TIIE MORMXG OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1921 ID FOR SAI.K Al'TOMOBILES. NEW PRICES FORCE REDUCTIONS IN USED CARS. REBUILT AUTOMOBILES ARB BETTER AND THE REASON WHY. We rebuild both Hudson and Essex used automobiles and sell them with a warranty th same as fiven with the purchase of new cara We also give 90 days' free service, the rime as la given on new cars.' On other makes of automobile that we trad In we repair and overhaul them so that used cars that are not sold with a warranty are In first-class condition and are sold with 10 days' free trial, sub ject to th.fr being returned with (u!i credit on any other car you may select. 1918 Essex automobile, re built and repainted, sold wkb. the warranty $1125 1919 Essex, like new, sold with the warranty 1225 1916 Hudson Super Six. re built and repainted, looks just like new. sold with the warranty.... 1100 1918-1019 series Hudson Su per Six, rebuilt end re painted, soid with the warranty 1400 1910 Hudson Super Six. re built and repainted, sold with the warranty 1T7 1920 Hudson Speedster, like a brand new car; sold with - the warranty 197S 1919 Chalmers, first -class condition throughout .. 1980 1920 Chalmers, almost new, a decided bargain 1350 1919 Maxwell, all gone over, repaired and rc-palnted; a fine little car 575 1919 OMsmobile Eight, bar gain at 9S5 1920 Studebaker -special 6. full cord equipment and a bargain at 1400 Our store for these ud-ear bar gains at 40-4A Broadway. whlrh Is Broadway and Couch St. Phone Broadway 5739. Open evenings and Sundays. C. I BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. 1918 OLDS CHUMMY ROADSTER. 4-pass.. s-cyl.. A-l mechanical condition: must be taken out of storage, so sacrifice at . 4S.-,. 1917 Grant Six. 5-pass., Just been com pletely overhauled, worn parts replaced .with new ones; 1383. These cars are sacrificed at the prices stated, no commissions or overhead ex penses aritled. SPEEDWELL OARAGB. 14th and Couch Sts. 1020 HAYNES SIX. A BKAUTIFUL 7-PASS. CAR. DRIV EN LESS THAN 500 MILES, ORIGINAL FINISH, VICTORIA CURTAINS. 5 CORD TIRES, ALMOST NEW. THIS IS A WONDERFUL BUY. PHONE FOR DEMONSTRATION. A. C. STEVENS, BDWY. 1014. 16TH AND WASH. STS. FORD SPEEDSTER. This Ford is reflnl.-hed : red body, cream wheels, and it is the finest car we have had this year: brand new tlra unH tube: too. windshield an other sxtras: take 125 down, balance easy. 5)4 Alder st. MI'RPH Y MOTOR CAR CO. 'r)v first cost. Small depreciation. Mini' mum upkeep. It's a Ford. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. lMfi Fords Exclusively. Grand Ave. and E. Yamhill. East 471 Open Evenings and punilays. OT.nSNtClBll.l-: TOI'RIVC! CAR. Guaranteed to te in ood condition and an honest value fori money; must all ut nnre cnMh nr terms, and am ore nareo: to give vou a bargain. Call Broadway 4184. Mr. Stover. CADII.TAC 8. SEVEN-PASS., JN VERY GOOD CON DITION; law. A. C. STEVENS. BDWT. 1614. 52U WASHINGTON ST. l'J20 ELGIN scout, looks and runs ilk' new. one nf the most oeopy cara in th city. Don't overlook this snap. Small payment down, balance on long easy t e rms. I all po7ien. proaaway npm. PAIGE BARGAIN'S. A Paige owner is always satisfied into model, mechanically perfect; sacri fice SlJ'rO, terms S4O0 down. Mr. Argo, Broadway 3'-'i. fnr a late 1:S Studebaker roadster 1 splendid condition; has had best care $110 cash. Dalanee in ten mcmns. ai Argo. Broadway 32S1. tlAVXliS 5-pasa.. new rubber all around rnri Quint, looks and runs like a car. A real bargain at the prlt:e asked. Drive it and be convinced. Can Mama ton. Broadway 3rtP5. MAXWELL sacrifice. 101S touring, newly painted and upholstered, in A-l mecnan ical condition : sacrifice for X40II; neei S-i'O cash: terms- on balance. L. E. Pal mt-r. Eksi ii;-. BIG USED CARS PRICE3 STOCK RIGHT. No Misrepresentations. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. MITCHELL ROADSTER. SNAP. Late Win. fine condition, tires: esc rlfice for SU75, terms. Mr. Argo. Broad way 3-sl PAf KARD 8, At condition, exceptionally good car for hire or stage run: sacrifice price Lan bast jupb. 180 5-PASS. PAIGE, has been run less than 4IHI0 miles;; 4 Royal cord tires. You can hardly tell this car from a new one, and priced very cheap. Call Propst, Broadway 3I0U. 13 STUTZ aport touring, run 10,000 miles oversize cords and extras; Ail Al condl tlon: must be sold before the 1st at a real sacrifice, car at Portsmouth pool- rocm. M. jonns car. vol. i.u. 1919 MAXWELL, just been overhauled and repainted: good runner. a real snap small payment down, call loaell, broad way 3f)8. FOKD bug. electric starter; four new lirea. never run: completely overhauled priced for quick sale. S,t.j. Owner. S. W. Sutton. JIarhall 1W.U. PA 1GB SEDAN SNAP. Late IBIS, A-l mechanically, good tires, tacrine, si-yu. terms. Mr. Argo, Broadway g-M. l nis is a splendid buy, IBL'O STEPHENS. 4-pass.. Just been over. hauled. and repainted, sold with the lami guarantee as a new one. This car must be sold. Call 1'ropst. uroadway 3606. CHALMEKS light aix: new lop and paint; 4 new cord tires: saennce lor quick sale; term. Marshall 0e4S, evenings Eaaat HUDSON SNAP. Model 8-40; sacrifice for 1375 for quick saie. riurry. MR. ARGO. Broadway 3281. BUICK. Late 1919 touring car. looks and runs like nw. :n takes tnis. Call Tabor 73f'j. w si. aiain at. private owner. BRAND NEW CHANDLER TOURING Latest model; never been licensed; Terr low price for quick sale: terma Carney. proaaway M. JL REAL BUG new tires. '21 license, me chanically perfect. A small cash pay ment drives this car away. Call BoxelU Broa a way wo. BEO BIG SIX 7-pass.. excellent condition. Two extra tires. California top. Will demonstrate. Mr. St. George, Broad way 14BU. ALMOST new baby grand Chevrolet tour ing: will give new car guarantee and sacrifice for $1175 on easy terma Phone coiumoia o.n LATE 1919 CHEVROLET touring in excel lent shape, looks like new car,- f 45. con sider terms if responsible. Col. 431. LATE model Bulck, all in Al condition. For sale very cheap. Small payment down, can namiuon. nroaoway atlua. I5.il TAKES my '17 Buick six. or will tak S'ord as part payment. See owner, 2U9 hailing Didg. -Main o-ti. Hurry. 1919 f f BIG 6 STUDEBAKER. looks and runs aaaa new. luia oi e&iras, gooa UTeS, 2 aaxes. Woodlawn 4107. 1920 FORD, starter, good rubber, good tMthamcal condition, terms. Call owner, Marshall 3'-M2. after 6 P. M, . LATE 101H Rmck touring, fine condition, will take Kord part payment, terma Owner. Broadway 3rt0. e4'Mj BUYS 11119 Chevrolet touring in x- 1919 cellent condition; easy terms. Phone Eat ITS. 1918 FRANKLIN touring, must be sold; perfect condition, looks like new; price 11250. terms. Private party. East 82IH 1918 DODGE touring, good shape: sacrifice for cash. t"U. Owner. 414 Oswego St., St. Johns. lO'-'O MAXWELL TOURING. Only driven 18t0 mile: price Is light; terms. Carney. Broadway 4S1. 19-JO Ill 1-1 FOPD touring, new top. new paint; fine shape. 1300. Sell. 1640. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. AT THE COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPAN1 PLANT. Sweeping reductions In the price of new cars have at once affected the price of used cara No effort on our part has been made to postpone the day of reck oning. We have decided to take our losses now, so as to stimulate our busi ness to a point more In keeping with this season of the year. The price readjustment has come and In time to place your mind at ease. Now is the time you would use your car so as to obtain the maximum service in the season's driving. The rush of purchasers will undoubt edly deplete our present stock, and the early buyer will be tle happy one. 1916 Dodge Brothers roadster and touring t 573 1917 Dodge Brothers touring 850 1918 Dodge Brothers roadster and touring 725 1919 Dodge Brothers touring 825 180 Dodge Brothers sedan 1500 190 Dodge Brothers touring 950 1U15 Cole 7-na.a. nrivatelv owned car. only 750 1020 Ford sedan, a dandy 761 1920 Chevrolet. roadster. in fine shape 59S 1920 Maxwell sedan, an excellent car for 1200 . 1918 Willys-Knight, big snap. only. 1200 1H20 Nash touring, only 1300 191!) Studebaker Big Six. 5-pass... 14 11117 Studebaker four touring .... 8' 1919 Haynes touring only 1S00 1919 Hudson speedster, a good one. 187 lfilO Hiirlton limnualr.. a beautiful car 2708 1919 Chandler chummv roadster. fine shape 1295 1920 Chandler, good condition, snap 1400 1916 Packard 12. a wonderful buy. 1400 1918 Scrippa-Booth coupe 1359 1920 Stuta Hear Cat a swell, snanny car 2758 1919 Kins 8 touring, in fine shape. only 140 1919 Peerless 8 touring I7o0 1U20 Overland roadster, a good one 8J 1920 Liberty touring 1500 DELIVERY CARS. 1919 Dodge Brothers screen - Side delivery 825 1918 Dodge Brothers screen - side delivery T25 1918 Dodge Brothers nanel: good shape 825 1919 Chevrolet light delivery 400 1020 Ford delivery: starter 52! The following cars are Included 1.. our lira per day reduction in price sai Watch. them aarefully; Dost your bid. Today's Was. price 1920 Haynes touring $2r.00 $1725 1020 H. C. S. touring 28.)0 2"io 1!1 Apperson, 4-pass 21175 2220 191S Chandler touring 1200 8r.o 11119 Cole a touring 2000 lti.iO 1920 Hudson super six 20n0 16.-.0 1918 Republic truck 875 523 CADILLACS Cadillac stability, luxury and ease ol operation have always appealed to the critic of wide experience, the man who knows the best and wants it. One of our excellent used and rebuilt Cadillacs will more nesrly satisfy your desire for a fine car this spring than to spend the same amount of money In th Durchase of some cheaper new car. All cars guaranteed and sold on easy terms We Are Open Sunday. COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 21st at Washington ,Sts. Main 6244. Also a big display at the new Broad wav salesroom downtown. Call at thl aulesroom most convenient for you. Out automobile transportation service makes It quickly possible for you to look over our entire stock. BROADWAY USED CAR BRANCH. 28-30 N. Proadw,y. Main 8244 REBUILT BUICKS. THOROUGHLY REBUILT AND GUARANTEED, AND SERVICE SAME AS NEW CARS. HOWARD AUTOMOBILE CO. New Salesroom: TWELFTH AND ALDER. Phone Broadway 1130. NEW NEW NEW COLUMBIA 6S Latest models less than factory cost. WKSTCOTT 7-PASS, SHOO orr list price. WESTCOTT ROADSTER. Has never been driven. Sale price. $21100. ELGIN SEDAN". A beautiful car at a r-al sacrifice. COMMONWEALTH 4-40. A car with standard units throughout, , and the best buy in the city. itsed cars. mis maxwell, good condition .... $350 ELGIN SPORT, slightly used 1000 1020 DORT Excellent condition 11)20 DODGE 1025 Just what you are looking for. All of these cars must be sold this month. Terms if desired. LAWSON. Broadway 873. 618 Pittock Block. 20 CHANDLER DISPATCH. This nonular car Is In the very best condition that a car could be in: re finlshed and has new tires and one extra with tire cover and glass wind deflectors, spotlight, full set tools and side curtains that open with ail four doors: this car was purchased new last August and put in storage In Decem ber; has never had a license issued to It this year and has had such slight use would readily pass for a new one; low price and take car of right make In trade; liberal terma and no brokerage. 314 Alder st. MURPHY MOTOR CAR CO. PIERCE ARROW "88." 8-passenger little Pierce In the Pink nf condition. 1011 model, but has been rebuilt so that it looks like the lat model. This car has only been driven prlyately and has had splendid care. New cord tires, Westinghouse starting and lighting system. Alemlte greasing system, shock absorbers. In fact, every thing you could ask for. Price $1750. F. L. Miller, 355 Washington sU Main 3579 or Tabor 7491 19 OAKLAND TOURING at the low price of $725, with lots of extras: reflnished; looks and runs as good as new one and will service it for you Just like new one; take $20 down, balance monthly, and take bonds or roadster In trade. 514 Alder at. M U R PHY MOTOR CAR CO. THE POOR MAN'S car, the wise man's car. Driven oy ricn and poor, a roru car. We have what you want. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Used Fords Exclusively. Grand Ave. and B. Yamhill. East 471 Open Evenings and Sundays HUDSON BUYER Here is a real oppor tunity to save money on a 7-passenger HUDSON. Has Westinghouse shock ab sorbers, five cord tires, spotlight, etc. Car mileage. 1300. Call Mr. Oaks. Broad Broadway 1460. HUDSON SNAP. Super 6, 7-pass., elegant condition: A-l mechanically, cord tires; a wonderful buy for $1200, terms; privately owned. Mr. Argo. Bdwy. S2SI. BRAND NEW 1921 DODGE TOUR. Will take a Ford In trade. Call Mr. Frohman, Bdwy, 321. care of W. L. Hughson Co.. Broadway and Davis. lIl'.'O OVERLAND TOURING CAR. Fine condition, car has had very little use; good tires, extras: $52o, easy terms. cast j.i 02O CHEVROLET, $4-S5, terms; new top. cushion covers, new paint. Ijillingsiey Motor Co., Hawthorne ave. at 8th St. East 720. LATE 11120 Chevrolet touring, positively as good as new car, ;... uoeral terma Phone owner. Columbia 656. 1920 OVERLAND LIGHT 4. i.ltj; well equipped, looks good. BIHingsley Motor Co.. Hawthorne ave. at Hih st. East 720. IM) CASH, bal. $2oD, good Dodge tar, 3 new Fisk tiree: bargain. Call Miln t327 or 2QO Failing bldg. U20 OLDS LIGHT 6, $1050, terma. Ril- llngsley Motor Co., Hawthorne ave at 8th. East 720. OAKLAND 1920. like new. 3 ire wheels 5 good tires, $Ni, or will trade for Ford or Chevrolet. Wdln. 2710. MTK model Ford deliverv si $220 or will trade ror late Ford touring HUP, model N. $0."il. tterms; good condi tion, wen rmiipiHTi. niingsiey Motor Co., Hawthorne ave. at nth. East 720. AUTO OWNERS' SALESROOM You wish to sell your car? Can get quick action at 188 King St. Main 184. FORD roadster, starter block. $345 terma uuungsiey motor Co., Hawthorne ave st 8th. East 720. BARGAIN' in light five-passenger car. Ta- our aim. STUDEBAKER light six; 5100 mlles: llioo. termr. A. M. Kreul, Wdln. 1043 1918 FORD touring car. fine shape, bar gain this week. Call 633-68. FORD SEDAN, almost new. lots of extras. mi " i.w xiaja. van 033-01. FORD coupe with $so of extras for sals cneap. ici nig. annua 1 1 i oim. 18 DODGE, good shape, new ton rnnA rubber, $650. 