tiie 'aioimxG oregoxiax, Saturday, juxe is; 1021 " 17 RENT. FumUhed Apartment. STBLWTX APTS. HIGH-CLASS. Resident and summer homes for tran sient and tourist; handsomest furnished pts. in the city; no objection to child under 2 years; 1 to 5-room apts., with sleeping porch; we also have bachelor a pts. end service: single rooms end bath for refined gentlemen; references re quired. Marshall 2830. 160 St. Clair St., corner "Washington. VERY CLASSY FURNISHED 4-ROOM MODKRN APARTMENT. $50 PER MONTH. ALSO ONE FOR $55. THERE ARE NONE BETTER. BATH, REFRIG ERATOR. GARBAGE LIFT, BEDROOM AND DAVENPORT. FIRST-CLASS JAN ITOU SERVICE GUARANTEED, CLEAN. LIGHT. AIRY. ALL OUTSIDE ROOMS. YOU'LL LIKE THEM. MAIN P.Ul. THE COLUMBIAN, 11TH AND COLUM BU. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 180 VlsLa ave. near 23d and Washington st ; high-class apartment house; one 3-room beautifully furnished in wicker furni ture, with good nigs; fine view; eutside oaicony; must be seen to be appreciated. viii aiain 3b3. NO IIHOXK I.V.Vl"HRMTrf)'. 6-ROOM R-RXISHHO APARTMENT. $75; wet side, walking distance; all outside rooms, front ooreh and sleeoln porch; 3 1edrooms, plenty of heat and "ni water: stead v tenant; must Doanuiis. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH THE JACKSON. 51 Union Ave North Three-room a pts.. (30 and $40: private oatn. steam beat, hot and coid wate phone service; 15 minutes' walk to Mb ana Aider. Rose City car. East 2846. BUENA VISTA APTS 434 Harrison St. Strictly modern 2 and 3-room apts. n wlr Dane red in taoestrv: outs id kitchen and tiled bathrooms. $50 and ap; sduits. Main 1052. 3 LARGE outside rooms, well furnished, Balcony, large bath room, kitchen pantry; electricity for cooking; rent rea sonao.e to responsible narue Call an ace at 204 Madison sL. near Hawthorne bridge. THE PARK.. Strlctl v tirmtfcAojs artartmenr. 3 or rooms, with bath, furnished or unfur nished ; fireplace, many other features q to ..a. 3.13 Harrison. Mar. las. THE DEZENPORF APTS. 308 lth.. near Tavlor. Mar. 12ft. Nicely furnished 5 -room aots. lor real dent or transient and tourist: no ob jection to children; walking distance. 3 ROOMS and bath In Al condition; white enamel, nicely furnished, cool and pleas ant; reasonable rent if taken at once Irvington district; 514 Hancock sL Ap- P'y janitor, in basement. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. Two rooms furnished, hardwood floors, elevator, strictly modern; all outside wa'King a i stance, asti Third sL, corner Montgomery. Ni'- E, clean 1. 2. 3-room ants., one ant private entrance, private bath, hot and cold water all rooms, -hone service; prices reasonable. Lawn apes., 53 N. ISth t. Hroaciway 20fi4. WILL sublet for long period my well and privately furnished apt; 4 large attrac tive rooms; piano and other desirable home tike features, west side; $75. BF i Jb. oregonian. TO SUBLET. For from 2 to U months, completely and beautifully furnished 4-room corner apt., on nrst noor or frame bidg. Rent s.O. Call Bdwy. 2766 or Bdwy. 2761 THE CHELTENHAM. 4 and 2 -room a pts., all outside; hard wood floors, new furnishing. 19th and Ncrth ni p. Bdwy. 3 (1 58. u.t .MCh 3-room apartment and one 2 room apartment, just vacated ; only 10 minutes' walk from Broadway, Phone Broadway 4f'3. KINGS HILL. Attractive well and personally fur- - nisnea apt. to sumet; large rooms. Main 7020. or Main 5126. WILL sublet well furnished 2-room apart ment for summer months to single man or married couple. Low rent. Main 3S57. Ka-t 1I5L HISLOP HALL. 4104 Hawthorne ave.. near Grand ave KtdiUiuily clean, strictly modern 3-room turn. pis.. oo a month up. East 8S2 LA MBROOK APTS., 430 EAST YAMHILL STREET. For rent, reasonable, two-room . nished ant. Call East 402. fur- MULTNOMAH APTS.. 223 Market St., near Second; under new management: completely furnished 3-room a pts. ; rea sonable. NICE -3 AND 4-ROOM APTS. WALKING DISTANCE. BERKELEY APARTMENTS. 39 Trinity Place. Mar. 1050. THE WHEELlmjN ANNEX. Corner 10th and Salmon; 2. 3 and 4 room apts ; permanent or transient; also single rooms. Main 6641. . BOZAXTA APARTMENTS. Nicely furnished 3-room apartment, all outside windows. 1S9 N. 23d st. Mar shall 2945. THE EVERETT. ' (144 Everett St., furnished 3-room apt. with sleeping porch. All outside rooms. Wa.klng distance. -ENTIRE upper floor apt, lovely home, garage, adults, lovely place for em ployed people. East 548. 711 East Ankeny. FURNISHED 2-ROOM APT. Steam heat. $30 to $40. including Dhon and lights. Adults only. The Lincoln, 4th ana Lincoln. ARLINE APTS. 17TH AND LOVE JOT. Two and 3-room apts. All clean and modern at reasonable rent. Bdwy. 1 8 1 WILL sublet well furnished 2-room apart ment for summer months to single man . or married couple. Low rent. M 3057. East 1131. will, suoiet aesiraoie lurnisned tt-room apartment, west side, for months of Ju and August. Rent $125. A 73d. Ore gonian. 3-ROOM apartment, private bath phone, $:.' per month. Todd apts., cor' ner n.. l-tn ano star. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. . 2 and 3-room strictly modern, elevato tile bath. 11th and Montgomery. M. 3&. THE STANFIELD. Modern two-room apts. light, heat. phone, low rent, aiam i3UZ. FURN. apt., large room, kitchenette, dress ing room, oa in connected, nrst noor. 4s Taylor yt. COLLEGE i rooms, modern, walking dis tance; free pnone, steam ana hot water ad and college. Alar, oooo. AiODERN 3-room apt., completely fur nitfhed; an outside windows. 700 Flan ders st. r"none Marshall inot. JrOK RENT 3-room furnished apartment, light, heat, hot and cold water furnished. Call lO'.'H Hawtnorne ave., apt. A. AND 3 ROOM apartments, nicely ranged; reasonable rates. Marshall 2006. 110 N. 23d st. FOR RENT Three-room anartmenr nicely furnished exclusive district. 5U4 Everett st. rnone unwy. 3j.s. si AN THORN Aria. Nicely furn.. utri.-t ly modern 3-room apt., 2 beda, private Da I cony. -oi i-tn st. LUX Oil APARTMENTS. THIRTEENTH AND CLAY STS. Three-room front apt., strictly modern. ONE LARGE room with kitchenette, light, pnone, narnwooa iioors, walking dis tance, .ju ..QTtn itn st. DIEL APTS. 790 E. Ankeny: modern mm fur. 3-roora apt., clean, light, airy. East CUMBERLAND APT. 2 and 3-room furnished apts., walk- ms. aiHumig r rat r i i ana toiumoia MORTON APTS. Three-room furnished apartment. Washington street. Main 1082. 697 Unforpiihed A part men t s. CHETOPA APARTMENTS. Lrge 4-room apartment, in first-class condition; newly painted and tinted, gas range and refrigerator furnished; come and see it. Broadway 4030. 3 LARGE rooms, also extra large sleeping porch, unfurnished apartnjent: hot water heat: fine corner: dandy place. See this. Adults. am Aipma. .viiattlssippl car. ALVA RA DO APTS.. 730 EVERETT ST. Elegant 6-room duplex apartment; will give lease. See Mr. Ballis. Wakefield, Fries A Co.. Realtors. H.t Fourth st: TOR S-ROOM unfurnished apt., 5th floor; very desirable; all newly painted. Phone East B-ROOM apartment; 2 bedrooms: front and back porches; gas stove ; modern , reference, obi Glisan st. 3 AND 4-ROOM modern unfurnished aota. reasonable rates to desirable parties. Wa. veny court. Kast th and Canton sts. ONE NICE large 2-room apt., water, elec tric lights and free bath. Woodlawn p?nrj. iviuings w o rt n. LORENZO apt 427 Salmon St., Main S07S. I'n furnished 2-room front apt.; water. iiK d t. pnone; aauns. 3-ROOM apt.. $20 month. Call mornings oerore io;30 A. M. 4t014 Larrabee st. No children. THE MORDAUNT. ISth and Everett Large 4-room unfurnished modern art., re tin ted, hardwood floors. Anto ."27-1 0. FOR 3-ROOM unfurnished apt., very desirahU 42." West Park. Main 2720 or Marshall UPPER 4-room apt.; beat. light, walking dlst. 724 K. Burnside. East 46T5. THE AMERICAN, modern and 5-room apartment. Bdwy. 33rt0. FOR WELLINGTON COURT. 521 Everett; four ano live-room apts.. including telephone. PARTNOMAH. 9 and 4 room a walking distance; adults 200 E 13th. DAY TON A PTS. Modern 6-room a part ment. $70. 662 Flanders. Bdwy. 3134. 4- R-M APT. : hardwood floors, breakfast nook, sleeping porch. Call Wdln. 3043. HANDSOME large apt., $40. 721 Haw thorn ave. Last 6266. FOR FOR RENT. UnftrmYpfd A partment. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 1K6 Vista ave.. near 23d and Washington, high class apartment bouse; three or four room unfurnished apartments with dis appearing bed in living; room, also bed room. Call Main 3833. Finlhd or Cnf umtwhed Apartment. CAMBRIAN. Strictly first-class, furnished or unfur nished, 2 and 3 -room apartments, close in. s.o to shall 240$. 73. 433 Columbia, Mar- JAEGER APTS.. 701 Washington, one fur nished and one unfurnished apt. FINE 3-room, batn ana dressing room, hardwood floors, newly kalsomined. East 3782. GARFIELD, 3 and 4 rooms, sleeping porch. 301 Failing, bloclc west Union. 4-ROOM upper flat, modern. 1042 Bel mont, Sunnyside car. Tabor 1065. UPPER unfurnished, 6 rooms and bath; adults only. 535 E. Stark. 2-ROOM flat, bath, pantry; adults only. 910 Vfr Williams ave.. after 6:30 P. M. FOR RENT 5 -room lower flat, good con dition. 201 San Rafael st. . 5 ROOMS, pleasant corner, coils, furnace, date rent July 1. East 8007. LIGHT, clean 4-room flat. 14244 Sandy blvd.. corner 62d : Rosa City Park. 123.30. 6-KOoM flat. 2d and Montgomery. Al con dition, $35; worth $.o. East mm a. Fnrntifhed Flats, CLEAN, modern, cheerful, attractive four rooms, sleeping1 porch, bath, front Dai cony, fine view, private basement space, west side, walking, distance, near Carni val park. Adults; reference. 404 Hall. near lath. FL R N I SH ED very d esi ra ble f ou r- room Hat: will sublet by month or summer to adults; references: s.o a montn. uai ot- fire hours. Main 04QQ. FURNITURE of 5-room modern flat for sale, whole or by the piece; nat rent for $21. 335 Cook ave.. between Union and vumamg. THRRE outside room flat, clean, well fur nished, gas, electric ngnts. pnone, laundry room, lawn; aauas oniy, Ka.fi S58. VERY desirable flat in Irvington; 5 rooms and sleeping porch, everything furnished except linen. jan at NEATLY furnished 6-rm. flat, piano, Vic- trola, v0 per month, iwi liraua ave., corner or Oregon, khw jw. 4-ROOM upper flat. 296 Tillamook st $40 per mo. call at premises or see waKPiiftio, r Ties at o.. gi in si. FINE 5-rm. flat to uiblct, near 2Sd and Kearney; two porches, mahopany furni ture; very cnoice, .Mar. ovii; $Cn 3 ROOMS, moaern, ciean, completely lurnlsnen; aauits oniy; laae u unapman car. 574 Mill St. FIVE-ROOM flat, furnished; gas. light "bath Included; no ehimren wantea. E. 27th. Phone Eart 6132. CLEAN well-furnished modern 4-room flat walking distance. 690 E. Morrison. ast R5S4. $47. 3-ROOM furnished flat, modern; no chil dren. M)6 E. 220 st. So. FOR RENT Completely furnished 4-room flat, walking distance. East nu. 4-ROOM furnibhed flat, piano, $35. Apply fter 6:30 P. M. Marshall 3i"J5. FOUR-ROOM fiat, nicely furnished, mod em. 61t commercial st. rnone 5-ROOM fiat for rent, furniture for sale cheap; close in. .ast no. ROOM flat for rent, some furniture for sale 16Ki Grand ave. FOR RENT1 4-room furnitthed flat with bath; adults. East 370. 3-ROOM modern, clean; whole floor to it self; adults only. fi4'$ Mill, cor 39th. Houwekef ping Rooms. FURNISHED h. k. room a 1 room with kitchenette, not ana com water; private phone, electric lights, steam heat: five minutes walk to town. 201 Columbia, near th. CLEAN, desirable furnished h. k. room. nice kitchen, lovely location. FarK ave nue, 7W. Close City park, half block from C. C. car; reasonable. Phone 2!ain 4278. WEST SIDE, two large newly tinted front rooms on second rloor:- summer rates. Hendricks Apts.. 15th and Flanders. Tei- ephone Broadway I4i. WK.LL furnished and thoroughly cleaned Inrge 2-room housekeeping apt., hot and ccld water, every convenience. 307 Ciay St.. near 1 3th. Mar. 3H2. 2 AND 3 housekeeping rooms, hot and cold running water, free phone, especially clean, under new management; reason able rent. 83 N. 2lst st. K'KLY furn., clean h. k.. 2 rooms. 1 front lance, $6: also sleeping. $3 up; house under new management. 482 Wash Broadway 8231. WO nice. lare furnished house kee bin ronnu on lower Poor: ail modern con venience: very reasonable. 124 E. Main, cor. 22d. Tabor A .-:. WHY GO on east side for cheap rent You can get on west Mae; dance hail with fireplace, kitchenette. $o week. 20S Washington street. THE BEAVER. 12th ano Marshall Fur lushed h. k. rooms. $13 up. including hot water, electric lights, laundry room. PARTLY furnished housekeeping rooms, water In, gs ranges ; pre-war prices. 1 63 First, cor. Morrison. EXTRA well-furnished h. k. room, neat and clean; $1S and up; steam heat, hot and cold water. J. Everett. WEST SIDE, nicely furnished housekeep ing room, t-v; nsnis, gua, pnone inciud ed. Marshall aoj. CHEAP h. k. rooms, children welcome free phone, bath, laundry room. 160 ShermH n. aiarsnan jh. TWO front rooms, nrst noor, $30; room and kitchenette. -; single room $15. tioo r landers . FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, single or in Uiits, ana up. tio-i ci. Alor r:son. Kucaeye apts. TWO FRONT rooms for housekeeping single room, all convenience. 314 6th st $5 WEEK UP. completely furnished b. k. suites ine taamic. oa near Jefferson. FURNISHED h. k. rooms, $3.50 per week ana u p. re " aaummun mi. 327 6TH ST. LARGE, attractive room : fireplace; kitchenette. WELL furnished front room for house- keep tingrentreasnaoie;oHGc o u c h . CLEAN funished housekeeping rooms, rea son a b 1 e. 372H awOiorne . TWO FUR. hotiwekeepjng rooms for rent &00 Mill st. jaar. ).. NICELY furnished h. k. rms. 376 Yara- hilL CLEAN single h. k. rm $4.30 per week. CLEAN steam-healed h. k, room, $12 a montn up. i-t i.n st. LARGE light modern room for housekeep Ing. uo i weirtn street. 3 FUR N3SH ED h. k. rms. for rent. $20. 424 'N.-24th st- all Main GMT. 141 ELEVENTH st., $8.25 week; two-room h. k. suite: elec. bath. H. K. ROOMS: children welcome. 171 X. 17th st. Broadway 187 FURNISH BD h. k. rooms. 31.75 per week up; electric lights. 3JVa ltt- $20 THREE furnished rooms, electric ights. gas, ground floor. 10t N. IStn Housfkeping Rooms In Private Family. NICELY furnished and clean; couple of 2- room outside apts.. adjoining bath; large closets, gas range, also a nice outside sleeping room with running water. 263 l ltn st.. near Jetferson JUST what you have been looking for. clean and nicely furnished n. k. rooms in desirable residence district at :020 B. Main at., cor. 34th. Hawthorne car. 2 CLEAN, light, airy housekeeping rooms, 1 single room, outside entrance, free phone, with or without garage. Phone East 2619. 4-ROOM flat, partly furnished or unfur nished, $17 per month; also one H. K.. room furnished 6S2 East Taylor COMFORTABLE furnished room with use of kitchenette; walking distance; rent $12. Main 7343. H. K. ROOMS, double and single, private noma, otw Everett. , SINGLE h. k. rooms, suitable for bachel or. 154 N. 18th st. ONE FRONT h. k. room, reasonable. 605 Davis, near L'lat st. and V ashington. IRVINGTON nicely furnished h. k. outside rooms, all conveniences. East 4818. ONE LARGE h. k. room complete. 314 Mill st. TWO FURNISHED h. k. rooms; adults only; reasonable. 6i0 E. Burnside. ONE LARGE h. k. room and kitchenette in quiet piace. neat ana clean. 472 Main 2 CLEAN rooms, ground floor, private en trance; aauits. rjast i io. ROOMS 1 r. plastered. 2 unfinished; $25 a month. 543 S2d et. Call little s t ore a c r osaroa d. RENT 8-rm. house, modern A-l condition; fine yard and fruit. 341 Eu gene st. Kant 4277. 5-ROOM house to rent, walking distance. io party oujma- lumuure. siou down balance $1-. 12 months. 4.?4 11th st. MODERN s-room house: sleeping porch. "to rt. oom ax. ., ceaumoQt. Tabor 3;2. SALE or will lease 6-room modern in irvingTon district, van iK E. 18th st. N . or Woodlawn 2 .' fU . ODERN 7-room house, just vacated, good district, moderate rent. Call at 822 Com mercial st. " lA-KOOM house, modern, walking dis tance. 701 First st. Phone 310-01. ROOM cottage for rent, $20. SOth st. 540 East RENT 5-room bungalow. 390 Eat xeata rorvo, scar uruaawajc. FOR RENT. Houses, BUNGALOW DE LUXE. Select part of Irvington ; 8 rooms; beautiful furniture and hangings, prac . tically new. hardwood floors through out, garage; extra large, light closets Gasco furnace; $ 1 50 Main 5004. 6-ROOM house, modern, cor., fine lawn; lots of shade and cherries; just tinted and renovated. 