16 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 1021 REAL ESTATE. For Kale Houses. WB ARK HEADQl'A RTERS FOR HOMES FOR SERVICE MEN. (I Service Men in Our Office. "Without, charge to you. our attorney vni Dandle ail details for films applies tlon for your loan or bonus and assi. you in cvpry possible way. FRANK U McGl'tRB TO BUY TOUR HOME. Una Photographs of Homes for Sale. LARCKiT HOME SELLKR ON' THE PACIFIC CflAST. Every home personally inspected and appraisea. Open All Day Sunday. Open Until 9 A. M. Every Evening. '25 Salesmen at Your Service. w have 70 ROSE CITY homes for sale. IboUO Spacious, beautiful 5-room bun Kaiow, ultra modern; one of the best built and attractive in th'a entire district. Terms. E. 46th. 15500 LOVELY ROSE CITY that's an ' Ideal home, built with every de vice for comfort and economy; sleeping porch, hardwood floors. rarage. nice cool grounds. is. jth st. luSSO 2-story ROSE CITY; every con venience; 7 rooms, close to car. E. 47th. J4S30 S00 down Newest ROSE CITT. complete in all its details; hard wood floors, buiit-ins. iirepiace. etc. vacant. E. .vtn St. 13000 7 rooms in ROSE CITY'S NEW EST BUNGALOW! See this right away! Massive buiit-ins. French doors, stone pillared front porch. .. xutn su Terms. We have over 10O HAWTHORNE HOMES listed with us for sale. . S3SO0 VERY EASY TERMS. Owner In need of money, will sacrifice this beautiful bungalow for a quick aa e. Contains every wanted modem feature; buiit-ins. hard wood floors. 6 airy rooms In best of condition. E. S7th st. SEE THIS FOR YOUR BUNGALOW BEAUTIFUL. t4790 DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED, Ta , cant, 6 rooms, very modern and attractive HAWTHORNE BUS f!ALOW; furnace, bullt-lns. new ly renovated; garage; 5xl2.W?.. lot with flowers, shrubs. . Lin coln. 100x100 ADJOIXING LAURELHURST! 4750 Just KiO ft. south of LOVELY - LAURELHURST PARK, is this exceptionally artistic 7-room bun galow; fireplace, furnace, sleep ing porch, buiit-ins. E. Stark. SEE THIS! 14150 BEAUTIFUL MT. TABOR BUN GALOW on Royal ave.; 5 rooms, , hardwood floors, every imagin able feature for comfort and beauty; newly painted and kal somlned. A BUNGALOW YOU'LL LOVE. Very easy terms. $3900 4500 down! Hawthorne bunga ' low bargain; 5 airy rooms and sleeping porch; buiit-ins; paved at. paid. E. 40th st. 2790 Neat and comfortable Snnnysid cottage, right on carline; built- l in burfet. Dutch Kitcnen. wmie enamel plumbing, electricity, gas. Terms. Belnvmt st. BELOW ARE A FEW OF THE MORE THAN 80 Alberta Homes We Have for Sale. ATjBERTA ! ALBERTA! ALBERTA! 38O0 SUNSHINY BUNGALOW ! Ad Joining Alameda Park; 5 cool rooms, with every modern con . venience. buiit-ins, etc. Prescott st. Terms. You'll like this! 13000 Artistic gem bungalow in IRV INGTON PARK! Bullt-lns. beau tiful lawn and trees. Terms. POX'T FAIL TO SEE THIS! $3500 JUST EAST OF PIEDMONT and convenient to Jefferson high; 6 room ROSELAWN AVE. bunga low, one of the most attractive in this district. Well and sub stantially built for a borne. No "frills" about it! The real thing. Terms. $2650 4-room cosy bungalow with built in buffet, white Dutch kitchen, gas fireplace, white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas. fire ttlace. large chicken house run. 4 nice cherry trees. E. lit ' 12100 One of the neatest and most comfortable . bungalow cottages vou've seen, every convenience ' white enamel plumbing, eieotric ity. gas. Terms. Emerson st. SEE FRANK L. MrGCTRH To Buy Your Home. -B Realtors. AbingtonVBldg. . Main 1068. Third St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. Entrance under the big electric sign. LOOK! READ THIS! Brand new 4-room bungalow, absolute- ry complete: ilgnt nxiures. winuov Hariea ,nH linoleum on bath and kilcn en floors. Remember this bungalow Is -new and never been occupied; price Is very cheap: small payment down, bal ir. mnnthlv. Take SellWOod , car Lafayette St., go east to 615. Phone owner. East 4000 $2000 CASH, BAL. TERMS. Corner lot 50x100: all imp. in and paid: 5-room semi-bungalow in first-class condition. 705 Corbett st. By owner. , ROSE CITY. $55011 TERMS. 424 EAST 45TH ST. NORTH. B ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. MODERN HARDWOOD FLOORS. FUR NAC'E, GARAGE. FULL BASEMENT. WIRED FOR ELECTRIC STOVE. 1M MEDIATE POSSESSION. POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1X00. RES. EAST 6771. $400 CASH S4IHI. $3300 ATTRACTIVE MODERN FIT.' GAIX)W, FINK fURNACE: 5 ROOM FIRST FLOOR. ONE FINISHED ON SECOND: BEAM CEILINGS. DUTCH KITCHEN; LOCATED ON CORNER OF JK. 31ST AVE. S. E., 1 BLOCK WEST OF 50TH ST. CALL R. SO.MERVILLE, BDWY 2478 HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Just completed. 5-room modern bun all latest built-lns. finished in ivory; Xiuicn aucnen. , linen closets, window shades, cement basement, lot 50x100 paved streets, improvements paid. Must sen at once. see owner, sell. 1778. IM0 DOWN, BALANCE LIKE RENT. Ptrtctly modern 5-room bungalow, Just completed, near Fulton car irne and school: rood district: tsoxioo Int. naved street; wonderful buy; owner liquidating on an estate. awy. o.J. tUs Plttotk oiocK. r. Lawion. 3UNGALOW. 7-room and sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace, large front room and dining room witn hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, all newly kalsomined and ivory enameled: large garage, with full re- ment driveway. Phone Tabor 4894 'after 6 P. M. EAST BURNS1DE STREET HOME. Seven rooms and sleeping porch, fur- ztace. fireplace. This bouse has been newly painted and is in fine condition. Close to high and grade schools. C. A. WAGNER CO.. Realtor. 230 Stark St. Main 8150. BY OWNER row vacant key next door; 5 rooms, modem: located at 4438 40th ave. S. E. : $2500. $300 cash, balance $20 per month and Interest: will take late model Ford or Chevrolet touring as part. rnoDB Amp, pia-i I. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. 1 have 3 good buys in new bungalows jn irvington. wen located, well con structed. very modern. C M. DERR. TI5 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 2245. s-hs-i o-t.nn oung., cor. lou garags. street sewer In. paid: $000 cash. S40 month, including interest. Close to car -and school. Big bargain. J. P. Mc Kenna. Realtos. 1151 Betmont at 33Lh. IRVINGTON. Two new beautiful residences, one T ana one t rooms; moaern in every de tail and well constructed; Just completed by owner: moderately priced: terms. 625 E. itn stjN. vvooniawn 4R41. 4-R. HOUSE. 50x100 lot. fruit trees, itar den space, garage; H block to car; will take Ford car or furniture as part first payment; $1.50, f500 down, $25 per month bal. Phone Woodlawn 2522. litis Letroit ave. owner. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Modern 7-room residence in excellent condition, on East 12th. near Morrison, price. $7500: terms to responsible par ties. Phone East 5275. HOUSE PLANe. "Distinctive Homes." Illustrated book Of over 100 designs. $1: blueprints. $10 DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPANY 924 Northwest rn Bank 13 . dg. PIEDMONT. SOOUU. Eight-room house, tile bath. Uundrv traya, furnace. 2 blocks to car. 93i Port .and blvd. E. FOR SALE Modern 8-room house., two . floors furnished, comer lot in conjunc- ' tlon, garage, on rax line, income $76.50 '" per month; $6000. Terms. Call 240 Salmon, by owner, no agents. 1 FOR SALE by owner. 8-room house, mod ern plumbing, full cement basement, fur nace, garage and all modern - conveni ences, $2000 cash: balance mortgage $1250. Selwaod 1878. $2-"0 CASH and $20 a month at per cent interest buys five rooms and bath; lot 60x100; 2 blocks from Rose City car; sacrifice for $2400; immediate posses- lon. Phone Main 2!M5. ROSE CITY PARK. New 5-room bungalow, breakfast nook, buffet, bookcases, hardwood floor cement basement. $4700; $500 cash Owner. Sellwood 683. t-ROOM house, piastered, good attic, toilet electric lights, gas. phone, good gar den, lots of berries. 3 cords wood. 2 tout , briquettes go with place; also som fur . nature. Wdln. 54t4. 