THE MORNING OREGOXTAN, TUESDAY, JUNE 21, -1021 15 JTO THUGS M. JAILED WOMAN LURED INTO MACHINE, KICKED AXD BEATEN. When Attacked Mrs. Ed Knox Fights Assailant and Throws Herself From Car. After trading some strawberries ' with a man they met early in the afternoon for a bottle of moonshine whisky, Leonard L. Wilson, 33, East Eighty-sixth and Thompson streets, and Leon V. Starr, 17, living at Mon tavilla. invited Mrs. Ed Knox, 4322 East Forty-first street, into their automobile and later mistreated her. She finally leaped from the ear. They were arrested last night and are booked at police headquarters. It was not until about 8 o'clock that the police cot a connected story out of the unusual affair. Young Starr confessed to the details. He mam taincd that Wilson did the "rough' work and that Wilson had been drink- iner the moonshine. lira. Knox had started for the city . to do some shopping and was waiting for a car at East Thirty-ninth street and Sandy boulevard when the men In the automobile drew up and asked her if she wanted to ride. She got into the machine and after drivirg a few blocks down Sandy boulevard the men turned south. They explained in reply to her inquiry that they would turn in on Belmont street. She said later that she then got the impres sion that the men had been drinking. At Belmont street the car was turned east instead of west and the men became discourteous and made a number of rude remarks to Mrs. Knox. When she attempted to get out one Jumped into the rear seat with her and a struggle began during wnicn the woman was kicked in the etomach and beaten. She finally succeeded in forcing the door open and threw her self to the pavement, receiving a num ber of bruises and tearing her clothes When she returned home Mrs Knox telephoned her husband, an automo bile salesman, who Immediately noti fied the police. BAY CITY PRESSES CLAIM Port Asks Liquidation . of Claim Against 3Iorrls Bros., Inc. The Port of Bay City asked that Its claim for $9338 against Morris Bros.. Inc., be liquidated, in a hear ing yesterday afternoon before Fed eral Judge Wolverton. The Judge took the case under advisement. The Port asserts that it agreed to sell to Morris Bros., $2t5,000 worth of bonds at an agreed rate of $101.55 with accrued interest. All but $60,000 of the bonds had been delivered to Morris Bros, Inc., and paid for, ex cept accrued interest in the sum of ' J1550 last year, the Fort of Bay City states. The final $60,000 were to be delivered January 1, 1921, but the bond house filed " its voluntary petition in bankruptcy December 20, 1920. On January 3, the Port of Bay City tendered Its bonds to the receiver and demanded payment for them and wh&n payment was not accepted, offered the bonds for sale on the public market, selling them for $53, 142 and accrued interest, making the damages against Morris Bros., Inc., . $9338, it was charged yesterday. Moonshine Proves Costly. VANCOUVER. Wash., June 20. ml. j 1 ui Hiiviiig. iintrts quctlia of moonshine, Sunday, Arthur Baxter was arrested and today paid a fine of - $150 and costs, imposed by Police Judge Vaughan. George McCoy, sen ator frdm this county, was fined $5 ' and costs for speeding yesterday. T. - J. Brock was fined $10 and costs for speeding. Special Finnish Services Tonight. The Finnish Lutheran church of Portland will hold special services to night at 8 o'clock at which J. R. Koskimiea a bishop of Finland, and Rev. J. Wargelin, president of the Suomi college of Hancock, Mich., will speak. Services are to be held at 264 Fartro street. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. IK YOU like a few days or a week in the Klickitat hill, the world forgetting and by the world forgotten, come to Pine i-oajre. can r;ast ;i4o. TRUCK" WANTED. WANTED 2U or 3-ton truck for 6 to 10 days' work. J. 11. Farrant. East 291. AMUSEMENTS. Z ' SO ACRES OF : PICNIC GROUNDS With Every Convenience ' 2 CONCERTS DAILY 2 By the Hawaiian Orchestra 14 AMUSEMENTS 14 Refined. Rollicking- Fnn Zoo With 5 Baby Animals ORGANIZATIONS may book now for conventions and picnics. Every facility prrvlded. Admission free tc 5 P. M., ex cept Sundays, holidays and spe cial days. Take cars at First and Alder. Fare 6c. LYRIC Musical Comedy "A Female Bluebeard" A M nthe-r-ln-Law Honeymon Comedy. .Matinee at Si Mchts, 7 and 9. Conntry Store Every Tuesday Nlgbt Ikiirns Clrls' Contest Friday NiKhl GLOBE 11th and Washington Corrine Griffith in "It Isn't Being Done This Season" CIRCLE Fourth at'J W'nahlngtoa THE GREAT PLAT BT ROBERT BROWNING. "A Light Woman" Also a comedy, ''Blue Friday." and Para mount Magazine. Open from I o'clock In the morning until 4 o'clock the following morning. BASEBALL Portland vs. San Francisco June 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 at 3 P. M. Double-header Sunday at 1:30 P. 31. AMfSEMKNTS. I .--UTr-i assssasaaaBatasaaati - MsH. ISstsTSa II. LAST SHOW OF SEASON JACK QUEEENIE NORTON SMITH . IN "BUBBLES" BILIY MILLER & CO. MAE MELVILLE end GEO. RULE KITNER and REANEYi YOUNG AND WHEELER WILE RID DU BOIS FEARLESS CE DORA U El n n 'r PANTAGES Engagement extraordinary, MADDEH.V AXD WARD, In MAKING MOVIES On the stage lh full view of the Audience with local talent. POSTER PIROUETTES, . Classical dancing carnival. JOE ROBERTS, Mastsr banjoist. CLEVELAND AND DOWREY. MACK AND WILLIAMS. JAR VIS AND HARRrsON. Retained by popular request, MARY PICK FORD in THROUGH THE BACK DOOR. Cortinuous performance daily From 1 P. M. to 11 P. M. Doors open at 12 o'clock. HiPpBROftt TODAY NOW PLAYING TONIGHT VIOLA DANA. "HOME STI FF." 