TnE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, MAY 20, 193i 21, WOOL MARKET TONE SLOWLY IMPROVING More Buyers Enter Fiefd and Demand Is Broader. shippers. Florins sold on the street t S3.73j3.85 and today's receipts will prob ably bring ft. The supply of Oregon ber ries Is slowly increasing, but unless the weather Quickly turns warmer it will be a week or two before there are enough to be a market factor. Yesterday's receipts sold at 13 3.50. World's Shipments Are Large Wheat shipments last week and in the same week last year were: Week Ending- May 1V21 ilay 15.'20 . 8.454.000 5.316.000 . a.SliS.ooO 11.012.0iW . 3.1)04.000 536.000 PRICJsOT MUCH CHANGED Larger Part of Buying In Xortr west Is in Washington Con signment Business- Starts. There la more snap to the wool marks Inasmuch as more buyers have entered the field and the inquiry is broader, but other wise conditions have not materially changed. It Is the opinion of all well- , posted wool men that prices are at the bot tom and when any change in values oc curs it should be In an upward direction. The principal activity In the northwest continues In Washington, where cross-bred are moving at 10 to 11 cents and fine wools at 11 Vi to 13 cents. A little eastern Ore . gon and Washington wool is moving east on consignment. The price paid for' the . Dan Smythe clip In Umatilla county is still a secret, but It Is understood in the trade that the quotations given out at the time of the sale were on the landed Boston basis. The Smyths clip, which amounts to 60.000 pounds. Is one of the finest grown In Oregon. A little activity is reported in Idaho and c In other western sections. The Jericho, Utah, wool Which was recently offered at sealed bid sale and failed to move, has been shipped east on consignment, tt is re W ported. The best bid for this wool was 36 cents. Last year the Jericho wool . sold at 71 cents.' A Philadelphia firm pur 1 chased a small clip in Utah, running Tlalf ' blood and shrinking about 03 par cent,-at r IT cents. A Boston house bought a large ' Nevada clip at 14 to 14 cents and a San Francisco firm secured another Nevada lot ! it U cents. Compared with last year. these prices showed a 60 to 70 per cent ? decrease. f Commenting on the changed methods of r- operating In the wool market this year, the , Boston correspondent of the Daily Kews t. Record says: "While it 1s certain that a big volume of wool must this year be handled by con- ' elgnment. it may be possible that eastern ! dealers may be able to gather in a larger ' number of Individual clips by direct pur , chase. One thing that will work to pre vent a full and prompt return to a norma ' market is that so many of the growers are In honor obliged to work out the overad' '." varices of last year. In many oases, at least, two years will be required tor a com' - plete liquidation of these claims. While that is being done, the necessity of con - signing to the same parties is apparent. For this reason, advances this year are nominal in many cases, sometimes being barely enough to cover shearing costs. freight charges or other expenses. "It is certain that the. organizations and ' agencies built np under war conditions, will make a desperate effort to keep con rrol of the business secured in recent years. Boston wool dealers say that they have never been unable to get all the wool they - needed, provided they were ready to pay going prices tin cash. Money in hand is often mora attractive than rich promises. . That this has been exemplified by some of the pool experiences of the last year has been recently pointed out by those familiar with what has been going on." U. a. and Canada. Argentina Australia ........ Totals . . 1B.224.0O0 16.884.000 Shipments for the season to date com pare as follows: Total Since Same Period July 1. '20. Last Season. TJ. S. and Canada. . .3S(i,081. 000 23. 560,000 Argentina 74.8SU.000 200,1)39,000 Australia 64.S62.0OO 85.250.000 Others 1O.4S2.000 1,842,000 Totals 536.305.000 547,600.000 Storage Butter Holdings Increase. Local storage stocks of butter increased 21.312 pounds in the past week and storage holdings of eggs increased 19S5 cases. Total holdings of dairy and poultry products at Portland and Seattle follow: Portland Butter, pounds .... Cheese, pounds .. Eggs, cases . . Poultry, pounds Seattle Butter, pounds ... Chcse, pounds .... Eggs, cases Poultry, pounds . . This wk. Last wit. ... 50,173 28,861 . .. 72.008 5U,K5 . .. 43,737 41.732 . .. 74.009 75.811 This wk. Last wk. ...127,975 35,175 STOCK MARKET REACTS IXrUSTRT.Vt AXD TJTIXITY SHARES SELL. LOWER. !,U8 ... 34,417 : . . l,8o5 68,895 ' 31,942 130,180 Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the northwestern cities were sa follows: Portland Seattle .. Tacoma . Spokane Clearings. Balances. ..$4,160,479 $770,138 . . 3.!Mi2.Sl 950,370 447, 3S2 53.413 . . 1.479.782 53.033 PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain. Flour and Feed. - Merchants' Exchange, noon session. May. ... 1.40 . .. 1.39 ... 1.39 1.31 ... 1.32 ... 1.30 ... 81.50 . .. 31.00 . . 24.50 . . 22.50 . .. 28.00 -Bid- June. $ 1.37 1.35 '1.35 moderate amount of WHEAT STEADY I" THIS MABKET Price Here Are Tnchanred In Spite of Advances in East. There vis no change In wheat condi Hons here, though there was a good ad - vance In the east. AH bids at the Mer chants Exchange were the same as Tuee .. day and country offers were also reported unchanged, with business passing. The coarse grain trade was quiet. Oats , and barley were unchanged. June corn was 50 cents higher on bltT Mlllrun advanced another dollar. Sup plies are running low and feeding has in creased. ; According to Minneapolis reports, millers there are quoting leading brands of flour . 20 cents higher. t John Inglis reported from Belleville, Kan., on wheat crop conditions: "Thomas, Sheridan, Decatur. Norton to Phillips, 50 per cent not likely to be cut. Balance may make some crop; crop generally back- ward and does not respond to rain and favorable weather. Eastward, Phillips, Smith, Jewell, some Improvement, prom- lsing half crop. Republic county shows ' half crop." Argentine shipments this week are esti mated at 1.222,000 bushels wheat. 