320 E. 3: id st. Call Sat. and Sunday. 1 blk. south of Hawthorne ave. 142.50 per month. CALL BROADWAY 680 FOR NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO, LI G H T PO V K R H EAT. WASHINGTON AT 10TH ST. FOR RENT 4-room house, $15 per month; a'so beautiful new California bungalow for sale, now under construction; price 13.0. easy terms. .164'5 Mississippi ave.- 7-ROOM house, ens and bath, full base ment and laundry trays; a barn and i chicken yard, some fruit, good garden. Call Marshall 1898. Mr. Torson. FOR RENT-July" IsL 8-room house for .u. including garage; party remind must buy 2 cords of wood In base ment. Sellwood 1410 NICELY furnished modern 7-room house. lease for one or two years, adults only. $75 per month. 173 E. 20th st. East I 4H72. ELK TRANSFER STORAGK CO. 13 days' at or as-a free. Forniture moving for less. Bdwy. 244 MOVING Pianos, furniture and long-dls-tance'hauling a specialty. C. sz W. Truck Meryice Co., 40 lm st. tnone anwy, 3-ROOM house, watur and garbage re moved; adults, $3U; east siae, near j- ferwon high. 145 E. Webater. w. WHEN moving, city or country, get the best at lowest price. Green Trana Ce., Alain i-'tu. itiui Aider st. Furnished Howtcs. PARTICULAR PARTIES WANTING TO PURCHASE OR LEASE ONE OF THE REAL BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOWS I BEST IRVINGTON DISTRICT. FUR NISHINGS INCLUDED IF DESIRED, CAN SECURE ATTRACTIVE. LOW PROPOSITION DIRECT FROM OWN ER. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION GIVEN. YOUR CLOSE INSPECTION INVITED. 872 EAST SIXTEENTH NORTH. FOR RENT July 1 for one year. 8-room r". ,'Z. X .n o niinoa lar viacoia.eItieep3n;anpeorcn andgaraXr handsomely furnianed noma witn a nre 1 17 h 1 1 v Mvraar UMiri ,Mi I a wn nnwri ann i shrubbery; wet aide. Nob Hill district reference required. Phone Main 152 1 from 0 to 5. Main 3237. Aak for Mr. Os- borne. NEAR MULTUOMAH STATION. BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED A pnnmi and enclosed sleenlnE DOrch. also garage; about 4 acre of ground. all in fruit and garden; $0 per inontn. inpliidlnr lieht raft water and tele phone; rent 3 months, maybe longer. Call Marshall 3074. .rF4T. KITVTMPlR "HOME In exclusive residential district on block of ground ; elegantly iumisneo. grand piano, Victrola; 4 bedrooms. Kienlnc imreh eraraze. children s play house, with enclosed yard in rear; all kinds of fruit trees and berriee; July i I to Sept. 1. wootilawn J -1 -J. NICELY furnished 7-room house in good west side dist., $75 per montn on a year lease. r-nt to Sept. 1: $0 per nio. Mr. Pomroy. THOMSON & T HU41SU, KB.Abiutto, 020 Henry Bldg. 1 Broadway 4S80. FURNISHED house, good neighborhood; 5 large rooms, easily neatea, on paveo street and car line: shade and fruit tree". flowers and garden plot; just decorated throughout; lease oniy sju per montn. Tabor 1702. EIGHT-ROOM house, furnished: fruit, ber ries, cow included: it per montn; gar den and chicken for sale cheap. Ask for Maybury at Bertha iitaiion or can at 'no Jtffr9nn street. vn v r.ROOM furnished house ; fruit and flowers: no objection to cnnaren; 4u. including water. 1100 Hawthorne ave. May be een after 7 P. M. Phone Bdwy. 1T9. " HOUSE FOR RENT Portland Heights, completely fur nished. room house for months of July and August, . garage, reasonaDie rent. Phone Marshall 503i. . ujnir.nv hnm cnmfortablv furnished. In orettlent Dart or lrvjwgton; immeoiaie poettesdlon; $33 per month. 523 E. 21st N. Phone East 1607. 8-ROOM modern, partly rurnished house. 2 flreD aces, piano, located on r-orxiana Heights. $33 per month. 409 Bucking - nam vo, -i i ona.it , w. tpitt? vich Efi modern home of i rooms; nice vard. walking aiatance. gooa neign borhood: will rent for 2 or 8 months to adults. Call Auto, -n-g.,. nrwr mrtdprn house, beautifully fur- nihri- B-mnd nlano. sewing machine. near car; 1 or 2 families; adults. 1113 E 13th N. BEAUTIFUL, thoroughly modern, com- I pletely turnisneo eignt-room nomc Aia meda district, for July and August. Call afternoons. 702 East ztn st. irvington well furnished 7-room modem house: will suit particular people; rent I for summer months to responsible sdu.t family; references. SI1 Haisey. m. 3 will ront mv home In Irvington. strictly i modern, with garage, piano, from June 20th to Sept. 1st for $5 month to re- sponsible party. East 1185. 5-ROOM furnished house, water, garbage n moved: adults. $43; east side, ntar .? f f e rpo n high. 147 E. Webster. W. 3662 FOR RENT 5-room completely furnished house for 2 montns oeginnmg June -i. $23 a month. 33a ivy street. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, neatly fur nished. $30. 88 Beryl terrace. Take Montavllla depot car to E. 85th. NICELY furnished house for rent during - .i rr- i tt-iAii i i n .. ... I summer mamas, muur ioib i Market. T.Rnmr hoiioe. well furnished, clean : garage,, fruit, walking distance; adults oniy. East SoS. T?rvovi furnished cottage. Sunnyside; references; no children; $40. Tabor 219 1 or Auto. 213-51. r..RoaM modern, well-furnished house; fine location in Irvington. for July and A ugust. East t.v. vi on w. u v .ix-room furnished house with uleeDing porch for July and August. 789 Division, cor. 24th, or Sellwood 2404. FURNISHED modern house for the sum- ner; responsioie party; aauits oniy. luu Tabor 4;fS3. S-Iai'OM modern house, garage; will lease for year. Inquire at 35fl East 42d. la- formatlon. key. Tabor jlHHl. NICE 6-rooni furnished no use. modern ; big yard; walking distance. 327 S. 17th st.. west sme. 7-ROOM bungalow completely furnished. 727 East 7-d st. diock rrom sanoy; references required. Tabor 2600. HOUSE for rent, 3 large furnished rooms. lower floor; warning distance to town. Call after Sunday. 4i0 E. Burn.gide. 3-ROOM furnished bungalow. 1055 Haw thorne, oetween i.nn aim win, 3 ROOM cottage; also 3-room apartmnt. 51 4 H E. lBt st. car. FURNISHED bungalow, 7SS Overton at. near Ztn; garage; win lease; 8-ROOM furnished house. 365 Haisey St., ioar Union ave. 5-ROOM furnished house, modern, yard; mmt reasonaoie. :ii .narnei si. FURNISHED 4-room house for rent. In quire ll.t r.. i-tn st. mnrnings. 5-ROOM and bath, comfortably furnished. close m. ror partie-mars ,,r'i, -"ar. ..nw. FURVlSHEDi 5-rm. house for rent. Call DPtween l ami - u liui rv. o-r.. aiih. HouKt-a for Rent Furniture for bale. Q-room house, modern, furnace and elect. 1-year lease; rurniture tor saie; oeus new 2 months ago. Near Good Samari tan hospital. Marshall 2504. NINE-ROOM boarding house for rent, all furniture, including piano, ior sale at $700; rent $30 at present; 15 boarders. Inquire 801 Mississippi ave. -ROOM house for rent, furniture for sale; in close: phonograph and sewing ma chine: cash or time; $T50 cash, $700 time. 707 First st. S. 6-ROOM lower flat to party buying furni ture: west side, close in. aiain Summer Resorts. FOR RENT At Beach Center, Wash.. clean 4-ropm cottage, near ocean ; run ning water, sink, 3 beds. $70 for season or $''-0 for 2 montha Write A. L. Schiller. Gresham. Or., route 4. FOR RENT At Seaside. 4-room cottage furnished ; not ana coia water, natn. electric lights. East 644. or East 2088. FIVE-ROOM house, furnished, near beach. for season. Appiy u. rreeman, dox owi, Seaside. Or. , COTTAGE to rent, facing ocean, modern improvements, a beds, r. a. s. Kock away. Or. FOR RENT 5-room modern cottage. Bay Ocean, Aug. 1 to Sept. 15, $50. Sellwood 1478. MACLEAN'S CAMP, OSWEGO LAKE. Suiamer cottages for rent by month or season. See caretaker on grounds. &EAV1EW, WASH. 7-room Gibson cot tage for season. 1103 Williams ave. Woodlawn 1705. CANNON BEACH Secure . your tent houses now; also one 16x32 house. For particulars. C. L Wingard. 