TIIE MORNING OREGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, 1921 20 HELP WANTED MALE. THE PLACE beet equipped to render as sistance to men and boys seeking em ployment la- clerical, commercial and technical lines is the advisory and em ployment dept. of the T. M. C. A. If you need assistance In finding; work you are cordially invited to talk your prob lem over with, one or tne secretaries. HELP WANTED FEMALE. STENOGRAPHERS. BOOKKEEPERS. All other office help remoter with a and let us And for you and place you lr. Just the position you de?ire: positions of a!) kinda in the office line; come In our service every hour. Williams Personnel Service. 304 Spalding bldg WANT energetic business man with some capita; m.s uartner In an importing busi ne-s. Confidential. AH 7A7, Oregonlan. Help Wanteo Pmleamcn. SALESMEN. A large Oregon corporation haa an opening; today for three aaieamen. It is willing to consider men who have not hud practical selling experience fiut wish to learn Call after 10 A. M. today at 509 Wil cox bldg. and ask for Mr. QuilL SALESMAN WANTED. Several aaieamen who can sell an ar ticle of great merit made In Portland; every house, apartment house and auto mobile owner a prospect; live-wire sales man can make good money on our prop osition; only experienced salesman and experienced house-to-house canvaasers need apply. Call at 161 Union ave. N.. corner oC E. Irving; mornings between 9:30 and 11 o'clock. IF YOU are a business getter and have a car. I have an established territory in Oregon covering the trade with a com plete line of chocolates, hard candies, crushed fruits and syrups and con fee tionery specialties to offer a live wire on a commission basis: must be highly recommended. Answer in your own handwriting with references. A. L. "Wallace, 1000 Second ave., Seattle, Wash. .MEN with machines and some experience in selling direct to the consumer: who can finance themselves to handle line of guaranteed household products that have been supplied to the housewife for over 3 years, will find our proposition a win ner. For full particulara address C 6O0. Oregonian. SALESMEN for. the most complete nur sery stock line in west; open territory in Oregon. Washington, Idaho or Cali fornia good for $3oo to $300 a month in commissions; others are aoing it, men with cars preferred.; outfit furnished payments weekly. Address Oregon Nur sry Co., Orenco. Or. WANTED Cook for small country new hotel. Just opening; must be good, eco nomical cook and know the business; no grouch or gosiper need answer; muat be clean, agreeable woman. Give phone number and state salary. H Orego EXPERIENCED OPERATORS WANTED. OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILLS, 244 KLSSELL ST. MAN, ALONE, small rooming house, all housekeeping rooms, will give apart ment to lady, look after it, husband employed. Call after & A. M. 240 i-utn at. SMTATIONS WANTED MALE. YOUNo man, 20 years old, with, mechanical Inclination and abil ity, desires position: have com- Eleted manual training course In gh school and 2 years' me- chanical engineering at O. A. C. Have worked in lumber mills and shipyards and am not afraid of hard work; excellent refer ences. Phone Columbia 365. MUSICAL, director, composer-pianist of wide experience and ack-iowledged abil ity is at liberty; continental. American experience best theaters, opera, musical comedy, pictures, vaudeville. Handle orchestra any size or work single. Phone Broadway 4010. evening 30-W. Oak UTOV EXPERIENCED cooks, private homes, $75; general maids, $00, $73; experienced chambermaid; experienced girl for soda fountain. Mrs. Scott's EmpL Bureau. 320 Henry bldg. WANTED A girl for general housework. Apply at 514 Laurel St.. Portland Hta. Wa n ted Domestics. SALESMAN WANTED. We have an opening for one or two ambitious men. Men who are never sat isfied but always pushing ahead and want more. If you are thai, class of man and anxious to make a connection where you can better your earning power call and see Mr. Stranahan to arrange for interview. 71:! Lewis bldg. 10-12 A. M. or 2-4 P. M. . WANTED Good reliable girl, one who understands care of modern home; two In family: top wages according to aKi Itu I in A U fn 1 M I Personal Interview necessary. 747 J ivcuiaio yuuuK man wm MAN, 46, WITH boy. 14. wants work on farm; all around farmer and milker; steady and Rood wcrker: would like work where I can go ahead and be trusted, and boy receive a little wage uui inj? fummer ior u w urn, . Oregonian. STEADY. reliable. man wants position. night Janitor preferred. Had experi ence store, office bldg., including ele vator. Older, but worked wtin ex service and other young men. Had son in service. .Room 34 Cadillac hotel. Main 103. or BJ 764, Oregonian. MAN, 46. WITH boy 14. would take care of small farm and improved same for some one needing a good worker; good farmer, ran milk, handy with tools; can batch. BC 726. Oregonian. . DON'T try to get a position till we press your suit for 45 cents, while you wait. Joy, the tailor. 104 4th, near Stark. JOY", THE TAILOR. 104 FOURTH STREET. Burnside st. EXPERIENCED woman or girl for cooking and some downstairs work, small family; wages $30 to $63. Apply at once, 783 r landers sr.. WANTED Salesman or wales manager to sell be vera e mixers: territory allotted good commission; for particulars call A. L. A. Brewer. Central Candy shop. Central Pub. market or Hotel Morris; hours, r, to 8 P. M. SALESMAN WANTED To seii our fruit and ornamental nursery stock, roses, shrubberv. etc.: exclusive territory, lib era: rsh advance weeklv on orders: free outfit. Yakima & Columbia River Nursery Co.. Yakima, wash. SALESMEN Sell something different. .So me thins for which you have prospects in all directions. Our men are making finm S4U to $30 per week and doing it leanly. Call 333 Vancouver, Wash. Ask for M r. . Lee. COMM ISSION SALESMAN for southwest Washington. Oregon and California; best sideline ever produced; every merchant buys. Call at Pioneer Printing Co., 212 4th st. A SALESMAN'S position open, complete line of varieties in well-grown stock; write for terms today. Capital Cfty Nursery Company, 426 Oregon Bldg, Sa!ern, Oregon. THE L. C. SMITH & BROS. Typewriter company has city territory open lor an experienced satesman ; -tiary pna com mission. Apply S00 Spalding bldg. A FIRST-CLASS specialty salesman to work city of Portland, calling on the dealers' trade. Call at 86 10th st. N.. be tween 0 and 11 o'clock. SIDELINE lor saiesmeu calling on furni ture and hardware trade western. :?uth ern, eastern Oregon, eastern Washing ton and Idaho. AV 472. Oregonian. WITH some celling experience in stocks, bonds. Insurance, books or magazines, to call on selected list. 10 to 3. W. H. Giles. 406 Oregonian bldg.. Portland. SALESMEN, students earn $000, summer vacation, household line; you can o it. U3 Artisans bldg. O. Hougen. SALESMAN to sell Ford cars, must have selling ability and furnish his own car. Main 1100. TRUCK salesman wanted. Salary and commission. Give reference, address and telephone. A '-I. Oregonian, WANTED A neat,, agreeaoie woman who is a good plain cook and wining to go to summer camp for July ana August. Address (108 Hotel Mallory. WANTED Experienced woman for cook ing and general kitchen work for foun tain and lunch counter. No Sunday or evening work. AM 754. Oregonian. GIRL for general housework; good wages: no washing. Main 2413. COMPETENT girl for housework, one month ; convenient cottage, choice sub urb; family of 3. Phone J. A. Davidson. Main 8N20. GIRL for s-r.s.