- . - 13. THE MORMXG OREGOXUX, THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1931 ' RFAL F.STATI5. f "V" I , To, Sale-House.. tor ,e-nouse.. . -- " T r or oaic xioubcw. i , SEE FRANK: I.. McCUTRB To Buy Tour Home. LARGEST HOME SELLER OK TUB PACIFIC COAST. 1200 Photographs of Home For Sale. IT NECESSARY, WE'LL HELP YOU MAKE TOUR DOWN PAYMENT. Every home personally Inspected and appraised. No home Is offered for your consideration UNLESS IT IS WORTH THE MONET ASKED. A FEW SPECIAL SNAPS! ROPE CITT BEAUTY. &500 THE HOME IDKAL. If TpJ ' w?ntlnV a TRULY DISTINCTIV E bungalow that YO U L'.. BE PROUD TO COME HOME TO. See this! Lovely massive pil lared: Hi-Morr type, with every feature, including built-in, hard wood floors, fireplace, sleeping porch garage, vines, trees, roses: C?OL AND SUMMER Y! CAN ARRANGE TERMS. K. 69th. $300 DOWN! MT. SCOTT. 12495 ONLY $30 down! 8-roorn AK- T1ST1C BUNGALOW BARGAIN! Kver so cosy and complete; best white enamel plnmblJt; flretnc Ity. gas; VACANT! MOVE IN TODAY. JUST SEE WHAT $300 WILL DO! 40th ave. PENINSULA SACRIFICE! OWNER LEAVING CITY! 813504300 down! THIS IS A BAR GAIN THAT DEFIES COMPE TITION! Neat artistic bunga--" low of 4 rooms, with built-ins, plumbing. electricity. gas; fruit trees. GARDEN IN AND GROWING! Fine chicken house and run: berries. - DON'T FAIL TO SEE THIS1 $300 down! Haven st. REAL KENTON $500 DOWN. 12150 $100 down! 6-room attractive, Substantial KENTON home on Minnesota ave.: built-lns. white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas, 3 lisrht. airy bedrooms. fafc.K. THIS FOR A BIG BARGAIN. We have 1200 more for sale in our office. BROOKLYN $200 DOWN. 81750 -$200 down! Brooklyn 5-room comfortable bungalow cottage; white enamel phimbing, elec tricity, gas; close to car and school: Beacon st. Ih YOU HAVEN'T THE $200 we 11 help ADJOINING ALAMEDA PARK! $3800 RADIANT BUNGALOW, artistic and having every modern con venience; paneled dining room: built-ins. Prescott St. TERMS. J3250 One of Alberta's Biggest Home Bargains; 6 cool, airy rooms all on one floor; built-in labor-saving conveniences, etc EASY - TERMS will make it yours. E. 18th st. HAWTHORNE SPECIAL! 14495 $.iiio down! 7-room. very sub stantial, attractive modern home with every modern convenience; furnace, fireplace, sleeping porch; built-in buffet: Dutch kitchen; full cement basement; full lot COME DOWN AND SEE THIS! E. 47th St. NOTE. We have some dainty new bungalows In the Peninsula district. Very modern; S rooms with latest built-in features; VACANT. These are exceptionally ar tistic little homes. YOU'LL WANT ONE Willamette blvd. Priced from $28j0 to $2!)50. with terms. ALBERTA $480 DOWN! $1850 Neat 4-room Alberta cottage; white enamel plumbing: elec tricity, gas, garage. E. 18th St. ALBliRTA- LOOK AT THIS!. 82950 $5011 down! THIS IS EXCEP TIONAL! VACANT! In excel lent condition, being newly ren ovated outside and In; most at tractive lines; best plumbing; - electricity, gas; full corner; E. 12th St.; paved St. all paid- ASK ABOUT THIS! SEE FRANK L. McOUIRE, REALTOR. - To Buy Your Home. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. 3d St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. ROSE CITY PARK. $3450 5-room bungalow, furnace, ga rage, cement basement, laundry travs: $500 cash will handle. $5850 ROSE CITY PARK, 5-room bungalow, large attic. This is modern In every respect, includ ing furnace and garage; faces east, below the hill. Only $1000 cash to handle. $4750 ROSE CITY PARK, 6-room house, on 45th st.. facing east: three bedrooms and sleeping porch up: furnace, fireplace, ce ment basement with laundry trays; fruit and shrubbery. Only $10ou down. $6500 MT. TABOR VIEW HOME. Modern in every respect. Includ ing deo down stairs; three bed rooms and sleeping porch up; furnace, fireplace; fruit; garage. A real home. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. REALTORS. Shortest Way Home." 264 Stark St. Main 1(D4 and 583. FORCED, TO SELL QUICKLY. MODERN" BUNGALOW. $100 DOWN. 4 beautiful rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, breakfast nook, right close to Hawthorne car line; a real bargain at $4000; $lo0 cash, balance $50 per month. Including interest. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. Rroadwar 47.11. 410 Henry Bldg. IRVINGTON. $6000. TERMS. a rooms, large living rooms. 4 bed rooms, hardwood floors, tapestry paper; all built-lns; garage; perfect condition. For appointment call East 4391 fore- noons. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. We have listed with us for Immediate sale at very close price, attractive home In this nice district: 6 rooms, fireplace, furnace, full cement basement, hardwood floors, attic, built-lns; garage; hard-surface street all Daid in full. Can put you In possession without delay. Price $4750. A. H. BIRRELL-GILL CO., 216 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 4114. $3900 ALBERTA. rooms on one floor, with large fin ished attic; one block from 'the car and school; oak floors, cement basement, full lot. with plenty of fruit. This ! not a new house, but is In good condi tion. Will accept your own terms If responsible party. COE. A.. McKENNA ft CO., 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. $3000. 5-room cottage, large, sunny rooms, full basement, wash trays, gas, electri city; all Improvements in and paid; near park, car, school and church. A real bargain; Immediate possession; terms. Owner, Tabor 5577. LAURELHURST. 4 SIEIKLE PLACE; 6-RQOM BUN GALOW; ALL HARDWOOD FLOORS, LARGE LIVING ROOM WITH FIRE PLACE. FRENCH DOORS TO DINING ROOM. DUTCH KITCHEN WITH BFK. NOOK. FURNACE AND GARAGE. FOR PRICE AND TERMS CALL R. SOMERVILLE. BDWY. 247S. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. $500 DOWN. $50 A MONTH, INCLUDING INTEREST. Close In; 6 rooms. 8. bedrooms; fine basement; perfect condition. For ap pointment call East 4001 forenoons. COLONIAL HEIGHTS DISTRICT. CHOICE LOTS $S50 UP. On E. 2Gth and E. 27th ata., between Stephens and Harrison sta. ; choice lots In this close-In district restricted for 2-1 years; prices $S50 and up, on easy terms. HENDF.RPON-BANKUS CO., 4?6 Henry BMg. Broadway 4754. NORTH MOUNT TABOR. 7-ROO.M HOME BARGAIN. $4300 ,10x110. fruit, berries. 1 block to car. sewer, paid; 4 rooms down, 3 up. BARGAIN MARSH A McCABE CO., Realtors. 822-3-4 Fsiling hldg. Marshall 3903. HOW ABOUT THIS a -room modern bungalow on paved treet, in Hawthorne: garage; owner has bought farm; must leave town qulcklv and fas cut price to $4750; on $750 cash. COE A. McKENNA ft CO.. Fourth St. Main 4522. " SUNNYSIDE. '229 E. 34TH ST. $3310 EASY TERMS. FTVE-ROOM BUNGALOW. EXCEL LENT CONDITION: ALL HARDWOOD FLOORS: SMALL DOWN PAYMENT. R. SOMERVILLE. BPWY. 2479. BUY FROM OWNER 5-room house for sale, Hawtnorne aaonion, oiocuh; hb"'. gas, cement basement, garage; price $3noO: terms to suit. Call 33S E. 44th ft. 'FORSAT7e by owner, new .1-room bunga low. 4".d and Halsey. Tabor 6321 or Tabor 291. - " T , I RFIT. FfiTATE. I BEALEMAlJi I ' I KKAI 1 1 I 7T . 1 . . . I K.ihnrhnn lomfd. STAR REAL ESTATE ft INV. CO., 831 Stark St. ' Bdwy. 6358. ROSE CITY. $4000 5-room bungalow, 41x212 lot, modern fixtures and built-lns; a cosy home. Only $.100 down! -$5000 5-rm. bungalow, modern through out, fireplace, buffet, bookcases and lots of other bulit-lns S5800 rooms, beautifully finished, modern throughout, has large .iv Ing room, den, hall, paneled din ing room. 3 bedrooms, oak floors, full cement basement, furnace, . fireplace; 3 bedroom closets, fruit, berries and shrubbery, A REAL VALUE FOR THAT PRICE! SUNNTPIDE. 