14 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1921 REAL KSTATK. F-jr Kaie Fajms. 20 ACRES. 8 mien southeast of Portiand limits, 14 acres under cultivation, all can be cultivated, nice level land. 3 ores timber, about 3oO cords wood, on of the beat orchards In the country, H ere straw berrien, good attracte 6-room houe with plum bin p. large chicken house for 20tl chickens, maradnmized road by place, crops all in and included at ww; also full line or machinery stock and 2u0 chickens; $;t000 cash, bal ance for 3 years. Inspected by Brooks. . tAK COLUMBIA RIVER. 20 acreH, located 1 mile from good town with high school, 7 acres under cultivation. lo acres can b cultivated Jots Of good nastur. some timber ennd road, 3 mlie from highway, 44 miles zrom fort land, oo bearing- fruit trees, every variety- lares amount of berries. 6-room houne, barn 2x:.0, chicken house and other buildings; included with place. a cows, - calves, l norse. . chickens, cream separator and complete line of macninery. tj tons hay. lots or wood price for everything; $1000; $1000 cash, oaiance -ui a year. 20 acres, located 1 mfles from Ore sron City, H mile to school, on main macadamized highway, woven wire fencing, land all under cultivation dark joam soli, good attract ve 7 -room bun era low. barn and other buildings, barn will accommodate 3. head or milk cows. gooa oearmg ramily orchard; a very ia voraojy i oca tea place; mmj casn, Dal nee $500 year, 6 per cent; the place sow in crop: oats, vetch and wheat. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg.. Realtor. Over 60o small places near Portland. 'jet our extensive classified lists. 15 GOOD COWS, IS CALVES. 4 HEIFERS. 6 STEERS. WEIGHT 1000 LBS.: 40-ACHE EQUIPPED RANCH. $6000. 25 acres In clover and timothy, harvest 50 tons a year, fences hog tight, fine soil, creek, well, good team horses, necessary farm im plements, big new barn. 116x60 ft.. 3-rm. house, split cedar, garden, berries, good orchard. 8 stands bees, over 7000 acres of splendid outrange. 1 mile to school. 5 miles to good r. r. town and Paciflo highway. 55 miles from Portland, an easy money-maker. Abundance of good grass for summer, plen ty of feed for winter. See SAM HEWEY at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Com, Bids. 80 ACRES ALB ANT. , , 80 acres, all in cultivation, fenced and cross-fenced: 9-room modern bungalow I 1 with basement; barn 40x50, chicken I House 24xSU. concrete floor, trapnesta, etc; brooder house equipped with I brooder stove; hoghouse, garage, silo. family orchard, berries for family use; 11 head of reg. Guernsey cattle, 6 grade I cows, team and harness, 9 reg. Lincoln I ewes. 1 reg. buck, grade ewes; com-1 iclo iiuo Ui lal ill uupiriucuiB, oci j - I thing included at price of only $ 15.000; I consider house and lot in Portland to I XduuO as part payment. 1 F. L. EDDY. REALTOR. .! RITTER, LOWE & CO., 501 -3-.?-7 Board of Trade BIdg. GOOD . farm, nearly 100 acrei, 5-room bunga-1 i iow, barn, storehouse, milk bouse, etc ; J some cultivated, some under ditch, easy ; cleared, pasture. considerable f irst- j srrowth'flr, fine road, large creek, graded school, R. F. D. and phone, stock ana tools with Dlace. 30 miles out. fine soil. forced sale. Make an offer, with your I own terms. DILLENBECK. C21 Cham, of Com. Ttt OR 10 ACRES level, tlmberd land, near Beaver ton; good rd, J. R. Sharp. 83 ad. WANTED REAL ESTATE. PORTLAND PROPERTY WANTED. Steam-heated hotel, 30 rooms, com-1 j)letely and well furnished: 'very clean and inviting, in tnriving town on nign- i way. 28 mllea from Portland, doing good I toustne.es: illness forces owner to sacri fice, will sell, lease or consider Portland J property In exchange. Price lo.iHW. MRS. SNOW. Broadway 4664. m 320 Lombermens Bldg. 21 DO YOU WANT RESULTS 17 ; SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE To Sell Your Home. IS TOUR HOME FOR SALE? ITS I COLD IF LISTED WITH US. We in- aDect. appraise and photograph within 24 hours after listing. We are in touch with HUNDREDS OF EARNEST HOME BUYERS. No charge except the stand ard commisison of 5 per cent in the I ; event of a satisfactory sale. 25 sales men t to work on Jt. Pee FRANK L. McGUIRE. Ablngton Building. Main 106 I "WANT from owner. 5-room bungalow, con venient to Rose City car line, or would consider west slope Mt. Tabor. Prefer paved street and garage; I am the buyer; no agents. Will ro ;I500 to $4.00: real bargain essential; quick deal; give price j ana details. Address k bt, Oregon i an. WANTED To bfcy good modern bunga- Jow of 5 or 6 rooms, lot 1 00x100; must nave siaewaias in, not over 3 blocks to street car; must be Al bargain, not to exceed s-toou; win pay :wu casn. balance ia short time. T 694, Grego rian. IIAVii ciient for lot near East 24th and Broadway. Will pay cash if price is right. Main 3787. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. ft33 X. W. Bank BIdg. Main 37t7. WILL pay cash for 5 or 6-room bungalow, anout Stuu". irvmgton. Rose city. Ala meda or Laurelhurst: must be worth the price asked; owners only. S 474, wregoman. liST your farms and acreages with, us ! ior quick pale. BIHR-CARET CORP., 218 Railway Exchange Building, Third and Stark Sts. Main 74 ST. ffO WEST SIDE property owners, I have at any time buyers for west aide bouses and I can sell your house providing your price is right. John Singer. A2Q Cham ber of Commerce bldg. t OR 6-ROOM modern bungalow; price .uuu to s vouu: i-u aown. -u to : mo.. Including Interest, AJ 6S0. Ore- gonian. V'lI.L Dav cah. modern. 5-room bungalow. not more than $5t0. Rose City or Mon- lavtiia. xrom owner oniy. u xpjo. ore- conian. INCOME PROPERTY WANTED. Prefer well located flats and will In-1 est up to $17.o00. See me at o'lo Henry I CASH for reasonable residence lot in the 3-mlle circle, with street paved; give price, location. J bjq. uregonian. VaNT home, Irvington or Laurelhurst; bungalow preferred; must be near car- lir.e; strictly modern. Main fi6?4. WILL pay J1.""0 cah for 100-ft. Irving- ton. What have you to offer? Phone I Fast 759. WANTED By an experienced orchard man, a fruit ranch to rent for 1 or 5 years. Apply AV 77. Qregonian. WANT a lot on or near railroad at Man hattan Beach. AM 609. Qregonian. X HAVE cash for lot Irvington. be quick, C CSQ. Ore go n ia n. Farms Wanted. WE ARE in touch with a party looking for 20 acres between Beaverton and HUlsboroi must be near the paved road; will construct his own buildings; no iniiatea vaiues consiaerea. STEWART & JOHNSON, " 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Wanted to Rent ra rm s. WANTED Dairy farm to rent on 0-50 basis wit n mock ana equipment fur nished for term of years. Don't want them 10 or 15 cows and would rather have more. Can give good ref erences: understand the business, as I have been in the rame before. Would like a place near Portland or accessible to a good market; cannot buy equip ment: haven't tfi means; am a man 43 years old with two little boys: can not make a living and keep them in school working out at the present wages, as I have to hire them cared for Tiave had 4 years experience in general merchandise business country More; must have permanent position or farm as soon as possible. Address W. M. Dodson. Talent, Or., formerly of Rose Lodg. Or WANTED TO RENT. SMALL PLACES Have several people wanting to rent acreage or small farms; clos to Port land preferred. Some people will buy the place after leasing for year or tnort We make lots of sales this way. WH buy equipment if priced right JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Building Largest Farm Dealer on Paclfio Coast. FOR RENT FARMS. DAIRY MEN, ATTENTION! 