2,260,000 bushels corn and 350.000 bushels oata - Terminal receipts, in cars, were reported by the Merchants Exchange as follows: Wheat. Bar.Flonr.OataHay Portland Thnrs. 89 1 10 4 7 Tear ago 15 ... 7 ... 2 Season to date.. 17,337 250 1.120 542 2,365 Year ago 8,195 178 3.804 501 2,143 'lacoma wea. . . . . 02 z 20 ... 2 4.512 51 979 178 27 6,887 84 3,110 176 833 4 ... 2 2 4 2 ... S .4491 212 B02 45fl 1,413 .07'i 244 1,138 843 1.205 Tear ago Season to date. Tear ago Eeattle Wed. . Tear ago Season to date. . Tear ago MAKCHUBIAN WHEAT EXPORTS BIG Balk of Shipments This Season Are for European Consumption. The rapid growth of Manchnrian wheat xports this season Is shown by statistics Just received from Hongkong. Total ship ' ments through the port of Darien amount to 14.643.432 bushels pt the crop of 1920. Exports from the 1919 crop were 1,638,784 bushels of which Japan received 1605.691 bu&hels and Corea the remainder. ln1918 exports were only 808,618 bushels, all of it going to Japan. The destinations of the Manchurian wheat exports this season, in bushels, were: Singapore, straits, eta. .......... 158,415 ' .Egypt (Port Said) 1... 7,219,337 Great Britain 2,229,214 Denmark ........... 426,657 Netherlands 1.861 Belgium 1S7.SS1 Italy 719,1158 Corea 34,026 Japan J.5S1.M4 United State,. 84.216 31 00 31.00 24.00 22.00 28.00 SI. 50 , 31.00 July 31.00 31.00 24.00 22 00 27.00 Wheat Hard white Soft white White club Hard winter . Northern spring Bed Walla Oats No. 2 white feed. No. 2 gray Barlev Brewing ....... Standard feed .- llillrun Corn- No. 2 E. T. shipment. 31.50 No. 3 E. T. shipment. 31.00 FLOUR Family patents. $R.0 per bar rel; whole wheat $7; graham $6.&0: bakers' hard wheat $8.25; bakers' bluestem pat ents $7.75; valley bakers' $7.25; straights MILLFEED Prices f. ' o. b. mill: Mill run, $31 per ton; rolled barley. J38&40; rolled oats, $40; scratch feed. $31 per ton. CORN Whole, $38: cracked, $41 per son. HAY Buying prices f.- o. b. Portlsnd. Alfalfa, $1811)118.50 per ton; cheat. $22fe23 per ton; clover. $16; valley timothy, $24 25; eastern Oregon timothy, $26. Covering Movement Steadies Val ues in later Dealings; Bond Trend is Irregular. NEW YORK, May 19. Business on the stock exchange today was listless, with a reactionary trend. - The forthcoming reduction of wages by the railroad labor board seemed to have lost Its force as a bullish factor. Postponement of dividend declaration by the Hocking Valley railway directors In dicated that the Question of reduced or suspended disbursements does not wholly apply to industrial or miscellaneous shares. Steels, equipments, motors, sugars and utilities .comprised the bulk of the other offerings at gross recessions of one to three points. feporadlo short covering in the cheaper oils, tobaccos and International Paper imparted a measure of - steadiness to the final dealings. Sales Were 450.000 shares. Call loans held firm at ner cent. International remittances reflected the more nopetul reeling in connection with the Silesian situation. Demand sterling rose a fraction over $4 and all principal continental rates strengthened, notably bills on Paris and Antwerp. Liberty bonds were fractionally lower and tractions also eased, but rails and industrials' were mixed. Among forelga issues Mexicans again reacted sharply, with Irregular advances and declines among the various European flotations. Total sales, par value, $9,250,000. The exchange will be closed Saturday preceding Memorial day. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. (FumlFhed by Overbeck & Cooke com pany, Portland.) Dairy anil Country Produce. BUTTER Cubes, extras, 25c lb.: print parchment wrapped in box lots, 30c; cartons, 31c. Butterfat. buying price: A grade, 25c; B grade, 23c, Portland deliv ery. : : EGGS Buying prices, case count. 17 ISc delivered. Jobbing prices to retailers: Candled ranch, 21c; selects,' 24c CHKliSS Tillamook triplets, price to Jobbers f. o. b. Tillamook, 19c; Toung Americas. 20c pound. " POULTRY Hens, 1927c pound; ducks. nominal; geese, nominal; turkeys, nominal. PORK Fancy, 14c per pound. VEAi. Fancy, 133? 14c per pound. Fruits" and Vegetables. FRUITS Navel oranges, $3.755.7S per box; lemons, $3-75415; grapefruit, $3 9.25 per box; bananas, BfelOc pound; apples, $1.25$3 box; strawberries, $3.75(9 3.50 per crate. VHGBTABLES Cabbage, 4C5ttc pound; lettuce, $3.75&4 per crate; carrots, $1.50 per sack; garlic. 20c per pound, beets, $1.50 per sack; green peppers, 3050c per pound; rhubarb, 46c pound; spinach. 8c per pound: turnips. $1.503 per sack: tomatoes, $4 per lug; cucumber 1.752.75 per dozen: peas. 14&16C pe pound; asparagus, $1.65 per dozen; beans, 20 a 2214 c. POTATOES Oregon, $ per ion pounds: Yakima, l.aOSJl.ia; new Callfor nit, 545Vio pec pound; sweet potatoes. $4.75 per crate. ONIONS Oregon, 75cr$l per sack; new crop, white Bermudas. $2 per crate. Staple Groceries. Local jobbing Quotations: SUGAR (sack basis) Cane granulated. 7.85c per pound: beet. 7.65c per pound. NUTS Walnuts. 30n39c pound; jsrazu nuts. 30c: filberts. 12c: a'monds. Z4iu3uc peanuts, ggyllc per pound; cocoanuta, $1.1 per dozen. RICE Blue Rose, 6c per pound; Japan style. 4c ner nound. BEANS Small white, 4c; pink, 7c lima. 8c: red. 8c ner oound. COFFEE Roasted, bulk, in drums, 14 3 6 ttc per pound. SALT Granulated. bale, $3,4014.23 half ground, ton. 50s, $19.73; lOVs, $19.25 lump rock. $26.50. DRIED FRUITS Italian prune B pound; dates, $4.2506.85 per box; figs, $2 (V5.25 per box. Hides. Hops, Etc. TALLOW No. 1, 3 to 4c; No. 2. 2U03O per pound. CASCARA BARK 1920 peel. 7c pound 1921 peeL 6c pound; delivered Portland. HOPS 1920 crop, best, 20c per pound. HIDES Salted country hide 4c deliv ered Portland: grubby hides. 