553 M orrl so n. SEASIDE -Modem 5-room cottage, near ocean; also small cottage tor season. Eayt 74 M. FOR SALE Lots 16 and IV, block 55. Rockaway 200 Concord bldg. SEA VIEW, Wash. 6-room cottage rent, furnished. Main 113. for OCEAN CREST, h. k. apts. Phone 614-10H Address ocean Crest. Rockaway, Or. SEASIDE, midern cottage and 2-room apt., near ocean. Tabor 7371. SUMMER cottage on Oswego lake; good car service to city. Broadway 3015. OCEAN PARK. Wash.. 7-room cottage' nicely furnished. Broadway 4329. FOR RENT. Summer Hesorts. AN IDEAL -topping place at Seaside, "The Pine Lodge," large, commodious summer home. 1 block from ocean, 2 blocks from Broadway; large lobby, 2 fireplaces, bath, shower bath and tennis court, large grounds; raes, $2 per day up. with kitchen privileges. Mrs. Flora Fergu son, manager. MAKE VACATION TIME A PLEASURE. The Ocean- Club Mansion at Classic Ridge beach; Nehalem, Oregon (via Til lamook train), opens July 1. Prices rea sonable. For reservations address O. C. M. or J. H., L. H. Edwards. 105 4th street at Morrison. Main 7202. LONG REACH NORTH BEACH INN. Directly facing ocean. Surf bathing. Large shady grounds. Rooms $1.50 day and up. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING TENTS. $10 week. Hotel Ockley, Port land, or N. B. Inn, Long Beach. Wash. GEARHART 8-room nouse. furnished; beach lot facing ocean; $3340: purchaser assumes street improvements. C. B. Wood worth, 214 Spalding bldg.. Port la n d. M a i n 7191. - FOR RENT UNTIL JULY 10. Cottage at Saltalr (Tillamook beach), $10 per week. Phone East - 7-ROOM flat, completely furniuhed. beau- tirul home and income irom reniea rooms: strictly modern, close in. on west side; $500 down. Mills, 604 Everett st. HOUSE of 3 rooms, furnished housekeep ing, located close to beach; line view, rent for season $73. Particulars address J. C. Elliott. Long Beach. Wash. FOR SALE or rent, nice comfortable sea- view Washington cottage; ironts on tne ocean. Call East A87tf. W. - Hull, ,72i Schuyler street, FOR RENT Seaside, week-end in June; clean, furnished cottage. 4 peas; aiso for month of August. Tabor .2001 eve nlnrs. FOR RENT New. nifty 3-rxn. apartments. with fireplaces, furnished; good location. 7:t6 7th st. Rox 5(i6. Seaside. FOR RENT Modern cottage, Tillamook Beach. $H)0 per monUL laoor or G 73S. Qregonlan. MODERN' Seaside house complete; 3 bed rooms, garage. J. m .eynoius, xw Second ave.. Seaside, Or. GEA RHA RT MoCracken) cotage, on jdge for rent furniahed month Jly. 6-ROOM furn. cottage; bath, fireplace. Ocean parK. wasn. .war, ooi.y SEASIDE Convenient, comfortable, home like rooms. 3i first st. SEASIDE cottage with all new and modern conveniences. Marshall ow.'. Stores and Business Place. FOR RENT FRAME BUILDING. 50 BY 100, CORNER WILLIAMS AVE. AND WEIDLER ST.. M FEET OFF BROADWAY. CALL TABOR 6413. OR MR. ASS MANN. MAIN 6007. LARGE storeroom with 7 living rooms; need good butcher snop'or casn-ano-carry grocery; also 7-room bungalow, on St. Johns ear. East 2081. FOR RENT Store room, best location Ir North End. See Walker. Portland -uaoor Agency, 11 North Second st. FINE top rloor. N W. heat, good light. 50x100. D. C. Wax, 24 N. 5th. Broad way 2730. FOR DESIRABLE space In fireproof ware house phone Broadway a uo, CORNER store, prominent street, good con dltlon; west aide: V-io. lapor iin FRONT offices, modern, in Railway Jx change bidg. Apply room aia. DESK room, with telephone and steno graphic service. Phone Bdwy jwio FRONT office furnished. 401 Stock Ex change bldg. BCS1XISSS OPPORTUNITIES. OFFICE manager who Is capable of as suming entire responsibility oi a trans portation company on ice; must oe quail fied to open full set of books; must fur nish surety bond; we prefer a manager who will become interested in tne com pany. Apply 4'JS W. Burnside. A PARTNER WANTED Auto tire store, vulcanizing, etc "WIT! sell equal half interest very reaaonani to get a steady partner. Will tac buver the business. Now making enoug to pay each partner $175 month. Call Koom 4Qi uiyum niag. WANTED Reliable men with bread deii ery routes to sil Favo-Ryte doughnuts on commission. W e have, we believe, th best douxhnut In Portland. Come and set us aoout it. iioerat commission. BAKE-R1TE FOOD PRODUCTS CO., 603 Title & Trust fcUdff. PARTNER FOR GARAGE. Partner wanted to sell the gas. oil: tiros, etc.. and be handy in the garage draw salary $40 week and divide prof its; $iooo required, can Koom ui ue- Kum plug. WELL advertised and most centraiiy cated woody ard in city, large country slab wood contract, big, steady, first class trade, plenty of order, reasons fo; selling; $2700 cash; no agenla AS 749, Orogonian WILL sell my general stock of merchan dise, shoes, dry goods, drugs and gro cerles at invoice; stock and fixtures wit invoice $8000 to SD000. AV 840. Ore gonian. LUNCH COUNTER AND FOUNTAIN Young man and wife or two girl hustlers, can make $400 per month $1500 cash will handle : west side Broadway. Woodlawn 6295. HERE IS A GOOD BUY. Cleaning and pressing shop, men's sec ond-hand clothing combined; price $500, $300 cash, balance terms; party leaving city. 301 First at. PARTNER WANTED. A wood business; need help of steady man willing' to work; good prof Its; $S00 required. Room 401 Dekum bldg. ' GROCER Y.cash and carry, dandy buy, good stock fixtures, - living rooms, do ing nice business, will invoice price askea. uniy uuv. an fa nam a oiag. 3d and Alder. LEASE and option on furnished dlnln, room, industrial center, established btu; ness ; called from city by death : will sacrifice for less t-han invoice. 412 N V.Kh st.. cor. Vaughn. A STEADY working partner wanted In general merchandise and manufactur Ing: must invest with services $ l.00 $2500; can find owner by addressing S i6V. uregonian. GROCERY AND POSTOFFICE. Jusroutside city limits; rerft $25: P. O, pays $50 month clear, store doing $30 day and up. stock and Ford delivery, shmu. Koora 4.u unam. or com. WANT party. $2000 or more, some sales Lbinty; Dona iuie, estaD. ; 4 years salary guaranteed; money returned ir not sat isned. uoriand & Parsons, 303 Stock Exch. Aut. 520-04. A SNAP if taken at once, grocery store and dwelling; lot uxiin: fruit and ber ries: will invoice stock: erood corner sell on account of sickness. Phone Colum bia 1 A BARGAIN. We have a wonderful hnrgaln for partnership n vulcanizing snop. Koom 43 1 Cham, of com. FOR SALE Soft drink, card room, res taurant and cigar stand, fine- location, next to Labor temple. First here gets pargatn ; no agents, inquire -io 3d POOL HALLS. We have pool halls large and small, both In and out of town. Room 437 Chamber of Commerce. QUICK, lunch and soft drink concession In public market. price S1300; some terms. Call 1 to 4 P. M. today. 200 Flitting bldg. $150 CASH will handle interest in doughnut stand in P. market, good op portunity if taken at once. J 730, Ore- go n la n. CLEANING, pressing and repairing shop Hoffman late model. like new : owner going to leave town; big discount for cash or terms. G 727. Oregonia n. I HAVE an excellent opening for a person with a little idle cash that can run a gas engine to make good money, 'easy. 1006 Mississippi avenue. WANTED Experienced man for estab llshed wood-working factory, to take half or whole interest, sooo to $5000 re quired. J. O. Gray Co., 718 Dekum bldg WANTED Partner for dance hall and academy : an excellent opportunity for a live wire. u -!'. qregonlan. IF YOU are starting a store call and see me at 836 East 30th st. I have a small stock of groceries; will sell ch ea p. FOR SALE Fruit and vegetable store, doing good business; good location. 789 Mississippi ave. PLUMBING SHOP, sacrifice, account of other business; take small car, part pay. ment. Quick Sales Land Co.. New berg. Or PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr, Dean, tteo ono a:id Morrison. FOR $3000 you can purchase a cash busi ness that will pay for itself in one year's time. H 747, Oregon ian. A CASH GROCERY. Receipts $50 to $60 day. A bargain today, nootn hm uexum mog. EXCELLENT hauling job, win stand rigid Investigation. 92 North 10th. RESTAURANT, small cash payment, b easy; terms. 24 North Sixth street. MILLINERY stock at invoice, doing good business. 620 Alberta et. BARBERS 2-chair shop, cash or terms; bad health reason for selling. 