17 THE MORXING OREGOXIAX, SATURDAY, " JUNE 4, 1031 JTETT TODAY. Ladl 8t rotor old uaKMlea olatblnc. Let w Bask mmw far t- Th. ldest and beat-equipped ae torr. fluff aud ra niaa wovea aJ sizes: car;, refitiad; Baiil rasa team cleaned. l call aad deliver. 1M K. Eighth St Phono Kae USA. Edward E.Goudey Co. mortgage: loans Halted States Bank Bulldlnx. REAL ESTATE. I'ur Sale Flat and Apartment Property. APARTMENT BLDO. AND FURNITURE, nrnnrierfui Investment; aross Income $1100 month: f'.'O.OUO rash will handle. R. W. Cary. IJl'J X. W. Bank bldg. TWO-FAMILY Hat building;, west side; fulj In. a-tth rinnhU OWnH WOUlU consider email house on weat aide for part. .Matn l4 JS.'iOO FOR FOUR 6-room Hats, incoms f IL'O per month, walking distance.- paved street. By owner, 308 Eugene st. East 3S2. . n.nrvi hn.a fnr rent, furniture sale: rooms all rented; Income $0. 4-j E CGuch !-.ast I'-1" For Sale Bea-ch Property. BEACH LOTS. EXCHANGE FOR PAINTING OR BUILDING. Lota are well located at Tillamook Beach, near station and ocean. Address AP MS. Oregoniao. SEASIDE snap, 8-roon house (rents 2.-0 season), 4-room house (already rented $175). and tent house (rents $10 week), all furnished. Price $3500 for all half cash. P. O. box !14. Portland. ONE BEACH lot, ocean view. Tillamook h. for sale or trade for Ford. Phone Sell. 634 SEASIDE 5 and 6-room modern cottages overlooking ocean. laoor o.-ii FOR SALE Fine cottage at Manhattan Beach. Tabor 934. For Sale Lots. ROSE CITT CORNER. 100x100. $1850. Beautiful double lot. on the cor ner of 3Rth and Thompson sts., below the hill, ideal location, south and east facing, everything In and paid. This should not last the week out. so look it over at once. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 20S. WESTOVER BARGAINS. One of Westover's best lots overlooking city, mountains and river; unobstructed view: you should see It before buying elsewhere. Will sell for very low figure, which will save you considerable, will consider automobile as part payment. Terms to reliable party. Let me show It to you. Mr. Clsmans. 100 N. Broad way. Phone Bdwy. 4184. T3P A TTTTITT-T. IRVIXCTON. gale closes June 10. $1250 will buy any Inside lot left In block bounded by E. 2nth, E. 21st. Klickitat and Fremont, or $:;no0 for double corners. You'll have to hurry if you want to get In on these specially low prices. See us today. . HITTER. LOWE A CO.. REALTORS, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. COLONIAL HEIGHTS DISTRICT. CHOICE VIEW LOTS. $850 UP r v. "KtH nri E 27th sts.. between Mill and Harrison sts.; restricted for 25 years; choice view lots $83d and up, on eaay trms. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO.. 42 Henry Bldg. Broadway 4754. BEAUMONT TiOxlOO. 150 feet south of Fremont, facing east, on 4lith. paved St., Improvements paid, exceptional bargain, HxjO. . COB A. McKENNA CO., Realtors. 82 4th st. Main 4522. CHOICK WESTOVER LOCATION. Will sell at bargain or will accept car as part pavment. You should see this lot to realize Its beautiful location. If you are going lu ' build you will find this an Idea! spot, call Mr. t-iemans, Broadway 4181. BEAUTIFUL Laurelhurst lot on Hazel fern, facing south: 100 ft. west of 41st at. : meal location. rncea very w. $11(50. COE A. McKENNA CO., Realtors. 82 4th St. Main 4522. BEAUTIFUL corner lot. lour kinds of fruit trees, lawn, walking distance to Broadway bridge, grammar and high arhnnl nn car line, hard-surface streets, everything paid: cost owner $1600, price only $850. Phone owner, fc-ast 4Uiu. 4H! E. 12th st. N. SOxlOO LOT: close in: paved st. All Imp. paid. One block to car: on Ivon St.. 100 ft. west of 25th, facing worth. $i50. COE A. McKENNA CO., Realtors. 2 4th St. Main 4522. LAURELHURST LOT BARGAIN. SEE DKLAHUNTY. THK LAURELHURST SPECIALIST Come out today. Office on the grounds. East Sfth and Glisan. Call Tabor 3433; avenlngs East 77a8. CHOICE Rose City lot on 48th St.. 100 ft. north of Broadway, facing weat; SOxlOO. Ideal location and only $050. COB A. McKENNA CO.. Realtors. 3 4th St. Main 4522. SACRIFICE PRICE $1800 FACTORY WAREHOUSE SITE. Adlolnlng Russell. Gilbert Candy fac tory on O.-W. R. & N. tracks. Holladay avenue, near E. 24th. Mr. Carey. Main 74i7. WESTMORELAND 50x100, paved street. Imp. paid, near carline; only $050, with . terma. COB A. McKENNA CO.. Realtors. 2 4th St. Main 4522. FOR QUICK SALE SOxlOO let. comer feimpson and Campbell sts., $400; cost over $1200. Owner lives in California. Inquire T. L. Harwood. Jeweler, 1.71 Broadway. WE HAVE a beautiful lot on Grand ave.. near Ainsworth, one block from Union ave. car. $6-i0: terms $U5 cash, $10 per month. F. E. Bowman Co., 210 C. of C. bldg. LOT WITH S cor... 110 feet, east front. on E. 9th, between Klllingsworth and Brown avea; room for 3 or more houses. $1200, terms, or exchanger or good auto. Seiiwood 771. NICE LOT. 37xlO. NEW TENT 9x12! only $225. Why a slave to "the landlord? $10 down, $1 week. Alberta car, close to schooL R. W. Cary. 1219 N. W. Bsnk bldg. $700 JlSD UP. ALAMEDA PARK Wonderful loca tions in Alameda lots for. sale cheap. RI'M.TO.1. EniMEI.t. 274 Stark .it. esraiistiiMa 1iHIT"l1l"t" " '" .FOR SALE Business and Income property. Dunaings witn aounie flats and ft rnom cottage, lot 75x100, S. W. corner of Mississippi and Fremont. A. Paulson ROSE CITY PARK excellent building site 50x100. 48th street, between Siskivou and Stanton, all assessments paid, $S25 must sell at once. Tabor 2149. ' ruKi LAjNL bubujban iota tur sale by owner: 50x100. $150; 150 down. $10 per month on balance. Box 48, Moni tor. Or. BEAUTIFUL Tots EASTMORELAND nicely located. $2i'o. terms. R1MMEI.L RUM.ME1.L. 274 Stark st. run ALt, Dy owner, a lot 50x100. a street improvements in and paid for Tabor S044. ROSE CITY PARK SNAP OOxlOO lot: city Improvements paid: $MM. Rl'MM E-I.L ft RUMMELL. 274 Stark st. LOT I.N HOLGATE ADD.. GOOD CHANCE" r'-'it nuiic DLiLuaK; tUK SALE AT COST. AV 89!. OREGONIAN. OWNER will sell lot In Beaumont addl- tlon; sacrifice If sold at once. E 715 Oregonijn ' ROSE CITY PARK Two east front lots will sc.l one or both, cah or terms! Owner. Broadway 5olo. tl DOWN $1 WEEK. Cement walks; Aiberta car. R w Cary. 1219 N. W. Bank bidg. Main 1643! LADD'S ADD. BEST 8 choice h oitvet-ites. Owner East 215$. BY OWNER. Lot 10. block 80. Laurel hurtrt. Price $1600 Main 420 BY OW'.'EK. Alameda Park lota, cheap. E.TSt .VnS, 1 1 to 1 :Su. ROiC CiT r N. E. cur. 41st, TllUmook, $!0Q; next to rorn, r, $0ti. Tabor 6441. O.VU-HAI.F atie s::ap for cajh. ii e2l and Mill sis.; Csll Matn-T-121. ALAMEDA Large odd size corner, 1 blk. to car. 320-10J Owner, forenoons. $Jjo IRVINGTON PARK lot. 5ux!.0 ft. RUMMELL RUaLMELL, 274 Stark at. REAL ESTATE. for Sale Lots. , IRVINGTON DISTRICT. 0 Come Out 8unday to east 16th and Fremont at the Big Sirn. We have only a few lota left at these remarkably low prices. Come out Sunday from 1 P. M. until ft P. M. and make your choice before they are all gone, lnalde lots from $750 to $87.1 with all Imp. paid. $100 down. $10 a month. Corners $1000 to $1300, same terms. JOHNSON-DODBON CO.. m K. W. Bank Blrtg. Main 379T. Jr'or Sale Hous MR. N'EWCOMER. HERE'S AN IRV1.VGTON BARGAIN. If you've been looking at bungalows priced from 6mjo to $7000. we want you to see this home offered for $.a00. The owner first listed this bungalow with um for $K7."0. It's a real snap. 6 rooms and sleeping porch, also glassed -In rear porch, hardwood floors, beautiful fire place, every built-in imaginable. full concrete basement, furnace, garage; no atreet llene to assume. This bungalow will rent for IttO monthly. Let us re peat, for $5800 it'a a snap. Call up at once. COMTE A KOHbSAS. Main 6550. 