot 40x120; block to car. Price rea sonable. Owner, 5721 Woodstock ave. JOHNSON A ANDERSON, owners and DUliaera. iiiicua. rmn. new. modern 5-room bungalow. 024 Skldmore st . OWNER $3250. modern 6-room home. A-l condition, iiue viww. troon location. 554 East 25th st. Sellwood 20S3. FOR SALE. Modern 7-room house with double garage, on corner lot at 265 E. 15th st. OWING to death of wife will sacrifice 2 . new. mooern nomes wun acres. 712a Powell aiiey roau. MODERN seven-room house. Piedmont dis trict ; large ioi, aanoy garage. Easy terms, low price. Johnson, 248 Stark st. WESTMORELAND Four-room bungalow at aiiWi on corner ioi: garage and fruit trees. Call Main 6327. LEAVING city July 1, Will R. C. choice-1 oca tea nome bargain; 6 largo rooms; terms. Tabor 2670. $2850 IN ROSE CITY PARK. 6-room b jn- gaiow: narawooa noora; j.uoO cash. 'a- bor 8094. 6-ROOM house In Alberta district. $2750. Owner. Main 3516. I SELL your property or business quickly. HELEN JOHNSTON. 205 Artisans bldg. ROSE CITY Artistic new 7-room bunga- low ami 'wnr. aui. m i - COZY, attractive little homo, furnished or unfurnished; sacrifice 603 E. 66th St. N. 2 LOTS and 4 houses, corner Front and Hooker, inquire mjin Hooker. MODERN bungalow read? to occupy. 1260 fcast Aider st Main 3-!4 FOR SALE sj 1500 equity in 6-rm. house; good Dadge for part. Phone 618-74. NICE 5-room bungalow in Sunnyside. 229 E. 23d st. rnone Tabor 3m;s. ""VICE 5-room bungalow in Sunnvside. 2 t East 37tu street. Phone Tabor 35G3. THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 2o, 1921 ; 1 I 1 .T T" WtNTFn-RKAT. ESTATE. I TO KTnXBF-BKAt ESTATE. I FOB SALE. REAL ESTATE. For 8aJe Hoi 21ST ' STREET IRVINGTON HOME. On account of change of business, ne cessitates the owner to move out of the city; extra well constructed residence, 0 rooms and Inclosed sleeping porch, making 4 bedrooms In all; all large, pleasant rooms; the location Is very good, being on 21st street between Stanton and Siskiyou, some of the room are finished in natural fir, other enam el finish; $2500 cash will handle it, bal ance arranged. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Com. bldg.. Main 208. FURNISHED BUNGALOW. $5250 $5250 $5250. TERMS. irirrTf .nna iiv well-built 5-room bunga low, fine basement, pipeless furnace, fironlaee. Dutch kitchen, good furniture, splendid condition throughout, owner must sell at once. For information and appointment, call East 490L LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Absolutely modern 5-room bungalow nH -araa- iut rwinir com Dieted. Hard wood floors throughout, tile bath and sink, fireplace and latest piumoing tnrs iic-hr irnr fixtures and shades, " $7000, $2500 cash; open for inspection after 2 P. M. 243 Laurelhurst ave. ,$050 CASH, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. io-n $3250. 5-room modern bungalow with fire, niiipo huffAt hnnkcases. Dutch kitchen. full cement basement with cement floor and taiindry trays, roses, vines ami u-i nniv 1 block to car. paved stree and' sewers in, no bonded assessments, a BARGAIN. n ' HENDERSON-BANKUS CO.. 028 Henry bldg. Broadway 47o4 MODERN BUNGALOW. JUST COMPLETED! $500 cash, bal. $37.50 per mo.. In eludes interest. .iiiKt finishing modern 4-room bunga low with basement: full bath, breakfast nnnk hnilt-ins: 100x100 corner lot Houghton and Peninsula ave., St. Johns car. Price $a;o ror quick saie. uwm-i, E. E. Bryan, Brownsville Woolen Mills, Third ad Morrison. HEALTH OF OWNER NECESSITATES ( i IcK sale VP !-ti M. nuLaa pkrVi-tt PON'DI TION : 1 LARGE BED ROOM AND BATH FIRST FLOOR, 3 BEDROOMS AND BATH ON SECOND FLOOR; FURNACE HEAT AND PUCE; $7000. $1000 FIRST PAYMENT; WEST SIDE. WALKING DISTANCE MARSHALL 1084. MRS. BERRY. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. Going to California; will accept lot or Ford touring car and small cash pay ment for enuitv in 7-room bungalow Nice living room, cove ceiling, beautiful fireplace, Dutch Kiccnen. cement oase ment. stationary tubs; garage. An at tractive home. Call Tabor 155. 1835 Sandy hlvd. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Furnished or unfurnished; magnificent view ; spacioua landscaped ground; Portland s choicest neignbornooa. isun days Main 855, week days Main 1370. VERY CLOSE IN. 6 -room bungalow, very close in on east side, large lot, pavea street, piace is ao solutelv modern, hardwood floors, fire- Titan etc.: all built-ins. French doors between living and dining rooma This is a home to be proua or ana aosoiuieiy a sacrifice at $0000, I jnou casn. gooa terms on the balance. Fred W. German Co.. Realtora 732 Chamber of Com. COLORED PEOPLE. Have you been disappointed in secur ing your dream bungalow? I have one in an ideal location that you can buy for- $4200, and only $500 down; it has 4 beautiful rooms and breakfast nook, hardwood floors, fireplace, cement base ment, laundry trays ; paved street ; no liens to assume. F 30S, Oregonian. ALAM EDA PARK Bungalow, five large rooms, well-arranged, all oak Iioors, lire place, best plumbing, all built-ins. break fast nook, large basement, Mueller fur nace, large floored attic; fine lawn and shrubbery. This house is very well built Good reason for selling. Equity $2000; must be cash, balance on contract. Phone owner, Woodlawn 0310, no agents. MOUNT ZION. Without SEEING a houe you can form no adequate opinion aa to Us value or desirability ; therefore, before buying elsewhere, please examine this: Six-room house, modern, with dining and sleeping porchea. large wooded lot ar.d beautiful view; $"ooo, easy terms. John Bain, owner. 507 Spalding bldg. FOR SALE Furnished, or unfur nished, modern 6-room bunga low in Laurelhurst. 1206 East Pine. Phone Automatic 216-60. HAWTHORNE 5-room bungalow, extra large living room, inlaid hardwood floors, fireplace. furnace, bullt-ins, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, laun dry trays, garage, long lot. all im provements in and paid, like new inside and out; low price. Call Main 6327. p. S. Breakfast nook. TWO-ROOM shack and nice io. 75x100, with 17 large fruit trees and quite a lot of berr.es. located on corner of 6th and Bryant, in Woodlawn; 1 block east of Woodlawn school; $1350, $000 cash, balance terms: might consider late Ford Box S. Sherwood. Qr. S ROOMS $2650. On paved street, newly painted inside and out; 100x100, 2 blocks to car, near school; a real buy; easy terms. MARSH & McCABE CO., REALTORS, 322 Failing Bldg. Marshall 3003. BY OWNER, modern 5-room home in Irv ington Park; furnace; full cement bas ment; fireplace, built-ins; sleeping pored, sewing room; Dutch kitchen; new ga rage; $1000 down, $40 month. 1181 E 27th N.. or Wdln. 552. or Wdln. 4240. 5-ROOM modern Kenton bungalow, paved street, high-class district, a coat of paint will easily add $500 value, present price is a sacrifice. See it today. BRUCE HOLMAN, REALTOR, 209 Failing Bldg. Main 6327. BEAUTIFUL VERNON CORNER 75x100 7 rooms, fireplace, fruit and shade trees; Alberta or Irvington cars; see It; 4"5 Going, corner 10th. $3950, terms. R. W, CARY. 1219 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 1643. ROSE City Park. Best homes for sale. A. N. Mikkeisen, o-a ana anay. WALNUT PARK, 1125 Mallory ave.; re sale by owner, choice corner, 6-room bungalow, garage, strictly modern, new , ly installed $1250 hot-water heat; house cost $0000; will sell lor $7200, terms. Call Woodlawn 663, Mr. Fenning. