THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, JUNE 7, 1921 17 FOIl SALK. Poultry. $i'HlTE LEGHORN bauy chicks for June delivery from a heavy-laying, hoganised stock; safe arrival of full count; live, irons; chicks guaranteed. $12.50 pr hundred. $120 per thousand. PIONER HATCHEKT. 44! Sixth St; Petaluma. Cal. LARGE wheat and stocs farms, small diversified larms and orchard tracts ror sale. Kor further particulars write W. C. Hanna. Dutur. Cr., Wasco. LAYING year-oid White Leghorn Hen I each. J. R. Maguire, 7e7 Oregon il bjut iuo. l)t. Kahhlts, Birds ana Pet Stock VLaSGKEED police aoa puppies from t celebrated Speedway kennels. Fhon week d.y, slam 2uJt. between 8 A. M. . and t.SU P. M. S PERM AX kittens. $5 each. 1126 Macan: st. X. and b. Portland car to end of line. 1 blcc P.. 1 block E. IRISH SETTER puppies for sale, eligible for registration. Phone 77 K. 71- vv 25th et.. Vancouver. Wash. RABB.'ts for sale. Stevens. Juih ave. and 57th St.. Boats, launches ana Marine Equipment, 6JX POWER work posts for sale: H. P.. 7, 8. 15. 25. 60 90. W-rite for particulars ana price, c. l. smith, Stevenson. vvasn. 1LOA1S FOR BUATHOUSES About 10 tlmocrs, 24x24 rinclng in size from 20x20 tff Phone Marshall 3912. X)R SALE cheap, the launch Elkkader has three gcnid living rooms, partly fur mshed. At Fulton, near Sell wood ferry Coal and Hood. "WE HAVE secured an additional supply of country slao: place your order early for Immediate delivery. Cedar Creek Wood ruel Co., 4S-5 X. 13th st. Bdwy. ITS. 4-FOOT green mill slab. 15.75 per cord block and slab mixed stove length, $4 per load; double load. 111. A. W. war ner. 624 Northrup st. Broadway 4110. gj.50 CORDWOOD $7.50. - Good, sound second-growth ; excellent grade first-growth. IS 'oO. Coal, select grade Utah, tla, aellverea. viain. 4iuj. GUARANTEED best old growth cordwood. 19 per cord. $S.50 in four-cord lots: 4 ft. heavy country slab, $6.50 and $i.00 per . cord. Bdwy. 4110. WOOD. Best old-growth fir. Phone Woodlewn 6007. $9 per cord. 13UY YOUR winter wood now. Heavy first-growth fir. $8.5t; oak. $11.50 per cord. F. E. Bowman A Co. Main 3Q26. 6u0 CORDS seasoned wood, near Oregon City, 13 60; also 40 acres for rent. Own er, box 88. Astoria. Or. FOR GOOD first and second growth cord wood. Call E. 4730. Prompt de livery and full measure. COUNTRY short dry block and slab wood; also four-fon green. Main Bi'65. 16-INCH biota and slab, also 4-fU alas and cord. Phone 6362. . ' . 2U-OCK and s.abwood. also slao wood and cordwood. 4 ft. lengthy East 6382. BIG LOAD box 6904. wood, $5.50 per load, or 1133 Montana ave. Woodlawn DRY WRECKAGE wood delivered any place. Tabor 43. DRY 18-I.N". 1 and 2-inrh lumber range wood, 16 per load. Woodlawn 2528. CORDWOOD REDUCTION'. DELIVERED FROM THE CAR. EAST 2041, ' DRY COUNTRY aiab. I 632-71. . per cord. Aut. Al CORDWOOD, $9. delivered anywhere. Call Automatic 6:;4-68. Machinery. ELECTRIC machinery for sale: 3. high tension transformers, S. P.. 60-cycle. 33. OOO to 11,000 V. 75 K. V. A. each; Imme diate delivery; perfect condition; a bar gain. OA. JOSEPH TBA.NSJIISMU.I vu., OREGON. MISSOURI. AUTO sawing machine, Stobcr engine: bargain. complete, and Tabor S931. CENTRIFUGAL, pump, HVj-inch, nearly new; sale or rent. Phone Sell. 471. Miscellaneous. WHY AN everlasting aggravation by a leaky roof? Why not a comfortable and durable roof 7 We repair. Rubber Bond and rejuvenate all kinds of leaky roofs Work guaranteed. Main 5120. THOR electric washing machine good aa new. has been used nut very nine, cost price new $150; will sell for $90 cash. Phone Automatic 623-90. or call at 4714 Powell al., near 47th. been used Hut LUTOMAT1C card printing .machine and complete outfit. Including about $35 worth of stock. $125: also a five-chair shoe shining stand, good condition, $125. Penny Arcade. 26 N. inira st. FOR SALE Soda fountain, cash registers, scales, root beer barrels, adding ma chines, typewriier. all sizes floor cases, meat sltcer, refrigerators; must be sold this week: cah or credit. 2.10 Salmon. DRUMMER'S samples enmiren's and misses' ready-to-wear; fine line includ ing large range In infants' white dresses, gingham, percale and crash: price below wholesale cost. Call Woodlawn 5512. OFFICE FURNITURE. Bought, sold and exchanged. RANSEN-WADENSTEIN DESK CO .n.vilt" Twelfth St. Broadway lfi77. COLUMBIA PLASTER WALL BOARD Can't bulge, swell, warp or shrink. .Makes Jointlesa. battenlexs f ire renam ing. Oregon malde. Qhafeldt. 145 First. J?EWSINGERS."3 down, 13 monthly. Expert sewing- maehine repairing. MORRISON STREET SINOER STORE, 38J Morrison. Marshall 721. CIRCLE EXCHANGE Closing out fix- turea and clothing at your own price. 41. "i Fliedner fcldg.. 10th and Wash. Biiwv, -J2. COMPUTING scales, cash register, coffee mil!s. meat chorV,rs and general store fixtures at 22ft Stark aL, between First and Second streets. LACK figs. 25-lb. boxes. $2.50; Italian prunes, splits. 22-lb. boxes, this week only. 1; 5 bnxe. M.7. BEAVER GROCERY. 287 Yamhill St. SAFES AND VAULTS 7 Sixth st.. near Oak. New or 2d hand Herring-HaH-Warvin safes for sale or exchange, terms. Bushong ft Co., phone Broadway 1262. THE BIRTH STONE for June is agate. They bring wealth, health and good luck; Ideal for graduation gifts. Miller, next door to Majestic theater. f OR SALE 700 French hydrangeas, hardy chrvnanthemums and carnations. F. Sou'thworth, 13SG E. 25th si, N. Phone Woodlawn 1123. LET US wash your rugs with the Hamil ton Beach electric carpet washer, on your floor; clean and sanitary; kills moths and germs. Wdln. 5?. frOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners, 24-hour day, 8uc; delivered, guaranteed good eondirion. Woodlawn 1 2. K. . FOR SALE or trade cheap if taken at once, .yiturms automatic woodsaw. 305 South Jersey st., St. Johns. buys this (label's automatic entr tainer; just the thing for confection erv or pool hall. Thurman st. 13-JEWEL Walt ham Vanguard watch, new. 45: cost S120: big bargain for railroadman. 178 Madison St. PARKER 20-gauee gun, leg mutton case: price new $113; will sell at sacrifice. East 4074. PURE tested Italian ouen bees by return mall. V3 each. R. H. Hatfield. Sfi5 East Alder, PORTABLE great gun. on'e only, factory sample, holds 15 gallons: very cheap. Room 50s Artisans bldg. Broadway 1004 DIAMOND ring, over 3 karat. J475. by private party. Call 122 Second at., near Washington. . tiOOD second-hand lumber for sale cheap also doors, windows and wreckage wood. ITS luth at- or can cast lwt, UC ENS ED indp pendent electrician wires 3 rooms for 112. o for 920. Guaranteed to pass mspertion. Wfiin. 37fll. PILES can be permanently curd without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, isec o n u ana .tiorrison. RUGS washed on your floor with Hamilton Beach etectnc carpex wmjit; aifro vac uum cleaning done. East 405. OR CORRECT time call Main 3579; tol scientific watch repairing mo Miller, nsxt door to Majestic thtf KODAKS. We buy. sell, rent and exchange ko- flaks. sanay. 3- wasmngton at. MODEL 18-C Colonial coal or wood range. FOR SALE Anyone desiring rosw Festival week call Col, SI 4. GOOD eating potatoes 1 sack. S. Hess. 80 Kiuingsworcn ave. vvain. Wi:, LADIES, "be well dressed." Exclusive used garments in a nome. labor 2S25. 