THE MORXING OltEGOXIAX, TTIURSDAT, JUNE 16, 1921 V. 17 HELP WANTED MALE. liecp Klllf u Mtwmeii. SALESMAN WANTED. Sv.rai u!imn who can sell an ar ticle of rrent merit made in Portland; every house, apartment bouse and auto mobile owner a prospect; live-wire sales man can make good money on our prop osition; only experienced salesman and experienced house-to-house canvassers need iddIv. Call at Hit Union ave. N corner of E. Irving; morning between :3U and 11 o'clock. HELP WANTED FEMALE. SALESMAN WANTED. We have an opening for one or two ambitious men. Men who are never sat' lufifd hut alwavs Dushine: ahead and want more. If you are that class of man and anxious to make a connection where you can better your earning power call and see Mr. Stranahan to arrange for Interview. 713 Lewis bldg. 1U-1 A. M. or J-4 P. M. . Mas with machines and some experience in selling direct to the consumer; who can finance themselves to handle line of guaranteed household products that have been supplied to the housewife for over oo years, will rina our proposition a win ner. Kor full particulars address C 600. Oregonian. WANTED Salesman or sales manager to sell beverage mixers; territory allotted, good commiHsion; for particulars call A L. A Brewer. Central Candy shop. Central Pub. market or Hotel Morris; hours. 6 to 8 P. M. SALESMAN to sell nationally advertised truck line; has been handled In this city and territory for several years: salary and commission basis for right man; must have experience. AE 739. Ore- goman. xv.w arth'I.E with no competition; not a noveltv. but a necessity In every home fiAti. frt- ti Vftiir commission at) cents AroriLK wanted In every locality. Corry Mfg. Co., S16-A Cham, of Com. bldg., to II A. M. ACTOMOBILE PARTS CLERK. Must be accurate, write legibl use typewriter, capable waiting on customers. Stenography not neces sary; good opportunity learn auto mobile busineue. State age, exp. ; salary expected. AF 707, oregoniao. SO-.ME one to work. In private family for room and board. Phone .Lst 4ti4. Wanted Domestics. WANTED Housekeeper in family of two adults who are at work during day good congenial home offered. Phone Sell wood 8 Kilt. EXPERIENCED woman or girl for cooking and some downstairs work, small family, wages 50 to 9 Ho. Apply at once. 7S3 Flanders St. EXPERIENCED cook for Gearhart cot tage. month of July. Small family, no washing. Best wages. Phone Main, WANTED A neat, agreeable woman who is a good plain cook ana wmins io gw to summer camp for July and August. Address uos Hotel Maliory. WANTED Experienced woman for cook ing and general kitchen work for foun tain and lunch counter. No Sunday of evening work. AM 7i4. Oregonlan. GIRL for general housework; good wages: no washing. Main Hli. EA LKSM K Sell something different. Something for which you have prospects in all directionn. Our men are making from 40 to .i0 per week and doing it cleanly. Call 338 Vancouver. Wash. Ask - for Mr. L SALESMAN'S position open, complete line of varieties In well-grown stock; write for terms todsy. Capital City Nursery Company. 428 Oregon B.dg.. Salem. Oreeon. EXPERIENCED salesman, workins city and whole state of Oregon, calling on department and drug trade, wants re liable side line; can furnish best of ref erences. L (i'tO. Oregonlan. . THE L. C. SMITH & VKUS. typewriter company has city territory open for an experienced salesman; salary and com misslon. Apply S0t Spalding bldg. WITH some selling experience in stocks, bonds, insurance, books or magazines, to call on selected list. 10 to i w. rl. Oilos. 40fi Pr.gonian bldg.. Portland. "WANTED From house to house sales man, men or women; staple article, large' commission. -12 Railway bx change bldg. . 5 LIVE YOUSfi SALESMEN WANTED. IF YOU KNOW THE CITY AND WANT TO WORK. CALL AT 510 P1TTOCK BLOCK. S TO 1 1 A. M. . L-i rj .s-rrM i unMiuitv salesman work citv of Portland, calling on the' trade. Call at 86 10th St. be tween ft and 11 o'clock. FOUR salesmen to fill our organlxatlon. handling sale of Portland securities; best fiiinm ii oni Dossioie. oee air. w. 310 U. S. Bank bldg.. before noon. GIRL for irensrai nousework; one willing in in (;arnart. add r airs. r. i. Mines, Campbell Hill hotel before 10 A. M. Washington at. WANTED Efficient cook for small fam ily; keep second girl; reierences re quired. Call between 9 and 1-' A. M Main 533. EXPERIENCED maid; must be good cook; no washing; family of 3; wages .o. .Marshall 341. WANTED Woman to oo general house work In small family. ;sj a month. References required. Marshall l.M. NEAT experienced girl for second maid in small family of adults: please phone In t'he morning. Main 13O0. WANTED Experienced cook for oear hart, July and August; good wages, com fortable quarters. N S!)7, Oreijonlan. WANTED Quiet, capable woman, good plain cook, for small private hospital; salary .10. Main S1I47. YOUNG girl to assist with light house work and care for baby. Mrs. M. Shank, 4(li E. Sth St. N. COMPETENT girl for upstairs work and care of children, airmail judo. ia.n mornings. COMPETENT girl for general housework in family of i adults; wages iu. rnone Main SI5-8. WANTED Reliable girl for genera. housework at summer Dome in Liacaue mountains. Main 5016. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. YOUNG man, 20 years old, with mechanical Inclination and abil ity, desires position; have com Kleted manual training course in ' igh school and 2 years' me chanical engineering at O. A. C. Have worked in lumber mills and shipyards and am nof afraid of hard work: excellent reier ences. Phone Columbia 363. DON'T try to get a position till we press yooi suit for 45 cents, while you wait Joy. the tailor. 104 4th, near Stark. .TOr, THB TAILOR. 104 FOURTH STREET. RELIABLE young; man with six years' ex perience driving: wishes position as pri vate chauffeur; would not object to tour ing during summer; can give references. van lapor 4tMo, WANTED Work by first -class carpenter;! wouia like position as foreman: nave had 20 years' experience in handling men on all kinds of work. Woodlawn 46S3. WANTED Reliable man and wife wish to take charge of ranch, experienced, best 1 reierences. L. n. feckman, recrea tion. Or. MIDDLE-AGED couDle thoroughly experi enced in meat and pastry, wouia nae work in country hotel or small club or I at beach. N 730. Oregonlan. WANTED Position by expert circular saw filer or foreman; will contract mm. i good references. Address 11:3$ Lincoln St., Eugene, Or. PRINTER Combination machine and I floor, wants situation: married: can come at once. Address AV 815. Oregonlan. A COUPLE wants situation as - janitors. I office building: experienced: best refer-I ences. Address C. F.. 34S1 Front at., up stairs. m 20-YEAR-OLD veteran wants work servant in private household, or will accept any kind of work to earn an honest living. H. Frazer. Main lfa.'-l. P1TTATION9 WANTED FEMALE. FOB RENT. Bookkeepers, fcnenograpnera. office. Fnrnished Rooms In Private Family. LADY with good education, tact and NICE clean room, electric lights, big ambitious, wishes employment, office clothes closet, bath, phone, for 1 or 2 work or collecting; has had considerable gentlemen; 1 week's rent, FREE if taken experience in meeting the public and is for a month; west side, near library, a good mixer; can furnish best of ref- Call 228 loth at. or phone Main 5758 erences; if you are In need of any one. after 5 P. M. call me; I can qualify. BC 72tj. Ore- CORNER front room In beautifully fur- gnnian. ; nished private home for 1 or 2 gentle- COMPETENT office clerk wants position. men, i0. 71 Trinity place; walking experienced as ledger clerk, assistant distance. Bdwy. 2546. rSSklif eper' , Remington-Wahl biller. D large, clean, well-furnished front room, oregonlan. suitable for 2 gentlemen; bath and OFFICE position by experienced stenog- phone; walking distance. Bdwy. 2472. rapher. Main 623. apt. 308. 