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. $3500, terms 5 rooms, fruit trees, im provements in and paid; a dandy. MARSH & McCABE CO., REALTORS, 322 Failing Bldg. Marshall 3993. IMMEDIATE SALE. DESIRABLE HOME, 7 RMS., DOUBLE GARAGE. ONE BLOCK FROM WEST KILLINGS WORTH: $3700. $500 L1S. FOR CASH. FURNITURE FOR SALE. WDLN. 1414. COZY, compact furnished houseboat for sale; in nrsi-ciaes condition; at Oregon Yacht club. Apply K. M. Pitcairn, Cana dian Bank of Commerce, 4th and Stark sis. V LAURELHURST ADDITION. New 5-room modern bungalow; full basement, garage, oak floors; sacrifice for $4750: $250 less than It cost me to build: $1500 cag-- u&5 Wasco tst. WONDERFUL HOME FOR A THRIFTY FAM IL Y : MUU & K.-a. CON VK.MB.NCE8 AND CITY COMFORTS: 3 ACRES. OWNER. 657 E. 3aTH, SELL. 1640 OR MAR. 16S4. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW BY OWNER. Modern o-room, iirepiace. run cement basement and walks, paved street, small garage; perfect condition, vacant, $3350, terms. 1114 E. Sherman, near 37th. GIVE me an offer on tnat newly reiin tshed, 7-room house with garage, 495 E. Pine st., cor. 10th; immediate posses sion; owner on premises. ROSE CITY PARK A 5-room bungalow just completed; all modern conveniences, full-sized basement; can be seen at 351 52d st. N. Tabor 5661. $1850 l-ROOM modern cottage, newly painted. This is a bargain, on easy terms. 1815 Pacific st.xcor. 71st. MV car. Tabor 817.5. WEST SIDE CLOSE IN. Lot 50x50 with good 0-room dwelling, on Taylor t., near 16th; price $6000. Owner, 300 Piatt bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER" 4-room house, modern, finished white enamel, corner lot 75x100; terms. Wdln. 44S3. 93S E. 33d. N. WAVER LEY HEIGHTS 8 rooms, modern home, 100x100; fruit, berries, roses, paved streets. 574 E. 33d. Owner. Sell. 3552. WANT attractive 4, 5 or 6 room bungalow, good district; quick deal A. K. Hill. 426 Lumbermens bldg. $25 REWARD and no questions asked for the return of Gruen watch No. 4,S02Vu, lost Feb. 7. CaU ast 713. For Sale Houses. ROSE CITY PARK. LAURELHURST. Folk. I want you to get In touch with this office and let one of the salesmen sho'w you some of the real, downright, modern homes being offered at prices In some instances lower than pre-war prices. We have gone over RnsR fTT Y and LAURELHURST dig ging up the bargains, and I think you will bear me out when I say we have the best listings, among them being the following: $2100 ROSE CITY PARK district 4-room bungalow and garage. Very easy terms. $3950 6 rpoms and sleeping porch. This attractive home is located on a paved street, near the car. You'd expect to pay $1000 more. Yes, there is a garage. In LAURELHURST we are In a posi tion now to show you some real snaps, lasted below are a few of the ex ceptional ones: $5300 LAURELHURST. This attractive bungalow has hardwood floors, fireplace, French doors between living and dining rooms, cement driveway and foundation for ga rage. Remarkable terms. $6000 LAURELHURST Hardw ood floors throughout, tiled bath, ga rage, expensive paper 'n every thing, near the park, too. $7500 LAURELHURST. 8-room bunga low, which is really the very last word in bungalow construction. Built by one of Portland's best builders. Truly embodies all the refinements one would naturally expect in an expensive home. A year ago you'd have paid $0000 or $10,000 for a home like this. A. G. TEEPE CO. Realtors. Insurance. 270 Stark St.. Near 4th. Main 3092. 40th and Sandy. Tabor 95S6. LAURELHURST. -One of Laurelhurst's most beautiful bungalows of 5 rooms; this bungalow is very beautifully decorated ; plumbing Includes pedestal wash stand, base tub and other things that go with a high class home: It is practically new; the price Is $0500, but the owner will accept a light ' automobile as part of the first payment; this is a chance for someone to get a real home cheap. KILLER BROS., Realtors, 514 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 86. Branch Office: 50th and Sandy. Tabor R485. EASY-TERM HOMES. $250 cash, balance to suit, buys a neat 3-room bungalow, elec, plumbing, gas range connected, 50x100 ft. lot, on Hol man, near Alberta car, price only $1750. $250 cash, balance easy, buys 6-room bungalow, modern plumbing, lights and gas furnace, one block from MV car, west of 60th, sidewalks and sewer in and paid, price $3550. $100 cash, balance to suit, buys 4-room house on 72d st. s. K., chicken house, garage, price only Too. BURKHARDT BUSINESS BUILDERS. 415 Piatt Bldg. Realtors. Main 7027. ROSE CITY PARK. ROSE CITY PARK. $5750 NEW. 5 rooms, breakfast room and large floored attic; large, light, airy rooms, fireplace, hard wood floors, furnace. cemen basement, wash trays, garage this is $750 under present mar ket. and it wiil pay you to see it today. TERMS. J. A. WICKMAN CO., REALTORS. "Shortest Wav Home." 264 Stark st. Main 583 and 1004, VACANT NONRESIDENT OFFERS FOR QUICK SALE CAPITOL HILL, magnificent view, modern home, built by owner, all con venlences, including BULL RUN WATER. 6 large bedrooms and clos ets, built-ins, fireplace, furnace, beau tiful fixtures, 2 toilets, bath, hardwood floors, full cement basement, garage. See and make offer. Terms. Must re turn to California. T. O. Bird, 526 Chamber Commerce. $1500 WILL handle this new. modern 5- room oungalow; will be ready to move into on a few days; was built by owner as a home for himself; located in Rose City; all improvements In and paid; all built-ins; fireplace, hardwood floor. large attic, cement basement, furnace. and laundry traye. If you are looking for an up-to-date home it will pay you to look thfs over. For appointment call Mr. Fulford, Bdwy. 1058. NEAR FRANKLIN HIGH. Easy terms: charming home; absolute ly delightful In every detail: 5 rooms. bath, first floor: 3 finished attic rooms, 50x100 lot, garage, 2 blocks to Mount Scott car; price a positive sacrifice $3350. $350 cash, balance to suit you. Owner. S220 51st St. S. El. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 131 E. 32D STREET, SITNN YS1DE. 6 dandy rooms, best of condition; enamel finish, tapestry walls, built-in kitchen, enclosed porch, concrete base ment, garage, east front; $3500. $500 cash, bal. like rent. v IRVINGTON. Onn-mlete 5-room bungalow, splendid condition, nice large rooms and modern throughout; Gasco furnace, hot-water heater and laundry plate in basement flower garden and shrubs: leaving Port land and must sell. 579 E. 26th st. N., owner. BEAUTIFUL MOUNT TABOR HOME. $4000 sacrifice, terms; 6 rooms and sleeping porch, 50x150, modern, view let us show you. MARSH McCABE CO., REALTORS, 322 Falling Bldg. Marshall 3003. ALB IN A ADDITION BY OWNER. 14500 $1500 DOWN. Balance easy, modern 7-room house. full cement basement, cement garage four large bedrooms, paved street ; one block from car. Conrad Gettman, 746 Union ave., phone Woodlawn 3642. ALAMEDA BUNGALOW. 15600 $5000 A 5-r. mod. bungalow, breakfast nook and attic, on a corner lot; improve ments In and paid; to see this call Marshall a. (..'