THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1921 is HELP WANTED FEMALE. Wanted Lwmfwdo. WANTED A youn; girl to take care of 4-year-old child, splendid home, every comfort to good girl willing to do the right thinar: a girl that really needs the work. Tabor 577 between 10 and 1- . A. M. . WANTED Refined, responsible girl to help with housework. Modern home, pleasant room and bath. $25 to start ; more when experienced. Phone before roon Main 0172. GIRL for housework. must understand cooking: small family, adults: no wasn tng; good home; good wages. Call morn ings, 5H5 Marshall street. f;iRl. fur h, us work : must understand cooking: small family, adults: no washj ng; gooa nome; goo a wages. au morn ings. 55 Marshall St. OIRL to assist with light housework and help with 2 children : good borne and good wages. Call Earn. 2352 between ii and 2 P. M. . . GIRL to assist with housework and cars of children; no washing, very little cook ing; must be neat. 332 E. 5tith st. Haw thorne car. WANTED Experienccu cook in private family, no other work required. Please tH-phone Mrs Billot Corbet t. Main 4017. loUNG giri or elderly wom:io to assist with light housework and care of chil dren: $23 month. Tabor 4120. WANTED Experienced cook, willing to go to country for summer; reference. 40 Flanders st. Broadway 24i3. WANTED Competent woman for general housework, f amiiy of 4 adult. Call S'llwood 1417. OUUU maid lor general ftousework, med-ium-sied family; no laundry. Marshall 3H.-.4. 1240 Thurman st. Gi HI. for geuernl housework; three in family 734 Main at., near SL Clair. Phone Main fV'70. WANTED iirl for aneral housework no washing. 456 E. 24th. St. N. Take Broadway car. WA NT ED Competent, thoroughly reliable girl or woman lor general nousewora. Main 74.17. . EXPERIENCED irl for cooking and housework: no washing or ironing. Call Bdwy. 2323. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED EMPLOYES OF ALL KINDS ror WILHOIT MINERAL SPRINGS. f Oregon's Finest Health Resort.) This property has been entirely re modeled at great expense and is now ooen under new management. We are building an organization of permanent employes to Keep tms report open me 3 ear around and want the following: Steam engineer, fireman. electrician, bathhouse attendants, including men and women majeure: hotel clerk, house keeper, chambermaids, high-class wait resses, chel, dishwasher. high-grade man experienced in handling general store and commissary, soft drink dis penser, man experienced in bottling and handling of mineral water, stage drivers, dance hall employes. Including Al piano player. An exceptional opportunity will be given to people of proven ability. If your past record will not stand in vestigation do not answer this ad. Applv in person at -04 Morrison st., between the hours of 8 and 11 A. M. nd 2 and A P. M. Thursday, June 2. WILHOIT MINERAL SPRINGS. INC. lll'LTOGHAPH OPERATOR One with general letter work experience. State In writing age, experience .and salary ex pected. R 702. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED young stenographer or secretary to work out complete avia tion school course, attractive offer. o.-W. & I. Airplane Co. Broadway 33 EXPERIENCED stenographer for s and door factory; should understand mUlwork or lumber. A 7 no. Oreeonian. WANTED Young man or woman at once, blood anaemic patient, call ir. Kosen berg. Marshall 1 - COLORED couple for general housework. Must be experienced. Alain t w. AGENT: -Men or women, good proposl- tion. Mr. Shanger, MP Broadway. TtEI.P WANTEr WITIT INVESTMENT, WANTED Business man with executive ability to act as secretary ror aeveiop ment company owning valuable con cessions in Alaska. Position guarantees good salary and exceptional opportun ity ror advancement, sjouu 10 suwhj in vestment required. Fully secured. X 700, O re gontnn. WANTED Somebody to put up a shack on this -s acre suburban tract, occupy same until he has paid $250 at rate of IO monthly, then get deed ; Bull Run water and good car service. Phone Everson. Main 6550. PARTNER WANTED. A live one; young man preferred, noth ing like this on the coast; have 5 states; must have $250 cash. t K. i25, Orego nian. OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS. Going stage run, Packard car, $875 handles. oive phone number. L bvl, Oregon! an. OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS. Going stage run. Packard car, 1375 handles. Give phone number. L 691, Oregonian. SITrATTONS WANTED MALE. EXPERIENCED vuicamzer wishes position in ehop; out of town preferred; would rent or run on snares. Adores ' vul canizer," box 8. W oodstock. CHRISTIAN SCIENTIST with selling and executive aouity : z years experience. Would like connection with Christian Science people. B 6il. Oregonian. PAINTING and caisominlng; prices rea sonable; nrst-ciass work guaranteed. Sellwood 37". EXCAVATING. Grading. Uen. Teaming, etc. H. BAUMER. PHONE EAS T 4313. Al RUSTLER, marrl-H, wants position. Ford delivery or neiper at anything Woodlawn 5231. PAPERlNii. painting. best materials. best workmanship, best prices. East 7S42. YOUNG Japanese boy wants to do gen era! housework in family. Phone Auto 615-69. Japanese Methodist church. HAVE your garden work done by experi enced men; no Job too small; no job too large. Phone Main 9375. Mr. Baldwin. iiA.KlX&R wants lawns, leveling, spad ing, landscaping, etc. Phone Marshall 3f13. Kahlfeld. lul.N'G man wishes work in drug store or confectionery; some experience. U 719. Oregonian. HAULING wanted for 2U-ton truck: cov ered body; by hour or contract. Bdwy. 2127. FOR CONCRETE BRICK AND CEMENT WORK CALL EAST 23t3. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work washing, ironing; 3i cents hour. Aut R21-02. PAIN TING, TIN T 1 N Li. Estimates Furnished. S PR AGUE. Marshall 4288. 1 PAINT small houses; ou pay in weekly payments. Let me figure on yours. Addrens The Painter, 2-0 Lovejoy. HOTEL clerk, handy with tools and heating plants; will take anything. N 710. Oregonian. MARRIED man needs work, tinting, fur niture and piano polishing; first -class work . Mactin. Bdwy. 33 21. LET ME figure your painting and kalso- mining and save money. Call 315-21. Oscar Muller. CEMENT work and garages; reasonable. all Tabor 607. FAINTING, tinting ; prices reasonable, work guaranteed. Tahor 7533. JANITOR Apartment house experience, married. Marshall 5555. CARPENTER work wanted hy day or contract. Mr. Campbell, Marshall 0090. Al CARPENTER, build and remodels ci ty contract. Woodlawn 12tf. uO'H tet milker wants position. K. 713 Oregonian. LANDSCAPE gardeninc and lawn work. East I!1. Mr. Park. KALSOMINING, tinting, house cleaning. any kind work. t Marshall 2675, room 5. COLORED cook or porter. John Jrby, 75 E. 58th st. Tabor 941!). EXPERIENCED Jap cook wishes situation Address 350 Glisan st. S. Harry. WANTED Hauling. 2-ton truck, day or contract. E 71!. Oregonian. PAINTING and tinting, good, clean work. Wdln 3471. HOUSE painting and decorating; .work for less. Main 7S30. good PAINTERS want house painting and tint- ing. Auto. 331-71. WANTED House paint. ng; reasonable rates Phone East 6;8. CARPE-NTER and cabinet work. new or remodeling, on short notice. Tabor 6143. JiiUCKLA YER. Dullrtings. boilers, fire p s. anything in brick work. East 6US2 K A LSOM 1 N ING. Goci hour; you furnish" Phone Ea?t 203 1. Ho USE painted. $5u-$95; rooms tinted, $1 $5. papering. 