4 LADIES evening gowns for rent. Sft-S4. Main 9567. FOR SALE --Cash register, safe, adding machine, showcase. 43 1st t n(?ar AsQ rStAR A STAR" shingles direct from mill Call Taylor-street dock. Main hU(g. SAFE. trucKs. . conce rniils. chew emu"-- "mi ring, KfcCOND-MAND tfiita and covers for saT pac.fic font Awning Co., Xp. i itl KLEC. vacuum ci-aners sold, exchanged repaired. Ray Bentley, Main J07. " VACUUM cleaners for rent, Js 3 cenu per day: de!tverd anywhere. Wdln. 3i)3 FOR RENT Sewing machine. 3 mo., fjf Empire Transfer. Bdwy. lis. ' NEW"t'i0 WILSON" rotary electric sewini machine, unusual bartaln. Tabor et 1 5. EL.KCTR1C waiher. sliahtly used, snap 3R8 K. Ninth street Snu'.h fnrenoons. SEfOXU-HAXD Pierce Arrow bicycle and Washburn nmnda!in for sale. Main b,11S. 3 DOZBX froit Jars, quarts: 1 sewing ma chine. White rotary. E. 4S47,' Apt. 6. SECOND-HAND vacuum cleaner. shape, t East 8418. food FIVE gallons of mixed paint ror $10. at 6SS E. Burnside St. 8ABgMEVTi C : .-neap aut gej-Sa f')OL TABLE, J so. 670 East Uin street. FOR SALE. albM-ellaneous. NEW AND USED OFFICE FURNITURE. Prices reduced throughout our en tire line: 10 per cent additional on ail new desks, adding machines, type writers, safes, safe cabinets at bargain prices. WAX OFFICE EQUIP. HOUSE. 24 X. 5th st. Broadway 2739. VISITORS WELCOME. To look over our full line of used store fixtures, showcase, scales, root beer barrels, fountains and supplies, safes. cash registers, restaurant equipment refrigerators. 113 Second. 246 Washing ton. MRS. S. W. HERMAN, apparel shop; ladles' -clothes, antique jewelry for sale; we buy ladios' and gents' clothes and pay good prices; we will exchange for everything; we sell very reasonable. 2844 Park at. near Jefferson, Mar. 1OO0. LET DAVID'S repair your watch; they know how and only genuine watch ma terials used. DAVID'S. Jeweler, and Ontlrians. 343 Washington s"t. Near Broadway, SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand at right prices bought, sold and exchanged; easy terms it de sired. NORRI8 SAFE LOCK CO.. 105 Second St, Mnln 2045. NEAR-NEW Vaughn dragsaw with clutch, furniture, Pathe cabinet phonograph and records; or will consider light car in good repair. C. B. Hutsinpiiler. Froeb stel. Wash., or address box 49, Orchards, Wash. . SEWING machines, new and second-hand. sold for less; no agents emoloyed; com- piete lines of parts for all .makes; ma chines repaired and rented. Main 93L SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 1!0 Third St.. near Taylor. HOT WATER tanks,- 80-gal.. $7; 40-gal.. 19: tested and guaranteed; stove and furnace colls, gas heaters Installed, ex pert plumbing, repairing. East Side Welding Shop, 203 Adams St. East 8510. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. 2-TON DIAMOND T. as good ' aa new; extra large rear tires $1850. 14 -ton GMC. on pneumatic tires, was used by Meier ec Frank as an extra; has had the very best of care and baa seen but little work; $1450. ltt-ton Moreland, absolutely new; $2350. l'i-ton Wlnther. 4-wheel drive. Just the thing where you need ex tra hard pulling machine; $1350. 1-ton Republic, entirely over hauled, new tires, new paant, $1050. a. -ton Republic on pneumatic tires, equipped with first-class body for bakery or similar busi ness; $073. 1-ton GMC AAA-1 condition throughout, mounted on 30x5 pneumatic cord tires, backed in every way by the GMC policy and -guaranteed; $1050. 4 -ton GMC. entirely overhauled, repainted and guaranteed; $830. 1-ton White. 35x5 rear tires, entirely $1275. front. 30x6 overhauled; i-ton Bulck. absolutely new; Is in first-class ditlon; $075. pneumatic tires, the entire truck mechanical con- Chevrolet light delivery, $450. WENT WORTH & IRWIN, Inc., 200 Second St., Corner Taylor. ARBUCKLE'S AUTOS. Anperson R. 4-pass.,' wire wheels. Bulck. . 1910, new motor, Buick . 1017. new pantasote top, Buick 4, C 25, runs fine. Briscoe touring at a bargain. ChaUdleT, 7-pass., just repainted. Chandler, 4-paHs., wire wheels. Chalmers Hi C. reuainted. Chevrolet roadster, wir wheels; lots Ot extras, 1!U model. Chevrolet F. B. sedtfn. Just new. Franklin, series 8. touring. Fianders touring, $100. runs good. Ford roadster. Ford touring. Ford coupe. Ford sedan. Ford bug. Grant tf. touring, bargain. Hudson super, 7-pass. Ilupmobile, model N. Jordan, tt-pass., like new. Marmon, 4-pass., wire wheels. Mitchell 6. 7-pass.. Just new. Nash tt. just rebuilt. Overland. 1020. roadster. Oldamoniie j, 1021, about new. Oakland 8. fine shape. Reo 4. 1019. touring. Studebaker, 10IS. overhauled. Ptudpbaker 6, 1019, 7-pass. Trailer. 10(H) lbs., just new; snap. Velie. model 48, just new. Willys-Knight, 1017 model. EAST TERMS PAT AS TOU RIDE. ARBUCKLE'S USED CAR CENTER. 86 Tenth St. 1 Blocks North of Washington. Phone Broadway 1424. '20 CHANDLER DISPATCH. This one is new and has new tlrps and revarnished and looks Just aa good as the day it left the show room; runs and starts perfect: come and try It any place; spotlight, licenses and glass wind deflectors, extra tire and tube mounted and we will service it and give liberal terms with some down, bal. monthly and take car of right make in trade. Open -Sundays, lftth and Alder sts. Murphj Motor Car company. IS OVERLAND CHUMMY R O A Dti T R. This car is in fine shape every way and will do any trial that you wish; has five wire wheela and good tires and re finished novelty colors; we will give liberal terms of down, bal. easy; take bonds or car in trade; open Sun days 10th and Alder sts. MURPHY MOTOR CAR CO. C 2. BUICK TOURING. The brand that put the Buick on the map; this one is good and we will serv ice It: runs and starts and looks fine; low price and take $175 down, bal. easy. Open Sundays 514 Aider st. fcURPHY MOTOR CAR CO. WE CARRY a full line or auto accessories, tubes. Ford parts, light globes, eta Also do toning. Open day and night. L.ONH & SILVA. Phone East 6840. 4m Hawthorne, BUG The classiest one in the c:ty, has 4 new tires, looks and runs like a new car and OH, BOT! HOW CHEAP! Small pavmebt down. Call Hamilton. Broad' way 8t)oa lll-O BABY GRAND CHEW 1U20. Is In fine shape everr way: good paint, tires and top: will take Ford as part payment, bal. terms: price $1000. Call Woodlawn Sb20 evenings. 103U Mallory ave. STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! 1919 Paige seven passenger, has 6 good tires: this car is in A-l condition and the small amount 01 $9.r0 takes thts car: small cash payment down. Call Pozell, Broadwsy 3H0rt. CHALMBrtS touring, almost new cord tlrs, extra equipment: will take Ford, Dodge or Chevrolet In trade, with terms on balance: this itf a real buy. Call Kobin-son-Hmith Co.. or phone Main 1100. 1910 CHEVROLET touring car for sale, A-l condition. 5 new tires, lots of extras. $S7.1 cash: will take Ford roadster as part payment. Phone Tabor 1818 after 5:30 P. M. PAIGE BARGAIN. A Paige owner Is always satisfied; 1919 model, mechanically perfect; sacri fice $12.'). terms $400 down. Mr. Argo, Broadway 3281. 1918 DODGE touring, cord tires, spare, spotlight, plate glass rear, sloping shield, $770. Terms. Billingsley, 400 Hawthorne. East 720. 1919 BUICK. A real car, and right price; will take in Ford. Call after noon, 123 14th St., room 1 1. 