. J. B. ROCK. NO AGENT Buy from owenr. save com mission, 7-room house. 4 bedrooms, kitehon. dining, living room, beautiful yard and shrubbery, 9 radiators, hot- water heating plant; it goes for $4000, some terms; furnished if desired. 737 East Main st.. near 20th. FIVE-ROOM new bungalow. fireplace, Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors, ivory and white enamel finish; cement base ment, light fixtures and shades; 50x100 lot. Price $3500, $500 down. Mt. Scott car to Woodmere. 7009 61t ave. Call Tabor 02S5 for "appointment. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW 4-rm. bungalow, Dutch kitchen, ce ment basement, garage with cement floor, good garden and large shade trees; 2 blocks to car; only $3000, with terms. East 661. RATHER than lose ranch and Mount Ta bor place both, $2000 takes good 6-room house, worth $2700, 75x100 lot, street being hard -surfaced, sewer connected and paid, electric lights, gas, bath; $1000 cash. Tabor 29R4. PIEDMONT. $5000 Eight-room house, tile bath, laundry trays, furnace, 2 blocks to car. 335 Portland blvd. E. OPPORTUNITY HERE'S YOUR CHANCE YOUNG COITPLE: CLASSY 8-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. GARAGE AND WORKSHOP. $1650. TERMS. TABOR 6644. 359 E. 74TH ST. N. IRVTNGTON'S MOST BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW. 100x100; fine flowers; house In perfect repair, double garage. Neuhausen, 830 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8078, East 3H. ROSE CITY special, reduced from $5500 to $5000 until July 1 only, modern 6-room bungalow, garage, cement basement, two fireplaces, laundry; y blk. south Sandy. 503 E. 52d street North. MODERN home, 5 rooms and sleeping porch, garage, lawn, some fruit and shade trees, $3700, terms. 1300 E. 7th st. North. BEAUTIFUL Irvington. home. large rooms, flowers, etc Phone bwner. East 3069. 8 ROOMS, modern. 90x100; best buy in Portland for $6000; corner lot, paved. Mr. Acker, Bdwy. 1658. 210 Oregon bldg. IRVING TON BARGAIN. $ 4 500. Easy terms: 6 rooms; would consider larger home in trade; some cash S.10 N. W. B ank bldg. Main S078. East 304. $2400 5-ROOM bungalow, good district, sidewalks in and paid for; $300 cash, bal. like rent: move right in. Harper & Morris.' 418 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 2995. FOR SALE Eight-room house, 979 Schuy ler st., fi rat -class condition; price $4S00. Apply on premises or to Andrew P. Wil son, 908 Capitol ave.. Overlook. No p hone. WEST SIDE. 7 ROOMS. GAS. BATH. ELECTRICITY. 2 FIREPLACES. CE MENT BASEMENT. LOT 50x100. O W N E R. 467 Tenth st. FOR SALE by owner, 5-room furnished modern bungalow. May consider a good auto as part payment. Phone Se 1 1 wood 48S. FOR SALE! By owner. 12 rooms and sleeping porch, good furniture, best lo cation, price $1800, terms, reasonable. Main 1646. FOR PARTICULAR people Is this fine R. C. corner of 6 spacious rooms; every heart's desire, $8400. Term a Tabor 2676. ROSE CITY A nifty 5-room bungalow on corner, full lot with doable garage, only $4900. Main 6327. NIFTY Overlook bungalow, 5 rooms, breakfast room, attic and full basement. 800 Long view ave. Woodlawn 1 777. MODERN 3-room bungalow, lot 50x114, improvements in and paid, $2800, half cash. 971 Knott. 4-ROOM ceiled house, lot 75x100; iruit t.reea. Auto 631-53. For Bale Houses. A FEW SATURDAY SPECIALS. THESE ARB WONDERFUL HOME BUYS! UNDUPLICATED ANYWHERE FOR THE MONEY. $3250 Mortgage foreclosure sale; man with a big family, this means you! Here s a large -room moa ern central Peninsula home! five firenlaces: 2 baths, furnace. 133. xlOO lot. with abundance of fruit. berries, grapes, nuts. Don't let this pass. Oatman street. Can arrange terms. ROSE CITY BEAUTIFUL. $5500 The final word in bungalow ar tistry ! Can t we show you tnt beautiful 5-room very complete bungalow, with every conceivabi' feature for comfort? Hardwood floors; sleeping porch, etc.; great concrete pillars uphold front porch. This is one of the most Ideal homes we have listed: owner leaving city. East 59th street. $4990 New, dainty Laurelhurst, up-to t he-minute bungalow; 5 rooms hardwood floors, etc. ; beautiful lawn and garage. This is you big chance. Terms. Wasco street, $300 DOWN $300 DOWN. $3790 $300 down; 6-room typical artis tic California bungalow on the west side of the river; built-in of every description ; hall fur nace ; fireplace, kitchen range gas heater, linoleum included; ga uige: five fruit trees: chicken house; only one block to car on ttooa street. mis is unaupu cated. $3790$ 100 down; C-room very attraC' tive and well-built modern Mon tavilla home on E. Glisan st will accept soldier's bonus. j snap. $2590 For 100x100 and 6-room modem home in Piedmont-Jefferson high district; $500 down will make it yours. Michigan ave. $2625 $300 down! Furnished! Big sac rifice! Owner needs money! 5 room very neat and attractive bungalow cottage on Minnesota ave. ; includes range, leather couch; library table; all furniture in good condition; a modest lam ily will be happy here. NOTE. Our wide range of listings covers every residence section in the entire city, and includes homes of every price on the most reasonable terms. Pee FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Buy Your Home. Realtor. 1200 Photographs of Homes for Sale. LARGEST HOME-SELLER ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Third St.. bet. Washington and Stark. NOTICE. I have taken over from the builders THREE BRAND NEW. MODERN FOUR-ROOM BUNGALOWS, each on an acre of the finest garden lands, 2 blocks norm irom end or Alberta car line, a MOST BEAUTIFUL HOME LOCATION COMMENCING Wednesday. June 22. will offer thesa substantially constructed little homes at a great sacrifice; $250 iiisL payment; immediate possession. Representative at houses afternoons or pnone Broadway 1188. J. W. CROSSLEY. Custodian. PROSPECTIVE HOME BUYER, A TTRVTTflV The Laurelhurst Co. maintains an of- nce on the property at East 39th and vitisan, MR. DEL A HUN TY, the man in charge. ha 12 years expe rience in eelling tnis property. SEE HIM. We are closing the few remain ing lots we own at ridiculously low prices, ALSO big bargain In colonial house and 2 bun galows. Montavllla car. Drive out today or pnone tor auto. Tabor 3433. open even ings. $500 CASH. 30 rooms,- large 3-story build ing, corner, 50x100 lot; streets paved; sewer in, paid; close-in west side Here Is an exceptional opportunity for world fair money maker. Price only $5500: easy terms. S. W. corner Grant and Hood sts. Owner, Marshall 746, forenoons. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into Income? We design and build apartments, ga rages, residences, anything; furnish plans and finances. Established 10 years. We offer SECURITY. SERVICE. SAT ISFACTION. L. R, Bailey Co., b24 N. W. Bank bldg. Suburban Homes. FOR SALE Suburban or country gentle men s nome, near capital state highway, overlooking two valleys and mountain ranges: "Million Dollar View." 7 acres with new and strictly modern 6-room bungalow finished in ivory, large fire place, furnace, polished oak floors, built in features, fine parage, tenant house, chicken house with fenced-in park, spring water with city pressure; 5H acres in bearing fruit, only mile to electric cars; might consider Los An geles property in exchange. J. A. WENDELL, Newberg. Or. y ACRES. 