13 THE MORXIXG OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1921 Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms, professional men, manu facturer, repair men, etc.,' classified for ready reference. ' Information as to any class of work not listed may be obtained by calling Main 7070, House 40. a rr or vtants. JULIUS R. BLACK, public accountant, auditor, income tax service. Concord blag.. 2d and ytark. Phone Main .443. ATTOKNKVS. E. V. EASTMAN, lawyer and notary pub lic. !t.14 Chamber of Commerce DlQg. A KM irOODS. V. S. ARMY UOODS for Bale, wholesale and retail: prices reduced. H. Horen stem. 2S0 2d st. or 204 1st at. Main 7573. ASSAYKKS AMI ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAV OFFICE. 142 Second tioid. silver, platinum bought. BATHS. IjR. MrllAllo's b.ilh. Portland: steam, showers. Dlunea. tuba, all for 35c: tell ynur friends. Fourth and Washington. CIUROI'H ACTIC sifara baths and mas sages. 10th floor Broadway bids. Jttar shall 31K7. Dr. Laura K. iowntn. Iil II I.ISC. MATKKIALS. COLUMBIA I'LASTBR WALL BOARD. Can't buckle, needs no batens; Oregon m.irle. (IHSFKI.DT, 145 First St. t'Alil'KT (I.KAMXG. I M.I.I I.OIU BITTOXS. . THE IRWIX-HUDSOS COMPANY. 387 Washington, Bdwy. 434. Tabor 12M. HlKOrRAt'TIC. LK. McMAHOX'S chiropractic speaks tor itseir. Portland, 12th year, r-nones. t'lllKOI-ODlSTS. WILLIAM. Estelle and Florello and De wane De Veny, the only scientific Chi onodl.sta end arch snecialistji in the city. Parlors 302 Gerlinger bids;., southwest corner Second sad Alder sta. Phone Main 1301. FEET HURT ftf Gartner, foot oot arches made to order, 311 Swetland flog., 5th and Washington. Main 1HB1. FOOT specialist. i?r. A. M. Cochrane Lady assistant. 411 McCleay bldg., 4th ana wasnington. Alarsnali :2. DR. O. O. FLETCHER Foot troubles scientifically corrected. Lady assistant. M2 Morgnn bids- Main 87H2. CLBA.VKKS AND PRfcSSEBS. EEGAL CLEANERS TAILORS AND HATTERS. Cleaning and dyeing a specialty. 127 North Sixth St.. Portland. Or. OLLKt'TIONM. KETH & CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 1786. No collections, no charges. Bstab. 1900. t'OXTKACTOKS A.M Bt lLDEHS. RELIABLE CONSTRUCTION CO. House construction and general Jobbing. 1W- West Park it. Phone Main 3029. KANC'INfi. HISS DOROTHY RASMUSSBN Ballroom and stage dancing. 610 fillers bldg., Washington, bet. 4(h and flth. Main 1123. DKNTISTKV. DR. B, E. WRIGHT Third Floor, Raleigh Bldg. Cornier Sixth and Washington Bts. Mam 211!). Automatic 2119. PCWTICTRY DR. A. W. KEEXE, 351" 1.L.II 1 10 I II I Washington street Without pain. T.ntest nerve-blocking system. ELECTRICAL REFAIRIM.. MOTORS REWOUND and vrrnni s Ki.ECTRtr! wnnca Phone .27-27. 22B Main St. H. M. H. ELECTRICAtj CO., 1 N. 1st St.. Portland. Or. Re winding and electrio repairing a specialty. New or used mo tors. Broadway 1045. A 1040. LAWNMOWhK REPAIRING. LAWN-MOWER HOSPITAL Repairing, sharpening; 24-hour serv ice. We collect and deliver. Tabor 464L Tabor 4072. MIS1C TEACHERS. " Ia. CARROLL DAY. teacher of piano and voice. Broadway 2555. 148 13th st. WHOLESALERS AND ENGrVEERS' AND MTfX SUPPLIES, j THE M. L. KLINE CO.. 64-86-87-80 Front. HATS AND CAPS. THANHAUSKR HAT CO.. 63-55 Front St. RASMUSSEN & CO.. Second and Taylor. HIDES. WOOL AND CASCABA BARK. KAHN BROTHERS. IDS Front sL NEW TODAY. The Improved "Unlit to Endnre." The Improved construction makes a REDIMADE a better, more substantial building at no greater cost to you. They are the br.st built sectional buildings on th Pacific ciast Firwt-clu8 House. Garages for .Less, Erected in Portland Practical to ship. Redimade BldK. Co., Portland, Or. E. 11th nd Market, pnone oil. Downtown sals office Commonwealth bldg.. Sth & Ankeny. Phone Bdwy. 433o. Indies Save yonr old carpets, rag and woolen clothing. t us make "ew rugs for yon. The oldest and best -equipped fac tory. Fluff and rag rugs woven all sues: carpets refitted: 9x12 ruga steam cleaned. $1.50. We call and deliver. 188 E. Eighth St. Phone East 3580. FLUFF RUGS from old carpets, woolen clothinr. ra ruffs, all sues; country mail orders given prompt attention; feather pil lows renovated. Send, for booklet. CARPET CLEANING Largert. finest equipped carpet clean ing, refitting works in state of Oregon. 9x12 rutrs steam cleaned, tl.50. 1072 East Lincoln Street, HIATTRESSEfe Old Mattresses Made Over Like Tw. Separate Completely Equipped Mattress Factory. Western Fluff Ru? Co. Main Office: 54-60 UNION AVE. N. East 6516. 237-07. East 6953. MORTGAGE LOANS LrSwet tnterent ratea tnatallmemt r aoiesta, 11 desired, ttulltllnjr ts mm snaUc No delay la cloaJaaV A. H. EiRRELL-GILL CO. Formerly A. tt. Blrrell Co. flA-218 aonsmitera flunk atolldlBa alarakall 4114. Edward LGoudey Co. MORTGAGE LOANS raited States Bank Butldla CLAY S. MORSEL INC Draymen and Warehousemen Broadway 3470 I Phone your want ads to The Ore gonian. Main 7070, 'Automatic 560-95. I REAL ESTATE. I HAVE a cash buyer for a new 8-room v bungalow to $3300. John E. Walter. iLain 7640. OPTOMETRISTS. I BYES SCIENTIFICALLY TESTED with saving; satisfaction guaranteed; out of tne nign-rent district, no overnead exp. A. B. HURWITZ. Optometrist. 22.1 1st st PAINTINO. C. H. TERRILL. house and sicn painter, papering, tintinr. 467 B. 37th. Tab. 261L PAINTING AND CALC1.UINING. PAINTlNti and calciminfng and roof re pairing at moderate prices; work guar- anieeu. rnone .ast 4B3. WHITEWASH your basement: it dis'n- fecui and kills that musty odor, can Auto. PAINT. W ALL PAPER, ETC. WALL PAPER, PAINTS, ETC. ' '-'30 5BCOXD ST. UHL BROS.. INC. PATENT ATTORNEYS. PATENTS Our practice has extended over a period of 74 years. All communica tions strictly confidential; prompt, er fiicenL conscientious service: handbook free on request. MUNN & CO., Hobart oiag., o54 AiarKet sc. ean ' rancisto; Chicago office, room 810 Tower bias.; Washington office, room 103, 615 First; INew York office, Wooiwortn bldg. R. C. WRIGHT, 22 years' experience U. S. ana ioreign patents. feUl ueKum p.ag. THYSICIANS. DR R. A. PHILLIPS, Broadway building. Rheumatism, stomach, bowel, lung, liver, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostate, female a i io ra era, snin ariections; Diooa pressure. enlarged tonsils, moles, birthmarks. PLl'MBING MPPLIES. PLUMBING supplier, at wholesale prices. Stark-Davis Co.. 188 4th at. Main 7 PRINTERS. PRINTING F- w BAJTKS & COMPANY mill 1 1110 First and Oak. Main 163. 5H-C5. ROOF PAINTING AND REPAIRING. PAINT your roof while the sun shines. We do ail kinds oi rooting, shingles, graven paper or metal; only first-class material. OREGON ROOFING CO. 1764 B. Glisan St. Tabor 4S1T. ROOFS repaired, and oainted: rutter cleaned. Roof Security Inc.. mfg. WBBFOOT PAINT; references given. 226 Board of Trade bldg. Main 571. Main 5644. SCALP AND FACIAL, SPECIALIST. SCALP.ANO FACIAL SPECIALIST Baldness, diseases of; the scalp and hair successfully treatedl face massages; facial imperfections scientifically cor rected. DR. EVELYN H. TREINIES. Suite 4-'0 Morgan Bldg. Main .4484. TRAOK MARKS. OREGON TRADEMARK BUREAU.- 001 Dekum bldg. U. S., foreign trademarka TKANSFKR AM' STORAGE. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH DRATAGE AND STORAGE. Motor and Horse Equipment Furniture Moving and Packing. Baggage. PHONE BDWY. 3309 SECURITY STORAGE TRANSFER CO. Packing Moving Storage. Money loaned on goods in storage. 53 Fourth st., cpp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Glisan Street. FIVE WARJBHOUSB3. STORAGE, CARTAGE. PHONE BROADWAY 1281. 