'THE MIRROR," A COMKDY OF IN TERNATIONAL FAME, Dance Tonight BROADWAY HALL Portland's Finest Pavilion. All sailors welcome. t EVERY WEEK NIGHT Jerry Reed's All Star Orchestra 35c and 50c MEETING NOTICES. WASHINGTON COM MANDERT No. 15, K. T. A special conclave of Wash ington rommandery No. 15, K. T.. will be held Tuesday evening. June 21. at 7:30. The order of the temple will be conferred. Sojourning Sir Knights cordially invited to be pres ent. Candidates report at 7 o'clock sharp. G. P. EI8MAN. Recorder. IMPERIAL LODGE NO. 160 A. F. AND A. M. Speclai com- munlcatlon this (Tuesday) evening. June 21, 7:30 o'clock Work In the Fellowcraft de gree. Visitors cordially In- Informal. A. C. JACKSON, Secretary. SUNNYSIDE LODGE. NO. 1R3, A. F. AND A. M. Special communication Tuesdsy. June 21. Temple, 39lh and Haw thorne. Work In M. M. de gree. Visiting brethren wel- By order or W. M. C. P. JENSEN. 8ec. ORBXOMAH, U. D-. A. F. AND A. M. Stated communi cation this (Tuesday) evening Visiting brothers welcome. By order of w. M. CLAUD W. KEMP. Sec HAWTHORNE LODGE. NO. 111. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication thin Tuesday evening at 6:30. Work in tho M. M. degree. Visiting brethren welcome. C. E. MILLER. Sec. MARTHA WASHINGTON CHAPTER, NO. 14. O. E. S.. will celebrate its 30th anni versary with Myrtle Chapter, No. 15. at West' Park and Yamhill this (Tueaday) even in t M:30 o'clock. Only mem bers of these two chapters entitled to ad mission except especially Invited guets by the worthy matrons, ay oraer w; j. Sec. PORTLAND CHAPTER NO. 97. O. E. 8. Stated commu nication this evening at 8 o'clock sharp. 834 Russell St. Degree special R. Visitors welcome; last meeting before summer vacation. By order BERTHA WILSON, Sec. . PORTLAND AERIE v. No. 4. FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES, will hold regular meet meeting every Tuesday 8 o'clock. Facifto States hall. 11th and Alder streets. H. B. MILLER. :ea CANTON PORTLAND NO. 1. PATRIARCHS MILITANT. I. O. "iA3. o. F. Regular meeting tonight, g o clock. 1. o. o. V. temple. Nomi nation and election of officers. ratigue uniform. Order com R. B. PATTERSON, Clerk. COURT MOUNT HOOD. NO. 1. Foresters of America, maeta Tues day evenings, Forestry hall 129 Fourth streec Soclsl night Tourth Tuesday of each month. OREGON ELECTRIC COUNCIL No. 1582, ROYAL ARCANUM, will hold an open meeting Tuesday evening, June 21, ltiL Progressive "five hundred" will be the event. Prises for both ladles and gentlemen. Refreshments. Game starta 8:45 o clock aharp. Members and family and xrienua requeatea to atcena. R. C. TAYLOR. Regent. F. L. BAUMA.V. Orator. MULTNOMAH AUXILIARY. NO. 2. OF CANTON POKTLAftU, ISO. 1, tr. M.. L O. O. F.. will hold regular meeting this (Tuesday) evening, a o cioca. initiation. Full areas uniform. visiting ladies wsl cume. MART WALTHER. President. ANNA WOERTENDTKE. Clerk. HALL FOR Kfiwr unoay noon, eve nings; also card parties. Broadway 8500, EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, pins. new designs, jaeger Bros., ai-a sixth st. fc FRIEDLANDER'S lor lodge ' emblems. class pins and xnedala. 810 Washington St. PIED. DOVTT In this city. June 19, Sarah D. I lontt o eraA 7fi vuai-ci lata IT--. awwut-v si'.u J a as, samic J L nullUH. Kan., mother of Mrs. J. U Herndon of Fort land, Mrs. Mary McDougall and Thomas Doutt of Seattle. Wah.; Mrs. XJf.niel Ftnnie and Mrs. Ed a Thompson of Topeka, Kan.; S. B. Doutt of Inde pendence, Mo., and Mrs. Sadie C. Green ot Lignite, N. D. The remains are at r in ley a mortuary, Montgomery at oth. Notice of funeral hereafter. HELMS In this city. June 20, John H., ased 02 years, late of 580 Salmon fit . husband of Katharine Helms; father of pparl Helms of Portland, John R. Helms vlted. of W. M. and Lulu n. Monge or st. Paul, Minn. The remains are at Finley's mortuary, Mont gomery at 5th. Notice of funeral here after. PATTERSON June 20. at the family residence. .".21 16th t.. William J., aged 57 years, huaband of Clara Patterson. The remains are at Finley's mortuary, Montgomery at 5th. Notice of funeral hen-after. GRAY At the residence, 388 Third street. Wiiliam S. Gray, aged 56 years, beloved husband of Julia Gray. Funeral notice later. Remains at the funeral parlors of Miller A Tracey. SECOTTE In this city. June 20, Josephine becotte. agea oi years, item suns at the parlors of Breeze & Snook, Belmont at SMh. Notice of funeral later. FARMER In this city, June lfl, toej. Perry Farmer, aged 15 yeara Remain at Hoiman's chapel. Third and Salmon street. Funeral notice later. FUNERAL KOTICE8. STRETCH The funeral cortege of Henri etta Streich will leave Finley's mortu ary, Montgomery at '5th. this (Tuesday) morning at 8:30 o'clock, and proceed to St. Mary's cathedral, 15th . and Davis sts., where mass will be celebrated at ft o clock A. M Friends invited. Conclud ing service, Rlverview cemetery, private. PEARSON At residence. 141 North 12th. George Henry, aged 1 year months; son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pearson. Funeral will be held from McEntee A Eilera parlors, lth and Everett sts., Wednesdsy. June 22, at 2 P. M. Friends ' Invited. Interment Rose City cemetery. IN FUNERAL NOTICES. STOCKENBERO In this city. June 19, Louis, aged 47 years, late of Vancouver, Wash., husband of Christina Scott Stock enberg; father of Edna; brother of John Stockenberg of Portland; Axel of Van couver, Wash.; Mrs. Annie Erickaon of -Moyger. Or. ; Mrs. Hannah Anderson of Chicago. HI., and Andrew Stockenberg of Rockford, 111. The funeral service will be held today (Tuesday) at 2:30 P. M. at Finley's mortuary. Montgomery ai Kirtn. Concluding service. May ger. ur. SOLIDAY June 19, 1921. at the famll residence. 