REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. K MODBRS's rrsidfne..' lo cated on west sme, gtit-edse district. A minutes' drive to heart of ctly and waikjngr distance; surrounded by amp's and beautiful grounds, providinic maxi mum of safety for children; 14 room, three baths, hardwood floors, white enameled throughout: in fact, every modern convenience for solid comfort, and also possessing that home-like air so necessary for satisfaction with one's surroundings; price $30,000; any reason able first payment will be accepted; bal ance can be paid on novel and very in teresting terms; possession July 1; owner leaving city; no agents. T 713, Orcgonian. HAWTHORNE. Five-room bungalow, one of the show places of this district, built five years ago, when good material and workman ship could be had at a reasonable price. For instance, the siding is ft -inch thick. 2x10 Joists, hardwood floors, ft -inch; 3 coats paint inside, full cement basement and furnace; the kitchen ia the most complete imaginable. with breakfast nook. Living room across the front. -i.H finnl... mantla And bookcases; unusually fine' buffet In din- ! Ing room; floored attic, $5-50. $1000 or less down, Dalance niontniy. Main avo. Out Chamber of Commerce bldg. 'E HAVE had 13 years' experience In th buying, selling- and building of bunga lows and If you are in need of a home It will be to your Interest to come in and talk It over with us. If we haven't Kt what you want on our lists we will furnlfph plans, lots and finance a building for you and we feel we are in a better position to give you real value for your money than those with leas experience. We work almost exclusively In Laurel burst and Rose City Park, but will con sider other locations that are good. Those whom -we have built for are our best advertisers. HI LL&R BROS.. Realtors, f14 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 89. Ti-.mch Office 5th at Sandy. T-hor 84 5. FOR MALE BY OWNER. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. 5-room strictly modern bungalow, fin ished in Ivory and pearl gray; fireplace, built-in buffet, breakfast nook: cement basement, furnace, stationery tubs: has alley ways on two sides of lot; enough raspberries and strawberries for family use: fine lawn with 10 nice shade trees; on paved street and car line: paving paid. I have bought a farm and have priced this home to sell; will take auto an nart Daymen u oaiain--e itnua. .... '3-4i. E. 3tnh st. N. Tm tn the heurt of Irvington. six rooms and sleeping porch, fireplace, fur nace, full cement Basement ana h-ks .Mlxlfto lot with fruit and shrub ht-ry; this is not a new home, but one f the best built houses in the city and you can handle it with your own-terms. Price 4.-,w. COB A. McKENNA CO REALTORS. MEANING RELIABILITY. s Fourth St. Main 4522. VACANT AND IN FINE ORDER. CHICKEN AND FRUIT RANCH IN' HEART OF CITY. H acre with more fruit than you trer saw on any otner acre, nne nig trees. Snlendidlv equipped with double-decked thicken houses and fine pens. Big gar den in. A dandy plastered fl-room bouse with sleeping porch, and it la In spick and span condition. Let us show you. $1200, and the terms will surprise you. RALPH HARRIS CO.. REALTORS. Mrt Chamber of Commerce. Main 5024. HAS A WONDERFUL VIEW. $.",00 DOWN HANDLES. Beautiful 7-room bungalow type home. with large finlsned attic besides, on 50x100 terraced grounds, splendid dis trict, close to Union ave. Priced to sU quickly at $4750. $500 cash, balance $4 por month. Including interest. l.N AAKSA Al fc; I.MfcM31t..M REALTORS. Bdwy. 451. 410 Henry Bids. ONLY $2300 6 ROOMS. Dandv home at $20 month, 6 per rent interest, on beautiful 50x100 lot: 7 fruit trees, berriea, sewer; block Gllsa-n. 2100 5 ROOMS. Easy terms. Fine shape. 50x100 lot: chicken houses, fruit, berriea. Bargain. MARSH McCABE CO.. Realtors. 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Mar. 8!lt3. IRVINGTON. 14-30. $6250. $6230. Fine 6-room house for sale at a bar gain, hardwood floors, 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch, Gasco furnace, garage; must be sold this week. Shown by ap pointment. EAST 4991. XSW IRVINGTON" BUNGALOW. $4200. Modern. 5 rooms, close In: every built- in feature, concrete basement, laundry trays, furnace, nice lawn and shrubbery. This ia an unusual value. Before you build or buv you should see this. KrCHAKD W. ilASl. Realtor. RITTER, LOWE CO.. ;oi-I--5-7 Board of Trade Bids. ROSE CITY $4050. New 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, bookcases, built- in kitchen, breakfast nook, cement base ment, laundry trays, furnace, floored at tic, garage; will be ready in 15 daya Buy now. select your paper and inside finish. $1500 down, balance terms. See Owner at 677 E. 52d street North., be tween 8 A. M. and 6 P. M.. or call Tabor S271. No dealers. . BEAUTIFUL Bl'XGALOW. NEAR SANDY BLVD. New bungalow of 5 rooms and large attic, in Laurelhurst. The last word in rchitectural beauty and decorative art Interior arrangements perfect, construc tion thorough. location Ideal. Price cut to $6500, with some terms, tshown by appointment only. ELM PR F. BENNETT CO. (Realtors). 31-21 Tlf.ard of Trade. Main 74.",'-. BUNGALOW I)E LUXE. ONE OF THE REAL BEAUTIFUL, MODERN HOMKS IN BEST IRVING TON DISTRICT: LEAVING CITY; LL GIVE IMMEDIATE POSSES SION. INCLUDING FURNISHINGS IF DKSIRED, AT ATTRACTIVE LOW PRICE. OWNER. 672 EAST SIX TEENTH ST. NORTH. . ROSE CITY PARK. ."00 DOWN $4850. Extra fine 5-room bungalow: modern. Full cement basement, pipeless furnace, Radlantfire fireplace, buffet, all bulit- ins. Beautiful 50x1(10 lot. See this. MARSH McCABE CO.. Rea'tors. 322-3-4 Failing Bldg Mar. 3093. STOP. LOOK AND READ. A wonderful bargain in Rose City. f room modern bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, ail buiit-ins, furnace, garage. mprovements in and paid, cant be bv-aten for the price, only $500o. with $.'oo down or less. East 661 evenings. Tabor 64 42. FURNISHED HOME. $.150 cash. bnl. easy, buys 5-room house, near Franklin high, on E. 53d at. Price complete st.o. Bl'RKHARDT BUSINESS BUILDERS. 415 Piatt Bldg. Realtors. Main 7027. PR SALE, cheap. 5-room bungalow. partly finished, corner lot 50x100. trees. shrubbery, garage. 1 block from car. beautiful home; am leaving city: see his If you want a snap. Call Bowman. Broadway 532. 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. ELL BUNGALOW. hAWTHORNE AVE Half block from car, 50x100 lot. larrc nd roomy, strictly modern home, can buy direct: liberal terms. Phone Mar. 12. Ot A. 62.1-1T. OAl'TIFUL Vernon corner, vacant; 7 moms, fireplace, 7.x100. paved, paid: Iimmi cash, bal. terms. You can mnW deal home with little expense. R W. ary. 1210 N. w. Bank bldg. $2S50 NEW BUNGALOW. JisH finished; best buy in Portland: inpete in every detail: easv terms: shown by appointment. Umbdenstock as Larson Co.. 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658 tOOM house, sleeping porch, sun nnrph with six lots. 35 bearing fruit trees orted berries, chicken houses and runs; awn. roses, etc. -nw. . uwuer leaving ty. must sell. Auto B44-14. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Modern 7-room residence in excellent condition, on East 12th. near Morrison, price. $7500; terms to responsible par ses, ruling c URELHURST Lovely 7-room modem ouse, all floors oak. Ivory finish, fur ace, fireplace, French doors, garage V2O0, Including fine range and radiator. ood terms. Zimmerman, Main 8052. ri -SALE 7-room house at 724 E T--:-- t.: lot 100x100: splendid fruit trees, ber ies and shrubbery of all kinds. Call Woodiawn 6l3ri. ;W HOUSE. 5 rooms and bath, good oasement: Bull Run . water, gas. high- rade plumbing. Tabor 6851. V1NGTON 6-room modern corner ouse. garage. 4U5 Tillamook. Owner Cast 4076. RGE 9-room mooern hcuse on a lot Abundance of fruit. By owner, 126 E. 0th st. ,SE CITY PARK 5-rm. modern bun- alow. $-iM. shkio down and easy pay- nents Call Tanor 1827 Klickitat. HUNGALOW NEAR LAURELHURST. New. modern o-room. ready tor occu- ancy. 1260 r- Aider, jiam a.iat. JEFFERSON HIOH DISTRICT. 1 7 or 1 4-room modern bungalow by wner. 2s navcr. woociawn 1132. RGE. comfortable, furnished home on est side. Auto. 2i.i-4j. DEKN 5-room R. C. bung., vacant: ga- iraxe; any oiu leruis, vui i REAL ESTATE. For 8ule House. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. Active Home Sellers. SMALL DOWN PAYMENT SPECIALS. Here are a few of our SMALL DOWN PAVMENT listings. READ them over carefully call us let us show you then OFFER your best DOWN PAY MENT. J-O00 ROSB CITY DISTRICT: 4 rooms, double constructed bungalow. 14300 NEW; HAWTHORNE CARLINE: modern. 5 rooms, attic: all MOD ERN convenience, except fur nace. 3S00 NEW HAWTHORNE BUNGA LOW: never occupied: 3 rooms and breakfast nook. SEE THIS TODAY. ' 13800 Another HAWTHORNE: NEW. never occupied; worth investigat- $4500 ROSE CITY. SEW BUNGALOW, GARAGE: never occupied; s. cIamv nrpent for a bride. J330O MONT A VILLA, E. Stark St.. on lavement: 6 rooms, on one floor. 1250 JIT. SCOTT. 5-room BUNG A iXW; no mortgage or assess ments to assume. We have a verv attractive proposition for SERVICE MEN on NEW BUNGA LOWS. Call and see ua or phone u and we will call upon you, ... J. A. WICKMAN CO.. REALTORS, -Shortest Wav Home." KM Stark St. Main 5S3 ana 1"1M J10.5U0 WONDERFUL, bungalow, elegant' lv finished, containing every mod ern convenience, located In ex clusive view location; large grounds, fruit trees, berries and garage. $19,000 Irvington bungalow with acre of ground: fruit trees and garden. $8300 Laurelhurst 8-room home and ga rage; fine location and rare bar- $8750 Laurelhurst home, 1-8 below value. $7900 Irvington colonial home. $7350 New modern bungalow and a- CHAS. RINOLER ft CO.. -SS Henry Bldg. SEVEN-ROOM, VERT DESIRABLE RES IDENCE. NO. 221 SHAVER. CORNER HAIGHT ST.: LOT 50 BY 100 FEET; HOUSE JUST THOROUGHLY RENO VATED ILL THROUGH; -IiCS,7?$ TERMS. THIS IS THE BEST BUY IN THAT LOCALITY. BE SURE TO Si.E IT. PARRISH, WATKINS CO.. REALTORS, 252 STARK ST. PHONE MAIN 1644. FTTRNISHED HOME CLOSE IN. 14500 for eomolete outfit, good 6-room house. 4 rooms and bath, newly white enameled, on main floor, tine cement hnsement. eood lot and new garage, all city improvements are in and paid, the house is nicely furnished, all ready for housekeeping: fine location, only one block from the Sunnyside car line; easy terms if desired and quick, possession. For inspection see E. W. HUGHES. 507 Journal Building. Main 2S58. LAURELHURST. T-ROOM BUNGALOW $7500. tttfist time ADVERTISED. Prac tically new bungalow with hardwood floors In living room, dining room and 2 bedrooms, tile bath, moat modern plumbing, beautifully papered; built by one of Portland's best builders. SEE THI3. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark St., Near 4th. Main 3092. Branch office. 40th and Sandy. Tabor 05S6. . IRVINGTON COLONIAL. 17S00. Charming colonial, heart of Irvington: concrete porch, large living room across Iront. large Ilrepiace ana oooacas- lovelv dining room, perfect kitchen. breakfast nook, 3 wonderful bedrooms and tiled bath: Gasco furnace: run lot; garage and other homes at $6000 and $7000 in same district. EAST 419. . IRVINGTON SACRIFICE. $3300. 7 rooms, sleeping porch, fireplace, built-ins. full cement basement, furnace. wash trays, 50x100 lot. fruit trees: it would cost $7500 to duplicate this prop erty. A forced sale, it must go; reas onable terms. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6067. ROSE CITY PARK. New. nifty 5-room bungalow with all built-lns and right up to the minute; full lot. 4N.n: your own terms to re sponsible parties; we know good value when we see It. so nurry. COE A. McKEN.VA CO., REALTORS. (Meaning Reliability) S2 Fourth St. Main 4522. 6-ROOM modern, acre ok ground, well im proved: fruit, berries, garden, etc.; one block from car; 851 E. 30th St. S. ; house and grounds in good condition; can be seen mornings; $0P0 net: terms. Suburban Homes. OOOD MODERN HOME. One acre. 10 miles west of Portland. 4 blocks from electric station, 2 blocks to school, woven wire fences, all under Cultivation. 30 fruit tree garden and berries. Good 6-room plastered house with fireplace and plumbing, barn, 3 chicken houses, wood shed, nice lawn with flowers and shrubbery. This prop erty is in A-l condition. Price $2500. $5u0 cash. ACRE TRACTS. NEAR MULTNOMAH. On a macadamized road, best of soil, no rock nor gravel. Very close to elec tric line. 5c commutation fare, city water, gas and electric lights, nice slight ly ground. Price iiou per acre anu up on very easy terms, or will sell half-acre tracts. Ask for Mr. Kemp. JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor. Gerllnger Bldg. Over 500 small places near Portland. Get our extensive classified lists. CAPITOL HILL! ONE-FOURTH ACRE! $400 Total price! $ 40 Down. $ Per month. On the west side of the river, with no bridges to cross, splendid acres. 2 blks. to car, all cleared, rich - soil, no gravel: city water to tract; telephone, gas. electricity available; 4 blocks to public school; GREAT CLEAN-UP SALE! THIS IS A WONDERFUL OP PORTUNITY! Buy this and build your DREAM HOME. See Charles W. Borders, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. Third St.. bet. Wash and Stark. MJM.MEK CAMPING HOME! Almost 5 acres of good second-growth timber; new log cabin and woodshed: fine clear cool spring on graveled road Just' of a mile off the Columbia high wav and 18 mites this side of Astoria. FISHING AND HUNTING AND A BEAUTIFUL PLACE TO SPEND YOUR SUMMERS! ONLY $730. with terms Ask or F. C. Marshall, with FRANK I,. McGUIRE. 203 Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. Third St.. bet. Wash and Stark. SIGHTLY TRACT of ground with large housec about 30 fruit trees; wonderful view of the Tualatin valley and the Coast range mountains, facing on Im proved county blvd.; all modern utilities In the street; only $3600. An additional tract of nearly an acre, adjoining, can be purchased for $1050. For particulars call on BEX RIESLAND. 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park st. RENT FOR ONE YEAR. ONE ACRE 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. One acre and modern 5-room bunga low; overlooking beautiful Oswego lake: completely furnished; lease for one year at $50 per month. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. 405 Panama Bldg. Main B404. IDEAL SUBURBAN HOME. 3 acres and 6-room modern bungalow; gas. water, plumbing, fireplace, garage; a beautiful place, close in on Laurel ave.. near Powell Valley road; only $4000, reasonable terms. See Mr. Grutas. Title ft Trust Co. STRANGERS, COME SEE ME. Have best selection of farms and suburban property at real bargain prices. Will help you get started. T. O. Bird, Chamber of Commerce. Realtor. GENTLEMAN'S country place. 30 acres, beautiful grove, large creek and springs; 1 hard surface road and electric station; ' close to city. E 724. Oregonian. 2 ACRES in Gresham: all set in .choice fruit and berries. Strictly modern 6-rm. bungalow, completely furnished; garage. $8000. terms. Tabor 2676. ACRE, 4-room bouse, furnished: good fruit and garden; all ready to move in; small payment down. 3&4 72d S. E. IHawthorne car. - (30 DOWN" $15 PER MONTH. 2 acres fronting on Barr road: part clear; deep, rich soli, free from gravel; $1230. Strong ft Co.. 606 Cham. Com CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near carline. from (18(H) up. Inquire 3d house north of Risley s tation. on Oregon City carline. $1175 CLEAN 5-r. cottage. Oswego, close to highway: 50xino lot: !4 cash. McFar- latro. realtor, railing piqg $700 CASH Good Lake View home, mod ern: acre, garage, close to elec. line; I3:tm. jicrariano. railing Ding. ONE ACRE Park Rose, all in cultivation and bearing, good bungalow; 1 blk. from Sandy. $4200. terms. Tabor 2B76. For Sale Bnsineaa Property. FOR SALE Business ar-d Income property. lure Duiitiing auu uouoie apartments on 2d floor. 5-room cottage, corner lot. 75s 100, plenty of room for more improve ment. Southwest corner Mississippi and Fremont. Inquire 721 H Mississippi ave. 100x100 E. WATER ST.. BETWEEN HAWTHORNS AND MORRISON BRIDGES. ON TRACKAGE; REASON ABLE TERMS. GWNB.R. BQ 633. OREGONIAN. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. NEAR CANBY. OREGON. 10 acres, I mile from Canby, on grav eled road. 1 acre of strawberries, some loganberries, small orchard. 