TIIE MOItXIXG OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, JUNE 31, 1921 REAL F-STATK. For Sal Hwum. FIND OUT wniT vot: MONEY WILL DO. If necessary. we'll help you make your down payment. i.i n,iwv 1100 DOWN! tinn imwv THINK OF THIS! room modern substantial attrac tiv. horns with every convenience Hh airv herirooms: convenient kitchen; house Is In good. condi tion ; paved street, right on m. v. ar K Olisan street. Will ac cent soldier's loan. Price $3790. 300 DOWN Very homelike 4 -room ar tistic bungalow in FRANKLIN un:u niKTRlfT: all modern con- VOTiani-e: hullt-ins: 'full SttlC u-,.. .avral mitre rOOITlS COUld h. finished. THIS IS A REAL SNAP! 63d street. Hurry for it. Price $2100; EXTRA SPECIAL! I30O down! iTtD'i 1300 DOWN CAN YOU BEAT THIS? A WONDERFUL HOME HAW rruta vt' HlRr.llS that was re duced 'in orlce $10O0. and down payment cut from M000 to $3o because IT HAS TO BE SOLD! n f the most attractive ana t t...u in this district. Kverv convenience: 2 sleeping porches; . furnace, den; full attic garage; full lot with fruit trees, paved street paid. East 8 1st . St. YOU NEVER HEARD OF SUCH A SNAP IN YOUR Lire. READ THIS! READ THIS ... . v-rcti t-rvl C-tllll DOWN! $100 DOWN OWNER MUST SELL QUICKLY! Hurry if you want a genuine .bargain in o-room ve.j c4ean and attractive bungalow cot tage in splendid condition; FUR NISHED: leather couch. prr table, etc.: all furniture practically nrl street, cement slde- 11.. .7-a .iior nil in and paid for: this is one of the biggest val ues in our office. Minnesota ave. Sv'-'6ivK OF THIS! 80x 230 or 4 nice, level lots with an abundance of mixed nd berries; garage: convenient to Franklin high and grade 8fho1', room coxy plastered bung alow with sleeping porch. Price $1225. DON T STOP. This is surely your bar gain day. 77th st. WT-v. These are but a '""'S DREDS OF UNPARALLELED 'HOME BARGAINS wo are offering you See FRANK L. McGUTRE. To Buy Your Home, LARGEST HOMESELLER ON THE PACIFIC COAST. 1200 Photographs of Homes for sale. 25 Salesmen at Your Service. Open until -" Main 1068. Sulcesor to H. D VcGulre. Established 18R0. '40 v-.r. of Service. IRVINGTON. Mno An exceptional bargain In this bungalow for quick sale .tail room, and sleeping porch and every mod ern feature including garage : " ab.ou! 4 years old and is very attractive, it is ilt what you have been shown for $..00 to 17000; faces east on lith St. 2 blocks from Irvington car. Can be handled on reasonable terms. Call us up ndul a look at it. then compare it with others you have seen. ' HILLER BROS.. REALTORS 614 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 80. Branch office SO'.h and Sandy. Tabor H4S5. DEAR LITTLE BUNGALOW. CHEAP. It is a me beauty for sixteen hun dred and fifty dollars, quite a lot of fur nishings: I want to show you this if vou want a fine little nome who ; "i k.".,mii ..irroundings; it has lots of fruit, berries and fine garden: it is handy to ivenion car six hundred and fifty dollars will handle. balance like rent. See this if you want a naP- B. W. HUGHES. B07 Journal bldg. Main 2So8. ROSE CITY. $3.10 cash, balance $.10 per month, put yOU 1A possession Ol a ueuni .. modern bungalow on paved street: all improvements paid. Has real fireplace, hardwood floors, built-in kitchen and breakfast nook, tapestry finishings. A bargain. $3900. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. Broadway 4TM. 410 Henry Bldg. NEAR REED COLLEGE. $100(1 DOWN. -room bungalow, modern, this means what you want and can expect in a home at this price; corner lot. garage and beautiful lawn: 2 blocks to car and close to golf links: $4100. is reduced prict. Main 7031. Tabor 5319 J. ROBBINS. 301 Ry. Exch. WE ARE ORDERED TO SELL. $200 CASH. Balance $55 per month. Including In terest, beautiful large 7-room home on 150x100 comer. with pavement all around, has oodles of fruit, garage: op portunity knocks. Call at race. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. REALTORS. Rdwv. 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. IRVINGTON. I must sell my beautiful bungalow: am leaving Portland, otherwise thin property would not be on the market. My bun galow has hardwood floors. Gnseo fur nace, most expensive plumb tig. err. There Is a garage. Please call at 5i9 F.ast 26th st. North, near Knott. agents. ' wnnnCTnri: RARfiAlNS. No 8-roora bungalow, modern: rlped f"r furnace: sleeping porch; $3-'H). l0O 4-room cottage, gas. gnrage. lot 41x no- Kw.lv ranien: $1100: terms re duced for cash. 6128 52d street, wonusim-n eonon- KASV TERMS, Good B-room 2-story house on full lot. 50x100. with fruit. Price for quick ale reduced to $2000; can make very reasonable terms. A. H. BIRR ELL-GILL CO.. "Id V W. Bnnk Bidg. Mar. 4114 WEST SIDE BVNUA1.UW IllHlAALr Grand view of rivers, mountains and city 5.1x100; 8 rooms, fireplace, built Ins. concrete basement, furnace; $0j00; Improvements paid. . , J. C. Corbin Co.. Realtors. Lewis hide. T at-dct HrRST HOME iftMniivn o-stnrv. 7-room house with garage on wonderfully improved lot near car: ivory iimsn, iol "i ........ walls nicely papered, finest oak floors; want offer. Tabor 4Q7, t.av't trcq THIS BARGAIN. t . i,n,,e one of 5 rooms, one of 2 w oii-cn feet, fruit and flowers owner Is sacrificing both for $22.10. with $300 cash, balance Hkf rent. Jiar. mo-. PIEDMONT. $.1000 Eight-room house, tile bath, laundry Txavs. IlirnHcc, wiui-dB iu .)., Portland blvd. B. OPPORTUNITY HERE'S YOUR CHANCE YOUNG COUrLK: tLASM S-KW.M MODERN BUNGALOW. GARAGE AND WORKSHOP. $16.10. TERMS. TABOR 6644. S.19 E. 74TH ST. K. WOODSTOCK AVE. Very attractive bungalow, rumisnea. rooms and bath, full cement basement; lot 40x120; H block to car. Price reasonable. Owner, Tel. 610-05. PENINSULA PARK DISTRICT. 4 rooms unfinished, but livable; gas. water, 50x100 ft. lot: $1375: $625 cash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 X. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. WONDERFUL HOME FOR A THRIFTY FAM-1LI : MVUf.lI.I IM.M B.ME.VniS AND CITY COMFORTS: 3 ACRES. OWNER. 657 E. 39TH. SELL. 1640 OR MAR. 164. tENTON sacrifice. 5-room bungalow, 50x 1(K lot. pavert st. Close to car. SEE BRUCE HOLM AN. Realtor, for this and other attractive bungalows at rock bot tom $.1000 CASH. Six-room IRVINGTON home. SEE BRUCE HOLM AN, realtor. 209 Failing Bldg. Main 6327. ROSE CITY PARK BY OWNER 5-room bungalow. just completed choicest location, 472 East 43d st. N ' 1 blocks from Sandy. Tabor 1768 ' BEAU'l'lKU'L. Irvington home, la re- flowers, etc pnone owner. E r on bait ciKiu-iOTin nouse. :n9 sxj-mv. ier St., nrsr-ciass condition; price $0. App!y on premises or to Andrew p wiu on. HQS Capitol ave.. Overlook. No phone. ;.;-s p03 FOR PARTICULAR peop:e is this fine R. c. corner oi spacious rooms- every heart's desire, 8400. Terms. Tabor 2676. " WELL built 5-room modern home, lanes attic, tun basement, fireplace and built in conveniences. Wdln. 6074. OWNER will sell good 7-room house. large garage, lot jih'xiou, beautiful rose gar den. East 506S, mornings. ALBERTA New, modern bungalow cheap T M""-V Bn.u. WUE-I1BI1 VIUCK irODl AI- berta car. 10jv E. 14th st. N. Wdln 4179 FOR SALE. Modern 7-room houjto with .tn.ii.i- garage, on corner lot at 26.1 E. 15th st. OWNER $32.10. modern 6-room home, Al tuiiuun.il. Him Tit-w, goon location, 054 Kast 2.1th St. Sellwood 20S3. SACRIFICE in . 6-room modern bungalow fireplace, $2750. easy payments. Mai 2 LOTS and 4 houses, corner Front and nooKer. inquire aia HooKer. MODERN bungalow, ready to occupy. 1260 r.ayt Aiufr bl .nam d-i:4. 71- ACRES, house, garden. $12.10. Main 3B72. .Mcrarland, Realtor. Falling bldg. $1000 EQUITY lor aue: bU discount. Auto. SEAL. KSTATB. For Sale Houses. RALPH HARRIS CO., REALTORS. THE WEEK'S BEST BARGAINS. NEAR PORTSMOUTH 6-room splen did home, with pantry and fruit room, cement foundation and full basemen sanitary wash travs: lot 100x100. with several full bearing fruit trees, berries and rosea Price only $4300, with your own terms in reason. A GOOD HOME Sdendld little room home with breakfast nook; white enamel plumbing, in excellent condi tion; nice corner lot with fruit and ber ries; $li50, $500 cash. WONDERFUL BARGAIN WITH FKU1T Choice 100x100 with 6-rm. cot tage. bath complete. 