20S Chamber of Commerce. HAWTHORNE BARGAINS. Five-room modern bungalow on E. SDth St.. bullt-lns. laundry trays, large attic lot 4oxl0 feet. Price only $3840. $1000 cash, bal. easy. Flve-rm. bungalow, near 38th St.. one block from Hawthorne; all the built-ins. furnace, fireplace, 2 rooms finished in at. tic; garage; ftOxUO-toot lot. Price $4300, $1000 cash. BURKHARDT. BUSINESS BUILDERS'. Realtors. 41S Piatt Bldg. Main 7027. 'IRVINGTON COLONIAL. $7800. Charming colonial, heart of Irvlngton; concrete porch, large living room across front, large fireplace and bookcases, lovely dining room, perfect kitchen. breakfast nook, 3 wonderful bedrooms and tiled bath; Gasco furnace; full lot; garage. EAST 410. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. Full lot. paved street, all paid: house 5 good rooms, hardwood floors, fire place, full size basement with cement floor, furnace, attic, garage. A decided bargain at our price. Owner must have $1,100 cash, balance on convenient terms. Price $4500. A. H. BIRRBLL-GILL CO.,' 21" N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 7-room modern house on corner lot, paved streets, house Just painted and In excellent condition; hardwood floors, full cement basement, good furnace, garage, near school. Price $5000; $2000 cash. L. A. MATH1SBN CO., 201 Allsky Building. ' Main 7R21. NEAR DIVISION. VACANT Spotlessly clean, like new. $.1800. Richmond 6-room house, close to car, luu oasement. launary trays, tap. estry paper, unusually good plumbing, streets improved. Purchaser can make own terms, same as rent. COE A. McKENNA CO.. 82 Fourth Street. Main 45: IRVINGTON. A strictly modern pressed brick house, 7 rooms besides den, sewing room, two closets In each bedroom, two baths: the Dasemer.t Is second to none: garage lot 50x100 ft. To repioduce this prop erty would cost $16,000; price $0000, term a R. M. GATE WOOD' ft CO.. 16.H4 4th st ROSE CITY. $5250 SMALL PAYMENT. VERY ATTRACTIVE 5-ROOM BUN GALOW. LONG LIVING ROOM. FIRE PLACE, DUTCH KITCHEN, FURNACE; lU.t;KRLK UKIVEWAY; VERY LIB EHAL TERMS. R. SOMERVILLE. BROADWAY 2478. FOR SALE Five-room plastered house witn attic; good woodshed, gas. lights. gas range, partly furnished, 3 bearing irun irees; lot ouxiuu; cement walks; 4 blocjta to car. Price $1100. $500 cash. uwner win sacrifice, going east, owner. iur. A. Beaton, 215 Feasenden St., St. j onns. SUNNYSIDE. 229 E. 34TH ST. $3300 EASY TERMS. S-BOOM MODERN BUNGALOW TN HAttUENT CONDITION. HARD WOOD FLOORS. SMALL PAYMENT R. SOMERVILLE. BROADWAY 2478 IRVINGTON 6-ROOM HOME $5800. TERMS. ..''ear litn and Stanton sts: hardwood iiourt, urepiace, lull lot and garage, East 419. FOR SALE 8-room modern house with all conveniences, .with 4 lota and garage or i cars; also large trees with berries and shrubbery; will sell individ ual lot or all very reasonably. Inoulr of owner, WS car. 1161 Holgate. corner .ji'tn si. vAt-Aft i o-room modern house, corner lot lOOxliH) with fine lawn, fruit and shrubs. Take Woodstock car to 57ih ave.. go 3 blocks 'east to 5i29 44th st. S. E. Price $3700. easy terms; or big discount for cash. C. P. Morse, owner. r-none wooaiawn week days. $400 CASH. $3300 ATTRACTIVE CORNER BUN GALOW. 5 ROOMS first nnnB FINISHED ON SECOND: ENTRANCE HALL. DUTCH KITCHEN. FURNACE, R. SOMERVILLE. BROADWAY 2478. ROOMS. FIREPLACE not unriBBM 75x100 corner; paved; fruit. Could be made a beautiful home with small ex pense; vernon district: $3fi50, terms R. -W. Cary, 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 1643. FOR SALE by owner. 7-room double con structed house and garage: large bath- mum, uamry ana nrepiace: house can be uaed for two families; kitchenette up stairs: 100 feet to atreet car: price $1000 llHi-'l E. l'.tth st North. Woodlawn ISO SMALL home overlooking river, sur rounded by large fine houses, lots of oerries ana roses, pretty lawn. Improve ments In; near Sellwood park. By owner, home Sundays and evenings. 1-ROOM cottage for sale, built two years ago, very desirable location, Just oppo site the Oaks; take Fulton car to cross roads, north one block, east one block. Oswego local within 100 feet ot house. Main 3878. A VERY good home and a fine location for street car men; near car barns. 4 nice rooms, 2 bedrooms, very well fin lehed. Ivory interior. In order - to make a quick sale I will take $1000, and only $3i)n down. Main 74S7. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. One of the oosiest bungalows in Rose City Park, nicelv located, dogwood grove, choice roses, modern. 5 rooms, haa bullt lns. hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, garage. 552 E. 45th N. East 2871. S-ROOM bungalow, Hawthorne district; almost new; hardwood floors, French doors, old Ivory finish, breakfast nook, fireplace, garage: leaving town; must sell. Owner. Main 5433. Ri-s. Tabor 7127. HAWTHOKNE BUNGALOW BY OWNER. Modern 6-room. fireplace, full cement basementand walks, paved street, small garage; perfect condition, vacant: $3500, terms- 1114 E. Sherman, near 37th. . BEAUTIFUL Woodlawn home, five room and sleeping porch; all modern; fine furnace and garage: $3700-: terms; consider a late model Dodge car or Ford truck. 1360 E. 7th North. WILL sacrifice my little home-In Pe ninsula, with abundance of fruit and berries, close to car and Jefferson high school fnr $1800. This is a bargain and only $20O down. Main 60S3. ALBERTA New 4-room bungalow, Dutch Kitcnen, nuiil-ine; nan block from car; finished In old ivory, full basement and attic; by owner; $3!100. 1062. E. 14th st. N. Woodlawn 4579. r MY BEAUTIFUL 8-room house which I have to sacrifice. It has built-in fea tures in kitchen, also In dining room; nice fireplace, full cement basement. Call Main 7487. 4-RCOM plastered hoube. garage and chick en coop: lot ooxiuo; (1200; $100 down and $15 per month and interest; good reduction for cash BS3t! 41st ave S. E. Owner at 2S16 71st 8. E. Sell. 1231 FOR SALE 5-room bungalow, full sized lot; large rooms; gnoa aiMriet, on car line; fruit and garden; am leaving city, must sell; terma (3500, $1000 cash. Phone Sellwood 1151. 1 WILL sell my 4-room bungalow in Mon tavitla at a big reduction; very nice- In terior, fireplace, full basement. $J4uO, and only $4O0 down. Main WS3. FOR. SALK By owner, Laurelhurst bunga low, California style: located on East Burniride, near Park. Prica 97500. Terms. Call Tabor 5HHt. IRVINGTON SNAP 4.00. S500 cish. bal ance monthly; tf rooms, furnnre. cement basement, near car and school. East 394. Main 878. K30 N. W. Bank bidg. $4000 WEST SIDE; 467 10TH t7, 7 ROOMS. BATH. GAS. ELECTRICITY. 2 FIREPLACES. CEMENT BASE MENT; LOT 50x100. fl6.iH0 4 CHOICE flats. Haw. ave,; nished; about 14 gross; part Owner. Tabor 6104. 2 fur trade. LAURELHURST. New colonial, 6 rooms, garage, Hfire. Owner. Tabor 9452. N'ICE HO-.Vi., Hose City i'ark; line loca tion, near street car: a ood buy Tabor WEST liope Mt. Tabor. ouujirtio ; lot 7."jtK0: fruit trees; inVo. terms. Owner. Marshal1 1J afternoons FOR iiALK by owner, cht-aji, m iiving ton, modern 6-room house, full sized tot, fruit trees and berries. Esit 8 1 95. GOOD 7-room houe on carline: I'.WHl terms; cheaper (or cash, Aut. ttt0-8& Mt Siott. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. 6-ROOM. two-story residence, with 60 by 100-foot lot at No. S21 Shaver, north east corner Haight street: this house has Just bee thoroughly renovated throughout, haa new pipeless furnace, cement basement, new electrlo fixtures and window shades, new roof and gut ters and Just repainted on outside. Room for two or more houses on lot If you wish to build: is situated in pleasant part of good east side residence dis trict: one block from car line. We ar offering It at a real bargain and It will make you a splendid borne and it ready to move right into: price i Terms can be arranged that should suit. Let us show you nice home. AUtomo- oiie service. PARISH. W ATKINS CO.. REALTORS 2.12 Stark at Phona Halts 1641. GET STARTED RIGHT. Go out and see those 8 or 4 room modern little bungalows just completed on acre lots adjoining Irvlngton Park; high-grade steel gray finish In living, dining and bedroom, white enamel in kitchen and bathroom; very beat of soil and In fine condition for garden, berries, small fruits, etc.. which In a short time can be made to pay for the property. Take Alberta car to 80th and Alnsworth. thence two blocks north. See Mr. Naylor, with J. O. El rod Owner, 017 Corbett Bldg. Main 6173. LAtTRELHURST BUNGALOW. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Beautifully new 5-room bunga low with full attic, living room, dining room, hall, cabinet kitchen, two bedrooms and bath all on one floor; hardwood floors, fireplace and all modern bullt-lns. South facing. 50x100 lot. beautiful lawn and shrubbery. House is double constructed throughout and a real garage. Solid cement drive Can be had on terms or a very attrac tive cash price will be made. 1281 East Pine atreet. near 41st. AMONG THE FIRST ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS. $150 down. $28 monthly buys a 4-room rustic cottage, with about 8-10 of an acre of ground, all kinds of native trees and some fruit and berries. It is in a district with a future, and we are quite confident it Is the beet value lor the money on the entire heights. Price $3920 plus bonded street work. Fred of Commerce. . IRVING TON BUNGALOW AT $.VSO0. 6 rma and 2 sleeping porches; entire-., iv modern: h. w. floors, bookcaees. buffet, fireplace, selected fir. full basement, fur nace, trayo. all built-in features: 50x100 lot garage. Will bear Inspection. EX CEPTIONAL VALUE. MARSH A McCABB CO.. REALTORS. 822-3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 3OT3 GREEN HILLS. The quiet and the beautiful outlook of the Hills with the city's conveniences and close to town. English cottage of 6 rooms, modern, large porches, and large wooded lot. Easy terms and moderata price. JOHN BAIN. Owner, 507 Spalding Fldg PIEDMONT ONLY S5O0 DOWN. 6-r. two-story square, excellent condi tion: full basement, furnace, trays; 3 rms. and den down: fireplace, buffet; 3 rma bath up: 50x100 lot; t. Imps In and paid. An exceptionally fine location. ONLY $5.-0. MARSH & McCABB CO.. REALTORS. , 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 3W3. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. J6250. $250. $0250. TERMS. Close-In. walking distance. Just off of the carline, fine 6-room home. 8 bed rooms, beautiful lot. ahrubbery and roses, perfect condition, owaer leaving town and must selL Shown by appoint ment. East 4091. HAWTHORNE 6-room bungalow, up to date, tapestry paper, cream enamel, fire place, everything like new; 50-100 lot, on 30th St.; fruit and baaries: $4250. $400 cash; will take auto as part of first payment: $40 or $60 per month, includ ing interest; must sell at once. Sell wood 458. , A REAL HOME. ADJOINING LAURELHURST. 5 rooms with modern conveniences and built-lns. Full basement, floored attic and garage. GOOD TERMS. See It at 1284 East Davis. THAT VACANT LOT., Whv not turn a burden into Income? We design and build apartments, ga rages, residences, anything: furnish plans and finance. Established 10 years. We offer SECURITY. SERVICE. SAT ISFACTION. L. R. Bailey Co., 924 N. W. Bank bldg. BEST IN ROSE CITY. Splendid modern bungalow on corner lot; not yet complete, but ready in 15 days. Buy now and dictate the finish of your new home. Only $4850. You must come quickly. , XV. H. ROSS. ' 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. LAURELHURST BARGAIN. SEE DELAHUNTY. THB LAURELHURST SPECIALIST. 2 big bargains this week 5 and 6-room bungalows; come out today. Office on the grounds. E. 39th and Gllsan. Call Tabor 3433; evenings East 7738. NEW WESTMORELAND o ROOMS. Very classy, hardwood floors, lovely Dutch kitchen, finished In Ivory, large attic, plenty closets, furnace, fireplace, corner lot, garage, best construction. See It Easy terms. T. O. Bird. Mar. 1022. Se!l. 2706 evenings. IRVINGTON. Six rooms, sunroom and large sleep Ing porch; hardwood floors upstairs and down, good garage; best location, two blocks Broadway car; only $i000. W. H. ROSS. 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. yV ELL-BUILT 5-room nungalow: large rooms oak floors, nrepiace. all outlt-lns now finishing interior work; will paint, also Install furnace to suit buyer: come and Inspect at 1347 East 18th St. (West moreland), one of the beet districts in city; designed and built bv owner. Will be sold at a great bargain. $1350 $300 CASH; 4-room house and complete oainroom; lot -tvxjm, irncea, chicken house: this place vacant now. $1500 $300 cash; 4 rooms and bath; 87x100 lot. fenced: $850. all cash 4-room house, vacant now. Fred W. Spear. 5520 65th St. 8. E. Aut. 619-19, $150 DOWN 5 rooms, plastered, electric llgnts, gas. patent iuubl, sina, oaso- ment, paved street, sewer in ana every thing paid. Small lot but very small price, $1350. House is in fine condition. Splendid neighborhood. Mississippi ave. car. 147 Beech. Marsh. 746. BY OWNER Attractive Dutch colonial house, 6 rooms: all mouern conven iences; nice lawn, fruit .trees, berry bushes and other shrubbery ;a real home. 20 minutes' ride from business district. Locaton. 524 East 10th N.. near Brazee. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Semi-bungalow. 8 rooms, sunroom ana sleeping porch: va cant: 'J .sets piumDing; nrep.ace. rurnace. garage; 200x60 ft.; only $6300, $150) down, balance like rent. Owner, S23 Chamber commerce biag. RICHOND BUNGALOW. $4000. R rooms, furnaee. fireplace near er close In, garage, excellent condition, some terma owner must sett mis week. bell. 2706 evenings: Marshall 1022. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Modern seven-room residence In ex cellent condition, on 12th near Morrison price $7500. terms to responsible par ties, fnone z,aat o-io. BEAUTIFUL MT. TABOR HOME. Every convenience, hot water hea-t 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch, built for own home: verv beet material and work manshlp. Owner. 349 E. 60th i. BTiR RALE A 8-rOOm no UBe In ReU-mnnA Price $1200, $200 down, balance easy'; light part-time job in printing office for wife to reauce aown payment u desired. N 714, Oregonlan. BEAUTIFULLY finished 5-room bungalow, modern in every respect; in east Irving ton; owner compelled to leave city rea son fnr selling; price $3850, terma. 1072 Lambert place. Phone Auto. 313-39. NEAR PENINSULA PARK and block from carline and paved street, 5-room modem bungalow; must leave Portland and will sell for $3J00. $600 cash. 145 E. Stafford. BEAUTIFUL Irvlngton home, large rooms, tlowara, etc Phone owner. East 804U. OWNER give clear title, modern 5-room bungalow, built- ins, furnace, garage; $4150, terms. Call mornings and eve- nings, 1042 E. Carutners st. R. C. CHOICE located modern home. ftx rooms and sleeping porch; immediate possession; for quick sale, $8100, terms. Tabor 2671 6-ROOM modern house with hardwood floors and fireplace, near Peninsula Park; reasonaoie price aim irma; can give pos- session Immediately. ouuiawn 404. MODERN 5-room house, OOxlOQ.; 1 block from carline, corner lot; chicken bouse; taxes all paid, sewer In and part paid. Ca'l Woodlawn lOOfl. 6-KUOM cottage, modern. $:j without or J 40 witn garage. iu a. om st. s. CaiJ BEAUTIFUL, irvingion nome. 8 rooms; 85x100. garage; priced reasonable; fin terms. aSimmerman. main nuoi, &NAP Fine 4-rm. cottage, 2 full lota. blk. , rom car. B ew&er, 849 . 60 in st. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. UNDISPUTED NATIONAL RECORD FOR HOME SELLING. LARGEST HOME SELLER ON THE PACIFIC COAST. 1200 Photographs of Homes for Sale. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE, Realtor. To Buy Your Home, .'AND YOU'LL SAVE MONEY! HOMESEEKERS, we cordially invite you at all times to vi< our great display room and Inspect our UNPARALLELED SHOWING OF over 1200 photographs of homes --wnicn we nave listea witn us ior sale. Everyone personally In spected and appraised by our ex pert appraiser. Every district. Every type of- home, at prices you can afford to pay. IF NEC ESSARY. WE'LL HELP YOU MAKE YOUR DOWN PAYMENT. -Open all day Sunday. Open every evening until 9:00. 25 aaleemen at your service. ONLY $500 DOWN! HAWTHORNE! $3SU0 $500 down! POPULAR HOME DISTRICT! Attractive 5-room HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW on corner; HARDWOOD FIX30RS: solid paneled dining room with bullt-ln buffet, large, very con venient kitchen; paved st. in and paid E. Stephens st. $500 down and rest like RENT! FURNISHED. ALBERTA! $500 Down! Takes it! $2490 READY TO MOVE INTO! Fur i nlshed very comfortably, 4-room cosy Alberta bungalow cottage; REST EASIER THAN RENT! Brown at. PRESCOTT ST.! "THE" ONE! $3890 ONE OF THE BEST BARGAINS IN ALBERTA! Adjoining Ala meda Park; typical 5-room cosy bungalow: contains all conven iences: paneled dining room, etc.; lawn, roses. Terms. $000 DOWN! ALBERTA!! $4190 JUST $500 down! An exceptlon . ally good bargain! For you! Mu sic room, built-in conveniences; full concrete basement with fur nace, garage, trees, ros-s. lawn, paved st.. with liens paid. E. Sth. COME EARLY FOR THIS!! JUST' MAKE AN OFFER! CLOSE TO FRANKLIN HIGH. $1590 SUBSTANTIAL AND cosy 4-room f Mastered bungalow, with sleep ng porch; 4 nice level lots with mixed fruits and berries, conven ient to school and car, gnrage, OWNER WILL TAKE PRAC TICALLY YOUR OWN TERMS! 70th m. PENINSULA! $250 DOWN! $1790 $250 down! New little 4-room artistic PENINSULA BUNGA LOW; full lot; Omaha ave. THIS IS SPLENDID VALUE. OWN YOUR OWN HOME. SEE FRANK L. McOUIRE, To buy your home. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. 3d st.. bet. Wash and Starle. CLOSE-IN BARGAIN 6-r. two-story, good condition: 50x100 lot: Ah near 22d; Improvements In; sacrifice at $2400, $300 DOWN MALLORY. NEAR SKIDMORB. $3100 3-r. eeml-bung. : full cement basement, fruitroom. all newlv painted; 50x100 level lot: lots of fruit, berries, grapes: garage; at. Imps, in and paid. DANDY. MARSH McCABE CO.. REALTORS. 322-3-4 Falling Bldg. Marshal! 30H3. OWNER leaving for east desirous of selling his borne beiow present cost of construc tion: 7 rooms and sleeping porch, hard wood floors, fireplace, furnace, full ce ment basement. Ruud hot water heater, few bullt-lns: modern and In excellent condition; new lighting fixtures; aleo new shrubbery and located 584 E SSth ft N. : price $0700: terms If desired. Phone 314-03 LAURELHURST ENGLISH COLONIAL. ONLY $0300 6 rooms, modern: h. w. floors, full base ment, furnace, trays and bulit-lna; living, dining, library, sun porch and kitchen first floor. 3 bedrms-. with bullt-lns. day light closets, sleeping porch up: double constructed and has fine view; beat buy in Portland. MARSH McCABE CO.. REALTORS. 322-3-4 Falling Bid sc. Marshall 3003, . $500 CASH buys 5-room bungalow on first floor with two rooms finished In attic; haa large entrance hall, good-sized living and din. Ing room, Dutrh kitchen, full basement, new furnace: full lot and on corner; one block to car. $3450. $40 per month. In cluding Interest. Main 10G3. 509 Cham- per or t orn, bldg. $500 DOWN. Will build 5-room bungalow with breakfast nook, fireplace, Dutch kitchen. narowood floors, buffet, cement base ment. laundry trays. On full lot and hard-surface street, near car and schools. .i.t.u; a montn. including interest. Main iw;3. sou Ch. of Com. Bldg. $000 DOWN HA V THORN E ,. 5-r. modern bung.; . Dutch kitchen. 50x loo lot. garage, st. imps; a bargain at c et.-? it r MARSH & McCABE CO.. REALTORS. .122-3-4 Failing Ulrig. Marshall 31X13 BIG SACRIFICE. $4750 IRVINGTON HOME $4750. 6-room modern, beautiful lawn and rruit; owner leaving city, must sell: act quickly if you want this bargain. Main WOODSTOCK Good buy, $550 down rooms, new, noaern, electricity, gas. bath, toilet, cement basement; sidewalks in, paia; iruit, trees, oerries, etc.: diochs car, -ouu; lot ouiiuv. ward, 44iu wooastot-K ave. a. a:. 6-ROOM modern, acre ot ground, well lm proved: fruit, berries, garden, etc.; one block from car; 8,1 E. 39th st. S. ; house and grounds in good condition; can be seen mornings: $7QUP net; terms. $2700 MT TABOR I3IK) 7-room modern house, except base ment: two lots:-, half block to car: fruit ana Derries-; cioee to ecnooi; cut for cash. k. nist st. s. IRVLNGTON CHARMING COLONIAL Near 21st and Knott, original design, cement porch, sun room, all oak floors. Ivory finish, 2 bathrooms, garage. Eas o-t. jmtin o. ALAMEDA WONDERFUL BARGAIN COLONIAL home, center hall, ivory woodwork, oak nuom, viiuuu an"ii, near CQWy. Car. ijarage. ilhsi: a;. main KUiS. 3-ROoM house, piajuered; good attic, toi let, electric light, gas, phone, good gar aen, lots oi Derries,. a corus wood. 2 tons enqueue go witn pia"e: also some fur- nuure. warn. ;4o-i. 2tf7 e. Baldwin s t. C-ROOM house, sleeping porches, sun d; lor; 6 lots, berries, 40 fruit trees, bear ing, lawn, roses, garden in; $50U0. Own er must sell. Automatic 644-14, or AP uo. uregonian. HOUSE PLANS. 'Distinctive Home." Illustrated book or over iuh designs. 11: blueprints. S1U D1STICTIVE HOME COMPANY l-4 Northwestern Bank Bidg. " PIEDMONT. $5000. Eight-room house, tile bath, laundry trays, furnace. 2 blocks to car. 3U5 rornanu oivq. FOR SALE 7-room house. Buv from owner and save commission. $1000 aown. sou per montn an oaiance, priced to sell; we are leaving the city. 268 feast otn, o. a. laoor tonv. BARGAIN BY OWNERi 75 by 100 joining Alameda. Park. 4- room nouse, moaern. Plaice me orrer. Phone wain. t:. a.m at. n. FOR SALE Double flat, 5 rooms and bath each. 406 Ross st., near Broad way bridge; renting A). Price $4500. Phone East 4iny. - BY OWNER Modern nouae. 6 rooms. sleeping porch, hot-water heating sys tem, can oeu z ana a, ooo .. 3otn sL S., Richmond car. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW BARGAIN. $5750, terms, 6 rooms, sleeping porch, garage, oak floors, fireplace. East 394 Main 8078. 0 N. W. Bank bldg. ROSE (.."IT i oungaiow. rurnisnea or un- lurnisnea: 4 rooms, moaern; iruit. flow era, garden; $3150; terms. Immediate possession. ool E. iMn st. N, 7-ROOMS. modern. 100x100 corner; pave ments la ana paia; z diocks trom Irving ton car; leaving city; terms. 554 Pre cott gt. , WEST SIDE, S. W. corner Front and Sher man sts.. 100x106 ft. with 2 houses. Owner. 634 4th st. MODERN 4-room bungalow, paved street, near car, large lot, garage. This week 2 400, term. Owner, 111!) Monta n aa v e. FOR SALE by- owner In Seiiwoodaddl tlon. small Tiouse at very reasonable price and terms. Sellwood 3442. FOR SALE. Modern 7-room house with double ra rags, on corner lot at joj &. jotn st. IRVINGTON 56 and 7-room bungalows. tor sa.e Djr uw iici a.u uuuuer. A. j, Malmquist. 590 East 25th st. N. East 22. DANDY cottage and-lot 249x124, near school, church and carline. E. 5th st. Will sell cheap for cash. ROSE CITY PARK. New 4-room bungalow. 674 E. 67th st. N. Call evenings. A BEAUTIFUL 5-room bungalow in Rose CUv, ai real mo.i inv-c uuue juaia 1734. , NEW HOUSE, 5 room and bath, good basement ; uuu nun war, bu, uign- grade plumoing. lapor owoi, $400 DOWN, balance small payments, buys l line p-rnom ii"'f- ' ciiuniao MODERN 5-room R. C. Dung., vacant: ga- rajre; any oia terma. unner, a-o- i FOR SALE, by owner, it-story, 6-room house on corner, garage, laoor a:q. MODERN bungalow, blocs; from ear. 1803 E idoyt lauor too. 5-ROOM house, close In, small payment down. Auro. joo-oi MODERN 8 room hardwood floors. $7500, terms; owner. F 13, Oregonian, REAL ESTATE. For Sale- Houses. NORMALCY AND THEN SOME. $5500. with reasonable terms: easily worth $7000: owner muat sacrifice to make quick sale: beau tiful English colonial. 