297 E. Baldwin st ' J3MALL furnished bouse: make offer quick . before I Pack up. 404 East Stafford st. FOR REAL ESTATE. For Sale H on sea. A REAL HOME FOR TOU, FOLKS. ' T want you to call up either one of our offices, make an appointment with one of the salesmen to show you some of the attractive homes we have to of fer. I have in mind one little attrac tive home in the HAWTHORNE district, a 6-room colonial, with fireplace, fur nace, etc., for $31150. We want you to see this. You'd expect to pay not less than $5000. You make your own terms, too. And over In ROSE CITY PARK we have any number of real downright bar gains. One classy little bungalow with garage that I have In mind now that can be had for $4ou"u and on a corner lot, too, with all assessments paid. An other 6-room colonial for $4750. It has a garage and located near Alameda drive. Another 5 rooms and sleeping porch reduced from $6500 to $5250. In LAURELHURST we are offering a bungalow with hardwood floors In every room, ti e nam. French aoors. solarium alcove off dining room, tiled drain, fur nace, garage, etc., for $6000. lout ex- nei-t to nav 17000. You'll appreciate the real attentive service you get from my office and the positive lack of persuasive efforts on the Dart or salesmen, inc nouses musi sen themselves. Drive out this evening or phone Tabor 8586. A. G. TEEPE CO., Real tors Insurance. 5T Stark Street. Main 30!2. 40th and Sandy. ' Tabor 9588. Two Offices. OUR BEST BARGAIN. RAILROAD MEN S. P. SHOPS. NEW TODAY NEW TODAY NEW TODAY. $3750 Walking distance to S. P. shops. A-room bungalow. 1 blk to car. Reception hall, nvlng room: book- cajteji enamel arid mahogany fin ish: Dutch kitchen, fireplace. hardwood floors, cement basement and laundry trays. The terms will surprise you; has a large attlc HAWTHORNE CARLINE. $250 DON 5-room modern bungalow with breakfast nooK ana nice ai tic: 1 blk. to car; hardwood firs.. fireplace, cement oasement, laun dry trays. It s hard to Deal. KMAI.I. PAYMENTS BARGAINS. We have a great many listings in all sections of the city that small down pay ments will handle. It will pay you to lnapect our listings before buying. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. Realtor. "Shortest Way Home." 264 Stark St. Main 583 and 1004. ROSE CITY PARK. $4750 Here la the chance yon have I hen looklnor for. A real modem bunga low in Rose City at thia remarkable I price. It has hardwood floors, fireplace. furnace, all built-in features, living room I extends entire width of house; large! DlatA B-lajts: baa 50x100 lot with garage. On paved St. with all pavement paid. I Terms $1000 cash and $60 a month, in-I eluding Interest. You can see thia bun galow any time. H1LLER BROS., Realtors. 514 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 86. Branch office 50th and Sandy. Tabor 8485. IsWlNGTON COLONIAL. $7700. Charming home, concrete porch, large I living room across the front, lovely din- I ing room, perfect kitchen and breakfast 1 room, 3 airy bedrooms and ttlea Darn, i old ivory and hardwood floors through- I out, full lot and garage. Real bargain I for 10 days. McDO.VNELL, EAST 419. VERY ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW. Sr00 cash, balance S25 Der month and I Interest, puts you in possession of this I beautiful, dainty bungalow on paved Ft-, complete with shades and elec. tix. I Has - cony, airy bedrom?, large com-1 bination living and dining room and I built-in kitchen. Price S337.V INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., HKALTOH3. Broadwav 4751. 410 Henry BMg. 705 OVERTON ST. VACANT. WEST FIDE. WALKING DISTANCE. FULL. LOT. oOxlOO: 2-STORY, 7 RMS. J AND SLBBPINO PORCH. 4 BBD- RbOMS. FIREPLACE. FULL CON CRETE BASEMENT. FURNACE. IM MEDIATE POSSESSION. TERMS, I3DO0 CASH, BALANCE MORTGAGE. POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1H00. RES. EAST 677L PiufRnflK nnviiii nw New bungalow of three large too ml. living room 18x26. norch across the en tire front of the house: gas. electric lights. plastered; city water, with H acre of good garden ground. 1V4- blocks from ; car on gravel road. Commands view of highway price $:.250. SIOOO cash, bal ance 125 per month. Fred W. German Co.. Realtors. 732 Cham, of Com. (3300 1600 CASH. 4 rooms and breakfast nook. 2 bed rooms, bathroom complete; full cement basement with iaupdry trays; full lot I with garage; 3 blocks to car; near 53d I and Oilman; price $3300. $fiu0 cash. RALPH HARRIS CO.. REALTORS. Rl6 Chamber of Commerce. Main fl24. e-ROOM HOUSE PAVED STREET. $2 WO $725 DOWN. - This Is a bargain, on 100x100 lotfruit, berries, garden; 1 bedroom, bath, toilet I down, 4 bedrooms up; newly painted and I tinted. MARSH & McCABE CO., REALTORS. 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 3W3. UNIVERSITY PARK CORNER. $27.10 Strictly modern fi-room bungakm with I electric lights, gas. lurnace. ii replace. Full basement. 52xlOO lot; plenty oil fruit and shrubbery; terms. J. L. KARNOPP & CO.. M a i n 675. 310 Rwy. Exch. Bldg. BUILT TO LAST $3400 bungalow, perfect I in every detail. Hest oi material ana construction throughout. An original floor plan, including four rooms, nook, bath, sleeping porch. Being completed this week. Built for my permarnt home but I must leave town. $1000 down. 783 j Yale st. Take Willamette boulevard or 1 St. Johns car to Portsmouth. I WILL SELL ON GOOD TERMS. LEASE TO GOOD TENANT. Beautiful bungalow of 8 rooms In St. Johns; 3 blocks from car and Willamette blvd. Lot 125x100 with nice la.wn and fruit; garage and chicken park. STEWART & JOHNSON. SIS Northwestern Bank Bldg. ONE OF the ilnest homes in city now con verted Jnto exclusive famfliy hotel, ca tering to families, business men and women: home conveniences, home cook ing, large grounds, norche, garage, showers, sleeping' porches, etc.; reason able rates. 223 E. 20th. Phone E. 73H4. ROSE CITY PARK. 6-room bungalow on the hill just off Alameda drive; all improvements in and paid for: a strictly modern large bun galow, ud to the minute In every detail; a real home, not a cheap place; $5500, Tabor 351 tl. ON PAVEMENT. Dandy R-room bungalow, Nebraska, near Corbett. right on carline; cement basement, trays, full lot, fruit, flowers chicken run, modern, like new : $300Q foOO down ; easy payments. A bari ELMER F. BENNETT CO., 318-321 Board of Trade. Main 74S2. IRVINGTON SNAP. 6-room bungalow, 2 sleeping porches, hardwood floors, double constructed, fine bookcases and buffet of selected fir; 5 rooms, bath, toilet down, 50x100, garage; this is a good buy at $5800. MARSH & McCABE CO.. REALTORS. 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 30W3. m' EST OVER HE1G-HTS HOME. Cosy, compact 2-story, 7-room home with garage: center entrance. large main rooms, view porch, 3 'bedrooms, sleeping porch. 2 baths. 2 fireplaces, oak floors, hot water heat: unobstructed view of city, mountain, river. Tabor 4i)l. SIX-ROOM modern bungalow near Reed coioge avenue. Brooklyn shops; lot 76 oy u. rine rirepiace. tun iront porch. Price $3300. with $7O0 cash. No mort gage to assume. A SNAP. .RALPH HARRIS CO.. Realtors. 816 Cham, of Com. Main 5624. HAWTHORNE AVENUE. Five-room bungalow on 66 2-SxlOO-ft. lot; 14 blks. from Hawthorne; fire place, newly painted and decorated ; a real buy at $4750; $1000 cash will handle BURKHARDT BUS. BUILDERS. 415 Plstt Bldg. Realtors. Main 7027. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW SNAP. Classy 6-room bungalow on large cor ner near park: Ivory tinlah. nicely pa pered. French doors, 2 porches dalntj kitchen. 3 bedrooms, oak floors through out: price cut, easy terms. Tabor 407. BY OWNER 5-r. semi-modern house: 2 beautiful corner lots, sidewalks in and paid; 3 blocks to St. Johns car; fruit, berries, garden in; $17.V; $1100 down, bal. $20 per mo.; 7 interest; or $1700 cash. 8JM Syracuse st. A LA M EDA CO LONIA L HOM E. Attractive, modern 2-story 7-room home on view site; 'center entrance. Ivory finish, large rooms. 2 fireplaces, 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch : garage, trees, shrubbery: $S500. Tabor 407. BEING built and sold by owner, classv. an od era f ou r- room bu n ga 1 ow ; Frenc h doors and windows, hardwood floors if you are looking fnr a real buy. call and see this. 1307 Iftth St.. Westmoreland. NOB HITsL BUNGALOW. Attractive, modern 1-storv 7-room fcungatow on CI lean st., near 25th; never oirereq peiore; :hhiu. Ta bor 407. LAURELHURST. Built for a home. Six-mom nr 2 Colonial. Owner. Tabor $452. SALE $2050. 