4-room cottage, adjoining Westmoreland, between Yukon and South avenues, 18th and 20th sts.; light, water and sewer available, paved street to property line; 2 blocks eat from Sellwood carline at Yukon; fine location. See it. For details and terms write P. Jorgeneen, route 1. box 199. Beaverton, Or. k GOING BACK EAST. Three cultivated acres in oats and hay; 4-room house, gas and water, fruit trees; just outside city limits, close to car line and school; $1500 cash, or will take good car on this, balance like rent. See owner at Kendall station garage on 82d st. S. E. $100 CASH. MILWAUKIE MINTHORNE ADD. New 3-room house, wired for lights, BulI Run water, corner, 5 lots, 25x100 each, $1400, $15 and interest monthly. Owner, Broadway 5173. 624 Henry bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Near Courtney station, new bungalow and one acre of choice fruit. If you are looking for a cosy little suburban home at a price that is attractive, phone 135-R Oak Grove or see R. A. Davis, window no. a, u. a. National bank. NEED MONEY. Will sell 50 -acre farm on rock road In Washington county, 7 miles from Portland city limits. 15 miles by road to courthouse, all in crop, choice land, one mile from electric depot, no buildings, ioo acre, nan casn. au i.ta. uregonian, SUBURBAN HOME S2G00. One acre, berries, fruits, poultry, cow: little house BUILT FOR TWO. Some terms, 9c car tare. Air. colt, 526 Cham. of Com. 10 ACRES NEWBERG ROAD. $3500 New bungalow, 4 rooms, beau tiful view, all cultivated; some fruit non-resident; name your terms. Mr. con, ft-o mumper oi commerce bldg. 5 ACRES, beautiful ornamentals, shrub bery, i lowers, iruu, oernes, garden. parit, poultry, rooms, ciosets, modern, gas, close to car and pavement, terms T. O. Bird, 520 Cham. Com. 2 ACRES in Gresham. all set In choice iruit ana oernes; aincuy moaern o-room oungaiow. compifieiy luraisnea; garage terms. Tabor 2676. RYAN PLACE Bargain, $2600; one acre. ail 'Kinaa ui nuu iiu uerries; 4-room no use, Dam, cumneu uuuw. uwner, Mar shall 351 L TWO ACRES Beautifully situated, on a good coumy roau, ai jnoizger station Apply 512 East 28th st. North. ' ACRE PARK ROSE; all set and bear ing; cozy no use, w cnicaens. $3000; terms; 6 per cent interest. Tabor 2676. 1 ACRE Park Rose, ail in cultivation and bearing; good bungalow, $4200, terms. Price advances July 1. Tabor 2676. For Sale Bnsinras Property. STORE bldg. lot 40x100. 4 furnished liv ing rooms, store fixtures, shelving, $2500, $500 down, $30 month. Phone Wdln. 196L For Sale Acreage. $50 DOWN $15 PER MONTH. 2H acres fronting on Barr road; part cleared; deep, rich soil, free from gravel, $1250; 3 miles east of city. Near car line. STRONG & CO., 606 Cham, of Com, bldg. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. Two to flve-acre tracts on East 82d st. (main Oregon City road), near Ken dall station: paved road, gas, city water, etc.; $750 per acre; easy terms. Owner. 3Q9 Piatt bldg. 5 ACRES, unimproved; neighbors on 4 sides; timber enough to pay for land: about 12 miles from center of Portland, east. Price $700, terms. Becker. 133 irst bi. ROCKWOOD ACREAGE. " One or more acres close to station on Troutdale electric, all cleared, $500 per acre ; easy terms ; see Mr. Boehm, 210 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1658. FOR SALE 20 acres, all alfalfa land, on government irrigation project, one and one-half miles from live town. Beautiful location; terms or will trade for city property. AV 910, Oregonian. WRITE for map of western Washington, showing location, low price and easy terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAUSER TIMBER CO- Tacoma. Wash. $325 PER ACRE, 15 acres unimproved land in South Portland; sec. 29, T. 1. S. R. 1 ' E. E. Coote, owner. Rocky Point. B. C. 15 ACRES, also house-moving outfit. 6131 93d at. s . Thomas Allen, city. For Sale IRRIGATED LANDS UNDER WARM SPRING PROJECT. ALFALFA. CORN AND GRAIN. DAIRYING. HOGS AND POULTRY. VERT LIBERAL TERMS, WRITE OREGON WESTERN COL. CO.. ONTARIO. OREGON. EXCELLENT LAND AT $30 PER ACRE On Columbia river, between Portland and Astoria; 7200 acres of logged-off land in small tracts; deep rich soil, slightly rolling, good transportation, schools, store, postoffice, warehouse and docks. Select while you can get choice tracts; easy terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787, ABOJT TWO ACRES FOR SALE. At reasonable price; will sell part; not all cash required. Just outside city limits. Bull Run water on place. Have !n large bearing fruit trees such as ap ples, prunes, plums, pears and walnuts. Other half in potatoes in fine condition. Sold direct by owner. M. Bredemell. 390 Cook ave., near Union and Fremont st. $40 PER ACRE 20 acres of splendid soil, j. miles rrom coiumma nignway on gou road and well settled community; work near by; good creek and spring; total price $800, easy terms. We have many other good acreage snaps. AKERSON & MARSTERS, 420 Henry Bldg MULTNOMAH 3 lots 50x85 ft. in Buck ingham Heights, Bull Run water in stalled; gas and . Phone available. East front, fine view, good surroundings, $350 per lot; terms to suit, interest 6. Phone owner Woodlawn 0316. Homestead Relinquishments. I AM LOCATING HOMESTEADS from 40 to 160-acre tracts, 'either Portland or Roseburg district, farming or timber land; am in a position to give yon as good, if not better, service than anyone in the state; government map, checked Dp to date. E- W. Helm, 316 Board of Trade bldg. 2 VALUABLE homesteads, mile apart, one on Pacinc highway, nearly all level. creek, iots timber, $400; one with $2000 improvements, eu roas rrom town ano Ry. ; joins $30,000 fruit ranch, near Grants Pass; $i-uQ casn. 301 corbett bldg. THIS is your last opportunity to get valuable homestead in Oregon; correct and satisfactory locations guaranteed by renaoie ex-govc cruisers; maps i. M. j And ej-s on, oJt Ha 1 1 wa y Exch. bid g. Fruit I-ands for tSale or Rent. ALL OR PART of 30 acres bearing walnut orchard, at sacrifice price for quick sale AG 724, Oregonian. For eale rarms. NO. 22. MODERN CH TOKEN FARM STOCKED. 1100 pure-bred White Leghorn hens. 1400 half-grown pure-bred chicks. Fine dairy cow, team, im plements, crops; beautiful 7-room modern bungalow with all built-in effects, fireplace, sun room, full basement with concrete floors, or namental shrubbery, in beautiful oak grove: 4 complete modern chicken houses. large brooder house. Second house of 4 rooms, barn, complete modern electric light and water plant; lights and water in all buildings, including . 