3c: city ca, akin 12c; country calf skin 10c; good in. 6c: grubby kin. 4c. WOOL New clip, 1018o per pound. MOHAIR New clip. 16c per pound, de uverea Portland- Adams Exp... Advance Rum. Agr Chem. . . . Ajax Rubber.. Alaska Gold.. Alas Juneau.. Allls-Chal .... do pfd Am Beet Sug. Am Bosch ... Am Can do pfd Am Car At F. . Am Cot Oil. .. Am Drug Syn. Allied Chem.. Am Hide & L. do pfd . . . . Am Ice Am Intl Corp. Am Linseed.'.. Am Loco do pfd ..... Am Saf Razor. Am Ship & C. Am Smelter... do pfd Am Steel Fdy. Ara Sugar .... do pfd .'.... Am Sumatra.. Am T & T. ... Am Tobacco.. do B Am Wool .... do pfd do P pfd... Am Zinc ..... Anaconda .... Aesd Oil Atchison do pfd Atl G & W I.. Baid Loco..., do pfd Balto A Ohio. do pfd Beth Steel B. B R T Butte C & Z. Butte & Sup.. La 300 71M 3.000 ' 100 200 400 300 "wo 800 700 Ynili 100 "'500 6O0 100 300 2,800 High. 4.114 17 50 bk 31 IS S614 sS 4BT4 30 i4 125H 20 H ."4i" 12 50 Vi 65 is 48 Low. 45 16 485. 31 1 36 K 38X 4 ' 30 124 k" 20 3 "'44 H 12 55 Sa 534 46 400 87 87V4 1,01)0 2)10 1,000 "Y06 1.200 1.0(H) R.4O0 3.6"0 6.800 1.500 1,600 lo!t 42 U '3014 91 101 64 105", 127 . 125 77 . 64 10 41 "3V" Sou; 10014 62 10.-, 124 4 12.114 76 1.400 42 42 100 100 3.5O0 - 4,300 'i.'ooo 'a. 500 100 200 Total ....14,643,432 SWEET BUTTER AT CSCAL PREMIUM Eggs Are Weak and Dee lining With Outlet Restricted. The butter market continued firm and active with the bulk of the sales of extras at 25 cents. Sweet butter was in demand for shipment south and was quoted at 1V2 cents over salted butter. The local movement in prints dragged and there was a wide range in quoted prices. Eggs were weak with only a limited out let. Bids to country shippers ranged from 17hi to 18 cent Poultry supplies continued light, but the high prices ruling now are expected to result in larger arrivals. Country dressed meats were slow. Tear Book Attractive. The year book of Swift ft Co., covering the firm's activities In 1920, has Just been received and like the previous Issues it is not only a work of art but- is replete with statistics and other Information bear ing on the livestock Industry and the mar keting of products. California Strawberries Higher. Strawberries were firmer yesterday be cause of turner prices asked by California Provisions. HAMS All sizes. 30036c: skinned. SI 9 36c: picnic, 18c: cottage roll. 28c. BACON Fancy, 43o53c; choice, 80a dtc; standard, ZofiZtc. LARD Pure, tierces, 16o pound; com? pound, tierces, 11c. DKY SALT Backs, 20923c; plates, 16a Oils. LINSEED OIL Raw, hi barrels, 99c five-gallon can $1.14. Boiled, in barrel Sl.01; five-gallon cans. $1.16. TURPENTINE In Crum 97c: five-gal lon cans. $1.12. WHITE LEAD-r-100-lb. kegs, lie per lb. COAL OIL Tank wagons and iron bar rel 17tic; case 30 & 37c. GASOLINE Tank wagons and Iron bar rels, 28c; case 40 Sic. - 8A!f FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Prices Current on Vegetables, Fresh Fruits, Etc.. at Buy City. SAN FRANCISCO. Mar 19 Vegetables Asparagu 86-lOc: Italian squash, $1.50 9T1.I-5 crate; potatoes, new, 3it3c lb.; sweets, Nancy Hall, $5&6; onions. Aus tralian Brown, nominal: green. $1 85 box; tomatoes. Imperial Vallev. $1.75$v 2.25 per box; celery, nominal; garlic, 63iSc; bell peppers. lU20c; chili, 13&i"0e: pea S13c; rhubarb, Alameda. $1.251.73; let tuce, Bacrameuio, yz.tti'Z.M crate; arti choke $49 per crate; spinach, 23c; beans, string. lQ&15c; wax, 1214c; egg plant, iiiii jjc; sacKee vegetaoies, nom inal; green corn, 50j; 60c dazen. Poultry Young chickens. 30iS60c staggy roosters, 20 925c; old. 1318c; hens zd(?3dc; quck 2o(03c; geese, zoc: tur keys, live, 40c; dressed, 4350c; squabs 4dMc fancy; common, $3.50 dozen; old pigeons, $3 dozen: Belgian hare, live, 20 9 22c; dressed, 256 28c. Fruit Orange navel, $2.755; Valen clas, $33.73; lemons, $2.504; grapefruit $23.75; apple $16 2.50; strawberries. 51 fctiOc drawer. $11.3Q crate: raspber ries. $1.2591.50 drawer: blackberries. $2.25 b2.30 crate: gooseoerries. 6'uuc: bananas. 8V410c; Avocadoe $3&6 dozen; cherrie $1.73112.5 Dox. ooc pound; apricots. $39 3 25 four-basket crate; figs, $2.503 six-layer box; peacnes, $2.003.75 per crate. Receipts Flour. 24HO quarters; wheat. 200 centals: barley, 3700 centals; beans, 1630 sacks; corn, 718 centals; potatoes, 142 sacks: onions. 13 sacks hay. ISO tons; hides; 676 bundles: lemons and orangey 2400 boxes; livestock. 2ti0 head. Coffee Futures Lower. NEW YORK, May 19. The market for coffee futures was generally lower today, owing to the failure of Rio exchange rates to hold recent advances and further scat tering liquidation, partly from Wall street source The openitvg was at A decline of 4 to 5 points. The close waa generally 2 to 5 points lower. May 5.74c, July 5.83c. September 6.29c. October 6.45c. December 6.77c, January 6.?Sc. March 7.09c. Spot coffee was reported in better demand with prices unchanged at 6H for Rio 7s and 8 to S4 for Santos 4a. New York Sugar Market. NEW YORK. May 1. Raw sugar 5.02c for centrifugal: reiined 6.3th: to 8.60c fox fine jfranuiaied. - , addo Oil Cal Packing. .. cai Pet do pfd . .. ., Can Pac Cen Leather. . Cerro de P. . . . Chand Motor. Chi-A JJ W... AChl Gt W.... do pfd Chili Cop .... Chlno C M St P do pfd Coco Cola . . .. C & O Colo F & I Colo So Colo G & E. .. Col Graph ... Con Gas Con Cigars.. . .. do pfd Contl Can ... Contl Candy.. Corn Prod.... do pfd Corden OH ... C R I & P do A pfd.... do B pfd... Crucible ia do pfd Julia Cane... 110 piu . . . . . Cuba Am Sug. Del & Hudson. Dome Mines.. D & R G ... do pfd ' Endl Johnson. Erie do 1st pfd. . do 2d pfd.. Fara Players. Fed MAS... do pfd Flsk Tire .... Gaston Wms.. Gen Cigars . .. Gen Electric. Gen Motor . .. do 6s Goodyear Gen Asphalt. . 28.600 2.60O 82 76Si 39 S4 87 'eov. 15 16 81 76 S4 38 34 88 5 '40 '6914 "is" 18 1,000 48 47 1,000 2,400 100 6.800 300 200 200 1,200 200 1.800 1.3O0 100 700 ' 200 500 1.4O0 600 900 2,000 3.400 2,200 1,900 "3,06 700 6,900 300 200 100 100 5,200 1,200 '5116 1,600 100 ine 900 200 400 500 800 115 40 115 40 85. 64 19 12 20 29 4 44 39 12 2B 28 43 64 64 36 6014 7 89 36 60 S4 7 88 iy j 71 70 '36 "35' 33 . 33 '76 74 ' 19 "18 60 23 22 6s"" "ei'V 14 14 14 -'il 27 16 1 61 137 12 300 1,700 100 600 1,500 200 5,400 1.400 200 200 500 100 400 100 1.400 6.000 1.4O0 2,700 Goodrich Granby ,. Gt Nor Ore. .. do pfd Greene Can..'