5 acres un der cultivation, all can be cultivated when cleared. 6-room house, good barn with concrete floor. 4 chicken houses. Included with place lots of garden tools, sprayer, truck, etc. Price $4500, $1jO0 cash. Balance easy terms at 6 per cent. VERT CLOSE IN ACREAGE. 8 acres. 3 miles from Slid street East, between the Base Line and Sandy boule vard. Best of black loam soil, all un der cultivation. One-fourth mile from electric station, small orchard. 3-room house, barn, garage, chicken house, gaso line engine and water system, wire fences. An exceptionally fine piece of land. Price $300. $1000 cash. JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor. Gerllnger Bldg. Over 600 small places near Portland. Get our extensive classified lists. "COLUMBIA HIGHWAY AND SANDY RIVER. Beautiful half acre right on the Sandv with large natural trees with fine now hni in the background, with a -U- foot living room and massive fireplace, I two Dearooms ana witucii, porch in front and side, chicken Jiousea and other buildings. An elegant-country home or income as a hotel or lodge. Must be seen to be appreciated, 1 miles from Portland. Price only 5u00, terms. MR. HINKLE, with JOHN E. HOWARD (REALTOR), 318 Chamber of Commerce. 7 ACRES OUT GRESHAM WAY. Certainly a nice country home, on splendid road, near station, Gresham dis trict; splendid 7-room house, beaver boarded, good barn, chicken houses, rab bit houses; buildings all good; fruit and berries In abundance; all household goods and lots other personal property go with the place; price $3250. HARGROVE REALTY CO? (Realtora). 122 N. 6th St. Broadway 4381. NEWBERG HIGHWAY. 4Vi acres, all in cultivation, with two 'acres of the finest bottom land, right al the station, only 18 miles out ' on the highway; 150 fruit trees in bearing, part of which are prunes: quantities of ber rleev place beautifully kept, lots ol roses and growing garden, 4-room house and other buildings, cider press and many Incidentals go with place. Price onlv $3000. $5oo will handle. MR. HINKLE. with JOHN E. HOWARD (REALTOR). 318 Chamber of Commerce. SMALL DAIRT. Milk route, 6-room house, modern plumbing, city water, gas, 100x100 ft. lot, fine garden and fruit. 5 good cows, Eastmoreland; all for IMOO. $1000 cash, bal, easy. 2 ACRES ON 82D STREET. 2 acres of fruit and berries, s good QAAm hmiu with hasement. gas, city water. You can move in for only $300 down payment. 50OO total price. o this if you want a close-in piece of BURKHARDT BUSINESS BUILDERS, 415 Piatt Bldg. Realtors. Main iQ-i. NICE LITTLE HOME RANCH. $3000. 8.87 acres of level land, all wire fenced. 7 acres under cultivation. 1V4 acres in timber, fine spring. I acre in loganber ries. 1 acre of early potatoes, Vt acre of corn. 2 acres of oats." 1 acre of as sorted berries and family orchard. The rest is small family garden; there Is a 2-room house, chicken house, root house and barn, a good cow. chickens, farm implements; only 4 miles from Oregon City. 14 miles from Portland, reasonable terms. Fred W. German Co.. Realtors. 732 Cham, of Com. IRRIGATED LANDS UNDER WARM SPRING PROJECT. ALFALFA. CORN AND GRAIN. DAIRYING. HOGS AND POULTRY. VERY LIBERAL TERMS. WRITE OREGON ft WESTERN COL. CO, ONTARIO. OREGON. ; IMPROVED ACRE, BEAVERTON DISTRICT. 11050. One acre, splendid soil, at Tobias sta tion. Beaverton. Reedville line; all In ..i.; .nlendid soil, berries of all . i j ' k.'iri.. fruit: 2-room house. ,,.orthed. etc. Price with furniture and tools. $1030. Hargrove Really Co.. 1 N. 6th st. Broadway 4381. BASE LINE H1GHWA1. 2 acres right on highway with 4 room plastered house, fine bath. Bull Run water, large living room, kitchen. 2 bedrooms, all built-in effects, gas, heat and lights: wonderful view. To see Is to buy. Price only J4000. $1300 will lmn11!- MR. HINKLE. with JOHN E. HOWARD (REALTOR), :I1S Chamber of Commerce. 17 ACRES of rich, productive eon. to Co umoia river, pi to $1S0 down, balance $100 per Ve!LJ- ""J1 6 per cent interest; pn a good road, very easy to clear. If you are looking for land it will pay you to investigate th'S JOHNSON-DODSON CO 6S3 Northwestern Bank Building. Main 37S7. , $25 DOWN. $7.50 MONTHLY A splendid one-acre tract, good soli, small creek, fine for chtckens. berries and fruit, 1 Vi miles from city limits, total price $300. We have only 20 tracts in thie platting left, some as large as K.U.' mtm and nroDorJtionately on tne same terms Get In on the ground floor Fred W. German Co.. rlealtors, 73: Cham, of Com. to ifHPS. 4750 CASH. A WONDERFUL BARGAIN Juat outside city limits. 00 Section Line road; city water near: easily cleared: second growth fir: the price is $1100 an acre: the tract opposite is held at $1000 an acre: you can double your money here within 2 years Call me evenings, Wdin. 1048 and. and 111 glvs furtner iniormatiun SUBURBAN HOMES AND ACREAGE AT Just the place for your permanent home; Bull Run water, gas and elec tricity; we also have a number of well improved small farms near town to show you. KRIDER ft ELKINOTON. Gresham. Telephone 2341. NEARLY THREE ACRES, with dandy new plastered bungalow; large living room and kitchen: rich, deep soil; no rock or gravel: on Barr road, three miles from city limits; price $2250. $225 cash and $22.30 per month. Thia Is a $2300 place. i!Tltnii r CO. Realtors. 606 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 160 ACRES in Okanogan, Wash.; 80 in cultivation: good -room nouse, giaum?. barn chicken house, running water through place: close to school: "rill ex change for house and lot in Portland or good secono-gro in iimu. i. 7 Write owner, Joe Rice. 621 Hood St., Portland. LOT BARtlAlN. Seven great big. beautiful 50x100 lots. Just east of 82d, out Section Line road; very nne garaen lanu; duli "u wn.i.wi only $S60. $100 cafh. R H CONFKEY. Realtor. BITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-T Board of Tratie Bldg, da or: At for Quick action. Eight lots. ideal tor true s" wcu.,,, blocks to electric station, close in: will sacrifice at :i.-u; on iei... u. This is a fine building site. t. A. Sarles, 433 Northwestern Bank bidg. $45 ACRES $250O. in mll.i from Portland: electric sta- inn a, niam: fine trout stream and sev eral springs: some nne bottom land; this IS a gOOU UU) . , van... . .w " - 1S Chamber or commerce dips. .j-iRir-tt nril farming land in Suth erlln valley. Oregon, acquired through ' mortgage foreolosure, for sale cheap and on easy terms. on easy c BOH R NSTEDT. 407 Masonic Temple. Salem. Or. fOOO WILL buy Sn acres excellent land within 5 miles west of the heart of the itv olosa to naved highway, about one- nlr'd cleared, balance in brush: thia is a bargain. John Bain. 507 Spalding bldg nriTKH'OOD ACREAGE. One or more acres, close to station and Base Line road, an cleared, only $500 per acre, terms. See Mr. Boehtrt, 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. WRITE for map of western Washington, showing location, low price and easy terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAUSER TIMBER CO.. Tacoma. "W aah. ROCK WOOD ACREAGE. One or more acres close to station and Base Line road. All cleared. Only (500 per acre. Terms. See Mr. Boehm. 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1638. STOKES TRACTS, 42D. SLMPSON. Acres, half acres: city water! no as sessments or gravel: city school: (10 payments. K. w. cary, I2l N. w. Bank bldg. Main 1643. ONE OR more acres, close to station and Base Line road,, all cleared, only $500 per acre, terms. See Mr. Boehm, 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. IH58. 11-3 ACRES, clear and level; 8-rm. shack, 10 miles out. on O. E. electric; $i50, $100 down. E. Edwarda. Alder hotel. 15 ACRES, also hoime-iuovlng outfit, 6131 P3d st. S. B. Thomas Allen, city. A NO. 1 ACREAGE, close to car and Port land at low price. V 712. Oregonian. Homesteads. Relinquishments. COPY govt, maps showing western Oregon homestead lands. $1. Our charges are reasonable and our services the best on locations. References given. M. J. ANDERSON, 631 Railway Exca. Bldg., Portland. REAL ESTATE. Homesteads, Kelinquishments. PHKR HOMESTEAD LANDS. J. L. Porte, Canadian government agent. Spokane, Wash., will be at the Seward hotel, Portland, on June 8. v and 10 to give Information to parties who are Interested in the free home stead lands in western Canada and also to arrange for reduced settlers' rates from the Canadian boundary line to points in western Canada. 