3 large bedrooms cement foundation; 17 full bearing fruit trees, oceans of berries: good chicke bouse and run, 4 blocks to car. Price $2200, with $300 cash. ' RALPH HARRIS CO., REALTORS. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5624. ROSE CITY PARK. Save $750 on thia beautiful bungalo this week. 5 large rooms and breakfast room; large floored attic; hardwood floors throughout; fireplace; beautiful outlet; Dutch kitchen: cement basement furnace; garage. This is on aALbH ST., at 51st. Only $57;,0. S. P. SHOPS RAILROAD MEN. $3750 On E. 22d St.. near 3 carllnes 5 rooms and large attic BUNGA LOW, hardwood floors, fireplace, full basement, laundry trays. bookcases In enamel and mahog any finish. This requires a fai: down navment. but S23 a mont will handle. Including interest at 6 Der cent WE have many QUALITY HOMES that can be handled on SMALL DOWN PAYMENTS, say $200. $250. $300. $350, $400, $450 and lots of them at $0O0. See us before buying. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. REALTORS, "Shortest Way Home." 264 Stark St. Main 5K3 and 1004, ROSB CITY. 1.1300 Come on. you bargain hunters: I have the best buy in the city and It must sell today; rirst party with J1.WU gets u ; five rooms, all extra large, hardwood floors, fireplace, lots of bullt-lns. full cement basement, hot water heating plant: built-in vacuum cleaning system, lot 50 by 100: garage: nice shrubbery twj nice cherry trees: house like new best part of district; if you are ready to Duy, come on. COB A. McKENNA CO.. 82 Fourth st. Main 4522. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. $480O $500 CASH. Here is a thoroughly modern bungalow witn o rooms and sleeping porch that can be had for a low price and a very email payment down. Has living room across the front, hardwood floors, fire place, buffet. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, furnace, located in the best part of Hawthorne and in the very best condition inside and out. it will be pleasure to show you. R. U McOREW. 1089 Hawthorne Ave. Tabor 8892. (Successor to J. A. Hubbell.) EASY-TERMS HOMES. $2.10 cash. $25 per month, buys rooms, screened porch, built-in buffet and kitchen; 12 full bearing fruit trees, garage. 60xloo-ft. corner on E. 39th st.; price only $1700. $100 cash, balance to suit, buys 4- room nouse. ju. Scott district; chicken nouxe. garage; price only $1600. $2.10 cash. $25 per month, buys 5 room home and half acre on 7ttlh St. price onlv $2000. BURKHARDT BUSINESS BUILDERS. 41.1 Piatt lildg. Realtors. Main 7027. WOODI.AWN DISTRICT. 12000 buys 7-room house, with bath room and pantry; all In first-ciass con dition. house newly nailiteiL new nlumh Ing and interior all gone over, gas and electricity. Lot is .'.Oxllio feet, with all assessments paid. Property is well lo cated near 1.1th and Highland streets. 3 (mock irom ooaiawn car line. An aosoiute nargain. JAMES J. FLYNN. 814 Chamber of Commerce. ROSE CITY PARK. $20no 4-room cottage. $:i7.vt .1-room bungalow. $4200 .1-room bungalow. $4S50 5-room house and garage A. N. MIKKELSEN CO.. 82d St. and Sandy Blvd.. Tabor 2580. Open Sundays and Evenings. DISTINCTIVE LAURET.HURST COLONIAL HOME. On a large, sightly lot with a fine view of the city and park, consisting of nine commodious rooms, fine recep tion hall, extra large living ro-im. dining room, sun room and breakfast room: fine convenient Dutch kitchen. 4 large bedrooms, tiled bathroom with beautiful fixtures. Come out and see this. Open for inspection afternoons. 10S4 E. Couch st. T. B. Winship. Tabor 2124 IRVINGTON HOME SNAP. Who's looking for a real snap in we'I built 2-story 8-room home with garage on large corner with beautiful lawn and shrubbery, near car. never offered b--fore? Center entrance, large rooms throughout, elaborate tile fireplace, den pass pantry, kitchen, toilet and lavatory downstairs; 4 bedrooms, sleeping por.-h and attic; like new; only $11,000; worth twice that. Tabor 407. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Furnished or unfurnished. Magnifi cent view; spacious landscaped grounds. Portland's choicest neighborhood. Sun days Main S.V; week days Mjin 1370. OVERLOOK ADDITION. $5000 By owner, 5-room modern bunga low, hardwood floors in living room and dining room, built-in bookcase and buffet, fireplace; full cement basement, furnace, wash trays, etc.; lot 50x100, sewer, walks, gas In and paid for; house built in 1W!!: terms. Over look Lands Co. Phone Main 216- IRVINGTON HIIVfiAI.nw Five dandy rooms with a full-floored attic, oak floors, large living room, fire place, complete kitchen, breakfast nook, furnace: dandy lot: only 1 block to car; price $67.10; furniture for sale. Let us show you todav. C. M. PURR, TABOR 6410 121.1 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 2"4.1 VERY CLOSE IN. 6-room bungalow, very close In on east side, large lot. paved street, place is ab solutely modern, hardwood floors, fire place, etc.; all built-ins. French doors between living and dining rooms. This is a home to be proud of and absolutely a sacrifice at $6000. $26.10 cash, good terms on the balance. Fred W. German Co.. Realtors. 732 Chamber of Com. ROSE CITY PARK. Attractive bungalow of five rooms with sleeping porch; on a corner; fin ished In white enamel; fireplace, fur nace, fine garage: lawn and shade trees E. 51st, near Alameda. See us for price and Inspection. STRONG A CO.. REALTORS. ROSE CITY PARK. Beautiful 6-room house for $4600, $1000 cash: 3 large, light and airy bed rooms upstairs, large Jiving room, nn taned in natural fir; tine fireplace, kitchen finished in white enamel, with all built ins. also pantry, cement basement, wash trays, garage, paved street, assessments paid. 604 E. 4flth st. Tabor .1516. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW SNAP Classy 5-room bungalow with attic and garage, -on view lot; Ivory finish, walls paperea, nnest neavy oak floors through out, tile fireplace, tile bath with base iuo. peaesiai lavatory and bullt-lns; kitchen has tile sink and breakfast nook $6s.50; easy terms. Tabor 407. ' WESTOVER HEIGHTS HOME Cozy, compact 2-story, 7-room home with garage; center entrance, large ma'n rooms, view porch. S bedrooms, sleeping porch. 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, oak floors, hot water heat: unobstructed view oi city, mountains, river. Tabor 407 SUNNYSIDE 6-room cottage in best of condition' enamel finish, built-in kitchen, inclosed porch, concrete basement, garage east front; $3500; $.100 cash. C 51. DERR. 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 224.1 BY OWNER, modern 5-room home In Irv ington rara; lurnace; tun cement base ment: fireplace, built-ins; sleeping porch sewing room: Dutch kitchen; new g; rage; $100o down. $40 month. 1181 K 27th N.. or Wdln. 5.12. or Wdln. 4240 ALAMEDA COLONIAL HOME Attractive. modern 2-story 7-room home on view site; center entrance. Ivory finish, large rooms, 2 fireplaces. 8 bed rooms, sleeping porch; garage; trees shrubbery; $S.10Q. Tabor 407. $2400 5-ROOM cottage; modern plumb ing, sewer, streets: Sunnyside school: $300 cash, $20 month. This is a plckup; must sell this week. J. P. McKenna. realtor. 1151 Belmont at 39th. Tabor 6493. FIVE rooms and bath, gas. elec. ; garage; fruit trees; full concrete basement, new range and water heater; 114 blocks to Kenton car. Woodlawn 2772. after 5:30 or Sunday IF YOU have $1000 or more we will fur nish lot and build you any kind of a house you want, anywhere. AG 577, NOB HILL BUNGALOW. Attractive, modern 114-story 7-room bungalow on Glisan St., near 25th; never offered before: $9000. Tabor 407. GOOD 5-room bungalow In Mt. Scott, wll. take a Ford car as first payment. Cir. Aut. 022-IU COZY 5-room Sunnyside, $2350. Wdin, 167. SEAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. A. G. TEEPE CO. B-ROOM COLONIAL $3950. I'd like to have you see this, folk You never could expect to buy such home for this- money. Easy terms, too, Pow vacant. Perfect condition. rur nace, fireplace, etc. Paving paid. i ROOMS S36.10. This 4-room bungalow with garage i located on a full lot, paving and sewer paid: $.100 cash win handle, nee mis. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. HunifRlnw and Garage $2100. Now, folks, if you are in the market for a dandy little bungalow In a splen did district, you owe it to yourself to see this. A bargain like this will sell quickly. ROSE CITY PARK. X -Rnnma anH Kleenln? Porch $52.10. Th, nwnAe has reduced Drlce from $6,100 for quick sale. Located Just off beautiful Alameda drive. You'll like tne exceptionally large living room. Phone this evening. Tabor 9586. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. S4.100 TTere folks is one of those real good tonkins- bunealows. excentlonally well noil, with hurHwnnri- floors. fireplace tiled bath, shower, tiled drainboard and back; full lot, paving paid; very easy terms. $500 down.- We'll help you with your payment, too. A. G. TEEPE CO.. Realtors Insurance. 270 Stark St., Near 4th. Main 3092. 40th and Sandy. Tabor 9586. mi J I c xTVW TTfhT IT T.Q VACANT. You can move right In: the home Is in clean, ttrst-class condition; the fruits on the large trees are ripening fast; this nne home nas 7 large rooms, wciji.uu hall and den. full cement basement, fur nace heat; two big fine lota, all covered with big bearing fruit trees, beautiful Ilowers and snruDoery; cuy ""f11"" nAnta a all in and nn.lri! it Is hand) to ti-hnnl. street cars and Jefferson high school: It Is a fine home and a big snap at $6000 and the nnest terms imaginable, do -not henltate to Investigate this to your entire satisfaction; it Is a fine home, ready to welcome you right in. For this Bnap and manv others see E. W. HUGHES. . 507 Journal Bldg. Main 2956. NOTICE. I have taken over from the builders THREE BRAND ."vevv. Jiw.' FOUR-ROOM BUNGALOWS, each on an acre of the ilnest garden lands, 2 blocks north from end of Alberta car line. J vi ,wn DirirTil?T'l. HOMK LOCATION COMMENCING Wednesday. June 22. I will offer these substantially constructed little homes at a great sacrifice; $-..U first payment; immediate possession. Representative at houses afternoons or phone Kroaowav una. J. W. CROSSLEY. Custodian. ARTISTIC BUNGALOW. FURNISHED OP. UNFURNISHED. FOUR ROOMS. MODERN. WITH SLEEPING PORUH AND ATTRACTIVE SUN PARLOR: LONG LIVING - SOW WITH HEA.M CEILINGS. FMNISHLD IN IVORY; FURNISHED IN FINE WTCKER WITH A $110 RUG. BREAK FAST NOOK. GAS. HALL FURNACE CEMENT BASEMENT. 2 BLOCKS TO RICHMOND CAR. PAVED STKEBia, FULL-SIZED LOT. H.MS tiAnuc.x PRACTICALLY NEW HOUSE. R. SOMERVII.LE. REALTOR, BROADWAY 247S. V. S. NATIONAL BANK BLDG. 570 E. 2.1TH ST N. vir,r Tli .MIT uosb: CTTV. Convenient to Catholic church and i i nn HrrfinnHinirii: living room, tHln'mnm ln hedrnoms. kitchen. fUll cement basement, with furnace, nice rirenlare and hullt-lns: hardwood floor. nttin. K-nrae-e. hard surface street. An a.nhitMt home in excellent con dltlon. offered at a real bargain. Price $4600. Convenient terms. A H. BIRRELL-G1LL CO. 216 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 4114. Suburban Homes. EXCEPTIONALLY FINE MODERN HOUSE. 8 acres west of Portland. 1 mile from electric station with board walk all the way: 4 acres under cultivation, balance in fir timber, all can be cultivated when cleared, bearing orchard, good 7-room plastered bungalow with best of white enamel plumbing; Dutch kitchen with built-tns; private water system; price $4100, easy terms. 10 acres, located 13 miles northeast of the center of Portland, on good macad amized road; 114 miles from electrc station. Vi mile to school: 4 acres under cultivation, balance In pasture, all can He cultivated when cleared: family or chard, i. sere strawberries: 6-room house, barn 28x30. chicken house 12x1 i: price $3000 which Includes the crop; $1000 cash, balance 5 years at 6 per cant. JOHN FERGUSON. REALTOR. Gerlinger Bldg. Over 500 small places near Portland. Get our extensive classified lists. a ACRE TRACTS, with Bull Run water, gas. electricity, telephone ana siaewais-s in the streets, on easy terms, located in sightlv portions) of the districts sur rounding Multnomah station on the Ore gon Electric. Beautiful country homes. The choice ones are being rapidly nicked up. To make an appointment to see the property, call BEN RIESLAND. weekdava Main 8SO. Sunday mornings Tabor 311. 404 Piatt bldg. THREE acres, close ui, 5-room celled house, some line iruil trees, om Darn. all in cultivation, smaM creek, part of land is quite steep, but would be suit able for berries and grapes, etc: 4 land is level: 14 mile off paved highway; price only $2,100. See BRUCE HOLMAN, REALTOR. 209 Falling Bldg. Main 6327. 1i ACRES, 4-room cottage, adjoining w estmoreianu, ueiwe-ii unui, South avenues. 18th and 20th sts. : light, water and sewer available, paved streets to property line; 2 blocks east from Sellwood carllne at Yukon: line location. See it. For details and terms write r. .lorgensen, route 1. box 198. Beaverton, Or $1.10 CASH $lno. Neat New 3-Room House Bull Run Water. Wired for Lights, 100 Feet from new paved highway now under construction: 100x12-1 on corner In east side of Mllwaukle; 7c car fare to Port land. Owner. Bdwy. 5173. 624 Henry bldg. P. O. Box 924. LAKEVIEW VILLAS, plat 4; new tract Just being opened. Here's a sample: Large homesite, 190x210 feet, with clear running brook, fine soil, no rock, piped water, lights; only $52.1. $.10 down. $10 per month. Price Includes rocking or roads Get in on the ground floor. Call v ,100 Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark. Owner. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Near Courtney station, new bungalow and one acre of choice fruit. If you are looking for a cozy little suburban home at a price that Is attractive, phone 135-R Oak Grove or see R. A. Davis. Window No. 8. U. S. National bank. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME. 4 ,acres. all in cultivation: 3 acres choice cherries at their best: 7-room modem house, on the pavement, near station; Oregon City line: $9000; half .ah- this Is a real home. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO.. lfiSli 4th St. SUBURBAN HOME $2600. One acre, berries, fruits, poultry, cow little house BUILT FOR TWO. Some terms. 9c car fare. air. colt, 526 Cham. of Com ONE ACRE, new 4-room bungalow and sleeping porcn, garage, oath, garden oats, lawn, modern chicken coops. S2d and Maple sts. $32.10: $1000 cash, bal ance terms, owner pen, i.ni. $150 CASH New cottage bungalow, acre of land; near electric station and Port land: all painted and tinted, electric lights: si-jio. mcr anana. Realtor, . Failing bldg. vrar school and highway: half acre and 5-room house In fair condition, near M-iltnomah: Darn ana mill, o rruit trees. Price $1100; $650 cash. 314 Couch bldg. Main 7036. ; CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES ' and acreage, well located, near carllne. from $1800 up. Inquire 3d bouse north of Rlsley station, on Oregon City carllne. FOR SALE or rent. 5 acres, house, barn, etc.. adjoining city limits Vancouver. Wash. Phone Marshall 547. or call 083 Water st,. Portland. Or. CHICKEN ranch. Fairview: furnished house, barn. 1- acre; $600; $200 down, balance $10 per month. 22714 Wash ington St. 203. HALF acre and 5-room bungalow. $4,100; $1000 cash and terms. Call on owner, j H. Bellan. Oak Grove station, Ore- gon City car. 2 ACRES In Gresham. all set In choice fruit and berries; strictly modern 5-room bungalow, completely furnished; garage; terms. Tabor 2676- u ACRE PARK ROSE; all set and bear ina. cozv house. 49 chickens. g.tooo. terms: 6 per cent Interest. Tabor 2676.' 