f . TITE MORNING OREGONIAN, MONDAY, JUNE 13, 1921 H,1 REAL ESTATE. For Sale -House. RUSE CITY BUNGALOW. TAKE LATE LIGHT CAR AND CASH AS FIRST PAYMENT. -5 rooms, bath and breakfast room, ar ' ranged to save steps; extra large living room with fireplace; dining room with beautiful buffet, hardwood floors in both; buffet kitchen. coay . breakfast room, two large light bedroom with large closets and bath between. Old Ivory and white enamel finish through out Indirect lighting. beautiful fix tures; fuil lot on paved street; every thing paid in fuil; beautiful location on the hill with cjoice neighbors and a wonderful view of Mt. St. Helens on clear flays. I had this place built two years ago for a borne, but find I must nave two more rooms. Come out and see it if you want a real home at about what it would cost to build now. Come to 661 East 51st North, any time. Sun day or evening, this week. Take Rom City car. Owner. ' $500 DOWN. ROSE CITY PARK. -RM. BUNGALOW WITH GA RAGp. on the hill and just off the Alameda drive, paved street and sewer in and paid, a strictly mod ern large 6-rm. bungalow and up-to-the-minute with hardwood firs., buiit-in effects, etc.; also furnace and fireplace; 5Oxl00 lot. Improved with flowers and shrubbery; about $-00 worth of shades and draperies Included In price. Total price only 85S50. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, Branca Office 4Jth and Sandy Blvd. LAURELHURST. A WONDERFUL HOME. 7 rms. and eyerything modern, yery large living rodrn (full width of house), beautiful buffet, big bedrooms. There la also a break fast room and a sleeping porch, hi fact the home is perfect. Just finished decorating and painting. If you want a home of this kind 'don't delay. Call J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, ' 8 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main -08. EEVEN-ROOM VERY DESIRABLE RES 1DEWE, NO. 221 SHAVER, CORNER HAIOHT ST.; LOT Mt BY ino rsti HOIISK JUST THOROUGHLY RENO VATED ALL THROUGH: PRICE $4750, TKRMS. . THIS IS THE BEST BUY IN THAT LOCALITY. BE SURE TO SEE IT. PARRISH, WATKINS CO REALTORS. S2 STARK ST. PHONB MAIN 1644. $7000. WALNUT PARK. NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOU 1107 RODNEY AVE. VACANT. NKAR FIVE CAR LINES. VERY LARGE LIVING ROOM. FINE riNING ROOM, KITCHEN, ONE SMALL BEDROOM FIRST FLOOR, BEDROOMS AND BATH SECOND FLOOR. FIREPLACE. FURNACE HARDWOOD FLOORS. LARGE AT TIC. BARGAIN IF YOU HAVE AT LEAST HALF CASH. POINDBXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 10. RES. EAST 6771, SPOKANE AVENUE BARGAIN. 6-ROOM HOUSE AND GARAGE All modern, close to car line. Newly finished Inside and out. Swell sleeping porch. All street improvements in and fully paid. Owner leaving city Price $3000, 1300 cash and easy terms. Sell wood 2497 Sunday. 707 Spokane ave. week days Main P404. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., 405-6-7 Panama Bldg., 3d and Alder. ROSE CITY $4650. New 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, bookcases, built in kitchen, breakfast nook, cement base ment, laundry trays, furnace, floored at tic, garage: will be ready in 15 dava Buy now, select your paper -and. inside finish. $1500 down, balance terms. See Owner at 6i7 E. 52d atreet North., be tween 8 AM. and 6 P. M-, or call lapor Bjit. io dealers OWNER EXPECTS TO LEAVE CITY, WILL SACRIFICE HIS IRVINGTON HOME. Eight rooms, modern, hardwood floors. fireplace, bookcases, buffet, garage, fur nace, tour sleeping room a line Dasement, flowers and shrubbery; price $6000, value over iioou: 12chi cash, see owner, C. L. Parrish. 200 Falling bldg. Phone Main 6327; Sunday and evenings, - Tabor 8473. Shown by appointment only. OWNER leaving for east desirous of selling nis home below preeent cost of consruc tlon: 7 rooms and sleeping porch, hard wood floors, nreplace. furnace, full ce ment basement. Ruud hot water heater, few bullt-ins; modern and in excellent condition: new lighting fixtures; also new ahrubbery, and located 584 E. SKth at. N. ; price sooou; terms it desired. Phone 814-93. " ALBERTA district. Modern 6-room bungalow, cement basement, stationary tubs, furnace, cement garage, fireplace. built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, enameled bath room, sleeping porch. 5- rooms lower floor. 1 room upstairs, floored attic, 50x100 It: 1H blocks to car line. Close to school. $5000. $2500 cash. Wd-ln. 5226. BEAUTIFUL view corner. Mt. Tabor. 1 block from car. 2 blocks from park. 6 rooms and sleeping porch, everything modern, cement double garage: owner must sell at once; offered at S2000 less than cost 2 years ago; 100x100: i!200, 70x100 $S500; consider part trade. Tabor 175 AN 738. Oregonlan. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden Into Income 7 We design and build apartments, ga rages, residences, anything; furnish plans and finance. Established 10 yearc. We offer SECURITY, SERVICE. SAT ISFACTION. L. R. Bailey Co.. 824 N. W. Bank bldg. ATTRACTIVE 5-room bungalow. V block from Kenton car line and paved street. 5 blocks north of Peninsula park; baa large living room, paneled dining room, laundry travs. etc. Owner must leave city and will sacrifice for $3100. . This is a good buy for someone. Only $500 down. 14.- E. Stafford. Wd-ln. 4425. X SNAP. CLOSE IN Save carfare. 6 rmX with large 'hall, bath and pantry, gas and wood range and 2 large kitchen cabinets Included: full cement basement and furnace 488 East Davis, near loth, hair block to Rose City carllne; $.1750. $750 cash, balance long time. Phone R. R. R.. Main 172. or call 145 second at. EAST IRXINGTON 6-room bungalow, breakfast nook, sleeping porch, all on one. floor, oak floors, tapestry paper, enameled through out; fireplace, furnace, cement base ment, garage. Price reduced. Will take car and some cash, .Price $5250. Marshall 3352, East 2.171. Sunday. ROSE CITY PARK. Large living room, dining, fine bullt tns, hardwood floors, 2 fine bedrooms, furnace, fireplace, garage: In fact, this Is a fine place; large floored attic; you can't beat It. Terms, $2500 down, like rent. Call Tabor 5r,10. Main 7931. WILL sell or rent large modern house, furnished or unfurnished, clean, ready to occupy: garage, fruit- berriea 950 E. Salmon et.. also will sell or rent four-room furnished cottage at Sea view. Wash., splendid fireplace, comer lot. 50x100 on new driveway. Tab'or 9178. BARGAIN HUNTERS, do you know a bargain? 5-room bungalow, modern fireplace, cement basement, garage, sewer in. Improvements paid; 4 blocks car. $2625, $500. Main 867. Bdwy. 4794 evenings. BY OWNER 5-room modern home in Irv lngton Park: full cement basement, fur nace, fireplace, sleeping porch, sewing room and garage; price $4000; $1000 down, balance monthly. Call Woodiawn 552 or Woodlawn 4240. JGf-00 ALMOST new 7-room semi-mod.: $500 cash. Double garage splendid lo cation; lot 50x100. 2 blka, from car. atreet sewer in. peld. Must sell quickly. J P. McKenna. Realtor. 1151 Belmont at 30th. Tabor 6493. 6-ROOM bungalow type cotfage, modern except furnace. 2 two full lots, on paved atreet and carline. all improvements paid, 22 full bearing fruit trees. $;(. $850 cash, baiance easy. 900 East 15th st. North. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Good 6-room house, garage and chick en house: large yard: six bearing fruit trees: price this week $3100; $500 cash. Cell evenings. 6219 S2d St.. S. E. FOR SALE BY OWNER. WEST SIDE. NOB HILL DISTRICT. A 2-FLAT HOUSE IN Al CONDITION. GOOD INCOME. LOT 50x100. F 729 OREGON I AN. $2400 A 5-ROOM cottage, mod. plumb ing, m Sunnyside. 2 blks. from Belmont. Now vacant. $400 cash. bal. like rent. J. P. McKenna. Realtor. 1151 Belmont at 39th. Tabor 6403. WESTMORELAND New. 5-room bunga low, large rooms: pavement and sewer in. will be sold for $5300 by owner and baiilder. Can be seen Sunday. 1347 East 18th. Sellwood car to Claybonrne. " ROSE CITY. JUST C6.MPLETED. Nifty 5-room bungalow, located at 472 E. 43d st. North, 1 blocks from Sandy. Tabor 1768. IRVINGTON 6-room modern corner house, garage. 