5 TIIE MORXIXG OREGONIAX, FRIDAY, MAT 20, 1921 . . i 1 1 NEW TODAY. I REAL ESTATE. - I REAI, ESTATE. 1 REAL ESTATE. 1 fVl.'HL FTHou I " il r .r... c.r-,. For Sal Houses. For Sale Houe : tor Mlr-H.rn.ti. rnr alcltoug.. . Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms, professional men, manu facturers, renair men. etc.. classified for ready reference. Information as to any class of work not listed may be obtained by calling Main 7070, House 40. ACCOUNTANTS. JULIUS R, BLACK, public accountant, auditor, income tax service. Concord bids.. 21 and Stark. Phone Main 7443. ATTORNEYS. . B. W. EASTMAN, lawyer and notary pub lic. 934 Chamber of Commerce bldg. AKMV GOODS. U. 8. ARMY GOODS for sale, wholesale and retail; prices reduced H. Horensteln, 25n 2d St., or 204 1st t. Main 7573. ASSAYERS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA AiiSAY OFFICE, 142 Second. Gold, silver and platinum bought. BATHS. DR. McMAHON'S baths. Portland: steam .howei-s. plunges, tubs, ail for 85c; tell your friends. Fourth and Washington. CHIROPRACTIC, steam baths and maa sagea lllth floor. Broadway bldg. Mar shall 8187. Dr. Laura K. Downing. KI'II.DINU MATERIALS. COLUMBIA PLASTER WALL BOARD, ilillwork. roofing, paint, hardware. OHSFKLDT. 145 First St. CARPET SWEEPERS. Al'THtiRIZED Blsaell Carper Sweeper re pairman. Ail parts lumusneo, wo mur nson. f'KI.I.l'I.OID BUTTONS. T;.-. IRH'IV.IIDHSON COMPANY. 3S7 Washington. Bdwy. 434. Tabor 3254 CHIROPRACTIC. DR. McMAHON'S chiropractic speaks for ltpelf. Portland. 11th year. Phones. CHIROPODISTS. rrCT UII3T Come to Dr. Gartner, foot L I ilun J specialist: corns, bunions, foot arches made to order. 811 Swetland bldg. 5th and Washington. Main 1081. DR. '. O. FLETCHER Foot troubles sci entifically corrected. Lady assiatanL 41, Morgan bldg. Main 8782. ( HIKOPODISTS ARCH SPECIALISTS. nu t nu R-.taitA anit icinrelio de Venj' the only scientific chiropodists and arch specialists la the city. Parlors 302 Ger linaer bldg.. southwest corner Second and Alder sts. Phone Main 1301. CLEANERS AND PKKsSLKS. REGAL CLEANERS TAILORS AND HATTERS Gleaning and dyeing a specialty. Li 7 North Sixth St., Portland, Or. COLLECTIONS. KETH & CO.. Worcester bldg.. Mala 1796. No collections, no charges. Estab. 1900. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. RELIABLE CONSTRUCTION CO. Hons construction and general Jobbing. 16S West Pa--k St. Phone Main 3029. CONTRACTORS. BUNGALOWS AND SMALL HOUl DESIGNED. H. A. Schoelhorn. Phone 527-36. DANCING. MISS DOROTHY RASMUSSEN Ballroom and stage dancing. 610 Liiers Ding., Washington bet. 4th and 5th. Main 1123. SUMMERS' Danclln Lessons day. eve. academy, S3 toi 5th. Broadway 3590. DENTISTRY. DR. B. E. WRIGHT Third Floor Raleljrh Bldff., Corner Sixth and Washington Sts. Main 2119. Automatic '2119. DENTISTRY DR. A. V. KEEXE, 3&lVs pain. Latest nerve-blocking ELKCTRICAL REPAIRING. H. M. H. ELECTRICAL CO, 1 N. 1st t Portland Or. Re winding and electric repairing a specialty. New or used mo tors. Broadway 1045. A. 104U. iin-rono nriimimn and v. muiunoncnuuinu Repaired t bought and sold. Pnicholas electric works. hone 52T-27. 228 Main St. LAWN MOWER REPAIRING. LAWN-MOWER HOSPITAL Repairing, sharpening; 24-hour serv tee. We collect and deliver. Tabor 4641. Tabor 4"72. , " HAT CLEANERS AND DYERS. HATS cleaned, blocked, dyed reasonable and satisfactory. Royal Hat Works. 223 1st. " MTSIC TEACHERS. VIOLIN, piano harmony, mandolin, guitar, banjo Inst. Kol Kenbeck. 41)3 Tamhlll. L. CARROLL BAY teacher of piano and vo ce. Broadway hi iJuiat. OPTOMETRISTS. EYES SCIENTIFICALLY TESTED with modern Instruments, glasses fitted at a saving; satisfaction guaranteed. Out of the hiffh-rent district; no overhead exp. A. B. HURWITZ, Optometrist. 