THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 1921 HELP WANTKD-MALE. SPINNERS FOR NIGHT WORK. GON CITY WOOLEN MILLS. ORE- THB PLACE best equipped to render as sistance to men ana boys seesirs; ei- ployment In clerical, commercial and technical lines la the advisory and em ployment dept. of the Y. M. C. A. If you need assistance in finding; work you are cordially invited to taik your prob lem over with one of the secretaries. M'ANTED 20 MELN. PREFERABLY EX- BtKlCK MEN. TO ENLIST I LU-m-PAXY F. OREGON NATIONAL GUARD. AND GO TO CAMP LEWIS KOK TWO WEEKS FIELD TRAINING: GOOD PAY AND EVERYTHING FOUND. AP PLY ANY NIGHT TO CAPTAIN LIB B. AR MORV. 10TH AN P COUCH STS HOTELS NEED TRAINED MEN. Bir demand for high-salaried execu tives; past experience unnecessary; we train you by mall and put you In touch with bis; opportunities. Write at once for particulars. Lew in Hotel Training School. Desk 1418. Washington, D. C. LINOTYPE operator for country weekly; shop conditions and pay good: stare qualifications, age. first letter. Malheur Enterprise. Vale., Or. Help Wanted nuleMnm. PA LESM A N WANTED. AN OPPORTUNITY FOR TOTT I want one or two young men between ana iw years or age tnat are am bitlous to become salesmen! Here Is a opportunity to get the training and con nection with a large financial instltu Hoq where your earning power is un limited. Must be neat appearing an Impressive talker. Call 712 Lewi blrig., between 10 and 12 A. M. and 2 and 4 P. M. Ask for Mr. Stranehan SALESMEN. A large Oregon corporation has an opening today lor three salesmen. It is willing to consider men who have not had practical selling experience but wish to earn Call after 10 A. M. today at 509 Wil cox blag, sod ask for Mr. Quill. SALESMAN WANTED. Several salesmen who can sell an ar ticle of great merit made in Portland every house, apartment house and autO' motme owner s prospect; live-wire sales man can make good money on our prop ovltton ; only experienced salesman and experienced house-to-house canvassers need apply. Call at 11 Union ave. N. corner of E. Irving; mornings between :. ana II o'clock. , SALESMEN REAL PRODUCERS. We have open a permanent position for two high-class salesmen, ambitious to advance in a strong established financial company backed and managed by stmng personnel: our securities are the best in the northwest ; if you are a producer we will help you make good. ill, uregonian. IF YOU are a business getter and have a car. I have an established territory in .re-on covering tne traae witn a com plete line of chocolates, hard candies, crushed fruits and syrups and confec tionery specialties to offer a live wire on . commission basis; must be highly recommended. Answer in your own handwriting with references. A. Wallace, 1009 Second ave.. . Seattle, wash. A LARGE corporation has opening on its sales force for s high-grade man: must have good appearance and be able to meet the public. If permanent employ merit is desired and you are willing to worn, we are willing to no tne rest. Call on Mr. Rockwell. 403 Spalding bldg , after 10 A. M. SALESMEN to call on the housewife to o resent a Dronosltlon of merit : must have sales experience; this position offers opportunity to advance wit nin snort time providing you can demonstrate ability to fit In our organization Call at ideal Tea Co.. ill Union ave. N. SALESMAN WANTED To sell our fruit and ornamental nursery stock, roses. shrubbery, etc. : exclusive territory, lib eral cash advance weekly on orders; free outfit. Yakima & Columbia River Nursery Co.. Yakima, wash. HOUSE to house salesman sell Nite-Brite a new article of merit with no competi tion M-n tn everv home. 816-A Cham ber of Commerce bldg, between 9 and 11 A. M. WANT live, reliable salesman at once. Hi vn elean-cnt orooosition for right man to make $300 to $750 per month. Capital not necessary, but prefer parties able to finance themselves. Be your own boss. FD Oregontan.- WITH car preferred, to piace block of units; a conservative proposition with highly speculative possibilities. Call In person after 6 at 1554 Wabash ave. Portland. SALESMEN wanted to sell side line Oi otiice appliances In state of Oregon . liberal commission, no samples to carry; every office, store and factory a pros pect. 42-4Q3 Oregontan bldg. A SALESMAN'S position open, complete line of varieties in well-grown stock; write for terms today. Capital City Nursery Company, 420 Oregon Bldg., Salem, Oregon. FOLK salesman to fill our organization, handling sale of Portland securities; best commissions possible. See Mr. Martin, 31 u. a. rtanit oiag.. oerore noon.y SALESMEN, teachers, would $50 a week help vacation? Household line. 205 Artisans bldg. G. Hougen. SALESMEN, students earn $6. summer va cation, household line; you can do it. 2fW Artisans bldg. G. Hougen. SALESMAN to sell Ford cars, must have selling ability and furnish his own car. Main I loo. SALESMEN for household line; 42 hours' work a week pays $150 to $30 per month Artisans bldg., 2 to 6 P. M G. Hougen. WANTED Stock salesman to sell stock in A-l proposition. Phone East 291, room nm WANTED Oil stock salesman, good com- m iasion. V 1 40. Oregontan. WANTED $5KM-year gentleman man. Apply 506 Lewis bldg. WAJVTEP A GEN T9. CAN YOU use $50 per month extra? We want ladies selling medicines, extracts or toiiei preparations to writs Ior at tractive and profitable sideline. MURRAY MEDICINE CO., Sloan Bldg., Yakima. Wash. a MAN or woman in every city to sell .he National Advertised Violet Ray Gen. eraiors: Dig money; permanent business. Don t let this opportunity pass. Algral WANTED Canvassers who are willing to work, can make good. Apply at 308 ruunwinu at. rx . AGENTS wanted. Benedict Nursery Co 1S5 E. 87th sL North. Portland. Or. HEALTH, accident and nospital insurance. Bir commtswlnpa. &01 Corbet Bid a. AGENTS wanted for Portland, good prop- AG fci.Ts liberal commission selling Nite Brite. K16A Chamber of Commerce bidg. HKT.P W A X TE l F E M ALE, APPLICATIONS 111 be received frnm g'r'is between 18 and 85 rears of vm fA1 cmjioymeai in woodworking lactory at St. Johns.- AJ 8!M. Oregonlan. THE FLORENCE CRITTENTON home is ready to help any girl in distress, 955 Eiast uiin. ai v - car. rJat 316, v A.N'i h,u two girls for Hawaiian show at once; write or wire to Kelso. Wash. Address Hula Roy A. C. Boucher shows WANTED Woman, aged 38. after Julv position as cook in small family in city or at bach. urc gonlan wAirKtsifiij wanted, 12 to 4 P. m ifuy jwu. raiace caie, iin and Wash' Ington sts. WANT An expert operator for Singer buttonhole machine. 3S2 Wash. Main WANTEL Experienced girl to do coob- niH -rjj Kt-uerui nousewora; aauits; no igunurj wor.iw r tanners. Main 70S. A COLLEGE student desiring work for the summer vacation. Apply 501 Pittock block. WANTED Waitress. ."i0 and room; nice place. Emp'oyment Office. 22 i month, board Butts & oake Burnslde. NEAT GIRL for housework in modern bungalow. 2 chl'dren. Must be steady aprt homelike. Tabor 7777. DRESSMAKER to do plain sewing haTf days In return for room and hoard at Hotel In Seaside. Phone' East 6775 OPPORTUNITY for teacher desiring work for the summer vacation. AF 328, Oregonlan YOUNG women wanting employment as telephone operato-s call at room 601 Telephone building. Park and Oak sts. SERVICERS of capable stenographer in return for complete aviation flying in struction. Call Broadway 33. WA NTED--Experlenced counter "girl Apply 126 Fifth st.. Liberty Lunch. COOK for summer resort. Must be ab solutely first class. Y 728, Oretgonian. LADY barber. Bluebird barber shop, 50 N. 6th st. PRACTICAL nurse, easy work. 370 L'd st. Call early CAMP GIRLS for carnival, open June 14. Kelso. Wash, WANTED Experienced chambermaid. Milton Hotel, 226'$ Madison nt. GIRL WLNXD. 2ft N. THIRD ST. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HOTELS NEED TRAINED WOMEX. Big" demand for high-salaried execu tives; past experience unnecessary; we train yon by mall and put you in touch with big opportunities Write at once for particulars Lewis Hotel Training School. Desk 1418, Washington. P. C STENOGRAPHERS. BOOKKEEPERS. All other oft ice help register with us and let us find for you and place you tn just the position you desdre: positions of aH kinds In the office line; come In our service every hour. Williams Personnel Service. 504 Spalding bid?. V ANTE D Young woman of refinement as assistant to young mother, with housework and care of two small chil dren no family washing: courteous and kind treatment and good wages to de serving pe raon ; refere nces. Tabor 4733. WANTED Catholic iady who has had some experience meeting public, one who can operate typewriter preferred; state experience and salary. W 738, Ore gonian. PLENTY OF JOBS. Jobs $73. 965. $55 and $50, r. and b. Jobs in town and cut. Call early. Mrs Scott's Employment Bureau, 320 Henry oing. iso phone calls. EXPERIENCED OPERATORS WANTED. OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILLS, 244 AloarjLL ST. P. B. X. 2D OPERATOR, telephone ex change, small town. UN) miles from Port land ; experienced middle-aged womai preferred. P 723, Oregonian. ANY GIRL In need ot a men a apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home, May fair and Alexander streets. Phone Main 3450. DM car. V WANTED Experienced marker and dis tributor to take charge of marking and distributing room; give references. Write Troy Laundry, Astoria, Or. WANTED Girl for office, must be stenog rapher. Apply Mr. Ross, J. C. Penney Co., Ill 4th at., between 9 and 11 A. M.. Tuesday. WAITRESS must be thoroughly experi enced, neat and clean, steady work, good wages. .Bohemian Restaurant,- 3S4 waan ingcun st 12 EXPERIENCED salesladies for ladies' ready to wear department. Apply Mr. Levitt, between 9 and 11 Tuesday morn Ing. Levitt s, 4th and Wsshington. WANTED Salesladies, salesmen, cashiers, bundlers. floor walkers. Apply to Mr, Levitt, between 10 and 12, Tuesday, I.evitt s store. WANT short-hour woman, from 6 to evenings. Sat. and Sun. all day; have room and board and wages. 24s Broadway. ' WANT experienced hand presser, ladies' Taney work, at Pheasant Cleaning WW., !.- Thurman st. W ANTED Operators on single needle ma chines on tents and awnings. Apply Hintrn-wels Mfg. Co.. 205 Burnside. LADY (masseuse) a.Hbistaat, 322 Flieduer Ding, to tli and Washington ts. Wanted Doroentica. MEN with machines and some experience in selling direct to tne consumer; wno can finance them?e!ves to handle line of guaranteed household products that have been supplied to the housewife for over AO years, will iind our proposition a win ner. For full particulars address C 600. oregonlan. WANTED Good reliable girl, one who understands care of modern home; two in family; top wages according ability. Call 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. Personal Interview necessary. 747 E Burnside st. EXPERIENCED woman or girl for cooking and some downstairs work, smaH family; wages $50 to $0. Apply at once, 763 h landers st. EXPERIENCED girl tor general hou work .and willing to go to Seaside for July and August; good wages; no wan lng Bdwy. 5011. WANTED A neat, agreeable woman who is s good plain cook ana wining to go to summer camp for July ana August. Address Motel Maiiory. Gi RL for general housework in country borne: no farm work; good wages. Ap ply Tuesday, 745 Overton st. Phone Hroadway 5003. WANTED Housekeeper and answer phone. wages $30 per month: room and board. A. D. Gordon Transfer Co., 150 lltb st. Call Bdwy. 4389. WANTED Experienced woman for cook ing and general kitchen .work, for foun tain and lunch counter. No Sunday or evening work. AM 764. Oregonlan. STRONG girl to help with housework in family or two adults and tnree cniioren. Expected to do washing for baby, 13 months old. Tabor 910. GIRL for general housework: one willing to go to Gear hart. Apply Mrs. f. K. Hines, Campbell Hill hotel before 10 A. M. Washington St. WANTED A competent maid for general housework; must be good cook; no wasn lng; family of three; $00 a month. Mar. 341. WANTED Reliable woman, must be a good cook and housekeeper; no washing; family of a adults. tyan wain. iw-.-. WANTED Woman to do general house work in small family. S-to a montn. References required. Marshall 17S4. IRL to help with general housework, corner K Call at 009 Tillamook St., 30th. Take Broadway car. WANTED Young girl to assist with housewcrK. rine noma ior tne ngni girl. Call E. HfcT9. WANTED A maid ior general housework. two adults In family. Mrs. Montgomery, 825 Hawthorne ave. IRL wanted for housework; no washing or Ironing. Call 575 East 12tn at. is., or East 4L10. WANTED Experienced cook for Gear- hart, July and August; gooa wages, com. fnrtable quarters. N 507, Oregonian. COMPETENT girl for second work and Care Oi 111 11 Hi cu. naiBiiaii vw. vati today. COMPETENT girl for upstairs work and care or cnuuren. iiarsnaii 400 j. tan mornings. ANTED Girl for housework. 1065 cook and Thurman. general Apply mornings. WANTED A quiet, experienced girl, good k and understands serving; good t. Main 6S7. T . ED A young girl to care for 2 children and do light housework. 16S0 Hodge st NEAT, reliable woman as housekeeper; 3 adults In family; all employed; refer ences. AC 736. Oregonlan. ELDERLY woman wanl to look alter a 5-year-old girl, gooi home, siuall wageY Call after 5, P 1 Belmont. WANTED Girl for general housework. Some experience in cooking. Congenial home. Marshall 1075. WANTED Competent woman for cook Ing and downstairs work. Apply morn ings. 13 N. lOth st. GIRL for general housework In family of aduits. irvington uisincig. no lauoary, TCast 1084 m WOMAN wages. for general housework; ,YS3 Johnson st. good YOUNG girl to assist in housework; no COOKing. CXttl inn. GIRL for jjeneral housework, no washing; evenings off if desired. 456 E. 24th N. WANT girl to assist with light house work and cooking. Call Main 1912. YOUNG woman for general housework. East 2742. , WANT EXPERIENCED COOK. MRS JOHN LATTA. SELLWOOD 780. GIRL for general houtffwork. East 1:401. nET.P WAVIKO MALR OR FEM ALB. MAN AND WIFE to represent a large eastern manufacturing company; abso lute necessity; nationally advertised. D 681, Oregonian. HELP WANTED-WITH INVESTMENT. A COOK, married, to help couple open up a restaurant or lunch counter In some promising location as working partners; If you know of a good location any where and have a little capital join me: I have a complete little outfit. 50-50 basis; will bear closest Investigation. AV 818, Oregonian FREIGHT run now open with new truck. This position must ds mien at once; re quires small Investment. Great Northern Transportation Co.. Inc., 403 W. Burn side. 81 Tr ATI OX 9 WANTED MALE. PAINTING. TINTING. PAPERING. GOOD x 1 7 TO mechanic wants work n garage Si years experience. Tanor -toy". PAINTING, tinting and papering. Lopp Willis & to . rno ne woonia w n -i t i t . TRANSFER or hauling, any kind, by hour or contract. laoor i.rj. KALSOMIN ING. 60c -hour, you furnish materia I. rnone mast aua. JAPANESE plain cook wants position kitchen worn, r. v. box mm. CARPENTER wants work by day or con tract; esiirnaies lurnmntu, jnursnail oil. ESTIMATES furnished on painting; prices reasonable, worK guaranteed. East BH88. PAINTER wants painting and tintihg. is; Phone 331-f 1. PAINTING done with beat lead and oiL alao ttptmg. .utomatic o-.'