, ' ' TIIE MORNING OREGOyiAy, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 1921 uni nil. ; rt OVER 1000 MEMBERS MiKIDUP Oregon Wool and Mohair As sociation Grows Fast. SHEEP LISTING IS HEAVY Plan of Organization Considered Sound by Bankers and Growers. , rirst of "ew Clip Received. The Oregon Wool iTid Mohair association passed the thousand member mark on June 4, when the total membership amounted to 101 S. According to R. A. Ward, organization manager, the associa tion Is signing up about 1000 sheep a day In wnstorn Oregon. It now ranks as one of the strongest in point of membership f any of the co-operative marketing or Saniiatlons in the state. Its growth has also been the most rapid. "When the or ganization committee secured its organ isation manager, there was less than 10.000 sheep signed up. Since that time in the pace of two months, this has increased to orer 150.000. Growers and bankers generally hare real, tied the soundness of the plan and the benefits that will be received by wool men tinder this more bosiness-llke method of marketing wools. The value of the utilisa tion of the United States licensed ware House sister, which provides for accurate and licensed grading, scouring, baling and the other processes which go to enhance the value of wool and to put It In a mer chantable condition, la quite generally rec ognized by the more progressive growers. The association is now receiving wool. The first man to rhlp to the association and also the fir man to christen with wool the new western warehouse, where the association's wools are being stored, is John W. Strout of Corvallls. The association's office Is in touch at all times with the primary wool markets In Chicago. Philadelphia. Boston, London, as well as Australian, South African. New Zealand and South American points. In this way sale prices and wool movements aa well as textile activities are checked up. According to Mr. Ward, a recent com munication from the Michigan farm bu reau wool marketing organisation states that they sold a large block of combing wools on May 8 for 28 cents and delaine wools for 30 cents. At the same time coun try buyers in Michigan were offering grow ers 16 cents and 18 cents for these grades of wool. The association's latest Boston advices Indicate that the last few days have brought out considerable buying on the part of the larger mills at clean coats which figure somewhat lower than previ ously for territory wools. The govern ment wool auction showed a better clear ance of wools than was expected. Brad ford, England, reports many mills Idle be cause of the coal strike. SMALL TRADE JS WHEAT MARKET An Bids Unchanged at Merchants' Ex change Except on Club. The wheat market was about steady yes terday. Trading was on a small scale at country points. At the Merchants" Ex chance, hard white and soft white bids were unchanged and white club was 1 cent higher than Monday. Coarse grain business was also dull. Ail bids were unchanged. , . " Snow's report follows: "Wheat north of the Platte is generally good, but, the yield is likely to be rather disappointing; oc casional thin stands and short heads. Corn promise for the state is very high; weedy. Oats heading, color and stand good." Terminal receipts, in cars, were reported by the Merchants' Exchange as follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay Portland. Tues. 1S4 3 1 I .... Season to date. 19085 178 108!) ' 58T 2U3 Tacoma.pMon. . 11 ... 8 1 Season to date. 47M 54 1009 190 917 jeanto'date: 439? 226 "osi 475 1408 BTRAWBKKRIKS ARE SHIPPED NORTH Ont-of-Town Demand Steadies rrices on Street. Fhtpplng orders from the north saved Che Front-street strawberry market from solng to pieces yesterday. Receipts were ry large, but there was a good clean-up and prices were steadier at the close than earlier In the day. On the farmers' market most sales were made at S1.253 1.SO. On the street the range was J1.25 1.75. A continuance of outside demand is expected today. The street did only a little local trade as most of the retail ers obtained their supplies direct from growert. ' t Cantaloupes sold readily. Another car load Is due today and they will go on sale t It i crate for standards and j.50 for twnies. Among the produce receipts was a mixed car of rhubarb and asparagus from Walla Walla. BCGS .VXD BUTTER ARE ADVANCING Market Firm Because of Demand From California, There was another advance In the egg market as a result of abort receipts and orders from California. Buyers paid 22H cents, case count, to country shippers. Job bers quoted candled ranch at 25 cents and selects at 27 cents. Butter was firm and also tending up ward with demand for both local storage account and for ahlpment. The best cuhes sold at 27$? 23 cents. Poultry was steady with fair receipts. Hens sold at 13 to 20i cents according tt size a'nd broilers brought 25 cents. Good veal held even at IfSHlj cents for the best. Dressed pork continued scarci Bank Clearings, Bank clearings of the northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: Clearings. Balancea Portland Holiday. Seattle J3.665.635 Jl.183.107 Tacoma 771.618 59.2.10 Spokane 1.442.606 379,135 PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS, Grain, Flour and Peed. Merchants' Exchange, noon session. Bid Wheat June. July. Hard white 1.33 Pnft white 1.S3 White club 1.31 Oata No. 2 whits feed 29 00 21 00 No. 2 : SO 00 30 00 Millrun 31.75 31.50 Corn No. 2 B. Y. shipment.. 