553 Hoyt st. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires out- COMFORTABLY furnished room with bath of-town position. X 739. Oregonlan.- adjoining - in quiet, private family In Dressmakers. Irving ton; gentleman preferred; refer- ences. East 616.. , "WZtfSSSZf:!: -NSAT. comfortable frontoroom close in AnLey, near Broadway. -- J. XSSUfJSi "pre- DRESSMAKING, plain sewing and mend- ferred Main 4402. Ing; prices reasonable: need work. Phone t . . . . ; , ,,. Earff as9 ' NICELY furnished room in private family; ... . bath, phone and other privileges, with SkWINa done neatly and reasonably. ---e if desired; gentleman preferred. Phone Main 57o6 from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. East S4V " 5t" "V fr- fi""""'- ' , g. , WEST SIDE, walking distance, comfort- DR-SM.U-.INQ. plain sewing. Hazel Skin- abl9 bedroom (or business man. adjoin- ner. 405 Raleigh bldg. Main 898. ln- batn. breakfast if desired; 18 DRESSMAKING and plain sewing, reason- month. Main 5726. able. Mrs. Phillips, Broadway 1673. WELL-FURNISHED room, bright and LADIES' garments altered and refitted. L clean; use of shower and phone, in high- Reubin. tailor. 408 Bush & Lane bldg. class apt. house; walking distance. 47 GOWNS. suls. coats made to order. Lelah Trinity place, apt. 10. Marshall 526. Hutchinson. 827 Morgan bldg. COMFORTABLE room tor gentlemen, Hutchinson. 827 Morgan bldg. 243 11th; references desired. nnem' . . NEATLY furnishod room, conveniences, on SWEDISH massage treatment! tn your Broadway carline, close in; references. own home; ladies only: physicians rec- East 824. . "lfnVi00"- WoodlaWn y7S for ap- TWO LARGE outside rooms. 1 blk. from PQ'ntmenca. two car8. e!ow in; modern conveniences. EXPERT infant nurse, with long experi- c&U 701 Kearney or phone Main 3S13. ence, best of references, wants a per- COMFORTABLE furnished room, all mod- manent position to take care of infant. ern convenlences. for gentleman. 367 AM 10. Oregonian. East Spventh st. North. ' EXPERIENCED Japanese comoinatittn cook desires position In hotel, restau rant or lumber camp. Japanese cook. room 6, Mikado Motel, saa Vh iveren st. EFFICIENT nurses. hourly. daily or weekly; nursing at reasonable terms. Mar. 340. PRACTICAL nurso with experience would ' like a few cases, maternity preferred. Woodlawn loob. PLEASANT, commodfouB sleeping porch with sitting room; gentlemen preferred. East 7064. . FOR REXTs Furnished Apartmmu. STBLWTN APTS. HIGH-CLASS. Resident and summer homes for tran vient and tourist; handsomest furnished apts. in the city; no objection to child under 2 year; 1 to 5-room apts.. with sleeping porch ; we also have bachelor apts. and service; single rooms and bath for refined irentlemen: references re quired. Marshall 2830. 166 St. Clair SU, corner Washington. FOR RENT. FurnUh-rMl A part men tw HOI'jSMaN apis, 3 or 4 rooms, porch; de siranie. 7' Hoyt. Main rpftrnT-Hh ed A partmeois KINGSBURY Af'ARTM K.VTS, 1 Srt Vis ave., near 23d and Washington, hiith class apartment bouse; thre or fou room unfurnished a Dart men ts with til appearing bed in living room, also bed room, call Main 3 v.. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 186 Vist ave.. near 23d and Washington st high-claaa apartment house; one 3 -room oeautiruiir furnished In wicker iumi ture. with rood tub: fine view: outsid balcony; must be seen to be appreciated. Main ZbHZ. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and C-nlnmhia. Xtm Flva minutes' walk to Meier A Frank tore: good surroundings, strictly mod em 2 aud 2 -room furnished aote.. out side, with French doors and balcony. permanent and transient APT. TO SUBLET. HIGH CLASS. Lovely outside front apts., 8 rooms and sleeping porch, exceptionally clean, xur ntshed in blue and willow, for June. July, August ; references required. Marshall 2 ."30. THE JACKSON. 51 U TTninn A v Knrth Three-room apts.. $30 and $0; private nam. steam jieat, hot and co.a water; phone service: 15 minutes walk to Mh ana Alder. Roee City car. East 2X4 q. 3 EXTRA large room ant.: private bath, ground floor; exceptionally sunny roms, excellent location : newly retinisnea woodwork In bedroom, bath and kitchen white enamel; light, phone, furnace heat; p.-n is. Madison, cor. or jjtn. WALKING DISTANCE TO BUSINESS DISTRICT. 940; beautifully turnished apartment good piano, balcony, 2 large rooms. liKht ana cooi; everything ciean ana new, Main SHId JANITOR wants position; understand I PRACTICAL nurse wishes case, invalid electric elevator machinery, boilers. Bteam engines; will take anything. Mar- elderly. Main 4860. WANTED Contract to cut cordwood by reiable men; nothing under iuu cords i considered. Address a. L. i rroni. st.. Portland. CHEERFUL practical nurse wants posl tion. Broad wav 3ifcj,i. room 6t. OomeHticH. PARPKVRR wants contracts, plans and ftnec ficat ons furnished tree. Aiaranan 817. Call mornings and evenings after 5. F. West. FIRST -CLASS cook. Swisa. wants position, private home. Phone Mam o-v, ca morning. Housecieaning. CARPENTER and builder, day or contract. estimates furnished. Berkey, woouiawn 6101. u'ATRD i:omoetent woman for cook ing and downstairs wont. Apply morn ings. 1J ::uin st. REFINED, capable woman for outdoor selling; $Z riilv. V i'Jtf. Oregonlan. WOMAN wages. GIKL lo assist with housework. lii) N 20Lh. Bdwy. 5530. WANTED Woman or girl for general housework. Apply 574 B. Morrison. c;iRL for general housework, fcast b(W. POSITION as cook on ranch or roaa camp. Phone Main ;fis. room a BUY, 14. MUST have work of some kind; country preferred. . 560 Borthwick. 4 NYV 1 HftKSKKEKPER and manace neat, refined American, early 4is, would care for widower's modem home for home and moderate compensation or would take charge of rooming house city references. Y T.vt. uregonian. EUREKA House Cleanlnr Co.. ail kind nf rlMnlnr and vacuum work done special prices on floor waxing. Phone for general housework 5S3 Johnson street. SALESMEN. stud-nU earn $60, summer WANTED Lady barber. 10.S N. tfth at. vacation, nouat-noiu iin-. ywu .u u n.. 203 Artisans bldg. u. nougen. c r.bwvi an- tn a.'ll Ford cars, must have selling ability and furnish his own car. Main lion. . IF YOU can sell anything you can sell advertising; splendid new proposition Call now ana see u WANTED Stock talesman to sell stock A-l proposition. Phone East 2'Jl, roc ma. WANTED A god pumo piayer for song shop out-of-town. Wain. WANTED AGENTS. CAN YOU use o0 per month extra? We want ladies selling medicines, extracts or toilet preparations to wma iw at tractive and profitable sideline. MURRAY MEDICINE CO., Sloan Bldg., Yakima. Waah. AGENTS wanted. Benedict Nursery Co., 186 E. 87th st. North. Portland. Ur. HEALTH, accident and hospital Insurance BJr commissions, am lormu AGENTS wanted for Portland, good prop osition. bo1? uroaaway. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HOTELS NEED TRAINED WOMEN. Big demand for high-salaried execu tives; past expert-uce unnecessary; w- trn'n tou bv mail -and put you in tones with big opportunities Write at once i for particulars Lewis Hotel Tratnin School. Desk 1418, Washington. D. WANTED Neat-appearing young lady with high school education, capable of using typewriter; excellent chance for advancement for one willing to study nnH oHuni hruelf: stRte ajee. ex-Derience. length of time desiring employment and salary expected. BJ i-.i. Uregonian. WANTED Cook for small country new hotel, just opening; must be good, eco nomical cook and know the business; no grouch or gosaiper need answer; must be clean, agreeable woman. Give phone number and state salary. H iiu. Oregonian. WE HAVE a few positions for ambitious HELP WANTED WITH INVESTMENT. A COOK, married, to help couple open up a restaurant or luncn counter in some promuing location as wonting partners, if vou know of a (tood location any where And have a little capital Join me: I have a complete little outfit, 50-60 basis; will bear closest investigation, a v 818. Oregonian. OFFICE manager who is capable of as suming entire responsibility or a trans- nnrtntion -com nan v office: must be Qual ified to open full set of books; must fur nish surety bond; we prefer a manager who will become interestea in tne com pany. Apply 4US W. Burnside. Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Office. ArrmTXTAVT needs nosition. general ex- ; good perience. accurate, good penman, refer ences; will accept any clerical work: rr" taiurv secondary consideration. X 4-. Oregon i aa. - Yin i-i'i MAN', well trained in t-ookktep- Ine anl higher accountancy wants psi- I tion atlh local or OUt-Uf-tOWn flfUl. A SOI, Oregonian. ELDERLY gentleman wishes office work of any kind, preieraniy mm, nus apply myself; experienced; references. Tabor ISfiB. YOUNG MAN wishes position as book keeper and typist; can iaa uicmuuu. Woodlawn 4148. . WANTED By experienced accountant, set nf bnnkM to keen in spare iuu. a 717. Oregonlan. RELIABLE young woman with 2-year-old child wishes position as housekeeper in small ramuy. tsu i.i, -uregonian. WIDOW wishes position as housekeeper in small imiiy. 4i limnmsi. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. WANTED MODERN fi-ROOM HOUSE PREFER PIEDMONT DISTRICT. AD DRESS AK 718, OREGONIAN. YOUR SERVICES AND $1000. If you want a position and an oppor tunity to invest $1000 in a sound manu facturing business (money secured), write for personal interview. AL 70, oregonian. HELP WANTED MALE OK FEMALE. MAN OR woman to bell advertising on live wire publication. Call bet. v and 3:30, room 017 Worcester bldg. SITI'ATIOXS WANTED MALE. MALE stenographer wishes position with good future; some experience; rwercutw. BC 742. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer, young man. desires popnion. nrnaiiHwy -i i Salesmen. SALESMAN wishes position; no Dunk. state your proposition oy letter to j o. Oregonian. RENTAL BUREAU. List your houses, flats or apartments with us; Quick resulta and good tenants. PACKING, MOVING, STORAGE LOANS. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. 53 Fourth St. Opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. " WANTED To rent, unfurnished, modern six or seven-room house with garage In Hose city park, irvington or .Laurel hurst districts. Will give best of ref erences. J. E. Balsley, care Standard Oil Company. Phone Marshall otQ. SITTATIONS WA STEI-rFEMALE. TEACHER attending summer school de sires room and board or part oi in exchange for light service or cam of child evenings. AF 752. Oregonlan. COOK and waitresa capaDie of taking full I WANTED To rent, either furnished or un WANTED Immediately, by responsible family of man ana wife only, modern house of five to seven rooms in desirable district, with garage. Best of references. Stuart K. King, 1U14 ipaitung bldg Main jo-' APARTMENT or club, janitor work by re spectabie man and wile; no children. Phone Broadway 3410. EXPERT trap drummer wants engage ment at summer resort; union. N 40. Otegonlan. CEMENT WORK GARAGES. Reasonable rate. First-class only. CALL TABOR HtM. fhar-c nw hrttol or ClUb. DeSt OI references; give particulars in firat let ter. 3y5 5th st. Main 254. OUNG lady possessing tact, courtesy and ability to meet the puonc aesircn tion; experience in physician's office. Telephone Sellwood '-'J7.. ; . . MARRIED lady, no children, charge oi ant hnlisff or noUSeaeepinK roum iui apt. Address Mrs. Rosky, 350 Sacramen to st.. city. ' WANTED Housekeeping position by el derly lady: borne more tn. not care for children. M 10 A. M. and after 6 P. M furnished. 6 or 7-room strictly modern house; will lease: state location and de tails; first-class references. B oiti. Ore gonian. COUPLE without children wants 2 or 3 room furnished house, $20 or $23, by bunday. write or call JNo. J Lmun a North. P. Noeller. WANTED By young couple, modern 4 or o-room Dungaiow with n replace. oy July 10 to lease; rent not to exceed $30, references. Automatic d-b-07 derly lady: home more than wages; can- QN PORTLAND HEIGHTS or Council not care for children. Mar. 3320 untt. I Crest, small furnished house for two or EX-SERVICE man. experienced grocery) MIDDLE-AGED woman would like to care clerk, wants a Job; knows city well and I can drive a car. i abor l Jatt. CARPENTER New or repair work; small jobs promptly done. Estimates cheerfully PAINTING, -tinting ana paperhanfcing. Barnes ft Galther. Call fcfarnes. Wdin. 2MW, or Gaither. Mar. 2i03. PAINTER Fast brush man; 70c hour; you1 xurnish material, i will save you 6it per : cent. W oodiawn Ji j. business girls who are willing to work PAINTING and tinting. Crenit if desired: fer their way up In the office of a Browing reasonable price. Benjamin. Broadway Mai concern: age 18-24 years; no stenograph- 4fl7(. J an: Kint nrevinus experience, il ii education and salary expected. AH B.S3. Oregonian. DRESSMAKER FOR ALTERATIONS. Saleslady to run place, good oppor tunity tor capable party m ho Is willing to work; proposition pays $200 monthly; requires Investment o $400. See Mr. Holder. 26 Morgan Piag. EXPERIENCED OPERATORS WANTED. OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILLS. 244 KLS6ELL ST. CXXK, in-stitute, $50; cook on farm, 4 men, $.'; exp. cook, private homes, $70 to $75; fid. 2d maids, general housework in town and out. fine wages. Mrs. Scott Em p I oyment Bureau. 32 Henry Did; WANTED Lady who understands the business chance -work. In good office; full awing, on attractive commission basis, will be given honeat, reliable lady. H 79. Oregonian. ANY GIRL in need or a xnena apply to tha Salvation Array Kescue Home, Aiay- fair and Alexander streets. Pbona Main S4M). DM car. WANTED At once, IS chorus girls for YOUNG man wishes work on ram-h; will only milk a few cows; prefer work clos tn. Phone East loo J. STATIONARY engineer, experienced with electricity and sprinkling sy sterna Phone Wroodlawn 3777. ; BRICKLAYER, contractor. tile houses. garages, everything in the brick line. Tabor 8793. A BOY OF 15 with wheel would like work during vacation; can give ref. BF 50U. Oregonlan. j SATISFACTORY calcimining, plaster patching, enameling; reasonable by day work. Sell wood 202. BAND and circular saw filer open far position about June 20th; A-l referencai. V 740. OreRonian. YOUNG married man attending commer cial school mornings, wishes clerical or I other work after 1 P. M. Woodlawn 1003. YOUNG MAN desires work as unlicensed engineer, all around man. Write 110 S. Hartman st WANTED Cordwood to cut. any amount: 1 have two drag saws. Call Aut. 641-97. 470 58th st .S. E. for furnished apt. for living rooms ana small compensation, thorougniy coro- petent. N 742. Oregonian. - WOMAN as plain cook in family ot two. Ing on table; wages $12 per week. Plea be call Sell wood LACE AND SILK SCRIM AND MAR- Will Call. KR31 aoip. TWO GIRLS want position together, pre fer camp; botn experiencea vou icuj. Main 4SS. room aio PRACTICAL nurxe would like to take care of invaiia; wuunic io uo, buhi-c uuutc work and sewing. Phone 331-10. ELDERLY woman will work in small plain family wner an are empioywu ior o a week. P 733. Oregonlan. T.Anv wants oosilion cannjr for children, Dreier lOint io o-eacn. iciwcuwcb. 743. Oregonian. three months, betft of references. 2027. YOUNG couple wosuld like to rent small rurnished house; no cnnaren. a. id Oregonian. WANTED Five-room bunalow, furnished with piano and garage; must be clote in. AL 6tJrt, Oregonlan. WANTED A 4 or 5-roam furnished house by July 1 or before. Phone Woodlawn 2 1 02. FOUR or 5-room modern furnished, clcse in ; references Y 732. Oregonlan. 