-ni nousework: one willing to go to Gearhart. Apply Mrs. P. R. Hlnea. Campbell Hill hotel before 10 A. M. Washington st. WANTED Efficient cook for small fam ily; keep second girl; references re quired. Call between 0 and 1- A. M. Main 333. . ' WANTED Competent woman for general housework, small family, good wages, pleasant living conditions. Call Broadway 1144.. . WANTED Woman to ao general house work In small family. $33 a month. Refere nccs required. Marshall 17S4. WANTED Young girl to as.slt with housework. Fine home for the right girl. Cail E. 10-. GIRL wanted for housework: no washing or Ironing. Call 575 East 1-th st. N.t or East 4210. WANTED Experienced cook for Gear hart, July and August; good wages, com fortable quarters. N 507, Oregonian. COMPETENT girl for upstairs work an perience driving; wishes position as pri vate chauffeur; would not object to tour ing during summer; can give references. Call Tabor 4043. YOUNG Chicago man now residing In Port land desires connection as sales repre senative with local firm: can furnish . best of references as to ability and char ade r. AF i56, Orego n i a n . SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Elderly lady and daughter wish comfortable home in country through tummer; - work for board or small wages, or pay something. Y 579, Oregonian. YOUNG LADY desires position at once. Experienced In cashiering. clerking, drugs, confectionery, and demonstrat ing. Main 202, room i8. or AM. ijo uregonian, TEACHER attending summer school de sires room and board or part of meals in exchange for light service or care of child evenings. AF 752. Oregonian. f" fM W" anri itr-s o-aniA nf tnklllK fill charge or hotel or club, best of references; give particulars In first let ter, oifj utn st. .wain -- WANTED TO BENT. FOR RENT. Houses. WANTED By young couple, modern 4 or 5-room bungalow with fireplace, by July 10 to lease; rent not to exceed 130 references. Automatic 326-07. Rooms. UNFURNISHED four rooms in refined private home; "3 adults'; at least one , block off car line; west side, close in, or east side close in; permanent if quiet and reasonable. Call Main 5160 during June or first half of July. Rooms With Board. WANTED Housekeeping position by el derly lady; home more than wages: can- not care for children. Mar. 3320 until 10 A. M. and after 6 P. M. BUSINESS college girl wishes to exchange light services for board, room and small remuneration; references. BF 557. Ore- goni an. WOMAN as plain cook in family of two; no laundry, window cleaning nor wait ing on table; wages 312 per week. Plea&e call Sellwood 21ttl. NEAT, respectable middle-aged laiy wantr position as working nouseiceepcr in widower's or bachelor's home; would go to' country. Y 385, Oregonian. YOUNG married woman wants general housework, chance to go to beach; wages $30. Address M. C, Troutdale, Or., K. A. Box 57. . EXPERIENCED cook wants position; can give good reierences; lor crew or noiei, capable of most anything. Room 25, Butte hotel, 0th and Davis. COLLEGE girl wishes board and room in refined home in exchange tor ngnt services; willing to stay with children e vening s. Phone Marshall 4400. room 400. PERMANENT .position caring for a seml- in valid, companion to eiueny person; can do nursing, housekeeping for same, in or out. G 740. Qrvgonian. Office. WANTED Work by first-class carpenter would like position as foreman: have had 20 years' experience in handling men on alt Kinds or wont w ooaiawn 4085. WANTED Reliable man and wife wish to take charge of ranch, experienced, best references. L. H. Peckman, Recrea tion, Or. A COUPLE wants situation as janitors. office building: experienced: best reier ences. Address C. F., 348 V. Front sL, up stairs. ... , SITUATION by exp. butcher and meat cutter, is vears experience. References. Will buy If suited.. In or out of Port land. m3 union ave. .onn EXPERIENCED Japanese combination cook desires position in hotel, restau rant or lumber camp, Japanese cook, room 6, Mikado Hotel. 262 Mi Everett st. rARPKVTER wants contracts, plans an specifications furnished free. Marshall Mi. Call mornings ana evenings aiier a. r. West. CARPENTER and builder, day or contract. estimates furnished. Berkey, woouiawn 6101. APARTMENT or club, lanitor work by re spectable man and wile: no cnuuren. Phone Broadway 3410. CEMENT WORK GARAGES. Reasonable rates. Firat-ciasj only. CALL TABOR 1408. care of children. mornings. Marshall 3065. Cal wanted Good itirl or woman for gen eral house worK. .Must De good plain cook, waxes i4,. fnone tastsm YOUNG irirl to assist with light house work and care for baby. Mrs. Al. bliantt, 405 E. ath st. N. COMPETENT girl for upstairs work an care of children. Marshall auuo. I mornings. ELDERLY woman to care for 2 little girls. light housework, good home, una wages. Automatic 318-12. WANTED A quiet, experienced girl, good cook and understands serving; good wages.. .Main nsi.i. SALESMEN for household line; 42 hours' work a week pays SKV to $300 per month. 205 Artisans' bldg., 2 to bt . At. G. Houjren. STOP canvassing: 'Adancts Advertising' eliminates; free booklet. Haxen. box 173. Buffalo. N. Y. WANTED Stock balesman to sell stack in A-l proposition. Phone East 2'Jl, room io. WANTED A good piM.no player for song shop out-of-town. Wdln. 520. WANTED Oil stock salesman, good com mission. V 749, Oregonian. WANTED AGENTS. uU HAVE been playing around long enough; step out and sell a real article and make real money. Agents wanted for Portland and every other city In northwest. Write. Cony Mfg. Co.. Mti-A Chamber of Commerce, or call between 0 and 11 A. M CAN YOU ue $50 per month extra 7 We want ladies selling medicines, extracts or toilet preparations to writa for at tractive and profitable sideline. MURRAY MEDICINE CO., Sloan Bldg., Yakima. Wash. AGENTS wanted. Benedict Nursery Co.. 185 E. 87th st. worth. Portland, or. COMPETENT girl for general housework in family of 4 adults; wages u. i'none Main 0528. . - WANTED Competent woman for cook ing and downstairs work. Apply morn Ings. is-t N. -:utn st. WANTED Girl to work In dining-room, 5:30 to S P. M.; also Sunday mornings, Campbell Hill Hotel, 741 wasnington. WANTED W oman or girl for genera housework. Ap ply 54 B. M orrlson. WOMAN for general housework; -g w a gea. 5S3 Johnson St. ' ' lOL'NO girl to assist in housework; cooking. East 7014. WANT girl to assist with light house- work and cooking, call Main iQlj. YOUNG woman for general housework. East 2742. GIRL for general housework. East .401. 537 East 21s; cr. N. WANTED Experienced waitress at Nur- tonia. 11th and Stark. WANTED Elderly lady who wants home. Small salary; no washing. Tabor 3t01. GIRL warned for light housework, one who wants good home. Wdin. 0-".U. WANTED Reliable girl or woman to as sist with housework. .Main 7437. WANTED Housekeeper, easy place; aged and children. M 507. Oregonian. HEALTH, accident and hospital insuranc. Bir commissions. oOJ Corbett Hld. AOKNTS wanted for Portland, good prop osition. ib Va Broadway. HELP WANTED FEMALE. ANTED Lady who understands the business chance work, in good office; full swing, on attractive commission tsis, will be given honest, reliable lady. H T'.t. i rrffoni:n. XnY GIRL In need ot a xrieno apply to the Kaivallon Army Keacua Home. May fair and Alexander streets. Phone Alain 34M. DM car. WANTED Experienced marker and dis tributor to take charge ot marking ana distributing room; give references. Write Troy Laundry. Astoria, Or. WAITRESS must be thoroughly experi enced, neat and clean, steady work, good wages. Bohemian Restaurant, 364 Wash ington st. GIRL to assist with housework, S In fain ily. Main 70'3. 