30 DATS' free storage; furniture moving trucks $2 per hr. and up. Open evenings and Sundays. Call Broadway 1207. VETERINARY. ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL. Bast 7th and iirant Sta. .Both phones. Day and night service; 8 veterinarians. 1MANUFACTURERS ROPE AM) BINDER TWIVE. Portland Coidage Co.. 14th and Northrup. PLI MBERS' SLPPI.IES AND TIPE. THE M. L. KLINE CO.. 84-86-87-89 Front. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC CO., 68-70-72 FRONT ST. PRODI CE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. KVi.KDI.NG & FARRELL. 140 Front sL REAL ESTATE. For Sale Flat and Apartment Property. A SPLENDID INVESTMENT. NETS 15'r. MODERN WEST SIDE BRICK APARTMENT BUILDING. IDKAb LOCATION. PRICE IS RIGHT, $60,000 CASH TO HANDLE. NO TRADES. ERNEST COONER, 209 FAILING BLDG. MAIN 6327. For Sale Beach Property. FINE BEACH LOTS. 6 AI.T AIR TILLAMOOK BEACH. ' I have four choice lots, all together, two facing the Pacific ocean: board walk; county road and railroad run in front of property. The other two lots adjoin the two above and face on the roaa in tne rear. All are near the de pot, hotel and Rockaway; size of lots la 25 feet by about 70 feet and are excep tionally well adapted tor business or residence; price tl'-'S and $160 each. Aooress i v.-j oregonlan. FOR SALE 16 lots. Coast View addition, Yaqulna Bay; reasonable. AJ 771. Ore gonlan. For Sale I.ota. IRVI.N'GTON DISTRICT. $50050x100, facing east on E. l!)th. sidewalks and curb in and paid; near school; 4 blocks to car; $100 cash, $10 a montn. - JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. THURMAN. .NEAR 21ST. 50x100. ill.VIO. Very suitable for store, shop or small factory. ' RITTER. LOWE CO., 1!01 -2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. SACRIFICE PRICE $1800. FACTORY WAREHOUSE SSITB. Adjoining Russell-Gilbert Candy fac tory on O.-W. R. &. N. tracks. Holladay avenue, near B. 24th. Mr. Carer. Main 74S7. ALAMEDA PARK CORNER SNAP 50x IDA IT. .11 ... . i""- E. -fiu. ah uens paia; only " tinnA n't.;. f t i ' viwv. . icu uargain, see us at once. RITTER, LOWE CO.. REALTORS, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. Choice lot. 50x108x130, splendid loca tion, runs from street to street, nice out look down street, improvements paid. AP 772. Oregonian. YOUR OPPORTUNITY. ' Laurelhurst lots, while they last, at extremely low pricea See J. A. Mc carty. 270 Stark. Main 1700. Even in g s, TaborSOST Wis: HAVE a ceautitui lot on Grand are near Alnsworth, on block from Unloa ave. ear, $650; terms $65 cash, $10 per moc.'h. F. B. Bowman A Co.. 210 X at C. bldg. " 100x100 PITCH TEXT $2 DOWN Why rent? $2 week; Alberta car; best lota in town, price and terms: $550 P W.'Cary. 1219 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 1643. LOOK Quarter block near 2d and East Ankeny: an assessments In and fully paid; sacrifice price, $1450 cash. Phone East 6-2S. 3 LOTS 37x106 550. Cement walks; Alberta car; no gravel $3 down, Yi. week. R. W. Cary. 1213' N. W. Bank Bldg. "la BUY LAURELHURST LOTS DIRECT FROM LAURELHURST CO See J. A. McCarty. 207 54 Stark fit. Main "LAURELHURST LOT BARGAINS." see J. a- .ih otark St. Main 1700. Evenings, Tabor 5057. COLLEGE riAiCM 101, near car line. 1350 takes it. Owner. Term. McFarland, 208 Failing bldg. $550 REED college district, one block car all improvements in .and paid. Ac 767j oregonian. ROSE CITY PARK xwo cnolce building lots: sell one or both cheap. Owner Broadway 5015. 2 CITY lots, 25x50. lvalue $600. Take Dodge roadster as first payment. Owner Aloha. Or. Box 1. IRV1NGTON PARK $250; sidewalks and naid. RUMMELL & RUMMELL. 274 Stark St. BEAUTIFUL ROSE CITY LOT. $800; city improvements paid. RLM.Mra.Li t RL.njic.iiL. L-74 stark st. ALAMEDA PARK. $700 and up: terms. RUMMELL & RUMMELL. 274 Slark St. 87TH AND Ttllamooa. 50x101. east aront; all paid: 50.. Tabor 3516. BY OWNER. Alameda Park lota, cheap. East 556, 11 to 1:30. BEAUTIFUL lot facing w., on E. 30th and Xhampaon, (1.000. Kt 204a KEAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. ' - I f , NEW TRACT. WILLSHIRK. ' JUST PLATTED BY J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. ' ADJOINING ALAMEDA PARK BEAUMONT. BEARING ORCHARD. .NATURAL PARKS. BEAUTIFUL SHADE TREES. CLEARED LAND. . S5X130 ft. corner, orchard. 525. 25 DOWN, ,12.50 PER MONTH. 100xl05-ft bearing fruit trees. 5. EASY TERMS. 110xll3-ft., corner, fir trees. 1275, 2d Mtg. Terma Take Broadway car to Bryce ave., go east 4 blocks. BRANCH OFFICE. OPEN EVERY DAY. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. . 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 208. LAURELHURST LOT, $525. 60x122, on Senate st, between 41st and VIA sta., all improvements In and paid. ROSE CITY PARK LOT. 550. 50x100, on East 67th St., facing west; 10O ft. north of Klickitat. WESTMORELAND LOT, B00. 50x100, on E. 18th St., facing west. 200 ft. south of Bybee; all Improvements in and paid. Laurelhurst corner lot, all Improve ments In and paid, $!2."0: Rose City cor ner lot, all improvements In and paid. !)00. . Colonial Hts. district, close in, Hawthorne car, all Improvements in and paid. $12.",0, easy terms. HENDERSON.BANKUS CO.. 628 Henry Bldg. Broadway 4754. BEAUTIFUL CAPITOL HILL. ONE-FOURTH ACKli. 1400 TOTAL PRICE. 40 DOWN. 8 PER MONTH. Build your dream home; on the west side of the river, with no bridges to cross, are these splendid -acre home tracts; 2 blocks to car; fine rich soil; all cleared, no gravel; city water to tract; telephone, gas, .electricity avail able; 4 blocks to public school: the ideal home spot; great clean-up sale: this is a wonderful never-to-be-found-again op portunity; buy now. Ask for C. W. Bor ders, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Third St., bet. Washington and Stark. Beautiful corner in Parkside, ' Just west of the City Park: level, street lm nrovements all in and paid; of easy access by both auto and street car thla rioatrahle hamesite is 80x90 feet It will be sold at less than half the cost to the owner, on easy terms; price $2250. R. F. Bryan, 509 Chamber of Commerce bldg. LAURELHURST CORNER This is Jin nnnhr.ri V lh. tifKt DUV in tniB UlSiriL nn hlnk in fearllne. fine view of Mf Hood. We are going to sell this choice lot; someone is going to get a-bargain. Let us show you now. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. REALTORS, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 52x150 1 1250. tmn tiown 110 A MONTH. Fncinsr on Fremont, near E. 15th, all improvements paid, near school and new city park: fine soil for garden fruit and berries. tee mis at oni:.. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. iRviT.Tn' RPEfTAl. N. W. corner E 21st and Klickitat. 50XIOU, 8U ifc pavea street. 12-ft. parkings, one block to Broadway carline. beautiful trees. fine surroundings. The price will please you as well as the lot.' .. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. REALTORS, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. UPPER WASHINGTON. REAL SNAP. 17500. 60x100. on Ella st., just off Wash., verv suitable for garage or apartment. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. REALTORS. 201-2-3-5-7 Bnard of Trade Bldg. For Sale Houses. ROSE CITY PARK. ROSE CITY PARK. LAURELHURST. T . 