100x100 cor ner, adj. Alameda. JUBt at edge of city, near Broadway car: less than two years old. double constructed, modern and beautifully finished; e-lx main . rooms, also sun parlor, breakfast nook, sewing room: ma ple floor. French doors, two fire places, extra large windows, three bedrooms with large closets-, white enamel kitchen, built-lns. full ce ment baaement with furnace; lawn, young fruit and shade trees, ga rage: owner living on premises. Invites inspection bv reliable buyer. Tel. Woodlawn 3657. MR. HOilESEEKER A REAL BARGAIN. 6 large, light rooms, 2 , screened-in sleeping porches and lavatory down; 3 bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch up; nice yard and shade trees, fireplace, furnace, full cement basement, hard surfaced streets In and paid for. one block to car. Easily worth $5-500; spe cially priced $4050. Easy terms. C. H. Woodward. 100 Abington bldg. Main 5033. , Suburban Hqmea, CAPITOL HILL! ONE-FOURTH ACHbl $200 total price. $20 down! $5 per month. On the west side of the river, with no bridges to cross, splendid & acre, 2 hlka to car. all cleared, rich soil, no gaavel; city , water to tract; telephone, - gas, electricity available; 4 blks. to public school; GREAT CLEAN-UP SALE! THIS IS A WONDERFUL OP PORTUNITY! Buy this and build your DREAM HOME. See Charles W. Bor ders, with FRANK L. M'GUIRE. Abington bldg. Main 1068. 3d St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. AT A SACRIFICE FOR SHORT TIME. RESTRICTED RIVER FRONT. SELL OR LEASE. MONEY-MAKER AND BEAUTIFUL HOME. MODERN 11 ROOMS AND 3 BATHS. WITH 1 OR 17 ACRES. 6 ACRES GRAPES. CHERRY AD APPLE ORCHARD. COLONIAL MODERN 7 ROOMS ANT) BATH. K ACRE OR MORE. IMPROVED ACREAGE. ALL THESE S MILES CITY LIMITS. PORTLAND. FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE OWNER, OAK GROVE I-w. SUBURBAN HOMES. Thr,.-nan rters at nn acre. Multno mah atatlon. 6 rooms, modern .. .$4000 One acre, Metzger, 6-room modern house 3200 One acre. Gresham. 6-room modern house 3500 Two acres, Rlsley station, Oregon City car; all cultivated 1500 Four acres, Durham station (near Tualatin I: 5-room modern bun galow f 6506 COE A. McKENNA. 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. BEAUTIFUL TWO-ACRE HOME. Fronting on main road south of Mil waukle with delightful view overlooking river. House of B rooms, fireplace, mod em plumbing, water system. Land all clear and under cultivation; abundance of all kinds of fruit and garden. Chick en houses. Owner leaving city offers this choice property at very close price, $6500. A. H. BIRREIH.-GILL CO.. 216 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 4114. ON CAPITOL highway., at Bertha station, 4 lots. new. nearly finished 5-room mod- nern bungalow, with built-ins. nrepiace, full cement basement, laundry trays, city water, gas. electricity; about one block from S. P. electric depot, postofflce and store: will sell unfinished or will finish to suit buyer. This is a perfect location. Price 08OO finished. Deal with owner. Main 540 IDEAL SUBURBXX HOME. 3 acres and 6-room modern bungalow; gas. water, plumbing, fireplace, garage: a beautiful place, close in on Laurel ave.. near Powell Valley road: only $4000, reasonable terms. See Mr. Grutza, Title & Trust Co. SUBURBAN HOME $1200. Neat. 3-room cottage, combination living and . dining, large 7tdroom, kitchenette, large screened porch; ga rage; lot SOxlOO; terms. 73d ave., near 60th St. Call Auto. 633-15. 6 ACRES at Ryan. Oregon electric, 5 blks. from car and city school, with modern bungalow and small house, city water, gas, garden, the "whole .Including garage and chicken houses. Owner. Phone Mar. shall 32:tl. or X 701, Oregonian. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near carline. from $1S00 up. Inquire 3d house north of Rlsley station, on Oregon City ca rline. 2 ACRES in Gresham; all set in choice fruit and berries. Strictly modern 5-rm. bungalow, completely furnished; garage. $000. ttrm. Tabor 2(t76. MULTNOMAH. $3250 $101)0 cash, balance terms; 5 room modern bungalow, 1 block from station. Main 4253. Airs. Ryan. ONE ACRE Park Rose, all In cultivation and bearing, good bungalow; 1 blk. from Sandy. $4200. terms. Tabor 267. BARGAIN One acre, all fruit and ber ries, chicken house, barn, creek. Owner, Main 4767. For Sale Acreage. ON BEAUTIFUL CLACKAMAS RIVER. 12 acre private park of , fish hatchery or suitable for tourist auto. eating or picnic place ; grounds equal to the Eagle Creek camp on the Columbia highway. Beautiful creek for light and and power: splendid fishing and boating; elegant native trees of maples, alder, cedar, dogwood, fir. etc; in fact a natural park lo cated on paved road on proposed Mount Hood loop: 1 miles from center of Portland. Price only ".WOO. FREYTAG-MEEDS CO., Gladstone. Oregon. Oregon City Car Line. Phone Oregon City 260 J. AURORA PROPERTY FOR SALHl One hundred acres flrat-claes gardon o onion land, located lust south ol Au rora. Or.: few acres clear, balance light bruih and some aood timber: small dwelling and barn on premises and most ly all fenced. This place is aiao excellent for pasture and berrlea. For quick sale above property priced at i per acre, half cash, balance time to suit. G in terest. Also small tract of 6.15 acres with large two-story dwelling, situate almost right in town of Aurora and close to school; all in cultivation, fruit and ber ries: an excellent home place; price $4000. part cash, terms. Appiv to own er. 40s Panama h'dar. Phon? ?.T1n THQ.i IRRIGATED LANDS UNDER WARM SPRING PROJECT. ALFALFA. CORN AND GRAIN. DAIRYING. HOGS AND - POULTRY. VERY LIBERAL TERMS. WRITE OREGON ft WESTERN COL. CO.. ONTARIO. OREGON. SOMETHING GOOD. Want small home in city up to $3500 on a 6-acre tract on Ore. City car, near station: good o-room bungalow; Darn, shed ; fenced and cross-fenced. This property cost $7000 5 years ago; wanting nome win sacriuce ior owu. nes jwi;. at 408 Couch Bldg. or Mar. 8352. JUST EAST OF MILWAUKIE. 5 acres of best black loam soil, 5-room bungalow type of house, family orchard, good well, gas engine and tank, on grav el road. Just off pavement. Price $4200, $1200 cash, balance at 6 per cent. Fred W. German Co.. Realtors, 732 Chamber of Commerce. ROCKWOOD acres, on both sides of mac a dam road : minutes waut irom sta tion. black soli, fine view, right for acre tracts. 6 acres clear, $400 per acre, your terms or exchange lor houses in city. Sellwood 771. WRITE for map of western Washington, showing location, tow price ana easy terma offered to settlers. WEYERHAUSER TIMBER CO.. Tacoma. Wash. FINE 20 acre tract, all under cultivation. 1M miles .irom counnuuse. on gooa roau, at B0 cents on the dollar and some terms. Elmer F. Bennett Co.. realtors. 31S-32X Board of Trade. Main 74"2. 40 ACRES first-growth timber, lots of poles, fine iana, ciose to sawmill ana school, 7 miles from Molalla, $1500. Owner, 409 E. 12th sL N. Phone East 4070. . 50 DOWN $15 PER MONTH. 2y acres fronting on Barr road; part clear; deep, rich soil, free from gravel; 1 1 250. Strong & Co., 606 Cham. Com. 30 ACRES for sale or trade, ?4.i00; will take use a car up io or iraae ior house and lot or acreage. Columbia 7H0 between 5 and 6 P. M. ACRE. NATURAL TREES $10. Payments; beautiful tract; no assess ments; city water: Alberta car. R. W. Cary. 1210 N. W. Bank bldg. K ACRE. NATURAL TREES. New tent. 9x12; Alberta car; no assess ments; why rent? $15 down, $10 month. R. W. Cary, 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. iA ACRES ALBERTA CAR 10. Payments; no assessments. R W. Carv 1219 N, W. .Bank bldg. Main 1643. '50 HALF ACRES near btan.ey station, "city water, no interest. Call me today. Sellwood 1065. 