6-room bungalow. Rose iiy rm, narawooa uoors; terms, call Woodlawn 1816. SACRIFICE 5-room bungalow, car; $1500, terms. : blocks E. 3d Montavtlia st. North. OSE CITY New. modern 4-room bunga- WW, M s Aa. VIU M REAL ESTATE. For bale bouses. - TUTS PIXJ! wnMR IS VACANT. You can move right in: the home Is In clean first-class condition; me iruns on the large trees are ripening fast: this fine home has 7 large rooms, reception hall and den; full cement basement, fur nace heat; two big fine lota, all covered with big bearing fruit trees, beautiful flowers and shrubbery; city improve ments are all in and paid; It Is handy to school, street cars and Jefferson high school; It is a fine home and a big snap at $6000. and the finest terms Im aginable; do not hesitate to Investigate this to your entire satisfaction; It is a fine home, ready to welcome you right In For this snap and many others see E. W. HUGHES. 607 Journal Bldg. Main 2S58. GOOD HOUSE BUYS. Sellwood, 7-room modern house, bunga low type, like new. basement, furnace, lot 00x100 feet. $40OO, $150 cash, balance easy. This is a snaji. Sunnyside, 6-room modern house, fur nace, fireplace, lot 5Ox100 ft. on Taylor west of 2Sth; $4500, $1000 cash; snap. IL'nnHalnrlf A-rnnm modem COttagO, lot 50x100 feet; $2b00, $650 cash, balance easy. . Rose City Park. T-room modem house, bungalow type, 2 sleeping porches, fur nace, fireplace, 51st at. $4500, terms Woodlawn, 3-room cottage. $1jw, make your own terms. ..... Mt. Scott, 4 rooms with bath, cottage, 50x100 ft., $1300, $2 cash, baL $-0 month. Including 6 per cent. ... ' R. M. GATEWOOD & CO., 4th at. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. REDUCED $1500 FOR QUICK SALE, account owner having other interests demanding quick action: 6-room bun galow and sleeping porch, hardwood . floors, large living room, massive- stone fiMniop riininsr. kitchen and sun porch, 8 bedrooms and sleeping porch up, day light Closets and bUUt-lnS, lull Dasoiircni, dnnhle constructed, furnace, trays, all modern conveniences, 50x100 level lot, irarBiip- fine location on Mont gomery st.; will sell ax actual building cost it sold tnis wee. MARSH 4 McCABE CO.. REALTORS. 322-8-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 313, 1RVINGTON. fino An Avi-entional bargain offered In thia hunealow for Quick sale; has 6 rooms and sleeping porch and every modern feature, including garage: it is about 4 years old and Is very attractive. Jt is Just what you have been shown for $6500 to $7000. Faces easr on 17th st., 2 blocks from Irvington car; can be handled on reasonable terms. Call us up and take a look at it, then compare it with, others you have seen. HILLER BROS.. Realtors. 514 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 86. Branch office 50th and Sandy. Tabor 8485. ROSE CITY. tJTJl Beautiful new double constructed mod- I rn bungalow, with large garage and ce-V ment driveways, z loveiy large ucuruwu. with bath between, beautiful buiit-ln kitchen and breakfast nook, very large combination living and dining, finished with tapestry paper and cove ceiling, hardwood floors and real fireplace. nnlElta hnffet and htillt-ln effects. buy at $4750, $750 cash, balance $50 per month, including Interest. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., RKALTORS. Broadway 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. I.AITRKLHL'RST. On of X-aurelhurst's most beautiful bungalows of 5 room. This bungalow is very beautifully decorated, plumbing In cludes pedestal wash stand, base tub Anii other thinKa that KO with a high class home. It is practically new. The Drip 1m SHMlft and It owner Will ac cept a IlKht automobile aa part of the first payment. This is a chance lor someone to get a real home cheap. HILLER BROS.. Realtors. B14 Kailway Exch. Bldg. Alain 86. Branch office 50th and Sandy. Tabor M8R. TWO BARGAINS. J 2000 Good tt-room house on 'Montana ave., near i ailing, iuiit itvxxw ioi, fruit trees: any reasonable terms. JKKM) Choice 5-rm. bungalow. Rose City Park, best of construction, all 1 modern including garage; sis. paid in full; occupy at once, A. H. BIRRELL-GILL CO.. 21 N. W. Bank bldg. Marshall 4144. 5-ROOM bungalow. large Dutch kitchen, lots of bullt-ins, fireplace, xurnace. ce- mnt basement, flowers and shrubbery, SOxlOO lot; street paved: lk blocks ti Richmond car: a rood district, surround ed by modern homes; a snap at $3700, J 750 cash, terms on balance. n.KVKI.A N D CO.. REALTORS. 308 Hoard of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 1IR0. IRVINGTON. T must sell mv beautiful bungalow am leaving Portland, otherwise thl nronertv Would not be on the market My bungalow has hardwood floors. Gasco furnace, most expensive plumbing, etc. There is a garage. Please call at 579 East 2oth st. -North, near Knott. No agents. $3750. ROSE CITT DISTRICT. 7-room bungalow, good garage., es pecially well constructed; building con tractor's own home; will take 1020 Ford sedan or touring car with very small ca.sh payment for equity. Tabor l."44. IRVINGTON a rirtlv TTirtilf rn nresaed brick house, 7 rooms besides den. sewing room, 2 closets in each bedroom, 2 baths; the basement is second to none; garage; lot SOxlOO ft. To reproduce tnis property would cost $16,000; price $o0O; terms. R M OATEWOOD & CO.. 1 6.'. U 4th st. $4007 BIG SNAP. Just east of the Steel bridge on Has salo street: 5 minutes' waik to the west side; fine for a large family of workers: o nice bedrooms; thoroughly modern; lot 33 1-3x100. This is a sure pickup. Phone Tabor 3433. Evenings. East 7738. COSY FIVE ROOMS. BUNGALOW. Newly painted outside, painted and tinted inside; white ivory finish; built in features; Dutch kitchen; modarn. Full basem't; 2 bedrooms; close to street car service and school. Sacrifice. Call owner, Tabor lMi". ' A GOOD HOME. Splendid little four-room home with breakfast nook. White enamel plumbing in excellent condition; nice corner lot with fruit and berries. $1750, $500 cash. RALPH HARRIS CO., Realtors. 8111 Cham, of Com. Main 5t24. ALL FURNISHED. At $400 down, takes a pretty bungalow-style home of 5 rooms, furnished completely, also garage, abundance fruit near car and schools; balance $1000, easy payments. QU 1 N. 206 Morgan Bdlg.. REALTOR. A GOOD 8-room modern house od corner lot; all imp. In and paid; close in, $42a0. Room on corner for another bldg. A fine 6-room modern home on 50x153 lot; all in fruit and garden ; desirable location, $4000, terms. Chas. Houck. 93: Cham, of Com. MODERN 7-roorn home, built-in buffet, fsai plumbing, fireplace, furnace; ga rage; 50x100 lot; newer in and paid for. One block to car. Price only $4200. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., fUtt X. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. $1200 $300 DOWN. , 3-room cottage, 80x100 lot, fruit trees, berries, garden: good little homo for very little money. MARSH & McCABE CO.. REALTORS, 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 3i!3. MT. TABOR BUNGALOW. A new modem well built 5-room; breakfast nook, fireplace, bookcases, buf fet, hardwood floors; garage; beautiful location: paved st. Eat 69 Lh, near Stark Mar. 1433. FOR SALE BY OWNER. CHEAP. Modern 7-room house, full basement, cement floor, furnace, trays, 2 toilets, electricity, garage, lot .".OxIOO. 223 Pkid more street Phone Woodlawn 6321. ROSE CITY 7 rooms, 50x100, improve ments in and paid, modern throughout, good location. If you have the cash, can buy dirt cheap. Cleveland Co., 308 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 1150. I1S75 COZY little home of 3 room and bath; all modern conveniences and ga rage; on paved street, close to school and 2 car lines. 1000 East 2vih at. North FOR SALB by owner. 6-room bungalow Rose City Park. Modern, all built-in conveniences, corner lot, paved st. Phone owner after Tuesday. Automatic 3 1 3-1 0. TO CLOSE an estate, house of 8 rooms, well constructed, lot 50x150, good loca tion; price $6500; terms or cash. - East 4277. FOR SALE 5-room bungalow, large rooms; good district; on car line; fruit and garden; am leaving city; must soil, ' $3500; $1000 cash. Phone Sell. 11M. ONE OF Alameda Park's finest 5-room bungalows for sale by owner and builder at 924 Skid more st. THREE-ROOM modern bungalow, base ment; $2100. $500 down, on easy terms; fruit. Call 82 60th st. N. E. Owner. $1700 OWNER, 5-room, 43x100 lot. fruit, near station, gas, electric lights. ML Scott car S6th. Mar. 1675. IRVINGTON 6-room house; garage. 