1 AM LOCATING HOMESTEADS from 40 to- 160-acre tracts, either Portland or . Roseburg district, farming or timber land; am in a position to give you as good, if not better, service than anyone in the state government map, checked up to date. E. W. Helm, 316 Board of ' Trade Wdg. Fruit Land for Sale or Rent. FIRST-CLASS ORCHARD. Ten and 11 years, apples, high-grade trees. White Salmon valley, opposite Hood River. Or. Beautiful sloping land, good elevatiors on county road. 22 acres, bearing orchard cared for by experts every year. If you want something ex tra call in for particulars. The trees are loaded with Spitxenberg, Tellow New town and Ortley apples; a prospective crop of about 5000 boxes now growing. in addition you will get a half in terest in packing house plant with an other large orchard adjoining. A com fortable residence with wide porches commanding a magnificent view of Mt. Hood goes with the deal; spring water, family orchard, plenty of timber and pasture for stock in the 40 acres next to orchard, making 62 acres in all, $10,000 cash will handle, balance liberal terms at 6 -per cent. Total price $25,000. '. JlttAltUM) KKALTY. CO., Realtors, Falling bldg. Portland. Or. For 8ale Farms, WELL- STOCKED DAIRY RANCH. 160 acres, 24 miles east of Portland. n mile to school, woven wire lences, county road, to be rocked this summer: 50 acres under cultivation and in crop. AH can be cultivated when cleared. good pasture which has been seeded down. 4-room box house, good dairy barn 40x72, machine shed, etc. 4 acres bearing fruit. Included with place 10 milch cows, 3 horses, 1 brood sow, 100 chickens, 6 yearling heifers, complete line of machinery and crops. Offered at real bargain with $2000 cash which includes the personal property, balance easy ' terms at 6 per cent, or will con aider clear house in Portland up to $3000. Or will rent place for a term of years" for $400 per year and sell live stock, crop and equipment lor siooo. NEAR COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAY. 20 acres 1 mile from good town with high school. 7 acres under cultivation. 15 acres can be cultivated. Lots of pas ture. Some timber. 1 mile to high way, 40 miles from Portland. 50 bear ing fruit trees. Some berries. 5-room house, barn 26x30, chicken house and other, buildings. Included with place 3 cows. 2 calves. 1 horse. 35 chickens. cream separator and complete line of machinery and croDa. Price for every thing $4000. $1500 cash. Or consider Portland house for part. ' JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor. , Gerllnger Bldg. Largest farm dealer on Pacific coast. . Over 500 small places near Portland. Get our extensive classified lists. EQUIPPED 20 ACRES, 5 MILES OUT. EAST SIDE. FOR $11000. Best buy In a 20-acre tract same dis tance out around Portland; just 5 miles from city limits: hard road all the way: 20 acres, 12 acres high state cultivation; owner sold $2000 worth cabbage, cauli flower and potatoes from this place last year: all very best of land; splendid or chard, very nice berries, all kinds, verv homelIKe and up In good shape every way; 5-room bungalow, large barn, good chicken and Droooer nouse. otner out buildings. Personal: Good team, har ness, wagon, cow. chickens, plows, cult. tintRto planter, sprayers, lots small tools Price 16000. If you are In the market for a close in, well Improved acreage tract, no one can duplicate our list of properties of that character. ' HARGROVE REALTY CO. (Realtors). 122 N. 6th St. Broadway 4381. 20-ACRE BARGAIN 8 MILES CITY LIMITS. $3000 with $1600 down, will buy this splendid tract. located 8 miles east from the city limits of Portland, hard road all the way, facing on main road soon to be paved; no gravel, but deep, rich, mel low soil, and it lies splendidly 20 acres. 17 cleared. 3 acres splendid large timber, fine spring. 4 acres bearing orchard; 'beautiful bul Iding -spot, nice view Mt. in hiehlv developed community good improvements all around; right at stores, schools, churches, etc.; remember it im liiat 8 miles east from the city Mm its, rocked road all the way and that the price is only jiimio. - , HARGROVE REALTY CO. (Realtors), 122 N. 6th St. Broadway 4381. thk CANADIAN" Pacific Ry. Co. has re cently opened up for settlement their last large block 01 iertne para ianus ih. t.l.ivrlmfnster and Battleford dis tricts in Central Alberta and Saskatch ewan, where Brain growing and mixed farming conditions are ideal: these lands can be bougnt pn zu-year. terms at au average price of (IS per acre. 10 cash, with no further payments of principal until the end of the fourth year, 6 in- ,inWei rertMin conditions Of OCCU- natioti and development, only 2 inter est first two years. Personally con-.,-f or landseeken with re duced rates. For further particulars applv or write Canadian Pacllic rty Co., 2iS Railway Exchange bldg., Portland, Or. L. P- Thornton, district representa tlve. GOOD 20-ACRE HILLSBORO FOR $4300. An exceptionally good piece of land. 4 miles Hillsboro; 20! acres, 12 In crop. balance fine pasture about cleared; liv- ing stream, not a foot of waste land: good 6-room house, barn 20x30. chicken house 12x24: bearing fruit and berries. Put in horse, 50 hens and implements for $4500. Best buy you have seen out that way for the money. HARGROVE REALT CO. (Realtors). 122 N. 6th St. Broadway 4381. DOCTOR! LISTEN! GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR HOT SPRINGS SANITARIUM. 320 acres near Crane, Oregon, with 8 boiling springs. 100 feet elevation above house; 90 acres cultivated, irrigation from Buck mountain reservoir. Rail road and South Fork Malheur river run through place. Direct route from Poca tello and Salt Lake. Full information on request. Investigate. MARSH ft McCABE CO.. Realtors. 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 39113. LINCOLN COUNTY DAIRY AND STOCK KA.M.M, Fullv equipped; good income produc ing 4'10-acre dairy and stock ranch In eastern Lincoln county. Including sev eral head mire-bred Jerseys, for sale reasonable and on eav terms. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT. 407 Masonic Temple. Salem. Or. 10 ACRES land; 2 acres cleared; house, barn, brooder house. 120-ft. laying house, 30 hens. 400 pullets, fresh cow. team, wagon, water system, piped to all build ings, and furniture; move right in; price (4200; $2500 cash, Dalance easy terms. M A. McQloughlin, Winlock, Lewis Co, Wash. ' . f' acres on Yauuina nay. 4 miles be low Toledo, 8 miles above Newport. Will keep 20 or more cows: grass green year around; two sets of bldgs.. enough land cleared to raise plenty of feed for stock. Price (8000. Will take part trade, time on some at 5. G. W. Andrews, loieao, Or. Box 133. ' Sp 140 acres Tillamook county, newly furnished house and furniture, stone fireflace, modern chicken houses, other buildings. Station on property: added revenue if desired as fisherman's lodge. o-.on tprmj. O 720. Oregonian. I 11 ACRES, partly cleared, ft fenced, run ning water and 4-roora house, barn, chicken house, 25 O. A. C. White Leg horn hens, some fruit, some furniture; $1500, $750 cash; a real bargain. G. A. Baker. Chapman. Or. 21 ACRES, house. Darn. acres spuds, grain crops, team, harness, $5500. 14 acres, modern bungalow, nice barn, level; all in crops. $7000.. Auto road, 1-3 mile elec. depot. Main 3672. Mc Farland. Realtor. Failing bldg, FOR SALE 10-acre farm near Eugene; splendid home place, good 5-room bun galow, barn and other buildings; price of $7500 includes equipment and car. Owner, box 858. Eugene, Or. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN" RANCHES near Portland. $50 to $500 per acre: easy terms, best soli; farms for sale, all sizes McFarlann. realtor. -u3 railing piqg 30 ACRES, 'A in walnuts, apples and prunes, 5 in timber, springs, house and barn; near electric station, school at Oregon City; sell or exchange. Aut. 213-06. 160 REAL SOIL; no waste land: fine creek and sDrlngs. buildings; 10 cleared. 