81.50 -30.00 No. 3 E. T. shipment 30.00 30.00 FLOUR Family patents, $3.60 per bar rel: whole wheat, J7; graham, 16.80; bak ers' hard wheat, $8.25; bakers' bluestem patents, $7.75: valley bakers' 17.25; straight J7.25. MILLFEED Prices f. o. b. mill: Mill run. 133 per ton: rolled barley. $3739; roiled Oats. $40: scratch feed. S52 per ton. CORN Whole, 41; cracked. (44 pel ton. HAT Buying price f. 0. b. Portland: Alfalfa 18 per ton: cheat, 122323 per ton; clover, 316 per ton; valley timothy, 24; eastern Oregon timothy, 128. Dairy and Country Prod ore. BUTTER Cubes, extras. 2728o per pound; prints, parchment wrapped, box lots, 32c; cartons. 33c. Butterfat, buying price: A grade, 26c; B grade, 24c, Fort land delivery. EGGS Buying prices, case count. 22c delivered. Jobbing prices to retailers: Candled ranch. 25c: selects. 27a CHEESS Tillamook triplets, pries to old per de- jobbers f. o. b. Tillamook. 19c; Toung POULTRY Hens. 1520o pound; ducks. young, sue; geese, nomina;; tumea uuim inal. PORK Fancy, 13s per pound. VEAL Fancy. 1414c per pound. Fruits and Vegetables. FRUITS Navel oranges. $4.756.25 per box: lemons, .2S8.50; grapefruit. 3tT 10.50 iter box: bananas. BttOUVC pound apples, 11.50S8 per box; strawberries. Or egen; tlL7& per crate; cherries, 1020c per pound; cantaloupes, standards. o.vu. do, ponies, 15.50; peaches, J22.50 per box: watermelons, 87c per pound; goose berries. 8c Dound. VEGETABLES Cabbage. 44c pet pound; lettuce, 1262.76 per crate; carrots, 13 per sack; garlic 20c per pound: beeta 11.50(33 r sack: green peppers, 3545c per lb.; rhubarb, 55ttc per pound: spin ach. 66VC per pound; turnip 22.50 per sack: tomatoes. 13W per lug: cuumn hn 11 yXifts ni dozen: Deas. 1517c per nound: asDaraaus. !2f2.25 per box; beans. 12V4 tcllWc. POTATOES Oregon, 11 1.50 per 100 pounds; Yakima, 11.5001.75; new Califor nia, 4 65c per pound; sweet potatoes, 13.75 per crate. ONIONS Oregon, 75c!l per sack: new crop. White Bermudas. 11.75 per crate. 1 Staple Groceries. Local Jobbing quotations: SUGAR (sack basts) Cane granulated, 7.50c per pound; beet. 7:30c per pound. NUTS Walnuta. 30&3!c pound: Brazil nuts, 30c: filberts, 12c: almonds. 246 30c; peanuts, 80110 pound; cocoanuts, ll.fj per dozen. RICE Blue Rose, c per puuuu, style, 4ie per pound. ,,.. BEANS Small white, 5'4e: pink, 7ec, lima, 74ie: red. 10c per pound. COFFKE Roasted, bulk, in drums, 14 9 S6tte per pound. , SALT Granulated, bbl., 13 4054.25; half ground, ton, 60s, 119.75; 100s, J19.2o; lump rock, 126.50. DRIED FRUITS Italian prune 8e pound; date 14.2566.85 per box; figs, 12 6 5.25 per box. Provisions, HAMS All sixes. 3036c: skinned, 31 36c: picnic, 18c; cottage roll, 28c. BACON Fancy, 43 & 53c; choice, 309 35c: standard. 2327c. LARD Pure, tierces, 16c pound; com pound, tierces, 11c. DRf SALT Backs. 20S23C; plates, 16c. Hides, Hops, Etc TALLOW No. I,' SV4J4c; No. 2. 2 ttO 3c per pouna. CASCARA BARK New peel. &c; peel, 6Hc pound, delivered Portland. HOPS 1920 crop, best, 13 & 18c pound. ri 1 1 t. anl,,J niMI-t .v Tildes. 4c livered Portland; grubby hides. 3c; city calf skin 12c; country calf skin 10c; good kip. 6c; grubby kip, 4c, WOOL New clip, 1019Vic per pound. MOHAIR New clip. l622Vc per pound, delivered Portland. GRAIN BAGS 814 690 at country point Oils. LINSEED OIL Raw. in barrels. 11.02; five-gallon cana. 11.17. Boiled, in barrels. 11.04: five-gallon can 11.19. TURPENTINE In drum 92c; five-gallon cans. 11 07. WHITE LEAD 100-lb. kegs. 13c per lb. COAL OIL Tank wagons and iron bar rels, 1714c; case 8037c. GASOLINE Tank wagons and Iron bar rels, 2c; cases. 4014 c. QUOTATIONS ON DAIRY PRODUCB Market Prices. Baling oa Butter, Cheese and Eggs. SAN FRANCISCO. June 7. Butter Ex tra 37Vic; prime firsts, 30c; first nom inal. Eggs Fresh extra 8014c: extra firsts, 30c; first nominal; dirties. 29c: extra puffets, 2714c; undersized pullet 24c. Cheese Flats,- fancy, 17c; firsts, nom inal; Young America, fancies, 2014c; firsts, nominal. NEW YORK, June 7. Butter, strong: creamery higher than extras, 3214 33c: creamery extras, 3114 32c; creamery first 28?31c. Egg irregular; fresh gathered extra first 27V42914c; first 2527c. Chesse, steady; state whole milk flats, fresh special 16 16 14 c: stats whole milk twins, specials, 15 "4 & 10c CHICAGO. June 7. Butter, higher; Creamery exfras, 81c; standard 31c; firsts, 25 30c: second 20 & 24c. Egg higher; receipt 26,263 cases; firsts. 2214 623c; ordinary firsts, 2021c; at mark, cases included, 22 !& 2-14c; stand ard 2314c SEATTLE, June .7. Wholesale prices to dealerS: Eggs, select local ranch, white shell 25 626c; do. mixed color 24 & 25c; pullet 20c. Butter, city creamery cube J2c; bricks or print 33c; country creamery extra cost to jobber in cubes, 28c SAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKE1 Prices Current en Vegetables, Fresh Fruits, Etc., at Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO, June 7. Vegetables Asparagus, 3lUc; squash. 85cQ11.2S crate. 11.2561.50 lug; potatoes. 1263.25; onions, new red. 75c!l bag; green. 11.5061.85 box; tomatoes, Imperial, 119 12.75 lug: garlic, 68c pound; bell peppers, 15!30c pound; peas, 7611c pound; rhu barb, nominal; lettuce, nominal: string beans, 8610c pound; Kentucky Wonders, 1012Hc; artichokes, J3812 crate; beets, 11.7562 sack: carrots, 11.25 '(1. JO sack; egg plant, 1520c pound. Poultry Young chicken 25626c pound: staggy roosters. 