21 TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, MAY 2T, 1921 LONDDNBUYERSWLL REJECT DIRTY HOPS Growers Must Pick Cleaner Than Last Harvest. WARNING SENT TO COAST English Association Calls Attention to 'Disgraceful Manner' In Which Recent Deliveries Were Made. The London Hop Merchants' association has gone on record as to its opinion of the quality of the 1920 hops shipped from the Pacific coast and announce very plainly what will happen if the coast growers attempt to deliver the saJne kind of roods on contract in the comins; season, Warning Is given that dirty picked hops will be rejected If tendered. I. Tophara Richardson, chairman of the Hop Merchants' association, writes to Th Oregonian from London: A chairman of our hop merchants' association I am desired to hand yon copy of a resolution passed at a recent meet ing of the association to which prac tically all the merchants have appended their signatures. I can only hope that such a strongly representative opinion will have the effect of inducing more care to be exercised in the gathoring of the 1921 crop of hops." , The resolution adopted at the London meeting follows: - "This meeting of the Hop Merchants association desires to record Its dissatis faction at the disgraceful manner in which the Pacific coast hops were delivered un der contract this season, the percentage of leaf and atrigs heing quite abnormal, evi dently owing to gross neglect In super intendence of picking and thus Invalidating the contract conditions which stipulate for clean picking and unanimously pro claims Its Intention to decline to accept rfaTiurUa under contract next season if the conditions referred to are not honestly 'arihrf4l to." The, following English hop firms signed the resolution: Hugh Baird A Sons, Ltd.; Bakers, Wal ton A Morgan, J. T. Best Sons, Charles Bevan, Biddell Broa, W. Brooks A Son, J. -w. Buckland & Son, G. Gascoyne Co., a Horsley & Co., E. Clements Horst & Co.. G. W. Hall & Co., Matthews Aldous A Co., Louie May. A. Morris A Co., Pike Sons A Co.. Strauss A Co., Thomas A Tyler. J. H. Thornberry & Sons, E. Webb ft Sons, Wigan, Richardson ft Co., A. Wol ton ft Sons, Wood, Hanbury, Rhodes ft Jackson. Woolloton & Son. WHEAT BIDS ARE CI T 4 TO 5 CENTS Market Is Weakened In Big Slump al Chicago. The break in the eastern wheat market was not unexpected by dealers here who lowered their bids In the country 4 to S cents a bushel. Farmers did not re spond readily to the decline and but little business- was reported at any point. At the Merchants' Exchange session the only bids made were on hard white, white club and soft white. These were 4 to 5 cents lower for May and 8 to T cents lower for the June delivery. Corn offers were reduced 50cfi$l.SO. Oats were unchanged. Because of small stocks of millrun on hand and the active demand, mill prices were raised $1 a ton. Le Count's report on crop conditions said: "Wheat In the territory around Mex ico, Mo, is below average. Lots of good promising fields; much is sickly and small with thin stand; wheat badly affected with red rust; Hessian fly in all fields and some damage will result aa crop has been con siderably reduced; still there Is no calamity in sight. Oats fairly promising but need Tain. Very hot." Minneapolis millers announced advances of 15 to 20 cents on flour, 10 to 20 cents on rye flour and $1 on dairy feed, mixed feed and middlings. Terminal receipts, in cars, were reported ly the Merchants' Exchange aa follows: Portland Wht. Brly. Fir. Oats. Hay. Thursday . - ... . : Year ago . . . . ' -o Season to date J (.J; Year ago .... S,4ol Teeoma Wednesday .. 12 Tear ago .... 5 Season to date 4.6T Year ago 7,033 Seattle Wednewlay .. 12 ... Year ago .... 81 ... Reason to date 4.514 215 Year ago 8.228 247 EGGS FIRM, WITH LIGHT RECEIPTS Ont-of-Town Orders Are Being; Cora . pleted Butter In Demand. Eggs were firm, with most of the buy ers offering 17 cents to country ship pers. Resales were made on the street at 18 cents. The completion of out-of-town orders, together with decreased re ceipts, was responsible for the strength of the market. Cube butter continued firm at the 26 cent basis for extras, with further de mand from the south. City print trade was reported good. Poultry receipts are steadily Increasing and the market is becoming weaker.. Light hens sold yesterday as low as 18 cents. The trade in country dressed meats is still unsatisfactory. hard wheat, t 25; bakers' bluestem pat ents. $7.75; valley bakers' 17.25; straights. 7.25. MILLFEED Prices f. o. b. mill: Mill run, $32 per ton; rolled barley, $38640; rolled oats. $41; scratch feed, $r2 per ton. CORN Whole, J41; cracked. $44 per ton. HAY Buying prices f. o. b. Portland: Alfalfa, $ IS 6 18.50 per ton; cheat, $226 23 per ton; clover. $1U; valley timothy, $24 &25; eastern Oregon timothy, $26. Dairy and Country Produce, BUTTER Cubes, extras. 20c lb; prints, parchment wrapped, box lots, 30c; cartons, 31c Buttertat. buying price: A grade, 25c; B grade. 23c Portland delivery. EGGS Buying prices, case count, I7C delivered. Jobbing prices to retailers: Candled ranch. 21t22c; selects, 24c CHEESE- Tillamook triplets, price te Jobbers f. o. b. Tillamook, 19c; Young Americas, 20c pound. POULTRY Hens, 1826c pound; ducks, nominal; geese, nominal; turkeys, nom inal. PORK Fancy, 13e per pound. VEAL Fancy. 13 13 ',4 c per pound. Fruits and Vegetables. FRUITS Navel oranges. $3.3705.75 per box; lemons. $4 5.25; grapefruit, $30 9.50 per box: bananas, 8ttj10c pound: apples, $1.50(3 box; strawberries, $3.50 ttl crate; cherries, 230 Sue pound; can taloupes, $15 crate; peaches. 3.50 box. VEGETABLES Cabbage, ShiVBc pound: lettuce, $3.75 per crate; . carrots. $1.60 per sack; garlic 20c per pound; beets. $1.50 per sack; green peppers, 3040c per pound; rhubarb, 4arc pouna; spinaca. 