495 TlUameok. Owner, East 4076. ' - WAVERLEY HEIGHTS 8-room modern borne. 100x100; fruit, berries and roses; paved streets. Sellwood 3552. KBW MODERN home suitable for two people; well Improved, east-front lot: in weal Pied mo nl. Owoec UOt SsUhwltk. REAL ESTATE. For Bale Houses. CLOSE IN 7-RM. HOUSE. $3800. 1500 DOWN 140 PER MO. 1 Close to Laurelhorst and car line, on 28th st.. paved and every thing in and paid; 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch upstairs; full ce-'- ment basement, furnace and laun dry trays. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 208. 1-600 1-ROOM bungalow, full cement basement with waste trays, full enamel plumbing, hardwood firs.. Dutch klthcen. Holmes disap pearing bed in dining room. A rood buv. t-ot 1 ft. front. $3250 5-rWm bungalow; concrete ga rage. 100x100 lot. nicely Im- Drnvid with lars-ft chicken house berries. A real home. 1185 Boise at. $2800 l-room bungalow.- Piedmont dis trict Paved street, close to car. We can make easy terms on these places and consider them good buy It will be worth while to see them. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT TRUST CO. Bdwy. 043. 2S4 Oak St. IRVINGTON. - . FINK CORNER. BEAUTIFUL SHRUB BERY. " STRICTLY MODERN RBSI DENCB; EXTRA LARGE LIVING ROOM, DINING ROOM, KITCHEN AND DEN. FIRST FLOOR; THREE FINE BEDROOMS, SLEEPING PORCH AND BATH. SECOND FLOOR.' TWO FIN ISHED ROOMS IN ATTIC, HARDWOOD rLOORS, FIREPLACE. FURNACE, GARAGE. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. 111.000. PpINDBXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RES. EAST 6771. DISTINCTIVE LAURELHURST. COLONIAL HOME. On a large, sightly lot with a fine lew of the city and park, consisting of nine commodious rooms, fine recep tion ball, extra large living room, dining room, sun room and breakfast room; fine IconvVnicnt Dutch kitchen, 4 large bedrooms, tiled bathroom with beautiful fixtures. Come out and see this. Open for inspection afternoons. 1078 E. Couch at. T. B. Winship, Tabor 2124. LOOK! READ THIS! Brand new 4-room bungalow, absolute ly complete: light natures. window shades and linoleum on bath and kitch en floor. Remember this bungalow is new-and never been occupied; price is very- cheap: small payment down, bal ance monthly. Take Sellwood car to Lafayette St., go east to 615. Phone owner. East 4000. IRVINGTON home, $6250: large rooms, hardwood floors, old Ivory, art i rr, 3 fine bedrooms and glass-enclosed sieep- - ing porch, Gasco furnace, full lot and garage." Easy terms. McDonnell, realtor. East 41. . . ' . " ROSE CITY. $5500 TERMS. 424 EAST 45TH ST. NORTH. B ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. MODERN HARDWOOD FLOORS, FUR- SAtB, UAKAUB. FULL BASEMENT. WIRED FOR ELECTRIC STOVE. 1M MUUIATK POSSESSION. POINDBXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. M A 1 X 1X00. RES. EAST 677. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Just completed, e-room modern bun galow, hardwood floors, tanestry Dnoer all latest built-ins. finished in ivory, Dutch kitchen, linen closets, window shades, cement basement, lot 50x100 paved streets. Improvements paid. Must sen at once, gee owner, sell. 1778. $350 DOWN, BALANCE UKE RENT. Strictly modern 5-room bungalow, just completed, near Fulton car line and school: good district; 60x100 lot. paved streets: wonderful buy; owner liquidating on an estate. Bdwy. 67. 618 Pitlock diock:. -ir. i.awson. - IRVINGTON bungalow,, beautiful 6-room bungalow, priced lor quick sale: hard wood floors, white enamel woodwork. tapestry paper, special lighting effect. me oatn, tun Dasement, lurnace, ga rage, lawn and shrubs In: house nevef been occupied. Call owner. Bdwy. 8258 or i aoor mid. LAURELHURST HOME. Living room with pretty fireplace, dining room, French doors and sun porch, Dutch kitchen, 3 bedrooms with ount-in wararooes witn mirror doors, garage, furnace, lot 50x100; some fruit. This is a dandy home. Call Tabor 5319 ior appointment, or Main 79.11. EUtiu in -! bungalow; 4 rooms downstairs, 2 attic rooms, basement, screens, linoleum on kitchen and bath room, bearing fruit trees, smail garden. $050 cash, balance $30 a month includ ing interest. 04 is 4th ave. S. E. Mt. Scott car to Archer place. Auto. 629-11. BUNGALOW, 7-room and sleeping oorch lurnace, urepiace, targe zront room and dining room with hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, all newly kalsomined and ivory enameled; large garage, with full ce ment driveway. Phone Tabor 4884 after 6 r. M. EAST BURNSIDE STREET HOME. Seven rooms and sleeping norch. fur- nace, fireplace. This house has been newiy paintea ana is in fine condition. Close to nign ana graae schools. C. A. WAGNER CO., Realtor. 230 Stark St. Main Sinn BY OWNER Now vacant key next do.ir 5 rooms, modern; located at 4438 40th ave. S. E. ; $2500, $300 cash, balance $20 per momn anu interest; win taKe late model Ford or Chevrolet touring as part. $4000 ROOM bunga cor. lot, garage. street sewer in, paid; $600 cash. $40 montn, including interest. Close to car and school. Big bargain. J. P. 3fc- jvenna, neauor, iiiii jaermont at 3Uth Tabor 6493. TO 1MV,-.T,,V Two new beautiful residences, one 7 ana one o rooms; moaern in every de tail and well constructed; just completed by owner; moderately priced: terms. 625 E. lain st. .-s. woooiawn 4841. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 5-room bungalow, with attic; this Is very pretty, narowooa rioor, nreplace pretty breakfast nook; 2 bedrooms, ga rage. If you want a real home, call Tabor 5310. Main 7031. 6-ROOM houtie, sleeping porch, sun porch. wim si iw hi ma irui trees, as sorted berries, chicken houses and run. lmwn. rosea etc $5000. Own-- I -. . '. FOR SALE BY OWNER, Modern 7-room residence in excellent condition, on East 12th. near Morrison price, $7500; terms to responsible par- ties. Phone East 5275. HOUSB PLANc. "Distinctive Homes," Illustrated book of over 100 designs. $1; blueprints. $10. DISTI.JCTIVE HOMES COMPANY. ' 924 Northwestern Bank Blag. PIEDMONT. $50O0. Eight-room house, tile batn. laundry trays, furnace. 2 blocks to car. iii Portland blvd. E. FOR SALE Modern 9-room house, two floors lurmsnea, corner lot in conjunc tion, garage, on car line. Income $76.50 per month: $6000. Terms. Call 240 salmon, oy owiitjr. no agents. FOR SALE by owner, 8-room house, mod ern piumDing. xuu cement Dasement, fur nace, garage and all modern conveni ences, $2000 cash : balance mortgage $1250. Selwood 1878. 8 ROSE CITY PARIC New 5-room bungalow, breakfast nook, buffet, bookcases, hardwood floor, cement basement. $4700; $500 cash. Owner. Sellwood 683. ROOM house, plastered, good attic, toilet electric lights, gas. phone, good gar den, lots of berries, 8 cords wood. 2 tonr briquettes go with place; also some fur nlture. Wdln. 5464. 207 E. Baldwin st. BEING built and void by owner, cla&sy. modern, tour-room DUngalow; French doors and windows, hardwood floora If you are looking for a real buy, call and see this. 1307 Westmoreland. BEAUTIFUL Irvlngton home, large rooms. uowvni viu, i uuu, vwner. aaac sues. I RVINGTON Strictly modern, on corner; 6 rooms, garage, piano. From June 20 to Sept. 1. East 1185. 3 ROOMS and bath, neatly furnished bun galow: flowers and garden all planted. 1074 E. 10th at. N.. block to Alberta car. BY OWNER, 5-room new bungalow, paved street, close In, garage, bdw. floors, breakfast nook, fireplace, $650 down, bal. monthly. 879 E. 7th st N FOR SALE 5-room bungalow. large rooms; good district: on car line; fruit and garden: am leaving city; must sell. $3500; $1000 cah. Phone Sell. 1151. FOR SALE. -Modern 7-room house with double ga- rage. on cnuici c. inn at. FROM owner, 5 rooms and bath, bullt ins. fruit, paved street, sewer; no in cumbrance; $1000 will handle; Alberta car to Alnsworth. 1278 E. 30th at.. N. OWNER will sell good 7-room house, large garage, lot 100x100, beautiful rose garden. mono aasi -mw mornings. LEAVING city July 1st. wl.i sell R. c. choice-located home at a bargain; 6 large rooms; terms. Tabor 2678. i ALBERTA; new modern lour-room bunga low; half block from car line; by owner, 1062 E. 14th st- N. Woodlawn 4579. JEFFERSON HIGH DISTRICT 1 7 or 1 4-room modern bungalow by owner, -JH Sfcavac WooiiUwu 1X33. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. IRVINGTON COLONIAL, .' $7700. Charming home, concrete porch, large living room across the front, lovely din ing room, perfect kitchen and breakfast room, 3 airy bedrooms and tiled bath, old ivory and hardwood floors through out, full lot and garage. Real bargain for 10 days. McDonnell, east 419. $5500. 705 OVERTON' ST. VACANT. WEST SIDE. WALKING DISTANCE. FULL LOT, 50x100 ; 2-STORY, 7 RMS. AND SLEEPING PORCH. 4 BED ROOMS, FIREPLACE, FULL CON CRETE BASEMENT. FURNACE. IM MEDIATE POSSESSION. TERMS, $3000 CASH, BALANCE MORTGAGE. POINDBXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. " MAIN 1800. -RES1 EAST 6771. ' PARKROSE BUNGALOW. . New bungalow of three large rooms, . living room 18x26, porch across the en tire front of the house; gas, electric lights, plastered, city water, with Vs acre of good garden ground. 1"4 blocks from car en gravel road. Commands view of highway; price $3250, $1000 casn, bal ance $25 per month. Fred W. German Co., Realtors. 732 Cham, of Com. . BUILT TO LAST $3400 bungalow, perfect in every detail. Best of material and construction"" throughout. An original floor plan, including four rooms, nook, bath, sleeping porch. Being completed this week. Built for my permanent home but I must leave town. $1000 down. 783 Yale st. Take Willamette boulevard or St. Johns car to Portsmouth. HAWTHORNE SACRIFICE. 5 rooms. fireplace, furnace. Dutch kitchen, buffet, cement basement with cement floor and laundry trays. Located 8 short blocks to Hawthorne car. Only $3500. Easy terms. Photo at office. f HEXDERSON-BANKUS CO.. 828 Henry bldg Bdwy. 4754. LAURELHURST. Built -for a home, six-room, new Colonial. Owner. Tabor 9452. Suburban Homes. FOR SALE Suburban or country gentle men's home, near Capital state highway, - overlooking two valleys and mountain ranges; "Million Dollar Via:w." 7 acres with new and strictly modern 6-rooni bungalow finished In Ivory, large fire place, furnace, polished oak floors, built in features, fine garage, tenant house, chicken house with fenced-in park, spring water wfth city pressure; 5tt acres In' bearing fruit, only hi mile to electric cars; splendid - opportunity, to secure fine country home combined with Income. . J. A. WENDEL. Newberg, Or. DO YOU want a real home ? One acre ground, 7-room modern tveuse, furnace, fireplace, all white enameled, garage, cement walk; 6 miles 'from postoffice on paved road; all klnda of bearing fruit; $5500,- $3000 cash; cost $7V0 a year ago. No agents. Deal with owner. Phone Auto. 625-22 or caH at 5010 E. 82d st. ' FOR SALE BY OWNER. Strictly modern 8-room bungalow with two-thirds planted to choice bearing fruits, berries, flowcrs-and English wal- nuts. Good garden, large chicken houses and runs. . Everything in first-class shape. Price - $501)0. with $2009 cash. Address Arthur Foster, Forest Grove, Or. Phone 0442. . - GARDEN HOME BARGAINS. SJ250 TERMS. Right on wregon Electric: 4 blks. from station: 1. line acre improved: fruit. berries, small house, chicken coop; con crete foundation, 26Hx4d; line water, gas, light, garden all in. u. smltn. box 7. BEAUTIFUL HOMESITES. Half-acre to 5-acre tracts, clearecl. near Oswego lake. your own terms. RALPH HARRIS CO., REALTORS, 816 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5G24. STRANGERS, COME SEE ME. Have best selection of farms and suburban property at real bargain prices, will neip you get started. T. O. Bird, Chamber of Commerce. Realtor. 2 ACRES in GreshaTB, all set In choice fruit and oerries; siricuy moaern a-room bungalow, completely furnisnea; garage terms. Tabor 2670. GENTLEMAN'S country place, 30 acres, beautirui grove, large creeK and springs, hard-surface road and electric station, close to city. E 724. Oregonian. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near carline. from $1800 up. Inquire 3d house north of Klsley station, on uregon uuy carllne. 3s ACRE and 5-room bungalow for sale by owner. J. H. Bellan, Oak Grove station. Oregon City car. 7-ROOM Colonial home at Riverwood; house facing paved drive; 115 ft. river front. Main d4i7. GOOD modern house, two acres of good soil: reasonaoie price, very easy terms. Owner, Auto. 620-47. 1 ACRE Park Rose, ail in cultivation and bearing; good bungalow, one diock from Kanny: hjum, terms, lapor oto. For Sole Business Property. FOR SALE business and income property. store building and double apartments on 2d floor, 5-room cottage, corner lot, 75x 100, plenty of room for more Improve ment. Sithwest corner Mississippi and Fremont. Inquire- 721 Mississippi ave. $8000 WILL by excellent small business property yielding avt per cent net. jonn Bain, 507 Spalding bldg. d FACTORY site, west side, water front trackage. 141 N. w. Bans- bldg. For Sale Acreage. IRRIGATED LANDS TJNDEB WARMjSPRING PROJECT. ALFALFA! CORN AND GRAIN. DAIRYING. HOGS AND POULTRY. VERY LIBERAL TERMS, WRITE OREGON & WESTERN COL. COW ONTARIO. OREGON. $25 DOWN, $7.50 MONTHY. A splendid one-acre tract, good soil, small cseek, fine for chickens, berries and fruit, Vi miles from .city limits, total price $350; we have only 20 tracts in this platting left, some as large as 54 acres and proportionately on the same terms. Get in on the ground floor Fred W..erman Co.. Realtors, 732 Cham, of Com. $50 DOWN. $15 MONTHLY. Foy splendid 20-acre tract, 12 miles to 'naid .u-acre irati. 1- iuiicb iu ity. 7 miles to Beaver creekJ Highland, fine soil, first anfj wth fir timber: 1 acre clearedr- Oregon City 1 mile to H second-growth total price $1100. Fred W. German Co., Realtors, 732 Cham, of Com. EX-SERVICE MEN, ATTENTION. Three of the most desirable acres, Tu alatin valley, 8 miles from. Portland, 14 mile from paved highway, 5 minutes to electric line; allor part; a bargain. R 747, Oregonian.. ON THE PAVED HIGHWAY. 8 mites from Portland. 4 acres of splendid soil, all in cultivation, bearing fruit, H of a mile to electric station; price $4200. $1000 cash. Fred W. Ger man Co.. Realtors, 732 Cham, of Com. 5 ACRES. Close 1n, west aide, electric line, paved road. 4-room house, fine soil, 'cheap $3900. McDonnell, East 419. 10 ACRES, $3250 (will divide), short dis tance east or jiontavuia; city water and good soil. Easy - terms 'or $3000 cash. Owner, 615 Ry. Exch. bldg. Phone Mar. 1385. 820 ACRES, tlalf in growing grain, good buildings.- close to town and railroads; good schools. Price $30 an acre. Ex change for general merchandise or sell on easy terms. Box 7. Madras. Or. WRITE for map of western Washington. showing location, low price and easy terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAUSER TIMBER CO.. ' Tacoma, Wash. 1 CLEAR acre in Ascot addition on base line nJMU, iieni emuuu, natci ,iiu gm available; easy terms; from owner. Sun day Tabor 3030: week days. East 3902. Homcwteads. Relinquishments. AM LOCATING -HOMESTEADS from 40 to 160-acre tracts, either Portland or Roseburg district,, farming or timber land; san in a position to give you as good,' if not better, service than anyone in the state; government map, checked up to date. E. W. Helm. 816 Board of Trade bidg HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT. 145 acres. 4 miles from town and Pa cific highway, on wagon road; 15 acres fine creek bottom land suitable for gar dening and alfalfa; 3,500,000 feet of good saw timber; good outrange for stock Price $300. W. A. BOGARD, Roseburg, Or. COPY govt maps showing western Oregon homestead lanaa, i. our cnarges are reasonable and our services the best on locations. References given. aa. j . A.icii9uii, 531 Railway Exch. Bldg.. Portland. 