495 Eat 4076. modern Tillamook. SEE THIS before buying. Modern bunga low, 5 rooms and attic; first-class in every respect. 2504 67th st. East 7804. MUST SELL modern 6-room house (almost new furniture), large lot, well located. Owner, phone Bdwy. 1021. LOTS and 4 houses, corner Front and Hooker. Inquire 275 Hooker. 5-ROOM bungalow, furnished or unfur nished. 1808 E. Hoyt. Tabor 2888. COMFORTABLY furnished east side home, 9 rooms and sleeping porch. Auto 213 -4 3. $2525 4 down. ROOM cottage. Main 1734. garage. $700. MODERN 5-rm R C. bung. vacant; ga-f 5 . I rae. Any old urui. Owner, REAL ESTATE. - For Siilr Houses. CLOSE IN 7-RM. HOUSE. $3800. 1500 DOWN 140 PER MO. Close to Laurelhurst and ear line, on 28th St.. paved and every thing in and paid; 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch upstairs; f'lll ce ment basement, furnace and laun dry trays. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 208. IRTtMRTOX. FINE CORNER, BEAUTIFUL SHRUB BERY KTRICTI.V MODERN RESI DENCE: EXTRA LARGE LIVING ROOM, DININO ROOM. KITCHEN AN DSN. FIRST FLOOR: THREE FIN BEDROOMS. SLEEPING PORCH AND BATH. SECOND FLOOR. TWO tl TSHED ROOMS IN ATTIC. HARDWOOD FLOORS. FIREPLACE. FURNACE, GARAGE. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Jl 1,000. POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG, MAIN 1800. RES. EAST 6771. Suburban Homes. SUBURBAN HOMES FOR SMALL DOW PAYMENTS. $500 DOWN Fine little 4-room bunga low with all conveniences and fireplace: a cheery, neat place. ready for you to move In; garage and chicken house; Woodstock car line; do not miss tnis. as it w not last long: only $2750. $300. DOWN acres,. in cultivation 4-room house, only 4 blocks to Dur ham station on Oregon Electrlo line; $3000. $600 DOWN 4-room bouse, witlf two sleeping porches, gas and runnin water; good chicken house; kitchen cabinet and new linoieum Sn whi kitchen; hi acre. 5 blocks from Stanley station: $1300. $500 DOWN Dandy little 4-room nu galow with electricity, gas and ru nine wjtter; acre with some fruit and berries; only 4 blocks from station on S. P. Electric: S2550. $300 DOWN One acre, close to Bryant station on V. E. and on good gravel road; z-room cottage; only siooo. $400 DOWN Small Capitol Hill cottage, 4 rooms, with ss and running wa ter; xuioo. See F. C. Marshall for your suburban noma. FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Abington Bldg. Main 10R8. Third St.. Bet. Washington and Stark. 6-ROOM PLASTERED BUNGALOW. One acre, all under cultivation; miles from center of Portland, 4 block: from electric station and school: lots of bearing fruit trees and berries; modern oungaiow witn cement basemont, fire place, complete plumbing, den, music room, private water system. Includei with place: One good range connected with water system, and buffet; price :mmj. j,)Ui, cash, balance S40 per mo. which Includes interest; or will consider Portland house up to $4000, in Sellwood or ml Tabor district. Ask for Me jvemp. JOHN FERGUSON. REALTOR, Gerllnger Bldg. Over 500 Small Places Near Portland. Get Our Extensive Classified Lists. FOR SALE Suburban or country gentle men's home, near Capital state highway, overlooking two valleys and mountain ranges; "Aim ion Dollar view. 7 acres witn new and strictly modern 6-room bungalow finished in ivory, large fire' place, furnace, polished oak floors, built in features, fine garage, tenant house, chicken house with fenced-in park, spring- water with city pressure : 5 acres Jn bearing fruit, only Vt mile to electric cars; splendid opportunity tp secure fine country home combined with income. J. A. WENDEL, Newborg. Or. vo iuu want a real home? One acre ground, 7-room modern house, furnace, fireplace, all white enameled, earaue. cement walk; 6 miles from postoffice on paved road; all kinds of bearing iruit: soouu, ii'Hu cash; cost S75iK) year ago. No agents. Deal with owner, Phone Auto. 625-22 or call at 5010 E. 82d st. SIGHTLY tract near Multnomah sta., with large 7-rm. nouse; ever au large oearing fruit trees. Property faces on improved country road. $36V0, on easy terms. For particulars see DL'M meet xtt-w 404 Piatt Bldg. 127 Park -St. $750 CASH 5-rm. modern house near elec, sta.. Oregon wity cui , & luia, 4avuu; oai. monthly. 6 per cent. $3Uu cash. 3-rm. house. 100x100 lot. at elec. sta.. $160. Main 3672. McFarland. Realtor, f ailing omg. NEW BUNGALOW 11400. Fine corner acre, with new 3-roora bungalow, electric lighta fishing and boating; very easy terms: save your rent. owner, 500 Concord bldg.. Second and Stark sts. nW.dlTTlVm. B O M E ft I TTT.fi HaJf-acre te 5-acre tracts, cleared near Oswego luKe. rour own term. RALPH HARRIS CO., REALTORS, 16 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5624 STRANGERS. COME SEE ME. Have best selection of farms and suburban property at real bargain prices. Will help you get started. T. W. Bird, Chamber of Commerce. Realtor. ACRES In Gresham, all set In choice fruit and berries; strictly modern 5-room bungalow, completely xurnisnea; garage terms. Taboc- 2676. GENTLEMAN'S country place, 30 acres. beautiful grove, targe c rue it anu springs, hard-surface road and electric station. close to city, uregonian. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES nri acreaee. well located, near carline. from $1800 up. Inquire 3d house north of Risiv station, ou Oregon City carline. GOOD modern house, two acres of good soil; reason uu J e price, verj easy leruis. Owner, Auto. 6-'tt-4 ACRE Park Rose, all in cultivation and bearing; good bungalow, one block from Sandy: $4200. terms. Tabor 206. 'O DOWN. $10 monthly, takes one acre at Oswego laite. m. ooi. inur anana, Realtor. Failing bldg. 1150 CASH, 2 new cottages, acres. Oswego laae. "; new.- oi. a..-., Realtor. Failing bldg. Tor Sale Bnsi peas Property. $S000 WILL by excellent small business property yielding 84 per cent net. John Bain. 507 Spalding bldg. d FACTORY trackage. site, west side, water 1421 N. W. Bank bldg. For Sale Acreage. $100 CASH. $13 MONTHLY. A splendid tract of 1.7 acr?, with brand-new 3-room cottage; land all in cultivation, U mile from Carver Mne, on good macadamized road, 9 milej from Portland; we have three of thes-a tracts and cottages are boing erected on all of Xhem; total pri-:e ?450. Fred W. Ger man Co.. Realtors. 732 Cham, of Com. 17 ACRES of rich productive soil; close to Columbia river. Price $680. $180 cash, balance $100 peryear with 6 interest; on good road; very easy to clear. If you are looking for land it will pay you to investigate. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 Northwestern Bank Bldg. COUNTRY HOME. Right on paved highway, II acres, all second bottom, no rock. 2-3 cleared. Fine buildings; 4 acres fruit and ber ries: only $7000. good terms. Montgomery A Meisnner. 322 Gasco bldg. EX-SERVICE MEN, ATTENTION. Three of the most desirable acres, Tu alatin valley, 8 miles from Portland, hi mile from paved highway, 5 minutes to electric line; all or part; a bargain. R 747. Oregonian. 5-ACRB BARGAIN. 5 acres, near Tigard, & beautiful piece of ground, all now in potatoes: only $1800. Terms. W. C. BEOKTELT 3305 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 62o LIGHT AT idULTNOMAH Over 2 acres located on hard road and electric line. Wry water, natural trees a dandy HomeSite; pi.ee $3O00. $1000 cash. Fred W. Gernan Co., ReaJtor.i 732 Cham, of Com. 10 ACRES. $3250 (will divide), short dis- tanco east or Montavtia; city water and souu hum. rjHJIjL .rms or saoou cash Owner, 615 By. Exch. bidg. Phone Mar! $500 BUYS i ACRE $10 down, $8 month; close to Alberta car; Kennedy school. R. W. Cary, 1219 .-i. ft . imnr mt.,. JIHin I O-i.