6V47c per pound; turnips, J1.506 3 per sack; tomatoes, $4.50 per lug; cucumbers. I1.751r2.75 per dozen; peas, hdiic per pound; asparagus, $2 per dozen; Deans, 17 9 18c POTATOES Oregon. $l.Z5ni.ou per iui pounds; Yakima. $1.501.75; new Califor nia, 5c per pound; sweet potatoes,. $3.75 per crate. ureffon, loctrn per sac; new crop. White Bermudas, $2 per crate. Staple Groceries. Local jobbing quotations: SUGAR (sack basis) Cane granulated. 7.85c per pound: beet, 7.65c per pound. NUTS Walnuts, 30030c pouna: Brazil nuts, 30c; filberts, 12c; almonds, 2430c; peanuts, 86llc per pound; cocoanuts, $1.(0 per dozen. RICE Blue Rose, 6c per pouna; japan style. 4 3ic per pound. BEANS Small white, 44c; pina, fc; lima, 8c; red, 8c per pound. COFFEE Roasted, bulk, in drums, no 36c per pound. SALT Granulated. Bale. S3.40fr.za: half ground, ton. 50s, $19.75; 100s, $1U.2j; lump rock. $26.50. DRIED FRUITS Italian prunes, Vic pound: date. $1. 25 g 6.85 per box; figs, $2 05.25 per box. Hides, Hop. Etc. TALLOW No. 1, 3VS4c; No. 2, 2V43c ner DouDd. CASCARA BARK 1920 peel. 7c pound; 1921 peel, 6c pound, delivered portlana. HOPS 11)20 crop, best. 20c per pound. HIDES Salted country hides. 4c deliv ered Portland; grubby hides, Sc; city calt skins, 12c; country calt skins, 10c; good kip. 6c; grubby kip. 4c. WOOL New clip 104? 18c per pound. MOHAIR New cnp, 16c per pound, de livered Portland. CHAIN BAGS 8SHc at country points. Provisions. HAMS All sizes, S036c; skinned, 31 36e; picnic, 18c; cottage roll, 28c BACON Fancy. 43 53c; choice. 30(9 35c; standard, 25 ? 27c LARD Pure, tierces, 16c pound; com pound, tierces, 11c DRY SALT Backs. 20 23c; plates. 16c INCREASE rX BCRIjIXGTOX DIVIDEND IS FACTOR. Probable- Success of French Gov ernment Loan Adds to Firm ness of Liberty Bonds. NEW YORK. May 26 Stock trading to day was of an uncertain character. Fur ther short covering was prompted by the approaching holidays and favorable rail road earnings. Other encouraging factors Included an increase in the Chicago. Burlington & Qulncy dividend, with resultant benefits to the Hill roads; the probable success of the new French government loan and In dications that the administration had In stituted measures to stabilize the Inter national financial situation. Apart from several of the more repre sentative stocks, however, the list showed little evidence of outside support. Rails, oils, steels, equipments, shippings and coppers again encompassed much of the day's operations at extreme gains of 1 to 3 points. Chief elements of weakness were the rubber and tire Issues, as well as food specialties and several unclassified stocks whose dividend records were believed to be errdangered. Sales amounted to 565.000 shares. Further withdrawals to meet federal de mands and June Interest and dividend payments forced call money from Its open ing rate of 7 to 7 per cent in the final hour. . Bank demand acceptances rose to 7 per cent, but time rates and commer cial paper were unchanged. Rates on London continued to react; there was another sharp break In Dutcn remittances, and French, Belgian ana Spanish bills were firm to strong. Liberty issues and some of the foreign bonds were active and strong In anticipa tion of the outcome of the new French flotation. Total sales, par value, $12, 875,000. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Tenn Cnp ft Chem 100 Texas Oil 4.100 Texas Pacific .... 4.100 T P C & O 3,200 Tob Products .... 800 Trans Cont Oil... 4.100 Union Oil Del.... 9.5(10 25 2t14 9 24-), S9H 24 9 'A 23 -' lJ4. 23 Pnion Pacific l.dOO 120V, 119 HUM: United Food Prod 1.800 2034 19S4 lflvi l nlted Fruit , United Rds of N J do preferred.... 100 United R Stores 60 U S Ind Alcohol.. 200 U S Rubber 22,500 70i no ist pta. . i!g!DMAND AT YARDS SLOW 109 10 23 M 60 68 67 67 60 U S Smelting U s steel do preferred..,. Utah Copper Virginia Chem ... Vanadium Steel .. Vivandou Wabash do preferred . . . .' do "B" pfd Wells Fargo...... Western Pacific... Western Union.... West'house A B. . West'house E ft M West Maryland . . White Motors . ... Willys-Overland ... do preferred .... Wilson Packing... Woolworth Worth Pump ' mo ni w. loi k loi 43 ' 8,800 "566 2', 500 2,500 200 83 56 31 32 S14 8 82 82 101 1,000 23 65 34 3034 31 8 8 22 800 46 45 'ihh 38 37" 4.200 8 8 200 200 89 39 10(1 11334 113 200 50 49 BONDS. . NYC deb 6s.. Nor Pac 4s do 3s P T & T 6s. .. . Penn con 4s. S P cv3s U S 2s, reg. .100 do coupon... 09 do 4s, reg.. ,104 do cv 4s cou104 Pana 3s, reg.. 77 do 3s cou. .. 17 A T & T cv 6s 974 ISou Ry 5a Atch gen 4s.. 7534lInion- Pac 4s. D ft R G c 43 64 U S Steel 5s... 55 30 31 7 8 z: 14 t: 28 8 45 10 38 8 Sti 113 49 87 73 64 83 JO 87 82 SO 93 TBADLVG QUIET IJT ALL MXES OF LIVESTOCK. Bid. Mining Stocks at Boston. BOSTON, May 26. Closing quotations 1S4 99 6.2 3 7 . .. 1 1050 557 238(5 3SM 312 2191 1 0S7 183 "fii'S 3163 1 77 836 5 11 2 528 469 1435 1160 645 1221 Quality of Berries Affected. " There was a strong demand on the street for strawberries, but the trade was handicapped by the poor quality of many of the receipts. Some of the south .em Oregon shipments showed the effect of sunburn, and most of the California Berries appeared to have been picked after a hard rain. The best Oregons sold at $5 5.50 and poor lots down to $4. Clark Seedlings from up the Columbia were quoted at $7. California berries of good quality were held at $44.25. Wheat Shipments Are Lighter. Wheat shipments In the past week and in the same week last year follow: Wk. ending Wk. ending way 1. TJ. S and Canada.. 7.2!.0i0 Argentina 2.19O.0OO .Australia 2,584.000 May 22-20. 4.2JIJ.0K0 8.S4I.(Hlo 1.256. 000 Total 12.013.000 13.S90.OO0 Shipments tor the season to date com pare as follows: Total since Same period Julr TJ. S. and Canada. -3:(3. .170.000 .Argentina 77,O7O.(hi0 Australia 67.44U.OO0 Others 10.482.ooo last season 203.Srt2,000 2(K".2M).000 86.506.IN10 1.842.000 Total . . . 