1 1919 FORD roadster, mechanically, $:;45. lingsley Motor Co., 8th. East 720. starter block, fine Terms. L. Y. Bil Hawlhorne ave. at WE HAVE 100 Fords from tll0 up. Nuff aed. fcasy terms. UNIVERSAL, CAR EXCHANGE, Yamhill at Grand Ave. East 471. 191U DODGE roadster, cord tires, srare, spotlight, R75. Terms. L. Y. Bil llngsley Motor Co., Hawthorne at 8th. East 720. . 1921 OLDSMOBILE. economy truck, used for 40 days as demonstrator only; will . take 11830, light car and terms on bal ' ance. Call Dumals. Broadway 2270. OVERLAND 1920. 1 am anxious to sell this quick. Priced rleht. Will give terms. Phone Jensen. Bdwy. 691. Eve nings Marshall 5241. 1921 FORD touring; cash win buy It cheap. FORI) BUG. It's classy. See , It at 11 Union ave. N. Low price. DODGE touring, good condition; Owner, East 31)98. -Al'TOMOBrLKS. BUMP! BUMP! BUMP! TWFT H1VC WTT WDTTOM ' CARS AT PRICES NEVER HEARD OF 1300 FOR A-MAXWELL TOURING -' $275 "FOR OVERLAND TOURING. ELGIN 'SIX World's champion, renewed and guar anteed. Come take a ride and be sat IsfieoV. ' niKi.ivn mix. Here's another light six at yur price. PW RVftOLET. 1920 400 model at about halt what It cost. $205 "tor a Grant six. Sea It. CHANDLER SIX. 1020 Chandler at 1500. Compare Erlce and you will see that It's a uy. FORDS. We have several good Fords. See them today. WELLER MOTOR COMPACT. Washington at 15th. this real a PORTLAND MAN who had al ways beretofora owned and driven a Steams-Knight ear baa now bought a Packard. Ha hag left bis Stearns - Knight (hla third) wltb us (or sale. I baa been com pletely overhauled, 1 In fine me chanical order, newly painted, and well equipped. The automoblllst who likes a silent Knight engine and a good looking ear. slways well eared (or. will make no mis takes in buying thie one. See PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO, 10TH AND BURNSIDE. . STOPI LOOK! LISTEN! GO ALL AROUND AND tOOK THEM ALL OVER FIRST. BUT don't buy until yon hve compared our cars, both condition and price, with the best you may tina eiwwnere. We have no trade-ina. Every car on our floor is there because we wanted that particular car. because it ia a good buy. Com? in and (rt your car for .Sunday. We have DodRes, Chevrolet, Fuicks. Hud son s and other choice buya. No junk; nothing but cara picked for quality. PORTLAND AUTO BALES. 8S4 Burnaide st.. In Lowengarth Bldff. Corner Park. Fr.OXT-ST. QAKAOB PEE THESE VALUES TODAY. STEWART ONE-TON TRUCK I 215 STUDEBAKER 4. TOURINO 2)0 42.1 CHEVROLET 4-90 MITCHELL TOCRINO OLDS 8 ROADSTER LIBERAL TERMS USED CARS BOUGHT. 60LD AND EXCHANGED. SEE REED. GENERAL REPAIRING. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. SERVICE DAT AND NU1UHT. PHONE MAIN 7847. . 268-270 FRONT ST. 4.-.0 2i Buy Tour REBUILT CHEVROLET From the USED CHEVROLET DEPOT. Owned and Operated by THE CHRVROLET DISTRIBUTORS. GUARANTEED REBUILT CHEVRO iETS All Models All Prices Excellent Terms Grand Ave. between Ankeny and Burn side. Open Dally and Sunday. Phone East 490. "The House With. Chevrolet Pride." . 11S BUICK FOUR ROADSTER. This is the.real goods and we will stand behind all we tell you about it; runs and looks fine, new top, new finish and new tires, all overhauled At the low price of $"i$5. with tioO down, balance easy; take bonds. Open Sundavs. o!4 Alder et. MURPHY MOTOR CAR CO. S1.V.0. Must sell late 18 Stutz 4-pass. touring run 10,010 miles; 6 wire wheels, oversize cords. Have your mechanic look it ove or let me demonstrate. , This is a sacri flee, and you are under no obligations In looking it over. Car at Portsmouth pool room. St. Johns car. col. Tol. FORD COLPE. 1920 model 1700 1 1-ton Ford truck $" 1 1-ton Ford truck .....t'i CHAS. C. FAG AN" CO.. Pierce Arrow Distributors, 9th at Burnside Bdwy. 4693. FOKD IOCH1NG. 1320. Starter, demountable rims. Goodyear tires, one new spare: shock: absorbers Gardner carburetor; all good condition. See Parsons. 60 N. Broadway. Phoua Broadway 321. 1921 HUDSON touring limousine, run only a few milea, like new; a bargain, must sell. Charles Affolten, Rowland, hotel. corner etu ana eaimoa. FORD touring: a oargaln for cash: has new wheels aemountaoie rims, newtlres. spotlight, bumper. snocKS. epedometer, a.-h light and '21 license: nrica. S:l.T Phone Wdln. 3520 evenings. Address 100 Mallory ave. WILL sacrifice my Case 6. good aa new. 5 new cord tires, humper, spotlight. A am te greasing system, cut-mu. etc for $12.0; take small car In trade. Own er, Broadway 2925. 10-PASSENGER hotel bus, body In excellent condition, cnaasie tmm rope nartrora; will sell body separate or the whole thing- dirt cheap. Call manager Raines- hotel. FORD COUPE, late '20, A-l condition. 4 cords. 1 new laorio ciicii over sine. large wheel, rain swipe, vacuum tank starter; this is a real coupe. In5; terms. East 5949. or write AP.714. Oregonlan. 1820 PAIGE. 5-PASSENGER. Run only 4000 miles. 8 new tires, bumpers, spotlight. S8 per cent new. terms. 184 .Laureinursi ave., owner, la, bor 9116. OVERLAND 80, 1918; Overland 75, 1917: JieSWI ll . Ai"- "on Ka,,.fc 111 inni- c!ms shape. Will give liberal terms. Phone Bast 413. Wilaon-Tayloc Motor Co.. 343 ancouver ave. HUPMOB1LE. 1H2U, in iirst-ciass mechan ical shape: wm sen cneap ana give easy terms. Car has 5 good- cord tires. It you want a good light car do not fall to look at tnis one, can Marshall flTlft ioin FORD touring, perfect condition; de- mountable rims; oord tires; extra new tire and rack; speedometer, bumper. A bargain at S390 cash. K. 1. Manning, Bdwy. 703. . FOR SALE Studebaker delivery truck, tent and camp stove, cheap If taken at once. Call after 5 o'clock at 750 Tenlno avenue. Sellwood. FRANKLIN touring car, cord tires, 1915 model, fine condition; new battery; will take Ford car in iraae; terms,. . ftjone Automatic B13-92. 7-PAS3. 1918 S'udebuker, good condition, good tires and only run 9000 miles; must sell. See at 1125 Woodstock ave. Make offer. This Is a genuine bargain. i DODGE ROADSTER 18 model, with slanting windshield, car in good condition, with extras: terms if desired. Call Bdwy. 4775 PACKARD, SINGLE 6. DEMONSTRATOR. Run a little over 6000 miles; spotlight, bumper and new extra cord tire; will discount about $1000. Call Tabor 769. 1924) DODGE roadster as (rood as new; owner will sacrifice for cash. Call Mr. Smith, at Bdwy. 8774, for price and demonstration. ' 1921 NASH. "" ' 6-pass., driven 1900 miles; new cat" st sttractive discount. Call owner. Tabor 6845. . . 1600 BUYS 1920 Chevrolet roadster, guar anteed like new, wire wheels-, oversise tires, bungalow top and curtains, looka and runs like new. East 178. IHBaVE 3 roadsters for sale a 1921 Olds 6, lttl Stevens, wire, wheels, spare and 1921 license; 1918 Overland. The prices right. 'Call Bdwy. 2270. Mr. Dumals 1920 BABY GRAND Chevrolet, like new will trade for Ford o 490 Chev. Some terms. Tabor 4S74. FOR MA 1,1 TOW WATF ArTOMOBII.KW, ' WHAT IS A USED CAR BARGAIN? Something Jor nothing is Impossible An eye full of new varnish Is easy to get, but if you want your money's worth go to someone you have confidence In and pay a fairs price for fair value. Be sure to look these cars over before plac ing yoAir order, f FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. ' FORD touring ear. 1919 model. this csr has only been run about 5 months: looks and runs like new . s . .. $ 450 STUDEBAKER light 4: good tires, fino running condition-- MAXWELL touring. 