1st st. WHOLESALERS AND ISXPINKKIW AM) MII.I. M PPI.rES. I THE M. L. KLINE CO.. 84-M1-87-S9 Front. HATS AND CAPS. THANH AUSKR HAT CO.. 53-35 Front at. RASil L'fSKX & CO.. s-cond ana nyior. TlinKS. WOOL AND CASCARA BARK. KAH.N BROTHERS, ID Front st. BATES FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Dally or Sunday. Om time .... . .12 per Dm batne advt. twe oure times Same advfc. t con Uf time fianus advk. or 1 2e per line SOe per Uam aecnuve uniea 63 per nno One month $24 a line feix moDtiis. .$'2.t5 a line per montH iC'hauae uf copy allowed monthly.) Ttae above rato applies to adver titociuents under ail claaviflcatlooa excrpUnc "bituaiiona Vnti Male" and ".Situation Wanted euile' which ia tfo nor Uu It each invert ion. Ko od taken for leaa thaa twe lines. Count five eras' worde to tit line. Advertisement (except 1 ersonals" and "situations Want ed" will bo taken over too teio pbone if the advertiiMr 1 sua acriber to either phone. The Orrgoniau wilt receive copy by mail provided sufficient remit tance tor ilefinit number of iaane Is sent. Acknowledgment will bo forwarded proniptlj. Ko price will bo quoted over the phone but statements will ho reo dered the ioUowinx da. Adrer tiements are taken for The UUj Oreronian until 7:V P. M.I for The bundaj Orecouiao until F. M. bat ur day. Phone Your Want Ads to TIIE 0REG0NIAN v Main 7070 Automatic 560-93 ..iEGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates ajj cases of alleged cruelty to animals. Offices, room lis courthouse. Phone Main Hi from 8 A- M. to 6 P. M. The society has full charge of the city pound at its home. 635 Columbia bou levard. Phone any time. Woodlawn 784. Dogs for sale. Horse ambulance tor sick or disabled horses. Small animals painlessly electrocuted where necessary, and stray animals cared (or. All dead animals, cows, horses. rtc picked up XEW TODAY. OWNER OF DESIRABLE DOWN TOWN CORNER will erect buildinjr to suit tenant on Ion? lease for moving picture theater. Best available location In the city for moderate price house. J T0, ORFt.O-VI A!"f Edward E.Goudey Co. MORTGAGE LOANS I t'altra- States Bank Bulldia. ml painting. GOODSPEED & GEIGER. Painters and deeoratnra Prices rea sonable; work guaranteed. Phone Wdln 56. a H. TERRILL, house ana sign painter, papering, tinting. 407 E. sun. lao. .i PAINTING AND CAI.C1.M IN1NG. FAINTING anil kalsomlning and roof re pairing at moderate prices; work guar anteed. Phone East 483. PAINTS, WALL PAPER. ETC. WALL PAPER, PAINTS, ETC. Second Pt. UHL EROS., INC. PATENT ATTORNEYS. PATENTS Our practice has extended over a period of 74 years. All community tinr.a ftlricttv PH. f iden t ial : DTOmPt. ef rieient enns'elen t ious service: handbook free on 'request. MCX.N CO.. Hobart bldg.. 582 Market sL. San r rancisco I'hinrn office, room 810 Tower bldg. Waehinrton office, room 103 625 First New Tork office. Woolworth bldg. r - vi'Rir.HT. 22 vears exDerlence U. and foreign patents. "601 Dekum bldg. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS, Broadway building, Rheumatism, stomach, bowel, lung, liver, kirtnev bladder, rectal, prostate, feman disorders, skin affection, blood pressure, enlarged tonsils, moles, birthmarks. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. PLI'M BING SUPPLIES at wholesale prices. Stark-Davis Co.. 18 4th st. Main IV PRINTERS. DDIHiTlVfi V- BALTKS &. COMPAN Y I Ili.lllliU First and-Oak. Main 165. 