54S..WS.000 661.490,000 Bank Clearings. Bunk clearings of the northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: Clearings. Balances. Portland $4,164,219 $934,308 Seattle 3.905.526 748.446 Taooma 430,780 43.166 Spokane 1.228.126 466.774 PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain. Floor and Feed. Merchants' Exchange, noon session. Bid- Oils. LINSEED OIL Raw, In barrels, 99c; five-gallon cans. $1.14. Boiled, in barrels. $1.01; five-gallon cans, $1.16. iUKflf.N l i.'N n, in arums, c; live-gai-lon cans, $1.12. WHITE LEAD 100-Ib. kegs. 13c per lb. COAL OIL Tank wagons and iron bar rels. 17 c; cases, 303(C GASOLINE Tank wagons and Iron bar rels, 28c; cases. 40 c SAJJ FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Priees Current on Vegetables, Fresh Fruits, Etc, at Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO. May 26. Vegetables -Asparagus, 3f&irc; Italian squash, $1.25 1.75: potatoes, new, 23c; sweets, Nancy Hall, $60.50; unions, Australia brown, nominal; crystal wax, $1,5061.75 crate; green, si.gaitf box; tomatoes, 1m perial. $2&2.50; celery, nominal; garlic 6'a8c: bell peppers, 10&)2oc; chill, 1532oc peas, 710c; rhubarb, $22.25; lettuce, $2jf2.25; artichokes, $4&9 crate; spin ach, 2&;ic; beans, l.'2ic; beets, Sl.i fe2 sack: carrots, $L251.50 sack; egg plant, 1020c; green corn, $44.i0 sack. Poultry Young chickens, 25 d 60c ; staggy roosters, 200 25c; old, 13 wise; hens, 20 0 32c; ducks, 2535c; geese, 25c; turkeys, live, 40c; dressed. 45&50c; Belgian hares, live, 20 22c; dressed, 25 28c; squabs. 4548c; pigeojs, 3ljp3.o0. Fruit Oranges, navel. $2.755; Valen cia, $33.75; lemons, $2.5U4; grapefruit. $2u3.7o; apples, Slffj'.oO; strawberries, 50&'60c drawer, $11.35 crate; raspberries, $1.2dol.uO arawer; gooseDemes, ug&'iuc bananas, 8(ft10c; avocadoes. $36 dozen cherries, Sluil.u llat box; dllc pouna apricots, $2&2?25 f-basket crate; $33.50 lug: watermelons. 10c pound; peaches. $2(lr2.25 box; cantaloupes, standards. $8610; ponies, $6 47.50: flats, $33.50 figs, s3(M.d; currants, si. -og? i.io orawer loganberries, black, $1 drawer; plums, $ ner box. Receipts Flour, 4056 quarter barrels beans, 43d sacks; barley, 2o(6 centals corn. 800 centals; oats, 90 centals; pota toes, 1182 sacks; onions, 60 sacks; hay, 70 tons; lemons and oranges, 400 boxes livestock, 300 head. QUOTATIONS ON DAIRY PRODUCE Market Prices Ruling on Butter, Cheese and Eggs. SAN FRANCISCO. May 26. Butter- Extras, 34c; prime firsts, 33 c: firsts, nominal. Ekes Fresh extras, 27c; extra firsts. 26c; firsts nominal; dirties, 24c; extra pullets, 23c; undersizea, ic. v Cheese Firsts, fancy, lc; firsts, nom lnal; Young Americas, 19c; firsts nominal. NEW YORK, May 26. Butter, barely steady: receipts, 12,986 pounds; creamery, higher than extras, 29 ? 30c; creamer; extras. 29c; firsts, 2528c. Eeks Firm. Fresh gathered extra firsts. 2627; firsts. 24fc 26c Cheese Unchanged, steady. CHICAGO. May 26 Butter, higher. Creamery extras. 2Sc: firsts. 22fi26c; sec ends. 17Sr21c: standards, 27 c. Ecu Unchanged. Receipts, a.Mi crises. SEATTLE. May 26. Eggs, select local ranch, white shells, 24fa25c: do. mixed colors. 23frj.24c: nutlets. 18gi20e. Butter City creamery, cubes. 29c; bricks or prints. 30c; country creamery extras, cost to jobbers in cubes, 25c. Coffee Futures Market Higher. NEW YORK. May 26. Reports of a firmer feeling in Brazil and a slightly bet ter spot demand Jed to covering by recent sellers in the market for coffee futures to- iluv. A little trade buying was also re- noiteri and after opening seven to eight points higher, active months sold 17 to 20 nnlnts above last nigni s Closing ugures, with July touching 6.31c and September 6.68c May 6.10c, July 6.23c, September 6.59c, October 6.73c. December 7.04c, Jan uary 7.14c. March 7.34c Spot coffee, steady. Rio 7s 696c; Santos 4s 9fe9v Metal Market. NEW YORK, May 26. Copper, steady; electrolytic, spot, near-by, June and July, 13 U fii)13U,c. Tin. steady; spot and near-by, 32c; futures, 32c Iron, nominally unchanged. M, steady; spot, 5c Zinc, quiet: East St Louis delivery, spot, 4.85 f 4.90c Antimony Spot, 5c. pany, Portland.) Stocks Sales. High. Low. Bid Advance Rum 200 17 16 15 do prefersed. . . . 1,700 48 45 47 Agr Chem 2U0 50 49 40 Ajax Rubber 700 30 29 20 Alaska Gold 1.000 Alaska Juneau 1,100 1 1 1 Allis-Chalmers ... 300 33 33 33 do preferred... 74 Am Beet Sugar... 400 37 37 37 Amer Bosch 1,100 45 45 45 Amer Can Co 7,800 31 28 30 Amer Car & Fdy. 500 123 123 123 d6 preferred - 108 Amer Cotton OH.. 100 49 19 20 do preferred.... 46 Amer Drug Syn. 400 6 6 6 Allied Chem 300 44 44 43 Amer H & L 400 12 12 .12 do preferred... 1,500 55 54 54 Amer Ice .. loo 55 55 54 Amer Intl Corp. .. 2,500 47 45 45 Amer Llndseed .. 600 30 2 20 Amer Locomotive. 400 80 84 84 do preferred ; 101 Amer Saf Razor. 1,300 6 6 6 Amer Ship & Com 9 Amer Smelter 600 43 43 43 do preferred.... 400 77 77 77 Amer Steel Fdy.. 100 29 29 29 Amer Sugar 4,900 89 '4 87 88 do preferred 000 99 99 98 Amer Sumatra 6.300 65 62 62 Wheat Hard whits . Soft white .. White club ., Oats No. 2 white. Barley Brewing Mar. ..I 1.37 .. 1.36 .. 1.37 . 31.50 24.00 June. $ 1.34 1.32 1.30 Millrun 30.00 30.00 Corn No 2, E. Y. shipment 31.75 31.00 No. 3. E. Y. shipment 30.00 .... FLOUR Family patents, $8.60 per bar rel; whole wheat $7; graham, $6.80; bakers- Naval Stores. SAVANNAH. Ga.. May '26. Turpentine, firm, 57&5Sc: sales, 321 barrels; receipts, 326 barrels; shipments, 9 barrets; stock, 8455 barrels. Rosin, firm; sates, 1164 barrels; receipts, 700 barrels: shipments, 852 barrels; stock, 13,428 barrels. Quote B, $3.60; D. $3.75; E'F G, 4; H, 4.10: I. $4.30; K, $4.75; M. 5.50; N, $6; WO, $6.75; WW, 7.25. New York Sugar Market. NEW YORK, May 26. Raw sugar. 5.06c for' centrifugal. Refined sugar. 6.306.60c for fine granulated. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. May 26. Spot cotton quiet; middling. 13.05c. Church Membership Increases. PHILADELPHIA, May 26. There was a new increase of 2 per cent In the membership of the United Presby terian church during; the past year, according to a report presented to day to its general assembly. The re port added the church has a member ship of 160,600, Amer Tel &. Tel. Amer Tobacco.... Amer Tob "B"... Amer Wool rro preferred Amer W P pfd... Amer Zinc Anaconda . : Associated Oil. . . . Atchison do preferred Atlan Coast Line. Atl Gulf & W I... Baldwin Loco 27,400 do preferred... Balti & Ohio.... do preferred . . . Beth Steel "B".. Brooklyn R T... Butte C & z. Butte & Superior. Caddo Oil Cala Packing Cala Petroleum... do preferred 4.100 104 104 104 3,0110 129 J2 J-'H 200 127 126 127 4.200 74 73 93 ( 100 500 400 400 200 500 500 9 41 99 81 78 3!) 