40 ACRES on county road: acre garden. trout stream, neigaoors, teiepnone; siuu location fee. 301 corbett puiiinng. Fruit Lands for Sale or Rent. FIVE acres, AV miles to Amity; all in bearing walnuts and cnernes; lorced to raise money; worth $2500, seil for $1200. L 724. Oregonian. California Real Estate. CHICKEN-BULB RANCH 8 acres rich loam, plenty water, block paved high way in city, 6-room bungalow, all con veniences, orchard, chicken houses, tools, 600 pullets, cow. E. F. Llttlefleld, -Grand View ave., Santa Crux, Cai., owoer. For Sale Farms. SO A CUES. Bargain for cash sale. Im provements, creek, spring, hunting and fishing. B 741. Oregonian. 10 OR acres of level timber land with creek, near Beaverton. J. B. Sharp, 83 Vj Xiurd si. - REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. DAIRY AND STOCK FARM. 3S9 ACRES 380. 160-acres in crop, balance parsture and good timber; good outrange for stock; first-class buildings; 60 head of high-grade Jersey cows and heifers; all dairy loutfit; silo 16x33; 5 horses, hogs and chickens. 1 manure spreader, ensi lage cutter and blower, feed grinder, truck, -ton. 1 gang plow. 1 walking plow. 2-set harrow, 2-horse cultivator, ' 1 corn planter, disc, binder, mower, grain arlll, 2 farm wagons. 1 hack. 2 sets harness, cream separator and small tools; price $28,000 for all; give good terms: located in Polk county. 4 miles to railroad station and store. For more Information call or write Joe Gente man, 210 Railway Exchange building. Third and Stark, Portlauo, Or, ATTENTION GARDENERS. We have an'ideal gardentract of 18 acres of which 10 acres are Tinest swale bottom land, tiled and drained. 1 acre - is now In parsnips for seed; 3M acres planted in squash. Ideal asparagus land; thls is located near Beaverton, city gas, good road and only 1V4 miles to electric line. IL. you desire something good, see this a? once. Price only $3700. $1000 cash. . . F. L. EDDY. Realtor. v RkTTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FINE FARM AT TROUT LAKE, WASH. Across the Columbia 25 miles north, of Hood River, in Trout Lake valley, where irrigation water la cheapest, most plen tiful and most easily handled of any where in the country; 249 acres, 80 of which are In cultivation, balance pas ture and timber. Fine big comfortable house, modern - and attractive, three barns, complete equipment, everything in the best shape. Price $20,000. J. W. CRITES. Realtor. Hood River. Oregon ; HERE'S A DANDY. - 10 acres, rood house, dandy new barn fine larae chicken houses, store house. woodshed, all buildings in excellent con-, dltion; 6 acres in clover, 1 acre potatoes 1 acre oats, balance in pasture and fruit; all Implements and tools, some good furniture, dandy range, house. neat as a pin; 1 horse and about 60 chickens. About mile from paved highway and town; step right In and get all crop and fruit; only $4500. $1500 will handle. See PARRISH & PARRISH. Phone Main 6327. 209 Failing bldg. FARMS! FARMS! FARMS! Sale, .lease or trade, from one acre and up'. Improved or unimproved. Any location you want. Here's a sample: 160 acres, 100 in cultivation, 35 milee from Portland. 15 acres., of orchard Wall fenced. Only $40 per acre. $2000 cah. balancce 5 years at 6-. See Uf soon. , ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., 405-6-7 Panama Bldg Main 94Q4. ON THE WASHOUGAL RIVER. . Five miles north of Camas, a splendid little farm of 46 acres with 20 acres 'n cultivation.) all fenced, good house, barn and all kinds of outbuildings, 8 acres of .prunes. 17 acres in oats and clawer. spring water piped to house and to gar den. This Is a dandy little tarm priced at $6000. $3000 cash. See Mr. Griffith. ' Fred W. German Co.. Realtors. 732 Cham, of Com, bldg. BY OWNER 560 acres. 320 under the plow; stable room for 100 head of cattle: drive barn and horse stable for 10 head of horses, pig pen. potato house, bunk house, blacksmith shop, large dwelling . house; living water on the piaoe, about 30 minutes from courthouse, Portland: lying between Powell Valley road and Estacada'car line: can be divided. Tabor 2240, residence 1033 Oregon st. CANADIAN FARM LANDS. Last great block of Canadian Pacific Railway com- pan b reserve lands remarkably cheap. on long ana easy terms. LanaseeKere excunlon party leaves Portland for Cal rarv. Alberta, on Saturday, June 25. Reduced railway rates. For further particulars see Canadian Pacific Railway company, ZU8 railway jxenange oiog., L. P. Thornton, district representative. STOCK RANCH, PLENTY OF WATER. 640 acres, western Montana, all lrrl gable except about 100 acres in timber surplus water: fair buildings: excellent outside range; just light for 200 head of cattle. Price has been reduced to $40 per acre and owner will take good Hard ware or furniture stock at invoice Price for part or all. Write Hopkins & Born, 619 First ave., Spokane, w asn. STOCK or dairy farm, 154 acres, for sale, about 30 acres cultivated, R. R. past door, good roads, close to market, 14 head cattle, 2 mowers, all Implements. VOO hens and chickens, bees, orchard, ail kinds small fruit, house 7 rooms, fair shape; buildings, old barn, log hay barn, -II I : .. -. 1 - ta-n... 1 miles east of Mill City'; good title! Thos. Barnes,' Lyons, Oregon. R. F. D. 1 120 ACRES. $6000. Short distance off hard - surfaced road; 1 hours from Portland; fine stream for V mile through place; about 85 acres cultivated, river bottom land; equal amount easy clearing: most picturesque place you ever saw. Would consider unincumbered Portland house up to $4000. Owner, 615 Ry. Exch. bldg. Phone Mar. 1585. FOR SALE 120 acres 15 miles from Sea- 'A Tillamnnlr hirhwnv- llftl hntiM and barn, .2 acres clear; good springs and creek;- across 70 acres goes the state highway road: 30 acres level land. Price $1400. Address 407 East Yamhill street. Portland, Or. Martha Horceny. FOR SALE by owner, cheap, fruit, garden and grain lano in one or tne best sec tions of southern Oregon, right on Pa cific highway; would consider some in come property or alfalfa- stock land Lev lGeer!WiibuiOr. FOR SALS 80-acres, 60 in grain, 4-room house rurnisneo and tractor; a miles to town, 1 mile to Ferguson station; fine land, 3 acres orchard: price reasonable Lizzie Kisnop. junction uity, or. K. 1 3 ACRES, six miles south of Lebanon. 65 In cultivation, wen lenuea; a gooo, DUX or will trade. Owner. Tabor 6308, CHICKEN, FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES near i-omana. i-w m -wii per sure; easy terms, best soli; farms for sale, all sixes. McFarlano. realtor, aus railing bldg, LOGGED-OFF lands. $10 acre no; running water, good soil, ft uuaDie; scnool. easy terms J. it. cmarpe. oa inird st. WANTED REAL ESTATE. 1 WANT SITRItRhAN HOMES. We are having many calls for subur ban homes running from one to ten acrea, -within a radiua of 15 miles of the city. Places on the Oregon City car line are in demand. If you want to sell list s'witn ua. R. M. GATEWOOD CO, 165tt 4th St. wiv-r ft-ROOM BUNGALOW,. Any good district. Have $2000 cash and 100x100 with 9-room house, on paved street. St. Johns district, at $3250 clear or oeot. uoou imn. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., 4O5-0-7 Panama Bldg. Main 04O4. I CAN sell your house or lot if the price is right; phone In the address today and receive immediate atieniion. HARRY BECKWITH. Main 6369. Realtor. 104 5th St. WANTED A 5 or 6-room modern house with all improvements in; must be a - snap; have lot and $1500 cash as first payment: give description, location and price in Iirst letter. n. ity, urenommi T can sell your house and furniture; phone or see me today; -have parties waiting. HARRY BECKWITH. Main 6S69; Realtor. 104 5th St BUSINESS man wants 5 to 7-room house or bungalow, fairly modern; will pay taxes, insurance and monthly payments ami interest, w uregoma.ii. I CAN sell your house or lot if the price is light; phone in the description right now. -HARRY BECKWITH. Main 68B9. Realtor. 104 5th3t DO YOU want to sell your house? "Have parties waiting: see me today. HARRY BECKWITH, Main 6869. Realtor. 104 5th St. AUTOMOBILE, 1920 model, 5 pass., only run a short time, to trade for 5-room bungalow, modern; state -full particu lars. BP 556. Oregonian. . WHY WORRY T I can sell or trade anything anywhere. O. W. Mlllershlp, 1651, 4th at. LATE model 5-pass. car to exchange for lot In go-od residential district. Phone East 2760. WHEN selling your west-side propertl see John Singer.. 