20 TIIE MORMXG OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, JUNE IT, 1921 HELP WANTED MALE. SPINNERS TOR NIGHT WORK. ORE GON CITT WOOLEN MILLS. Help Wan lea JNiieMnen, WANTED Specialty salesmen for Oregon and Washington territory; pronounced the most efficient up-to-date addition to present day household equipment ; in dorsed by Good Housekeeping magaiine, lira. Christine Fred ricks. consult ins household editor of the Ladies' Home Journal, nat ional secretary of the As sociated Clubs of Domestic Science, doc tors and hospitals in many of the large cities; also is indorsed by many of the chefs and stewards of a great many of the large hotels such as Mr. Louis Paqutt. chef de cuisine of the MrAlpin hotel. New York city. For demonstration and further information call Sell wood phone lOtiS, or P. O. Box 133, Portland. Oregon, or write Dilver Mfg. Co., Park BMg.. Pittsburg. Pa. . HELP WANTED FEMALE. DRESSMAKER FOR ALTERATIONS. Saleslady to run place; good oppor tunity for capable party witling to work. Proposition pays $J0O monthly, requires J4O0 See Mr. Holder. 200 Morgan BMg. Wanted -l)onehtics. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. MAN AND WIFE for housework and tak ing care of lawn in exchange for house keeping rooms and small salary; man's duties would not interfere with him holding another position. Call after Fri day. 215 14th st. EXPERIENCED cook for Gearhart cot tage, month of July. Small family, no washing. Best wages. Phone Main 3676. SALESMAN WANTED. Several salesmen who can sell an ar ticle of great merit made In Portland; every house, apartment house and auto mobile owner a prospect: live-wire sales man can make good money on our prop osition ; only experienced salesman and experienced house-to-house canvassers need apply. Call at 161 Union ave. N., corner of E. Irving; mornings between 9:30 and 11 o'clock. SALESMAN WANTED. We have an opening for one or two ambitious men. Men who are never sat isfied but always pushing ahead and want more. If you are that class of man and anxious to make a connection where you can better your earning power call and see Mr. Stranahan to arrange for interview. 71- Lewis bldg. 10-12 A. M. or 2-4 P. M. . WANTED A seat, agreeable woman who is a good plain cook and willing to go to summer camp for July and August. Address W Hotel Mallory. GIRL for general housework; good wages; no washing. Main -410. RELIABLE GIRL or woman for general housework In private family; no cooking; must be experienced; references required. Bl 771!. Oregonian. ELDERLY lady to take care of - small children and do light housework in a small house ; adults, working. Wood lawn 1747. X JAPANESE maid in apt. for 3 adults for light housework ; one who can go home nights. Phone Sell. SHIS. EXPERIENCED maid; must be good cook; no washing; family of 3; wages 50, Marshall 341. YOUNG man, 20 years old. with mechanical inclination and abil ity, desires position; have com- Sleted manual training course In gh school and 2 years' me chanical ensineering at O. A. C. Have worked in lumber mills and shipyards and am not afraid of hard work; excellent refer ences. Phone Columbia 365. WANTED Situation. Having had exten sive experience as sales manager and traveling salesman in Oregon and Wash ington, realize that optimism, ability and pep should procure results. I have them and wish connection with manufac turer or jobber or merchant. BF 730, Oregonian. DON'T try to get a position till we press yom suit for 45 cents, while you wait. Joy. the tailor. 104 4th, near Star. JOY. THB TAILOR. 104 FOURTH STREET. , SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Dressmakers. HEMSTITCHING, dressmaking and fancy lingerie. Newly opened shop. 359 Ankney. near Broadway. . SEWING done neatly and reasonably. Phone Main 5756 from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. 210 5th st.. cor. Salmon. ?innes. SWEDISH massage treatments in your own home; ladies only; physicians' rec ommendations. Woodlawn 978 for ap MIDDLE-AGED woman wishes to secure position as practical nurse. Mrs. K. Wer ner. East 6102. EFFICIENT nurses, w-eekly; nursing i Mar. 340. hourly. daily or it reasonable terms. PRACTICAL nurse wishes case, invalid or elderly. Main 4S00. SINGLE MAN, 38. teacher, would like employment summer months in town or on ranch with good people: under stands ranch work; can give references. AR 772. Oregonian. - , NK AT experienced eirl for second maid in small family of adults: please phone in the morning. Main i.wo WANTED Experienced hart, July and August fortahlc quarters. N cook for Gear good wages, com !7, OrCeionian. WANTED Salesman, preferably one hav ing own car. to carry side line, high grade trade-mark, brand human hair nets, to call on retail drug and dry goods trade; liberal commission. Write fully, stating Qualifications. Namoo Pro ducts corporation, 120-130 West 22d st.. New York city, WANTED Salesman or sales manager to sell beverage mixers; territory allotted, good commission; for particulars call A. L. A. Brewer, Central Candy shop, Central Pub. market or Hotel Morris; hours. G to 8 P. M. SALESMAN to sell nationally advertised truck line; has been handled In this city and territory for several years; salary and commission basis for right man; must have experience. AE 739, Ore gonian. SALESMEN Sell something different. Something for which you have prospects in alt directions. Our men are making from $40 to $50 per week .and doing it cleanly, tall 33a ancouver, waan. ash for Mr. Lee. WANTED Reliable girl for genera; housework at summer home in Cascade mountains. Main ,'016. GENERAL housework on farm, washing, ironing, cooking; 3 adults. Phone East 80N7. WANTED Responsible girl; little washing; references, gonian. 4 in family; O 740. Ore- W ANTED Competent woman for cook ing and downstairs work. Apply morn ings. 1S3 N. 20th st. WOMAN wages. for general housework; good 583 Johnson street. WANTED Good plain cook, on Auto. 617-14. WANTED Dressmaking, children's clothes specialty. Mrs. King, Vt.t tiaigni ave. GIRL for general housework. East 8088. HELP WANTED WITH INVESTMENT. OFFICE manager who is capable of as suming entire responsibility of a trans portation company office; must be qual ified to open full set of books; must fur nish surety bond; we prefer a manager who will become interested in the com pany. Apply 4g w nurnsiue. YOUNG Chicago man now residing in Port land aesires connection as saies repr--senative with local firm : can furnisb best of references as to ability and char acter. AF 756, Oregonian. GARDENER wants garden and lawn work. Paul Franks Marshall 3015. Office. EXPERIENCED IN OF- Book keepers. Stenographers, FICE MANAGEMENT, ACCOUNTING AND BOOKKEEPING, DESIRES POSI TION IN OR OUT OF PORTLAND. FIRST - CLASS REFERENCES. 1210 NORTHWESTERN BAN K BUILDING. PHONE WDLN. 0493. MAUN 1U-J. ACCOUNTANT noeds position, general ex perience, accurate, good penman, refer ences: will accept any clerical work ; salarv secondary consideration. X 4-. oregonian. PRACTICAL re aeon a bin. nurse wishes work, Woodlawn 5326. NURSE, practlca I. Call Main ITousek re pen. A NO. 1 HOUSEKEEPER and manager, neat, refined American, early 40s. would care for widower's modern home for a home and moderate compensation or would take charge of rooming house; city references. Y 734. Oregonian. BEAUTIFUL location for a home; 20 acres volcanic ash soil, unimproved, right in settlement near Trout lake, on good road, north of Hood River. Owner, box 240, Sllverton. Or. . HOUSEKEEPER with girl l years old wishes potiJtlun. gentleman's home; rea sonable waxes If otherwise acceptable. AR 766. Oregonian. WANTED By neat, capable woman po sition as housekeeper In widower's mod ern home; no trlflers. BD 770. Oregonian FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. SIMMER home within the city. Mount Tabor district. 