4 IT R KI.Hi;Rf?T. Folks, I want you to get in touch with thio office and let one of the salesmen show you some of t'he real downright modern homes being offered at prices in s.ime Instances lower than pre-war prl.es. We have gone over Rose City (Park anti Laurelhurst. digging up the horcutne anri t think vou will bear m nut when T sav we have the bent listings. In the ROSB PITY PARK district we havex one little 4-room Dungaiow wim garage for $2100. We are offering a 6 room home with sleeping! porch and garage for $:st50. on a paved street, and near tne car. too. iuuu cavcv-v .v tnuvi mnr And we have a new bun- .al... u-ltti pnrafA for $1500 which can he handled on verv easy terms. Another new one on a corner lot with garage in Rose City one of those real attractive bungalows everyone so mucn aumires, e-.tki Aunh vlll nmhnhlv handle. In LAURELHURST we are in a posi tion now to show you some real snaps. One bungalow I have in mind now that has narawooa noors. incmLc, j-i.... j . Ka.u.AAn livlna and dining rooms: cement driveway and foundation "for ga rage, for s.joOO. on remaranuie lamo. Another one with garage and ju.t as .Amnift nntk could expect for $.8.0. For $0000 we have one In Laurelhurst with hHrdwood noors tnrougnoui.. mu . .i. .... , r,o ..lunaiif. nnn.r 'neverv. thing near the park, too. For 75(0 an 8-room bungalow that really Is tne very lasl word in bungalow construc tion Built bv one of Portland's best builders. Truly embodies all the re finements one would naturally expect In an expensive home. A year ago you d have paid $9000 or $10,000 for a home J"Gethn' touch with this office at once. It'll pay you. vrn stark St.. Near 4th. Main 3002. Rmnch 40th and Sandy. Tabor !". KRI.t.WOOD DISTRICT. ACCEPT SOME TRADE. 5-room modern house and garage. -.-.w finlaHoH nntAide and in: full lot. paved street in. and all paid. A SEAL But at tne price oi ..". ... i Will consider a good business Sot part. See Anchor investment CO.. 405 Panama 'Bldg. 3d and Alder. IHVINfiTON. $5500 $000 CASH. ittrh'TIVB 5-ROOM BUNGALOW PRACTICALLY NEW; EXCELLENT CONDITION. FINE FIREPLACE. WON DERFUL DUTCH KITCHEN. HARD WOOD FLOORS. BREAKFAST NOOK. FINE FURNACE: GARAGE. R. SO.MERVILLE. BDWY. 2478. t $4850 ROSE CITY PARK. A 5-room bungalow: floored attic, good basement, wash trays, all bullt-lna, Dutch kitchen, living room 14x19 ft., large dining room, oak floors, fireplace, .i. . 5!y10A lot: citv Improvements paid: price only $4850, $1000 down, balance terms to sun. RVM MELL RUMMELL. 274 Stark St. 1RVINGTON I must sell mv beautiful .bungalow: m leaving Portland. otherwise this wnnld not be on the market Mv bungalow has hardwood floors throughout. Gasco furnace, most ex pensive plumbing, etc Garage. Please call at 579 East 26th st. N., near Knott No agenta A MODERN 5-room bungalow completely furnished with high-grade furniture; 2 lot with fruit trees and garden. I paid $4600 for this; will sell for $3825, $1075 down, balance $30 per monih. including 6 per cent Interest. 6725 -86th st. S. E. Main 5692; evenings Auto. 533-15. by owner. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into Income? We design and buiid apartments, ga rages, residences, anything; furnish plans and finances. Established 10 years. We offer SECURITY, SERVICE. SAT ISFACTION. L. R. Bailey Co- 824 N. Wv Bank bldg $1350 EASY terms, beautiful, new, cheap, clean and classy bungalow, now under construction; if you want a new house away below the market, see this at once: north Peninsula park, near school and Industrial center. Call 1645 Missis- aippl avenue. FABKROSE 1-room bungalow, half blk. off highway; lot 80x100; . price $2700; place Is new and very neat; fT00 cash, bal. arranged. 505 Couch bldg. Main 6201. ' WEST SIDE BUNGALOW. WALKING . DISTANCE. View of mountains, .rivers and city; well built, story-and-half, 8 rooms, fire place, furnace, built-lns; near car; $6500. J C. CORBIX CO.,J805-6-7 Lewis bldg $2100 ROSE CITY PARK. Coxy 4-room bungalow, bath, toilet, electricity, gas, Dutch kitchen, nice lawn, garage, good Iqcation. Tabor L 6559. . SELLWOOD OWNERS. ATTENTION! Have party with $350 cash for 5-room i house In 8ellwood to $2500. Boone Clearwater, 505 Couch bldg. Phone Main aaiu. t250 DOWN SUNNYSIDE. $2500 5-room house, bath. Improve ments all in; balance $25 month; Va cant. 505 Couch bldg. Main 5201. OWING to death of wife wiii sacrifice 2 new. modern homes with acres. 7125 Powell v aiiev roau. $850 CASH $3900. 5-room bungalow, up to date; Haw thorne car. 1000VJ Belmont st. 6-ROOM house, $2700. By owner. North 9th near Ainsworlh. Tabor 5178. KEAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. SOME VERY GOOD BUYS. WOODSTOCK Neaf little 4-room bun galow with an S0xl2a ' - lot; house has V gaa, city water and cesspool; ta In very good condi tion- SL hlk from Wood stock car. Price 12000, 'io3 cash. $25 monthly. ALBERTA 5-room plastered bungalow with bath, toilet, gas. concrete foundation. 50x 100 lot. 4 blks. from car line. A dandv little home for J2ilo0. oOO casn, i-V monthly. ALBERTA Neat 5-room plastered bun galow with bath, gas electric lights, basement. 1 concrete foundation. '2 blocks from Alberta ear - on E. S2d St.; price 12730. 11055 cash, bal ance 125 monthly. Will aell furniture aieo. WHIDLER ST. Large. well-built 6- room nlastered bunga low. newly painted in side and out. batl ana toilet, 2-3 basement, concrete foundation: place- is in llrst-class condition: lot iax2U, with 14 assorted bearing fruit trees. "This ie a dandy goocT buy for $3050. 500 . cash. ,20 monthly. FRED W. GERMAN CO., REALTORS, 732 Cham, of Com. RALPH HARRIS CO., REALTORS. JUST TWO YEARS OLD 1 rms. and breakfast nook, 2 bedrooms, bathroom complete; full cement basement with laundry trays; nice lot with garage; 3 blocks from car. PRICE J3300, with 1600 cash. VACANT, SPLENDID CONDITION 5-room bungalow, only 20 minutes out, clean and splendid condition; lot 50x 100; sewer and sidewalks in and paid. Snap at $2750, $425 cash. This ia a snap. WONDERFUL BARGAIN, WITH FRUIT Choice 100x100 lot with 6-room cottage, bath complete, 3 large bed rooms, cement foundation, 17 full bear ing fruit trees, oceans of berries. Good chicken house and run: 4 blocks to car. PRICE $2200. with $300 cash. RALPH HARRIS CO., REALTORS. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5624. NOTICE. I have taken over from the builders THREE BRAND NEW. MODERN FOUR-ROOM BUNGALOWS, each on an acre of the finest garden lands, 2 blocks north from end of Alberta car line. A MOST BEAUTIFUL HOME LOCATION. COMMENCING Wednesday. June 22. ,1 will offer these substantially constructed little homes at a great sacrifice; $250 first payment;. Immediate possession. Representative at houses afternoons or phone Broadway 1188. J. W. CROSSLEY. Custodian. ARTISTIC BUNGAfcOW. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. $3500 $650 CASH, FURNISHED. FOUR ROOMS, MODERN, WITH SLEEPING PORCH AND ATTRACTIVE SUN PARLOR; LONG LIVING ROOM WITH BEAM CEILINGS. FINISHED IN IVORY- FURNISHED IN FINE WICKER WITH A $100 RUG. BREAK FAST NOOK, GAS. HALL FURNACE, CEMENT BASEMENT. 2 BLOCKS TO RICHMOND CAR. PAVED STREETS. FULL-SIZED LOT. FINE GARDEN; PRACTICALLY NEW HOUSE. R. SO.MERVILLE, "REALTOR, BROADWAY 2478. AN 1RVINGTON -BARGAIN: $5400. Offered at this price for 8 days only e-room residence, large living room witn fireplace, dining room, kitchen aouDie pantries, etc.; den, or music room, 4 bedrooms, bactti and sleeping vwtn upstairs; iuh concrete basement. launary trays. Fox furnace. This is well constructed home, which the own er is compelled to sacrifice, but it must 09 soiu ai once, we can arrange very liberal terms. Can be bought completely lurmsnen 11 aesirea. RICHARD W. MAST, Realtor, RITTER, LOWE & CO. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ' $500 CASH. SO rooms, large 3-story build ing, corner, 50x100 lot; streets paved; sewer in, paid; close-in west side Here Is an exceptional opportunity for world fair money maker. Price only $5500; easy terms. S. W. corner Grant and Hood sta . Owner, Marshall 746, forenoona LAURELHURST BUNGALOW GARAGE 1199 FLANDERS ST., AT 41ST. Modern 5-room bungalow, hardwood noors throughout, fireplace, bookcases- buffet, plate glass windows, finished in tapestry paper, old ivory and white enamel throughout, large floored attic. garage, only 1 block to car and 5 blocKs to park, price so.iou, terms. Look thi house over and if 'interested, call own er, t aoor m:. $2100 $600 CASH. Will take small car as part payment 5-room cottage. 50x100, 6 fruit, berries. cnicaen run; lino condition. HAWTHORNE 5-RM. BUNGALOW. $3500 $700 DOWN. Full basement, bath between bed rooms connecting with hall: fine con dition; good floor plan; dandy lot; four iruu. oernes. garden. MARSH & McCABE CO., REALTORS, 3J2-3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 83. BUY FROM OWNER. Juat completed, double constructed, with paper between: modern 5-roora bungalow: fireplace, bookcase, writing aesk. Dunet, paneieaaining room, solla hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen, break fast nook, table and benches; inside and oaitsiae entrance to run cement base ment, wash traya. beautiful electric fix tures: ail rooms niceiv. finished in lvorv east front: walks: 1 block south Alberta car. tuitf c. zstn in. Auto. oz-U4.; $3700, terms. Open 3 to 9 P. M. FOR THE BRIDE. N A dear little aot. stvle bungalow large living room with davenport bed. dressing room. complete bath, fine Dutch kitchen with English breakfast table and plenty of bullt-ine; finished in gray and ivorv throughout: full base ment. 40x100 lot, on paved street; sewer in, lawn, nowers ana garaen: very at tractive: Immediate possession; between B.-oadway and Alberta cara; $2250. terms. mil owner, am-oo. IRVING TON. $8500. $1500 CASH. This Is one of Irvlngton's finest homes, all large rooms, 2 fireplaces, French doors, hardwood floors and Ivory flnisn throughout, large Inclosed porch, full basement, grounds are 68x110. 1 block from Irrington or Broadway cars. home in perfect condition inside ana ouL Mcdonald, east 419. OWNER WILL SACRIFICE PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME. Owner, leaving, will sell far below actual value modern home In fine con dition, large living room, library, din ing room, breakfast room, kitchen, 5 bedrooms and bathroom, extra toilet and extra lavatory, old ivory finish, hard wood floors, fireplace, furnace, large garage, beautiful grounds. For price and terms call owner, Marshall 2486. WE ARE ORDERED TO SELL. $200 CASH. , Balance $35 per month, incl. int.. beau tiful large 7-room home on 150x100 corner, with pavement all round, has oodles of fruit, garage; opportunity knocks. Call at once. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO REALTORS. Bdwy. 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. $500 DOWN ROSE CITY PARK. $4750. A very pretty 5-room modern bungalow with furnace,, fireplace, all built-in features, on paved street, Just off the Alameda drive, balance less than rent. HILLER BROS.. Realtors. v 514 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 86. IRVINGTON. 57! B. 25TH N. FINEST 7-ROOM BUNGALOW IN IRVINGTON. LONG LIVING ROOM. DEN, TILED BATHROOM. KECESS TUB; GARAGE ; FURNACE: ALL HARDWOOD . FLOORS. SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT. PRACTICALLY NEW. R. SOMERVILLE, BDWY. 2478. YOUR OPPORTUNITY. " 7-Room Irvington Bungalow. JTaoo. Price reduced by $1000 for Quick sale. Mode-rn to every detail. Don't tail to see this if you want real bargain. See this at 718 E. 21st st. N. and then see ow r.er. L. R. Bai ley , $5800 LAURELHURST, Irving, near 32d. very superior 5-room bungalow: interior now being finished: would you like to select wall paper, fixtures, etc.? Now is the time. Phone owner. East 2009. 5-ROOM. new, modern bungalow home. Just being completed: every modern con venience you could wish; will take good lot or close-in acreage as part first pay ment. Main 7027. ALBERTA New, modern bungalow cheap for guick sale; one-half block from Al berta car. 1063 E. 14th St. N. Wdln. 4579. FOR SALE. Modern T-room house with doable garage, on corner lot at 2C5 B. 15th at. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. A FEW SELECTED SPECIALS. THESE ARE WONDERFUL HOME BUYS! CNDUPLICATED ANYWHERE FOR THK MONEY. 1.1250 Mortgage foreclosure sale; man with a big family, this means vnni Ttrp' a large 8-room mod. mm pamril Peninsula home: five fireplaces: 2 baths; furnace: 133.4 xlQO lot, with abundance ol fruit; berries; grapes; nuts. Don't let this nass. Oalman street. Can arrange terms. T?OSK CITY BEAUTIFUL! $5500 The final word in bungalow ar tistry! Can't we show you this beautiful 5-room very complete , bungalow, with every conceivable ' feature for comfort? Hardwood floors; sleeping porch, etc.; great concrete pillars uphold front porch. This is one of the most v' ideal homes we have listed; owner leaving city. East tn etreei. $4990 New, dainty Laurelhurst, up-to-tt.0.mimtt hiincralow: 5 rooms; hardwood floors, etc.; beautiful lawn and garage. This is your big chance. Terms: Wasco street, .t-jim nnu v irtm DOWN. 7on .jnn Hn.n A-rnnm tvnical artis tic California bungalow on the west side of the river; built-lns of every description; hall fur not.- ftrAoinr.e: kitchen range gas heater, linoleum included; ga rage; 5 fruit trees; chicken house; only 1 block to car on Hood street. This is undupli- $3790 $100 down: -6-room very attrac tive ana weu-ouui uvuc, .. ...... tsvillsi. home on E. Glisan St., will Accent soldier's bonus. A $2590 For 100x100 and 6-room modern home in Piedmont-Jefferson high district; $500 down will make it youra Michigan ave. 12625 $300 down! Furnished! Big sac- rf. Owner needs money! b- room very neat and attractive bungalow cottage on Minnesota ave.; includes range, leather couch; library table; all furniture in good condition, a mouesi fam ily win oe nappy sens. NOTE. Our wide range of listings covers every residence section in the entire city, and iMnrt homes of every price on tne most reasonable terms. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home. . RealtoK " 1200 Photographs of Homes for Sale. LARGEST HOME-SELLER ON THi, PACIFIC COAST. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Third St., bet. Washington and Stark. SUNNYSIDB BUNGALOW. $4750 Owner must sell. If you can pay $1500 owner will make.a substantia, reduction; living room with fireplace and huilt-m bookcases, den (could be used for music room), buffet in dining .room with, real mirrors. Dutch kitchen. 3 bedrooms with plenty of light, every closet has a window, a feature you won t find in many homes: full cement base ment with furnace; must sell before the first. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce BldK. Main 208. YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO BUY A PRIZE WINNING KOSU, L1T1 ..LrL,lBX TYPE HOME AT PRE-WAit PRICE. This home was recently awarded sec nn.l nriz for English architectural de sign and is a home that you cannot af ford to overlook If you are looking for a REAL home. Three large rooms and sun porch downstairs, 'with 3 large bed- dooms and sleeping porcn upsia.irt, ur- wnn.I floors, lariru RookWOOd fireplace, full basement with laundry trays, dandy furnaca. built-in aookcases and buffet large clothes clcstts. Property has 5 large fir trees on it. Will sacrifice at only $6500 with very reasonable terms to a responsible party, call Mr. xoung. jiaiu 6308. PROSPECTIVE HOME HtiiluR. ATTENTION. The Laurelhurst Co. maintains an of fice on the property at East 39th and Glisan. MR. DELAHUNTY, the man in charge, haa 12 years' expe rience in selling tnis property. Sfct, HIM. We are closing the few remain ing lota wo own at ridiculously low prices. ALSO big bargain in colonial house and 2 bun galows. Montavllla car. Drive out today er phone for auto. Tabor 3433. Open even- lnga. IRVINGTON. , $5800. A beautfKll bungalow of six rooms and sleeping porch, every mod ern convenience, a massive built-in buf fet with beveled plate glass doors, book cases to match, full length beveled plate mirror in bedroom doors, hardwood floors trimmed with real mahogany, ex tra light fixtures in living room, large light basement, excellent furnace, ga rage with concrete driveway; property faces east on paved street, near the car; very reasonable terms. HILLER BROS., Realtors, 514 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 86. Branch office 50th and Sandy. Taoor 84S.i , $(100 CASH. 2 bedrooms, modern kitchen, .combina tion living and dining room: a brand new double constructed beautiful bun galow on paved street: complete with shades and fixtures for $3375. $600 cash, balance $25 per month and int. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. REALTORS. Bdwy. 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. CITV PARK. Beautiful 6-room house for $4600, $1000 cash; 3 large, light and airy bed rooms upstairs, large living room, fin ished -in natural lir; fine fireplace, kitchen finished in white enamel, with aU built-ins, also pantry, cement base ment, wash trays, garage, paved street. aMessment8 paid. Tabor 3516. $45 DOWN $20 MONTHLY. Large 2-room shack on splendid lot with 100 ft. frontage, cement walk, wonderful garden. 2 blocks from Monta vllla car. Price $045 plus fcpnded as sessment. This is a splendid chance to gut your start. Fred W. German Co., Realtor. 732 Chamber of Commerce. 7 ROOMS $3950 $500 CASH. Well built, hardwood floors In living room and dining room, beautiful fire place, bookcase, buffet, Dutch kitchen. 1 bedroom first floor., 3 second; good lo cation, walking distance to Jefferson high. Johnson-Dodson Co. brunch of fice, 1578 Albina. Wdln. 535. FOR SALE BY OWNER My home, S36 E. 31st; paved at.. block to carline, 50x100 lot; four large rooms down and floored attic; furnace and fireplace; rine couuew HAiBS. ' naid. $4500. $1500 down. Phone Seli. 1 s. 12800 BUNGALOW. New, modern, 4 rooms, large sleeping porch,' full basement, Dutch kitchen, lot 50xl2S. 59th st. and 81st ave. S. E., 2 blocks to Hawthorne car; $300 cash, bal ance $10 per month, 7 per cent interest. Owner, 428 Washington St. Bdwy. 1339. BUNGALOW. $2800. v.w modern. 4 rooms. Dntch kitchen. corner lot. 75x100. 57th and Davis: sewer and walks paid, 8 blocks to car: $300 i.,h hAlance $10 month and 7 per cent intereat. owner, -fJ wasmngiou st. i- phone Kroaqway ijjit. BY OWNER Nice five-room, modem bun galow in nrsi-ciaiw wiiuuiwu. k i u" a AArner lot and near car, schools. churches and stores. Located at 540 Webster st. Take Alberta car to E. 12th St.. one block north. Price $3200, terms. OH! YOU NEWLY WEDS. Here's your chance to get a brand new, 4-r. bungalow, complete, stylish, snappy for $2700. Small payment down, balance like rent. See it today at 613 Lafayette st. Phone owner. East 4000. HOUSE PLANS. "Distinctive Homes," illustrated book of over 100 designs, $1: blueprints, $10. DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPANY. 84 INOrtnwesiern paiia nmg. WESTMORELAND Bungalow, V rooms. haruWOOa llwr, c.cj .uuuc uum-in, corner lot, garage; owner leaving city, easy terms. Phone Marshall -1022, Sell wood 2706 evenings. B1X-ROOM house, sleeping porch, sun porcil, 6 lots, 33 oeariug nun trees, as sorted berries, chicken houses and run. Lawn, roses, etc. $5000. Owner leaving city; must sell. Auto 644-14. HOUSES built, your lots or ours. - We will aSSlSt 1U 1UAA1UI l"UJ uu OCgUUAlfl loans. FABRICATED CONSTRUCTION CO. 616 McKay Bldg.. 4,s-j00 $500 CASH. $50 month; 5-room bungaiuw .eu n.iccb, uaikaiu. iail for Mr. Acker, 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658, VERY attractive bungalow, furnished, 3 rooms ana oulii. tui kxmeui oasement; lot 40x120; block to car. Price rea sonable. Owner, 5721 Woodstock ave. KENTON BARGAIN. New 5-room bungalow. 5 25-ft lota, corner, cleared. 246 Halleck st,. 3 blocks west of Kenton hotel: $35o0. terms. FOR SALE 5-room bungalow, fruit and garden: good district: bargain; $3500. easy terms. Phone Sell. 1151. JOHNSON & ANDERSON owners and builders. Alameda Park. new. modern ' 5-room bungalow. 91'4 Skidmore st, IRVINGTON 759 E. 17th N.. for sale by owner, atrictly modern four-room bunga- 1 low; reasonable price, with terms. MODERN 3-room bungalow; lot 30x114; improvements in and paid; $2800. half cash. 971 Knott st. OWNER $3250, modern A-room home. A-i condition, fine view, good location. 651 Eaat 251D st. Sellwood 2053. REAL ESTATE, "for Sale Houses. ROSE CITY SNAP. Beautifui' 7-room bungalow on paved street. double constructed. modern throughout, buffet, bookcases and all other built-lns, hdwd. floors, fireplace, furnace, laundry trays, 1 bedroom down and '3 others with 1 sleeping porch up stairs, large rooms; Dutch kitchen and den. You must see this to appreciate this wonderful home at a real bargain price. Terms can be arranged This is a snap and someone is going to get a real spacious home at a bargain price. STAR REAL ESTATE & INV. CO.. Sal Stark St. Bdwy. 5Jj. REALTORS. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. 66 2-3x100 ft, lot. 2 blka. from Haw thorne ave., all nice iarge rooms, fire place, built-ins, modern convenience newly painted and decorated. Price only $4750. Easy terms arranged. k $-'100 ROSE CITY PARK. Just right for two. cosy 4-room bun galow, plumbing, gas, ' elec. beaulifu! surroundings, 2 blks. from Sandy blvd. $700 cash. $3675 MT. TABOR. $675 cash buys a neat 5-room bunga low on E. Salmon; modern plumbing, built-ins: basement Owner leavin city; quick action necessary. $225 CASH. Bal. $15 per month, buys 4-room plas tered house on luOxloo-ft. lot; clly water, fruit and berries. Must be sold this week. Price only $1350. BURKHARDT BUSINESS BUILDERS, 410 Piatt Bldg. Realtors. Main 702 1. AN ACRE IN TOWN. 7-ROOM BUNGALOW. 15500. House alone worth the money; all of the ground in cultivation, and such a variety of fruit and vegetables as to tal your credulity, and a garage and a fire place and a furnace and paved streets, and it would cost us $7110 if we allowed our enthusiasm to run riot here to men tion ALL of its other good things; it's a fins ride there and back; come, go long. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. REALTORS. (Meaning Reliability). 