100 easily cleared; heavy cattle feed., county road nelgnDore: aicainnvjiiB country; all plow land; $2000. 301 Corbett bldg. 93 ACRES, six miles south of Lebanon. 65 in cultivation, well fenced; a good buy. or will trade. Owner. Tabor 6308. FOR - SALE 20 acres, live springs and creek on place. miiea cast oi A-oruana, near Columbia highway. Address Geo. K Barr, 412 West Alta St., Pendleton, Or. I.OGGED-OFF lands. $10 acra up: running water, good son. unaoie; scnoot. easy terms. J. R. Snarne. S3 V Third st. 7 or 10 ACRES level, timber land, near REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. MODERN. FULLY EQUIPPED DAIRY. 60 acres, most all tillable. 33 acres in high state cultivation, 10 acres more very easily cleared, abundance ot wood for domestic use, fenced and cross-fenced, ex cellent spring piped to all build ings, 12 acres seeded to timothy and clover, large family orchard of assorted fruits. Including grapes, walnuts, all kinds of ber ries; 7-room modern house in good repair, almoBt new dairy barn, large sllo, large double walled cel lar, dairy, with sprang water piped in. second barn for young cattle, large chicken, house and park, buildings all painted; 7 dairy cows. 3 full-blood Jersey heifers, 2 calves, large farm team, 100 pure-bred chickens. registered Duroc sow. cream separator, -ensilage cutter, two wagons, har ness, mower, rake, binder, potato planter and digger, spring-tooth harrow, disc, drill, 2 plows, har row, new Vaughn woodsaw, 'range, heater. 3 bedsteads, springs, mattresses, sewing ma chine, couch, chairs, china closet. . kitchen cabinet. linoleum, all small tools, too numerous to men tion. This is an Ideal country home with white porcelain plumb ing, beautiful surroundings, on good auto road, only miles from good town on Columbia high way Price $9000. some terms. THOMPSON. SWAN ft LEE, 3d and Main Sts., Vancouver, Wash. WANTED A partner to Invest in stock or will sell 2R5 acres fruit, dairy and stock ranch with 1000 acres outrange. all rood black sol . 4 miles to station, good road. 20 acres under cultivation. four acres In 7-year-old prunes. 1 acre family orchard, now 3-room unfinished house, big cellar, barn, chicken house and outbuildings: spring In barnyard. ll aimlnv lmnl.m,ntR for Practical farming, new Ottawa log saw. a good team. 11 head of milch goats and cnicK ens. 11700 down, rest easy payments. For particulars, H. S., box 24, Biodgett. Or. FOR SALE, or trade for smaller place. 160 acres near Friend; 60 cleared, 30 in fall wheat, new barn and garage, old house and outbuildings, orchard, all stocked and equipped; lots of timber. 8. D. Streeter, Friend, Or. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED 5-room house. Rose City i-ars district, for about $3000; must oe wen worth ihe price today. I can pay about $300 cash and reasonable monthly pay ments. fieae give emu iuvohvn ...... all particulars, as I have only a short time to look around. Will not distrub your tenants. Owners or realtors only given consideration. BP 692. Oregonian. DO YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR LAND? We are the oldest tarm ueaicm . Portland and our facilities for securing farm buyers are unexcelled. If you de sire to sell your farm, large or small, drop us a line and we will call and see you. Hargrove Realty Co., 122 North Hth street ACRES, good 6-room house, barn, etc.; all cleared and seeded: hay enough for cow and horse, bearing orchard; you must see this place to appreciate It ; H mile sot'th of Base Line road, on Taylor ave.. 2 miles east of Montavilla. Price (4H80. part cash. H. H. Johnson, owner. MIDDLE-AGED widow wishes small house and lot in sudutds ot rornanu wi' -" can keep chickens and nave a small garden; must have water connections; haa only (800 and not willing to go in debt. L 713. Oregonian. WANT 5 or 6-room bungalow or .-story house in Walnut park or near jeiiemuu high: must be in good condition, well located and reasonably priced. HENRY W. GODDARD, REALTOR, 243 Stark St. WE HAVE a customer with $:(000 cash to invest in a 5 or 8-room cotis K".;m not more than six blocks from a Cath olic church. Any good district, ov- v rtir At. TV CO.. Realtors. 415 Ablngton Bldg. Marshall 3848. HAVE client who will pay casn tor mi in Laurelhuret It price is rignu a east of Park. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. ft N W. Bank Bldg. Main 3iS7. WANTED strictly modern irvington bungalow, not less man o rouum, buver. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., S3 V W. Bank Bldg. Main 3.87. K,-. TT" A VT CASH KoK. OLD HOUSES UJ IVU ' " ' - . 1 which need repairs; i am speculation; must De cneap aim in s"" locations. - Write Home Buyer. 325 13th st., city. WANTED At once, modern nungalow. bullt-ins. 2 or more lots, lai.m.. ........ paved St.. near carline: give descriptor., location, price in first letter. AH i.l. Oregonian. unmiKRA PROPERTY WANTED.' Have buyers walling; can guarantee you quick sale if priced .right. T. O. Bird. VJK Cbamh.T of Commerce. Realtor. WANTED House with 100x100 or more lot: must be close to car. tor ituir aon. (20 per month (not over (15O0). AJ 692. oregonian. WALNUT ORCHARD WANTED. Have cash buyer for 10 to 15 acres What have you? T. O. Bird, 526 Cham, of Com, bldg. WHY WORRY? I can soli or trade anything anywhere. O. W. Mlllershlp, tn Bt. LATE 1919 light 5-pasenger car for good lOl. JiOSe A.liy (11BI... cl at.uj. 735. Oregonian. WANT IRVINGTON home,- s.liioo to all cash if satistiea. cast out. jiaiu 8078. 830 N. W. Bank bldg. WHEN selling your west-side propertj see John .Singer, ynamoer ot com merce uius. Farms Wanted. WILL pay cash $4000 and city lots ior A-l farm It vou nave sucn a uiuw me a line. Wm. S. Baldwin, care general delivery. Portland. Or. . Wanted to Rent Farms. WANTED TO RENT. SMALL PLACES. Have several people wanting to rent acreage or small farms: close to Port land preferred. Some people will buy the place after leasing for year or more We make lots of sales this way. Will buy equipment if priced right. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerllnger Building. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. WANT good farm, about 60 or 80 acres: must be on good roao ana ciosw to buuu school; not over 50 miles from Port land: suitable for dairy; will give mod ern Portland home as part payment. Ad dress AK 692, Oregonian. TIMBER LANDS. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A SAW MILL OK TIMUtiK &rjn. inc. i.-a-LOW CO.. 419 LUMBERMEN'S BIDG.. PO RTLAND. OREOON. CORDWOOD timber, five or six million . feet, 30. miles from Portland, 1 Vi miles from railroad station, close to highway. F M. Miles. 509 McKay bldg. Main 1390. WOULD lease or buy small sawmill with timber. AH 688. Oregonian. WANTED Contract to log and saw or log or saw by M. AF 726, Oregonian. FOR RENT FARMS. I HAVE 2 farma for rent; will consider nothing but cash rent; 1 is 630 acres, practically all high land, 400 acres under plow, fair house, good dairy barn for 100 cows, several sheds, close to highway, rent (225 mo. Other la about 400 acres, 80 Of wnicn IS nign lana. Damnui, ownow pasture, some of which may be planted late, fair house,, good dairy barn for 40 cows, rent $150 per month. Both of these farms are within an hour's drive of the center of Portland and you have no personal stock, to ouy in eimer in stance. Frank L. Smith, Smithshlrs, Sea ppoose, Oregon. is NEAR Vancouver, until December. $125: also 40 near Oregon City, until Nov., 11)23, 430; SOU cords seasoned wood on place. $3.0. Box 68. Astoria. Or. DAIRY for sale, stock, implements: about tattoo: close In; 400 acres; lease; may take residence. A-l proposition. Fred Lawsnn Co.. 41H Cham, of Commerce. TO EXCHANCB-REATi ESTATE. TRADES! TRADES! TRADES! We may have just what you want, tell Us what you hsve. A. W. KSTES, REALTOR. 905 Cham, of Com. Auto. M4-03. 20-ACRE orchard, near Mosier. Or., all in fine bearing condition ; apples, cherries and prunes: want modern Portland home. See Mr. Boehm, 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. Ifi58. FOR SALE or trade for good Oregon property, 640 acres good wheat land, with engine, separator engine, plows and 8 horses. Owner, J. O. Reynolds, Crow foot, Alta.. Can. 195-ACRB Improved farm about 50 miles . from Portland. 