I.T. THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, MONDAY, JUNE 6. 1921 lim ESTATE. For Sale Lou. ROSE CITT LOTS. 85004)1500. Poms on easy f rma and second mortgage privilege, others low cash prices. We can help you finance your building IX you have part cash. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Cham, of Com. Bldg., Main 208. Branch Office. 45th and Sandy Blvd., Tabor 253. CHOICE WESTOVER LOCATION. Will sell at bargain or will accept ear as part payment. You should see (his lot to realize Its beautiful location. If you are going to build you will find this sn Ideal spot. caiL ur. uiemaus, Broadway 4184. .BEAUTIFUL corner lot, tour kinds of fruit trees, lawn, walking distance to Broadway bridge, grammar and high school on car line, hard-surfac streets, everything paid; cost owner $1600, price only $830. Phone owner, Kast 4970. 490 E. 12th St. N. 2 BEAUTIFULLY located lots located on Arlington Heights at intersection of Fairmont Blvd. and Cham plain drive: will be sold at a fraction of real value to close an estate: easy terms. Call Tabor 3930 on Sunday, or East 3992 on week days. CLOSE IN Ivon St.. 100 feet west of 25th. SO 100, paved street, improvements paid. One block oft Division, on block to car. only I "SO. COB A. McKENXA & CO., REALTORS. 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. BEAUMONT, fine lot on 46th St.. 150 feet south of Fremont, facing east, street paved, improvements paid; exceptional bargain at $oo. COB A. MrKENNA CO.. REALTORS, 83 Fourth St. Main 4522. BOSE CITY, beautiful location. 100 ft. north of Broadway, on 48th. facing west. Good lots In this choice district are get ting scarce. Improvements all paid. $950. COB A. McKENNA CO.. REALTORS. 82 Fourth t. Main 4522. SACRIFICE PRICE $1SOO. FACTORY WAREHOUSE SITE. Adjoining Russell-Gilbert Candy fac tory on O.-W. R. 4 X. tracks. Holladay avenue, near E. 24th. Mr. Carey. Main 7487. LOT WITH 2 cor.. 110 feet, east front. on E. 9th, between Killlngsworth and Brown aves. : room for 3 or more houses, 11200. terms, or exchange! or good auto. seiiwooq iti. YOUR OPPORTUNITY. Laurelhuret lots, while they last, at . extremely low prices. See J. A. MrCarty, 270i stara st. rnone Alain tauv; eve nlngs Tabor 5057. I: or Hate Houses. OWNER leaving for esse desirous of selling his horn below present cost of construe tioa; 7 rooms and sleeping porch, hard mood floors, fireplace, furnace, full ce ment basement. Ruud hot water heater. ' few bullt-lns- modern and In excellent condition: new lighting fixtures: also new ahrubbery and located 5S4 E. 38th st. N. ; prlc $5700; terms If desired. Phone 314-03. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. 3 years old: In fine shape; 6 rooms and aieeping porch; hardwood floors; im pressive fireplace and bookcases, buffet, glassed-in back porch; full cement base ment, furnace, trays; 50x100 level open lot; garage; $1000 below value at Iftttuu. MARSH McCABE CO.. REALTORS, 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 3903. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 7-room modern house on corner lot. paved streets, house just painted and In excellent condition; hardwood floors, full cement basement, good furnace, garage, sear school. Price $5000; $2000 cash. L. A. MATHISEN CO., 201 Allsky Building. Main 7621. A. SNAP. CLOSE IN Save carfare. 6 rma. with large hall, bath and pantry, gas and wood range and 2 large kitchen cabinets included: full cement basement and furnace. 488 East Davis, near 10th. ha b ock to Rose City carllne: 1.S750. 1750 cash, balance long time. Phone R. R. R.. Main 172. orjoall 140 second st. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden Into lnoome? we design ana nulla apartments, ga rages, residences, anything: furnish plans and finance. Established 10 years. We offer SECURITY, SERVICE, SAT ISFACTION. L. R. Bailey Co., 24 N. W. Bank bldg. FOR SALE 8-room modern house with all convenience with 4 lots and garage for 4 cara; also 4 large trees with berries and shrubbery; will sell Individ ual lot or all very reasonably. Inquire of owner, WS car, 1161 Holgate, corner antn st. 1200 CASH. $15 month, price $3250. a room cottage, bath, toilet, gas. electric ity, lot 120x100, street, sewer paid, fruit, berries: a surprise bargain; vacant. J. P. McK F.S'NA. Realtor, 1151 Belmont at S9th. Tabor 6493, FOR SALE By owner, large 5-room mod ern plastered house, lot 50x100; variety or young iruil trees, oerries, roses ana other shrubbery. Price $2850; $750 cash. . Wrill take car as part payment, balance like rent. Columbia 1428. PLENTY OF FRUIT AND SHADE TREES. $95 down. $22.50 monthly buvs 5-room plastered cottage, with 80x127 lot. ft large bearing cherry trees, some nice fir trees Total price $2045. Fred W. German Co Realtors. 732 Cham, of Com. $5000 MODERN BUNGALOW $5000. 5 rooms and sleeping porch.' with fur nace. garage, firepiace. hardwood floors. lawn In; what else could you ask? 897 Weidler, near Broadway car. Very easy terms. Owner, Main 5231. Tabor 1950. yOR SALE 0-room house, all furnished, corner lot In conjunction; garage, mod ern, on car line; income $75 per month; will pay for itself in five years; terms Can take possession at once. Sacrifice price by owner. Call 240 Salmon. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Seml-Oungalow. 8 rooms gunroom and sleeping porch; va cant; 2 sets piumDing; nreplace. xurnace. garage; 200x60 ft.; only $0300, $1500 . down, balance Ilk rent. Owner. 823 Chamber Commerce bldg. FOR SALE by owner, i -room double con structed houso and garage: large bath room, pantry and fireplace: house can be used for two families; kitchenette up stairs; 100 feet to street car: price J4O00 106:1 E. 19th st North. Woodlawn 180. D-ROOM modern, acre ol ground, well im proved; fruit, berries, garden, eta; one block from car; 851 E. 38th st. S. ; house and grounds in good condition; can be seen mornings; $?0o0 net; terms. $2700 MT. TABOR $300. 7-room modern house, except base ment: two lots: half block to car; fruit and berries: close to school; cut for cash. 13 E 61t st, S. S-ROOM house, piaatered: good attic, toi let, eiectric lights, gaa phone, good gar den, lots of berries. 3 cords wood, 3 tons briquettes go with place: also some fur nlture. Wdln. 5404. 297 E. Baldwin at HOUSE PLANS Distinctive Homes." Illustrated book of over 100 designs. $1: blueprints. $10. distinctive homes company. 924 Northwestern Bank Bldg. BEAUTIFUL IrvlngtoB home, large rooms, flowers, etc. Phon ownr. East 3008. OWNER giva clear title, modern 6-room bungalow, built- Ins. furnace, garag; $4150, terms. Call mornings and eve nings. 1042 E. Caruthers st. PIEDMONT. $5OO0. Eight-room houae. tile batb. laundry trava. furnace, 2 blocks to car. 835 Portland blvd. E. (-ROOM bungalow, Hawthorne district; almost new ; hardwood floors. French doors, old Ivory finish, breakfast nook, fireplace, garage: leaving town; must sell. Owner. Main 54:'.:l Res. Tabor 7127. JfOR SALE 7-room house. Roee City Park. 125-ft. frontage, modern, full baae ment, furnace. 2 fireplaces, garage, all kinds of family fruit, price $7500, terms No agents. Call Tabor 2305. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Built for a home; compelled to sac rifice this six-room bungalow. See this at once. Main 5694. 513 Couch bldg. 1EW 6-ROOM house.' modern In every way; lot 60x100; near Sunnyslde cars; well worth looking st. Terms. Fred G. Uon Co.. 416 Ch. Com, bldg. ALBERTA New 4-room oungalow, Dutch kitchen, bullt-lns; half block from car: finished In old Ivor', full basement and attic; by owner; $3900. 1062 E. 14 lb st. N. Woodlawn 4579. 4-ROOM plastered house, garage and chick en coop; lot 50x100: $1200: J! IK) down and $15 per month and Interest; good reduction for cash. ftsW 41st ave. 8. E. Owner at 2818 71st S E. Sell. 1231. i"OR SALE S-room bungalow, full sized lot; large rooms; good district, on ear line; fruit and garden: am leaving city, must sell; terms $3500, $1000 cash. Phone Sellwood 1151. 