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. nnKW citv VAHK.. 15150. A discount of $700 on this property; 6 rooms and sleeping porch. hardwood floors, fireplace, turnace. a. built-in features, full cement basement, located right In the heart of Boat City under the hill, lot 70 by 100. has beau tiful lawn and flowers. If it is a snap you are looking for. then don't look at Innr.r Remember we are headuua ters for Rose City bungalows. This can be handled on any reasonauie terms. 514 Railway Exch. B:'dg. Main 86. Branch office 5oth and Sandy. Tabor 84So. WEST SIDE. CLOSE IN, FURNISHED. FINE VIEW. Owner will aacrilice beautifully fur nished 7-room English Bombay bunga low sleeping porch, hardwood, large k...n,.nt - fm-nipp larze lot. fruit. grapes, berries; elegant furniture; $0000 FOR OU1CK sale.. l cn.ua. M-ARSH & McCABE CO.. REALTORS., 322-3-4 Falling Bldg. Marshall 3i)9S. $4000. S.rMm hnns-Alnw. 1 block to Car. schools; has fireplace, bookcases, plate mirror door, splendid kitchen, cement basement, furnace, excellent garage, floored attic; shrubbery. - berries and fruit; full- lot, paving and sewer in and paid. $1000 cafh, balance month.y. Main 1903. 500 Cham, oi com. uiug. Res.. Marshall H65. ROSK CITY DISTRICT. Going to California; will accept lot or Ford touring car ana smaii ca.-n paj monr fnr etmitv in 7-room bungalow Nice livine- room, cove ceiling, beautiful fireplace. Dutch kitchen, cement base ment, stationary tubs: garage. An at tractive home. Call Tabor 155. 1835 Sandy blvd. ANYONE desirous of a real home, modern. convenient. 6 rms. all on l noor, large at tic, large basement, fur., tubs, fruit clos et, plenty of built-lns, fireplace, corner lot, 100x100; streets pavea ana paia, g miFA lnt of fruit, berries, grapes. Eng lish walnuts, close tu carline and schools Bargain. $5X00, $1500 down or light car and some cash. wain, atttrj. half acre and 6-room modern house, lots of f ne fruit and berries, exceneni xil beautiful lawn and flowers, near car. Price $3000. $600 down and bal ance les than rent. H II. I. Kit BROS.. Realtors. 514 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 86. Branch pffice 5lh and yandy. Tabor MVi , $45ll TERMS. i-ls.-.tvT KR US. . BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW. ROSE CITY PARKr 5 DANDY ROOMS. KLI.L CEMENT BASEMENT, H W. FLOORS ATTIC. FIREPLACE. ETC.. WORTH $5850. - MAIN 4S03. u-r.-v-Ti-w s ROOMS rjOOO $500 CASH 5-room cottage, locaiea t"rI" all fmnrnvements paid: 2 bed rooms', bath between, basement. 2 blocks nn'v tr.im rush, balance like rent lohnAn-Doilson branch office, 1578 Albina. Wdln. 535. ONE OF the prettiest and most aesirame . i r, D..k. S lyrf, riw.ms nomes in - ....c- -- and sleeping porch: wide cement porcn wiH uri.ocn mllar: garage: roses, lawn. A bargain at $5500. on easy terms; less for cash. Phone owner. Tabor 2S06 or Main 8100. XWO-ROOM shack and nice lot 75x100, t it I.... rViilt trea and oulte a lot of berries, located on corner of blh and Bryant. In Woodlawn: 1 block east of Woodlawn school; $1350. $iI0 cash, balance terms might consider rite i ord Box 87. Sherwood. Or WHY PAY RENT and car lare when you can buy from owner a nice nine mou hunfroiow on eomer lot. Improve menta in and paid, only $2000 down. balance easy terms, no commission 7U5 Corbettst. ppvivsn.A PARK DISTRICT. Coxy 4-room bungalow, unfinished, but livable, iirepiace, water, m, wuaw Price $1375, terms. . JOHNSON-DODSON CO., ens N W. Bank BldK. Main 3787. IRVINGTON'S MOST BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW STYLE HOME. 100x100 lot. beautiful treee and flow ers elegantly finished, best of plumbing double garage; near elub. East 3S14 M.ln 8078. 8:10 N. W. Bank bldg. IRVIXUTON BARGAIN. $7200, $100 cash, balance monthly: beautiful large living room, Frencb aoors, oi noors, iiremvc, 4 bedrooms, one flown; extra pmuiuuiK. East 394. Main SOiS. 830 N". W. Bank bliig. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW BY OWN E R. unHArn f-room. fireplace, full cement basement and walks, paved street, small varne-M: Deriect t-unuiiiu", tj.i., T-wvi 1114 E. Sherman, near 37th. PIEDMONT. $5000 EJight-teom house, tile hath, laundry travs, furnace, 2 blocks to. car. 333 Portland blvd. OPPORTUNITY HERE'S YOUR CHANCE YOUVG COUPLE: CLASSY J-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. GARAGE AND WORKSHOP. $1650. -TERMS. TABOR 6644. 359 E. 74TH ST. N. HAVE nice modern home, will eel: to colored family: 2 bedrooms, hardwood floors street and sewer Improvements in and paid; $4200, about $1000 cash. AG 754. Oregonian WONDERFUL HOME FOR A THRIFTY FAMILY: MODERN CONVENIENCES . AND CITY COMFORTS: 3 ACRES. OWNER. 657 E. SaTH. SELL. 1640 OK MAR. 16S4. 1300 CASH. Cheaper than rent, 5-room bungalow lot 75x125; 2 blocks to car. Only $2650 Automatic 628-20. BEAUTIFUL Irvington home, large rooms. lowers, etc r-nuna owner, dah avw. SXAP Beautiful bungalow. $3600; modern, "all built-in conveniences, sleeping pori'h. fine basement, laundry trays, large ga- rage. Owner. -i-d.. .-a ave. a. s.. ROOMS, modern, WfttllH; Dest ouy in Portland for $60O0; corner lot, paved. Mr. Acker, Bdwy- 1008. 210 Oregon bldff. 5-ROOM bungalow; fireplace, full base ment garage, sewer in; improvements psldf -t-'0. $o00. $30 month. 1JT9 lOlh FOR SALE Eight-room house, 979 Schuy ler at., first-class condition: pries $4S00. Apply on premises or to Andrew P. Wil- son. 90S Capitol ave.. ovcnuoA. .-.o pnone. i"OR PARTICULAR people is this fine R C. corner of 6 spacious rooms; every heart's desire. $8400. Terms Tabor 876. WEST SIDE Beautiful six-room bungalow on the heights, absolutely modern, un obstructed view of the entire city; price ROSE CITY A nifty 5-room bungalow on corner, run toi wim uuuui ..r.,., onty $41100. Main H327. LEAVING city July 1, will n. R. choice-located homa at a hargaia; -arg rooms; terms. Tabor 2070. HOL'SE, also lot in LadrTs add., near Hawthorne ave. owner, lu f. sotn st. East 5531. Mrs. Sutton. MODERN seven-room house. Piedmont dis trict; large lot, dandy garage. Easy terms, low price. Jonnson. j-is atark st. L'i-n-BHKn or unfurnished 8-room house. 1109 KerDy St., near jeuerwp niga ana car barns. UNDER VALUE; nifty Rose City bunga low, going ai -o"v,, sc. uu;j. oee A. K. Hill, 4J6 Lumbermens bldg. DXDY modern bungalow, just completed. 6 lot with 30 fruit trees, near 80th and Powell valley. r.asy terms. jiain suj. 3 LOTS and 4 houses, comer Front and M oOK er. inquirq i MODERN bungalow, ready to occupy. 12S0 East Alder st Main 3594 FOR SALE $1500 equity In 6-rm. house; good Dodge (or part. Phone 618-7. KF.AL ESTATE. l'or fcale Hpumh. J. A. WICKMAN CO., REALTORS. WOODUW'S UKixlOO. $ 500 DOWN 7 roomj. 3 bedrooms, only 2 blocks to car, $3250. SUNNVSIDE E. SALMON ST. $ 500 DOWN 5 rooms, newly painted and tinted, only $3675 E. 59TH ST. N., NEAR HASSALO. $ 500 DOWN 5 rooms, rane goes with houe. at $3500. NEW. MT. SCOTT CLOSE IN. I 250 DOWN FURNISHED 1 rooms, will lake car, only $2400. BEAUTIFUL ALHUKTA HOME. $ 500 DOWN 7 rooms, 3 up. 4 down, hardwood floors, fireplace, fine basement, laundry trays, garage, all for $1000. ROfcE CITY PARK. $5750 NEW 5 rooms, breakfast nook, large floored - attic, hardwood floors throughout, fireplace, fine basement, furnace, laundry trays, garaue. elaborate built-ins. com plete, Dutch kitchen. TERMS. J. A. WICKMAN. KEALTuRS. "Shortest Way Home." 264 Stark St. Main 573 and 1Q94. $L't KENTON BARGAIN J-room bun galow, ciose to car, on a paved street; all improvements in ai 1 paid for; priced very low tor quick sale and on easy terms. $3250 A dandy J-room bungalow 01 Stafford St.; full sue lot and close to car line; an excellent buy and only $650 down, balance easy. $3500 A crackerjack in Albtrta; J rooms and floored attic; a dandy . home for some one. sua ca be bought on easy terms. m SEJ2 US FUR APARTMENTS AND HOTELS. RYAN REALTK CO.. REALTORS. 