. Gulf S Steel.. Hupp Motor.. Houston Oil., Ill Central.... Inspiration Int Agr Corp. do pfd Interboro .... do pfd Int Callahan.. Int Har let Mer Mar. do pfd Int Nickel ... Int Paper ....' Invin Oil .... Island Oil ... Jewel Tea . K. c Southern. do pfd Kelly-Spgfld . Kennecott Keystone Tire. Lack Steel Lehigh Val ... Lorillard .... L & N ...... . Mackay Max 1st Dfd.. ao za pin .- Mex Pet 16.100 Miami 500 Mid States Oil. 6.600 Midv Steel .. 500 M K A T 400 do pfd ..... Mo Pac do Dfd . Mont W . M S StP&SSU Nat Biscuit... Nat Enamel... Nat Lead .... Nev Con New Haven... Nor ft West. .. Nor Pac Nov Sco Steel. N Y Air Brk. N Y Central.. Okla Prod ref Ont Silver Ont & West. . Otis Steel .... Pac Oil Pac G A E. .. Pan Am Pet.. do B Penn 1,400 Peo Gas 7.300 Pere Marq.... 1,600 Phila Co Pure Oil Pierce Arrow. Pierce Oil .... Pitts Coal Pitts & W Va, Pr Steel Car. 7 Pullman v Cons Reading 3.400 Remington Repl Steel ... Rep I & S 4o pfd Rep Motors... Ryl Dutch Oil Rv Steel SDrg. S O Ind Sears Roebuck Shat Ariz .... 72 38 "so" 70 18 "" 13 79 "37 ii" 10 1,400- 50 4 Ji 91 15 15 .72 18 4 14 73 8 27 15 1 60 137 '12 69Ji 87 S "36" 68 87 12 78 '36 49 . 13 5S4 91 15 65 13 68 18 4 1.200 27 27 2.400 6.000 1.000 1,700 900 ' 100 100 700 900 1.100 6,900 200 700 1,800 8O0 5.900 SOO 1.3O0 600 300 N 400 100 3.500 2.700 7.400 1.100 300 1.000 4,800 200 1O0 300 2O0 200" 500 100 8.600 2.900 ' 400 45 S2il 15 S4 49 54 157 100 149 23 13 28 22 42 22 57 78 .12 19 98 78 34 70 71 3 44 22 15 49 53 155 100 147 23 13 28 22 41 21 52 77 12 19 97 "1 84 68 71 3 Bid. 45 ' 16 49 81 1 36 76 38 46 30 83 125 20 , 6 JS8 55 55 . 4- 3f 87 103 JU 77 it 30 91 100 63 105 1J 323 76 97 34 8 42 99 81 76 89 87i 100 41 50 : 59 12 a 14 16 60 1 8 115 ' 40 29 63 66 8 19 J2 26 28 42 20 6S 30 88 69 7 88 38 38 46 1 71 103 3--. S3 70 66 75 84. . 1" 59 23 101 19 1 63 14 21 14 73 8 27 16 3 60 137 12 68 10 70 7H 24 29 68 Z4 37 12 iy 90 S 10 49 13 5H wo 13 55 13 70 18 4 9 01 Tr Contl Oil.. Un Oil Del... Union Pac ... Unted Alloy.. Unted Drug. . Uted Fd Prod United Fruit.. Uted Rds N J do pfd Un Rtl Store U 8 Ind Al... U S Rub do 1st pfd. . U S Smelting. U S Steel do pfd Utah Cop .... Va Chem .... Van Steel ... Vivandou .... Wabash do A pfd... do B pfd... Wells Fargo.. West Pae .... doifd West Union... Westh A B. . . West a E & 11. West Md White Motors. Willys-Ovl ... Wno prd ..... oolworth . .. Worth Pump.. W & L E BONDS. U S 2s reg 99!N Y C deb 8s... do coupon. ..99N P 4s U S 4s reg..104 N P 3s do coupon. ..104jPac TAT 5s.. Pan 8s reg '77 Pa con 4s ... do coupon... 77 S P ov 5s A T & T cv 6s.. 98 So Ry 5s Atch gen 4s... 76!U P 4s D & R G con 4s 641U S Steel 5s... 11 10 1X 20.200 25 24 25 900 121 120 120 ...... 29 95 1,400 22 22 2 200 111 111 110 10 ' 23 4,200 60 69 60 . 800 69 6S 68 6,100 73 72 72 400 101 101 101 200 35 35 85 8.700 83 82 83 2,300 108 107 107 500 57 57 56 8,200 '82 30 31 1,200 84 33 83 600 8 8 8 800 8 8 8 200 23 23 2:i ..' 15 300 67 66 700 30 29 29 67 400 88 88 88 '"'600 '48 "is" 48 700 10 10 10 200 40 ' 40 40 2,300 8 8 8 300 39 38 38 132 400 51 50 51 100 10 JIT LITTLE IXQUIRT FOR CATTLE OP. AXX GRADE. 89 75 54 84 85 88 83 80 95 Bid. Liberty Bond Quotations. Range of liberty bond quotations, fur nished by Overbeck & Cooke company of rortiana: Liberty 3s. . do 1st 4s..., do 2d 4s do 1st 4s.. do 2d 4s.. do 3d 4a. .. do 4th 4 us. Victory 4s... do 4s High. 'Low. Close. .88.06 88.02 88.04 87.20 87.10 87.40 87.08 90.64 87.2 97.58 97.58 . .87.64 ..87.24 ..90.70 ..87.28 ..97.70 . 97.64 87.40 87.06 90.62 87.18 97.52 97.54 Only Small Part of Hogs Received Are for Open Market More Lambs Are Moved. The demand for all classes of livestock continues slow and while there were no further changes In prices yesterday, the undertone of the market in general was weak. Most of the hogs received were on ,contract or came direct to packers. More than the usual proportion of business was in the sheep division. Receipts were 5 calves, 507 hogs and 2035 sheep. The day's sales were as IoIt lows; Wet. Price. I Wet. Price. 1240 $ 5.001 o lamos uu e o.ow .ailiz 8.00 13 lamos. B-' 7.001 15 lambs 5: 8.00 35 lambs 7.001 6 lambs 6.001 12 lambs 4.501 6 lambs 6 001 14 lambs Mining Stocks at Boston. BOSTON, May 20. Closing quotations: Aliouez Ariz Com . . . Calu & Ariz. Calu &. Hecia Centennial .. Cop Range... East tfulte . Franklin isle Royalle. . Lake Copper. Mohawk .... 22 . 8 . 51 .254 , 8141 . 36 North Butte.. Old Dom Osceola kjuincy Superior Sup & Boston.. 9!Shannon 2 Hi. Utah Con .. 21 i Winona .... 2 (Wolverine .. 62i Gran by Con 10 41 3 1 90 4 45 10 28 Swift A Co. Stocks. Closing prices, for Swift & Co. stocks at Chicago were reported by the Overbeck & Cooke company of Portland as follows: Swift Co 99 IjlDDy, AlCNeil LtlODV 9 National Leather... 7 Swift International 23 1'IRTHER GAIN IN RESERVE BATIO Increase of Nine-tenths Per Cent Is, Be ported by Federal Board. WASHINGTON. D. C. May 19. Com bined resources and liabilities of the 12 federal reserve banks at the close of bus! ness May 18 were reported tonight by the federal reserve board as follows: Resources- Gold and gold certificates $ 325,391,000 Gold settlement fund, federal reserve board 454,105,000 779,496,000 1,458.619.000 140,701. UO0 Total gold held by banks Gold with federal reserve agents Gold redemption fund Total gold reserves 2,378,906.000 Legal tender notes, silver, etc 170.228.000 Total reserves . . Bills discounted, United States obligations ... All other 2,549,134,000 secured by government . 774,869.000 1.067.684.000 Bills bought in open market. 81,667,000 Total bills on hand.... 1,924,220,000 United States government bonds United States victory notes. . United States certificates or indebtedness: 1-year certi ficates (Pittman act) All other Total earning assets Bank premises Five per cent redemption fund against federal reserve nana notes Uncollected items All other resources 25.924.000 23,000 234.875.000 128.U36.000 2,313.078.000 23,12,0M) 11.476.000 580.270.000 12.430.000 Total resource $5,490,480,000 Liab ities Capital paid in i 102,118,000 Surplus 202,036.000 Reserved for Brovernment franchise tax avuii.uou Deposits, government 15.632.000 Member bank reserve account 1,665,517.000 All other 85.493,000 1 steer. . 