15 ACRES, also house-moving, outfit, 6131 93 d St. o. IflOUU Alien, dl. . ( REAL ESTATE. For taale Acreage. RIVER FRONTAGE NEAR CANBY. 24 acres on river, the soil you have been looking for: 16 acres in crop; 11L acres in logans. H acre rhubarb. 2 acres 'corn, 6 acre grain, 1 acres potatoes: 5 room bungalow, barn, chicken house, garage, 2 cowe, loo cnickena, cream separator and farm Imple ments: this pretty farm Is 'on the Molaila river mile from Pacific highway and town, school. Price $1000. terms. If you want some thing good, here it la. Let us show you this place. MONEY CROP. 4 1-3 acrea Canby garden land In high state of cultivation, with every foot in berriee. 3 acres log ans. 1 1-3 acres strawberries; first crop this year: there are no build ings bus this year's crop will build the house: there is a fine building alte but you will have to take out a few berriee: prospects for fine crop; 5M) feet from paved Pacific highway. Price $2000. terma BARGAIN. The widow owner of this place must sell and has authorized ua to offer her 14 acres of Canby garden land H mile from the paved Pacific highway near Canby at $4700. terms: thie is a rich sandy loam with 8 acres of beaver dam; all In crop; 5 acres In oats; 3 in clover: 2 in vetch and oata for hay: bearing orchard of ap ples, pears cherries, prunes, wal nuts, berries: good 7-room house, hot and cold water, bath, good well, water system with gas en gine and tank: cellar; big barn; hen house; crop all goea with the place; this is a good buy and would suggest you come right out and let us show you this plaoe. FREYT AG-MEEDS CO., Gladstone. Oregon. Oregon City Carline. Phone Oregon City 209 J. COMBINED BUSTNESS AVD FARMING PROPOS-ITION. Best location on Paved Pacific highway between Portland and Salem for gas filling station, tour ist hotel and eating place: 27.3 acres sandy loam soil suitable for berries, asparagus, rhubarb and garden crops; all but 5 acres in cultivation and in crop and that has a grove of native trees; an ideal location for a hotel : there Is a &Hi-foot frontage on the high way; 6-room plastered house, cel lar, barn. chicken house and other buildings; crop and some im plements go with the place : city water and electric lights at the door; H mile to town, station and high school: land could be subdi vided to advantage: this Is a high class proposition: let us show you all the advantages and money -making possibilities of this place. Price $10,500. terms, FREYTAG-MEEDS CO.. Gladstone. Oregon. Oregon City Carline. Phone Oregon City 2t9 J. Homesteads, Relinquishments. X AM LOCATING HOiJ ESTEAD3 from 40 to 160-acre tracts, either Portland or Roseburg district, farming or timber land; am la a position to give you as good, if not better, service than anyone in the state; government map, checked up to date. E. W. Helm, 316 Board of Trade bidg. S COPY govt. ma. pa showing eerern Oregon homestead lands. $1. Our charges are reasonable and our services the beat on locations. References given. M. J. ANDERSON. -531 Railw ay Exch. Bid g., Portland. DANDY homes tea a relinquishments for $300r $400 and $750, on line auto road in highly Improved farming locality neat Grants Pass. 301 Corbett bldg. WANT to meet party with car who would be interested in locating homestead southern Oregon. Phone Main lOTTi. Irrigated Lands. 100 AC R liS first-class unimproved lrriga ble land, J H miles from center of Pasco along main pipe line, $100 per acre. Similar land further from town Is sell ing at $125. C. Andersen, 4H6 loth aU, Portland. Phone Mrshalt 5442. For iSaJe -Farms. IN WILLAMETTE VALLEY. 88 miles from Portland, 1 Vt miles from town of Yamhill and lesa than k mile from electric station and Pact tic high way; 20 acres; halt is rich bottom land; all in cultivation; young family orchard, tine berries and good garden; neat 4 room bungalow, good barn, chicken house and other buildings good well water. If sold this month crop is Included, consisting of 15 acres wheat, balance oats and potatoes: price $5250. Incumb. $1750; cash for equity or might consider modern home in good dtotric Owner, J. CALDERWOOP. YAMHILL. OR. SACRIFICE LAND SALE. 300 acre grain or stock ranch; 340 acres level anr tillable; 20 acrea hill and timber: good black soil; large dredge ditch along one side; new 5-rm. plastered bungalow; big old barn; fenced and cross fenced: 3 miles to good ranroaa town, on good road; 15 miles from Eugene; If taken within a week win sell for $40 per acre: can give Immediate pos session. Terms. ADDRESS OWNER. BOX 564. EUGENE. ORE. 40 ACRE farm: 6-room house and furni ture; house Is insured for $1000; good barn 32x50; chicken house: 45 chickens; cream separator house; No. 700 cream separator; lo cows. pigs, team horses, harness, wacon: all the farm imple ments: located onlv 18 miles east from Interstate bridge at Vancouver. Wash., owing to sickneas owner must move to southern climate and will sell all for $4250. NEIL SMITH. Phone 62S-7S 661 1 Tatrr Rd. YAMHILL COUNTY FARM. 260 acres, good stock or all-purpose farm, 4H miles of town. 100 acres in cultivation, balance timber and pasture, which, when cleared, will make first class grain or prune land, large barn, dwelling house, old; family orchard, well and two springs; price only $60 per acre; one-third cash; will take Portland resi dence property as part paymenL W. E. Kidder. Carlton. Or. 8 ACRES, all in cultivation, in crop; good 7-room house, barn, chicken house; crop goes with place if taken at once. AIm 7 acres in cultivation and crop, adjoining above place. These places can be bought separately or together; jiear Pacific highway. H mile southeast" of Canby, only 24 miles south of Portland, on main line of S. P. Come and see owner. P. C. Rones. Canby, Or. FARM for sale 12 miles west of Portland at Bethany on rock road: 50 acres; good buildings, water works, large orchard, creek, 2 horses, machinery, 2 cows, about 40 pure-bred hogs, 300 hens and pullets, a good crop on 38 acres. Telephone and R. F. D. Price $12,000. half rauh. Lester B. Haley, Hlllsboro, or.. Route 4, box 103. 120 ACRES on Yaquina bay. 4 miles be low Teledo, o miles aDOve Newport, win keep 20 or more cows; grass green year around; two sets of bldgs., enough land cleared to raise plenty of feed for stock. Price j$8000. Will take part trade, time on some at 5. Q. W. Andrews, Toledo, Or. Box 133 , 11 ACRES, partly cleared. fenced, run- ning water ana 4-room nouse, Darn, chicken house, 25 O. A. C. White Leg horn hens, some- fruit, some furniture; $1500, $750 cash; a real bargain. G. A. Baker. Chapman, Or:- FOR SALE 160 acres unimproved bot tom bench, jtfitn some umuer; running water five miles south of Toledo, Lincoln County. Oregon; $SO0; no trade. Clara Tellefson. R. F. D.. No. 2. Box 1. Seattle BARGAIN 140 acres Tillamook county; new SlX-rOOm nuuin, biuho uicfiMie, cv furniture, modern chicken houses and other buildings: R. R. station on prop erty; wonderful scenery; hunting, hsh- jng. Y 702. Oregonian 160-ACRE farm, most all in cultivation. WOrta - per acre. in mno fiu yor acre or trade for city property. Good reason for sacrificing. J. P. McKenna, realtor. 1151 Belmont. at 30th. Tab. 6493. 40-ACRE stock ranch for sale, mortgage on 320 acres oi juuw io run two years; will take $3000 for my equity; will take good used car up to $600. Columbia 760 between 5 and 6 P. M. SOUTHERN OREGON. BETTER LAND FOR LESS MONEY. Best fruit and farm lands in the state. TTV1.IM1TED VIRGIN TIMBER. W rite LAKE A A1KINS. Riddle. Or. 160 REAL SOIL; no waste land; fine creek and spring, buildings; 10 cleared. -100 ettstly ciea-reo; neavy came ieea. county road neighbor; McMinnvllle country; all plow land; $2000. 301 Corbett bldg. g3 ACRES, six miles south of Lebanon. 