415-416 Abington Bidg. .Marshall QMS. FURNISHED BUNG A IAD W. $0250 $5250 $5250.. TERMS. Exceptionally well-built' 5-room bunga low, fine basement, pipeless furnace, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, good furniture, splendid condition throughout, owutr must sell at once. For intormalion aud appointment, tail last 4091. ROSE CITY PARK, lisoo. Only one block north o( Sandy; dandy, handy 5-room bungalow with double gaiae on corner lot; white enamel tln-it-h full concrete basement, Gasco tur nace. and a multitude. o otner good features; don't- ;.pciid a week-end en tertaining regretts; ..heck us up today. COE A. McKENNA & CO., REALTORS. (Meaning Reliability). 82 Fourth St. Main 4n., $650 CASH. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. '35?room modern bungalow with fire place, bullet, bookcases, Dutch kitchen, lull cement basement with cement floor and laundry trays, roses. vines and ber ries, only 1 uioca 10 car, . and sewers lu. no bonded assessments. aAHKNDERSON-BANKUS CO. 628 Henry Bldg. Broadway 4,54. PIEDMONT $3075 FURNISH tu. 5-room cottage bungalow, complete, fruit trees, berries, ail furniture included, dishes, carpets, player piano, chair couch, stove, gas range, refrigerator Hoover cabinet, chicken house. 4 blocks to Jefferson. This is a V U.MJbKl LL buy. See it today. HARRY BECKW1TH. RtlALTOR. int vifth Street. Main 6SbJ. NiSW IRVINGTON BUNGALOW Modern 5 rooms, close In. every built in feature, concrete basement, laundry travs. furnace, nice lawn and Jhrub bi ry. This Is an unusual value. Before you build or buy you shouM see this. R1CHAKD W. MAST. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE & CO. "01-2-3-5-7 Board of Trado Bldg. VERY CLCSE IN. jS-room bungalow, very close In on east siTTe, large lot. paved street, place to ab solutely modern, hardwood floors, tire place, etc.; all built-lns. rrench door, between living and dining o0"'"-11Ti,11; 1. a home to be proud of and absolute iy sacrifice at $0000, $2i'.o0 cash, good ferms oa the balance. Fred W liermau ,- Honors. 732 Chamber of torn. ., . , I.- di .l' l hi-vi: i.ow. $700 Down. $271)0. Balance $-.0 a Mona Lot 80x10": 4-room house, modern, large -living room, two bedrooms, bath, room, dandy kitchen, breakfast room sleeping porch and garage; line lari,e v.Td and garden all pla.ned to be. ne. and vegetable. To a party looking for a home in I'arkrose this cant be ......-, I I'hnne M.iln !4X. MOUNT TAHOK BARGAI S. BARGAIN! BARGAIN: 6-room colonial square, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, book cases full cement basement, furnace tK 2 toilets. 50x150 lot, walnut and cherry trees; only $ I'-'OO. See thl MARSH A McCABE CO., REALTORS, 322 -S -4 Falling Bldg. Marshall i't'M. A r lllltTA 12S00. Small payment down, $25 month, 5 rooii bungalow, large lot. good bath. 'H bulk to car. 3 to school: chicken run. garden. Owner leaving town, must be sold. A bargain. HARRY BKCK WITH, REAL1UK, Main 6R!t. 104 Fifth Street. OWNER will take lot or auio anu uu. r-h a first pavment on 6-room house. hVs furnace. hardwood floors, large closets' parage; hard-surface s.reel; f .T. ,,, lot or auto, some cash and . ' J ... k... -AAih Ike rent. A n K i v- ' i W. Bank bidg. Main jounsun. oo. - :I7S7. WE STEP OUT lOU Mtr i-. If taken at once you can hee this tezv 4-rm bungalow, comp etely fur- f on T term. You will have to act this. See Vi R. Jesse.- o27 r,rhett Mdg. Main 7141. MR. AND " "Vmi .i-w-r irttiK Ar THIS. a mnm house electric lights, ras an ,ehr.0irxhN.riot; beautiful rosea an ,olce fruit, for only $1-00 ba choice J B. HOUlROOli. rirai"". 214-215 I'anama i . . vti. ... . l- f-lTV VARK. Corner lot paved, hardwood "nors, '!p'M'-dedind'TtV.edon,vhr$o; wi h 1IM cwh, balance like r-nt. 4i3 Courh Bldg. BYO WN E R. modern j-roo . . ... ;;- frreplacer built-lns; sleeping porch. ;"ng 'roomf Dutch kitchen; new r ga rage; $101X1 down. $40 month, im K .r!Sr'-' mm in 552. or Wdln. 4240 iTnnoM modern Kenton bungalow, pavea 6"R.9?.. k.mVu.i. district, a coat of pa nt Sireek. in,.. .,,.!., nniipnt DT1CS will easily aaa . -. " BUCHOLMAN, REALTOR i.'.iinir Bide. .Main : . .'ItV I'arK IIUIIIC. A''K:V. . enrage, full cement irlvawav- S rooms and .leeping porch, dr ,. ,'ifH II it appea s to you, call price is right, u it , . Com. M.i?-;5il Tahor .rrrrrF "PARK. 1125 Mallory ave.; for WAV?LJ, .?r choice corner. 6-room C irarage strictly modern, new- .vnin ailed $1250 hot-water heat; house cosin$"o! will ..ellx for $7200 terms. rail wo"Qiftwn '"' " r. . . arn..m nnusa furnace. $3:o (JASrt ioi .".J .rar-d Dutch kitchen -- d clean nn iitriAi, Alberta, -j'AkcE CO. nH.nn Ride. Broadway 4"3i COZY compact furnished houseboat c.r,i'- in flrst-class condition: at Ore for in flrst-class condition: at uregon va,eh, ,"lub PPlv K. M. Pitcairn. Cana JSSfBanlt olTommerce. 4th and surk sts. 1-..h0. ITr cashT' ,2$ a mnth JOHNSON-DODSON CO . " 8.-.S V W. BankBldgJ Malli' Ml" S1500 cash. DST. W.seoJ rSoOM modern bu.lw. flr.pU.. tgr- JS-S Hawthorni district; ?cod vT.l aP $4300: ver, icw terms. Main3.H BARGAIN 7 room. . r. iZi home; to .3!!:", VuIckTv sen for $1100 r-,.h. Owner. East B--S. -J:....,.- IT'. I' X R lv li X U H b tx. Ci-.rnnm bungalow, ju.it completed. S:rs. or5?7 i-n'.." m p h n oner on .. Gi,h.d 7-room hou6 with garsgf. 493 K Pine at., cor. l'h: Immediate posses slon: own-r on i" "tTv nu'SER. Vlc 5-room bunitalow in Sunnyslde. oo K 37ih st. Phone Tsbor 363. rs"h balance monthly payroeoia. Main 30. . low snd rg Owner. Ant. 31T-7K COZY, attractive unfurnished: t. ;ittle h'-m. furui.hed or Iflce 60S E. 6fl'.h .t. N. $2."00 Bl'TS Boo-" !mnie close In: must sell .Hi utwn. ..l -'ii n ;i.10ft BUTri dandy home; rnust sell; partly casn; cuc in. ... .1111 . i Nirt: ".-room bungalow In Sunnyslde. 22M E. 2Hd st. Phone Tabor 33. $100 DOWX 1-room bouse, ou.8 ilat av. S. Ha, .afsy 5-room bung.Towwyh sttic ,.n "fVs'rheavV o rlo-o'r. ".hhroWugn? S,i, tite i?repUce. ti?; b.th with base ?,,h nedestai lavatory and built-ins; Kiu-hen h. til. .ink and bre.kfa.t nook; tkl-.,i- easy terms. T.hnr 40.. For ! IIoiimw. ROSK C1TX. , $3A0 caith. ba!. j per month, pu:t ycu tn pnakrihn of a beauitful nw and modern bunsUtw on pvwil Btrf-t, ail Impruvi'n.fuia iw id ; hua rl f w plMce. hi-rdw.iod floor, built-in kitchen &nd brekfanr nnok. tupitry (iulbliK. a bat irn.n. ;j.:m.,u INTLRiiTATK IVVKSTMENT CO.. RttALTOKS. Bdwy. 47"1. 410 Henry bldg JRVINi.TO.V & ROOMS. 1400. Just taka a look at in.; a rat hon- wt-to-trtHidnfBi bunt-low in thla lorly district; hu fvTvi!.inB; fumj.'. ."''i.' lot, all of to built-. n. and tQ tll bundle It on wry tty monthly p mcnta. COE A. M'KF-NNA & CO., RKALTURS CM fining reliability 53 Fonrth St. Mutn lRVINOTON HfK 5NAT. Who's looking for a rfal mnp In w'l built 2-tory S-room horn with r: on Urtre cornrr with beautiful lawn and shrubbery . ner car. nvrr offird b--forc? Center entrance, larra ronm throuchout. elabor.-ite tile fireplaee. de, pans puntry. kitchen, toilet and lavatory downitra; 4 btdron.. l'ipm por-'H and attic; like new; only fll.tHH); worth twice tht. Tnbor 47. I'Rirn sii 9150 down. 2-room ahack and larg lot In irarnVn, fruit; St. Johm car Una. A. 11. Akeraon. 