329 3d st. BLADE-GRJND1NO machine tor sale. -Sixth st.. between Stark and Oak. 86 LUNCH ROOM for sale, good location. cheap If taken at once. 1022 Mississippi. RESTAURANT for sale, cheap, good loca tion and trade, by oaec 240 Bumaide, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. GROCERT SNAP. LOCATED ON BUSY CARLINE: CASH AND CARRY BUSINESS; DOING $05 PER DAY. RENT $20 PER. MO. OWNER LEAVING CITY. IF SOLD ON OR BEFORE NEXT WEDNESDAY WILL SACRIFICE FIX TURES FOR $300 A.VD STOCK AT IN VOICE, LESS G: WILL CONSIDER FORD AUTO -AS PART PAYMENT. CALL COLUMBIA 4.5. LIGHT MFG. BUSINESS. Established mfg. concern has opening for steady, -hard worker who can invest $4500 cash, money to be used to expand the business; investment carries good job at clean, light work: we are man ufacturers of high-grade automobile ac cessories with a ready market, selling all over the United States; very seldom an interest of this kind is for sale; please do not answer unless you can devote your entire time and hard work to the pusmeas. X i44. orpgonian. RBTSTAURANT doing from $100 to $150 per day. will sell for $3500 cash on account of too much work on mv feet: every thing new. Write 219 West Main at.. Walla Walla. Wash. A GOING, live wire general store doing $150 daily, has 175 regular accounts, none over 20 riava: full eouioment. truck, wagon, fixtures and trade. $2000; stock groceries, teed, hardware, notions, arum, will invoice about $4000; P. O. in con nection; 3 to 5-year lease; good living rooms; rental $.0 month; some terms. e Carpenter today at Garden norae, Or., on O. E. Ry. No trades considered. BUSINESS CHANCE Local retail chain store company, wishing to expand, offers opportunity tor investment, can auuu your money In less than five years' time, has been oneratinir for oast ten years, invites the closest investigation. For further information see or write M. J Taylor Co.. 2i37 Colby ave., Everett. Wash. ... FOR SALE Fully eauiuoed and well es tabllshed tire and battery station In eastern Oregon town of about 3000 popu lation, surrounded by fruit, farming and stock raising; on Oregon Trail highway. wm sell either or botn departments $3500. Terms cash only. AV 837, Ore- gonian. IF YOU have a well financed business In which you need a working partner who can satisfy you as to his Integrity and ability: a business profitable enough for partner to pay his interest out of draw ing account and profits, write me your . proposition; will give security. j on. Qregonlan. . FOR SALE. TRADE OR KENT. "Water power'flour and grist mill, rol ler system. In good town on S. P. R. R. In Oregon. Machines and building In good condition. Now is the tim to start in just as the new crop of grains are coming in the market. 50-bbL capacity. Owner, AV Qregonlan. LADY STENOGRAPHER for big manufac turing concern, doing extensive business throughout the U. S. A-y needs services of capable woman, not necessary to be expert if accurate; guarantee yoa $200 month salary, must invest $1000, money fully secured. Call 311 Panama bldg., 3d and Aider. FOR SALE Best located soft drinks and poolhall in city'of about 5000, with pay roll of $400,000 per month. This place Is fully stocked with cigars, tobaccos, yf t drinks and confections; tabies are all In good shape and rent only $50 per month. Price $4250. 1 nq uire at 300 Washington st. Ed Smith. GROCERIES. One for $1200: living rooms: cash and carry; good corner; good business. . One for $2200; $?5 dally cash and carry; cheap rent : fine location. One west aide. $47O0: canh and carry; living rooms: a money-maker. 30tf Stock Exchange. Auto. 520-04. BAKERY, groce ry , delicatessen and soft orink store, good location, low rent. lease, marble fountain, electric mixer, scales, register, tables, chairs, steam table, etc., full value for your money. Price $2800. Call 311 Panama bldg., 3d and Alder. $400 SO M E TERMS LOOK! SNAP! BARGAIN! Light grocery and bakery; must be sold at once. HARPER A MORRIS. 418 Railway Exchange Bldg. WELL-ESTABLISHED route, ovpt 1500 customers, staple product in Portland. auto delivery, fixtures and customers $S50. Btock at Invoice, everything in cluded about suw; dandy proposition. .fo.t fctocK uxenange oidg. Aut. &jii-u4, GROCERY store, fine residential district. rood lease, low rent. 4 nice livina rooms. large stock, fine fixtures, everything complete, doing excellent business; price very reasonable. 311 Panama bldg., 3d FOR SALE Dry goods, clothing, furnish ings, boot and shoe store, established 1813; high commercial ratings, for sale at lald-ln stock prices. Annual sales $50,000 to $60,000. Stock now very low. Apply box 67H, Grangevllle. Idaho. FOR SALE -Best-equipped vulcanizing piant in soutnern Oregon, in connec tlon with tire store; big opportunity for ngnt man; reasonaDie rent; $1500 will (handle. Add row M. & M.. 27 S. Front St.. Medford. Or. BAKERY and soda fountain, $100 daily. rent '., good lease, ovens and lots of machinery, dandy fixtures, good chance for wholesale business, live Wil lamette valley city, is priced right at $5000. 303 Stock Exch. Aut, 520-04. TRAVELING MOVING PICTURE OUTFIT 7 good features, state rights well known stars with machine, ready to do business. $00, bargain. Just the outfit to travel with. 418 Rnilwav Exchange Bldg. WOOD HAUL CONTRACT. $34,000 worth of hauling will be ready for consideration at once; man must have at least $1000 cash. For Informa tion, phone Jensen, Bdwy. 001, evenings Mar. 5241. FOR SALE. Going concern; box factory with full equipment of machinery, stock and trade fixtures. For particulars see Ben F. Woomer. 615 First National Bank bldcr.. Oakland. Cal. A PARTNER wanted in a new restaurant just opened up, doing a good business, owner is cook, I want a man to tnke cash and go out and do the buvlng. $500 ensh will hnndle. Call at loT N. 6th, Vienna Restaurant. FOR SALE General merchandise stock of about $4000. located In Willamette val ley on West Side highway; postoffice and S. P. ticket office in connection. For further particulars apply Box AV 652, Oregonian. GROCERY BARGAIN. Cash and carry, no delivery, low rent; a clean, up-to-date stock, $!H dav stales. Will Invoice. Room 511 Hallway Kx- PREFERRED freicht run open, with I over in Portland; have new truck for this run ; require small investment guaranteed income. Apply 49s W. Burn side. VULCANIZING SHOP. Equipment worth a whole lot more than asked; well located; price $750, S400 nannies. J. O. GRAY CO., 718 Dekum Bldg. WASH RACK located In old established garage, doing good business. low ren with good teaBe. can easily make $250 a month if good hustler. Price $400. 311 Panama bldg., 3d and Alder. CAUTION. BUYERS Before ctoslng a deal or so-called interest in established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board. 421 Oregon bidg. Phone Broadway 1W2. LIGHT CAR AGENCY. Good territory. 70-car contract; large 'gbrage and repair shop; best of reason for selling. If you want to make some mrney. looK this over, c 7Jo. Oregonian OPPORTUNITY for reliable man able to attend office in a nusy auto repair shop; pay good salary and share profits"; $1100 win handle it. itoom uii Kaiiway Ex change. RESTAURANT. $550 BARGAIN $550. AT 293 N. 16TH ST. COR. PETTYGROVE. AVE la r ire motor truck, used one mont with onr season s work; SfeOO ca?h will handle; good driver can make $50 per nay. n j.t. urrgnnian. EW AND SECOND-HAND goods store, jewelry, watches, musical goods, suit cases, etc.; good location ; nice front; must sen. na'fr ix. wixtn st. LOCKSMITH and general repair shop, es- tamisned iu years; sieaay clients ; must sell on sect, of age; reasonable. Owner. O 747, Oreponlan, YOU HAVE SOME MONEY AND WANT TO MAKE SOME MORE WRITE OR CALL AT 610 COUCH BLDG 2 TO 5 P. M. FOR SALE: Two warehouses ana good hay and grain ousmess; adjacent to Tilla mook dairy trade. Mcrvamar & Son, Wll lamina, or. LARGE GARAGE. "Busy location, rent $150. good trofItsL $1250 will handle it. Room 511 Railway Exchange SMALL grocery for sale very cheap if taken tnis weeic; invoice ror lump amount; owner 111. AL 734. Oregonian. CONFECTIONERY store with living rooms, doing a fine business. By owner. Call Tabor 173. no agents. FOR SALE Cleaning and pressing shop, reasonably cheap rent, good location. 4264 Burnside. Phone Broadway 1584. CONFECTIONERY $1400, includes $450 deposit on one-year lease. 