31 cows. 1 bull. 11 hogs, 20 chickens, delivery truck, milk route, tractor with plow, all machinery and tools for farm &nd dairy; price $s."oO; $400) cash; O-room house, barn and outbuildings; ail In first-class condition; 00 acres, 40 In cultivation; rent $65 a month: 5-year lease; located on the west eide highway, cloe in. For more information see Joe Gentemann, 210 Railway Exchange bldg.. Third and Stark. Portland. t EM ALL dairy, completely stocked, estab lished route; 80 acres, 15 acres crop, bal. good pasture; big house, barn, good water, 8 cows, chickens. Ford truck; rent Is only $25 month: will sell the business for $1550. Look into this, it will pay you to do so. 175 Front st. between 8 and 0 A. M. iO ACRES, improved. 15 In clover, good house, orchard. $200. 120 East 33d it Tabor 84,9 7 i TIMBER LANDS. WANTED Wood hauling or ban kin out to hard road: will take contract for as much as 1000 cords; have good teams. Write Oscar Saling. Oregon City. Or., KOUte Z, tfOX BL TO EXCHANGE RE AT, ESTATE. CONSIDER LOT FIRST PAYMENT. 1 V acres. 8 blocks from car. in city limits, all under cultivation, young fruit trees, walks and curbs in and paid, good 8-room house, cement basement, laundry trays, best of Dlumbing. all conveniences, property clear, ML Scott car: consider lot or house and lot up to l-'tOOO as first payment; easy terms on balance. 20 acres, 44 miles from Washougal, I wain., m2 miles from Portland, lana mile to school. 12 acres under cultiva tion, 17 acres can be cultivated?, small I family orchard. 5 -room house, barn, I chicken house, other buildings: price $.1000; fSim Incumbrance; want house in I Mt. Scott district, and willassum up to I M1U. CLOSE IV PITT CONVENIENCES. 3 acres, mile from city limits of .rortiand, on a macadamized roaa, mile froVn station. 7c fare, near Mil- waukle road, all under cultivation, good 2-room house; this is the very best of soil : city conveniences there; price $2700; $1000 incumbrance; consider 5-room bunsralow in Portland and as sume some difference; will not so south of Division street. JOHN FERGUSON. Oerlinirer Rid nr.. Realtors. Over 5o small places near Portland. ffet our extensive classified .lists. 100-ACRE ranch, 1 mile t B. R. electHo station, modern buildings, K in culti vation and In croo. all can be: all crop. stock and equipment goes with the place. . Price J0,O00; will take a home in ; Portland and some cash, as first pay ment; good terms. T4-aere fruit ranch. SU mllee to R. R. town, about 17 in cultivation, 1 2. in commercial orchard. In fine condition. about 50 more can be; lies fine and best of soli; fair buildings. PRICE $3500. Will trade same for home or vacant lota in Portland. C. J, CULLISOK REAL ESTATE CO., REALTOR. 200 Morrison St. EXCHANGE TOUR REAL) ESTATE. Transfer your Portland real estate to Oakland or San rancisco witn the as- uiaJS,fS,p.x,,vr,?:S"aM RESPONSIBLE ORGANIZATION. Quick action; satisfactory results. . JOHN P. HOLLAND, - WICKHAM HAVENS. INC., 1500 Franklin St., Oakland, f WILLAMETTE VALLEY. We offer for exchanga a good 318-acre stock and grain farm in Polk Co.. Or. Improvements consist of a good 8-room dwelling with hot and cold water lank; 2 barns, machine shed and large hop house. The place formerly had 60 acre in hops but now in grain. All the bal ance of the place In grain but 100 acres or upland pasture with scattering oaas, good roads; school near by; cash selling price, JU0 per acre. Will trade for in come Dronertv or will take small Im proved farm od to S17.000: balance runs! xor xu years. Kural creait loan. BEAM LAND COMPANY. 133 Lyon St.. Albany. Or. EXCHANGE THIS INCOME BEARING 20-ACRE RANCH FOR PORTLAND HOME. Located 1 mile from station, south of Portland, ail In cultiva tion, 10 acres commercial bearing orchard, price $4000. No incum brances. Exchange for Portland home. Assume mortgage of $1000 or more if property suits. Sea SAM HEWEY at J. L. HART MAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber ot Commerce Bldg. BEACH LOtS. EXCHANGE FOR T 1 1TI Vil nR RITILDINO. Tjt. .r wen located at Tillamook Beach, near station and ocean. Address AF Ml, uregonian. CHICKEN RANCH. - ik ll in cultivation, balance pas ture; 4-room house: good barn, chicken house that win noue iuuv cuickchs. uwu .n! v-r.V a i-rl tmirl tonrrl Cit horSfl. 1 cow 300 laying hens, all farm imple ments; crop all In. The finest soil in Orp-ron- Located 64 miles from center or city, uooa roaa. rnce -uw. exchange for ' home in city if priceO . - . t -! . 4 - lrt M wrht I richt. C. P. Jornan. lanor iv.'-.t). 1 HAVE A MODERN 5-ROOM. JtlOCsr. in Montavilla district, iacing on un proved county road, which 1 will trade for gooa personal properu, liberty bonds, real estate contracts, rt ap nrhr chattels Of Value, and give easy terms on any unpaid j balance. For particulars, see OWNER, , 404 Piatt bldg.. ll!7 r"arK su tittt t r n T". c THIS FO R AUTO MOBILE. 15 acres on the street car unc nu paved road, all in cultivation, but no buildings; right In town: 14 miles from Portland; price $3000; will take good 5-passenger automobile up to $1800, little I ph- lonir time on the balance. STEWART A JUMSUW, S15 Northwestern Bank Bldg. HAVE client with beautiful residence in Medio rd vamed at n.uu. un ol.ii.w tin hnmpR in southern Orexon. Will trade for Portland income or reBioente nmiMTtv and assume to $40,000. Photos of house on display at our office. inuvan'.rrOnsn' CO.. M K. W. Bank bldg. Main 8787. s-tn aprks nenr Condon. Or., well im proved, price sis.uuw, ciear. want nmii voll.u nwm aKmit atrm ImOrflYpd. 040 acres, well improved land near La Grande, price $35,000. clear. Want anartmem property. Mr. waiter, bis Stock ExcB. Bldg.. rnira ana i arm. mi. STO CK OR GRAIN RANCH. A4u acres fine bunch crass land, one mile from railroad and laaima river; nrirm tin an acre, clear of incumbrance; want house In Portiand; will assume or take mortgage back. 618 Chamber of Commerce bldg. YOUR PORTLAND RESIDENCE. VERY LITTLE CASH. For 88 acres best section Clackamas rntintv. S2000 croD on part oi place. rocked road, long time on balance. Mr. Colt. 526 Cham, of Com. WILL take auto and some cash, first pay ment on home, Oregon City car line, close in. or will take home In Portland and assume. Phone. Main 7837. Ask for Mr. Baker or write to 159 Nebraska st. Portland. 1 ACRE, all under cultivation, good four room house, in Sheridan, for $1000. or will trade for light car. BIHR-CARET CORP.. Railway Exchange Bldg.. Third and Stark. Main 7487. STOCK ranch for sale of trade, for Income business property in Portland and 40 ar ftf vpiirtw nine, livestock and ma chinery, all for $40,000. Room 823 Se ward hotel. Portland, Or., or C. J. Swin gle, Yamhill, or. TO EXCHANGE 2 good lots in Irving ton, on corner; improvements all in and no tA fr.p R rtr ft.rnoTn hunealow. Rosa City or Laurelhurst Owner, Automatic I 217-12. WANTED To trade 320 acres of land, th best I ever saw; 3-room house, fenced, barn, in Lake county, for merchandise or house or a fruit rancn; vaiue mwu. AV 7t)W, Qrpgonian. 20 ACRES, 20 miles from Portland, with small improvements, 4 lots in wasn., ail clear of incumbrances, value $3000; want house In Portland. AK 698, Ore- gonian. $2800 EQUITY 40 - acre Improved farm, near Kelso and Paciflo highway, for acreage or city property. G. A Norby. 