3."c roll. Woodlawn 6oi4 WANTS D EXCAVATING AND GRAD TELEPHONE WOODLAWN 655. ING. WILL build that bungalow or do your nlterition reasonably. Tabor 25 HQ. A II ANDY man. repair that little Job. cuu long grass1. Woodlawn 5753. PLUMBER, first-class work dune, large or small jnbs. Tabor 1382. . "WANT to take contract to haul cord wood; mart be Inpg jfh. V 722, Oregonian. HOUSE work. paintirg and tinting ; rirH-clas reasons Me. Broad way 4 1 S 2. FOR ALL kinds cement work, day or con tract. Ewt 7?0. HOUSE painting, tinting, refinishing; all guaranteed. A mo. 6 J. 4-43, SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. ESTIMATOR, draftsman, superintendent experienced In general and residence con- struction;. can meet clients, close con- tracts, buy materials and take full charge from estimates to final acceptance; some sales experience, energetic and reliab.e; wants position with contractor, arum- teot or supply house; with or without investment or wilt consider partnership. AM Oregonlan. COMMISSARY MANAGER SEEKS OPEN ING: EXPERIENCED ' IN ALL DE PARTMENTS OK COMMISSARY, HOTEL AND BOARDING HOUSE WORK; COMPETENT BOOKKEEPER AND AUDITOR; COMES WELL. RE COMMENDED. P. O. BOX 3048. PORT LAND. Al MECHANIC wants position 'with reli able auto concern as shop foreman, service man or service manager; fr's experienced with trucks, tractors and stationary engines; will go out of town; good reference. H To'J. Oregonian. BY GARDEN superintendent, expert grower and landscape man; European training; married; private or commer cial. R. H. Ruhr, Rockholm, K. 1, Oswego, Or. DON'T try to get a position till we press ' your suit for 45 cents, while you wait. Joy, toe tailor, 104 4th. near Stark. JOY, THE TAILOR. J 104 FOURTH STREET. GENERAL OFFICE MAN of good address, av ai table for clerical or accounting work, good penman; neat, accurate and painstaking; references. R 723, Ore gonian. MJDDLE-AGED man, veterae of both late 'wars, wishes position as elevator opera tor or janitor; best of reference, service and cnaracter. W 703. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED driver, heavy truck, able to do repairing; references as to honesty and ability. Tabor biSJu. ELECTRICIAN wishes Job In or out of town, all around man. N Til, oregonian. Bookkeepers, Steuogrannera. Office.. TOUNO man with sales ability who has had experience not only In the sales end but also in general office work, desires a position where hard, conscientious and efficient work will open up a future; most of my experience has been along lumber lines, but feel competent to enter into other fields; can handle some stenographic work: ex-service man; best of references. Phone Columbia 365 mornings, or addreca T 313, Oregonian. EXPERT accountant, bookkeeper, general office man, typist, linguist, executive ability, export and Import, well ac quainted locally, first-class references, age 3i, married, open lor permanent position. Auto. 223-46 or O 720, Ore gonian. ACCOUNTANT Thoroughly experienced In accounting and Income tax work; al so experienced credit man desires to lo cate with a good firm. At' present am employed by a certified public account ant firm. 200 Broadway. Main 12U4. BY EXPERIENCED accountant, books audited, small sets kept. Income tax, sys tem installed; references. Alain HV K X P M It fE N t : E D banker. 32 years old. Can start June lo. J. Ivan Wilson, 2io N. Union ave.. Tacoma, Was h. SITUATION wanted by young man as asst. bookkeeper and collector; cash bond. Phone East i25. BoOiiKtilii'tK and typist desires posi tion; can laae aictation. -late, wain. 414S. POSITION us stenographer and general office man; experienced. V 1-0. orego nian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. TRUSTWORTHY young woman with 8 y ear-old daughter ill go to beach for summer as child's nurse or companion; will apsiat with housework and cooking; must be as one of family; $0 per week. A 702. Oregonian. WANTED tJy ioung university woman and teacher, housekeeping in widower's home; neat, musical and competent in handling home and children. S 701, Oregonian. A YOUNG woman of rennement will care for children, day, evenings; nice yard, pleasant surroundings. X .707, ore Eonian. " YOUNG Japanese woman wants position In small family to assist in housework; (can't understand much). AH 703, Ore gonian. LACE AND SiLH. SCUiM AiO MaH QUISETTE CURTAINS none up Uk a Will call, East S518. STENOGRAPHER-BOOKKEEPER. 10 yrs.' experience, seevral lines. Including lum be r r references. Woodlawn 4487. T W o W o M EN with boy h. w a u 1 work in camp, waitresses or dishwashers, or hotel maldy. J 712, Oregonian. HOUSE CLEANING all kinds done by ex perienced women: estimates furnUhed. Woodlawn 2ti.'t. WAN TKD- By young university and teacher, work in dentist's state salary. R 707. Oregonian. woman of tice ; 4 YEARS experience in shipping depart ment, wrapping, packing, marking cases, etc.; good reference. P 710. Oregonian. 15- YE AR-OLD high school gi'rl wants work, not domestic. Route 3, box 720, city. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work; 40 cents per hour. Call 46X E. 4Sth si. North. Tabor ti70. RELIABLE woman wants day work for Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs. Johnson, 2s Beech St. EXPERIENCED P. B. X operator wishes position; can operate comptometer. W 704. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHIC, gen. office work wanted by beginner. Phone Main 7407. TWO GIRLS wish morning work. 7273. Ht A. M. LACE CURTAINS HAND LAUNDERED; 11 years' experience. East61!H?. LADY wanta housecieaning. wasmn. other work; good work guaranteed. Wdln. 63 Pj WILL care for children while parents are away; references. Wdln. 161 1. EXPERIENCED lady wants day work. Call East 361. EXPERIENCED girl wants position in a bindery, woodlawn 414H. RELIABLE woman wants day work; wU 8. do anything. Marshall 3013. Apt. CURTAINS HAND LAUNDERED: LOOK LI K. ENEW. WOODLAWN 3774. COLORED girl w ante day work by the hour. East 5U06. NEAT colored woman, half day, chamber, .tan! tress worn, a oregonian. 15-Y EAR-OLD girl will take care of chil dren. East 1H..3. YOUNG girl wishes light housework. Call 139 Morris at., city. YOUNG woman would like to have wash ing and Ironing by day. Call Wdln. 43. HOUSECLEANING. washing and ironing by hour; rererences. can w dln. 4vo2. WILL cook and serve dinners, luncheons, teas, spienain rer. Manor !.'. WOMAN wants day work Thursday. Bdwy. Ii!-i. room t. LAUNDRY done beautifully at my home. .Main if lo-. WORK wanted Saturday and Monday; good laundress. Woodlawn 3046. WOMAN wants day work. Call East 2248. Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Office. STENOGRAPH ER, experienced In law and as physician s secretary, particularly successful in office management. Mar shall 3735. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and typist wants position ; permanent preferred; best of references. Call Sellwood 3721. STENOGRAPHER, expert clerical and ex ecutive ability, desires position. J 711, Oregon fan. BEGINNER wishes stenographic position. t'lease can r.a.-u 3uu. YOUNG girl wishes position helping about or rice : reason a oie. o. 1 --t t. Dressmakers. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking, dresses and skirts for stout ladies specialty; prices reasonable. 1111 East Taylor st. Phone Tabor 4609. WANTED Plain sewing, work reasonable. 171 X. 17th st. Mrs. Phillips. Broad way 5710. EXPERIENCED dretsmaker, tailoress; references given. Mrs. Honychurch. Broadway 5031. DRE6SM AK1NG, plain sewing. Hazel Skin-, ner, 405 Raleigh bldg. Main 898. LADIES' garments altered and refitted. L Reii bin, tailor, us tfusn sc Lane bldg. GOWNS, suits, coats made to order. Lelah Hutchinson 827 Morgan bldg. FORMER New York City modiste, $3.5$ day to Introduce. Wood! iTi n 4126. DRESSMAKING All 422 Morrison St.. kinds, room 6, reasonable upstairs. PLAIN sewing. 167 11th st. Embroidery, crochet in g.- Phone Marshall 982. TO HELP in sewing. 