60 acres of the finest land adja cent to Portland, most all in culti vation except 13 acres of first growth red fir timber, cruising about 200 cords. Very best of land, no rock or gravel. All fenced and cross fenced. Adjoining high ly improved farms, on good auto mobile road, y mile to large gen eral store, close to school: only 5 miles from good town on North Bank highway, 20 miles from Portland. With all rural advan tages. Price $13,500. Liberal terms. Will accept Portland or Vancou ver residence property as part payment. THOMPSON. SWAN & LEE. -Realtors, Third and Main Streets, Vancouver, Wash. FARMS FOR SALE. The Canadian Pacific Ry. Co. has re cently opened up for settlement their last large block of fertile park lands in the Lloydmlnster and Battleford dis tricts in central Alberta and Saskatche wan, where grain-growing and mixed farming conditions are ideal. These lands can be bought on 20-year terms, at an average price of $18 per acre 10 per cent cash with no further payments of principal until the end of the fourth year g per cent interest under certain conditions of occupation and develop ment only 2 per cent interest first two years. Personally conducted parties of landseekers with reduced rates. For further particulars apply or write Cana dian Pacific Ry. Co., 208 Railway Ex change bldg., Portland, Or., L. P. Thorn ton, district represemauve. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 22 acres, choice level land, all in cul tivation; house, barn and outbuildings, Si mile good valley town, Yamhill Co., Or. Two cows, team, chickens, hogs, tools and Implements, all complete, $0500, $2500 cash, balance, 6 years 6 per cent. 12 ACRES in cultivation, bearing orchard, 3-room cottage, barn, chicken house; garage; fine view; on good road at Durham station. O. E. Railway; 9 miles out, $6500. $2500 cash. k R. M. GATE WOOD & CO., 105 4th St FOR SALE. TWO FARMS. Two of the best farms In Wallowa county, one mile from Joseph, Oregoa, on state highway. 160 acres each, all under irrigation and In cultivation with alfalfa and grain; will divide places In 40 and 80 acres; water cost from SO cents to $1 per acre with an abundance of water at all times; fair buildings, well fenced with woven wire, good wells. electric power and electric lights; will sacrifice ror $loo per acre. Jr. L. aic Cully, Joseph, Oregon. 42 ACRES. STOCKED. $3750. 42 acres, located near Estacada, IS acres under cultivation, 2 acres assorted fruit and berries: 6-room house, barn 50x 50, root cellar, fruit dryer, full set of farm tools, 3 cows, 2 heifers, 2 steers. team, hog and chickens, 18 acres crop price only $3750. $2500 cash. F. L. EDDY. Realtor, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BY OWNER 560 acres. 320 under the plow; stable room for 100 head of cat tie; drive barn and horse stable for 10 head of horses, pig pen, potato house, bunkhouse, blacksmith shop, large dwell ing hcuse: living water on the place, about 30 minutes from courthouse. Port land; lying between Powell Valley road and Estacada car line; can be divided. Tabor 2240, residence 1033 Oregon st. 10 ACRES, EQUIPPED, $2650. 10 acres, with half under plow, located In berry section. 1H acres loganberries. 8000 strawberries, some fruit; 5-room house, barn 22x28, some farm tools, 67 hens, cow and crop included in price of - only $26o0; $12.0 cash. F. L. EDDY, Realtor. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FARMS. FARMS. 40 to 320 acres. Some well-improved and all stocked and equipped. All kinds, all prices. All locations. Some wonderful bargains. Let us tell you about some of the best farms in Oregon. G. G. McCORMIC CO., 242 Washington St., near Second, Main 8220 or Main 9318. FARM for sale, 50 acres all In alfalfa, 4 miles from Helena, Mont., best loca tion in the valley, university adjoining, good roads ; price $90 acre, all $4500 ; this includes 4-room house, team horses, machinery and other things too numer ous to mention; reason for selling have a farm in Washington. Apply owner, E. W. Haines, route A, Helena, Mont. FOR SALE 11 acres. 38 miles from Port land, on red electric and paved high way at Cove Orchard; 2 acres in prunes, nice garden and. strawberries, small 3 room house, small barn and chicken house and good spring water; price $1900; $550 cash. Inquire 838 N. Jersey st.. St. Johns. 200 ACRES very best land ; 1 hour to Portland, over hard-surface; 150 acres under plow; 40 acres prunes; 20 acres walnuts and cherries; all bearing; 40 acres rich bottom; 3 tons hay per acre Two living streams, $35,000. E. E. Mor- gan, owner. Oaston, Or. MEXICAN LAND. A fine agricultural and cattle ranch 34,000 acres, Hermosillo district. So- nora; title ciear; win sen cneap to close an estate; part cash, balance on time. Further particulars address W. H. Min shull, P. O. box 1009, Bisbee Ariz. FOR SALE, by owner, 10 acres, between Stella and uaK foint. a acres under cul tivation, 35 fruit trees, berries, running water, good soil, fenced, small house and barn, close to school, price $700, terms. Address E. Norman. Oak Point, Wash. 93 ACRES, six miles south of Lebanon. 65 In cultivation, wen ienceo; a good tay. or will trade. Owner. Tabor 6308. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES near fortiano. ou io auu per acre; easy terms, best soil, farms for sale, all sixes. M cFarland, realtor, 208 Failing bldg. 32 ACRES, near R. R. town, 10 acres oiearea. ps uuuuings, good road, terms. J. A. Jiickman, own er. Yamhill. Or. LOGGED-OFF lands. $10 acre up; running -water, good sou. wnauie; ecnooi. easy term a J. R. Snarue. 83 Third st. 14.52 ACRES, 2 houses, $400; on Columbia highway, nowena. xi. w . L.ew, dox jz Stanfield, Or. 10 OR 7H ACRES levei timoer land with creeK, or sDeavoxiuu, j, a. suarp, oo a so. ON PAVED STREET AND CARLINE. Have client for 4 or 5 room semi-mod ern house: Drefer this side of Killings- worth; will consider Alberta, $2500 or lliHOO. with IS.iO r.h Fred W. Germa Co.. Realtors. 732 Chamber of Com merce. WILL pay one-half cash for 4 or 5-room modern bungalow, in Rose City or Lau relhurst, 50th st.. or less, 2 blocks or less from car; must be real sacrifice for cash and quick terms. State your proposition in letter to AG 700, Orego man. IF YOU own from 5 to 50 acres without buildings, either in the city or wltni 4 miles of the city limits, we can ef feet a quick sale for you. See us at once. Comte & Kohlman, Main 6550, 208 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WE HAVE several clients waiting to bu homes in Rose City, Irvington or Ala meda: about So 000: must be modern an worth the price asked. For quick action call Bdwy. 1658. Umbdenstock & Larson Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Ask lor r uuora, WANTED 2 to 5 acres with improve ments; must be close in; have cash cus tomer. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY. 013 Chamber of Commerce. I HAVE two clients for Irvington 5-room bungalows, not to exceed $6500; $3000 and $1500 cash. Call me today. C. M. DERR, 1215 N. W. Bank bldg. Mar. 224 HAVE many clients to buy west eld houses and. flats south of Madison sL JOHN SINGER, 420 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. SOLD 3 PROPERTIES. Can sell yours; have buyers waitln for suburban homes. T. O. Bird, j Cham, of Com. Realtor. Mar. 1022. WANT AT ONCE 5-room bungalow $3500 to $4000. Alberta or any good district. Have $500 cash. Must be priced right. Phone Broadway 4Sdfl. WILL PAY ALL CASH for 25 or 30 lota east of 30th. north o: A lberta. Owners only. AJ 775. Oregonian WANTED To buy 6 or 8-room house on Portland Heights. Must be a vie point. No agents. D 754, Oregonian. HAVE buyer for 5 or 6 room modern house; must be real bargain. Phone Mr, Acker. Bdwy. 1658. I AM LOOKING for a modern little horn $2000 to $3000 $500 to $M)0 cash pay ment. AN 7,3, Oregonian. LATE model Chevrolet touring to trade first payment on 4 or 5-room house. 