82 9 41 n 80 77 38 79 9,200 200 3,9(10 100 '166 300 100 2,800 100 41 61 58 39 61 57 6 14 15 59 44 76 4 14 15 59 43 16 3: 41 90 81 75 77 88 81 99 40 51 57 12 4 13 14 50 44 Canadian Pacific. 1,900 115 114 115 Central Leather.. Cerro de Pasco.. Chandler Motor.. Chi & N W Chi Gt West do preferred... Chili Copper Chino Copper.... C. M & St P. . do preferred. Coco Cola C & O 9,000 100 1,800 3110 300 .. 1,600 400 .. 1,100 .. 4.200 . . 2.300 1,700 Colo Fuel & Iron. 100 100 200 1,7(10 500 800 600 3.700 3.100 300 100 .14.400 '. l',6o6 1 1,700 8(10 2,100 8,000 2,800 Coto Southern Colo Gas & Elec. Columbia Graph. Cons Gas Contl Can Contl Candy .... Corn Products . . Cosden Oil C, R I & P do "A" pfd do "B" pfd.... Crucible do preferred... Cuba Cane do preferred . . . Cuban Amer Sug. Dela & Hudson... Dome Mines D & R G do preferred.... Endicott Johnson. Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Famous Players . . Fed Ming & Smelt do preferred. Fisk Tire Gaston Wms .... Gen Cigars Gen Electric ... Gen Motor do 6 Goodyear Gen Asphalt ... Goodrich ....... Gran by Great Nor Ore. . do preferred.. Greene Cananea. Gulf S Steel Hupp Motor ... Houston Oil ... Illinois Central.. Inspiration Int Agr Corp com do preferred.... Interboro do preferred.... Inter Callahan.... Int Harvester do preferred.... Int Merc Marine.. do preferred.... Int Nickel Int Paper do preferred. . . . Invincible Oil... Island Oil 1.700 Jewel Tea K C Southern 2.200 do preferred. .... Kelly-Springfield. . Kennecott K eystone Tire ... . Lacka Steel ...... Lehigh Valley .... Lorillard ......... Louis A Nashville Max Motor do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Mex Petroleum... Miami Mid States Oil... Mid vale Steel ... M. K & T do preferred... Missouri Pacific. do preferred... Mont-Ward M St P & S S M. National Biscuit. National Enamel. National Lead... Nevada Cons ..... 200 New Haven 4,100 Norfolk & W 400 Nor Pacific 6.500 Aova Scotia steel N Y Air Brake Y Central. . 37 29 64 66 18 25 29 43 28 58 37 59 7 88 49 1 69 33 .10.700 33 76 65 71 17 56 12 200 100 200 19 63 14 21 37 29 02 65 18 11 25 2S 42 28 67 87 59 7 88 48 1 68 32 32 76 65 70 17 54 21 98 19 63 14 20 400 72 71 1,000 14 200 . 14 54 37 28 62 66 8 19 11 25 28 42 28 58 29 37 69 7 87 48 1 69 3 33 76 62 70 83 17 64 21 98 19 1 63 14 20 14 71 25 14 1 68 Allouez 21 Ariz Com 8 Cal A Ariz 60 Cal & Hecla...253 Centennial .... 7 Cop R Con Co. 37 E Butte Cop M 9 Franklin 2 Isle Roy (Cop) 21 r.ake Copper... 2 Mohawk North Butte 10 Old Dominion.. 21 Osceola ....... 30 -(nv 37 Superior 3 Sup & Bos Min. 1 Shannon I'tah Cons Winona . . . Wolverine . 52iGranby Cons 90 4 37 11 11 Liberty Bond Quotations. Range of Liberty bond quotations, fur nished by the Overbeck & Cooke company of Portland: Liberty 8s do, first 4s do. second 4s . . do. first 4s .. do, second 4s do, third 4s . do. fourth 4s Victory 4s do, 3s Hlgh . 88.08 '. 87i6 . 87.68 . 87.22 . 90. 66 86.94 87.32 87.00 90.52 87.40 87.18 97.98 97.82 97.98 97.82 Low. Cloe. 87.92 88.00 87.42 87.00 87.54 87.10 90.54 87.18 97.92 97.92 Swift tt Co. Stocks. flnine- rHr for Swift A Co. stocks at Chicago were reportea ny tne uveroecs Cooke company of Portland as follows: Swift & Co 97 Libby. McNeill & Libby National Leather Swift International -4 Money, Silver, Etc. NEW YORK. May 26. Prime mercantile paper, 6 (&7 per cent. Time loans steady, ou oays. bv usvya, 01 months, 6 per cent. Call money firmer; high, onerea at ana last loan. 7 per cent; low. ruling rate and closing bid, 7 per cent. , Bar silver, domestic, uc; loreign. oi. Mexican dollars, 44 c LONDON, May 26. Bar silver 33 per ounce. Money, 0 per cem. rates, short bills, 5 per cent. RESERVE RATIO GAINS STEADILY. Eight-tenths Per Cent Increase Is Report ed for Fast Week. WASHINGTON, D. C, May 26. Com bined resources and liabilities of the 1 (Drfaral reserve banks at the close of busi ness May 25 were reported tonight by the federal reserve ooara as iuiuw. T? o r 1 1 rr P m Gold and sold certificates. .. $ 279,861.000 j f-iA .aitlsmant ftinrl. fftderal reserve board 474.952,000 Gold with foreign agencies. . . Wider Range Quoted on Prime Light Ilogs Lamb Quotations Revised Cattle Steady. There was a light ran of five loads at the stockyards and the demand was slow in all tinea. A wider rang of from $8.75 to S9.25 was quoted on prime light hogs. Lamb quotations were revised throughout to conform to the prices realized at recent sales. No change was made in the cattle list. Receipts were 21 cattle, 1 calf, 61 hogs and 655 sheep. The day's sales were as follows: Wt. Pricel Wt. Price 800$ 6.0017 lambs... 70 $ 5.00 S:H 4 75i276 lambs.. 63 6.75 3.5!2MS lambs.. 66 6.50 3.50! 12 lambs.. . 50 -25 3.501 14 lambs.. . 68 6.25 4.751 12 lambs.. . 50 6.25 4.50127 lambs... 51 5.25 4.5(11 13 ewes 110 2.50 2.001 8 ewes.... 125 3.00 S.OOI48 ewes.... 121 3.00 7.001 1 ewe 130 140 10.0(11 1 ewe Ill) 130 9.((i 101 yearl.. 103 7.001 55 j earl... 86 3.5o 27 yearl... 95 9.251 12 yearl... 82 8 S530 yearl. .. 06 8.851 54 yearl ... 85 9.00 101 wtlirs.. 85 5.50134 Wlhrs.. 126 1 steer. . 1 1 cows. . 14cows... 821 37 cows... 717 12 cows... 022 10 cows. . .1000 23 cows. . . 007 4 cows. . .1012 1 cow ... . 030 1 calf. ... 104 2 calves.. 110 1 calf.;, 1 calf. .. 2 calves.. 100 1 bull 13(10 6 hogs... . 220 4 hogs. ... 212 5 hogs ISO 10 hogs. . .. 200 l nog 400 6 hogs 218 6 hogs.... 218 6 hogs. ... 103 S hogs 130 14 hogs. . .. 1x3 1 61 hogs.. . . 1S5 .' hogs. . . . 8 hogs. . . . 8 hogs.. . . 1 hog. . .. . 2 hogs.... 17 hogs. . . . 41 hogs. . . . 2 hogs.. . . 30 lambs.. . 26 lambs.. . 50 lambs.. . 19 lambs. . . 20 lambs.. lambs 52 laanbs. . . 189 lambs.. 