895 E. 12th St. N. N urnes. PRACTICAL nurse wants maternity case at her home; Al care, board and laun dry; prices reasonable; ref. 934 Kerby st. Phone Woodlawn 436. SWEDISH massage treatments in your own home; ladles only: physicians recommendations. Woodlawn 978 for appointments. WANTED Practical nursing by the day or week: prices reasonable. Main 74S4. WANTED Practical nursing, by day or week. Marshall 2553. TRAINED nurse takes all kinds of cases at reasonable terms. Marshall 349. PRACTICAL nurse wishes case, invalid or elderly. Main 4869. COM PETENT nurse. position. general nursing or Invalid, elderly. Mar. 2SS3. Domestic. GIRL wishes position, general housework or aecond work. Woodlawn 2197. ( SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Domestic. XEW COMER want housework in small family; willing to learn cooking. Wdln. 33; ' tj ..,- I nooseKeepcrg. v ujia., two ennaren, wouia ukc ui . as housekeeper where there are no chii- dren. Call days before 4 P. M. 100 Hal- gey st. , RELIABLE woman wishes housekeeping for men; good home more than high wages; would leave city. V 71tf. Ore go nia n. HOTEL housekeeper wishes position or will manage rooming or apartment house; highest references. East 82. MIDDLE-AGED widow would like house keeping in modern home tor elderly gentleman. Phone East S533. H0u.4etleu.ning. EUREKA HOUSE CLEANING CO.. Floor waxing, window cleaning and vacuum work, etc Phone 626-51. WANTED TO KENT. MEIER & FRANK'S Information and Rental Bureau. Reliable. up-to-date lists of desirable vacant nouse, apartments and flats with definite Information pertaining to each Newcomers to Portland will find this bureau of great value in helping them get prope.-ly and quickly located. Eighth Floor. RENTAL BUREAU. List your houses, flats or apartments with us; quick results and good tenants. PACKING, MOVING. STORAGE LOANS. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. 63 Fourth St., Opp. - Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3713. WILL PAY 6 MONTHS IN ADVANCE. WANTED ABOUT SEPT. 1, 5 -room bungalow or flat. Will pay advance immediately. PHONE BROADWAY 300. , . NEWLY married couple wish to rent 3 or 4-room furnished bungalow, with garage, for summer, taking possession June 15. References furnished. Phone Marshall 55 between 0 and lo. . MARRIED couple desires to rent nicely furnished four or five-room bungalow; not over 440. No objection to distance If near car line. Call Main 513S. WANTED To lease unfurnished 8 or - room modern house, furnace, close in, reasonable rent; care property guaran teed. Tabor 6335. WANTED To rent 5 -room unfurnished bungalow with garage. Rose City Park preferred. Phone Tabor 733 OR U-ROOM suburban home; rent or lease; good references. After 0 call East ttH. room 7. RESPONSIBLE party wan to about a six room house or flat by July 1. Marshall 44 S3. SINGLE man wants room with French family, close In. East 711. YOUNG gentieman wants room in private fajnily. wet side; reasonable; give rate. W 705. Oregonian. YOUNG man working nights, wants room in private family. K 714. Oregonian. Rooms With Board. W aNTEu Room and board for business woman, with little girl 7 years o;d, in quiet, respectable and educated heme; good price paid. SOU King Albert' apt Write or call In person. YOUNG business woman wants board and room in private family with real home privileges. Bdwy. 4'J51 after 8 P. M. CONGENIAL gentlemen and grown son desire room and board, private family E 7t6. Oregonian. GENTLEMAN desires room, 2 meals; pri vate family. State terms. L 71U, Ore- gonian. Housekeeping Rooms. ONE OR TWO rooms for light housekeep ing in the vicinity of East 28th and Couch Sta. Call Woodlawn 18(12. FOR RENT. CLEAN sleeping rooms, sleeping porches, 1 and 2 room apts. C55 Was hington st. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL FRANKLIN. Washington at 13th. Rate by the week $5.50 and up; hot and cold run ning water, hot water heating system, tub and shower baths. HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL. EAST MORRISON ST., AT EAST 6TH. QUIET, DIGNIFIED AND REFINED $1.25 PER DAY, $tt PER WK. AND UP. CONVENIENT ALL-NIGHT GARAGES. ANGELA HOTEL. 625 Washington sr. Large lobby, ' automatic elevator, phone and running water in each room; rooms with or without bath, $5.50 per week up, excellent home-cooked meals next door. HOTEL CONRAD1NE, 22 North 10th St., 2 blocks north of Washington St.; pleas ant rooms and suUes at very reaosnable - rates, by day or week. WASHINGTON HOTEL, 12TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rooms and suites at reason able rate by week or month. TAIT HOTEL, corner llfth and Stark sta. Modern, all outside rooms; rates, without bath $5 to $7 per -week, private bath $0 to $10 per week. HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison st. at 10th $1 day, weekly $5 and up. Free phone and baths, steam heat. LARRABEE HOTEL Nicely furnished, modern rooms, phone and bath; walking disiance; 12.50 to $5 per week. East 849. LARGE room, every convenience; rent reasonable. 846 College St.. between Broadway and Park. Phone Main 3966 ST. PAUL HOTEL 130 Fourth st. Clean, respectable, modern; transient $1 up. Rates to permanent guests, HOTEL GLEN WOOD, tith and Burnside Strictly modern, $1 per day and up; special weekly rates. 25 N. Sixth. A LARGE, pleasant front room with al cove and bath for gentleman only. 430 Hoyt st., op poslte North Bank depot. HOTEL BARK. 112 N. Sixth, 2 blocks of depot. $1 per day, $5 per week and up. NEAT room for one or two gentlemen, close In, business people preferred. 410 Park srL FRONT suite and single rooms, hot water, bath, close in; gentleman preferred. 321 ltn st., cor, ciay. $1 DAY, $2.50 WEEK up; clean, baths free. Hotel Cadillac. 3d, near Jefferson. LOVELY sleeping porch, upstairs, gentle man. $4. Call evenings. 755 Hoyt. FURNISHED ROO-MS FOR RENT. CALL TABOR 3072. NICE clean rooms, peermanent sient. 1294 Grand ave. East 2 Unfurniwhed Rooms. 5 ROOMS, unfurnished, walking distance. $25; 3 months in advance. 476 Vancou ver ave., city. S ROOMS on 3d floor, beautiful location, very reasonable to adults. 631 Hoyt St., cor. 20th. 1 ROOM, suitable for office or aleeplng room. 204 Washington st. FOR RENT J-room unfurnished apL Call Manager, East 3252. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. WELL FURNISHED front room for 1 or 2 gentlemen; use of shower and phone; walking distance. 47 Trinity Palce, apt. 10. Marshall 126. NICELY furnished room for one or two gentlemen ; hot and cold water, bath ; opens on f ron t porch, facing park. 351 West Park. Mar. 4245. WALKING distance, room with running water, beautifully furnished, from $17.50 to $40 per month. Board if desired. Phone Main 5785. NICE, clean front room. MiLabJe fo-r 1 or 2 gentlemen; reasonable; near library Phone Main 5758 before 9 A. M. or after a P. m. 46 NORTH 21st st. East front, running water, private entrance, garage; private family. NICELY furnished room in first-class apt Suitable for voung lady or business cou pie. Phone Marshall 345. DESIRABLE large alcove room, private lavatory, fireplace, walking distance; Nob Hill. 73S Hoyt. Main 2964. LARGE, clean. light, airy room in private residence, suitable for two to four young men; rent very reasonabte. 20-0 .V 2iat. DESIRABLE room, modern brick apt., west side, walking distance, references. Marshall 2402. CLEAN, well-furnls-hed sleeping room, close in, $10 month. 500 Jefferson st., near 14th. Main 623. NICELY furnished front room with every convenience, walking distance. 444 Rod ney ave. Phone East 2630. LAKuE, pleasant room in private family, for ladies; home privileges. 715 East Burnside. WELL FURNISHED front rooms, hot and cold water. 269 H 5th st. NICELY furnished froift room, phone and bath. 330 Weidier st. E. 2283. VERY clean, nicely furnished sleeping room. $3 a week and up bio Glisan st. 269 14TH ST. Choice room, modern con veniences; walking distance. M. 3e93 CLEAN, medium-sized room, walking dis tance. $12 East 3109. ONE NICELY furnished room. Joy. Marshall 2854 710 Love- LARGB room, attractive home, refined family, west side. Mar. 8969. 4tQ Morrison. FOB RENT.. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. STI'DENT w nu Id like refined lady room mate to share room in fine, modern . home located about six blocks from 11 brary. Your share of rent, $14 per mo. Phone Marshall 1S43. NICELY furnished room in refined, mod ern home, walking distance: fine view garage if wanted. 615 Elliott ave., Ladd's addition. East 6737. RKAPTiKn,. airv room, modern home. . walking distance, close to c.r; with or without garage; home for business people East 6041. Rooms With Board. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 23D AND HOYT STS CAMPBELL HOTEL. 