5 minutes from car line can accommodate married couple or 2 gentlemen in private home; breakfast and evening dinner if desired; fresh fruit, eggs and vegetables of our own; Treasonable charges; no other boarders. Tel. . Tabor 5S77. NICE clean room, electric lights, big clothes closet, bath, phone, for 1 or 2 gentlemen; 1 week's rent FREE if taken for a month; west side, near library. Call 228 10th st. or phone Main 5758 after 5 P. M. COMFORTABLE sleeping rms. in pri vate family; large closets, electric lights, telephone and bath; $13.50 a week; 3 blocks from Laurelhurst Park. S. S. car to 3od.. one block north. 1002 E. Morri son, , CORNER front room in beautifully fur nished private home for 1 or 2 gentle men. $20. 71 Trinity place; walking distance. Bdwy. 2546. NEAT, comfortable front room, close in. desirable surroundings; 255 12th st. near Main; no other roomers; gentlemen pre ferred. Main 4402. NICELY furnished room in private family; bath, phone and other privileges. with garage if desired; gentleman preferred. East 3452. , WEST SIDE, walking distance, comfort able bedroom for business man. adjoin ing bath: breakfast if desired; $18 month. Main 5726. WELL-FURNISH ED room. bright and clean: use nf xhnwer and nhone. in nlgn class ant. house: walking distance. 47 Trinity place, apt. 10. Marshall 5J6. FOR RENT. Furnished Apartments. STELWTN APTS. HIGH-CLASS. Resident and summer home for tran sient and tourist; handsomest lurnisnei apts. in the city; no objection to child under 2 years; l.to 5 -room apts., with sleeping porch: .we also have bachelor apts. and service: single rooms and bath for refined gentlemen ; references re quired. Marshall 2830. 106" Si. Clair St.. corner Washington. VERY CLASST FURNISHED 4 -ROOM MODVJRN APARTMENT, $50 PER MONTH. ALSO ONE FOR $55. THERE ARE NONE BETTER. BATH. REFRIG ERATOR. GARBAGE LIFT. BEDROOM AND DAVENPORT. FIRST-CLASS JAN ITOR SERVICE GUARANTEED. CLEAN. LIGHT, AIRY, ALL OUTSIDE ROOMS. YOU'LL LIKE THEM. MAIN 1011. THE COLUMBIAN, 11TH AND COLUMBIA. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 1R6 Vista ave.. near 23d and Washington sta; high-class apartment house: one S-room beautifully furnished In wicker furni ture, with good rugs; fine view; outside balcony: must be seen to be appreciated. Call Main 3883. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Sta. Five minutes' walk to Meier &, Frank's tore: good surroundings, strictly mod em 2 and 3-room furnished apt., cut side, with French doors and balcony. Permanent and transient FOR RENT. Fu ml tied Apartments. btelwyn apts. high-class. Resident and summer home for trsn Stent and tourist: handsomest furnlshe apts. in the .city; no obiection to chil under years: l to 3-room apis, n Bieeuinr Dorch: we also have bachel. apts. and service; single rooms and bat lor refined gentleman: references quired. Marshall 2830. 166 St. Clair st corner Washington. AND 4-ROOM strictly modern lawn, rent reasonable. Nob Hill tion Call Broadway 2071. 22 N. nice Iocs 20th t'pfWn'shed Apartments..,. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 1 VIM ave., near 23d and Washington, high class a Dart men t house : thre or fou room unfurnished apartments with dis appearing bed In living room, also bd room. Call Main S3. CHKTOIA A PA RTMENTS. Large 4-room apartment. In first-class condition; newly painted and tinted, r range and refrigerator furnished; come and see it. Broadway 403H. 3 LARGE rooms, also extra large leepln norm, unfurnished jmartment: not waie heat: fine corner: dandy place. See this. Adults. Sid Alblna. Mississippi tar. YOIINT, MAN. well trained In bookkeep ing and higher accountancy wants post; tion with local or out-of-town firm. X 511, Oregonian. Ei.iiKFti.v ponilpmnn wishes office work of any kind, preferably mill; willing to apply mvself ; experienced; references. Tabor 1858. TWANTED By experienced accountant, set of books to keen in, spare Lime. ah 17. Oregonian MAI.K stcnncrjinhpr wishes Position Wit good future; some experience, isibibhm i; 1 4:. uregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer, young man, desires position. Broadway. 477. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE, SITUATION WANTED Young teacher, wishes to NEW ARTICLE with no competition; not a novelty, but a necessity in every horn Sells for SI. Your commission 50 cent Agents wanted in every locality. Corry Mfg. Co., olO-A. Chamber of Commerce Pldg., 2 to 4 P. M. A SALESMAN who will give you good hard work and la able to direct his energy wun inteii; gence and productive effort. Address 743. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED oiano and nhonoirraD dalesman wanted in Salem for outsld work: alo man or lady for Inside: sal ary and commission. P. O. box D, Wood burn. Or. WANTED Salesman with A-l experience to call on established trade, Oregon an Washington ; auto furnished; attract! v proposition to right party. Call on H. Blaich. Imperial hotel. A HIGH-GRADE salesman who can qua Ify as sale manager for a real est at and oil proposition of the greatest men an excellent chance for the right man. u . uregonian. A SALESMAN'S position open, com Diet line of varieties in well-grown stock write for terms today. Capital City ursery Company, 4.0 Oregon Idg Salem. Oregon. EX PERI ENCED salesman. Working clt and whole state of Oregon, calling on department and drug trade, wants liable side line; can furnish best of ref princes. L 030. Oregonian. THREE wideawake, ambitious young men, permanent positions. IT you are looking for something soft, don't apply. 014 Stock Exchange bldg., after 10. MAN TO SELL automobile accessories this city; must understand line and be acnuainted with trade. P. J. Cronin Co, loth and Flanders. EXPERIENCED salesman working Port land and state of Oregon wants reliable side line; can furnish best of references. K 743. Oregonian. ONE GOOD salesman with $700 to invest to take over contract for Multnomah county: business already established For information call at 0S' Broadway. 5 LIVE YOUNG SALESMEN WANTED. IF YOU KNOW THE CITY AND WANT TO WORK. CALL AT 510 PITTOCK K LOCK. M TO 1 I A. M. TRUCK salesman wanted. Saiary and commission. Give reference, address and telephone. A 3S. Oregonian. SALESMEN, students earn $600, summer vacation. Household line; you can do it. 205 Artisans bldg. U. Jiougen. WANTEDAGENTS. CAN Y'OU use $50 per month extra 7 We want ladies selling medicines, extracts or toilet preparations to write lor at tractive and profitable sideline. MURRAY MEDICINE CO., 6 loan Bldg., Yakima. Wash, LIVE WIRE proposition; article to sell to confectionery trade; must have about 2o caah. BF 30. Oregonian. AGENTS for Multnomah county; a good proposition. ns uroaaway. AGENTS wanted. Benedict Nursery Ccw. tu. Bitn st. .Norm, fontanel, ur. HEALTH, accident and nospital insurance. Jdig commissions. 601 Cor belt Bids. HFLP WANTED FEMALE. AUTOMOBILE PARTS CLERK. Must be accurate, write lesibly. nse typewriter, capable waiting on customers. Stenography not neces sary; good opportunity learn auto mobile business. State age, exp. ; salary expected. AF 757. Oregonian. ill DDLE-AGED lady to nurse old man. out, $25; hotel maid, out, $40; lady cook for restaurant. $15 week; general house work, city, $50; kitchen helper, $65, car fare; waitress, city, extra, 50c hour. 301 Rale igh bldg., 327 Washin gton st. EXPERIENCED OPERATORS WANTED. OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILLS. 244 RUSSELL ST. WAITRESS WANTED Call at Hazel hotel. Third and Montgomery st., Friday between 8:30 and 11:30 A. M. Room and board included. Must be neat, congenial Hnd responsible. 25 YOUNG ladies for Veterans of Foreign Wars "Gold Chevron Revelry." Apply C. E. Boone, chairman entertainments, IMS Columbia bldg.. 10 to 11 A. M. ANY GIRL in need or a rnena apply to Che Salvation Army Rescue Home, May fair and Alexander streets. Pbouo Main 8450. DM car- WANTED A man who will invest a sma mnunt of monev with his services in Htaole manufacturing; also a retail bust ness: this is out of the city; money ful secured and under your own manage ment. Call this at once. AR 773. Ore gonian. YOUR SERVICES AND $1000. If vou want a position and an oppor- fnnirv rn Invest SlOoO in a SOUnd mailU fMPtnrlnor business (money secured) write for personal Interview. AL 735, oregonian HUSTLER with $000 to help finance wood hauling; have truck and contracts; long hours but big profits; references. Agents lay off. BF 742. Oregonian. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED Woman and child or man and wife to stay with elderly man in modern country home :o mites east o rortmuu References. aii i aoor u. MAN OR woman to sell advertising on live wire publication, call Dei. u anu 3:30. room 017 Worcester bldg. 2 NEAT appearing, can earn $3 to $5 per day. Call & A. M., o jaast an si. SITTATIOXS WANTED MALE. MIDDLE-AGED couDle thorougnly experi triced in meat and pastry, wouia iie work in country hotel or small club or at beach. N 73'.. Oregonian. WANTED Position by expert circular saw filer or foreman; will contract mm; good references. Address 1-3S Lincoln st., Eugene, Or PRINTER Combination machine and floor, wants situation: marriea; can come at once. Address AV b"55, Ore gonian. ' 0-YEAR-OLD vetoran wants work as servant in private household, or will accept any kind of work to earn an honest living. H. Frazer. Main lti.M. BAKING superintendent wants position in bakery or flour mm; inorougniy experi enced, practical and technical. Address R 731. Oregonian. AN EXPERIENCED janitor with good references wants 5 hours' steady wow every day for $11 a week. U 750,. Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED Japanese coniDtnation cook desires position In hotel, restau rant or lumber camp. Japanese cook, room 6. Mikado Hotel. 202'-. Everett st: ANITOR wants position: understands tleetric elevator machinery, boilers, steam engines; will take anything. Mar shall i),MJ. WANTED Contract to cut cordwood by reiable men; nothing under louu corns considered. Address S. L. B., 224 Front st.. Portland , LIVE wire young business man, experi enced in mercantile business, aesires po sition or will travel on the road. AH 748, Oregon lan. CARPENTER wants contracts, plans and specifications furnished rree. Aiarsnau K17. Call mornings and evenings after 5. F. West. woman. ccomoany young lady to beach or mountains as companion or win care ior enwuron, -, BC 740. Oregonian. M Wi it A V roflnomcnt would like POSl tion to care for one or two children by day or week or would go to beach for summer; san swim, can rasi tween 9 and 11 A. M. COOK and waitress capable of taking full charge or hotel or club, best of references; give particulars In firm let ter. 305 5 til st. Main 254. YOUNG WIDOW with small child to sup port wishes day work of any kind, ex perienced in small lunch counter or res taurant. IN 4 .-in. ureKomau. YOUNG lady possessing tact, courtesy and ability to meet the public desires posi tion ; experience in physician's office. Telephone Sellwood 2.7n. RESPECTABLE widow wants housekeep ing or any kind of work where can keep 2 small children; small wages: no time to waste with triflers. F 514. Oregonian. AMERICAN college girl wishes position caring for children; governess or nume maid; references exchanged. Address J 742. Oregonian. MARRIED lady, no children, charge oi ant. hmise or housekeeping rooms ior apt. Address Mrs, Rosky, 350 Sacramen to at., city! WORKING housekeeper: 3 adults in busi ness. Apply between 10 A. M. and & P. M. 304 Morgan bldg. Phone Main 4MW. RESPECTABLE woman with boy. 10. de sires position as housekeeper. 475 Main, room 2. H oiis en ran i ng. EUREKA House Cleaning Co., all kinds of cleaning and vacuum work done; special prices on floor waxing. Phone A 20-51. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room and dress ing room with hot and cold water; nice home; easy walking distance. 215 14th st. Call after Friday. Comfort a pt.r rnm Tor itentlemen, walkinr distance center of city. 205 Ea-nt First st. North, near Holladay ve. NICELY furnished room, beautiful home and grounds, close in, walking distance. 243 11th; references deslced. NICE, dean larce front room, first floor, large yard, trees, close in. 201 14th St., near Jefferson st. , RELIABLE young woman with 2-year-old child wishes position as housekeeper in small family. BC 751, Oregonian. WA NT ED TO RENT. House. WANTED MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE; PREFER PIEDMONT DISTRICT. AD DRESS AK 71S. OREGONIAN. RENTAL BUREAU. List your houses, flats or apartments with us; quick results and good tenants. PACKING, MOVING, STORAGE LOANS. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. 53 Fourth St. Opp. Multnomah HoteL Phone Broadway 3713. WANTED To rent, unfurnished, modern six or seven-room house with garage In Rose City Park, Irvington or Laurel- hurst districts. Will give, best of ref erences. J. E. Balsley, care Standard Oil company. Uhone Marshall oiou. two r.ARCi-. airv attractive rooms, mod ern house, 2 block SS car; special priv ileges: piano: use of kitchen, bast rtft.-t FRONT room to employed people only; quiet home, close in, home privileges. $15. East 0317. LARGE front room suitable for 1 or - young men, walking distance: $10 month. 667 Glisan. Broriaway 2048. DESIRABLE room in modern home, near 23d and Waah. All conveniences, war shall 3680. , ROOM with privileges, near 23d and Wash. shall 384. 173 & Greene ave., $5 a week, liar- FURNISH ED room for rent in private family; women preferred. Call person ally at 23 Larrabee st. TWO LARGE outside rooms. 1 blk. from two cars: cloe in; modern convenience!. Call 700 Kearney or phone Main PLEASANT sleeping room for 2; phone, bath and all conveniences. Very home like. Marshall 2515. 428 H Mill street COMFORTABLE furnished room, all mod ern conveniences, for gentleman. 367 East Seventh st. North. WANTED Immediately, by responsible family or man and wife only, modern house of five to seven rooms in desirable district, with garage. Best of references. Stuart K. King, 1014 . Spalding bldg. Main ;o!I. PLEASANT, commodious sleeping porch with sitting room; gentlemen preferred. Ea-tt 7904. WANTED To rent, either furnished or un furnished, 6 or 7-room strictly modern house; will lease; state location and de tails: first-class references. B 5i0. Ore- gonian. 1 FRONT room, all modern conveniences, steam heat: gentlemen only. Phone Broadway 3083. 188 N. 21st Bt. FOR RENT Clean outside furnished rooms at J26 Fou rteenth stre e t. Room W i th Board. COUPLE without children wants 2 or 3- room furnished house, $20 or $25, by I Sunday. Write or call No. 2 union ave. North. P. Noeller. WANTED By young couple, modern 4 or o-room Dungaiow wun iirepiace, oy July 10 to lease; rent not to exceed 930; i references. Automatic 326-07. CAMPBELL HOTEL 23D AND HOYT STS. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best-known residential ho tels nn the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath, $2.50 a day up: rates by day or raontn Aleals served to transients. THE JACKSON. 51 H Union Ave. North. Three-room apts., $30 and $40: private bath, steam heat, hot and coid water; phone service: 15 minutes' walk to 5tn and Alder. Rose City car. East 2846. BUENA VISTA APTS.. 434 Harrison St. Strictly modern 2 and 8-room apts., nwly papered In tapestry; outside kitchen and tiled bathrooms, $50 and Up; adults. Main 1052. THE PARK. Strictly first-class apartments, S or rooms, with bath, furnished or unfur nished ; fireplace, many o titer features; s.o to STo. Ana Harrison. Mar. 133. ALVA RADO APTS.. 730 EVERETT ST Elegant 6-room duplex apartment; will give leans. See Mr. Bullin. vi sKeiieia, Fries A Co.. Realtors, H5 Fourth st. THE CECILIA APTS., 22.1 and Glisan. fo rent 8-room, unfurnished, with balcony rent mo.. 3-ROOM unfurnished apt., 5th floor; very desirable; all newly painted. Phone Eaai 5-ROOM apartment; 2 bedrooms; front and back porches; gas stove; modern reference. .Mil i;iin st. 3 AND 4-ROOM modern unfurnished apt reasonable rates to desirable parties. verly Court. East 20th and Clinton sta. THE MORDAUNT. IMth and Everett Large 4-room unfurnished modern apt.. retinted. nurdwood floors Auto. 527-10. LUCRETI A COURT. 