150 lambs.. 32 lambs... n lambs.. . 9 lambs.. hurt by insect Infestation. The cash de- f S3GB5H mand was fairly good, but prices were ' U lower with futures. Shipping sales re portea were (ou.uvu ousaeis, ai wnicu 700,000 bushels went to exporters. It Is the consensus of opinion that foreign buy ing will be largely offset by a heavy move ment to terminals from first and second handa "Oats Liquidation by eastern holders was again the outstanding feature. Scat tered buying was created by complaints of crop deterioration. Receipts of 160 cars met only a fair demand at 1 cent under yesterday. Country offerings to arrive were rather liberal, and a moderate in crease in the movement ia expected shortly. "Rye The recent buying of July by eastern Interests was less in evidence to day and the market in consequence showed an easy tone. The news was with out feature, cash prices holding compara tively steady." Leading features ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Lew. $1.75 $i. 1.32 1.27 CORN. .s .; .60 .64 OATS. .40 .41 .40 .42- .43 .42 MESS PORK. May July July. Sept- July.. Sept.. $1.74 1.30 .62 .65 Close. $1.68 1.27 .62 .65 .40 .42 Five million dollar manufacturing plants May.. July., 17.45 17.45 17.45 July. 2(0 SeDt.. 6.00 .50 4.50 July.. 0.A5 9.97 9.52 9.85 .53 9.85 9 72 10.00 310 221 ,102 320 275 132 103 155 60 58 51 53 53 67 65 61 72 80 80 68 8.751 10 wthrs. . 119 8.851 1 weather 80 90(l 1 weather 101 9.001 6 wthrs. . lot S.K5 Scows.. 8.75' 3 cows.. , 00. S.8S 8.85 7.50, 9.00 9 9.50, 9.00 5.25 5.25 1 eow 1 cow. . . 1 cow. .. 1 cow. . . 1 steer. . 1 calf... 1 bull. .. 1 stag. . u mixed 620 873 . 700 . 600 .1040 . 810 .1130 . 10O .1010 . 770 970 17.70 LARD. 9.70 10.00 SPARE RIBS. 9.87 9.87 9.72 4.25 Sept 10.15 10.15 10.00 4.75 I Cifflh prices were as follows: 50 Wheat No. 2 red. $1.71J1.7I ; M). 2.50 hard. $1.71 1.75. 3.75 Corn No. 2 mixed, 62 63c; No. 4.00 yellow, 62663c. 3.00 Oats No. 2 white, 1041c: No. 4.50 white. 4)f 41c. Rye No. 2 nominal. Barley 02 71c. Timothy seed $4.60j6. Clover seed $136 18. Pork Nominal. Lard J0.22. Ribs $9.25 10.25. 5 mixed.. 472 5.2510 mixed.. 514 5.25, 6. 6. 6. 6.001 6.75 6.75 6. 6.75 87 hogs.. . 168 3 hogs. . . 2(6 18 hogs... 147 8 hogs... 193 2 hogs... 175 1 hog. ... 340 2 hogs... 350 18 hogs... 182 5 hogs... 158 4.50 5.25 6.50 4.50 . 6.50 4.50 6.75 6.75 10.(10 4 50 4.00 6. 4.75 4.o; Car Receipts. Car receipts at leading eastern point! were as follows: Minneapolis Wheat, 142 against 145 corn 25 airainat 16: oats. 15 against 11 U-3 h.rl.tf Id airuinet 14 8--0 I Dmaha Whl 104 Iff-dlnst 13: COm, 84 against 80; oats. 19 against 16. St. Louis Wheat, 49 against 38; corn, 73 against 48; oats. 36 against 30. 9.25 9.23 5.00 7.00 9.25 9.25 Livestock prices at the local vards fol low: Choice steers Medium to good steers Fair to medium steers ' Common to good steers....... Good cows and heil'ers Medium to good cows, heifers Fair to medium cows, heifers. Canners Bulls Choice dairy calves Medium light calves.......... Prime light calves Heavy calves J3est feeders Fair to good feeders. ......... ogs Prime light Minneapolis Crain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. May 26. wheat No. 1 dark northern, $1.55(81.70 ..$7.25 7.50 I No. 2 do, $1.531.60: No. 1 northern, $1.52 1.60: NO. 2 do, .I.W1. IXO. a nw, 1.401.45: No. 1 red spring. $1.4701.5 No. 2 do. $1.4401.49: No. 3 do. I1.3Sd?1.4 No. 1 dark hard Montana, $1.64 4j 1.60; No. 1 hard Montana, $1.601.63; No. 2 durum $1.40 1.49. Barley, 46 62C. Flax No. 1, $1.8501.87. 6.75W 6.00 (it 6. 6.00 8.25 5.50 lie 6.25 5.O0 6JI 6.50 4.50.8) 8.00 3.00 ln 3.50 2.506 4.75 9.50l 10.00 6.00 M 9.00 9.U0G? 9.50 3.00 'li) 6.00 6.50 '(i 5 4.75 f$ 5.25 Winnlper Grain Market. WINNIPEG. May 26. Cash wheat No. 1 northern $1.88; No. 2 do, $1.85; No. 3 do. $1.81: No. 4 do, $1.69; No. 6 do. 8.75-9 9.25 $1.53. Futures': May, $1.88 ; July, $1.63 ; Smooth heavy. 250 to 300 lbs.. 7.259 8.25 September. $1.81. Smooth heavy, 300 lbs. and up 6.25s 7.25 1 Oats No. 2 white, a.uuiai i.sa 4.00(d) 7.25 O.IKIM 9.25 8.50 9.50 Rough heavy Stags Fat pics- Feeder pigs ... Sheep- Prime iambs . Fair to good .. Cull lambs .... Feeder lambs . Light yearlings Heavy yearlings Light wethers Heavy wethers Ewes 46c; No. 8 42c. - i Barley No. 8, 75; No. 4, 70. Rye No. 2, $1.68. do, Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO, May 26. (United States Bu reau of Markets.) Cattle Receipts, 7000 head. Beef steers strong to 15c higher early top beef steers, $8.40; bulk, J7.509 ..Jo; veal calves unevenly lower: bulk o08.2a; butcher stock, bulls, stockers Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., May 26. Grain Wheat, feed, $2.30iS2.50; do, milling, nominal: barley, feed, $1.22 1.27 ; do. shipping, $1.35 1.45; oats, red feed, $1.50 91.65; . rice, nominal; corn, wnite .gyp- a.sosi 4 50 tian. $2.3002.40: red mtlo, $1.9502.10. 1.000 4.25 Hay Wheat, iiam.u: tame oat, zisia 17; wild oat, $10013; Daricy, ilH; al falfa, $i40ie; stock, ij-uuii; a ton; straw, nominal. ... 6.50 6.75 ... 5.500 6.50 ... 4.000 5.50 ... 2.50M 4.00 ... 5.00 0 3.50 ... 4.50 0 5.00 ... 4.500 5.00 Seattle Grain Market. SEATTLE. Wash., May 26. Wheat Hard white, soft white, white olub, $1.32; and feeders steady; bulk fat cows and I hard red winter, soft red winter, northern Total gold held by banks.. $ 754,213.000 old with federal reserve aeents 1,505.229.000 Oold redemption fund 133.50o.000 Tot1 old reserves $2,392,947,000 Legal tender notes, silver, etc. J?2-2 " Total reserves $2.5o8.2A2,000 Bills discounted, secured by tt.i,.j cat,, .nvAmmpni obligations . !?? ?! All other i,u.suo.uuu RMia boueht in open market. 87.138,000 Total bills on hand 1-9SI'5?fS52 TJ. S. government bonds. . U. S. victory notes U. S. certificates of indebted ness, one year certiticates (Pittmaa act) All other Total earning assets Bank premises Five per cent redemption fund against federal re serve bunk notes Uncollected - items All other resources 25,574.000 23.0UU 233.375.000 46.764.000 $2,203,120,000 23.306,000 .11,174.000 510.175.000 13,663.000 58 1.000 135 134 U 135 .21,700 11 10 10 100 !20",900 100 '. "400 . 