2400 IN SUN NY SIDE, now vacant. 3-rm. modern cottage, very liberal terms. Thia la a bargain for the money. J. p. ic Kenna. Realtor, 1151 Belmont at 89th. Tabor 6493. ARVINGTON BEAUTIFUL 1-room mod ern house. 85x100. garage: a bargain; small rash payment, balance as rent. Zimmerman. Main suay. JRVINGTON 5, 6 and 7-room bungalows, for sale by owner and builder. A. C Malmqulst. 590 East 23th st. S. East 22. " ' LAURELHURST. New colonial, 6 rooms, garage, a saa rtflce. Owner. Tsbor 9452. FOR SALE, or trade for smaller property. 8-room mnnern oungaiow, o Deoroom, furnace. 80i0 lot. el I wood 2110. BY OWNER Furnished A-room bungalow. lgog E. Hoyt. Tabor 2889. ARTISTIC residence plans prepared, ac cural estimate. Phone East 1628. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. "A HOME FOR EVERBODT. LOOK THESE OVER. 11700 1400 down: 4-room bungalow bullt-ins: 50x100 corner; fruit. berries; garage. 1190" 50x100 corner; 8-room; garage f i-tiit 12000 Clou In! ft-room: Ivory: GOOD. 2100 50x100: fruit, berries, chicken ran; 5-room cottage; fins shape. $2175 5-room neat cottage; will sell furnished: 2 blocks Peninsula srhool. 12300 50x100; 6-room home; fine shape li hltelr far 7 fruit. $2400 Nesr in; $300 DOWN; 6-room 2-story. . '$3150 FURNISHED; double constructed 4-room bungalow; ouxivv, GAIN. (tun ...All. XT V IT VCT K K W. $3200 Nifty 4-room bungalow. 2 bed rooms; whit Ivory; Dutch kirh en, all bullt-lns: full cement base ment; soxioo corner. $3500 NEW 5-ROOM MODERN BCN T -.inn. vr.R LARGE living dinlna-. 'l bedrooms. breakfast nook; hardwood floors, bookcases, buffet, all bullt-ins; wn . MARSH 'McCASBE CO.. REALTORS, 322-3-4 Falling Bldg. Marshall 3093. AN UNUSUAL opportunity offered to se ftrm b haonatnii wniATnetie acitim home, 75x110: south and east front, neae d-.,..,h i u 1 .1 Ant In attractive manner; unsurpassed view of mountains and river. Extra large living dining room and Dutch kitchen, 8 large light bedrooms, bath room with shower, sleeping porch on second floor; large attic with finished room, hot water heat full eement basement, with con crete fruit room. Owner her from aollnrnla will aarrlfic If SOld thil week. For appointment phone Tabor 7809. ROSE CITY BARGAIN. t.VK) DOWN $50 PER MO. Here Is one of the best-built bungalows In this district, Just off the Alameda drive: everything modern, from hardwood floors to bullt-ins and fireplace, also ga rage: large floored attic; all room large and airy. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 208. Branch Office 45th and Sandy Blvd. Tabor 202. efton i.pnnw mndm Alberta bungalow, hardwood floors, built-in buffet, fine kitchen; easy terms. $3200 5-room bungalow, two nice lots, large chicken house, concrete ga rage, lots of berries. A real home place. Easy terms. 83750 8 rooms and sleeping porch. Sun nvslde district, concrete garage. large lot. This Is true value. Yon should own your own home. 15500 8 rooms and sleeping porch; west side, south fine view, large cor ner lot, exceptional value; $1000 cash, balance like rent. We have a good. conservative Hating. Prices are low. You should call us for appointment. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT TRUST CO., Broadway 943. 284 Oak St, NEW MODERN BUNGALOW. I am Just completing a modern bun galow on Mount Tabor that has a beau tiful view of Mt. Hood and all the snow capped mountalna If you want to see a well planned bungalow that has all the modern conveniences I want you to look at this one. GEORGE E. WELLER. Builder. 226 Cham, of Com. Building. Main 5231. Tabor 1950. $5500. 70S OVERTON ST.. VACANT. WEST SIDE. WALKING DI8TANCE. FULL LOT. 50x100; 2-STORY. 7 RMS, AND SLEEPING PORCH. 4 BED ROOMS. FIREPLACE. FULL CON CRETE BASEMENT. FURNACE. IM MEDIATE POSSESSION. TERMS. $3000 CASH. BALANCE MORTGAGE. POINDEXTER, 208 SBLl.rNU HLOU, MAIN 1800. RES. EAST 6771. $650 CASH DOWN. 6-Room Bungalow, $3150. On MV and East Ankeny car line, 8 rooms; and bath, fireplace and bullt-ins; full basement 50x100 ft. lot, one block to car. 505 Couch bldg. Main 0201. n-n Sunday. DO YOU want this fine 8-room residence on E. 10th near Going st., has 2 batns and toilets, furnace and wash trays; abundance of fruit: handy to 3 car nnea in fine condition; $4200 and only $1000 cash ; a money-maker if you should wish to rent it. F. L. BLANCHARD. 401-2 Swetland Bldg. Phone Msrshall 829. or E. 2134. . FINE 6-room with concrete basement and furnace. In the pink of condition near Washington high snd grammar schools, walking distance from west side. and only $3800. $1000 cash; this should interest you; only for a few day. F. L. BLANCHARD, 401-2 Swetland Bldg. Phone Marshall S2fl. or E. 2134. rose city park. $4950 5-room bungalow and sleeping porch; large rooms, rrencn doors, nara wood floors. -fireplace, bookcases, buffet; all In white Ivory; full basement, fur nace: A VERY NIFTY PLACE on SOX 100 lot; garage. MARSH & McCABE CO.. REALTORS. 322-3-4 Falling Bldg. Marshall 3998. 10,000 A REAL home. 575 E. 23d st N.. near einoLi; o rooms ana Bleep ing porch, two fireplaces, maid's room, double garage, fine grounds. Easy term to right people. This house has Just been reflnished and la In every way first-class. UNION SAFB DEPOSIT TRUST CO., Brosdway 943 284 Oak St. IRVINGTON HOME. Fin home, ready for occupancy, no cleaning or repairing; 6 rooms with den and sleeping- porch, hardwood floors, Gasco furnace and good garage. Open for inspection from 2 to 6 P. M. or by appointment. Take Broadway car to 22d and go south to 739 Wasco, or phone Tabor 8374. HAVE a beautiful Irvlngton 8-room home. Just occupied last September. Low finance and business depression fore me to sell It at one at a sacri fice. Hardwood floors all over the hous and everything else in keeping. I am the owner. Buy from me and save money. Phone Auto. 828-52. ' . BV OWNER. Now vacant, 5 rooms, modern, clean and attractive. 50x100 or more if desired. House surrounded bv lawn. You will like location at 4438 40th ave. 8. E. Key next door. $2500, plus sewer, $500 cash, balance $20 per month and inter est. Phone Automatic 618-77. WELL-BUILT 5-room bungalow; large rooms, oak rioors. fireplace, all bullt-lns; now finishing interior work: will paint, also Install furnace to suit buyer: come and Inspect at 1347 East 18th sL (West moreland!, one of the best districts in city; designed and built by owner. Will be sold at a great bargain. FOR SALE In Selhlood addition, 4 rooms and bath, sningief, plastered bouse, gas, electric lights, hot water, full plumbing, cement wash trays, good variety of fruit, cement sidewalks and sewer in and paid, 50x100 lot. Price $1900, reasonable terms. Sellwood 3442. owner. $2850 NEW BUNGALOW. Just finished: best buy in Portland; complete In every detail; easy terms; shown by appointment. Umbdenstock at Larson Co.. 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1858. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Modern 7-room residence In excellent condition, on East 12th. near Morrison, price, $7500: terms to responsible par ti esix FOR SALE by owner. 7-room modern heuse; nrepiace. iurna.ee. iuii cement basement, few bullt-lns: excellent con dition. For full particular call Tabor 62 Si. S1X-KOOM furnished house; 75x100 lot; garage, fruit treea ana snruopery, $3200, $1000 cash, baU term. Phone Auto. 012-72. BUY FROM owner, well-built 5-room bungalow, iv a. mtn .. ttos city, $4800; $500 cash: will be open 12 noon to 5 P. M. Sunday.. Sellwood 683. 4000 WK5T tsiuir-; etli 1HTH ST.. 7 ROOMS. BATH. GAS, ELECTRICITY, 2 FIREPLACES, CEMENT BASE MENT -LOTSOiilOO. MODERN, 7 rooms, hardwood both floors, plate glass, furnace, fireplace. 2 or 8 lots. Wdln. 4206. Owner. NEW HOUSE. 3 rooms and bath, good basement; Bull Run water, gas, high grade plumbing. Tabor 6851. LARGE -room mot-em house on 8 lota Abundance of fruit- By owner, 126 E. 60th st. BUNGALOW IN LAURELHURST. New modern 5-room. ready for occu psncy. 