414 Gllsan st., cor. 10th FORD touring, late 1920 starter, like new. riiiiu. vnun, amuut oajn. ING 8 for sale or trade for Ford coupe East 4HS, CHEVROLET Panel delivery In lirM- ciass connition. n.j riret St. Slain H56S. 8 FORD touring. A-l condition- Sell; $285 cash. Main Set). FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. SOMETHING NEW! OWNERS USED CAR MARKET. EAST THIRD AND OREGON STS. This market has been established through the solicitation of car owners who are interested in disposing of their cars personally. The assistance of out trained and experienced sales force as sures you personal contact with the owner, from whom assurances as to the history of the car may be had, and also such technical explanation as to the con dition of same as may oe desirea. THE SPACE AND NECESSARY BELL ING ASSISTANCE IS BEING SUP PLIED BY US ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT CHARGE TO EITHER BUYER OR SELLER. THE FIRST SHOWING OF CARS ON THIS MARKET WILL BE SATURDAY, JUNK 18. Some of the BEST BUYS in the city will be on display. There will be cara of many different makes and at almost any price you wish to pay. In most cases convenient terms may be arranged. THE CAR YOU WANT WILL BE HERE. COME! Knonaored hv TRH MIYWPt.r. MflTftH SALES CORP.. CHALMERS MOTOR CAR COMPANY, East Third and Oregon btreeta. VRANSON'S USED CAR EXCH. Fords We have all kinds. Ford bugs. 4 to pick from. . . i$32$ 1918 Ford touring or roadster, ex tras .135 101 Kord touring, extras... 400 1920 Ford touring, extras, electric starter 495 1919 Ford coupe, extras, starter type 4.10 1920 Ford coupe, extras, starter. . 625 1020 Ford sedan, extras, starter,. . 750 1017 Chevrolet tourinsr. new top.. : 1020 Chevrolet touring. Al shape. 425 101 A Oakland 8 roadster 403 1018 Oukiand 0, touring, cord tires U0 1017 Bulck 6 touring, new tires.. 05 111HI Dodge touring, first class... 53 1012 Packard 30. i-paaeenger 4.'t0 loli Cole 8. i-passenger 62. 1018 Studebaker 8, 7-passenger. . . 650 1018 Overland 85 touring, Al tl.'.O 1017 Hup big 4 touring, 1st class 850 1913 Bulck 6 touring 800 Terms, Trade or Cash. VRANSON'S USED CAR ECH.. Union ave. and Belmont St.. upstairs. Open evenings and Sunday. East 437. THE BEST USED CARS. 1919 Hupmobile touring. 1020 Patterson 8 touring. 1019 Case 6 touring. 1919 Ford touring with block. 1H18 Chevrolet touring. 1018 Maxwell touring. ' 11118 Ford touring. 1018 Ford touring. 1018 Ford touring. 1018 Oakland 0 touring. 1018 Saxon touring. 11118 Buick 4 sedan. 1918 King 8 touring. Stearns bug. . Chalmers 8 touring. THE USED CAR WAREHOUSE, Grand Avenue at Taylor Street. Low Prices and Easy Terms. Open Evenings and Sundays. Phone Automatic 214-10. . Buy Tour REBUILT CHEVROLET From the USED CHEVROLET DEPOT. Owned and Ooerated bv THE CHEVROLET DISTRIBUTORS. GUARANTEED REBUILT CHEVRO- LETS All Models All Prices Excellent Terms. Grand Ave. between Ankeny end Burn- side. Open Daily and Sunday. Phone East 400. The House With Chevrolet Pride." LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. -YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WB FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO.. 208 SELLING BLDG., SECOND FLOOR. YOUR CHOICE. 1125 DOWN the balance can be had at liberal month ly payments and the cars are ready, one is late model urlscoe. o-pass. touring. good tires and starts and runs perfect: the other Is late model Saxon six and has new' tires, perfect motor and some extras, refinlshed. one new extra tire. mounted; if you are looking for light, cheap car, look these 2 bargains over; lull price ror your choice is 139. MURPHY MOTOR CAR CO.. 514 Alder St. USED CAR BARGAINS. 1 Hupmobile 1 Dodge e.. 1 Oakland 1 B. G Chevrolet 1 Maxwell . ..$850 ... 825 ... 425 . .. 450 , .. 65 LONG ft SILVA, 462 Hawthorne. NEW OAKLAND SEDAN. Here is an opportunity to buy a new car at the price of an old one. Inspect this car and let us show you how to save some money. This car at the price we ask represents one of the best buys in Portland. Terms or liberty bonds at face, vv ill gladly demonstrate to you. WILLAMETTE MOTORS COMPANY, Broadway 4184. LIBERTY FOUR-PASSENGER SPORT. Motor, paint, leather, tires and equip ment all first-class. Will give rigid dem onstration and guarantee. See car for your own satisfaction before buying else where; ask a Liberty owner. Let me show it to you. This Is a car of merit at a fair price. Mr. Tradewell, Bdwy. 41H4. 104 N. Broadway WINTON. 4-PASS. SPORT. THIS CAR HAS ONLY BEEN DRIVEN 9000 MILES BY OWNER: PAINTED BEAVER BROWN WITH BROWN SPANISH LEATHER. ALSO BROWN TOP: EXCELLENT TIRES, INCLUD ING ONE EXTRA. A. C. STEVENS -BDWT. 1614. 829 WASHINGTON ST. THB SENSIBLE car, the economical car, the wise man's car, the car for you. It's here. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Used Fords Exclusively. Grand Ave. and E. Yamhill. East 471 Open Evenings and Sundays. "IS DODGE TOURING. This Dodge is first clsss and has nearly new tires and one extra, full set tools and side curtains; low price; tske MJ-o oown, Balance easy; taae Donds: liberal terms, no brokerage. 514 Alder I MURPHY MOTOR CAR CO. FORD COUPE. 1920 model, like new; car has Just been overhauled and is equipped with shocks, Deedometer. spotlight, full dash, foot throttle, cut-out, double wish-bone and I snare tire. Best of terms. CALL MAIN 4244 AFTER 8 A. M. 400 TAKES OAKLAND TOURING CAR. Wonderful value for the price asked. See it and you will agree. Half cash, rest terms. If you want a car why can't we sen ii to your air. stover, 1(H) IV. proauwiy. puwy. i nt. OAKLAND EIGHT. 7-PA8SEXGER7 Good car for either stage or family use. In good condition, new paint; will stand rigid inspection. . Car for sale at very low price; some terms will be I graniea. ian jit, atover, tsawy. 4184. NEW OAKLAND COUPE. will sen 'Ji wnfasfST yoJ SbtriuSn car See'Todl-fpuf. Too N. 41W1II demonstrate. Cali 4184- : price. Thl an ideal car. Broadway. Broadway HITCH fiTLIi $875. Perfect order, brand I new iires. i arms. lUUo KaitlgU SU 1 Mar. 743 forenoons. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. TERMS! TERMS! TERMS! TERMS! "Your Own Terms In Reason. And. we charge no brokerage. We will take your old car In trade on a new or used car. We have a good many cars to pick from. Including Stuti sport roadster car. Revere, Moon, Patterson, Scripps-Booth, Chevrolet. We also have new and used trucks. Don't forget, "Your Own Terms In Reason." and we charge no brokerage. AMERICAN WAREHOUSE & SALES CO.. 415 E. Ash St., Cor. East Sixth St. Phone East 6752. East 8510. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO. Is offering the following cars at cut prices. Every car is guaranteed as rep resented. Every used Packard and Nash have gone through our shop, delivered to you like a new car. Third series Packard. 4-pass .$3500 1920 Twin Six, cord tires 2250 1920 Nash, 7-pass 1500 1919 Nash. 7-pass 1250 1918 Nash. 5-pass 1000 1919 Chandler, wire wheels 1000 1919 Pan-American, refinlshed .... 1100 1915 Cadillac. 8-cyl., T-pass 900 1917 Velle. 5-pass.. new tires 400 1018 Reo 8. 7-oass.. all cord tires.. 