-J. $10 DOWN $10 MONTrL 77 Ails.; ia tr, city water, no aat-iMiiiit-iiu3. ix. r . vary, 1210-N W Bank bldg. Residence Main 1377 320 ACRES, half in growing grain, good Hus.ua.sco. w uu railroads gooa scnoois. rrice su an acre. .Ex change for general merchandise or sell ajll x;a.rij triiiia. m'A I. glgaraj. (Jr. WRITE for map of western Washington showing; location, low price and uv tarms offered to "settlers. ' . WEl EJtHAUSER TIMBER CO .. va..i, . H. tuia mu mjm oungaiow, 7 acres ear den land, $5J0O; 21 acres, house, blrn" crops, $uK. All lovei and in croos' Main 367? McFaJ-land, realtor. Failing bldg. - X CLEAR acre in Ascot addition on base line road, near station; water and gas available; easy terms; from owner. Sun day Tabor 3!t30; week days. East 3992. $2600 PLACE going for $2000 if quick enough; 6 rooms, 75x100 lot; all con veniences; west oi ait. iauor; tall timber. Tabor 2934. Ho nm to ACRES near Lake Owwego. $1 Young. Yv'aiuiii. Oswego t $lSuu. D. J& REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. 5. 10 AND 20-ACRE TRACTS. $25 AN ACRE AND UP. $10 down and $5 per month buys a 5-acre tract in this addition of W0 acres; down the Columbia river on the Oregon side, close to Columbia highway -.and river; fine transportation, railroad, river, auto stage and truck; beautiful lying land, free from rock and gravel; some tracts have beautiful view of river: there are also some with streams: fine location for chickens, dairy, berries, fruit and vegetables. CHARLES DEFEL. 318 Railway Exchange Bldg. TERWILLIOER BLVD. ACRES, Unsurpassed homesites on Terwilliger blvd., now offered for sale In tracts of three or more acres. You may have your choice of wooded tracts or cleared with unexcelled views of the city, riv ers and mountains. This is the cheap est acreage offered in the city and on very easy terms. These sites are situ ated on one of the finest highways of the world, with a grade of only 5 per cent, and can be reached in less than 10 minutes from 6th and Washington sts. R. F. Bryan, 50 Chamber of Com merce bldg. 10 ACRES, located 13 miles northeast of the center of Portland, on good macad amized road, 1 Vt miles from electric station, Vt mile to school; 4 acres under cultivation, balance in pasture, all can be cultivated when cleared ; family or chard, H acre strawberries; 6-room house, barn 28x30, chicken house 12x24; price $3000. which includes the crop: $1000 cash, balance 5 years at 6 per cent Gerlinger Bldg. Over 500 Small Places Near Portland. Get Our Extensive Classified Lists. ONB-HALF ACRE $250. FULL ACRE 500. ' Beautiful district, 52d st,; 167 tracts sold In 38 days. You'll have to hurry if you want one; pay $8 or i0 monthly; no interest to pay; null nun water, carltnes. rich soil, fine for garden chickns. Remember, acre, 4 big city lots for $250; full aero, 8 big city lots. $500. When these are gone you'll never have another chance like this. Call at once. COMTB & KOHLMAN, Main 6550. 208 Chsm. of Com. Bldg, IRRIGATED LAND 3 UVrKR WARM SPRING PROJECT. ALFALFA, CORN AND GRAIN. DAIRYING. HOGS AND POULTRY. VERY LIBERAL TERMS. ' WRITE OREGON ft WESTERN1 COL. CO ONTARIO. OREGON. FOR CHEAP acreage and suburban homes see Harper & Morris, 416 Railway .Ex change bldg. " Homes-ads, Relinquishments. AM LOCATING HOMESTEADS from 40 to 160-acre tracts, either Portland or Roseburg district, farming; or timber land;, am In a position to give you as good, if not better, service than anyone in the state; government map, checked up to date. E. W. Helm. 316 Board of Trade bldg. HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT. 145 acres, 4 miles from town and Pa cific highway, on wagon road; 15 acres fine creek bottom land suitable for gar dening and alfalfa; 3.500.000 feet of good saw timber; good outrange for stock. Price $300. W. A. BOGARD. Roseburg. Or. COfY govt, maps showing western Oregon reasonable and our services the beat on locations. References given. M. J. ANDERSON. 531 Railway Exch. Bldg. Portland. RELINQUISHMENT NEAR PORTLAND. leu acres, aoout iuu acres tillable lots good aider and cedar timber; no Improvements; about 2 hours' drive from city. Call at 206 Morgan b'dg 40 ACRES on county road: acre garden. trout stream, neighbors, telephone; $100 location toe. ai Coroett building. For Sale Farms. OWNER WILL PET.L THTS RANCH FOR M COST PRICE. $55,000 was cost price of this 2600-acre ranch a few years ago; for quick sale. $14,000 will buy it. half cash 2000 acres plow land, part of it has been cultivated, fine big spring in center of ranch; make an ideal grain, cattle or sheep ranch, 8 miles from R. R. station, 170 miles east of Portland,' on good road; notice, just a frac tion over $5 an acre, worth $20, $10,000 federal loan has been ap proved on this ranch. See SAM HEWEY. at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. S Chamber -of Com merce Bldg. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED PLACE. 40 acres, 1 hi miles from good town, with high and grade schools; 35 miles south of Portland: 10 acres under culti vation, balance seeded down to good pAsture; all can be farmed when cleared; 40 bearing fruit trees, some berries; good 7-room house, barn 40x50, large chicken house. Included with place; 4 milk cows, team of horses. 2 hogs, 70 chickens, wagon, plow, disc, harrow, cultivator,- tools and crops; price $4725, $2500 cash, balance $500 per year and Interest at 6 per cent; or consider home in Portland up to $4000 and easy terms on balance; rancn is clear oi incum brance. JOHN FERGUSON, REALTOR, Gerlinger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealers on Pacific Coast. Over 500 Small Places Near Portland. Get Our Extensive Classified Lists. GOOD CLOSE-IN FARMS. 26 acres extra choice land in crop, 3-10 bearing iruit trees, grapes, berries, etc.; 8-room house, barn and outbuildings; team horses, 2 cows, calf, sow, 11 no chickens; 12 miles Portland, good road; price $11,000; good easy terms; wouid take house up to $4H)0. EXTRA CHOICE FARM. At' Tualatin. 13 miles from Portland on good road, 40 acres, 34 acres In high state of cultivation; 6 acres pasture, lots of fruit and berries; good 7-room plas tered houe, 2 barns, garage and other outbuildings; fully stocked and equipped, 10 milch cows, 2 good horses, chickens, hogs; this larm turn been run as a dairy for 30 years, price $11,500; terms. R. M. GATKWO-OD-tV CO., 4th st. ATTENTION GARDENERS. We have an ideal garden tract of 16 acres of which 10 acres are finest swale bottom land, tiled and drained. 1 acre is now in parsnips for seed; 34 acres planted in squash, ideal asparagus land; this is located near Beaverton. city gas, good road and only 1 "4 miles to electric line, ir you aesire some t rung good, see this at once. Price only $3700. $1000 cash. F. L. EDDT. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FINE FARM AT TROUT LAKE. WASH. Across the Columbia 25 miles north of Hood River, in Trout Lake valley, where irrigation water is cheapest, most plen tiful and most easily handled of any where in the country; 4i acres, wo oi which are in cultivation, balance pas ture and timber. Fine big comfortable house, modern . and attractive, three barns, complete equipment, everything In the best shape. Price $20,000. j. w. CRITES. Realtor. Hood River. Oregon. HERE'S A DANDY. 10 acres, good house, dandy new bam, fine large chicken houses, store house, woodshed, all buildings in excellent con dition; 6 acres in clover. 1 acre potatoes, 1 acre oats, balance in pasture and fruit; all implements and tools, some good furniture, dandy range, house neat as a pin; 1 horse and about 60 chickens. About mile from paved highway and town; step right in and get all crop and fruit; only $4500. $1500 will handle. See PARR ISH c PARRISH. Phone Main 6327. 200 Failing bldg. CLOSE-IN FARM HOME. 60 acres of good soil, IS acres in cul tivation, fulf set of bi.tldm.av, with spring water piped to houe and barn. running creea. lamuy oroarci. on rural route. i2 miles from courthouse, good team and wagon, 4 row. 18 h-ad of sheep, ! Iambs. 