567 Albina ave.. Mrs. Hild Sollday. aged 31 years, beloved wife of Garfield Sollday, daughter of Mrs. Anna xiciuurg, sister ot iwrs. Matliaa oonaa Mrs. Ollie Matson. William and Andre Heman and Levi Helburg. Remains at Pearson's undertaking narlors. Russell st. at Union ave. Funeral services will be conducted Wednesday, June 22, at 2 v. M. at the Baptist church. Brush Prai rie, wasn. Friends Inved. CLARKE In this citv. June 20. Oliver aged 56 husband of Arle Clark of 770 Hoyt St.. and father of Blanche W. and Horace J. Clarke of Portland Mrs J. G. Schoening of Salem, Or., and Mrs. J. C. 8tubblefield of Port Arthur lex. The funeral service will oe neio today (Tuesday) at 10:30 o'clock A. M at Finley's mortuary. Montgomery at 6th Friends invited. Concluding serv ce. Portland crematorium, private. PEDERSON At Carlton. Or.. June 19. Chris Pederson. aged 73 vears. belove father of Mrs. Edgar Sorter, Mrs. Clar ence Coolev of Carlton. Or.: Mrs. Jo seph Basle. A. W. and H. V. Pederson of Portland and Mrs. D. W. Sarber of Corvallls, Or. Funeral services will be held at the residence at 105 Dickens street today (Tuesday). June 21, at P. M. Interment Rose City cemetery. Arrangements In care of Miller t Tracey. SW1NEFORD In this city. June 20. 1921, uaivm bwinerord. agea in years, husband of Mrs. C. N. Swlneford (nee Morony). He was a member of George Wright post No. 2. Funeral services will be held at Hoiman's chapel. Third and Salmon streets. Wednesday. June 22. at 2 P M.. tinder the auspices of George Wright post No. 2. Private In terment at Lone Fir cemetery. DAVENPORT In this city. June 20. Mary. aged 50 years, late of Lebanon, or., wile of William F. Davenport; mother of Amy. Roy L.. James E. of Lebanon, Or. and sister of Mrs. Margaret Collins of fortiand. Tfie remains win do tor warded today (Tuesday) by J. P. Flnley & Sen to Lebanon, Or., where service will be held Wednesday afternoon. GREENE In this city. June 20. Rober' A., aged 49 years, husband of Maude Greene of 204 10th St., and father ot Russell C. and Louise Greene. The funeral service will be held Wednesday, June 2. at 10 o'clock A. M. at Finley's mortuary. Montgomery at 5th. Friends invited. Concluding service. Rose City cemetery. SMATHERS In this city, June 19. Minnie Smathers. aged 42 years, late Of Stella. Wash., wife of H. A. Smathers: mother of Kthel. Mary. Freddie, Agnes and Lucille. The remains wilt be forwarded today (Tuesday) by J. P. Finley & Son to Stella, Wash., where services will be - held and Interment made. FUNERAL CARS. LIMOUSINES for funeral service. JONES AUTO LIVERY. MARSHALL 114. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. VAULT ENTOMBMENT or Cremation Phone Sell wood 967 Portland Crematorium EAST FOl'RTKEKTU AND BYBEK Aalt for Booklet TOMBS Single or In Family Sections. Hsndsoniely arranged. Built to endure. Permanent care. Cost no more in R1VERVIEW ABBEY MAUSOLEUM We nave Mausoleums In all principal cities in state, they contain the only sanitary tombi In Oregon. PORTLAND MAUSOLEUM CO, 63s Plttork Block. Phone Bdwy. 351. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Less. Independent Funeral Director Washington street, between 20th and 21st sts.. west side. Lady assistant. Main 2691. Auto. 578-85. HOLM AN & SON (Walter J. Holman.) FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Third and Salmon Sta McENTEE & FILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of home. . 10th and Everett sta Phone Broadway 2133. Auto. 821-33, BREEZE & SNOOK "rfg1 AO 7CI I CD Pfl 692 Williams Ave. . Ill ZCLLCn UU. Phone East 1088. EAST SIDE FUNERAL DIRECTORS, (F. S. DUNNING. INC.) "The family sets the price." 414 E. ALDER Phone East 5200. 225-25. DOWNING & McNEMAR The Residential Funeral Home. 441 Multnomah St.. Irvlngton Diat. East 54 LERCH. UNDERTAKER. Eaat Eleventh and Hawthorns, Phone East 781. A. D. KEN WORTHY &. CO.. 5804 02d at., Lenta Auto. 618-21. FINLEY'S MORTUARY MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH. MAIN 9. SKEWES UNDERTAKING CO. IXORI8TS. MARTIN & FORBES COMPANY 354 Washington St Main 269 Largest rose growers in tbs Northwest. Flowers lor all occasions artistically arranged. lis ?ersonal attention I Iven wedding, reception, tea and table decorationa Floral tributes promptly attended to. SWETLAND'8 FLOWER SHOP. Morrison St.. bet. 3d and 4th. Tel. Main 419. Smith's Flower Shop Portland's progressive florist. We spe cialise in funeral designs. 141 H Sixth. opposite Meier A Frank's. Main 7215. And Floral Designa 2.1 Hothouses. No Branch Storea 25 years on Morrison street, bet. 4th und 5th. Main 7709. NOB HILI FLORISTS. (Estate Alfred Burkhardt.) E. cor. 23d and Glisan. Main 1859. PEOPLES FLORAL. SHOP 24.1 Alder. Marshall BP22 TONSBTH FLORAL CO.. 287 Waahlngton St., bat. 4tn ana otn. Main oiva. a. ivi. MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS 4th st., opp. City HalL NEU BROS. OTTO SCHUMANN MARBLE WORKS QCALTTY MEMORIALS E.THIPP & PINE STS. PHOWE E.743 A Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms, professional men, manu facturers, repair men, etc., classified, for ready reference. Information as to any class of work not listed may be obtained by calling Main 7070, House 40. ACCOUNTANTS. JULIUS R. BLACK, publio accountant, auditor. Income tax service. Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark. Phone Main 7443. ATTORNEYS. I. W. EASTMAN, lawyer and notary pub lic. 934 Cham per of Commerce bldg. ARMY GOODS. U. S. ARMY GOODS for aale, wholesale and retail; prices reduced. H. Horen steln. 250 2d st. or 204 1st st. Main 7573. AWSAYEBS AM) ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, 142 Second. jold, silver, platinum bought. BATHS. DR. McMAHONs baths. Portland: steam, showers, plunges, tubs, all for 85c; tell your friends. Fourth and Washington t-MittopKACTIC steam batha and mas sages. 10th floor Broadway bldg. Mar- shall 31H7. nr. Laura E. Downing. . BflLDlNG MATERIALS. COLUMBIA PLASTER WALL BOARD. Can't buckle, needs no batens; Oregon mage. utlrKl.l'T, 14a f irst St. CARPET CLEANING. CFXLfl.OlU BITTONS. THE 1RWI.V-HOLSON COMPASV. 887 Washington. Bdwy. 434. Tabor 1254 CH1RQPRACT1C. DR. McMAHON'S chiropractic speaks for iiseir, t-ortlanq. I2th year. Phones. CHIROPODISTS. WILLIAM, Estelle and Florello and De wane De Venv. the onlv scientific; chl opodlsts and arch specialists in the city. Parlors 302 Uerlinger bldg.. southwest corner Second and Alder sts. Phone siain 1301. FFFT HURT Come to Dr. Gartner, foot I Lb I IIUI1 1 gnecialist: corns. bunions. foot arches made to order. 