1260 E, Alder, Main 3594. RICHMOND bargain; 7 rooms, modern, close to car. 1188 lvon street. Auto. 231-51. LAURELHURST buegalow home, attrac tive 6-rm., near park. .Owner, Auto. 223-11 LARGE, comfortable, furnished home on east side. Auto. 218-43. BY OWNER, new 5-rtm bungalow In Overlook at cost. Woodlawn 1162. REAL ESTATE. NEW HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. ONLY 3?00. Hardwood floors, tapesfry paper and tinted, fireplace, bookcases, buffet and Dutch kitchen, extra fine enamel finish, on paved street and everything paid; $1000 will handle thla. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY; 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. 7uo0. ' WALNUT PARK. NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL. 1107 RODNEY AVE. VACANT. NEAR FIVE CAR LINES. VERY LARGE LIVING ROOM. FINE DINING ROOM. KITCHEN. ONE SMALL BEDROOM FIRST FLOOR. 4 BEDROOMS AND BATH SECOND FLOOR, FIREPLACE, FURNACE. HARDWOOD FLOORS. LARGE AT TIC. BARGAIN IF YOU HAVE AT LEAST HATiF CASH. POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE EAST B771. IRVINGTON 12-ROOM RESIDENCE. New and modern, colonial design, sps elous rooms finished In finest selected vnahvanv ,nri nm k ' Walls artistically decorated; hardwood floors throughout; 5 bedrooms, sewing room, sleeping porch, aunroom. etc.. large flnlahed attic, full cement basement, modern laundry, tile w,- 3 milots: latest sanitary plumbing fixtures, large grounds, beau tiful shrubbery, flowers and lawn, one of the best built snd most artistic homes in Portland; workmanship and materials guaranteed. By owner; reseou.. O 629, uregonian. o nr.ni, .it.n, htma for family: large living room, dining room ami . en, den. five sleeping rooms. finished in every detail, bullt-lna. fur nace, double constructed; fine lawn, ahrubbery. berries, garden. Lot 45x154. alao garden 40x50. Garage large enough to rent space to neighbors. Now bringing In $32 month. This home located in center of Hawthorne district. Paved St.. 4 blocks to school. Price $5775; terms to suit. 409 Swetland bldg. ROSE CITY. 5rMK TERMS. 424 EAST 45TH ST.. NORTH. 8 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. MODERN HARDWOOD FLOORS, l:R VAfP ftARAGE FULL BASBMli. Wmi'D FOR ELECTRIC STOVE. IM MEDIATE PnSSESSION -POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RES. EAST 6i 1 1. , WHY RENT? $250 First Payment, Bal. Rent. A new 4-room bungalow In restricted aii.trirt! flrenlace. bullt-ins. hardwood floors cement basement, for only $4-toa 50x100 ft- lot- 500 Couch bldg, Main 6201 . Open Sunday, civ t nnvfilliiw HOME. Ground all in cultivation and set out to fruit and berries, good 6-room bun galow. 3 bedrooms, full basement with large porches, linen closets, all kinds of bullt-ins. good wood lift. "le'"J'rtJ'ew on macadamised street; a Teal bar"'"' $500 cash. $20 monthly; total price $3050. Fred W. German Co., Realtors. i3. Cham, of Com. 5-ROOM modern bungalow on car line; terms, worn, i-m, , Suburban Homes- CAPITOL HILL! ONE-FOURTH AtHl,: fUO XUlill filial. $20 down! $5 per month. On the west side of the river, with no bridge to cross, splendid K a ere 2 blks to car. all cleared, rich soil, no gravel: citv water to tract; telephone, ga. electricity available; 4 blks. to jmblic school: GREAT CLEAN-UP SALE! THIS IS A WONDERFUL OP PORTUNITY! Buy this and build your DREAM HOME. See Charles W. Bor ders, with FRANK L. M GUI RE, Abington bldg. Main 106S. 3d st.. bet. Wash, and Stark. NICE LITTLB ONE ACRE HOME $14 All in cultivation, o-room cottage, urw, good well, gas. nice barn, small fruit trees. mile from interurban, wonder ful value, $600 cash, balance to suit purchase. Fred W. German Co.. Real tors. 732 Cham, of Com. IDEAL SUBURBAN HOME. 3 aares and 6-room modern bungalow; gas, water, plumbing, fireplace, garage; a beautiful place, close in on Laurel ave. near Powell Valley road; only $4000. reasonable terms. See Mr. Grutze, Title Jfc trust io. 0-ACRE SUBURBAN HOME BY OWNER. Six-room nouae, gooa Darn ana uiuer outbuildings, and orchard; black loam soil; Including personal property, at a bargain. Write to John J. Cramer, Harrisburg. Or CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near carllne. from $1800 up. Inquire 3d bouse north of RlBlev station, on itbsou -ii.y .-arnu. GENTLEMAN'S country place. 30 acres. beautiful grove, large creeit ana spring; hard surface road and electric station; close to city. E 724. Oregonlan. 2; ACRES In Gresham; all set in choice rnilt ana Demes. oiriciiy muuern w-Jfit. bungalow, completely furnished; garage. S8O00, terms, laoor zoio. ONE ACRE 1'ark Rose, all in cultivation and bearing, gooa oungaiow; i di&. iroiu Sandv. $4200. terms. raoor zruo. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE to buy modern house and 2 acres at a reasonaoie price easy term. Owner. Auto. HM-il. ROOM Colonial home a house facing paved drive, front. Main 8477. Riverwood ; 115 ft. river Jfor Sale Bnwiness Property. 100x100 E. WATER ST., BETWEB..N HAWTHORN E AND KUBKisuu RHITiGES ON TRACKAGE: REASON ABLE TERMS. OWNER. BC 633, OREGON I AN. . Homesteads, Relinqnlshmenta. 1 AM LOCATING HOMESTEADS from 40 to 160-acre tracts, eunsr x-oruanu or Roseburg district, farming or timber land; am in a position to give you as good, if not belter, service irtiin anyone In tha atata: Kovernment map. checked up to date. E. W. Helm. 316 Board of Trade bldg. enpv a-ovt DiAM showing western Oregon homesleaa lanas. t. our cnree are reasonaoie and our service me Dest on locations. Reference given. M. J. .ANDERSON, 531 Railway Exch. !ldg.. Portland. Fruit Lands for Sale or Rent. FIVE ACRES bearing wainuta and cher ries, near Amity, lo jcaia uiu, wumi $2500, forced to eil for. $1250. L 724, O regon 1 a n. For Sale Acreage. BARGAIN for quick action. Eight lots. Ideal tor truca garuening, luiaieu lour blocks to electric station, close In; will sacrifice at $950; on terms or $850 cash. This Is a fine building site. G. A. Sarles, 433 Northwestern Bank bldg. ROCKWOOD acres, on both sides of mac adam road; a minutes waia irom sta tion, black soli, fine view, right for acre tracts, 6 acres clear, $400 per acre, your terms or exchange, for houses in city. Sell wood 771. 2000 WILL buy 514 acre excellent land within 5 mile west or tne neart or the city, close to paved highway, about one third cleared, balance in brush: this is a bargain. John Bain. 507 Spalding bldg. ACRES all cleared, very best of soil, ideal place for berries and poultry. Close to Gilll's station on Bull Run electric. Price only $1500. Terms. See Mr. Boehm. 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1 658. . -ACRE COUNTRY HOME with large bungalow near aiuunoman aia.. on tne Ore Blec. which owner is compelled to sacrifice. For particulars call at 404 PLATT BLUG-, 1-1 rr st FOR SALE 10 acre, all tillable, on south nana 01 acKmnaa iiaji, auvui 9s nine east of highway bridge at Park Place, price $4500: easy terms. A. McAlman. Marshall 1105. WRITE for map of western Washington, showing location, low prica ana easy terms offered to settler. WEYERHAUSER TIMBER, CO.. Tacoma. Wash. 10 ACRES. NEWBERG, $3500. Improved, new bungalow, vacant, own er back east, must sell, any reasonable terms, less for cash. Mr. Colt, 526 Cham, of Com.. 4th and Stark. 1 ACRES first-growth timber, lots of poles, fine land, close to sawmill and school, 7 mile from MolRlla, $1500. Owner, 498 E. 12th st. N. Phone East 4970. 10 ACRES near Buckley ave. and Barr road; citv water, gooa tson; to-ov; win divide. Owner. 