1917: good tires, fine' mechanical condition. MAXWELL chassis, v 1918: over hauled, ready for a bug or de livery OVERHAULED 83 B: good tires, all overhauled: original finish: this car has been well cared for. OVERLAND model 90: this is the best buy In Portland, but must be sold st once , Overland ss e-cyi. :' refinisheik new top. 2 new tires; all over hauled. This ia a snap DODGE tourfng. almost new: spot light, fine running condition s COLE 8-cyl., 7-pass : refinished: new top; runs like new; all over hauled. Just the car for hire... ISO 275 300 350 800 750 925 OLDSMOBILE roadster.- 1910. new tires, refinished In maroon; two bumpers; spotlight 823 BU1CK roadster, refinished. cord tires, new top; looks and runs like new 850 BUICK. 7-pass.. 1020; spotlight. 5 good tires, bumper back and front: .other extras: will sac rifice: run only on Portland streets. CHAXDLER. 7-pas.. 8 good tires: overhauled, refinished. Csnnot be told from new HR$ ' The above list of cars have been care fully Inspected and are exceptional bar gains. TERMS IF DESIRED. NO BROKERAGE. C. O. BLEASDAT.K 530 ALDER ST. BDWY. 1832 CSRD CAR BARGAINS. ' 1919 Chandler, wire wheela. cord' tires, refinished. only.. 1000 1920 Chevrolet roadster, run only A300 miles: looks as food as new 530 8 Studebaker roadster. Al condition 4.0 1918 Ford sedHn. a bargain... 4.V) 1914 Reo, 7-pass.. cord equipment 430 1916 Cadillac. 8-cyl., 7-pass., a wonderful buy at 1300 Used Nashes that are guaran teed snd the same service as a new one. 1918 Nash, It-pass., lots of extras. 1919 Nash, 7-pass.. new tires. 1920 Nash, cord equipment. Terms to Suit Tou. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO.. 10th and Burnside. Bdwy. 521. 1918 BUICK FOUR TOURING. This fine light four will appeal t vour better ludgment. and we will that It is the best one we ever owned, and we will let you try It any place before vnu buv It. Low price or hj. with 225 down, balance easy. Open SundTvs. Til 4 Alder st MURPHY MOTOR CAR CO. FORD HEADQUARTERS. What kind of a Ford do you want? we have it. Nuff sed. Easv terms. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Ynmhlll at Grand Ave. East 471 MARMON SNAP. Model 41, superb condition; privately owned and used: sacrifice, It id, terms. Mr. Argo. Broadway 32R1 . ROCKWDOD ACREAGE. One or more acres close to station and Base Line road. All cleared. Only $"0f per acre. Terms. See Mr. Boehm, 210 Oregon bids. Bdwy. liWiS. BE WISE. We will get you there and get you back. Home of the used Fords, uff sed. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. VnmhiH at T;rand Ave. East 471 1919 ELGIN a-passenger, this car has new paint. 5 good tires besides other extras thia Car is right in every way and priced very low; small payment down. Call . Broadway 3001, Hamilton. .i(m. buvs 5-nassenger. 6-cvllnder Studebaker overhauled and refinished; terms $200 (town. MR. ARGO. Broad-way 3281. CARS MAY COME and cars may go Fords go on forever. Nuff sed. Easy terms. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Yamhill at Grand Ave. East 471 1917 HAYNES 5 nasaeneer. 5 nearly ne tires, new top and good paint; ANYONH WHO KNOWS ANYTHING ABOUT A HAYNES CAR will consider this car real bargain. Call Hamilton. Bdwy. 3"0R ALL THE USED FORDS In the town are -here. Nuff sed. Easy, terms. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Yamhill at Grand Ave. East 471 PAIGE SEDAN SNAP. Late 1918, A-l mechanically, good tires Sacrifice $1250. terms. Mr. Argo, Broad way 3281. This Is a splendid buy. THE HOME of used Fords. Nuff sed Easv terms. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Yamhill at Grand Ave. East 471. 1921 OLDS six demonstrator, factory guar antee and service; would accept a good Ford as part payment, terms on balance. Call Johansen at Bdwy. 2270. FORDS will get you there and get you back. Nuff sed. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Yamhill at Grand Ave. East 471, HUDSON SNAP. Model 6-40; sacrifice for $375 (or auick sale. Hurry. , MR. ARGO. Broadway 3281. 1918 CHALMERS hot spot. 5 cord tires, new paint and In fine condition, will take small payment or small car in trade. Call Bozell. Broadway 3606. WE HAVE a complete line of Fords. Nuff sed . UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. ' Yamhill at Grand AyK . -. 471. 1921 OLDS four demonstrator, like new, a libera! discount, guaranteed same new. Call Johansen at Bdwy. 2276. f-ror iMn 9I1.R- .lust nvarhan!. first-class shape. Price $560. 1629 Qre- onn street. . - LIGHT SIX BUICK roadster, good condl tlon: $050. Owner, 415 Washington, corner 11th. MUST sell 1919 9-B Franklin touring, all new cord tires, perfect merhann-ca-l con ' ditlon. any demonstration. 367 Stark. 1919 OLDS six, just overhauled, new paint, 5 good tires, very cheap on easy, turnia Call Johansen at Bdwy.- 2270. FRANKLIN touring car must be Sold at once; $lro. terms; lorias nae - new; private party. East 0228. Hurry. 1921 OLDS roadster, used very little, save $250 on this Job, cash, terms or trade. Call Johansen at Bdwy. 2270. 1920 NASH touring; Alemlte: run 3000 miles on pavement; sacrificed for Quick sale. See at Globe garage. FORD BUG Late model, the classiest little car In town: small payment nown drives it sway. Call Boxell. Bdwy. 3606. TRADE that old car In for something hetT ter. many to cncise irora. .t-all Jonan- scrt at Bdwy. .2270. WANTED A good motorcycle in exchange on a medium llgnt cap; hiib car IB in excellent condition Call Bdwy. 3606. 1920 CHEVROLET touring, cheap for cash or liberty Donas. juam eout monuar ur Tuesday. 1021 NEW MODEL DORT TOURING CAR. new never run. tor sate or win traae for light car AR 739. Oregonlan. 1921 OLDS 8 demonstrator, same guar antee as new car, at Dig niecouni; terms. Call Duffy at Broadway 22i0. BY OWNER !BVKN-PASS. STIJDEBAK- MAIN ii". NEW BUICK touring car, driven 850 miles, in montns guarantee oi service East 6585. 1920 MAXWELL cheap, first-class con dition, live goon tire ruu tiiuu muea Call Auto. 644-95. ' 1919 STUDEBAKER light four in elegant condition, very cneap. easy terms, call Tohansen at Bdwy. 2270. CUT-DOWN backs put in touring for sleep ing out. Aiuina Auto iqp wo., hUi Kus- sell 8t- East 8522. . FORD roadster. In Al shape. This is a 1J20 ana nas Biaini. iuos line new, Wlu give easy terms. Marshall 5719. WILLYS-KNIGHT touring, first-class con dition ana apyen am-c, new uenerai cora tires. Phone Wdln. 2134. 1920 FORD touring with starter, new ru ber, must sell; $463 cash. Main 259. touring, first-class condition. FOR SALE Ford bug, cheap. 327 Couch st. DODGE touring car. in Al condition, fully eoUlPPea. lenin i -anicu. cant ,i;,l. OVERLAND ROADSTER, A-l CONDI TION - A OUIt .1 -7I. 1921 COUPE, under laetory guarantee. 325 casn, oat, u mot ian Alar. 184. 1918. 490 Chevrolet, In best of condition; must seiiia oai.-aip. -au wain. ouol. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. BARGAINS IX BETTER REBUILT USED CARS At our Broadway store, where we have the largest used car store of any automobile company In the city. . , AND WHY BETTER? We rebuild both Hudson and Essex' used automobiles and sell them with a warranty the same as -given with the purchase of new cars. We also give 90 days free serving, the same as la given on new cara.. ; v On other makes of automobllee that We trade in we repair ana overhaul 'them so that used cars that are not soldwlih a warranty xre In flrst-clas condition and are sold with 10 davs' free trial. Sub-., . Ject to their being returned with full credit on any otherecar you may select. ' " ' 1619 Essex automobile, re- ' built and repainted, sold ' with the warranty. ,....$1175 1619 Essex, like new, with the warranty. old 1225 1917 Hudson Super Six, re built and repainted. , looks Just like new, sold with the warranty 1-00 1918-1919 series Hudson Su per Six. rebuilt and re painted, sold with the warranty 1500 1920 Hudson Super Six. re built and repainted, sold with the warranty 1T75 1920 Hudson speedster, like a brand new car; aold with the warranty., . . . 2030 1919 Chalmers, f Irst-clasa condition throughout.. 1150 1920 Chalmers, almost new, decided bargain 1500 Dodge roadster 550 1910 Maxwell, all gone over, repaired and repainted; ' a fine liftle car 575 1920 Maxwell roadster, a dandy little car 675 1918 Oldsmobile Eight, tar gain at oas Our store for these used-car bar- gains at 40-6 Broadway, which Is Broadway and Couch at. Phone Broadway 0739 Open evenings and Sunday. 0. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. A CLEAN NEW STOCK OF USED CARS. Our big used car sale cleaned up our stock of used cars and now we have a fresh stock of cars taken In trade during the sale at the new low level prices. We can fit you out In a good car of the else you want, light fours or sixes, with some especially fine buys In light sixes. We offer you a combina tion of exceptional values, rea sonable terms and a square deal all the way through. ' Maxwell. 1B18. touring ..$850 White 30 touring, rebuilt.... 400 Jordan, 1020, 5-pass 1750 Mitchell, 1918, 5-pass.. Borg & Beck, new rubber 90 Mitchell. 1918. 5-pass 800 Chevrolet delivery. 1918 .... 875 Mitchell. 1917. 7-pass 575 1918 Studebaker, 7-pass 550 Packard twin 6, Al condition throughout 130 Liberty chummy roadster., in good condition 1000 Chandler Dispatch, wire wheels, new oversize tires 1350 1910 Oakland, good condition. .800 Come down any time and we will gladly show you and demon- -strate any used -car In the house. .They are all in running order and most unusual value. r , MITCHELL, LEWIS 4 ST AVER COMPANY. Broadway and Everett St. 88 Yeare in the Northwest. Phone Broadway 4675. CHEVROLET. Late model ' touring, fine ap pearing, mechanically perfect, 5 good tires, shock absorbers. A dandy light, economical car. Cash or terms. $525. Mr. Phllllpa, Broadway 8435 evenings. "19 OAKLAND TOURING. This ne Is the real sensible alx and has been rebuilt- and refinished and has some extras on It and the low price of $750 with $'JoO down, bal. easy, will let you run it home. Take bonds. Open Sundays. 514 Alder street. MURPHY MOTOR OAR CO. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHBD. YOU BUY OR 8ET,L AN" AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY, ,OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOLT. OREGON" BOND & MORTGAGE CO. 28 SELLING BLDG.. SECOND FLOOR. 19 DODGE TOURINO. This Is the finest Dodge touring we have had in six months: the price Is $785. with $285 down, bal. easy and there are some extras in it and we" will take car In trade. Open Sundays ltith ana Aioer sis. , MURPHY MOTOR CAR CO. 1920 3-PASS. PAIGE, run less than 4000 miles, has 4 newi royal cord tires; vou can hardly tell this car from a new one, this car rrtust be sold and if you are looking for a oar in this class I can save you a lot'of money; term, if desired. CalV Propst, Broadway FORD BUG. $385. This one is new, all around new tires and paint 'and runs perfect; come and try, It; toj, windshield and lots of ex tras; $150- down, balance easy. Open Sundavs 314 Alder St. Ml R Pnjf MOTOR CAK l yj 19?o SPORT model Stephens Salient Six overhauled throughout; sold with factory guarantee; ask for price and you will be surprised. TKitas: iras. uaii r-ropst. Broadway 3M)6. - -. $600 for a late 11 8 'Studebaker roadster 1n .nfendiA condition: nas nad pest care $200 cash, balance In ten months, air. Argo. Broadway 3281. 191SI DODGE TOURING 1919. -, Car ia in fine mechanical shape; will guarantee; . price is oniy soio; terms. Phone Wdln. 3520 evenings. 1030 Mal- lorij ave. nimTicK Millions of Ford have been manuracTurea. na. juu noi hub ui them 7 If not. why not? Nuff sed. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Yamhill at Grand Ave. East 471 MITCHELL ROADSTER. b.-SAr. Late 1919. fine condition, tires: sao rlflce for $975. terms. Mr. Argq. Broad way 8-'I 1918 BUICK, original paint, has been over hauled irom stem to Bicni. "-in ium antee this one; has 6 good tires: a real snap: good terms. Call Propst, iBroad- wav 3nQ6. FORD roadster, starter block, dem. rims.. Cora urea, . -. ley Motor Co., Hawthorne ave. at 8th. Fast 72(1. FORD touring, 1820, self-starter, original tires run '3000 miles; must be sold re gardless of price. Apply W. N. Smith, 818 Bavler st. - . . GOOD BUY FORD. $150f fairly good shape; lots of new parts-. frOODLAWN 1196. 1918 CHEVROLET . finA mechanical eondition; bargain rat $850; terms. 30 Grand avenue Ndrth. near Burnside. SAXON-ROADSTER, 1918, a bargain at $450: good condition: terms. 30 Grand avenue North, near Burnside. OVERLAND touring, a bargain at $300; terms. 80 Grand avenue North, near Burnside. FORD touring, -1913, good mechanical con dition; will sell at $350: terms. 30 Grand ' avenue North, near Burnside, FORD CHASSIS for bug; a real buy at $175; terms. 80 Grand avenue North, near Burnside. T9T9 STUDEBAKER light 6., 5080 miles, $1100: terms. A. H. Kreul, Wdln. 1945. 1920 KING 8, almost lighter car in trade. new; will consider Cooper. 211-48. CASH or terms. Ford delivery, no use for it. Woodyards. 327 Front st. BABY GRAND Chevrolet touring, almost new; will sacrifice. Columbia 432. DODGE. 1918. good cond.. $800. Call aven lug, oa6 E. 47 ia su ! FOR gALE AUTOMOBILES. DODGE BROS. MOTOR CARS. Our stock of Dodge Bros, cars is al ways quite complete. These rebuilt, re finished and sruaranteed cars offer the Utmost possible in actual value; -our prices are very low. - - . 3816 Dodge Bros, roadster and tour.$ 850 1H17 nno-A 75 1918 DnrlffA Rm' rn,Hter and tour. . 875 1919 Dodge Bros, touring 1920 Dodra Hrns aeilNrt ............ 975 1773 1150 1.100 -73 1750 1920 Dodge Bros, touring lO-'O Liberty touring Overland roadster, a good on 1H1H feerlaas 8. touring 1919 King 8, touring, fine shape, onlv 1400 1020 Stuu Bearcat.'a swell, snappy car 1918 Scrlpps-Booth coupe 1916 Packard 1'i . wanderful buy.. 2730 13.10 14U0 1920 Chandler chummy roadster, 1293 . line shape .7'1X 1820 Chandler, good condition.' snap 1400 tiv iiuaaon limousine, a peauLiiui car 1919 Hudson speedster, a good one. . 1919 Heynes touring only 1917 Studebaker 4. touring 1919 Studebaker big 6. 5-pass 1918 Buick roadster, fine shape.... 190 V.Bh Iniiplni onlv.. 2700 1950 1800 395 1500 1000 14O0 1B18 Wlllys-Knigh't, big snap, only. 1200 1920 Maxell aedan, an excellent car for 1300 1020 Chevrolet roadster 1 nice shape .." 