0 per acre, to trade for Portland residences or income property of equal value. For particulars write p. Q. Box 324. Portland. EXCHANGE a partially constructed bun galow at the beach, Newport, Or., for improved lot or first payment on house in Portland. Tabor 5118. PORTLAND FOR SAN DIEGO. Wbat have you to offer? Phone Wdin. 1481. will be In city a few days only. WANT to buy at once. 4 or 5-room house, west side. IJummell & Rummell, 274 Stark st WANTED Los Angeles or vicinity in ex change ior o-room nouse anu , 101a at 2t7i Detano st. uwner. HOrSE equity for auto or late Ford and little casn. cast o.. SISOO SELLER'S contract for sale, trade TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. WANT FARM NEAR RATTLE C.ROUND. WASHINGTON. One-half acre, 200 feet from Colum bia rlvr highway, just outside city limit, of Portland. Ail under CUltiv Hn. cni.ll nn-huril vnnd 5-rOOm OlaS' tered. bungalow with white enamel nlumhtnF concrete basement, city wa ter. raraire. chicken house. Price (4o00, Clear (2000 down or will consider farm near Battle Ground. Wash., for lull amount. NEAR BEAVERTON. OREGON. Nearly one acre, about 3 blocks from Mtatlnn. on naved road, all under cul rivation. bearing orchard, 8-room house with gas, electric lights and city water. Included with nlacc: One Vulcan gai range, one gas heater. Price $;i30o, (500 cash, or will consider 1 to 10 acres with small house in some good valley town. CONSIDER PORTLAND HOUSE. 3 3 acres, tfc mile from good town with high school. In cowntz county. Washington, nine acres under cultiva tion. All can be cultivated, good young orchard; 6-room house, barn, chicken house. The ace is stocked and . ecuioped. Price (4500 for everything, consider house up to $3000. balance easy terms. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerllnger Bldg.. Realtor. Over 500 small places near Portland. Get our extensive clas-slfied lists. WILLAMETTE VALLEY. " We offer for exchange a good S18-aere stock and grain larra in Polk Co.. Or Improvements consist of a good 8-room dwelling with hot and cold water :ank: 2 barns, machine shed and large hop boose. The place formerly had 60 acres in hops but now in grain. All the bal ance of the place in grain but 100 acres or upland pasture wttu acattering oaas; good roads: school near by; cash selling price. $90 per acre. Will trade for In come Dronerty or will take small Ira proved farm up to $17,000; balance runs tor zu years itural credit joan. BEAM LAND COMPANT. 133 Lyon St.. Albany. Or. 1 ACRE of ground, all under the highest atate of cultivation, and 6-room bunga low, only 2 blocks from the city limits of Tillamook, Or.; house in best ot re psir, good barn, woodshed and garage citv water and lights: on paved street all clear of incumberance: will exchange for home In or near Portland: price $5500; might consider a 2-fial bldg.. as sume or pay difference. St DEKl'M ft JORDAN. Realtors. 323-4 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 4th and Stark Sts. t ' Main 2233. REACH LOTS. EXCHANGE FOR PATKTINrt OR RIJILDrNfl. Lota are well located at Tillamook Beach, near station and ocean. Address AP 648, Oregonian. A .TI'.T EXilHAXfiE Benefits all parties. We are successful In making such exchanges, because we devote all our time to that work. If vou have a house, acreage or farm to exchange, will be glad to talk the matter over with you. Get expert service. Mr. MacINNES. EXCHANGE DEPT., HITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201, 2. .!, 5. 7 Board of Trade Bldg. GOOD 40 acres of land. 12 miles south of Grants Pass. H miie orr pacific nign wnv! 10 cleared, fenced with woven wire; all goo'd land: 2-room house, barn and nnfhnilrtinirn. free from rock or gravel; will make a nice farm; will exchange for good roadster, or what have you? Price $1400.' STEWART ft JOHNSON. 815 Northwestern Bank Bldg. REST SKI. I. OR EXCHANGE for home in city: will exchange stock and equlpim-nt on going ranch of 1"5 acres. 4ti minutes from city on good road: 6 cows. 2 horses, . 10 hogs, 100 chickens, 300 cords of wood cut and sold, harness, wagon, plow, cultivator. new gas saw; price $4.i00, with all, in eluding 70 acres of crop: will rent to buver: no Junk: deal with agent or owners. .1. B. Rock, 403 Couch blilg. I HAVE a modern 5-room house in Rose City Park. (5000, to exchange for close-In Improved acreage. See SAM HEWEY. 8 Chamber of Com merce bldg. Main 208. $11.000 IMPROVED property with house and garage. Clowe to uusuirss iciiici , . - foot front on line street; for sale or ex change: want 10. to 20 acres Improved land, any good lorltion. California. Santa Clara valley preferred. What have you to trade for Portlnd? By owner. A J .49, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. EXCHANGE. Have you a Ford to trade? Come in and see me. 418 Railway Exrh. bldg. SWAP equity in 2'i-ton truck for city property. Tabor S-'15. WILL, trade a new Brunswick phonograph for house painting. &en. jn-t. WILL trade out-of-town lot for furniture or car. Phone Main 6785. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles. LlvestocK. CROWN STABLES. INCORPORATED. For sale or exchange, 100 head of horses; have from 1200 to 1300 lbs. ranch chunks. 4 and 5 years old; well matched teams from $75 to $125. We are going to sell or exchange these horses regardless cost. We are always ready to trade a big one for a little one and get the difference, or a little one for a big one and pay the differ ence. If it Is coming either way. Have sll kinds of harness and wagons and grading tools. We hire by the day. week or month, to reaponsible people. Everything guaranteed as represented. Thil Surther, president. 285 Front St. DAYBREAK FARM dispersal saie. June 10 at Pacific International sale pa vilion. North Portland: 50 head of reg istered Holstein cattle, fine lot of young heifers for club work; they are out there now, come and see them; 12 very fine 2-year-olds. Tl S. STABLEi. Horses and .harnesa of all kinds for sale or hire by day or month S5 Union ave. S. cor. Stevens G. D. Williamson & Glass, FOR SALE A registered Jersey cow. bred by registered bull: coming fresh: her 3d calf June 20; gentle; rich milk. Mr. Petrequin. Orenco. Or. 30 YOUNG Holstein cows, all fresh of coming fresh soon; $75 per head. Alsa Holstein bull, E. E. Morgan, Yamhill Or. PASTUKE! Ladd Canyon farm. Canyon road, close In: no business Sundays. Main 4819.. FOR SALE Year-old Jersey cow with year-old calf; gives 2V gallons milk. Marsnau oni. BIG TEAM BARGAIN. Fine span draft horses. JCino pounds, with harnem. $37.y East S4T. HORSES for hiie; tools for grading, plow ing, excavating or logging. Main 4485. Woodyard, 327 Front st. FOR SALE Six horses; reasonable prices Holman Fuel Co.. barn E. 6th and I von streets. DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly. Phone Milwaukie 63J for best service. VETERINARIAN. DR. HOWES. TABOR 6.'61 Plamw. Organs and Mm-ical Instruments, BIG PIANO eA LE. SEIBER LING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. l'5 4th St.. between Washincton and Alder. $150 and Up. See Them. HEAR the Stevens phonograph, with the glass sounding board: five recently told to members of Portland Symphony or chestra: made In Portland. luStt Grand ave., near Alder- . RIG PIANO SALE. SBIBERLINO-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. la5'4th St., between Washington and Alder, $1250 PLAYER PIANO, $450. Finest make, bench, $50 cabinet and 40 rolls included: hard to tell from new; terms. 311 -Worcester bldg. 1350 GRAND, used 3 mo just like new, only $50; terms given. You pay more for an upright. Seo at 311 "Worcester bldg. $700 SHONINGER piano, almost brand "new. lesa Vi price, terms. 311 Worces ter bldg. LADY going east, will sell very fine-toned Behning player piano, price $5oo. Main 16 PIANOS. UPRIGHTS. $ltlO TO $335. Including 88-noto players. Just think of it: terms. 311 "Worcester bldg. WANTED1 Piano for cash. Marshall 709. No agents. CLEARING HOUSE for pianos. 