615 Ry. Exch. bldg. Phone Mar. ACRE. NATURAL, TREES $10. - Payments; beautiful tract; no assess ments; city water; Alberta car. R. W. Cary, 1219 N. w. Bank blag. NEWLYWEDS. NOTICE THIS! $150 New 8-r. cottage-bungalow, close to eiec. sta. and Oswego lake. $1500; 1 acre. McFarland, Falling bldg. ONE OR more acres, close to station and Base Lin road, all cleared, only $500 per acre, terms. See Mr. Boehm, 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 16o8. $20 PER ACRE Good house, barn, orch- srd, spring, garden, timber. McFarland, Realtor, railing oidg. 2V ACRES. 2-500. at end of Hawthorne ave. line: 10 less for cash. Owner. 615 Ry. Exch. bldg. Phone Mar. 1585. 15 ACRES, also house-moving outfit, 6131 93d st. S. B. Thomas Allen, city. DESIRABLE 1 to 5-acre tracts, close is. aat S174. REAL ESTATE. For Saie Acreage. IRRIGATED LANDS UNDER WARM SPRING PROJECT. ALFALFA, CORN AND GRAIN. DAIRYING. HOGS AND POULTRY. VERY LIBERAL TERMS. WRITE OREGON ft WESTERN COL. CO ONTARIO. OREGON. K-Trm T.TTTT.ir. HflME RANCH. $3000. S 87 ara nf lva! land, all wire fenced 7 acres under cultivation, 1V4 acres In timber, fine spring. 1 acre in loganDsr- rles. 1 acre of early potatoes. Vj acre r rnm 9 acra nf oat. 1 acre Of SS sorted berries and family orchard. Th6 rt,Bt im atnatl futYiilv crnrden: there IS 2-room house, chicken house, root house and barn, a good cow. chickens, farm implements: only 4 miles from Oregon City, 14 miles from Portland, reasonami: terms. Fred W. German Co., Realtors. 732 Cham, of Com. nnwv 17 Rft MONTHLY. A anlandid one-acre tract, good Soil, small creek, fine for chickens, berries and fruit. 1H miles from city limits total price $300. We have only 2a tract In Ihia rtlatllns- laft. until Al large a 51,! acres and proportionately on the asm tarma Gat In nn the CTOUnd floor. Fred W. German Co.. Realtors, 732 Cham, of Com. 8n APR Rs Canada, lend: 310 acres growln wheat: ha f eops with the Place, wnea looking fine; may make 50 bushels per acre: $4000 improvements; only $40 acre: $8000 cash, balance fcaBy terms. Further particulars, write Earl Gran Barons, Alta.. Canada. ONE ACRE. Silver Springs station. Oregon . m T:'n-. rum ity car. rquiie uwm'ii i.ul i m... Irrigated 1-nnrts. 160 ACRES first-class unimproved lrriga hie land. 1 V. miles from center or r asc along main pipe line. $100 per acre. Similar land lurtner irom town is am Ins at $125. C. Andersen. 4t lutn St. Portland.- Phone Marshall 5442. For Sale l-arms. TV WII.I.1URTTK VALLEY. 88 miles from Portland. 114 miles from town of Yamhill and lesethan mm from electric station and Pacific high wnv 90 acres: half ljt rich bottom land all in cultivation; young family orchard, una harries and aood garden: neat 4- room bungalow, good barn, chicken houso and other buildings good - well water. , , . if nM thla month eron Is included. consisting of 15 acres wheat, balance nnlntrtM' nrice $5250. lncumb. $1750: cash for equity or might consider modern home in good district Owner, J. CA LPK It WW 1J. Y A -VI 11 1 u L,. T1VU1I.I, COUNTY FARM. 50 acres. mile of paved highway, 35 acres In cultivation. 6 acres young prunes, balance in vetch and wheat, seeded to clover, 15 acres river bottom pasture, creek and several springs, im lly orchard, good 7-room house, barn. chicken nouses ana ouiouiiaingB. mciuu ine- 7 rows, sow and 12 oiga. 100 chick ens, team, wagon, harness and farm tnnla Prlro onlv $10,000: $4500 cash, balance terms at 6 per cent. If you are In the market for an an-purpose iriu, look this over. It s worm me money. W. E. KIDDER. Carlton. Or. KLAMATH COUNTY RANCH 440 acres, imprOVeU Willi uunuiiiKa, iv c.s, nw. 100 acres cultivated, more plow land In Lnngell valley irrigation project, to be Irrigated from Horsefly dam of United States reclamation eervlce. Choice stock and dairy farm, watered by five springs, adjacent to range, t-rice siu.uuu. wii take half cash, balance trade. Deal di rectly with owner. H. E. Winnard, Lo re! la, Oregon. BY OVVNEK 500 acres, 20 under the plow: stable room for 100 head of cattle HHv harn end horse stable for 10 heaf of horses, pig pen, potato house, .bunk- house, blacksmith shop, large dwelling house; living water on the place, about 30 minutes from courtnouse, i-omana; iv-ino- hetwaen Powell Valley road and Estacada car line: can be divided. Tabor 2240. residence lrW-1 Oregon st. i-m AMtp:s on Yanuina oay. 4 miles be "low Toledo, 8 miles abovtx Newport. Will keep 20 or more cowb. 5ra. eiiwu jew around; two sets of bldgs.. enough land cleared to raise pieniy ot ieea mr hock. Price $8000. Will take part trade, time on some at 5. G. W. Andrews. Toledo, Or. Box 133. ti irHirs narnv cleared. fenced, run nlng water and 4-room house, barn, chicken house, 25 o. A. c white Lg hnm hens, some fruit, some furniture J 1 500. $750 cash; a real bargain. G. A. Raker. Chapman. Or. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES near Portland. $50 to $500 per acre: easy terms, best BOli: lanns ior sam, mi sizes. ... J 1 . n ,Q E-aOln. Kltf aicrananu. raum, ....... .a, FOR SALE 320-acre stock ranch, 7.000,- 000 It. or limBPr, o,vmM'VV p, icmani- der piling, tie and wood; $5000. H. C, McGraw. Olalla, Or. ten nKil. SOIL: no waste land; fine creek and springs, buildings; 10 cleared. 100 ' easily cleared: heavy cattle feed, county road neignDore: mwiimini uuumu, all plow land; $2OO0. 301 Corbett bldg. S3 ACRES, six miles sooth of Lebanon. 65 In Cultivation, well lenrau, aa auuu uafi or will trade. Owner. Tabor 6308. l.OGGED-OFF lands. $10 acre up: running water, good son. yt iiiiauie, ecnoot. terms. J. H. snarpe. so z inira st. su ACRES, level, fenced, clear; good 4-rm. house, near Wlllamina; terms; loganberry lana. J. n. riiarp. o.t j miu at. 7V4 or 10 ACRES level, timber land, near . i t r UKnn aaif '1A xieavercon; ruvu i. m,chi. ut WANTED REAL ESTATE. WNTED 5-room house. Rose Citv Park district, for about $:i0OO. Must be well worth the price today. I can pay about $500 cash and reasonable monthly pay ments. Please give exact location and all particulars, as I have only a short time to look around. Will not disturb your tenants. Owner or realtors only given consideration. AN 729. Oregonlan eit. ESTlTR RAI.EVS MANAGER. Must have experience in handling sub ....nan tr-ar-ia- lucrative oermanent con nection for right party; If you have had real experience and can manage big nrnnositinn sea Mr. Umbdenstock, 210 Oregon bldg. MIDDLE-AGED widow wishes small house and lot in suburbs of Portland where ahe can keep chickens and have a small garden; must have Water connections; has only $800 and not willing to go in dent. L 715. Oregonian. WANTED At once, modern bungalow, built-ins, 2 or more lots, family frrlit, paved St., near carllne; give description. location, price in first letter. AH 721. Oregonian. w ited From owner, suburban home elte of from one to five acres, with or without buildings, olose in. Full partlcu lars first letter. C 711. Oregonian. WANT hi D 5 or 6-room house, lot; will pay cauh, assume mortgage, street Imp. Must be bargain. Bogsess, 503 McKay Bldg. WANTED Modern 3 or 4-room furnished bungalow, oy tne loin, sunaay can ten wood 2604. Monday and Tuesday. Bdwy. 1136; WHY WORRY? I can sell or trade anything anywhere. C. W. Millershlp. 165 V, 4th st. TRADE Maxwell sedan fine condition throughout for good equity or build ing lots. AK 709 Oregonlan. TVHF.N selling vour west-side properts see John Singer, 420 Chamber of Com merce blrig. Farms Wanted. WANTED TO BUY A RANCH LARGE ENOUGH TO RAISB THE PRODUCE. CHICKENS. ETC., FOR OUR THREE LUNCH ROOMS SERV ING TWO MILLION PEOPLE A YEAR. MUST BE NEAR PORTLAND ON A PAVED HIGHWAY. PREFER THE CO LUMBIA RIVER SECTION. RANCHES TOO SMALL ARE BE ' TNG OFFERED. MUST BE LARGE PLACE. THE COFFEE CUP CAFETERIA, CO, 832 WASHINGTON ST. ' A. H. JOHNSTON. President TIMBER WANTED. Have party wanting timber, close to Portland to cut .into wood; will buy land and timber if priced right; party wait ing. See ua at once. FLOYD L. EDDY, REALTOR, RITTER. LOWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. I WANT to rent 10 or 15 acres close in. near car line; casn rent; want jcani lease. E 937, Oregonlan. Wanted to Rent Farms., WANT FARM TO RENT. Have party wanting farm around 100 acres with some pasture, located within 30 miles west of Portland; cash "nt:'pAY CASH for phonographs and records, have many cans for sman piace ciose , mi rinvnV I nnv "r faTW. FLBifTrn ?nw P ro 201-3-0-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. Wanted to Rent Farms. WANTED TO RENT. SMALL PLACES Have several people wanting to rent acreage or small farms; close to Port land preferred. Soma people will buy the n ace after leasing for year or more. We make lot of sales this way. Will buy equipment if priced right. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Building, Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. TIMBER LANDS. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A SAW MILL OR TIMBER SEE THE WINS LOW CO., 419 LUMBERMEN'S BIDG., PORTLAND. ORSUUM, WANTED Contract to log and saw or log or saw by M. AF 726, oregonlan. FOR KENT FARMS. I HAVE 2 farms for rent; will consider nothing but cash rent; 1 is 630 acres, practically all high land, 400 acres under plow, fair house, good dairy barn for 100 cows, several sheds, close to highway, rent $225 mo. Other is about 400 acres. 80 of which is nign lana, oaiance ovaarnuw nuati.r unmfl of which may be planted fate, fair house, good dairy barn for 40 cowa, rent $150 per month. Both of these farms are within an hour's drive of the center of Portland and you have no personal stocK to ouy in euner in stance. Frank L. Smith, Smithshlre, Scappoose. Oregon, FOR RENT 9 acres, with house, barn chicken house, all kinds of fruits: ten mile out, will give renter work on place to pay part of rent. Call at 859 Halsey. is NEAR Vancouver, until December, $125 also 40 near Oregon City, until Nov.. 1923. $450: 500 cords seasoned wood on place, $3.90. Box 68. Astoria, Or. Tf EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. WILLAMETTE VALLEY. We offer for exchange a good 818-acr stock and grain farm in Polk Co.. Or. Improvements consist of a good 8-roorn ttwaiiina- with hot and cold water '.ank; 2 barns, machine shed and larg hop house. The place formerly had 60 acre in hops but now In grain. All the bal ance of the place in grain but 100 aores of upland pasture witu scattering- oaaa, good roads; school near by; cash silling price, $90 per acre Will trad for In-a-nma nrnnartv or will taks small Im proved farm up to $17,000; balance runs lor 20 yeara tturai crean man. BEAM LAND COMPANY. 133 Lyon St.. Albany. Or. BEACH LOTS. EXCHANGE FOR PAINTING OR BUILDING. Lots are well located at Tillamook Beach, near station and ocean. Address AP 648. Oregonian. WILL EXCHANGE FOR APARTMENT HOUSE 20 ACRES ALL STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. Good A-room house, large barn and outbldgs. ; family orchard, berries, crops all in; everything to go ahead with; all for $11000; half cash; will consider lease on apartment house; well lurnisnea up to $4000. STEWART & JOHNSON, 81.1 Northwestern Bank Bldg. WILL TRADE FOR CITY HOME. 120 acrea timber land near The Dalles. 8 acres cleared; good bungalow; garage; over $6000 cord wood; Irrigation ditch will go through center; every Inch can be cultivated after clearing; wood will pay for the entire work. MARSH & McCABE CO.. REALTORS. 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 3993. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 4-room house. 2 lota and fruit. 6-room furnished house, 3 lots, 20 fruit trees. 6-room furnished house. Seaside, sale or rent. 7504 60th Ave. S. E. Auto. 627-98. 20-ACRE orchard, near Mosier. Or., all in fine bearing condition; apples, cnerries and prunes; want modern Portland home. See Mr. Boehm, 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1058. FOR SALE or trade for good Oregon property. 640 acres good wneat lana, with engine, separator engine, plows and 8 horses. Owner, J. O. Reynolds, Crow foot, Alta., Can, EXCHANGE a partially constructed bun galow at the beach, raewport, ur., tor Improved lot or first payment on house In fort lana. lapor oi in. 2ii ACRES of crop producing Spttaenberg apples as Iirsi payment on iiume; or chard well located; taxes paid; no in debtedness. East 963. TO TRADE For city lots or late model car. 5 acres near car line and pavement east of Vancouver on Fort Plain road. AN 740. Oregonaln. . FOR SALE or exchange, 6-room house and garage, l acre unaer cultivation, 30 fruit trees, all kinds small fruits. Tele- phone Automatic 641-46. gea RH ART Beautiful 4-room- cottage. well lurnisnea, aiso aaaitionai lot, oux 100; will trade for automobile, value $1750. F 704, Oregonlan. WILL exchange choice lot in Laurelhurat free of all encumorance, tor gooa closed car. AM 34. liregonian. OAKLAND 5-paas., good condition, for lots, acreage or nouse equity, a. ti Akerson. 420 Henry bidg. Mar. 4079. 160 ACRES. 25 miles from Bend, Or., on . t .. c-.II ,luap- In arhanua frtr annH car, no junk. Can Main llti9, room 3. WILL sell or trade 32-room modern apt, house tor nouse anu 101 in roruana. K 727, Oregonlan $1800 SBLLEIl'S contract for sale, trade or discount, uwner. lauur oiut. TO EX CHANG F MISCELLANEOUS. WILL trade out-of-town lot for furniture or car. Phone Main oiso. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles. Livestock. r-orvoL-v RTARI.ES. INCORPORATED For sale or exchange, iw neau oi horses; have from 1.200 to 1300 lbs. nnh nhnnks. 4 and 3 years old; well matched teama from $75 to $125. We ara eoina to sell or exchange these horses regardless cost. We are always ready to trade a bis one for a little one and get the difference, or a little one for a big one and pay the differ ence. If it Is coming either way. Have all kinds of harness and wagons and grading tools. We hire by tne aay. week or month. to responsible people. Kvarvthinr s-uaranteed as represented. Phil Surther. president. 2S5 Front st. SHIPMENT of horses weighing from 1100 an i.qon lha aach: theBe are an gooa, sound, young stock: will sell cheap or trada for larger horses or came. v. n Hewitt. Columbia stables. Front and Co lumbla sts. fy STABLES. Horse and harness of all kinds for sale or hire by day or month. 865 Union ave. S. cor. Stevena G. D. Williamson & Glass, SADDLE pony for sale, young, weight ahnut 8.u. eooa styie. tan do seen after 5 P. M. at 219 N. Swenson l. St. Johns. :io vntTNG Holstein cows, all rresn coming fresh soon; iio per neao. Aian Hoiatein OUU. a.. Morgan, ismuiu Or. PASTURE! Ladd Canyon farm. Canyon road, close In: no business sunaays. stain 4-GAL. JERSEY, 5.7 test; gentle and easy to milk; milk at 4 r. ja. lau insiey ave. Sellwood car. o PYTRi eood 6-weeks-old pica S. T. Llnd. Z miles east. Ql uresimm. ruuua 2SX1. HORSES for hire; tools for grading, plow ing, excavating or logging, jaiain i?oo. Woodyard, 327 Front st. FOR SAL15 Six horses: reasonable prices. Holman f uel CO.. para c. otn ana iron streets. DEAD borses and cattie taken quickly. Phone MilwaUKie puj tor nest servic. VETERINARIAN. DR. HOWES TABOR 6566, REGISTERED brood tow with 10 pigs. A. E. Hanson, route 3. Beaverton, Or. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instrumental. WE vriLL TRAD, xOu A BEAUTIFUL NEW PHONOGRAPH FOR YOUR OLD PIANO. WHY NOT? OOME UP AND LET US TALK IT OVER. SEVENTH FLOOR. LIPMAN. WOLFE ft CO. STUTVESANT pianola $550 Vose it son... -; Crown .............. $275 Autopiano player $450 Franklin .$267 HAROLD S. GILBEKT, 384 ramniti ft. BIG PIANO SALE. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSTC CO., 125 4th St., between Washington, and Alder. $150 and Up. See Them. BIO PIANO SALE. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th S.. between Washington and Alder. TRADE VICTROLA for ussa piano. Good nrnnosmon. mam WILL PAY cash for a good used piano or player if price Is right. Auto. 5U-20. FOR RENT Piano, grafanola. late music. Empire ITailHier. puaj. jq. EXTRA good violin, worth about $500; take $225. 