120 E. 33d. Tabor 3497. 2 ACRES, improved, close to city limits, to exchange for A or 6-room bungalow. Rose City or Laurelhurst preferred. Au tomatic 217-12. WILL exchange equity two houses, one east and one west side, for equity apartment house. Owner. Kast 7154 SAN DIEGO property for Portland or vicinity, or equipped ranch, and assume. Owner. O flXtf. Qregonian. WILL trade 1920 2-ton Standard truck as first payment on house lot AF 684, Qregonian. LOTS near Kenton, value $1200. have you? AF 32, Qregonian. What NICE Portland lots for house or land. W. J. rteuier, oi. wary a, mano. ALL CLASSES property exchanged; reli able service. iraca, oi toucn Diag. TO EXCHAGE-SCELLANEOUS. WANTED To swap one first-class punch ing bag and rack for good fishing out fit. Phone Broadway 2597. R. 10. EQUITY in 8-rra. semi-modern house aud lot Exchange for good auto. East 166 Call before noon. CASH for a bargain power rip saw or mandrel suone. uroauway no. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. SALE or trade, gas saw with A h. p. sta tionary en cine; oil stove. 3 burners; gooa saddle and wash machine. Exchange fori cows or calves. John B. Zandecki. Gas ton, Or. I I HAVE one new 6-cyIinder automobile J . that I will trade. Prefer grocery, or what have you? Auto. 316-33. FOR SALE or exchange. Manning coal oil j burner. What have you? T 683, Ore-1 gonian. DANDY 4x5 Rullard box camera and de veloping outfit for small phonograph I ana records. Morrison, out ctay st. FOR SALE. Homes, Vehicles. Livestock. m HORSES. WAGONS AND HARNESS. I have 12 head of young, first-ciass j a ratt horses with waerons ana harness, i must sell three teams as I have bought! new truck; will sell very reasonable, i Montavilla Woody a rd. East fcuth and I Burnside sts. BARGAIN, must sell 1 pair of 200-lb. I work mules and nearly new double har ness. 1U67 E. Stark St., cor. 78th. Trial I allowed. GOOD cow pasture; prefer herd of 25 to I S'; plenty running water. The Old Mea dow farm. Canyon road, d miles west of Portland. 2600-POUND team horses, sound, $150 cash If quick. Inquire at Rusk place. on Lake road, east of Milwaukle. Phone I Columbia 117P. KEYSTONE FEED STABLE Horses for sale or hire, stalls for rent. 381 Water I st., foot Montgomery. Marshall 3olo. PAi Uncji Ladd Canyon farm. Canyon road, close I In; no business Sundays. Main 4819. WE HAVE a couple of good young, heavy teams or horses lor sale. Apply 20 1 urapa ave. a. FOR SALE Six horses; reasonable prices iioimaa jj uei cort Darn ti. ota and ivon I streets. . 1 MULES AND HORSES with harness for rent by carload. Williamson Ranch, Lathrop. Cai. FOR SALE or trade for cow or heifers'. 12H) pound mare, work anywhere. A. L. rrotners. eaverton. K. R. i. LARGE, fresh Durham, Holstein and I Jersey dairy or family cows. foO to $bd I ir sold soon. r3 K. Ash. 14 SMALL horses, very cheap; -all work. riae or drive; harness and wagons wofiayaro, azi f ront st. 1500-POUND horse, 6 years old. good worker. Atlas woodyard, 327 Front at. I DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly. Phone AiiauKie o;u ror pest service. VETERINARIAN. DR. HOWES. TABOR 6566. WANTED Several O. A. u. sows to farrow aoon. Tabor 1107. I MILK goats for sale; fredb in June; $;& I i and gnn. Auto. 5-ia. TWO FINE, fresh, young, gentle family cows, rich milk. 733 East Ash. A LARGE pasture for rent, near Port- land. above riood waters. .Main 8S. FOR SALE A good wagon for foO. Call Wdln. 3-'. CALVES WANTED. PHONE MAR. 2178. Pianos. Organ and Musical Internments. VHnxnc.RAPHs. Columbia, larre size, nearly new. with l aoz. lo-ln. records. lo; coiumoia. walnuL with 1 doz. 10-in. records. S100: Victor style XIV, mahogany, regular priced at J 185: Edison, mahog any, with 1 doz. records, (115; Columbia dox witn a records. 4U. we nave many otner gooa nuys at our store. Terms on the above. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 149 Sixth St. CASH BUYERS. ATTENTION! Security Storage Co.. SDrina Clearance. $450 Emerson upright, cash $140 J575 New upright, out of storage. .. .$'-05 Sa.-0 Kimball, modern oak. cash Sl'O Two small upright pianos, cash.. $65. $75 $475 C. A. Smith, large, fine shape. .$215 $525 Vose & Sons, good shaoe. cash. .$105 I $575 Davis & Sons, large oak $295 $250 Pianola player, incl. 80 rolls. ...$ 45 $750 Plana player piano. 40 rolls. .. .$3W Four parlor organs. $1S. $25. $35 and $38 Jim rentn st., cor, stark at vvasmpgton. 10 MONTHLY as before the war buys new X5Z3 pianos for $39o: $15 sends it nome; $. $8 or $10 monthly buys Sis, $195. $295 to $395 used pianos; $10 to fid monthly buys used player pianos; $3 monthly buys $28, $35 to $58 organs dur ing anniversary sale. (4o years in tne i piano Dusiness.) tech wan jftano J0., iut-i lud Tenth st., at Washington and stark. WE WILL TRADE TOU A. BEAUTIFUL NEW PHONOGRAPH rOfl YOUR OLD PIANO. WHY NOT? COME UP AND LET US TALK IT OVER. SEVENTH FOLOOR. LIPMAN. WOLFE jCO.. VIOLIN STUDENTS. ATTENTION I We carry a superior line of vio lin strlnKS. including the famous "Ai-nati," "Intuna," "La Favor ite" and genuine silver G strings from 50c to $1.25. . G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 149 Sixth St. A. B. CHASE 6-octave organ (walnut).$ 40 9100 btradivara phonograph, new... vv Brunswick DhonosrraDh (like new).. 33. Brewster piano, (oak) 800 ronopnone excellent ior camping (new) 85 HAROLD 8. GILBERT. 384 VamhtH St. FINE pianos, $100 up; $335 uprights, such makes as steger, .Kimoau, scnuoert, wraaoury, stecK, Milton, Lagonaa, Aiarsnau & Wendell, Thompson, Mc- Cam on, Harrington. others; terms. Brokerage Co., 311 Worcester bldg. PORTOPHONE. just the talking machine for your camping trip. folds up, can be carried just like your grip: cheap. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 Sixth St. VIOLIN outfit, pupil's special, com plete witn extra good violin, now and case, $25. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 149 Sixth St. GENUINE Martin "C" melody saxophone. silver with gold bell, case and equip ment, iu; just ime new. terma . O. H JOHNSON rlANO CO.. 149 Sixth St. SAXOPHONE. 4C" MELODY, outfit complete with case and all equipment; $110, terma G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 149 Sixth St WELLINGTON PIANO, $275. plain ma nogany case, nest or condition. A big snap. b El BER LI NG-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th st, bet Wash, and Alder. FINE practice piano, case all remodeled, manogany art nntsn, si'o, terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 149 Sixth St. PLAYER piano, brand new. onlv $.135: very latest; perfect; just compare with any other in Portland up to $800. 