2025o pound; old rooster 17630c; ducks, 25 635c; gees ?5c; turkeys. 33 fa 30c; Belgian hare 13 20c; squabs, 4548s pound; pigeon 13 dozen. Fruit Orange navel, 1365: Valencia, 133.75: lemons. I46: apples. il3; strawberries, drawer, 50675c; loganber rle 50665c drawer; raspberries, 1161.23 drawer; gooseberries, nominal; bananas, 814 6 10c pound: pineapples, nominal; avo cadoe 146 6 doz. ; cherrie black, gjn bulk, 6&10C drawer, 73Sf!1.25; apricots, 11.506 2 four-basket crates; 123 lug; peaches, 11.50(1.75 box; cantaloupes, $4.5063; flga 11.7563 box: currants, SJc6!l drawer. Receipts Flour, 1779 quarters; wheat, 3500 centals; onions, 148 sacks; hay, 220 tons; barley, 6486 centals; beans, 97 sacks; corn, 700 centals; potatoes, 307 sacks; hides, 300 bundles; oranges and lemon 750 boxes; livestock, 45 head. Coffee Futures Higher. NEW YORK, June 7. Further advances in the Brazilian markets led to continued covering in the market for coffee futures today, while there also was slme trade buying and probably some demand for In vestment account. The market opened at an advance ot 7 to 9 points and sold 7 to 17 points net higher, with September touch ing 7.10c. That delivery closed at 7.02c, with the general marker closing 6 to 11 points net higher, July, 6.64c; September, 7.02c; October, 7.14c; December, 7.38c; January, 7.50c: March, 7.70c; May, 7.84c. Spot coffee was . reported in fair demand with prices nominally unchanged in basis of 7c to 714 c for Rio 7s and 9.38c to 10c for Santos 4 Metal Market. NEW YORK, June 7. Copper, quiet; electrolytic, spot and June, 1314 61314c; July. 1314 6 13 c. Tin, steady; spot and nearby, 29.75c; fu tures, 29.75c. Iron, nominal; No. 2 northern, 123924. Lead, easy; spot, 4.75c Zinc, quiet; East St. Louis delivery, spot, 4.60 6 4.70c. Antimony, 8.23c. ' Naval Stores. . ' SAVANNAH. Ga.. June 7. Turpentine, firm, 53c; sales, 238 barrels; receipts, 909 barrels; shipments, 180 barrels; stock, 9144 barrel Rosin, firm; sales, 939 barrels: receipt 3113 barrels; shipments, 2 barrels; stock, 77 807 barrel Quote: B, D, 13.50; E, 13.55: F, $3.60; G, 13.65; H. $3.75; I. $3.85; K. 14.20; N, 14.70; M, $5.20; WG, $5.75; WW, 16.50. London Wool Sales Firm, LONDON, June 7. There was a large attendance at the opening of the wool sales today. Offerings amounted to 12.187 bales and there was an active demand, especially from continental buyer Merinos ad vanced from 6 to 10 per cent and cross breds were well absorbed at unchanged prices. New York Sugar Market. isr,w lunft. au,,c i . i , sugar, nom inal: no business reported. Refined, 6.25c A fn, ftnA sranulared. Ihilnth Linseed Market. DTJLTJTH, June 7. Linseed oa track and to arrive, 11.8L Cotton Market, NEW YORK, June 7. Spot cotton quiet. Middling 12.73c Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK. June 7. Evaporated ap ples, quiet. Prunes, firm. Peaches, steady STOCK MARKET RALLIES EARLY DECLINES RECOVERED TOR MOST-PART, Easing of Money Rates, Strengthen Ing of Foreign Exchange Factors. Mexicans Lead In Recovery. NEW YORK, June 7. Liquidation, was heavy In today'a stock market, .but there was a sham rallv before the close. Gross declines of 1 to S oolnts in standard stocks and 5 to 10 pointa In speculative issues were partly or fully recovered. Sale, wora 1 1 OOft lhlli. Early dealings indicated that much of the selling was caused by weeding out of Imn,ir,i1 marffjn account SUCn action traders believed, resulted from further calling of bank loans and smaller supplies of time fundsi A decline In call loans from l to ( per cent, pronounced strengthening of foreign exchange and rumors of recognition by Washington of the Mexican governmeni aided to recovery. The Mexican group, especially Mexican and Pan-American petroleums, were cca spicuous in the recoil. Liberty bonds were irregularly miner. Otherwise, reactionary tendenciea were ap parent in domestic and foreign issues. Total sales, par value, $22,775,000, an un usually large turnover. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. . (Furnished by Overbeck. Cooke com pany, Portland.) bid. 134 42' 42 H 26 '4 14 114 82 7114 3114 8S 2814 81 123 110 18 6 40 llli BO 14 1,200 700 800 " 1,700 S0O 2.400 2 300 3,400 100 1,200 'i',ioo 100 4,700 500 2,000 "iiioo 1,800 3,400 84 . 3.300 2.500 1,500 200 400 1.800 9.500 ' l.lOO 6.200 1.800 3.600 1.700 16,500 "366 100 5,500 600 2,700 700 14.600 , 18.500 1,900 39 "4 500 60 14 15.200 , 60 800 11 ,'""600 "i214 1,100 1214 900 67 2,900 8814 100 75 i.eoo 111 2.100 3614 2,400 26 1,700 1 1.200 , 64 700 7 1.20O 18 2,900 11 ' 700 2314 S.100 2714 2,000 41H 700 27 4.300 671 200 27 14 100 33 1,000 57 '4 7,400 6 1,100 85 900 42 '4 900 1 '4 8,300 6514 10200 "27'i 7,100 81 900 76 400 661,4 19,300 6514 Advance Bum do pfd. .... Agr Chem.... Ajax Rubber. Alaska Gold Alas Juneau.. Alils-Chal ... do Dfd. .... Am Bt Sgr... Am Bosch.... Am Can Co. .. do pfd Am C A Fdy. do pfd Am Cot Oil... Am Drg Synd. Allied Chem.. Am Hd & Lea. do pfd. .... Am Ice Am Int Corp. Am Linseed .. do. pfd .... Am Loco do. pfd Am Sf Razor.. Am Shp & Cm Am Smelter.. do. p'd .... Am -.iuff Am Steel Fdy Am Sugar ... do. pfd .... Am Sumatra.. Am T A T .... Am Tobacco .. do. "B" .... Am Wool do. pfd. . . . Am W P pfd. Am Zinc .... Anaconda ... Assd Oil Atchison do. pfd .... A G & W I.. Bald Loco ... do. pfd .... B & Ohio .... do. pfd Beth Stl "B" B R T . . . Butte C & Z. Butte & Sup.. Caddo Oil .... Calif Pckg Calif Pet .... do. pfd .... Can Pacific .. Cen "Leather.. Cerro D Pas. Chand Motor.. C & N W .... Chgo Gt W.. do pfd. ..... Chill Cop ... Chino C M & Sc P.. do pfd. Coco Cola.... C & O Colo F I... Colo South Colo Gas & K Columbia Gra Con Gas Contl Can.... Contl Canay. Corn Prod.... do pid. .... Cosden Oil... C R I P.