125 6th st. Main 6217. PIANO WANTED Cash, for private par ties. If bargain Marshall 1532. ALDR1CH bungalow piano, oak case, good as new, $225, terms. L 714. Oregonian. jan 4405. Auto. 027-40. 128 First. STANDARD piano." mah.; almost new, at a ridiculous price. 409 Abington bldg. aVLaWNO WaVaYX'.ir-Caaa auu, ALaia oS&H, FOR SALE. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instrument. . Downstalra store. Schwan Piano Co. j $525 Vose Ac Sons dark nub., used.$l5 00 I rfviu oieinway oz coos iiiaaa. ...... . , 550 Kimball & Co., gold. oak.. 29IVO0 I 5 1 5 Chase, large, oak.... filnff.. wivm niann 6'J5 00 $10 to $25 cash, $5. $8. $10, $13 monthly. Phonograph Dept., Used Specials. Vlctrola ft Brunswick cab.. eacn..$ 95 00 Columbia and Pathe. cab., each.. "".Wl Stradlvara, $65: Grifonola. small.. I2.0 101 10th St. at Wash, and Stark Sta. 103 10TH ST.. COR. STARK ST PIANO BARGAINS. Every used piano reduced. We can save you money on a used piano. Guar- anteea. Terms given, see our nanat KIMBALL email, oak case $250 FISHER, plain rase, small STEIXWAY, old-style,' good condi tion FRANKLIN, walnut esse FISHER, art mahogany caae WELLINGTON, oak case HARDMAN. mahogany case MILTON, plain mahogany case SHIRMER. good practice piano WELLINGTON. plain mahogany case SEIRER LING-LUC AS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St., between Wash, and Alder. $150 and Up. See Them OLD HOPF VIOLIN,, CHEAP. CLARK. EAST S065: CALL Furniture for Sale. SAVK MONEY. Try our sales department If you want to buv or sell household goods. Reduced freight rate -to most all points In our through pool cars. Expert packing, re pairing and reflnlshlng. Money loaned on goods In storage. Fireproof storage. Low insurance rates. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER Co.. 53 4th st.. opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Hrondway 3715. SIX-HOLE range, $16; cook stove. $8; : oil stove. gas range, $io: gas plate, $7; round pedestal dining table. $14; dining chairs. $2: sideboard. $13: kitchen cabinet, new, $10: kitchen treasure, $5.50; drop-leaf table. $4; sanitary souch. $7: beds. $2.50 up: springs. $1 up; mat tresses $1 up; rockers. $1.50 up; baby buggv, $2.50; rugs, cheap; garden tools. East "6957. 113 Grand ave. DON'T sacrifice your furniture if going east or to" California. We can save you nionev on your freight in our through cars: fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer & Storage Co.. 248 Pine ft. DINING table, library table, large buffet Ivory cane panel bedroom suite; no deal ers. Main 2256. BEAUTIFUL home or boarding house. lovely furniture, good Income, lota of fruit and garden. Automatic 522-81. LARGE beautiful buffet. Price, $05. 1'a.bor 5205. 547 E. B2d N. 3-IfOOM fiat for rent, furniture for sale cheap. 021 Overton St. FURNITURE FOR 5-ROOM HOUSE. CALL EAST 8022. BUREAU, $S 50; Ice box. $0.50; gas range. JS.50. 288 N. intn St. DRESSING table, bureau, bed. spring, rugs, piano. Move. 38 urand avenue Nortti Office Furniture, 1 T. W. DESK and chair. 2 tables, 3 roll- top desks, 2 flat-top desks, 3 bookkeep ers' desks, 8 chairs, S filing cabinet, : safes. BUSHONO ft CO., 01 Park St. Typewriter. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN TYPE WRITE US. ALL MAKES IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE. CALL OR WRITE FOR KEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 wasnington at. aiain dqi. REBUILT typewriters, all makes, rentals, repairing, supplies. Distributors CORONA portable, SLWUhitiAnu, aaaing ma chines. Main 2285. E. W. Pease Co. 110 Sixth st. . RENT A REMINGTON First-class, mod ern typewriters only: reasonable rates. Special offer to students. Remington Typewriter Co., 88 Hrondway. ALL MAKES rented and repairad. Oregon Typewriter Co.. in otn st. Main aoos. NEW rebuilt, second-hand, rentaia at cut rates. P. D. Co., 231 Stark st. Main 1407. REPAIRS, rent. buy. sell; supplies. Type writer Inspection Co 312 Stark. M. 3349. FOR KENT L. C. Smith ft Bros, type w rl ter. Main 574 FOR RENT Underwood-Remington, $3.50 mo. Empire iransrer. isnwy. 135. Poultry. WHITE LEGHORN baby chicks for June delivery from a heavy-laying, hoganized stock; safe arrival of furl count; live, strong ' chicks guaranteed, $12.50 per hundred, $120 per tnousand. PIONER HATCHERY, 441 Sixth St. l'etaluma. Cal, $21 PER 100. For Barred Rock and R. I. Red dev oid chicks; $22.50 per 100 for Anconas and Buttercups. Delivery this week, Last of season. ORDER NOW. C. N. NEBDHAM. SALEM. OR. LARGE wheat and stock farms, small diversified farms and orchard tracts for sale. For further psrtlcuiars write W. C. Hanna, ui'ur, ur., wai-co. MY OLD packing house on the Linnton road for rent, is very suitable for chick en farming. Frank L. Smith, Smithshlre, KcappoosH, t. LAYING year-old White Leghorn nena $1 each. J. R. Magulre, 787 Oregon at. Ka st 1805. . PORTLAND chicken and rabbit pens for sale; aiso some fine mesh chicken wire. Sell. 1947 lings. Rabbits, Birds and Pet Stork. PEDIGREED police dug puppies from the celebrated Speedway kennels. Phone week day. Main 2003, between 9 A. M. and 4:3(1 P. M, 3 PERSIAN kittens. i5 each. 1126 Macadam st. N. and S. Portland car to end of line. 1 block S.. 1 block E. IRISH SETTER puppies for sale, eligible for registration. Phone 777 R. 712 W. 25th St., Vancouver. Wash. KABB:TS for sale. 70th ave. and 57th St.. Stevens. Boats. Launches ana Marine Equipment. CABIN MOTOR BOAT FOR-SALE. 30-ft. long, equipped with 25-h. p, marine engine, 4-cyl., 4-cycle. 44-bor magneto, storage battery, electric run ning lights, cabin lights, electric horn, searchlight, motor-driven bilge Dump, meter, switches, life preservers, liftrring. cushions, fire extinguishers. Beebe stock less anchor, anchor lines end in fact all equipment necessary to make a first class boat. Has always been In private use. but is speedy and large enough to make paying proposition for small ex cursions, camping and fishing parties. In fine condition and ready to go. Might consider good used car In part payment. Write box AV 807. Oregonlan. SIX POWER work boata for sale; H. P., 7, 8, 15, 25. 60, 90. Write for particulars and price. C. T. Smith. Stevenson. Wash. FLOATS FOR BOATHOUSES About 10 tlmoors. ranging in slse from. 20x20 if 24x24 Phone Marshall 3912- 20 H. P. CRUISER, $nno. Foot of Mad ison. Standard Boat House. Coal ana VVooa. WE HAVE eecurcd an additional auppiy of cjuntry slab: piace your order early for immediate delivery, ceaar creek wooa lutl Co., 48- 00 N. 13th st. Bdwy. 1783. 4-FOOT green mill slab, $5.75 per cord: block and slab mixed stov length, $6 per load; double load, $11. A. W. War- ner, 624 Nortlirup at Broadway lllil. $7.50 CORDWOOD $7.50. Good, sound second-growth; excellent grade rirst-growtn. is.au. oai, select grade Utah, $15, delivered. Wdln. 4102. GUARANTEED beat old growth cordwood. 19 ner cord, sb.50 in four-cord lota: it. heavy country slab, $6.50 and $7.00 per cord. Bdwy. 4110. BUY YOUR winter wood now. Heavy first-growth fir, $S50; oak, $11. no per cord. F. E. Bowman co Main a".. 500 CORDS seasoned wood, near Oregon City, $3.90; also 40 acres for rent. Own- box Astoria, or. OLD-GROWTH fir, $8.25 per cord deliv ered; leave order at Sua Ha. 21st St. o. Phone Sellwood 3350. FOR GOOD first and second growth cord wood. Call E. 47J0. prompt de livery and full measure. COUNTRY short dry block ana slab wood; aiso four-root green. Mam snea. 16-INCH blocit and slab. also 4-fu Bias and cord. Phone 6362. LLOCK and s.abwood. alao slab wood and cordwood; 4 ft. length. E,aat bdbl. BEST old growth fir cordwood. $8. pf ord. sell. Bit BIG LOAD box wood, $5.50 per load. Woodlawn omit, or usa jioniana ave. DRY WRECKAGE wood delivered any place. Tabor XS43. DRY 16-IN. 1 and 2-inch lumber rang wood. 16 per load. woodlawn zazs. CORDWOOD REDUCTION. DELIVERED FROM THE CAR. EAST Z041. DRY COUNTRY slab. $7 per cord. Aut. 632-71. - Al CORDWOOD, $9. delivered anywhere. Cal! Automatic 634-18. Mnctiinery. FAGEOL tractor, only used as demon strator; guaranteea perreci mecnan leal condition; a bargain. Sorter's Ga rage. White Salmon, jfash. 