439 Wash Ington st. RESTAURANT with a good steady busi ness and the price is right for cash. 113 KiiUngsworta ave. BUSINESS OPPORTTXITTES. CONFECTIONERY and light lunch, an excellent location: dolnr $S0. average low rental nrlce: $.'200. half cash. 314 g-tocK Licnange Diflg. WILL lease fully equipped auto repair , shop or will consider a wonting parc- ner. nu 734. uregonian. $,-,00 ESTABLISHED business. Just right for man and wife to nandie. can -t.n i E. Burnside st.. between 3 and. 5 P. M. CASH-CARRY grocery store with sodi fountain, 2 living rooms, best location. Owner. East 5332. BARBERS, here la a good ouy. If you are looking for a location, write or wire to John Hill. Kelso, Wash. POOLROOM and confectionery at sacrifice by owner; some terms. J. M. Ryan. 2031 East Marx. CLEANING AND PRESSING Doing good business; established trade; leaving city. 402 e. Morrison bl FOR LEASE Space for shoe shine stand. good comer. 314 Stock Exchange bldg. CIGAR stand, office bldg Act quickly. 40H-410 coucb bidg. B uslnews Opportunities Wan ted. I WANT to get into good established busi ness where I could invest $1500 with my services. Must stand investigation. Either sales or office work. P On, Or- egonlan. WE HAVE several clients who wish to make an investment in established busi ness with their services. Must stand investigation. See Mr. Smith, Lmbden- stock & Larson Co.. 210 Oregon bldg. I HAVE $5000 to $10,000 to Invest in good established business: must stana inves tigation; yean of business experience tl i.t i, ure gonian. WOULD Invest small sum with services In paying business. Must stand inspection. ts BPo. Qregonlan. WANTED To rent meat market with fixtures, suburban location. X 730. Ore gonian. GROCERY and rooms together; give your location and price in nrst letter, is Qregonlan. Stocks and Bond.. WOULD like to purchase 10 shares or less of stock In the Portland Gas A Coke company or Pacific Power Light. B 731, Oregonian. STOCKS and honrlc anv market. Harrtng- ton Co.. M n. 3 1 7. Tit le & Tr 't bldg. Hotels and Koominr Houses. M. E. I.HVT COMPANY. 523-4-5 NORTH WKSTKRM BANK BT.TMT LEADING HOTEL AND APARTMENT HOUSE AGENCY. TF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL I COME IN AND TALK IT OVER: 14 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS IN PORT LAND ENABLES US TO WEST SIDE BARGAIN. Furnishings and lease of modern brick I apartment, close in, west side, a long lease, fine net Income and the price will be a pleasant surprise. Be sure and look this up. E. S. KERR. Realtor. 301 Yamhill. Marshall 55M. IF YOIf WANT Trt fillY OR SELL business, hotel, rooming or apartment I nouse or. any kind, anywnere, see F. Rlerdon, RTTTBR, LOWE & CO., 201-S-R-7 Board of Trade Bldr. We Write All Kinds of Insurance. LEAVING CIT. MI ST SELL, $i00fj $500 DOWN. Good plain furniture of neat, clean flats; good Income and home for small family; every room rented; easy terms to right party. See owner at 3S1 Vi utn st. 10 ROOMS, right In business district, in extra good shape, clears $100 above all expenses; here von are never in dotibt. for rooms are always occupied; $5oo cash down, bal. $25 mo. E. C. Kennedy, 210 Stock Exch. Bldg. Mar. 2310. DORCAS-liOGN. 938 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDO. APARTMENT HOUSES AND HOTELS, TF LISTED WITH US AND PRICED RIGHT, WILL BE QUICKLY SOLD. Al A 1 IS (Nttl. FOR SALE: A 36-room frame hotel on the Columbia highway, well equipped, best country location In the state, doing full capacity business. For further Infor mation write P. O. box 120, Arlington, Oregon. WANT an apartment or housekeeping, west I side, with long lease; will pay $2500 j casb. nai. monthly: must be good furni ture and from 25 to 40 rooms; give lo-1 cation and particulars first letter. Own- ers oniy. u oil. oregonian. II ERR IT Irt. FOLKS. 7-room flat: rent $50: income $82; 2j rooms and kitchenette for self; in very I heart of town. If you want a place of 1 mis Kina. can at :4W . jotn st. alter r. m. and you wm nna a goon nuy WILL SACRIFICE. No reasonable offer refused: 13 room; hardwood floor, elegant furniture, fire place; all modern; cosy home and good income. 340 College St., between Broad- way and Park sts. DO YOU want a hotel, modern apartment, rooming house, business location, modern borne or lease of any kind? If yoa do ee 19. S. kKK. Kealtor. 391 Yamhill. Marshall 5504. ONE OF the best buys In an eight-rorvm rooming houe. close in on west side neat, clean, eood district: cOit $1200: will sell now $000; owner called away. Coab I tiros.. PL'S -namer torn. Diag. 42 ROOMS, brick building, steam heat, hot and cold water In every room, best loca tion, lease; price $5500; $4O00 cash, bah ance terms. R33 Everett, cor. 20ta Phone Broadway 3055. 9-ROOM apt. house. Sinks in each apt. Two I baths. Close in, west side. Price $1100. Term a K OWEN CO.. 374 YAMHILL. WAN1 to buy good hotel, leawe with fur nishings; have flat bldg, value $10,000, as part payment. Clear. Fred G. Law- son Co.. 416 Cham. Com, bldg. 7-ROOM flat, completely furnished ; beau tiful home and income from rented rms. Strictly modern. Close in on west side. I $5iMt down. Mills. 604 Everett st. 40 ROOMS, hot and cold water in rooms rent $100; good furniture: location is I very best in tne city; price iouu; con sider terms. tja mverett. 2 H. K. ROOMS and garage, gs ranges and running water; large rms., clean ; will take car as first payment; 3U-yeur lease; brick mag, r.'i rnrtc st. APARTMENT house in Astoria; income $240 per month; will sell furniture cheap and lease property. Write S. H. Webb, Astoria. Or. WANTED 1 have $5000 to $0000 cash for first payment on modern apartment : house, east or weat side, tu its, urego- nian. FOR SALE Large hotel, good chance for right party. Come look It over. Com mercial Hot!, ewpcrg. or. FOR BEST bargain in apartment house see members of the Realty Board. Yates Realty Co., 245 4th street. 1 HAVE some very good buy n in count rv hotels. (ieo. C. Burke, exclusive hotel broker, 905 unamoer oi commerce bldg. ROOM.ING house for aale by owner; splen did location; easy terms; will take good ear In part payment, r'none East i!2. FROM owner. 40-room house, modem, good furniture and lease, can after 3 P. M. M a rshall 21 li. NINE rooms. First and Madison, low rent. snap st $700; money-maker. Monroy, U2 t v nsn ington st... room oa. 10 ROOMS, fine furniture, good location, long leae: $1250. SO0 cash. East 8425. No agents. IF YOUR hotel or rooming house Is for sale phone Bdwy. 2SI8: will call for listing. A. DeBianche. 40 Wash. L 22 ROOMS, h. k., walking distance, $800 cash handles. 314 ytncK sxm. bidg. dO-ROOM hotel! centrally located, good paying proposition. Main ii34. LOST AND FOrVD. LOST In Irvington. small coin purse con taining pin. checks and some money; re ward return to Alblna Fuel Co., 61 Broad wa y . LOST Seal coatee. Wednnaday. somewhere I between Kenton ana L'stn ana Fremont; reward. 749 rstn st. . wain. 3117a. LOST Between Portland and Corvalllsl 2 ladies' hats In hat sack. For reward potify Palm Cafe. Corvallis. Or. LOST Tuesday, purse containing over I $100: J. H. JtanKin engraved in purse. For reward can v oodiawn iiks. LOST Blue silk umbrella somewhere be tween Oak Grove and Miiwaukie. Finder 1 please call Broadway 572S. Miss Sanders. LOST A platinum bracelet set with little 1 diamonds and niue sap pm res. oood re ward offered. Call Main 2f50. LOST Pocketbook containing Standard and Shell gas books and driver s license. I Return to Olympic t'ereai Mill. Rea-ard. LOST A Boy Scout drummer's leather I belt or harness) on Wednesday afternoon. I Keward. laoor o'y.. LOST Small coin purse containing $20 1 bill and key a mono Marshall 1044; liberal reward. LOST Tuesday morninw on S. P. train. I small gold pin with garnet, gift of late mother: reward. v oodiawn &- j. LOT Dark "blue silk umbrella, pigskin handle, on Tayior street etde of library; reward. i;ast LOST -Between 15th, 19th. on Weidler, blue silk hannnag containing $3.50. 717 E. Bdwy. E. 841. LOST Thursday aT M. long white kid glove, between I ltn and col. and Broad way. Reward If returned to this office. LOST Leather pouch containing $45 or s.tu, an m currency, neiurn to tregonian office. Liberal reward. LOST Gold nugget breastpin set with diamond, west end Morrison Trldge to Eat 12th st. Reward. Phone East 20S1. LOST Black satin ribbon sash with fringe on end. Mar. I7-. Reward. LOST Iady's gold wrist watchi reward. 