3 TO Hi-ROOM furnished house, responsi ble couple. Phone East 300. apt. oO. rioune ke-e ping Roonin. THREE or four housekeeping rooms in private family by three adults; rent must be reasonable. Auto. 312-8. WANTED Housekeeping rooms for mother and daughter In East or Westmoreland or Hawthorne district. Phone Sell. 27V7. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. washing, ironing, ueui wi-cniuuft. auiu. :i-ni vf.rt exoerienced woman wants all- around day wora; expert munaresa. r,am I 20.(4. WILL care for children evenings while j narents are away; references. Wood lawn 1H11. DAY WORK. Phone Main 1818, call before WANTED To rent. 3 or 4-room flat, at tractive, unrurnisnea. by July i; aauus, west side. Main 2 S3 9. CLOSE in for 1 or 2. desirable rm. with ail home cmnforts, including breakfast 4m Clay. Main 222. ONE OR two ladies, employed; rent rea sonable; Christian Scientists preferred Call Woodlawn 4116. BUEN'A VISTA APTS.. 434 Harrison St. Strictly modern 2 and S-room spts., newly papered In tapestry; outside kitchen and tiled bathrooms, $50 and up; adults. Alain 1052. COM FORT A BLK room in nome-like apt. Use of kitchenette. Main z'Mt. THB EARK. Strictly first-class apartments, S or 4 rooms, with bath, furnished or unfur nished; fireplace, many other features; sou to fto, 3n3 Harrison. Mar. iaa. FRONT sleeping room, water in room. 354 M on tgom e ry st. NICELY furnished sleeping; hot and cold , wa ter. 2fii) Fifth st. LARGE lieht front 2-room ant., conveni ent to Kenton and St. Johns and Vancou ver industries; on Kenton carline. 21 minutes to town; adults; $22.50. Albina ave. at Lombard st. Wdln. 2642 or 5U-7; SLEEPING rooms In private family; home I privileges, iwrj K, Morrison. WELL-FURNISHED room with hot and cold water; walking distance. E. 23H3. THE DEZENDORF APTS. 208 lth., near Taylor. Mar. 128. Nicely furnished 5-room apts. for resi dent or transient and tourist; no ob- jectlon to children ; walking distance. FURNISHED rooms, $2.50 and 13 per 3 ROOMS and bath In Al condition; white week. BF 550. Oregonian. or Tabor 3072. LARGE furnished front room suitable fori 2 : 4r2T E- fc ro a away, cast xmjo. TWO LARGE rooms suitable for 1 or 2. Mar. 20o:t. enamel, nicely furnished, cool and pleas t ant; reasonable rent if taken at once; Irvington district; 514 Hancock st. Ap ply janitor. In basement. LARGE furnished front bedroom, walking I distance; $3 per week. 420 Sixth st. ROOMS, $2.50 weekly up. 400 Morrison. Rooms With Board. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS. 272 Broadway 1 3 -room apartment, well furnished, 2 wall beds, phone, heat and hot water, outside rooms; also one 4-room unfurnished corner apartment. CAMPBELL HOTEU 23D AND HOYT STS. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best-known residential bo- I tels on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath, $2.50 a day up: rates by day or month. Meal.s served to transients. KING DAVIS APARTMENTS. A very attractive S-room furnished apt. -for cent. Including balcony ; light, airy outside rooms, and a splendid view Main 2058. ONE OF the finest homes In city now con verted Into exclusive famiiiy hotel, ca- I tering to families, business men and ! women : home conveniences, home cook in jr. larjfe grounds, porches, garag?, showers, sleeping porches, etc.; reason able rates. 223 E. 20th. Phone E. 7384. 1U3 ST. CLAIR. $25; light, cool, well-furnished apart ment, 1 large room and kitchenette; Ivory woodwork, duofold davenport, etc., first floor, large yard. Main 381fi. THE CHELTENHAM. 4-room apt., $ti5; also 2-room, all out side, hardwood floors, new furnishings. Bdwy. :i58. THREE-ROOM uartmem for rent, unfu niched: will be readv for occupancy June i. Ivory finished throushout with oea tiful tanestrv walls: rent reasonabt Adults only. Arbor Court. 14th and Co CHETOPA APARTMENTS. Large 4-room apartment, in first-class condition; newly painted and tinted, ga range and refrigerator furnished; com and e it. Broadway V.WH Ful'R unfurnished room, apartment bath, outside rooms, good location; objection to children; rent reduced. 14 naver st. Woodlawn 11S4. 3 LARIjE rooms, also extra lare sleeping porcn. unrurnhed apartment; hot water heat; fine corner: dandy place. See this. Aauus. tu Aihtna. M iaisippi car. ALVARADO APTS.. 730 EVERETT ST Elegant 6-room duplex apartment; will give leae. See Mr. Pallia. Wakefield, fries ft Co.. Realtors. 85 Fourth st. i fartlv furnished 8-ronm apartment narawood noon; very desirable; ;arg porch, close to hiph and gramma THB CECILIA APTS.. 22d and Glisan. fo rent s-room. unfurnished, with balcony renc -to. unfurniijlied apt., 5th floor; very uesirabie; all newly painted. Phone Ea 3-ROOM apt.. $20 month. Call mornine oerore 10:30. 460 Larrabee st. N children. 3-ROOM apartment: 2 bedrooms: fron ana back porches: gas stove; modern reference, atil Glican st. 3 AND 4-ROOM modern unfurnished apts. reawonaoie rates to deslraole parties. Wa verly Court. East 2ith and Clinton sts. HE MORDAUNT. lSih ano Everett Largo t-room uniurnisnea modern apt., retimed, narawood floors. A u t o 527-10. jjvlk-hoom front, unfurnished apt., pri vate balcony, bath ; flre-proof building. nanover apts.. .iar. .'inn. THE AMERICAN, modern 4 and &-roora apartment. I0wy. 33 no. PARTNOMAH. distance; adults. ind 4 rooms, 200 E. 13th. wakloc DAYTON APIS. Modern tt-room apar ment, $70. iH2 Flanders, Bdwy. 31.14. WELLINGTON COI.'RT. 521 Everett; four ana nve-room apts.. including telephone 4-RM. APT. : hardwood floor, breakfast nooK. sleeping porch. Call wdln. 3U43. UPPER 4-room apt.; heat, light, walking nisi. 7im fc. i--:ut 4t ONE -room apt. Main 553. Rexford; this is a nice fcni nice Hinall unfurnished front apart ment. Mivrr Lourt. f.asi iwu. Furnished or t nftimiwhed A pan men ta. CAMBRIAN. Strictly first-clans, furniFhed or unfur nished, 2 and 3-room apartments, close in, .h to 1 1 a. ijj Columbia. Mar shall 240. DAGGER APTS.. 7fM Washington, one fur- ntsnea ana one uniurnishud apt. INE 3-room, bath ana dressing room, narawooa xioors, newiy aaisomined East 37S2. GAUFIE1.D. 3 and 4 room, steeping porch 3til talllnc. block wpMt Union. Flat. NORTONIA HOTEL. Portland's downtown men-class lamny noiei ; rooms en suno Tr single witn or witnout Doara. ior families and business men and women. , We give you all the comforts of a home; reasonable rates. 514 JEFFERSON, cor. 10th. Rates cut fill 2 and 3-room suites; outside, ai rooms. Large kitchen and pantry, usual conveniences. H1SLOP HALL 41 OH Hawthorn ave-. n-p-a-r Rrand Ktrfutifuily clean, strictly modern 3-room Turn, bp is., fo' a month up. Kast Hb VERY special price to 2 young men wno will share large, pleasant room (2 beds) i in nice home; best board and all home comforts; also single room cheap. Tele- phone Tabor WETS. 214 East 33d st. LA MB ROOK APTS.. 430 EAST YAMHILL STREET. For rent, reasonable, two-room, fur n!?hed apt. Can East 4m2. WEAVER RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. 70S Wash, st.; American plan: rooms with Da. in per day up: rates oy week or month. Meals to transients. MULTNOMAH APTS., 225 Market st near Second: under new mamzcxer. completely furnished 3-room apt.; re a sonable. NICELY furnished front parlor with com fortable folding bed and sewing machine If desired; walking distance; $20 month ly. Call mornings only. 4!2 Market. , ROOM and board fer business girls; all 1 modern conveniences; walking distance; $5 pr week. Auto 210-74. 12 E. 7th st. 3-ROOM furnished apt., private bath fo rent until uct. isth. ant. . Haslet apt 13th and Montgomery. Make appoln ment, apt, e. 3eM 13th st.. by mail NICE 3 AND 4-ROOM APTS. WALKING DISTANCE. BERKELEY APARTMENTS. 30 Trinity Place. Mar. 1950. NORTON HOTEL, 12TH AND MORRISON. residential noiei, rooms en euue or si n gle ; rates reasonable. HEREFORD HOTEL. 