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best-known residential bote; on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath. S2.50 a day up; rates by day or month. Meals served to transients. . ONE OF the finest homes in city now converted into exclusive family hotel . catering to families, business men and women; all, home conveniences, home cooking, porches, large grounds, garage, showers, etc Reasonable rates. Call or phone 223 E. 20th st. Phone E. 7384. RESIDENTIAL HOTEL, Large light room with hot and cold water; suitable for 3. Also single rm, steam heat; good board. Close to busi ness center. Rates reasonable, 332 10th st. Corner of Market, Ma:n 6381. NORTONIA HOTEL, Portland's downtown h'gh-class family hotel; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you all the comforts of a home; reasonable rates. JEANNE D'ARC Single or double rooms and dormitory for young worn n; perma nent or transient; meals to transients. Main 3420. 205 14th st. 452 MORRISON, cor. 13th. choice rooms and board; modern conveniences; walk Ing distance. ROOM and board for business girls; all modern conveniences; walking distance; $5 per week Auto 219-74. 12 E. 7th st ROOMS with or without board for 1 or 2 people. Christian Home, 105 E. 12th st. Rooms W ith Board In Private Family. HOME surrounded by lovely trees and grass, offers 'rooms and board; home made bread and pies; walking distance to Multnomah club. Bdwy. 4314. CORNER room suitable for man and wife or one or two men. First class table board-or board without room. Walking distance. U81 Glisan. BEAUTIFUL front room with sleeping porch; two In room; will give breakfast. Easy walking distance. 533 Montgom ery. Marshall 41U3. LARGE front room, clean and well fur nished, 2 good beds, home cooking, ga rage if desired. Apply after 6 P. M., 574 E. Couch st . DO YOU WANT A HOME? Irvington; elegant room, excel tent board, laundry privilege, garage. East 6045. ROOM and board for young men ; good table, home privileges, walking distance. nnd garage. East 15B. NICELY furnished room with board for 1 or 2; home privileges: walking dis tance. 335 Multnomah. East 8589. GOOD home, lots of play ground for your child, $25 a month. 51 Going St., cor. of 13th. Woodlawn 628. CHRISTIAN mother will care for 2 chil dren in her home near Tremont station. Automatic 628-i . LADY will board 1 or 2 children ; good care, nice yard. 403 2d St., cor. Harri son. BEAUTIFUL large room with board in private family, near .Broadway and I rvington carllne. hiast 7.ia. BOARD room and garage, very reasonable K aged business rau 'or use of ma chine a part or time. Automatic ui's-uu. BEST OF HeJME COOKING AND HOME PRIVILEGES AUTO. 312-96. ROOMS with board In private family, close in. .East auua. PRIVATE home ror children; 20 years' ex perience. 7"14 Everett st. Marnhall 2162. BOARD and room very reasonable. 6t9 Unlon ave. N. East 3683. CHILDREN "cared for In private home. Phone Auto. 332-57. WILL care tor children in my home by tne day, weeK or montn. n.ast t4o. CLEAN, comfortable room, ju&t like lome, 2 meals, walking distance. East 8362. Furnished Apartments. THE CAMBRIAN. Strictly first-class 3-room apartment, furnished or uniurnisnen; walKing dis tance. $60 and $70; adults. 433 Colum bia. Marshall IMtMi. DESIRABLE modern apt., 2 rms., kitch enette, bath and phone; all outside win dowa. Phone Marshall 1857. GARFIELD APTS. larue clean rooms, private bath : 361 Falling Phone Wdln. 4662: 1 block west Union. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. 2 and 3-room strictly modern, elevator tile bath. 11th and Montgomery. M. 359 BELKNAPP APARTMENTS. 187 17th St. v 2 and 3 room aptj Main 4697. MORTON APTS. 3-room furn. apt., also basement apt. 6!7 Wash st. Main 108J. ARDMAY TERRACE. 315 12TH ST. Large front 2-rm. apt., kitchen, bath, dressing room; ?55. Marshall 8iS. Ll-CRETIA COURT 1 want to sublet my -rooin furn. apt. for 3 or 4 months. Call Main 7145 or Mar. 1513. ZUMBRO COURT. 2 and 3 -room apts., walking distance. Mar. 184 THE JEFFEUSONIAN. 10th and Jefferson; large outside 2 or 3-room suite; usual conveniences; adults. THE STANFIELD. Modern 2-room apts., light, phone, low rent. Main 7392. heat, CUMBERLAND APARTMENTS. 2 and 3-rm. aipts., walking distance; newly renovated. 3ol West Park st. COLLEGE Three room and sleeping porch : walking distance ; free phone; $47.50; 3d and College. Marsnall 5555. HANTHORX APTS. 4-room furn. front apt.. 3 beds, private balcony. 251 12th st. D1EL APTS., 790 E. Ankny st. One 2-rm., one 3-rm. modern completely furnished apis. ; light, clean, airy. East 1808. THE ALU RET Furnished apt., steam heat, private bath. 640 - Mississippi ave. TO SUBLET, desirable 4-room furnished apt., sleeping porch; piano; brick bldg., 3 months or longer. X 000, Oregonian. CLASSIC APTS., 602 Glisan St., 3-room modern, with bath, $50. Phone Bdwy. 2934, ' TWO-ROOM furnished apartment; mod ern conveniences; $16. Marshall 1920 mornings, evenings after 5. TWO AND three-room apts., working peo ple. $10 per month and upward. 412 N. liith BU WASHINGTON HIGH APTS. 3-room nicely furnished apts, all out side rooms. 575 East Stark. Eat 3182. CLEAN, furnished apartments for rent; free phone, light and water. 412 10th st. 3-ROOM furnished apt., vary light. 383 Williams ave. East 0104. GIRL to share large apt. 251 12th st. Marshall 28. 3-ROOM furniahed apt. 706 Everett. Arcadia Apts. 2-ROOM apartment. 328 Mill, near Broad way. 4-ROOM apt., furnished, Maulden. Sell. 2960 496 DEL -MARCO. EAST 8TH AND COUCH; 3-ROOM MODERN APT., $45. EAST 2312. NEW YORK apartments, furnished, 7th and Belmont. East 238. HERMENIA, 400 Hall st., tor. 10th, 2-room modern apt. Adults. 3-ROOM come. apt., ail outside; children wel 151 Lownsdale at. FURNISHED apartment for rent. Phone Broadway 5S9. TWO FUR. apts., clean, close in; adults. 13 Eajt 7th. East 1929. li V LAN D APTS. $30 per month. 1 room and kitchenette 400 Morrison. FIN E 3-room apartment. Private phone, bath, cheap. Tabor 6065. FURNISHED 2-room apL Guy Gobies. 289 Tenth street. S-ROOM furnished apt. Broadway 1179. 260 N. 20th sL Jefferson apts., front u-room apL, $: per week. 305 'A Jefferson. FURNISHED 3-room apartment, running water, clean. 214 13th st. 3-ROOM furnished apartment, ready June 2- 170 St. Clair st. Marshall 445. VER? clean 2 and 47room apts., private bath, reasonable. East 6003. ELBRIDGE apts.. 274 N. 21st at.. 2-room rurnisneuapm. xu wy.j iuA DENNISON APTS.. 1027 tt Belmont. 3 rms., furnished, phones included. Tabor 546. HANDSOMELY furnished 4-room apt.; large porch; also 2 rooms. 730 Hoyt. PORTNOMAH I room, barawood floors; walking distance; adults. 200 East 13th. 15-DAY STORAGE FREE. Movi ng for less. Phone Bdwy. 244 5. UNION AVE. and Killings worth; $21.50, all complete, concrete buiJlng. JULIANA APTS.. 45 Trinity place. '2 and g-rooro fuimahed apts. m arena 11 983. NEWLY-: RENOVATED 2-room and bath apartment at Fairmont, 286 11th il 2-ROOM apt. to sublet July 1 for 6 weeks; references. AR 710. Oregonian. NICELY furnished apt. Marshall 2S54: 710 Lovejoy. SUNN Y M O N T APTS. Will give summer rates. Tabor 3S80. LADY, alone, will rent to lady employed use of kitchen. East 5735. NICE 3-room with balrony. Bdwy. 117ft. ONE ROOM and kitchenette. Main 2530. FOB RENT. Turn b hed kpartroenta. STELWYN APTS.. HIGH-CLASS. Resident and summer home for tran sient and tourist; handsomest furnished apta in the city; no objection to child under 2 years; 1 to 5 -room apts.. with sleeping porch ; we also have bachelor apts. and service; single rooms and bath for refined gentlemen : references required. Marshall 2H30. 166 SL lair St., corner Washington YOU CAN'T HEAT. THESE APTS. Beautifully furnished 4-room modern apt, J55 a month. Light, airy, immacu lately .clean; all outside rooms with ev erything up-to-date; first-class Janitor service guaranteed; also will have a front 3-room apt. Others ask up to $90 for no better apts. than these; walking distance from business district. THE COLUMBIA, 11th and Columbia. Roomiest. Cleanest, Cheapest. WILL sub-let for 3 or 4 months beautiful 6-rm. Irvington apt., completely fur bished; sun parlor, 2 fireplaces, tapestry wails, ivory finish, lard wood floors, 3 sets of French doors; Gasco furnace, ga rage; close to 2 carlines. Beautiful front and back yards. 