-ub. CAMP cooks and helpers now organizing at 242 Ankeny st. HOUSK painted, $5O-$05; rooms tinted. $1- 3; papering, 35c roll, woodlawn 6084. WANTED Work by man handy with house, garden, lawn. X oS?, Oregon ia n. FORD 1-ton truck, half day In mornings. What nave you 10 oner 7 Marsnail 5210. WANTED A contract to cut eevera! bun- J cook or cook's helper. C 505. Oregonian. . GE.vtLEMAN wants- room, private famiiy dred cords ot wood. X &ZP Ore soman, j WOMAN to do day work. Call SelL 3272 givs rate. X Stt, Oregoalaii, BTTCATlOyg WANTED MALE. YOUNG man, 20 years eld, with mechanical inclination and abil ity, desires position ; have com pleted manual training course in high school and 2 years mechani-. cal engineering at O. A. C Have worked in lumber mills and shipyards and am not afraid of hard work; excellent references. Phone Columbia 365. YOUNG man, 20 years old, with mechanical inclination and abil ity, desires position; httve( com pleted manual training course in high school and 2 years' me chanical engineering at O. A. C. Have worked in J umber mills and shipyards and m not afraid of hard work;, excellent refer ences. Phono Columbia 365. ,MAv 46 WITH hnv WMntH wnrl on farm ; all around farmer and milker steady and good worker: would like work where I can go ahead and be trujted. and boy receive a little wages during summer for hia work. BF. 730, Oregonlan. - MARRIED m;ch wants ranch work, under stands all branches of farming. 8 years experience, capable of talcing charge; age 30 years, must have furnished living quarters; can furnish, best of references. Address John J. Bannick, box 11, On alaska. Wash.' PAINTERS and decorators. We don't pre tend to be the cheapest, but we employ skilled mechanics and use the beat ma terial. If this appeals to you phone Tab. 9563. Can do your work at ooce. Pcans A Holleberk. MAN, 46, WITH 'boy 14. would take care of small farm and Improved same for some one needing a good worker; good farmer, can milk, handy with tools; can batch. DON'T try to get a position till we press your suit ior a cents, while you wait. toy. us tailor. 104 4th. near Stark. JOY. THE TAILOR, 104 FOURTH STREET. YOUNG man. considerable business exDeri ence, wants connection with firm where tnere are prospects of advancement initial salary no object. Apply AP 518, oregoman. YOL'NG MAN, age 24, desires position w;th reliable manufacturing concern, either as salesman or executive office work will give details and reference to n terestt-d party. H 509, Oregonlan. WANTED Position by middle-aged man as janitor or houseman in hotel or apartment, understands boilers, handy with tools. BF 5Q5, Oregonlan. PROGRESSIVE accountant wishea book keeping or clerical position; general knowledge, conscientious, accurate; ref- erencea. ft-7i0.oregonian. JANITOR with at earn engineers' license. capaole to manage apartment house, seeks situation; best reference a Phone Marshall 18"4. WANTED Reliable man and wife wish to take charge of ranch, experienced, best references. L. H. Peck man. Recrea tion. Or. FOR ESTIMATING and first-class concrete work, garage driveways a specialty, call Marshall 3746. EXPERIENCED janitor, apartment house; plumber, electrician; single man. Mam 7170. ' CEMENT WORK GARAGES. Reasonable rates. First-class only. CALL TABOR 1408. CARPENTER New or repair work; small Jobs promptly done. estimates cneer fully given. Blaco, Tabor 3503. PAINTING, tinting ana paperhanging. Barnes ft Gaither. call Karnes, w ain. 2S0, or Oslther. Mar. 2703. PAINTING and tinting. Credit If desired; reasonable price. Benjamin. Broadway 4870. ELDERLY man, experienced dUhwasher. or any kind of wont. 5J Hi, Ore gon la n POSITION wanted by young married roan experienced in snipping and general oi flce work Tabor 4011. YOUNG man wishes work on ranch; wi!! only milk a few cows; prefer work ciosi in. Phone East 1552. STATIONARY engineer, experienced with electricity ana sprinkling systems, rnone Woodlawn 3777. EXPERIENCED man and wife, age 30, wants work in small camp, country place or ranch. Main 4255. 708 Kearney. JANITOR or window cleaning, experi enced, wants joo evenings or inonuDgs. Call Main 5462. TENOR. experienced in church work, wants posi tion now or later. O 584, Oregonlan. WANTED Lawn mowing. Home garden ing orooa J ops; pvc per nour. t.. o-4. CARPET, linoleum laying, furniture re pairing, screens pui up. aui. 010-0.1 ANY KIND of cement work wanted. Broad. way 231)0; FIX IT Carpenter, Jobbing, repairing all Kinds: QUICK service. nauumn wia, HOTEL or camp cook, country preferred. Arth ur rjeneaici. o- a si. PAINTING. PAPERING. TINTING, WORK. UIAUA.ME.CU. E.A3 1 IIP. FIRST-CLASS florist wants position. F. W. SabransKy, route 1, ciiy. RESHINGLING done; good work. Call Main 7006. apartment it. PAINTING, tinting, refinishing. Pnint Co.. Auto. 614-48. PAPERHANGING, painting and tinting; paperhanging, 30c roll. Marnhall 2403. PAINTING, paperhanging. best workman ship, best prices, references. East 7842. YOU FURNISH paint and tint, will put oa for reasonable wage. . Mar. 2341. Book keepers. Stenographers. Office. vr.rvi; ev-xervlce mat: wishes cierica accoutiting work with some reliable firm: has had business ioit'sge eduta ti.m anrt a.inn two vta"s tralnir-g O A C. in accounting and i.-omnerclal aui.if tm can handle nearly any brok or financial statctnent-s but w.ll riot accept pofltiou ..r!n deliver the goods Tabor 431B YO.-NG MAN, well trained in LoiKtep- Intr en 1 higher accouniailCV WailtK DC 61 tion with local or out of tow n firm X 501, Oregontan. YOUNG man with 7 years' experience wants position as hotel clerk or store. No objection to going out 01 town. x ioj, Oregonlan. , GENERAL clerk and typist desires posi tion: exoerienced: age o. single; excel lent references; will leave city. F 733, Oregonlan. WANTED By experienced accountant, set of books to keep In spare time. AH 717. Oregonlan Salesmen. HAVE sains work among farmers: am well acquainted with them; have you a side line proposition for me? BD 7414 Orego nian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. YuUNG married woman wants general housework, chance to go"to beach; wages $50. Address M. O., Troutdaie, or., rt. a. Box 57. EXPERIENCED cook wants position: can give good reterences; for crew or hotel; capable ot most anytning. noom -o, Butte hotel, 6ih and Davis. LL1)ERLY woman will work in small oiain family where, all are employed for $3 a week, f tai, wregonan. YOUNG lady wants position as soda foun tain dispenser wt HUlsboro. Or.; some experience. M 744. Oregonlan. , LADY with some millinery experience de sires position with opportunity to learn business. Aii 001. oregonian. CAPABLE, experienced stenographer de sires secretarial position, r im ure gonlan. SW. TSS eirl wants second work. needte- work or take care of children in' private home. Call Main 531S. KE LIABLE oung woman with ktnall small family. child wishes position in C ii 04. Oregonian. HICH SCHOOL GIRL with lv y ears of commercial course can do typing or has or has 642-66. had experience as cashier. Aut. DAY WORK, Phone Alain 1818, fall before 8 in morning, or 6 10 7 evenings. Ida Brugei. PIANIST wan,ted for suburban picture show, evenings, small wages to egin. BC 730. Oregonian. . WANTED J3y woman employed. plac close in, to assist evenings tor room and board. BJ JMS Oregonian. YOUNG WOMAN with 2 child ildren would like to keep house for respectable gentle man. Call 249 Adams st. ' LF.F1NED young teacher wishes position as governess, would go to beaca; can swim. Call Tabor 809, 9 to 10 A. M. LADY WISHES WORK BY DAY. WOOD LAWN 1705. COLORED lady wants day work. East 3237. Phons LAUNDRY done at my home: five years' experience. Phone Broadway 1359. CURTAINS hand laundered; work gnaran- teed. Woodlawn 3774. EXPERIENCED woman wishes washing, Ironing or cleaning work Bdwy. 3423. JAPANESe woman wants housework private family. B 740. Oregonian. TYPIST wishes copying work spare time; rates reasonable. East 4234. MOTHER and daughter want place as cook and second maid. Marshall 4004. FAMILY wants to pick berries. Phone E 8734. apartment 37. CASHIER with best city refcrnces H 507, Oregonlan. YOUNG LADY with 2 years' experience as' SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Elderly iady and daughter wish comfortable home in country through summer; work for board or small wages, or pay something. Y 579, Oregonlan. YOUNG LADY" desire position at once. Experienced- in cashiering. clerking, drugs, confectionery, and demonstrat ing. Main 202.' room 5S, or AM 7W, Oregonlan. COOK and waitress capable of taking full charge or hotel or club, best of references: give particulars In first let ter. 393 5th at. Main 254. WANTED Housekeeping position by el derly lady; borne more than wages; can not care for children. Mar. 3320 until 10 A. M. and after 6 P. M. MIDDLE-AGED woman wil. exchange housework for room in small plain work lngman's family; must be walking dia- tance to town. BP 604. Oregonlan. BUSINESS college girl wishes to exchange ngni services ior ooara, room ann mnan remuneration; references, tar oo. ure- gonlan. WOMAN as nlaln cnok in family of two no laundrv, wladow cleaning nor wait ing on table: wages $12 per week. Please can senwoon L'isi. YOUNG woman with 8 small children washes position as housekeeper in coun try where there are no children. E 500. Oregonlan. NEAT, respectable middle-aged lady want? position as working housekeeper in widower's or bachelor's home; would go to country. Y rSo. Oregoman. YOUNG WOMAN with 15 months' child will do light housework in exchange for room and itouid. Broadway 6b52, room 32. LACE AND SfLK SCRIM AND MAR QUISETTE CURTAINS done up like new. win can, mast saia. Bookkeepers, etenognmpDers, Office. LADY with good education, tact and ambitious, wishes employment, office work or collecting; has had considerable' experience m meeting the public and is a good mixer: can turn is n nest ot rei erences; if you are in need of any one, call me; I can qualify. BC 728. Ore gonlan HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE DESIRES POSITION, TYPING OR STENO GRAPHIC WORK. CAN RUN ADDING MACHINE AND OPERATE MIMEO GRAPH. SOME EXPERIENCE. CALL AUTOMATIC 324-16. COLLEGE woman who has recently com pleted i.a halle accountancy course no sires position in accountant's or audit or's office; salary of minor Importance. F 743, Oregonlan. YOL'NG WOMAN as assistant bookkeeper, can operate comptometer, adding ma chine; lumber preferred; best Df ref erences. Tabor 8899, bet vein 9 and 10 A. M. EXPERIENCED woman lumber stenog rapher, billing clerk, desires position; can figure tallies and ope rat-! comp -tometer. 23 years old. Tabor V0. COMPETENT office clerk wants position. experienced as ledger clerk, assistant bookkeeper, Remington-Wahl blller. P 583, Oregonlan. AN EXPERIENCED comptometer operator wishes position with reliable firm; beat of references. East 3300, apt. 4. POSITION by young lady who is a good typLcK. operator of Burroughs Postirvg and Monroe calculating machines. Call Wood lawn 5472. YOL'NG LADY, experienced bookkeeper and typist, wants position; best refer ences. Sellwood 3721. TEACHER wants employment for sum mer; general office work preferred. AH 759. Oregonian. A YOUNG lady wishes a stenographic and bookkeeping position; have had a little experience. Call Columbia 862. EXPERIENCED typist and exchange op . erator wants position; references, wood lawn 5948. EXPERIENCED biller and exchange op erator wants position; reference. Wood lawn E948. , YOUNG woman Experience in general of fiee work; good cashier; will go out of city Kamapo hotel, room 343. EOOK KEEPING teacher with office ex perience wants vacation position. Phor Sellwood 2320. BOOKKEEPER capable of keeping com plete set of books desires position. Teibor STENOGRAPHER desires position, 3 years' experience legal, govt. Marshall 3521. BY YOL'NG LADY position as helper in office . c oregonian. Drew sma hers. RICHMOND FASHION SHOP. Dainty summer dresses to order, rea sonable prices; auer-a-tions ana rent' ting. 1120 Division st. Tabor 8012. HEMSTITCHING, dressmaking and fancy lingerie. Newly opened shop. 359 AnkneyT near Broadway. EXPERIENCED dressmaker, talloress; ref erences. Mrs. Monycnuron, ouo Alder su Broadway 503 L FIRST-CLASS dressmaking, also hem stitching, 7 cents a yard; work guaran- t eed . Tel. Main 5046. COMPETENT dresHmaker; alteration, fit ting, planning; 50c per hour. Marshall 33HS, room 5. . DRESSMAKING, plain sewing. Hazel Skin, n e r, 405 Raleigh bldg. Main 808. LADIES garments altered and refitted. L Reubin, tailor, 408 Bush A Lane bldg. GOWNS, suits, coats made to order. Lelah Hutchinson 827 Morgan bldg. DRESSMAKING All kinds, reasonable 422s Morrison St.. rojm 6. upstairs AS APPRENTICE in dressmaking shop. Call 644-51, mornings. Names, SWEDISH massage treatments In your own home; ladies only; physicians' rec ommendations.' Woodlawn 975 for ap- pointmenta NURSE. PRACTICAL- CALL MAIN 17 ROOM 3. PRACTICAL NURSING BY DAY OR WBBK. MAIN 7484. CHEERFUL, practical, nun-o want t;on. Broadway u33. room 37. Housekeeper. POSITION as housekeeper In motherless home: kind to children: city or coun try; no triflers. Columbia 978. 1302 Fessenden st.. E. St. Johns, city. REFINED widow wishes position in elderly gentleman s horns; must have own home. Khone Kast. a joa. WITKW,. 2 children, where no children. Main ;i1S7. wants housekeeping Small wages. rhone WANTED Elderlv ladv who wants home. S'n a 11 salary': no washing. Tabor 3061. ELDERLY woman wants light housewora Address Mrs. M.. 850 Hawthorne ave. COMPETENT cook and housekeeper, coun- try preferred. Marspaii asr&, room o. Domestic. TOUNO WOMAN wants housework where she can take her baby. Address AJ 74a. Oregonian. CLEAN, capable woman would like clean ing, cooking or ironing by nour. un East 5033 after 0. YOUNG girl wishes general housework. 623 Albina ave., Portland. Or. LIGHT housework wanted without laun- dry: plain place. Mam irenj. Housecieaning. EUREKA House Cleaning Co.. all kinds of cleaning and vacuum worn none; special prices oa floor waxing. Phone 66-51. WANTED TO TLYTST. Houses. WANTED MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE; PREFER PIEDMONT DISTRICT. AD DRESS AK .718, OREGONIAN. 4 RENTAL BUREAU. List your houses, flats or apartments with us; quick results and good tenants. PACKING, MOVING, STORAGE LOANS. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. 53 Fourth St... Op p. Multnomah UoteL Phone Broadway 3715. RESPONSIBLE party wants to lease by July 1 or sooner 0 or tt-room modern house or bungalow, good neighborhood, east side, no children; references. Seu wood 1249. WANTED To rent moderate-priced house. 5 or 6 rooms, partly furnished or un furnished, by responsible people; have one child, age 10 months; prefer Suuny side or Hawthorne. Call Tabor 5118. YOUNG couple, no children, will give ex ceuent care to home or turnished apart ment until fall; rent must be reasonable; references. Marshall 3J29. WA'XTEID To rent house. 5 or more rooms, - city or suburbs, for short or long time; responsible party. Phone Tabor 14VJ. . WANTE'D A 5 or 6-room boose on west side from owner; wLl pay cash; will not consider Inflated prices. R 582. Orego nian. - WANTED 5-room Dungalow, furnished. with piano and garage; most bs close in. AL 666, Oregonlan. . WANTED To rent by responsible couple. 4-room furnished house by July 1. Rent reasonnble; references. 508, Oregonian. WANTED A 4 or 3-room furnished house tbv July 1 or before. Phone Woodlawn 2102. FOUR or 5-room modern furnished, close In; references Y 732. OTCgonian. Apartments. 