311 Worcester bldg. GIBSON mandolin and case $60, sold on easy terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 149 Sixth St KIMBALL PIANO. $275. SEIBERLING- LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St. bet Washington ana Aiaer. SCHIRMER PIANO, $I5u, upright Terms given. BElBfciKL.lAO-L.UCAS MUSIC CO., 4th st. bet Wash, and Alder. DECKER PLAYER PIANO, $275, with rolia BbiD&KLi.Mj-LUCAS MUSIC CO., l.T 4tn st., pet, wasn. and Alder. FISHER PIANO. $200. A fine practice instrument. ierms given. SEIBEK- Li.NO LUCAS A1US1U CO., 125 4th St Abington 409 Building. PIANOS BARGAINS VOSE & SON piano, very reasonable. Call after o r m. ho Montana ave. or woooiawn opvj. MUST SELL Steger piano, excellent condi tion, $300 if taken immediately. East S32. X1U5 BUYS $475 used Emerson unrlo-ht piano. $15 cash. $5 monthly, downstairs I store senwan riano to., mtn and Stark. FRANKLIN PIANO, walnut case, a won derful Instrument SEIBERLING- LUCAS music i.o., i,a 4th st USE of piano for storage by responsible persons; aamts. Jiain oi o. FINE tone guitar and case, nearly new. C. G. CONN meiody C. aaxephone. $125. w ooaiaw n i-.'3i. WANT USED RECORDS. PHONOGRAPH or music rolls. Main 4495. Auto 627-40. FOR SALE or exchange, good used piano. o a 1 1 ra por puu. I WLLL PAY cash for a good used piano or I player ir price is rignt. auto. oii-.'O. FOR RENT GRAFONOLAS, late music. s.i.tw per mo nm. jtroaaway loo. NEW STEIN WAY grand for sale. Leav- ing city, rnone East .1U7. FOR SALE Grafonola; no agents wanted. Call 3-o conege st. TRADE VICTROLA for used piano. Good . proposition. wain aoao. PIANO WANTED Cash, for private narties. if bargain. Marshall 1532. FOR SALE BY PRIVATE PARTY, PlANO. WANTED Second-hand piano, pay cash. Main 4424 before 5 P. M. all CH1CKERING upright piano, $lSo. 13th st. Broadway 2555. 14S PIANO WANTED Cash deal. Main 8586. Furniture for sale. HOUSEHOLD goods for sale by owner; must be disposed of by June 1. Call Bdwy 3170. FULL-SIZE bed, complete, also one ; library table, rockers, dining set; no dealers. Aut. 217-20. 147 E. 12th st. FURNITURE of 2 bedrooms, practically new, and Radlantfire for sale. 1092 E. Flanders. Automatic 223-23. MAHOGANY Victrola witn caboiaet and records, all for $70. Tabor ioO. TOR 8AI.E. Furniture for Hale. MUST VACATE. Store has been rented to other parties. MEIER & FRANK STOCK of furniture and draperies, slightly dam aged In warehouse and removed to 349-351 OAK ST.. between Broadway and Park st. (across xrom telephone biag.i; must oe ciosea out for whatever price it will bring. There are a number of A-l overstuffed davenports and chairs; also complete line oi general furniture. REAL BARGAINS. Overstuffed dnvnnnrln. heat .covers. good assortment, from $75 Overstuffed chairs and rockers, good assortment, from $30 Man. and walnut extension table (se lect patterns) $25 Mah. and walnut davennort (select patterns) -f $20 Mah. and walnut gateleg table, from.$-0 Mahto-and walnut piano table lamps. from $10 Dressers (good assortment), from ...$15 Dressing table (3 mirrors) $15 Rras hri Iron heria children's cribs. springs, mattresses, chairs, rockers, buf fets, library table, mirrors, etc, at your own price. DRAPERIES RUGS. Consisting of mohair, plush, silk, ve lours, tapestries, denims, art tic Kings, etc.. at whatever price thev will bring. 340-351 OAK STREET. CHARTER OAK COMBINATION RANGE. With white back, doors and tray, nickel sanitary base, four lids, for coal or wood, four gas burners, lSxl8-inch oven,- guaranteed to bake with wood, coal or gas; this range has been used just long enough to call it second-hand and we only ask $124.73 for it, in stalled; easy terms. AIISH FURNITURE CO., 188-190 First St. LEAVING CITY. MUST SELL AT ONCE. Beautiful ivorv Derlod bedroom set In jouis av. consisting or large size bea. large areseer. cnirtonier. aesk. cnair, S . : , Ing of full-sized bed. dreer. table an email rocKer. Beautiful mahogany library table, leacner armcnair. ruKS, araperies, orass roaa; Acorn ETis range. . linoleum, wnite enamel kltchea table, three chairs, type writer, garden tool, fruit Jars. Ironing board and tabourettes. These goods are like new. Will aacrl- nce. Auto 332-04. 711 East 57th X. SAVE MONEY. Try our sales department If you want to buy or sell household goods. Reduced freight rates to most all points in our tnrougn pool card. j,xoet packing, re pairing and relinlshlng. Money loaned on goods in storage. Fireproof storage. low insurance rates. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO.. S3 4th st.. opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. BUY DIRECT from manufacturer and save middlemen s profit. $30, Quarter oak library table, 28x44, golden oak rtnisn, xi7..o aenverea. $15 fir library table, . 28x44 (stain xnem yaurseit), si.ou aenverea. $75 Quartered oak bookkeeper's desk. 4U. HOLLAND FURNITURE MFG. CO., Columbia 1251. FINE fumed oak dining and library table. electric wasner, vacuum. White rotary sewing machine, dresser, dressing table. beds complete, beautiful mirror, used cord tires, 4x34; good bicycle, everything- goes, many almost new. Phone East 1844. HAVE nice furniture including Wilton rug, ivory oearoom sets. Handsome walnut dining room Bets, all late models, good new: will trade for Chevrolet or light car. can zui rtivou oiag. farK-si. en- trance. next to Marg. ONE OAK dresser. 1 brass bed good as new. 1 white enamel steel bed and springs. 2 oak rockers, two heating stoves. 1 9x12 velvet rug, gas plate and fruit jars and other articles. 1058 E. 7th st. North. DAVENPORT AT A BARGAIN. New davenport with Turkish arms: a bargain for anyone wanting a fine piece of furniture, fnone. any day out sun- Qay Auto. 814-20, DON'T sacrifice your furniture if going east or to California. We can save you money on your freight in our through cars; fireproof storage, C M. Olson Transfer & Storage Co., 218. Pine st. FURNITURE of 5-room house for sale, including comoination range, rugs, ma hogany Victrola and some other things; all or part. Call after 10 A. M. 33a East 44th st. COMPLETE furnishings for 12-room house for sale; used only lew weeks; good ior hospital or convalescent home. CalJ Auto 317-65. 395 E. 48th st. N. BEDROOM set. mahogany dressing table. I at. chiffonier, cnair, rose rugs, draper- i les. bedspread bolster to match. Phone j Broadway 4112. WALNUT dresser, rug, writing desk, large living room, cnairs, ivory oreaatast set, sewing machine, stoves, etc, at a bar- gain. 1009 South Ivanhoe st. A BARGAIN Two oak rockers, leather cushioned: library table and lamp: loO; will sen separately, jaroaqway xava. Office Furniture. SPECIAL low price on Burroughs, Dalton and Wales adding machines, typewriters, safes, safa cabinets, new and used desks. files, etc. Wax Office Equipment House, 24 N. 5th st. Broadway 1 T. W. DESK and chair. 2 tables. 3 roll- inn ifflKfl. 3i nat-toD aesKS. a oooKK.ee d- ers' desks, 8 chairs. 8 filing cabinets, 2 safes. m BUSHONO St CO.. 91 Pars: St ROLL-TOP DESK AND CHAIR, $45. FLAT-TOP DESK AND CHAIR, $33. NEUMAN, 128 FIRST. NEAR ALDER. OAK FLAT-TOP DESK and desk, chair. ! 226 Failing bldg. Typewriters. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKES. IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE. CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Washington at. Main owl. 1 REBUILT typewriters, all makes, rentals. repairing, supplies. Distributors UORONA porta Die, suisuBixiAf, aaaing ma chines. Main 2285. SO. W. Pease Co., 110 Sixth st. FOR SAL13 Fox portable typewriter, latest model, used one montn. ononis Marshall 720. ALL MAKES rubied ana repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. m Dtn st. Main aims. NEW rebuilt second-hand, rentals, at cut rates. P. L. Co.. 231 stark st. Main 1407. REPAIRS, rent, buy, sell; supplies. Type writer inspection uo., Biz star. M. od. FOR RENT L. C. Smith & Bros type- wrlter. Main 074. A SET of Dictaphones, almost new; cheap. 207 Oregon bldg. REMINGTON No. 10. like new. late model. 