595 1919 Chevrolet touring J914 Cole, T-pass., privately owned car, only 750 DELIVERY CARS. 1918 Dodge Bros, screen side de- livery 50 1918 Dodge Bros, screen side de livery f ?I? 1918 Dodge Bros, panel, good shape m 1919 Chevrolet liflfht delivery 4IHJ 11190 VnrA rieliverv at.rter 52 The following cars are Included In our L'o per aay reaucuon in pnc . Watch them caraftillv. Post your bid ab'ltl U.una. Innrlna WAS 125O0. tO" dav's nrlce . . .' $1975 1920 H. C. S. touring, was $2850. to day's price $-3- 1910 Apperson. 4-paBS., wae $297o. today' price ...'..',.' 1A1S Cku-i.. r,,Tlnff wa. S1200. today's price ......$1100 1910 Cole 8. touring, was $2000. -day's price ......$1900 1920 Huason Super-6lx, was J-000-.,. today's price 100 1918 Republic truck, was $875. to- dav'i nrlce ' '3 We Are Open Sunday. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY, ei. - . w..v,invinn .t Main 6244. Also a big display at the new Broad aala.rnnm HnwiltoWH. Call at thl salesroom most convenient for you. Our automobile transportation service makes It possible for you to 100a over our u tire stock. , BROADWAY USED CAR BRANCH, 28-80 N. Broadway. Main 6L44. REBUILT BUICKS. THOROUGHLY REBUILT AND . GUARANTEED. AND . SERVICE SAME AS NEW CARS. 1920 BUICK touring car. like new; fine mechanically: 5 tires, some extras, newly painted and one that will make a demonstra tion. If vou are in the market for a first-class used car, HERE IT IS; terms. 1918 BUICK light six. 7-passen-ger touring car. newly painted, overhauled, good Urea. Here's a bargain, terms. HOWARD AUTOMOBILE CO. New Salesroom: TWELFTH AND ALDER. Fhoneroadway 1180. an CARS TO pick FROM Jackson touring car, overhauled. . .$175 Studebaker touring car. small 200 A nnsrunn A fOltHnF. .tarter .... Ovurlann -4 touring, starter. A-l... 225 Hun 4 touring, new tires 250 Velie 4 touring, starter, overhauled. 2.-0 Overland 75 roadster -75 Overland 83 touring, repainted.... 875 Packard 30 7-passenger, 8 tires 450 1916 Ford touring, extras 2.-0 1917 Ford touring, extras 335 1U17 Chevrolet inuring, repainted.. 33.1 1918 Ford touring, extraa 340 1018 Ford roadster, extras 340 1919 Ford couoe. extras 465 1920 Ford touring, starter, extras. BOO 1920 Ford sedan, extras 750 1920 .Chevrolet touring 625 1917 Cole 8, 7-passenger 650 1916 Oakland 6 roadster. A-l 500 1916 Oakland 6 touring, some car... 500 1918 Oakland 6 touring, cord tires. 650 1918 Overland 83 touring, like new. 650 10.1A nod., touring. Al . 5 1918 Studebaker 6. 7-passenger.... 650 1918 Bulck light 8 touring 800 1917 Hup 4 touring, like new 8.i0 1919 Mitchell 6 touring. like new... 850 VRANSON'S USED CAR EXCHANGE Union Ave. and Belmont St., Upstairs. Open-evenings and Sunday. E. 4376. nl.ns SIX. TOURING. This Is the latest model and Is re finished dark blue with gold stripe and natural wood wheela; makes very classy- car: is In first-class condition, all runs and starts perfect; some extras, sll ready for delivery; low price of $925. with $:100 down, bal. easy; take car in trade. Open Sundavs 16lh and Alder. MURPHY MOTOR CAR CO. FOR $100 OVERLAND chassis, engine Just overhauled, m gooa snaps, gooa ruo her: swell for a bug or light hauling. See this at 1277 E. loth North. This car Is worth far more than this money; must be moved and I have no place to take It. BIG USED CARS PRICES STOCK BIGHT. "No Misrepresentations. COVEY MOTOR CAR. CO. FOHD bug. $150, top, shield, storage bat tery, apotllglit, large radiator; needs paint. Bllllngsley Motor Co., Haw thorne at 8th. East 70. 1920 OVERLAND light four. $620. Terms. Look this one up. . Bllllngsley Mo tor Co., Hawthorn ave. at 8th at. East 720. HUDSON 8upee six, most sra price. Make me an offer. Will trade ana give terms. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. 091,. Evenings Marshall 5241. 1920 HUDSON speedster, practically good aa new; take lighter car in trade. Terms on balance. Bllllngsley Motor Co., Hawthorne it 8th. Easf 720. 1921 FORD SEDAN. Car has only been run a few hundred miles; will tell at a large reduction: some extraa Call Main 4244. ROAlSTER I have 2 small roadsters. $100 down, balance easy; these cars are In- good condition. Call Boxell, Broad way 8606. MABTm'ON S4,6-wlre wheels. 6 practically new cord tires; just like new car; small payment down, easy terms. Call Dutty, Broadway 2270. ' 1817 MAXWELL touring, fins mechanical condition; terms. 30 urana avenue isorth. hear Burnside. . FOR SALE -Late Ford roadster, like new, for sale on terms or traae ior louring car. Auto. 633-68, 1919 FORD touring, good every way; make casn payment; terms on naiance. Phone Main 6700. Room 736, Haggard. HAVE 1017 Ford roadster and 1918 Ford touring: will sell cneap ror casn. Aob- inson tiros., 11 union ave. ,-. 1020 FORD delivery. If you want a real good delivery don t pass this up. Forced to sell, ii union ave. v FORD coupe; nearly r.ew; want Ford road- 1. .-.a 1. - .t AB1A T K , . - 1-171 after P. . WANTED FORD COUPE. No Junk. Must be bargain. Have cash. 1H20-2L model preferred. ,AE 6S7. Oregoman. WE TiAR 'em. up and set! the ptecea Portland Auto wrecking -o. oji Aiaer, near 17th. Bdwy. 5254. AUTO OWNERS' SALESROOM. Tou wish to sell your car? Can get quick action at iss Ki-ig st. Main 184. FACTORY made delivery box for Ford roadster: V ora raaiator; mcaei oujnper; Ford wheels. Tabor 1669. COLE 8, 1021 model. $1500 takes It. Will trade and give terms. x-uuue jensen, Bdwy. 6!1. Evenings Marshall 5241. UICK 8. '19 model. In A-l condition: will sacrifice for quick sale. Apply 430 Burnside. Broaaway -"i. WILLYS-KNIGHT 7-passengef, perfect mechanical conuitiuu. u.utr win sacri fie, for $530. 414 Glisan. cor. 10th. 1920 FORD touring; starter, electric lights. license, buoub. .c.,i.uic.iiy perfect: s-iio. v""". caw, iv-j. HUPMOBILE. late model, in tip-top condi- tion. ror naie - ,.v.,s uaii oiOif or call at 29 E. tatn . .-y WE PUT steel teem in your oia iiywneel, crankshaft turning. H. B. Black ma ehlne shop. 534 Alder st. Bdwy. 26sl. 1918 SCtttPPS-BOOTH. 5 passenger, good condition: will se!l ;or $750: terms.' 30 Grand svenue North, near Burnside.. BUICK ROADSTER. 1917. fair condition, sfl: some terms. Marshall 648. FORD -. N. touring, extras. 11 Union Automobiles Wanted. CASH tor used car; must be late model -and in first -class condition; give full description and . lowest, cash piive. Ait 731. Oregonlan. ' rOR SALE Al'TOMOBlLES. Automobile. Wanted, DODGE ROADSTER. - Want a Dodge roadster. Must be In first-class shape and a bargain. Give model, price and ' condition of car in first letter. B 725. Oregonlan. -CASH FOR AUTOS. I will pay cash for some late models touring and roadsters; must be first clsss and'eheap. Phone 514-07. lth and Alder sts. Murphy Motor Car Co. 1918 OAKLAND IN FIRST-CLASS SHAPE: THIS CAR MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK. J300 DOWN AND YOUR OWN TERMS TAKE IT. CALL OWNER. MAIN 78H1. . WANT t-cylinder car; will trade 3 lots, XT,.