- do A pid do "B'' pfd Crucible .... do pfd ..... Cub Cane ... 6 500 do pfd Cuban Am Sgr Del & Hudson 700 noma Mines.. 1.900 D & R G 700 do pfd Endl Johnson. 4,100 Erie 1.900 do 1st pro.. do 2d pfd.. Fam Players.. Fed M & Sin. do pfd .... Fisk Tire ... Gaston Wms. Gen Cigars. . Cen Eiec Gen Motor.. do 6 ... Goodyear . . . Gen Asphalt Goodrich ... Granby ...'... Gt Nor Ore... do pfd. , . . Greene Can.. Gulf S Steel.. Hupp Motor. .. Houston Oli .. Ills Cent Inspiration ... Int A crp cm do pfd. .... Interboro .... do pfd Inter Callahan Int Harv .... Int Mer Mar. do Dfd. .... Int Nickel.. Int Paper .. do pfd. .... Invln Oil .... Island Oil.... Jewel Tea . . .. K C Southern do. pid . Kelly-Spfd Kennecott . . . Keystone Tirs Lack Steel ... Lee Tire ..... Lehigh Val... Lorillard .... L & N Max Motors., do. 1st pfd. do 2d pia Mex Pet M 300 Miami - 2 Mid States Oil 12.100 Midvale Steel. 2,300 M K & T do pfd Mont Power . Mo Pac do. pfd .... Mont Ward M St P A SSM M & St. L... Nat Biscuit.. Nat Enamel., Nat Lead.... Nevada Con.. New Haven.. Nor A W .... Nor Pac Nov Sco Steel N Y Air Bk.. N Y Central. . Okla Prod rf rtniapln Silver Ont A W - 100 Otis Steel 400 Pacific Oil ... 14,700 P Gas A Elec 800 Pan Am Pet.. 27,900 An -B" .... 7.900 Penna 1600 Peo Gas Pere Marquet Phila Co .... Pure Oil .. Pierce -Aro Pierce Oil .... Pitts Coal.... p A West Va. do. pfd .... Psd Steel Car. Pullman Ray Cons... Reading ... Replogle Stl Rep IAS., do. pfd . Rep Motors .. Ryi Dutch oil e.soo nr. c. c !ioa ny oicci . S O Ind Sears Robuck. Shat Ariz .... Shell TAT. Sinclair ... Sloss Shef , Sou Pac Sou Ry do pfd .... St. L A S F. . Strom Carta studebaker Swift A Co. .. Sale High. Low. 43 27 33 72 31 89 M iit" 'lSH . 6 4014 11 5014 "38"" 21 54 814 40 '4 75 101 29 14 78 90 59 1 1044 122T4 121 75 H "soi 814 3914 99 8014 76 85 7814 100 . 1.900 "ioo SIIOO 200 , 400 1.800 20,300 49,200 3,700 400 400 1,400 400 400 1.300 2,500 400 2.600 600 2.10O 1.400 1.600 600 1.100 300 1.300 3.30O 15,300 ' 3.400 600 1.200 8.200 100 10.100 2.500 4.300 8.000 500 i.eoo 1 600 3.000 300 100 100 2,500 400 1,200 T,20d ""466 100 1.300 2.800 1.900 7,700 400 700 2.800 4,900 3.300 8.100 1.700 8.100 10.900 1,300 1.300 3.900 800 8.700 1.400 10,400 400 1.000 100 200 "4,866 300 1,200 26.700 300 8.400 4,000 800 3,000 600 51,500 124 3814 1714 96 1814 "34 134 19 13 i 114 63 134 1014 60 4 34 21 ! 27 7 23 30 It 63 90 33 4' 4 11 4 88 12 40 14 61 "i4 8 8'4 25 "36 19 12 45 27 51 132 105 314 147 21 12 25 62 21 39 18 "ii 112 61 75 11 18 93 70 29 61 65 2 "l7 12 33 60 62 54 34 60 21 31 80 20 . 8 60 28 'bA' 99 13 68 24 64 Tenn C A Che Texas Oil .... Texas Pac . . . T Pac C A O. Tob Pdts .... Trn Con Oil.. L'nion Oil Del Union Pac . . United Alloy., 1.000 32.600 500 7.900 4.600 11.300 2.700 3.200 300 68 76 7 43 21 88 74 20 47 23 85 71 "8 33 22 54 8 19 116 21 41 26 . 82 71 80 87 27 122 "is" 6 89 11 49 35 25 8i' ."3 8 38 73 100 28 . 74 1 89 57 104 120 119 71 "36" 8 37 98 79 76 33 38 49 53 11 "12 11 66 87 75 11014 35 25 60 63 7 17 10 23 23 39 26 66 27 35 57 5 83 42 1 63 "28 31 74 65 60 "ii 37 16 94 17 60 12 19 '65 12 1 65 132 50 33 21 27 66 21 30 10 60 88 32 44 3 10 4 86 12 47 13 57 "l3 3 8 24 "34" 18 12 41 27 50 1.-.0 100 3 142 20 11 25 ""4" 82 20 38 17 ii 110 60 75 10 17 92 68 29 69 67 1 "l7 12 32 49 66 49 34 47 20 30 29 17 8 67 27 78" 87 12 67 23 62 . 65 73 6 41 20 86 72 39 47 22 84 68 32 20 20 62 7 78 115 23 87 26 62 83 100 6 8 40 75 101 28 77 90 69 104 122 120 73 OS. 29 8 38 98 79 76 35 78 85 39 60 55 11 4 12 11 56 38 ' 75 111 36 25 61 4 7 17 10 23 2 40 26 5(3 84 67 6 84 42 I 65 95 27 31 75 65 65 83 12 38 17 84 17 1 63 13 19 13 6 6 26 12 1 65 134 10 61 5 60 34 21 27 67 21 S0 10 61 88 33 8 4514 3 10 4 86 12 48 14 60 94 14 3 8 24 60 36 18 12 43 27 60 151 100 3 3 1 147 20 12 23 . 2' 4 82 20 30 ' 18 5 11 110 61 75 10 17 93 69 28 69 68 4 17 12 33 49 59 63 84 49 21 80 29 19 8 0 28 74 78 99 12 68 23 64 86 15 68 84 68 73 6 43 21 86 74 19 47 23 34 71 85 8 33 21 22 64 7 19 116 23 United Drug.. 2,000 89 87 88 Untd Fd Prod 6.300 18 17 J8 United Fruit.. 3,20O 106 103 106 Utd-RdofNJ 600 9 9 9 do pfd 300 21 21 21 Utd Rtl Stores 9.300 86 55 66 U S Ind Alco. 5.300 60 68 60 U S Rub 23,100 62 39 61 do. pfd .... 100 98 U S Smltg ... 200 32 32 32 V S Steel .... 65.900 79 78 79 do pfd 1.800 107 107 107 Utah Cop .... 1,500 52 60 51 Va Chem .... 1,500 28 27 28 Vanad Steel.. 8,100 29 28 ' 28 Vivandou .... 500 7 7 7 Wabash 200 7 . 7 7 do. A pfd... 1.900 21 20 ' 21 do pfd 14 Wells Fargo .. 200 . 69 53 68 West Pac ... 500 26 26 26 do. pfd 63 Western Union 400 88 87 88 West RAM. 700 45 44 45 West Md 500 10 10 8 White Motors 600 34 33 84 Willys-Ovd .. 7,000 8 7 7 do. pfd .... 1,700 35 84 34 Wilson Pkg... 1,000 35 83 33 Wis Central SO Woolworth , 113 Worth Pump. 1.300 47 46 47 WALE 500 9 8 8 BONDS. TT S 2s reg. .100 do coupon. . 