51I-B. AMEY PRINTING CO. for quality, !. Wash fit. Main 4671. ROOF TAINTING AND REPAIRING. nn an A naJnted: r utters cleaned Roof Security, Inc.. rCg. WEBFOOT nalnt: references lvn. 26 Board of Trade blflg. Main 571. Main frft-H. SANITARIUMS. GLEN'HAVEN REST HOME. 115 E- 28th St. Eat 4222. Which U devoted to patient- In rn eral with the exception of contagious disease wishes to announce the open ins of their treatment room to the pub lic. Treatments Swedish mass ape, medicated and shower baths, electric and team cabinet baths, percussion douche, hot. cold ana various pacxs. Hydrotherapy treatments in general. Those bavins: rheumatism, nervousness, nigra blood pressure, run down condi tion, paralytica, should arrange for the course of treatments and diet in our institution. SEWING MACHINES. SEWINS MACHINES We hav. the largest stock ef used machine In the city. From 110 to $12.60. We rent and repair. 172 ad, nr. iramniH. STENOGRAPHY. STENOGRAPHY, typewriting, multlgraph- lng. 6S9 Plttock block. Phone Bdwy. 4is. SCALP ANII FACIAL TREATMENT. BALDNESS. Scalo treatments are my specialty Will open for business May 25. Evelyn Trelnles. suit 40 Morgan bldg. Phone Main 44S4. SIIOK REPAIRING. NEW METHOD SHOE REPAIRIMG 214 4th St. TRADEMARKS. OREGON- TRADEMARK BUREAU. 60 Dekum bldg. U. B. foreign trademarks. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH DRAYAGE AND STORAGE Motor and Horse Equipment. Furniture Moving and Packing. PHONE BDWY. 3309 SECURITT STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. Packing- .Moving storage. Money loaned on goods In storage. 53 Fourth it, opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 474 Gllsan St FIVE WAREHOUSES. STORAGE. CARTAGE. PHONE BROADWAY 1281 VETKRINARV. ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL, East 7th and Grant sts. Both phones, day and night service: S veterinarians. VF.TKRINARY (ilRtiKO!. DR. NORMAN' NEH.SO.V, veterinary sur- geon( hospital. Phone Tabor onl, real' dence phone Tabor 3-23. MANUFACTURERS ROPE AND BINDFR TWINE. Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrup. PLUMBERS' SUPPLIES AND PIPE. THE M. L. KLINE CO., 84-86-87-89 Front. PRODI CK COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERDI.NO 4: FARRELL. 140 Front at. NEW TODAY. FLUFF RUGS from old carpets, woolen clothing-, rac rugs, all sizes; country snail order fiven prompt attention; mattreases. feather pillows renovated. Send for booklet. CARPET CLEANING Larceat, finest equipped carpet clean ing, refitting work in etat of Oregon. Separate plants CARPET CLEANING BRANCH 1073 E. Lincoln SC xl9 rug steam cleaned fl.M. Western Fluff Rug Co. M-60 UNION AVB. N. East SS10. 231-91. East SS5S- FOR SALE IN IRYINOTON, LAURELKURST , ALA MEDA PARK AND DIXON PLACE Several modern homes, also choice lots in these additions, or will build on anyone's lot if desired. All kinds of building done. Have built 100 torn:) in Portland. RICE CONSTRUCTION CO. A. R. Rice, Manager. . 320-85. Rra. SOU Ii 15th St. N. R. B. Rice, Solicitor and Selllna- Aarcnt. East 2432. eon Wasco St. SOMETHING GOOD If :ou are looking for something to-MAKE SOME QUICK MONEY, and you have the ateility. with some cash, I can make you a good proposition. IP YOU ARE A LIVE WIRE, and mean business, call at room 445, Washington Bldg., between 10 A. M. and 4 P.M. Ask for Mr. Siefarth. PLATTING PROPOSITION 20 ACRES ON TAYLORS FF.KRY ROAD Only a few blocks from Ryan Place and Oregon Electric line. Can be Dlatted into acre and half-acre tracts and big profit made. Only S500 per acre. . John D. Wilcox, 414 Plttock Block MORTGAGE LOANS bvet iMtercwt ratet lntallaeat ra payment it deal red. Bui 1 dins loan matte, ho delay la eliaa A. H. B1RRELL-GILL CO. PornicrlT A. R. Birrell Cev lleVZia northwester Bask BaiJdlna; uanuuu mi I I LOTS. LOTS. LOTS. I I I Ladies Save yonr old carpets. nNrs and wavleo elothlnr- Let n soak amw rasa for tml Tbe oldest and bot-equlpped fao torr. Fluff and rag ruga woven oil aisea: carp&cs refitted. Sxl2 russ steam cleaned, ei.60. Wi eail aad deliver. 