72B Johnson. IK L for general housework. East SPSS. WANTED Lady barber, 103 N. 0th st. HELP WANTED WITH INVESTMENT. A COOK, married, to help couple open up a restaurant or lunch counter in some promising location as working partners if you know of a good location any where and have a little capital join me; I have a complete little outfit, 50-50 Dasis; win Dear closest investigation. a.v 816, Oregonian. YOUR SERVICES AND $1000. If you want a position and an oppor tunity to invest $1000 in a sound manu facturing businesa (money secured , write for personal Interview. AL 735, Prcgrmian WANTED A good live man for old-established office business. Small investment. B 010. Oregonian. APPLICATIONS will be received from girls between IS and 35 yeara of age for employment in woodworking factory at m. jonna. aj ui'u, oregonian. W ANTED PRACTICAL NURSE : MUST BE GOOD XKK, TO CARE FOR SICK GIRL, APPLY EASTERN NOVELTY IFG. CO.. 80S 5TH ST. SMALL manufacturing concern desires young woman understanding book keep ing and stenography; aalary S14 per wi'fK. mj ton, uregonian. WANTED At once. IS chorus girls for local work; 10 first -class ponies able to do buck dancing; 8 mediums amateurs can apply. Apply 1 o'clock 148 11th st. S. MAN AND WIFE, cook for beach hotel. xi.)0; waitress, first-class; extra cook on ranch; chambermaid. $15 week. 301 Raleigh bldg.. 327 Wash, st. GIRL to cook In private family; wages f GO. leiepnone asi ui.d. STENOGRAPHER Must be competent and able to use aictapnone; z weekr work only. P 740. Oregonian. THE FLORENCE CRITTENTON home is ready to help any girl in distress. 953 East Glisan. "MV" car. Eaat 310. WAITRESSES wanted, 12. to 4 P. M., steady job. Palace cafe, 12th and Wash ington sts. A COLLEGE student desiring work for the summer vacation. Apply 501 Pittock block. WANTED-1 Two young girls to work in confectionery store out of town. Call Couch St.. at 7:30 A. M. WANTED Experienced chocolate dipper. Phone East 3003. ington st. Call 432 East Wash- SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. EXPERIENCED man and wife, age 30, wants work in small camp, country place or ranch. Main 453. 708 Kearney. JANITOR or window cleaning, experi enced, wants job evenings or mornings. Call Main 5402. YOUNG married man wishes position as chauffeur, experienced mechanic. Call Turner. Main 4.;Q. EXPERIENCED truck and tractor driver. Call Turner. Main 4370. HOUSES painted, $35 to $75; lead and oil; tinting and kalsomining. Mar. 5107. KALSOMIN1NG. 00c hour; Phone East 2034. you furnish. CARPENTER, contracts to build; save you money. Manny, Sell 2421. ROOMS tinted. $2 up; painting, papering, for reasonable wage. Marshall 2341. A. E. ROGERS. HOUSE PAINTING. KAL SOMINING WANTED. EAST 0023. EX-SERVICE man, experienced grocery clerk, wants a Job; knows city wen ana can drive a car. laoor ijbb. CARPENTER New or repair work; small jobs promptly done. Estimates cheer ful lygiyen PAINTING. tinting ana paperhanglng. Barnes & Gaither. Call Barnes. Wdln. 2S00. or Gaither. Mar. 2703. PAINTER Fast brush man: 75c hour; you furnish material. 1 will save you 30 per cent. w oodlawn o.no. CONNECTION with reliable real estate firm ; experienced and own good car. vv oodlaw,n 4 lira. PAINTING and tinting. Creait if desired: reasonable price, Benjamin. Broadway 4S70. . YOUNG man wishes work on ranch; wil! only milk a few cows; prefer work clos In. Phone East 1352. REAL salesman wishes position; no bunk: proven ability; state your proposition in letter. STATIONARY engineer, experienced with electricity and sprinkling system a Phone Woodlawn 3777. BRICKLAYER, contractor, tile houses. garages, everything in the brick line. Tabor S793. Bookkeepers, frteiiogrmpnera. LADY with eond education. tact ambitious, wishes employment, oiiice work or collecting; has had considerable exnttrlenre. in meeting tne DUDilc ana a ffood mixer: can furnish best of re erences; if you are in need of any one, call me; I can quality, i-a. ore gonian. HOME wanted for girl, age 11, during va cation: references required. Tabor 91. Housekeeping Rooms. WANTED 1 or '2 outside h. k. rooms, fur- nished or unfurnished: gentleman: give location and price. H OOP. Oregonian. 1 Flats. WANTED To rent, 3 or 4-room flat, at tractive, unfurnished, by July 1; adults, west side. Main 2S30. Bun in ess Pla-es. WANTED To rent a little store, locate for bakery and pastry shop. BF 731, Oregonian. FOR RENT. 1 SLEEPING room, 1 separate sleeping porch. ) -room apt. ofta wash, st. Furnished Booms. HOTEL FRANKLIN. . Washington at 13th. Rates by the week $5.50 and up; hot and cold run ning water, hot water heating system, tub and shower baths. HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL. EAST MORRISON ST.. AT EAST 6TH. O.U1ET DIGNIFIED AND REFINED. 1.25 PER DAY, $0 PER WK. AND UP. CONVENIENT ALL-NIGHT GARAGES. YOUNG LADY, thoroughly exDenenced secretary of welfare and social service work in large manuiacturing p. am east is seeking oosition along si mil lines in Portland or vicinity in private institution or business concern; excellent referen c es. B F i20, Oregonian. HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE DESIRES POSITION. TYPING OR STK.NU GRAPHIC WORK. CAN RUN ADDIN MA(HIR AND OPERATE M1MEO GRAPH. SOME EXPERIENCE. CALL AUTOMATIC 324-JO. COLLEGE woman who has recently com nleted La Salle accountancy course u sires nosition in accountant's or audi or's office: salary of minor importance, F lid, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED woman lumber stenoi rapher. billing clerk, desires position can figure tallies and operat-s coinp to meter, 23 years old. Tabor Hh'ja. COMPETENT office clerk wants position experienced as ledger clerk, assistan bookkeeper, Remington-Wahl biller. 5 S3. Oregonian. POSITION by young lady who Is a good tvnit. oDerator of uurrougna ir-oscin and Monroe calculating machines. Call Woodlawn 5472. . STENOGRAPHER, experienced in law secretarial work, onice managemeni many years .experience. Marshall i YOUNG LADY, experienced bookkeeper and typist, wants position; oes: reic ences. Sellwood 3721. A YOUNG lady wishes a stenographic and bookkeeping position; nave naa a mi experience, can tommnia EXPERIENCED typist ana exchange op erator wants position; teierenca. vvooa lawn ."!-. EXPERIENCED biller and exchange op erator wants position; reierences. wood lawn ti4S. BOOKKEEPING teacher with office ex perience wants vacation position. Jrnor. sellwood zaju. BOOKKEEPER capable of keepitis com plete set of brooks desires position, i&dot 1 a a::. EXPERIENCED billing, assistant book keeper, typist. M 73. uregonian. Dressmakers. HEMSTITCHING, dressmaking and fancy lingerie. sewiy opeueu buu- Ankney. near Broadway, EXPERIENCED registered pharmacist. relief work, night and Sundays prererred, Reliable. W 732. Oregonian. A HOY OF 15 with wheel would like work during vacation; can give ret. lit Oreconlnn. GOOD all round cook or working partner for restaurant or business no use. ap too. Oregonian. HOUSE PAINTING AND TINTING. FIRST-CLASS WORK. REASONABLE. BROADWAY 4182. Bookkeepers. 6tcnognipher.Of flee. YOl.NO MAN. well trained in tooil.ep- ing an I higher accountancy wants ptei tion with local or out-uf-town firm. X 501, Qrrgonian. YOUNG man with 7 years' experience wants position as hotel clerk or store. o objection to going out of town. BJ 703, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN wishes position as book keeper and typist; can take dictation. Woodlawn 4148. . WANTED By experienced accountant, set of hooka to Keep in spare time, Arn 71T. ' Oregonian. MALE stenographer wishes position with good future; some experience; reierences. BC 742. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer, young man. desires position. Broadway 47 1. Salesmen. EXPERIENCED dressmaker, tailoress; ref erences, airs. noiiji:un,i. gnu Broadway 5031. j SEWING done neatly and reasonably. Phone Main 5750 from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M, 210 5th St., cor, haimon DRESSMAKING, plain sewing. Hazel Skin ner. 405 Raleigh bldg. Main gia. DRESSMAKING and plain sewing, reason aoie. airs, raimpa. " '. LADIES' garments altered and refitted. L Reubin, tailor. 4ub nusn l.hiic mus. GOWNS, suiU, coats made to order. Lelah Hutchinson. a Morgan piug. DRESSMAKING and tailoring; also re- modeling by day. Tabor 3213. DRESSMAKING All kinds, reasonable. 42-i Vjj Morrison st., room 0, opstairs. AS APPRENTICE In dressmaking shop. Call 644-51, mornings. GOWNS, suits, coats made to order. Hutchinson. 