1 ACRE Park Rose, all In cultivation and bearing; good bungalow. $4200, terms Price advances July 1. Tabor 2676. ONE ACRE. 2-room house, city water, fruit, S159U, saou caso, siu montn. Tabor 7211. $1175 5-ROOM house. Oswego; big Tot! all in garuen. ciuse 10 new nignway; te rma. McFarland. Realtor, Falling bl d g. $1275 BUNGALOW, new, on full acre, only $150 down. Owner, AE 747, Ore gor.lan. HER-: I- YOUR CHANCE to buy modern house and 2 acres at a reasonable price; veijr cay lorwa, Owner, Auu. 626-47. REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. NOW IS THE TIME FOR YOU TO SELECT YOUR SUBURBAN HOME' LOWEST PRICES. BEST OF TERMS EVER OFFERED! $250 DOWN New nlastered 4-room bun galow, water piped into the house and electricity, gas available. ALL READY FOR IUU 1U fliu INTO! 100x100 In cultl vatlon. JUST A STONE'S THROW FROM BVE.lt" GREEN ON OREGON C1TT T.IN"5 Only $1410. $350 DOWN THIS LITTLE PLACE IS f RETT X AS A rn,iunr a moms.' semi - modern: fine lawn and garden; on!v 3 blocks from CAPITOL HILL. Price $23j0. 13.10 DOWN Newlv nlastered 3-room bungalow; electricity, gas and water; about 1-3 acre ail in e-a r d e n : FINK VIEW; only 6 blocks from O. E. station. ONLI .lit". $300 DOWN 1 ACRE, close to Bryant station on s. r. eiecirm and on good gravel road: 2-room cottage; only $1000 We him manv others With Smal. DOWN PAYMENTS and we will be glad to he.'p you find a SUBURB A-s hujic Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUlRE. 205 Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Third St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME. Two acres, located In the exclusive Rlverdale district. Rivera station; mod ern home of 8 large rooms, sewing room, play room, 2 bath rooms, spacious wide porches, plate glass windows and doors; hot water heat; extra fine garage, mod ern greenhouse 16x40; flowers, shrubbery, fruit and native trees galore; all kinds of berries; I am offering above at a sac rifice. FRED MALLOUX. owner. Main 9555. Portland. Or. "SUBURBAN HOMES." 2 acres nice land In cultivation; lots of fruit, grapes, berries; 4-room cot tage, barn, chicken house; Oregon City line. $3000; terms. One acre in garden, fruit, grapes, ber ries; 7-room modern house, close to station, Oregon City line; $3900, terms. 1 acres in cultviatlon, fruit, berries, neat cottage, good chicken house, barn, $4000; terms; at Rlsley station, O. C. R?M. GATEWOOD & CO.. 16514 4th st For Sale Acreage ACREAGE BARGAINS. 15 acres near Multnomah station; gas and water on tract, good rock road. Can be bought at a bargain. See this. TJICB1 t.TVTt ROAD. 10 acres. Just east of Montavllla: gas ann watAr. harri aurraCfl roau. " ' make good price on this. V1UU QlDflltV ifio ckniia ptt road, ou acres in cultivation; running water, oak and ash timber on balance: fine cord wood; 13 miles from. Portland; only o per acre. Before you buy your ranch or acreags come in and see our list: we have fine list of acreage and ranches, large and small both in s ze ana price, iuo.. we will be glad to show you. RE VERM AN INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. , 210 Lewis Bldg Broadway 2954. SIX MILES FROM PORTLAND. 10 acres, north of Gresham and Joining a good town, with good school: best of loam soil; all under cultivation: street to place; barn on property; nice, level land, well adapted for berries: city con veniences there; price $3j00. $00 cash. Very easy terms, 6 per cent; only 6 miles irom city umita NEARLY ALL IN BERRIES. 2 acres, east of Alberta car. 15 blocks, on graveled street, all under cultivation. best of black loam soil, 14 mile to city school, city water on property, nice. level land, the income from the berries for 1920 was over $8o clear; price $2625, $1000 caan, Da:ance easy terms. John Ferguson. Realtor, Gerlinger bldg. uver ouu small places near Portland. Get our extensive clasgified lists. 10 ACRES $2100. $1000 CASH. 8-room plastered house with fireplace. 2 chicken houses, wood shed, well, orchard and berries. Fine chicken ranch; 2 acres in cul tivation; on good auto road; 1 mile school ; No. 100. ATKINSON AND PORTER. 705 Main St., Vancouver, Wash. IRRIGATED LANDS TjNDER WARM SPRING PROJECT. ALFALFA, CORN AND GRAIN. DAIRYING. HOGS AND POULTRY. VERY LIBERAL TERMS. WRITE OREGON at WESTERN COL. CO., ONTARIO. OREGON. GARDEN HOME SNAP. $250 PER ACRE. 194 acres with frontage on Main St.: Bull Run water, gas. electricity. Must sell Immediately to close estate. Garden Home Main 8480. WILLIAM P. MERRY. 301-2 Title & Trust Building. NEAR BEAVERTON. 1014 acres, all In cultivation: 3 blocks from highway and red carllne: barn and other outbuildings: large orchard, good sun, city gas ana water. $6000 TERMS. WILLIAM J. MERRY. 301-2 Title & Trust Building. BURBANK BUNGALOW. A little da.ndv. with hla- living bedroom and kitchen; nearly 3 acres of ricn, oeep sou, tree irom rock and grav el. This fronts on Barr road, mtle west of Barker road. Price S2250. 12.10 t;asii. per monm. STKONO & CO.. REALTORS. 606 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 17 At'Kls of rich productive soil, close to uoiumoia river, price $680; $180 cash, balance $100 per year with 6 per cent interest; on guoa roaa; very easy to clear. If you are looking for land it will pay you lo investigate. JOHNSON-DODSON l-O 633 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Main 3787. SACRIFICE. Must sell all or part of five acres at KOCKWooa. just orf hard-surface. Base Line road, also near station Mount Hood electric; 6 miles from city. A real unrgain i taKen at once. Call .nr. nageman. j,asr n-r.:4 or Bdwy. 16.18 20 MINUTES FROM BROADWAY 5 acres with a 5-room bungalow, harn good well; near station, on Oregon City car; out of town owner is anxious to sell at once ana nas reaucea the price from soisni to stfrt.-w; aoout limn cash. Rock 403 Couch bldg. Marshall 33.12. $.10 DOWN. $15 MONTHLY. For splendid 20-acre tract. 12 miles to Oregon Ulty. i miles to Heaver Creek. 1 mile to Highland; fine soil, first and second growth rir timoer; l acre cleared. 'total price siiuu. rrea w. uerman Co., Realtors. 732 Chamber of Commerce, I OWN A number of acreage tracts, rang ing in price from $3.10 to $17.10 ad In size irom o to v acres, wnicn I am anxious to sen. i am ine owner of the property and wish to talk directly with prospective buyers. See me at my office. 404 PLATT BLDG.. 127 Park st 4 ACRES. BEAUTIFUL METZGER ACRES. Am ex-service man; In order to buy one acre muai imu uuyers tor other three: can secure all four at a bargain. C 769. Oregonian. FOR SALE Sacrifice. 20 acres on Pa cific highway. 10 miles north of Van couver; wilt take $1500 or will take Chevrolet del. as part payment. Harry Wolfe, route 2, box 162, Rldgefield. Wash. "CLOSE IN ACREAGE." S acres, choice level black land In crop, on the pavement at railway station: 10 miles from courthouse; $2500; $500 cash, balance to suit. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO.. 16514 4th St. 5 ACRES. $100 DOWN. Few feet station and Base Line pav ing; 10 miles out; part cleared; $2000, balance to suit. J. C. Corbin Co.. Realtors, Lewis bldg. 5 ACRES. NEAR TUALATIN. 10 miles out, 44 mile Red car station; 2 cleared, balance easy; berries, fruit trees; $1100. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 805-6-7 Lewis bldg ACRES 14 ACRES $10 . Payments; Alberta car; fine view; ne stumps, gravel or assessments; city wa ter. R. W. Cary. 1219 N. W. Bank Bid Let me show you. FINE 514-acre tract, under five miles from center ot city, west side, suitable tot small fruits and vegetables, partially cleared and fenced; $2000, terms. John Bain, owner, of spaiaing Dldg. WRITE for map of- western Washington, showing location. low price and easy terms offered to settlers. WEl'ERHAUSER TIMBER CO.. Tacoma. Wash. 15 ACRES, also house-moving outOU 0131 S3d t. S. . Thomas Allen, city. . REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. 8. 10 AND 20-ACRB TRACTS. $25 AN ACRE AND UP. $10 down and $5 per month buys a B-acre tract In this addition of 800 acres; down the Columbia river on the Oregon side, close to Columbia highway and river: fine transportation, railroad, river, auto stage and truck: beautiful lying land, free from rock and gravel: some tracts have beautiful view of river: there are also some with streams: fine location for chickens, dairy, berries, fruit and vegetables. CHARLES DEFEL. 