752. Oregonian. IF YOU want to sell vour home for cas before going to Canada address P. O Btx 936 WANTED 2 lots in Irvington; give price and location, au utt, oregonian. WANTED Cheap lot.. 50x100. vicinity Sun nysioe. sia tL&si ramnui st. Fariu V an led. SMALL FARMS WANTED. 5 to 40 acres, handy to Portland and Vancouver; nave ouyers ir priced rignL fAKKlSH & fAMKLSM. 209 Falling Bldg.. Portland. Wanted to Keiil Farms, WANTED TO RENT. SMALL PLACES Have several people wanting to ren acreage or small farms; close to Port land preferred. Some people will buy the place after leasing tor year or more. We make lots of sales this way. Will buy equipment If priced right. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerllnger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. TIMBER T.ANDS. FOR SALE or trade. 1O0 acres timbef claim, 22 acres cleared, 2.000,000 feet of timber, 8 miles up Lewis river from Woodland, Wash. 40s 32d st. S. E. Portland. Or. Tabor 8962. CORDWOOD timber for sale, 5 or 6 mil lion feet, 30 miles from Portland. 1 H miles irom n, k. station, close to nigh way. F. M. Miles, 509 McKay bldg. Main 13'ju. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A SAW MILL OR TIMBER SEE THE WINS LOW CO., 419 LUMBERMENS BLDG PORTLAND. OREGON. 2500 CORDS old growth fir near Scappoose, bargain. J. K. snarp, 83 3d sL FOR RENT-FARMS. 15 NEAR." Vancouver, until December $100 also 40 near Oregon City, until Nov. 1923, $450; 500 cords seasoned wood on p 1 ace, $3.90. Owner, box 68. Astoria, O r. OWNER Farm for rent, Nov. 1. Adjoin lng o. A. C, zor shares or cash. 561 Glisan. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. COLUMBIA RIVER VIEW FARM. 110 acres, 1-3 in city limits of Vancouver, balance adjoining city limits, an excellent platting prop osition. The only exclusive sub urban home view property adjoin ing city: 8-room modern bungalow with hardwood floors, furnace, ga rage, beautiful shrubbery, south frontage. Two miles from Inter state bridge; paved North Bank highway through property; power line through place. Most excellent view of Columbia river. Vancouver and city of Portland. Will ex change for income business prop erty in Portland and assume. Cash value. $75,000. THOMPSON. SWAN & LEE. Realtors, Third and Main Streets, Vancouver. Wash. BEACH LOTS. EXCHANGE FOR PAINTING OR BUILDING. Lots are well located at Tillamook Beach, near station and ocean. Address AP 648, Oregonian. WILL EXCHANGE for city property, 35 acres highly Im proved, half mile from Gaston, on coun ty road, near new highway; this should be seen to be appreciated; crops and equipment all go at very low figure ac count of owner's health. MARSH & McCABE CO., REALTORS, 322 Falling Bldg. Marshall 3993. CHOICE COUNTRY HOME. Fine improved 20-acre farm home with stock, crop and equipment; splendid soil. line set or ouiiaings, wen zenced: good orchard; owner is offering the place at a bargain and will take a home in or near Portland as part payment. KR1DER & ELKINGTON, Gresham. Tel. 2341. FOR SALE or exchange for property in or near Portland. 96-acre foothill ranch near Carlton. Or. ; 30 acres cleared, 20 In young orcnara. walnuts, apples and prunes, io in pasture and oaiance in light oak and fir; two houses, one Iarg barn and chicken houses for 2000 laying hens; price soooo. pi uregonian, WE HAVE some choice wheat farms in Alberta ranging from 320 up to 2000 acres that can be traded for farms in the Willamette valley or other good dls tricts. We will submit a list of these properties on application. F. A. Oilman Ltd.. Lantt mag., jaigary, Alberta. 20 ACRES, all cultivated, good buildings, 1 mile town, facinc ngnway, 5 acres fruit trees, full bearing; 7 acres Dears. ready to bear; water right almost paid; trade for Portland property or close in acreage; equity $8000 and will assume. 303 Stock Exchange. Auto. 52ii-04! FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 2 acres, 5-room bungalow with bath, hot and cold water, barn, fruit trees, right off the highway at Tigard, first road to right after crossing creek, 4th house, or Postoffice Lock Box 88. NEAR Mosier, Or., 160 acres; 35 in apples; will take $4000 cash or $-i000 in ex change; $S0O0 mortgage on my propert5 to be assumed by purchaser. 674 Poplar street. ON HIGHWAY. 95 acres. 75 in crop; house, 2 barns, family orchard; want house or small acreage. Owner, 732 Patton road. Main 83 SO. PAYS $225 per month; apartments and stores; good location, nne street; wii teke modern home, bungalows up to $18 000; price $24,000. Umbdenstock A Larson Co.. 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. STOCK FARM. Want city property for a stock farm; the best ever: wiil assume. W. H. ROSS. 1100 N. W. Bank Bldg. FOR S A LE or exchange, good 1 60 acres. clear of mcumorance, in Aioeria, Can ada, for Oregon land or small grocery store In r'ortiana. au auio. oj-.t., WILL trade 1917 Ford, good condition, overhauled, repainted, for lots or in on small house and lot; give location in first letter. AG 770. Oregonian. WILL trade $2600 equity in modern home in Portland for good building lot, close in-acreage or small home and some cash. Main 7027. TO TRADE Equity of $600 in a $3200 4 room modern house in Sellwood for a car or lot; will assume cm car. AV 879, Uregonian. WILL trade $2600 equity in modern home in Portland for goo building lot. close in acreage or small home and some cash. Main 7027 NEW FORD touring as first payment on small house, with lots or acreage, not to exceed $300. AG 7K2, Oregonian. WANTED Salt Lake City or close In sub urban property for Portland. 720 East 40th street. BRICK store building In Albany, Or., ex change for small business. AG 741, Ore gonian FORTY acres to trade for a light car. Col. 97. EXCHANGE 1920 chummy roadster for small house. R 757, Oregonian. 1920 PAIGE to trade on modern bunga low. CaU slain 0-27. WILL sell or trade for suburban property, a interest in propelling mechanisms for boats. The patent has been Issued and a model boat built, ready for opera tion. See A. C. Dickson. 424 Chamber of Commerce bldg. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. WILL exchange my hign-grade player piano as part payment on good auto. Call East 8424. $250 BRAND new phonograph to exchange for diamond ring of equal value, Eat 2197. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehirlen. Livestock. , NOTICE TO SHEEPMEN. Stop your shipments at Caldwell, as we are the only yards between Pendle ton and Montpelier that have bluegrass pasture for sheep. Try us once and you will do so again. UNION STOCK YARDS COMPANY, CALDWELL, IDAHO $50 REWARD information leading to re turn of pair bay horses: 1 light bay, 1350, collar mark, rope burn on foot; I bright bay. 1350. brand, rope burn hind fetlock; both rangy built. Gilbert Bales, Troutdale. Or. 30 YOUNG Holatein cows, all fresh or coming fresh soon; $75 each; also HI stein bull. E. E. Morgan, Yamhill, Or. DANDY driving and riding mare, and harness, gentle and trusty. Williams ave. Wdln. 321. buggy i23k FOR SALE Six horses; reasonable prices Holman Fuel o., barn K, 6th and Ivon streets. DEAD horses and cattle taken free. Call day or night. Auto. 627-64. DEAD horses and cattt taken quickly. Phone Milwaukle 69J fcr best service. VETERINARIAN. DR. HOWES. TABOR 6566. BROOD SOWS for sale, will farrow soon. Sycamore station. . Automatic 646-57. TEAM, plow. iSOO iba, harness, wagon, scraper. Tabor 8511. CALVES wanted. Phone Mar. 2178. Pianos, Organs and Mimical Instrument. Downstairs Store, Schwan Piano Co. $525 Vose & Sons dark mah., used. ..