415 E. loth at. N. East 007. . KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 18 Vista ave.. near 23d and Washington sis. high-class apartment house: one -.oom beautifully furnished in wicker furnl ture, with good rugs; fine view; outside balcony; must be seen to be appreciated. Call Main 3883. ' BONNIE BRAE APTS. Have 2 vacancies which cun be had at reasonable rate in order to fill up quick ly; 3 rooms, bath, alcove nd sleeping porch, newly caicimined and white en ameled; modern, up-to-date outside rms 514 Hancock. Apply at basemtnt. PORTLAND HEIGHTS residential apts., modern, lawn, trees, 3 rooms, kitchenette and bath; sleeping room has 5 windows, old ivory finish, French doors, hardwood floors, fireplace; clean, like new; parage accommodations. Main 8542. THE AMERICAN. Will rent my very attractive 5-room apartment for June, July and August; Turkish rugs, mahogany furniture and Victrola; within walking distance; rea- sonable. .Broadway 13i'J. $45 13 ST. CLAIR $45. Finest residential district, beautiful 2 rooms and kitchenette, front apt.; light, airy and cool; good piano; Old English china, etc.; all furniture like new. Main 381C. BUENA VISTA APTS.. 434 Harrison St. Strictly modern 2 and 3-room apts., newly papered In tapestry; outside kitchens and tiled bath rooms, $50 and up; adulta Main 1U52. THE JACKSON. 6H iniion Ave., North. Three-room apts., $30 to $40; private bath, steam heat, hot and cold water; phone service, 15 minutes' walk to 5th and Alder. Rose City car. East 2840. TO SUBLET. I am called away; will sublet my nicely furnished 4-room front apt. Tor a months at a sacrifice; in first-class house; ivory enamel. Particulars, call Main 2080. THE D EZ EN DO R F API'S. 208 ltith., near Taylor. Mar. 128. Nicely furnished 5-room apts. for resl dent or transient and tourist; no ob jectlon to children ; walking distance. TO SUB-LEASE 6-room duplex apart ment, completely furnished, walking dis tance, choice location, adults only. K 707, Oregonian. LaCRETTE au 11th., bet. Salmon and Main, very desirable, completely fur nished front corner 3-room apt.; 3-min. walk to Meier & Frank's. Main 831)7. NICE 2-room apt; newly tinted, excellent location; best of car service; light, phone and furnace heat. 554 E. Madi son, cor, of 13th -st. BOZANTA APTS. Nicely furnished 3-room apt. with kitchenette and bath. Mar. 2945, 189 N. 23d st. 4-ROOM furnished apartment, large bath; ground floor, private basement, newly tinted; walking distance; $35 per month; adults only. East 8046. ' THE EVERETT. 644 Everett st., furnished 3-room apt., all outside rooms with or without sleep ing porch. Bdwy. 4490. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. corner 10th and Salmon; 2. 3 and 4-rm, apts.; permanent or tnsient; also sin gle rooms. Main 6641. COMPLETE furnished apt. (2 rooms and sleeping porch ) in high-class residence. Refined, well-behaved children accepted. 1034 Williams ave. TO SUBLET desirable, well and personal ly furnished apt.. 4 large rooms. $75, Piano included, west side. C 718, Orego nian. SUBLET four rooms, completely furnished in west sme apartment House; all light and airy; good view of hula. Piano, etc Phone Main 6868. LILLIAN APT. 2 and 3-rooms, all outside, large mod ern; a minutes irom ji. & t 381 Ota st. Marshall 1378. 2 AND 3-ROOM apartments, clean and airy apartment house; private bath; Nob Hill district. Call Marshall 2996. 149 N. 23d st H1SLOP HALL. 410 Hawthorne Ave., near Grand Ave Beautifully clean, strictly modern 3 room lur. apts., $35 month up. East 8 82 DRICKSTON APTS.. 44S 11 TH ST. MAR. 79. Dandy, clean, light, modern apt.: rent very reasonable. -room SPECIAL Apts. for week only, 3-room, bath, free Dhone: new. clean. S35-S40: adults; walking distance. Page, E, 8th and Burnside. New management. SINGLE looms. 2 and tf-room apts., fur nished; hot and cold water, steam hea: each room; $12 per month up. 409 N 19th st. Phone Bdwy. 1546. THE PARI. Four-room apt., hardwood floors, .fire place, dressing room, eic. ; auuiis, a. Harrison. Marshall 133. SINGLE H. K. room. $15; 3-room apart ment, private bath and phone, $30 Todd apartments, corner E. 12th and Stark. ROSH.LYN APTS. 2 rooms, modern, bath and dressing room. lio .. 2ist st. FURNISHED 3-room apartment, running water, clean, reasonable. -1 i.ttn st. L n furnished Apartments. NICE and clean 4-room apartment, private bath, back and iront porcn, tree pnone and water. 2U; also storeroom, will be for rent June 15; good location for business of any kind; my rents are very reasonable. I2u iveiiy at. TaKe Ful ton car to Flower st. FOR RENT ALVA RADO APTS. 730 EVERETT ST. Elegant 6-room duplex apartment; wfU give lease for l year, $120 per month. See Mr. Ballis. WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO.. Realtors. 85 Fourth St. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 186 Vista ave.. near 23d and Washington: of gn eiss apartment house: one unfurnished four-room apartment with disappearing bed in living room, also bedroom. Ca.. Main 38S3. 3 AND 4-ROOM modern unfurnished apartments, rent reasonable to desirable tenants. Waverly Court, E. 26th and Clinton sts. "MERLIN," Broadway and Grant; choice front 3-room apt., dressing room and bath ; only $40 per month; fine view, also furnished 2-room apt.. $25 per mo. WELLINGTON COURT. 521 Everett. Five rooms and bath, unfurnished: rent Includes telephone THE BRAINTREE. 12TH and COLOMBIA. 4- room apartment $55.00 5- room apartment $60.00 Call Main 815, or Aut. 556-52. KING HILL APTS. Well-arranged 5-room unfurnished ap; will furnish If preferred. 171 King st. Main 5744 LORENZO APTS.. 427 Salmon st. Main 8678. $18. 2-roomed ground- floor, cleanj apt., water, iignt, pnone; aquits. FINE 3-room, bath and dressing room, hardwood floors, newly kalsomlned. East 3782. S-ROOM unfurnished apt.. 5th floor; very desirable; all newly painted. Phone East - 6660. FOR RENT 3 rooms, unfurnished, at the Knickerbocker, 11th and Harrison. Main 1320. WASHINGTON HIGH APTS. 4-room unfurnished apt., all nice out side rooms. 575 E. Stark, East 3182. GARDNER, 13th and E. Ash; very desir able 5 rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, hot water heat, 2 bedroom. ' -East 2871. UNFURNISHED 4-room apt., heat, light new; walking distance, $45. 724 E. Burnside. MODERN 2 and 3-room apts. Rates. 414 4th st. FOR RENT Uniurnished 6-room upper flat. 6012 Marshall st. 4 UNFURNISHED room apt.: heat, lights, new: walking dlt 72 R.irnglde; $'. 5 ROOMS, hardwood floor ana breaarast nook. Call Wdln. 3053. TiiE AMERICAN, muuern 4 and 5-room apartment.- Bdwy. 3300. jjAYTON FAMILY APTS. $70. C02 Flanders. Bdwy S large rooms. 3134. Furnished or Unfurnished Apartments.. JAEGER APTS.. 701 Washington, one fur nished and one unfurnished apt. BE SURE to see light, new and clean apartmentA strictly modern; nice lawn, furnished and one unfurnished. Pries verv reasonable. Call Bdwy. 2071. LEONCB APARTMENTS. 186 N. 22d ST. 3-room apartment, furnished or unfur nished. Marshall 2250. SHEFFIELL APTS 8 and 4 rooms, furnished or fur nished: free phone. Main 2506. Flats. THREE-ROOM basement flat, 14th, and Jefferson. Phone Wdio. 4455. FOR RENT. Mats. FOUR-ROOM flat, furnace, disappearing beds. Dutch kitchen, ga range ami heater. AU large rooms; near Jefferson hlirh. S3D a month. Phone Wdln. :i7tW. FOR RENT Strictiy moaern lower tf room flat to party buying stove con nected for hot water and 4 shades; rent $30. 302 Failing st., cor. Grand ave. MODERN, very desirable upper flat. 5 rooms and porch; fuel furnished, also gas range and heater. 314 San Rafael, near Union, close In. Inquire X'.K Hancock. FIVE room and sleeping porch first floor; all new, clean and modern, close . In; fine for railroad men; adults. Apply 442 Ross st.. cor. Dupont. HOi-LADAY ADDITION, modern 4-roora upper flat, with or without garage, close in. $25. 