2045 E. Couch. Poultry. $12.50 PER 100 FOR Whl Tjchnrn hfthv th !fltR "Our T?Hiv est." O. A. C. and Tancred stock. PROMPT DELIVERIES, safe arrival guaranteed. Season closes June 10. OR DER NOW. C N. NEEDHAM, Salem, Or. WHITE LEGHORN baby chicks for May hoeanized stock: sale arrival or rui. and June delivery from a heavy-laying count: live, strong chicka guaranteed. 12.50 per hundred: $120 per thousand. PIONEEK xlAlL n EK I. 441 Sixth St Petaluma. Cal. O. A. C. WHITE LEGHORNS. 500 day-old chicks, ready May 29. 15c each. $14 for $100. 800 on June 2. 500 on June 9. Week old on hand. 16c eachf 2 weeks old. 20c each. Also Brown Leg horns. 20c each. J. R. MAG Ul RK. 7"T Oregon St. THREE setting hens, $1.50 each; five barred rocks ana uve wnite Leghorn hens, gooa stocK. jaoor zuu". O. A. C. White Leghorn chicks, 4 weeks old. 25 centseach. Tabor 1H36. Dogs Rabbits, Birds and Pet Stock. IMPORTED St. Andreasberg Rollers, orgaa trained; sweetest songster on eartn; guaranteed; circular of other birds on request. E. B. Flake, Salem, Oregon. PEDIGREED police dog puppies from the celebrated Speedway Kennels. Phone week day. Main 2003, between 9 A. M. and 4:30 P. M. WANTED Dog; suitable playmate for child; not younger than 7 months; house broken; good home. Telephone Main or call at Koom 41. ooroett bldg. ON SALE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY at Jones orug co., Oregon city, toy black and tan puppies, sired by Sir Happy Boy 29003. A. K. c; raised by Toy Kennels. PEDIGREED Boston terriers exclusively. ales for service. stocK cor sale, all agea The Boston Kennels of Portland, 407 Ainsworth ave. Woodlawn 52S4. RIGHT AGE TO TRAIN. 4 spitx puppies for sale cheap. Call CHOICE SINGERS AND FEMALES. CALL THE STUDIO. MAIN 468. THOROUGHBRED Boston bulL 500 East I34tn st. renwooQ ani, FOR SALE Beautiful parrot and cage; m u st sell; reasonab le; phone Sell. 2127 Boats, Launches and Marine Equipment. HOUSE 22, WILLAMETTE MOORAGE. One of the best at this moorage; will sell furnished or unfurnished. Terms at tractive; discount for cash. Owner. FOR SALE Houseboat No. 2. moored at Oregca Yacht club, fully furnished, sil ver, dishes, piano, dance floor, all ship shape. J. H. Klosterman, 810 Board of Trade bldg.. city. FOR SALE. Boats. Launches and Marine Equipment. FOR SALE Furnished houseboat; a aau- nfice Call Tabor 806. Machinery. HIGHWAY CONTRACTORS, ATTENTION! Rock Crusher for Sale. Number 5 Gates: has crushed only 20 tons ore; price $2500 f. o. b. H alley. Idaho. GUS H. HARVEY. Boise, Idaho. Box 143. ONE 45-H. P. Holt caterpillar for sale; price $2500 ; 5 per cent off for cash. O. Smith, Gales Creek. Or.. ,care Con solidated Lbr. Co. 3 H.-P. STOVER gasoline engine; just the thing for pumping ont basements; cheap if taken at once. 359 Ankeny. Bdwy. 2455. Coal and Wood. 4-FOOT green mill slab, $5.75 per cord; block and slab mixed stove length. $6 per load; double load, $11. A. W. War . ner. 624 Northrup st. Broadway 4110. 1 $7.30 CORD WOOD $7.50. Good, sound second-growth: excellent grade first-growth,- $8.50. Coal, select grade Utah. $15. delivered. Wdln. 4102. GUARANTEED best old Krowth cordwood. $a per cord. s.iu in rour-cord lots: 4 ft. heavy country ctlab, $6.50 and $7.00 per cord. Bdwy. 4110. ' BUY YOUR winter wood now. Heavy first-growtb nr. $8.50, oak $11 per cord. F. E. Bowman & Co.. Main 302g. I FIRST-GROWTH red fir cordwood. 4-ft. and ltt-ln. dry and 10-in. green. Wood lawn 2."3. 116-INCH block and slab. also 4-ft. slat and cord. Phone Bdb. WOOD Dry block $7.50 per load: green block wood mixed. $6.50. Main 8065. I BLOCK and s.abwood, also siao wood and cordwood; 4 rt. lengtn. isast 6362. DRY 16-INCH 1 and 2-inch lumber trim- mings, $6.5u per load, woodlawn 2528. BEST old growth fir cordwood, $S.2i per corn. reu. an. 1 MILLWOOD, dry wreckage and alabwood. I i aoor an;j. A BlG load of boxwood, $5.50. Call Wdln. I 904 or 1133 Montana ave. CORDWOOD 7.50 a cord, delivered from I ai. i. -... I BEST biocte and slab, t6. Marshall 24S8. Miscellaneous. PLAITED skirt, never been made up. Bray with blue stripe: new black horsehair braid hat, trimmed with flowers; new . ironing board, some platters; 2 camp chairs, folding; 2 folding canvas cols, cneap. f none Kast 210f. SPECIAL SALE OFFICE FURNITURE. Adding machines, typewriters, safes, check writers, safe cabinets, desks, files. etc.: lowest prices in city. Wax Office Equipment House, 24 N. 5th. Broadway L'73!l. BLACK FIGS. 25-lb. box. $-,50; split prunes. 2-ib. box. $1; muscatel rauwns. 2',-lb. boxes. $5; 100-lb. sack spilt prunes, 4.50. BEAVER GROCERY. 2S7 Yamhill St. . PAIR ladies' fine brogue oxfords, 6C, worn twice, seil for $5, or trade ror ground grippers. Automobile blue book, 1U21, eastern route, never used, $2. 730 Savier st. BROKEN FURNITURE REPAIRED. Furniture refinished different fluishes. White and old ivory enamel work done. THE FURNITURE SHOP, 390 E. Ash St. Phone East 3574. WHY AS everlasting aggravation by a leaky roof? Why not a comfortable and durable roof? We repair Rubber Bond and rejuvenate all kinds of leaky roofs. Wo rk guaranteed. Main 5120. HOT WATER tanks. 80-gal.. $7: 40-gaL $9; tested and guaranteed; stove and furnace colls, gas heater Installed, ev pert plumbing, repairing. East Side Welding Shop. 203 Adams st. East 8516. FOR SALE All sizes of floor cases, foun tain complete, scales, refrigerators, reg isters, root-beer barrels, adding ma chine; sacrifice prices, cash or credit. 240 Salmon, corner Second. SAVE money, have your razor blades sharpened, grinding of all kinds, satis faction guaranteed, special attention to mall orders. Almon Lautarbacb, 67 Sixth street. NEW "SINGERS," $5 down. $3 monthly. ExDert sewlnsr machine repairing. MORRISON STREET SINGER STORE 882 Morrison. Marshall 721. OFFICE FURNITURE. Bought, sold and exchanged. HANSEN-WADEXSTEIN DESK CO., 105-107 Twelfth St. Bdwy 1S77. COMPUTING scales, cash register, coffee mills, meat choppers ana genera' store fixtures at 220 btark at., between vksi and Second sts, GUN& BOUGHT. SOLD. EXCHANGED. BEAUtftEGARDS, 702 Main St. Vancouver, Wash. COLUMBIA PLASTER WALL BOARL Can't bulge, swell, warp or shrink. Makes Jointless. batteniess wans, t ire retard ing. Oregon made. Ohsfeldt. 145 First. SO ACRES near Redmond; paid-up water rieht . buildings. implements: iww want dairy or grain farm. 425 E. Mor rison SAFES AND VAULTS 70 Sixth at., near Oak, new or Zd band uerring-Hai'.-Mar-vin safes for sale or exchange. Terms. Bushong & Co., phone Broadway I2tta. FOR SALE New Hamilton-Beach carpet washing machine at half price; will demonstrate fully. Phone Broadway 1336; MUSICAL rummase sale; sheet music, records, piano rolls ior to late i-eaerauon of Musical Clubs. Eilers surplus stock. S7 4th St. RANGE. Good Monarch range. In excellent con d ition for sale reasonable for cash 4714 Powell st., near E. 47th st. Phone AUtO. WASHING MACHINE. Thor electric, nearly new. used but very little. 