318 Railway Exchange Bldg. 5 ACRES. ALL IN CROP, FOR SALE BY OWNER. ' Do you want a nice country home where you can make an Independent living raising chickens, fruit and vege tables? Convenient to car. near city limits. Base Line road. Tabor 4317. . Homestead ReUnqotshmenta. I AM LOCATING HOMESTEADS from 40 to 160-acre tracts, either Portland or Roseburg district, farming or timber land; am In a position to give you as good, if not better, service than anyone in the state; government map, checked up to date. E. W. Helm. 316 Board of Trsde bldg. Fruit Lands for Sale or Rent. NIFTY 10 acres. In clover, peaches, wal nuts, cherries, prunes; shack and small barn; near town of Yamhill: positive bargain at $22.10. C 758. Oregonian. For Sale Farms. NO. 22 MODERN CHTCKEN FARM, EQUIPPED. 60 seres of the finest land ad-. Jacent to Portland: most all In cultivation, except 13 acres of first growth red fir timber, cruising about 20OO cords, worth $.1 per cord on the ground; very fine 7 room bungalow In the best of re pair; full concrete basement, pres sure water and electric light sys tem, good barn. 3 complete modern chicken houses, complete modern brooder, 11O0 pure-bred White Leghorn laying hens. 1400 chicks, feed grinder, all equipment neces sary to run an up-to-date poultry farm; 4 of an acre set to logan berries and raspberries, crops all seeded; income between $7000 and $80410 a year: fine cow, 2 horses, wagon, harness, harrow, cultivator, all necessary small tools. This place is only 20 miles from Port land.' on good auto road, only a short distance from large general store and good school. Eggs and other products picked up at door. Only 4 miles from good Columbia river town In center of highly im proved farming community.. This is one of the best paying poultry farms in the northwest. Owner retiring and will take the low price of $13,500, very liberal terms. . THOMSON, SWAN & LEE. REALTORS. Third and Main Sts. Vancouver. Wash. OWNER'S LOSS, YOUR GAIN. A beautiful tract of 26 acres, all under cultivation, located near AlcMlnnvllle paved road, strictly modern 6-room new house; full concrete basement, pipeless furnace, hardwood floors. Interior finish in white enamel, fine electric fixtures throughout: city water and electricity barn 24x36, and other outbuildings; also small house; finest Willamette valley silt soil, will grow anything. The house alone cost around sO00 to build, present own er must sell or lose place, therefore price of only $12,000, with only $4000 cash. F. L. EDDY, REALTOR, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE. TWO FARMS. Two of the best farms In Wallowa county, one. mile from Joseph. Oregon, on state highway. 160 acres each, all under irrigation and in cultivation with alfalfa and grain: will divide places In 40 and 80 acres; water cost from 30 cents to $1 per acre with an abundance of water at all times; fair buildings, well fenced with woven wire, good wells, electric power and electric lights; will sacrifice for $150 per acre, F. D. Mc- Cully. Joseph. Oregon. "DAIRY STOCKED AND EQUIPPED." 40 acres. 34 acres in high state of cul tlvation, 6 acres old stump pasture, run ning water, iota or irult and Derries, 7 room plastered house, 2 barns, granary, chicken house; garage, all in good con- dltlon, 10 milch cows, team horses, alt machinery and tools necessary to oper ate. This is an extraordinarily desirabli place 2 miles Tualatin. 13 miles Port land. $11,500. Half cash. bal. 6 per cent. K. M. UATEWUUU fc CD., 16.114 4th St FARM FOR SALE GOING CONCERN. Half section in B. C, grain, cattle and mixed; 90 acres cultivated, balance pasture and valuable timber; 7-room house, mostly new, large veranda, over looks beautiful lake: full line imnle- ments. dragsaw, 6 horses. 24 cattle, barn. chicken houses; high and healthy; owner retiring; $12,500, IT (too cafh, 7 per cent Interest. ttdgar Jackson Knutslord, Kamtoops. B. C. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME. 15 acres, 5 miles east of Vancouver, on Mill Plain road; 10 acres In cultivation. 3 in prunes, 6 acres in wheat, balance in pasture and garden; good 5-room house, large barn, chicken house and other out buildings; 5-ton prune dryer. Widow lady, alone, must sell; price $6000, terms. M. M. Bayer, Vancouver, Wash., Route 4. 5th house east of West Mill Plain school. FOR SALE. 20 acres on gravel road, near Battle Cround; 4 acres cleared, balance not hard to clear; good land and good 'loca tion: price $2000; will consider exchange for Portland residence property of same value. W. B'. McCarty,' Battle Ground, Wash. "WHEAT RANCH.", 1276 acres. 1100 acres In cultivation. 176 acres bunch grass, good buildings of all kinds: situated Sutler Fiats, 12 miles Arlington. Gilliam Co.. Or.. 414 miles railway. Price $27 per acre: $34.4.12; terms. $6484 cash, $.1000 two years, $22,968 In 4 years. Or would take valley farm or city house up to $8000 as part. R. M. GATEWOOD ft CO.. 16.1". 4th st. FARMS. FARMS. 40 to 320 acres. Some well-improved and all stocked and equipped. All kinds, all prices. Alt locations. Some wonderful bargains. Let us tell you about some of the best farms In Oregon. - G. G. McCORMIC CO.. 242 Washington St., near Second. Main 8220 or Main 9318. 18 MILES FROM PORTLAND. 11 acres, w acres -cultivated, 22 acres wneat, i acres oats, 10 acres clover. 1 acre corn. 4 acres potatoes, balance pasture ana timoer: nne 7-room house, spring water piped to house, barn, out buildings; family orchard; 3 horses, 10 cows. chickens, all farm machinery; n.otiu. terms, u. w. MUlershlp, 1651-i 4th st. TRADE. 66-acre Willamette valley farm. Good soil. 54 acres cult.. 5 a. mixed bearing orchard; 3 good wells, small buildings, all fenced and crossed fenced. On main highway, near good town; $6mi. This Is worth looking up. See M. Ford, with Ralph Ackley Land company, 527 Oor bett bldg. 160 ACRES. .10 acres creek bottom land in high state of cultivation, balance fine timber and pasture; 5,000.000 feet of fir and cedar; fine 7-room house, large 70-foot barn, brick cellar, spring water piped to buildings: lots of outbuildings; two orchards, small fruit: 20 miles from Portland : $1 per acre, terms. C. W. 'Mlllershlp. 16514 4th st. FOR SALE 20 acres, 12 cleared, build ings, Deanng orcnara, o grade Jersey cows, 6 grade heifers, registered Guern sey bull, fine team, gas engine, tools and machinery, etc; $5000, $2500 cash, balance easy payments; or will sell en tire; 2-10 mile from paved highway, 4 from Olympla, Wash. Box 41. R. 3 "STOCK RANCH." 160 acres. 8 miles Molalla. Clackamas county, Oregon; 15 acres cleared; 4-room good log house: also 1-room house; fruit and berries; $1600; $500. balsnce 5 years 6 per cent. R. M. GATEWOOD A CO.. 16.1 4 4th st 138 ACRES near Vancouver, fruit, chick ens, Derries, vegetables, cows, horses, calves, hogs: everything to start to make money; aiso o-room turnished house. barns, separator. will trade for city property ana some casn and auto. 100014 Belmont. FOR SALK BKO-acre wneat and stock ranch, 10 acres in crop, no acres In summer tanow, oaiance pasture: new 7 room house, running water, on daily mall route; price szo per acre; some terms George Whyte, Condon. Or . 98.9-ACRE farm, only $7500, easy terms and trade. v SABIN & RIMA. 1032 Union Ave. N. Woodlawn 689. 80 ACRES, fully equipped; one of the best stock, rruu ana irutii iarms in tne state, from owner: $S0 per acre. AK 760, Oregonian. 40 ACRES 12 miles from Lyle, Wash., $1500, or traoe. SABIN & RIMA. 1032 Union' Ave. N. Woodlawn 589. SS ACRES, six miles south of Lebanon. 65 in cultivation, wen icuceo; a gooa buy or will trade Owner. Tabor 6308. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES near rortiana. ,ou to .iwv per acre; easy terms, best soil, farms for sale, all slzea McFarlana. realtor, zug r ailing blug. I.OGGED-OFF lands. $10 acre up: running water, gooa son. vt wuauie; ecnooi. easy terms J. R. Sny.rue. 8314 Third st 10 OR 714 ACRES level timber land with creels, nr. zjeavertoo, s. xu ooarp, befe su. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. EQUIPMENT. CROPS AND STOCK. Over 49 acres. 27 miles south of Port land, east of Canby, on main macad amized road; 1 mile from electric sta tion; 14 mile to school; 30 acres in crops. 4.1 acres can be farmed. 4 acres wooded pasture; cream route, telephone and R. F. D. ; 7-room house, large dairy bam. silo, garage, chicken house; include! with place, 6 milch cows, registered Holstein bull, good team. 9 hogs, 1.1 sheep, chickens, cream separator, gas engine, ensilage cutter, corn -sheller, fanning mill and a very large and com plete line of farm machinery; price for everything $10,000. $6000 cash; consider small place near Portland, not less than 10 acres. Ask for Mr. Nelson. GOOD MODERN BUILDINGS. 24 acres. 10 miles south of Portland: 1 mile from good town with electric lines; rocked roads: good soil: all can be cultivated; 17 acres under cultivation; new 8-room plastered bungalow with water system, garage, barn 40x50. chick en house; 1 mile to high and gradj school; included with place 1 team. 3 cows. 1 heifer, 30 chickens, cream sepa rator, brooder, incubator, complete line of machinery. 300 sacks of onions. 15 sacks potatoes, crops and all household furniture including piano: this is a fins home well located, buildings are rea sonably worth $7"00; consider Portland house for part value. JOHN FERGUSON. REALTOR. Gerlinger Bldg. ' Largest farm dealers on Paclfio Coast. Over 500 smail . places neAr Portland. Get our extensive classified lists. CAN YOU duplicate this? 40 acres, rich soli, all tillable, nearly level. 25 acres cultivation and crops. 8 acres mostly smalt timher, balance pasture, fenced and cross-fenced, spring. 50 bearing fruit trees, new .1-room house, barn, outbuild ings, span 24011-Ib. mares, harness, wag on, buggy, singie harness, saddle. 2 fine cows. 4 3-year-olds. 4 yearlings, brood sow and pigs, poultry, abundance hay, etc., 14 mile most beautiful river, near beautiful lake, full of fish: 114 miles to school, milk route, all machinery anil tools, near large store, sawmill, high school. Price, everything, is $4,100. Will take good Portland home up to $:t.1ito and $1010 cash. This is something fine. C. L BAKER. I.Cl'i FIRST. A WIDOW'S FARM FOR SALE. 160 acres with some personal property all for $6000 and might consider rooming house or small cottage as part payment. It's a bargain. NEILAN & PARKHILL, 219 Lumbermens Bldg. 5th and Stark Sts. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WILL pay up to $.1000 cash for the best two-fainily house offered: must have full-size lot. two baths and cement base ment; paved street; any good district: give sis.e of lot. number of rooms, loca tion and if modern; give name and phone number. W 400. Oregonian. RELIABLE realtor making trip east to Atlantic coast in July can investigate property for Portland owner, en route, in Colorado or Massachusetts. BD 755. m Oregonian. . SUBURBAN PROPERTY WANTED. Have buyers waiting: can guarantee you quick sale If priced right. T. o. Bird, 526 Chamber of Commerce. Realtor. WANT 3 or 4 room house in good condi tion; can pay $200 down. bal. monthl payments; what have you? BF 765, Oregonian. HAVE many clients to buy west side houses and flats south of Madison s JOHN SINGER. 420 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WILL BUY 8 or 4 story brick or concrete building. stores below and apartments above. K. R. S., 613 Couch bldg. Main 5694. WILL buy a 5 or 6-room house not ove $3500 on a paved street with garage Can pay $500 down, $50 per month. 1 395. Oregon Inn. WILL PAY ALL CASH for 2.1 or 30 lota east of 30th. north Alberta. Owners only. AJ 77.1. Oregonian WANTED 5-room bungalow in good dis trict; must be a bargain. Call Main 7338. Mr. Miller. WANTED To buy 6 or 8-room house on Portland Heights. Must be a view point. No agents. D 754. Oregonian CAN PAY $300 down on small home, rea sonable monthly payments; what have you? HC 771, oregonian. WANTED 5-room bungalow; $200 firs' payment, balance monthly payments. tse til, oregonian. WANT the best 4 or 5-room bungalow obtainable with $.100. Good monthly payments, nawy. .-khh. ,,'h Henry bldg WANTED 7 or" 8-room modern house good district, exchange for irrigated inrm. aj 11-t, oregonian. LOTS in Alameda Park or Irvington for Texas oil leases; state price and loca tion. B.l 770. oregonian. WANTED 1 or 2 acres and 6-room house. close to city limits; state price and io- cation. A .vi 7ao, oregonian. WANTED. Best timber homestead obtainable: poa. slb!y two adjoining. A 737, Oregonian 5 OR 6-ROOM house, will assume lnrum brance; want bargain for private party. oua .wen, ay, plug. SUBURBAN HOME WANTED. Have cash buyer waiting. Mr. Colt, 0,0 nam. iom. 3iar. io... HAVE cash and 7 per cent bonds for 5 room home, about $J500. Phone Broad- way l'4l.l. WANTED Homes, any part of city; must ue prices rignu A. uetflancne. 4 OS v asnington Bt. WANTED Lot In Eastmoreland pr Mur raymeau. -v 000. oregonian. Farms Wanted. WE WANT CLOSE-IN FARMS AND ACREAGE. If you want to sell, it costs nothing to let us know; personal snspectiun and lnaiviauai attention. J. C. Corbin Co.. Realtors, Lewis hldg SMALL FARMS WANTED 5 to 40 acres, handy to Portland and Vancouver; have buyers If priced right. 209 Failing Bldg.. Portland. Wanted to Rent I- arms. WANTED TO RENT. SMALL PLACES Have sever&l people wanting to rent acreage or small farms; close to Port land preferred. Some people will buy me piace alter leasing xor year or more. We make lots of sales this way. Will Duy equipment lr priced right. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Paciflo Coast, TIMBER f.A ND9. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A SAW MILL OK TIMBER SEE THE WINS LOW CO.. 419 LUMBERMEN'S BLDG PORTLAND. OREGON. FOR SALE Cheap. 240 acres of timber land with over 1. 000.000 feet of timber. Write room 7, Albany hotel, 147 1 Sec- onq St.. x-urumiu, or. 120 M feet cull lumber for sale at $5 per jn; specially suuaoie tor rougn con struction, bee Geo. Bacon. 1141 Macada road. lo.000.000 FEET of Oregon's finest old- growth yellow fir. snd well-eauinnerf small sawmill. Address AV t53, Orego nian. WANTED Alder, as, maple and oak timber, also lumber. AG 739, Oregonian. 2500 CORDS old growth fir near Scappoose, bargain. J. R. Sharp, 8314 3d st. FOR RENT FARMS. WILL rent or lease a 4114-acre farm; ' seven-room house, furnished or unfur nished: hot and cold water, bath; w-111 sell 8 fresh cows, crop and garden rea sonable: will take light car In part. Take Yocolt and Am boy stage at Vancouver. Ernest Neal. Amboy. Wash. 15 NEAR Vancouver, until December $100, aiso to near Oregon city, until Nov., 1923, $450: 500 cords seasoned wood on place, $3.90. Owner, box 68, Astoria, Or. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. 320 ACHES for sale very cheap or ex change for what have you? This is excellent soli in best stock country in Oregon: near plenty of outrange; near good school, store and postoffice. 78 W. Schofield St. Wdln. 812. 48 ACRES. Orenco. 20 acres cultivated. 20 acres pasture, clover and grass kn-4 deep, family orchard, fenced, fair build ings; trade $4500 equity for residence, store building or business; what have you? 303 Stock Exchange. Aut. 529-04 GOOD farm in Wyoming to exchange for Oregon city or farm property. Write full information first letter. E. M. Cook sey, Sheridan. Wyo. WANTED LOS ANGELES OR VICIN ITY IN EXCHANGE FOR MY RESI DENCE AND 7 LOTS AT 2071 DELANO STREET. TO TRADE Equity of $60u in a 320u 4 room modern bouse in Sellwood for a car or lot; will assume on car. AV 879, Oregonian. WILL trade good land for lot or house and lot. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 63.1 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. WANTED Salt Lake City or close In sub urban property lor Portland. 