24 E. Second S.t corner Mult nomah. SiX-RuoM apartment, flat, gas healers, yard, hardwood floors, walking distance. Call forenoon. Main 277b. U-ROOM flat, walking distance, furnace, nice view. 31) ltith st.-at Montgomery, $40. Call June 1. J. Vinney. UPPER flat. 0 rooms and bath; rent $30. Inquire Richardson's grocery store, ot7 Franc es ave. Sell. 20. 4-ROOM sunny upper flat. Inquire 120 N. 23d st. "rent-3-ROOM FLAT. MODERN, $15. Hft MISSISSIPPI AVE. SUNNYSIDE. unfurnished 5-room fiat; $:i. Innuire at 143 East 35th st. Tabor 62Ut. 5- ROOM upfurnished flat, east side, very reasonable. Auto 331-05. mornings. 6- ROOM flat, 54U Powell st., $35 per mo. East liMj. TWo-ROOM bement-tUt, $i per month. 435 Williams. FIVE rooms, gas and bath; flats. $25 per month. 435 Williams ave. MODERN 5-room lower flat. 020 North rup st. Bdwy. 2120. Furnished Flat. CLEAN, modern, cheerful, attractive four rooms, sleeping porch, bath, front bal cony, fine view, private basement space, weat side, walking distance, near Carni val park. Adults; references. 404 Hall, near 13th. Phone Ma. 420 mornings and evenings. . . A WELL-FURNISHED upper flat, 1 block to carllne, walking distance; seen morn- ings and after 5 o'clock; adults only. 542 Belmont St.. cor. of E. 12th. IRVINGTON completely furnished lower 4-room residence flat, for three months beginning June IS, $75 per month. East 3i4ti. forenoon. FURNITURE of 5 -room modern flat for ?ale at a bargain ; close in : rent $21. 335 Cook ave., between Williams and Union. FURNISHED living nu bedroom and kitchen and bath; modern; walking dis tance; $40; adults, employed. 555 Tay lor st. FOR RENT Completely furnished 6-room flat, modern and centrally located ; ref erences required. 185 10th St.. near Y a mhill. $50 6-ROOM, modern. well furnished flat; furnace; west side, close in. 709 Kearney st., or phone Woodlawn 5264. $55 MODERN 6-room. well-furnished flat, furnace, close in. 709 Kerney st. Phon e Wdln. 5264. . 5-R. MOD. FLAT Rent $35; first-class furniture for sale, new piano, velvet ruga etc.. at a bargain. Mar.664 . NICELY furnished 3-room upper flat, light, water and phone; references. 395 E. 2d st. N. . PARTLY furnished 3-rm. flat. 22; private bath and range. 3d floor, 13 E. 28th st. N. Main 9307. 4-ROOM furnished fiat, walking distance, good class furniture. $40. Main 8U2. Bdwy. 2546. . ATTRACTIVE 6 rooms, furnished flat, ref ' erence required. 570 East Salmon, be- tween 13th and 14t h. $ 55; COMPLETELY furnished 5-room flat, modern; furniture for sale; rent $28.50. Inquire 500 Market. CLEAN, attractive 4-room furnished flat, adults only. Phone East 5463. 671 Eas: Ankeny. 557 W. TAYLOR 6-room flat, fully fur nished, piano, $55; evenings. Marshall 3295. FOR KENT 3-room upstairs furnished flat, garage if desired, very reasonable. 1094 E. Harrison st., cor. 37th. , MODERN 4-room furnished flat. Commercial st. Phone 319-01. FURNITURE of 6-room flat for sale. 190 12th st. , NICE cltan, modern 4-room flat on car line; reasonable. Wdln. 3219. FLAT for rent, lurnliure for sale cheap. 621 Overton st. . FURNITURE for sale, flat for rent. 501 Clay Ht. FURNITURE of 5-room flat for sale cheap. Inquire at 761 Savler; rent cheap. $25 FIVE rooms, partly furnished, with garage. 998 Commercial. Call Wdln. 187. Housekeeping Rooms. ONE LARGE, clean, nicely furnished front housekeeping room with hot and cold water, heat, light and phone; also 1 attic apt. with outside porch, very reasonable 161 N. 22d. TWO LARGE rooms, nicely furnished, with kitchenette, gas range, running wa ter, north frontage, priced moderate. 8. W. corner First and Morrison, over drug store. 641 HARRISON, cor. Broadway and Har rison, 2 suites, nicely furnished, steam heat ; must be seen to be appreciated; 5 minutes' walk to Meier & Frank. Main 6115. ONE 2-SUITE housekeeping rooms. 2 sin gle housekeeping rooms in central part of city, light, gas, phone, hot and cold water free, very reasonable. Mar 1322. VERY DESIR All 1..E. CLEAN H. K. ROOMS. SINGLE AND 2-ROOM SUITES. REASONABLE: CLOSE IN. SOS AL PER ST. BDWY. 5031. SINGLE h. k. rooms. $2 50 wk. ; 2-room apts. from $3 50 to $5 50 wk City Hall apts., 247 fc 5th, near Madison. Main 6476. THREE pleasant unfurnished rooms, $35 month, including water, light, phone and heat. Phone East 5407, or call 545 N. Union ave. 4-ROOM unfurnished apt., steam heat, free phone, newly tinted ; DiocK rrotn car lines, 15 minutes from downtown at 27tb and Sandy blvd. S43 Nelson st. LARGE, clean, light rooms and kitchen ette; children welcome; walking distance, 2 blocks from 14th and Montgomery. Auto. 518-13. 501 Harrison. THREE-ROOM unfurnished h. k. apt., also aingle apt., large closets, pantry. Dam and phone: good res. dist. 1109 Haw thorne ave.. between 37th and 3Mh. LOVELY large room with kiu:henette, use of piano, yara ana iiower. : also attic room with housekeeping. 703 Northrup st. Auto. 524-35. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. hot and cold Hotel Stewart, Morrison and water, gas, eieo, nnen. 147 Brdy , between Alder . UNDER - new management, clean, airy rooms, housekeeping. a weeK up; sleeping, $1 a week up. 631 Hood st. N. S. car. . THREE large rooms, furnished for house keeping, grouni noor, -u per montn. East 944. HOUSEKEEPING rooms,, furnished or un furnished. Inquire Miss Biackourn, 214 Panama hldg. ' S-ROOM suite. 2 clothes closets, slfik. pan try, phone, eiec.: suitaDie ror a aauiu. 3uo itn st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, 1 and 2 room apts.; elec. lights, natn, iree pnone. yio 14th St., near Washington. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall Fur nished h. k. rooms, io up. inciuainc hot water, e ectnc lights, laundry room. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, single or double 2.oo a weea ana up. cuci- eve Apts.. 304 E Morrison. NICE H. K. ROOMS, REASONABLE. MOST CENTKALU LUVAir.. -i 5 MORRISON. NICELY furnished front room; hot and COld water; also nouseaeeping rooms. Trinity Place. Bdwy. 17116. 2-ROOM apartment for light housekeep ing, running water; warning aisiance. Broadway 1707. La itoE aingle hous;Keeping rooms, wLh gas; rent very reasonable, ojj tvereu st.. "corner 20th. CLEAN, steam heated housekeeping room. $12 month. 147 13th st, . $5 WEEK UP. completely lurnished h. k suites. The Cadillac. 3d near Jefferson FURNISHED H. K. rooms, $1.75 week, electric lights. 826 ft 1st. VERY desirable h. k. apts. and single rooms, reasonable. 131ft 10th st. NICE rooms and kitchenette, also single rooms, reasonable. 655 Flanders st. 3 LRGE. airv rooms, first floor; nhone: for 3 adults. 3wi 12th. sink FURNISHED housekeeping rooms for rent E v erythlng furnished. 103ft 2d St. H K. APARTMENTS irom d ana up. "l04 Lownsdale st. Phone Main 134. iX50 WEEK UP Single J rooms. 253 ft Washlngt gton, cor. Third. FINE large front h. k. suites, modern, $15 'to $35. 53 N. 18th St. Bdwy. 2HU. LARGE front rooms for man and wife; reasonable. 569 Everett st. 2-ROOM suite, hot and cold water, free phone. 67 N. 20th. Broadway 4123. 2 CLEAN, well furnished housekeeping rooms; reasonable. 46S 10th st. FoR RENT H. K. rowing and kitchenette modern home. 0S4 Thurman st. TWO-ROOM h. k. apartments very cheap; children allowed. 227 Montgomery. TWO CLEAN, desirable rooms, reasonable; close in; garden. Marh:iM 124. Housekeeping room, Goodnough bldg., $16. Inquire room 4off, Mar. 1670. FOUR nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. 105 Monroe st. Woodlawn 022. ONE LIGHT housekeeping room. Hoyt su 745 IOR RENT. Housekeeping Rooms. FU KN I SHED h. k. rooms, 1 room with kftcheuette. hot and cold water; private phone, electric lights, steam heat: fi minutes' walk to town. 21 1 Columbia, near 5th. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Fa mly. 2 VERY nice lurge furnished housekeeping rooms for rent in private home; lovely yard ; ga range, hot and cold water, bath and phone; walking distance. 312 Cherry st. FOUR large rooms, neatly furnished fur H. K., in private family, $2ti; for 2 or S permanent adults, 1 block east of Ana bel station. Mt. Scott car. Auto (".44-33. FOR RENT Two comTortabiy furnished housekeeping rooms with private en trance, including light, gas and phone Marshall S24 VERY pleasant front room suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen, strictly private home; Irvington district. 