99 U S 4s reg.,104 do coupon.. "104 Pan 3s reg.. 76 do coupon. . 76 A T A T cv 63 97 Atcn gen 4s... ,414 D A R G con 4a 63 U S Steel Ss. . 93 NYC deb 6a.. 87 N P 4s 73 N P 3s 53 Pac T A T 6s 83 Pac con 4s...84 S P cv 8s 85 So Ry 5s...... 81 u f s in sa Bid. Liberty Bond Quotations, Range of liberty bond quotations, fur nished by the Overbeck A Cooke company of Portland: High. Low. Close. Liberty 3s $88.30 187.80 188.02 Liberty, first 4s 88.20 Liberty, second 4s 86.90 Liberty, first 4Ws... 88.40 87.62 88.30 Liberty, second 4.. 87.00 86.62 87.00 Liberty, third 4s.. 92.00 90.70 92.00 Liberty, fourth 4s.. 87.10 86.70 87.10 Victory 4s 98.80 98.06 98.70 Victory 3s 98.70 98.08 . 88.70 Mining Alloues ....... Ariz Com ..... Calu & Ariz... Calu A Hecla. . Centennial .... Cop Range.... East Butte.... Franklin Isle Royalle. .. . Lake Copper.. Mohawk North Butte... Stocks at Boston. 21 8 235 7 33 8 2 20 (Old Domln. .... . osceoia Quincy Superior Sup A Boston.. Shannon Utah Con Winona ....... Wolverine 2.Granbv Con 50 IGreen Cananea. 10 21 27 37 8 1 80 1 40 10 23 21 Swift Co. Stocks. Closing prices for Swift A Co. stocks at Chicago were reported by the Overbeck A Cooke company of Portland as follows: c , a. r, i. . ' - . i"' i 8 7 24 Swift A Co. Libby. McNeill A Llbby National Leather Swift International .... Money. Exchange. Etc, NEW YORK, June 7. Prime mercantile gaper. 6 67 per cent. Exchange Irregular; sterling, demand, 13.80; cables, 13.81. Francs, demand. 8.11: cables, 8.13. Belgian francs, de mand 8.10; cables, 8.12; guilders, demand, 33 40; cables. 33.50. Lire, demand, 4.81; cables, 4. S3. Marks, demand, 1.32; cables, 1.53. Greece, demand, 6.10. 8weden, de mand, 22.45. Norway, demand, 14.80. Ar gentine, demand, 31io7. Brazilian, demand, 12.75. Montreal, 1114 -per cent discount. Time loans firm. 60 days. 90 days and six months, 7 per cent. Call money firm; high, ruling rate and offered at 7; low. closing bid and last loan, 7 per cent. Bar silver, domestic, 9914c; foreign, 5814c. Mexican dollar?, 44c. LONDON, June 7. Bar silver, 34d per ounce. Money. 4 per cent. Discount rates. short bills, 3 per cent. Foreign Bonds. Foreign bond quotations furnished by the Overbeck A Cooke company of Portland Russian 6 1921 Russian 5s, 1926 Russian 6s, 1919 Currency French os; l3l .. French 4 1917 ... French 5s, 1020 ... Italian 6s, 1918 ... British 6s, 1922 ... British 6s, 11127 . . British 6s, 1929 British vky 4s .... Belgium rest 6s .. Belgium prem 5s . German W. L. 5s . Berlin 4s Hamburg 4s Hamburg 4 s . . . . Lelpsig 4s ...... Leipsig Ss Munich 4s Munich 5s Frankfort 4a JaD 4s Jap first 4s Jap secona s Paris 6s II K 8 1921 ... U K 6 1922 ... U K 8 1929 ... U K 61zS, 137 ... Bid. . . 14 .. 4 .. 15 . . 20 .. 63 .. 61 .. 77 .. 40 ..384 ..378 ..379 . .00 . . 60 . . 74 .. 12 .. 12 .. 35 ..14 .. 13 .. 15 .. 15 .. 15 .. 15 . . 69 . . 83 . . 85 . . 99 . . 99 .. 97 .. 89 - . 84 Ask. 17 7 18 30 ' 64 52 79 41 394 388 889 301 72 77 13 13 10 13 16 16 16 17 16 69 85 85 9 99 97 90 85 LOGANBERRY CROP LARGE Returns to Marlon Growers Esti mated at $424,000. SALEM, Or., June 7. (Special.) Marion county's loganberry crop for this year will aggregate 10,600,000 pounds, according to estimates made hero today following- a survey of the fields by fruit experts, uasea on an average price of 4 cents a pound, the growers will receive $424,000. The Increase in this season a erop over that of last year is estimated at 2,800,000 pounds. It was said today that canneries will handle most of the loganberry crop and that the growers of this crop'wHl fare better than the straw berry producers, who in many in- stances have been compelled to ped dle their berries f rom, house to bouse. Molalla Chautauqua Success. MOLALLA. Or.. June 7. (Special.) Molalla is enjoying a successful Chau' tauqua. Colonel Leader lectured on "Europe. Past and Present," Monday night. Alexander Skibinsky, the noted Russian violinist and composer, was given an ovation. He was assisted by Edna Jones, pianist, DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, June 7. Maximum temper ature, 70 degrees; minimum. 87 degrees. River reading, 8 A. M., 23.3 feet; change in last 24 hour 0.4 foot rise. Total rainfall (5 P. M. to 3 P. M ), trace: total rainfall since September 1. 1920, 44.76 Inches; nor mal rainfall since September 1. 42.58 Inches; excess of rainfall since September 1. 1920, 2.18 Inches. Sunrise. 4:21 A. M. ; sunset. 7:59 P. M. Total sunshine June 7. 13 hours 52 minutes; possible sunshine. 15 hours 38 minutes. Moonrise Wednesday 7:18 A. M.; moonset Wednesday, 10:07 P. M. Barometer (reduced to sea level) at 5 P. M.. 30 06 inches. Relative humidity at 6 A. M., 78 per cent; at noon, 63 per cent; at 8 P. M., 45 per cent. THB WEATHER. STATIONS. 3 s. 3 3 Baker Boise Boston ..... Calgary .... Chicago ... Denver Des Moines. . Eureka .... Galveston ... Helena Juneau! .... Kansas City Los Angeles. Marshfield . Medford ... Minneapolis New Orleans New York.. North Head Phoenix .. Pocatello , Portland .. Roseburg .. Sacramento St. Louis. . Salt Lake. San Diego. , S. Francisco. Seattle Sitkat . Spokane Tacoma Tatoosh VolHezt Walla Wallal Washington Winnipeg . Yakima ... Isd. 9 o 2R Wind Weather. 