311 Swetland D'ug., iun and Washington. Main 1081. UOT specialist. Dr. A. M. Cochrane Lady assistant. 411 McCleay bldg., 4th aim wasnington. Marshall 002. UK. O. O. FLETCHER Foot troubles cianuucany corrected. Lady assistant. morgan oidg. Main H7R2. CLEANERS AND PKKSSERS. REGAL CLEANERS TAILORS VII H A TTED Q Cleaning and dyeing a specialty. 12' North Sixth St.. Portland. Or. COLLECTIONS. NETH & CO., Worcester bids. Main 1790 1NQ collections, no charges. Hstab. 1900. CONTRACTORS AXD Bt'ILDERS. RELIABLE CONSTRUCTION CO. House construction and general Jobbing. o .ncHi i-ars. hi. rnone Main 3020. CARPENTERING, REPAIRING, SHINGLINQ. House painting, cement walk and inundations; prices right; work guaran teed. A. J. McFadden. Phone Mar. 3702. DANCING, MISS DOROTHY RASMUSSEN Ballroom ana stage aanclng. ttio Biters bldg.. ashlngtnn. bet. 4th and nth. Main 1123. BU.MMfc.K'S Dancing Academy. 85 is cessans aay. eve. Edwy. 3;i?0. DECORATORS AND PAINTERS. Roof Protected LenKs-uy rgranue rie-11-Rocf Painters EXPERT ROOFI Ws use compressed air and Spraco runs. v tiinan. I'llone IftDor 6087. DENTISTRY. DR. B. E, WRIGHT Third Floor, Raleigh Bldg. Corner 81xth and Washington Sts. "aln 21 IB. Automatic 2119. FNmTRY DR- A- w- keexe, 3oT HI I IO I II I Washington street Without pain. Latest nerve-bloeking system. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. MOTORS REWOUND and JSSSm " BOUGHT AND SOLD. Phone S27-27. 2l'H Main .St.' H. M. H. ELECTRICAL CO.. 1 N. 1st st. Portland. Or. Re winding and electric repairing a specialty. New or used mo tors. Broadway J 04 5. A 1046. WHOLESALERS AND ENGINEERS' AND MILL SUPPLIES. HE M. L KLINE CO.. 84-88-87-89 Front. HATS AND CAPS. HANHAUSEfl HAT CO.. 53-55 Front St. .SMUSSEN ft CO.. Second and Taylor. HIDES, WOOL AND CASCAKA BARK. KAHN BROTHERS, 105 Front St. RATES FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Dally or Sunday. One time 12e per line- bame advt. two consec utive times 22c per line Same advt. S consecu tive times 30c per line Same advt. I or 7 con secutive times 63c per line One month .f'-iJW a Jin His months 92.25 m Hue per month IChauge of copy allowed monthly.) The above rate applies to adver tisements under all eiassificutiona excepting "Situations Wanted Male" and "Situations Wanted Female," which is to pe line for each insertion. No ad taken for less than two lines. Count five average words to the line. Advertisements (except "Personals" and "Situations Want ed") will be taken over the tele phone if the advertiser la a sub scriber to either phone. The Oregonian will receive copy hy mail provided sufficient remit tance for definite number of issues Is sent. Acknowledgment will be -lot-warded promptly. No prices will be quoted over the phone, but statements will be ren dered the following day. Adver tisements are taken for The laily Oregonian until 7:30 M. ; for The Sunday Oregonian until .P.M. Saturday. FUNERAL COMPLETE Casket, two Autos, Heine, Em. halmlnar. Outside Box, Grave Marker, Funeral Notices, Bear era' Glovea, L'ae ot Chapel Miller & Tracy Independent Funeral Directors Washington at Ella Phoneai Main 2691,' 578-85 : OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates all-eases of alleged cruelty to animals. Offices, room 150 cou.thouse. Phone Main 378 from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. The society has full charpe of the city fiound at its home, 535 Columbia bou evtrd. Phone any time. Woodlawn 764. Dogg for Bale. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled horses. Small inlmals painlessly electrocuted where necessary, and stray animals cared "or. All dead animals, cows, horses, etc., picked up. ' rJHr"-Vfi' ' ' 'ja SSJaroj. Ill1 HAT CLEANERS AND DYERS, HATS cleaned, blocked, dved reasonable and satisfactory. Royal Hat Wks. 221 1st. LAWNMOWER REPAIRING. LAWN-MOWER HOSPITAL" Repairing, sharpening; 24-hour serv. Ice. We collect and deliver. Tabor 404 1. Tabor 4072. AIIMC TEACHERS. L. CARROLL DAY, Uacher of piano and voice. Broadway 2555. 148 13th st. OPTOMETRISTS. EYES SCIENTIFICALLY TESTED with modern instruments, glasses fitted at a saving; satisfaction guaranteed; out of the high-rent district, no overhead exp. A. B. UURWITZ. Optometrist, 225 1st st PAINTING. H. TERRILL, house and sign painter, pa pering. tl nting. 407 B. 37t h. Ta b. 2B11. PAINTING AND CALCIMININ& PAINTING and calciminlng and roof re pairing at moderate prices; work guar anteed. Phone East 403. PAINT. WALL PAPER. ETC. WALL PAPER, PAINTS, ETC. UHL BROS, INC. P.CT'ENT ATTORNEYS. PATKNTS Our practice has extended over a period of 74 years. All communica tions strictly confidential; prompt ef filcent, conscientious service: handbook free on request. MU.N'N & CO., Hobart bidg., 684 Market St.. San Francisco; Chicago office, room 810 Tower bldg.; asmngton orrice room 103. 625 First; NewY0rkoffl, Woolworth bldg. R. C WRIGHT, 22"Teafs" experience U. S. and foreign patents. B01 Dekum bldg. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS, Broadway building. xwieumuiism, stomacn, bowel, lung, liver, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostate, female disorders, skin affections, blood pressure, enlarged tonsils, moles, birthmarks. PM'MRIM: ur fii.i-i2 PLUMBING supplies at wholesale Driccs. Stark-Davis Co.. 188 4th st. Main 707. PRINTERS. DDjUTIllfi F. W. BALTKS & COMPANY I IIIIII llU Fimt anij 0ak -Man ,SSi jiji.oj. ROOF PAINTING AND REPAIRING. PAINT your roof while the sun shines. We do all kinds of roofing, shingles, gravel, paper or metal; only first-class material. OREGON ROOFING CO. ; 1764 E. Glisan St. Tabor 481" HOOFS repaired and painted: gutters cleaner! Roof Security Inc., mfg. WEBFOOT PAINT; references given. 