30 E. tlth st. N. East ltisn. TWO FURNISH ED front housekeeping; rooms, electricity, range, bath, walking dlFt-anre. 211 Sherman st. $18 2d floor, 3-room furn. housekeeping suite; good location ; lawn, roues, steep Ing porch, walking distance. 504 E. tlih. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, private family; new ly tinted ; very reasonable rent. 40 Union ave. North. TWO furnished housekeeping rms. for quiet couple. Rent $31. 115 14th st., corner Taylor.. LARGE h. k. parlor, first floor, steam heated, reasonable, sleeping room. $3.50 a Wfck. 4 15 Columbia. ROOM with sleeping porch and kitchen ette, walking distance, near car; for business people. Eait A041. 3-ROOM large, clean, modern h. k. nuite for 3 or 4 neat people: good residence district. Q7 Gllsnn. Mar. 3'H1. FURNISHED h. k. rooms for employed people: children cared for during day. 3U5 Halsey St., near Union. TWO LARGE front rooms with kitchenette, phone, light, close in. 430 Jeffetson. Main 3712. FU R.N IS HED rooms for man and wife ; no objections to one small child. Sell. FRONT room with alcove and klUhen; all newly furnlhhed. Phone East S53S. R00MS for rent, light housekeeping pri vileges. 427 Clny. THREE desirable furnished h. k. rooms. 2 adults. 555 Yamhill. Main 4415. FOUR furnished rooms. Including modern kitchen: adults only. Tabor 661 S. TWO H. K. furnished rooms. Connected. Adults. 690 E. Burnside. TWO LARGE housekeeping rooms, walk ing distance; reasonable. 372 14th st. TWO LARGE furnished housekeeping rooms, $ 18 per month. Sellwood 1947. THREE pleasant rooms, walking distance, $20 month. Main 3672. Aut. 230-22. SMALL room with single bed; clean, close in. reasonable. 201 W. Park. HOUSEKEEPING rooms 173li X 21st Houses. SUNNYSIDE CAR. On Belmont St., only 10 minuate to west side. 6 rooms and bath, full cement basement. 3 large bedrooms upstairs; you could easily rent rooms here ; nnt $40 monthly. Call Mr. Comte, 51. 6550. evenings. W. 1948. UNFURNISHED or furniched 5-room mod ern bungalow, all city conveniences; chicken house for 300; brooder house, with privilege of buying the chickens or not; 1 acres best garden land, all kinds of berries. 4 blocks from Multnomah sta tion. Call owner, Main 8166. , SELECT modern 8-room house, 2 baths, 2 bedrooms and bath on first floor, ga rage; corner East 52d and Sherman hin. Possession at once to high-class re sponsible tenant. Yearly lease. Mr. Kaste. 600 Henry bldg. Phone Bdwy. 992. VERY FINE suburoan home lor rent at 5.115 East 52d S. E. 9 rooms; modern home including double garage: 1 acre of ground; fruit tree; rent $50 a month. Wak"fieH. Fries & Co., 85 4th St. -ROOM, new. modern residence; garage; in Rose City park. Will give one year's leasa, to adults; $60 per month. Mra Shaver. Call 1153U Belmont st. 5-ROOM bungalow, Sunnyside; furnished; no children; owner reserves one room upstairs. B. F. KELLY, 715 Swetland Bldg. ELK TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. 15 days' storage free. Furniture moving for less Bdwy. 2445 MOVING I'ianos. furniture and long-tLs- tance hauling a specialty. O. sr w. irucK Service Co.. 40 2d st. rnone nawy. du-i 6-ROOM cottage, modern, 835 without or $40 with garage. No. 10 E. 6th st. S. Call McCoy's grocery. 93 Grand ave ONE UNFURNISHED 7-ronm house and garage on 57th ave. and 71st st. a. E. Phone Auto. 613-33. . ki V- k( 11 iM liuust reiinished throughout Sherman st.. west side. Inquire 034 4lh st. Main 01 SO. 6-ROOM house for rent; modern, eas and wood ranee: curtains for sale. 480 Mont gomery st 5-ROOM house to adults only; walking distance. Inquire 112 K. Hth. corner o: Alder. Phone East 57K-' 10-ROOM house suitable for two families, $25 per month. 3U Lownsdale. Main 5 1 92. 8-ROOM houte, hot water heat; fruit trees; price $35. 404 42d ave. S. E. See H. Wpigglcs. with NoonBagCo; FOR RENT 1 2-room beautiful home with large grounds. Main 72'.3. MODERN, 3 to 6-room house. . distance. 701 First st. walking G-ROOM modern west side house. 627 Pettygrove. Inquire $35 PARTIALLY furnished clean, five room modern bungalow. 148 Curry. Furnished Hqukc. WILL sub-let for 3 or 4 months beautiful 6-rm. Irvington apt., completely fur nished; sua parlor. 2 fireplaces, tapestry walls, ivory finish, hardwood floors. 3 sets of French doors; Guaco furnace, ga rage; close to 2 carlines. Beautiful front and back ards. 415 E. 10th st. N East 6"7. , JUNE 15 TO SEPTEMBER 15. Thoroughly modern and completely furnished 6-rooin house In Piedmont, nice lawn and garage; owner going east for three months; $75 per month. BROWN & GRANT, BROADWAY 3222. DUPLEX house. 4 rooms and bath; beau tiful new furnishings, tireplace. hard wood floors, porch and lawn; an attrac tive home for $65. 1200 Cleveland v. Woodlawn 1203. . 6-ROOM house, nicely furnished, large yard; place for machines. June. July and August. $55 per month, or $150 irr advance. No objection to children. 1180 E. 32d st. N. , WELL furnished 6-room house, $57.50; 3 bedrooms, modern; garden already in; near best car service and only 2 blks. Laurelhurst Park. 1002 E. Morrison st. East 5200. FIVE-ROOM furnished house for rent very reasonable to riff ht party; aduitt only. 4033 42d ave. S. E. Mt. Scott car to Ana tel. Can be seen Thursday evening. 7:3Q. RENT with lease, 14-room hoarding house, nearly all furnished. Call be tween 9 and 3. Rent $123. 890 Savler st 6 ROOMS, modern, nicely furnished bunga low; one block from Hawthorne. 245 51st st. Adults only; $60. .Call Rlppey, Main 6220 WILE lease partly furnished modern five room bungalow, with garage; best part of Hawthorne district. 12ttf Mixtcr St., cor. 41st 8 ROOMS on car line, furniahed except linen and bed clothes. M. A. Raymond, Marshall 2300. . IRVINGTON Modern eight-room furnished house for three mon t hs from J une 15 to Sept 15. East 14i0. 10-ROOM furnished house, suitable for large family auuns or uunrutis. East BUM. 5 ROOMS, modern, clean and nicely fur nished ; rent reasonable; adults; refer enenp. 840 Flnq st. S. FOUR-ROOM modern furnished cottage, 311ft E. th st. S.. between Clay and Market, close In. East 5235, $30. HANDSOMELY furnished home in Irving ton for summer months. Garage. . East 40K5. FU UN ISM ED 5-rooin house, close In on east side; piano; to adults. June. July and August. 307 East 7th st. East 74. 6ROOM furnlst led-house with piano; beau tiful lawn, with fine garden; all kinds of fruit. Phone Sell. Jimi for d '-tails. MCE Li furnished 5-room house for rent, take 23d N. street car, come lo Thur- man st. No. FOR RENT Completely furnished o-roora house, furnace, nice vard; no children. Tel. T abor 2040. 5 S7 East 57th st. N . FoR RENT Furnished house, 3 rooms, right for two people. Woodlawn 50111. II 36 Hast 16th X. , 7-ItOOM furnished hoUi-e In Kenton to responsible party. S 722, Orrgonlsn. 6-ROOM house, furniched. 463 Bidwell ave.; j 3 5. Call Sellwood 40. 5-ROOM furnished bungalow for rent. 1231 Francis nenr 42d : rf rences. House for Rent rurniture for ale. LOVELY S-room house for rent, furniture for aale, Inc. piano, draperies, bedding, etc. everything clean and In fine con dition; house rents $"'0. Se this at lie K 20th ftt. South. East 221. 5-ROOM strictly modern bunnalow and ga rage in Rose Cltv Park to responsible party; will leaee; aome furniture for sile 711 E. 57th X. or Auto. 332-04. HOUSE for rent, $21 per month and lease; furniture for sale; four rooms; $100 down, balance $300; easy terms. 454 Sa'- mnn ft 7 ROOMS, all on one floor; furniture for naie, or rent furnished; Income now $125 Pr 'month. Broadway 2224. FURNITURE of classy four-room flat, flat for lent. 407 Jefferson, flat A, $300 cash. FOR KENT. dimmer KnrUi. ' S rRoNGHURST." Will leaae mv p at e on the bluff f the Sandy river, one-half mile north of town of SaniW; rtve-room furnished houie with large lirVp'aie; inurrootn hoUNe, not fur nished: also large icrptng pavilion; big barn. garHK all kinds of fruit; an ::-year-round plate with a magmlUenl view of Mt. Hood and the valley. For particu lar ee STRONG A CO . REALTOR Rut' Ch.i 111 h. r ttf CnmnHT'-f H ig FOR hALE AT Sh.V.