311 Wor cester bldg. We sure sell them cheap. TKADE VICTROLA for used piano. Good nro position. Main 8586. FOR RENT Piano, grafonola, late music. Empire Transrer. nawy. iac. PIANO WANTED Cash, for rjr.vate par ties, it bargain Marshall 1532. ALDRICH bungalow piano, oak case, good as new, $225. terms. L 714. Oregonian. PAT CASH for phonographa and records. Ma'in 44i5. Auto. .627-48. 128 First. J & C. FISCHER, walnut, wonderful tone, S3Q0. Phone S20-16. WILL rent piano to responsible party, $5 month. Phone Sell. 3355. GAYLORD cabinet grand piano: bargain, p. Q. box H, Eatacada. Or. PHONOGRAPH and records, cheap for cash. Main 1240. PIANO WANTED casa data. Jbiaia 656fc FOR SALE. rianos. Organs and .Musical Instruments. Downstairs store, Schwan Piano Co. (523 Vose ft Sons dark man.. used.(193 00 HOOSteinway ft Sons man. 89J.nj 550 Kimball 4 Co.. gold. oak.... 25 IW 675 Chase, large, oak 2W.04 1050 Singer player piano 695.00 $10 to $25 cash, (3. $8. (10. $15 monthly. Phonograph Dept.. Used Specials. Victrola ft Brunswick tab.. ea.'tl..$ 93 00 Columbia and Pathe. cab., each.. "" Stradlvara. $65; Grsfonola. small.. 12.40 101 10th St. at Wash, and Stark Sta, Security Storage Co.. Closing out for cash. (450 Spier Piano Co., upright. nnn..l "J 45C Starr Piano Co.. upright, oak... 1J 275 Collard ft Collard. small up 8oo Pianists player piano arid muslo 250 Pianola player and 35 rolls 45 4 Parlor organs. $-'5. $33, (IS and 48 103 10TH ST.. CUR. STARK ST. PIANO BARGAINS. Every used piano reduced. 3V s can save you money on at used piano. Guar anteed. Terms given, see our bargains. KIMBALL, small, oak case (-" FISHER. Plain case, small -00 STEIN WAY, old-style, good condi tion v FRANKLIN, walnut case FISHER, art mahogany case WELLINGTON, oak case HARD.MAN, mahogany case . MILTON, plain mahogany cas SHIRMBR. good practice piano , WELLINGTON, plain mahogany cane 130 275 830 273 325 273 150 275 SE I BER LING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. -125 4th St., between Wash, and Alder. $130 and Up. See Thern WE w ILL i Rau-, iu'u . A BEAUTIFUL NEW PHONOGRAPH FOR YOUR OLD PIANO. WHY NOT? , COME UP AND LET U3 TALK IT OVER. SEVENTH FLOOR. L1PMAN. WOLFE ft CO. 10 UPRIGHT PIANOS. $100 TO $200. Easy terms; many fine standard makes. Why pay (luu to (150 more up town, where expenses are, many times higher? Wake up. Save when you can. Brokerage Co.. all Worcester Plug. hTUYVliSANT pianola Vose & Hon rronn .$550 H8 Autopiano player $4Q Franklin HAROLD S. GILBERT, 8M lamniu si. FOR SALE One Klin bull upright piano, , oak case. Rood condition; muni aell ic onimf Ipavin-r cltv: cn bf Been t Port land Van & Storage Co., 131 h and Kearnpy. Furniture Zr Pale. SPECIAL STECTAL SPECIAL. 42-inch waxed oak round dinlnir table and tf oak wood at dining chaira to match, .7 valuo. reduced to .s.oo. Kay Term No Intercut. JdlSH KL'RNITURK CO.. 18S-1U0 1ST ST. 8AVK MONEY. Try our sales department If you want to buy or sell hounehold goods. Reduced freight rates to most all points In our through pool cars. Expert packing, r p'alnns and refinishtng. Money loaned on goods In storage. Fireproof storago. Low Insurance rates. SECURITY STORAOR & TRANSFER Co 63 4th st., opp. AJ uitnomah HoteL Phone HroHflway 3" IB. SPECIAL SALE. Iceboxes', over loc,'c off market prices; granitewear, 50 off; electric fans, J0.00 and up; aluminum percolators. fl.So ; whole carpets, $l.-."i and up; linoleum. 4.c a yard. Big reductions all kinds household goods. OKI FURNITURE CO., .'0f)-ll Second st bet. Taylor and Salmon. 3-P1ECK IVORY BEDROOM SUITE, com prising a pretty ru II -size wood nea, a roomy chiffonier with French plate mir ror and a triple mirror drt-HMng table. This pretty .suite l considerably under priced at 74.73 and you may settle for it In smalt monthly or weekly payments. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 1MM-11H, 1ST ST. STANDARD -MAKE STOVES AND RANC1ES. All white enameled and nickel trimmed, wil! save you $"0 tr $7." on a combination or a Rangt- Eternal. A malleable Iron range, th everlasting stove. Come and ate for yourself at the Pacific Storage Delivery Company, East First and Madison. THOU electric washing machine as pod as new; has been unvd but very llttl. Cost price new. $1.'.0; will flell for $!Hi cash. Phone Automatic tiJ.'t-l.o, or call at 4714 Powell st..- near 47th. IVORY dressing table and chair, 'o; ruffi. tixtt. Axminatur. :.: iiusk-is, ranfre, i'M); Vernis Martin bd springs, mattress, -0. Corner -4th avenue and "1t ft. DON'T baerlfice your furniture If going east or to Caltrornia. we can save you money on your freight in our through cars: fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfrr & Storage Co.. 24H Plr.e st. 1 MARBLE soda fountain and back bar. 10 feet long. 1 back bar iu feet long, tniver typewriter. litiO Hawthorne ave. I'hutif East 7K. . FOR SALE Fumed oak library iHble and small leather focker, -'.; erio, nair mattrera, $: oak hat rack, $H; all llk new. Main 4'J'S2. FOR SALE Davenport, full size, tapestry upholstered 1UU7 E. Alorriaon. i'non THbor -77r. i'ahivkt m ml tl Freo & Ainc machine J.: almost new; dress lorm, .. uau iltl. Mar. .V.".0. or 1 ti.SU Fremont. (;oii; a wav: will acrlnce wicker furnl ture. Cheney talking m amino. jrnone East -tt':nt or Bdwy, .' -H). BEAt'TI FlL Anglo-Persian Wilton rug. Sl.,4) A'alue. nne conuiuun, ;v casn. van at a:tl Market st. 3-ROOM fat for rent, furniture for sale cheap. -! overton si. Office Furniture. OUR PRICES on new roll and flat-top desks aireaay ine lowfsi in cuy. rui 10 per cent to cash buyers; a complete line of uaed furniture, adding maehinea, typewriters, etc ; all wonderful bar gains. Wax Office Equipment House, '4 N 5th Broadway 273H. T W. DESK and chair. - tables, 3 roll top desks, - flat-top desks, 3 bookkeep ers' desks, 8 chairs. 3 filing cabiacu, 2 safes. PL'S HON G & CO.. fll Park St Typewriters. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. ALL .HAKES. IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE. CAI-I. OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 3'jl Washington St. Main 06BL REBUILT typewriters, ail makes, rentals. repairing, supplies. LiNinouiors t,uo.A portable. SUN DST RAND, adding ma chines. Main 285. B. W. Peas Co, 110 Sixth st. RENT A REMINGTON First-ciass. mod ern typewriters only; reasonable rates. Special offer to students. Remington Typewriter Co.. fi Bro.-idway. ALL MAKES rented and repaired. Oregon Typewri ter to., v am u at ainjrms. NEW rebuilt, second-hand, rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co.. 231 Stark st. Main 1407. REPAIRS, rent. buy. sell; supplies. Type writ er Inspection Co . 312 Stnrk M 5r-T.. FOR RENT -L. C. feinlth & Bros, lyp wrlter. Main 574 FOR RENT Underwood-Remington, $3.50 mo. Empl re Transfer, Bdwy. 155. FOR SALE-r-Remington No. typewriter, with stand. $10. 17H Madison st. OLIVER No. j bargain. P. typuw rt?r, A-l condition; P. box Mt Estaeada. Or. Poultrj. WHITE LEGHORN baby chicks tor June delivery from a heavy-laying, hoganized stock ; safe arrival of full count ; live, strong chicks guaranteed, $12.5i per hundred, $120 per thousand. PIONER HATCH ERT, 441 Sixth St. Petaiuma. Cal. NICE little farm cheap; 25 acres good land, good buildings; all clear, level ; water, fenced: station 11- m., Salem 11 m. $2-")mi, terms. 741 Easi Pine st.. Portland. . LARGE wheat and stoca farms, email diversified farms and orchard tracts tor sale. For further particulars write V. C. Hanna. Dufur. Or., Wanco. jUY OLD pack'ng bouse on the Lfnnton road for rent, is very suitable for chick en farming. Frank. L. Smith, ttraitbshire, Sc.ip poose. Or. LAYING year-old White Leghorn nens, $1 each. J. R. Magulre, 787 Oregon at. East 1SJV 29 ENGLISH White Leghorns. 5012 77th st. S. E. ill laying. THOROUGH BRED O. A. C. Barred Rock hatching eggs. chap. Tabor Q5.VI. Dug a, Krthbita, Birds and Pet Stock. PEDIGREED police dog puppies from the celebrated Speedway kennels. Phons week day, Main 20 u 3, between 9 A- ML and 4:80 P. M. IMPORTER St. AndreasibTg rollers, sing ers, good for trainer; females. Wood lawn 8S2. IRISH SETTER puppies for sale, eligible for registration. Phone 777 R, 712 W. 25th st.. Vancouver. Wash. THROUGH BR ED BoMon bull. 34th at. PMlwond 35 1 0. 500 East THOROUGH BRED collie puppiea. 