450 1918 Ford Sedan, a dandy 450 tflts Country Club Overland 473 aw TITRMR TV REASON. " lOTH AND BURNSIDE. BDWY. 521. C. G. BLEASDALE. FORD ROADSTER. FORD TOURING. CHEVROLET. 490. MAXWELL TOURING. HARROUN TOURING. OVERLAND ROADSTER. OVERLAND TOURING, 4-cyl. OVERLAND TOURING. 6-cyl STUDEBAKER TOURING. MERCER SPECIAL. DODGE TOURING. SCRIPPR-BOOTH. OLDS LIGHT SIX ROADSTER. COLE, 7-PASS.. 8-cyl. BUICK LIGHT SIX. BUICK 7-PASS.. almost new. CHEVROLET 7-PASS. ESSEX TOURING, almost new. DODGE DELIVERY. These cars have been carefully in spected: some have been overhauled and refinlshed. Prices will fit your pocket- book. $200 TO $2000. Terms If desired. C C! HLE4SDALE. 5S0 ALDER ST. BROADWAY 1852. ' ITIT.R AERO 8. LATE MODEL 7-PASS., IN BEAUTt wth. twalM.-- HKFttTILT AND REFIN- ISHED COMPLETE: PRIVATELY OWNED AND DRIVEN. A FINE FAMILY CAR; CORD TIRES. WE CAN SAVE YOU SEVERAL HUNDRED DOLLARS ON THIS CAR. W1LI. co.- siink-u BdinsTEB OR SMALL TOUR ING CAR FOR PART. SOME TERMS. A C STEVEN'S. BDWY. 1B14. 16TH AND WASH. STS. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO. 1020 Dodge touring. In flrat class mechanical condition, body, top and upholBtery like new; good tires with new spare, $050. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO- Washington at 10th. vni-n r-HOICK. 112.". DOWN th hnianm can be had at liberal month ly payments and the cars are ready, one is late model nnscoe, o-paso. tourm. anl iinrti and runs perfect: the other Is late model Saxon six and has new tires, perfect motor and some extras, reflnlsned, i new extra, urc, mounted: If you are looking for lignt cheao car look these 2 bargains over; full price for your choice Is $3So. ...... I,,, r i,Annn nan r'ri 514 Alder St. HAVE moved to Canada and on account of hlah dutv and taxes musk aaciiiivB AT ONCE K-.nilfiit 7-nassenger Haynes sedan. inn.H with Westinghouse air springs. etcetera; would cost $50tl0new ; come and drive it away tor siouw. ouo . Phone Tabor l m, FORD FORD FORD ti,. nf 50 Der cent of car own ers. There's a reason. Call and be con vinced. . . UNIVERSAL CAR BAUnAB.li, Used Fords Exclusively. Grand Ave. and E, Yamhill. East 4il Open Evenings and funnays. suvn raw DORT TOURING. r-iiTinal mirchaser unable to accept de livery and will sacrifice $200 of amount on deposit: never oeen run a nine, nrau lar factory guarantee goes with this car. S200 cash, balance to suit. mt. jaaar. Broadway 1460. USED CARS. r.,i acaortment of lightweight cars the city, all makes, at lowest prices and easiest terms. A-l AUTO WORKS & WAREHOUSE UUM 1 A .N I . - 522 Abler St. COLE AERO 8 7-passenger; a wonderful speed if you want it: easy terms. Only I slightly used. Mr. Sanderson, Broadway 1460. INortnwesi auio cu., iota ana Alder streets. 1915 7-PASSE.NGErt caauiac s. just overhauled ana in c&ieiieui soiiaiuuii. Dint tob (r months old: 4 tires nearly new and two brand new ones. Splendid csr for stage or hire car. Call Sellwood 1416 after B r. m. SELLS at a 1014 price, t arts at one-half price. The wise man s car. a r oro. II Wl V r.rtn A l, v n , 1 1 v, c . Used Fords Exclusively. Grand Ave. and E. Yamhill. East 471 Open auvenings ana ounaays. 1921 FORD 1-ton truck, with Moore over size drive. io casn payment uown to responsible party. Mr. St. George. Broad way 1460. Northwest Auto Co., 18th and Alder sts. nun T.naM Paige. 6 cord tires, bumner. This Car in guui ruiiiiina oruer, oome I Snap. Oman pajiiic-nv uwn-n lanci ims car. balance on long easy terms. Call Bozell. Broadway 36IIB. REO ROADSTER Here Is the car you have been looaing tor. a aanoy sales man's car. See it. Ride In It. Drive it. Enav terma Mr. Ehrett, Broadway 1460. Northwest Auto co. latn ana Aiuer. 1921 STUDEBAKER 7-pass. This car is Just like new in every way. nas oeen run less than 5000 miles. Will take smalt car as part payment. Call Propst, Broadway 30115. PAIGE, 1920. 5-passengnr touring; 5 cord tirea. new paint, rood mechanical con- rfttlon- tlkOO. Owner. Woodlawn fti7 or 412 Board of Trade bldg. Bdwy. 2823. COLE 8. 1020 model VonthI uic' f2r $1200. Phone Jensen, Broad- venlngg Marshall 524L cash only way 601. evenings STUDEBAKER A dandy Job. Be sure to see it. A real oargain. iee Air. a'hrett. Broadway 1460. Northwest Auto Co.,, 18th and Alder streets. FOR SALE OR TRADE. Marmon. model 32. first-class me chanical condition; trade for real estate 1 or gooa tractor, an una, iregoman. I STUDEBAKER Bix six touring. A dandy ShKt'BwIdw Auto jgoj lth "and 1 Alder s?a Northweat Aut3 E - rTe.rrw y a-i ..1 quick; all new rubber: here's your price, f.'oMt Phnn- Jpnmn, Rmwffy ffui ey-&n-1 ingg Marshall &24L sTOK SALE AUTOMOBILES. AUTO SALES CO., 8th and Couch. 1011) Franklin touring. 1920 Chandler touring. 1018 Winton touring. 11)17 Reo touring. 1918 Hupmobile touring. 1917 Cole "8" sedan. 1019 Overland touring. . 1917 Buick roadster. These cars are in good shape and look like new, BROADWAY 564. Ask for Jim BARGAIN LOOK. On account of peedlng working capi tal In my business I must sacrifice my beautiful 1920 seven-passenger Hudson phaeton, super six; 5 cord tires glass wind shields, victoria curtains, front and rear Dumpers; twd spotlights, clock, flower vase, air compressor attached to engine for pumping up tiree: cannot be told from new. This car has the pep and power; run only 7000 miles; $1800 spot cash will take It. 34S Eaat Bum side. ' USED CARS OF MERIT FOR UNUSUAL I PRICES. Oakland touring cars' from $400 to $X(iO; Overland touring car. only $250; Studebaker touring car. $300. Many other equally good values. These cars are priced so as to sell quickly. See for yourself. Terms allowed. WILLAMETTE MOTORS COMPANY, 100 N. Broadway. Bdwy. 41H4. OLDS SIX TOURING. The late model, and this fine light dependable six is in the finest condition that one could be lnu. refinlshed and good tires; some extras and all ready for deiivery on Bmall payment of $:0 down, balance monthly; full purchase price is ss.i; take bonds or car in trade. 514 Alder St. MURPHY MOTOR CAR CO. BUICK LIGHT SIX. LATE 1919, 5-PASS., IN FINE SHAPE: REVARN1SHED. FULLY EQUIPPED. 5 TIRES SPOTLIGHT. BUMPER. ETC. A DANDY BUY FOR $1125; WILL TAKE FOKD FOR PART; SOME TERMS. A C aSTEVKVS BDWY. 1(114.'. 'lOTH AND WASH. STS. OAKLAND TOURING CAR. Trlvate owner will sell Oakland tour ing car at extremely low figure. Thl will make you a wonderful car for the price asked; "450, terms, will buy it; will allow $25 off for cash or liberty bonds. East 2286 for additional In formation. in rr irn nniniTrn This car has 5 wire wheels and good tires; reflnished and runs as good as any one you ever saw; rtrst class in every way; low price of $55 with $1S." down, balance easy: take bonds. 514 Alder st. Hl'RPHY MOTOR CAR CO DON'T spend ail your money for tires and gas. Buv a Ford. The logical car. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Used Fords Exclusively. Grand Ave. and E. Yamhill. East 471 Open Evening and Sundays. 1921 HUDSON touring limousine, used very little: like new; must sell. Kowiano Hotel AerTiex. Marsnall 4.ri. call cnas. Affolter. 