735 Hoyt St.; excel lent board; all pleasant outside rooms. THE WHEElUON ANNEX. Corner 10th and Salmon; 2, 3 and room apta; permanent or transient; also single rooms, fllain BH4I. Rooms With Board in Private Family. WANTED 4 or 5 children, ages 4 to 8: best food, mothers care, at Rockaway; reasonable terms. Mrs. D A. Mae I Millan, Huber, Oregon. BOZANTA APARTMENTS. Nicely furnished 3-room apartment, all outside windows. ISO N. 23d st. Mar shall 2945. LARGE, nicely furnished rm. with board. suitable for l or z young iaaie; nome like: all conveniences; easy walking dis- tance. 537 V Glisan. Broadway 243S. THE EVERETT. 44 Everett St., furnished 3-room apt with sleeping porch. All outside rooms, v aiKing distance. THREE single furnished rooms, clowe in. excellent board; private family; men pre ferred. 44 Benton st. Kast -Jimt. ENTIRE upper floor apL. lovely horn garage, adults, lovely place for em ployed people. East 2548. 711 East Ankeny. A LARGE room, 2 beds; would like people who would appreciate home cooking. Eiist 2110. ARLINE APTS.. 17TH AND LOVEJOY. 2 and 3-room apts. All clean an modern at reasonable rent. Bdwy. 181 CLOSE In for 1 or 2. desirable rm. with all borne comforts, including breakfast. I 4i!0 Clay. Main 2'X. FURNISHED 2-ROOM APT. Steam heat. $30 to $40, including phone and llKhta Adults oa.y. The Lincoln. 4th and Lincoln. BEAUTIFUL 1-anre room with board private ramuy, near isroaaway on Jrv- I inumn vr niic. iaoi. i.t-u. HAVE 1 or 2 pleasant rooms with board private modern home; desirable location Tabor 41ilH. NICE 3 and 4-ROOM APTS. WALKING DISTANCE. BERKELEY APARTMENTS. 30 Trinity Place. Mar. 1050. LARGE front room with board, suitable I for two; modern, walking distance, line I location. East Dil.Y :t-ROOM aoartmeni. orlvaiu bath - phone, $It5 per month. Todd apta, cor' ner c.. l-rn ana siara. PRIVATE home for cnnaren; 20 years' ex- perience. 714 Everett st Marshall Jldl. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. 2 and 3-room strictly modern, elevator, tile bath. 11th and Montgomery. M. 350. FOR RENT. ; 1 SLEEPING room, 1 separate sleeping porch, 1 -room apt. oao Wash, su Furnished Booms. 8 In morning. Brugel. or 6 to 7 evenings. Ida I i-rw-i work: 10 first-class nonies. able to 1 FORDSON tractor, work wanted, plowing or KrauinK. or win sen tractor, -can Sollwood 30f3. HOUSE PAINTING AND TINTING. FIRST-CLASS WORK. REASONABLE. BROADWAY 41S2. EXPERIENCED man and wife, affe 30. wants worn in sman camp, country place or rancn. Mam -ih.i Kearney. do buck dancing; 8 mediums: amateurs! can apply. Apply i o clock 14S ijtn st EXF. ELEVATOR OPERATOR". 20-30 years, A-l place; call before 10 A. M. Mrs. Scott s Employment Bureau, 32! Henry bldg. AJ'PLICATlONb will be received from girls between 18 and 30 years of age lor employment in woodworking lactory at I JANITOR or window cleaning, expert CL junnn, aj w-v, vrctuiiiiu. DANLSH GIRL, IS. wishes work tn home! as neiper; no oujecwou m u iu uwtu. i X 741, oregonian. 1 Hir.H SCHOOL GIRL wants work tn doc tor's office; experienced. Call East 502, room 2-U7. EXPERIENCED ironer and cleaner wants) half day. Krl.. esat. ask ior aparimoni i 4. Broadway 3423. TEACHER desires place as mother's helper or to assist in care of home. Address BF 73S. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED young lady desires care of i young child by day or ween, call Wood lawn 040. WASHING, ironing and house cleaning; references. lhii wain, u-o- HOTEL FRANKLIN. Washington at 13th. Rates by the week S5.50 and uo: hot and cold run ning water, hot water beating system. tub and shower Dams. HOTEL, CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL. BAST MORRISON ST., AT EAST 6TH QUIET. DIGNIFIED AND REFINED. $1.25 PER DAY, $6 PER WK. ANi UP. CONVENIENT ALL-NIGHT GARAGES, SHEFFIELD, 273 Broadway Two-room suite with private bath, newly furnished, modern, accommodate tnree or roar poo pie: four blocks from Portland hotel, Broadway; rates by week or month. Main 2506. "W A N'T E D P R ACT IO A L N U RS E ; MUST BE G-UOD IWh, 1U CAKb rUK Sl-LJv GIRL. APPLY EASTERN NOVELTY MFG. CO.. 853 STH ST. enced. wants job evenings or mornings. I laDY WlsHES WoRtv Jttx" DAY. WuoD Call Main 5462. I t iirv 1705. YOUNG married man chautffeur. Turner. Main 4H70. I man wishes position I JAPANESE irirl wants housework in pri-Il-,nced mchanic. Call vate family. . AF 753, Oregonlan.7 WANTED Houseket-per, between 25 and 35. that loves small children and a good home; Christian woman preferred; by June Xo- h oo. oregonian. GIRL to cook in private family; wages $60. Teiepnone rasi -dx-o. EXPERIENCED chambermaid for flrst class hotel out of town. Call 220 Flied ner bldg.. between 3 and 4 P. M. Thurs- day. June iQ- EXPERIENCED truck and tractor driver. Call Turner, Main 4:;0. HOUSES painted, $35 to $75: lead and oil; tinting ana aaisomining. aiar. sittT. ROOMS tinted. $2 up; painting, papering. ior reason apie wage, aaarsnan 341. A. E. ROGERS. HOUSE PAINTING. KAL- SOMIAINU WAMtiU, ciAoT 6023. AUTO mechanic wants work. 4 years' pt r.. ' " , " ZJ' I YOUNG woman RELIABLE colored woman wishes work by the day. cast iq.3. RELIABLE lady wants day work; 45c per hour, i-'none cio-a-u. YOUNG lady wishes work on farm or in I country town. O 633, Oregonian. RELIABLE woman wants day work; will do anytmng. aiar. .wia. apt, a. WILL do day work for 40c an hour. currare ana mncn. Automatic ai 6-31 ANGELA HOTEL, 625 Washington Large lobby, automatic elevator, phone and running water in each room; rooms with or without batn. per week up excellent home-cooked meals next door. ! HOTEL CONRADINE, 22 North 10th t, 2 blocks north of Washington st.: pleas ant rooms and suites at very reasonable rates by day or week. AMERICAN HOTEL. 92 N. 3D. Newly furnished, very clean up-to- date service at pre-war prices. EDW. F. GODDARD. Manager. THE FLORENCE CRITTENTON home ready to help any girl in distress. 835 But Glisan. "MY" car. Uut Sltt. STENOGRAPHER wanted; will pay $40 and allow outside worn to oe taken. Call 3"a mock ttxenange Didg. YOUNG women wanting employment as telephone operators call at room 601 Teiepnone ounaing. rarx and Oak sta YOUNG Japanese chauffeur wants posi- tion in private lamny. p roaa way 4626. WANTED Lawn mowing, nome garden- inn or oau jqps; dug per nour. r.. S47. CARPET, linoleum laying, furniture re- pairiny. screens put up. aui. oia-go. CARPENTER LVG and jobbing; good work, I reayonaoie. r.asi .nnr. JAPANESE wishes place general house- worn: exp., goou cook, joe, ,io-;;o. wants chamber work Marshal! 3492. Room 44. WASHINGTON HOTEL. 12TH AND WASHINGTON 8T& Attractive rooms and suites at reason' able rate py week or month. RECTOR HOTEL. 0 N. Broadway: newly furnished mod ern rooms, $1 per day up, $o per week up; private pains. EXPERIENCED telephone operator wants position on private exchange. Main UlSvi. EXPERIENCED woman wants day worK THE ST. PAUL. 130 4th st. a washing. Ironing. 35c hour. Aut. 521-02. downtown hotel; transient 7 wants dally work. RELIABLE woman So 1 1 w ood 1Sj9. YOUNG woman wishing housework, good cook, no wasning. -uait woodlawn I4H2. respectable au ud. d ri val oam tow rates to permanen guests. KALaOM I N IN G. 00c hour, you lUrnUh- rnonp cast .vai. WANTED iliddle-aped woman, married or sin irle, to heip with hotel: eome cham 'bermaid work. V 72. Oresonkin. W ANTED Experienced waitress. Apply ANr KR ot cement WOrk wanted. Broad d ning room. ssmmon. WOMAN, good plain cook, would like to assist: go home nights. Marshall 3370. Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Office. for suburban picture RESHINGLING done; good work. Main 7906. apartment 11. PlANidf wanted show, evenings; small wages to begin. I PAINTING, tinting, refinishing, dl uregonian, Call Paint Co.. Auto. A14-43. SEK ICEa of capab.e stenographer in return ior complete aviation Xlying in struction. uHii croauway a 4. MlDDLb-AObb woman to work in apt. nouse ior apt. anu some wagea Harri son lourt apts., 3i-4 otn st. . TEACHER who wishes to know of a apienuia opportunity ior summer work call at ui fin or k diock. PAPER HANG ING. paintinK and tintina: paperhanging. 