4-room apt., clean, modern, hardwood floors; 0O; adults; ref. Marshall 15 IS. THE DEZENDORF APTS. 208 16th.. near Taylor. Mar. 128. Nicely furnished 5-room apts. for resi dent or transient and tourist; no ob- jectfon to children; walking distance. 3-KOOM unfurnished apt., very desirable 4J5 West Park. Main 272U or Marshall 423. ROOMS and bath in Al condition; white enamel, nicely furnished, cool and pleas ant; reasonable rent if taken at once; Irvington district; 514 Hancock sL Ap ply Janitor. In basement. THE AMERICAN, modern 4 and O-room apartment. Bdwy. 33oO. WELLINGTON COURT. 521 Evert-tt : f..ur and five-room arts. Including telephone. PA RTNOM AH. 3 distance; adults. and 4 f'-omi, 200 E. 13th. waiklcc MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. Two rooms furnished, hardwood floors, elevator, strictly modern ; all outside walking distance. 386 Third St., corner Montgomery. DAYTON APTS. Modern ment. $70. 062 Flanders. ((room Bdwy. apart- 8134. ONE NICE 3-room apartment and one 2- room apartment. Just vacated; only 10 minutes' walk from Broadway. Phone Broadway 436. 4-RM. APT. : hard ood floors, breakfaM nook, sleeping porch. Call din. JIM3. UPPER 4-room apt.: heat, light, walking dirt, 724 E. Burnside. Earn 4im. HANDSOME tliorneaye. large apt.. East tOtf. $40. 721 Haw THE CHELTENHAM. 4-room apt., $65; also 2-room. all out-I side, hardwood floors, new furnishings, I Bdwy. 3H58. 14 JEFFERSON, cor. Iftth. Rates cut to fill 2 and 3-room suites; outside, airy rooms. Large kitchen and pantry, usual i conveniences. Fut nthh ed or I nfnrnU h ed Apartment, CAMBRIAN. Strlctlv first-class, furnished or unfur nished, 2 and 8-room apartments, close in, ,o to woiumoia. .mar shal! 2400. HISLOP HALL. 4T0H Hawthorne ave.. near Grand ave. Beautifully clean, strictly modern 3-room Turn, apts., $o. a month up. East 882. JAEGER APTS.. 701 Washington, one fur nished and one unfurnished apt. LAM BROOK APTS.. 430 EAST YAMHILL STREET. For rent, reasonable, two-room nished apt. Call East 4062. FINE 3-room, bain and dreslng room. hardwood floors, newly kalsomlned. East 3782. . fur- GAR FIELD, 3 and 4 rooms, sieepmg porch. 3il r ailing, block west t nion. Flats. MULTNOMAH APTS.. 225 Market near Second; under new management; completely furnished 8-room apts.; rea sonable. 40 s ROOMS, fine district, reception hall. fireplace, furnace, strictly modern; water and care of garbage. 10 East 24th street North WANTED Housekeeping position by el derly lady; home more than wages: can not care for children. Mar. 3320 untl 10 A. M. and aftsr 6 f. m MIDDLE-AGED woman would like to care for furnished apt. for living rooms nn mall compensation, thoroughly com petent. N 742. Oreonlan! EXPERIENCED office girl wishes positlo taking phone calls and meeting public. Call Automatic 831-0' BKi.tinLE woman w I be working part ner in any money-mamm? cuineiu; uu cash to start. AR 72 1. uregonian lai-IR AM) SILK SCRIM ANU MA It CfUISfil 1 Bi Utnlrtl.o uuac www, Will caii. Bast mis. t-i ni.Ri.v woman will work in small oiain family wnere ail -are eniyiuyeu iur o a week. P 73t, Oregonian. vrrnvfi w rim an caoablo. good cook an' worker, wants piace wun -s or o uuuno, $50. Box R 73-, Oregonian wi i i. .ur. fur children evenings whil rents are away ; reierences. w ooa lawn IHi DAY WORK. Phone Main 1818. call before 8 In morning, or o to i evenings. j.u Brugel nixisHV.lRL is. wishes work m bom' as helper; no oojecuon to so 10 ueucn. X 741, Oregonian. htch SCHOOL GIRL wants work in doc tor s otnee; experiencea. tau caai ou room 207. THOROUGHLY experienced elevator op erator wishes position, iiroaaway a-i-n apartment 20. WIDOW lady would like housekeeping for widower; no objection to cnuuren. agl dress S 737. Oregonian. CARPENTER and builder, day or contract. estimates furnisbed. ueraey. wooaiawn 6101. YOUNG Japanese boy wants position in private family at nouseworK. uuwy. 4K2. APARTMENT or club, janitor work by re spectable man and wile; no cnuuren. Phone Broadway 3410. EXPERT trap drummer wants engage ment at summer resort ; union. n t Oi egonian. OUNG MAN wishtts position feur, experienced necnanic. Oregonian. as chauf AP 73 L CEMENT WORK ti Aft AGES. Reasonable rates. First-class only. CALL TABOR 14US. EX-SERVICE man, experienced grocery clerk, wants a jod; Knows city wen ana can drive a car. Tabor 13f. ORK wanted for big truck by day or contract, long or short job. E. Coulter, East 7 4 Ml. CARPENTER New or repair wurk; small jabs promptly a one. estimates cneer- luliy given. rnaco. ianor jj.'o. PAINTING. tinting ana .Barnes & uauner. i.au 2StiO. or Galther. Mar. 'J paperhanging. Barnes. Wdln. 703. PAINTING and tinting, urea it If desired; reasonable price. tenamin, aroaawgy 4S70. EXPERIENCED Ironer and cleaner wants half day, Fn., SaL Ask for apartment 4, WORK, wanted gciod laundress Saturday and Monday Woodlawn 3040. COMPETENT woman wants references. Woodlawn 232H. day work LADY will care for children days and eve nings. Phone East 5017. WOMAN wishes day work; Phone Automatic 311-57. experienced. CAPABLE woman wants position In cafe terla: will help generally. Main 120. WOMAN wants day work Thursday. Broad- way 1220. room 7. EXPERIENCED woman wants cleaning. laundry, sewing, 40c hour. Mam oifta. WASHING, ironing and house cleaning; references. Call Wdln. 4002. RELIABLE colored woman wishes work bv the day. East loW. YOUNG lady wishes work on farm or country town. O 038, Oregonian. in RELIABLE woman wants day work; do anything, aiar. .mi.i. apt, j. CLEAN 1 NO, window washing, laundry. Mrs. ennstensen. jiain puj. GOOD work euaranteed. lady wants day work, wooaiawn oium. EXPERIENCED telephone operator wants position on private exenange. .Main r.i.. STATIONARY engineer, experienced with electricity and sprinuung systems, t-nona Woodlawn 3777. BRICKLAYER, contractor, tile houses. k a rages, everytning in tne oncK une. Tabor 8793, WANTED At once. IS chorus girls for local work; 10 first -class ponies, able to do buck dancing; S mediums; amateurs ran apply. Apply 1 o'clock 14S 13th st. APPLICATIONS will be received from prls between 18 and 35 years of age for employment in woodworking factory at St. Johns. AJ 610. Oregonian. W ANTE D PRACTICAL NURSE ; "MUST BE GOOD COOK, TO CARE FOR KICK IRL. APPLY EASTERN NOVELTY M KG. CO., 8.V. 5TH ST. THE FLORENCE CRITTENTON home Is ready to help any girl in distress, 955 Bast Glisan. "MV" car. Eabt 310. YOUNG women wanting employment as telephone operators call at room 601 Telephone building. Park and Oak sta WANTED Lady to care for 3-year-old baby girl; wages $30 and will be treated like one of family. East 5700. SALESPEOPLE wanted for house furnish ings and hardware department. Jones Cash Store. E. 1st and Morrison. .NEAT girls for public dining room. Ap ply today from 10 to 12 at 18 Park st. for interview. WANTED Middle-aged woman, married or single, to heip with hotel; ome cham. 1-ermaid work. V 72 S, Oregonian. ALTERATION woman that can sew on DOtn men s ana women s garments. Ap ply at Levitts store, ready to work. SATISFACTORY calcimlning. plaster patching. enameling; reasoname Dy day work. Sellwood 202. . BAND and circular saw position about June 20th V 740, Oregonian. filer open for A-l referencib. YOUNG woman wishing housework, good cook, no washing. Call Woodlawn 1482. RELIABLE WOMAN WANTS DAY W O R K. PHONE EAST 0307. ELDERLY woman wants light housework. Call East 4720 from 0-12. BMkker pers. Stenographers. Office. YOUNG LADY, thoroughly experienced as secretary of welfare and social service work in large manufacturing plant in east Is seeking position along similar lines in Portland or vicinity In private institution or business concern; excellent references. BF 720, Oregonian. YOUNO married man wishes position as shipping clerk or stock man, experi enced. Call Tabor 40ii. 1 WANTED Cordwood to cut, any amount; I have two drag saws. Call Aut. 641-U7. 