420 Chamber of Com- merce bldg. WANTED Strictly modern 6-room bunga low, furnace and garage; Rose City pre-ferre-d. Call Mra Freeman. East 8160. WANT lot in Laurelhurst. 216-36. or write BP 724. Phone Aut. Oregonian. WANT to buy a place at Seaside; must be reasonable. A 72, Oregonian. LOT ABOUT 100x100 for a garage on east aide. - Tabor 7247. Farms Wanted. WANTED SMALL FARMS. We are having many calls for from 10 to 60 acres stocked and equipped which can be handled with $1000 to $2000 cash1, must be located on good road not too ' far from Portland. If you want to sell, see ua at once. . F. L. EDDY. Realtor. RITTEP. LOWE A CO..' 201-2-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WAVT to rent or buv. small farm. 20 to 40 acres, a-room nouse, narn with or , without stock: close to town. Deal witn owner only. Y 739. Oregonaln. Wanted to Rent Farms. WANTED TO RENT. SMALL. PLACES. Have several people wanting to rent acreage or small farms; close to Port- land preferred. Some people will buy the place after leasing for year or more. We make lots of sales this way. Will buy equipment' if priced righL JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. : Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. TIMBER LA .VPS. IF YQU ARE LOOKING FOR A SAW MILT, OR TIMBER SEE THE WINS LOW CO.. 419 LUMBERMENS BIDG.. PORTLAND. OREGON. 2500 CORDS old growth fir near Scuppoose, bargain. J. R. Sharp, 834 SdsL FOR BENT TARM3. I HAVE 2 farms for rent; will consider nithinr hut raiih rent: 1 is 630 asres. practically all high land, 400 acres under plow, lair nouse, good aairy D&rn ior iuv cows, several sheds, close to highway, rent $225 mo. Other is about 400 acres. 80 of which Is high land, balance overflow pasture, some of which may be planted late, fair house, good dairy barn for 40 cows, rent $150 per month-- Both of these farms are within an hour's drive of the center of Portland and you have no personal stock to buy in either in stance. Frank L.' Smith. Smithshlre, Scappoose, Oregon. TO EXCHANGTS SEAL ESTATE. HURRAH! HURRAH! HURRAH! W HAVE IT, ANYTHING YOU WANT. Grocery Stores, Confectionery and Cigar Stores, Hotels, Apartment Houses and Rooming Houses, Butcher Sheps and Pool Halls from aa low to as high as you want to go. We have one of the best apartment houses in the city of Portland, the price is svo.uuu, including building ana lerm ture with attractive terms. We also have other good income property to , trade for farms either large or small. If you are in the market, again we say we have anything you want. QUICK SALES CO., 406 Cotich Bldg. Aut. 511-09. BEACH LOT. EXCHANGE FOR ' PAINTING OR BUILDING. Lota are Welt located at Tillamook Beacb, near station and ocean. Address AP 648, oregonian. TOWNSITE FOR SALE. n rii-ht at Oregon Electric sta tlon,. all surveyed and laid out in lots and blocks; two stores, posiomce ami several residences on grounds: paving thrnueh connecting paved high ways east and west of river; good chance . money for right party: will sell or exchange for Portland residence or business property. Write your proposition to AK 397, oregonian $1200 EQUITY in 5-room bungalow; total price $2500, Balance $15 per month and interest; want auto and some cash for SEEJPHN BROWN CO., READTORS, HV BiHCnailKC umw. TO EXCHANGE $1700 equity in $2500 house, eastern v asu., blmlh or Portland property. Owner, room 7, 10m Wa.thlngton St., Vancouver, Wash. n-u a ni-cl TRinKK TRADES We may have just what you want, tell - us what you nave. - A.1 W. -ESTESi REALTOR, nns Cham, of Com. Auto. 514-63. 6-ROOM house, hard surface street tfrult trees), -lane auiu iu none "-- kj ment. Price $3350. Eas 3182 or Bdwy, 4975 FIRST-CLASS house and lot to trade for up-to-date 5-pasa, tourfog tar. Call East 839. WANTED Los Angeles or vicinity In ex-, riiiuui for 8-room house and 7 lota at 2071 Delano st. Owner. - . FOR 8 ALE, Homes. Vehicles. Liven tocK. STA RLES. INC. Just received consignment of horses that have been working for past five months. These were consigned to us to be sold from $200 to $31(0 a span with their harness. Also Tlave some horses that we have taken In exchange wnicn .in BDn h,iin Hflva harness and wagons of all kinds! We hire by the day, week or month to responsible people Everything guaranteed as represented. Phil Suetter. Pres.. 285 Front st. BAY team. 5 and 6 years old, weight 3500 1-bs. ; full brotners. quiet, bchiw. vuu and well built; cost me $750 a year ago; for quick sale $525; also a No. 1 arm team weight 2500 lbs., honest workers in any harness, $165. Take Orchards and Slfton car at'Vancouver to Gehr Btation, 2d house north. Orchards. Wash. U. S. STABLES. Horses and harness of all kinds for sale or hire by day or month. 365 Union ave 8. cor. Stevens. G. D. Williamson Glass. FOR SALE A registered Jersey cow, bred by registered uuu; comme nwu, un u calf June 20; gentle:, rich milk. Mr. Fetrequin. urenco. yjr. RACE HORSE for sale, Ikey, fast pacer. He worKeo a mite 111 a. 11 74 w w iwi year Sound, eligible to 2:25 class. 50 1 Wygant St., or call Woodlawn 709, j HAVE a good mare and farm wagon to trade for 1 or - iubu-rihuh "ii cows. See Mr. O'Brien, 235 Stark. Phone Main 23BJ. FARM team, weighing ids., good workers anywnere. narness anu num. farm wagon, $135. 4010 67th at. Mount Scott car. FOR SALE Six horses: reasonable prices. Holman uei wo., oaru s. om uu streets. DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly. Phone MUWaUKie OHJ mr peal service. VETERINARIAN. DR. HOWES. TABOR 6566. 2700-POUND team, good harness and farm wagon, $210. rnone aui. Pianos, Organs and Musical InKtrnments, T 1 ..... i ., . -.. C-hwan PtanO CO. $525 Voae & Sons dark man.. used.$195.00 OOOStelnway & Sons man. S?5 X? 650 Kimball A Co.. gold, oak 675 Chase, large, oak 290.00 1050 Singer player piano 6?50j) $10 to $25 cash. $5, $8. $10, $15 monthly. Phonograph Dept., Used Specials. ' VIctrola & Brunswick, cab,, eacn..$ 95.00 Columbia and Pathe, cab., each.. 85.00 Stradivara, $65; Grafonola, small. .12.50 101 10th St. at Wash, and Stark Sta, ' Security Storage Co.. Closing out for cash. $450 Spier Piano Co., upright, man.. $185 450 Starr Piano Co., upright, oak.,. 1? 276Collard & Collard, small up.... 800 Pianista player piano and musio .im 250 Pianola player and 85 rolls 4 Parlor organs, $B5. $35, $38 and 48 103 10TH ST., ciTte STARK ST. WE WILL TRADE YOU A BEAUTIFUL NEW PHONOGRAPH FOR YOUR OLD PIANO. WHY NOTT COME UP AND LET US TALK IT OVER. SEVENTH FLOOR. LIPMAN. WOLFE CO. 8TUYVESANT pianola Vose & Son Crown Autopiano player .... ,.$550 ..$238 !275 450 267 Franklin HAROLD S. GILBERT. 884 Yamhill sr. KIMBALL grand, used for demonstration oniy; at the price of a good upright; terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th t., bet- Washington and Aider. MILTON piano, plain mahogany case, $275, this if a wonderful instrument at a real bargain. See it- SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St., between Wash ington and Alder. HADDORFF grand, mahogany case, latest style, at a big reduction; used for demonstration-only; terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St., bet. Washington and Alder. HEAR the Stevens phonograph, with the glass sounding board: five recently sold to members of Portland Symphony or chestra: made in Portland. lOo" Grand ave.. near Alder. BUSH & LANE PL'AYER PIANO Mahog any case. Will sell at almost half price. SEIBERLING LUCAS MUSIC COv 125 4th st. WELLINGTON piano, plain mahogany or oak case, $275 each; best of condition. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 Fourth street. KIMBALL PLAYER PIANO at a bargain. see 11. lemia ob,,hi,..,w LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th. St.. between Washington and ider, STEINWAY & SON., $150. old model, but . . . .li,inn. l.