- 11 11 A 1 'J hl.n L-ut fit Johns, on the Columbia blvd. Call MainlfoRD 5S94, Automatic 316-66. WANT for personal use medium weight car: no Junk: if you need cash and are willing to make real cut we can deal. All cash. R 710. Oregonlan. . WE WRECK them, nignest cah price paid for old cars, -condition no object. AUTO KKCONSTRUCTlON CO., 3d and Glisan. $1300 SELLER'S contrsct. payable 1.10 per month. Including 7 per cunt interest. Take Bulrk, Dodge or Ford, part or alL S naa II discount fur cash. Tnbor 4296 I WANT used Ford coupe, not earlier than 1920: will pay spot cash for a bargain. What have you to offer? No dealer. AJ 729, Oregonlan. HAVE Ford touring vody. fair condition, to exchange (or delivery body. L 684, Oregonlan. WILL TRADE lots 7 and 10. block 8. Address Wilberton, for good light auto. News, lanpy. or. WILL exchange choice lot in Laureihurst, free of all encumbrance, for good closed car. AM 84. oregoman. WANTED Ford touring car, also touring body; condition no object. Eagle garage. Auto. 633-68. CARS wanted to wreck: parts for all .tare for less; S. A s. Auto wrecking Co., 15th and Alder. Broadway 6WI WANTED Light 4 or 6-cyllnder automo bile, late model; must be bargain; no dealers. Broadway l.2: WANT light car. about $300; have Smith A Barnes piano In fine condition for ex change. Tabor 8"8il. WANTEU FOKO COUPE. No Junk. Must be bargain. Have cash. I92U-21 model preferred. AE 6H7. oregonlan. WE AKE in the market for a number of small cars tor caah. Grand Ave. Auto Exchange. 188 Grand Ave. East 6563. LATE model Chevrolet or Buick, must be In good order and cheap. Phone Broadway 36.16 or call 350 Burnside. CASH tor all tiiaKea ot cars; condition no objecu 413 ollsan, cor, luth. Bdwy. 293. $750 PERFECT diamond for light car. Ford coupe preferred. K 702. Oregonlan. WILL TRADE good patent for good car. A Hunter. 326 Hall stJ $250 CASH for Ford; must be bargain Auto. 230-59. WANTED Ford touring, bargain, spot cash. Evenings. Taaur 226. Motorcycles. 1917 HENDERSON and side car. new pslnt Job In dandy condition, electrically equipped; some car. Call Hamilton, Mflwy. 3mm. 1921 EXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLE, speed ometer, tandem, electrically equippeo, haa been run only 918 miles. Call Bozell, Broadway 8HII6. 1921 EXCELSIOR motoicycle. only run 1000 miles. Just like new, payment aown, long terms on balance. Call BoselL Bdwy. S6II6. . HENDERSON. Just overhauled, has Z qio- tor. ABC generator, spotngnt ana tan dem, very cheap, easy terms. Call Jo hansen at Bdwy. 2270. , 1918 INDIAN, rebuilt, with or without side car, nas tandem, eiectricaii equipped; small payment down. Call n.iztll. Bdwy. 3606. USED PARTS FOR ALL MOTORCYCLES CHEAP. BtMULIV Lltl.ti 1.--WESTLAKE. SEATTLE. WASH. MOTOR CYLES and parts, all makea EAST SIDE uuTOHiit'ut -u 44-46 Giand Ave. iOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCl.a.3 TRY t-a. -'Q4--'UU au CA. al a 1 .n uuy. 1920 HARLEY, like new. very cheep, terms to suit. Call Johansen at Blwy. 220 Automobiles for Hire. AUTOS FOR HIKE, with or without driv- ers. Day or nignt service. COUCHMAN GARAGE.e. 19th and Couch. Broadway 3696. Remember our number. Broadway 8696 CITY GARAGE. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS, T.tA model car. reasonable rates. 132 12th St.. between Washington and Alder. Broadway S41K AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. i. i. r. i . i . ij i v . i n.-ii,. . - uniiAuu. MAR. 232. KITH AND YAMHILL. A 12J H. 8. BENNETT. CARS FOR JIIKK WITHOb 1 DRiVCKa. Anmi uahaubi, THIRD AND TAYLOR. MAIN 1687. FOKD Go anywhere and get back. Tabor 1028. 1920 5-PASS. BUICK FOR MIBU, VVllB DRIViLU. UltUAilWAl ami. FOR SAI-KTRICKS AND TRACTORS, IT WILL PAT TOU TO INVESTIGATE THE USED TRUCK BARGAINS WE ARE OFFERING. WHITE 3-TON. Motor overhauled, truck i in splendid condition. $2000. WHITE DELIVERY. $350. WHITE 4.-TON. $1130. REO SPEED WAGON, Oversise cord Urea. Nearly New. 1-TON REPUBLIC -Its s buy at $725. . LUMBER HAULING. 2-ton Kissel!. . Has plenty of power ( for hard going. PASSENGER BUS BODT. Used less than a year. I H-TON G. M. C. Now being overhauled In our -shop. THE WHITE COMPANY. COR. HANCOCK AND FLINT. Telephone East 5Q27. NEW! NEW! NEWI AT A BIG DISCOUNT! NEW REPUBLIC TRUCKS, NEW WHITE TRUCKS NEW INDIANA TRUCKS. NEW DEN BY TRUCKS. These trucks are absolutely new and have never run a mile; we must sell these trucks, so make your own terms within reason and drive a new truck at wholesale cost. We have the following vsed trucks: 1917 Ford delivery. - 1915 Ford delivery. 1019 Chevrolet, one ton. 1919 Oldsmobile speed wagon. 1918 Gary, one ton. 1918 Ford delivery. 1918 Two-tun Keldoo. cheap. 1919 Ford, one ton. 1918 Ford, one ton. - USBt CAR WAREHOUSE. Grand Ave, and E. Taylor St. TRUCKS CHEAP. Two 2lon worm-drive trncks, $1000 less than retail price new. Two 1-ton trucks, $800 lest than retail price new. one 3ft-ton. sugntty nsea truoK, Dig bargain. One 2-tnn used Veil truck. $1000. These trucks taken on debt; terms, MOTOR INVESTMENT CO.. 106 Clti-ens Bank Bldg., Portland, Or. 14 SH-YD. DUMP bodies, 8 4-yd. bodies, 4 tiO-inen snp-on nouies ror rorq road sters, 4 stake platform bodies for Ford trucks, 6 Inclosed cabs for Ford trucks, 2 special bodies adapted for bakery or laundry; 27 open cabs for all makes of truoks. These bodies offered for sale at a sscrifice price to close out a stock. See me at 556 Hrendl et.. foot of Knott, or call East 39112 during veck. JUMBO trucK, 2Vv-tnn. long wheelbase. 4 speeds ahead, equipped with cab and bed, also extra set of lumber rolls. In fine shape. Price $2150. Will consider touring car In trade. F. W. Pettyjohn, Sllverton. Or. Phone 1531. 0. M. C. 4-TON; ie In excellent ehape; model 13: good tlrea and 'L'l licenae; price $575: will trade for 1H20 or '21 Ford; terms Phone Woodlawn 8320 eveninga. 1"30 Mallory ave. FOR SALE New trucks from 1 ton to 4 tons; from $800 to $1500 lees tbsn cost. Liberal terms. Phone east 4136. Wllson Taylor Motor Co., 843 Vancouver ave. -TON ATTERBURY pletely qverhauled. Jensen, Udwy. 691. 524 1. late model, com Any terms. Phone Evenings Marshall TWO-TON Atterbury truck, used some, bargain; will consider part In trade terms. Ask for Mr. Blewart today Broadway hotel. HAVE freight run open with layover at Portland; guaranteed Income; have new truck for this run. Apply 4U8 W. Burn side. 1920 ft-TON DEN'BY. I1S0O buys this truck. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. 691. Eve- nlngs Marshall 5241. 3V4-TON G. M. C. Will sacrifice. Phone Jensen, cuwj, ovt. uweuuigs aiarsnail 5241, a 1919 MAXWELL TRUCK, A-l condition. some terma. ev unna avenue rtortn. near Burnside. FUR SAL a 14 -ton Garford truck. 1918 model, cord tires on front wheels; $500; terms. 633 Thurman at REPUBLIC 1-ton. late Phone Jensen. Bdwy. Marsha!! 3241. model. $10410. 691. Evenings NEW DIAMOND T 1 '4-ton trucks: solids -and pneumatics. $1700. ' Mr. Buckiey. Main 113 ' week-days I. in.. TON MACK Guaranteed same a new. Phone Jensen nings Marshall 041, Bd f. 6Ji. vs TO RS f . E T RITKM AXI TKACTOrlW TRUCK OWNERS If your truck is equipped with a Co tlnental or Buda motor. Fuller trans mission, Torbensen axle. Jacox et.erlng gear, Sheldon or Columbia front a.... ou can secure -repair parts without de lay from ua. We also have a sloe ef used Keo truck parts. ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO.. lao, Republlo Truck Distributors; Park and Everett Sls FOR SALE or trade. 2 Atterbury trucks, used some, might consider used csr or city lot. Ask for Mr. Stewart, today at Broadway hotel. AI TO REPAIRING. bodies, cut down fur camp beds. $20.73. Auto Rebuilding C0 304 Burn side st. Phone East 7249. GARAO.KB. FOR RENT Ginci. 