6Si0T031..;.SWICloudy 82iO.00..NW 78io.uouu:yw 80j0.12!14!W 72 0.00 12jE 66:0.15 .. N 82!0.16 . . SE 66i0.0810N 84i0.00 14 SB 8210.00 72 0.40 86'S.OS 74)0.00 66 0.00 78 0.00 1 N N N SW NW . . !nw 6 2.18!12;SB 8810.24 .. SB 74 0.00). .IS 60I0.10H81NW' 1060.00'IOIW 86 0.00!. .IW 7010.00 ..INW 74!0.00..N 84 0.O0I141SW 78 0.121.. IS 8210.00 ..INW esio.ooi. 6010.001. 620. 161. 64 0. 001. 74;0.06'10SW 66I0.12I..IW 6010.05 . 56 0. 02. 76 0.081. 700.0OI. 78l0. 00110 8210.001 ISW . w . w Clear hClear Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy krioudy Pt. cloudy Rain Clear Pt. cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy taloudy Clear IClear IClear Cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Cloudy (Clear IClear Cloudy uiear Pt. cloudy Clear W IClear SW rciear SW Cloudy SE Cloudy SB Pt. cloudy iNWiClear tA. M. today. P. M.report of preceding day. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Fair: northwest erly winds. Oregon ana w ssiiiaBiuu u t uvu.lb westerly wind BULGE FAILS TO PROFIT - TAKIXG TTX SETTLES WHEAT AT CIOSE. Strength Earlier in Day Due to Bullish Estimate of Winter Crop. Federal Report Out Today. CHICAGO. June 7. Bullish crop figures, the most radical this season. Jerked wheat upward today from nn early decline. The bulge, however, failed to hold. Closing prices were unsettled, varying from jicnrt lower to a like advance, with July 1.2 1.30 and September 11.161.17. Corn lost lc and oats c Provisions gained 10 60c According to a leading expert, the 19-1 winter wheat yield promises only 558,000, 000 bushels, whereas the government esti mate May 1 was 628.000,000 bushels. Buy ing based largely on the new estimate car ried the market this afternoon to the high est price of the day. Profit-taking was lively, and a sharp reaction was In prog ress at the last. Weakness which pre vailed during the morning was ascribed mainly to excellent weather throughout much of the winter crop belt, and to word that the harvest had commenced in south ern Kansas and Missouri. Bears contended that the June government crop report, due tomorrow, wouldNnot confirm the low pri vate estimntes. Corn and oats averaged lower, despite the upturn in wheat. Crop reports were favorable on corn and somewhat Improved as to oats. Receipts of corn continued large. , , Provisions were dull, but firmer in line with hogs. Some export business was said to be under way. - The Chicago market letter received yes i.rdiv hv th overbeck A Cooke company of Portland said: . . Wheat The Initial oecnne wa. primarily on intimations from the sea board tnat roreigners were ""-'"b little disposition to take our wheat, claim- ..... ...nnii,a frnm ing tney are aoie 10 secum . . . . .1 halt., aHvan- Australia ana Arcmiu tage. The ensuing strength was accom panied by an estimate - ing crop autnority iukb""" - wheat yield of 558.000,000 bushels. This practically connrmea : . ;C . ,, , ,, 1 ,. W,.tt At the oy our mr. aiikw wi ,.v same time, numerous messages were re- . . . , .,... ,.nnr)ln, ma- ceivea irom me a . . terial Improvement in the outlook, with an early harvest expected. The cash mar ket was Wltnoui particular - on the same basis as yesterday. The mar- . . ... :n -..v.hlv h, nmewhat Kei tomorrow win I" " ' j - - - ' Irregular pending publication of the gov ernment report, which we believe will have to show greater deterioration than private estimates If higher prices are to Corn Tne support wmtu .... . , n n, in virience to- marKei yesieruaj- " day and prlcea eased under the pressure of selling by cash houses against country purchaser Receipts were estimated at 800 cars and sold about cent lower. The . . . ......I ,nnm for reportea cnanering m 1,500,000 bushels to Montreal and Buffalo was not influential. This market is un doubtedly on a firm foundation and should respond readily to bullish influences as soon as the present Influx from the coun try is out of the way. Oats Prices held comparatively firm In . . . L in nthar direction tne race o1 me caico . u reflecting good buying on the declines by the northwest ana umt,.i ' . - . fi. at vesterdnv s basis. Country offerings to arrive were moderate, crop reports "- ..... in th, form of nye selling i""'" V .v,. hedging against crop purchases In th country onset ouyins; vr ests and gave the market a rather weak tone. Cash rye was steady at li cents over July for No. 2 on track. Leading prices ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. SS5::: ?ha S:5S tiS ' tS5 CORN. .TutI...- . .69 .64 -"J Sept...: .63 -63 .5 ..65 OATS. .Tulv...- .39 .39 .38 .8 Sept...: .41 -41 -o MESS PORK. July... .... l,m LARD. Tnlv 9 70 9.75 9 67 9.75 Sept::. lO.OO lO.lO lO.OO 10.07 SHORT RIBS. tSiSI iS:5I xSrSi IS:if aNorred; 11.56. No. 1 hard. "corn No.2 mixed. 64c; No. 2 yellow. "oafsNo. 2 white, 3839c; No. 3 white, 8738c. RyeNo. 2. 11.3991.40. Barley 6071c. Timothy seed 14.506. Clover seed S13&1S. Pork Nominal. Lard 19.60. Ribs 19.50 610.50. Frlroary Receipts. CHTCAC-O. June 7. Primary receipts Wheat. 231,000 bushels versus 1.1SS.U00 bu-hels Corn, l.sas.OOO buhels versus lO oVS' bushels. Oats, 1.20O.00O bushels versus 305.000 bushels. Shipments W heat, 578,000 bushels versus 817,000 bushel Corn, Tiw.uuu duuuoib - - els. Oats. 4S4.000 bushels versus 526,000 busneis. t . Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, June 7. Barley, 479 63 cents. Flax, No. 1. ll.82gl.84. Winnipeg Whest Market. WINNIPEG. June 7. Wheat, July, 11.70; October. 11.30. Grain at San Francisco. 