-n,. ,1... Gl-I. BERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th atreet.. between Washington and Alder. FISHER piano, $200; small plain case. EOOd condition; termo uivcn. or,iDcn-LlNG-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th st. SCHIRMER piano. $150, a bargain. SEIBERLING-LUCAS . MUSIC CO.. 125 th street, between Washington and Alder. KIMBALL piano, good condition; a snap. $''50. BfilBE,Bi.i.iu-iiUi.Aa aitsii, l-u., 15 4th St.. bet. Washington and Alder. $300 MACHINE for $200, with records; in T . .Anlflnn- cnliiin nalr Cll f-r .imhla 343. 1717 Portsmouth ave. WILL sell my $105 equity in cabinet grand mahogany case wi"" " .'. uaiance 1240 payable $10 mo. Mar. 2211. FRANKLIN piano, walnut case, will sell ePiUL'DI.lViI.I.nria weme cneap. m .... CO.. 125 4tn at. $150 VICTROLA at saeeiflce. Auto. 523-77. 551 Taylor. FOR RENT Piano, grafonola, late music Empire iransier. i.. MUST sell cneap, mi piayer piano, new few montns igu. J" nnm at. FOR RENT My piano, reasonable to re- soonsiDie iiauj1- j.ii TRADE VICTROLA for used piano. Good . .... am. proposition. main 0,100. PIANO WANTED Cash, for private par ties. IX oarsain aiarBii.ii i.io. PIANO WANTKI asn nea. Main 8586. Furniture for -Sale. FOR SALE Circassian wainut and oak dressers. HOB. move auu wmiuKany piano. At 68T.IToyt st- f SUPERIOR BRIDGE-BEACH RANGE mil? Dirnvir FICT fl-iun FOR SALE. Furniture for Sale. . SAVE MONEY. Try our sales department if yon want to buy or sell household goods. Reduced freight rates to most all points in our througlt pool cars. Expert packing, re pairing and reinlshing. Money loaned on goods in storage. Fireproof storage. Low Insurance rates. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER Co, 53 4th St.. opp. Muitnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. COOK stove, $8; gas range, $6; gas plate, $2; Perfection, oil stove. $7; round ped estal dining table, $13.50; chairs. $1.25 up; rockera. $1.25 up; sideboard, $12.75; kitchen treasure, $5.50; kitchen table. $2.50; sanitary couch, $7; silk floss mat tress, $5; iron bed and springs, $3.50; baby buggy, $2.50; several ruga cheap, cooking utensils, garden tools. E. 6957. 113 Grand ave. . A WATERPOWER washing machine, $5; good sanitary couch, $5; gas range, 6 burner, three ovens, suitable for large family or small restaurant, $40. Call at 212 Third at., near Salmon, or phone Main 455 Monday or Tuesday between 9 A. M. and 0 P. M. FURNITURE for sale. You can buy di rect from us at our factory, dressers, chiffonier, kitchen cabinets, dinine ta- bles, breakfast tables; save money. Call and see us. 367 N. 16th st. This ad is worth one dollar in trade. Bring it along. TMOR electric washing machine, as good as new; has been used but very little; cost price new $150: will sell for $00 cash. Phone Automatic 623-90 or call at 4714 Powell st... near 47th. MAHOGUNY furniture for sale, drawing- room pieces of Adams period, very ele gant; also 9x12 rug and beautiful ori ental screen. Can De seen Wednesday, 9 to 8 o'clock. 510 Bush & Lane bldg. DON'T sacrlnce your furniture if going east or to California. We can save you money on your freight in oar through cars: fireproof storage. C M. Olaun Transfer & Storage Co.. 248 Pine sL A SLIGHTLY ui.ed hot-air furnace large enough for an 8-room house; price $50. Call 474 Johnson st. Monday or Tues day between 8 A. M. and 5 P. iiy or phone Broadway 231. ' FURNITURE and furnishings for modern 5-room flat for sale and flat for rent. No dealers. East 7882. FURNITURE for sale at bargain, with 3 rpom apt. for rent, if desired. Main 8181 or 6941, evenings. FOR SALE $1100 cash, practically new furniture for 7-room house; call Main 6M05. 8 to 12 A. M. 405 11th St. FOR SALE Dining table, chairs, library table- beds, springs, gooo. gas stove. 1i E. ISth street. FINE eh ranize. In oerfect order, use short time; bargain for somebody. Lang Mfg. Co.. 191 Fourth t. FOR SALE Folding bed. dining table and range. C323 S.ilfi st. a. E. Office Furniture. 1 T W. DESK and chair. 2 tables, 3 ron ton desks. 2 flat-top desks. 8 book keep era' desks. 8 chairs. 3 filing cabinets. 2 safes. HuSHOKO & CO.. 91 Park St. NEW AND USED OFFICE EQUIPMENT. OUR PRICES ARE LOWEST IN CITY. OUR SERVICE THE BEST. SWAA OF FICE EtiU-IP. HOUSE, . 24 N. 5TH. BDWY. 2739. ' FO. 1H Cll.R -In roll-top desk and office ftirnlture at 855 Northrup al. near 25th Typewriters. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKES. IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE. CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW, PRirK LIST. -THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO. 321 waanington n- mam ouoi. repairing, supplies. Distributors CORONA portable, &UAuninAiii"i auuiug ms- - chines. Main 2285. , E. vr. pease Co., 110 sixth street. RENT A REMINGTON First-class, mod ern typewriters oniy; reasoaauie raiea. Special offer to students Typewriter Co., S8 Broadway. Remington ALL MAKES rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter vjo.. v otn gt. main aooo. NEW rebuilt, second-hand, rentals at cut ratea P. D. Co.. z&i atara st. main nu REPAIRS, rent, buy, sell; suppliea Type writer inspection 1.0.. an piara. ja. ooip. OLIVER No. 5 typewriter. A-l condition: bargain. r. o. pox q-i, n.siacaua, ir. MONARCH typewriter No. "3. for sale; bar- rain. U3V4 Nortn sixtn st- FOR RENT Underwood-Remington mo. Empire iranmci, om). i"i- Poultry. WHITS LkvGHOHxh oaby chicks for June delivery trom a nesvy-isymg, nogauixcu stock; safe arrival of full count; live, strong chicks guaranteed, $12.50 per hundred, $120 per thousand. PIONER HATCHERY, 441 Sixth St- ' Petaluma. Cal. . LARGE wheat and stock farms, small diversified tarms ana or-jiia.ru iraois tor sale. For further particulars write W. C. Hanna, uuiur, vjr., naaco. MY OLD packing -house on the Llnnton eroad for rent, is very aunaoie tor union' en farming. Frank L. Smith, Smithshlre, Scappoose, Or. FOR SALE 20 R. I. R. hens. $1.50 each; 2 toasters. $2.50 each; 50 chicks, 25c each. J. G. Sanlt, 8805 68th ave. S. E. Dogs, Rabbita. Birds and I'et Stock. FOR SALE Genuine black retrievers, 7 months old; Just the right age for the coming season. The only combination dog for water fowl and China pheasants. Call evenings only. 95 E. 62d at. N-. near Glisan. BLACK and tan puppies, 5 to 8 lbs. when matured, from registered sire; price $15. Toy kennels, I mile east Oregon City, Abernathy road. PEDIGREED police dog puppies from ths celebrated Speedway kennels. Phone week day. Main 2008. between (A. si. and 4:30 P. M. AIREDALE puppies, nest of type, 18 cham pions in pedigree: price $15 and $25 for quiCK Bale. 11pm .in. AIREDALE puppy, female, pedigreed, sale or exchange. What have you 7 P 735, Oregonian. FOX TERRIER pups, $3 to $5. 1114 East ' Morrison. ' Boats, Launches and Marine Equipment. FLOATS FOR BOATHOUSKa About 10 timbers, ranging in sise from 20x20 t 24x24 Phone Marshall 8912. SIX POWER work boats for sale; H .P.. 7. 8, 15, 26. 60, 90. Write for particulars and price. C. T. Smith. Stevenson. Wash. MOTOR BOAT for sale or trade; a snap. Call Sellwood 832. PETERBOROUGH canoe; good condition. Marshall 3168 after 6 PM. Monday. $60- PETERBOROUGH canoe, used one season. Call Sellwood 3200. 6-ROOM houseboat, $15. Apply Mra. Hlrlda Wiseman, foot of Vermont st. Machinery. 50 H. P., S-PHASE motor. $500: good as new and brand-new compensator, alt G. S. 220 or ViO-volt. 129 E. Water st. 4 H. P. STOVER pumping engine at a bargain; used one week; also other en gines and pumps. Vancouver Brazing and Welding Works. 202 West 6th st., Vancouver. Wash. Phone 275. AUTO sawing machine, complete, and Sto. ver engine; bargain. Tabor 893V, . Coal and Wood. WE HAVE secured an additional supply of country slab!- place your order early for immediate delivery. Cedar Creek Wood & Fuel Co., 48-50 N. 13th. Bdwy. 1783. 4-FOOT green mill slab, $5.75 per cord: block and slab mixed stove lengtn, o per load; double load, $11. A. W. War ner, 624 Northrup st. Broadway 4I1U. 17 50 mnnwnoD $7.50. Good, sound second-growth: excellent grade first-growth. $8.50. Coal, select grade Utah. $15, delivered. ivoin. 100 CORDS of wood cut from big tlmfcer, taken by a widow on a debt; must sell part of it now; $8, 8-cord lot. Alberta, Irvlngton. Piedmont. Woodlawn4o07.