36X, FOR SALE Fairbanks-Morse duplex sprayer, new, at a Bargain. ooriera Garage, white Salmon, Wash. 36X. CENTRIFUGAL pump. 25-lnch. nearly new; sale or rent. raoa soil. 47J. c.-..-,... tj ,-. ,-.i,na, nnr fnrranh. 1- boilers. :15 ind 00-horse power : 1 V. v, siu.l' 6x8 hoist: 9 lumber trucks: 7 rollrra 450 Starr Piano Co unrlghu oak... 15 wheel truck; 20 air guns, 30 air rini i75C0Mr.rrd 4ncoVdUPrmJfi up-... 65 ax saw. 1 pipe cuttar and 800 Pianists player piano and muslo .295 threader up to B I n eh. 230 Pianola player an 35 rolls . . .... 45 TH fc OREGON .TUN K " V 4 Parlor araa.a tE 135. $38 and 48 I FRONT t-T. PHON E MAIN 1- . FOR SALE. Machinery. ELECTRIC machinery for sale: 3 hlkh tension transformers. S. P.. 60-cycle. 33. Olio to 11.000 V. 75 K. V. A. each: imme. dlate delivery: perfect condition; a bar- 2tI' JOSEPH TRANSMISSION CO.. OREGON, MIS.SOUR1. AUTO sawing machine, prober engine: bargain. complete, ana Tabor Miscellaneous. LARGE BENCH SAW. 7x10. double-drum donkeys: 2 leazer. on NEW AND USED OFFICE FURNITURE. Prices reduced throughout our en tire line: 10 per cent additional on all new desks, adding machines, type writers, safes, sate cabinets at bargain prices. WAX OFFICE EQUIP. HOU!B. 24 N. 5th St. Broadway 273!L LET DAVID'S repair your watch; they know how and only genuine watch ma terials used. DAVID'S. Jewelers and.. Opticians. 343 Washington St.. Near Broadway. . SAFES Fire snd burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand at rlght,Prlce bought, sold and eaghanged; easy terms if de sired. NORRI8 SAFE A LOCK CO.. 105 Second St. Ma'.n 20!1 NKAR-NEW Vaughn dragssw with clutch, furniture, Pathe cabinet phonograph and records; or will consider light car in good repair. C. B. Hutslnplller, Proeh stel. Wash., or address box 49, Orchards. Wash. SEWING machines, new and second-hand, sold for less: no agents employed: com pete lines of parts for all makes: ma chines repaired and rented Mnln 94iil. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 Third St.. near Taylor. MRS. S. W. HERMAN, apparel shop; ladles clothes. saUque lewelrv for sale: we buy ladies' and gi nts' clothes snd pay good nrlrtt- a.ill .tch.naa for ..vprythlng, we sell verv reasonable. 2S4H Park st.. nrar I'-rTerEnn. Mar. 1000. HOT WATER tanks, 30-gal., $7; 40-gal.. S9; tested and guaranteed ; stove and furnace tolls, gas heatnrs Installed, ex pert plumbing, repairing. :at Side Welding Shop. 203 Adams at. East 8MU. WHY AN everlasting aggravation by leaky roof? Why not a comfortable and durable rooft We repair, Hubher iiond and rejuvenate all ainds or leasy roofs. Work guaranteed. Main 312u. AUTOMATIC card printing machine and complete outfit. Including about $35 worth of stock, $123; aico a flvc-chalr shoe shining stand, good condition. $123. Penny Arcade. 20 N. Third st. FOR SALE Flower window hoxf. well made and as good as new. I have more than 1 can use trfls season. Call leo9 East 9th. below Sellwood car barns, or phone .Main 2363. FOR SALE Soda fountain, cash registers, scales, root ber barrels, adding ma chines, typewriter, all sizes floor cases. m;at sllcer, refrigerators; must be sold this week; cash or credit. 240 Salmon. DRUMMER'S samples cnildren's and misses' ready-to-wear; fine line includ ing large range In Infants' white dresses, gingham, percale and crash: price below wholesale cost. Call Woodlawn .V'', OFFICE FURNITURE. Bought, sold and exchnnged. HANSEN-WADKNSTE1N DESK CO 105-107 Twelfth St. Broadway 1877. FOR SALE OR RENT 1 revolving type steam shovel; 1 43-ton Bucyrus stand ard shovel; 80 contractors' dump cara. Railway Equipment Co.. 2d and Stark. NEW "SINGERS." $3 down, 13 monthly. Expert sewing machine repairing MORRISON STREET SINGER STORE, 882 Morrison. Marshall 72i. FAG KOI, tractor, only used as demon strator; guaranteed perfect mechan ical condition: a bargain. Sorter's Ga race. White Salmon. Wash. :IHX. COMPUTING scales, cash register, coffee mills, meat choppers and general store fixtures at 226 Siark St.. between First and Second streets. SAFES AND VAULTS 70 Sixth St., near ' fak. New or 2d hand Herrlng-Hall-Marvin safes for sale or exchange, terms. Bushong 8c Co., phone Broadway 12112, THE BIRTH STONE for June Is agate. They bring wealth, health and good luck; Ideal for graduation gifts. Miller, next door to Majestic theater. FOR SALE 7liO French hydrangeas, hardy chrysanthemums and carnations. F. Southworth. 1380 E. 25th st. N. Phone Woodlawn 1923. LET US wash your rugs with the Hamil ton Beach electric carpet waehi-r, on your floor; clean and ssnltary; kills moths and germs. Wdln. 5754; FOR SALE .22 long special repeater Win chester rifle. $13. 50; cost $20.50; brand new. Ant. 16. 513 Morrison. FOR RENT ElectrTc vacuum cleaners. 24-hour day, 85c; delivered, guaranteed good condition. Woodlawn 123l, ONE NEW eiec. washing machine, $100, 1 couch. $5. Call at Alert Transf., be tween 1st and Front on Oak st. FOR SALE or trade cheap If taken at once Sturma automatic woodsaw. 3o3 Suutn .1 ersey st.. St, Johns. FOR SALE Kalrbanks-Morse duplex sprayer, new. at a bargain. Sorter's Oarage, white Salmon. Wiish. 30.X. ROOT beer barrels, fountains, showcases, scales, cash registers, sares, eieptrlc tans, ot her fixtures cheap. 113 Seeond. $250 buy this Gabel's automatic enter- taaner: just tne ining inr coniection ery or pool hall. 633 Thurman st. DIAMOND ring, over 3 karat. $4j. by private parly, call 1-- esecona St., near Vashtngton: GOOD second-hand lumber for sale cheap; also doors, winonws ana wrecaag wooa. 175 10th st. or call Kant 1897. LICENSED Independent electrician wlr.-s 3 rooms ror si::, a ror jo. iiuaranteea to pass Inspection. Wdln. 3791, 1 POWERS 6-A motion plefure machine and projection room equipment for eaie very cheap. Main 4616, PILES can be permanently cured without operation. fan or write nr. iean. Second and Morrison. HUGS waidied on your floor with Hamilton- Beach electric carpet wasner; also vac uum cleaning done. East 4043, FOR CORRECT time call Main 3579; fot scientific watcb repairing so Alillaar, aval door to Majestic theater KODAKS. We buy. sell, rent and exchange ko daks, Sandy. 320 Washington st, MODEL JS-C Colonial coal or wood range. nearly new. ail wooniawn hl'24. 2 DOZEN fruit Jars, quarts. 1 sewing ma chine. White rotary. Bi in,-.. FOR SAL! Anyone desiring rosoia for Festival wecK can i 01, sit. GOOD eating potatoes $1 sack, S. Kijllngewortli ave. wain. .XI12. FOR SALE Baby's Oriole. Phone Wdin 33S7. 1:1.1 ' ampnen LADIES, "be well dressed." Exclusive used garments in a nome, lanor -a. EFlaVAL cream separator No. 12. Box 18 A. IV. '. Oregon aiijr. A LADIES' evening gowns for rent, sixes " Il.ln .r.t7 FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding n.arhlne. showcase. 43 1st st., near Ash. TsTAR A STAR shingles direct from mill Call Taylor-street dock. Main 801:5. ITaFES, trucks, scales. coMee mills, cheese cutters. 48 Front. St.. near Pine. cTroND-H AND tenu and covers for sale Va.itic Tent ft Awning Co.. No. 1 lt ,.. rrri,.", vacuum cleaners sold, exi'liaiuied efnalred. Kay Bcntley. Main 4907. ' ffKlGBRATOK 6x5 Vi ft for restaurant Tie erorory. 1401 Hawthorne a't. VACUUM cleaner for rent, 85 cents per av- delivered anywhere. Wdln. 3193. FOR RENT Sewing machine. 2 mo., $5. KniDlreTransfer, Bdwy. 133, EAROti. reliable gas range for sale, Tabar na.e. NEW "$tiO WILSON, rotary electric sewing machine, unuauai ie...... ion... mi. FINE specimen American eagle, mounted for rent carnival week, Woodlawn 1791. BASEMENTS d cueap. Aut. 622-35. FOR SAt.B AlTOMOBll.KS. 19 '0 FORD coupe ror saie; must sell rifcht away. E. Lawrence. Lambrook apla. apt. 88. NKW BUICK touring car. driven 850 miles. 