3 OR 4-ROOM apartment in district ad jacent to Mississippi or Williams ave. car lines; occupancy to commence July 1. P 730, Oregonian. WASTED TO KENT. Rooms With Board PLACE to leave girl 9 years old during day while mother is employed: jnust be close in on west side. B 000. Orego nlan. i ' YOUNG man would like room and board with private family, C S. preferred references furnished. AH 761, Ore gon tan. . ROOM and hnarH wanted hv COUOle em ployed, where a 14-months-old child would be taken care of. BJ gonlan. GENTLEMAN desires room, 2 mfals; pri , vate family; state terms. T 728, Ore gonlan. . , PLACE for summer in coumry for 2 girls references. AH 756, Ore gonian. HOME wanted for boy, 12 years, on farm. BJ 7:s3. Ore gonlan. HOME wanted for girl, age 11. during va cation; references required. Tabor 31 Housekeeping Rooms. WANTErt) l or outride, h. k. rooms, fur- nlshed or unfurnished; gentleman: give location and price. H 6Q. oregonian. Business Tlaces. WANTED To rent a little eVtore. locate for bakery and pastry shop. BV ol. Oregonian. WANTED 15 to 20 unfurnished rooms, west side. E 746. Oregonian. at FOR RENT. 1 SLEEPING room, 1 separate sleeping porch, 1 -room apt, jsjq wasn. eu Furnished Booms. HOTEL FRANKLIN. Washington at 13th. Rates by the week $5.50 and up; hot and cold run ning water, hot water heating system, tun and mower nama. HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL. EAST MORRISON ST., AT EAST 6TH. QUIET, DIGNIFIED AND REFINED. $1.25 PER DAY, $6 PER WK. AND UP. CON VENI ENT ALL-NIGHT GARAGES SHEFFIELD, 272 Broadway Two-room suite with private bath, newly furnished, modern, accommodate three or four peo ple; four blocks from Portland hotel, on Broadway; rates by week or month. Main 2508, ANGELA HOTEL. 025 Wasnington st. Large lobby, automatic elevator, pnone and running water in each room; rooms with or without bath, $5.50 per week up; excellent home-cooked meals next door. HOTEL CONRADINE, 22 North 10th st, 2 blocks north of Washingtoir st. ; pleas ant rooms and suites at very reasonable rates, by day or week. AMERICAN HOTEL, 92 N. 3d, Newly furnished, very clean, up-to-date service at pre-war prices. EDW. F. GODDARP. Manager. NICELY furnished rooms, hot and cold water; gentlemen or business women ; housekeeping privileges. 67 Trinity place. Broadway 1700. WASHINGTON HOTEL. 12TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rooms and suites at reason able rate by week or month. RECTOR HOTELi 0 N. Broadway: newly' furnished mod ern rooms. $1 per day up, o per week up: private baths. THE. ST. PAUL. 130 4th St.. a respectable downtown hotel; transient 7oc up, pn vate bath low rates to, permaout guests. STRICTLY modern sleeping rooms, first class beds; walking distance, isoo nut; transient or permanent guests; summer rates. Bdwy. 2618. ; ; RIT7. HOTEL PARK AND MORRISON. Ideally located in the very center of the theater and snopping district, bpeciai summer rates now in effect. STRICTLY modern sleeping rooms, first class beds; walking distance. Nob Hill; transient or permanent guests; summer rates. Bdwy. 2018. HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison St., at 10th $1 day, weekly $5 and up. Free phone and baths. Light and airy. NICE large room in modern home, suit able for 1 or 2; also Bmall room with sleeping porch. 431 West Park. LARRABEE HOTEL Modern rooms $2 50 up; close to dental college and ,2 blocks from steel bridge. East 849. HOTEL BARK. 312 N. Sixth, 2 blocks of depot. $1 per day, id yer weeic ana up. FOR RENT Furnished rooms on ground floor of house; large basement, close to carline. 6O0. Savier st. Bdwy. 1473. 75c DAY, $2.50 WEEK, up; clean, baths free. Hotel Cadillac, 3d. near Jefferson. LARGE clean sleeping room by week or month. Call Broadway 3445. BUSH MARK. Wash. at., cor. 17th; clean, modern rooma. also apts.. reasonable. LARGE desirable rooms, modern residence. 327 Slxtn street. Unfurnished Rooms. 5-ROOM upper flat, also 2-room basement. inquire 43a w imams ave. F urnis hed Rooms in Private Family WEST SIDE, nice clean room, for 1 or 2 gentlemen ; reasonaoie; eiecinc ugms, bath, phone: big sJothes closet; private entrance; near library; 5 minutes walk to business district. 228 lOtli st. Phone Main 5758; ' FOR RENT Sleeping room In private fam ily; bath, pnone ana oiner priviieKes. East side; reasonable rate to desirable tenant. East 5001 Monday. COMFORTABLY furnished room with ba ariin n ns in ouiet. onvaie lamuy 1 Irvington; gentleman preferred ; refer- ences. East Bitt.. PLEASANT, commodious sleeping pore with sitting room ; close in ; genueme preferred. East i064. fiOMWRTABLE room ior gentlemen, walking distance center 01 city. - 1:0a Emt First at. North, near Holiaday ave. 1 fc'BnT room, all model conveniences, steam beat; genuemen oniy. rnonB Broadway 3083,' 1S8 N. 21st st. vtk lurze. clean room, lavatory con njtoteri- uho or Diano ana pnone; Kenue men only; walking distance. East 8.S. FURNISHED room to let; also empty lot and chicken sneaa. -aqq. vt 00a. ave. Lents. Or. TWO LARGE outside rooms. 1 blk. from two cars: clow in; modern conveniences. Oa 1 1 700 Kearney or phone Main 3S13. LARGE, clean, well-furnished room, bath and phone, walking aisiance; genuemen preferred, rtroaoway o.a noyi. V1TRNISHED room in modern flat, wen side, walking distance: suitable for 1 or 2. Marshall 3410. LARGE, comfortable front room, desirable west stae aisinci, waiKiug instance. Marshall 73S. 2-ROOM apartment, weil furnished, in steam-neated flat, rooms large, lacing . front. 710 jonnson, corner u. 1 ROOM for rent, walking distance from town ; rates reasonaoie. v m,. we gonlan 257 12TH ST. Garage and large room for two me if. COMFORTABLE! room in home-like apt. Use of kitcnenette. wain -d. NICELY furnished sleeping; hot and cold water. Sb'Jfr ' ruin st. 46 N. 21ST LARGE, light, nicely fur- Bi shea room ; running w ier. garage SLEEPING porch and larse room, waiking distance, siainmio. NICE LARGE SLEEPING ROOMS, W A yJOlfl.'Q.rj. LAjt int. IRVINGTON Room and breakfast. $35; 1 bloc k to car ana near ciuo. casi 2 NICE sleeping rooms. 435 Williams ave. Rooms With Board. CAMPBEiLL HOTEL. 23D AND HOYT STS. -CAMPBELL HOTEL, 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best-known residential hotels on the Pacific coast, American plan, with or 'without bath. $2.50 a day up; rates by day or month. Meals gervea. 10 iranaianu. NORTONIA HOTEL, Portland's downtown higb-class family noei; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you all the comforts ot a home; reasonable rates. WEAVER RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. 708 Wash. St.; American plan; rooms with bath s.oo per day up; rates by week or month. Meals to transients. ROOM and board Tor business girls; all modern conveniences; wanking distance; $5 per week. Auto 210-74. 12 E. 7th sL NORTON HOTEL, 12TH AND MORRISON, residential hotel, rooms an suite or single: rates reasonable. 452 MORRISON, cor. 13th, choice rooms and board; modern conveniences; walk- ing distance; Rooms With Board in Private Fami I y . VERY special price to 2 young men who will share large, nleaant room 2 beds) In nice home; best board and all home comforts. Tabor 675. 214 E. ::id. TWO OR FOUR gentlemen to share large home with 3oung couple; line room and breakfast: dose in, east side; garage. C 730, Oregonian. , I HAVE 1 or 2 pleasant rooms with board, private modern home: desirable location. Tabor 4216. ' WILL give room and care to child between 2 and 5 years old on farm near Portland. Phone 332-lSg . . PRIVATE home ror children; 20 years' x- perlfnce. 714 Everett at Marshall 2161 ROOMS with board, close in. 553 East Couch st. Phone East 80P9. CHI LDREN boarded in a private home, 365' Haleey. Aut. 332-57. CLEAN, comfortable room, just like home. Two meals. Walking distance. E. 8362. LARGE single and double rooms: best of table board. Auto. 236-21. BOARD and room for two private family. Mar. 3U0S. ROOM and board. 574 Ladd ave.. near E. 12th and Hawthorne. E&at 514a. FOR RENT. Rooms With Board In Private Family. CHILDREN under 10 years boarded country. 10 miles out, during summer: good food and conscientious care by svmDftthetle rest'her: tutnrins if desired terms reasonable; week-ends arranged ior mothers it desired. Ato ore gonian. 