18 E. i(htb St. Phone Uaet t6M. CLAY S. MORSE, INC Draymen and Warehousemen Broadway 3470 REAL ESTATE. For Sale Flat and Apartment Property, -HOM8 AND IJS'COMB. K livlnr rnomn and stare room. OCCU' Died bv erocenr. first floor. -room apartment second floor; lot 65x100. sa rase connected with building; price 9o,00; good terms. BROWN A GRANT. 201 Consolidated Securities Bldg. Broadway 3222. For Sale Beach Property. BEACH LOTS. EXCHANGE FOR PAINTIN'O OR RTJILDING. Lota are -ell located at Tillamook Beach, near atatlon and ocean. Address AP &48, Oregonlaa. tOil SALE Lots 16 and 17. block Sj, Rockaway. Apply 200 concora dips. For Sole Lots. COLONIAL HEIGHTS DISTRICT. CHOICE VIEW LOTS. sionn S200 down. Choice home sites, 48x110 feet deep on E. 26th at., between Mill and Harrison t, . Tilclr nna nf these snaDS up before they are all gone; only 2 lots left at this Dries, corners It you preier iuoi $1100, on easy terms. HBNDKRSON-BANKT78 GO., 426 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4iB4. FOR LOT BARGAINS SEE DELAHUNTT, T.ATTUI7?l.WtTRKT AGENT. THiOT rtVFICE E. S9TH AND GLISAN. Twelve years selling Laurelhurst property exclusively; nice lots for S800 and up: not many left; phone for auto or come to tne onice, c om u Gllsan sta; MV car. Phone Tabor 833 evenings. East 773a THE FINEST VACANT CORNER IN PIKDMONT. 111.40 feet on Commercial street and 100 feet on Killlngsworth avenue; price for Quick sale to close an estate. SJioU. 201 Consolidated Securities Bldg. Broadway 3222. "-.o wit. i. hnv a lot on Portland bivd.. near ear line, inoice iwauuu, ,l " " bloeke from Willamette bivd. Priced far under value. Excellent opportunity to get a fine lot at extremely low rr-ice. COE A. McKENNA CO., KEALTOKS, 82 '4th St. Main 4M2. 11350 ROSS CITY PARK- 125 feet IroT.g on 58tb St., S sewer connections, ail assessments paid, two blocks north Sandy bivd.. bet. Siskiyou and Klickitat: block 112. lota fc. 7 and north half 8. H. J. D&upe, Ilwaco, Washington. FOR SALE LOTS. LOTS II A WEEK. 275 lota on Alberta carllne; price Includes graded streets, sidewalks, curbs ana water; st a wen. uy v-j A. G. TEEPB CO., 270 Stark St. Main 3092. LAURELHURST, t!)50. ail Improvements nflld. on l St. aiany new nouses in this district and this lot is an unusual bargain. COE A. McKENNA CO., REALTORS, 82 4th St. Main 4322. WESTMORELAND, paved street, all im- Drovements in ana paia. ouxiw, near car line, for extremely low price of o00, with good terms. COE A. McKENNA CO., REALTORS, 82 4th St. Main 4322. SACRIFICE PRICE S1S00. PiPTflRV WAREHOUSE SITE. Adjoining Russell-Gilbert candy fac tory on O.-W. R. N. tracks. Holladay avenue, near E. 24th. Mr. Carey, Ma.n 7-1 ST. ; FOR SALE or trade, good business corner on A i hprt a st.. luo leet: ouuaing living rooms; can be arranged suitable for service station or garage, hardware or drugstore; some fixtures. $2500. Call Sunday. 1031 Kilimgswortn. wain. .