16000 A snap at this price! "-room cot tage. 4 bedrooms, double con structed throughout; full cement basement, new fixtures and fur nace. A LARGE HOME FOR A SMALL PRICE! We have several good buys listed in this district, ranging from $3000 and up. By appointment we will show you real values In homes in any part of the city. STAR REAL ESTATE INV. CO., REALTORS. .... 331 Stark St. Bdwr. 53V. . A. U. i r. r. I n v ' '. $3650 Splendid 4-room bungalow, neat Alberta car; paving and sewer paid; full lot; garage: $.100 cash will handle: you'll like this. $4200 ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. 6 rooms. 2 blocks from Sandy, on paved street, facing east: you would expect to pay $1000 more; first time advertised. $5250 ROSE CITY PARK; 5 rooms and sleeping porch; price reduced from $6500; owner must sell at once; pre-war price; you can never expect a better buy. $6000 LAURELHURST; a bungalow with garage, superior In many respects to others which have sold for $8000; see this; nothing like It In Portland for the money. A. O.. TEBPE CO.. Two offices. 270 Stark St.. near 4th. Main 8082. Branch Office. 40th and Sandy. Tabor 0586. IRVINGTON ENGLISH HOME. On Brazee St.. near Broadway car line: central entrance, large living room, massive fireplace, French doors to east porch, balconied library 20x22, beautiful dining room, sterling fixtures witn French doors to east porch, three large bedrooms on first floor, two have fire places, fine tiled bath, two large bed rooms, glass Inclosed sleeping porch and bath on second floor; 100x100 corner: double garage; south and east face; this Is a real home for particular peo ple: a real bargain for a short time; owner has gone to New York city. McDONELL. REALTOR. 500 E. 14TH ST. N. EAST 419. 7-ROOM BUNGALOW AND 3 LOTS FOR $4750. Swiss bungalow type; large living room with fireplace and hardwood Boor, large dining room with hardwood floor; downstairs bedroom, hardwood floor: kitchen white enamel: bath downstairs; upstairs white enamel: sleeping porch and lavatory: 3 exceptionally well-improved lots, garage, up-to-date chicken house, all kinds fruit and very choice shrubbery; on Foster road one block Firland station. No. 7240 Foster road. Go see It or call and we. will take you out. Price $4730. " HARGROVE REALTY CO. (Relators). 122 North 6th St. Broadway 4SS1. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Beautifully new 5-room bunga low with full attic, living room, dining room, hall, cabinet kitchen, two bedrooms and bath all on one floor: hardwood floors, fireplace and all modern built-ins. South facing. 60x100 lot, beautiful lawn and shrubbery. House is double constructed throughout and a real garage. Solid cement drive. Can be had on terms or a very attrac tive cash price will be made. 1233 East Pine street, near 41st. $4000 NEW. BEAUTIFUL 6-ROO.M BUNGALOW. Are you looking for a beautiful new bungalow? Here It is and It's a world beater for the price: hardwood floors, fireplace, ivory finish, tapestry paper while Dutch kitchen, full basement, wash trays: 50x100 lot, street and sewei In and paid; located Franklin hlgk school district. Don't you realize thai this is a good buy? Owner wants $000 cash or will take auto up to that amount, balance like rent. See us today. OO.MTE ft KOHLMAN. Main 6550. A MODERN BUNGALOW FURNISHED. OWNER LEAVING TOWN. $750. no nor mnnth includes the intereat: 5 beautiful rooms, fireplace and hard wood floors, good furniture. Includes Victrola. icebox and davenport, an pois, pans and dishes; must sell as Is; $401(0; if you have more cash to pay down, make offer. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. Broadway 47.11. 410 Henry Bldg. ATTRACTIVE ALAMEDA BUNGALOW, consisting of 5 rooms, to bs finished In white enamel; beautiful fire place in living room, hardwood floors, all modern conveniences. The furnace and wall paper may me selected by purchaser. Call owner for appointment or Information. East 5350. ROSE CITY. I5R.V0 $.100 CASH. ATTRACTIVE S-ROi5M BUNGALOW, JUST OFF ALAMEDA DRIVE; ALL HARDWOOD FLOORS. BEAUTIFUL FIREPLACE. DUTCH KITCHEN. FUR NACE. OARAGE; PRICE INCLUDES AWNINGS AND DRAPERIES. YOtj WILL HAVE TO HURRY. THIS WON'T LAST. BEST BUY IN CITY. R. SOMES VI LLE. BDWY. 247S. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. SACRIFICE SALE. Beautiful corner: 8 rooms, extra large living room, 4 bedrooms, breakfast room, Pullman kitchen. 2 sets of plumb ing Must be sold at once. No rea sonable offer refused. Call East 41 forenoons. ROSE CITY. NEW. MODERN BUNGALOW, H30. Balance $50 per month, Including In terest, buys this beautiful bungalow on paved street; has hardwood floors, fire place, cement basement and breakfast nook, close in and right close to.Sandy; a real bargain at $3900: $350 down. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. REALTORS. Broadway 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. MODERN BUNGALOW, - Strictly modern 5-room bungalow, walking distance to Jefferson h gh school; best hardwood floors, every built in convenience, concrete basement, laun dry trays, garage with concrete drive way. 50x100 lot, new lawn, larga attic. P,RICHARD W. MAST. REALTOR. RITTER. LOWE & CO . 201-203-205-207 Board of Trade Blag. - SUNNYSIDE. $4700 EASY TERMS. ARTIBTIC BUNGALOW; 5 ROOM? FIRST FLOOR. 2" FINISHED ROOMS AND? SLEEPING PORCH SECOND FLOOR RECEPTION HALL. OPEN ;T7iV? BEAM CEILINGS. FIRE pllcEWAFURNAACa .LOCATED ON COR E. 37TH AND SALMON. R. SOMERVILLE. BDWY. zn VACANT 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. PRICE $2700 $600 CASH. Beautiful 4-room bungalow, furnished complete with good furniture. Clean as a whistle; ready to step Into. Full ce ment basement. You'll buy It if you see It. Make appointment at once. RALPH HARRIS CO.. REALTORS. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5b24. . ri n . MnV TIT Vtl ?ll!,An -' ' - " New bungalow of five rooms and large attic, in Laureinuru 7 T Interior arranKin--o k is , . tlon thorough, location ideal. Price cut to witn some icnu. "J appoinimeni tuny. SiB.aal Bo'ard of Trade. Main 7452. iniii " - ' " - Why not turn a burden Into Incomer . . n .1 Kiitlri annrtmenta. flra- n-.r . 1, ir I r"l MT NIT residences. anything; furnish Diana and finance. Established 10 years. We offer SECURITY. SERVICE. SAT ISFACTUM. x. R. Bailey Co.. 924 N. W. Bank Bldg OWNER leaving city: 7-room home an f.niinri, to ba disnosed of at once: lo cated in good residential section: house i -,.nnt condition: full cement base ment, fireplace, sleeping porch, new light fixtures. ouill-in improvemenm. Will sell under market price If taken at once. Auto. ai4-a. jj c. u i". hf.a ittikUL laurelhurst bungalow, now building: will finish interior to suit purchaser. t'tiO E. Irving, owner. arnt.uMR AVE. Modern 5-room. $2750: x.ioo to handle; vacant; owner. East 722. crrvt nvL-nat ieht-room modern bunga low on paved street; $700 down, balance $2ulu eaay. vvooaiana aoo. BIHR.r.ARlT. Vain 7487. Main 6983. We are giving this double-constructed, five-room bungalow practically away In selling it for $2000. Two large bedrooms modern plumbing, lota of fruit; $4i will handle. Out-of-town owner offers) for sacrifice furnished five-room bungalow on a mac adam - street. Two larga bedrooms, fruit and shrubbery. Circumstances compel sale of beauti ful, double-constructed five-room bun galow in fine district. All large, light rooms. Excellent plumbing. Only $2i00. with very small down payment. Beautiful 6-room home, near Frank lin high school; three large bedrooms and sleeping porch; full cement base ment, laundry trays; this house is easily worth $4000. but I will sell It for $3000 on a very small down payment. , On Corbett street, west Bide, a sub stantial seven-room house, with three bedrooms and library. Cement base ment, garage, pavement and sewer: give-away price is $2700, with small payment down. v BIHR-CAREY. 