4760 58th st S. E. CARPENTER All kinds of jobbing and remodeling. Shop. 327 23d st. Mar. 1 135 WANT house painting, kalsomlninj;. A. Kogers, Eiast uu-a. EXPERIENCED truck and tractor driver. Call Turner. Main 4370. BOY. 16. wanti matic 216-47. any kind of work. Auto- FOR ALL kinds cement and concrete work call Main isl RESHING LING or shingling, anteed. Phone Col. 1050. work guar- ROOMS tinted, $2 up; painting, papering, for reasonable wage. Marshall 2341. A. E. ROGERS. HOUSE PAINT1NO. KAL SOMININO WANTED. EAST 6023. AUTO mechanic wants work. 4 years' ex perlence; references. BC 736. Oregonian. YOUNG Japanese chauffeur wants posi tion In private family. Broadway 4626. GOOD woman to help bake and share rent and expenses in home bakery; good lo cation. PI' 734. Oregonian. OI RL for soda fountain work. Perkins Hotel Pharmacy. 5th and Washington. LADY barber. Bluebird barber shop. OVs N. flth st. WANTED A girl for general housework. Apply at 524 Laurel st.. Portland Hts. EXPERIENCED house-to-house lady sales woman. 308 14th st- North. REFINED, capable woman for outdoor selling; ?3 daily. V 726. Oregonian. AT ONCE Experienced operators on power machines. .::. Second st. WANTED Chorus girls at the Casino the ater: long engagement. WA NTED Cook for cafeteria. Catholic Women's league; luncheon only served. A L A DY to do ceneral housework on a farm for five men. AV S62. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED' alteration help wanted. Bartholomew's. Tenth, and Washing tun. CARPET, linoleum laying, furniture re pa iringscreensput CARPENTERING and jobbing; good work, reasonable. East 5410. K A LSO MINI NG. 60c Phone East 2034. hour, you furnish. ANY KIND of cement work wanted. Broad way 2300; PAPERH ANtJING, painting and tinting; paperhanging. 3Qc roll. Marshall 24V3. DICTAPHONE operator-typist, competent office assistant, three years experience In general office work, desires position; wilt begin at moderate salary. Broadway 24.8, ask for Miss Xisson. BEGINNING July 5. bookkeeper wants 2 or 3 wks. work; can run a Burroughs bookkeeping machine; have had general office experience and can type. Call 324-16. f- COLLEGE woman who has recentJy com pleted La Salle accountancy course, de sires position in accountant's or audit or's office: salary of minor importance. F 743. Oregonian. COMMERCIAL high school girl wishes . permanent position in office where du ties would be light to start. Call Main 6133. 3 TO 5-ROOM modern house, furnished; must be clean and reasonable; east side pieferred. Mrs. Atkin.son. East 18. WANTED Five-room bungalow, furnished, with piano and garage; must be close in. j AL 6Sti. uregonian. ONE OF the finest homes in city now con verted into exclusive famllly hotel, ca tering to families, business men ana women; home conveniences, home cook Inc. large grounds, porches, garage. showers, sleeping porencs. etc.; reason able rates. 223 E. 20th. Phone E. 7384 FOUR or 5-room mcdern furnished, close In; references Y 732. Oregonian. 3 TO 6-ROOM furnished house, responsi- ble couple. Phone East 300. apt. 30. NORTOMA HOTEL. Portlands downtow high-class family note ; rooms en suite or single with or without board, for families and business men and women We give you all the comfortq of a home reasonaoie rates. Ami rtments. WANTED Small furnished house or apt. around $25; two adults; place for car preferred, near 21st and asn. J i4, Oregonian. VERY special price to 2 young men wh will share large pleasant room (2 beds) in nice home; best board and alt horn comforts: also single room cheap. Tele' phone Tabor 6875. 214 East 33d st. Rooms. WANT rooms in west side homes for sum mer students. A. X. Farmer Co., Udwy. 7! MJ. - WEAVER RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. 708 Wash. St.; American plan ; rooms with bath 2.50 per day up; rates by wees; or montn. .Meals to tran icnts. Rooms With Board. YOUNG lady employed in otfice desires room and Doara in private lamny; Desc references. Call Woodlawn 2202 after 6:30 P. M. NICELY furnished front parlor with com fortabie folding bed and sewing machine if desired; walking distance; 920 month ly. Call mornings only. 42 Market. Housekeeping Rooms. WANTED Housekeeping rooms for mother I and daughter in feast or w estmoremna or Hawthorne district. Phone Sell. 2707. DO YOU WANT A HOME? Irvington; elegant double room, board single room; laundry privileges. East 064.1. ROOM and board for business girls; all modern conveniences: walking distance Iff per wt ek. Auta 219-74. 12 E. 7th st. FOR RENT. 1 SLEEPING room, 1 separate sleeping porch, 1 -room apt. oaa w aan. sl. NORTON HOTEL. 12TH AND MORRISON. residential hotel, rooms en suite or single; rates reasonable. Furnished Rooms. HEREFORD HOTEL, 735 Hoyt St.; excel lent board; all pleasant outside rooms, Rooms With Board In Private Family. HOTEL FRANKLIN. Washington at 13th. Rates by the wee it s.YftO and ud: hot and cold run ning water, hot water heating system, tun ana snower pains. TWO MEALS per day for couple, wltn living room, bedroom, bath and laundry accommodations, 985 per month; garage can be had. 15 additional. Mt. Tabor district. 1 block south of Stark st. 03 East 61st st. Phone not yet installed. HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL. HAST MORRISON ST.. AT EAST 6TH. QUI BT. DIGNIFIED AND REFINED. ; 11.25 PER DAY. ?6 PER WK. AND LP. CONVENIENT ALL-NIGHT GARAGES. LARGE, nicely furnisned rm. with board. suitable ror l or young lanies; nome like: all conveniences; easy walking dis- tance. 567 Glisan. Broadway 2t3S. SHEFFIELD, 272 Broadway Two-room suite with private bath, newly iurntshtd. modern, accommodate three or four peo ple; four blocks from Portland Hotel, on Broadway; rates by week or month Main 2506. KINGS HILL. Attractive well and personally fur nished apt. to sublet ; 4 large rooma Main 7020. or Main 5126. TH REE single furnished rooms, close in. excellent board; private family; men pre- re rre a. nenton st. cam uu. ANGELA HOTEL. 625 Washington sL Large lobby, automatic elevator, phone and running water in each room; rooms with or witnout Dam, ?o.ou per ween up; excellent home-cooked meals next door. LARGE front room, upstairs in nice Irv. ington nome tor young couple or 2 young men: nome privileges. t.ast i ntj. LARGE front room with board, suitable for two; modern, walking distance, fine location. East 5715. HOTEL CONRADINE. 22 North 10th st., 2 blocks north of Washington st.;-pleas ant rooms and suites at very reasonable rates by day or week. FRIVATE home ror emmren; 20 years' perlence. 714 Everett st Marshall 2163. AMERICAN HOTEL, 92 N. 3D. Newly furnished, very clean up-to- date service at pre-war prices. , EDW. F. GODDARD, Ma n a ger. CLEAN, comfortable room, just like home. T w o meals. Walking distance. E. S362. LARGE room, modern home, suitable for. Marshall 4410. 770 Irving. WASHINGTON HOTEL. 12TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rooms and suites at reason able rate by wet-K or month. WILL care for children In my home by the day, week or month. East 8946. ROOM with breakfast and dinner; elderly woman employed during day. Wdln. 1911 RECTOR HOTEL. 0 N. Broadway; newly furnished mod ern rooms, $1 per day up. f5 per week up; private pains. ROOM fend board, 574 Ladd ave.. near E. 12th and Hawthorne. East 514.J. THE ST. PAUL, 130 4th St., a respectable uowntown notei; transient toe up, pri vate bath 2; low rates to permanent guests. NICELY furnished room with good board; walking distance. 7 3 Hoyt at. LADY wants couple children to board and room, old-ui. RITZ HOTEL PARK AND MORRISON. Ideally located in the very center of the theater and shopping district. Special summer rates now m eriect. STRICTLY modern sleeplnsr rooms. flrt- ciass Deos; warning distance. Nob Hilt: transient or permanent guests; summer rates. Bowy. 20.8. NICE home for gentleman, near Mult- nomah club: reasonable. Main 2219. Furnlwhed Apartments. 