8,100 ij 200 . Lioo 200 300 100 300. 1,200 200 200 300 400 1.900 9.100 1,200 1.B00 2.BO0 69 37 2" 68 36 12 71 So" 4 5 91 , 65 6S" 16 4 43 21 14 74 48 90k3 S4.S0O 152 100 . . 5.50 2,000 800 13 29 2 67 9 68 36 28 67 23 36 12 (3 90 35 49 4 11 5 103 14 04 15 67 16 4 8 27 50 41 20 4t 14 47 52 .... ia;i 97 .... 4 5 .:x:: 140(4 ir 22 68 35, S 85 12 35 5 89 67 16 3 27 27 41 20 14 47 52 3,000 500 1,000 41 20 12 27 2 21 40 20 1.200 51 51 700 1,300 800 12 19 97 72 6S" 69' 3 400 100 Okla Prod ref. Ontario A W. . Otis Steel Paeiric Oil 4,800 37 Pac Gas A Elec... 100 53 '4 Pan Amer Pet.... 8,700 67 do "B " 400 60 1 Pennsylvania 100 34 People's Gas 1,700 52 Pere Marquette... 1,200 22 Philadelphia Co . . . . Pura Oil 300 ; Pierce Arrow ....30.1OO 25 Pierce Oil 500 9ti Pittsburg Coal.... 300 60 flits & v va. . . Pressed Steel Car. Pullman ........ Ray Cons ........ Reading Remington Keplogle Steel ... Republic I A S.. do preferred... Rep Motors 100 35 Royal Dutch OIK. 6,B((0 61 Ky steel sprinc s o lna Sears Roebuck .. 2,100 Shattuck. Arizona. 300 Shell T & T 800 Sinclair 18.200 Sloss-Shef field ... too Southern Pacific. .. 4.900 Southern Railway. 2.200 do preferred.... 2.300 Bt L & 8 F 8,200 Btromberg Carb.. . 100 Studebaker 51,200 iSwiU & CO., 11 19 96 70 67 68 3 86 53 66 60 34 51 32 23 9 60 30 8: 30 82 400 101 100 1.000 14 14 200 200 71 25 4,800 67 55 15 60 85 77 7 41 24 39 76 20 49 24 .'16 72 200 85 78 7 42 25 89 7 21 50 25 86 75 13 27 2 4 21 41 " 20 68 113 51 76 11 19 9B 71 28 67 69 ' 3 18 12 30 53 66 59 34 32 32 23 9 "0 SO 81 101 14 72 25 26 66 87 14 60 84 72 78 7 41 24 30 76 21 49 24 S 73 803i Total resourcea .'. $5,379,760,000 Liabilities . ip.n.:::::::::::::, m&JSSi Reserved for government franchise tax ?-r'i'yv? Deposits, government i- Member bank reserve account l,6o.).09.00O All other 33.0i4.uuu Total deposits $1,705,956,000 Federal reserve notes in ac- - tual circulation z,n4,oui.uu! Federal .reserve bank notes ,,, in circulation, net liability. 144.834.000 Deferred availability items.. 424.929.000 All other liabilities 29.757.000 Si Total liabilities $5,379,760,000 Batio of total reserves to deposit and federal reserve note liabilities combined, B7.6 per cent. Ratio of gold reserves to federal reserve notes in circulation, after setting aside 35 per cent against deposit liabilities. 71.7 per cent. Foreign Exchange. Foreign exchange rates at close of busi ness yesterday, furnished by Northwestern National bank of Portland. The amount quoted is the equivalent ot the foreign unit In United States funds: Country Unit. Riiif.; Austria, kronen $ .oociL Belgium, francs - JJhilO Bulgaria, leva a'-- Czecho-Slovakia. k-ronen 01. ia Denmark, kroner England, pound sterling 3.9000 Fin-land, f inmark : )r'ri France, francs Jti-o Germany, marks O (- Greece, drachmas ................. .O.mO Holland, guilders 3;.22 Hungary, kronen ..0(o Italy, lire 0i'-'0 Jugo-Slavla. kronen 0000 Norway, .Kroner ,', ,'- Portugal, escudos ................. .11 jw Roumania, lei IH.75. Serbia, dinara .0.l.i5 Spain, pesetas Sweden, kroner 2:I40 Switzerland, francs 100 China Hongkong, local currency.. .4150 Shanghai, taels 0000 Japan, yen 487o NEW YORK, May 26. Exchange irreg ular: sterling, demand $3.95. cables $3.93, francs, demand 8.46. cables 8.4S: Belgian francs, demand 8.4(1. cables 8.48; j ruilders. demand 34.92: cables 35.02; lire, I demand 5.S5, cables 5.37; marks, demand 1.62, cables 1.63; Greece, demand 3140; Sweden, demand 23.20: Norway, demand I.V-IO: Argentina, demand 33.87: Brazilian, demand 13.87; Montreal, 10 11-16 per cent discount. Foreign Bonds. Foreign bond quotations furnished by the Overbeck & Cooke company of Portland: Bid. Ask. $5.5006.50; bulls largely $4,500 Market spring, eastern red Walla, $1.30; Big Bend bluestem, $1.35. Citv delivery: Feed Scratch. $51 per lights ott ton: batav scratch. $67: feed wheat. $53: 8.15; pigs, I. H grain chop. $42: oats. $39: rolled oats. $41; sprouting oats, $44; whole barley, $39; rolled barley, $41; clipped barley, $40; milted feed, $32; bran, $30; whole corn, $40; cracked corn, $42. Hay Alfalfa, $24 per ton; double com pressed alfalfa, $31; do, timothy, $33; eastern Washington mixed, $30; straw, $24. Duluth Unseed Market. heifers. 6.50. Hogs Receipts, 32,000 head. ' rairly active. 15025c lower; most; top. $8.25; bulk. $7.85 25 040c lower: bulk desirable around S8. Sheep Receipts, 10,000 head. Quality mostly plain; slow; 25 0 5OO lower; shorn lamb top early, $11 to shippers; bulk early, $0 09.50; best native springs early. $12: culls, $6.5008; ewe top early, $4.50; bulk. o.,ui0i..o; jexas noiaover yearlings, Omaha livestock Market. OMAHA. May 26. (United States Bu reau of Markets.) Hogs Receipts. 12.000 t..-w .nd to arrive $1 88 head. Mostly 15 0 25c lower; bulk ISO to tracK ana to arrive, $l.s. -4u-pound butchers, $7.65 0 8; top, $8.10; ouik puicners, 20U pounds ana over, f70 7.50; packing grades, $6.7507. Cattle Receipts, 2500 head. Beef steers steady to strong; bulk, $707.90; top, $8.25; she stock and bulls steady to easier: bulk cows and heifers, $4.7506.75; veals lower: packer top veals, $8; stockers and feeders slow. Sheep Receipts, 8000 head. Killing classes slow to 25c lower; bulk spring ismos, $11 011.70; top, $12: clipped ewes mosiiy io.oog-.zat top, $4.0U steady. DULUTH, Minn., May 26. Linseed On ELKS MEET AT SPOKANE Tempi Dedicated and IXorthwest Session Is Under Way. SPOKANE, Wash-, May 26. Approx- feeders imately 500 members of the Benevo lent and Protective Order of Elks from Pacific northwestern cities reg istered) yesterday for the three-day celebration in connection with the Kansas City Livestock Market. KANSAS CITS. Mo.. May 26. (United Rt&tan Uuraau nf Harks!, 1 Cat (In U- ceipts. 