1020 STUTZ ROADSTER. Must be sold: owner. In east: no rea sonable offer 'refused ; car In line shape: cord equipment. See car at .42 Leo ave. Sell. 21HU) mornings. Afternoon call Sell I0. N. F. Donnelly MITCHELL 5-passenger. a substantial car that will give you all kinds of service. A dandv for touring. Mr. Ehrett. North west Auto Co.. 18th and Alder streets. Broadway 146U EVERY other car you pass Is a Ford. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Used Fords Exclusively. Grand Ave. and E. Yamhill. East 471 Open Evenings and Sundays. BUICK. 1920. 7-oassenfier. excellent con dition guaranteed, 4 new siivertown cords; must sell immediately, $1050. 23 N. 15th. Bdwy. 3itio. see Mannan. OVERLAND ROADSTER A dandy vaca tion car: roomy and comrortahle. fcasv payments. Mr. Ehrett. Broadway 1400. Northwest Auto Co.. 18th and Alder sts. 1018 DORT. cord equipment, practically new. This car is mecnanically perfect; small payment down, balance long terms. Call Bozell, Broadway 36o6. MUST sell my Oakland six touring car. 1919 model, at once; aosoiuteiy the best buy In town. $600; terma 1480 Macadam St.. South Portland. 18 OLDS 8, 7-passenger, best of condition, trade for real estate or good securities or cheap for cash. Earl Stevens. Whlt wood Court. Columbia 605. LATE model Maxwell roadster, perfect condition, good runner, small payment down, balance long terms. Call Bozeli. Broadway 36110. DODGE ROADSTER. New top, original finish, spotlight, shocks, niotohieter. Will trade for a Ford. Bdwy. 4775. FINEST BUG in city, underslung, special fenders, top, wire wheels, etc.. 1H20 Ford. $650 cash or trade for late Ford coupe Call East 1669. FORD ROADSTER. 1918 model, with demountable rims: car In good condition mechanically; best of terms. Bdwy. 4775. WE PUT steel teeth in your old flywheel'. cranasnait turning ra. as. Black ma chine shop. 534 Alder St. Bdwy. 2681. $600 BUYS li)20 Chevrolet, like new, wire wneels. otfersizeu tires, oungalow top and curtains; forms. East 178. 1021 FORD: starter, speedometer; run 2200 miles; toM. call lt to 1 P. 3d., 321 N. 22d st. 1920 NASH touring; Alemlte; run 3000 - miles on pavement; sacntice for quick sale. oee ai uiuue suriaKe. LIGHT 5-pass. Stutz. good running order. This car la a real ouy at the price. Cai I'ropst. riroanway .,run. WE TEAR 'em up and sell the nice. arortiaim iiuiu icihiiii v.o., aat Aider. near i itn. nawy. o.-.tc 1010 kuku, starter ooca, new top, new paint, new uto.. mi -u auasi zavu, owner FORD Best buy In city, $200; good rub per ana top anu paint; private owner. Main l-i". DODGE DELIVERY. Side screen body, good tires. Must be soin. auur own price, pqwy. laia. 1918 MAXWELL, tine order; demountable rims and starter; su, imerai terms East 3757. 1U20 CRO W -E LK.H A RT for . sale cheap Dy owner, call East oeis. Between 11 A. m. ann a tr, m. DODGE TOURING. 16(10 This is a real buy. Carney. Bdwy. 4881 l erma SERIES 9-B FRANKLIN See this car. make me an offer; terms Carney, uroaaway 33t. 1918 WILLYS-KNIGHT. 7-paseenger tour ing, first class mechanically and appear ance. Phone Woodlawn 4075. REO SPEED WAGON Excellent condition ew tires: a bargain. For demonstration call Air, at. ueorge. uroaflway 1460. WINTON roadster, like new and guaran teed ; ciafisy car; your oia car in trade and terms. l'iii jenerson st. 1020 MAXWELL, like new; will sacrifice' $650; take diamond part payment, terms East 4216. FOR 5ALH 1-0 r-ord touring car, like new; starter, uem. rims; must sell 633-68. CHALiilElts llgnt delivery, perfect shape anu uttiuieru, ui-si casn uuer takes It your old car In trade. 210 Jefferson Bt, MAXWELL roadster, overhauled: has to oe soia mis weca; newiy painted. 75 i niun a e. . 1918 OAKLAND, excellent shape rubber, good paint, always driven by 1921 CHEVROLET TOURING, A-l condi- tion.su tfuuu iiib anu extras, .-.. J05 fliain St., Vancouver, narni rnone 436. 1910 FORD roadster. $323 cash, good con tiltion. sonic cmiho, leaving town. Call 4' to S P. M , 7 N. 3d St. WILL SACRIFICE my Essex touring car tor tttBii , in": iuhiiiiis cuiiuition, o cord tires. 605 McKay Bldg., Main 1201. LATE MODEL FRANKLIN CAR. CASH AND TRADE!. USED FORD PRE. FERRED. EAST 4462. NEW KING 8, never been driven; 5 cord tires, 5 wire wneels, tots of other extras: aivuu macouMi. terms. g.ast 1383. 1918 DODGE roadster, good condition $350" vviin in- "voiisb, insurance. Phona Col. 505. 1V1J 1-naniui.t.ii iimui-i inn, touring in fine condition and brand new llr-' n around; $425; give terms. East 8044. TRUCK service, sand, gravel, contract work or tor saie. J it -ton sterling, auc 230-09, 1918 FORD, for sale by owner; good con". ditlon. Woodlawn 1211. a con A GOOD used car to trade for a good ued motorcycle. Call Bo-tell, Broadway 3mi3 BARGAIN 1018 Maxwell, good running 1! - nn t f - 171"; ssasssisj FORD, 3-passenger; make me aa offer. Koom lot r irsi si. 1921 FORD coupe somo extras; 2 mo. oiu. u'ny fin', -oi 4.. atia-raiiai) I14 FOR SALE by owner. 1020 Maxwell. Ore- gon Auto Repair Co.. loth and Qllsan. LATE 1020 Screen side Dodge delivery Dhone rhwv 1100 Bry' Pnone qwy- iJW- . 1020 FORD touring, good condition, good rubber, 450 cash. Main 2'. 1021 ESSEX touring, new, hasn't been de- liverea, at isto discount, aiain 11 (HI. STUTZ car for sale or traue. Phone East 72. 4ii ttat-t Main. 1921 FORD coupe. Call Eaat 3570 after 0 P. M. IOis DODGE touring, good shape; a bar. -Ral" fr aSh- 4 E" Madl"'1- 1020 MAXWELL cheap by owner! gooc shape, new tires. Woodlawn 3B18. good B1(l BARAI tn 1921 Ford sedaa- Teie- J"uli; FORD roadster for sale. Wdln, 2322. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. 1920 OAKLAND roadster, just like new. Wire wheels, cord tires, spotlight, bump er and other extras. Price $1050. Easy terms. This la an excellent buy. A-l AUTO WORKS WAREHOUSE COMPANY, 522 Alder St. 18 BUICK FOUR ROADSTER. Here Is the finest light four roadste we have had in a year: roflnished am looks and runs fine: new tires and othe extras; low price. $."1K., with $1S5 down oaianre easy; take Denus. .14 Aider si MURPHY MOTOR CAR CO. BE GUIDED by the judgment of over one half the car owners in the United States and buy a Ford. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Used Fords Exclusively. Grand Ave. nd E. Yamhill. East 471 Open Evenings and Sundays. 1918 OLDS' 8. jus been overhauled from stem to stern, has been run only a few thousand miles; very cheap at the price asaed. vtill accept small car as part payment: terms on balance If desired. can I'ropst, Brjatlway 3nii. 1918 STUDEBAKER roadster light 4. I the best of shape in every way. $700, easy terms. A-l AUTO WORKS & WAREHOUSE COMPANY, 522 Alder St. SEE THIS ONE. 1919 Reo six. 3 passenger roadster. am called eaat. will sacrifice on thl car for quick sale; car in excellent con union. cell l.arkln. Bdwy. 240 days. .iar. .mil evenings. , ANYONE can own a Ford at the prices and terms we are giving. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Used Fords Exclusively. Grand Ave. and E. Yamhill. East 471 Open Evening.- and Sundays. NATIONAL CHUMMY. A famous make. 4-pass. chummy. 