3 LARGE outside rooms, well furnished. balcony, large bath room, kitchen and pantry; electricity for cooking; rent rea sonable to responsible parties. Call snd see at 204 Madison St.. near Hawthorne bridge. HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison St., at 10:h II day, weekly j and up. Free phoDe ana pains. iignt ana airy. 'OR RENT Furnished rooms on ground floor of house; large basement, close to car line. bt0 bavier st. Broadway 1473. NICE, clean 1, 2. 3-room apts.. one apt private entrance, private bath, hot and cold water all rooms, phone service; prices reasonable. Lawn apts., 53 N. 18th st. uroauway 2HH4. NICE 3 AND 4-ROOM APTS. WALKING DISTANCE. BERKELEY APARTMENTS. 30 Trinity Place. Mar. 1050. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. Corner 10th and Salmon: 2, 3 and 4- room apts.; permanent or transient; also single rooma Main 6641. 6-ROOM modern, newly tinted flat. Stove connected ; water pan). Newly painted. $37 50. Phone East 500. NEWLY tinted, at 2d and Montgomery. walking distance, fine neighborhood. East 8015 BOSS A NT A APARTMENTS. Nicely furnished 3-room apartment, at! outside windows. 18'J r. 23d st. Mar shall 2045. 4-ROOM upper fli mont. Sunnyside ,, modern. 1042 Bel car. Tabor 1065. UPPER unfurnihed, adults only, o-i.i b. S rooms and bath; Stark. THE EVERETT, 644 Everett st., furnished 3-room apt. with sleeping porch. All outside rooms. Walking distance. ENTIRE upper floor apt, lovely home. garage, adults, lovely place for em ployed people. East 2548. 711 East Ankeny. 2-ROOM flat, bath, pantry; adult i fllOU, Williams ave.. after 6:30 P only. M. FOR RENT 5-room lower fiat, good con dition. 201 San Rafael .t. 5 ROOMS, pleasant corner, coils, lumace. date rent July 1. East 8007. FOR RENT- Unlon ave. -4-room unfurnished flat. N. Wdln. 2330. 1463 FURNISHED 2-ROOM APT. Steam heat, $30 to $40. including phone and lights. Adults only. The Lincoln 4tn anu L.incoin. ARLINE APTS. 17TH AND LOVE JOT. Two and 3-room apts. All clean and modern at reasonable rent. Bdwy. 1 8 1: WILL sublet desirable furnished 6-room apartment, west side, for months of July and August. Rent $125. A 736, Ore- gonian. WILL sublet indefinitely my attractive 4- room apt., west side; references required. Call Marshall Oia. 3-ROOM apartment, private bath and phone, per montn. loaa apts., cor ner E. 12th and Stark. LIGHT, clean 4-room flat. 1424" Bandy blvd.. corner C2d; Rose rity r'ark. V-'s .iu. Forniwlied Flnts. CLEAN, modern, cheerful, attractive four rooms, sleeping porcn, oatn, xront dsi- cony. fine view, private basement space. weat aide, walking distance, near Carni val park. Adult;. references. 464 Rail, near 13th. FOR RENT FURNISHED FLAT. WEST SIDE CLOSE J- ; o KUU.il S A.N U SLEEPING PORCH. 70: FOR MONTHS i OF JULY AND AUGUST. BJ 7u0, ORE GONIAN FOR RENT 5-room modern flat. 10 inln utea from Meier & Franks, jr ront oai conv. all light airy rooms. Furniture out of the ordinary for sslo. Auto. 520-26 FOR RKNT. lloiiHekrrping Ifawna. 1 A R T L Y i ur n7 tit dn -u k p i n g water In, ga ritngeii; pre war 163 Ktrnt, or. Mnrrl-ion. ronni pnc. . H imaekTping R uns In PrUat Yum H y . NICELY furnisheiPand clean; couple of 2 moni out-lde apts, adjoining bath: lrc cloneta. giia ran(te. aiio a nice nuisi'l sleeping room wit h running water. 11th st.. ner Jefferson. JUST what ..u have b'eii looking f"r, clean and nicely furnished h. k. rooma In deji) ruble reldenr dtnt rirt at lO.'ft E. Main it . ror. 34th. H a w t h or n er a t 2 CLKA.V licht irv hntmrkf nlng rwm. 1 (tincje room, outnhle ent ranee, f rra phone, with or without garage. East 261 i. Phoita NOB HILL 3-room Urg. i .ran. mdrrf h. k. apt. for i or 4 people. 67 GUnn. Mar .Till. LX M FO R T A HI , K Jurnthed of kitchenette; walking $12. Main 734 room distar NE VT. large h cioe In. II TWO k. room In beautiful hoiit it pi-r wet k. .'!' Morri-iMu coin fort a hi v furni-h"d rooma wit kilrhf n 1 1 e . .1 6 V a n t o u vers v e E 4 01 .. 11 K Rooms, double and single, pnaie home. r;:t Everett. 2 CONNECTED h only; reannHM. epuiK rooma, adult K. HurnM st SINGLE h k. ora. 154 N room, suitable for bat hr I.Vh at, FRONT h. k. nanemnt h. k. ma, 2d flour; tit. 24 CUy. 1 frouC IT o cute. FOR R K N T R u ii a I o w , sleeping porch ; modorn ever hardwood nrt s,' On-piac e, butt ment ajMnent, ruin re. eu rooms tv pfpecii t. lull re. on pawl ret U pr!,-lirh Hik-hls. See ll once t iiK'4 Tibbetts St., near E. 2Asi Phone PEKUM JORDAN, Realtors. S23-4 Chamber (lf t ommerce Bldg., 4th and Stark Sts. Main J-.X . -ROOM house, modern, ror., fine Un: lots of shade end cherrlei; juet tinte-i and renovate J. ;t'0 E. S-(d ml. Call h-it. and Sunday. 1 blk. t-outb of llawthoru a ve. $ .2 uQ per mnnt h. 6-ROOM houce, modern, ror, fin litn; lota of Mhado and cherries; Ju tinted and renovated. 3.'0 E 3.1d st Call bit. and Sunday, I blk south of JUwCiornt ave,, 1 42 ."vo per month. LAUREI.IHRST. Modern "'room house, ulreplng porch bet dturtct. 1 block to car. $:a O. O. ItOHKKH. RENTAL REALTOR. 801 I'ANA A HLlHl CALL HYti Ki WA Y fM K'lt NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO. LIOHT I'l i WEK --H EAT. WASHINGTON AT ITH ST. 4-ROOM modern buiiK-tlu ; lartic srou Coodin Mat ion. opw go la kt-; t" month. Call bvQ Concord bUlg, 2d Stark M. ELK TRANSFER SToRAOh, CO. lo ds' storage free. Furniture nn.ving tor !rm Rdwy. ?44 time.. Room Iviunc and patnti d. Tabor 4;l4. now 1012 at nt. m-tt ly Uoatun ave Ca.l MOVING I'iann. furniture and loiig-d;- tance hauling a upeclalty. C. A W 1 ru t Service Co. 40 2, nt. 1'hone lMwv M2t. NINE room. f;ri mnl Madiaon, l"w rent. snap at I TOO; money -ma ker. Monroy, 2-?7 S Wah ington st., room20. WHEN tuovintf, city or country, get th bent at low rut price OffH-o Trans. Cf Main 1201. 202 S Alder at ue, JunI vac-ttid. goot rtut. Call at b22 Coin- MOnHRN 7-room h dtat rlct, lnudeiat merclal st. m 1 ON E OF t hone nit e 5 room bungalow cloe to Sunnyiide or Uawthoine tar, at loop East T j .v tor t.. near ;:M. ROOM-hoUHe to rent, walking distant-, to party buying f urn it ur. 1 1P0 down, balance ll.Mi. 12 months. 434 llth st. -ROOM hoiifc, wuier and garlMit re moved ; ad ults, l.to; tni aid. nar jvi ferwon hlKh. 1 U K. VW-tt -r. ROOM modern, hardwood floors, furnaie. etc. 72H E. Yamhill; 9-12 per month. E.iMt WIO. IA-KOOM tunc tlOUM', m 7P1 Firt at. iiit-rn, v. tK it, I'hon m-0. dm oIjKRN hi'Ute. yaraKe, iartr ard. walk- 1 ng distance; aduita o n . y. Last .7tlJ - ROOM house Thompson t. on Gknn ave., 1'hone 312-10 Room coUhku for rent. JU. HO L-Nt OR QUICK RENT. O-room modern houe. 371 I'ortland blvd. . Iioukm, $.10 rent: I ill. Tabor 6470 ROOM titodt- Ainswort h. A-ROOM cottage for rent. $20. &40 Em at 7-RooM moiliTti year lettf, f.'ip. bun km low, will g iv 1 Call 107S Haw thorn. -ROOM cotta and place fo i-rrl k-ns ; fruit. ;.rd n 2A. Ka-t T 7 I- uniUlirU Jluutfti. a a. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. 2 and 3-room strictly modern, elevator. tile bath. 11th and Montgomery. M. 359. THE STANFIEL0. Modern two-room apts., light, phone, low rent. Main 7392. heat. FURN. apt., large room, kitchenette, dress ing room. Data connected, nrai noor. 47 Taylor .st. COLLEGE I rooms, modern, walking did tance: rree pnone, steam ann not water; ad and college, aiar. zooo. MODERN 3-room apt., completely fur nished; all outside windows. 700 Flan ders st. fnone .viarsnaii ltiot. FURNITURE of 5-room modern flat for sale, whole or oy tne piece; nai rem- for $21. 333 Cook a.ve.. between Union and Williams. THRBK outride room flat, clean, well fur nished, gas, electric jignis. pnone, launarv room, lawn; auuii 01117. East H.'iS. IVkHV delri-ble flat in Irvlnfirtoii; 5 roonu nd sleeping porch, everytning xurnmnea except linen, tail hast '.M.t. 6 OR 6 WELL FURNISHED. EVERETT AND 18TH STREET. P HO N E MAIN 11 4 H Jj'OR RENT 3-room furnished apartment, ; light, neat, not ana coia water furnished. Call 10024 Hawthorne ave.. apt. A. 2 AND 3 KUUJi apartments, nicely ar ranged; reasonable rates. Marshall 2006. 