24 steers. 1 steer. . 22 steers. 4 steers. 21 steers. 1 cow. . . 1 cow . . . 1 cow. . . 4 cows. 1 cow . . ' 1 cow. . . 1 cow. . . 15 cows. . 1 cow. . . 4 calves lcalf... 3. calves 1 calf. . . 2 calves 1 bull... 1 bull... 14 hogs.. 15 hogs. . 12 hogs. . 2. hogs. . 5 hogs. . 2 hogs. . 1 hog. . . 6 hogs. . 1 hog. . . 4 hogs. . 2 hogs. . 26 lambs. 12 Iambs. 12 lambs. 12 iambs. 14 lambs. 47 lambs. 6 lambs. 15 lambs. 56 lambsr 19 lambs. 32 lambs. 11 lambs. 8 lambs. 15 lambs. 51 lambs. 8 lambs. 27 lambs. 6 lambs. lambs 1050 1202 9U2 915 800 1170 1050 912 1530 980 9S0 950 860 6.501 6.50 6.00 140 10.00 130 8.501 173 10.001 220 7.00 120. 800 11110 220 205 107 245 176 90 480 208 420 102 230 65 55 3U 63 67 68 71 60 55 57 65 56 57 55 64 56 57 45 60 6.001 37 lambs 8.001 38 lambs 6.001 50 lambs 5.401 56 lambs is lamos 4 lambs 89 lambs 22 lambs 1 lamb. 4 lambs 4 lambs 9 lambs 24 lambs 18 ewes. 1 ewe. . 5 ewes. ' 2 ewes. 5 ewes. 8 ewes. 8 yearl. 23 9. 6.50 4.00 9.2. 8.7; 9.25 9.2 9.50 9.30 5.001 9.2.-) 6. 9. 66 66 70 61 66 87 68 62 59 71 55 57 58 70 65 60 62 82 142 110 150 155 118 123 7.25 5.50 7.25 6.50 7.23 7.00 7.00 7.50 6.75 6.75 6.00 7.00 6.30 6.50 4.23 6.30 6.50 S.oa 6. 75 6.73 2.50 3.01) 2.50 3.00 3.00 3.50 5.00 5.00 6.00 5.00 6.00 3.00 5.00 3.00 5.00 5.4)0 5.00 4.00 5.00 5.00 4.00 4.00 6.75 5.73 7.23 sections of the grain belt that have been clamoring for rain, we believe this ad vance quite discounts the damage that has already occurred and believe that a set back will be seen pending the -receipt of I adverse crop advices from territories other than that already covered. Corn The early strength, In sympathy with wheat, was of short duration and the market developed independent weak ness accompanied by rather persistent hedging sales and the belief that receipts about two weeks from now will be quite large. Receipts were estimated at 100 cars and as the demand was less active. prices sold off readily and closed about one cent lower. Oats Ruled strong most of the day, but lacked Independent feature. Unfavorable crop reports were offset by easiness in the local cash market, where the cash trad ing basis was reduced about half a cent. Country offerings to arrive were reported quite liberal. Rye The leading buying of July was on the breaks. Cash rye wrs higher with sales of No. 2 en track at halt a cent over May. Leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. M.v... X 1 4ft f 153H I 1.47 8 1.52 July... 1.10 1.20 116 1.19 July... Sept. . . July.. Sept.. May. . July.. High. Low. $ 1.33 $ 1.47 I 1.20 116 CORN. .61 .59 V .64 - .62 OATS. .30 .SS .40 .39 . .63 .39 MES3 PORK. .60 .63 .SR .39 17.S0 17. 30 yearl. 120 11 yearl. US 1 yearl. so 16 yearl. . 80 15 yearl. 68 6.501 18 yearl. 81 5.00 7yearL 67 5.75j 7 yearl. 311 6 50 1 yearl. 100 7.001 3 yearl. U3 7.001 4 year!. 75 6.751 2 yearl. 93 5.751 3 yearl. 86 6.751 20 yearl. 83 5.501 1 yearl. 80 6.001260 yearl. 92 6.23I2U3 yearL 9:1 6.001 lhog.. 350 5.001 2 hogs. 105 7.251 lhog.. 220 9.25 5.001 1 lamb. 60 6.50 7.251129 lanius. 60 6.50 6.30j 5 ewes. lid 1.50 7.251 33AWCN. 1.15 3 00 livestock prices at the local yards fol-ow: Choice steers $8.25 8.50 Medium to rood steers 7.50 fri K 3 Fair to medium steers 6.75) 7.50 Common to good steers 5.75a 6.75 Choice cows and heifers 6.259 7.00 Medium to good cows, heifers. 5.75 in 6.3 Fair to medium cows, heifers. 5.25& 5.75 t-ommon to lair cows, heiiers.. 4.20 ip 3.25 manners Bulls Choice dairy calves Prime light calves . Medium light calves Heavy calves Best feeders Fair to good feeders Hogs Prime light Smooth heavy, 250 to 300 lbs. 7. Sofa) 8.50 Smooth heavy, 300 lbs. and up. 6.500 7.50 rtouKQ neavy . Stags Fat pigs Feeder pigs ... biieep Prime lambs .. Fair to good .. Cull lambs .... Feeder lambs . Light yeralings Heavy yearlings Light wethers . Heavy wethers S T.iB 4.-JS 3. 50 ryl 5.50 9.5010.00 9.00 9.30 6.U0'g) 9.00 3.00(a) 6.00 6.25 if 6.75 5.759 6.25 9.25 9.50 6.00(a) 7.50 4.00(8 7.50 9.00 (61 9.50 8.509 9.50 July.. Sept.. July. Sept 9.70 10.00 10 00 10.27 ! yel :. .... T LARD. ..13 T0 IMS 8.82 10.00 0.83 SHORT RIBS 90 10.00 10.20 10.27 10.20 Wheat No. 2 hard. $1.59 01.81; No. 1 northern, $1.55. Corn No. 2 mixed, 5059c; No. ten c S CflS.' n.!Z5 a Tw'hlte. .38 39c; No. 3 white. 37 38 Vi c. "'ytlNo. 2. $1.411.42. Barley 56 68c. Timothy seed $4. 50196. Clover seed $12 18. Pork Nominal. Lard J9.40. Rubs $9. 50 fillQ.50. Car Receipts of Grain. Car receipts were-as .follows Minneap olis: Wheat, 172: corn, eight vs. two; oats. 19 vs. 10: barley. 27 s. 36; rye, seven vs. 25. Omaha: Wheat. 62 va : ""-- '.j 28: oata four va 24. Duluth: Wheat. 84 30: corn, four; oats, one, rj. - Louis: Wheat, 38 vs. 43i corn. 28 vs. 41 oats, 36 vs. 33. Kansas vy- s. 107; corn, 19 vs. la; oats, ... Minneapolis Grain Market MvNEAPOL18. May 19. Barley, 60c Flax. No. 1. Il.on Wheat May, 11.11; CAREFUL INVESTORS should pur chase securities from an institution whose character, stability and manage ment are an assurance of continued pro tection to its customers. This bank maintains its Bond Depart ment to afford you that assurance and protection in making safe investments. Eldest IN THE ORTHWESI, tVitvti it rtnrrw irsj H TRAEVXiOlD OOM.IXG FROM MIDMJE WEST IX JVXE. I commission composed of the lending i business men of the community, fur j the purpose of buying up available lands or obtaining- options upon them, under terms that will permit settlers to make good. 469 1.91. July. $125. Total deposits 1.716.642,000 Federal reserve notes in ac tual circulation 2,767,415,000 Federal reserve notes In cir culation, net liabilities 147.766.000 Deferred availability items.. 