8- cyl., privately owned; wire wheels, cord tires; A-l mechanically; a high-grade car; iooks like new: cost i3.soo. sacrif-c for $1. IPO, terms. Mr. Argo, Bdwy. 321 1021 NASH. Driven 80 days: like new: cord tires, bumper, spotlight, motometer. Call owner. Tabor 6645. WE CARRY a full line of auto accessories. tubes. Ford parts, light globes, etc. Also do towing. Open day and night. LONG & SILVA. Phone East 6840. 462 Hawthorne. 1020 DORT touring car. mechanically per fect, looks like new, 4 new tires and good spares. This is a rare bargain. Irora owner: $it5. 51. Bradley, 450 Haw thorne avpnue. SALE OR TRADE Mode! S2 Marmon. first-class mechan leal condition, will exchange for rea estate or a good tractor. M 583. Ore gonlan. Automobile ftantea. AUTOMOBILE WANTED. Will exchange two choice lots at Saltalr staii8n. Tillamook beach, near depot and hotel; adjoins board walk, county road and railroad; faces the Pacific ocean: also 00 by about 140 reet. suitable for busi ness or for cottage; will pay some dif fcrence. Address Y 724. Ore gonlan. AUTOMOBILE WANTED. t I am buyer of Chevrolet or Ford, rea sonable price. Also I am a good me chanlc anil machinist and need a Job Give me the Job and 1 a'lll pay for the car while working for you. R. Merci 06 Ella. Broadway 208. WILL PAY cash for 1918-Dodge or 1021 Overland 4. from private party. rTice must be right. Main 3731. WE WRECK luem. nignesl cam price paid lor old cars, condition no object. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO., Sd and Gllsan. WANTED To buy speed wagon, Reo pre ferred. In good condition, by install ments of $50 per month. Phone Sell 3572. HAVE you a White steamer .vou want to sell or trau .' feiale louest price; o or passenger cur; no deaier; private party. ak ii i . ore B 0 n I a n CARu wanted to wreck; parts for ail cara for '.ess. S. sr S. Auto 15 recking Co. 15th and Aider. Broadway 636 WE ARE in the murket for a number of small cars for cash. Grand Ave. Auto Exchange, 18 Orand Ave. East O.'iO.I. WILL exchange my $2.VlO equity in fine home tor high-grade auto, ur wnat nave you? Eaat U22S. BRING your used car: we have a number of buyers: if price Is right can make quick sale. 41 Gllsan. BtlwY; 4-tO WIM. nnv cash for 1019 or 11120 Cedilla' or Stutx; must be a aacrlltce: give phone and address. Iv ,3N. Pregoulan. . BEACH lot. Ocean View. Tillamook Bay. trade ror Kord Dug or motorcycle witn sidecar. Phone Sellwood 6,t4. LATE model Chevrolet or Bilick. nuisi be in good order and cheap. I'hone liroad way S6."V6 or call 350 Humaidf. CASH lor all manes ot cars, condition no object. 419 Oilman, cor. 10 in Bdwy. .'uj WILL paint your Ford for $35. See my work at 9635 38th ave.; S. E. . Lents. WANT FOHD $2110 phonograph. new, and cash. Call Tabor loim. WILL pay $300 cash and $175 Victroia for 102O Ford touring. Wdln. 1727. WILL pay cash for late model Ford tour Ing. Wdln. 1727. WILL trade 3 lots in Harden. Or., fur late-model Kord touring. 3114 1st, apt. 4. LOT, west side view, for high-grade car. Evenings. Main 15-'8. Motorcycles. 1U19 HARLEY - DAVIDSON motorcycle, electrically equipped All in A 1 condition. $50 down takes this car. Call Bosvll Broadway 36n3. 1917 HARLEY -DAVIDSON motorcycle. Has Just been overhauled; electrically ' equipped: small payment down. Call Bozell, Bdwy. 38 HARLEY-DAV1DSON. 1920. with tandem; took It in on mv car: sell it cheap. 45 E. 58lh St. Tabor ltWi'-l. L'sEU PARTS FOR ALL MOTORCYCLES CHEAP. SCHUCK CYCLE CO., 1922 WESTLAKE. SEATTLE. WASH. 1917 HENDERSON with side car." all In Al condition. A real snap. Call Hamilton. Broadway 3605. 1921 HARLEY. Al shape, tandem; big discount, easy terms. l-.t a,, l&in N-. after 5 MOTORCYLES and parts, all makes. EAST SIDE MOToRCYCLJfi CO.. 44-46 Orand Ave. iyil) INDIAN with or without ulde car mechanically perfect; $."i0 down, balanct eaay terms. Call Hozell. Ddwy. 80)d. sOR MOTORCYCLES ANU BICyCLkid TRY US. 204-aOO 8P ST. MAIN 613. $30f HARLEY electric, w ith aide car. many extras. 838 Rodney ave. Automobile for Hire. AUTOS FOR HIRE, with or without driv ers. Day or nlpht service. COUCH MAX GARAGE. 19th and Couch. Broadwiy 36. Jtemember our number Broad way 3tfV6. CITY OARAGE AUTOS WITHOUT IRIVER3. Late model car. reasonable rates. 132 l.!th at.. betwV-n Washington and Alderr Broadway 84U. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. T . T sri.Ll VAiN. r A."niu.i UAn.iuri, MAR. 2312. 10TH AND YAMHILL. A 1-3H. H. S. BENNETT. CARS f L'rC Hilttt WITHOUT imiVBtta, ah .M i u a i -ir c, TH I R D AND TAYLOR. MA 1 N HIH7. 5-PASS. BUICK port niitis, wnn DRIVE K. imUAU w j i a.-ti FORD competent driver; so anywhere and get bacK. llBoriwio. FOR BALK TRUCKS AXD TBACTOK3, FOR SALE by owner, i -ion r eaerai trUCk, A-A conomun . i-um n mci truck, never ud; Chevrolet delivery truck, flrat-claaa. Lroadway 450. tll Marshall st. i ia" TO aiV-f-TUr-J uiamona irucgs ana ntnr m h kpi . net anu ussu. swiiua suu Dneumatics: will sell fr what we have fn them. Mr. Buckley. Main 313, CHEVROLET delivery Fine for a meat market Or grocery. rawieu oony. is sure to see it. Northwest Auto Co.. 18th a nd Alder sts. B roadway I4n FOR SALE G. M. C. -ton. model 16. with big Doay ; perrect conamon ; ran about U('0 miles; must sell art once; by owner. -oi rvereit at nvgRl.AKD DELIVERY A mfghtv nood car ana a snap, onaj -.enue. oe sure to it Mr. Khrett. liroadwav 14)10 X o r t hwest Auto Co.. ISth and Alder sts. WHITE 5-ton. completely overhauled and guaranteed; price very reasonaoie. fhone Jensen, Broadway 601, evenings M a r.s hall dj-ii. ATTERBURV 2-ton, completely over hauled, 1010 model; small payment cash, balance very easy terms. Phone Jenaen, Broadway 601. evenings Marshall 5241. NEW 2-TON Mack truck, only used two weeks; will discount $500 and give lib eral terms. AF 520, Oregonlan. HACK gravel truck, 3 tons, last year's; an absolute bargain; 1 must sell at once. Eaat o-i j M. C. s'i-ton, make an orr?r if you can use it. Phone Jensen, Broadway 601, evenings Marshall S241. FOR SALE 1 ty-ton Oarford truck. 1919 model cord tires on front wheels; &00; terms, ova Tnurman sc. MACK 24-ton ' rebuilt and guaranteed; will trade and give terms. Phone Jensen, Broadway 601, evenings Marshall 3241. 1020 FORD trucks, cords, A-l condition. 1500 Main 1207 EXCELLENT hauling job. will stand rigid Investigation. 02 North 10th. SAVE $2000 on road truck, used 6 months. 500 casn. uisen. an? can nun si. . MAN WITH $1000 to 91 .too to handle cord- wood naui. - to o yearw jpo. . ium. jfTrbN truck, nearly new, will sell cheap lor casn. broaaway -oi. FOR SALE TRICKS AND TRACTORS. TRUCKS! TRUCKS! We offer for your Inspection the most complete stock of rebuilt trucks In the northwest. All com- nletelv overhauled and put in first- class condition. If you ars in need of a truck of any capacity, it will pay you to look at our una The following are typical of our slock : PACKARD 8-ton with flat body and cab $1250 DOIKIE del venr. runs like new T75 REPUBLIC overhauld and guaranteed 930 REO 2-ton, in excellent shape 400 STANDARD 8-ton. over hauled throughout 2250 We hsve others to select from. LONG. EASY TERMS. NO BROKERAGE. ORANNING TRKECE. 