120 l.ast 40th street WAVERLY HEIGHTS, modern 5-room bungalow for light auto and cash. Ta bor 6461. I TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. WELL IMPROVED SMALL PLACE. 20 acres in Yamhill county. S miles west of Portland. ' 14 mile from electric station, 114 miles to high and grade schools. 1. mile from Pacific highway: all under cultivation: 10 acres of bottom land hearing family- orchard, good creeK, 5-room bungalow, good barn, chicken house with capacity for 300 chickens, hog house, milk house: included with nlre. 1 team. 1 cow. 1 brood sow. pigs, 100 chickens, wagon. 2 plows, har row, disc, cultivator, mower, DUg. -sets of harnosa and crops; price $5150, $2,100 rash, balsnce very easy terms; in cumbrance of $17.10. which is included in nrtro- will eonwl.ler house in Port land for full amount of equity and, small amount of cash. The crops consist of 15 acres of wheat, balance in oats and potatoes. nvr.T 11 MTT.KSt OUT 60 acres, on rocked road, northeast of Orna-on Citv. 3N acres under cultivation, balance In timber, about 1500 cords of wood, bearing orchard. 4-room house, barn, garage, chicken house; the place is stockeed and enuiuoeil. which is in eluded at $6500. $2000 cash, or will con sider Portland nrooertv for psrt of the value; part of this land Is sleep, but the soil is good; ranch inspected by uunter. John Ferguson. Realtor. Gerlinger Bldg Largest larm dealer on Pacific Coast. Over 500 smsll places near Portland. Get our extensive classified lists. TRADES. 80 a. good land; .1-rm. house, barn, trout stream, growing crops; 26 miles to Portland; .'.".oo. 2.11-3. 9 a. on Wilson river. 50 ml. west of Portland: 45 a. bottom land; 1.1 a. cleared, good barn, no house; $2000. 200-3. 1 a., near Portland, 5-rm. house, sev eral other buildings, team and farm tools, IS chickens. 14 mile to achool, church and stores; $'j:ioo. 249-3. .120 a. Harney county. 4.1 a. cult. Well, smnll house. Trade for vacant lots or auto; $17oo. 247-3. 114 a., near Mllwaukle, on paved high way. Trade as first payment on good house: $2,100. 242-3. loH a., near Sherwood, good soil, small bldgs. Some tools. on Rock roaa. -.lu-.i. RALPH ACKI.KT, .127 Corbftt Mdc BEACH LOTS EXCHANGE FOR PAINTING OR BUILDING. Lots are well located at Tillamook Beach, near station and ocean. Address Af 648, Oregonian. 1.1 ACRES FOR BUSINESS. 1.1 mites from Portland: 1i mile from highway; 1 14 from Canby; some stock consisting of 5 fresh cows, 2 hogs. 1 calf. WILL EXCHANGE for grocery, hotel or any income property. Ask for F. C Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abington Hldg. Main 1068. Third St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. TILLAMOOK. RANCH. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 5 miles south Tillamook, on paved road. 70 acres, cows, hogs, chickens, equipment: 7-room new house, city wa ter, vulue $14.0O0; exchange up to even for valley farm, with fruit, on good road. J. C. Corbin Co., Realtors. Lewis bldg. FOR SALE or exchange for property in or near r-ortiana, im-acre rootnill rancn near Carlton, Or.; 30 acres cleared, 20 In young orchard, walnuts, apples and prunes, 10 In pasture and balance in light oak and flr; two houses, one large barn and chicken houses for 20O0 laying hens; price ti.1i0. HC 755. Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE Have 160 acres near Wlllamlna. all free and clear of Incumbrance, to ex change for house equity, will assume; want house of 5 to 7 rooms, any district mostly. J. ROBBINS. Main 7931. Tabor 5319. 304 Ry. Ex. WE HAVE some choice wheat farms In Alberta ranging from 320 up to 2000 acres that can be traded for farms 1 the Willamette valley or other good dls. trtcts. We will submit a list of these properties on application. F. A. Glllllan Ltd., Land Bldg., Calgary, Alberta. TO EXfllANTiE MICEI.I.A NEOCS. $12.1 PARLOR organ for Underwood Remington typewriter: violin for .2: Winchester repeater special. 2510 East 34th st.. lancouver. Ilssh. HAVE some expensive furniture, would llKe to trade for seuun ot any make. BD 709. Oregonian. FOR 8 ALE. Horses. Vehicles. Livestock, NOTICE TO SHEEPMEN. Stop your shipments at Caldwell, as we are the only yards between Pendle ton and Montpeller that have bluegrass pasture Tor sheep. Try us once and you wilt do so sgaln. U.MO.N STOCK YARDS COMPANY, CALDWELL. IDAHO KEYSTONE FEED STABLE. 20 head horses and mares. 4 to 10 yenrs old. weighing 1300 to 1700 ibs. all well broke and In good work shspe price $40 to $175: wagons snd harness Jil Mater St.. cor. Montgomery St. FOR SALE 1 full blood Guernsey bull, 1.1 montns 01a: 1 . 15. tested snd resdy for service: will take $100 and deliver any piace near cities or rortisnd snd van couver. Harry Wolfe. Route 2. Box 162, Rldgefield, Wash. 10 miles north ot 1 ancouver. A NEW bunch of fresh cows. Jerseys. Holstelns and Durhams, 4 to 5-galion milkers; beer catt.e taken in exchange. 1128 Macadam street. South. Portland car to end of line, 1 block south. 1 block east. GOOD, gentle work mare, weighing about 1300 lbs., In fine shape; am through working her. will take $H0 for her. Take Woodstock car to E. 3bth St. snd Glsd stone sve.. walk two blocks north to lOhi Francis sve. SPAN mares, 6 and 1 yesrs old. weighing ibout 3100 lbs., one In foal: well broke snd gentle, inquire uoney s team. Key. ojne leru smote, doi water St., cor. Montgomery st. VERY good team, wt. 2M0 Ibs .: I rented mv farm; win guarantee team to work all around: for only $.100. Including har ness. Fred Roberts, 872 East Brooklyn st reer. lioltSE, weight 111.111 pounds: J first-class fresh cows, double set of harness, 5 acres of potatoes and 5 acres of oats snd some cash for late model standard shift runabout. Autnmstlc 627-64. j 70 BUYS chunky-built bay mare, sbout 8 years old, weighing 1200 to li00 lbs., all broke and gentle. 381 Water St., west side. FOR SALE Six horses: reasonable orlcea rioiman ruei Co.. barn . 6th and Ivoo streets. FitEsII Jersey cow, 4 gallons rich milk. gentle ana easy to nandle. 780 Insley avenue, aenwooa car. TRADBI for horses or sell cheap: Ford tractor, almost new. Atlss Woodyard. 327 r ronl. FOU SALE One span of mares weighing 33hi rtis., o ana 1 years old; well matched. Call p::26 Foster road. Lents DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly. Phone Mllwaukle flpj tcr beat service. LARGE upland pasture ror rent near Portlana lor cattle or norses. Msln85. VETERINARIAN. DR. HOWES. TABOR 6566. BROOD SOWS for sale, will farrow soon. sycamore station. Automatic 640-57. NEW ZEALAND breeders and young. Call fcast mw. $50 COW AND calf, first time fresh. At las w oodyarov s-i Front. TWO FRESH cows for sale. 1130 Willam ette nivq. ,ir. c u. cox. CALVES wartrd. Phone Mar. 2178. iania,. Organs and Mus leal In a truments. BUSH si LANE PLATER. Equal to new at-sbout half price. SEI BERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St., bet. Washington snd Alder. SCHIRMER UPRIGHT PIANO. $150: see lt SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 12.1 4lh St. ON ACCOUNT of leaving city am forced to sacrifice ili.i cabinet phonograph for $70. including recoras. u nl. Orego, nian. WANTED Piano: will give a piano a good home In a private ramny by a responsibl party. 1047 Cleveland ave. Pbone Woodlawn owa. FISHER PIANO $200. A wonderful bargain: terms given. SE1BERLINO-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St. ON ACCOUNT of leaving city I am forced to sacrifice elegant risner piano, tj 757, Oregonian. GOOD piano for saie, mahogany case: , , .. ,i , it. it-' R. llllh , ' Oak TRADE VICTROLA for used piano. Good proposition, twain nooo. PIANO WANTED Cash, for privata par ties, it bargain Marshall 1532. PHONOGRAPHS OR RECORDS WANTED. MAIN 4495. 128 FIRST. AUTO. 627-46. FOR SALE OR 'RENT Cable-Nelson up right piano. 326 1st St. East 6764. FINE pianos and phonographs for aale at lowest prices. 