226 Board of xraae Plug. Main 5iL MainS'S44. SCALP AND FACIAL SPECIALIST. SCALP AND FACIAL SPECIALIST Baldness, diseases of -the scalp and hair successfully treated; face massages; facial Imperfections scientifically cor rected. DR. EVELYN H. TREINIES. Suite 420 Morgan Bldg. Main 4484. TRADEMARKS. OREGON TRADEMARK BUREAU. 001 Pekum bldg. U. S.. foreign trademarks TRANSFER- AN1 STORAGE. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH DRATAGB AND STORAGE. Motor and Horse Equipment. Furnltitre Moving and Packing. Baggage. PHONE BDWY. 3309 SECURITY STORAGE ft TRANSFER CO. Packing Moving Storage. Money loaned on goods In storage. 63 Fourth st., opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 8715. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Glisan Street. FIVE WAREHOUSES. STORAGE. CARTAGE. PHONE BROADWAY 1281. 30 DAYS free storage; furniture moving trucks J2 per hr. and up. Open evenings snd Sundays. Call Broad way 1207. VETERINARY. ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL Hast 7th and Grant Sts. Both phones. Day and night service; 3 veterinarians. MANUFACTURERS KOPE AND BINDER TWIN E. Portland Coidnge Co.. 14th and Northrup. SUPPLIES AND PIPE. KLINE CO., 84-80-87-81) Front THE PEERLESS PACIFIC CO.. INC.. 63-70-72 FRONT ST. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERD1NO ft FARRELL, 140 Front St. AUCTION SALES. At the Baker Auction house, Yamhill ana west farK streets, sale at 10 A. M. NEW TODAY. r58 3 otmeravG. UTAILIIBKD USA AUCTION EXTRAORDINARY AT THE BAKER AUCTION HOUSE YAMHILL AND WEST PARK STS- TODAY, 10 As M. We Bar Household Goods for Cash or Will Kelt the Same for You at Auction. Phone la It You Really Want to Do Business. AUCTION POSTPONED ov Accorvr flood fd n a se mi: vr, AICTIOM ADVKHTISED FOR WFDKF.SDAY AT THK MA.'l.G WAREHOUSE IS POSTPONED IWTIi. WEDNESDAY, JOG 20th, NEXT. W.C. BAKER &W.H. DEAN Furniture Dealers and Auctioneers, PYTHIAN BllLDl.;, Yaaihlll and West Pnrk Stm. For merly Masonic Temple Building). FOR SALE on bushes, I1 to 2 tons RED CURRANTS 'See D. L. McLEOD, . 204 Porter St. GARAGE BUSINESS FOR SALE Two-story. 50x100; restricted dis trict; entrance on two streets Low rent, lonp lease. Top floor all In paint shop, worklnar 7 men. Repair shop working 4 men. 30 cars in storage. Price for quick sale $9500. M 754. Oregonian. Edward E.Goudey Co. MORTGAGE! LOANS Cmited State JSaaJt BulliUas, NEW TODAY. Th Iwprevei PIDTMABr, " "Built to Endore." The improved construction makes a REDI.MADB a better, more substantial building at no greater cost to you. They are the best built aectlonal buildings on the Pacific cnast First-class Houses, Garages for Lees. Erected In Portland Practical to ship. Redlmade 111 die. Co., Portland, Or. r,. litn ana .Marstt. fhone &1I4. Downtown sales office Commonwealth bldg.. 6th Ankeny. Phone Bdwy. 4333. FLUFF RUGS from old carpeti. woolen clothlnir. rac rugs, al! sizes; country mail ordera Riven prompt attention; feather pil lows renovated. SenC for booklet. CARPET CLEANING Largest, finest equipped carpet clean ing, refitting works in state of Oregon. Sxl2 rugs steam cleaned. 11.50. 1072 East Lincoln Street. MATTRESSES Old Mattresses Made Over Like w Separate Completely Equipped Mattress Factory. Western Fluff Ru? Co. Main Office: 64-60 UNION AVE. N Eaat 8.r. IB. 237-07. East 6U63. Ladies Save your old carpets, rugs and woolen clothing. t os make rew rugs for yon. The oldest snd best -equipped fac tory. Fluff and rag rugs woven all sises; carpets refitted; 8x12 rugs steam cleaned, si. 50. we call and deliver. 188 E. Eighth St. rhone East 3380. MORTGAGE LOANS vOfest interest rateai Installment re eaytueata, if desired. Bullillaa: loaas uamue. Aw delay 1st closing. A. H. EIRRELL-GILL CO. - Formerly A. II. Blrrell Co. Cia-ZlW Northwestern Hunk ItulldJas sasjrnnatl u. CLAT S. MORSE. INC Draymen and Warehousemen Broadway 3470 REAL KSTATE. For Snle Beach Property. FINE BEACH LOTS. SALTAIR TILLAMOOK BEACH". I nsve four choice lots, all together. io lacing ins facinc ocean: board- wais; county road and railroad run In front of property. The other two lots ad.ioln tho two above and face on tht rau in ine rear, aii are near the de- Pot, hotel and - Rockawav; aize of lots Is icei uy aDout io teet and are excep tionally wen adapted for burlness or t-ei'ieoce; price ji''5 and 1100 each. "ireti i uregonlan. BEACH LOTS EXCHANGE FOR PAINTING OR BUILDING Lots are well located at Tillamook Bfach. near station and ocean. Address o-io. urcgonian. rOK SALE 18 lots. Coaat View addition, laqulna Bay; reasonable. AJ 771. Ore- For Sale Lois. riAl.r- rHICK WHILE THEY MST SOME CHOICE LOTS IN MULTNOMAH i'i.-inun.i. K..sfc!t KD BY OWNER: V1'OSE TO COUNTY HIGHWAY AMJ OREGON ELECTRIC STATION; U. r.i.r..inn-in ; uuxino. ."": iixhm'. hi; looxlOO. Hon: -t'HKAPEK THAN ACREAGE. SECURE 'HOK-E HOMESITE AT HALF PRICE nur-isKE TOO LATE. OWNER. 311) riAii..r . tAlUiJUE BUILDING. .m.i: tii.i. BIG SACRII'ICPT Boautli'ul enrnnr In Parkslde. Just 1 .iiy j-ars ; level, street In provemenia an in ana pmrt: of easy I st-resn uy ooin auio ana street car; this desirable tromeslte is Kiw.m ft it will be sold at less than half the cost to the owner, on easy terms; price I $-'250. R. K. Bryan. 509 Chamber of inmmTce mug. WEST (SLOPE MT. TABOR. D'-auiuui nnmesue lor colonial or any 1 high-class resldonre; located east side or St.. juu ft. south of Yamhill; HKNDERSON-BANKUS CO.. 2 H-nry Bldg. Brnadwny 47K4. nr.tjmo IeauiIIUl location Oil Mellnda St.. near McLean, with unes- ceneo view ot city and mountains streets paved;- naif block to car; Im provements paid; level ground; view cannot, oe obstructed; only l'oou, terms. A. rM..A & CO.. Realtors, Fourth St. Main 4.VJ2. am inn. owner of a great many 1. ana some acreage in and about Port- laou, wuicn x am compelled to sacri fice. If you want to buy a piece of vacant property cheap, be sure to see me. I can supply you In most any urtiL in town. ror particulars ste wtv.