542 Aider St., corner 17th. Broadway 1723. Broadway 1723. NEW? NEW NEWT AT A BIG DISCOUNT NEW REPUBLIC TRUCKS NEW WHITE TRUCKS. These trucks are absolutely new. We must sell these trucks, so make your own terms within reason and drive new truck at wholesale cost. We have the following used trucks: 1018 Ford delivery. 1010 G. M. C. -ton. 1018 Republic 'V.-ton. 1 II I Republic 24-ton. 1018 Seldon. 2-ton. 1017 Denby 2-ton. 11H0 Chevrolet 1-ton solids rear. 1018 Chevrolet 1-ton Pneumatic. 1020 Chevrolet 1-ton Pneumatic. 1019 White -ton. We will give very reasonable terms on these truc ks and tney are rneap. USED CAR WAREHOl SB. Grand Ave. and K. Taylor Sts. vtiv I'aks AM) TRICKS We hsve the following new cars snd trucks we srs going to sell at a oig discount. . ..fttiU'T - waa 12.00. now ." $2200 OTKvviRT Si. ton: waa S162u. now 1230 now 1813 ct u- vi 1 UT J.lnn tvim t'JtK). now We can arranie con.enlrnt trm on any of th above. 47 .SOUTH NINTH STREET. HKOAOWAY 11S. TRUCK OW'NBKf. If your truck is eiu.ppd with a Con' tir.s.t-tt.1 nr Burin motor. Fuller traim- mmlun, Torbnen axle, Jaroi ateertna tr.'ftr. Sheldon or Columbia front a!e. umi CHD rtecurA reDmr part without de lay from us. We also have a tuck of uicd neo trucK pari, ROtlERTS MOTOR CAR CO.. Inc.. Republic Truck I Hntrllutor, I'ark and Kvcrett Ma. USKD TRUCK SALE. 1 Ford truck, with body 1 Ford truck with body 1 Ford truck chaaaia LONO flLVA. 4tiJ Hawthorn ave. ST f it 14 3l-Yl. lM MP bod!, S 4-d. bodiea. 4, 0O-incn ulip-on pou.fa inr r oru atcr., 4 atnke piatform bod lea tor Ford trucks, tt endowed cab for Ford truck, j ypecial bodiea adapted for bakery or laundry. 'J7 open catia for ail .nukes of tris'-ka. Theae bodiea oflered for aalc at a sacrifice price to close out a at oca. See me At .V6 Hrendle at., foot of Knott. or call Kaar 7W'2 during we$jk. UKAL, TIUTK MA KUA1N. have: x-JioO. j.ittn trtirk. dumt body, automatic hoiat: overhauled throughout: had only S month" uc Main ;.-. Mr. iieacli. INK t'tth at. Dii'k titn u-ton worm drive, comp.ete.y overhaulert ; wnat nave you u ir.ni in i the line of an automobile? Kaay terma. I Phone Jenwen. liroadway 6.1 1. evenings Marshall .VJ4I. ij w. w r'kKKi) freiuhr run open, with la over in Portland: have new truck fm thl. run ; rem i ire Htuall Investment. &ru:iranteed income. Apjuy 41tS VV. Hum- side. , -TON Winther truck with big motor. tHTM- su.inn. rear snringi. with haul ing contract, can make 'Mt a day. Call Aut. UU-Ntf. 4iMi C'-d t. S 15. AITO KKrAIRINU. ii'TiiS ntiiiirtd at nur garage or will repair our parts. van iwr striu i.t-:.- ereu. taunt 1 3 1 S . GARAC.FS. AKAdK for rent. Hrooklyn gcnuoi. TuaT.E for r.-nt. tV4 Hulaey. Eaat 7J W A N T K I M IsrKIXAN KOfB. WB HAVE THfcl MONEY. Vf.n flAVK THH CLOTH EK. TVhMt have you to aell? Wa buy lad ion and genta' clothing; and wearing apparel. Hi (.heat prices paid. Cleaning and prenBinif a apeclalty. Wa call and deliver In any part of the city. All phone chills anawcrt'd promptly and confiden- tAJjLlflR. THB TAILOR MAIN 8207. OR CAM, 201 3 1 SV. l-30 TO 2o. FOR BBCOXn-HAXO SUITS AND OVERCOATS CALL M EI EH. THE TA I LOR. HE PAYS M(KH THAN ANVli.VR IN THE CITY FOR MUTij, OVBltCOATB AND SHOHS. call Marshall iJ2i or 253 mad LHON 1ST.. NEAR THIRD ST, WILL CALL HAY OR EVEN I NO. i?S ,.')0 IT 1U -W. OOLPSTEIN. THE TAILOR, PAYS HIOHfclST CASH PRICES FOR MEN'S SLITS AND OVKKCOATS, SHOES. ETC BROADWAY 8!;i2. S4A4 hi KNSIUS BETWEEN SECOND AND THIRD. CALL ME BEFORE ANYHOPY ELSE. UP TO 135 FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. We pay any price for men's clothes. OREGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS. 117 I'd SU. N. w. cor. waan. Alain U344 FURS! FURSI FURS! Low rent and Low F rices. KttQiodeling and Repairing. LA FHANCH FUR MK(JCOM Main Id3 W. Park. UP-TO-DATE BUYER We buy sverythlng and anyming in ine line or uaea lurni ture and household goods, tool and oid clothing ana jung. t- an Main 734. BOOKS Highest can price paid for Book of Knowledge. Harvard Classics, Uni versal Anthology and Story of the Great War. Addrraa u i.i.., uregonian. HAhV carriage, perambulator type, wicker body preferred; must b goni condition I and price reaunaui-B. i':ieinine auto matic :.-'4 :u. WILL FAY cash for guod electric waahlng machine, must be bargain. I'hono Main WANTBlJ One Rosenthal lanKuage phone method, French language, t J34, ore goniun. WANTKD SlngT tewing machine; munt be a bargain for caith. D. W. Gaston, B;s vrton. r. Route B. WANTED Second - hand Elliott - Fisher bookkeeping machine. Phone Lennon's. Main 23. , DIAMONDS bougnt at highest mark' p r I c?a E. Deeds. 840 waa h ington st. WANTKD Cart, trap or buggy In good condition for tne mountains, aanin .ion. JUNK. ragf. iih'IhIm, clot hi tig. furniture. tools; good prices. Bros 1 way 1 k;',. l-'urnlture W anted. CASH FU RN ITU R B CAS H. We need used furniture, stoves. ranges, etc.. to ship out of town. Will pay higher prices than sny other local dealer, ( nil us up f-r one article or houfte full, and a courteous, competent buyer will call. Main 7714. Rosenberg's Furniture Exchange. LOOK lX)OK! LOOK! I am the man for you to call when selling your furniture, tools, etc.. as I have a ready market for same, therefore, can pay more than anyone else: don't forget my number. Main S433. for one 1 article or a iun nouse. USED FUKNITCKK EXCHANGE. MAIN 738. Tour furniture and household goods wanted: we pay you more tnan anv dealer In the city because we need the goods. Mam CALL MAIN 8S78. We pay the highest prices for used furniture. ree us oeiore ypu sen. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE. Main 887S. YOU WILL benefit when selling your fur niture by calling Aiain od. as we a-e paying more than anyone in the city; If I you have onn article or a nou.so full. YOBUV, sell or trade second-hand furni ture and housrnoia goons, see OKI FURNITURE CO.. 200 Second. M?'n ieT- WB WILL buy your furniture or sell for you on commission. oeorge am her A Co.. auctioneers. M TT IS TO TOUR ADVANTAGE and benefit to sell your rurniture to us t an. Mar shall 2fiU3. Crown Furniture Co WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURK, of any description; nave tne reanv casn. Phone today. Hain 4ti27 or 16 First &L EDICATIONAK MIM.F.R SCHOOL. Modern Office Appliuncea Yeon Rids.. Portland. Or. Offers a special summer rate of hasf the regular tuition for complete courses In cslcuiating, comptometer, adding and bookkeeping .machine operation; post graduate courses consisting of several thousand pages of sctual Inventories. It. R. and bank work and lumber figuring will be given for those who have c pleted regular courses. Itiveatigai thrl school through the banks snd buatnrasi houses of Portland snd learn the advis ability of acquainting yourself with th I work. We have their approval as wi-il as the co-operatlon and indorsement of the machine manufacturing companies. Early Registration Is Necesary. Courses sre ahorl from 4 to $ weeka WHY BE OUT OF A JOB OR WORK AT AN UNDERPAID POSITION? Call at Union ave. and Wasco st. anr nay except Saturday, at 11 A. M ., write for free catalogue No. 5 It will not cost you anything to f.nd out liow wn have helped over 800 graduates to good positions. v e can help u. loo. AIK'OX AUTO A AVIATION SCHOOL Special Inducements to ex-service men. Reduced rstes June 1 to Sept. 1- AUTOMOTIVK SCHOuL. You want nothing but tha b at Hrm It la. Standard!!