480 East ith i, nast ciii. LOST 1 Irish setter; answers lo name of innty. cau maih aiuu. rOST AND FOUND. THE FOLLOWING articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway. Light &. Power Co. June 16: 15 umhrelhui. 2 handsaws, 1 pure, 2 pins. 1 sufu-ase, 3 rkKs.. 2 pr.. 1 sgL glove. 2 buckets of lard, axe, kodak, box paints, abstract of title. Wow torch, check book. key. fountain pen top. owners may obtain same upon propvr Identification at First and Mr wtreet station. STRAYED from 33d and Columbia blvd, June 13, bay team weighing about 2100 pound; both have a white mark on head; horse and mare with halters: mare has lft hind foot white. Phone "Woodlawn LOST Small braver fur neckpiece be tween 10:30 and 11:30 A. M.. June 10. on the fifth or sixth floor of the Mir it Frank store. Phone Woodlawn aiitSO and receive reward. OT Two $20 bills on corner of 16ih and Alberta Thursday afternoon between 4 and 4::t0. Finder please telephone Wdln. 5tii0 or return 1010 Vernon ave. Reward. LOST Small black coin purse In Meier Frank basement, containing mnm-y and hemstitching claim cher. C. Wards. Finder pHease call Aut. fi-4-22. LOST Boston bull terrier pup, a bite chest and white blade on head. tat ears, small tail. Answers to name of Pat, Call Mar. 1774. Reward. LOST In business district, Monti ay eve ning, little white agate ring, valued as keepsake. Reward, Please phone Mar shall 477 LOST A brown calfKkin purse ; contained receipt for insurance for Robert Grover and several fenaptthots. Return to Mrs. Lowe. 1022 Kcrby st.. city. LOST Lady's handbag containing mon.-y and gloves in market between (.n ana 3d sts. Thursday, 10th. Reward. East 4il!5. 8PECI At NOTICES. THE PORTLAND FRIDGE & BUILDING CO. has been reorganised oy tne sons of the late Robert Wakefield, who con ducted the same for the past 30 years; they are now located at 320 Worcester bldg. Phone Main 7I94. NOTICE OF SALE. Not Jew Is hereby given that pool hall located at 447 Washington st., Portland, Or., has this day ben snld by 1 E. Blair and A. G. Lea to Sam Wahb. y. FINANCIAL, LIBERTY BONDS' CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE iONKY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLfcASE YoU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 20o SELLING LLKi bECONl FLOOR. WE RAVE for sale eholce secone mort gages and purchasers contract that mill net better than 10. ELWOOU WILES A SON. INC. 2S3 buxk SL IN COM U PROPERTY FOR SALE. $30,000 A long term leae guarantee an In come of 0 per cent on purchase price over and above all taxes and ahena ments. S. 002, Oregonlnn. V E BUY, sell and guarantee automobile paper, sellers contracts and mortgage GENERAL FINANCE CO., 712 lwi bl CASH paid for mortgHgvs and aellers coi Lracta on real estate. awnington, cre gon. H. K. Noble, 310 I,timbermens bin WE BUY first and second mortgages an sellers contraca F. E. Bowman to 2 10 Chamb cr of Com, bldg. M a in SQ'J FOR SALE Stock of Western Slates F nance Co. at attractive price. Call luteal 1032. BUY NOTES, contract, mortgages. F. Newts, :t TewiH bldg., 4tnandosKm M on to ioa n on Real Km tat e. TALK. ABOUT LIBERALITY. READ THIS; RESIDENCE LOANS. 4 PER CKNT. Five-year period, repayment privilege or iioo or any multiple tnereor. INSTALLMENT LOANS. T PER CENT. 5-year period; will loan 00 per cent of the value or your home; oniy stiaii monthly Duyment required with intecein you may pay more or all on the first of each niuiiih; no penalty. LLMN ESS PROPERTY LOANS, 6 1'ER CENT. 5-yesr period; repaying privilege. BRICK MORTGAGE CO.. Fortlan mortgugs correspondent the Prudential Insurance company of America, 1210- veon mux. Main mo. bEE US TODAY We loan money on Cit property; lowest rates; no commission on cnoice loans; long time, snort ume monthly payments; pay as you can sums to suit: contracts, second mort gages bough L 725 Gasco bldg., fttb and AldTBts. CBLLA RS-M l" RTON CO. MORTGAGE LOANS on farms or city property. Prompt an helpful service. Liberal repayment priv- ilegos. Ixiwet rates. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO., WO Fourth St., Portland. Or. WE HAVE funds availab.e (or good rti uence loans: also insurance money r business property, at lowest available rates. MORTGAGE BOND CO Main 231. Wilcox Bldg Mortgage loans la any amount at lowet rates on city ur country property. Prompt and helpful service, B. LEE PAGET, Realtor. 022 Corbett Bldg. M uln 0230. farm loans. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette vai ley farms; no communion ; no delays. UBVMKMALX MOKTGAGE CO., b7 Sixth St., Portland, Or. $3O0. $400. $5MI, $750. I1UO0. $ 1 2O0, $1500 sjouu ann up. lowest raicn: nuick act on pay off $100 or more at any iutereHt date Gordon -Mortgage t:o. 031 Cham, ot - Com. bldg , M:iin 137. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount; low rates; promptly closed. Attractive repayment privileges. A. H. BIRRELL-tiILL CO . 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. MORTGAGE LOANS on improved farms ana cny property; iavorabie repaying kfi i jiufcf : no cuniiniSMion or aeiav. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO.. LTD. 300 Piatt bidg. Main C37I i'itiv a itu lunus to loan on morticaice. second mortgages and sellers contracts on real estate in Oregon and Wtshng ten. Charles Deifei, a it Hallway E change bl U g. $1000 $15UU $2000 $2500 $3000. NO DELAV. We are loaning our own money. Mmnj quickly closrd. F. H. DESHON. 015 Cham, ot Com. Bldg. MORTG AG E loans in sums lu suit: city farm and suburban property. BUILDING LOANS A SPECIALTY. WILLIAM G. BECK. 213 Falling Bldg. $300. $400. $500, $750, $ IO0O AND L' P Low rates, quirk action. Fred W. Ger- miin t o . t32 i ham, of Com. Main HM.V PLENTY, of tnoni-y to loan on real estat t 7 per cent if security Is ample. Ed I'. Mall, 300 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY to loan on real estate security at going rates of Interest, otto Ac Harksoo Rea.ty Co.. 413 Ciutmher of Commerce $500. $1000 AND Ul'WA RD on improved real estate; Iavorabie terms; no delay; no brokerage. John Bain. 507 Spalding bjdg. MORTGAGE LOANS, A and 7 per cenL Salomon & Co.. 307 Railway Exch. bldg. SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO- 2J Chamber of Commerce, 4th and Stark. MONEY to loan on real estate, 7 per cent. 717 Corbett bldg. Geo. P. Lent. $1000 TO $3000 TO LOAN on real etalt. p. .vici onany. 1 aoor 30m. MONEY to loan on real estate. $3500. 822 Gasco building. Money to liait hattelw anil Salaries. DO YOU NEED MONEY? AT LEGAL RATES. QUICK SERVICE? YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES. FURNITURE. PIANOS. V1CTROLAS. KhIAL ESTATE, BONDS. ETC. If your payments ara too large on your automobile or furniture contracts we win pay mem up ana advance you more monvy if needed. We make a specialty of these loans and leave the security In your possession and you can repay us in small monthly payments. WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people on their own notes. Rate reasonable. Private offlcea All busi ness strictly confidential. PORTLAND L-OAiN COMPANY, (Licensed) 800-307 Dekum Bldg. Marshall 32S. S. W. cor. i ntra ann Washington. SALARY LOANS CH ATTELii. WE LOAN MONEY. en short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes; weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE. NO ENDORSER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also Ipan on household goods. pianos, etc L AllJ liT riM MiA 1 ri. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. (LICENSED.) 2I FAILING BLDG. MONEY TO LOAN on goods In storage. Bank rate, SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. 53 Fourth St., Opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. QUICK money to salaried people on un secured note: confidential Investigation. 