10 pig, full set of implements, including- lf lco -Ii?M sys tern: price $12,000. $6000 rash. See Mr. Hurd. Fred w. oerman Co., Realtors, 732 Cham, of Com, hldg. 120 ACRES. $6000. Short instance off hard- surfaced road; nours from Portland; fine stream for mile through place; about 35 acres cultivated, river bottom land; equal amount easy clearing; most picturesque place you ever saw. Would ""consider unincumbered Portland house ip to $4000. Owner, 615 Ry. Exch. bldg-. Phone Mar. 1585. FOR SALE 120 acres 15 miles from Sea side, Tillamook highway; little house and barn. 2 acres clear; good springs and creek ; across 70 acres goes the state highway road; 30 acres level land. Price $1400. Address 407 East Yamhill street. Portland. Or. Martha Horcepy. FOR SALE 80 acres. 60 in grain, 4-room house furnished and tractor; 3 miles to town, 1 mile to Ferguson station; fine land, 8 acres orchard; price reasonable. Lizzie Bishop, Junction City. Or. R. l 93 ACRES, six miles sooth of Lebanon. 65 in cultivation, well fenced; a good buy, or will trade. Owner. Tabor 6308. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES near Portland. $50 to $500 per acre; easy terms, best soil; farms for sale, all sizes. ai cr annua, reituur, railing Dlqg, LOGGED-OFF lands. $10 acre up: running water, nooo .. -n mmwie; cnooi. easy terms. J. R. Snarpe. S3 h Third st. 10 OR 7Vi ACRES level timber land with creo, nr. iicavortoa. J. tu snarp. 3d. WANTED RFAL ESTATE. . WANTED HOUSES. In X. E. Portland districts. If your house Is for sale and your price Is right, we can positively sell it. Exclu sive listing or not, just as you wish. Call us up. GEO. J. CROW with ALBERT H ARAL A, HO I. Mississippi Ave. Wdln. 1201. Res. Wdln. 27S5. WANT RITRrrRHAV HOMES. We are having many calls for subur- Dan Homes running from one to ten acrca, within a radius of 15 miles of the city. Places on the Oregon City car line are in demand. If you want to sell list with us. R, M. GATEWOOD A CO, 165 4th St. I CAN sell your house or lot if the price I Is right; phone in the address today ana receive immediate attention. HARRY BECK WITH. MalnfiSfiO. Realtor 104 5th St. WANTED A 5 or 6-room modern house I with all improvements In: must be snap; have lot and $1500 cash as first payment; give description, location and price in first letter. R 740. Oregonian. I CAN sell your house and furniture; phono or see me today; have parties I waiting. HARRY BECKW1TH. Main 6R60. Realtor. 104 5th St. WANTED Homes from $1000 to $4000 with liberal terms, in any part of the ci ty. RALPH HARRIS CO.. Realtors. 816 Cham, of Com. Msin 5624. I WANT a well located bungalow or cot tage, 5 or 6 rooms, not over 2 blocks to car. on raved street, not to exceed $5000, $1000 cash; prefer to deal with owner, ah 7."4, oregonian. WANTED A 5 or 6-room modem house up to S30OO In anv nrrwid district: have a 3-pastf. Buick and $250 cash as first payment, good monthly payments on balance. R z$l, Oregonian. BUSINESS man wants 5 to 7-room house or bungalow, fairly modern will pay taxes. Insurance and monthly payments ana interest, w oregonian. WANTED To buy house. 5 to 7 rooms, I modern, nice neighborhood, well located for school and high school: must be well I worth price; not over $4500. Phone Ta-I bor 0450. I CAN sell your house or lot if the price is right; phone in the description rigbt now. HARRY BECKWXTH, Main 6869. Realtor. 104 5th St. DO YOU want to sell your house? Have parties waiting; see me today, HARRY BECK WITH, Main 6RJ. Realtor. 104 5th St. WILL Pay cash for 8-room house; must I be suitable for 2 families; any good dis- I met; not over $5000. Owners only. O 6&5, oregonian. WILL buy the best 4 or 5-room house that is offered on a paved street for about I $2500. 1300 down. Owners only. P 612 Oregonian. WANTED A 4-room house. 2 or 4 acres ground, good soil, no gravel, 1 sr 2 miles I from city limits; will pay about $400 j down: some fruit. BP 742, Oregonian. SUBURBAN PROPERTY WANTED. Have buyers waiting; can guarantee you oulck sale If priced right. T. O. Bird. ;'o Chamber of commerce. Realtor. AUTOMOBILE. 1D20 model. 5 pass., only run a snort time, to trade tor o-room bungalow. modern: state full nartlcu- lars. BD o;o, oregonian. HAVE client for lot in Laurelhurst. near park. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Hank Diag. fliain flt7. WHY WORRY? I can sell or trade anything anywhere. O. w. Minersnip. Aoa 4tn sr. WANTED 4 or 5 rooms in Sunnysido or other good district; not over $2500, on terms. Call Main 2H5. LATE model 5-pass, car to exchange for 1 lot in good residential district. Phone ! East 2760. WHEN selling your west-side property 1 see Jonn linger. inamoer oi com- merce bldg. WANT to buy a place at Seaside; must be reasonable. A 72. oregonian. LOT ABOUT 100x100 for a garage on east side. Taoor Farms Wanted. WANTED SMALL FARMS. We are having many calls for from 10 ; to 60 acres stocked and equipped which j can be handled with 9IOOO to S2000 cash. must be located on good road not too far from Portland. If you want to sell. see us st once. F. L. EDDY. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade 'Bldg. Wanted to Rent Farms. "WANTED TO RENT. SMALL PLACES. Have several people wanting to rent acreage or small larms; close to Fort land preferred. Some people will buy the place after leasing tor year or more. We make lots of sales this way. Will buy equipment if priced right. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger BJdg. Largest Farrn, Dealer on Pacific Coast. TTMBKR LANDS. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A SAW MILL OR TIMBER SEE THE WINS- LOW CO., 419 LU.M titnjan.. ijiuu., PORTLAND. OUKOOiN. i. iinn turn FEET of Oregon's finest old irrnwth vellow fir. and welt-equipped small sawmill. Address AV 853, Orego nian. - 2500 CORDS old growth ffr near Scappoose, bargain. J. K. snarp, Pa'fl wbi. FOR RENT FARMS. LINCOLN COUNTY. FARM FOR RENT. rtg nrrRM. l.r0 acres level. 40 acres un der plow and In fall oats. 50 acres timber fveiiow nri. a acres in appia, t-wy mu sandy soil, fenced wllh woven wire; lhk wiii. tn. station. P. O.. school and church. Phone, plenty of springs, 1 creek; road Is new highway; 1 story 3-room and pan try (new); 2 barns, new gram and clover drill cost $172; hay rake, harrow, plow, heaw wagon, cream separator. 7 cows. h, -vear-old heifer. 2 mares 6 and 7 yrs. old: some chickens. Price $1700, $1400 cash, can get lease from 3 to 5 years at $225 per year. Have 2.000,000 ft. of tim ber; will sell atumpage or pay fur logging. F. Ty. EDDT! Realtor. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. I HAVB 2 farms for rent; will consider nothing but cash rent: 1 is 630 acres. practically all high land. 400 acres under i plow, fair house, good dairy barn for 100 I cows, several sheds, close to highway, rent $225 ma Other Is about 400 acres, HO of which is high land, balance overflow pasture, some of which may be planted late, fair house, good dairy barn for 40 cows, rent $150 per month. Both of these farms are within an hour's drive ; of the center of Portland and you have no personal stock, to buy in either In stance. Frank L. Smith. Smitluthirs, Scappoose, Oregon. 40 ACRES. 6-room house, orchard. 1 acres In clover, near Kelso, $20. Tabor J4)J. 120 East 3:irt st. 35-ACRE dairy farm, 30-cow barn; crops in. ir'none MiiwauKie TO EXCHANGE-RKAT, ESTATE. ONB ACRE NEAR MULTNOMAH STATION. All In cultivation, 5-room house, 45 fruit trees; to exchange for house and 4 or 5 lots in city to $5000. Quick action necessarv. BURKKA RDT'BUS. BUILDERS. 415 Piatt Bldg. Realtors. Main 7027. 4 HOUSES TO TRADE. 4 fairly good houses, free and clear. to trade for income and pay cash dif- xerence. W. C. B ECRT ELL. 73r., N. W. Bank bldg. $600 EQUITY. ONK-ACRH HOME SUBURBS. Trade for small rooming house and assume. v COBB BKOH., 28 Cham, of Com. SO ACRES, near Gaston. 40 in cultivation. 7 in prunes, modern house, barn, prune dryer, etc.; worth $8000. Want city property. W. C. BECKTELL, . 1305 X. W. Bank bldg-. $1200 EQUITY in 5-room bungalow; total price $2500. balance $15 per month and interest; want auto and some cash for equity. SEE JOHN BROWN CO.. READTORS, 322 Ry. Exchange Bldg. TO TRADE for Portland property, 6 rooms, partly finished. 