-sr.n. m riaic ping., 17 Park St.. i5EAC.MO.Nl Exceptional bargain: .10. io, level, on payed street, fine district. improvements paia; prlre only snoo; thli bargain will not last long; located on near rremont. COE A. McKBXNA & CO., Realtors, S2 Fourth St. Main 4!22. hALBtLMLKM 3 MX 100 lot on Roval oun, i diocks irom car: excellent loca tion: priced far under value; Improve ments all paid; $1100 If sold imme- COE A. McKENNA & CO.. Realtors, K'i Fourth St. Main 4SL-- n CSOIUKCLAM) Beautiful district- ei.ieei pavea ana an Improvements paia; gooa car service: excellent lot I uaisairia irom e.iou up; easy terms COE A. McKENXA & CO.. Realtors. S2 Fourth St. Main 4.122! tsso. FACING ON' FREMONT. Near Last loth, sll improvements puiu, ci-M, duwn. ?iw a montn. . . JOHNSO.V-DODSON CO. fi.13 N. W. Bank Bldg. Jtain 3787. YOUR OPPORTUNITY i.aureuiuisi lots, wniie tnev last t extremely low prices. See J. A. Mo- . LOT BARGAIN. jui'Kiuu west oi i-aurelhurst, near oanuy roau, only sisuu, with all Im provements paid. W. C. Becktell. 130.5 V. W. Bank Bldg. kumc uu r-AKiv sor sale. 6 lots IOOx i.j un n.u anu railing SIS.; 11000. or I win nciii vnevroiet as part pavment Harry Wolfe, routs 2. box 1S2, Ridge- field. "Wash. WE HAVE a beautiful iot, on Grand av near Ainswortn, one block from Union ave. car. $6.",0; term $65 cash. $10 per I mon.'h. F. E. Bowman A Co.. 210 GL of I lOftxlOO PITCH TEXT $2 DOWN Why rent.' VJ. week; Alberta car; bet lQia m tuwu. pnuc ana ierm(; 9oo0. P W. Cary. 1210 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main " 3 LOTS 37x108 $.150. Cement walks; Alberta car; no grave' $3 down. $3 week. K. W. Cary. IL'lj BUY LAURELHURST LOTS. DIRECT FROM LAURELHURST CO See J. A. McCarty. 207Vi Stark St. Main 1700; evenings. Tabor 5057. 50x100 LOT IN Alberta. $550. $25 caah. $10 monthly. SABIN & R1MA, 1032 Union Ave. N. Wdln. 59. ' LAURELHURST LOT BARGAIN'S. See J. A. iic.ariy, iu htark St. Main 1700. Evenings, Tabor 5057. ALAMEDA PARK, S. B. corner 29!h snd Prescotl: improvements paid; Jsjj. Ta bor em. HAVE lot in good residence district; will take liRht car as part payment. Call East SHI. ROSE CITY, N. E. corner 41st snd Tilla mook; SU00; next to corner. $900. Tabor 6441. ROSE CITY PARK Two choice buildln lots; sell one or both cheap. Owner, Broadway BOIS. S7TH AND Tillamook. oOxini, eaat Croat; J aU , paia, vjju. aoor ojiu. . REAL ESTATE. I'or Sale T.AI'REJ.HI-BRT VfVT S25. K0xlL'2. ivn HenatA St. between 41st and 43d sts.. all imnrovementa in and paid. ROSE CITV PARK LOT. 5S0. .'0x100. on K. 7th st.. facing west; 100 ft north of Klickitat. WESTMORELAND LOT. 100. 50x100. on E. INth St.. facing west 200 ft. south of Bybee; all improvements In and paid. I,aurelhurt comer lot. all Improve, ments in and paid. $1250; Rosa City cor ner lot. all improvements in and paid, 00; Rose City Inside lot. all Improve ments In and paid, 1750; Colonial Ills district, close in. Hawthorne car, all improvements in and paid, SI250, easy terms. HENDERSON-BANK US CO.. 623 Henry Hldg. Broadway 4754 BEAUTIFUL CAPITOL HILT ONE-FOURTH ACRE. HO0 TOTAL PRICE. $8 PER MONTH. Build your dream home on the west side of the river, with no bridges to cross, are these splendid H-acre home tracts; 2 blocks to car: fine rich soil; sll cleared; no gravel: oily water to tract; telephone, gs. electrlcltv avail able: 4 blocks lo public school: the Ideal home spot; great clesn-up sale: this l a wonderful never-to-be-found-agaln op portunity; buy now. Ask for C. . Bor ders, with FRANK L McGUIRE. Ablngton HMg. Main 106 Third st.. bet. Washington snd S:ark SACRIFICE PRICE lm. FACTORY WAREHOUSE SITE. Adjoining Russeil-Gllbert Candy . fac tory on O.-W. R. & N. tracks. Holladay avenue, near E. 24th. Mr. Carey. Main 74 s 7. For Sale II oases. PROSPECTIVE HOME BUYER. ATTENTION The Laurelhurst Co. maintains an of fice on the property at East 30th and Ollsan. MB. DFLAHUNTT. the man in charge, has 12 years' expe rience In welling this property. SKK HIM. W are closing the few remain ing lots we own al ridiculous, y lov prices. ALSO Mr bargain In colonial house and S bun galows. Montavllla car. Drive out today o phone for auto. Tabor 34o3. Open even ings. ROSli CITY PARK. S.11S0 A discount of 1700 on this prop erty; 6 rooms snd sleeping porch, hard wood floors, fireplace, furnace, ail built in features, full cement basement, locat ed right In the heart of Rose City, under the hill, lot 70x100, haa beautiful lawn and fiowera If It Is a snap you are looklna for. then don't look any longer Remember, we are headquarters for Riufe City bungalows. This can be haa died on any reasonable terms. HII.l.ER BROS.. REALTORS. 614 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 88. Branch Office, 50th aud Sandy. Tabor 8485. 836 E BROADWAY You shou'd see this beautiful 7-room home and garage: .lust completed : modern, right up to the mln ute- ?i hardwtio.l floor. Rudv furnace tanestrv oaner. alt-cant plumbing, white enameled Dutch kitchen, large rooms a lovable home in an elegant district "i the main driveway leading to lh high wnv UNION SAFE DEPOSIT ft TRUST CO. Broadway t43. - Oak st $4011 1' ASH 40O. CLOSE TO FRANKLIN HIGH. $.rt00 ATTRACTIVE AND MODERN BUNGALOW. EXCELLENT FURNACE. 5 ROOMS AND BATH FIRST FLOOR. ATTIC HAS TWO FINISHED ROOMS DUTCH KITCHEN. BEAM CEILINGS. LOCATED ON CORNER 4S3.1 E 81ST AVE S E. ONE BLOCK WEST OF 60TH ST (MT. SCOTT CAR LINE.) R. S OM ERVILLE. HDWY. 'Jt7S. BY OWNER, S'J-'.'VO. TERMS. Ideal little bungalow for two: large living room, dressing room, compi-te bath, dandy Dutch kitchen, full base ment, lot 40xl0 on paved street; sewer In; lawn, flowers and garden; every thing modern: can be seen any lime. Jtll'J East 31st St. N. Phone lllO-'.m. 1RVINGTON. FIVEST T-ROO.M BUNGALOW IN IRV1NGTON. LONG LIVING ROOM. DEN. TILED HATHRwOM. RECESS TUB: GA It AC, E, FURNACE. ALL HARDWOOD FLOORS SHOWN U APPOINTMENT. PRACTICALLY NEW li. SOMER VI LLE. BP W V. 247H FOR SALE BY OWNER Mv home. S3 E 31st: paved st.. Vi htnek In carline. ,'.0x100 lot; four larg rooms down snd floored attic: furnace mnA flrenlsre: fine concrete garage; al nnid. 11000. 