65 in cultivation, wei icuicii , a, h-juu OUjr, or will trade. Owner. Tabor 630S. IDEAL 6-acre chicken ranch. 25 ml lea from sTOrtianu, on uiiiii-u J w nuc lur city or suburban home. Lall at loo N. iKth or phone Broadway 1564. irrtR SALE 3.'u-acre siorn rancn, i.utio . (MlU It. Ol llliiucii u wv. " . JCiiiftjii- der piling, tie and wood; $5000. H. C. McOraw, Olalla, Or. CHICKE.-s i- ,n A" -" ? - : vnff'rland. realtor. 208 Falling bldg. , LOGGED-OFF lands. $10 acre up; running water, ruuu t onuui, ccoj terms. J- R- Sharpe, S3 Third st. u or 10 ACRES level, timber land, near Beavertun; good rd. J, R. Sharp. 63 Vi SO, REAL F STATE. For Sale -t arms. FIGURE THIS Ou r. 105 acres, 30 acres cultivated. 10 acre lashed. 60 acres very easily cleared. 300 cords wood cut and sold at $5 per cord (this goes with place), 1500 cords to cut; small family orchard, fair house and barn, fenced and crofs-fenced. 9 cows. 5 sows, team mules, 100 chickens, harness and equipment, located on mail and milk route, 2 -miles Reedville. 15 miles Portland. We have the place at the extreme low figure of $14,000. and most anv old terms. Take trade to $5000. Here Is an opportunity to majce a cleaning at the other ffllow's ex pense. See Drake, with Rummell & Rummell, 274 Stark s t . Mnln 67 2M. WASHINGTON COUNTY FARM 160 acres, about 115 to 120 acres clear; balance merchantable timber and good pasture with plenty of running water, about 20 acres bottom with irrigation ditch; rest rolling; good fences: 2-story, 7-room house, fine shape; new barn 70x42 ft.; 70-ton silo and ottter buildings With another 2-story house or- the eal half, so place can be dividvd if desired. On graveled road. 1 H miles to R. R. station, , mile to school; 36 miles from Portland. This place is priced to sell In the very near future and an unusual i bargain at $18,'00 with crop, livestock and equipment; without, $lti.OO0; trm, Olga Timmerman. Banks. Or. Phone 2t Gales Cre ek. i 5 ACRES, level, fenced, clear; good 4-rm. house, near Willsmina; terms; loganberry land. J. R. Sharp. H3H Third st. WANTED RKAL ESTATE. MIDDLE-AGKD widow wu-hwi small houo and lot in suburbs of Portland where she can keep chickens and have a small garden; munt have water connections; has only $00 and not willing to go in rtbt. L 715, Oregonian. WANTED At once, modern bungalow, built-ins, 2 or mure lots, family fruit, paved St., near carline; give description, location, price in first letter. AH "21. Oregonian. WANTED From ow-ner. sufturlmn home sue of lrom one to Ave acres, with or without buildings, close In. Full paUU-'U-lara flist letter. C 711. Oreaonlan. CAR FOR LOT. Have 1917 Olds to trade for vacunt tot lu any good location; value cur at $Vi0. c 723, Orenonlaru WANTED To buy a small house or bun galow: $100 down and $25 por morn h must be in good condition. B 713, Ore gonlan. LOT WANTED, west side union ave.. near Woodlawn school; cash oniy. R 7ol). Ore gonian FROM OWNERS fl or 7-room house, north of college, earn of 14th st.; not over $'000. Main 8052. WHY WORRY? I can sMl or trade anything anywhere. C. W. Millership. 15 4th st. LOT Irvlngton or Alameda, for new Oak land six; take or give difference. M 701, Oregoninn. BEST home IJ.'.hq cash or less will buy. All detail nrst letter. R 708. Orego nian. . HAVE $1000 to pay down on 6 to 12 mrnn house, close in, irom owner, uawy. oi.iw. WANTED Lot 60x100. suitable for a ga rage, dose in on east side. Tabor724Z WANT buy home, 5 or 6 rooms; prefer ML Tabor or fliontavina. aiain WANTED 5 or 6-r. home on Portland Heighta. up to $.oo. a.V re(ronian. Faxins Man ted. WANTED TO BUT A RANCH LARGE ENOUGH TO RAISi THB PRODUCE. CHICKEN'S. ETC., FOR OUR THREE LUNCH ROOMS SERV ING TWO MILLION PEOPLE A YEAR. MUST BE NEAR PORTLAND ON A PAVED HIGHWAY. PREFER THE CO LUM-BIA RIVER SECTION. RANCHES TOO SMALL ARE BE INO OFFERED. MUST BE LARGE PLACE. THB COFFEE CUP CAFETERIA CO., 832 WASHINGTON ST. A. H. JOHNSTON, President. WANT 2 to 10 acres with fruit trees and house; must be on good road, not jar from city and a snap fur cadh. AN 701. Oregonian. . Wanted to Kent Karma. WANTED TO RENT. SMALL PLACES Have several people wan ting to rent acreage or small farms: close to Port land preferred. Some people will buy the place after leasing for ear or more. We make lots of salos this way. Will buy equipment if priced right. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerllnger Building. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. FOR BENT FARMS. I HAVE 2 farms for rent; will consider nothing but cash rent; 1 in 630 acres, practically all high land, 400 acres under plow, fair house, good dairy barn for 100 cowa. Kfveral sheds, close to highway, rent $225 mo. Other is about 400 acre, ho of which is high land, balance overflow pasture, some of which may be planted late, fair house, good dairy barn for 40 cowh. rent .$150 per month. Both of thee farms are within an hour's drive of the center of Portland and you have no personal stock to buy in either in stance. Frank L. Smith, Smit habit e, Scappoose, Oregon. NICE country place 7 miles norh of Van couver, Wash., on Pacific highway; three-room house, partly furnished, bsth, hot and cold water upstairs and down. Good chicken house, every kind of fruit, 80 acres good pasture, garden and early crops planted. For direct iona inquire liberty Taxi Co., 300 Main st., Vancouver, or write box 117, route 5, Vancouver, Wash. 3(1 '-a ACRES, 6 iuiWh from Portland, on 62d st. All paved: 30 acres In crops. Team and farm implements; cow, cnicKen calves; good house and barn. A No. I place, b-d to Sunnyaide read ; 4 block) east to little white housf. TO LEASE TERM YEAKS :tt) TO 40 ACRES TO PARTY OH COMPANY TO PLANT TO LOGAN bie, KR I r.c. CASH OR TERMS. PHONE OWNER. OAK GROVE 1-W. 15 NEAR Vancouver, until December, $U5; also 40 near Ore Ron City, until Nov., 1023. $450; 500 cord a seasoned wood on place, $3.00. Box OS, Astoria. Or. TIMBER LANDS. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A SAW MILL OR TIMBER SEE THE WINS LOW CO.. 41B LUMBERMEN'S BIDG., PORTLAND. OREGON WANTED To buy first, growth cordwood, near railroad. 501 Tioga sL Phone Co lumbia 722. TO EXCHANGB RKAt KSTATK. 4bO-ACRE northwestern Montana wheat farm, very rich soil, value $1-4.000; tak well-improved farm of about same value. Write R- 45, Hotel Repose, 23d and Savier sts., Portland. EXCHANGE Two acres, houas and build ings, lots of fruit, close to Multnomah station, on gravel road, for not less than 100x100 with house. 303 Stock Exchange. Aut. 520-04. $.,500 EQUITY claesy corner residence, close In. small mortgage; want acreage handy" to (car. not far out; wish fair buildings. 303 Stock Exch. Auto. 520-04. CLEAR city residence, lOoxlou, exchange for improved acreage; wish good houae up to $6000. 303 Stock Exchange. Auto. 520-01. . SEATTLE residence 5-r., modern corner, good district; trade for Portland resi dence to $2700. or business up to $1500. 3o3 Stock Exch. Auto. 529-04. FOR SALE or trade, 10 housekeeping rooms on easy terms, or trade for good mortgage. Answer by mall. J. C, 171 West Park st. A GOOD 52 acres, all cultivation ; part river'bottom; near Canby; I want good house and lot, cloe In. D 711. Orego nian. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Finest beach lot at Ne tarts, Tillamook bsy beach, cloae to hotel; for sale cheap or exchange for piano. Apply M. C. KoesterllO 12th st. $10 000"FARM near RiversiderCal., to "ex change for Oregon property. Owner. C 717. Oregonian. WILL exchange my equity of $2700 in 32 room hotel for small house and lot. V 711 . Oregonian. MY EQUITY in 320 acres to trade for a good used car or vacant lot. Call Columbia 769 between 5 and 6 P. M. FOR SALE or trade income property; what have you. Sehome Hotel Apts,. Room H Belllngnam, Wash. 160 ACRES. 