3 lots' Jn Tacoma suburb. No agents. J ,C. Brewer, 655 Wah. sL, Portland. TO EXCHANGE $1700 equity in $2500 house, eastern Wash., state school town, for Portland property. Owner, room 7, 101 Washington st.. Vancouver. Wash. TRADES! TRADES! TRADES! We may have just what you want, tell us what you have. ' A. W. ESTES, REALTOR, 905 Cham, of Com. Auto. 514-63. FIRST-CLASS house and lot to trade for up-to-date 5-pass., touring car. Call East 839. SXALL properties, unimproved, and notes liberally discounted for property in or near Portland. East 3254. WANTED Los Angeles or vicinity in ex change for 8-room house and 7 lots at 2071 Delano st. Owner. , HOUSE and lot. Seattle, exchange for Portland -to $2aOn or business lot ti $1500. 203 Stock E xch. Aut. 5!)-04. WTLL take good car In exchange for good corner lot close in, on Woodstock car- . line. Add. 003 Harvard. Phocs Coi. jQL TO EXCHANGK RKAt ESTATE., T EMI HKVPK 1'()R FARM A beautiful cornet lot. 75x100. finety landscaped: a well-cnnstructed 2-story ft-romn hriuv. full hi. Moment, f urnsce trays, floored attic. Wc csn recommend (hi. h.ni inri nrlrfrl rleht at IblMKI. Wsnt good farm of 40 acres stocked and equipped. Will assume. IN THE CANBY DISTRICT. 40 atrrea of the richest river silt sil Molalla river crosses one corner: a great location for asparsgus, rhubarb. rjV garden, berries, poultry and dm ks; fully eouinptd : Ford son trartor. cows, hog and chickens: 25 acres in cultivation and crop; only $7500 for all- Personally in spected. Want residence in TortUnd to $5000. Mr. Maclnnes, Exchange Dept., R1TTER. LOWS & CO.. 201-2 3-5-7 Board of Trade Bide HURRAH! HURRAH!' HURRAH! WE HAVE IT. ANYTHING YOU WANT. r.rftcori; Smrsa rnnfrct inner V SHd Cigc- Stores, Hotels. Apartment Houses and Rooming Houses. Butcher Shops and Pool Halls from as low to as high as you want to go. We have one of the best apartment houses In the city of Portland, the price Is $05,000. including building and furni ture with attractive terms. We also have other good Income property to trade for farms either large or small. If you are in the market, again we say wo have anything you want. QUICK SALES CO., 406 Couch Bldg Aut. M1-0JV WANT ACREAGE NEAR PORTLAND 3D acres. 4 miles from Sherwood. mile to school: 13 acres under cultiva tion, 23 acres can be farmed; spring and creek, large bearing orchard ; 5-rooin house with water piped in. barn 40x50, 2 large chicken houses with room for over 500 chickens. Included with place 1 horse. 1 cow. 360 chickens, equipment and crops; price for everything. $4750. half cash; or will consider acreage near Portland with or without buildings. JOHN FERGUSON, REALTOR, Gerllnger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealers on Pacific Coast. Over 500 Small Places Near Portland. Get Our Kxtn:ive Classified Lists. BEACH LOTS. KXCHANGE FOR PAINTING OR BUILDINO. Lots are well located at Tillamook Beach, near station and, ocean. Address AP 64s. Oregonian. TOWNSITE FOR SALE. 20 acres right at Oregon Electric sta tion, all surveyed and laid out In lots and blocks; two stores, postoffice snd several residences on grounds; paving road through connecting paved high waya east and west of river; good chance to make money for right party; will sell or exchange for Portland residence or business property. Write your proposition to Ah. 317, Oregonian II KN V ER. COLO.. FOR PORTLAND INCOME Two-story brick, store bo low. living rooms above: 6 blocks to P. O. Valun tr.MHI Want residence, plumbing or hard ware store or business. Maclnnes, hixcnangn Department, RITTER. LOWE A CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. APARTMENT, income $4imh month; $250, wh. consider west side corner, not over $u0.0(H: flat building, west side. J I -..'', consider $tWVOO noun?; west side income corner. $20.iM). consider $12.5tH in change; corner west side. $75K, consider flats, assume $7tHH; Irvington duplex, $!KHh. consider auto and liberty bonds to $4500. 447 E. 12th St. N. East 7.i04. TO KXCHAVftK MISCKl.T.ANKOI S. EXCHANGE Gentleman's ring. garnt I setting, for gas range. In good condition. A ,tP2. Oregonian. CAS RA NUK. Reliable, first-class condi tion. Bargain, from owner. Phone East . 1308. FOR HALF. Horses. Vehicles, I J yew too K. CROWN STABLES. INC. Just received consignment of horses that have been working for paat five months. These were consigned to us to be sold from $200 to 3ou a tipan with their harness. Also have somo hore that we have taken in exchange which we will sell cheap Have harness and watrons of all kinds. We hire by th siuw. wk nr month to resnonslb e nenpu Everything guaranteea as represenieu. mil Kuctter, rros.. ma r ront ai.. BAY team. 5 and 6 year old. weight 3500 lbs. ; full brothers, quiet, genus, souno and weM built; cost me $750 a year ago: for oulck sale $25: also a No. 1 farm toutn waiirhr IMtd lbs., honest workers In any harness, $165. Take Orchards snd Slfton car at Vancouver to Gebr station. 2d house north. Ore-hards. Wash. II. R. STABLES. Horses and harness of all kinds for sale or hire by day or month. 365 Union S. cor. Stevens. G. D. Williamson Glass. - FARM team, weighing 2100 lbs., good workers anywhere. Harness ana iignt farm wagon. $135. 4010 67th at. Mount, Scott car. FOR SA LE or trade for car, one pslr re ding!. 6 vrs. old. 2Jhhi pounds; l yner. ; land pony, 1 registered Percheron colt. 3 vrs. old. Font of Ttn st. FOR SALE Six horses: reasonable prices. Holman f uel JO.. narn or a ana ivea street DEAD -horses and cattle taken quickly. phone amwauKie qi-j ior pcsl service. ' VETERINARIAN. PR. HOWES. TABOR 6566. 2700-POUND team, good harness and (arm wagon. $21". pnone aut. FRESH Tobbenberg goat, heavy milker. i6i 62d ave.. WoonstocK car. MARE. harness llth st and wagon for sale. East Main. FOR SALE A light gentle team, harnes snd wagon cheap. n42 Williams ave. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. nnwnulalr ilnm SrhfTin PtaDO CO. $525 Voss A Sons dark man., used.81"a.no woo stelnway & sons man. 650 Kimball A Co.. gold. oak.... 265.04 675 Chase, large, oak '4. Of 1050 Singer player piano e.Vuu $10 to $25. cash. $5. $S. $10, $15 monthly. Phonograph Dept.. Usea epeciaia. Vlrlpnla Jtr Hrnniiwx'k nab.. each..S 15.00 I Columbia and Paths, 'cab,, each.. Ktradivara. $65; Orafonola. small.. 12.50 1 101 10th St. at Wash, and bVara dis. Wur,t v fltnraF Cn Clontntf out for CSSO. Spier Piano Co., uprigni, man..i"- 450 Starr Piano Co., uprignt, oaa... 97H Cnlli.p1 JL Ctllftfri timi.ll UD... 65 800 Pianista Dlaver Dlano and muslo .206 250 Pianola player and 35 rolls - 45 4 lJiirlor ortrxni. SJ.V ana o 103 10TH ST.. COR. STARK ST. MILTON Diano. olain mahogany case, $2. 5. thta ta a wonneriui instrument at a reai bargain. See IL SEI BLR LI NO-LUC AS MUSIC CO., 125 4tn at.. between Wash ington and Alder. WISH to aIL a perf.Wly new Orpheum brass banio and excellent iwatner case; v not a scratch on either; paid 1 imj, and $40 for the case; cash cheap; a gift; trading. av fan, uregonian. HADDORFF grand, manogany case, lateat at v e. at a big reduction; used, for n onstration only; terms given. SE1BER. LINO-LUCAS MUM(J CO., 10 4tn bet. Washington and Alder. HEAR the Stevens phonograph, with the glass sounding ooars; jivs recently soia to members of Portland Symphony or chestra; made in roruana. 400 orana near Alder. BUSH & LANE PLAYER PIANO Mahog any case, win sen at almost nair price. SEIBERLING LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th st. $100 CA3K. Victrola. mahogany case, size XI. no selling for $150. with $50 worth of good records. Broadway 3211 after 72 o'clock WELLINGTON piano, piwln mahogsny or. oak case. I2i 5 each ; pest or condition. SEIRERLINO-LUCAS AlOMU tU, 1-0 Fourth street. KIMBALL PLAYER PIANO at a bargain. See It. Terms given. biuhKL(.(j , NUCAS MUSIC CO.. 15 sin at., between Washington snd Alder. STEINWAY & SON., $1.iO, old model, but in beat of conouion; terms given. SKI BE R LINO-LUCAS MUKIC CO.. 125 4th street., between wasnington and Alder. FLS1! ER piano. $200; sinaii plain case. good condition; Terms given. ttfeiBKR. LINO -LiL-i AW si '-., i .-a tn st SCH I RMER piano, $150, a bargain. SEI- BKKLl.NU-UCAn hhpiu C'J.. J.-, 4th street, between wasningion ana Alder. KIMBALL piano, good condition; a irs $250. SKJBe.KLJAii-i.ULAa aiUMC CO., 2n 4tn St.. Dt- wn ngion atlfl Alder. $300 MACHINE for 2ihi, with records; In I periecr, ronuumn, n"-n una. wall to-I lumbta 'Jin i-orismouin ave. FRANKLIN piano, walnut case, will sell cheap. SEIBERHNO-LUCAS MUSIC L " I FOR RENT nanu, griironoia. lale amii Emnlre Transfer Bdwy. 155. r sic for Ford tractor. Woodyard. 