$195 9O0 Stelnway & Sons, mah 395 550 Kimball & Co., gold, oak 25 575 Chase, large, oak -.0 1050 Sincer player piano !5 $10 to $25 cash. $5. $8, $10. $15 monthly. Phonograph Dept., Used Specials. Vlctrola & Brunswick cab., each . . ,$9.V00 Columbia and Pathe, cab., each... 5 00 Stradivara, $65; Grafonola, small.. 12.50 101 10th St., at Wash, and btark Sts. Security Storage Co., closing out for carfh. $450 Spier Piano Co., upright, mah. .$15 450 Starr Piao Co., upright, oak... 195 275 Collard & Coliard, small up. ... 5 800 Pianista player piano and music 295 250 Pianola player and 35 rolls 45 4 Parlor organs, $25. $35, $38 and 48 103 10TH.ST., COR. STARK ST. A $250 GOLDEN oak Brunswick and rec ords amounting to $:.0, total value $280. for quick cash sale will poll st lss than half value or will sacrifice $120 on terms $8 per month. This is a bar gain of a lifetime in a most beautiful phonograph. Do not fail to se it at Ore gon Kilers Music House, 3d floor, this afternoon or before 8 P. M. Take ele vator 287 Wash, st., Just belnw 5th. A DANDY Sheraton brown mahogany Edi son uiamond Disc phonograph, with at tachmtnt to play Victor and other rec ords and $35 worth records, a total value of $245, for quick sale will sacrl fice $100, at Oregon Eilers Music House, third floor, phonograph headquarters. jaKe elevator. 28. v Washington stree jum oeiow i-iiin street. STUYVESANT pianola $550 238 vose & son Crown Autopiano player Franklin HAROLD S. GILBERT. 384 Yamhill St WELLINGTON PIANO. Plain oak case; $275; a snap; terms given. SEIBERLTNO-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 Fourth Street. WELLINGTON PIANO. Plain mahogany case; $275, t given. SEIBERLINO-LUCAS MUSIC CO- 125 4 th St. KIMBALL PLAYER PIANO. A snap; used for demonstration onlr terms given. SEIBERLINO-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St. MILTON PIANO. Plain mahogany case as good as new terms given on this bargain. SEIBERLINO-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th SL 10 PIANOS, $110 to $225. all uprights. Why pay more? Kimhalls, Cables, Wei lington. Milton, Kingsbury. Bradbury Hardman makes and many others; easy terms. 311 Worcester bldg. KIMBALL GRAND PIANO. Mahogany case; a soap; let us show ySEIBERLINO-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St.. bet. Washington and Alder. SOME BARGAIN. $800 player piano and about $100 worth ot music, an tor u.; jusi mina or u terms given. Brokerage Co., 311 Wor cester bldg. BUSH & LANE PLAYER. Equal to new at about half price. SEI BE RLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St., bet. Washington and Alder. SCH1KMER UPRIGHT PIANO. $150; see it. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St MY NEW up-to-date high-grade player piano at your own price. van apart ment 101, Silver Court, 22d and Han cock. nv ACCOUNT of leaving city am forced to sacrifice caoinei pnonograpn ror $75, including recorus. fti. urego nian FISHER PIANO $200. A wonderful bargain; terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th SL YOU HAVE BRAINS. Buy a good piano where it means more money in your pocket. Brokerage Co., 311 Worcester building. KIMBALL PIANO. $250; oak case; a real bargain. See It 25 4th St.. bet. Washington and Alder. shovkncKH uiano. very latest, plain in hoganv: sell if ss V price, terms. n Worcester; E'l?8! viir SAi.K Gibson ham guitar and case. a snap. !- oeiuerung-iducas Music Co L-nit RENT Grafonola. late dance muit may exenange rcvurus, to uivuiu, joroaa- way a OR SALE Stradivara cabiiift phono graph and 30 good records. Owner go lug abroad Call East 8758. KuR RENT Piano, graionoia, late rec ords, $3 mon in. .biup.ro immier, $roau way 155. $140 BUYS fine piano. W . U . Kimball make, plain case. 311 Worcester bldg. GOOD KINGSBURY piano for rent for 2 or 3 montns. .o. o c vm noum. WANTED Good toned piano for all cash. Cull Main HIM. 1'ilADE V1CTROLA for used piano. Good DrOOOSlIlon. aimn o.'cm. PIANO WANTED Cash, for private par- ties. If bargain aiarsuau i.oa. FOR SALE NewPackard piano, $150 off new price. iauor oo.v. PHONOGRAPH and records wanted. .Newman, i s riri, y. -i PIANO WANTED ; aan rif: Main 8584. Furniture for hale. SAVE MONEY. Try our sales department If you want to buy or sell household goods. Reduced freight rates to most all points In our through pool cars. Expert parking, re pairing and refinishing. Money loaned on goods in storage. Fireproof storage. Low insurance rates. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO, 53 4 th sL, opp Multnomah Hotel. Pbune Broadway 3715. FURNITURE of 5-room house for sale. consisting, or tapestry davenport, daven port table, phonograph, oak dining room set, brass beds, ivory dresser, chairs, rockers, etc. Will sell or rent house if desired. 664 E. 53d street North. Phone Tabor 7153 FOR SALE Heinzman transposing piano. walnut case; aining room set, quarter sawed oak, colonial design; one book case and secretary combined, almost new. inquire buu asi jaorrison st. .bast 392. FURNITURE of 4-room house for sale, house for rent. $14 per month, paid until July 14. Can have possession after July 1. $75, terms, or $50 cash. 371 24th st. DON'T sacrifice your furniture if gutLg east or to California. We can save you money on your freight in oar through can: fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer & Wtorage Co.. 248 Pine sL DINING SET, couch, plino, music cabi net, machine, brass bed. 2 chiffoniers. 54 St. Francis apta., 21t and Xoyt sts. DINING SET, couch, piano, music cabi net, machine, brass bed, 2 chiffoniers. 54 St. Francis apta., 21st and Hoyt sts. FURNITURE for sale, private. Call after 10 A. M. and Sunday afternoon, 642 Union ave. North. t BED with springs, mattress and spread and good oak dresser; bargain. Main 6383East 6014. SPLENDID A. B. combination range, used 6 mo., same as new. 249 Salmon mu Main 10Q. ALCAZAR duplex kitchen range cheap. Phone Woodlawn 4172 mornings. Office Furniture. MAHOGANY table and chairs; two Klear flax rugs, practically new. Phone Broadway 46K8 Saturday or Monday. PESK for aa. CtU frt 249 Yamhill, ' Office Furniture. REAL bargains for your nfflce: Dicta phone, transcribing. $75: dictating. $loo; shaving, $00. all lth universal moto-a. Add. machines, time clocks, check writ ers, safes, safe cahlnvts and a wonder ful line of steel filing cabinets at prices lower than others. Nw end used. WAX OFFICE .EQUIPMENT HOUSE,. 24 N. 5:h. Broadway 2739. . T W. DEK and chair. 2 lab.es, 3 roil top desks, 2 flat-top dcuks. 3 bookkp era deaka, 8 chairs. 