7U22 ft.. ul.;'. 'or shop snd one 2sxl5: wlil house 13 tars; 1 single, large enough for truck. Eaat 32::.l. wantfii Misrn.i.Ayror.. WE HAVil Tilli MoNKT TOU HAVE THE CLOTHES Whit have you to sellf We buy ladles- and gents' clothing and wearing apparel. Highest prices paid. Cleaning and pressing a specially. We call and deliver in any part of the city. All phone calls answered promptly and connuen tlally AtiLER. THE TAILOR MAIN 820T. OR CALL 201 SI ST $12 30 TO $.- FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVERCOATS. CALL M K.I ER. THE TAILOR. HE PAYS MORE THAN ANYONE IN THbl CITY 1UU SUMS, UVtKCuAU AND SHOES. CALL MARSHALL 1220 OR $3 MAD ISON ST.. NEAR THIRD bT. WILL CALL DAT Oil EVE SING. t 50 I P TO t2lt. GOLDSTEIN. THE TAILOR, PTS HIGH HUT CASH 1KICES FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. SHOES, ETC. BROADWAY 3H32. 245'e BIKNMIUB. BETWEEN SECOND AND THIRD. CALL MM BEFORE ANYBODY ELSE. VP TO 133 FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. We pay sny price for mens clothes. OREGON CLEANERS AM) TAII.oHS. 117 2d St., N. W. cor. Wash. Main Mil. FURS! FURS! Fl'Its'.' Low rent and Low Prices. Remodeling and Repairing. LA FRANCE FUR XIKGCo., Main 6..2II 16 W. Park. HAVE YOU A PHONOGRAPH? The Universal Record Exchange will bring a high-clase selection of records to your door In rxchang-i for the ones you sre tired of. 1'none E. 4456. WANTED To buy Used safety razor blades; w-lll pay 23c for double-clue blades. 20c for single edge blnde. Velvet E.lge yimp. HI6 N. nth st.. Portlsn.t. (n. UP-TO-DATE BUYER We buy ever.Mhlng and anything in the line of ussd furni ture and household goods, tools and uid clothing and .junk. Call Main 7.H. BoC'KS wanted In sets or Universal An thology. Harvard classics snd Story of the Great War. Address a' 123. Orego nlan. DIAMOND wanted, of Isrge sixe . c i.h .n sideratlon; private party. H 721, Ore go n 1 wn HIGHEST cash pries paM for sets of the Universal Anthology and Harvard Class lea Address AG 710. Oregunian. vTaNT tent, electric fan, camptngoulflC M.iln 4405. Auto. 627-46. 1J8 lst DIAMONDS bought at nighest marks'. prices. E. Deeds, 840 Wsslnngton St. WANTED Used phonograph and recorda J "02. Oregonlati Foil CASH Cash p-glster, I rent to $100; must toe bargain. 1'hune Woodlawn 2415 JUNK. rags, met furniture, tents WANTED Small Marshal! 2488. Is. old clolhtr.g. tools. Hrondway 13 cash register. Phone Furniture Wanted. CASH FURNITURE CASIL We need ueed furniture, atovea, rsnges, etc., to ship out of town. Will pay higher prices than any other local dealera Call ua up for one article or a bouse full, and a courteous, coinpstenc buyer will calL Main 7714. Rosenbergs r urnlture Exchange. LOOK ! LOOK I LOOK I I am the man for you to call whnn selling your furniture, tools, etc., as I have a ready market for same, therefore, can pay more than anyone else: don't forget my number. Main 5433, for one article or a tuil house. 2D HAND FURNITURE WANiED. Must have carload of used boueeho'd goods to ahlp out of town; we pay more than local dealers. We buy from private patties oniy. CA LI :.L MAIN 738. I CALL MAIN 8878. We pay the highest prices for used furniture. See us before you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE blORS. Main 8878. TOU will benefit when selling your (urnl ture by calling Msln 6483, ss we are pay ing more than anyone In the city; If you have onesrilcle or a nouse full. V"W1LL buy our furniture or sell for you on commission. George Baker as Co., and lonenrw. Main 3:132. IT Id TO YOUR ADVANTAG ami benefit to ssll your furniture to us. Call Mar sha ll3lVowjiFurn 1 1 ure Co WE NliliD FURNITURE TO SHIP TO EASTERN OKEGON; PAY CA?M. Main 4I!'-'. Auto 6'7-46. Auto. 6J5-82 WE NEED SECOND-HAND FUKNITL'HM of any d.scription; have the rea1y caa. Phone today. Main 4627 or 166 First St. EDtTATIONAU WHY BE OUT OF A JOB OR WORK AT AN UNDERPAID POSITION T Call at Union ave. and Wasco st. any day except Saturday, at 11 A. U., of write for free catalog No. 3. It will not cost you anything to find out how have helped over 800 graduates to good pualtlone. We can help you, too. ADCOX AUTO 4 AVIATION SCHOOL eipecul Inducements to ex-service rasa. Reduced ratua June 1 to Sap I, 1. AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL. Tou want nothing but the best Hera It is. standardised with schools In 60 other cities. Beat laboratories, beet shop equipment and Instructora Actual shup practice given on real repair Joba. Results absolutely guaranteed. The tune for you to go to schuol ia while busi ness Is quiet. Prepare oow for big busi ness openings In a lew months. Inquire Oregon Institute vf Technology, alain street at Sixth. Ex-..rvioe men get STATE AID. Clip this ad and send II la for beautilul 4H-page catalogue. IF TOU want to learn tne auto, tractor, battery or vulcanising business, don t fail to see us. We have a special prop-( osition that will Jntig-esl you. Oreaon' ex-servic. men,' th. state pays your en tire tuition fee. Hemphill's Auto and Tractor Schuois. 7U7 Hawthorne aw,, Portland, or. DOUBLE TOUR fcARNINO fOWKR. Advertising managers earn from $.imiO to $30,000 yearly. Enroll now in our night class of modern advertising and qualify for one of the big posltiona Very attractive rates and terms, Pacifio School uf Advertising, goo la 0U R.n way Exchange bldg. llOHLER BAIIBEK COLl.KOE will teara you tne trade in weeaa, lurnieh a set ef tools to you and give eome pay whue learning; positions secured; former 1 - service men receive state aid while at tending our school. Writs or celt (or c.iali..'ue and particulars. 234 Buioslde. AMHITiul'S young men, enroll in the Ie Keyser Institute of Optometry and fit yourself lor high ealary or an optical business of your own. Oregon ex-service men receive state aid. toprtng terra opened in March. Write for information. BbllNk.-WALKAK. West's largest business college. Jnro.l any time; day or night echool. WRITE FOR FREE CATALOGUE. Fourth, nesr Morrison. Phone Main 390. UKEGO.N COLLEGE will teactt you the iraue in m weeas; scaip snn ace massage spsclalty; luols free, ptatlor.a guaranteeu; pay while learning; lUlloa reduced this term. 2,13 Mad iso n. WoDEllN barber culltge i.acnee trade In S wka, tools lurnished. some pay; position secured; special rate mis mo.ith. vv'rlia or call for particulars. 234 First SL ROCK t MT. Teachers' Agency. Enroll free. Frank K. Welles, ex-asst. state supu. Mgr. N. W. Hnk bldg. Auto. 31313. Learn telegraphy w.iiway i.,.- Sraph Institute, 4.1 Railway Exchange idg. Night clss.-."s IF YOU WAN!1 to Uarn ilia vu.cahUiug business call 15s East Broadway. LEAKN vulcanising bustnesa We teaca best meiuoq Known. ,33 stark su registration. M 'teachers' Agency Free ,ln 62;4. Bdwy. bldg. FiSK Teachers' Agency Journsl bldg. Main 433 Teaching position, free rcg. SPANISH INSTRUCTION, clsss or private. 806 FLATT BLDG. Mala UMX Hrt r W A N TF M ALE. WANTED An elderly man to drive horse for room and board; permanent home. Auto. 161-74. A GOOD caipenU-r, 10 A. M.; one who if willing to work end earn the money; 1 per day. Apply :t 174 ' E. 11th II 8. RETOUCHERS wonted; must be flrsi cis. St'-rfcns-Collnmr, I'lslt blilg. BAKllEK wanted, good m.u. bald St. SI. Johus csr. alii Loin-