211 Railway Exchange Bldg., Third and Stark streets. Main 7487. Main 6983. WEST SIDE BUNGALOW. CORBETT AVE. T-room, very fine location, modern, built-ins, gas heat. ALSO , , . 4-room modern cottage, rear of lot, renting at $15 WHICH AFFORDS An opportunity to secura good close-m home with some Income. PRICE $5000 FOR ALL Will consider rooming house In ex change for equity. For particulars call MRS. SNOW. BROADWAY 4064. 320 Lumbermens Bldg. ANNOUNCEMENT. TO PROSPECTIVE HOME BUYERS IN LAURELHURST. 8 special bargains this week. -room bungalow on a view lot near the park for $6750; another brand new one for $0000. A palatial 8-room house for $8500. I handle Laurelhurst property exclusively. . OFFICE ON THE PROPERTY AT E. 39TH AND GLISAN. COME OUT TO DAY OR PHONE T. 8438 OR E. 778 EVENINGS. DEI-AHUNTT. A BEAUTY This wonderfully built bun galow, artistic lines, double construction throughout; double living room: best hardwood floors, art fireplace; break fast room, all bullt-lns. finest enamel finish and best lighting fixtures: close to car: can be had for only $3990; terms can be arranged If desired : 1 can recom mend this to you as being one of the finest of Its kind In Portland. HARRY BECKWITH. Main 6369. Realtor. 104 8th st. IRVINGTON 9-ROOM HOUSE. $7500 TERMS. Modern to the minute: large rooms; not new. but better; each room haa plenty of built-lns; large garage; double constructed; has work table and many drawers. REAL BARGAIN. EAST 419. . LAURELHURST. ENGLISH COLONIAL. $0300 TERMS. 50x100, cement porch, living, dining, Dutch kitchen, hall, sun parlor, library, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, h. w. floors, 3 bedrms.. sleeping porch, bath up. Full basement, furnace. Fine view and ex ceptional value. MARSH & McCABE CO., Realtors. 322-3-4 Falling bldg. Marshall 3093. NEW IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Strictly msdern . 6-room bungalow, close In Irvington; hardwood floors, every built-in convenience, large living room, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, cozy - breakfast nook, bath and bedroom down stairs, two bedrooms with lavatory up stairs, full concrete basement, furnace, laundry trays, etc. RICHARD W. MAST. REALTOR, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-203-205-207 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER, 7-room double constructed house and garage; large bath room, porcelain tubs, large fire place, some built-ins. large pantry, back porch, cement basement; house arranged for two families with separate kitchen ette upstairs. Yard contains fruit trees, berries, and wired-off chicken house; Inn fet from street car line. 1063 E, 19th st. N. Wdln. 180. Price $4000. Must be seen to be appreciated. NEAR WALNUT PARK. ONLY $3100. 50x100 Jot, garage, newly painted. 5 rooms, modern, full cement basement. Fruit and berries, paved and sewer. A SNAP $20 month, 6. WON'T LAST LONG. a k t?STT Or McCIABR f!0.. Realtors. S22-3-4 Failing bldg. Marshall 3993 " IRVINGTON BARGAIN $5300. 7 rooms and sleeping porch, fireplace, full cement basement, furnace. wash trays. 50x100 lot, fruit trees; this is a forced sale, bee us. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. TRADE IN YOUR LOT. We will accept your vacant lot and $300 cash as first payment on a 6-room bungalow with bath, toilet, gas and electric lights, etc., on the Woodlawn car line All kinds of fruit and a very good value. Total price $2950. Fred W. German Co.. Realtors. 732 Cham, of Com. HOLLADAY CORNER BUNGALOW. $4500 $1000 DOWN. Fine location, corner lot, 5 rooms down,' billiard room up, fireplace.- bookcases, buffet, basements, furnace. BETTER SEE THIS. MARSH A McCABE CO.. Realtors. 322-3-4 Falling hldg Marshall 3093. SUNNYSIDE. $2500 $500 CASH. 5 rooms and bath, furnace, hard sur faced street, convenient to the best cat service and school: easy terms. RICHARD W. MAST, REALTOR, RITTER. LOWE A CO., 201-203-205-207 Board of Trade Bldg. THREE blocks south of Sandy, on 70th to Morris, ana diock east, is a new modern four-room bungalow just being finished. Has fireplace, cement base ment, extra well built, a cosy nest for small family. Price $3500. on terms. Look It over and then call owner at E. 8265. 'BARGAINS IN LAKE OROVE HOMES. $ 700 Cottage, U acre, $400 cash. $1250 Cottage, 1-3 acre, tent, furniture. i1S.li House, furniture. 1 acre, garage. JsjjOO Modern house, lake view. $8900 Modern home, V, acre, garage. i5(ift New 8-room cottage. $150 cash. McFARLAND, Realtor, Falling Bldg. ii-fc-rnvrp II CTriWTrf HOX1R Cozy, compact 2-story 7-room house, with garage: center entrance, large main rooms view porch. 3 bedrooms and sleep ing porch. 2 baths. 2 fireplaces, hard wood floors, hot water heat: unobstructed view of city, mountains and river. Tabor 407 T I L- IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Five rooms, basement, furnace.- fire place, bullt-lns, corner 80x100. clear of debt; elderly lady must sell, going away, will sacrifice, $4400: best of terms. 613 UOUCn Plug. aimn w ... w t. . trl -,x-l 1 T. HAliP Classy modern 2-story 7-room home on view site: center entrance. Ivory fin ish, nicely decorated, large rooms. 2 fireplaces. 8 bedrooms, sleeping porch and garage, beautifully shrubbery. Ta- 5-ROOM bungalow, lot 62x145; large plas tereed attic; double constructed: full basement; roses, fruit trees. chicken house;.prlee only $3500. Terms, nouse, fHARRT bbokWITH. Main 6869. Realtor. 104 6th St. c-rtn CIT.IT. R OWNER 5-room bungalow with garage and fruit trees: house double constructed, DUtCn KIlVUCll, uisiiiB... fc-., seen to be appreciated : $3500. terms. 75 E. o-a ixorLu. j 8 rooms, large attic den, sleeping porch, hardwood floors: garage; a good substantial home. See this. . HARRY BECKWITH. Main 6869. Realtor, 104 5th st BY OWNER First-class, modern home. 4 fine bedrooms, double sleeping porch, best hardwood floors throughout. 2 bath room a Ruud heater, 60 feet frontage, beantiful garden, fruit trees and fenced, re a son a pie, ii ' "lacJ m,o. $2475 CASH takes 3-room modern bunga low, naro sti ecu, '"-" v. ....... -... steam heat: lot 80x125; garden and fruit . . . ..u-X 1 1.. 1 Spear 6520 66th st. S. E. Auto. 619-19 J l.ii Al ClA ........ ... Owner must sell. Artistic floor plan. Ivory finish, oak floors, 2 fireplaces, ce ment porch, garage. East 394. Main 8078. . . ....,-.. , u uik:h r-ri nwi a t. 'IRVINGTON BUNGALOW BARGAIN. $5750 Terms. 6 rooms, attic, fireplace, fur nace. All oak floors, garage; well built. Enst 3!4. .Main ovta. $5000 LARGE, modern, convenient house, just kalsomined and cleaned, full base ment, good yard, fruit.' berries, garage. 950 E. Salmon, Sunnyside; furniture if desired, -tapor vita. spt.endID residence which haa been re cently repainted outside and in and Is in excellent condition, uwcer. -nam io. SNAP Fine 4-rm. cottage, 2 full lots, blki from car. gee owner, o-w a,, outn st. 6-ROOM shack, partly modern, for sale. . . . . - C- 1 1 A 1 1 IT GOOD 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. $1650. $1950 will buy this property, but it is easily worth $2500. It is at Flrland sta tion, on the Mt. Scott line. Large, new 5-room bungalow. 3 large dormers up stairs, where 2 nice rooms could be made: it Is plastered; large, deep front porch, large living room, large dining room with window seat and china closet; large bedrooms with bathroom between: , bathroom finished and has patent toilet and rough plumbing all In. ready to set in bathtub and wash basin; sink in kitchen, linoleum, gas and wood range and other articles go; lot 40x140: price only $16.10. $800 down. . HARGROVE REALTY CO. (Relators). 