-um. LOT with 2 cor., on E. 9th. batw. Killings- vnrfh nnri HroVll AVeS.. 11U IT.. ea3l front, room for 4 houses; $1250. incl. ail. imps.; will sell on easy terms, or ex change for small house in good location. Seilwood 7il. VERT choice lot in Piedmont one block from rar V ID all imDrovemenis uiu, $1150 with terms. Other lots in this fine district as low as $G00. COE A. McKENNA CO., REALTORS, 82 4th St Main 4522. ! YOITR OPPORTUNITY. Laurelhurst lots, wliile they last, at extremely low prices. See J. A. McCarty, 270V Stark st. Phone Main 1700; eve nings, .Tabor 505T FOR SALE A big lot. 50x150. a mighty good lot in a tine location, witn to young bearing fruit trees and berries, on 03d st.. near Darts; price $!)75. Take lntitivin;i ear. Inaulre 74 E. 65th st. 50x100, PAVED street, close In, 1 DIocK orr Division st. on zotn, 1 oiock to car; aov with terms. COE A. McKENN-fcspO., REALTORS, 82 4th St. V Main 4.'.22, RIG LOTS. 50x100 $1 WEEKLY. Cement walks, close to school. Alberta car: save rent: pitch tent. ft. w. cary. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 1643. Kesi dence. Main 1377. I X E Rose Citv lot on 48th. 2 blocks from Sandy. Paved street, improvement paid, $1000. COE A. McKENNA CO., REALTORS. 82 4th St. Main 4522. BARGAINS Multnomah district. Oregon Eleotrie: eheaD tare, nignway. zxuu, $65; 14 acres. $325; acres. $630; choice view lots, ooxiuu, io. owner. si ivy. Exch. bldg. Mnin 675: res. E. 7688. FINE IRVINUTON LOT. S. W. corner E. 18th and Thompson. corner lot 50x100: all. Hens paid: only $1600; grab it quick. John D. Wlloox 414 Plttock block. YOL'R LAST CHANCE. Laurelhurst lots at these prices. See J. A. McCarty, 270 Mj Stark. Main 1700; evenings. Tabor 5057. BARGAIN IN BUILDING LOTS. ' - Thirty-four In good district, near st ears; no grading: clear of encumbrance. Vnusual price and terms. Main 9012. $300 CASH payment, balance easy Install- menta, ouye oeaumui lot in nose iicy Park section. Phone eveninga Wdln. 238. , BEAUTIFUL LAURELHURST LOT. 50x180, facing the park on Oak St., lot S. block 84; price $1000. terma All es se wTm?ntspaidJTabor56j4. LAURELHURST Extra long lot on Burn- side St., lot 10. BlocK 102. wltn street In rear; improvements all paid; price $1100. Phoi.e H. Hunter. Bdwy. 174S. LAURELHURST Extra large corner, rlanaers ana juirinur, e.uoo; ail im provements in and paid. H. Hunter, Broadway 1743. LAUR.ELHURST LOT BARGAINS. Sel J. A. McCarty. 270H Stark at. Main 1700; evenings. Tabor 5057. FOR SALE Alameda Park corner, trian gular lot; good view; prioe $1500. Call E. 556. LAURELHURST Everything in and paid. $1000. Rummell St Kummell, 274 Stark street. LOT IN HOLGATE iDD GOOD CHANCE FOR HOME BUILDER; FOR SALE AT COST. E 625. OREGONIAN. APARTMENT SITE 21st and Johnson sts.; Sacrifice price $8000; terma Rum mell & Rummell. 274 Stark st. 4 LOTS, suburban, right on electric ljne, sightly location; trade for auto. 30$ Stock Exchange. WESTMORELAND bargain on Mllwaukle, north of Bybee, must sell. Owner, East 1379. GREAT sacrifice, southeast corner East 22d and Pine; 85x100. for $1900. worth $4000. Phone East 6228. APARTMENT and business locations that can't be beat. See Rummell & Rummell, 274 Stark st IRVINGTON corner. One lot left and It Is a corner. Will sell at a sacrifice of $1250 Call E. 7292. ROSE CITY. Nv E. corner 41st and Tilla mook; $1100, next to corner. $900. Tabor 6441 PORTLAND cuburban lots . for sale' by owner; 50x100, $150: $50 down. $10 per " month on balance. Box 48. Monitor. Or. ADJOINING Laurelhurst. near two car lines; all Improvements. Tabor 146 even- Ings, LADD'S ADDITION BEST 8 choice homesitcs. Owner East 2194. ALAMEDA lots from $700 up. Rummell. 274 Stark st. Rummell & $450 ROSE CITY. PARK TERMS. 50x1 Oft. fine location. Tabor 6359. BY OWNER Alameda lota, cheap. E. 856. IRVINGTON. $1275. $275cash. balance 1. 2 or 3 years, all Improvements paid; 60x100 on East 12th near Thompson. 