25 miles from Bend. Or., on the Fall river; in exchange for good car, no, junk. Call Main 1169. room 3. TO EXCHANGE $1)0 firat mortgage f $16o0 first mortgage for Tabor SnO. WILL trade my equity In a pretty little ount Scott nome tor a a or 4 room houseboat. J 714. Oregonian. $1S00 SELLER'S contract for sh le. trade r discount. Owoor, Tabor a1 04. TO EXCH A f i K H K A I- KSTATE. WILLAMETTE VALLBT. We offer for--changa a good 118-aere stock end grain Jarm In Po.k Co.. Or. Improvements consist of a good 8-room dwelling with hot and cold water ank: 2 barns, machine shed and large ho? bouse. The place formerly had 0 acre In hops but now in grain. All the bal ance of the place in (train but 100 ecr-s of upland pasture with scattering oaks; good roads; school near by; casn eUin-r price. $ per acre Will trade for in come property or will take small Im proved farm up to $17,00(1; baiancs runs tor 20 years. Rural credit loan. BEAM LAND COM PA N T. 133 Lyon St . A!hny. Or RFACH LOTf EXCHANGE FuR PAINT1NU OK BUILDING. Lots are well located at TillamooK Beach, near station and ocean. Address AP 646. urcgouian. WILL UXCHANGK FOR APAKTMENT JiOl'SE LMI ACKEH ALL STOCKED AN1 KWUlPi'ED. Good 6-room houM. large barn and outblUgH. ; fMinily orchard. brri-s. crops all in; everything to so had with; all for Immhi, half cnili; will consider lea on apurttm-nt huu ; well furnished up to J.uuo. STEWART A JOHNSON. SI 5 No-trnv-tr-rn Hank Wdg. I HAVE a $.1000 equity In a west side fur niAhfd ho uai, which t will ciniaer chunking for a rooming huuaa lease; must bo close-In location. MRS. SNOW, BDWT. 44. WHAT HAVE VOU TO TRADE? $.''0U rt-room hungaiow, on paved street, all improvements In and paid lir, h.irdwood dour. ftipUce, .urn., 2 blocks from car and clone tn. 0 n.-r wants farm up to 4" acres, near Port Utnd. up to $Mim. Thin is wortti an in vestigation, t ome and see Mr. HtpuenK. Fred W. ("rfmun Co., Realtors. 7.U Chamber of f "oin mer-v FOR SALK K TLAUt;. IflO acres, o mil-s enst of Mid vale, Idaho, 40 a "res fall whff. 50 acres al falfa, balance jviimfnrr fiM"w, tJ-roorn hourte, Rranaiy. oilier outbutidinrn, fam ily orchard, 2 wells. J'rue $auo0, ty terms. J. O MATHKRY. Ontario, t ir.. Kute 1. SJ0 ACKKS at Kunncy, A Iberia, CsiiNda; jennd bnildinfts, r.' icrm broke, about 245 can be broke, no belter spring wlirsi land In the world ; 75 acres hay land ; price $:hmmi, my equity Is 4.'3.n. 1 ouid like a small place lor my equity suit able for chickens, storked, within 0 miles of Portland. Stanley Dun ha i , Hilichoro. Or.. Route 4. box 18. NEAR l.jiirHhurst. cosy, cheerful home, I rooms, "hardwood floors, two tolls is. ce ment hHMMiient, furnace, laundry, corner lot, W"xl0M, fruit, berries, flowers. rage, one block from S and MT tar Uih-p. Witl take 5 or tf-room houso with one acre oress short distance from city tor part payment, owntr. N 7-"i. Oregon la n. FOR SALE OK TRADE. 4-room hout-i. 2 lots and fruit. 6-room furnished houae, 3 loin, 20 fruit t rets. 6-room furnished house, Seaside, sale or rent. T54 60th Ave. S. E. Auto. 627-0. WANT to trade 111 acrm of Harney countv Irrigation land, unimproved, but haa been irrisated and is now in wild hs ; value $M'tt. Want a light truck or small tractor, will pay win dliierence If worth It. H. Oiiuger, Amity, Or., box 63. STOCK FA It M. STOCK FARM. We have one fully equipped; will accept city property in exchange aud aa&uine. W. H. ROSS. 1100 Northwestern Hank Bldg. TO EXCHANGE MIHCrLL EOJT9. VvTlL-exchanis clear Portland lots or -puss, car for Women's Nat'l. Oil. of Wyoming, r Lower Columbia Oil 4 Gas, V 70.''. Oregon l an. . . WILL take light car and some cash as first payment on a mnfro -rm nun galow 4 blocka from car. 74:h S E Owner 4Ui4 WILL exchanae pain tin, pspernanfing, tinting. D-t of w..rk. for a mull nous and lot Main w213. huMm-ns hours. $l."0NEWPOKT bluff lot for cabinet phonograph. H 7u4. Oregonian WlfX trade out-of-town lot for furniture or car. Phone Main 57h5. FOR J VLK Hore, Vehicles. Mvewlwk. SADDLE pony for sale, one of the rlaM.bnt nt.ddle poni- evr offered In the city; well broke for men. women or children. Cull M-trt:n. Auto 31VI3. SADDLE pony for sale, ounR, weight about 85', good sole. Can be ctn after 5 P. 51. at 210 N. Swenaon St., St. John. 3D YOUNG Hoist el n cow i. sll fratl ot coming fresh soon; $75 per head. Ala Holstein bull. . E. Morgan. Yamhill. r. . FOR SALE 5 cows, 4 freah siira D" ant her 15. Inquire at Stevens hrtel. Wood land Washington Freeman prof hers PASTURE! Ladd Canyon farm. Canyon road, dose In; no busineas Sundnvw VI t ti sl 0. wITIiaVb a couple of good young heavy teams of horas for sale. Apply 20 Or a n d avs. S- . HORSES tor hire; tools for Riadlnft. plow ing, excavating or logging. Main 4185. Vo'nrfard. 327 Front ft. FOR ISA LE nix hors. ra-'(mbie ur. Holman Fuel Co., barn E. 6th sod Ivon nt reeta. mil TEAM BARGAIN. Fine spnn ge.dinga, weight 8300, with ham.-, $ 25; worth m ore K t 4 1 7. WANTED To buy small feeder pin a. Ad dress Kong Loy. ro'ns i. wi o, m- couver. Wash. Phufif 13F3. a i inM Joi-Ht-v. eay milker. 5.7 tft; gentle nd eat-y to handle. 70 Iitaley Hv. SfHwood car. , i Dl AD h'tiaus and cattl taken quit kly. Phone Milwmkie WJ for b-at service. SPOTTED saddle pony, gentle for any one. Woodvard. 327 Front st. SMALL team, work single or double; good harness. Woo.ly.ird. 327 Front. t NICE young gt-ntla dairy tuwi, Juat friu. HH Pow-'ll Valley road. VETERINARIAN. PR. HOWES TAP.OR 6-.M PA TUllE about 0 a-rfs. pUnty of shade. 512 K. 2Mh at. North. rian.m. OHt a n and MnU-l InatrumenU. TWO GRAND pianos, very laltat. atamUnl makes, com new SI3.MI and Mm ai h. our price only $000 and $o.0. terms; you twv more ior a cum hum. uriB-v 1 1 rnkrr.igp Co.. 311 Worcester, n:dg. town c t i tii KVirtNINGLR Piano. Istst mahogany almost' brand new. with b--nch: sell w than half price, terms. 311 orcfatr bldg. . . CLEARING house for pianos st 3U Woeeater bldg. We sure sell them cheap. Terms given. O N E DO i'-KN fine pianos. $ 1 25 t o $ 2" 25 rrh. AU uprights. Standard maJieaa Terms. 3 1 1 Worcester bldg. V EL LING TO N $275. plain m a h o g . n v. best of condition. A snap. 6lberllng Lucas MuslrCo.. 125 Fourth at. weTXingtos. ila k c- a!tni bargain. Te--s given. Seiberllng. I urns Music C 125 l-ourthet. , t.-i j ii if l'l A NO. S2 small plain casn. BWbTling-Lucas Music Co, i-a round at., bet. vsasn inu ir,. STANDARD make pianos, lots of tb-aw al most your own prim v. ..... - .As.terbidrf. STANDARD make pianos, lots of thrtn a - mJt your oii Wnrceal-r blrlg. . if.m- k vv V' ii-r rn.i wit n rt'coro. i .a stvle ior sait .. - p.mn Vain nl. CLE RING . bouse for pianos a Worcester bldg. Wo aure 'H 31 I them KIMBALL piano. $275. oak car bargain Selber.ing-Luca. M Hr thtS US1C CO.. 125 4th St. FOR SAI.K-Mi"' Henlv, with cae. G 7"4, Oregonian. tronihone. Lyon Phone Esat 7:16. ,or fiNE DOZEN fin" pianos. $J2. to I.'j.i each. aii up" v or' -m-i HA RDM A N PIANO, snap. H vuslc Co.. 125 Fourth st Sfiberling-Lucaa SOLID walnut J. E. Fisher, $300; won rivrful tone. 320-16 TRADE VICTROLA for used piano. Good proposition. Main i WILL PAT cash for a good uaed pts.no or player if priceja right. Auto. Ml-2fl SCHIRMER piano $150 Jsriber .ing -Lucas Co r 125 Fourth st. X-l PI AN O for iwle, excellent con anion. Phone c.nsi n.v $;,"35 BUYS j new fcS-nnte player piano briinrt nw. orcstrr nldg. ST tjV-d piano for pot cash. Call M .tn 4424 before 5 P. M. FOR RENT Piano, grnfonoln, late music, E m pin- Transfer. Bdwy. 15.". EXTRA good violin, wort h about S5oo; lake $225. 125 6th sC Main 6217. W A N'TRH SwM-tond piano for cih: consi'ier grann Marsha'l 5700. KIM Ft ALL player-piano. Xiig reduction, St ihcrling-Lucaa Music Co.. 125 4th sr. $3;'.5 I'.UVS new ss-nnte player pinna, brand new. 1 Worcester bidg. F1A..N0 WaUNTKl) casu daai. Jaala