491.004,000 All other liabilities 2a.487.000 18 19 Shell T & .... Sinclair Sloss Shef ... So Pac So Ry do pfd . . ... .. St L & S F. .. trnm Carb... Studebaker . . . wirt &. Co Tenn C & C. . Texas Oil .... Texas Pac ... Tex P C 4 O Third Ave ... ToO Prod 3.100 100 ' 1.100 5.100 " 8.006 700 200 1,700 200 14.800 'i.Voo 6.800 3.700 1.900 100 8,500 88 56 67 61 35 54 23 33 34 29 10 '0 8414 101 14 72 65 89 '78 7 m "77 22 '25" 38 80 'io 38 26 28 ' S7 55 66 60 84 61 22 33 33 28 10 '30" 84 101 i44 71 'si" 6.1 88 ' '77" 7 45 26 '77" 21 '24 35 78 "9 27 $ 67 66 4." 23 15 49 54 156 100 5 5 2 14K 23 13 27 2 4 22 42 21 70 113 54 77 12 19 97 72 68 71 I 18 13 37 54 66 60 84 61 22 32 83 28 30 62 30 84 101 14 72 35 27 57 89 17 64 88 75 77 J" 26 40 77 21 52 24. 38 78 99 8 .18 25 . 27 86 a Total liabilities $3,490,480,000 Ratio of total reserves to deposit an federal reserve note liabilities combined. 56 8 ner cent. Ratio of gold reserves to federal reserve notes in circulation after setting asiae a ner cent against deposit uaoiuties, iu. per cent. Money. Silver, Etc. NEW YORK. May 19. Prime mercantile paper, 67 per cent. Time loans Steady, 60 days. 90 days. 1t months. 6 Der cent. Call money Firm. High, low, ruling rate, offered at and last loan, 7 per cent closing bid 6 per cent Bar silver, domestic, 99; foreign 58 Mexican dollars, 4oc. LONDON, May 19. Bar silver, 33 d per ounce. Monev. 5 ner cent. Discount rates, short bills, S per cent. Foreign Exchange. Foralrn exchange rates at close of busi ness yesterday, furnished by Northwestern National bank of Portland. The amount quoted is the equivalent of the foreign unit In United States funds: Country Unit. Austria, kronen Belgium, francs Bulgaria, leva Czecho-Slovakia. kronen ... Denmark, kroner England, pound sterling.... Finland, finmark France, francs Germany, marks Greece, drachmas Holland, guilders Hungary, kronen Italy, lire Jugo-Slavia, kronen Norway, kroner . ... Portugal, escudos Roumania, lei Serbia, dlnara Spain, pesetas Sweden, kroner Switzerland, francs ehlna Hongkong, local currency. Shanghai, taeis Japan, yen il Rate. ..8 .0032 . . .0S92 .. .01 .. .01 .. .1840 .. 4.0125 .. .02:13 .. .0SSS .. .0174 . . .or.s; .. .3013 . . .00.13 . . .0504 . . .0081 .. .1605 .. .0063 . . .0184 .'. .0325 . . .3387 . . .2380 .. .180S .492.1 .6.-.2.1 .4875 NEW YORK, May 19. Exchange lrregu- i.r stf-rliiie. demand 84.00. caoiea $4.00; francs, demand 8.75. cables 8.77: Belgian francs, demand 8.73. cables 8.75; guilders, demand caoiee ao.u-: lire, demand 5.55, cables 5.57; marks, demand 1 65, cables 1.66; Greece, demand 5.70; Sweden, demand 23.73; Norway, demand ik on. a inline, demand 31.37: Brazilian. demand ia.75; Montreal, 10 per cent dis; count. Foreign Bonds. Foreign bond quotations furnished by the Overbeck & Cooke company of Portland: Bid. Ask. Russian 5s, 1921 38 Russian 5s, 3926 6 Russian 6s. 1919 15 French 5s. 1931 69 French 4s. 3917 54 French 5s, 1920 79 Italian 5s, 1918 45 British 5s. 3922 398 British 5s, 1927 30.1 British 6s. 1929 38 British vky 4s 312 Belgium rest 5s 75 Belgium prem 5s 78 German W. L 5s 13 Berlin 4s. '. Hamburg .4s.... Hamburg 4s. . Leipelg 4s.... Leipsig 5s Munich 4a Munich 5s Frankfort 4s.... Jap 4s Jap 1st 4s.... Jap 2d 4s Paris 6s V K 5s. 1921.. V K 5s, 1022.. U K 5s. 1929. . U K 5s. 1937. . 15 . . 16 .. 37 .- 35 .. 17 .. 16 .. IS .. 37 .. 68 .. 84 ..84 .. S .. 90 . . 97 ..91 . . 85 18 8 17 70 56 80 46 410 404 404 324 77 80 15 16 37 18 17 19 18 20 19 69 S3 85 98 100 97 91 86 Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK, May 19. Evaporated ap ples, nominal; prunes, quieter; peaches, quiet. ' ' Cotton Market. NEW YORK,-May la. Spot cotton quiet. Middling, L2.1&C. , . f T.0O 7.25 6.00(a) 7.00 4.50'(i 5.50 3.(HIt 4.50 5.00 6.00 4.50gl 5.00 .ovw -o.uu 3.50a 4.50 Ewes 1.00 4.25 Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO.. May 19. (United States Bu reau of Markets.) Cattle Receipts 8000. Beef steers steady to strong. $9.75 bid; too matured steers. $9.25, bulk $S8.85, others mostly steady; bulk fat cows and heifers, $67.50; bulls, large $5.256.25; veal calves, mostly $S.509.25. Hogs Receipts 25,000. Lights about steady, others strong to 10 cents higher than yesterday's average; top, $8.85, bulk 58.25 fr 8.70; pigs 1 steady to strong, bulk desirable l8.0OJiS.75. Sheep Receipts 12.000, very slow. Lambs steady to 25 cents lower, sheep 25 to 50 cents lower; shorn lambs, top early, $11.75; sales wooled lambs; native springs, $136.13.75; few ewes. $66.50. . Kansas City Livestock Market. KANSAS CITY, Mo.. May 19. United States Bureau of Markets.) Cattle Re. ceipts 2700. Beef steers active, steady to 15 cents higher. Top, $8.75, other sales $6.75 8. 50; stockers and feeders weak, other classes around steady; best vealers to packers, $8; oad cows, $6.507, bulk $5JT56. Hogs Receipts 6500, unevenly steady to 10 cents higher than yesterday. Best lights and mediums to packers and ship. pers, $8.35, bulk of sales $sro8.30; pack lng sows and pigs steady, closing with ad vance lost. Sheep Receipts 8500. Sheep steady to 25 cents lower. Texas wethers, $6.75, most sales $5.606.73; lambs steady; no choice aged lambs on sale; native spring ers, $12. Omaha Livestock Blarket. OMAHA, May 19. (United States Bu reau of Markets.) Hogs Receipts 12.000, mostly steady to 10 cents lower. Bulk ISO to 240-pound butchers, $8.158.40, top IS. 50; bulk butchers, 2o0 pounds and over. $7.808.10, packing grades $7.507.75. Cattle Receipts 4000. Beef steers steady to 25 cents lower. Bulk steers, $7.35 8.25, top $9 on yearlings; she stock steady 40 15 cents lower: bulls weak to 25 cents lower; other classes generally steady. Sheep Receipts 6000. Killing classes 25 and 60 cents lower. Top California spring lambs, $12.75, natives $12.50, clipped lambs 111.25: wooled yearlings, cupped yearlings $9: wooled ewes, $i.5U; few feed ers included. Seattle Livestock Market. SEATTLE, May 19. Hogs steady; no receipts, quotations unchanged. Cattl weak, receipts 61, quotations unchanged. Winnipeg Grain Market. WINNIPEG, May 19 . Wheat Max $1.86; July, $1.60 : OCtoper. vs. Grain at "San Francisco. . ... poiMnsrn Mav 10. Grain Wheat-Feed. t2.10P2.30: milling 82 .20 2 35: corn, white Egyptian. $2.20 2 3t. red milo. $1.902.05: barley, f.ed. $l-miw 1.23. shipping, $1.3UWl.i; au, $1.50 1.60. Seattle Grain Market. SEATTLE, May 19. Wneat..?"a hite. soft white, $1.37; white club, $1.30. r.A wlntur 11.33: soft red winter. northern spring, eastern red Walla, $1.32 m k naefam XI 411. City delivery Feed: Scratch. $50; baby scratch feed. $67; feed wheat. $54; all grain chop. $42; oats. $39: rolled oats, Mt. sVrout oats, $44; whole barley, $39; to ed 4i: cliDDed barley, $46; milled feed. $30; bran. $30; whole corn, $ ...J . iO cracaeu wm, .