3 filing cabluuts, 4 safe. UL'SHONO CO.. 01 Tark St Typewriters, RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKES. IKON-CLAD GUARANTEE. CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICK LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Washing ton St. Main 50M. REBUILT typewriters. hII makes. r-nl il repairs, supplies. Iiniributtra CORO N A portable, SI N I STKA NO, adding ma chines. Main 22!5. E. W. Pi 110 Mxth street. LATEST model T. C. Smith tpewriter; make me an ofier. ltC E. SLaik u, or Tabor 9522. RENT A REMINGTON First -cI.wm, nwl ern - typewriters on ly ; ream-miMe rlr. Special offer to st udnts. Reining l oil Typewriter Co.. M Ui ojidwsy. r'CUt SALE CHEAP -SinaTi iilli"K mT chlne, rapid calculator. Cull Broadway 25 43. ALL MAKES rented .ml Typewriter Cn., 01 5tli i . paired. OI Main 3'i NEW, rebuilt, s-omd hand iciitala at rafes. p. D. i.. j:n mi ark. Min ut nor. REPAIRS, rent, buy, sell; supplies. Type, writer Inspection Co., 312 Smrk. M. 55t'. Poult t J. O. A. C. WHITE LEGHORN CHI' KS, 1 5l each; Barred Rocks and II. I. KeUn, 20a each, ready now. More June 27. J. K. Maguire, 87 Oregon st., near E. 21th, on Sa n d ' MY OLD packing Hue on the l.lnntnrt road for rent, ta very suitable for chick en farming. Frank L. Smith. Suiilhahlre. SriipponsM, Or. 21 W 111TE ish hens LEG lit iK ami 21 It a. k Si or 4iiv for fiiif . Tah EIGHT 1-year-old Call E.tet 1790. h thorn hens tor mio. lj"g. Kahlti lw. Bird anlIYt MMk, PKDIGR EEI IWlon hull" pmu.v. nil-; sire Klondv L.im 11, d.itn P.Ufv of port.; goiden in a hogatiy. marked w h lie. between eyes, ha'f white, collar, strong head ; six w tek old ; ln.i It h ; $75 : til so male, same parent, dai k ma hog a n , half of face and eo!l r white, strong head. $50. Auto. O.iT-tiL PERSIAN k It t on . G r eTi t I 'alien. p 1 1 e 4 dfiRa, chows. hiilMncN and Aircda!tv; doK boarded. Jt;me lino ro;td to 12-mll4 store. Green's kennels, lit riha Green, Trout da !or CHESAPEAKE BAY retriever pup. ped igreed and rrgiittrcd. best duck do know n, ! no good watch dog. J. R. Mnguire, 787 Oregon, near E. 24th on Sandy. BLACK and tan puppies. 5 to 8 lbs. w h-n matured, from registered sire; price $!&. Toy kennels, 1 mile east Oregon City, Abernathy road. IMPORTED Hurt a mountain roller. . eaeh. or will exchange for ch ickcns. 1505 Fast 7th st Sellwood 2m. FOR SALE A pedigreed Boston bullflnich, 2 ywara old, just ready for breed lng. 20! Sheridan M. Phono .Marshall 2125. 1 TOY BOSTON puppy. 8 tnontha oid; good pedigree. 103 17th and Morrison .Marshall 2211. FO R SALE Rabbits from 25u Up. 352t !Hh st. southeast. PETS French bulldotf, bitch. Phono Mam 3 1 35. TWO AIREDALE puppies, fine pedigree, your on price. Tabor 3140. PUTS for saic, W. S. car. $2.50 to $0. 45 IS 43d st. TOY Boston terri- rs. A. K nl. enable. Bdwy 3063. 3o '3 1 ft Boat, l amii he and Murine Equipment , C'ZY. compart furnUdied hnuwi'bout for sale; in first -ohm condition ; Ht Oregon Yat;ht club. Apply K. M. Pitcuirn, Cana dian Bank of Commerce, 4th anil Siurk sts. NICE Ultle threo-roorn hoiifeiMit for phI", $400. with some terms, hy the St. Jolin ferry, on 'a.-t lde of riyr. CLASSY CANOE, ECM I 1, $40; LEANING TOWN. This won't last. T.ibor M. HOUSEBOAT for a. . t or terms. Phone Auto 4051. h it gam '.11-12 or cah E.mt NICK pleasure launch, newlv painted, with lnunch houee; cheap, with terms. Col. MOORAGE space for unn ioUm-LMl ; mil modern convoniences; foot of Linn Sil wond 323. MOTORBOAT, 23x4'-. 7 h. P. i d it io n. ct ea p f. i r cah. Sell w on CABIN cruiser. 28x8, $500; hurr lust at this price. Standard Ho Mjicliitten. ..,.1 rt 3023 FOR SALE 7S-h, p. electric motor, nrnr, ly new; price $185. CaU Mar. 3:m0. Mr. Newton. nmm SIZE K LeiSann pump, in good condition. Give mo an offer. 4 11 Rons st Coal and Wood. NO. 1 CORDWOOD. highest grade OrM- growth Hr. $ 2. per cord at our yara in North Port land ; whoial or retail ; house delivoriei aluo arranged for. Fir Co., Main 4247, 10 A, M to 5 P. M. . WE HAVE secured an additional supply of country slab; place your order eany for Immediate delivery. tVdar Crk Wood & Fuel Co.. 48-50 N. 13th. Bdwy 17H3. 500 CORDS seasoned wood, ntar Oregon City, $3 90; alPO 40 acres for rent untu November, 1923. Owner. Box 08, As toria. . 4-FOOT green miii siao, $ft per cord; block and slab mixed stove lengtn. u pr loan; double load. $11. A. W. Warner. -4 N o rthrup st. I troa dw a y4 1 1 0 BLOCK and slab mixed, $5 50 load in 2- load lots, also special on corn wood antx coal. Oregon Fuel. Wdln. 4 102. A-l OLD GROWTH fir wood. $7 cord f. o. b. Portland. II. l. risner. iota ana Davis. Broadway SM. BLOCK AND SLA B. PARTLY DRY. J- LOAl) S Bl'r.t IAL 1 KlTi, aV.L.iV FRED NOW. FAST 2PM. GUARANTEED beat ohi-gruwth 4 ft. cord. wood, $U pr coru; ao.au in l-turu luia, Broadway 4110. GROUND hog fuel and sawdust In car loads or truck lots. western cooperage Co., Col. 52. BIG LOAD of bexwood, $5 50 per load. CaU Woodlawn ojui. or iiii uunuo venue. ROUND oak cord wood, $11.50 per cord delivered. F. K. Jjowman tu. aiaia 8026. BEST old-growth fir corawooo, $8.25 pr cord, aenwooa on. m CORDWOOD, $7.50 per cord. Phone Aula. 2J-o.. OLD-GROWTH cord wood, delivered any place in city tor t. oj BLOCKS 2-cord lots, reduction, delivered from tne car, r.am --on. HEAVY 16-ln. biock wood; also Phone Bd w y.4292. .MiNcrllaneoiiM. 4x12 plank. CHERRIES, you pick thorn. Douglua farm. i milo soutn oi i romoa". BARBERS Three oak chairs and caae in g o d shape, l la nn hi. BICYCLE in good running order, i. vvai ton. ni i i"r ai. FOR SALE Cnernea on me ire. a.i JO 8 Rodney ae.. r onouc uiii. i-M'i. FINE cherries. Bowman farm. Fair view i-e. and itaae iun- i"u. i GAL. paint, 25-fnot extension ladder, $25 takes it. 055 Burnsidc. CREA 1 SEPA It A TO It A I Jt. KG A i N. tl"n ...U LM..I Al.tflV M.lK Jill". N ewman. i r .. " jv" "; y ELECTRIC FANS. BARGAIN PRICES. Newman, j- ifi-. ..mm FO R SAL E cn e rr lea. ac on iree. j . a,. Shears. .) .j.'h WILL sacrifice several pieces jewt-iry. in cluding aiamoim iuwih-. r. l i . . . LOGANBERRIES. lb pickod. 3UI0 E. 60th St. - BED D4VENPORT with mat (reus, alight ly used: snap for cash. Phono E 1471. fDY"S solid gold 15-Jewel wrist watch! East 299 7. rT-RR NTS and cherries for aale. e2d rpAjlvlgiQn. Phune 047-33. GASOLINE camp stove; auto-bed. Call Tabor Hi FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, showcase. 43 1st St.. nar Aalu "iSTAR A STAR" shingles direct from mill. Call Taylor-street Main MHI5. SAFES, trucks, scales, coffee ml 11a, cheeae rutt, rs. 48 Front st., near Pine. SECOND-HAND tents and covers fr Pacific Tent A Awning Co.. No. 1 lwt at. KLEC. vacuum cleaners sold, exchanged. repaired. Ray Bentley. M a in 9o7. VACUUM cleaners for rent, 85c per day; d ,. 1 1 vered anywhere. Wdln. 3405. LADIES, "be well dressed." Exclusive Used, g armcnts in a home. Tabor 2823. lSTCLASS Soudan grass seed, Q els'. The Lewis Co., Snn Jqm, ChI. FOR SALE Hot air luinace, equipped for 5 rooms. Auto. 332-19. EXCHANGE Beautiful lul for diamond. ' Bdwy.2 83. POTATOES, Burbauks, $1.25. Call Broad wav 3315. FOR RENT Grafonola, late record, piano. ty pewru er, sewing m aciu n e. Main ltstv I. FOR SALE -White ba.--alf.et te. K at7i 1 3 BAfifiMlNX dug eueaj. auU OVa-aA 1