- GUARANTEED best old-growth cordwood. $9 per cord. $8.50 in four-cord lots; 4 ft heavy country slab. $6.50 and $7 per cord. Broadway 4110. 4 FOR SALE Oak, ash and fir wood, car load lots only. Address BD 781. Orego nian. BLOCK and slabwood, also slab wood and cordwood; 4 ft. length. East 6362. FOR SALE First-growth cordwood. $8.50 per cord delivered. Woodlawn 6312. Ij h V 10-IN. 1 and 2-Inch lumber range wood. SO per load. Wdln. 2528. 1 COOPERAGE ground wood fuel and saw- duiit. rnone uoi. CORDWOOD REDUCTION. DELIVERED FROM THE CAR. EAgj- BIG LOAD of boxwood $5.50. Call Wood- law5J4otl38Mon.,-&Yi!-- FINE fir wood, $8 cord, delivered. Wood lawn 6193. . CORDWOOD, $7.50 per cord; S. E. district Phone Auto. 623-55. . BEST old-growth fir oordwood, $8.26 per cord. Sellwood 314. FIRST-CLASs corawood, reasonable. Auto. 619-41- WHEN vou want your wood sawed call Main. 8124: COUNTRY short dry block and slab wood; also four-foot green. Main 2670. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Green bamboo porch shade, 8x8. pnone nawy. ovjo. GOOD Thor washer tor sale, $100 i Ant. 810-98. ' . jBASSilJi-N'l'i au CAieaA AuU 622-13, "1 FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. KAfrira ITIr q n- hnUr.nmnf ulel. Be .m: mMnnA-hanA at rltfhf nriOSS OOUght sold and exchanged; easy terms it de sired. NORRIS SAFE LOCK CO.. 10.1 Second St. Main 2048 SEWING machines, new and second-hand, sold for less; no agents employed; com plete lines of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. Main 9431. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 Third St., near Taylor. FOR KAI.F. All , floor cases, foun tain complete, typewriters, meat sllcers. refrigerators, wall cai?s, coffee grind ers Kr-MieM i.crfKtrn. root beer parrels. sacrifice prices this week.' 240 Sasmon Ft., cor. 2d. ' LET DAVID'S repair your watch; they know how and only genuine, watch ma- DAVID'S. welers and Opticians. lington St. Near lire 343 Wash! roadway. HOT WATER link, Xll-ral . X7: 40-gal $9; tested and guaranteed: stove and furnace colls, gas heaters installed, ex pert , plumbing, repairing. East Side Welding Shop. 208 Adams st. East 8516. NEW AND USED office furniture at pre war prices. We have some wonderful bargains in add. machines, typewriters, safes, safe cabinets, etc. Wax Office Equip. House. 24 N. 5th. Bdwy. 2739. THOR electric washing machine as Kood. as new: has been used but very little cost price new $150: will sell for J'-"1 cash. iVhone Automatic tiL'3-90 or call at 4714 Powell St., near 47th. WHY AN everlasting aggravation by a leaky roof T Why not a comfortable and durable roofT We repair, Rubber Bond and rejuvenate all kinds of leaky roofs. Work guaranteed. M.iln 5120. NEW and second-hand goods store. Jew elry, watches, musical goods, suit cases, etc.; good location; nice front; must sell. .VM-i N. th t. OFFICE FURN1TURK Bought, sold and exchanged. HAN SEN-W A DKNSTJS1N DESK CO., 105-107 Twelfth St. Broadway 187T. LET Us wash your rugs with Hamilton Beach electric carpet washer on your floor, clean and sanitary, kills moths and germs. Wdln. 5i58. NEW "SINGERS." $3 down, $3 monthly. Expert sowing machine repairing. MORRISON STREET SINGER STORE, 382 Morrison. Marshall 721. COMPUTING scale, cash register, coffee mills, meat choppers and general store fixture- at 226 Stark st, between First and Second streets THE BIRTH STONE for June la agatt. Tney oring weaiin. neaun ana gooa luck; Ideal for graduation gifta Miller, next door to Majestic theater. BLACK figs, 25-lb. boxes. $250; Italian prunes, splits, 22-lb. boxes, this week only, $1; 5 boxes, $4.75. BEAVER GROCERY, 287 Yamhill St. FOR SALE Vulcan gas range; 4-burner double oven In flrst-claas condition, $40 if sold by Monday. 6205 86th at., & E 614-33 7 . SAFES AND VAULTS 70 Sixth St., near ' Oak. New or 2d hand Herring-Hall. . Marvin safes for sale or exchange, terms Buahong & Co., phone Broadway 12H2. BURROUGHS adding machine, fine condi tion, $73; new phonograph; one $300, for $160; one $200, for $110; one $150. tof $75. 818 Dekum bldg. AIREDALE puppies, best of type, 13 champions in pedigree; price $15 and $25 for quick sale. Tabor 2474! FOR CORRECT time call Main S57U; fut scientific watch repairing see Millar, bxi door to Majestic theater. AIREDALE puppy, female, pedigreed, sale , or exchange. What have y6u7 P 735. Oregonian. LICENSED independent electrician w.lres 3 rooms for $12, 5 for fall. Guaranteed to pa-is Inspection. Woodlawn ;3701. PRINTING press. 8:xl3. with motor. For sale cheap. Would consider trade for smnll press. Bdwy. 2555. 148 13th St. FOR SALE Fine stop watch (Jules K-n-mery, Sayne), half price. Phone 23, between 9 and 11 A. M. 2 WILTON rugs, IOX8V4 feet and llxli fect pictures; owner leaving city. Tabor 442. FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners, 24-hour day, 65c; delivered, guaranteed ' good condition. Woodlawn 1259. AGATE jewelry, largest stock j town: best quality and low prices. Van Dusen's. 453 Washington near 13th. PILES can be permanently cjred without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean. Second and Morrison. FOR SALE 1-gal. Rapid Dayton pump; 1 280-gal. tank. Gresham, Or. R. F. Lt. No. A.Box 132. WRECKAGE wood, grod and dry, sawed and delivered, any part of city. $5, $7.50, ju loads. labor 3143. 5-1 T. PLATE-GLASS showcase with glass sheir at central canny shop, central .Market. 4tn and Yamhill St. HEMSTITCHING, buttons, plaiting and braiding. Out of city mall orders eo licited. 359 Ankeny. near Broadway. RUGS washed on your floor with Hamllton- Ueacn eiectrio carpet wasner; also vac uum cleaning done. Ett 4045. KODAKS. We buy, sell, rent and exchange ko daks. Sandy, 829 Washington st. . FOR SALE CHEAP Boys light-colored sampecK suit- ixever been worn, call Main 4847. SHOW cases, cash reKister, scale, safe. other store fixtures, bacrifice this week. 1 13 Second. GENT'S gold diamond snake ring, about karat. $'.fc: 2 gold stlekpins, $,; set Elk cuff links. $10. M 734. tlregonlan. SPECIAL SALKS ladles' and children's clothing, vogue, room 4Ud Allsky bldg., 3d and Morrison. NEW DRESS and coat for sale; very reasonable. East 1S81. LADIES, "be well dressed." Exclusive used garments In a home. Tabor 2825. FOR SALE Cash register, sale, adding mac nine, showcase. 43 1st st., near Ash. rSTAR A STAR ' shingles direct from mill. Call Taylor-street dock. Main 8065. SAFES, trucks, scales, coflee mills, cheese rimers. 10 ....... .... ...... . ,110. SECOND-HAND tents and covers for sale. Pacific Tent ar Awning Co.. No. 1 1st st. eTkC vacuum cleaners sold, exchanged. , , t -U.ntUv U.I. 1,1,- repairee- nj j , .pm VACUUM cleaners for rent, 85 cents per day delivered anywhere. Wdln. 3495. FOR SALE $60 baby carriage reasonable a,, y-- GAS FIXTURES for sale; also gas iron. East 4-i.iQ. $35 DAYTON cheese cutter and glass case, good as new, half price. Phone 519-13. FREE dirt delivered In Irvlngton dls. triet. Phone East 4313. FOR SALE One L corner floor case, 6x 4 ft. Main 6559. LAWN mowers sharpened, repaired, a. 6786. 366 nawinorne ave. FOR flALK- AUTOMOBILES. OLDS 8. joa CASH - $40. Car Is in A-l shape. Have all extras Inciurilnz- Pvrene fire ext. Call at 3'. Rroadwav between 9 A. M. and 12 P. M pnnn .mm. l'lo. fullv equipped. 5 Urea . spotlight, speedometer, flashlight, seal Covers, cut-out, laiac Biciiiia large motor-driven horn. For sale cheap, Call Maranau m,a. we CARRY a full line of auto accessories, tubes. Ford rfiarte, light globes, eta Also do towing. Open day and night, LONG & SILVA. Phone East 6848. 462 Hawthorne COLE AERO 8 Sportster model painted . Hum color. Has Dower and get away. A genuine bargain. Mr. Sanderson er Mr. Whitfield. Bdwy. 1460 1919 STUDEBAKER light four. In excellent condition, mi . '-rt ",m vn Johansen at nowy. m. OVERLAND touring, a bargain at $300: terms 30 Grand avenue North, Lear Burn side. trade that old car In for something bet- 1 l.n ' - V. ...... tmm (',.11 I .... - - ter, many ' - ' -... - sen at Bdwy. 2270. . . lU'-'l OLDS roadster, use very little, save Sou on xina J"i .