1 wDtviorn Pol. T ii n 7. Grain Wheat, feed, 12.3562.60; milling, 12.35 2 60. Hariey, ieea, .m'i,,.w, ll.S31.45. Oats, red feed. 11 .00l.p. Rye. nominal. Corn, white Egyptian, 12.30 a 2.40; red milo, 12.102.15. Seattle Grain Market. n . Tm: T,,nA T Wh'st. hard white nrA WW,., .. - . .... n.v.it, tl m whit, club 11.33: anu Boit ""'"1 , - - hard red winter, soft red winter, northern spring and eastern rea nana, ji.ju, xjia Bend bluestem, 11.35. City delivery: Feed Scratch feed, 151 per ton; baby scratch feed. 167; feed, wheat, 135; all grain chop, 142; oats, 139: rolled oats, 141; sprouting oats, 144: whole barley. 1119: rolled barley. $41: clipped bar aa. mill.ri fetid. l:l:t: bran. 130: whole corn, 140; cracked corn, 142. Hay Ailalta, l- von; aouttie cuuiesKu alfalfa. 131; do, timothy, 133; eastern Washington mixed, 130; straw, 124. SHEEP I1ET ACTIVE TRAMXG IS MOSTLY IX THIS DIVISION AT YARDS. Lambs- Selling at Steady Prices. Hogs Hold Their Own at Previous Quotations. The supplr of stock at the yards was limited yesterday, except in the sheep u. f th. ativttv was in this division and the sales Indicated a steady market. Hogs also movea ai previou. quotation The cattle market was on a nominally steady basis. Receipts were 1283 sheep and 66 hogs. 2 steers. 6 steers. 15 steers. 2 steers. 17 steers. 1 cow. . . 1 cnw. . . 2 COWS. . 16 cows. . 1 bull... 1 hog. . . 2 hogs. . 16 hogs.. 8 hogs.. 21 hogs.. 19 hogs. . 1 hog... 1 hot? 15 hogs. 4 hogs. . 1 hog... 1 hog... 1 hogi. . 14 hogs.. 8 hogs. . 16 hogs.. 1 hog... 19 Hnfl.. 11 lambs. 47 lambs. 32 lambs. I' lAmbs. a lambs. 58 lambs. 82 lambs. 1Q 0mh. 27 iambs Wgt Price. Wgt. Price. 970 1 6.50 13yearl. 102 14.50 1031 5.25 24 yearl. 95 8 00 975 6.23 41 yearl. 103 3.50 955 5.23 135 yearl. SO 4.00 975 6.25 828 yearl. 74 3.50 870 8.75 292 yearl. 75 8.50 910 5.25 260 yearl. 84 3.50 970 6.00 84 yearl. 95 4.75 967 3.33 16 yearl. 101 5.00 930 8.75 20weth. 150 2.50 110 9.00 8 mixed 114 8.00 178 9.25 7 mixed 152 2.00 162 9.15 2 mixed 120 8.00 174 9.25 1 buck. 175 1.50 204 4.15 lcow.. 670 5.50 175 9.15 lcow.. 1130 6.25 190 9.00 lcow.. 1270 5.75 200 8.50 lcow.. 670 6.25 223 9.00 2 oowa. 785 8.25 182 9.00 lcow.. 800 4.00 470 5.00 lcow.. 1050 .6.25 890 4.00 8 cows. 690 8.25 325 6.00 lcow.. 730 6.00 211 9.00 lcalf.. 140 10.00 293 7.00 lcalf.. 170 10.00 208 9.00 Thogs. 181 9.33 270 6.00 4 hogs. 210 9.00 196 9.00 2 hogs. 345 6.00 78 7.00 12 hogs. 180 9.13 63 6.25 2 hogs.. 230 9.10 67 6.25 lhog.. .350 5.00 73 6.75 4 hogs. 373 6.00 58 5.00 47 hogs. 204 9.00 68 6.75 7 hogs. 202 9.10 72 7.00 7 hogs. 202 9.10 70 7.00 73 lambs 75 6.50 . 70 7.00 20 lambs ti 8.50 T No. 1001 LUMBERMENS 1 TRUST COMPANY I BANK H Broadway and Oak I INSURANCE j SAVINGS CLUB Banktsis; Hemrs B 10 A. M. tt 3 P. M. n Saturdays B 10 A. M. to 13 M. H P. M. 8 P. M. No fees No charges No strings attached HOW THOMPSON INSURED HIS INSURANCE Thompson had a good position, a wife and baby, and like other prudent men he insured his life to protect his loved ones against want in the event of his death. But when his second annual premium came due he found he had not saved enough to meet it. He scraped together enough to pay the quarterly premiums a few times. Some times he had to borrow it. That meant em barrassment and hardship. It looked as if it would be too much for him. lie was on the point of dropping hi3 insurance and leaving his family without protection when his agent suggested that he "Join Our Insurance Savings Club" Now out of every salary check, he regu larly sets aside enough to enable him to meet his premium annually in advance. Every pay day find3 him at our savings window making a deposit. His funds will always be available when his premium comes due. Thompson's wife and baby shall never suffer. IjIJMBEIRlMBNS OAK AT BROADWAY 44 lambs. 19 lambs. 7 lambs. 8 lambs. 27 ewes. . 21 ewes. . 4 ewes. . 6 ewes. . 4S yearl 60 70 61 61 98 125 142 153 78 7.001 8 lambs 7.001 45 lambs 5.001 88 lambs 8.00 24 lambs 162 lambs 1 ewe. . 1 ewe. . 1 yearl. 2.00i 2 00 2.00 2.00 6.00 88 68 75 68 70 160 120 90 6 75 6 00 8 50 7.00 7.00 2.00 2.50 6.00 Livestock prices at the local yards foi- Cholce steer,- IS " 8 25 Medium to good steers 7.30g 8.00 Fair to medium steers J 25 7 0" Common to fair steers 6 OOg 6 00 Choice cows and heifers. . I R Medium to good cows, heifers. 5.50 60 Fair to medium cows, heifers.. 4.5ua .o Canner 2.00 8.50 Hulls i t" Choice dairy calve. S S SI! Prime light ialves ??? Heavy calves Choice feeders Fair to good feeders Hogs Prime light Smooth heavy. 230 to 300 lbs. Smooth heavy, 300 lbs. Rough heavy Stags Fat pigs ... Feeder plga Sheep Prime lambs Fair to good lambs .. Cull lambs Feeder lambs Light yearlings Heavy yearlings Light wethers .. Heavy wethers .. Ewes 3 00(d 6 00 5 25 5.75 4.73V 6.23 9.00 9 25 7.25a) 8 23 and up. 6.25'n) 6 75 O.uurp t.n 4.00'q) 7.25 .00'p 9.25 8.5pia 9.23 6.50(f? 7.25 5.50i 6.30 4.00(g) 5.50 2 50Ca 4.00 B.OOrgl 6 50 4.50 ft) 6.00 4.00 4.30 3 00 4.00 1.000 4.25 Chicago livestock Market. CHICAGO, June 7. Cattle Receipts, 9000 head; weighty beef steers, weak to 13c lower; other classes slow, steady; veal calves, 25c to 50c higher; top for yearling steers, 18.75; long fed 1700-lb. beeves, 18; bulk, $7.508.35; butcher cows and heif ers, mostly $4.758.73; bologna bulls, largely $4.5064.75; bulk veal calves, $9 4i 9.50. Hogs Receipts, 27.000 head; market active, 10c to 13o higher than yesterday s average: heavies and heavy mixed, up most; hogs nearly all sold; top, $8.25; bulk, $7.908.20; pigs, 10c to 15c higher. Sheep Receipts. 