122 North 6th St. Broadway 4o8L HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 6-ROOM. BUNGALOW. This nearly new 6-room bunga low Is located In the choicest of this popular district. It is fin ished In old ivory and beautiful tapestry paper; has oak floors, buffet, fireplace, cement ease ment, excellent garage and 45x100 corner lot; must be seen to oe appreciated. Price $5250, $1000 cash will handle. J. A. HUBBELL. 1089 Hawthorne Ave. Tabor 8892. READ THIS. ABSOLUTE BARGAIN. 4-room bungalow, first-claw condition Inside and out: full ce ment basement: 10 full-grown bearing fruit trees, beautiful lawn and shrubbery; garage; 50x100 foot corner lot. Located near B. 30th and Clinton sts. Price $3150, $1000 cash required. Bee this ana end that search. J. A. HTJBBELL. 1089 Hawthorne Ave. Tabor 8892. "ONLY! $1750. ONLY! 4-room house: lot 50x76; bathroom, electric lights and all street Improve ments; 4 blocks from Irvington street car; small down payment and at your terms. Hurry! Will be sold Quickly. STAR REAL ESTATE A INV. CO., REALTORS. 331 Stark St. Bdwy. 5353. SUNNYSIDE SNAP. Dandy little home, only 1 block from Bunnyside car line; handy to Glencoe school; it has 6 rooms; modern; bath, lights and gas; all the downstairs newly white enameled; clean as a pin; fine lot with bearing fruit and lovely flowers: city improvements all In and paid, and It is a real snap for $2j-0: pay only $650 down and balance like rent; quick possession: do not hesitate investigating this. See E. W. HUGHES. 507 Journal Bldg. Main 2Sa8. GREEN HILLS. " If you enjoy the country and a beau tiful view at the same time, being within easy distance of the heart of the city and having all Its conveniences, water, gas, electricity, etc., do not pass this by. Large wooded lot and six-room house, modern, large -dining and sleeping porches, open fireplace and hardwood floors in public rooms. JOHN BAIN. OWNER, 507 Spalding Bldg. S5500 ROSE CITY. 424 EAST 45TH ST. NORTH. 5 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH, MODERN, HARDWOOD FLOORS, FUR NACE. GARAGE, FULL BASEMENT; WIRED FOR ELECTRIC STOVE. IM MEDIATE POSSESSION. POIND E-XTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1S00. RESIDENCE EAST 6771. ' IN IRVINGTON. Brand-new bungalow, six large, airy rooms, breakfast alcove, strictly modern, with all the conveniences you could wish for, finished in old ivory and mahogany, - beautiful tapestry paper. Must be seen to be appreciated. Floored attic. Lot 50x 100. east front, garage, located at 685 E. 17th St. N. Reasonable terms. Owner, Tabor 5(194 Cosy 5-room bungalow In good neigh borhood, pleasant living and dining room. Dutch kitchen. 2 bedrooms, fire place, full cement basement, hardwood . floors, 50x120 lot, garage. $3750. $1000 down. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Blrtg. Main 3i87. . . i -. - 1 I - T.- I " -T DVJ 1 AJ1R. Ill", 1. - . 1lff1A kllnvo. just oompieieu, uimsicbi iilw low in the neighborhood; hardwood floors, rirepiace, uutcn kuchch. heyi8 porch, full basement, all bullu-lns. Just . .,.! r .,,.. ttnA nnlv few minutes from two carlines. This little gem is real value for the money, i-nce iiou. r.vmer.ts. Builder. 1012 E. 33d N. 4-ROOM, H4-story bungalow. $3150; three bedrooms upstairs, 2 bedrooms and bath down. Bookcases, dandy ivory finish Dutch kitchen, full cement basement witn iaunary trays, arwri i.umit paid. Fruit and ornamental trees; ga rage; 1 block to M. V. car at 62d st. $1500 cash. Tabor 2934. SN A P. ti . n , - m-VV 1 T OW KUttrj till I-Arvzv rLJ--,,L,,. Five rooms, attic, full cement base ment, lurnace aim xAinA. hnn anrt Sanllv hlVO. terms:' price $.1000. H. G. Terry. 189 Bdwy. Heillg theater bldg. Main 94QQ. YOU CAN buy my comfortable T-r. home and make a good Investment, too. De sirable section, good street, close to car line schools, parks, etc. $2000 required. Phone owner for appointment. Bdwy. asm Modern H4 -story 7-room bungalow at "6th and Northrup: 4. bedrooms (1 down stairs) and sleeping pprch: ivory finish, hardwood floors. 2 fireplaces, billiard room: reaumm nmmma- "tm UtAUliru" m. . - . V I . Every convenience, hot water heat, 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch, built for own home, very best material and work manship. Owner, 849 E. 60th st "LAURELHURST BUNGALOW- SNAP. Classy 6-room bungalow on large cor ner near park; ivory finish, nicely pa pered French doors. 2 porches, dainty Ultchen 3 bedrooms, oak floors through- Out: price cut, em) PORTLAND HEIGHTS Beautiful, large the last word in a perfect borne: owner leaving, made price right, terms. Zim merman. 310 tlMWIKlulliiri tt-t t wnnn BnvniT.nw 1 - Fireplace. 4 -ooms, 2 bedrooms, break fast nook. Dutch kitchen. 100x100; $3200; JSOO cash, balance like rent; no mtg. -, o.,.. c-U 9-70A nnlnff, iviar. in... - BUY DIRECT from owner, modern bung- alow in Aiameua ii, ' with all modem bullt-lns and furnace: cash $1200, balance easy terms. 902 E. 81st st- J OWNER will give clear title to 5-roora . , 1 l...ll..i i,T-nai .inva near school, bet. Division and Haw thorne. . Call mornings and evenings. 4 r and breakfast room; furnace, fire place wash trays, built-ins; fine view, full lot. paved street. 4824 29th ave. 13500. r.ast wui. UAIICIE PI.1V. "Distinctive Homes." illustrated book of over 100 designs. $1: blueprints. $10. DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPANY, - NO. 410 EAST 21ST ST. NORTH Modern. convenient nomo. "r I rage, sleeping porch.-oak floora Basil i'hOOH house, newly refinlshed Inside and out: Jot 50x100; 4 fruit trees, berries; half block to car. 1188 Detroit. Ownee $1830. $500 cash, bal. eaay terms. ; BEAUTIFUL Irvington home, large rooms, flowers, etc. Phons owner. East 3069. STRICTLY modern 6-room house. 1689 E Morrison. Mt. Tabor car to 65th. Prlce $5800. $2000 cash. Call week days suirit RBAN home, 4-room modern: 4 acre garage and outbuildings, for $2200, term's. Located 7104 E. 85th st. Phone Auto. 633-61. Owner. i-ROOM house, furnished or unfurnished; n large outside rooms; hot water Beat lng,system. 254 E. 16th st., cor. Madison. utnp Q A I s. Modern 7-room house with double ga- rage, on corner lot at 265 E. 15th at- IRVINGTON Attractive home with ga rage, 3 summer months, $115 per mo. Kast 4uno. trGAIN if sold at once, 9-room house on paved st.. In Sunnyside, Price $3000, jlioo cash. Inquire 1042 B. Taylor. New, modern, good district.- near sohool, . nan V iMa, TlarK. car. i-v,v - rrQnT -jnoat COT1VI A T. ?ew 6-room. garage. Absolute bar- galn. Owner. Tabor 9452. FURNISHED 6-room house, paved street, $ '650. terms. Owner. 3804 65th St. a E., . hlocks north Alberta. M. 8. car. IT COSTS you nothing for estimates on that home: plans furnished. C,all Seli- 'OOd 1B1M. BY OWNER Modern bungalow, one block (mm car. Tabor ZSS3. GOOD house, garage, quick sale, bargain. Owner, T 668, Oregonian. -Ii":.,, o c ,.. .., MODERN 6-room R. C. bung., vacant, ga raae. -.ny ...... . GOOD home for sale, owner leavinj city, bargain. Tabor 9279. . , ... HAWTHORNE DISTRICT.. 6 ROOMS. $2650. CLOSE IN. 5 rm. house, blk. off Belmont at., on 84th. close to car line, house in Al condition; haa all modern conveniences such as gas, olectriclty, bath, to.let, sewer and paved ttreeU Eaay terms. J. L HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Com. Bids. Main 208. Branch Office. 45th and Sandy Blvd. Tabor 52. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. $B800 An exceptional bargain or2 In this bungalow for quick eale; .has 9 rooms and sleeping porch, and every modern feature Including garage, -it is about 4 years old and is very attractive, it is Just what you have been shown for $6500 to $7000. faces east on litn street. U blocks from Irvington car. and can be handled on any reasonable terms. Call us up and take a look at it. then compare it with others you have seen. HILLER BROS.. REALTORS 614 Railway Kxch. bldg. Main 88. Branch office. 50th and Sandy. Tabor - THIS estate will build you a home, to sell their' land; immeaiateiy Laurelhurst. with lots at about halt price: we hare arranged to build i5 up-to-the-minute bungalow homes; prices from $2000 to $4000; old estate closlnjr out to dispose of holdings; paved street, on car line; we will change any of our plans to conform to your individual re quirements without extra costs if you see us at once; $300 cash first payment on any home to be built. Greatest op portunity you ever had to buy a home rtf.hH. SKOTHEIM COMPANY. Realtor UO-ll i.outufii. NEW IRVINGTON HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. Beautiful new 6-room modern bunga low; fireplace, furnace, electric fixtures, window shades, etc.: large unfinished attic, cement basement, garage; high, sightly corner lot. E.- lith and Skid more sts.; inside woodwork finished in ivory and mahogany; beautiful tapestry paper on hail, living room and dining room; this is one of the grandest view properties on the east side; price $6500. Terms If desired. See this today. Phone TAGGART. Main 27, for ap pointment. 1102 Spalding bldg. nui rAi . . . $.-,0 down, $15 per month, including interest, buys 4-room house near ait. Scott car. Total price $750 $200 cash. $23 -per month, S-room plastered bungalow, full plumbing, 60x 100-ft. lot. Kenton district, $l-0- -5o Lsh $25 per month, 5-room cottage, modern plumbing. lOOxlOO-foot lot. $2650. MV car. , $.100 cash, $30 per month, 5-room modern bungalow, fireplace, bullt-lns, full cement basement, near b. 30th st. BURKHARDT BUSINESS- BUILDERS, 41fl Piatt Bidg. Realtors. Main 70-7., NEARLY FINISHED Modern 5- bungalow, with every convenience, in a choice location on Alblna ave., near Lombard sU for $3750; this place can be purchased on easy terms, and if taken within the next few days the buyer can select the paper for deco rating the walls: if you are in need of a home and .ike this district, which is one of the best on the Peninsula, don't fall to see me: I will be glad to take you out in my machine and submit the property. BEN RIESLAND. Exclu sive Sales Agent, 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st. ' $5750 A new bungalow on thy most popular street in this beautiful addition, within walking distance of the down town district. This home, is moderr i and complete to the smallest detail, oak f loors throughout, the construction and finlsn will please the most particular. This is $500 less than the market price of this bungalow. Terms $1000 cash, balance "ke HILLER BROS.'. REALTORS. 514 Railway Exch. bldg. Main 86. Branch office. 60th and Sandy. Tabor 8485. LAURELHURST. 1122 Couch Street, NEAR PARK. Beautiful new bungalow of 7 rooms and den. hardwood floors throughout, large plate glass windows, expensive tapestry paper in all rooms, beautiful lighting fixtures, tiled bath, with shower finished in rich old ivory and white throughout- This is a home you will be proud to own; open for inspection. LADD ADDITION. $5500 A beautiful bungalow of 5 large airy rooms, hardwood floors throughout, finished in old ivory: breakfast nook, a very complete bathroom, faces east on paved street. This house is new and you may choose the paper and light fixtures. Terms $750 cash, balance like rent. HILLER BROS.. REALTORS. 614 Railway Exch. bldg. Main 86. Branch office, 50th and Sandy. i apor mjo NEAT LITTLE HOME CLOSE IN. Walking distance; it has 6 rooms mod- era: bath, llgnts ana gas; nwu wtioc : city improvements all In and nn,1u nalnlut- nmn.ftV ment pain, new rmri. c rw , j - r ' j , . consul, nov irtwn paid is tree anu ciuai wu , j - $500 and take possession; balance pay out like jrnt. SEE E. ,W. HUGHES. W7 .Tonrnal Bldg. - Main 2858. ... .- . taulA TRVIKfiTOM New, beautiful Dulch colonial, con sisting of 7 rooms. 2 fireplaces, tiled bath with expensive plumbing; all rooms finished In ivory and white enamel. papered, hardwood floors throughout. This Is a fine home and the price is right. 492 E. 18th St. N. E. NELSON, Owner and Builder. TftOOr 0.5.5 WILL TAKE CAR. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Ford or Chevrolet roadster with $500 cash, terms on bal.. on a 5-r. bungalow, 46x100 ft. lot. Newly tinted and painted- fruit, berries and flowers; paved; this is worth the price, $3500. Mar. 3352, Eve., Tabor 3000. $2650 MODERN 6-room bungalow, near Franklin nign. larne fruit and flowers; this is an exceptional bargain and can be handled on easy termHILLBR BROS., REALTORS. 114 Railway Exch. bldg. Main 86. Branch office, 50th and Sandy. Tabor 8485J OWNER will take a lot and some cash as first payment on 6-room house; has furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, full plumb lng has been tinted, varnished and paint ed inside and out; has garage; la on paved street. See A. R. Johnson, 633, ' it W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. Res. 834 Glenn ave. N. Wdln. 6371. $2100 $600 DOWN. WILL TAKE FORD, as part payment. Dandy 5-room cot tage full basement, 50x100 lot. fruit, berries, chicken run, 5 blocks car. BAR- GMARSH McCABE CO.. Realtors 322-3-4 Falling bldg. Marshall 3003. nuu I'1' . ..... $'50 cash, balance monthly: a modern B-room bungalow with hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, garage, hi block from Sandy, under the hill; price $5750. . HILLER BROS., REALTORS. 514 Railway Exch. bldg. Main 86. Branch office. 60th and Sandy. nil-W TAEU 1 aDor o-o. " $200 CAS'fr Here' you: chance. 5 rooms, bit downstairs; same upstairs; separate e i trarces; on paved street; sewer In, a i rale: ngni on riumu ......, - ear at 2d and Morrison, 12 minutes frin a. . hrliliu. no delay: D.-icl only $2650. pay like rent 1285-CO.-M.M -t Ownrr, aiarsnan im micm... rlTV PARK. jiftBO New 5-room bungalow, all modern; Dutch kitchen cement base Sent, laundry trays, hardwood floors in V ln. and living rooms, buffet, fire place? bookcase." "all up-to-date; $1000 Sown, balance monthly; will consider Site model Chevrolet as part of first 702 E. 9th St. Sellwood 683. . . . t t.- c C C 1." Ii1 I? I We have several extreme bargains In modern bungalows. Let us prove this statement REALTY CO., hot T.nma Bldg. Main 721. ":irvTngton English colonial. BARGAIN iv,iov-iAi.u.... Original design, artistic finish. Just about perfect. 2 fireplaces. 2 bathrooms. JunVoom. garage choice local, onT owner leaving City, .yib.ui o , - Sacrifice 6-room suburban home, two acres. 8 miles out on Base Line road, own water system, garage, sleeping porch, owner, mam -,on7: tvpws $400 DOWN. NEW 4-ROOM BUNGALOW, u acre. S blocks Mt. Tabor car. 1952 E. Yamhill St. Suburban Homes. RURNISHED or unfurnished, 4 acre with 4-room house, near Dosch station, fruit trees and berries; garden In, small pay ment down, easy terms. Main 5626. "DECORATION. . , Decoration dav nlcnin tnr A. r.w. ' I Lake Grove, wKo I FOR SALE Or trade for auto, view acre. overlooking Oswego- lake. This is a SeauUful building lot Owner, Main 768. ACttr'H, improveu, oil vicum v... iai- line- 5-room bungalow, barn, etc.: $3050. cash $1700. Sell. 1952. Main 2439. 3 ACREsS. 8 blocks from Huber station, all under cultivation, fruit trees ana berries that are bearing, very t'raotH house with water system, Vj f loganberries set this spring, rage, chicken house, gas and the owner Is going away and will make a large discount on this Place ir as much as $1700 can ba paid caah; balanca for 2 years. ' AT- RYAN PLACE. 