2 WELL furnished rooms in modern home; suit 2 gentlemen and a married couple; garage; good home cooking; transient or permanent guests f 4776 after 5 P. Mi very reasonable. E WANTED A couple to board; have finely furnished room : home cook in c: cIoe to SunnysiJe or Hawthorne ave. car and desirable district; prefer man and wife, Inquire 1QQO East Taylor st. ROOM' and board in beautiful Mt. Tabor home. $35 per month; ideal arrangement for two; garage if desired. Phone Ta bor! 44 2, . WILL aMve board nH room with excel lent care to girl over 10 years; use. of piano, private home :two adult; wet side. N Oregonlan. LARGE front room, suitable for two: beet of home cooking: no othef boarder?; ail conveniences; tm-o closets in room; west fide, walking distance. Marshall 6"1S. Furnished Apartments. LARGE light front 2-room apt., conveni ent to Kenton and St. Johns and Vancou ver industries; on Kenton carline. 21 minutes to town; adults; $22 50. ..Albins ave. at Iombard st. Wdln. 2042 or 511-75 MODERN furnished 3-room apt. In Row -lty. with private family ; lights, phone, bth; references required; 2 adults only; $3 pr mo-nth must be een to be ap- prcciated. Inquire 14Qo Sandy blvd THE DEZENDORF APTS. 208 10th., near Taylor. Ma-. 128. Nicely furnished 5-room apts. for resi dent or transient and tourist; mi, ob- jection to cnndren; walking distance. 3 ROOMS and bath in Al condition; whit enamel, nicely furnished, cool and plea ant; reasonable rent If taken at one Irvington district; 514 Hancock st. Ap piy janitor, in baflement SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS. 272 Broadway t 3-room apartment well furnished, 2 wall beds, phone, h and hot water, outside rooms; also one 4-room unfurnished corner apartment KING DAVIS APARTMENTS. A very attractive 3-room furnish apt. for rent, including balcony; ligh airy ouisiae rooms, and a splendid vie 31 a in THE CHELTENHAM. 4-room apt.. S05: also 2-room. all ou side, hardwood floors, new furnishings. Artu d-KUUAl very attractive apar menm, ciean ana airy, rates reason a b I private hatn. Nob Hill districL Ma snail 14H N. 23d st. HISLOP HALL 4104 Hawthorne ave.. near Grand ave reautiiuny ciean, strictly modern a-roo turn, apis.. ja a montn up. fc-ast 514 j KrrifiKWj.N 3 and 3 -room anar; ments; outside rooms and large kite he and pantry; usual conveniences: $30 u auuitn. LAM BROOK APTS.. 430 EAST YAMHILL STREET. For rent, reasonable, two-room niyhert apt. Call Fast 4fVi. fur M U LTN O M A H APTS., 223 Market near Second; under new manageraen completely furnished 3-room apts.; re a sonabie. ONE NICE 3-room apar ment and one room apartment. Just vacated : only minutes walk from Broadway. Call Bdwy. 4030. , NICE 3 AND 4-ROOM APTS. WALKING DISTANCE. BERKELEY APARTMENTS. 30 Trinity Place. Mar. 1050. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. Corner 10th and Salmon: 2. 3 and room apts.; permanent or transient; a aingle rooms. Main 6641. WANTED Respectable, motherly woma: with some means to share home with single business woman. AP 70L Ore gonian. ARLINE APTS., 17TH AND LOVEJOY. 2 and 3-room apts. All clean an modern at reasonable rent. Bdwy. 181 SUN NY SIDE APTS Fine furnished fou room aot.. ready 15th : two bedrooms adults only: modem. hlgh-ctats house, near Laurelhurst Park. T abor ."iWHi. FURNISHED 2-ROOM APT. Steam heat, $0 to $40, Including phone and lights. Adults only. The Lincoln. 4th and Lincoln. 103 ST. CLAIR. S25: light, cool, well-furnished anart ment, 1 large room and kitchenette. Ivory woodwork, duofold davenpoat, etc., first floor, large yard. Main 3S1B. NICE TWO AND THREE ROOM APTS, W ALKING Di MT A N U K . BERKELEY APARTMENTS, 3ft Trinity Place. Mar. l."iO. 3-ROOM aDartment. private bath phone, 15 per month. Tidd apts., cor Z C 1-1, k -nsl Ct.,1 KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. 2 and 3-room strictly modern, elevator, tile bath. 11th and Montgomery. M. 359. THE STANFIELD. Modern two-room apts., light, heat. phone, low rent. Main 732. FURX. apt., large room, kitchenette, dress lng room, oatn conuecteo, nrsi noor. 45 Taylor st HAN THORN APTS. Nicely furn.. strict ly modern 3-room apt., 2 beds, private balcony. -! 1-tn st. MEREDITH 2-room modern, free phone, steam and hot water, waiKing distance $40. 22d and Washington. Main 7131 DRICKSTON APTS.. 448 11TH ST. 1 2-room and 1 3-room modern fur nished apt., all rooms light and airy. 2-ROOM apt., large, airy, clean, com pletely furnished. 6003 Lombard at. Columbia 017. ALBERTA APTS. Nicely furniened 3-rm. apt. with bath, 4 outside rooms. 180 N. 23d. Marshall 2045. 4-ROOM ADartment: bath: outside rooms garage if wanted; rent reduced. 142 Sha ver, wooaiawn WILL rm. Call sublet indefinitely my attractive 4 ant., west side; references required. Marsha:! -IM. '.'.ROOM furnished apartment: bath near pleasant location: rent reduced. 142 Slia- ver st. wooaiawn ii. IRVINGTON 3 ulcely furnished all out side h. k. rooms, witn au conveniences. East 4808. . . MODERN light 3-room furninhed apart ment; private balcony, bath, closets HanovPT apartments. Marshall 20'Ht. LUXOrt APARTMENTS. THIRTEENTH AND CLAY STS. Three-room front apt., strictly modern. -ROOM apartment for rent on first floor, good furniture, everything furnished, cheap rent. 141 Lownsdale. 5-ROOM furnished apL. 1 block east end Broadway bridge; no children. 340 Ben ton, E ast 8710. BOZANTA APARTMENTS. Nicely furnished 3-room apartment. all outside windows Marshall 2045. 3-ROOM apt., walking distance, furniture for sale at bargain. Main 8181 or 01)41 evenings. 9.IHK1M nicefv furnished apt., clean as pin, iignt ana gas iurnisai. aii oawy, 3445. DIBL APTS., 700 B. Ankeny: modern com. fur. 3-room apt., clean, ngni, airy, .bast 4046. , AVALON First-class modern 3 and 4 rm. front apartments wun porta; oig ouua ing. East 10i6. MORTON APTS. Three-room furnished apartment. Washington street. Main 1082. 607 COZY 3-room apt., with private bath, pries $40. Guild apts., ay uuua sc. iKe zja or N. S. car. . 4-ROOM apartment, furnished, west side. close In; no cnnaren ; rererencea re quired. Victorian Apts. Main 2473. CLASSIC APTS., 662 Glisan 2 rm.. bath and large dressing room; -iu. tsroaa way 2034. SAN MARCO. EAST 8TH AND COUCH 3-ROOM MUUtK.N A r V. fcAST 3 12. NICELY furnished 2 and 3 room apts.. close in. 32o Broadway, near Clay. NEWLY furnished apartment. Inquire 2 Grand ave. or can ,'i -ot. BELKNAP APARTMENTS. 17th st., 3-room apt. Main 4607. 181 WANTED 1 or 5-room furn is! m furnishrd house H 758, OrVgoniaq. ONE AND two-room apts. close Mill. H Y LAND apartment. 4t0 Morrison; room apt.. o per mon;n. UNION -AVE and Klllingsworib; $2L50 all CompieTe. concrete puiiaing. NEWLT RENOVATED 2-room and bath apartment ac rairmonc. jpo iitn su LEONCB APTS.. 186 N. 22D ST. Furnished 3-room apt. Mar. 2250. JULIANA APTS., 45 Trinity place. 2 and J -room t ummnea pi . -' ar. iv-j. FOR RENT 51 y piano, reasonable to re- sponsible party, aiain wi. ELBRIDGE APTS.. 174 N. 21st at., 2 and 3 - room rurntrneq apfa. Bdwy. 4730. AND 3-ROOM apts., reasonable rent Call Sun, and Mon. Sell. 2440. ROOM APT., convenient and reasonable. Col. 343. 1717 Portsmouth ave. ROSELYN APTS.. 110 N. 2lHt. 2-room modern, nirmyneu apartments.' FURNISHED basement apt., kitchenette, living room ana nam. Bdwy. 41 0. HANDSOME 3 or 4-room apt., large porch. clean. desiraDie. id" rioyt st. ROOM apt., tel-phooe, bath. 67 N. 20th st. Bd wy. 4123. NEW YORK apartments, furnished. Cor. 7th and Belmont, tart Zds. 15-DAT STORAGE Fit EE. ' Moving for Jess. Phone Bdwy. 2445. K E A R NY A PT9. 1 rooms and bath, $00. 672 Kearney st. Call Bdwy. 2487. ONE, FTJRM9H housekeeping "apL 347 Ufd St. FOR, REVT. I'urni;hed Apartments. STELWYN AI'TS. . HIGH-CLASS. Resident and summer home for tran slent and tourit; hndsrtm!t fumlshe-l apts, in the city; no objection to child under 2 years; 1 to 5-room apts.. with 'sleeping porch; we also have bachelor apts. and service; rtngie rooms and bain .for refined gentlemen; references rs quired. Marshall 2030. 