12.000 head; mostly tA.riv shorn lamb tOD. $12.25: top na- tiv. .nrlnu 113.75: bulk. 11313.50; some California springs. 113 75. with 20 per cent sorted: others held higher; Cali fornia yearling lambs, n.(o; imm ers, $5; fat ewe top, $4,75. Kansas City Livestock Market. KANSAS CITY, Mo., June 7. Cattle Receipts, 12.500 head; beef steers, canners and fat she stock, steady to 25o lower: top yearlings, $8.60; best cows. $6.50; choice heavy heifers. $7; bulk canners. $1.75(S2; bulls and feeders, steady; Block ers, steady to strong; calves, steady to weak: top vealers, $8.50. Hogs Receipts, 20,000 head: market opened around steady, closed active, 5 10c higher; top, $7.70; bulk of sales, $7.25 7.60; packing sows, steady; stock pig l.r25c lower; best kinds, $8.50. Sheep Receipts, 9000 head; killing classes. 2540c higher; top ewes, $4; bulk fat natives, $3.508.75; clipped lambs. $12; native spring lambs. $12.85; bulk better grades, $1212.50; goats. 13.60. Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA, Neb., June 7. Hogs Receipts, 10.000 head; market mostly strong to 15c higher; bulk 10 to 240 lb. butchers, $7.40 7.75; top, $7.80; bulk butchers, 230 lbs. and over, $7.10 7.35. Cattle Receipts, 8000 head; beef steer weak to 15c lower; top steers, $8.40; stock, steady to 25a lower; other classes, gen erally steady. Sheep Receipts 7500 head: generally steady on all classes; bulk native spring lambs. $1212.50; top. $12.75; top Cali fornia spring lambs, $13.50; choice Idahos unsold; wooled lambs. $11.50; clipped lambs, $11; wooled ewes. $4.40. Seattle Livestock Market. SEATTLE, Wash., June 7. Hogs steady. No receipts; quotations unchanged. Cattle steady; receipts, 27 head; quota tlona unchanged. Seniors Stage Playlets. UNIVERSITY OP OREGON'. Eu gene. June 7. (Special.) The dra matic work of the University high We Offer For Immediate Delivery The Unsold Portion $45,000 City of Pomeroy, Washington 5 WATER SYSTEM . BONDS Maturing Serially 1926-40 A Conservative, Highly Secured Income Tax Exempt Investment TO YIELD 6 Phone or Wrke G.E.MILLER BONDS AND ma & COMPANY INVESTMENTS B SAFE I TAX EXEMPT $18,500 City of Vancouver, Washington Local Improvement District Bonds To Be Dated Jane IS, 1021. Doe June 15. 103X Optional June 15, 1022. FINANCIAL STATEMENT L. I. D. NO. 1T. Rea! value (estimated) 1 .nJ n" Assessed value t Debt, this issue ls.oOu.OO This district includes the entire length of 16th Street crnsslnir Main Street at which Intersection is located the Vancouver I'uMia Library. A total of 147 lots. 90 per ctnt being Improved residential property, are within this Improvement District, Priced According to Estimated Maturities to Net 7.25 Bonds will be ready for delivery about June 13. Carstens & Earles. Incorporated Government, I Smm Francisco Los Angeles KMtahllahrd IN0I. Munli-lpal and Corporation Bonds. , S. National Hank llldg. Portland, Oregon, ltroadrray slus. SeiUtle Npokane Uiiiiiiiiii'ii'i iiiiiiimiiiuiUB,ULJUi I'l III CAREFUL INVESTORS should pur chase securities from an institution whose character, stability and manage ment are an assurance of continued pro tection to its customers. This bank maintains its Bond Depart ment to afford you that assurance and protection in making safe investments. us school was completed this week when I 150 persons saw the two one-act" plays staffed by the seniors in u school. The theatrical performances of the hiKh school sttrdents have been popular this year, and have been di rected by Misfl Ethel Wakefield of Portland. "Investment Opportunities of Today" Is Just Off the Press Write, phone or call for your copy. Blyth, Witter & Company Government, Municipal and Corporation Bonds Yeon Building, Portland Phone Main 8183 $00O CITY OF KELSO 7 Improvement Bonds $ 500 estimated to mature Feb. 1, 1925 $3000 estimated to mature Feb. 1, 1926 $5500 estimated to mature Feb. 1, 1930 PRICE 100 and interest to yield lie WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO. Ground Floor, Board of Trade Building MAIX 113 80 FOURTH ST. ::l For $450 Purchase can be made of one share each of listed dividend-paying stock that, will return SS dividends an nually, amounting in all to $46 so that the return on the investment is slightly better than 10 per cent The 8 stocki referred to are representative of dif ferent lines of industry, thus making for added safety of principal. Combined purchase can be made on a ' First payment of $90 Balance in monthly pay ments of $36 each. Write DeptrG-55 for de scriptive literature on the above which will be seat gratis, together with our booklet "Thrift -Savtnft - In ttttmtnl. " fIRRMClfiRKSDN&II 66BROA0WAM NEWYORK '. JEU BOWUWO.GREEH. 4020- 2 i:::n;sm::g:c::K::::::::::K::i::a::::::s::""::. HERRIN & RHODES, Inc. (Established IRM) BROKERS MEMBERS CHICAGO BOARD OS TUAUbi. Correnondnt, E. P. ni'TTOI CO. Ilialirri new lorn nioea rkana-e. Prlvata lyeasrd VI attract to All arrarltr cmim modltr Markets. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD MAIN 3K3 and SH4 tai-i RAILWAY h-ACli. BLDO. roi I rk Ki- I Wlrs I V fl R PAYMENTS or Xond . Purrnaearrvcsiv! irvideUMi. Writs? for -;ctad, JFM?GoV9rn&C9