1 acre. 8 blocks from station, all under cultivation. 12 bearing fruit trees, sorn. berries, good 5-room house, 2 laxge chicken houses, garage, graveled road. 8"-e fare only D miles from center or . - PoVtland?' IMlchlcken. and equlpm.n and some furniture Included with place $1000 cash, balance eaay term. in spected by Mr. Kemp. Nearly 4 acres. 1 mils from ".PacrTs Or., on macadamized street, over S I " under cultivation, balance in few young fruit trees. J4 mile to .high school, 5-room house with 'wjrlo lights, large new chicken house small barn, gas it. street, over 100 chicken, i and . furr ture with place; offered at a real bar gain. Inspected by Brooks. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg.. Realtors. Over 600 small places near Portland.. Get our classified llstB. OWN YUR OWN SUBURB AN HOME. These beautiful one "','," water, electricity, gas. Phone, 'ed '? the close in, iin ra;"i rr ji-. the hard-surface Powel Valley road, lies PRICE $750. Act quickly as we nil have a few left. Phone or com and w. will take you out In one of our 80 autos. always ready at your servtca. Ask lot F. C Marshall, with FRANK L MoGCIRE. 205 Ablngton Bldg. .,,Mca.Trk Third St. bet. Wash, and Stark. A NICE HOME. A BAKl.AiA. A SPLENDID NEIGHBORHOOD. CITY CONVENIENCES. 8 CENTS COMMUTATION FARE. , OREGON CITY LINE. NEAR TO STATION. 6 ROOMS AND BATH. SLEEPING PORCH. 1 BIG BACK PORCH NICE GARDEN. LOTS ur aco-iaa. If you really want a home that yon can afford, come out: we can do busi ness. This is one of those unexpected but hoped-for oPDrtun.itle-nGe c. Hazelton. Evergreen station Oak Grove . . .... r. ,- ffUC PIT The best suburban home location wit n ln 30 minutes" drive to heart of city, facing directly on the Poweh. Valley road Beautiful grove of trees In front. Young orchard, strawberries, gooseber Hes and currants. Flowers and garden Homelike cottage with gas. e etriclty and city phone. Garage; splendid chick en house, and about 100 laying White Leghorns of good strain. Over 4 ac res r,f Al soil. The price is pnly $4000. $1500 cash. Don't phone but come in before someone beats you toit. R. H. CONFREY, REALTOR. RITTER, LOWE Cft, "01-3-5-7 Board of Tr-n Bldg. PRETTY MULTNOMAH HOME FOR $2500. One-half acre, an especially neat, well-kept home; full bearing orchard, berries of all kinds In abundance, nice shrubbery; good 5-room plastered bun galow, large living room; chicken house ind run; other outbuildings You will like this place and the price Is very low. It Is out Multnomah way. Price HARGROVE REALTY CO., (Realtors). 122 N. Sixth St. Broadway 43oL COUNTRY HOME BEAUTli LL 6LR ROUNDINGS. ,.,,. Large 7-room house with electricity and gas; 1.57 acres highly ImPed. with abundance of grape .1. fruit; beautiful shrubbery and l"e close to Oregon City car line A BAR G1N AT 7m0. Terms. Ask lor . i Marshall, with r-i-TTiF FRANK L. McGLIRE 205 Ablngton Bldg. Ma In 1068. Third St., Dot. Wash, and Mark. , BEAUTIFUL CAPITOL HILL y&er?t"t-Ti beautiful 'lawn. and shrubbery; o 2 b ocks irom scnooi, -----v - hardwood .floors, linoleum on kit chen floor. itiio 10 Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE 205 Ablngton Bldg. Th ird St.. pt. wp". '" INCOME-BEARING SUBURBAN HOME 1 2 acre, with frnlt and 1 berries, close to station, on u.u fwich looking 5-room bungalow with Dutch kitchen ano iirepi-c. m.- "rn Vtivide THE PHOTOGRAPH NOW. See F. L. Marshall, wu" ,,r.TTTt)F FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Ablngton Bldg. .SlSrk " Third St., rttit. wcm. U. ACRE AND i r du.i-j""" - riryiVconienlencf "between Stark .d Gliean sts. on Craig road, new double y. usnnrn. n'Hmn " FURNISHED HOUSE HALF ACRE. $1300 ; 3-room house, completely fur nished; acre, with w ' ' k"; from Kendall station anu j. -,. nrt ch cken house. EASY TERMS see F. C. M "". with FRANK L McGUIRE 20-5 Abing.on Bldg.. Ma In 1068 Thirri .sr . net. o.-i. - JSiZZr w th "bungalow. . large !&P Osburn, 610 McKay bldg.. Third and Stark. . . t-frtX n; eer,recUtrn,cUy1'lBu nun w'aler and 'tefephone all in: barn and -chicken houses: on hard road: 10 minutes' walk to station. Take good, "gh? car as part of first payment. Main J"" NEW BUNGALOW kino corner acre, with new 8-room bungalow? electric lights, fishing and K?tina- very easy terms: save your rent Owner7s00 Concord bldg.. Second and etark sts. " . ... t-. . r ' niciT 1 1 r'T Three-room modern bungalow and two eholcA acres, cultivated, close to R. ew at 72df eav-lng town and want cash rHOICE SUBURBAN HUH1.9 VcriVe-e well located, near car line, ?"om $1800 u'p Inquire 3d house north of ' "rlff-"- Clty Cr.."6' 57-iTLE" by owner, new 5-room suburb Fn bungalow, city convenience Call Tabor 6Ji I'm gui:2"Piojerty- D16M coSSr 'ground floor .uir, with Bt"S ,4k" xroonTs fnchi'dln" all interest. Total price $o7.J. Here it Bdwy. ;1 410 Henry max. . For 8ale Acreage. "J,NS1DgoAoCdBl?Kwn?M.cre. wsai nXt0 i--mwoh SFrVGanTo!: 2l& "West sidt'12 m.i."ouL 6 c eared. 8 belrfng orchard, level, fin. soil, phone. Srer CORBiN CO.. -TjAjwtobW.. : : 77ET ME SHOW YOU. j i-ir acres citv water, no ""lents $10 aown. $10 month.' Al- o"tr "'Kennedy school R W. Cary. krw Bank bldg. Main 1i3. . , Few feet station and Base Lin. paving, 4 cKVc. Wlfc bLTg., REALTOR'S. , WRITE tor map of western Washington, showing location, low price and easy terms offered to settlers. Teyerhauser TIMBER CO, 1 aCOIIit. " n-fie. H.rfSlSc.v.onrct"riSZsVhbW,k.: mnion on electric line; 11750 .MO nowu. . WANTED 500 men to buy homes at great lv? reduced prices: $20 down $7..,0 per month Get rid of the rent Jinx. Phone m.wny 1323. Ask for Haley. ai ACRE NATURAL TREES. Pltv water no assessments. Alberta car- $10 down, $10 month. R. W. Gary, .!., A M -tt- -Rank bldg. down. urauei. ivu " - "-.' DOWN $12 month, 214 acres with fruit trees: $600 each; lust outside city rt ey.iA Ore&ronian. linn ,c z ; 1 15 ACRES, also house-moving outfit. $131 2d st 9.E Thomas Allen city 4U, ACRES, close to Scappoose. $400, easy VceF.el.nel. Tallinn bldr. term". j.v. ... -. ACRE, Bertha district, reasonable for cah. $ Phone Automatic a-v. t . ACRES, south of Portland, 1 V "" ' . ' . i - . r. hnni iri fencing, 2(4 acres raspberries, some logan and black and acre strawberries. 4 ros grapes, 140 feet long, also bearing fruit trees, macadamized road, good 6-room plastered house with cement basement and fireplace, barn, chicken house: in cluded with place very complete me or machinery, gas engine, cow. hteken horse, pig: the land Is all under cult . vatlon and on the bank of the Wil lamette river; all can be Irrigated by pumping from river: price for "erythlng $.Vim5 cash, or $..500 half cash; a real home; inspected by Hunter. t acres land. H mils from Newberl, 4 acres under cultivation, all can be cultivated, good soil, over 1 acre ot beasing strawberries, 45 prune trees, "re old. wire fencing, wel , box house. 18x24: shed. barn, small chicken house, Included with place. 2 cows and chick ens; price $.100(; $1000 cash; very easy terms on balance. ' ACRE TRACTS. WEST SIDE. Between Multnomah and Maplewood. on a macadamUts.1 road, on the Electric line, c commutation fare, best ot eon. no rock or gravel, nign signi.y ' " F.'ir i'.5v.trdfnr:r.na acre tracts; price $700 per acre up. Ask for Mr. Kemp. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg.. Realtors. Over 500 small places near Portland. Get our extensive classified lists. ACREAGE SNAP. . -- nw, Af Tteaverton: mile to station: 25 niin. by auto to 6th and -.Washington; 71i miles out. . t ,A irDVI O'er half cultivated. All smooth end productive. Fine rock road and high way. Adjoining land $400 and $ O0 per acre; very eaey ' "ln " - - . ly modern 7-room house, restricted dis trict, to iow. TIOARIV 10-ACRE HOME. Convenient to Station. . n n V.' m hmlM Af fiouir ranH.ui. 1 - - rooms; large poultry house, feed, ware. wood and nognousea; im 1..