166 St. Ciair at corner Wa.whinK'orr KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 1 Vista ave., near 23d and Washington sts ; high-clNS an.trtment hause: one l-rooin beautifully furnished In wicker furnl- ture. with good rugs; fine view; outside balcony; mut be seen to be appreciated- Call Main 3S3. Tli iC CROMWELL. Fifth and CnlumLla Sts. 0 Flvs minutes' walk to Meier A Frank s store: good surrounding, strictly mod ern 'J and 3-room furnished apts. ntt side. with French doors and balcony. Permanent and transient APT. TO HUHLKT. HIGH CLASS Lovely outido front apts.. 3 rooms and sleeping porch, exceptionally clean, fu--nished in blue snd willow, for June, July. August; references required. Marshall 23. THE JACKSON, 51 H Union Ave. North. Three-room apts.. tru and private bath, steam heat, hot and cold wsier: phone service: 15 minutes' walk to 5tn and Alder. Rose City car. East 28 46. WALKING DISTANCE TO BUSINESS DISTRICT. $40; beautifully furnished snartment good piano, balcony, 2 large rooms, light and cool; everything clean and new. Main 3l. . BUENA VISTA APTS.. 434 Harrison St. Strictly modern 2 and 3-room apts., newly papered in tapestry; outside kitchen and tiled bathrooms. $50 and up; adults. Main 1052. THK PARK. Strictly first-clans apartments, S or 1 rooms, with bath, furnished or unfur nlshed; fireplace, many other features $.10 to $75. 353 Harri5on. Mar. 133. PAGE APTS.. East 8th and Burnside; walk lng distance, white brick blilg-. 3 large rooms, bay window, corner, newly fur nished, bath, kitcrten. be.troom. oi? ivory; free phone; $60: others $40 snd $-0 $32 FOR 2-ROOM furnirhed front apart ment; free light and phone. 42 l Third at. ARLINK APTS., 17th and Lovejoy, 2 and 3-room apts., all clean snd modern; ra evnable rent. Bdwy. i . I nftTiiIt.hed Apartments KINGSBURY APARTM KNTS. 186 VtU htgn ave., near 23d and v ashington. class apartment house: one unfurnished four-room apartment witn disappearing bed In living room, also bedroom. Call Mam 3.VN3. CHETOPA APARTMENTS. Large 4-room apartment, in first-clssa jrondition; newly palmed and tinted; gas range and reirigerator iurnisneu; come and see It. Bdwy. 4036. CHOICE APARTMENT. Merlin," Broadway and Grant, three large rooms, bath. 2 dressing closets, fine view, only S4J..V1 mom n. ALVA RADO APTS., 730 EVERETT ST. Klegant. 6-room duplex apartment; will gtve lcae. S"e Mr. Ha His, Wakefield, Fries & Co.. Realtors, 8.'i Fourth st. MODERN 6-room apartment flat, went side, walking distance; separate entrance- hardwood floors. Can be seen 10 to 12 and 2 to 4 P. M. 3'ft Uth st. $;;(- Partly f urnbhej 3-room s part men t ; n a raw 000 noois; very aesiraoie; targe porch, close to high and grammar schools. Phone East so. THE MORDAUNT, 18th and Everett Large 4-room unfurnished modern apt., retinted, hardwood floors; adults. Auto. 3-ROOM unfurnished apt., 5th floor; very desirable; ail newly painted, mono a ast 6oso. . 2 AND 3-ROOM AITS. Clean and mod ern, at reasonab.o rent. A nine Apts., 21st and Lovejoy. Bdwy. 1 SI 2. THE AMERICAN, modern 4 and 5-room a parim'-nt bdwy. anno. , PARTN05J AH. 3 and 4 r-omi, waiklng distance; adults. 00 K 13th. DA V TON APTS. Modern 6-room apart- ment, $70. 662 Flanders. Bdwy. 3i;n. WELLINGTON COURT. 51 Evereil; four and nve-room apts., including telephone. NEW, beautiful modern 3-room 8272. nished apt... in.v aiain 4-RM. APT. ; hardwood (loor. break fiut Call Wdln. 31143. nook, sleeping porcn. 4-K OO ,M u n f u rn ie h e d apartment. E. 32i2. Furnlwhed or I nfu nils hed Apartment. CAMBRIAN. Strictly flrst-claai. furnished or unfur nlshed, 2 and 3-room apartments, clone In. $50 to $75. 433 Columbia. Mar shall 2106. FOR RENT 3-room furnlined or unfur nished apt.; also 4-room unfurnished apt. after 15th. Barker Apartments, 645 Irving. JAEGER APTS., 701 Washington, one fur nished ana one uuiurnisnea apt. FIN E 8uom, bath and dressing room, nara wouu nuuru, dcwi kisuiiiil .-u. East 3782. GARFIELD, S and 4 rooms sleeping porcn. 801 Falling. btocK west ljnion Flats. 4-ROOM MODERN FLAT. EAST UTH AND DAVIS STS. ' s $37.5i) Entrance hall, living room, fireplace, dining room, paneled wslna coting. buffet, closet, cabinet kitchen, basement, wash trays; 2 adults only: will make years le3e or longer. Newly renovated. 'EE THE YELLOW SHIN." SMITH-WAGONER CO., Stock Exch MODERN, very desirable upper flat, 5 rooms and porch; fuel rurnitr.ed, also gas range and heater. 3H4 San Rafael, mar Union, clo.-e In. lnqulre3ltf Hancock $45 MONTH, Including heat, light and hot water. Tor o-rootii unrurnisneu rial; cio: In on west side. Lnquire 402 Third st. FIVE rooms, pleasai't corn- culls in fur nace; date rent 10th. Owner. E. 8007. -ROOM upper flat, modern. 1042 Bel mont, Sunnyglde car. Tabor lQo.Y $40 FIVE ROOMS, fireplace, furnace, rhi t e r. water a n d g ajbs ge. e a t 7 -. ROOMS, pleasant corner, colls in fur n ace, big rent to Ktth. Owner. East 8 1 1 of NEWLY tinted 6-room flat. $35. south Portland, wa Ik ing d it a nee, b a t HO 1 5 ROOM flat, J flu. 2!l3 San Koselle. ln qulre at 201 San Roaclle. Ol'R handsome large room, besides re ception hall, laundry, etc., 140. East H2H6 TTR ACTIVE strictly modern 6-room flat, yti.oo: w a terjp a I d. KaM Furnished Flats. CLEAN, modern, cheerful, aura4tlve .four rooms, sleeping porcn, oatn, rront Dai cony, fine view, private basement space, west side.- walking distance, near Carni val park. Adults; refur ences. 464 Hall, near 13th. . ODEKN, choice 4-room lower, well fur nished, private veranda, sleeping porcn. view, walking dtp tance references. 48 Hall M.. near 13th. ROOMS. sewing machine, electric lights and water, $25; 3 rooms, $17. 462V 67th st. S. E Vs block north of Kern Park station. LAT 3 outside rooms, clean, well fur nished, gas, electricity, phone, laundry room, large lawn; adults only. East S.18. LIVING room, bedroom, kitcuen and bath. all modern conveniences ; iirst rioor, walking distance; &.a w. Tayinr. ROo5i furnisht-d upoer flat, close west side, modern, no dark rooms, good district. Main 1148 ROOM furnished uppr flat with or with- out garage : -. 1 4U annnesota ave. LAT FOR RENT, furmiure, lor aaie 18 17th street. ODEHN 4-room furnished flat. 616 Com- erdal st. Phone 'iOOM furnisheri flat, modern; no chil dren. o'Hi E. 22d st. So. OH HILL, walking distance; attractive, modern 5-room flat: adults. Main 1.V36. MODERN, 5 rooms, fireplace, piano, walk ing di-'tance Auto. 224-62. f I ouf.ekeep i 11 g Ruo ma, TWO FUR-N-1SJ4ED h. k. rooma, west pidc, walking distance, very reasonable. Broadway 2M7 morning and e enlng. 2 LARGE housekeeping roonm and sleep ing porcn, clean and liirht; suitable tor 3. also singls housekeeping room. 472 Ma' n TWO fron t rooms, hrst noor, $30; room and kitchenette. $25; single room $15 655 F t a n - e rs . O.N K LARC.E clran. t II-f u rn 1-hed H. K room; everything furnished. 161 N 22d. Marsha'l 22Ki. CLEAN, steam-heated n. it. room. $12 a month up. 147 13:h st. 1 N ICE, big room w ith kitchenette, very clofe in. 50 Davis ft. $3. .10 WEiSK up. furnished h. k. rooms 2531a Wash: st.. corner Third $5 WEEK VP. completely furnished h. k. suiteaTheadiilac.Sneas Jefferson LARGE front H. K. room, first floor. 426 Burnside st 10th. $30. Bdwy. 1584. HOUSEK EEPING rooms, f urnlahed. for couple or men: cheap rent. 142 Shaver si. FURNISHED H. K. RoOMS. 11.7-1 per week up. Electric Tights. 326 tar at 27 6TH ST. LARGE, attractive front room : fireplace, kitchenette. THREE- ROOM furnished housekeeping apart men t. S6 ne.r. w.efK- nth st. LARGE H. K. ROOM. $20: 2 dose is. new mattrest. Call 540 N. 16th. No children THR EE furnished housekeeping rooms. 1010 E. 10th street N. Wdln. 1372. FURNISII ED housekeeping rooms. mclc reajinable, running water. 