-- . . H Alfalfa. $24. Double compressed .U.K. t:ti- iln. timothy. 3: eastern Washington mixed, $30; straw, $24. State Chamber of Commerce and rnion Pacific to Co-operate In Showing Oregon Lands. July 19 is the date when the first trainload of homeseekers from the middle west will start from Omaha to Oregon, according to announcement by the executive committee of the state chamber of commerce following receipt of a telegram from William Hanlcy from Omaha. This date was selected by the beads of the agricul tural department of the Union Pacific system at Omaha and confirmed here by the executive cpmmittee of the state chamber. Hanley, as a director of the state chamber, is in Omaha with J. R. Heuringr,' colonisation expert, who is working with Union Pacific officials in grouping homeseekers to be brought to Oregon in a body. The agricultural department of the Union Pacific will swing its forces into the drive to send settlers to Oregon, It was announced. Following notification as to results of the conference in Omaha, Secretary Quayla of the state chamber sent out letters to each commercial organiza tion of the state, urging them to pre pare for the coming of the settlers. first, by obtaining listings of lands in their districts at prices based upon careful appraisal, and second, to form. If possible, a corporation or financing Auto Leaps Over Embankment. , KAL-A1IA, Wash., Slay 1J (Spe cial.) A party of young folk nar rowly escaped death Saturday night when the automobile they were rid ing in skidded over the highway cm bankment near a bridge about four miles from Kalama. The car was driven by William Strange of this city and the young folk were return ing from a danco at Shanghai. Bond Placed at $1000. CHEHAL1S, Wash.. May IS. (P)e clal.) If. Harper, a well-known for hlre car driver, has been Informed against In the Lewis county superior court direct on a charge of having liquor lu his possession. Judge Reynolds fixed Harper's bond at $mon. BREAK FAILS TO COME WHEAT MARKET DOES XOt TAKE EXPECTED OOCRSE. Chicago Closes Higher Xotwith- siantling Passage of Anti-Pit Bill . Through Illinois Senate. CHICAGO, May 19. Wheat advanced sharply today, upsetting predictions that the market would undergo a big break. Passage of an anti-pit bill through one branch of the Illinois legislature failed to have much Influence on values, being far outwelEhed by crop damage reports. The market closed strong, 1 hit to 4H cents net hieher. with May Ji.oa to si. 03 ana July $1.19 to $1.20. Corn finished cent to iu cents down, oats 011 to ft ceni and nrovlsions at gains of 2V4 to 30 cents. It took only a minute to demonstrate that there was to be no unusual setback in wheat- The extreme aecnne or -itt cents had scarcely been reached before ths market began to swing, upward with a rush. Most traders took the position that the anti-Dit bill was still a long way from enactment and had been chiefly effective for the time being as affording a good opportunity to buy. Knowledge that field scouts were sending in bullish reports from th mithwest added greatly to the cour age of buyers, although word of rains in Kansas lea ai one umo w u.uaiwu uo line. Houses with seaDoaro connections bought freely and the market closed at almost the day's top. Favorable weather and news that corn planting showed rapid progress kept price for corn and eats tending downward most of the session. Provisions were nrra m no wim nogs. The Chicago market letter received yes terday by the Overbeck 4 Cooke company of Portland said: Wheat The strength displayed this morning was contrary to the opinion ex pressed late yesterday that the action at Springfield would Iiave, a depressing in fluence, but at the same time It was not entirely unexpected, as overnight crop re ports were extremely pessimistic tin tne advance, news seemed to turn bearish, especially from the southwest, where ben eficial rains occurred and iargtr country offerings to arrive were reported, but up till the cloe there was no business con firmed, Willi showers predicted for e Ttulntta Linseed Market. DCTLTJTH, May 19. Linseed on track and to arrive. 81.87. ornTiTlflSIs ON DAIRY PRODUCE Market Prices, Ruling on Butter. Cheese and Kggs. SAN FRANCISCO, Cul., May 19. Butter Extras, 34c; prime Iirets, nominal Eggs Fresh extras, 24Vic: extra firsts. 24c: firsts nominal; dirties, 22c: extra pullets, 20c; undersized pullets. 15c. Hooka Flats, fancy. 15c: flrets. nom inal; Young Americas, fancy, IStec; first nominal. CHICAGO, May 19. Butter Lower. Creamery extras. 28c: firsts. 2326c; sec onds, 1821c; standards, 27i4c. fcggs L,ower. Receipts, raw.. firsts, 10&20c; ordinary firsts, n B ISc; at mark, cases Included, lSV413o; standards, 20c. . NEfW YORK. May 19. Butter .Un settled. Creamery higher than extras. 29f(i 29ViC; creamery extras, 3Sisc firsts, 24fc U 28c. Eggs Unsettled. Fresh gathered 'extra firsts, 23824c; firsts, 20te22V4c. Cheese Unsettled. State, whole milk flats short held specials. 16Uj17c; state whole milk flats fresh specials. 15616c. SEATTLE, May 19. Eggs Select local ranch white shells, 242c; do mixed colors. 22&24c: pullets. 19'i20c. Buttercity creamery cuoes, zuc; ericas or prints. 30c; country creamery extras, cost to jobbers In cubes. 25o. Metal Market. NEW TOBK. May 19. Copper, steady. Electrolytic, spot and nearby, 13 li 0 13 c; futures. 136lSttc Tin. easier. Spot and nearby, 83c; fu tures, 83c Iron, nominally unchanged. Lead, steady. 'Spot, 5c. Zinc quiet. East S Louis delivery, spot 4.854.90e. Antimony, 6.25c. Naval Stoi'es. SAVANNAH, G, May 18. Turpentine firm. 59ffl59ttc. Sales 200 barrels; re celots. 