80x100. Rose CItr Park, facing eeet on East 53d; all improvements paid; $750 caen. Alameda, facing east on Glenn ave. $io0, terms; ail Improvements paid. WESTOVER TERRACE. Facing east on Cornell road;- unob structed view: all improvements paid price only $3500; cost present, owner about $.1000. IRVTNGTON DISTRICT. We have a few choice lots just north or Fremont on East 15th. ltti. I7tn 18th; all improvements paid; $750 and $875; $io down. $in a month.. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 Iff. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. SPECIAL FOR HOMES. $100 DOWN $25 PER MONTH Buy an ACRE LOT (over city lots between Irvington Park and Columbi bivd. A good district and convenient to Alberta and Woodlawn cara EXCELLENT VIEW. FINE SOIL. BEAUTIFUL HOMESITE3. Entire tract now In clover, fine for berrlea, garden and small fruits. Only a few very choice lots left which WILL BE SOLD SUNDAY hv reDresentatlve On ground. Alberta ear to 6uth and Aina- worth, thence 2 blocks north. J. O. ELROD, OWNER. 617 Corbett Building. Main 6173. LOTS $50 DOWN. NO INTEREST OR PAYMENT FOR 90 DAYS AND WILL GIVE BUILDERS 2D MORTGAGE PRIVILEGE. MORNINGSIDB ADDITION. . Restricted residence section of ML Tabor, fine lots for 760. In cluding Improvements, wonderful building sites, beautiful fir trees adorn many lots. See us before you build. Go look at this prop erty, starts at 69 and Stark sts. J. I HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Cham, of Com. Bids. Main 208. , LOT. 63x110. on tbe south aide of Hill Crest drive. $.-50. 2 lota, 55x100. s. w. corner of Fallin and T2A wt - for hoth 1350 1 lot. 50x100. on the east side of 66th St.. loo ft. sontn Htanton: s.iL'a. terms. 1 lot. 50x100 on the west side of 57th St.: 150 It. south of Kllcltat; iiwu, terms. 3 lots. 75x100. on the south side of Weidler 100 ft mI of 84th St.: $300. 1 lot. 50x100. on the west side of 50th at lOO -ft north nf Hixklvnu IH7S. 2 lots, each 50x100. on the east side of 56th St.. 200 ft. north of Stanton 2 lots on the east side of Marftarette, 200 ft south of Goina. for both 4u. Come in and see ua about Ibte. Wa have a large assortment ranging from $1500 to $200(1. BIHR-CARET. 21R RaJIwav Exchamre Bldg. On Stark, bet. 3d and 4th. Main 748T. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON. PRICES CUT FOR 30 DAYS ONLY: Block bounded by E. 20th. E. 21st, Kllekitat and Fremont, to further the "Build-Your-Own-Home"'movement. The Hughes estate authorises the sale of all Inside lots in this block at H-.mi eacn, and all double corners at $3000 each Sale closes June 10. Drive out today and make your choice. Remember, only one block to Broadway car line; beautiful shade trees; 80-foot paved street; all im provements paid. BITTER. LOWE ; CO., REALTORS. 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $4002 BLKS. SANDY BLVD. 72T ST. Large corner, aiwts. paio. laoor o;oy. For Sale Houses. $4500 PIEDMONT district; 6 rooms and sleeping porcn. narawooa iioors; furnace; full cement basement: 75 by 100. You'd expect to pay $6000 Very easy terms. $4100 Rose City district; 5-room bun galow; furnace, fireplace, large lot. $350 cash. $3650 BUNGALOW and garage, $500 cash will handle; paving and sewer paid; 2 blocka from car full lot $5950 Laurelhurst; a bungalow home you d expect to pay St 500 for. There isn't a thing lacking. You couldn't build It better. Yes. there Is a garage. Located near park. A. O. TBEPE CO.. Two Offices. 270 Stark St. Main 3002. 