1 months' guarantee of service. East 6585. 19-'0 MAXWELL cheap, first-class con dition, five good tires, run $4100 milts Call Auto. 614-95. CUT-DOWN backs put In touring for sleep ing out Alblna Auto Top Co.. 291 Kus sell St. East 8322, 1921 OLDS 8 demonstrator, sarne guar antee aa new car, at a big discount; terms Call Duffy at Broadway 2270. F6"RD roadster, in Al shape. This Is a 1920 and has starter, looks like new, will give easy terms. Marshall 5719. OLDSMOP-ILE 4 demonstrator, fae. guar antee and service at a liberal discount Call Johansen at Bdwy. 2270. WILLYS-KNIGHT touring, first-class con. dltiOn and appearance, new General cord tires. Phone Wdln. 2434. 1921 FORD roadster, a bargain, 125 10th street, between Washington and Alder. Phone Auto. 517-77; 1020 FORD touring with starter, new rub- ber. must sen; ion caan. .nam .m. 1918 FORD louring. tirt-clas cunditlon. Main o. 1917 BL'TCK light 6. $600, terms If d sired. Call Johansen at Bdwy. 2270. FOR BALE Ford, bug, cheap. 327 Couch sc. ...... . . 2 FOR S4.IF ArTOMOBIlX. BARGAINS IN BETTER REBUILT USED CARS At our Broadway store, where we have the largest used car store of any automobile company la th city. AVn WHY rtKTTFH W rebuild both Hudson and Essex used automohlt' s and sell them with a warranty th same as given with the purchase nf new cars. We also give 90 days' frr service, th same a I gtve en new cara On other make of automobile that we trade In w repair and overhaul them so that used ear that ar not sold with warranty are in first-class condition and are sold with 10 days' free trial, sub Jeet to their being returned with full credit on any other car you may select. 1919 Faaex antnmnMTe, re built snd repainted, sold with th warranty $117.1 1919 Fssex. like new. nld with the warranty 1225 a 1917 Hudson Super Six. re built and repainted look lust Ilka new, old with the warranty...... 1200 3918-inin eerie Hudson Su per Six. rebuilt son re painted, sold arlth th warranty 1300 1P20 Hudson Super Six, re built and repainted. old with th warranty 1778 1920 Hudson speedster, like a brnnd new rit: old with the warranty 30X0 1019 C h ' I m r n. first-elan condition throughout., 1130 1920 Chalmers, almoet new, a decided bargain 1500 Dodge roadster 830 1918 Maxwell, all gone ever, repaired and repainted; a fine little car 5"5 1920 Maxwell roadster, a dandy little car $75 1918 Otdsmnhlle Eight, bar gain ' at 93 Our store for these tised-ear bar gains at 40-40 prnadway. whleh la Bioadwav and Courh St. Phone Broadway 57JU Open evenings and Suudays. C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. USED CARS. PRICES! TERMS! LOOK 'EM OVER. Fifty cars of nearly every stand ard make to chouse from. Open evening nd Sunday. Bdwy. 2270. Unmdway Car. STI TZ 11120. A-PASSF.NilKR. Run only 6000 miles; beautiful maroon eper.al color; 5 wire wheels and cord tires, wind deflectors, hood cover, bump ers, extra sliver bell tire cover, spot light. lieen.e and Insurance, In faet $300 extras; mist beautiful and as good aa new: a $1412 ar without extras; mv prlc-e for all $2000 rah; you never did snd never will see another bargain like this: If you want a real car. call owner toilay after 11 o'clock or you will be too lat-. Main 7II.MI LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OH PELL A V AUTOMO BILE. WK FURNISH THE MONEY. OIK SERVK'E WILL PI.rtSE YOU. OREGON HON D At V'MtTilAO E f. 208 SELLING 111.181.. SEi'OXD FLOG It. OVERLAND roadster, a cjaawv vacation car. There certainly is a lot 01 11111 tied up In this car. See Ehrett, lldwy. 3400. Northwest Auto Co.. 18th and Aiiler sts. NEW MODEL lJI!T The season's sensa tion; beautiful body lines, a wonder ful car: prlee onlv $l.l.'o. Mr. Ware ham. Bruadway 14rtla. Northwest Auto 18th and Alder srs 1918 lll'ICK. ,1-pusaenger. S..ma snap. .New paint, good ruht.er. exrelrnt rendi tion all around. tall Mr, nt. Geoige, Broadway lliio or Marshall uoito after fl P. M. A IlKAI. Ill'V The car v.lth the reputation: 1917 Bnlck light jalx touring. In good condi tion, fnr only $009; no dealer. Call T ahor III CITY sal Mneii attention Let nie demon strate the superior qualities of a Dort roadster for citv work; this Is a real buy and will save vou money. Call Mr. Jen 11 1 tigs Wd'n. :'-'. OHKVUOl.KT T'lClMNO CAR New tup a"d curtains. Gabriel antlh bers. g.u.d tires, motor overhaul, d. Fine appearing IUU car, cheap. Call La.l 1:11:1 io8;e TOI'IJING HH'.i. Car is In hue meehanhal shape: will guarantee; prlee I on v 1875: terms. I hone Wdln. tfiJO evenings. 1030 Msl-l-.ry a ve . WE C4.HKY a ("il I In of auto accessaries, tubes 1'ord parrs, light globes, etc. Also do towing, open day and night. LONG ft 8ILVA. PhnneEa.it o-40 402 ffathorrj. ""juia-miiv GRAND I'll KV 1920. is In fine shape everv way: good paint, tires and t"P; w-l.l take Ford as part payment bal terms: prlee $1000 CaJ WooJlawn ;1020 evenhiaaa. 10.10 Mallvry ave. t , . MXKMON :4. h.t.ks like new. runs ths ,,, wav; lots of power; quick gel away: priie onlv $2'ilKI, easy a)inrnll Mr Ehrett, Nnrthweat Aulo Co., lstll and AMr. Hdwy 1400. CHALMERS t.uring. almost new o,rd tires, extra equipment; will take Kord. Dodge or Chevrolet In trade, with terms on balance: this is a real buy Call Rubin-son-Smith re. or phnne Main I loo " 1917 ItT l.'K 8 Tor R1NU o.hi. vm a so-called sarrttlee or sniin. hot a nurhtv good buv. Ineuiding 5 eordl tires bump'r. etc.; no druicr. Call own er. Main 0.127. 1917 BUl'K roadster, good shape, reason able prlra. 123 lflth stre.t. between Washington and Alder. Phone Aulo 517-77 CADILLAC his. dandy for a bog o delivery truck: only $275. Mr. Ware ham. Bdwy. 1460. Northwest Auto Co. lih and Alder. ETg U.SED CARS Primus RIGHT. STOCK Vo Misrepresentations COVEY MOTOR CAR CO, 1921 FORD SKDAN Car has only been run a few hnndrad miles: will st-'ll at a large reduction; some extras Call Main 42M llllO.N 7-pa -tsengi r, driven t miles excellent condition: 1 Call Mr. St. George, bdwy Marshal I 601M after P M TTTooO tiarialn. 1460 or 19"I OLDS 8 demons! 1 ator In perfect con dition; this car carries factorv ruar ai.tce and service; see this hnrgaln to dsv Call Johansen at Broadway 2270- tjuLE 'a. ro S The one that made ll-a record run to The Dalles: a wonderful car- at a liberal discount: easv pay ments Mr. Sanderson, lldwy, UtO DoRT lUmonauaior .viy :uin nio.iet . eitinnsll-ator. ue:ter iiinu liberal discount. Mr. .Inge Bdwy. W-0 nrthw-esl AiMO a o . 1-00 ind Alder sts. rrg TEAR 'em up and sell ths pieces, Portland Auto Wrecking Co.. 531 Aldar. n ea r 17th. B-lwy. 5234. 1V50 CASH buvs 7-paasenger Jeffrey Fine - .... - IJ..1...II, n,.,l..e :.l l.-rt,..,a. conui-ioo. . '- ,vu.,., si Main fill. AUTO OWNERS' SALESROOM. You wish to sell your car? Can get oulck action at 168 King st Main 14 WILLYS-KMlillT T 7-pasei,gat- perfect mevhanlcal condition, owner will sacrl flee for a.i". 414 tll'san, cor. l'Vh 19-20 FOKll touring: starter, aertrlc lights, license, shock absorbers; mcrbanlva.ly perfect; $173 owner, i-.asi ,o.i. ttn inr at.f-f' fu i'k. Late 1010 Oakland six. In new enndi- I tlon; by owner; ''.)", r.ast 8,:u. PAIGE chummy. I.lnwond type; this Is a bargain. 125 16th street, between Wash ington and Alder st. i'hone Auto. M7-:7 Cadillac touring, lute midi, one t n,- best in me vi'v. a an aa-..- ugni car j 1 nfiO, terms. Bresdway 30 HUPMOHILE. Ia4 e model. In tip-top comii-.-heap. Phon East bi-' IMh it N. tlon. tor at e or call at 2 WK Pi'T steel teeth In your old flywheel, crankshaft turning. H. B. Illicit ma chine shop- 5.14 Alder St. njwy. ji.-.j lo-Hl OAKI.A.NU ftl.V. pcrieci Cond t n will sacrltico for $785 and giv term East 6234. gTliwNKH-SEVEN-PASS STUDKRAK- F.R FINE- CONDITION. KtaASON AB LK MAIN 7M. LmjDGE louring car. In Al condition, fu equipped. Terir if wanted East 4041 1918 FoliD touring, tires, extras, $326. Al condition, good I AUIO.iia-.lH. LATE Maxwell, cheap, some Urnia. Aulo. tas'Bla. - ' a