4714 Powell st, near E. 47th st. r'none auto. pja-u. ROLL-TOP DESK AND CHAIR, $45. FLAT-TOP DESK AND CHAIR. $:t:i. NEUMA N. 128 FIRST. NEAR ALDER. FOR SALE Fine lot standing green hay. cheap, also pasture; i-un ana Aiaua sta Call wain Pi-:, riarrison. PILES can be permanently cured witnout operation. can or write jjr. .uoan. Second and Morrison. $110 ELECTRIC WASHER. $70 TAKES li, Al UU.MHilUrt. tlAWinUKL AVE. PHONE EAST 13. FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners 24-hour day. Hoc; aenverea; guaranteed good condition. w am. izqv. RUGS washed on your floor with Hamilton- Beech electrlo carpet wasner; also vao- uum cleaning done. East 404a. FOR CORRECT time call Main 3570; fof scientific watcn repairing see Aimer, next door to Majestic tneater. NEW CABINET phonograph, latest im provements; very cneap u taaen at once. East li'-S ociore i-: a. ji. KODAKS. daks, sanay, atf wasnington su WANT BANJO, GUITAR, MANDOLIN, 128 First V101.1JN. Main 4495, Auto. 627-46. BRAND new Bluebird washing machine for sale at a sacrifice. Marshall a92 or 661 Wash, st. LICENSED independent electrician wires 8 rooms for $1-, o ior sju; guaranteed to pass inspection. wooatawn a.ui. DIAMOND, carat, lady's white gold setting, price aiuu. it roaa way x.ox. Room 211. BABY BUGGY Wicker baby buggy for sale, used very lime, cogt i.oo; -0 takes It. rnone aeuwoou naoj. RKATITIFL'L gray, round reed baby car riage, ' reversioie Dooy, nae new; pig bargain. west rar. ROOT beer barrels, fountain cash regis ters, showcases, scales, electric Zans, many others. JU tiecona HIGH-GRADE baby buggy, slightly used, $.- u. Call at oiit Nortnrup St., corner zist 5-GAL. cans paint. $10 apiece, or both for $15. 165 N. 16th at. $50 INDIAN blankets, very cheap. Phone uroati way i ; i a- jvt niumiA mus. LADIES suits, spring coats and skirts, Phone Main 5268. cheap. FOR SALE 2 good fly rods, 1 pole rod, 2 ret-Is. 3-tt College st. FOR SALE Inlaid walnut card table and 4 chairs to ma ten, can wain. SACRIFICE sale, 1 flat, 1 rolltop desk. qhairs ana rug, -sna i eon Diag. AWNING complete. $10; siore clock, $0; oW stamp collection, woooiawn j.ia.t. UAJiiLiOM waiuo, i. jewei, iiae new. half price. Mar. 10.0. S00 HYDRANGEAS in 6-inch pots. Wdln. 1 9-J3. V. aoutnwortn, ioau ta. -otn a. FOR SALE Vacuum cleaner, cheap, and in good snapo. .ast o-na. FRESH goat milk for sale. Woodlawn 5019. FOR SALE Diamond ring, .40 karat Cowt $iift: Ben ior i-;. wain - FOR SALE Casn register, safe, adding machine, showcase. 43 1st at., near Ash. OFFICE safe in good order. First reason - able otter taaes it. w d-, oregomaa "STAR A STAR" shingles direct from mill. Call Tayior-street ooca. main auoo. SAFES, true k s, scales, coilee mills, cheese cutters. 48 Front at., near Pine. VACUUM cleaners for rent. 85c per day, delivered anywhere. Wdln. 8495. SECOND-HAND tents and covers for sal. Pacific Tent & Awning Co., No. 1 1st at. ELEC. vacuum cleaners sold, exchanged, repaired. Ray Bentley, Main 4907. FOR SALE Complete traffic library, volumes. $20. Phone Broadway 1330. 20 EXCAVATING DONE CHEAP.AUT. 624-83. BASEMENTS dug cneap. Aut. 623-33, FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. FROM AVPIKVT DAMASl'l'.S! While visiting some Arafc homes In Damascus I picked up a number of beautiful rugs for mv private collection. I need an auto RIGHT AWAY and will sacrifice one or two of these ruga for a 1920 or li21 car IN FIRST-CLASS CONDITION. Phone to Captain Shish- manian. Hdwy. 3 or ei -J- D. B. SCULLY CO.. DOWNTOWN LUM BER STORE, 171 FRONT ST., BET. I MORRISON AND YAMHILL. PHONE Main 4213. Lumber, lath, shingles, doors, windows, molding and mill work, screen! floor, fruit and vegetable box snooa. tee pur ode stock of sasn aoors. LATEST slightly worn eveninr gowns. , coats,' d resnes, hats, shoes, el ippers, for . sale, low prices; also rug, 12x1-, gas oven, mahogany chiffonier, 2 trunks, hair mattress, black leather davenport, does not open; genuine leather sut tease. KarK st. 'hone Marshall iuim. SAFES Fire and burgiar-proof safes, new and second-hand at right prices bought. I Mid and exchanged; easy terms 12 d. sirea. VOBT1I9 SAFR A LOCK CO.. 105 Second St. Main 204S. SEWING machines, now and second-hand, I sold for less; no agents employed: com-I Dlete line, of Dart, far all makes: ma- f chines repaired and rented. Main 94iil. I HJSWINti MACHINE Ell fOKl U Jl. 190 Third St.. near Taylor. TOBACCO OM Kentupkv Homesnun. No. 1 chewing and smoking, 2 lbs. 80c: 3 1 lbs. M.75; 10 lbs. $3. liood Luck mild I smoking. 5 lbs. $1.10; 10 lbs. $'-', post paid. SatlKfaction or money back, c c I crusg. Dukedom. Tern. LADIES, "be Weil dressed." Exclusive used garments in a home. Tabor l!8.a. FOR BALE AUTOMOBILES. WE HAVE THE ASSORTMENT. 1916 Ford roadster, good motor.. .$ 200 lltt rord touring, extras 2101 1917 Ford roadster, tail del 3:15 1918 Ford roadster, extras atoi 19l'0 Ford touring, extras. 4-. 1 : 1920 Ford touring, starter, extras. . 1920 Ford coupe, starter, extras... 1920 Ford sedan, starter, extras... 1919 Chevrolet touring, A-l 1916 Dodge touring, snap 1916 Dodge touring. A-l shape.... 191 B Oakland 6. touring, dandy... 1018 Oakland 6. touring, cord tires 1918 Overland 85, good as new.... 1916 Grant 6, repainted, new top... 1918 Elgin 6. repainted, A-l 1918 Bult!k 6. touring, new tires... 500 700 50 475 525 675 500 850 55U I 425 25 800 1917 Hup Big 4, touring, new tires 85U STAGE CARS. Packard 30, 7-pass.... Studebsker, 7-pass Cole 8, 7-pass Paige. .1010, 7-pass.... .$ 450 . 450 . 650 . 1450 BEST OFFER TAKES THESE Win ton 6, 7-pass. Apperson 4, touring, starter. Veils 4. tourlnjr, starter. Overland touring, starter. Hup 4, touring, A-l. Ford hugs, & of thera. VRAVSOVS USED CAR EXCH. "Union Ave. tnd Belmont St., Upstairs. E. 4376. Open Kves. ana aunaay. REGARDLESS OF COST, THEY GO. Under our new sellfnpr plan we are going to sell the following used cars regardless of cost: 1020 Ford touring. 1019 Chevrolet roadster. 19J9 Chevrolet touring. 00 Overland touring. 1917 Bulck 6. 1017 Bulck 4. CUT PRICE LIBERAL TERMS. WILLIAM L. HUGHSON CO., Since 1903 60 X. Broadway at Davis. Bdwy. 321. 1920 FORD COUPE, In excellent con dition every way; good tires, cords, refinished; $275 down, balance $40 per month; just the car for sales man or family of three. 854 East 8th st North. Woodlawn 4964. G 47, Qregonian, A GOOD CAR CHEAP. Case 4-cylinder light B-passen-ger car can be bought for $200 down and ten payments of $25 a month, perfect mechanically, new top and refinished. Get busy if you see It you'll buy. Phone now. Automatic 324-36. CHANDLER. 7-passenger. 1918 model, in best of condition; just the car for your summer! tour: special low price ror qu.c saie. URALY AUTO COMPANY. BURNSIDE AT 14TH, BDWY. 901. LOOK HERE. miH Mitchell B-oasa. light six In per fect condition. Looks and runs like I new. A real bargain. Will consider l Ford car as first payment Call Mr. Hilier. Bdwy. 217. OLDSMOB1LE six 5-paasenger touring, practically new only run 4000 miles, sacrifice for $1200, terms $400 cash, balance monthly. This is a besutiful car and is a snap. Mr. Argo, Bdwy. 3281. . CASE alx. good as new; ft new cord tires, I fully equipped, alamite greasing sys- I tem. JUSt overnauieu, win lane enmii i car in trade or will sell at a sacrifice I for cash. Phone Broadway 292o. 1921 ROADSTER, run less than 1000 miles. many extras, UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Grand Ave. and E. YamhilL East 471. REO BIG SIX; don't miss this buy; it certainly is a real one, ana men you Unnw thA Ron reliable and economical. Mr. Ehrett. Northwest Auto Co.. iMh and Alder. Bdwy. 1460. COLE Aero 8. demonstrator, perfect con- H tinnr tuntfl UD to me queen i lame. pnmfnrt. nower and luxury combined. Call Mr. Sanderson. Bdwy. 1460. North- wr-st Auto Co., 18th and Aiaer. liawy. 1460. TCP.W CHANDLER DISPATCH. Wire wheels, cord tires, with spare; v.nmnci mil snntlieht. This Is Posi tively a new car; will sacrifice and give long terms. i anor n.n. nORT demonstrator; my late model Dort demonstrator, properly oroaen in oy ex perienced automobile man. Call C. B. Kicn. iiilwy. iwu. wiubcbi aulu v."