40th and Sandy Tabor 9586. BABY BUNGALOW, FURNISHED. It is a darling, precious little- home, elegantly furnished, ready to go right to uousekeeping; it only pas 3 rooms, but oh my! you should see the conven iences built into those 3 rooms; fine liv ing room wltn beautiful fireplace and aipappeanng oea. elegant sleeping room, modern bath, beautiful Dutch kitchen: It la all equipped with gas for cooking and heating; no fires to make, no wood to split. It Is a dream of a little home for $2750 for complete layout, $750 cash, balance easy monthly payments, quick possession, periect title, abstract up to date, located in Kern Park. 6 blocks to car jine. For inspection, come In and see E. W. HUGHES, 507 Journal Bldg. NEW LATJRELHUKST HOX1 PRICE $7150. This houae Is In the heart of beautiful Laurelhurst and Is a great bargain at the price asked. Do not consider It In the same class as the many cheaply constructed houses now being built. Every 'thing Is modern and complete. ReasoLable terms or slight re duction lor cash. . 1238 EAST PINE ST., EAST OF 41ST STREET. BY OWNER, $2400, terms, have been of fering at $2oo. needing money make this reduction to make an immediate sale. 5 - room cottsce. Dorches. walks. basement walls, semi-kltcben. floor of cement; good plumbing, batb, private pantry, electricity, gas, paved street. sewer, rruit trees, near union ave.. car lines. See owner at -875 East 7th st N.; between Mason and Shaver sts. AM COMPLETING a beautiful bungalow; nurchaser can .select fixtures and in terior finish; all improvements In. close to car lines and schools. Just right for four, will be sola close toicost. v. u. Shepard, owner and builder, 66 Terry street, W. FOR SALE 5-roora bungalow, unfur nished. $4Voo; part rurnisnea. ij3.u; completely furnished, $5950, "to suit, buyer to assume $2325. balance cash. Owner. 1029 E. Broadway. BEAUTIFUL Irvington home, large rooms, flowers, etc. pnone owner, .aast sous. IRVINGTON 7 rooms, French doors, ivory finish; rooms large; a lovely, up-to-date' home for $9500, terma Zimmerman, 848 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 8032. -ROOM houae, semi-modern: basement. good garden, perries, also cnicaen run; price $1450. leas for cash. 674 East 72d North. Rose City car. $3950 HALF block off Hawthorn ave. J O-rOOm UiaKUllK.cn. uungniun, lirflfmuo, furnace, all conveniences, elegant con- ditlon. Ea.y terms. ' Main 4S03. 2000 PORTSMOUTH AVE.. Is a big bar gain in real estate. 8 25-ft. lots, 7-room modern bouse. Have a look; it can t be beat. SNAP Fine 4-room.- cottage, 2 fine lots, block rrom car. oee owner, 4lf m. 60th' street FOR SALE. Modem 7-room house with donbl ca rage. on corner lot at 265 E. 16th st- ROOM house, full basement, bath, gas and electricity, close in on Sherman st- Inquire 634 rourtn st. IT COSTS you nothing for estimates on that home: plana furnished. Call Sell wood 1807. . BUNGALOW ready for finisn. move in and finish to suit; price $2600. terms. Ill East Russet street, Woodlawn 6247. $2950 3 ROOMS, bath. large lot, best lo cation, easy terms. 1292 East Morrison. Owner 577 Jarrett st. FOR SALE $2850. modern 5-room bunga low. Ainaworth tract, modern built-ina Terms. Call evenings. Wdln. 1573. IRVINGTON. Bungalow; 6 large rooms: $6009; $1000 caph. $40 month. East 1347. 6-ROOM Laurelhurst bungalow for sale by owner: modern; price reasonable. Tabor 3679 FOR SALE Two modern homes on Arling ton Heights; good view. E. 536. $2200 NtSAT . snap, terms Sunnyslde home. Main 4o03. .FRANK L. McGTJIRE Offers the Following - SELECTED HOME BARGAINS For Your Consideration. Every one personally inspected and ap praised. The home of over 1200 Home Bargains. Photographs and full Information oon cerning each in our office. We're open every evening until 9:30 for your con venience We'll HELP YOU MAKE YOUR DOWN PAYMENT IF NECES SARY! 25 salesmen always at your service. Deal with an old established firm! NEW LAURELHURST. $3250 Just the typical artistic bunga low you've been wanting! All ready for you; 5 rooma with the latest built-in features: hardwood floors, etc.: nice green lawn al ready In. Wasco St. Terms can be arranged! ROSE CITY COLONIAL. $4960 Just a fragrant breath of spring! You'll feel rieht at home in this . delightful ROSE CITY bungalow! 