- .Atl ReautlfilllV somo iruiu n j 1.110 . - . located. Include extra good cow and 0 doz. laying none; some uiia iw... . -sesslon soou. Both tracts unusually GEORGE E. ENOLEH A RT, Bdwy. 5173. 624 Henry Bldg. $300 DOWN. 1S7X462. OREGON CITY CAR, ''Nearly 2 acres at Concord station, all cteareu. ichia wmi : , eerful view; gas, eiec.. 2 blocks to school Total price only ti-sv. "u . terms. 6 per cent -intereat: exceptional vauie ior yuia J L. HARTMAN CO.. ( Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 2u Branch office. 45th and Sandy Blvd. Tabor 252. 6, 10 AND 20-ACRB TRACTS. SJO An Atna " " - $10 down and $5 per month boys a 6-acre tract in this addition of 800 acres, down the Columbia river on the Oregon side, close to Columbia highway and river; fine transportation, railroad, river. auto stage anu irucA, ucm..., land, free from rock and gravel: some tracts have beautiful view of river; there are also some with streams: fins loca tion for chickens, dairy, berries, trull and vegetaoies. CHARLES DELFEL. me n.ncav Krch&nae Building. GOOD 10. ACRES. 5 MILES CITY LIMITS. LASl PILQ. . Paved road all the way except last half mile, wnicn is goou """' fact It corners on 2 good roads: 10 acres. an 'nnign.tat.cU..;..., also 2-acre cherry orchard, just coming into bearing: plenty berries and grapes. 5-room house, barn garage, numerous n...K..iiiD., hp. 14.1011 u cash. Per- . --. 1 !.! ln.in'1 suit. SOnai properly nvrm. .,- - - . can show you a dozen others on same HARGROVE REALTY CO Rettors. 122 ortn otn nt. - SIX ACRES With large 10-looin bunga- low, tnree nrepiai.-i. -.--1 h,i. iA.utinn in! south or ciiii-ir B'Bi.iiJ ..... .1. nn the fireron Elec IV! Ul L11UIII.V1I v.. trie; would make a beautiful country home, club house or sanitarium; place now offered for sale at a low figure on suitable terms to responsible pur- , c- ... nee HKN RIKS- LAND, Exclusive Bales Agent of this and other property in the Multnomah district. 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park sL Main 830. 5 ACHES-TOBIAS STATION u.-i.'..uT rih' HKaVKKTON, All cleared, lays perfectly; 4 acres loganberries, 1 acre strawberries set this spring; 6-room house, cnlckct house 20x70, brooder house 20x40, Darn 14x20: woodshed 16x20; crops on reined ground do ss follows: 10 acres wheat. T acres oats, t,,,..-. - - - corn; 100 chickens and some household goods go; price jax.i". HARGROVE REALTY CO., (Realtors), 122 N. Sixth St. Broadway 4.nu FOK KAI.f. flu Al-ncio a w t .... r. , u unBe IT, L V 1MI1S. . ...... tt va' a: 1. 11 - 20 acres cleared. 10 acres pasture, 0 nd red clover. 2 acres rye . .. -1 1.1 - - tiev- nrrhArd: bam and ClOVC.r, JA "e , , - : good family house; spring water piped to nouse; x goou tvw .- - family garden, tools ano root bi t .. . j- ml e (ram aood arm .mi .-, ,Z A":nT 5 miia 'from Portland. Write- or come """ .TOE ROESER. Rainier. Or .......n, E, . V A Dill llRTr-U for acreage away out of town. We can sell you a half acre for $275, a full acre for $550; city water, gas, good car serv ice; Just outside city limits Woodstock, beautiful district; pay $8 or $10 monthly, we charge no Interest on contracts; build a small house or pitch a tent and forget the rent man: you'll make a mistake if you buy before seeing these tracts, call " ToMTE KOHLMAN. Tfi As. 208 Cham, of Com. Bldg. CHiCK E.N RANCH .6 acres "1 ground in berries; nearly new modern 6-room bungalow; good garage: nice grove of trees; on highly Improved county blvd.: close In on the east side, lust the place for your permanent home. Price, only $55u0; jpart cash, baianoe on ver? easy terms'. For partlcul.h. see BEN RIESLAND. 404 Piatt Bldg.. 127 Park st ' 8 ACRES, DONALD STATION ORKtiU.l CLE.-. 1 rn-. 8 acres, all cleared and tile drained, splendid black soli ; 4-room house hot and cold water, bath, good well, wind mill, water piped to house and barn, good barn, two chicken houses, hog house: near station and on good gravel ed road- price $2600, $1000 cash. HARGROVE HEALTH1 CO. (Realtor. . I-.-2 N. Sixth Mt. Broadway 4,181... ... ..... ,-,, tinvTIIl.V A splendid 1-acre tract, good soil, mill creek fine for chickens, berries wdfrult? 1 mile fom city limits; total price $275. We have only 20 tracts In this platting left, some " large a. 6tt acres, and proportionately on the same terms. Get in on 'be ground floor Fred W. German Co., Realtors, i3i ChamberofCnercebldg: , sTT-ACRES at end of Hawthorne car line. 21soTper acre below value. High state cultivation, lies beautifully, splendid so I $2500 on terms. $2250 cash. Owner. 61 6 Rv Exch. bldg. Phone Mar. I.18J. Also 6 acres east of Monlavllla, near Buckley av. $1500. same cash discount. If you want west side a few miles past Portland Golf club at $175 per acre, with run- nlng stream, can - SUBURBANOMES AND ACREAGE ho Bufl Run" wLters Vlec! trtclfy. We also have a number of well Improved small farms near town to show y0U- irRTDER A ELKINGTON. Gre.ham Telephone 2341 ltl.AU 1 ir ' - - - Containing almost one acre, racing dlrec"ly on Section Line road Just east of 8'd st Splendid soil in cultivation; Sot fir from school and carllne; Bull Run water available: $1070, $125 cash. " R H CONFREY, Realtor, RITTER UOWE CO 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. AL01IA A'CREAGE HOME. 2 acres of splendid soil, with a 4 rdnra well-built cottage, situated 8 blks. from Aloha station on the red electric, two rood chicken houaee; place I; In good Condition. Total price UsOO. $00 cash. $25 monthly. Fred W. German Co.. Realtors, is- uiain. v TWO ACRES, near Multnomah station, all bldgs. neeaea are imif, ' " - kinds, lots fruit trees; 6 mllce of court house, c fare; trade for not less than three lots with house not over $5000. BORLAND PARSONS, una Stock Exch.. Bldg Auto. 62K-04. 14-Acrta, iiusoei 1 Facing Base Line road, about lli miles outside of city limits; gas and running water; $630. only $i5 cash. R. H. CONFREY. Realtor, RITTER, LOWE ft CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Homesteads, Relinquishments. I AM LOCATING HOMESTEADS trem 4q to 160-acre tracts, either Portland or Rosbeurg district, farming or timber land; am in a position to give you as good, if not better, service than anyone in the state; government map, checked up to date. E. W. Helm, tie Board of Trade bid Dimnl'uli, Renq ulphmeirte. HOMESTEAD KEI.lNSlULSHMa.NT FOR $350. 640 acres, good well water. 200 acres at good tillable soil. 60 acres cleared, small house. See Mr. Ackley, 627 Cor bett bldg. Col'Y govt, maps showing western Oregon homestead lanoa i. uur oinri. reasonable and our services the Kest oa locatloua References given. M. J ANDERSON, 531 Rsllwsy Exch. Hldg Portland, Fruit Lands for !aie or Itent. FIN'S acres bearing walnuts and chernea. 13 Veers Pin; 5 nines intm aiiiii), Ysmlilll rounty. Snap lor $12,10, worth $2500, obliged to sell. AF 17, Orego- For Sale (PLENPtn 131-ACRB COUNTRY HOME, IN A CLASS lit ITSKI.F. ( MILES FROM CITY 1.1 Ml IX New $10,000 modern -rm. house, hardwood floors, pipeless furnace, electric lights, bath and toilets, big barn, silo, other good out buildings too numerous to men tion, beautiful shade trees, splen did orchard, berries and garden, over 100 acres now In crop. 40 acres In the finest of clover, best or soil, woven wire fences, abun dance of good water, spring, creek, and well, water pressure pvstem. In Tart everything that Is needed to make this the most complete country home around Portiand. price $29,500; easv terms. Will sell you the pedigreed Holsteln cows, bull and nelTers on the ranch If desired, otherwise owner will keep them. See SAM I1EWICY, at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, t Chamber of Com. Bldg. EQUIPPED 20 ACRES. 