827 Morgan bldg. Nurses. SWEDISH massage treatments in your own home; ladies only; physicians rec ommendations. Woodlawn 978 for ap- polntments. EFFICIENT nursts, hourly, daily 01 weekly; nursing at reasonaDie terms. Mar. 340. PRACTICAL nurse with experience would like a few cases, maternity preferred. AVoodlawn 15S6. HAVE sales work among farmers: am well acquainted with them; nave you a side line proposition for me? BD 741. Orego SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Housekeeping or helper. Chris tian mother and son lor summer. Ad dress 4705 !Hst st. S. E. PRACTICAL NURSING BY DAY, OR WEEK. MAIN 744. NURSE, PRACTICAL. CALL MAIN 1723, ROOM 3. . . FOR TRAINED nurse call Tabor 1320. Reason an ie terms. Housekeepers. LACE AND SILK SCRIM AND MAR UUISETTE curtains done up like new, Will call. Kast SMN. MIDDLE-AGED woman wants work Jewish family; stay home nights. Phone 518-05. TWO GIRLS want position together, pre fer camp; ootn experienced and steaay. Main 4N. room 31a. PRACTICAL nurse would like to take care of invalid; willing to do some house work and sewing. Phone 331-10. BY EXPERIENCED Birl place to work fo board and room; good reierences. fhone Tabor 2440. El.DEKLV woman will work in small oialn family where all are employed for 3 a week, f i33. uregonian. LADY wants oosition carine for children prefer going to Deacn; references. iu 743. Oregonian. LJVDY with some millinery experience de sires position with opportunity to learn business. AG 0.11, uregonian. BOY, 16. wants farm or outside work. T. w. Hunt. 3-U uieventn. .varsnait tij. AUTO mechanic wants work. 4 years' ex- perlence; reference s. 13 L. i3'i. Oregonian. YOL'NG Japanese chauffeur wants posi tion In private family. Broadway 4020. FOR CEMENT work. Call Main 1987. day .or contract. WANTED Lawn mowing, home garden- in go r odd jobs; 00c per hour. E. S42i. CARPET, linoleum laying, furniture re- pairing, screens put up. aui. j-tto. ANY KIND of cement work wanted. Broad. way 2390. RESH ING LING done; good work. Main 7000. apartment 11. WANTED Neat, reliable young girl for confectionery store. Murlark confection ery. 753 Wash ington tit. NEAT GIRL for housework in modern bungalow, 1 cniidren. Must be steady and homelike. Tabor 7777. MIDDLE-AGED woman for light house work in mountain home. Alain 493. morn ings; : EXPERIENCED operators on power ma chines on tents and awnings. Pacific Tent and Awning Co., 1 N. 1st st. STENOGRAPHER wanted; will pay $40 and allow outside work to be taken. Call 3"5 Stock Exchange bldg. OPPORTUNITY for teacher desiring work fur the summer vacation. AF 528. Ox- gonian. YOUNG women wanting employment as telephone operators call at room 001 Telephone building. Park and Oak its. '1 MIDDLE-AGED women, experienced on power machines, for patching sacks. 180 HurnMop st.. room -i. PAINTING, tinting, refinishing. Paint Co.. Auto. 614-43. Sunshine PAPERHANGLNG. painting and tinting; paperhanging. 30c roll. Marshall 2493. PAINTING, paperhanglng. best workman ship, best prices, references. East 784. PAINTING, TINTING. PAPERING. GOOD W O RK REASONABLE. SELL. 1391 AUTO mechanic wants work in garage, h years' expvrience. Tabor 4S0o. PAINTING, tinting and papering. Lopp Willi & Co. Phone Woodlawn 2I!7. TRANSFER or hauling, any kind, by hour or c o ntract Ta bor 4759. KALSOMINING. 60c hour! you furnish material. Phone East 2034. RELIABLE young woman with fcinall child wishes position in small family. C ;04, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. washing. Ironing, light cleaning. Auto. wz 1 vz. VERY experienced woman wants all around day work; expert laundress. East 2 os 4. WILL uare for children evening while parents are away; references. Wood lawn 1611. DAY WORK. Phone Main 1318, call before 8 In morning, or 6 to 7 evenings. Ida Brugel. PIANIST .wanted for suburban nictu show, evenings, small wages to begin. BC 73n. oregonian. WANTED By woman employed, plac close in, to assist evenings for room and board. BJ 748. Oregonian. YOUNG WOMAN with 2 children would like to keep house lor respectable gentle man. Call 249 Adams st EXPERIENCED, reliable Swedish girl wishes cooking and housekeeping; wages $00. BC IU7. oregonian. EXPERIENCED young lady desires care of young child by day or week. Call Wood lawn 940. WOMAN with, child 4 years, will do light housekeeping In gentleman's home In ex change for room and board. Bdwy. 4369. WASHING, ironing and house cleaning: references. Call W din. vjqj. JAPANESE plain cook wants position at kitchen work. P. O. box 900. ESTIMATES furnished on painting; prices reasonable, worn guaranteeo. fcast 0S38. COLORED girl wants work by the hour, Wednesdays. East 5906. . GIRL will care for children evenings. Main 5571 after 4. PAINTER wants painting and. tinting. Phone 331-71 PIANIST wanted for suburban picture show, -evenings: small wages to begin. 1., , j.'i virrmmian. SERVICES of capable stenographer in return tor complete aviation IlyinK In st rue tionICaMPrdvy3X LADY barber. Bluebird barber shop. 50 H etn st. CAMP GIRLS for enr nival, open June 14. Ke o. v ash. . AN EXPERIENCED finisher. 647 Morgan Ding. WAITRESS wanted. rant. 52 3d st. Marathon restau- WANTED Waitress. ner mo., board and room. ButU & uake 224 Bur aside, j PAINTING done with best lead and oil. also tenting. Automatic 622-96. CAMP cooks and helpers now organizing at 242 Ankeny st. HOUSE painted. $50-$95; rooms tinted. $1 3 ; papering. 35c roll. Woodlawn 60s 4. WANTED Work by man haidy with house, garden, lawn. X 33?, Oregonian. FORD 1-ton truck, half day in mo-nings. What have you to offer? Marshall 510. WANTED- A contract to cut revera! hun dred cords of wood. Y 3. OftMsnnian. POSITION as cook on ranch or road camp. Phone Main 317. room RELIABLE elderly man wants work. AV 003. Oregonian ROOMS tinted. $3, quick work and satia f act ion. Broadway 3523. OFFICE position by experienced stenog rapher. Main 623, apt. 308. COMPETENT woman wants day work. References. Woodlawn 2328. WANTED DAY WORK. EAST 5013. WANTED Day work Woodlawn 07 Wed. and Thura Mrs. Hill. LADY WISHES WuctnL BY DAY. WOOD LAWN 1703. MOTHER and daughter want place aa cook and second maid. Marshall 4004. CASHIER with best city refernces H 507, oregonian. WANTED By neat, capable housekeeper in widower a modern home witn cnii dren, school age or older; no trifle rs. AR 752. Oregonian. POSITION as housekeeper in motherles nnme- kind to children: city or coun iry: no trlflers. Columbia 078. 1302 Fessenden st.. E. St. Johns, city. RESPECTABLE woman with boy 10. de sires position as housekeeper. 475 Main, room 2. H ousecleaning. EUREKA House Cleaning Co., all kinds of cleaning and vacuum work done; special prices on floor waxing. Phone 020-31. WA NTED TO RENT. Houses. MEIER FRANK'S Information and Rental Bureau. Reliable, np-to-date lists of desirable vacant houses, apartments and flats with definite Information pertaining to each. Newcomer to Portland will find this bureau of great value in helping tnero get properly and quickly located. Eighth Floor. SHEFFIELD, 272 TSroadway Two-room suite with private bath, newly furnished, modern, accommodate three or four peo ple; four blocks from Portland hotel, on Broadway; rates by week or month. Main 2500. ANGELA HOTEL, 025 Washington at. Large lobby, autdmatic elevator phone and running water in each room; rooms with or without bath, $5.50 per week up; excellent home-cooked meals next door. HOTEL, CONRADINE, 2J North 10th St., 2 blocks north of Washington st. ; pleas ant rooms and suites at very reasonable rates by day or week. , AMERICAN HOTEL. 02 N. 3D. Newly furnished, very clean up-to-date service at pre-war prices. EDW. F. GODDARD. Manager. NICELY furnished rooms, hot and cold water: gentlemen or business women; housekeeping privileges. 57 Trinity place. Broadway 1700. WASHINGTON HOTEL, 12TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rooms and suites at reason able rate by week or month. Furnished Apartments. STELWYN APTS. HIGH-CLASS. Resident and summer homes for tran sient and tourist; handsomest furnished apts. in the city; no objection to child under 2 years; 1 to 5-room apts.. with sleeping porch; we also have bachelor apts. and service; single rooms and bath for refined gentlemen: references re quired. Marshall li830. 