- d it h achoola W other ciliea. Uot la buratortea. b-"' ahop ei)Uipntf-nt and Inatrutilora ActUil shop practice given on rral rplr 1" Keu!ta abunluuly guaranteed Tha tune for you to 10 (o a luntl la w hue iui nena la .) u l t . f-'repare now for bin bu-l- nena oneninva tn a few itiont hi 1 nn ui Ore on lnat ,t ute nf Technology Main atre-t at Sixth. Ki-arice men a-t STATE Air. flip this ad and a.nd :t in for beautiful -Ch-parc ratul" ue .MOHLKIt HAIUtKli i'til.l.KilK will teach you the trade In 8 we.-ka. furntah a a-t of toola to you an1 kivv ntii pnv hi learning; tmeilloha aecurril; rnrnier aervtce pier, receive atnte aid whil at len'llna; our achoni. rite r cu n i cataloRue a n-t p.irt teula ra 4Itu-ril1- AMHlTlul'S young men. enroll In llin I Keyeer lnat It Ute of Optllie,ry l't 1' youraelf for high aalttrv or an nttlc-l bumn-'nn of your own. Oregon e-arira men receive atate aid. pnng opened In March. Write for lnf-rmati H K MX K K V A T" K K 1 1 . Weat'a largeat bupitii i-a ollega. Hnrolt anv time; day or night achooi. WRITK Fi Ut FkWK CA T A !. USI'IC Fourl h. nenr Mirrin.n I'hone Ma in OHKiioN llAKliKK . -1.1, lv 1 K will you the tra-le in K weeka; alp and Tare niaaaage FtecinUy : toola rre., paM mm guaranteed: pay while .r-truing; luili" reduced thia term LTii .Ma.-iiw.tn. alODKK.V barber college lenchea tra-U tn wka.. toola furnlahrd. amue pay; poatt in ecured: aoecial rate thia mniith. Writa or rail for particulara y.t Fi r att HAS TKAl HKIl of aucceaaful emirene desirea prlncipalwhip or p-$.itWn aa i.eai or romni.'jriHjejt( 3 regon ia R( H'KT JIT. T- achera Agem-y. Knroll 're. Frank K We I lea. e.ael. at at aupt Mgr. N W. Hank Mdg. AiHoBJ13 LEARN TKI,K . It A Til Y KaliWMV Tel. graph lnatiiutn. 4.4 Kail ay a.&cnang Imltf Miflil el:iocw IF YulT WANT TO learn the vulranlxin bu-Jlne-ia call l."1 Eawt Ttr"r.l n y 0 i.BARN vulcanizing buntneaa Wa teach I the het tnet hnrl It nn n 4.13 Ht a uu V A. TPM Is'l l V It T..rh.ii' Asrwn. v Fr retrmtratton. Main -T4 Hdwy. bldg NIiiHT si-hool Irt-aulv culture. Madam turtl!- Marahn It 1 7 LKAHN gupd trade ev.ninaa. II. auly cm- tore. Madam ( urns. Mar, 1 $hj. I'RIVATK leM.m In lngg ahorth tid l.y certified tearher Apt Mil, Main H"M FISK TeaclurV Agency .I.iuina bidu. Alkln 4.S3.Y Teaching position, Tree rx. BFI.P WANTi;i-MAI.r. CARRIER WANTED for Oregonian route in Hawthorne dis trict. JuKt rat nf bridge. Mutt be I.) years ur ag or orer. Apply CIRCULATION PBPARTM KNT, Room LMt.1, Orrgonlan Hldg. THB FLACK beat equipped to render as sistance to men and boys seeging em- plovment In clerical, commercial and ..Vint.-. i linos ,. the arfvinnrv ird em ployment dept. of tha Y. M. C. A. If you need aawiatance In finding; work you are cordially Invited to taia your proD lem over with one of the secretaries. t TIIE CLEAI.I.N'. huuae l-.r nn-n anu l"4" seeking employment In i icri- al, .em meal and eomm-rril lines I" the advw ory and empio) ment dept. of the V. M. ' A KmiilnviTi know thia and that is w hy w e arc able to aaaist ou even whes Joha are hard to find STriiEXTS AND TEACHERS Can Uwe f..w mod. -tr- Mnd teachers lor va.Mti..n pi-rloil, $ lu.i month guarant I with r- r...rl mult I., Iliuke I mm t l."d to f ::! a. -cording tti ability Call or rtte North Hidge Hruah o. 2 Artlwana mg. m TWli K.N'KIHl KTIC iuutr men. n-at ap pearance, with a-Iling anility, in join our aaiea force, permanent wura arm a i hhv for t lie rig nt pan v. n lalion woik. Call -'..HO to 3.30 I M . .tltl ( tr'-gonlan bldg. u. i w. 1 1 Knr ( uliina I ig and I i-nv .hnii' lit.-ii-i ii'lu. musical leain, i'i" show people, n.ualclana to ai rengi o-n h.ml Hiiiarera and i itlicers or anv (all at lot, Moniav.na, run". Arl.ta af.ttion Saturday W k VTKIi A n mi. ili'lirol driver on larire laundrv route; tnu-t ne a num-r mnA mil .fr-aid i,f WOrkl UnliBS TilU ' handle large route .... nut apmy . give bunds, inion wnur, oluuw Columbia M Ht S LK H st-roullMi' d uicaniains; plant in aoulhvtn M.-n. in on" ilttl tire MKir-: oia I'lM'1-' !"""' - Addn-aa M. V -i So. r Mini ai.. .i- f-rd. r WANTED S.dl lior and coll.-ctor. mar ried man, aalary inn rnmniwinn, i--r- inent piitln; riereni-es requ.rcn. u'- tervltw. Mr. Wilson. - bldg. WANTED Handy man (or touniry p. ace; rare or rows, clilckane. lawns, porcru . etc ; references n-ceaar ; w ages including board and room : iki man. nu SECOND cooks, hotel. 173 and I H'O p-r month; cook, email mm i. t- i" um-.i... hkr. tt0 De.r inonih. board and rnt. oihor kitchen help. Lewis Employment 4 8 - J N i rth J co ml st , . WANTED Parties w no are infw'' Mexican land or uesiro ininnniimn. B-e H. r.. l-. JUiian, i-u A u t o. a I TIM , WANTED Man with Frd cr to trav. with me in rural mimcis n yu -aam. . ...aUa s.wii nionev this summer P Roy t ong. r. 0AM. Kl'O Ot-. gonlan Mdg B.V It IIKH an t. d . must be re.p-M,j.iii e. oi id personality ami a nrf-v. d wag.a. Call or wrlta Geo. Millir, i"hiihalis. Wash. , uikid b kk per required for pa king aeaaon on Columbia river; state age. e. perience, reTerenceg ana salary requirt-f., t. 7:t. fireKimtail. MAN WITH truck m haul .." ords corn wooa mile; 91 cord. S. I I wood 120.V t t v t w n .l-hitto contract still- Mors f the b'-st st'i'ilo in rcmue A.tures i-'o MontrMUK Ditip . r-THe, v .in m W ANTED K pcric in d lk-r n rol "ik, cooKlcn; f p"r e-a ini f:ut. AV -'.!. ti g'-ni.in. imaivk BUY KK HI contld'T nr n hs been skiitshi w"9 r " rv 1 " TWO J-iALKSMKN who have had ttf-ri. rnca in r-ai t-siait". mu it n m-r, Mil Chiiml'cr of Commt-rre. l k V TV t TI I llatht llrIiVTV Lair. I'o.lU ferrd, I or cny (n-uvrry. v.iu nr ititlCK LAVE KM W.iNTi.O 90 per day. 8 hours. 2ol Worctsftr bldg. M.un 4''7. BA KB Kit, wanted utes-ly. SHtur.ly j-ih. $l guarsnteca. 1". . i.nn i- n. .cu- il csr- ma i.kSl'Kul'UtC wantrd for htois. furn sh in ics and nit raw r ''inin'ni. Cnih Store, K l?tsnd Mori'unn. WANTED Man with automnln.e to work for laundry; goon pnv; r irrrntrs rs- nulred W 72tV Oregoniwn. WANTKD Hrtad bnkr and enpenrnr-d helper. Viking mtaery ump-ny, .. r.. Stufk sTrf-t. I'KJNTKll or linotype op-rat or w nt id. MEN TO LKAKN run motion picture camera. O. Box 4-'iT, City. W ANTED-Carpenter oi k In f i change f..r dentistry. m 'J p'li'"i WANTKD -Hoy L". to 1 (jrcgonlan. to vtotk vxi f.tnn. A V HIH. PHKKT metal w orkers snd tinners wa BOOKKKBI'IOR FOR STORE. T T3:. t-lt r.ti . i GET YOUR btrry pU kers from ihe Pioneer Employment onirr, u "rr"' 10 itOOI ail-anaind .sh.tiis. salary and references. lo:ct OnrrieM ave JANITOR Culoifd man and wife, fT apt. h"U"-c. .MUxt ne rHi'HOie. ..i:un SHEET .METAL WORKER .If. HAVKR Kl RNA r y.t . .i .m a n t n, i r i . BARBER lor Saturday, guarantee, at U"f 2d t MlDDLE-AiELr man for n.ght watchnnin a garage; app'y ui- .iriiL-;i.un ki. BOY WANTKD in sign ..-hon Rl'l I'trr s; WANTED Uood coat niaker. 43 N. 0th su t