4 I'd Henry bidjr. ISuburbun tloiuea. OV PAVED HIOHWAT. On acre, !4 mila from city limit ff, ail under cultivation, fw yrninc fruit treea, some berries. 3-room hou snd puntry. city water and ifr. bihmU barn, ft a rage, chicken li-u-e : included wit h pla:e one cow, chickens, irardio too'.j and some furniture; only 1 bio ks from alntlon and kcniM.I; foud car--rv.ee atid low con.mutMt ln fare; price r-'''0; $0(H. cash, balance J-0 ptr monh aud interest at 6 per cent. MODEKN KrHt'RBAN HOME Chusii IN. i 6 acres, 8', mil w.nt of Portland! 4 acres unl-r cult i vat ion. balance in timb'r; a't can bo cult i vat d : h'-ft rtf oil; mile tn electric atattnn. 5'0 feet from Cnpital hiKhwav; K m vlt'i( road tu place; 4t youn anrie., fruit trc.-a. at tractive J-' rent-h burnt a low. with b't of piumbinc and wirt for liKl.ts; water -. torn, alee pine porch, KraK. cliiekt-n houae; buudinirs all new ; price $tiJ0O; larva caxh payment ; personally lu specled, pbuto at oil it. 5 acras, between nreshani and Tort land, on fine rocked road. 100 feet from pavement, li blocks from elt-ctrio lin and school; all under cult I vat mn ; bct of sol), 2 b acres in bearing berries. V acre of jtrapi, some apples, pears, pluma, etc. ; 4-room plaint-red hiue, barn, chicken houe; included with piaca . 1 cow, 1 horse and all ncceasary Imple ment a; only .10 minutes uut; Inapeted bv Urooka: offered at a real barKain. JOHN KLKtiL'SuN, Ourhager UlUg., Realtor. Ovr 5041 l?niall Places Near Portland. Get (Jur Kxlenslve Clasaiticd Lists. THIS ACltK HUMK Kftll $.V.0O. IS ON K lK THK UK ST LVK OKKK KKIJ. This fine acre, uil in cultivation, with abundrtnee of fruit and berries, modern 7-room slorv and a half btmciilow. with all city conveniences. OW.VKR MPST ' UEAXV TOWN AND IS I N '1.1" 1)1 Nit 4 cords of wood. Baa ranite, and dim hit room act ox r.OoP HARP SI'RKAC!. ROAD, J VST I'O mtnutcj front city, tiood terms. A k for K. . Mumliall wit h KRANK I. MctiUlltK. 20.1 Abln?ton Itldjr. Main 1"tiK. Third St ., b-t. Washington and Stark P. I V R WOOI ON Til k. RIVLIl AVr have for Sale, one of the MOST ncTrRi-:s(jr. ukai tiki'i rivkr- FRONT HO.MKS ON THK W KST HlK that haj ever be n offered. Muat bn seen to be approciated. Tlee -.pots ara choice and now very scarce. If you are Imikinjr for a pleahant home with beau tiful surruiinditics. kl ua whow you this one. Afrk fT K. C. Marahall, with FRANK T,. MfUflltK. 205 Ablnftton Hldtt. Main 10. Third St.. bet. Wituhlntrton and Stark. JITST" tflK sni'MI'lil IH 'MK TOU H A V K HKKN I.OOKlNtl KOR. ItcMUi iful view ; r Ik hi on Oaweuo laVe shore; close to Lake Grove alatlon; half acre with pteturefMue little houne, com pletelv furnished; phino and boats ln eluded lu the price- of t.W), with terms Let us show you this! Ak for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK T,. MrOlMRK. 20.1 AbinRton Hulu Main IOCS. Third St.. bet. Washington and Pi ark AC R KT R ACTS, wtth Bull Run water, gas. electricity, telephone and sidewalks in the streets, on easy term, located In aichtiv portion of the districts sur rounding Multnomah xtation on tha Ore gon Klevtric. Heautlful country homea. The cboics ones are being rapidly pickd up. To make an appointment to aea the property, call HKN RIKSI.ANT. wee kd mvs Main NSi, Sunday iiiorningl Tabor 311, 44 Piatt bldg. WIU.AMKTTE RIVKR FI;0TA.E 7 miles tenter of town, thla Hide Oa wegn. 4 aens. 'J.-'i feet river front. -room bungalow, sleeping porch. living r'om flrepiaee, furnaee, alvo :t-room and i leeping porch bun low. $.mkmi, $HtoU down. . , .1 f. rORPIV f'O, :tn.',.H ? Tewls bldg S A ' 11 IF U ' I N i hi, A ( ' It K S Going at half vulae ; choice location, Oregon fity car line; aii-o peasant, con venient drive. Riverside highway. Hit h black loam soil; Improvement; ideal to subdivide Only 4.vm. tiet busy. A. K. H 11!. 4"'t Lumbermen hlf!y SCni'RfiAN HOMB-$Jino. On acre, b'rriea, fruit, poultry, row; little houne Ft'Il.T FOR TWO. Borne terms. Vc car fare. iJr. Coll, b2i Cliam. of Com $l,o CASH New cottage bungalow, acra of land; near electric ata'lon and Port land; all painted and tinted, electric lights; $1-'75. McFarland, Real Cor, F.i 1 11 n g hlt.g. 1 CRK .'.-room houe, ouibuiidingf ; l i.'.o down. month, 0'r Intereat; SlT.lo; K miles out and near Uresham elecirJc; a good buy. Ned money. Owner, AK 7HS. f regonian. CASH OU KXCIIANiK. Choice suturhan home with - acrea highly developed ; ail city convenience. Pay "you to see thin one. Prlee u7,m,. A K. Hill, 4-0 l.umhermenw hig CHOICE SLBURBAN HOM8 and acteage. well located, near carline from tistxi up. Inquire ad house north of Rlsley station, on Oregon City carline 2 ACRES In Gresham. all set in choice fruit and berries: strictly modern A -room bungiilow, compleiely furnished; garags; terms. Tabor 2070. jjijtl BLOCKS ItOSK CITV I'AUK ('All', ImpH. paid. ito.d locntlon. ell built up. bat no building restrictions. THbor rt...v!. 11175 5-ROOM houne. Oawefto; bljr lof, all In (tarrien: cloe to ntw h!phw,, terma. MrKar.nnd. RHltor, Failing bldg. on full acre. w i.. ( i '.il f4.ia-n t only $15U down. Owner, AH 747, Or- gor.ian. V- ACHE fAKK nupr.; an anu Di.r- lnc: coiy houne. 4 chickens. foo; terms: 6 per cent Interest. Tabor 'H7ft. ACRE Park Hone, all In cultivation and bearing; good bungatow, $4i'fMi, terma. Price advancea July 1. Tabor wTg. ONK ACrI-. --room houe. city lcr, fruit: (1050. fuJO caah, IV month. Ta bor 72! 1. rr hul It Uf i new 1'tf ipe r t j. attKaXTion: Half interent In a good payitiff single mill at Rainier. Or. lnvvai Urate at once. Ask. for Y. C Marshall, with FRANK L. McUL'IRK, 205 Abinmon Hldn. Main 10y. Third St.. bt. Washington and iStark. STRB bldtf. Jt 40x11)0, 4 furn.ahrd liv inpc rooma, store flxture?, nhclvinx, j.mhi. .-00 down, IJU mnth. rhoiie Wtlln. I'.'t!. For hole .creage. 50 down. j;5 noNT.ir.r. For splendid 20-acro lrct. 12 mtlea to Oregon City. 7 miles to Hruver Trek, I mile xo Highland: fine soil, first and second growth fir timber; 1 acre cleared. Total prica UOo. Kr$d W. Ocrmau Cu.. He., 1 tors. 73J- Clmmbpr of Ooninic rce I OWN A number of acrcuge tra ns, rang ing ID pnve .". tail..-, n - a .z I roir & to 40 acroa. a hich I am anxious tl atll. I am the owner of the proporty and -inh to talk diivcMy with orospectiva buyer See me at my office 404 rUTT M.PO.. 127 p.trk st. USWUUO I.AKIi HOMaMliv, . U 1. 1 ...no. Ma.nlfirent view overlooking Oswi lake; maple and doaaooo, water, iiglns, rock road, tee owner. rM Concord blUg., yerond snd Siark. '. don. i Ai:HK9. uniinprovoa; nelKlibur. on 4 side; Umber eriouch to uay fir lunrt.. about IK niilt-s from center of Portland. mt Price $;. te.-n.s. Bicker. Klrwt si. ACKKS ACHES- III). Payments; Alberta csr; fin view; n stumps, (travel or ass. .ment.: city wa ter. R. w. Cry. lai .. W. Hunk Bid , lt me .how you. s'lNK 44-acre tract, ui.di r live miles irom ' center ot city. wct side, sultana (m mall Irults and A"iabls. partially cleared and fenced: f-i.ou, terms. John Bain, owner. ..Q7 Spa.ilinr bldi. WKITK lor map of weatern Wra.nlatttoa. ahowlnr locailon. lew price act r terms offered to settlera. WKlKKilAL'SKIt T!MBSH CO.. Taconia, W'asu. 27 ACRBS. $27tin, WK,iT RIPE. 12 miles out: sbout 7 p'eu.eil: ftne soil, creek, timber, neur .ch'.ol shmlt . .7 c. rfmniX ''. iw.Vf.-T Lewis b''U' $3J0 1'fc.R A'.'KK. l." s. rc. uiilt.ii.ruv'I Ihu I In South Portland; sec. 2H. T I. b.H. I, H. ki. Coote, owi.er, Rvcy 1'aiut, U. C.