10o0 duwn. Phone Sell. 1!IS Tiio FURNISHED HOUSE $800. Furnished 3-room house and lot on Third, near Hamilton avenue. Owne mnn sell and will give clesr title t nronertv and furnltura for $00; cas only. JOHN SINGER. 4''0 Chamber or Comm-rce Hldr t a. Mill Ton can't beat th for the price, mm blnalion living snd dining room. 2 bi-d Dutrli kltrhen and break fu.l nook, hardwood floors, sewer and slreet In. close to car. In Hawthorns di trict. Owner Tsbor 211l. Terms. tJHim niTNOALOW. ' New. modern. 4 rooms, large sleeping nnrrh. full biwrnrnt, Iutth kltrhen. lo .ltlxU'3. 51th st. and slat sve. S h.. hlorks to Hawthorne csr: t'MM cash, bal cm n,r month. 7 oer cent Interest l turner 4--S WashinBtnn St. Bdwy. HfKC.AI.OW. Jl'HOO. New. modern. 4 rooms. Pnteh kltrhen Ir.r ?Amo. ATth snd Davis, sew n,l walk's paid. S blocks to car; .W0 cash, balance 110 month and 7 per et-nl Interest. Owner. 4M v sshlngton at icii lhnne Broatlway ISa'.t. TAKKS IRVlNllT' iN hnn..f.- beautiful 5-room. fully mod -rn n all respects naruwiMMi n""ir. ete ' rirHlf. lawn and shrubbery. .Main S.soa. Mr. Koenigs. Keys at 2rt Mor gan hldg. lion rxsil KTRN1SH El) COMPI.ETKI.l n.rnom nu mm. v. i,ut. flowers galore: garage; near srhonls snd car; S19UO; balance monthly terms. Mr. Koenigs. Main 3MW Qt'IN. L'' Morgan Hldg., RKA1.TOR nrrSK flTV PARK. It-room home on ."0th st., lust off Al meda drive; strictly modern In every detail: a real horn for lees thsn It would cost to build; owner is leaving rlty $1000 cash, will handlS; Tabor 3.'.ld. tiT-ji tl ROOMS, aleentng oorch. ttrenlace, lot s.'ixlOO: several large fruit trees; lliliio cash: a home: 2 bathrooms. 2 tolle In Sunnyside. J. P. M.-kenna. reaUor. 1 1 SI n.lmort at .10th. labor tittM WALNUT PA It K, 1125 Mallorv ave. For sale by owner, cuoire corner, o-rnoin bungslow. garage, strictly modern, new ly Installed (12,'tO hot water heat. House cost SSOI'O, will sell, lor i-uo, terms. t WoodUwn 6W. Mr. Penning. SCIft CASH linuo. Vest new house, a rooms, or will take ehean lot first payment: in east sloe MllWaUKIO. Close l" urw it iiinnti now unaer nminniuu. ju-j. 11114. 4 Henry nin c, OH! YOU JVEWLYWEDB. )rere's your chancs to get a brand 4-r. OUIIKIV1WW. LUlllfCl, l HSIl. nRonv for $270. Small payment down. balance like rent- See It today at 015 I.sfftvette SI riii'i'B cam -mmi. ilOUSES built, your lots or ours. We will assist in inssiin f'""- uctvtm. '"FABRICATED CONSTRUCTION CO. 61 McKay Bldg. - , ;,nnvnv rTroorn built-in bung chicken houM. earage, berries ana a-araen. email pay ment down, easy term. Wood lawn 1573 Fvenlngs. (.ROOM collage. IS'.O cah ; lot cozy nome; rp"p '"r enma o cheap. J. F. McKenna. realtor, ilol Be. m on i a , t m i $200 DOWN ANU IW AllJiNltl, Cottuffe. dandy 8-room and up; fruit. hfrrief, etc. ; oiock io car; irvinieton park district. Main SHW, Mr. Koeni, . Morgan nmw. 5-iloOM modern bungalow; $oS00. eay terms. 8ABIN A RIMA. N. Woodlawn fj3. in:i2 T'nton BV OWNKK-r-New it-room nouse. plaj- teren. eiecirit i.(,M.a, v .c. . m , lonine ana aood location. Sellwood 414. 065 East st. NIFTY Overlook oungaiow. a rooms, breskfast room, sttlc and full base ment. Call 800 Longview iyi Wood lawn 1777 FOR SALE 5-room bungalow, fruit and garden; good district: bargain; $35lu. easy trm Phone 8.11. 11.11. JOHNSON & ANDERSON, owners snd builders. Alsmeds Park, new, modern 5-room bungalow. HIM Pkldmore Ft. tt-KooM house. East 4Mh st.. n.-ar Sun nyside cars. Just being finished. Tabor LAURELHURST LOT BARGAINS. See J. A. McCarty, 270H Stark St. Main 1700. Evenings. Tabor 5057. 1RV1XGTOX 7i0 E. 17th X.. for sale by owner, strlctlv modern four-room bunga low; reasonable price, with terms. MODERN -room bungalow; improvements in and paid; cash. P71 Knott st. lot .'.0x114: $-800. half OWING to death of wife new. modern homes Powell Valley road. will sacrillre 2 ith acres. 712i 5-ROOM house and 50x100 lot. lots of ber ries. Tabor 5780. COZV. attrartive little home, furnished or. uuiurniauea; aautuita, ty- a. tiuia U I 5 R EAL FSTATE. f-or ele Houses. BEAUTIFUL TIEPMONT. T rooms, full lot. close to csr. Improve, meats all In and paid. mod-rn through out, priced low wuh essy terms. HAWTHORNE nUNdALOW. I.1.MM1 ft rooms, full basemenl. paved street, frn trees, la a cosy little home with easy terms. NEW ALBERTA HUNOAI.OW. Nifty 4 rooms, corner lot. full pso ment. all built-lns. J b. r. complete. I32.'.0. terms. ROOMS. 100x100 LOT l.iibo. terms, newly psinfd Inp'.ds snd out. on psved street, close lo car, school, stores, etc .lust rf It MARSH A M.i'AIlB, RKALTOK 322-21 Failing blilg. Marshall Slll'J. ROSE Cl'IT TAHK. The chance you have been looking lor to get a new house iio under th market. Yea. that Is Just itliat this i The prlre la .;.i0. n.l y.iu set It f" -.'!. it Is located right in (lie hea-t oi Hose city. Willi ail liiiprovrliirniai In and paid. Terms. HO00 cash and bal ance lo sulf. D.m't you csnuot f.n.1 a bargain any lunger, but cuius and set mis. HILI.ER BROS.. REALTORS. 814 Hallway Exchangs bldg. Mjln . Uranch office, .Mith and bandy. Talior HAVE NO KC'I'IKK K tASRfeTS. FOR l.tiKI CASH. We will build on a beautiful lnniionl ioi, ennsnced hy natures beaut), a modern d.iubie-ronstruiMed hunnltiw, to gether with garasc and cement drive ways, bungs'.ow lo have 3 lovetr be.- roonis. complete with bathroom, bulli-inl Kiicnen. breakfast nock and fireplsc price .!.. 0, JI.hi rash, balance I3i.'0 per mnriTit. including Interest. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., KKALTOUS. Ttrosrtwsy 47,', (in Henry Kilt CASH. 30 rooms. Isrge S-story build ing, corner. OllxliMI lot; streets paved: sew it In, paid; clone. in w-et side. Here Is an exceptional opportunity for world fair money maker. Price only $..i0; easy terms. S. W. corner Grant and Hood sts. Owner, MarsUali !tti, forenoons. RUNGAI.OW BARGAIN A f!e-ronin cosv home for yeif and I oils just neen newiv panned inside a out: lias hurdwuO'l floors, ha.f cemenil easement with wash tra. fireplace a French glass doois: an abundance berries and fruit: atreet paving a aewer and cement walks in and paid tor.l i-rice s.t.rfsi; liberal terma ive WEIISTKK L. KINCA1D. REALTOR. 401 Lewis Bldg. I'lloli. Broadway 4735. HOSE CITY PARK. ROSE CITY PAHK. LA UR ELM I" R.ST. LAURELHURST. If you are going to buy In either se rf thene dlslrlcta, see us. We have th- Urgent llstlnicft. Many real bsraalni-.l Phone now. Positively no obligation A. O. TEEPE CO.. Realtors Insurance. 270 Stark St.. near tin. Main 0M. Branch office. 40th and Sandy. Tabor HMitl. HL'V FHOM OWNKU TuM rompli'trd, double constructed with paper bftweon: mod-rn R-rr huntralow : flrp.are. bookm. wrltln : rienk. buiTt. puiii-lfM din hi a room, sou hrd wood floors, lutrh k it eh en, br.ik ft nook, (able and benches; tnslds ai outside entrance to full cement ba mrnt. wash lry beautiful electric ti turrs; all roomn nicely finished In loryj at front; wnlks; 1 block south AH'Tt car. lull K. I'Sth N. Auto. al'-OI; $J7Ui frms. pen 3 to ff V. M. OWNER WILL SAfKIKirE POHTI.AM II KKiHTS HOMB Owner leavinst. wlil sll far below ir f uk I valu iuoflfrn home In fine c d it Ion. large living room, library, din I tnc rortin, brenkfasf room, kltrhen. bedrooms and bathroom, extra toilet an i entra lavatory, old ivory finish, hanl wood floors, f Ireplar. furnace, lara gxrage. beautiful groundK. for price an i terms call nwnT Mar NEW UNt;AI,VH. 12 In Hawthorne $4(M to IrtT.-VfJ. 11 In Host uy MihHj to Ifl.'.tK). 4 In Mt. Hcott IlhmhI to $.1mh. Th-H ure all attractive little horo-- If they are not the utm thai you looking for we will build to suit In an location that you mny desire, S-a HKI'CN HOLMAN, I'.KAI.TOH. 20f Failing Hid Main r.SL'l inVINiTON. CAHU. This ts one of Irvlngton'a finest home- ail large rooms. 2 fireplaces. Fr rioora hardwood floors st.d Ivory fin." throughout, large Inclosed porch, fu laNement. grounda are tiSillO, 1 blm from Irvlngton or Hroadway ram; ho in perfect con flit Ion irotde and ouU MrlHiNAM). K AST 411 K()T( AI.E Money -ma king placa; UM.ut fu! place to ;!: - lots, 4-rootn bung: low. 11 big cherry Ireen; crop goes wis place; ull kinds h-iries. other frur distance ited tollege, nlso b public school in Portland. I.'3hi tern or discount for cash, ll.iu lJbe Wood lock tar to 4itth ave., t bloc) W t-St. EXTRA CIlOK'K HOME. One-half acre covered with bruhber fruit, nuts, flowers, girtlen. 7-room ino ern hone, larg iMirth!. furnsc1. fir- place, large i tic. gnrage, pa vrd i 1I kit. car; $A7.MI, $litoo vttnh. ha I. mor g.tge. This is an exceptional proper k iru e a no location fns in eren R M OATKW(on A t'O , 4'h ROSE '"IT Y PARK. fl -room l.uinyilow on the hill Just e A hi meda drive; all Imnrovementa la nld for: a strictly modern large bu gatlow. un to the minute In every detsl a real nome, qoi a cneap p-acs; Tabor 3:.ld THAT VACANT X.OT. Why nut turn a burden info Incorm We difign and build a part me nt a, g Tsii;es, re-ild'-nf-ea, anything; rurnt plans snd finan-e-j. IWm tiMhe1 In We offer SEi I RITY. HKKVIt K. HA ' ISKATION. U It. Bally Co.. l4 N. Hnk bidg. $3M0 TERMS. COSV I.ITTLE WlOW ULNiAl.uw five rortna. large uvn room, fireplace, bookcasea, dlnlnr rn Iurrh kitchen, pasn pantry, 'J large Iv" rooms, baa. ment, furnace, trays, full ) fruit, fiowera, lawn, 2 blocks to pk-iant neighborhood : a horn you nev-ir want to part with. Call Ma I KVINGTON. A strlctlv modern pr ssed brlrk hou 7 rooms iNhf c rten. sewing roon closets in each bedroom, two baths; f basement Is second to none: garsae. AOkltM) feet. To reproduce thin proper would cost $1tl.Oin, prli-e $'MHX, tern. R. M. C.ATEWOOP A CV, Ift.' 4rh VOIR OlTOriTI'MTT. 7-ltoom Irvlngton Bungalow. $7l'i0. Price reducrd by $1oo for quick aa' Modern to every detail. Don t rail see this tf you want real barg.iln. 8 thla at "18 V'Mt at. X. and then owner. L. R. ftailev. K A ST I R VI NO TO N. ft-room bungalow, furnace, flrepla. garaae. enameled, papered throug hou I hreM kfast nook, sleeping porch ; leaving for California has reduced pr. for quick sale. m.i -Mar. tsoi. J. B. ROCK. I.KT I'S build your home to suit your ouirements, more man saimneo cui tomer-i are living In hmes bunt by builder. Wo now hav. 1 1 home und I conatructlon. $-JO(M to J..POO. piesj Ultl'CK HOLM AN. REALTOR 2no Fa'llng Hldg. Main S?T EASY terms, beautiful, new. che clean and claey bungalow, now uni construction; if you want a new hou I a wav below the msrket, aee this once: north Peninsula p-trk, near sch. and Industrial cetttsr. Call lti4& Mias aippt avenue. PY OWNER. WONDERFUL LOCATION. S-mom nous and 2 .n! hsrdwond floor. E Harris' :Mih st. f'hons KHlwood 4. a. OOD ft-rm. houne. garaire and rhlcs house, lot M'XM'ti; anunnanc. iruit h, rrles: 2 blocks to car: osser out ntv and will sacriflc. for l.'40. i: down, balance like rent. See K. K. Je M'7 (. orhett hid.?. Miin 7M1 fiKOOM hou(-e, siccpm por n. sun ptu with six iot a. nearins; irun treaa. nrtd brrlea. chirkrn houwa and ru lawn, rnsea. etc. $:000 (iwner laavl city, must aril. Auto.6M-l $2700 MT TADR TERMS. 7 rooms, stss, elfctrlclty. piumbtnr lota aewnr and street paia; your t terms: cut fur larse cash payment, ll Et nt ti1t st South HOt'SB TLANS. "Dlatlnrtiva Homes," Illustrated Of ov r 100 r1enl(7ns. $1: blueprint. DISTIX TINW MIE!r CUM PANT. P24 NortnwfwTTti i mnk H'dtr. 2. ROOM house. $ K :0 ; $ 1 .") rt o month; Isrve lot with fruit and gard 2 hlorkt from Ht. Johns rarhne. A. AKKHSON, 420 Henry hldg. KENTON HARG.UX. New 5-room hiinslow, 5 25 ft. U corner, c. oared, r Hallrk ft.. b:o met of K ento n h o u -I ; ; . f w i, tt rmi. KI" 0-ronm modern b'jnKslow. hardn floors. Hose City., easy ten I M aln8:!t0. LITTLE low. 2 lot. re ns ti and i3d ivi. 6. &. Lcr