-ilr.. Cottage, completely lurtn.-hfd, lot l'Mg KM) ft, fenced, light, water: 4 beds; furni.vhed complete; god large tenement with 3 years' fuel; loll ft. to hard ur face; IV blks. to ocian. Phone Tabor 4 '-'55 FOR RET"i EAR II ART. 5-room houM. $150 seanon; 4-room house $K per month; H-rouin house, $125 season; 5-mom bungalow, toilet, bath, fireplace, $."-0 inont h of June. Otto A llarkaon. 413 Chamber o( Commerce. Main 3.tfi. BAIiVlKW, Til lain 00k Hearh 5-room cot tage, completely furniahed. overlooking bay and oce-n. for ul or rent; $o for J une ;ind J in v. Phone Eel Tw nod '-'J"l MACLEAN'S CAMP, OSWLliO LAKE Summer cottMK-e for rent by month or ieanon. S-e ct ret ;i kr on ground. CANNON BEACH July and Auaust. mod. ern hnuve; 4 bvilroums. two baths; au perb locntlon. M u in 7lP2. CANNON REACH t -1 t houses, coniplei!? furnished; hUo 16x32 house, new. For purticularn L. Wingsrd, 53 Morrison FOR R E N'T at Sraxid'. ni-ly furmlu-l bungalow; piano, bedding and linen. Call Kat 44U FOR SALE Lots 16 und 17. bloik &5. R.ickaway. 200 Concord bldg. SEA VIEW. ah 6-room cot Us rent, furnished. M.iin 113 TWO FURNISH El Park. Wash. rot tatf VI 13 -R ' i. cottage Write ANN. C.i i;...,r.i alk. brrt, t.')!ile. J une, $10. FOR R EN T Seaside, 7-i oun t ot tgc, completely f ;irnlh d. Wood Is wn '.'VU SEASIDE Md overln-ilitng ilern 5 and 0-rtiom cottage ocean Tabor 531. htor'! and llolur4 P la res. FOR RENT Store" 25x100 "with big dis play window, good location lor clothing, hardwate or any other buidncs; will give lra-i reasonable rent. Call at IMP Yamhill. STOREROOM, corner or :ii;;o, fine loca tion (Broadway) lor restaurant, but can be used for other pur posts. Inquire Park hotel. 3:.Q';- Giisuin st. TWO FINE floors. 50100; N. W heal, electric elevator, long lease, right price. Wax. 24 No 5. Bd. 2739. FOR DESIRABLE space In fireproof Ware house phone Bro ad w ay 371 5. CORNER store. Stark st. 354 First st. fcpply 25 J VACANT lot. fuitable for storage. Jefferson near Second 2.2 Stark st. SM A LL store room with rooms in rear 326 First st. SToREUOOM, East 5371 PLACE lor rent 230 Burnside st. Office. FOR RENT Three rooms with waiting room, ideal for physician or dentist, or both; In heart of Rose City Park, lo cated at 1391 'j Sandy blvd., between 5oth and 5Jst sts. Inquire at 1389 Sandy Mvd . or rail IMwy. Mi'.rj FoR RENT iluriiiK Rose Show week, front shop on Broadway; gootl location for holiday trade. Write, stating business. N 715, Oregonian. FIION'T office lnAllsky bulldliift. 3d anl Morrison. Applv Portland Trust com pa n y. tith an d Morri son stt. Main 1 1 : 4 . SUITE of louinw, ery line location for a dentist. Corner 39th and lielinont st. Call Mrs. Shaver, 11 53 'i; Helinont st. FURNISHED olnce with teltphone serv ice; will rent all or part. 511 or 514 PitlocK block. I FRONT offices modern. In Km Mway Ex- ha nge bMg. Appiy room .ti-' DESK room, with telephone and steno graphic service. Phone Bdwy. 3715. Ill SINKS OPPORTUNITIES. CONFECTIONERY In busy part of down town buMiieM district; good business, stock and fixture; will invoice alinoxt price asked; now clearing about 42tMl month above all expenses. $05O handles. 311 Panama bldg. Third and Alder. FOR SALE The best located and fur nished restaurant and lunch counter In Baker, five-year lease, owners leaving city. $1500 cash, balance like rent ; must be sold before June 1. Address Elk horn Grill. Baker, Or., Jay N. Robb. SPECIAL. Confectionery. almost a giveaway, f 1050. Fountain alone cost that mum. Floor cas's, cash reciter, root beer bsr rel, sto. k and all goes for $1050. Bar rand Realty 'o.. 349 Salmon. R EST A I' R A NT, WEST SIDE ONLY WOO. If you want a REAL BUY on th wmi side In a real restaurant, call and see ui. A NTH O R I N V ES T M K N T CO , 405 Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder Sts WANTED To K"t in touch with pari who can buy out partner and take car buslnef end of one of ths best candy factories in the rountr . Writ lor Interview; glv phone. O 71s, Ore Ronlan G(ol black -mi ill buMum. lit gtn-d coun try town, fine plHce for auto rpair ork: have good homo and 7 lots. Sell one or hot h. Selling on account of being crip pled. For full particulars. Addreas P. O. box 416,. Burton, Or . A PARTNER WANTED. Wood and cosl business; nerd help of steady man; must be willing to wnrk. $soy require!. Owner claims each part ner can clear $200 month. Call room 4'i1 Dekum bldg JUST THE PLACE FOR MAN AND WIPE. . Grocery and coniert inner y. 8 living rooms, rent $20, lease; all for $Mt5n. See John Brown Co., Realtor, ;;J2 Rail way Exchnnne b'dg. PARTNER WANTED. With $250 cash: will make you 150 first month and $no after first montn for one ear. Do ou want to make smite inonej ? Let's no. E 724, Ore ifonian. ELVVOOD RESTAURANT FOR SALE Dunsmulr. Built new last fall at cost of $ll.Uoo. Best time of year ei bu v ; summer business Just bgi 1111 Ins ; get in tu-h with owner. Address AV, 704. Oregon inn WOODYARD This business has more or ders on hand than present owner cm n handle alone; ndi good partner with $2250. Call Investment dept.. Umbden stock A Larson Co , 210 Oregon bldg. CASH nndcarry rrocery. will Invoice, hrst down to wn location, good clean slock, about $lson. M. F. THOMPSON ge CO., 419 Railway Exrh. Bldg. W A NTKD A f lift-class, all-around baker ns a partner in the bakery and confec tionery business Good pastry town, cheap rent. Call East otklo or write apartment C, 3ns Slanton st.. city. A GARAGE PARTNERSHIP. Reliable man can buy etjual half In terest In thi profitable business; will show you; only $23ho and references re o. ul red. no"m 5 1 1 Rail way Kx'-hang'1 HAVE permanent city hauling cnnlrai t with new 24-ton trucks, now open; thU Job Is good years to come; steady 4 Jav a week with guaranteed Income. See truck mamig'T. 4:t0 Burn-He CAU'IMoN. PU ERS Berore closing a Jal of so-called Interest In established rI estate business, get advice of Port laud Realty Board. 421 Ortnoa bldg. Phone Broadway 1U02. DANDY grocery, taking $100 a d. Sun nytttde district. $3ooii; must he cash; rent $50 month. Borland At Parsons, t' .Stock Kx-hange. Auto. 5211-04. SALESMAN with $loo0 to $1500 witU services for local mfg. business, well established line. 3(3 Stock Exchange. Aut. 520-04. CUJAR STAND, rent only $15. Goi-S proposition in connection to stand. Suit able for lady. Call early. Ransom, 4vt 410 Couch nlrig. A DANDY CASH GROCERY at Invoice ; pays big; try it if not as represented, no sale; no delivery. Room 511 Railway Exchange bldg. $1200 BUYS grocery and confectionery, near school and picture show; three liv . Ing rooms. Bushue, Grocery Specialist 51S Chamber of Commerce. PARTNER for auto repair shop whwe there is plenty of business and all cart be kept busy; well w or I h your Invest gatlnn. J. O. Gray Co.. 71S pekurn hldg. $1 4oO LIGHT grocery. tonfetionery, lunch, rent only $25. West side. M ut be sold at once because of Dine, Ca t for Random 4O0-410 Couch bldg. A CASH BUSINESS. Fell butter, fgtt. buttermlik. tc. Gno-i route. $60 week clear profit. $500) handles H Room 4'H pelc 11m bldg MFG. BUSINESS, esta b"led ; nr Interested h"!p as partner to enlarge the business ; $ 1000 and services required ; fcecured. Roorn51 1 RallwayF.chang GROCERY with living moms, doing a big business ; nicely located, good class "f trade About $150o. J. O. Gray Co., 71S Dekum bldg HAVE suburban u imI deiivt rv tru a n"r ooen with guaranteed Income; frtnO will handle. See truck manag r, 430 Burn- ' A FIRST-CLASS b.ker wants a partner to h!p buy one of the bt suburban ak eries In cltv. $7"0 required. J. o. Gia Co., 7i iirkum bide FOR SALE Grocery store in Wail Wall, doing about $.VMino a yeir; located in German community. Write John Hil!. Wnlla Walla. Wash FOR SA I.E M '-at market! ! st Mihui -.tit location in Vitirourr; good lea-; direct with uuer. W 710, Oitgonian, t 1 ROOMS. $3.50 week up. 4