327 Front MUST sell cheap. $060 player piano, few months ago. 352 Third st. FOR RENT My piano, reasonable to re sponsible party. Main 4tii7. TRADE VICTROLA for used piatio. iiood proposition. Main 856. PIANO WANTED Cash, for pnvats par ties, if bargain Marshall 1 532. PLAYER PIANO for sale. Broadway 2675, room 10. $A73 EQUITY in Howard Automatic 627-00. Player, $100. BEAUTIFUL mandolin Broad way 2SSi). li!.e new. Call I 50 COW and calf, first time Irenh. yard. 327 Front. Wood I I liiu PiAaNu W-LaN'TJbie Laa ilaau. iUa 2 FORJ.I.E. Piano. OrxaiM "and Mu'lcmt InMmmenU. b T t . Y V K S A N T piano j"! Voso at boo . Crown I: sm Autnpisno player Franklin HAROLD 8. GILBERT. 3H4 Yamhill t. KIMBALL grand, used for deiuonaii U.-n onlv; at the price of a gnod "Pr-st; "terms given. 8K I BE H LI NO - LI AS MUSIC Co., 123 4ln si., bcl. Washington and Aider. STKINHAl ER cabinet gn oak cae. no dealers. n i ml piano, .olld p; other furni- ture. Tabor 3'U'5. t'u r n i t it re for half CAMPERS. ATTENTION. We have quite a number of small talking machines, suit shin fur camping; graphonolas. trolss and Edison, from ! to SIN 50: also a lot ' slightly ueed double disc records at 2c each. $ WISH FURNITURE CO., IhS-J'JO First til. DINING TABLEtJ DOWN. 42-ln. round oak, dining tsblrs with niaanive. plain pedestal, fin ished In golden wax snd ,l'n:1 to 6 ft., specially priced "l Oak chairs to match at , each. $ b. MISII FURNITURE CO.. lSo-lUO First 61. 8AVK MONEY. Try our sales department If you wnJ to buy or sell household goods. Reduced freight rates to most all points in our through pool cars. Expert packing, re pairing and rofmishing. Money loaned on goods in storage. Jf lreprool storage low insurance rates. SECURITY STORAGE TRANSFER Co., 63 4 lb at., opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Hroadway 3715. CtK stovH. S; gas range $6; ga pll $2; Perfection oil stove, it; rouna r' ratal dining tsile. $13 50; chairs. t 15 up; roc kern, $1.25 up; sideboard, $12. i5; kitchen treasure, 5.5; kitchen labl-v $2.50; sntarv couch, $7; silk floss mat tress, $5; iron bed snd spring. $3 An; bsby buggy. $250; several ruga chap; cooking utensils, garden tools. I'holi' Kufi !i."i7. 1i:l C.ntnd ave A WATKIil'OU'EK washing nia mn. good sanitary couch, .V gas range, o burner. three ovens, auitable for iarg family or small restaurant, $40. Ciil at 212 Third st., near Salmon, or phon Main 4;.. M..nd;ty or Tuesday bctwtca A. M . and 6 P. M . FURNITURE, lor ale. Y.iu can buy dl rect from us at our factory, dressers, chiffoniers. Kitchen cabinets, dining ta bles, breakfast tables; save money. Cait and ses us. 3H7 N. 16th at. Thia ad is worth one dollar in trade. Bring it along. THOU eiectric washing machine, as g as new; has been used but very 1 1 1 1 1 -: coft priet new $150; will sell for $H0 cah. Phone Automatic 0'3-l0 or call at 47 14 Powlljat..nea r 4 Tin. HIGH-CLASS bedroom furniture, wmnul, mshnganv and Ivory, single pieces or in sullen, at factory prica. Call at factory, 4-M K.uh Lombard si., near Union a., W ood : a n 2 2H COMPLETE furnmhinga of a fivi-ro.mi hous", including new bidding; Tr, doors and numerous other thing t hat go to furnish a house; bouse for sals hImv Tabor 15m n SALE oK TRADE. Model :r2 Marmnn, first- Uss merhaM cal condition; wlil exchan-t'i tr rral es tate or a good tractor. M On-gw-nian. MAHOGANV furnituie for saie, drawing- ro'm pieces oT AiIhtiis pernio, very e.e gant; also !xl2 rug and beautiful ori ental screen. Can ne seen Wednesday, it to 3 o'clock. 510 Buah Lane bi.ig DON'T sactirca your furniture If east or to California, w can sava you money on your freight In our thmugh cars; fireproof storage, C. M. olaun Transfer & moras- Co., 24 Pins St. A SLIGHTLY uaud hot-air furnac Urge enough tor an -room nouw; price Csll 474 Johnson at. Monday nr Tues day between 8 A. M. and t V. M., or phone Hroadwsy 23 1 . LEAVING town; William ond Mnry man. dining st. good aa new, 1xl. rug. bar ter Oak rang1. lawn mower, houachttd art IcIps Col 1S52 FURNITURE and furnishing for modern 5-room flat for sale and flat ior rent, Nq dealer a. Kawt 7H2. FURNITURE for sals at bargain, with 3- rooin apt. for rent II dcsirtd. Main Hhl or 614 I. even i n g a. FOR SA Lai $ 1 loo chmIi. practlcu liy nw furniture for -room itotite; cm. .Mam 6605. 8 to 12 A. M. 4H5 llth $2. WHITE inarm-led l.cl nnil pr:nKa f-r 110. King Albert. Apt. .m. mono ur fhtill 171. FOR SALE Dining table, chaira. library table, beds, springs, good gas siovs. lrtii E lsth aircet. FURN ITURK of small aut. for sale bv pice or whole; also aitkNiIno tent, smu. Phone mornings Main I Q'-'s FINE gas range. in perfect older. ua-4 short time; bargHiu for somebody. Lang Mfg. Co.. 11H Fourth at FOR SALE Folding bvd. dining lablu and nuR.H323s5th at . H. K. 1 Sl'I'ERIOK BRI DC. E-BEACH RANGE FOR SALE. I'MONK r. A n T HJSO. ALL OR Part furniture of O-room bunga- I o w . 34' M K 5 1 1 h . 617 -2 J. WANT tc sell f urntt ur by piece or Call at 220 North 15th. en tire tot. Office Furniture-. 1 T W. DEK and chair. 3 tables, 3 roll- top deaka, 4 flat-top aesKS, a ohomkp era' dcaka, 8 chairs. A filing cabinets. sares. BUSHONO A CO, fll Tark ft. NEW AND USED OFFICE KOUlP.MKNT. OUR PRICES AKH L"atST IN CITY. OUR SBR VICE THW BKaT. WAX OK FICPJ KUUIP. HOUSE. 24 N. 4TJI. BDWY. 27W - T pew Tit-era. RECONSTRUCTED MACIfTNFR. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITER.. ALL MAKES. IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE. CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW 4 PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 w aahington ft. main nwi. REBUILT typewriters, all makes, rntais. repairing, auppiira, niamnuiora cuito.A portable. tSC.N DSTRAND, adding machines- Mam 22o5. E. W. Pea Co., 11Q yixfh street ttfeNT A Kb.MlNo I O.N s irai-cass, mod- cm typewriters oniy ; raaaooanta ratwa. Knocial offer to students. Kamlnatoa Type ritcr Co., hs Bro.idway. ALL MAKES rented ana repaired. Orrgoa Typewriter co., otn st. juma 3onj. W rebuilt, second-hand, rentals at tut ratea P. L. Co., -ai btarg st, Main H'JT. REPAIRS, rent, buy. sell; suppllta T"V wrltar inspection to an piara. si jh. OLIVER No. 5 typewriter, A-l condltloa; bargain. r. u. pq n i, r.aiacaua. it FOR R E.N T L nderwood-Remlngtoo snw Empire Trsnsrer. H'iwy, i..y FINE INUKKWDUU Tl 1 Lrt R i T E K. VvJ Poultry . WHITU LLrrn-mN naoy chicks for Jut delivery feom a neavy-iaying. hogania stock; safe arrival of full count, live strong chlcKa guaranteea. pmr hundred. $1 20 per thousand. PIONKK HATCH ERT. 441 Sixth St. Petalums. Cal. a iu;k wheat atiu a toe a farina. ania'H diversified tarms and orchard tracts ro sale. For further particmars writ W. C. Hanna. Oufiir. Or., Wa.-co. MY OLD packing bouae on the Llnnkm road for rent, is very sunaoie rr chics. en farming. Frank L. bm.LU. Hmilhatiirk Scappoowr, Or. Itoga, Rahhlta, Birds and Pet Nork. ' FOR SA LE Ut-nulne blarK l etr ievrs. 7 months old Just the right age fr the coming aeaaon ins nly contbinatlo dog for water fowl and China pheasant a, f.l1 sv.nlnvi nnlu UK X t tt near Cillsan BLACK and tan puppies, 5 to 8 Ibn. .Imi matured, from registered aire; price ft.V Toy kennels, 1 mile cast Oregon City, A hernathy road. PEDIGREE!) police dog puppies from ttas, celebratca speedway kennels. Pttone wees, day. Main 20o$. baL ard 4 3i f. hi. AIREDALE puppls. est nf tpe, IS cham pions in peoigr: pnr ia and $25 for quick sale. Tabor 2474. ' AIREDALE puppy. lemali- pedlgrevd, aaio s you? p exrhange. what ha' irgontan. FOX TERRIER pups. $3 to $3. 1114 Kat Morrison. YOUNG male birua, $o. 1'honu Auloinatto 627-0O FUR SALE Canary birds from Siis-nab!. China; very rhap. S50 Salmon t FOR SALE- -Foa terrier puppy, Wd.n. 5019. AIREDALE puppi"; fin pvdigrve, olig.bla to register. i aoor sin. BoBta, Launches and Marine sKqulfttnrnt, FLOA1S OK liUATHOUSEa About 19 limbers, ringing in aise fro in 20x20 ts 24x24 Phone Marshall 81)12. FOR RENT Moorage apa.-e for one hmiac. kor""r twiatf - nil ninrisrn f-.n vn.ft. Linn ave. moorage or ( all S- I. :;o; MOTOR BOAT for ilc or lr ". '! S llwood K32. BRkiP. I'KTKi; ItOlUJl 'CU i'h n c is. uad WsUuii. CaU bcliiauoU oo. cue