214-1T THREE furnished h. k. rooms, $1S mouth. 611. 1222 row m. II Hir keeping Kkiii 3-IiOOM apt., newly renovated, light, gs hot and cold water, phons service, rles linen furnished, 5 a week; ilri I rooms. 3 a week. Grand trim ' 27 E. Hurpsido, Pt l ten cu.on n Grand ves. varii vfsiiKri h k ruum. 1 room wit kitchenette hot and coll water; prlvm 1 ' lihnne eleeirlo Iichta SU'STH ItCNt . tl i mfnutes' walk to town. 201 Columblt nar 5t h - r KT moma furillebed totnfi r aolv housekeeping, light and lient eiervtliin furnished: eiTtriciM ; er reHHonable. Cali Bdwy. ;;0-ii r Hdw WkV.L-Fl'RNIHIIKD and t h o r e 11 u h T cleaned large 2-room housekeeping apt nue homHtki pUce. rvtry convenient 5i7 Clay st . near 1M h M i r. Q"2. Fl'KNIsTi Ka housvkt eping rooms; l.uh water. Khnne snd ga for cooking mt I nifhed ; u turner rates. 343 I1M1 cnrn-rM 1 a ( k .j a ft erSu n d a y. 11. K. hot and coid wat r, gas snd linen furnished. Hotel m- 1 4 7 Broadway, bet ten Morroii ' Ald.r. WHY GO on csTt file for chrtn aide ; d a n-i 1 ou can set on w 1: h firep ac ktit henclte. 2' W e h I n tt t reet Til K BEAVER. 12th no ilrfrithall I u- nifhed h. k rnnitia. lit UP. mcmnin. hoi water, lectrlc luthts, l-nJrv fn CHKAI' h k rootna. chilnr n 1.0 free phone, batn. laumirj rwnn. Hherman. Marshall 3itK.1 Ileusekeeiiiiig Rooms In lrltat Jsmllj. LA RGE. front. Upstairs sir. ping i-i - n I 2 furnished for liKhl h k . with . ov rln.t and slrenitlC porch; overln-'ktn cltv: nioHrrn con ven t-ncea Pi -1 .an I Heights district : Council "rcst r sr. 1 wslk up Market street to No. 604. Ma S .M Jl'ST hst vou have 1 en looking f clean and nlcrlv furnirhd h k rr In deslrablu rustOenie district mt B' EaM Min sl., corner 34th. Hawthor- car. ,., 2 OH 3 H. K. RMS.; eeclrle lU'hts a gas move, hot and cold wamr. noe nf eh v clean and good furniture. $.2. light and gas fumlrhed. '11 M- 7j on V hltiahf r , 2 AND J-ltOOM furnished apt. in pr v home for employed people; chi; tr cared for during the dsy. i'Uons Aui . mstlc 332-57. 303 Halsey 4 Kl 1LN I .1 1 Kl H. K rooms in m odi home; aeparHts enirance; fine n ic borhoort : adults only. 015 L. 1 ic. Tabor 5501. HOCSEKKKlMfNG BOP MS cheap; W bio. to car line, free Water, lights. hor. and laundry conveniences ; aio Iroi sleeping room. 20 Graham ao. BK (1LAD to show you 2 cory suniii' h. k. rooms, choice Im-stion. near Ltr h urst park ; rent reasonable. 31 E- a,2sth st. Montsvilla car. 3 FC UN ISO! ED rooms for hnui kerpins ground floor. $15 per month. Phono call :aC S. Grand ave. TWO CLEAN, airy ntoins, " S' lights, clone In, $6 per week. 538 Ka Kelly street. W EST SIDE, nicely furnifhi-d hnusekpl ing room. S'-'O; lights, gas, pnoue un iuo I ed. Marshall a"--i. CLEAN funlhhvd houstkeeping rooin, rc wonahle. 37- Bawttiorne. 1 FURNISHED h k. room witn kllihenl eite. 444 E. Brosdwav. ON K SINGLE housekeeping apt. 347 Ha Stf-eet . 1 FURNISHED room a, lncluiina mo.ier kitchen: adults only. -innor 2 CONNECTED h. k. rooms; idultn on'o reaaonMble. BM K. Burnaine. flon 4-ROOM MODERN FLAT. FAST 1ITH AND DAVIS SIR. 137.50 Knlranre hall, living moit I firt-place. dining room, paneled winrn in hufft-t. fin., cabinet klti hen. bat" m-'nt, afh trays; 2 adults omy, wi make year's ltas or longer. Newly rco J VUtl'd. 'SEE THE YELLOW SKIN." SMITH-WAGONER '., Slock Ex. h WILL r. nt to fco.ul tt nanl. bi autiful hou in St. Johna: 8 roonm. lot 1LxIim; ni iNwn, shrubbery at'd fruit, garage an 1 chicken house. STEWART JOHNSON. 315 .North w yirrn Bank Bljlg. 6- 1U :OM httiie. modern, cor., lino Is t lot of shaoe ami cnern-; jiwi imu and renovated. ;iJ0 K. .'Lid M t and Sindav. 1 blk pouth of Hathon. I a'f. $12 5o in-r month. CALL BROADWAY 00 FOR NORTH WKSTKRN ELF'." TRIO CO. LIGHT roWKI'.-HKAT. WASHINGTON AT I'HII PT j;;;, a FIVE-liOi h.M buiiKalow wil h ba ' electric light and K", 011 St Johns u line; poMf-telon the 17th. 1173 Guy 1 ciiliaj 1 1 :i - Gy st. elk Transfer itoraub"co. 15 davs' storage free Furniture moving for Iras Bdwy. 540l MO V 1 NG 1'tanoa, t ut till Mrm and lung ii tanee hauling a specialty. C. W Tru S' r vlre IV, 40 2d st Phone Bdwy M 'J WHEN moving, city or countiy, get u' beat at lowi-al price Green Trans t J Main 1261. 202 Alder st UNFURNISHED 7 room hu nuke and iiuNk .on ave and 'Auto matlc 013 33 71st St. 8. E Plmc 8-ROOM modern houe. car. $43 per mo. No 620 E. 8th st. N. Irvington. n t garase. Own' INSPECT M13 E. BHh St. North, vac June 10; 6 room cottage, garage, with chlldr'-n, 3ft.HU. Pwrn-r, bus OH, Ato SIX-ROOM collage, niudrrn, l.'t-'i wPh u race. $.10 without. 10 E 6th st. 8 Cu.( McCoy's grocery, 03 ira nd &T hDER.N 7 -room houae, Jut acslr d. goud district; rent v 22 Com me 1 al at . unable. Call 6- 1U hjM modern bunga low w Ii h grac $40: will leaa reapuulhi party. I M ief U-sj ppt MOI'KRN -room bungalow ; go.d nr,( borhood: garage; $5. 1204 Mister Tabor 2H61. m FOR RENT A 6-room aouae on car b.ith. bullt-lna. 1 162 Gladstone Phone S-dlwood 8150. i-ROOMS, modern hou distance. A36 Market yard, MODERN 6-room house. 701 Firat s t'ho ne 3 1JM 1. 142 50 5 R IM furnished huuae, niud yard .114 Market at 6-ROOM modern house. 044 E. 1 n n utr of Mm K e in I wort ha v e. S-KOOM house, modern. L. 6th and Lit coin. RtXf.s piotlfrn house f..r close in Wood In wn 3-32 1 or fan.n J Rent $" MODERN s-rrn. houe, sleeping pon-j Bt-aumont. 1 abor .i.i-'. . A ,-KoUM hones for rent. 4.'6 Glenn Av Phone Broadway mw. 6- R M M house, Wdln. 6170. $30. 1246 E. sthL Phoo 7-T'.Q M bun an lo a. Call 1 2:'.M nivlfin. KurnUhed llou'wn. MODERN, well-furnished s-room attrs tive home on Portland HMgnts ir 01 year. May be seen by apiKiintment. C Mutn 041 between 5 and 8 o'clo kI ' van a iii . .Wm. modern conipletelv fu 1 butitalow on paved si., .nonumm at tnci. will nnl to responsible couple, children ; rr fere nee a. No, Ut K 7'.' h SIX - KOi M houae, furnished com pi vie inciuding piano, .u p-r montn; g ' you a base. Rummcll Jc Kumniell, Stark st. FLKNLSHED bunaalow style 5-room hu- garHge and f ruil. near car. selling for $400 down; so why rent? Call 2m6 Morgan bldjr Kl'RNiSHED houae. 4 rooms, Kenton l tric-t, near Peninsula Park, $27.50. C 1 2 '8 M 1 nncwota a v 7-RlHM. part furnished, Sei:wu"d dlatrl fruit trees, slvoping porch, l'hons M waukle 44-Y, NEW. rag. .V FURNISHED 7-room houae, v ; ideal for man and wife, home, if . 40 Montgomery st. W ISH to lease my nome. furniah 1 1 one yeir. near C. H. rhurth. Auto. 636-i Re I err n cs e'changei 7-ROo A houae, clean, wall furnished, g ' rage, fruit, flowers, walking diatauc- adult only. East s:,H JULY and August, furnishrd na-no house with sleeping porch. 70 Divfaoo corner 24th. N KE 6-room furn it-hed house, mod rr big yard, walking distance, 327 S. ITt SI..westblf. . HAWTHORNE borne. 5 rmi.. .srge .yar will lase. Can between 10 A. M. an Tt P. M . ."is k. 4--r h at. EldjUfr-RooM hntia in ob Hill ale Donald G. Woodward, agent. 104 Secoti street NICELY furnished 4 private home, nice room a, firt fTf. yard, adults 00. dm. li.v.i permanent tenants ATT KACTI ELY furn.ohM H-ronm h-u n:ar lark on wet side. aay walkir diftnn.e. Main 4 5M. $0 MO. FuR three mo., well furnished rnnm noose: rino: 1 iia r uimn r.jr adultja. MarxhHll 20.'6 LARGE, pretty ali.'png pt'. n nth H. K. rooms, well furn . clean; refln couple; $-j 46S H.ll. Mar. r.40:i 4-ROOM furnished ctt tage, garrt n ap-' and berries. s.a. seen by appoint inn only. Woodlawn 6S4.V 0-RooM fut-nlehed houae aftr June 1 $50 3M K. 37th at . Hawthorne Ad Po H R H N T SniH 11 furmahi mu- i 323 42d at. Inquire at 12al Frnia av IRVINGTON (Me- Mnt, convenient hni SMt K Olh N., ror. ltd mimmiT months. FU R N I SI I ED modern 5-room hup anultw. 14M( tmiaha v, Kenton IRVINGTON Haidwood tloora. 3 b . rooms: rem-." montns. Lat -rrtti FR RENT 7-rnoni furnished houc f 3 monlha. l"fc5E. J, In coin t LOST SWt. H t TIL Pl.. PiiONL LAST 3JT6.