3(c roll. Marshall 2493. BOY 16 WANTS farm or outside work, t! w. nuiu, .tu ii hi. jiartna" 1 ' PAINTING, paperhanelng, best workman- snip, pest pri ces. rererences. KaBt 7 842. YOUNG LADY, thoroughly experienced as secretary or welfare and. social service work in large manufacturing plant in east Is seekihg position alone similar Sunshine 1 lines in Portland or vicinity in private Institution or business concern; excellent references. BF im, Oregonlan. BEGINNING July 5, bookkeeper wants 2 or a wkb.- worn; can run a Burroughs oooKKeeping maonine; nave naa general office experience and can type. Call 324-l. LADY to sell tickets for uhotocrunh PAINTING, TINTING. PAPERING, GOOD WAP y Rii'r r ia.. AUTO mectianic wants work 5 years experience, laoor 4HQ0, EAI'EKIENCLD elevator operator. Mult- noman notei, appiy Asn-si. entrance. LAD) barber. Bluebird barber hon .iou CAMP GiRL,t for carnival, ooen Jun 14 WANTB.D A girl for aeneral hounwnrk Appiy at J-t i.aurei at.. Portland Hta YOUNG woman for combination small hotel. Col. 931. SCHOOL GIRL to help in horns and with children. Main 475S. AN EXPERIENCED finisher dresses. 647 Morgan bide. Mad:ime Bumison. EXPERIENCED house-to-house ladv mlm. woman. ntn st. .ortn. uikIj tor conrecnonery and cigar store, $2 per day. 301 Burnside st. WANTEiD Ot-an. young healthy girl a mother's helper; phone Tabor 2975. WAITERS wanteo. 2Jd iui u. PAINTING, tinting and papering. Lopp MM Hill CK. a hump Ti I; on lawfl .llff. ! TRANSFER or hauling, any kind, hy hour! or co n t ra ct. Tabor 4750. CEMENT WORK OF ALL KINDS. TABOR 0pro. JAPANESE plain cook wants position at kitchen work. P. O. box 900. ESTIMATES furnished on painting; prices reaaoimme, wy( s urn an teeu. il.ast HK8H- PA INTER wants painting and tinting. ! CAMP cooks and helpers now organising at 242 Ankeny st. HOUSE painted. $50-$95; rooms tinted. $1- 3; papering, aoc ron. woodlawn 60S4. i WANTED Work by man handy with house, garden, lawn. X 582, Oregonian COLLEGE woman who has recently com pleted La oaue accountancy course de sires position in accountant or audit n garage, I or's office: salary of minor importance. r i -ij. uresonian. EXPERIENCED typist and exchange op erator waaia position, r-eiereoc-ii, W ood- iawn EXPERIENCED secretary-stenographer de sires permanent position; reierences. East 578. EXPERIENCED stenographer wants per- iiMiitrui. MJsikiiu. rouos Aiaiu Call morning. EXPERIENCED biller and exchange op- ciiiiur nuu inuiuou, reierences. Wood lawn M4S. BOOKKEEPING teacher with office ex perience wants vacation position- Phnr. Sellwood 2520. DICTAPHONE operator-steno,. experienced in various unes, aesires position. S 630 Oregonlan. GARDENER wants garden and lawn work. f a ui r ran k. .n a rs n a 1 1 av i o. WANTED A contract to cut -fuvera! hun YOUNG LADY, not employed during day desires stenographic work to do at home! N 741. Oregonian. RIT2 HOTEL PARK AND MORRISON Ideally located in the very center of the theater and shopping district. -Special summer rates now in crrect. STRICTLY modern sleeping rooms. flrt clase beds; walking distance. Nob Hill: transient or permanent guests; summet rates, uawy.- zoia. HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison St.. at 10th il day, weekly o and up.. Free phone ana pains. Lignt ana airy. LARRABEE HOTEL Modern rooms $2.50 up; ciose to cental college and blocks from steel oridge. East H40. HOTEL BARK. 113 N. Sixth, 2 blocks of depot. jl per aay, a per weeK ano up. FOR RENT Furnished rooms on ground noor ox nouse; targe pasemeiu, clo-se to canine. oou aavier st. aawy. 14 3. 75c DAY, $2.50 WEEK up; ciean. baths free, riotel caauiac, -ad, near Jefferson. BUSHMARK. Wasn. sL, cor. 17th r clean, modern rooms, also apts.. reasonable. LARGE desirable rooms, modern residence. 327 Sixth street. DAYTON HOTEL, First and Taylor sta, modern rooms: rates reasonable. LARGE room, desirable location, walking qistajice. oroaoway it; evenings. 3-ROOM oulte. cheerfully furnished; bath and electric lighta free: l2o. 3'.m 4th st. SLEEPING room for gentleman; $11. 586 Couch. THE MAPLE SO N. 17th, attic room. month. Rooms $4 up. $S SLEEPING room with private bath in apt. nouse. jri n ra ii m. 1 1 ;-io. i iN. st. EXTRA well furnished H, K. rooms at 7o5 Everett fit., $ia ana up. Furnished Rooioh In Private Family. EXPERIENCED billing, assistant book- dre4 cor da oi wood. X OrcfcoiUan. ' 'koepw typiat. Al 3l' Oregonlan. 1 FRONT room, all modern conveniences, steam heat; gentlemen only. Phone Broadway 3033, 188 & 21st fit. CLEAN, comfortable room. Just like home. Two meais. warning distance, e. gdn. BOA RD and room for two gents. In private family. Mar. 3008. LARGE room, modern home, suitable for 2. Marshall 4410. 770 Irving. THE STANFIELD. Modern two-room apts., light, heat, phone, low rent, wain T39Z. FURX. apt., large room, kitchenette, dress lng room. Data connected, nrst noor. 45 Taylor LA RG E room for 2 ; west side, walking distance. Marshall 6W8. FOR RENT Three-room apartment nicely furnished, exclusive district. 5i4 Everett st. fnone r-mwy. --v HANTHORN APTS. Nicely turn., strict ly modern 3-room apt.. 2 bedti, private balcony. -oi J-in st. WI LL care for children in my home by the day, week or month. East 3946. ROOM with breakfast and dinner; elderly I MEREDITH 2-room modern, free phone woman employed during day. Wdln. 1911. ROOM AND CA HE to child bet. 2 and 0 yeare. on farm near Portland. 32-ls. Furnished Apart men tw. VERY CLASSY FURNISHED 4-ROOM MODERN APARTMENT. $50 PER MONTH. ALSO ONE FOR $55. THERE ARE NONE BETTER, BATH. REFRIG ERATOR. GARBAGE LIFT, BEDROOM AND DAVENPORT, FIRST-CLASS JAN ITOR SERVICE GUARANTEED, CLEAN, LIGHT. AIRY. ALL OUTSIDE ROOMS. YOU'LL LIKE THEM. MAIN 1911. THE COLUMBIAN, 11TH AND COLUMBIA. steam and hot water, walking distance $40. 22d and Washington. Main 7134 DRICKSTON APTS.. 443 llTfcf ST. 1 2-room and 1 3-room modern fur nished apt., all rooms light and airy. 2-ROOM apt., large, airy, clean, com pletely furnished- 6809 Lombard st. Columbia 617. WILL sublet indefinitely my attractive 4 rm. aot.. west side; references required. Call Mareha:i :m. MODERN light 3-room furnished apart inent; private balcony, bath, close ta Hanover apartments. .Marshall zmr.t. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. Two rooms furnished, hardwood floors, elevator, strictly modern; all outside; walking distance. 386 Third St., corner! .Montgomery. LUX'oli APART Al ENT e. THIRTEENTH AND CLAY STS. Th ree -roo m front apt., strictly modem. ONE LARGS room with kitchenette, light. phone, narawooa noora, waiaing dis tance. 250 North 19th st. ONE NICE 3-room apartment and one 2- room apartment, just vacated ; only 10 minutes' walk from Broadway. Phone Broadway 4936. DI EL. APTS.. 790 E. Ankeny; modern com, fur. 3-room apt., clean, light, airy. Eaat 4046. 3-ROOM apartment for rent, furniture for j sale: in one of the best apartment houses in city; walking distance. Call Broad way 4101. ARLINE APTS., 17th and i-ovejoy, 2 and 3-room apta, an ciean ana moaern; rea sonable rent. Bdwy. 1812. COLLEGE I rooms, modern, warking dis tance: free pnone, steam and hot water; $55. 3d and College. Mar. 5555. CUMBERLAND APTS. 2 and 3-room furnished apta., walk ing distance West Park and Columbia. MODERN 3-room apt., completely fur nished; an outsiae windows. TOO Flan ders st. Phone Marshall 1857. MORTON APTS. 1 Three-room furnished apartment Washington street. Main 10S2. CUMBERLAND APTS. $52.50. - Will sublet 3-room furnished apt, until Sept. 1. Apt. 22. COZY 3-room apt., with private bath, prtc $40. Guild apta, 34 Guild sL Take 23d or N. S. car FOR RENT 3-room furnished apartment. light, heat, not ana coia water furnished. Call 1092 Hawthorne ave.. apt. A. CLASSIC APTS., R2 Glisan 2 rras . bath and. large ar easing room ; -u. isroaa way 2034. AND 3 ROOM apartments, nicely ar ranged; reasonable rates. Marshall 2996. 