4uu Abington bldg. 1918 OAKLAND touring car. exchange for player or grand piano. Main 4424. WANTED Good tone piano for cash. Mar. B701K $110 EACH buys t smright pianos, sweat tone, terms. an Worcester oicig. flAJKO WAN. TED mma dssu. ALaia MM, FOR SALE. Pianos. Organ, and Musical Instruments. Downstairs Store, Schwan Pisno Co. $.12.1 Vose 4 Rons dark man., used. ..$!" 9i)0Steinwsy A Sons, mah '' MO Kimball 4 Co.. gold, oak J" 57.1 Chase, large, oak 10.10 Finger player piano $10 to $25 cash. $.1. $.1. $10. $15 monthly. Phonograph Dept.. l'd Specials Victrola it Brunswick cab, each ... $1" "ft Columbia and Pathe. cab., each... 85 0" Stradlvara. $65; Grsfonols. small.. 12 50 101 10th St . at W ash, and stark Sts. Security Storage Co.. closing out for cash. $4.10 Spier Pisno Co., upright. mh..$lJ 450 Starr piano Co.. upright, osk... 191 2T.1Collrd Collard. small up. ... 800 Pianists player piano and music ' 250 Pianola player snd 85 rolls 4$ 4 Parlor orxans. $25, $.11. $.18 and 46 103 10TH ST.. CO It. STARK ST. PIANO COMPARISON. Would vou rather have an old rebuilt and obsolete piano than a beautiful new standard Instrument, prices even? See our great June saie on new pianos, players and phonographs. Knabe ware rooms. LIPMAN, H'OlfS A CO. tiAVK $1.1 PI, I S 1.1 FHKK RECOUPS. The Portophone "The suitcase phono graph retailing for $1.1; brand new, with record i-ae. onlv l.lo. Including li new records: fine for auto or ramping trip or summer home. Phone after 6 P. M.. ltro.nl u s - 4?Mv PIANO 8 A LB. Don't fall to see our pianos and phono graphs during the great sale now in progress on our seventh floor . LI PM A X, WOLFE A CO. oit i r.HANT pianoi Vose a Son Crown Autoplsno player . I-1.1I 1H 27 410 HAROLD 8? GILBERT.' 384 "TsmMII St. LUI.son c 1.10, beautiful mahogany case, almost new. with attachment to play any record: also several high-class rec. ords; will sell complete for $100. Tele phone Hrosdwav 4N.'t.1 GREAT PIANO 8AI.K. A sensational piano and phonogrspri ssle is now In progress on the sevtola floor of LTPM 4 N-WOLFF! CO. WELLINGTON PIANO. Plain oaa case; $J75; a snsp; term given. SKI BERLINO-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 12.1 4th St WELLINGTON PIANO. Plain mahogany case; $275, terms) given. Sell BER LINO-LUC AS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St. FOR SALE: niwh A Lane phonograph ard records chesp; used four months: ma chine valued at $.'7.1. records at $.'.Ki: wonderful opportunity. Call E 5006 any , evening between 6 and 7 KIMBALL PLAVKK PIANO. A snap: used for demonstration only terms given. SBIBERLINO-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 12.1 4th St. MILTON PIANO. Plain mahogany case ss good as news terms given on this bargain. SEIBEKL1NG-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St. GREAT PIANO SALE. A sensational piano snd phonngrapti sale Is now in progress on the sevenlll floor ot LIPM AN-WOLFE A CO. KIMBALL GRAND PIANO. Mahogany case; a snap; let us show you. KBIBERLING-LUCAR MUSIC CO.. 12.1 4th St.. bet. Washington and Alder. GREAT PIANO s.aLiC. A sensational piano and phonograph; sale Is now In progress on the scventa loor of LIPM AN-WOLFE A CO. KIMRALL PIANO. $2.10; oak cane; s real bargain. See it. SKIHEKLING-I.UCA.S MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St., bet. Washington and Alder BEAUTIFUL mahogany cabinet phono graph: cost $185; for quick sale $15. Main 3026. Furniture fur Sale. sAVsi Money. Try our sales department If you want to buy or sell household goods. Reduced frelgbt rates to most all points In our through pool cars, aixpert Packing, re pairing and reflnlshing. Money loaned on goods In storage. Fireproof storage. Low Insurance rates. SKCURITV STORAGK TRANSFER CO 64 4th sL. opp Multnomah HoteL Phvne lirosdway JI5. HIGHEST grade furniture, good ss new. st second-hand price; blniseve maple bedroom set. mshoganv 4-poter bed. box springs, silk flutf mattress, dresi-er and chair. William and Marv dining set. 5-plece muhuganv and cane living room set. Book of Knot ledge, rtlshsf. fruit Jars, other household utensils. C I at once. Sellwood J579 or addrers 064 Ladd ave. FOR SALE Numbers of pictures, feather pltlow-s, Davenport, parlor table, bookcase, will sell any portion and at half price. Rest-done- 10211 Garfield ave Wdln '."T.4 DON'T sacrirce your furniture If gol'.sT east or to California We can save you money on your freight in oar tbrougtt cars: fireproof storage. C. M. Oissi Transfer Jk etorage Co., 248 Pins st ONE SUPERIOR aterl range, tour leather seated dining chairs, oak china closet, buffet and library table, all In fine con dlliun. 1'hone 322-3l: 7hl CommerclaL 4-lN. OAK dining table, leather covered chairs, sacrifice fur l.rii; also oak bed, dresser, spring luattrese for $.10. Tabor 4S74. FURNISHINGS of ft-room house for sale by piece or as a whole. Also bungalow for sale. Tabor 1567. LOT of furniture to be sold by the pie. cheap: anything you nved; come get It. ?mt 7 2d S. K. WILLIAM AND MARY dining chairs, one rug. Call up between 9 A. M. and 1 P. M. Phone East I.VM. DINING SET, cuueh. plino. music cabU net, mat-nine, brass bed, J culffoniers. 64 St. Francis apts., 21s: and lloyt Its. $275 BEDROOM sulle, i pes. Ivory, new. fur 1100. t all at 170 ciiampiaiD drive, ArllngtonIelghi Main St.iai. GAS STOVE. Ruud healer, some furniture and csrpets. r.ast guO. FUMED oak pedestal dining table; 4 chairs, leather seat Al a 1 11 4.'2. FURNITURE, sewing machine and phono :raph for ia 1 e till 1st st. Office Furniture. REAL bargains for your office: Dicta phone, transcribing, s5; dictating, $100; shaving. $60. all with universal motors. Add. machines, time clocks, check writ ers, safes, sate cnhlnets snd a wonder ful line of steel filing cabinets at prices) lower than others. New and used WAX OFFICE EQUIPMENT Hi 'USE. 24 N. 5lh. .Broadway 27:19. T W. DESK and chair. 2 tables, t roll top desks, 2 flat-top desks, 1 bookkeea ers desks. chairs. 1 filing c. blasts, i sates. BUSIIONO A CO. 91 Psrk St 60x34-1 N. ROLL TOP quartered oak desk: swivel cnair ana g.ass aers. pen; a snsrs 60. Main 4247. 419 Itwy. each. Blill MASSIVE solid oak office table. 301OO bevel plate glass top. brass trimmings. Price $30. Call lilt). Board ot Trad building Broadway 4361, NEARLY new Leopod 60-liich quartered oak roii-top sanitary neaK and chair for sale .right. 610 Henry bldg. Typewriters. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKES. IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE. CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO 321 Wsshlngton St. Main 5681. REBUILT typewriters, all makss, rentals. repairing, supplies, LnsinouLors cukuaa, portable, SUND.STlt.AN D, adding ma chines. Main 2205. E. W. Pease Co.. 110 Sixth street. RENT A REMINGTON First-class, mod ern typewriters onir; reasonable rates. Special offer to students. Remington Typewriter Co.. 88 Broadway. l.L MAKES rented and repaired, Oregon. Typewriter Co.. 94 5th st. Main 3666. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co.. 231 Stark St. Main 14U7. REPAIRS, rent, buy, sell: supplies. Type writer Inspection Co.. 312 Stark. M. 5.149. Poultry. MY OLD packing house on the Linnton road for rent, is very suitable fnr chick en farming. Frank L. Smith, Stulthshire. SesppooSe, Or. Dogs, Rabbits. Birds and Tet Stock. BLACK and tan puppies, 5 to 8 lbs. when matured, from registered sire; price $15. Toy kennels. 1 mile east Oregon City, Abernathy road. WANT to get In touch with party hav ing registered English bulldog, either for sale or service. Must be iinrt-ciass . every way. Phone Tabor 7106. FOR SALE or trade for good dog. S female Persian cats and one young ped. kitten, 402 'fr Larrabee. 1 TOY BOSTON puppy. 8 months old; good pedigree. 16$ 17th and Morrison, Marshall ..11. PEDIGREED Boston toy puppies. $30 and $40. 1143 East Main. Auto. 221-46. IMPORTED ROLLERS, singer snd te. msles. very reasonable. East 1416. IMPORTED Harts Mountain roller. 2 years old, also young singers. East 5iafl DOGS and cats boarded; Just like home, li9ianaM. sl-l. t