-j. v. iimuv. Call Johansen at Bdwy. 2570. WE PUT steel teeth in your old flywheel, crankshaft turning. H. B. Black mi. chine shop. 534 Alder st. Bdwy. 2681. 1918 OLDS 8, new paint, mechanically O K everything to recommend it. Sold ay owner. Call Dumals, Bdwy. 2270. 1918 SCR1PPS-BOOTH. 5 passenger, good condition; will sell for $750: terms 80 Grana avenue "'"'- '""iiig STEPHENS roadster, in fine condition will take light touring and terms on balance.. Call Dumais, Bdwy. 2270. FORD touring, 1915, good mechanical cpn ditlon; will sell at $350: terms 80 Grand avenue " 1 OAKLAND, 1920, like new, wire wheels, cheap for cash, or win trade. Wood lawn 2710 , FORD CHASSIS for bug; a real buy al $175; terms 30 Grand avenue North. pear Burnaide. FORD. GOOD MECHANICAL CONDI T10N, GOOD TOP, PAINT AND RUB BER. MAIN 1207 JaO NASH touring; Alemite; run 3000 miles on pavement; sacrifice for quick gale. See at Globe garage. SAXON ROADSTER, 1918. a bargain at $450; good condition; terms 80 Grand avenue isortn, near nurnsiqe. STf. TEAR em up and setl the plecea Portland AUIO .vrecHiiig V.U.. mi Aiaeij 5 near 17th. Bdwy. 6264. AUTO OWNERS' SALESROOM. You wish to sell your car? Can get " 1P" " " JMam " ter.icrTRlC car. all good condition. $75: good tires; must sell. 803 McKay blag. TOR SALE AUTOMOBILE. REDUCED PRICES OS REBUILT AUTOMOBILES BETTER REBUILT. -' AND WHT BETTER? We rebuild both Hudson and Essex used automobiles and sell them with a warranty the same as given with the purchase of new cars. We also give 90 days" free service, the Same as Is given on new cars. On other nSakes of automobiles that we trade In we repair and overhaul them so that used ears that are not sold with a warragsy are in first-class condition and are sold with 10 days' free trial, sub ject to their being returned with full credit on any other oar you . may select. 1019 Essex eiftomnhlle, re- built and repainted, sold Willi the warranty $1128 lviv Essex, line new. sold with the warranty !--- 1917 Hudson Super Six. re . built and repainted, looks Just like new, sold with the warranty 1175 1818-1019 'series Hudson Su per Six. rebuilt and re. painted, sold with the x warranty 1400 1920 Hudson Super Six, re built and repainted, sold witn the warranty 1774 1920 Hudson Rpeedeier, like a brand new car; sold with tne warranty 1973 1019 Chalmers, flmt-elaas condition throughout 100 1920 Chalmers, almost new, v a decided bargain ..... 1250 Dodge roadster ..... ... 45 ,1919 MaxwelL all gone oyer, repaired and repainted; a fins little ear........ 575 1919 OMsmnbll Eight, bar. gain at 9S5 Our store for these osefl-rar har gnlns at 40-46 Broadway, which Is Broadway and Couch st. Phone Broadway 5739. Open evening and Sundays. C. L. BOSS ATJTOMOBELB CO, USED CAR BARGAINS. 1 Hurrnioblle .- -Sr 1 nodes . .V'-" 1 Oakland 4 '5 1 B. G Chevrolet e'o 1 Maxwell 65 LfiVO KILT A. 4AI2 Hawthorne, FORDS FORDS! FORDS! 1920 FORD COUPE. $740 1921 FORD TOURING, $VVir. 1018 FORD TOURING. $350. 11117 FORD ROADSTK.R, $L'n5. 19JO FORD DELIVERY. $430. FORD BUG, NEW BODY. $378. WORTH KF.EIVO BEFORE YOU BUT. nOHINSON BROS., 11 UNION AVE. NORTH. nrrr. ankeny and tiurxsipic. OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS. JUST a few of our bargains; many olhere to rhooee from: 11116 Rulrk roadster, completely overhauled and painted. $550; Olds 8, perfect condition, a bargain at $750; a Ford roadster. $185; Ford hug. top and glass front, $325: Cap touring, Tgood running order, $150; Oakland 6 rrtsdster. a snap st $275. Grand -Ave. Auto Exchange Co.. 188 Grand sve. East R5R3. OAKLAND SIX TOURING. Will sacrifice for $400, terms. 523 Couch SL Call 1915 7-PAS.SENGKR Cadillac 8. Just overhauled and In exeellent condition. Paint Job 6 months old; 4 tires nearly new and two brand new ones. Splendid car for slage or hire car. Call Sellwood 1416 after 6 P. M. DORT . TOT R I NO Pretleally new. driven very little and on pavement only. It looks . and runs like a new car. Five cord tire, practically new; wind deflectors, etc. Price onlv $!;.V easy payments Call Mr. Tager, Hdwy. l"ii. VATtnN'AI. KNAP. Privately owned, 4-pass. 'chummy. Six-cylinder, five wire wheels; cord tires. An elegnt car In elegant condition: cost $11800; sacrifice for $1600; terms. Investigate. AN 724. Oregonian. FORD TOURING, 1B20. Starter, demountable rlma, Goodyear tires, one new spare; shock absorbers; Gardner carburetor; all good condition. See Parsons. 60 N. Broadway. Phone B ros dwiy S 21. STUDEBAKER bear eat. best condition, mechanically perfect, special body, tires good, bargain for quick sale, (all Mr. Sanderson. Bdwy. 14H0. Northwest Auto Co. 18th and Aider. 1820 CHEVROLET touring car for sale, A-l condition, 5 new tires, lots ef sxtraa $576 cash; will take Ford roadster as part -payment. Phone Tabor 1818 after 5 80 V M. RKO SPKICD WAGON; only slightly uad . If you need a delivery truck, here is your opportunity; a bargain. See Mr Ehratt. Northwest Auto Co.. 18tn an 1 A I rt er. Broadway 1400. LATKST model Chalmers $I2.V). This ear haun t a scratch on It: looks and run like a new car: has 5 new tires, piaje glass license, etr.; $400 down. beJanie terms. Tabor 7M7. DODGE ROADSTER This car has been given beet f eiw; flnl.h like new. good Urea. Call Tabor 8152. NEW MODEL PORT The seasons sen sation, beautiful body line A won derful ear Price only $1850 Mr. Ware ham. Bdwy. 1400. North-west Auto Co.. 18th and Alder. READ THIS. One of the smoothest running, nicest looking, latest model Chalmers on the streets of Portland. I will saorlfloe and give terms. Phi.ne Woodlawn 2.144. 11 Hill V. T-peasenger Mitchell In ftrete! condition. 1018 modeL Price $7v0. Terms Kaiet 3182 or Hdry. 64"7. ' DoDGB. 1919 Dodge, 5 cord tires, 1 burrrpers, original finish; a buy for someone; $SwO, terms. Phone Woodlawn 244. CASE 4-cyl., In good mecnanlcal condition; 5 Pennsylvania cun tires; has geod paint and Is a real bargain at $350. Ca.l A (turns Broadway 4ik8J HUDSON. 1B"0 Hudson, very best of conditio! throughout; -will give easy terms at s snerlflce price. Woodlawn 234. TTui STL'DEMA KKR chummy; will ! someone a dandy buy; car runs per fectly and looks like a new car. Tabor :u:i. lerme. COI F 8 A-l mechanical condition; 6 curd tires spotlight, bumper, good paint, cel. Ifornla too. $15011. snme terms Call Bill Ad.-ims. Broidway 4'lHfi. 1019 OLDS 8 touring, absolutely o. K. In V.. cf. snare tire, will consider light touring In trade, terma Price $1350. rn nlwv. 2270, Dumals. . 1,'ut .i.iiv. rv truck, good tires and me chanical part guaranteed; cheap, cash or terms; will take any old car in trade. 210 Jefferson St., price iJ.'a TJ77il s-l llODIK.S HODIES. , Ford roadster body. Ford touring body. Ford panel delivery body, new. Bargain for cash. Mr Twe.-dle. 1572 I WILL sacrifice my Oldsmobile sedan for a uWck sale for $loni; has had excellent care- only driven 8500 miles. Call East 4412. HAVE an Oldsmobile truck run 4 months. spare tire, i.;.. -V'i;- "'i'-'i gate, will sell for $10.0; some terms Call Dumals. Bdwy. Uio. COLE 8. A-l mechanical condition; 6 cord ifornla top. $1500. eome terms Call Bill A,lams Broadway 4w:l. 1921 OLPS 6 demonstrator, factory guar-' antes and service; woumi avc-in a gooq Ford as part payment, terms on balance. Call .Tohnnsen at Bdwy. g-'.o. 1919 CHEVROl.Jfc. 1 . in gooo meenanh-al condition, new in,.ii.. muu pay ment down, easy terma Call Dufly, Rrnadway 2270. OVERLAND roadster, a claaey vacation car, mere cenainiy 1. a lui in lun 111 up in this car. See Bhrett, Bdwy 1400 -Northwest Auto Co.. 18th snd Ali'.er, 1020 MAXWELL touring, privately ownel like new: sacruice wr fiwvi terms. i.aii East 4216. 190 FORD roadster, exchange for tuurlng or delivery, auih. iiii-ii. 1918 CHEVROLET cheap for cah, perfect condition. woouiawn u'ni. CHEVROLET bug. $400. Main 6352. HeComi si. HAVE 1917 DODGK. will fell cheap. Call Durmals. Bdwy. z.-ni. STUI EBAKER roadster, price $450. Call DUtry. nroanwiy-.iiw. 1U14 STUDEBAKER. $50; wake good bug. UU li.u avs. a. a..