14! N. 23d st. THE GILL-IAN APTS. Close In; 3 roma modem and vtrictly clean. Mar. 1378. 3bl 6th st. AVALON First -class modern 4-rm. front apartment with porch; big building. East 1066. TWO-ROOM furnished apt.; light and clean; hot and cold water; clone In; $50 per month. 401 10th st. Main 2480. HAMMERSLEY COURT, 250 12th. at. 1 3-room apartment. 4-ROOM apartment, furnished, west side ; close in; no children ; references re quired. Victorian apts. Main 2473. THE LILLIAN APTS. 3-room furnished apts.. ciose in. .-?i otn. jaain 1378. ELBRIDGE APTS., 174 N. 21st St., 2 and 3-room rurnipnea apts. rtqwy. 4730. 4-ROOM furnished apartment and 1 single housekeeping room for rent. Westmln ster Apts.. 6th and Madison. Main 5582. TWO-ROOM apartment, furnished: couple. 3137 Williams ave. woooiawn -t.Jo. RO-SELYN APTS.. 110 N. 21st. 2-room modern. lurnisneq a part men ta. JEFFERSON apts., front 305 hi jeneraon st... cor, otn. -room apL DESIRABLE unfurnished flat of R room. Nob Hill district, went side, walking dis tance. Inquire 66 N. i'Jth st. DM tar to Davis M. 0-ROO.M fiat, walking dihiaiic; nice view lireplace, furna-e; $ UK 3MJ south Montgomery. Vinney. 16th st.. $45 MONTH, including heat, light and hot water, for 5-room unfurnished fiat; close In on west side. Inquire 402 S Third L NEWLY tinted, at 2d and Montgomery, walking distance, fine neighborhood. East MM 5. 6-ROOM modern flat, all stoves connected; 17.50. Son. rented. Phone new-East 4-RouM upper Hat, modern. 2042 Bel mont. Sunnyyide car. Tabor 1063. UPPER unfurnished, 6 rooms and bath: adults only. 5:;. E Stark. -ROOM flat, bath, pantry; adults only. 910 Williams ave.. after 6:30 P M. FOR REVT. Hoimeke-eping R4wini. FURNISHED fa. k. ruuii. 1 room with kitrhent ;te, hot and cold water; private pnone. eiectrto lihta steam heat; five minutes' wia to town. 211 Columbia, near 5th. Hjne k er pi n g Rmnns In Vri m Family. 4 Kl RN1SMKD li. K rooms ;n "modern home; separate entrance ; fine neigh borhood: adults only. U15 E. T.or. Tabor .V.o 1 TWO CHOH'E rmn, nit-cly furnished. s;p. p. Convoii;eiit. reflntrd couple, 45. 4ti HaU: M r :;nt,;, NOB HILL 3-rooui UrRe. cle-nn. m.1rate h. k, apt. for 3 or 4 peop.e. 67 Glati. Mur, Sol 1. NEAT, lartie h clotio In. $ i.: FINE ilvt'pinR kin ht'n'!ti; k. li-oni In br.MHifu! home, Q jut wr k; 5 1 5M orrii- n. nil.; ait lt ping rm. wi;h i.tiklng dimati. .V.tin 347 Hall CN'K SINGLE hounekte pi-r.g apt. street. TWO comfortably furnilid rooms with Kiicnent-tie 3M( ave K 400 L'KMs-HKli hou.-keeping rooms M( fit, phone, ha t. ba t h. 2i 14th st. iooi; H. K KiHM home. 5ti!t Everett. and snitf.e, private . CNNE('TK1 h(iu---"kt"!'p!nK roontM, only: reHy-"ntilie (; Murnidr lulls SIN-GLE h. k. rooms, suitable f.,r ba.hi. ors 151 N. I.srh st. 2 COMPLETELY" furrthed h k. rooms for num .Montgomery st Htue. 6-ROOM hou.. modern, of, line lun; - juts oi sii-sue and tncrrim; jut tinted and renovated. JJO K. .'lid M. Call and Eundar. 1 blk. south of Hawthorne ave. $ t2 5o per month. j. a r it e r. h u r sr Mortem 7-room hmw, sleeping poreh, bst dl!trict, I blo.-k to cmr $75 O. O. ROM It Kit. RENTAL REALTOR. 301 PA N A MA HI.Ih; TALL HRtiADWAV ft Ml KOR ORTH WEST K U KLE-i'TRIC CO. LhiHT 1' i KK-MKAT Was m ,t ;t x at un h st L"-A KIVE-l;oM uuiw.iiow uiih hth. electric light and K. on St. Jnhm car pui,.n the liih. 1173 tiy at 4-R(HM modern bunKaU.w . large ground Biiiimn. viftw-fir-n l k line sail monin. t.aii Concord bldtf Mark ht. a.;o p.r god ' i MORRIS M.. U l,;,uk went of Mip-,p-sippl ave.. mndern 7-r.M.m h.ui . 4 o.d-' romn, i,tr r-iu at $.15 For particular vH st 4t'i h'rig.. K'7 Patk rK 4 ,K., ,.-rm. nio.j.-rn i nnniit Iv fum bungalow on pav.d at.. Mmitavilla dn trirl; wit) rent to r'Sinnnihle mupie; no chlMn-n; ref. r"Tvfl m K.tnt 7!M h st. ELK TRANSKKR A ST( 'RAO Ec6"," 15 das' rtorage free. Furnitur- mr.ving for le- Pi-T. ?JI oi.j llanos, furniture and loin -id.. tsnee hauling s specialty. C. W Tru k Sorvlte Co . 40 2d t Phone P !wv flt-t WHEN Main 12fll moving, citv or r.mi.irv t.i , k. bst at loweRt price ir,n Tran L N r I R.MSHEU 7-rooin huuse and c,rif on nith ave. ni ?it t, . jc. pfao0t AutomatU- 613 :3 -.SPEC T ht.a K. 10:h t. North, vacant June 111; 6 room cottage, garage, without children, $:i.V ho n, r. box Atiria oi a -room cottage, modern. $;!.' Hill g.t- rnge. .ui without. 10 E. ih U call M oyBgro-ery. W fir n rl a e ROOM huucf to int. ditane ' to party buying f umliute. $ HM dow n balatu-e $i;iQ, j month 4.T4 11th st KOiiM llOllf-f. 1 iiiilic; IV.. kt- HO Main 44 I M Rto.l and sleeping p.rt h. no bath 821 Margu.ritf v. IU wt horii ear. $IH in. rjuding w-Ht.-r M . r ho 1 1 ;is;,s -RooM h..t iuir IM-J 27 50 .-' ; r fi-reiu M E. 23d at. N. iuirfd. Im Alberta car. IV K-Roo. par: v nWth'd hiiuse, 7-4 J to Honkt-r -t. ARTLV furnu-hed f urnistird r unfur. 4th at. Take M. S. 4 72 Union I 0-nnm liouitc l-.a.Ht 1sn tl-ifco In.' ' "c a ore: a iiu'! oti , E .1 s t r-"i ' ' " 1 m new 4-rniMii modtrn bunaa- for rmt 123S Pivmln. tott.M hou.e. modern, wnlking distanva ;ol Kim st. Phone Ill'.t-O H( H I houHe on linn ave.. n,.ur '1'hom pyon t Phone 3 IJ -10 E riMiiits. rent f.i., with lc, rma. rent wa v tf.;;::. Furnihbed Flat. CLEAN, modern, cheerful, attractive fo rooms, sleeping porch, bath, front bi cony, fine view, private basement space, west sidts, walking distance, near Carol val park. AdulU; reference 414 Hall, near 13th. FOR HEN T KL'RN LSH ED FLA T. WE: .SIDE. LOSK IN; 5 ROOMS AN -SLEEPING PORCH. 70; FoK MOM OF JU1-Y AND ALOLtiT. BJ 750. OR UON1A.N. MODERN cozy flat with furniture ale cheap if taken at once; access S mo. rent. Near Mult. club. Kirepla 3 bedrooms, one rents for $20. Mar. 14 Fl'RXITT'R E of 5-room modern flat sale, w hole or by the piece ; Mat rei for $21. 335 Cook ave., between L'nloi and Wllllamn. VERY deslraole fiat in irvington; 5 r and sleeping porch, everything furnished ex-rept linen, t an r.a't :.t.l. 4-ROOM upper flat. : 45 per mo. . all i Wakertold. Fries & I'.wi-n Tillamook t premises or Co.. S5 4th et. MOD., choice, 4-r. lo., we.I furn., priva verunda : sleeping porcn : view : w alkl distance: ref. $15. 40S Hall. Mar. 34HC1. 550 3 ROOMS, modern, clean, complete rurni.snea; a-riun oniy; taae u cnapma car. 57-i Mill st. -ROOM furnished upper fiat with or wit out garage ; $25 1 40 Minnesota ave. 3-RooM furnished flat, modern; no ch dren. 506 E. 2Jd st. So. NOB HILL, walking distance: attract! modern 5-room flat; adults. Main l.3. L'RNISHED 4-room flat, close in; oniy. Phone 311-tio. 3-ROOM lower flat. 2 bed. flreplaci elfc. free phone; adults. .t"4 12t h -ROOM flat, nicely furnished, modern 010 Commercial st. Phone 310-01. NICELY furnished flat at 75t Will ve. Phone Wdln. 24SO. FOR RENT Completely furnlxhed 4-room flat, walking distance. tast ROOM furnished flat, modern, Uunn July and August. foodlawn 5311. Housekeeping RKims. CLE AN. dt-siratie rurnine'l h. k. room, nice kitchen, lovely local ion. Park ave nue, iia. close it y park, half blor from v. C. car; reasonable. Pnone Main 4 27 S. 2 AND 3 housekeeping rooms, hot ar cold running water, free phone, especial clean, under new management; reaaon able rent. S3 N. 2lat st. WELL-FURNISHED and thorough 1 cleaned large z-mora Housekeeping apt. nice homelike place, every convenience ft'7 Clay st., near i.xn. aiar. a o . Ii'ELY furn.. clean h. k.. 2 rooms. 1 fron large, $6; also sleeping. $3 up ; house under new management; 482 Waah Broadway 8230. WHY GO on east side for cntap rent You can get on west side; dance ha' I with rirep.ace. kitcnenette. 