31d Cbamof Com. (Llcensed.J MONEY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry, leaal rates: articles held a vear: t.b. llshed 3S88. Dan Marx A Co., 815Waab. MONEY to loan; diamonds. Jewelry, etc legal rate; article held one year. Vines, J ewe Lei. cor. $4 an Washington. FINANCIAL. Money to 1-oaJi 4 hnttrj unil Swlarieo. Mo.N'KY to loan on diamonds and Jrwetry; confidential service; government licensed and bonded broker. Zrll Hros. A Co.. 23 Wah. St., between 4lh and ftih, Msrshail 727. Loans Wauled. W ANTE D O V V 1 R ST M K TG A G i t-K-Cl'KlTY AT 7 I KK CENT. $4000 3 years, on $12,000 modern house in Irvinginn $3000 2 years, ou 8-room modern L- rflhurM home worth $mhm. $2000 n 5-rom hnUM and ton lots worth $mkk on E. Stark and 5ift st reets. $1R00 on modern 5-room bungalow In Hawthorn district. m-.rth $4500. $1500 m a SWiwood district niudera $HiO0 3-room house. $1000 on a 5-nf.m houe in South Tort land w.irth $SiM0. OREGON IN KSTM K.N'P A MORTGAOB COMPANY. A 221 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. M.irNliall FRANK L. McULUKK. with him u4rs of experlrnce and -mtI knowledge of val ue. Is in a position to safrguard your every Interest in locating yuur money. Hundreds of applications for loans. Of fice of pcraoual service. Let u loan your mom y, Hoe J. laie Kiciirion, manager of loan di parununt, Abmgtoa bui Idin g. Mntn lOfiis. WANTED First mortgage money en new honws. ELWOOD WILK3 A SON. IN , 2js1 Stark tiu $12.".0 WANTED. S1-. 5 rooms, one flr. west iie; sold JJVVt; have Just spent $UoO ior new plumhinr and other im provements: lot .iOxhH), 4Mfd at $ 1 4oo; d mining ow ners :iv )"t a on h t.iMi. jiy Market st. Mar. 74A fore- iioin. WE OFFER the following good tnnrtc loan on Portland properly; $1o at K per cent. $lto at per cent. $ t .o at H per cent, $em at p-r cent. $"'0 per ci nt. Fred W. German Co., Cham her of ci n merce Mdg. WANTED LAN V' F$l StitPro $2000 KH SIX MONTHS' TIME. WILL PAY a I'Ml CENT INTEREST; BEST of SKCUHITt TO OFFER; WILL NOT DEAL WITH AGENTS OK BituKEKS. CALL MAR SHALL 4.HJS. WANTED Loan of $5J00 (roin prlaie party on lux hly Un proved residence property. Al. 74.'tOrK onUn WANT a thret-rar Umn on new bunnalow worth $o.mo; wu.nl $.:om; tate lniert ant I'd. S74iJiiri gonian. WANTED 4Tinm at for 3 ri., on city rsttdence eorth -0.uo0. L ttJ, Orego nia ii. vWLL piy 10 per vent interest tor a loan of $1500. &. C Lbprauca, Vancouver Wash. $4(Mirt ON 50 ACRES ' will pay C 3, -Ui.-J at $14.ou0i ort gonian. rFRSONAU LADIES with mall capital who wish te become Independent may do o by join ing Madame Patteneaud's school of beauty culture. Includes special treat menis of akin and scalp, marcelling, bairdreaaing, etc. My graduate are ia demand everywhere. bchool to com menus Juns 1, with limited number, inquire at the Benson aiotei Improve ment Shop. GUARD VoLlt EYESIGHT I employ only the ntot modern In struments and the most scientific meth od In examining our ryt: 20 years experisuce. Tliuunla of satisfied pa I lent. Kvenlnvs and tiunsuys br ap point ment. char ten W. lioixlmin, op taun. ,(r9 MorrUon. Phone -Main 2124. MINNIE YOUNG. BE VL'TV HP Ei "1 A LIMT. WISHES 'IV) ANNOUNCE TfTTC OPENING F HER SHOP AT 1U1 NORTH 23D ST. YOUR PATH IN AGE WILL DB AI'HE'IATED. MAIN 47. l ot' It Mihlt lia Urcn fu.filld: no utoie longing for wht you 1 tnught Impos sible to find. Teag-Mow is that won derful remedy for 0 ami ruff and falling hair. Come and give us a trial. Pofl land Teug-M'iw Co.. 51 Union ave. N. '2oNE THERAPY. ihuot.ial and vollt ray mineral ST K A M BATH anl ahowera, s aip and body nisoaaK'e. Naturopat h met hods treating all diseases of bot h s xrn. Grnduhie lady attendant. Bl A. M. to w P. M. Main 77n!i 304 Dekum bldg. DKUGl.ESS I'll VblClANM. Nervous and chronio die a s clalty. If others have failed, don t be come dUcouraged. but give me a trial. Dr. Ada N. emit, 50 i;Kh st., betMn Alder and Wayhlngtim. Broadway otfrl. EXPERIENCED nurse givis ste.tru and ultowvr baths and iM-ttnlific hodv jnas sge Open 10 A. .M. 10 7 P. M alae Hundnya. 3--' Klieauer bldg 10th ao4 V ashington sts. PICKWICK STAGES wltl start operating cars between Port land and San Fritncisco and way points June 18. Reservations can be made al 125 0th st. Phone Main M. LET GEO KG E RL BEN STEIN, the Vet eran optician, make your eyglase; expert optical er ice. Prices reason able. No charge fur testing. 22o Mor rison st , near 2d. TA KARA A N T LS El 'TIC POW DKK Ve a soothing, detuning, neallng germlcine and invigorating dow-he; a great eld In female dmordei s; oc and $1 par boa. Port land Hotel Pharmacy. INFORMATION dtrd a to the preasnt hereooui or Mr. ii. n. Lrong. former ly of Bend, or. ; anyone know ing of Me pre nt whereahouis piease writs to 4ls) North F.r, Mediord. or RKBI'MATI.S.M treated, itwmiti h and kid- nrv trnubit, steam and niinnrai battws inafsagt : ladius by appoint mrnt. Ut 11 i titriitn I nst It me. " 1 0.7 1 1 s wetland bldg. Main ftt.5 11 A. V- P. M OH I Ito in rl IST. manicurist. fae. scalp treatment, superiiuoos hair pt-rmancnt-ly removed; open evfiiiurfs Kvtnovd from -J5' to 2.10 Aliak bldg., 51, Mor rison. EX I'EK 1 EN 'ED tiurt ! strain oatha. ibnwcn, bod y manage, vwict rays ana C ibraloi-v tieatmeniM. 10 A, M . to ft H. M Selling-Hirsch bldg.. room 51. Main 7 7 SO , IF YOU ARK TIRED AND NERVOUS you can rejuvenate your nervous centers and poor circulation by having a scien tific body rnHBHanu. Dr. ovidta Larsen, ;i4 Morh-an bidg. M -in 1 :!. DR. LOUISE NETZEL Treatments for rheum at tani, lunibaKo. nvuraisia, etc. Electric blanket vibrator ninxuHii and bath. M t'olutnbla at., nrar 17th. Male 55os. Hours 10 to 0. No Sunday worn. CMIROPKACTIi. BEST STEAM HATH, cuiropraetlr. vi bratory and t metric masaas. Dr. Mar garet Haynie, 215 bi.aiid bldg. Hce- .- n a b !" llTS bth f"et fixed up at Dr. Eaton's, the CHIItOPoDtNT and ARCH SI'IT., who doesn't hurt ou; a yra, here; mm, irve. Globe bldg.. 1 1th tit Wash. IV.- tT i;T-i 1 A.ss piaiiut wmfu'i potton at (unimer rvori, nunrn. eoio ami crom ptnist; best of reirrenia; orchestra 1 ur n:-jdjf desired. Tahof 4101. HITKUKUoCS HAIR, permanentiy reniov.d by inuiiipla needle rnetliod; consultation free. 504 Hwllaaa b.dR 5lh at Waxh at. Main 130 -jUEKTS T KADI Nil O Portland owners, shall we gt together? If o, send nm and address ana ausa-esiiuns 10 u tt. Ore aonUn. ,, , EH VET A HA.NKBIj 1 , leading wig ana toUpe niattera. lineal a nuinan nair goods; permanent and marcel wavtr.; scalp !Tf wiinenia. 31 ANler. Main $4A HLKCTR1C HMlif .1ASSAIES. VIOLKT RAY. 1 J I " n a .a a .I niii"i., t a ph. liT 4TH AND 5 T H . HuURJi 10 TO P. M ALSO SUNDAYS XP. STUDEHAKEK. overland and tnf shop roreman; ran laae rompiei cnarite, will consider out ot town. O 74a, orago nian. KET 4i'RE? Kthel A. Haery. Pedicuring and manicuring, open evsn- inits. 5 R;klgh bll . R, ELN A SORENSEN. dfURleas ph , massage, baths, auineys. tonarrpanon. r h v u niatlsm. fio PanamaJl d g. M. 50 TsSK. ADAMS, trentments ftr dandrerr manicuring. 4IH Panama bldg. It ere 1 1 to 0.50. Sunday 12 to 3 1LES can bt p i maiient ly cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Daan, Btc nnd and Morrison. VIT-O-NET sweats, violet ray tr a'tmentg, body massages. 10 A. M. to N p. g. daily; 450 M organ bldg. Main 757ft. SUPERFLUOUS hair, tmte war La rernnvd by 10-nelle method; trial free. Jum Kia 1ey514Jtush A Lane bldg. Main 3A SUU'Hl'R steam bath maasage. violet ray and vibratory treatment. 420 Clay. Mala 8359. 10 to ft. Dr. Percis Rollins. SCIENTIFIC nuM.Kr steam baths, treat ment for kidneys, rheumatism and coo s t ipatlon. 4 17 Sw etlan d bid . fTOT stpeclaliaL Dr. Ale. M. Cnrhrene, lady aaslaiant. 411 MeClray bldg 4th an d W ashing ton. H ours W to 6. JA-Z. 1U leaaona. popular mualc at oooe. Parker Piano School. 514 Filers bldg. JL'NICIDI- will cure rheumallsni or money back. 4Q Dekum Mdg I'KiMKKA BALM, form rly railed Balm of Fig a 44 E. ad. Sell. 2213 mornlnga ,X"ESN'T Tom, Dick or Harry pay you? See vierec-K. cniieciora, iKum nidg. GRADUATE nurse, formerly at BOH Id at., now at 5H1 Going ft. Phona Wdln. 624 LEAKS beauty culture Curtis. Marshall 17Q2. evynlr.ga. MaUam VIT-O-NBT bath parlors. Dr. G. Locke, T0 pi-k um bide Main 415S FOOT SPECIALIST Dr. Ruth A. CriapU 201 Artisans bldg. Bdwy. "271. DOLLY NORTON. MANICURIST. 415 BUCHANAN BLDG f FACE, scalp and body maaage, hours 13 to ft. IT, Timh 111 st . rrnm T F R ISCO p Y A UTO PATURDAY. 122 TH I RD ST. MAIN 20. ( J. R. BLOWS, Saskatoon, Canada, tve J. Fur rust al 410 tieory bldg. al onoe.