140 N. l'3d hi. FOR RENT Three-room apartment. nicely turnisneo. exclusive district. o'J-i Everett st. rnona nowy. aw. 4-ROOM upper flat. 200", Tillamook st. 4. ner mo. can at premise or acw Wakefield. Fries A Co.. 4th st. $30 3 ROOMS, modern, ciean, completely furnisnea; anuns oniy; ij tiinpiiin 1 r. 574H Mill wt. n.KAX well-furnished modern 4-rooni flat. -Hiking distance. O'JU . Aiorrison. .ast 5.-34. $47. 3-ROOM furnished flat, modern; dren. ( E. I'.'d st. tio. HA.NTHUK.N .Mueiy turn.. Htrict- ly modern 3-room apt., Deoe, private balcony. t J-n at. clean, com. Lombard st. FURNISHED 4-room flat, only. Rhone :n l-wi. close In; adults ROOM apt., large, atry, pletely furnished. 680 Columbia 617. LuXuii APARTMENTb. THIRTEENTH AND CLAY STS. Three-room front apt., strictly modern. 3-ROOM lower flat, 2 beds, fireplace, elec. free phone: adults. .Q4 l-'tn st. FOR RENT Completely furnished 4-room flat, walking distance. MstiiM. I FURNITURE for sale, gain ; cash or terma. flat for rent. Main 2207. ONE LARGE room with kitchenette, light. phone, narawoou noors, wanting dis tance. 250 orth lth st. DIEL APTS., 700 E. Ankeny; modern com. fur. 3-room apt., ciean, ngnt. airy. East 4046. ARLINE APTS., 17th and iovejoy, 2 and 3-room apts., an clean and modern; rea- gonable rent, isnwy. iaia. CUMBERLAND APTS. 2 and 3-room furnished apts., walk- ing distance est i-arK ana Columbia. MORTON APTS. Three-room furnished apartment. Washington street. Main I0h2. 697 THE GILLIAN APIS. Close In; 3 rom modern and strictly clean. Mar. 1378. 331 6th at. TWO-ROOM clean; hot per month. furnished apt.; light and snd cold water; clotte In; $30 .oi nun si. Jiain Mfo. ROOM apartment, furnished, west side; close In; no cnuaren; reierences quired. Victorian apts. Main 2473. -ROOM furnished apt-, steam heated, free I phone, 1 block iroin 1 car lines. 843 Nel son St., near -1 m aim nanuy Diva. 4-ROOM furnished flat, piano. 135. Apply lifter 6:30 P. M. -Marsnaii 3 -.. FOUR-ROOM flat, nicely furnished, mod- ern. 010 Commercial st. rnon an-o Housekeeping Rooms. FURNISHED h. k. rooms. I room with kitchenette, cot ana coia water; pnvats tihon. electric lights, steam heat; five minutes' walk to town. 2ttl Columbli near otn. n.EAX. desirable furnished h. k. room. nice kitchen, loveiy location. -ara ave nue, 704. Close city para, nair diock from C. C. car; reasonable, pnone J-am 41I7K. WEST SIDE, two larpe newly tinted front rooms on seconu noor; summer rat Hendricks Ants.. 1Mb and Flanders. Tel- ephone Hroadway 1405. 1, 2 AND 3 housekeeping rooms, hot and cold running water, iree pnone, especially clean, under new management; reason Lble rent. K3 lst st. WELL-FURNISHED and t noroughly clfaned large 2-room nousegeeping apt., nice homelike place, every convenience 507 Clay St.. near 1-Mh. Mar. BQQ2, LITE of rooms witn private bath, suit able for z or 3, wltn board. White Hall hotel. WILL sublet for long period my well and privately furnished apt; 4 large attrac tive rooms; piano and other desirable homelike features, west aide ; $75. BF 730, Oregonian. I WILL ubiet beautiiuuy turni.nod 3-room 1 corner apu o iu w uiunius. v&j An- keny et. CLEAN, modern, rlxht down town : aleen- ing rooms ana apis. wesionia notei. Xtl I west harK, near Aiorrison. LARGE pleasant room for 2, very clean. well furnished and cool; rent reasonable. I 3nK litn st. Aiarsnaii 417. TO SUBLET. For from 2 to 9 months, - completely and beautifully furnished 4-room corner apts., on first floor of frame bldg. Rent 170. Call Bdwy. 2766 or Bdwy. 2761. BOOKKEEPER, 15 years' experience, wants work 1 or 2 afternoons each week. Can Install systems, audit, etc. Broadway 2732, COMPETENT experienced stenographer wishes permanent or temporary position immediately. Marshall 3041. EXPERIENCED keeper, typist. billing, assistant M 730. Oregonian. LARRABEE HOTEL Modern rooms $2.50 up; close to dental college and 2 blocks from steel oridrfe. East 840. HOTEL BARK. 112 N. Sixth. 2 blocks of depot. tl per day, 5 per week anu up. 75c DAY, $2.50 WEEK up; clean, baths free. Hotel Cadillac, 3d. near Jefferson. THE CHELTENHAM. 4 and 2-room apts., all outside; hard wood floors, new furnishing. 10th and Ncrthrup. Bdwy. 30,"8. APARTMENTS for the summer at a sacri fice to family wltn nne references; 5 large, light rooms, completely furnished. Broad w ay S60. BUSHMARK. Wash. t.. cor, 17th; clean. modern rooms, also apts.. reasonable. LARGK desirable rooms, modern residence. .iJ7 Sixtn street. DAYTON HOTEL. First and Taylor sta., modern rooms; rates reasonable. WILL sublet well furnished 2-room apart- ment for summer months to single man or married couple. Low rent. Main 3657; East 1151. DIEL APTS.. 790 E. Ankeny St.; modern completely furnished! 3-room apt.; clean, light, airy. East 4040. OFFICE position by experienced stenog rapher. Main 623. apt. 308. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires out- of-town position. A. 1 30. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires po st t Ion. Tabor 431. Dressmakers. PAINTING, tinting ana papering. Lopp Willi Co. Phone Woodlawn 2107. TRANSFER or hauling, any kind, by hour or contract. Tabor 4750l CEMENT WORK OF ALL KINDS. TABOR 6SSS. ESTIMATES furnished on painting; prices reasonable, work guaranteed. East 6888. PAINTER Wants Phone 331-71 painting and tinting. CAMP cooks and helpers now organizing a t 242 Ankeny st. HOUSE painted, I50-J95; rooms tinted. $1 5: papering. 3flc roll. Woodlawn 60S4. WANTED Work by man handy with house, garden, lawn. X. 5S2, . Oregonian. ANYONE wishing fancy or pla,ln first-class sewing done, please can main js, apt. L DRESSMAKING, plain sewing. Hazel Skin ner, 405 Raleigh bldg. Main 808. EXPERIENCED dressmaker, day, or at home, woodlawn !bb5. DRESSMAKING and plain sewing, reason able. Mrs. Phillips. Broadway 1675. LADIES' garments altered and refitted. I. Reubin. tailor. 408 Push & Lane bldg. GOWNS, Kuits, coats made to order. Hutchinson, 827 Morgan bldg. DRESSMAKING All kinds. reasonable. 422H Morrison st, room 6, upstairs. SEWING very reasonably. plain blouse. $1.75. East Skirts. 6002. $1.75; GOWNS, .suits, coats made to order. Hutchinson, 8-7 Morgan bldg. Lei ah LARGE room, desirable location, walking distance, .roa.uway x.u evenings. 3-ROOM suite, cheerfully furnished; bath and electric lighta free: i-o. 300 4th 3 ROOMS and private bath, rent $20.50. including water, phone and garbage. Teiepnone ooa lawn bin. MEREDITH 2-room modern, free phone. steam ana noi water, waiaing distance; $40. 2 I'd and waanington .Main 7134. XK'KLY furn., clean h. k., 2 large, 10; also sleeping, under new management. Broadway 32. HQ. rooms. 1 front $3 up; houi 4tS2 Wash. WESTUMA Aris. 000 msan st. 3-rm. furnished apt. Modern: reasonable rates. CLASSIC APTS.. 662 Glisan. front. Broadway 2034. -room apt., jEFFERsoiv apts., rront .-room apt. i0t jeiieraou at., tur. utn. ONE FURNISHED housekeeping apt. 34; Hall st 2-ROOM apt.; private bath and telephone. OKomia apia. pinw.y VILLA ST. CLARA 3-room apt., available at once. -" i-m si. 1 ROOM and kitchenette, rison. $30, 400 Mor- N1CELY furnished 2 and 3 room apts., close in. 325 Broadway, near Clay. BELKNAP APARTMENTS. 17th st., 3-room apt. Main 4007. HYLAND apartments. 4t0 Morrison room apt., $45 per month. WHY GO on east side for cheap rent? You can get on we.t side; aance nail with fireplace, kltctienette. $- weik. 208 Washington street. THE BEAVER, 12th ana Marsnaii Fur nished h. k. rooms, 910 up. including hot water, eiectric ngnis. launory room. I H. K. ROOM, ;: mo. lights and gas furnished. 1 n. k. room. u mo. lights end gas furnished. 034 Mill st. 1 ROOM and kitchenette, $4 50 per week; 1 single room. . st iniru street, op-; posite Auditorium. CHEAP h. k. rooms, chimren we. comer free phone, natn, launory room. ISf Sherman. Marsnaii 3:'g. I WEST SIDE, nicely furnished housekeep ing room. -o; ngnts, gas, pbone includ ed. .Marsnaii ju.j. NICE h. k. rooms, reasonable, no objec tions to cnuuren. -wi Morrison mi., Zorn hotel. $ 47.50 F L" li N J SHlC I) HA W TI i U 1 1. E i-'i.A r 4 large rm., alcove, sleeping porch; finished In h hit enamel ; buffet, fur nace; everything nice; lease. Apply. 