10G St. Clair St.. corner Washington. STELWYN APTS. HIGH-CLASS. Resident and summer home for tran sient and tourist; handsomest furnished apts, in the city; no objection to child under 2 years; 1 to 5-room apts,, with sleeping porch: we also have bachelor apts. and service; single rooms and bath for refined gentlemen; references re quired. Marshall 2830. 160 St. Clair St., corner Washington. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 186 Vista ave., near 23d and Washington sta; high-class apartment house: one 3-room beautifully furnished in wicker furni ture, with good rugs; fine view; outside balcony; must be seen to be appreciated. Call Main 3883. . FOR KENT. Furnished Apartments. FOR RENT Three-room apartmen nicely furnished, exclusive district. 5'J4 Everett st. Phone Bdwy. av ONE FURNISHED housekeeping apt. 347 Hall st. 2-ROOM apt.; private bath and te.ephone. Nokomis apts. Broadway 4UU4. VILLA ST. CLARA 3-room apt., at once. 203 12th st. 2-ROOM apt. with kitchenette: heat an Iignt included;. fiVvi. Auto. an-.'P, NICELY furnished, a front, apt. and ga rage. 850 Thurman at 2th st. . 2-ROOM furnished apartment in Irving ton: f35. Kast 4K.VJ, 1 ROOM and kitchenette, $30. 400 Mor nson. WENT WORTH APT., 32th at Main, 3 rooms with bath, man and wife. 1'nfprnlt.hed Apartmenta TH E CR OM W E LL. Fifth and Columtla Sta. Five minutes' walk to Meier & Frank's store : good surroundings, strictly mod ern 2 and 3-room furnished apt., out fide, with French doors and balcony. Permanent and transient APT. TO SUBLET. HIGH CLASS. Lovety outside front aDts.. 3 rooms and sleeping porch, exceptionally clean, fur nished in blue and willow, for June. July. August; references required. Marshall 2S3ti. . THE JACKSON. 51 Union Ave. North. Three-room apts.. $:10 and $40: private bath, steam heat, hot and coid water: phone service: 15 minutes walk to 5th and Alder. Rime City car. East 2846. WALKING DISTANCE TO BUSINESS DISTRICT. $40; beautifully furnished apartment gocd pianu, balcony. . large rooms, light and cool; everything clean and new. Main 3816. ' BUENA VISTA APTS.. 434 Harrison St. Strictly modern 2 and 3-room apts., newly papered in tapestry ; outside kitchen and tiled bathrooms, $50 and up; adults. Main 1052. . TH K PARK. Strictly first-class apartments, 3 or room., with bath, furnished or unfur nished; fireplace, many other features; $50 to $75. 353 Harrison. Mar. 133. 3-ROOM anartment for rent, unfurnished win ue ready lor occupancy June jm Ivory finished throughout with beauti f ull taoestrv walls: rent reasonable. Adults onlv. Arbor Court. 14th and Columbia. . KJNGSBU R Y A PARTM E NTS, I SO Vist a ave., near 2"d and Washington, high class anartment house : three or four room unfurnished apartments with dis appearing bod in living room, aiso bed room. Call Main as-i. CHOICE A P A KT M E NT. "Merlin." Broidway and Grant, three large rooms, bath, 2 dressing closets, line view, only -t-.au mon:n. 3 LARGE rooms, also extra large sleeping porch, unfurnished apartment: hot water heat: nne corner; dandy place. ree tni, Adults. SIO Aihina. Mississippi car, ALVA RAUO APTS.. 730 EVERETT ST. Elegant 6-room duplex apartment; will give lease. See Mr. Hallis, v akef leid, Fries A Co., RMaltors, 85 Fourth st. IONIAN COURT. Large, modern 4-room corner apt.. completely renovated : white woodwork walking distance; sdults. ltd wy. 1701. yM Partly furnUhei a -room apartment hardwood lloors; very desirable: large porch, close to high and grammar scnoois. .Hnone Kast m. THE CECILIA APTS. 22d and Glisan. for rent 3-room, unfurnished, with balcony; rent $45. GARDNER 13th and E. Ash: large 5-rm. 2 bedrooms, hardwood lioor. lireplace. acant June 2i; adults; rer. r.. - 1 . 3-ROOM unfurnished apt., 5th f-oor; very desirable; all newly painted. Phone East KOMI. LARGE light front I'-room apt., conveni ent to Kenton and St. Johns and Vancou ver industries; on Kenton carline. 21 minutes to town; adults; $22.50. Alblns ave. at Lombard St. Wdln. 2042 or 511-75 RECTOR HOTEL, ft N. Broadwav : newly furnished mod ern rooms, $l per day up, $5 per week up; private baths. THE ST. PAUL, 130 4th st., a respectable downtown hotel ; transient 75c up, pri vate bath $2; low rates to permanent guests. RITZ HOTEL PARK AND MORRISON Ideally located in the very center of the theater and shopping district. Special summer rates now in effect. STRICTLY modern sleeping rooms, first- cla&s beds; walking distance. Nob Hill: transient or permanent guests; summer rates. Bdwy. 2018. HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison s $1 day, weekly $5 and up. and baths. Light and airy. .. at 10th Free phone LARRABEE HOTEL Modern rooms $2 50 up; close to dental college and 2 blocks from steel bridge. East 840. HOTEL BARK. 112 N. Sixth, 2 blocks of depot. $1 per day, $5 per week and up. FOR RENT Furnished rooms on ground floor of house; large -basement, dose to carline. 000 Savier st. Bdwy. 1473. 75c DAY, $2.50 WEEK up; ciean, baths free. Hotel Cadillac, 3d. near Jefferson. BUSHMARK, Wash. sL, cor. 17th; clean. modern rooms, also apts.. reasonable. LARGE desirable rooms, modern residence. 327 Sixth street. ROOM and bath in apt. house. 141) N. 23d DAYTON HOTEL, First and Taylor sts.. modern rooms; rates reasonable. 3-ROOM uite. cheerfully furnished; bath and electric llfihta free; $-'j. 3'ro 4th st. THE DEZENDORF APTS. 20S 16th., near Taylor. Mar. 128. Nicely furnished 6-room apts. for resi dent or transient and tourist; no ob jection to children: walking distance. 3 ROOMS and bath in Al condition; white enamel, nicely furnished, cool and pleas ant ; reasonable rent If taken at once; Irvlngton district; 514 Hancock st. Ap ply Janitor, in basement. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS. 272 Broadway 1 3-room apartment, well furnished, 2 wall beds, phone, heat and hot water, . outside rooms; also one 4-room unfurnished corner apartment. KING DAVIS APARTMENTS. A very attractive 3-room furnished apt. for rent, including balcony: light, air outside rooms, and a splendid view. Main 205S. 103 ST. CLAIR. $25; light, cool, well-furnlshed apart ment, 1 large room and kitchenette; Ivory woodwork, duofold davenport, etc., first floor, large yard. Main 3Slfl. 5-ROOM apartment; 2 bedrooms ; front and back porches; gas stove ; modern; reference. Glisan st. THE MOKDAUNT, ISth and Everett Largo 4-room unfurnished modern apt., retiuted, hardwood f!oorsJ Auto. 5-7 1 o. THE AMERICAN, modern 4 and 5-room apartment. biiwy. a.iwh PARTNOMAH. 3 and 4 rooms, waging distance: adults. 200 E. l.'Uh. DAYTON AP iS. Modern ti-room apart- ment, $70. flu-' Flanders. Bdwy. 3134. WELLINGTON COURT. 521 Everett; four and five-room apts. Including telephone. 4-RM. APT.: hardwood floors, breakfast no o k. slcepin g porch . Cal 1 wdln. 3 i 4 3. UPPER 4-room apt.; heat, light, wajklng (list. 724 E. Humane. h.a.-t 4 Furnished or tntn mish ed Apartment. CAMBRIAN. Strictly flrst-ciass, furnished or unfur nished, 2 and 3-room apartments, clone in, $50 to $75. 433 Columbia. Mar shall 2406. JAEGER APTS.. 701 Washington, one fur nished and one unfurnished apt. THE CHELTENHAM. 4-room apt., $05; also 2-room, all out side, hard wood floors, new furnishings. Bdwy. 305S. 514 JEFFERSON, cor. 10th. Rates cut to .fill 2 and 3-room suites; outside, airy rooms. Large kitchen and pantry, usual conveniences. HISLOP HALL. 410 Hawthorne ave., near Grand ave. Eidutifuily clean, strictly modern 3-room furn. apts., o5 a month u p. EaBt 6S2. LA M CROOK APTS.. 430 EAST YAMHILL STREET. For rent, reasonable, two-room fur- nlshed apt Call Ea.t 4O02. MULTNOMAH APTS.. 225 Market St.. near Second; under new management; completely furnished 3-room apts.; reasonable ROOMS, $3. $4. $5 per week; suitable for two. 327 v. oroaoway. SLEEPING room for gentleman; $11. 580 Couch. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. NICE clean room, electric lights, big clothes closet, bath. Dhone. for 1 or gentlemen; 1 week's rent FREE if taken for a month; west side, near library. Call 228 10th st. or phone Main 5758 after 6 P. M. 3-ROOM furnished apt., private bain for rent until Oct. l.ith, apt. 6. Haslet apts., 13th and Montgomery. Make appoint ment, apt. 0. 308 13th St.. by mail. NICE 3 AND 4-ROOM APTS. WALKING DISTANCE. BERKELEY APARTMENTS, 30 Trinity Place. Mar. 1050. TWO ROOMS, private bath and toilet; this has a real kitchen with all bullt-ina The Stiles Apartment. 3!M) Russel St., near Union ave. East 4S47. FINE 3-room, batn anfl dressing room, hardwood floors, newly kalsomined. East S7K-J. GARFIELD. 3 and 4 rooms, sleeping porch. 301 Failing, block west Union. FlUIM. MODERN, very desiraDie upper flat, A rooms and porch; fuel furnished, also gas range and heater. 314 San Raiael, near Union, close in Inquire3l 0 H a n cock. $45 MONTH, Including heat, light and hot water, for 5-room unfurnished flat; close in on west side. Inquire 4U2V& Third sl 4-ROOM upper fla. modern. 1042 Bel mont, Sunnyside car. Tabor 1005. 5 ROOMS, pleasant corner, coils in fur n ace, big rent to 15th. Own cr. East 8007. NEWLY tinted 6-room flat. $35. soutii Portland, wal king distance. East S01 5 5-ROOM flat, $3u. iHH San Ruaelle. In quire at San Roseile. Furnitthed Flats. FOR KFNT. II nuckeeping Rooms. 2-ROOM apt., newly renovated, light, gaa hot and cold water, phone service, cleart limn furnished, $5 a week; aletplnft rooms, $3 a week. Grand Union hotel, 2s7 E. Burnside, between Union and Grand aves. F U R nTshe D h. k. rooms, 1 room with) kitchenette, hot and cold water; private phon. elect no light a ateam beat: five minutes' waik tu town. 21U Columbia, near 5th. II ouaekepmg Rooms In lrivate Family. LARGE, front, upstairs sleeping room fr 2, furnished for licht h. k . with alcove, closet and sleeping porch; overlooking city; modern convenirncea Portland Heights district; Council frost car. or walk up Market street to No. 004. Ili a o51. 2 OR 3 H. K. R.MS.; electric lights ar.d gas stove, hot and cold water; nice view of ciiv : clean and good furniture. f-p $'2. light and gas furnished. Call Mam 7i'52, on Whlttaktr. , 4 FURNISHED H. K. rooms tn modern home ; separate entrance ; rine neign borhood; adults only, 015 E. Ta) lor. Tabor 5501. , BE GLAD to show you 2 cosy sunshiny h. k. rooms, choice location, near I-aLrei-hurst park: rent reasonable. 31 East 2Mh st. Montavilia car. TWO CLEAN, airy rooms. water and lights; close in, $0 per week. 538 East Kelly street. LARGE outs.de housekeeping rooms, close In, w est side ; reasonable rent; adults. S033 Water st. ONE SINGLE hou.ckeeping apt. o4? Hall street. -- CONNECTED h. k. rooms: adults only; reasonable. HOo E. Burnside. . PLEASANT, larae h. k. rrn.. kitchenette; walking distance. ,iV E. Alain it. iv TWO comfortably furnished rooms with. kltch ene t te. 3 Ml Vancouver ave. r.. n-. HOUSEKEEPING room for girl, 252 Mc- Mtllen st.. neur Broadway bridge. FURNISHED liou.-fkc-H'ii'g rooms. s 14th st. phone, ht'nt. hath. : ii lu ll. K. ROOMS, douhle and single, private home. .tt'.t Everett. House. N E A It MULTNOMAH STATI O N, BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED BUNGA LOW. 4 rooms and enclosed sleeping porch, also garage; about k acre of ground, all in fruit and garden; $.m per month, including light, gu. water and telephone; rt-nt 3 month, maybe longer. Call Mar. 3o74. 4-ROOM upper r sul.'nce. first-class con dition; g.iritgc: irvingtoii. ui a,, itroau" way; adults; $.0. 4-room semi-modern : 1405 E. Oak; 3 lots; variety of fruit; $25. 7-xoom modern house; T5S E. 10th X.; $35. F RANK L. MrOUIRK. Main 10S. WILL rent to no.d tenant, beautiful home in St. Johns; 8 rooms, lot l-.ixi"u; nun lawn, shrubbery a pd fruit ; garage and, chicken h'iu.f. STEWART A JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Dunk Bldg. 6-ROOM house, modern, cor.. One lawn; lots of shade and cherries; jut iintea and renovated. 5J0 E. 3:d at. Call Shi. and Sunday. 1 bik. south of Hawthorne ave. - 50 per month. Ill V I NGTON bungalow. 5 rooms; furnace. nrepiiice and all conveniences; reiereme. 404 E, S:h st. North. Call between 10 A. M. and 4. CALL !HHA1WAY 50 FOR NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO. LIGHT POWER H EAT. WASHINGTON AT 10 I'll ST. 15 A FIVE-ROOM ttungalow with bath, electric light and gas, on St. Johns car line; po.---!on the 17th. 1173 Gay sL Ua H at 1 173 '. 1 a y st. m ELK TRANSFER STORAGE CO. 13 days' storage free. Furniture moving tor less Hdwy. SHS MOVING Pianos, furniture and long-dis tance hauling a specialty. CAW. Truck Service Co . 40 2d xt. Phone Hdwv. Pll'l, W HEN moving, city or country, get the best at lowest price. Green Iran a. Main 121. 22H Alder st. NFURN1SHED 7-room house and garage on 37th ave and 71 at at. S. K. Phone Automatic 0IS-.T3. NSl'ECT N03 E. 10th it. North, vacant June U; tl-rootn cottage, garage, without children. $3.-100. Owtn-r. b.ne On. Astoria. SIX-ROOM cottnge, modern, $3. with ga rage. $30 without. 10 E. 0th M. S. Cal! McCoy s grocery. 03 Grnnd ae. MODERN 7-room house. Just tacatej, in good district; rent n-onable. Cull at SJJ Comriien-l.it st. CORNER front room in beautifully fur nished private home lor 1 or gentle men. $20. 71 Trinity place; walking distance. Bdwy. 2o40. THE WHEEuUON ANNEX. Corner 10th and Salmon; 2, 3 and 4 room apts.; permanent or transient; also single rooms. Main 6041. COMFORTABLY furnished room with bath adjoining in quiet, private lamuy in Irvlngton; gentleman preterred; refer- ences. East Oib.. BOZANTA APARTMENTS. Nicely furnished 3-room apartment, all outside windows. 16'J N. 23d st. Mar shall 2043. virtrt.v furnished room In nrivate family: bath, phone ana otner privileges, wun garage if desired; gentleman preferred. East 34.j2. , COMFORTABLE room ior gentlemen, wa king distance center 01 city. uj East First st. North, near, Holladay ave. NICELY furnished room, beautiful home and grounds, close in, warning uisiancc 243 11th; references desiced KRfiN'T room, all modern conveniences, steam heat; gentlemen only. Phone Broadway 3083, 1AH N. 21st st. A KLINE APTS,. 17TH AND LOVEJOT. 2 and 3-room apts. All clean and modern at reasonable rent. Bdwy. 1812. SUNNYSIDE APTS. Fine furnished four room apt., ready loth; two bedrooms; adults only; modern, high-class house, near Laurelhurst Park. Tabor 3WQ, FURNISHED 2-ROOM APT. Steam heat, $30 to $40, including phone and lights. Adults only. The Lincoln. 4th and Lincoln. CLEAN, modern, cheerful, attractive four rooms. sleeping porch, bath, front bal cony, fine view, private basement space, west side, walking distance, near Carni val park. Adults; references. 404 Hall, near 13th. . FOR RENT FURNISHED FLAT. WEST SIDE. CLOS E IN; o R OOM S A N D SLEEPING PORCH. $70: FOR MONTHS OF JLLY AN1 ACGUSr. HJ loV, OK fa, G ON I A N . EST MDE 7-io.iin modern housu on Park st., rent $tn. John Singer, 420 Chamber of Commerce hldg. MODERN cozy flat with furniture for .sale cheap if taken at once; access to H mo. rent. Near Mult. club. Fireplace, 3 bedrooms, one rents for $20. Mar. 1370. FURNITURE of 3-room modern flat for sale, whole or by the piece; hat renti for $21. 333 Cook ave., between L'nlun and William- FOl'R-KOUM upper flat. Including fur nace heat, half block from car. Adulta only. Woodlawn 1-S04. VERY desirable flat in Irvlngton; 5 rooms and sleeping porch, everything furnished except linen. Call East 033. MOD., choice, 4-r. lo., well furn.. private veranda; sleeping p.; view; walking ais tance: ref . ; $4a. 40 Hall. Mnr. 4Q3. TWO LARGE outside rooms. 1 bik. from j two cars: clos in; mooern convenience-. Call 700 Kearney or pnone Jiain an 10. PLEASANT, commodious sleeping porch with sitting room; gentlemen preierreu. Kast 70b4. SITB-LET desirable 4-room apt., piano, west side, walking distance; a montns or longer. Main 2402. 