., 18th and Alder sta 1920 DORT touring car, paint and rubber very good, perreci mecnanicany, casn or terms, but quick cash action talka I R. K. Akin. Gresham, Or. Phone 9X1, or H 6.S6, Qregonian. 1920 STEPHENS snort 4-oassenger in real condition; win taae-smaiter car as pari payment and balance on easy terms ; this car Is just like new in every way. Call Bozeil, Droaawayowro. $600 for a late 1918 Studebaker roadster tn splendid condition; nas naa oest care; S'OU casn, paimit; in i muuLiia. .nr. A rg o. B roadway 3281. mm pbankl n ints car is right in every way. new aiui, buuu u nre i and is reaay i b. j-iuem aown. Call propst, w. FORD SNAP. 1921 touring with all extras stands over $700. new today. Sacrifice at $07o. Terms. Mr. Argo Bdwy. 3281. FORD SEDAN SNAP. 1921, practically new; spotlight, bump er chains, etc. oacru.ee tor js Terms Mr-Argo. Bdwy. 32S1. 1919 SCRIPPS BOOTH, just like new, a real snap, su cr- - ineui down, balance on easy terms. Call Bozell. Broadway ft6. CHEVROLET Baby Grand Roadster, Al Condition, gooa ruuucr auu Ai.iif.a. tn Mr. Hartwig. day, Marshall 6080; eve ning. Tabor 14i. I.ARLY 1920 Ford touring with starter, in gOOd Condition, nas iuwi "a, ryccuuiriB- ter, targe wmcdi u umci Mucaaoriea. Call East ::'.'n. 1921 OLDS 8. demonstrator In perfect con- mi nn' I not rar Lirrirn iiic mciurv auar antee and service. See this bargain to day. Cai i jonansen gi nn w v. FO KD TO U R 1 X G $340. This car is well worth the money, so do not delay. i erms. ianor no4. 101$ OAKLAND, engine in first-class shape, paim is unu. once wu casu, $7o time. uwner, niaui laoi. BEAUTIFUL French-grey bearcat road ster, perieci metuamtoi urur, ioi Front, corner Jetlerson. OAKLAND 6, with all-weather top; $150 down will, handle. Call Johansen at Bd w y. 22 1 0. 4i0 CHEVROLET louring. $295. Terms. $130, $20 month, mis is a real bargain. FORD touring car, 1918 motor; just the - n.hlnir nf i-oinniiiir- t')'j st-.. v. Owner. East 4929. FOR SALE 1913 Cadillac for $250. Apply Covey -Motor tar FORD touring, wire wheels. 1920. fine shape, cash or easy terms. Phone 313-02. FORD touring for sale cheap. 423 East Buchanan, at. jonns. FOR SALii Case delivery truck, in good ru nning order, sj.hj. can 12 ,N. 4th s t. 1817 BUICK touring car. $7o0. Tabor 568 L ! FOR S A f.K A CTO MO n I I.ES. BETTER USED CARS at the largest exclusive osed-ear store of any one automobile agency In the city. AND WHT BETTER? We rebuild both Hudson and Es.ex , I . ,.. AmnKil.. .nit . . 1 1 th.m With S ,h. .v.. with th. nnrrh... nf new r.rr We SlSO give 99 days' free service, the same as Is given on new cars. On nth.. n.lra ftf .lltnmebllen th. w. tr.rin In w. renalr and overhaul them so that used cars that are nol a'nlrl with . w.rr.ntv are in flrst-ClaM condition and are sold with 10 days free trial, subject to their blng returned with full credit on any other car you may select. 1919 Essex automobile, rebuilt anil .An.ln.a ..M with th. WllT- 10 "ft V.kt 11V nmwt Mild with the warranty 300 1020 Esaex, run Juet lonir enough to Umber Jt up; there was no wnrlr Ia An nn It: ftold with the warranty 1450 1017 ITuditon Super 8ix. rebuilt and ranolntarl InnLa i itat lllti HCW. sold with the warranty 1275 1918-1W0 neria Hudson Super PIT. rnhnitf a n ii i-nai n t ed. BO Id with the warranty 1600 1020 irurt-on 8uper Six. rebuilt and ronnlnfpfi mM with the war ranty 1775 1020 Hudson npeednter. like a brand new car: sold with the war ranty 2050 Practically brand new Maxwell cara. need by us aa demonstrators, sold at bar- Sain prices. Dodge roadster $ 600 1919 Mitchell llrht 6. sold in 1920: a real bargain 1150 191S Maxwell, all rone over, re na Ired and reoainted : a fins little car 450 1020 Maxwell roadster, a dandy lit tle car 675 Our store for these used ear bargains at 40-40 Broadway, which U Broadway and Couch su afhone .broad way o.Jtf. C L. BOS3 AUTOMOBILE CO. 1919 BUIOfC family car. splendid condl lion. enuiDDea wun torn eires and an conveniences and accessories. Including li'L'i licence, isee owner, uou icon Did if Telephone Marshall 00 7 S. STOP! LOOK ! LISTEN 1 Hones-t-to-eoodnena biueairut. rentfl. Don't buy until you sm these. We don't promise you something for nothing and we are not losing money on them, but we bought for cash; they didn't coot us lot and we ur uell rood ram ehenn Noi a car In our Mtock older than 1917. and all in guaranteed mechanical condition Jfuicks. t hevroiets. Oodge. Mltchella Velles and others; no something-for-nothlng bait, no camouflage; just real honest bough t-for-cash bargains at prices that vou can't beat. We Are used Cur Specialists. PORTLAND AUTO SALES. So 4 Bu ra&Hl e. In Lowengart Bldg. Corner Park Open Sunday Afternoon and Evenings. Buy Your REBUILT CHEVROLET From the USED CHEVROLET DEPOT. Owned and Operated by THE CHEVROLET DISTRIBUTORS. GUARANTEED REBUILT CHEVRO- LETS All Models All Prices Excellent Terma Grand Ave., between Ankeny and Burn- side, open Daily ana Sunday. Phone East 490. The House With Chevrolet Pride.' 1920 OLDS 8, SPORT MODEL Has been run only short distance: Is In finest possible condition ; practically new car, at a large reduction In price. BRALY AUTO COMPANY. BURNSIDE AT 14TH. BDWY. 001. STAGE AND FOR-HIRE OPERATORS. MARMON 41, superb condition. .. .$ 773 CHALMERS, superb condition 6"0 PAIGE. 1917. superb condition.... l.'.oo STUDEBAKER 673, These have always been used as family cars. MR. ARGO. Broadway Jijai. Cook & Gill Co.. 11th and Burnalde. BPICK ROADSTER. Bulck roadster, like new. just overhauled, $575 cash; easy terms on balance. Call East 6259. USED CAR SNAPS. MAKE ME OFFER. Maxwell, 1917. touring. Oakland. 1917, touring. Oakland. 1917, touring. Oakland. 1916. touring. Studc baker, touring. 100 N Broadway Phone Broadway 41S4. STUDEBAKER big six for sale at bar gain. This car has been run less than $10,000 miles. Is In good condition and is equipped wun cora ttres, practically new. Call at 1406 Yeun bldg., or phone Main l-'S. 1920 FORD sedan, wire wheels, extra tire, many other extras. Xhls car is practi cally new. $S25. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, Grand Ave. and E. Yamhill. Kast 471. FORD TOURING. 1920. Starter, demountable rims. Goodyear tires, one new spare; shock absorbers; Gardner carburetor; all good condition See Parsons. 00 N. .Broadway. moae Broadway 321. ; I HAVE 5 good 7-pass. cars of different makes, an in At condition ; name your own price and terms. These cars must be sold at once. Call Propst, Broadway 360. FRANKLIN TOURING, SERIES 9D. See my car. iiechanicaiiy perfect. new cord tires. 'mis car runs and looks like new; will sell cheap and give long terms. Tabor 1454. HUPMOBILE. light and economical; a dandy car for this summer; price $550 and a bargain; excellent mechanically. C. B. Rich, Bdwy. 1460. Northwest Auto Co.. 18th and Alder. WE CARRY a full line of auto acceasortes. tubes. Ford parts, light globes, eta. Also do towing. Open day and night. LONG A SILVA. Phone East 6840. 462 Hawthorne 1919 FORD touring, lots extras. In good mechanical a nape. s.ij.. UNIVERSAL CAR K A CHANGE. Grand Ave. and K. Yamhill. Open Evenings. lul OLDS 6, demonstrator, like new guarantee and service on this Job; could use a gooa r ora pari payment; terms on balance. call Johansen at Ttdwy. 