5 MILKS OUT. EAST 81 UK. UK SiHiuo Best buy In a 20-acre tract same dis tance out around Portland; Just 6 mlee from city limits; hard road ail the wav; 20 acres. 12 acres high stale cultivation; owner sold $2000 worth cabbage, cauli flower and potatoes from this place last year: all very beat of land: splemlld or. chard, very hies berries, all klmls. very homelike and up In good shape every wav; 6-room bungalow, large barn, good chicken and brooder house, other out buildings. Personal: Good leam, harness, wagon, cew. chickens, plows, cult.. i tsto planter, sprayers, lota small tooL H A KG HOVE REALTY CO Realtors). 122 North t;th St. Urondwav 4381. 20 BIG ACUEsl OF FINE sANLlY IAIAU Still.. 15 acres In crop, oate, vetch, potatoes and family garden, small family or chard and berries, near school, church and stores, H mile to street car line, 14 muss from Portland, good 7-room house, large wood sh.-d. 2 wells and pump, large barn, poultry end hog huuse; with this go fine team of bay mares, new wagon, new harness, buggy, plows, har row, cultivators, a lot "f small tools, 1 cow, chickens and some furniture, ail for $6000. half cash. STEWART JOHNSON. 815 Nort lowest i rn Hhii k H dg. For sale ok trade fur lahokh PLACE. HMiHLl 1J4 1-ll r.u Ilujiiv. Pr&ullraliy new 5-room plastered house, wired for electricity, electricity in streets, full cement basement, barn will hold 20 tons of hay and 10 cows, good silo, hog house, water piped from well to concrete tank at barn; gasoline en gine for pumping; over 8 acres excel lent land, all In cultivation, on paved highway between Monmouth and inde pendence; fine acre family orchard. years old; excellent school; less than 1 mile to Slate Normal school. Only $4500. Phone Tabor 4:tt7. 80 ACRES. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED, $2N00. 80 acres, with 18 acres under cultiva tion; good young orchard, lots of small fruit, good road, 8-room house, bara 20t 36, 2 plows, harrow, 2 cultivators and other tools, 2 horses, 1 cow, 2 heifers, hogs and chickens: 15 scr.is in cruy; price only $2Suo, $2000 cash. F. L. EUDY. REALTOR, RITTK.lt. LOW K CO.. 201-3-5-7 Hoard of Trade Hldg, ' FO II SALE. 160 acres near Waphnugnl. epproxl malelv OO acres In cu.tlvatloo. 5u acrus in orchard. Appraised br two well-known real es tate appraisers. Portland, as being worth $131100 to $14.0111). Buildings Insured for 1.1000; mortgage company will sell the place for $j.i". $1iNK) or more In cash, baianoe te euit purchaser. Apply E J. WATERS. 634 Nort htestern Hank Bldg., i'orl la n u. it-o n,. MR RANCHER. Jl'ST I.00K AT TIII1 Ro acres rich shot Insm. 8 miles from town and R. R-. 18 acres In fall wheat, 8 acres vetch, 12 seres seeded to clover, 2 acres orchard, cherries, plums, apples, prunes snd pears; spring water plp'd 10 the house; fine large 6-room bunsalow snd good outbuildings, crops and all farm Implements and stock for oniy $.-5nl: 3in!0 cash, balance at 6 per Cent I have many otlmr good farms from $io to $100 an acre. J. B. HOLHROOK. REALTOR. 2 1 4 - 215 I'a n a ma H HI g. AI'PROXIM ATBLY 7501. acres. 2400 cul tivated 12110 In fall whest. balance sum mer fallowed: about imio pasture land, good house, harn. maehlne slieda. black smith shop and various other buildings; 82 miles of fence on plscs, 8 miles to warehouse. 18 .nlles from Lswlslon: price I VI for plow land: $U for pasture land: this includes crop and summer fallow; terma For further psrtlojuare write Mackey-Thlcencn inv. Co. care American National Bank. Lewtsloa. Idaho. 75 ACHES, only 8 miles from Woodhurn, located on the Pudding river, good river bottom land, on good roadM; B-room house, an up-to-date barn, silo and other outbuildings. Tills place is an Meal dairy larm; .must be sold soon, there fore are putting it up to any party who Is interested In this kind of larm at ymir own figures. Submit an offer and If It is near reason It will not be refused, BIHR-CAREY CORP., ' 218 Railway Exchange Building, Third and Stark Sts. Main T4T. 40 ACRES. STOCKED AND KDUIPPKU. Located 4 mlies from La Center, Wash., on a main mad: more than half in cultivation; crops all In and looking fine all balance in good pasture: land is almost level: very, good 6-r;m house: barn and outbuildings: fanil.y orchard; with this goes 8 cows, loam and lot of chickens, some farm Imple ments and tools, all for $JiajO If lakea ' ""I'TEWART ft JOHNSON. 815 Northwestern Hsnk Hldg "EXTRA CHOICE FARM" At Tualatin. 13 miles trom Portland, on good road. 40 acres. 34 acres In hlgi state of cultivation, 6 acres pasture, lute of fruit end berries, good 7-room plas tered house. 2 barns, gsrsge and other outbuildings, fully stocked and equipped. 10 nillrh cows. 2 good horses, chlckuns. hogs- this farm has been run as a dairy for 30 years Price $11..1nu. terms. R M. GATKWOon A ''" . ' -1 '4 4lh SI ' BEAUTIFUL SUHI'RIIAN H 1 1 Mli. ' 1.1 sr-ea. 5 miles east of Vancouver oa Mill Plain road; 10 acres In cultivation., 8 acres in prunes. 5 acres In wheat, baL In pasture and garden. Good 6-room house, large barn, chicken house and other outbuildings; 8-ton prune dryer. Widow la.ly sione. must sell; will give terms. Mrs. Iloyer. take river road t Ellsworth store, o 1 m lie nor th. t 12 ACHES HALF MILK FROM STREET, CAR LINE AND PAVED ROAD. 3-room bungalow, barn, poultry house, hoshouse, buildings all new; 1 cow, 1 heifer. 1 horse, wagon, hsrness. al.oot 60 chickens, all for $2100 $1000 ash, balance easy terms. RT11WAI1T A JOHNSON. 816 Northwestern Bank Hldg. EXCELLENT apartment house site, Kat nfh and Pine sis.. $7010; river front acreage near oreon city car line; k scres logged-off land, 4(1 aores cleared, buildings and water system; 8 hours from Portland. $IS.U00 R1SI.EY. STARKWEATHER. BLACK. 02 ftroadway Hldg. Main flip?'. WASHINGTON COUNTY. $150 PER A 1 111-; STOCKEK EQUIPPED. Dairy and general' farm, rocked mi 4 near pavement, teams, tractor, cows, pigs, poultry, little cash, some trade, ternis. Air. Colt, 626 Cham, of Com. 80 ACRES. 60 In cultivation: wheat and oats: 8 acres orchard, tractor, farm . equipment. H mile to school-. 4-room house, furnished, barn and shed. Write owner for Information. Mrs. Liasie Bishop, Junction City, ttoutw 1. PRUNE ranch In sunny ('alllornia: 20 geres all improved. 2 v miles from Sams Rosa, ahout InO yards from paved hlgli way and In heart of oil district; nerd cash and must sell; $-,0.tsi0. terms. V. p Waiker. 47 E AnVenv. Portland, Or. $3 ACRES, six mll south of Lebanon. 5 In cultivation, well fenced: a good buy, or will trade. Owner, Tabor 6Jo. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES near Portland. $50 to $.100 per eore: easy terms, best soli; terms for sale, all alsea. MtarjanA realtor. 208 Falling b.dg. 14 ACRES, high1 Improved, on paved road fine creek through place, beet poll;' $5'.'io, terms. Inquire Talcolt, 61 North Hlvth. SOM'E very choice farms and dalrlea In Tillamook and Lincoln counties, tor ihorjiiformatlon. 327..H c nryb 1 d g. 6U ACRES, level, fencen. clear: good 4-rm. house, near Wlllamina : terms; loganberry land. J . K. enarp. pj-.t iniru st. TllOoM house and 1 acre of ground suit able for fruit or florist, $3500. Automaue Ki:i-:.!'. 1 , LOGGED-OFK lands. $IU acre up: runoloa water, good eoll. H tillable; school, eaey teime J R Sharpe. st Third et. $3200 80 ACRES. 2 miles from tcappooee. Owner, labor 112a . ... r