4000. Beef steers active, steady to I dedication of the new $350,000 temple strong; top yearlings, $8.40; Colorado f Spokane lodge No. 228, which took place Wednesday. pulpers, $7.50; she stock and bulls, choice heifers, $7.35; cows mostly $55.50; other classes arouna steady; best veaiers, $8(o( 6.00. . . Hogs Receipts, 8500 head. Open slow, mostly 25c lower; closing fairly active, lowoc lower; neavies ore most; top, $a bulk of sales, $7.407.90; packing sows, 2oc lower; pigs strong to 2c higher choice 100-pound stock pigs. $9. toneep Receipts, auoo nead. sneep and springers 2550c lower; Arlsona ewes. $3.(o; many natives around $3.50; few Delegations still to arrive were ex pected to swell the registration to 2500, according- to officers of the local lodge. A class of 67 candidates was initiated in the afternoon. The stability of GreybuII can be appreciated in Iit?rit of the fact that it is the trading center for 40.0U0 acres of irrigated lands, and the site of the big oil refineries of the Standard Oil and Midwest Refining companies that have $5,000,000 invested. It is alo the division point on the C, B. & Q. Railroad. We unreservedly recommend lO Yr. 7 IMPROVEMENT BONDS -Greybull Wyo Denomination $500 Income Tax Exempt PRICE 100 YIELD 7 LUMBE RMENS Broadway and Oak pAREFUL INVESTORS should pur- chase securities from an institution whose character, stability and manage ment are an assurance of continued pro tection to its customers'. This bank maintains its Bond Depart ment to afford you that assurance and protection in making safe investments. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO. Capital and Surplus $600,000.00 Government and Municipal Bonds City and Farm Mortgages Ground Floor, Board of Trade Building PORTLAND, OREGON 80 FOURTH STREET native $11.25; bids. Freshmen Elect Officers OREGON AGRICULTURAL. COL ?rpins i?mb"' ,n;S0:u Arl?n8s.. LEGE, Corvallis. May 26. (Special. - mvwvu, I .. 1 1 ., 1 , Oil... I..ann of Portland to head next year' sophomore class. Other officers chosen were: Luciie Helver of Portland, vice president; Bernlce Burgess of Astoria, a home economics student, secretary J. H. Johnston of Klamath Falls, treasurer; James Weatherford of Cor COT-1 vallis,sergreant-at-arms; Arthur Boon of upland, cal., - yell leader; jonn Garlty of La Grande, director of class athletics; Ray Loughrey of Payette, Idaho, to student council and Maurice HEAVY MOVEMEXT TO CAGO CAUSES SUMP, May Clowes 12 Cents Lower Buxton, manager of forensics. Willi Demand From Shorts Checked; Drouth Broken. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL BE TORT. CHICAGO, May 26. Steep declines in wheat today resulted from prospective lib- PORTLAND, May 26. Maximum tern perature, ti(( degrees; minimum tempera ture. 41) decrees. River reading, 8 A. M. reet; cnange in last - oours, .j root rise. Total ralnUII (u f. M. to S f. M. ), eral receipts here and from welcome rains 1 none! totiil rainfall since September 1 sections where there nas Deen com- I li'U, 44. oi incnes; normal rainian since with Mar 11 s I 'all since September 1. a. 71 inches. Sun- BUnsmne, 11 iiuuia . iiiiiiulcb, jjvb.-ilmci bun shine, nours l minutes. Moonrise, Fr day. 11:54 r. M. moonset, rnaaf, u:a A. M. Barometer (reduced sea level) 5 P. M.. 30.13 inches; relative nummiiy: At A. M., 63 per cent; e-t noon, 41 per cent; plaint of drouth. The market closed heavy. September 1, 41.8B inches; excess of rain 4'A to V'V, cents net lower, with May 11.68 fall since Septe and July $1.27 to tl.28. Corn lost 1 to 1 cents, oats 1 to 1 cents and provi sions 22 to 45 cents. With indications that wheat was being shipped here freely from southwestern and northwestern market centers and that the supply here was likely to be ample for all at 5 P. M., 36 per cent. Russian 514s, 1021 14 17 Russian 5'4s, lft'J6 9 '. Russian V4s. 11 1 I" French 5s, 1931 7 68 French 4s. li17 , 54 B.l French 5s. 1920 ' 79 80M Italian 5s, 1918 44 45 Br t ah ns. 1((L' 3 eo British os, 1927 Sl 4(11 British 6s. 1927 391 .4(11 British vky., 4s 310 320 British ref. 4s 279 2X9 Belgian rest, as 74 77 Belgian prem. 5s 78 79 German W. L. 6a 13 14 14 Berlin 4s 14 . 14 Hamburg '4s 18 17 14 Hamburg 4V4s ; 16 1 Leipsig 4 Via .... 1514 17"4 I.elpsig 6s 16 17 y, Munich 4s 15 1V4 Munich 5s 16 18 Frankfort 4a 14 17tt Japan 4s 8Vi 69 Japan 1st 4s .... 84i 844 Japan 2d 4VjS 84 844 Paris tts H 8"4 United Kingdom 54s, 1921... 99 ,974 United Kingdom 6Vas, 1922... 7"4 97 United Kingdom 514s. 1929... 90V4 91 United Kingdom 5 Via, 1937... 85 85 Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK, May 26. Evaporated ap ples, nominal. Prunes, firmer. Peaches, firm, ... - 1' - u-' deliveries on outstanding May contracts, demand from shorts In that month almost halted and the price dropped swiftly. July kept within fairly moderate limits as com pared with the big price setback in May. Despite rains and cooler weather, the crop outlook continued uncertain and buying I STATIONS. support for July was rather aggressive at times. Corn and oats declined with wheat, al though exporters took 700,000 bushels oflBaker corn and charters of corn for Buffalo were I Boise of unusual magnitude. Bonton Provisions were depressed by the down- I Calgary ward slide of grain and of hoga as well. THE WEATHER. tea 1 3 Wind Weather. .1 42 7(i;o.0(ijl4.N'VViClear -I itn(.uni..i.w!(:!ear The Chicago market letter received yes- Chicago Denver Des Moines.. bureka Minneapolis New Orleansl New York . North Head terday by the Overbeck & Cooke company I Galveston of Portland said: I Helena "Wheat The possibility of conaiderable I Juneau wheat coming into this market before the I Kansas City. end of the month, to which we called at- Angei tentlon yesterday as likely to relieve the J!ar5hf',0"1 tension in May, was the- dominant factor I vlr" " " in today's market. The Chicago price for wheat yesterday was the highest in the world and well above a shipping basis, so that it was but natural to assume that I Phoenix outside markets would take advantage of I Poca-tello (hn Hiunnrltv hv diverting wheat, to Chi- I Portland o-n T(Hb In irrivn wer roHiiferi In 'S I RosebUTg -... ti v 1 .h on Sacramento -""" " " ' "j . V " l7 St. Louis over lor Jo. I rea lor Kve ana ion aayg c;alt Lake.