3-ROOM apartment, private bath and phone, $3o per month, loaa apts., cor ner E. 12th and Stark. BEAUTIFUL large room with board 11 private family, near roaaway on irv Ington car line. East 7328. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. 2 and 3-room strictly modern, elevator, tile bath. 11th and Montgomery. M. 330. ONE OR two ladies, employed; rent rea sonable; cnriiitian scientists preierreu. Call Woodlawn 4116. THE STANF1ELD. Modern two-room apts.. light, heat, phone, low rent. Main 7392. FURNISHED room In modern flat, west side, walking aistance; aunauio iur ui 2. Marshall 3410. FURN. apt., large room, kitchenette, dress ing room, bath connected, first floor. 47 Taylor st. CLOSE in for 1 or 2, desirable rm. with 1 ail home comions. uiumuuis ure-.ioL. 400 Clay. Main :::."JB. HANTHORN APTS. Nicely furn.. strict ly modern 3-room apt., 2 be da, private balcony. 2ol j - th st. COMFORTABLE room in home-like apL Use of kitchenette, jiain --jq. MEREDITH 2-room modern, free phone, steam and hot water, walking distance; $40. 22d and Washington. Main 7134. 1CELY furnished sleeping; hot and cold 1 water. 2ta r utn si. DRlCKSTON APTS.. 448 11TH ST. 1 2-room and 1 3-room modern fur nished apt., all rooms light and airy. N. 21ST LARGE, light, nicely fur nish edroomjiitininffw ICE LARGE SLEEPING KLKAMS. WALKING XMO A a.'nCj. cap l hi.. IRVINGTON Room and breakfast. $35; 1 block to car ana near ciup. a-t 2-ROOM apt., large, airy, clean, com pletely furnished. 680 Lombard at. Columbia 017. WILL eutlet indefinitely my attractive 4 rm. apt., west side; references required. Call MarahaM 2147. SLEEPING rooms in private family; home privileges. luua f-. jviorrison. ICE room, easy walking distance. East Alder st. MODERN light 3-room furnished apart ment; private Daicony, oatn, ctosets. Hanover apartments. Marshall 20r0. FURNISHED rooms. $2.30 and $3 per week. BF o jo, uregonian. or laoor i"i. THIRTEENTH ASL CLAY STS. -hree-room front apt., strictly modern. ROOMS. $2.50 weVkly up. 400 Morrison. WANTED MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE PREFER PIEDMONT DISTRICT. AD . DRESS AK 718, OREGONIAN. RENTAL BUREAU. List your houses, flats or apartments with us; quick results and good tenants. PACKING, MOVING. STORAGE LOANS. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. 53 Fourth St. Opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. . WANTED To rent, unfurnished, modern sue or seven-room house with garage in Rose City Park, Irving ton or Laurel hurst districts. Will give best of ref erences. J. E. Balsley, care Standard Of I Co m pany. rhone Marshall miw, WANTED Immediately, by responsible family of man and wife only, modern house of five to seven rooms in desirable district, with garage. Best of references, Stuart K. King, 1014 Spalding bldg, Main 2f22. COUPLE without children wants 2 or 3- room furnished house, $20 or $5, by Sunday. Write or call No. 2 Union ave. North. P. Noeller. ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS or Council Crest, small rurnisnea nouse ior two or three months, best of references. Main 2027. ' MOTHER and son will care for place during summer or low rent, nome line, woods, fruit ; reliable. BC 744. Ore gonian WANTED A o or 6-room nous on weet side from owner; win pay casn: win not consider Inflated prices. R 0S2, Orego nian. . , JAPANESE girl want housework in pri vate family. AF 7,'3, Oregonian. RELIABLE woman wishes day work. East 0307. WOMAN wants day work Wednesday, Thursday. Bdwy. 1226. room 7. WQMA-N to du day work. Call Sea. 3272. WANTED Five-room bungalow, furnished with piano and garage; must be close in. AL OttO, Oregonian. WANTED To rent oy responsible couple. 4-room furnished house by July 1. Rent reasonable; references. O 508. Oregonian. WANTED A 4 or 3-room furnished house fbv July 1 or before. Phone Woodlawn 2102, Room s wit li Hoard. ONE LARGE room with kitchenette, light, phone, hardwood floors, walking , dis tance. 250 North 10th st. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 23D AND HOYT STS. CAMPBELL HOTEL 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best-known residential ho tel. in the Pacific COflsL American Plan, with or without bath, $2.ft0 a day upf rates by day or month. Meals served to transients. 3-ROOM apt., walking distance, furniture for sale at oargain. -lain 0x01 or uyi evenings. - DIEL APTS., 790 E. Ankeny; modern com. fur. 3-room apt., clean, ngnt, airy, cast 4046. . HOLLADAY ADD. ; nicely furnished 3- room flat, bath, large ngnt rooms; nice lawn; adults; reference. 3i3 E. 2d st. N. $30 3 ROOMS, modern, clean, completely furnished; adults only; take l.J.Chap- m a n car. .574 Mi Mjll. 4-ROOM upper flat. 20tVi Tillamook St.: 4.") per mo. Call at premise or see Wakefield, Fries & Co.. S3 4th st. 5-ROOM furnished upper flat with or with out garage; $23. 740 Minnesota ave. 3-ROOM furnished flirt, modern; no chil dren. 506 E. 22d st. So. 0-ROOM modern house. U4 E. 2."th St. In quire of so:t K en i 1 w ortha v c. 7-ROOM modern house for 1 or 2 families cln se In. Woodlawn 323 J. Rent $'K MoDKRN hue. g.ita larire srd, walk- i I ng d I.h r a n rr; atlultw only. East ."7t'J. BEAUTIFUL new 7-room moucrn bunga low for rent. 123a Division. -ROOM house f.r rent. $30 1246 East Oth st. N. Near Alnswnrth. Wdln. 0170. 0-ROoM house, modem, walking distance. 7('l First st. Phone Ilin-oi. 3-RoOM houne, $13. 737 Union ave. N. in quire at 300 Shaver st. 7-ROM bungalow. Call 123 S Division. HOUSE FOR RENT. PHONE SELL. 313 NOB H I LI, walking distance; attractive, modern 5-room flat; adults. Main 1330. MODERN, 5 rooms, fireplace, piano, walk in grliance:AutoJ 2242J FURNISHED 4-room fla only. Phone 311-QQ. close .in; adults 3-ROOM lower flat, 2 beds, fireplace, elrc, free phone; adults. 304 12th st. 4-ROOM flat, nicely furnished. -modern. 010 Commercial st. Phone 310-t1. 4-room furnished flat with bath, adults only. East 3070. LOWER flat furnished, private porch, flowers, near car. Wdln. 107. H ousekeeping Rooms. IN IRVINGTON 3 clen h. k. rooms, lsrne living room, bedroom, kitchen with sink, gas range, all conveniences, suitable for 3 or 4 people. 412 E. Oth N near Bdwy. car. 1, 2 AND 3 housekeeping rooms, hot and cold running water, free phone, especially clean, under new management; reason able rent. i3 N. -1st st. Furn Mi rd llou. PAR TH'l LA R PARTI ES W ANTING TO PURCHASE OR LEASE ONE OF TH H . REAL BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOWS IN BEST IRVINGTON DISTRICT. FUR NISHINGS I N CLU D HI ) IF D ES I R K D, CAN SECURE ATTRACTIVE. A W PROPOSITION DIRECT FROM OWN ER. IMMEDIATE !OSSKKSlON GIVEN, YOUR CLOSE INSPECTION INVITED. 072 EAST SIXTEENTH NORTH. FOR RENT July 1 for one year, 8-room handsomely furnlfhed h-me with 2 fire places, electric range. 2 pianos. large Vlctrola. sleeping porch and garage, sightly corner ItHixlOO; lawn, tlowere and shrubbery; went aide. Nob Hill district, reference required. Phone Main 1327 from 0 to 3. Main 3237. Ak for Mr. Os borne BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED, 4 ROOMS. SLEEPING PORCH. LARGE FRONT POUCH, STRICTLY MODERN. ALL WHITE ENAMELED, CUSE IN ON HAWTHORNE AVE. R EFEREN'C E S ; RENT $33. lu3 HAWTHORNE. PHONE TAROR 8104. WELL-FURNISHED and thoroughl cleaned large 2-room housekeeping apt. nice homelike place, every convenience. 507 Clay st.. near loth. Mar. 3QQ-. WHY GO on east side for cheap rent You can get on west side: dance nan with fireplace, kitchenette, $0 week, 20S Washington etreet. CUMBERLAND APTS. $52.30. Will sublet 3-room furnished apt. until Sept. 1. Apt NORTONIA HOTEL, Portland's downtown high-class family hotel ; rooms en suite or single with or without board, for Xamines and Dustiness men ana women. We give you all the comforts of a home; reasonaDie rates. ARLINE APTS., 17th and Lovejoy, 2 and 3-room apts., an clean ana moaern; rea sonable rent. Bdwy. 1812. CUMBERLAND APTS. 2 and 3-room furnished apts., walk ing distance West Park and Columbia. VERY special price to 2 young men who will share large. Dleasant room (2 bed?) in nice home; best board and all home I MORTON APTS. Three-room furnished apartment Washington street. Main 10H2. 