1J Haw thorne ave. 0-ROOM furni.-hfd houu in Romc City; all modern conveniences, imrdwood flours, fireplace, f urn-ice, built-inn, fruit, bcr rit'.H, garaRe, Uwn. tioH E. 30th st. N. Call before 2 V. M Auto 8112. EIGHT-ROOM house, furnished; ttuit, br- rls, cow lnclutled: $! per month; Har den and chlck na for sale chcup. Ak lor May bury at Bertha attatlon or call at 2:Q Jefferson i rei-t. HOUSE" FOR RENT. Portland HeiKhts. completely fur nl'hed. a room huune for months of Juiy and August, garage, reasonable tvuu Phone Marshall a3. MODERN home, comfortahlv furniahed. in prettiest part 01 irvmgion; imnituiHt- ptmwHsion; $s" per month. u2 E, iiit Si. Phone Euft 17 3-ROOSf furnished house, plenty of frulL no objection to naiis, .'0, inciuuing water. llUO'.i Hawthorne avu., near 4m 11 sL NEW HOME of 7 rooms in Alameda TMrk. niciy turnisneo. win rent ior z or 3 months to adults, owner reserving one room. Broadway 14sh, before 5 1' M 8-ROOM modern, partly furnished hou. 2 rirepiacrs. piano, located on rortiand Heights. $3.1 p-T month. 4uo Buckinif ham ave. Marshall .710. FURNISH ED modern him of 7 room nlre yaru, naiKinc aisiance. gooa neign jorhood; will rent for - or 3 months t sdull . Call Auto, 214 - t, FOR R ENT 4-riMiru furnihhed houit on paved tdreei; garncn, 1 run; eiec. nicnts, complete plumbing except bath. Tele phone Sellwood l'O. 7-ROOM modern house, benuiifully fur- niahed: gran'i piano, sewing macnine near car; 1 or 2 families; adults. 111$ B l.Mh N. FURNISHED liuuse, pino and srwing machine; fruit and yarn suiianit tor J fMmlhrs; permanent renters dt.-ircd. Ta bu r M.7. NICELY furnished modern t-moiu house. lease for one or two years, nuuiis oniy, $7.". per month. 17J L. -Oth ti. Lat 4 67 2. RENT OR SALE HY OWNER. 5-room modern fur nished bungalow, Rotte City ; tin mediate ponesion ; take llcht auto as part, some cah. EwwtK.'jU. IRVINGTON wll furnlfhed 7-room modern houfo; will suit pwrucuisr peupie; rmi for summer months to r-nonibl srlu.i f ainlly; references Ml Halsry, E. 273 X WILL rent my home in Irvington. strhtiy modern, with garage, piano, rrom June 20th to Sept. 1st for $7.'t month to re sponsible party. Kant 11 NV $3.'i PER MONTH, a roums and bath, mod ern rumisnen nouse. iocs tea on out a Portland Hoights; 2 fireplaces, pin, 4 1 lit It ur King ham ave. M a rs h a 1 1 710. FOR RENT 5-rooru completely Iurnlshri house for - mont ns pec inning J una 2 L. I -'3 a month. 33. Ivy street. 6-ROOM furnished house, piano, cast sule. close In; 3 months, to adulla Phone K .t st 300 3 5-ROOM furnished house. watr. grbHie removed; art u it. eaxt side. ner Jefferson high. 147 E. Webster 7-ROOM house. garage, iruii, only. East. we! I furnished, clean; walking duttance; aduiia FURNLSHED 2-room apt. and sleeping rooms, reasonable, walking distance. fi4.e14 Wash. St.. Broadway 3449. 1 SLEEPING room for gentleman; rent ji 1. agti uoucn. SLEEPING room with private batn in apt. houfe. Marsnaii ::tyo. 1.0 iN. 3 a st. MODERN 3 rooms; Heather furniture. Wi! ton rugs: 30; hot water neat: refer ences, inquire 14Q. Sandy blvd. LAR4iE front sleeping room, bia dye, 306 Colum- MARSHALL APTS. Nicely furnished 3- room apt., private phone and bath. 64 Marshall. Broadway 3S51. NICELY furnished sleeping rooms. In? distance. 3S7 Oregon st. Famished Rooma in Private Family. AUDITORIUM COURT. 8-room modern apt., free phone. Mar shall 5366 ONE OR two ladies, employed; rent rea-I sonanie: cnrmtian scientists preferred. Call wooaiawn -.no. AVALON. Front, up to date, modern, very de sirable apt., walking distance. East JOOti. NICELY furnished steeping; hot and cold water. 200 V Fiftn st. SAN MARCO EAST 8TH AND COUCH. 3-KOOM MUOtK. iTl.. KA.T 312. WELL-FURNISHED room with cold water; walking distance. hot and E. 2303. 3 ROOMS, furnished, elevator, bath, etc. 4S. Phone Broadway 3514. FURMSHKW rooms. :.ou and 93 per week, a p Don, oregonian. or Tabor 301 3-ROOM apt., weat side, central location. Main nolo. NICE room, easy walking distance. East Alder St. 2-ROOM apartment completely furnished in Irvington. East 4M5:. WELL furnished room fn private family for z men, wain. 3oi. A LA ROE room near Multnomah Auto. o'Jx-ti. .i Taylor. 5-ROOM furnished apartment, summer months, walking distance. Bdwy. 301 J. MOfVERN 2 and 3-room apts.. reasonable. Marshall 21 Wi. 414 Fourth et. UNION AVE and Killingsworth; all complete, concrete building. TWO front rooms. end kltcneneite. 21.601 6.m Flanders nrst noor. 30: room 9J0; single rovom 4U. NEWLY RENOVATED 2-room and bath apartment at rairmont. joq litn St. HAMM ERSLE V COURT, 250 12th St. 1 3-room apartment. ELBR1DGE APTS., 174 N. 21st s 3-room furnished apts. Bdwy. . 2 and, Jl 1 JO. ROSEL YN APTS.. 110 N. 21st. modern, furniyhed apartments. FURNISHED basement living rjom and bath. 2-ROOM apt., telephone, oath, st. Bdwy. 4123. NEW YORK apartments, 7th and Belmont. East FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, singls or in auns. -. ana up. o. t. Mor rison. Buckeye apts. TWO FRONT rooma for nouaekeeping J single room, ail convenience,. 314 nth at. 3 WEEK UP. completely furnished h k. I uitea i ne i-aaiiiac. oa near Jefferson. FURNISHED n. k. rooms. 13 50 per week ana up. .'aa 1 -asninKton St. 327 6TH ST. LARGE, attractive front room; iirepiace; Kucneneite. 67 N. 20th I WELL furnished front room for house- keeping; rent reasoname. ow Couch. CLEAN funished housekeeping rooms, rea- goname. oi. y nw inorne. FURNISH KI tt-room bungalow, garag; no children; responsible party. 33a E. 4Vst street. MODERN ilx-room furnished houas with clreplng porch for July and August. 79 Division, cor. ,' .t n. or Sellwood 1:104 FURNISHED modern hou for the sum mer: responsible party: adults only, oil Tat'or 4::i. 6 KliUM modern house, gurnet-; will lrs fur year. Jnquire mt a. Lt 4d. Jn- fi-rmatlnn. k'y. Tabor 7'10. NICE 6-room furniched noue. modern : big yard; walking distance. 327 ti. 17th at., wst side. 7-ROOM bungalow completely furnished, 7!7 East 72d st. N. V blirk from bandy; 2-room to California completely m-est side; walking GOl.Nt rdt. , wish to rent my 8 furnlshed house nn distance. Main 4.VM. apt., kitchenette, $2. Bdwy. 4140. 4-ROOM new bungalo. furnUhed. for the summer. .au Tanor jh.i. 5 ROOM cottage; Ml'j K. 21st ft. also 3-room RM car apartmnL rurnitihed, cor. 138. 15-DAY STORAGE FREE. Moving for jess. Phone Bdwy. 2445. HERMENIA, 400 Hall st.f room modern front apt. cor. 10th, 2-Adults. ATTRACTIVE 4-room Marshall llfiQ. SINGLE h. k. room, everything furnished; suitable for neat man. 306 I2th st. TWO FUR. housekeeping rooms for rent OV'J M 11 1 St. JIT, ll. apt. 414 11th st. NICELY hill. furnished h. k. rms. 376 Yam- PAGE APTS. E. 8TH, BURNSIDE. ROOMS. 4S TO 60. ARCADIA APT&. 2 and 3-rm. furnished apts. Mar. 5220. 1 CLEAN aingle fa- k- rm., $4 50 per week. I 312 Clay St. CLEAN steam-heated h. k. month up. 14 13th st. FURNISHED bungalow, 7M Overton aL near -4th; garage; will lease; fs.y 6-ROOM modern furniohed hoUM in Irv- lngton : piano, garage, y.nm iiY 8-ROOM furnihhed house. 3 HO HUey st. ir i nion ave. FITRNISHKD 2-room house; adults only. Wr.ofllawn 3tH!t? 5-R o.M furnished h"Utt, modern. it rasona hie. ftM Market t ard; room. 12 a I FURNISH ED 4-rootn house for rent. In- nulre ll.t f. I-'th st. mornings. JSOOiLS, (2,50 weekly up. 420 Uorriaoiu I 3 LARGE, beautifully furnished rooms and bath. Corner Farl. and Hall. Mala CHAPMAN apts., 2-room apL, 355 Chap i an et. Mar. 5409. JULIANA APTS., 45 Trinity piare. and j 3 NICELY furnished housekeeping roonu; LARGE licht modern room for houeketn ing. 405 Twelfth street. - d-room XuroUhad apt, i-tar. 96i, i ltan, running watar. 2li 13 Ux u S-U'OM and bath, comfortably furnish d. close 1- For partlrulars call 'Mr in 5fit. J.RODM house fox t&ua Mill auaai. rent. Xur&iahcd, at