-, shipments. The seaboard reported 250,000 I t;an Dieo! bushels sold for export to Holland, but I g. Francisco said the foreign demand otherwise was I Seattle verv slow. The enthusiasm on the buying i "Sitka side of July was checked by reports of I Spokane 1 1 1 ., .. ,L. Tacoma belt, particularly in parts of Kansas and Isd Missouri, where moisture was Damy need- waua Wall ea. uountry onerings snow siignt tim- Washlngttal crease, out are slim very uuer&i. course 1 Winnipeg . or prices xor tne immeaiaie ruiure wilt I 1 aKlma. depend upon whetner or not tne rains re lieve the crop situation in the southwest. "Corn started sharply lower on larger receipts and selling of futures by receiv ing houses against cash purchases. Around 4(il 71110.021. .1 W 40 48,(.2(l:10lvy 5(1 70,0.44 ..E 7010.0(11. .ISW 9(l,(l.0010B 5!0.0()I24!N 82 0.00I12ISB 74!0.0(I14W t"iS10.00. . E 82'0.2(l12jSE 70(0.001. .SVV 5S10.00 12NW 7H n.oolio 7SI0.02 14 8XI0.O0I . 72;o.l(l!. nno. 02130 08:0.00 . 74j0.nol: 6ii:0.00l: ffKio.no . on 'o.ooi 101 NW E SW S N'W ICIear Rain M'loudy (:ioudy Cloudy !Clear Pt. cloudy Clear ICIear Rain Clear Clear Clear Rain ICIear Clear Cloudy SW NW N S SW sw 2J1SW Clear Clear Clea.r 'Clear Rain Pt. cloudy Cloudy ICIear Rain W NW Clear Rain SO'O.IS 7I10.00 62IO.0O 70 O.ool 5410. 00116 t4!0.((U . . 5'().02i. . 6210.03 20NWfPt. cloudy ...1 )..ISWITlear 6810.00 7410.00 82rt.oo 68 0.00 A. M. today. tP. M. report of preced- ing day. 101 W ICloudy .. SB Pt. cloudy . . S-E rClear 10IN ICIear LOGGING CONTRACT LET 87,500,000 Feet In Crater National Park Comprise Award. One of the biggest timber deals in recent years was tentatively closed yesterday, when Willard D. Olds of Medford received a contract to log 87,500,000 feet of timber In the Four- Bit district of Crater national parK The bids were opened yesterday morning by George Cecil, district for ester. Olds receiving the contract with a bid of 3.75 for the yellow pine and 75 cents on the remaining timber. The stand, according to govern ment survey, consists of El per cent western yellow and sugar pine over a total area of 6300 acres, situated 1114 miles east of Butte Falls. Rail connections to the timbered district will be completed, it is stated, by an extension of the Pacific & Eastern road, which terminates at Butte Falls. and the project will Involve the ex Denditure of approximately $238,000. From Butte Falls, direct connection with Medford and the Southern Pa cific system is available, me our Rit district is of gentle topography, affording admirable lotrglng facilities, according to T. T. Munger of the government forest service. e ' CUT-OFF ROAD ALLURING the elate fair board, has been em ployed by the secretary of stnte to prepare the necessary blanks and per fect other preliminary arranccmentH attendant to the operation of tlin no called budget commlsHlon, created hy an act of the legislature. The IflW hernme effertjve vcalirHir, Temporary Koute to Beaches Will Bo Through, Scenic Country. SEASIDE, Or.. May 26. (Speolfel.) Although the main seaside mgnwsj will be closed to traffic most of the summer season, during the paving of the road, the Melville-Wahanna cut off raDldlv Is being prepared for travel and th Is will give a mucn shorter and a very beautiful route to the beaches. The new road follows the Lewis and Clark river for a distance of several miles and the beautiful scen ery will appeal to all traveling int road. It is estimated that iro.oo is peing epent on this tnorougniare. STRAWBERRIES GET RIPE Hood River District Expects to Have Short Harvest. HOOD RIVER, Or., May (Spe cial.) Warm weather is causing strawberries to ripen fast, and small evnresa shipments have oeen Degun. Car lots of berries, however, proba bly will not be shipped until tne lat ter part of next week. The late spring win resun in m short harvest season ir tne warm weather continues. Berries of the up per valley section, which usually are two weeks later man me lower val ley districts, will ripen before the lower valley harvest is over. Growers have begun to seek harvest help. Budget Act in Erfect. SALEM. Or., May 26 (Special.) Frank Meredith, former secretary of A Strong Public Utility with earnings over twice interest charges The Portland Railway Light and PowerCompany 7 V4 bonds cannot be called for ten yeurs and mature in 1946. Yield 7.85 Circular on Request tor OR393 The National City Company Offices In snore than 60 dries. Yee5 Bid;., Pertland. Or. Telephone Main 072 FORECASTS. midday the market displayed a firm ten- I northwesterly wiitfls. dency, helped by advices from St. Louis j Oregon and Washinrton Fair; warmer that the crop south of there is being badly I interior west portion; fresh, westerly, winds, Who Knows? How easy it is to spoil a wonder ful road in the making. The ex pert is th only one who really knows how to avoid this. In the laying: of Warrenite - Bitulithic pavement. Warren Brothers Com pany maintain a laboratory in Portland where tests are con stantly being made of Warrenite Bitulithic pavement being laid in the Northwest. TEXT BOOK OP WALL STREET A 40-page book (copyrighted) discussing clearly and unmis takably rules governing stock market transactions: Methods f Trading. Commission Rates How Open nn Aeeooat. angmentinK One'i Income. DepoNlt KeejnlrementM for Car rylna Mocka on Account. Dictionary of Wall Street. HIlory of the Jen York Slock Kachanae. Hlotory of the New York Cnrb Market. Foreign Exchange. And many other anhiects of In terest to investors and stock traders. Copy free npon rrquent. McCall & Riley Co., Inc. 20 Broad Street New York HERRIN & RHODES, Inc. (Rstahllahed 1K0 BROKERS MEMBERS CHICAGO BOARD OF TItAUH. rorrespondrnta. U. K. IMTTTO A CO. tlcmbera New York Muck Km. rhanae. J'rlvate leased V Iron Direct to All ttrcnrlly aad tan. modliy Markets. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS BOK.HT AMD SOLD MAIN 23 and 3S4 S01-5 RAILWAY IkALIl. BLDO. I 4