5 week. L'ST what you have been looking for, clean and niceiy turnisnea n. g. room In desirable residence district at 102 B. Slain st.. cor. 3-it n. Ma wtnorne car THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall Fur nished h. k. rooms, iia up. including hot water, electric ngnts. laundry room. CHEAP h. k. rooms, chtlurcn welcome free phone, hath, laundry room. 18f Sherman. Marshall 3!3. EST SIDE, nicely furmpbrd housekeep lng room. $20; HghU, gas, phone includ ed. Marsnaii joj.i. OUT. airy h. k. room In a basement for bachelor at $2 per wock. 434 Morrison Marina! VA. WO OR THREE furnished housekeeping room, reasonable, -can alter lOiiO A. M 3 id Columbia st. NICE h. k. rooms, reasonable, no objec tions to children. JOl Morrison at. Zorn hot-eL TVv O front rooms, nrst noor. 30; room nd kitcnenette. single room iij 655 Flanders . L FINISHED hou.ekeeplog rooms, single or In euUea. and up. Mi hi E. Mor- rlson. jjucgeye apts. NICE, big room with kitchenette, very ClOe in. now Lavis si. FURNISHED basement apt., kitchenette. living room mm u-a-m, -f-u. oq wy. 41-HJ. ONE 3-room with private balcony. Bdwy. 1179. ROOM apt., telephone, bath. 67 20th ONE FURNISHED housekeeping apt- S47 st. tsu y. NEW YORK apartments, furnished, cor. 7th and fcteimont. n.ast aa. 2-ROOM apt.; private bath and telephone. Nokumis apta rtroaaway -h'm. 15-DAY STORAGE FREE. Moving for less. Phone Bdwy. 2445. VILLA ST. CLARA -it-room apL, available at once. -Oo l-tn st. KEARNY APT8. Kearney st. -4 rooms and bath. Call Bdwy. 2487. $50. 2-ROOM apt. with kitchenette; heat and light included: $1S.50. Auto. 314-1M. HERMENI A, 400 Hall St., cor. 10th, 2- room modern front apt. Adults. 1 ROOM and kitchenette, $30. 400 Mor rison. ATTRACTIVE 4-room apt. 414 11th L Marsnaii 1 1 w. ! WBXTWORTH APT., 12th at Main, rooms witn pain, man ana wue. PAGE APTS. E. STH. ROOMS. -MS TO SOU. BURNSIDE, 3 1 NICELY furnished 2 and 3 room apta, close in. 3.J prijuuway, near uiay. FOa RENT Partly furnished 4-room NEWLY furnished ap a run ent. Inquire 2 iuw Mawtnorne ave. I Grand ave. or can -n-ou. apartment. ARCADIA APTS. 2 and 3-rm. furnished .apts. Mar. 5220. BELKNAP APARTMENTS. 1P7 17th St., a-room apt. Main 4607. ROOMS, bath, modern. 481 Chapman I ONE AND two-room apta. close in. and t'lirton p'ace, r-orttand Heights. I Mill. 32$ CHAPMAN apta. . 2-room apL, 356 Chap-1 HYLAND apartments, Morrison; 3- man et. -Mar. or.t. room y UL1ANA APTS., 45 Trinity place. 2 and I UNION AVE and Killlngsworth; 3-room furnished apts. Mar. 9S3. I an compiew, i-wur-cio ummma. $21.50 RAN MARCO EAST 8TH AND COUCH, NEWLY RENOVATED 2-room and bath 3-BOOOL iiIOI.EiiN PX. EAST 2312. aparUneot at -F&irmont list IXth at. WEEK UP. completely furnished h. k. suites. TheMCad 11 lac.3dnea Jefferson. FURNISHED H. K. ROOMS. 1.75 per weeK Ul. Electric i ignis. .i.-w . iBt gt. THREE-ROOM furnished apartment. $ft per week. housekeeping t-o 1 4t n at. FURNISHED h. k. rooma $3 50 per week and up. -oa '-fr wasninKton st. THREE furnished h. k. rooma. $18 month. Sell. 1222. 327 0TH ST. LARGE, attractive front room: nrepiace; Kitcnenette. WELL furnished front room for house keeping; rent reasonable. 58fl Couch. CLEAN funished housekeeping rooms, rea sonable. 372 Hawthorne. SINGLE h. k. room, everything furnished; mu itable for neat man. 308 12th at. TWO FUR. home keepjng rooms for rent. 500 Mill st. -viar. ,i 4-. NILY furnished h. k. hilL rms. 376 Yam- CLEAN Bins-le h. k. rm., $4.50 per week. 312 oiay st. CLEAN steam-heated h. k. room, $12 month up- 14 i:itn st. 3 NHTELY furnished housekeeping room; clean, running water, um lath st. THE MAPLE ot N. ith. 1 and 2 h. k. .nn-m-a l"1 tin ' OR -yricK RENT, tt-roum modern huM 371 I' bivd. i houM fur rent in M nt a 17 74thnt Call Main A74I. LARGE M-ioi.i villa dlftn. t r .iui) i. o room nouse. o.o a. Coucn at.. $- 5. E - t3 212. 9-JiOi M houso for r-nt. $50 1241 Et 0th ??sii;n.trA f iim wtirt h. o.tdlMW n U7it. HOl'SK FOR R K XT, Pi Q K SKLf,, 3 fT Fiimlfbed llone. FOR RENT July 1. for on year. -rom handsomely furnlKheti h.m with 2 fire- ? laces electric mnf.e. 2 pianos, lint Ictrola. ileeplnc porch and -. sight.v corner l00kl(0; lawn. Oowere and shrubbery; wwt side. Nob Hill dis:rlet reference required Phone Main 1527 from D to 3. Ma.n 3237. Ak fur Mr. Oe- borne. 7-ROOM furniihtd houso. east side, will rent to -Sept. J, $t0 per mo. 7-rm. furnished house. 22d end Flan d ra. will rem t,,r 3 months f.r :.o p, r month, 2 rms. rt-fweved Mr Pmrv THMMSfiN & THOMSON. REALTORS. fl.M HKVRY Pl.DG. HI'WV 4sit N EAR Ml.l.TI oMAH STATU N. BEAUTJ1 'ILLY H'HXlMiLU Br.!AI.OW. 4 rooms and pm l'd sleeping porch, ao dartitte; shout ' a ern of ground, all tn fruit and garden: Ino per month, ineludin-v light, rhk. w aler and tele phone ; cnt 3 months, may be ionaT. 'all .Marsiiall ."074 BE A 1' TI KL'I.LY 11 " li N 1 S H KD, 4 ROiMlf, M.KhKINU POKCH, LA R ;K HUT PORCH. STRICTLY MoDKKN. ALL WHITE ENAMELED, IV O.V HAWTHORNE A K. HKKKHEM'KS RENT $53. luf.3 HAWTHORNE, i ilO.N fci TAHQR Slot. tR.LSHi;D huui-e. Bood nei lib.irhood , 5 larjfe rooms, eai ly heated, on paved street and cur line; shade and fruit tree. " flowers and garden plot; Juiit decorated through iiu 1 ; lease only $50 per mouth. Tabor 17i2 BEAUTIKCLLY furnished h-me with ' every modern convenience; fur lare rooma and bath for tt5. tneiud'1 fuel and wt.-r. 1200 Cloveland ave. Wood lawn I23. 0-ROOM furnifht-d hu. in Rone Citv: all modrn conveniences, hard wood floor, fireplace, furnace. buHt-in, fruit. b-r-. ri'M, gttrnce. la wn. iHiO K. 3tit h at. N. Call b- for- 2 P. Mx Auto Sl-12. HULM-; HMIl RENT. Portland H.-lulits, completely fur nished. room houve for mnnih of Ju.y and August, Kt-ri;e, reasonable rem. Phone Marfthall 5o;in. 3- ROOM f urn J idled house, pN :it v nf fruit. no objection to b.ihlm, g j.i. Iricludm wHt-r. lliii1 Hnwthornu ave., near Unh st. RENT OR SA LE PY OWN Lit. ' 3-room modern furninhcd bungalow, Rose City; imrncdlatn ph(cf ln ; lake light aulo as part, wme cash. Kamf J.'1. NEW HUME of 7 rouirj in A.aiiH-da l'atk. nicely rurnitneti. win rtnt for J or $ -months to adults, owner reserving one rnoin. Rroadway H-S, brforr 5 P M ROoM modern, part ly furnished house, 2 f ireplac s. piano. lf alud n Port Umj ," Heights. $.13 pt-r mcnth. 4 Bucking-'- ham ave. .Marshall 710 1'RXI.SHKi) modern h..m.- UC j r..M, -. nice vai J. w alking distance, good neigh. borhoiMi; wi r-ni for 2 or 3 moiitiia tu adults. 'all m A ulo, -M 4 I FURNISHED house and garHge with ber ries and garden, on mvtt.i street. Call at 1113 kaat Lint oin. Thursday and even ings, or phone Aut. 221 70. FURN ISH El hoUhf, piano and ar w ml mahlni; fruit and yard suitable for 2, families; permanent n-ntera dsiied. Ta bor HI 57. NICELY furnished modm 7-room house, ' bae for one or two years, adults onlv. $7". per month. 17J E. 2oih st. Eaat 4672 LADY wishes to shnre hT J-fimm hunes- low with small family; very reasonable rent. 1173 E Yamhill. ." " ISH to leae mv nom. furnished f.r one year, near C. A. hurch. Auto. 636-62, ICE 6-rooni f urnivh-d houe, modern: big yard; walking distance. 827 h. 17th WSt SHI". ROOM modern houe. spl-ndntly fur nished; nice lawn and rosea; $15. Tele phone fi-!iwonrt 1U77. ROO M bungalow completely furnished. bast tlM st W Murk from (Undv: references required. Tabor SHOO. o California, wish to rent my R completely furnished hnuae on wtjst side; walking d. stance, Ma;n 4550. R-Cm'iM fi'rniane.j house, modem; rent. I n n " I re 5 "20 4 ' d ave . RMSllEU modern 5-romn. houce; d u! ts. 14tf Omaha jty. Ronton ca r. FURNISHED 6-room cottage for rent. Call Tabor im(. ROOM modern, funutdi'd housu, i7u. rent rea.sonable. 514 Market at. IRVINGTON 6 rooms, hardwood floors. rent -"1 monini; rei.-renc---.-g. fciast 37n5. ROOM new bungalow, furnuhed, for the summer. Call Tabor 3441. ROOM cottage; also 3-r-uom auartmnL 5144 E. 21st at. RM car URN ISH ED bungalow, 7 Overton gt- 1 near 2tn: garage : win lease; ivy ROOM cottage (or rent. $20. 540 Eaat 30th st. ROOM modern furnished house In Irv- ngton ; piano, garaue hunt 1 !: ROOM furnished houae. -bu HaUcy su Bvoar Uaioa ave. i