330 fcuxrels; shipments, 475 barrels; stock 7367 Darreis- Rnain Firm. Sales. 895 Darr; rint. 1092 barrels: shipments, suu stock, 74.183 barrels. Quote: B, $3.60; D, $4; E. $4.20; F, G. $4.35; H, $4.40; I. $4.50; K, $5: M, $3.60; is. o.Jt; wu., v s. $7. LUMBER OUTPUT BEHIND 115 Mills 01 West Coast Produce 2 8 Per Cent Below Normal. SEATTLE, Wash., May 19. Lumber production or 115 mills of the West Coast Lumbermen's association to talled feet, which Is 28 per cent below normal, according- to the weekly bulletin of the association is sued today. . Shipments totaled 68,193.3 v ieei, the report showed. Phone your want ada to The Ore- gioriii a tv Main vuu, ftmuni 'rir DAILY METEOROLOGICAL BEPORT. PORTLAND, May 19. Highest tempera ture, 60 degrees; lowest, 51. River read ing, 8 A. M., 17 feet: change In last -4 hours, 1.2 feet rise. Total rainfall (.1 P. M. to 5 P. M.J, .02 Inch; total since Sep tember 1, 1010, 44.57 Inches; normal, 41.40 inches; excess, 3.17 Inches. Sunrise, 4:84 A. M.; sunset, 7:41 P. M, Total sunshine, 3 hours and 47 minutes; possible sun shine, 15 hours and 7 minutes. Moonrise, tt:4 P. M. Friday; moonset, 4:43 A. M. Saturday. Barometer reduced to oa level), 5 P. M.. 20.68 inches. Relative hu midity: 5 A, M., 63 per cent; noon, W per cent; 5 P, M., U3 per cent. ' TKB WEATHER. STATIONS. Baker , finite . Boston Calgary Chicago Denver Den Moines. . Eureka Galveston .. Helena Juneau Kansas City. Los Angeles. Marshfieid .. Minneapolis . New Orleans New York... North Head Phoenix ... Pocatello .. Portland .. Roseburg .. Sacramento St. Louis .. Salt Lake.. San Diego. . San Fran... Seattle . Sitka Spokane ... Taconi , . . . Tatoosh . . . Valdes Walla Walla Washington Winnipeg . Yakima 3sT;i o "I a-S 2- s 53 r- g 44t S4 0.2X1. . IRain 4l 52 . 8 Rain SJ 611 0.UO1. .'SB FU cloudy 42 74 0.(11110 SE Pt. cloudy Mil 8(10. hi I2 S flfar 4X1 .x 0.0012 sw cior KO 8I!0.(H1 I'S Clear 4x 5s o.oo r.' sw ciouiiy 2 "S O.OlijlOISB Clear 4H 6ti (1.721. . K Cloudy 42 tJM 0.02i. .V Kaln f.2 84 0.00110 SB Clear ,'i2! B4 0.001. . IW Cloudy 4I 62 0.0S.10 SW Cloudy .',21 f)2,0.0418 S Clear B8 So O.00I. . SB Clear fid "oo.0u'20'K Clear 4.4 B4 0.04 14 SW Cloudy Weather. Yields g' To .'..." GoldBoncte Government of Newfoundland Duo 1936. yS.!!:L,7 Canadian Provincials 1 Province of Due. Alberta 6s......1922 British Col. 6s. ..1925 Manitoba 6s ....1925 Saskatchewan 6s..l923 Yield. 7.50 7.60 7.50 7.50 City of Montreal 6 Bonds Due 1923 Yield 8 Only limited amounts of any issue. Bonds ready for delivery. LUMBERMEN 5 Broadway and Oak Sxl 52 0. 24:. . m en'o.nji. . so o n.ool.. 4x! 82 ().ol. . 84 0.00112 -S 40 r4 . ..r 521 62 Q.0O W W 501 5S J.O0H2ISW 48 .V. 0.00,12 s ..It40 . 50i 64 0.00 12 SW 4X 8X 0. 00 . .iSW 4X 50 0.22 . . SW tso o.nol. . 'sv 6S 0.0112 S 7X0.00110 8 4(i 70 0.00112 N 54 7(1,0.001 . -N SW iClourty IS Cloudy NW Cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy pt. cloudy Cloudy Kaln. Clouay Kain Kaln Cloudy Pt. cloudy Klear Cloudy Cloudy A. M. Ing day. today; tP. M. report of preced- FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Occasional rain: winds mostly southwesterly. Oregon Occasional rain; wind, moder ate, mostly southwesterly. Washington Rain; cooler east portion; iriolorato we.ster'' wln'l. We own and offer: Government Municipal , Provincial BO N D S at prices to yield from 6 to 8 Ask for details- Commerce Mortgage Securities Company Ground Floor Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 91 Third Street Phone Main 3067 as uh iikik h a mamu m a Bonds r. IMPROVEMENT PROVINCIAL SCHOOL WATER (o yield 6 to 8.50 Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Main 113 80 Fourth St. Board of Trade Bid. Ground Floor. TEXT BOOK OF WALL STREET A 40-page book (copyrighted) discussinp; clearly and unmis takably rules governing stock market transactions: MMkoila ( Tradlna-. Comralsalon ftatr. lion to Open an Account, anffrarntlua: Onra Income. ' Depnftlt Itrqilfrenrttla for Car ring Stuck o Account. Dictionary of Vail Street. Dl'tnry of the m Vorlt Stork aCzcbanae. Hlatory of the Nety York C arb Market. ' Forelica Exchange. And many other nhjretn of In tereat to lneturs and otock traders. Copy free upon, reqeeet. McCall & Riley Co., Inc. 20 Broad Street New York WHO IS RESPONSIBLE? Correct construction of hiph ways of proper type taking into account every condition is of first importance to every community, and when this Is not dooe high taxes is one of the many bad results. The com munity individually and col lectlvely can beet meet such re-, sponsibilitiee by specifying the durable and resilient type of pavement known as Warrenite-Bitulithic. Porto Rican American Tobacco Company 8 Gold Bonds Due 1931 Sole funded debt of the com pany, tafecuarded by- strong 1 1 akin e fund provisions ami other protective features. At tractive interest return of 874 Circular on Request for 0R3I1 The National City Company Offices In more than 50 cities. Yeoa Hide., Portland. Telephone slain 0072. NOTICE TO CONSIGNEES rr.Tim IS HKREBT GIVEN TO CON SIGNEES holding bills of lading eovtrInK frpiEht due to arrive imm ni""in" per ste.mrrs "ANNA K. MOUSE" and EmfuvMnii r MORSE" that possession ot these vessels having- been taken by the United Stnts Shipping Board, represent ing the United states of America, full freight chrps without discount, remain ing unpaia at v. payable to. and will bo collected by ths United States Shipping Board, or by Its appointed agents. McCormlck & MrPher son, represented in Portland by Columbia- Pacific ohtpping company, lur lue sicniner ANNA K. Atunr.. anp xsorm Atlantic : Western Steamship company for ths etiamer "CXEHKNC'li U. HOKSK " LillAii ct.iA.iJ sairriM itaui HERRIN & RHODES, Inc. (Established ISM) BROKERS, MEMBERS CIIir(iO BOARD Or '1IIAUE. Correspondents, t'-. H. IH'TTOI at CO. llembera Mew York stock K. riasse. Private l.raaed Wlrea Direct ta All krcarlly and Co. noil It y Markets. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONOS lioUCUT AND SOLD MAIM SKI and 2H4 201-9 HA1LW A V EACH. BLDO,