697 comforts; also single room cheap. Tabor (jQZY 3-room apt., with private bath, pries 6875. 214 East 33d. LARGE, nicely furnished rm. with board. suitable for 1 or young laaiee: nome like; ail conveniences; easy walking dis t a n c e . 3-07 Vj Glisan. Broadway 2 4 : ;S . $40. Guild apts.. 304 Guild st. or N. S. car. WEAVER RESIDENTIAL HOTEL, 70S Wash, st.: American plan: rooms with bath 2.30 per day up; rates by week or month. Mealaf to transients. CLASSIC APTS., 002 Glisan 2 rms., bath nd large aressing room; e-iu. -tJroaa- 2034. ROOM and board -or business girls; alt modern conveniences; walking distance; $5 per wf-ek. Auto 210-74. 12 E. 7th st. NORTON HOTEL. 12TH AND MORRISON, residential hotel, rooms en suite or single: rates seasonable. THE BEAVER. 12th ana Marshall Fur nished h. k. rooms, $15 up. including hot water, electric lights, laundry room CHEAP h. k. rooms, chilaren welcomr free phone, bath, laundry room. 1H$ Sherman. Marshall 3083. 2 NICE h. k. rooms, furnished, fine car service, light, phone, furnace heat, $23. &.i4 K. Madison, cor, or utn st. WEST SIDE, nicely furnished housekeep ing room, $20; lights, gas, phone includ ed. Marshall au. ROOM and kitchenette: $4.50 per week walking distance. 327 3d St., opposite natatonum. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, first-class; sink fireplace; reasonable to w or king coupl 180 11th, corner Yamhill. TWO front rooms, nrst noor, $30; room and kitchenette, $23; single room $13. KooniH With Board in Private Family. WANTED 1 or 5 children, ages 4 to 8; best food, mother's care, at Rockaway; reasonable terms. Mrs. D. A. Mae Millan, Huber. Oregon. I HAVE 1 or 2 pleasant rooms with board. private modern home; desirable location. Tabor 4210. all home comforts. Including breakfast. 4Q3 Clay. Main 222S. PRIVATE home ror cnnarcn: 20 years' ex perience. 714 Everett st Marshall 2162. ROOMS with board,, close in. 653 East Couch st. fr'none Kast SUtftf. CHILDREN boarded In a private home. 305 Halsey. Aut. 332-57. CLEAN, comfortable room. Just like home. Two meais. walking distance. - . mhj. BOARD . and room for two gents, .in private family. . Mar. 3008. MODERN, quiet Christian home for elder-I ly woman, call i4-j, uaK urove. Fu r n ih h ed Apartments. JEFFERSON apts., front 2-room 305 Jefferson st., cor. oth FOUR or 5-room modern furnished, close I ONE 3-room with private balcony. Bd apt. I Jwy. j 1 THE GILLIAN APTS. Close in; 3 roms, qXE LARGE -clean. well-furnlhed H. K. modern and strictly clean. Mar. 137S. 3&1 room; everything furnished. 101 N. 0th st. -.'d. Marshall 22SS. SAN MARCO. EAST STH AND CQVCH FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, single 3-ROOM MODERN APT. EAST 2312. Lor in euiteH. $..30 and up. 304 E. Mor- NICELY furnished 2 and 3 room apts., nson. Buckeye apts. close in. 325 Broadway, near Clay. 141 ELEVENTH, cor. Alder, ground floor. NEWLY furnished apartment. Inquire 2 front, h. k. room, elecy., $21 month. 2- Grand ave. or call 217-30. room h. k. suite, bath. $.11 month. ' BELKNAP APARTMENTS. CLEAN, ateam-heated n. k. room. $12 a 187 17th st.. 3-room apt. Main 4fi07. month up. 147 I3th at. . m ONE AND two-room apts. close in. 32S 1 NICE, big room, with kitchenette, very Mill close In. 50 M Davis st. HYLAND apartments, 400 Morrison ; T- 3 WEEK VP, completely furnished h. k. room apt., $45 per month. suites The Cadlllac.3d nearJef ferson. UNION AVE and Killingsworth; $21.50 LARGE front H. K. room, first floor. 428 all complete, concrete building. Burnside at 10th. $30. Bdwy. 1584. N E W L Y KEN O V A T E D 2-room and bath FURNISHED H. K. ROOMS. $1.75 per apartment at Fairmont. 2sp nth st. week up. Electric Tight.. 32ft'fr 1st gt. ULIN APTS., 45 Trinity piace. 2 and THREE-ROOM furnished housekeeping 3-room furnished apts. Mar. w3. apartment. $0 per week. 330 14th st. ELBRIDGE APTS., 174 N. 21st St., 2 and LARGE H. K. ROOM. fJO; 2 dowels, new 3-room furnished apts. Bdwy. 4730. mattress. Call 540 N. 10th. No children. ROSELYN APTS.. 110 N. 2lst. 2-room FURNISHED housekeeping rooms clean. modern, furnished apartments. reasonable, running water. 214-13. FURNISHED basement apt., kitchenette FURNISHED h. k. rooms. $3.50 per week living room and bath, $25. Bdwy. 4140. and up. 2534 Washington st. , HANDSOME 3 or 4-room apt., large porch THREE furnished h. k. rooms. $18 month. clean, desirable. 730 Hoyt st. Sell. 1222. "'-ROOM apt., telephone, bath. 67 N. 20th 327 6TH ST. LARGE, attractive front Bt. Bdwy. 4123. room; fireplace; kitchenette. NEW YORK apartments, furnished, cor. WELL furnished front room for house- 7th and Belmont. East 238. keeping: rent reasonable, 5S6 Couch. 15-DAY STORAGE FREE. CLEAN funished housekeeping rooms, rea- Movlng for less. Phone Bdwy. 2445. sonable. 372 Hawthorne. KEARNY APTS. 1 rooms and bath. $50. SINGLE h. k. room, everything furnished; 072 Kearney u Call Bdwy. 24S7. suitable fur neat man. 30ti 12th at. FOR LEASE IteaMiiiabie, a "home." fur nished in detail: one acre, five-room house, garage, chicken houf e. city con venleticrs; 35 minutes from buslne sec tion; fruit, garden, rare view. Telrphone Oswego 732 or see Mrs. Brodle. Goodwin station. SCENIC LODGE cottages, 51!4 Heights terrace, 2 rooms and large enclosed porch; fino view nf mountains; only 20 mln. walk from heMrt of ity. Take Sunnyside car to 13th. See to appre riate. lnn't ml?- It. R-:i"oniblr r'ntt 6-KOO.M modern hou-e; aui 3d at. N.; $43. 8-rooin modern, furnace, fireplace; 379 N. 31st.; $55. 3-room modern bungalow; garage; Denver ave.: 113. FRANK L. MrGUIRE. FURNISHED houne. gooO neighborhood; it large rooms, easily heated, on paved street and car line; shad and fruit treeM. flowers and garden plot; Just derorated throughout; lease only $30 per mouth. Tabor 1702. ( BEAUTIFULLY f urnUhed home w ith every modern convenience : four lane rooms and bath for $03. includes fuel and water. 1200 Cleveland ave. Wood lawn 1203 NEW HOME of 7 room a in Aiamedw Park. nicIy furnished, will rent for 2 or 3 months to adults, owner reserving one room. Broadway 148S. before 5 P. M FURNISHED houe, piano and sewing machine ; fruit and yard suitable for 2 famili"s; permanent renters desired, Ta- lnrfiU7. t NICELY furnished modern 7 -room house, lease for one or two years, adulta only, $73 per month. 173 E. 20th at. Et 4G12. WISH to lease my nome. furnished for one year, near C. S. church. Auto. $36-62. ! fe rentes t x ''hanged. GOING to California, w th to rent my R- completely furnished house on Main 4530. west side; walking distance FURNISHED houe in Roae City, ail mod ern conveniences. Call before 2 P. M. 00 0 K 30th st. N NICE fl-roorn furnlcned nouse, modern; big yard, walking distance. S.7 S. 17th St., westslde. HAWTHORNE home. 5 rnn , large yard; vfll lease, call between 10 A. M. end 1 P. M., 340 E. 43tn st. EIGHT-ROOM house in Nob Hill diet. Donald G. vtooawara, agent, 104 Second etreet FOR RENT Modern ix-ronm furninhed houne with wirepin porch for aummsr m o n l hs. S e 1 1 w o o 1 o 4 . 5-R-OOM furnished hnui-e. modern; S-t0 rent. Inquire- 3020 4 Jd a ve. FU H N LSI I ED mnd.rn 5-rooin house; adults. 14 0 ('ma h a ave K 1 n 1 on ca r. ti-ROoM house, nicely furnlhd, for lease. 00 East 2Mb N East 3010 FURNISHED 6-room cottage for rent. Call Tabor ri 1 7. $4 J.3o 3 - lt uM f ui nished Iiuumi, modern; yard. ,I4 Market it. FURNISH EI) bungalow ; 7SH Overton si.. near 2Ph: garage; will lease; $s,y FURNISH ED Wdln. 4:i34 5-room bungalow, $40. jimiMn for Rent Furniture for Sle." 4-ROOM furnished cottage, west side. nenr l.ith and v ash inn ton ; house rtit. $10 month. Will sell furniture for $105 rash. East O-'JS. FURNITURE for seveg rooms. rrrtkMv new, ior sa ie rneap. rnone Alain wwo mornings. 4K" 11th st. 3-ROOM furnished flat for sale, $130; rent IIMI, Htiwy. .IMA. FLAT for rent; furniture for sale, 213 & 10th. E. 7394. 1