7 old. 408 E. 51st st N Tr-bor .V'.O. FOR SALE While Kukimu AUskan pupa. Tab. 8114. - TRAINED St. Andrcauberg roller for salo. Woodlawn 12H7. GENUINE St. Andreasberg singer, $12. 120!i Hawthorne ave. Tabor flU7. BEAUTIFUL toy fu Urrier puppica. 10. P ho lie East 1859 or E. 4126. FOR Hl K. Ut . La unrhrittTiu .Mann -U qipnit-nl SJ ro-VKll work brata for H. 7. 8, 15. 'is. tto to. Writs fAt prt.rular and prlra. C. T. tjm i t h . SU;vn-n. W h. KOR lilklfi. f.nel motor bi on Wil- lamptt- river; evening mnd Sunday FLOAT- FUU ltoATiiul'M-.-i About JO Umoera, r mcli.g in sue Irom .Ox JO if SMALL power boat. 714. Oregonian. i.t arly n w. MtK-hinrrr. EI.fc-CTKJ (J mi'liin;ry rr Mile: 3 hlh-K-ribion trnMorrmT, S. tM'-cvcIe. J. 0m to 11, tun) V. 7: K. V. A ch; inimv. diate delivery; j)e fleet condiiloii; tar- "S'jfl JOPE PH TRANSMISSION CO., UKKtiON. .MJtvOl'Kl. 4 H. P. STO V fc,K .lumping Mik'Hi" l Inn-gain; Uiil onu w k ; !n othT n-frlm-H and pump. V nrouvcr Hr.nm and UVldinK Vurki. -' Went 6th al.. Vancnu vt-r. Wii-h, l' UT-V AUTO aawiim ma. huu' ver ent-'inr; bargain. ' ana loiiipHi''. and 8lo T,tUir MtSl. WK HAVE iwcurtd an additiona; upnly of country alao; piao your order early for 1 m media t delivery. iVdur trk Wood A fcuel Co., 8-J N. l-it h at. Muy y. 17jtj. 4-KOOT green mill aiab. $.V75 per cord: block and alab mixed iuvi length, per load; double load. $11. A. W. W ar ner, ttJ4 Northrup at Uroadaay 411". 7.iW CUKUWOOU $7.&u. Gotd, aound neconti-grow-h , excellent grade. rirM-growih. $h.u0 Oal, aeiect made Vtah, flS. drllvured. Wd)n. 4 IP;!. GUAKAXTKliD biat old arowth cordwood. $0 per cord. 5 00 in four-cord tut: 4 (X beavy country lab. o.JU and $i.09 per cord. ItUwy, 41 10. W'OOJ. Pout old-prowth fir, Fhona Woodlawn m7. $9 per cord. UUY YOL'K winter wood now. Heav y first-growth fir. s oak. $UM per enrd. K. E. Hnwraan Co. Mnln S'fJfl. 600 CORDS ftca-ncd wood. Hear Oregon City. $3.W0; also 40 acres for rent. Gwn- er. box H, Astoria. Or. . FOR tiOOU firnt and nctond growth cord wood. Call K, 4730. l'rompt de livery and full mri.iurg. 10-INCH block and slab, and cord. Phone USUI. also 4-fU ilafe LLOCK and s.abood. also tuao wood aoi cordwood; 4 ft. length. East 63fli. DRY ltf-JN. 1 i wood, $H per tnd ! load. in-h lumber ran Woodlawn COUPERAOK ground wood fU'-l uild aw-du-t. Phone Co 1. 5,'. CORDWOOD REDUCTIONS. D L LI V fcil fc.1) FROM THE CAR. EAST 2M1. , DRY COUNTRY 632-71. uab, 7 per curd. Aut. iiHi LOAD wf boxwood .Y.'0. Call Wood- la wo .'!" 4 prl l,.?.Qnl.,.M e. m CORDWOOD, $7 por cord; S. E. di.tri.:U Phone Auto. tc:t-v. m MUrelluneoiiPt. NEAR-NEW Vaughn dragnaw with rluti-h. furniture, Pathe cabinet phonograph and record ; or will consider I la hi car la good repair. C. U. Huttdnpnier, Proeb stel. Wash., or address bo 4. Orchards, Wash. SEWINc; uwuhines. now and second-humi. sold for less; no agenti, employed : com plete lines of parts for all iiinkes; ma chines repaired and rented. Main SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. K0 Third St.. near Taylor. VISITORS Don't frfil lo fee our big fal of used store fixture, restaurant enuln men i. confection!' supplies. Males, showcase, cash register, saten, root her barrel, fountain, many other baraajD. IM L'-l. :N0 Washington. HoT WATER tank-, .Id-pal.. 7; 4rt-gal.. $lt; tested and guaranteed; atnva and furna.e coils, gas heater inMallrd, ex pert plumbing, repairing. Kasi St da Welding Shop. ..'03 Adams i-t. Wa.tjD; V H Y AN ev'orlaM Ing mna ra a t Ion by a leaky roof? Why not a comfortable and durable ronf ? Wo repair, Bond ami rejuvenate all kinds of leaky roofs. Work guara nteed. M ln M!0. THOIt electric, wanhlng maehme as good as new, hua been used but very hill, com prir new S1M. will sell for cash. Phono Automatic -.'3-l,. r ca.l at 4714 Powell at . near 47lh. FOR SALE "Soda fountain. csih renters. scHles, root beer barrel, adding ma chines. tpewriter. all sues floor cas. meat sllrr. rt r iterator ; in nut be sold thin we.-k; ra-h or c r-dlt. -' t" Su I m mi . LET I'S wash your rugs w Itli Hamilton (touch plt't'trit: t arn. t w hii on your floor, clean and sanltmy; kills and germs. Wdin. ,7.MI n. ot ns OFFICE FURNITURE BnuKht. ld and exehafi ged. HANSEN-WADENSTEIN DESK CO 1(15-117 Tw elHh S i. !rjf-i w y. 1 ! CO I. CM MIA PLASTER W A LL HtiAKD 1 an t bulge, swell, warp or Minna. .mhk p .joint le.-. hattenle-s w a! Ik. Fire r- tard inrf. Oregon maldo. ohnfeldt. 145 MM, NEW "SINGERS." $5 down, $.1 monthly. Ex pert pr w ing maemne repaiims. MORRISON STREET SiNGKR SToRE, 3J Morrlnon. Marnhall 7 I. CIRCLE E.(H NU1 Cloning out " tore and iotning at our own pro-. 415 Flle.lner bldg.. Mih and Wash. Hdwv. j!Mt COMPUTING frale, aMi register, cofi.a mll. meat chopper ana general smra flxturps at 22 rt Stark St., between First and Second streetn. BLACK fifc. 25-1 h. boxes. $2.50; ltalt.m prunes, splits. 22 lb. boxes, this wet It. only. $1 : 5 b"s. 75. BEAVER GROCERY. 27 TamntH St. SAFES AND VAULTS Hi S'th ht., nr Oak. New or 2d hand llrrrlng HsM Marvln safes for sale or exchange, iTitn. Bu-xhong At Co., phone Urondwav I2ti-'. . GI'NU BOUGHT. FOLD. EXCHANGED. BEAURE'IARDS. T0C M-iln St. V;ini'rtuvr, Wmh FOR SALE 7U Fn chrvf a nt hemum Southwnrth. 130 Woodlawn irU'.'t. neh hydrangeaa, haidy and carnations. F. E. 2Mh st. N. Phons FOR R ENT Electric vacuum cleaner. 114 -hour day, (Oc ; delivered, guaranteed good condition. Woodlawn lL'.'.H. FOR SALE or trade cheap If luken at once, Sturms automatic woodsaw. 305 SoulA Jrev st.. St. Johns. 23-JEW EL Walt ha in V anguitrd watch. new, M-V coat $120; big bargain for railroad man. 1 7S Mad ison p-t PA RK ER 20-gMUi.e gun, eg mutton -r; price new $113; will sell at sacriflco. E.t 4H74 FOR SALE Girl's hi i f. He win ma chine, wringer, reading limp. Call Mar fhail l::i AGATE Jewelry, larg-ht Mock in town; h"jt quality and low price. Van Duen's, 4.3 Washington n- a r 13 h. AG AT E, the het .tonn for J u n Again Jewelrv t Van Du.cnH, 4 .VI Washington near 13th. PORTABLE grease nun. one only, frtory sample, hold I gallons: very chrsp. Room .i0. Artinsns bldg. limntiv-By 1!. LICENSED Independent elect rfet an wlr 3 rooms for $12. 5 for $'' Guaranteed to pass Inspection. Wdin. 3701. Ga mD Singer sewing mar hi?.-, $12; ! cos t and wood ra nge. good eondltion, r h eap. .V2 Market. Main 4 .'fV Rl'CD copper oil w h ter ha ter Inst a. u-d any kind piumhing. labor i:.2. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, Second and Morrison. RUGS waxlud on youi floor with llamilton- Beacn electric carpci w asnrr; also ac uum cleaning done. KaM 4U..V i SIZE 40 Drl-Uarh waterproof hunting coat. $; 1 mouniaiM ciimninff stick. $1. cHrh p'-a'Mlea'lv n.-w K; 4 11.1 FOR CORRECT time call Alain S.WVt, Ut scientific watcn repairing ace jnuier, oval door to Majeytlc theater FOR SALE Gmra nnd 'ook lenit, ." 7 ;raUex ann kooaa. .-noKa nr, lUift MTwatikle t Phone Seood L'7I. kodaks. We buy. sell, rent and etchings ko daks. Sandy, ".2ft Wanhlnuton st. LADIES, "he well lrrheu Exc!nnv used garments in a nomw. imor LADIES' evening gowns Ior rent, kins TtajtM. Main 9567. FOR HAi.iu-"" rr"'r,.r' adding 52hlrN showcase. 4.4 M St.. near Ash. TTAll A "STAR" "shingles direct Tmm nuH. call T' lor-ftreet dork. Main i Jt5. SAFES, irUCk.H. -cabs, col fee nTlMh, clicusa cutters. 4X Front ft., near Pine. SECOND-H AND tenta and covers for saTiy STTiFc vacuum cleaners sold. plraners sold. exci.Vnacf Hentlej, Mam 41117. ' repaired. VACUUM cleaners for rent. h cent pr day; deR!.u enywher-. Wdin. 3 4 n RENT Sewing maciune, 2 mo.( 5i E m p ire Tra n sfT, Bdwy. 15.1. SECOND-HAND Pierce Arrow hlcye, an, Washburn mrinHolln for .a le. H 1 n sa h 2 DO. EN fruit Jars, quart.. 1 wlngma chine, White rotary. F,. 447. Apt. 6. A NEW rail sew Ing machine for saie quick. ar. :.::sa BICYCLES, assorted m7. gtrV a Ifo men's. H.'.'J Chapman, ind boys FOR SALE -Rare antique watch, . 10 venra old. Phone Tabor H137. IVORY babv carrlasre in good condition. Phone Auto. ,.,i,0 - 2ti FOR SALE $'! ba'iv Ua 1 1 W ood I a w n 23 arrUg reaaonabM. PT7R SALE frig tra lor. Phona Laat 24U!. ORIOLE In good condition. $7.50. seen at 2M0 4fh ft. S. K. GOOD TENT for mI cheap. 658 WiDumi avepue. Eat 1N21. GAS range for sale, marly new. :io:v . Marshall VULCAN gas range. $27 50 Emm 3itr0