2270 for demonstration. PAIGE BARGAIN. A Paige owner Is always satisfied: 1919 model, mechanically perfect: sacri fice $lo;o. terms $400 down. Mr. Argo. RroHrtway .i'M. 11120 ELGIN Scout. 4-pas. This is a real classy lime car. nas pep to ourn; riae in it and be convinced; small payment down, long easy terms on baiance. Call Boze:i. Broadway awia, P.UICK big six; here in a chance for some one to get a powerim car; easy riding and re table, at a oig bargain. Ca l Mr. Ehrett. Bdwy. l northwest Auto Co., isth and Aider. 101 H 5-PASSENGLR Paige, new paint. good tires anu. on ooy, now cneap: Will guarantee this one; name your own terms. Call Propst. Bdwy. 3606. S N A p; 1017 Chandler 7-passenger. all new rubber, small payment down, easy terma ra 1 1 Duffy. Broadwa y I'Jiu. LIBERTY light six, late model, carefully used and in good condition; terms; take Ford in trade. Blllingsley. East 720 1914 FORD BUG. $1."0. Yes, $100 buys It. Storage Datiery anu hphiikiii inciunea. BlUlngpley, 4V Hawfliorne, East 720. 1918 OLDS 8, Just been overhauled and faint ano lirra (cun, icau .v V, Topst. Bdwy. 3603. FORD sedan, new cord tires, humpers. Car in wsi or .-mhiilioii. t m give good terms. proaay 2.A.'j 1920 FORD, demountable rims, extras; small payment aown. enej terms, cail LU T I y, pruauwa; --.v. PIERCE-ARROW chumy roadster, excel lent condition, ror nam at a oar gain. SH I K A .x, nroaoway mil. BUG FOR snle cheap. .ood condition. Oood ruhher. tall AUlQ. mz-hi. 1918 FORD touring, used by private ownsr only. Main .ou. , FOR SAI.F ATTO MOBIT.. A CLEAN Ni;W STOCK OT USED CARS. Our big u-M car sal cleaned u our a!Ork of ued cars and n"w n have frmh stock of cars taken in trodM during the tutle at the timw low level pi icps We cn f t you out In a good car of the slz you want. tUhi fours- or iei. with .:?' eM'ecUily fine frum In light six We offer yu a comhtnailon of exc ptinnnt valur, reajn-iiiub)a lernij and a Mjuare dval ail the way through. Maxwell. IfM. tourinc t 3"t0 1'aiice roadster. I'.tjo model, with new innmr that has nt n run lOfMi mil1!; 5 good tlria. ronls Id Iho rear; a rr valutj l.Vsl Hancs. 1920 mod-l. with lot of extras. t wo spot light i. cTd tlrt(i all around, with twn fxtrjtu. sim-mI top. bumper, llnii h like nt w;( plen ty of iep and pow-r 2?.'0 White HO touring, rchuilt Jordan. 19.'". j-paiw 17i0 Mitchell. lt)l. u-paas.. Born Jb Berk new rubber 00 Mitchell. 191 o-pas Chevrolet delivery. 1018 37JV t Itched. 1017. 7-p:r- f l!MS Studehsk:r. 7-P(S f'- l!MS Chni.e't, roadcti r Mitchell, 191b. i-lMi 7u0 Com dnwn anv time and w. will gladiv show you ami ttominstrato any used car In the houj. They are all In running orW snd mit un u.tnal values as priced for this big salo. MITCHELL. T-KWT A STAVER COMPANY. Rroadwav and Everett t. SS Years In the Northwe.it. Phono Broadway 4UT5. A PORTLAND MAN who had al ways heretofore owned and drive a Stearns-Knlghi car has now bought a Packard. Ha has left his Stearns - Knight (his third) with us for sale. It has been com pletely overhauled, ia In fine me chanical order, newly painted, and well equipped. The automobtUat who likes a silent Knight engine and a good, looking car, si ways well cared for. will make no mis take In buying this one Sot PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO.. 10TH AND BURNSIDE, BUICK. A late 1920 7-passenger model, all new tires; ear-exactly like new in appearance. Mechanically per fect, run only 7hoO mil' a. by prl vato owner. Ready (or any tfwt you will nominate. A car like tlna is seldom oftered for Mii"l be sold at once. Price low. Terms If necessary. D 4l6, Orvgonlun. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR 8 ELL AN AUTOfKW BILE. WE FUR Nihil THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PI.KA8K Y.OU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO. 20o SELLING BLDG.. bE CON D FLOOR. HKRrTS YOUR CHANCE. Tf you are looking fur a NEW Olds '8," run 2u0 miles. Quick sale price $1930. Regular prlco '"Ask for J. W. RILEY from 12 till 1 or 4 to 7 P. M., Hotel Seward. FORD SEDAN. LATE 1920; spotlight, foot ihrottte, lnrre fcterlng wheel. Kelsey wheels and Fire stone rims; new tins on retir and eura, $72i. some terma No dealer. Suite -1. 424 Columbia 1919 BUICK. 7-passengrr, new tfres. repainted. first -class mechani cally, new top. This car has hud bNt of cure Can handle some terms. East 2341. WHY PAY AloRE? You can purchane standard new cars at mortgage values and allahlly uai-d cars as saerlfice prices. Corns make an offer on one of these cars or trucks. LAWSON. Bdwv 673. l Plttork Blk. 1921 HU 10 k i 1.0 extras. E x tra . spa re tire bumper, motornn ier, sponigiM, au tomat'tc windshield cleaner; clut h ex teiiHior., bungalow curtains; nuiuerous other extras. 1921 license. Private own er, 1I1H K. Market st. Tabor Gi-Wu. Price ns."i. cnnh or term. 1920 FOR! touring, rcpalntrd, looks llk new, $ 475. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, Grand Ave. snd K. Yamhill. Open Evenings. LOOK at this; Packard !x for finno; a powerful car that someone la going to grab in a hurry. Call Mr. Wareham. Hdwy. 14b0. See It al Northwest Auto Co, lHth ami A Id'T. 1017 BUICK 7-pa!-.. $750. Terms. Good rubber, new top, good n.ecfcantial'y. Sel dom you find a bargain like this Bil ling!"! v 4 55 I la wt Inn tie. KhM 7f. LIBERTY SIX. Late 1919 model touring car; lots of extras. Everything In first-class condi tion ; very reasonable. Call Kant Onrtl NEW OAKLAND sedan; vill sold at a very lw ngure. su mis car unu ik an offer. UK) N. Uroflwa. Plijne Broad wn v41M KKV CM A N 1LK It TOURING. Thli is a brand new ca, never been licensed; cntd tires; very iov. piiuc, lontf terms. ' Talior I i' t. $900. Make your own terms. 7-p.irsenger car. In good eoudltion. New tires. Mr. Beaeh. 2l9tllh st, M ;4 tn J 352. MAXWELL touring: in very good shape. Price very interesting: t'Tir.a easy; come in and ace It. M r. Eh n-lt. North west Auto Co. IMth and Aider. ridwy 14M. SACR1FUK 5-pa mm. touring car In vn y best or niecimnicai cormiuon, iin run ber, cood paint. f:no buy. Don't nun thK Tnhnr 3913 lDlh CHANl'Ll.K 7-pai.s . cud lireh. ab solutely equipped. pticci condition. Owner, 51 ui phy, Moi gan bids, barber shop. , 1918 BUICK, 5-passenger. boks and run like ne w ; nas i'Mhik. ii is enr is i n perfect condition: a re;,; simp at Hie prlrc asked. Call H'7. II. V.nlwy. 36rt. FuR SALE. '18 Ford roadster, now tire, ghr-e'-jbsorher.. double v. Ish hone, cut cu Lltieral f rm w. m M:in f-U a . ter ! A I MARMON 34 sik. wir wheels, s.x new cord tires. Just like n-w enr; pri- $1600; small payment dnwti, ey U mis. Call D uffy. B ro;i d way 227Q. LATE i:20 Chevrolet tf in dig. Il looks like new. owner will sacrifice fur $4.V 414 Gllsan, ror. tot h. CLASSY new hug. a gitm hound, red And tan. A good tires. 2 curus, $4.'u. 3Mf Kver y. 1917 SUPER SIX Hudson. J his i'Jr niut be sold this week; make me an olter. Bdwy. '.91. Shiremati 1910 PIERCE- ARROW. $4u0; hue niechsn! cal condition; 1 new spare- tne. i Ills would make a good mur car, Kast 4' 4-00 OVERLAND, good condition, $1".0 down. e.iy terma Call Dully, Rroal- way 270 1920 CHEVROLET, In excellent condition throughout. Price $0uu with terms. East 17S 1911 FORD touring. nunit r of ex'ia.. $(, Term. Billingniey, 4"i."i Hawlhorno a. Fast 720. LIGHT lx Ch.iliiier. "-' car fine shape Call Ti -I uiuncv. MUST SELL ?500 miles. -Bargain I!-.'" C rvrolet. run !lke new. Cm II Wdln. 1 V. FR SALE Late lull Furd delivery uuck. Phone labor iu4. A r