5 rooms, with a very practical floor plan; hardwood floors, French doors and bullt-lna that will make your heart glad! We have 50 homes for sale in this district: our machines) 'will call for vou at any time! E. 55th at. ! UNDUPLICATED VALUE! $3990 One of the. most wonderful home bargains we've ever offered Is this beautiful bungalow 01 o rooms. ' built-in wardrobes, lavatories in every bedroom. HOT WATER TJCITTV. PI. ANT! Massive built in features, etc. Nash ton st. THIS MUST BE SOLD. Terms can be ' arranged! See this today! ! MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE ! l:i-3n s Areolar-. 2 baths, furnace; room very comfortable, attractive home; 100x133 1-3 lot wiin a pro. fusion of fruit, berries, grapes nuts, etc THIS IS Your oppor tunity; man with a large family! TERMS! Oatmnn t. gftsn DOWN! LITTLE GEM! $2830 $330 down. Splendid snap! four rooms in a cozy, homelike bunga low, with every convenience; built-ins: best white enamel plumbing: electricity, gas. Ownei . leaving city! Stafford St.. neat Union. J300 DOWN! MOUNT SCOTT! $2495 ONE FOURTH ACRE. 4-room bungalow cottage: bath, white enamel plumbing, gas, lots- of fruit: garage: 97th st. TIF'IY L TERRACE! $500 DOWN! $3395 Semi bungalow of 7 rooms: solid paneled dining room, with mas sive buffet: white Dutch kitchen, fireplace, sleeping porch. 4 light, airy bedrooms; close to car; $500 down and rest like rent! SELLWOOD FURNISHED! $1395 $500 down! Furnished cozy little warm, brown bungalow, with built-ins. electricity, gas, garage; two lots, garden, flowers, etc. Ochoco st. In Bdlwood Gardens. 10QX100 SELLWOOD! $2550 Attractive 6-room bungalow cot tage, bath, plumbing, electricity, fruit, etc. Insley at. STJNNYSIDE HAWTHORNE. $4975 $500 down! Good substantial T room home, with furnace, fire place, and every convenince; VACANT! E. Salmon. 83500 6-room. very nice HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW, modern, easy terms. Stephens st. $2850 $5o0 down! 6-room substantial comfortable Sunnyside home on E. 53d St., large lot with lots of . fruit. $24'J5 $500 down ! Here's an attractive little bungalow on corner: living and dining room combined; best white enamel plumbing: elec- trlcity. gas. garage: E. Taylor st. ALBERTA DISTRICT! $3250 One of the best bungalow . bar gains in Alberta today! 6 rooms in very beat condition: built-ins large kitchen ; easy terms will , -handle. E. 18th St. $2990 $50O down! Shingled artletlo 5 room modern bungalow: E. 31st st. $2495 $200 down. 4-room ALBERTA bungalow on 100x100; Holman st. 1850-$4SO down! Neat 4-r. ALBERTA - cottage: white enamel plumbing; electrjeity, gas, fruit, garage; E. 18th st. $1050 $200 down! 3-room cottage on uU lot. E. 15th st. SEE FRANK L. MeGUIKE. REALTOR. TO BUY YOUR HOME. 1200 Photographs of Homes for Sale. LARGEST HOME SELLER ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Abington bldg. Main 1068. 3d st. bet- Wash, and Stark. Entrance Under the Big Electric Sign, IRVINGTON. Years of experience have never shown na the equal of this splendid bungalow of 7 large, lovely rooms: located In the finest part of the exclusive district em bracing every modern and convenient feature In its construction. Including oak floors; two fireplaces, furnace, tile bath. corner lot, garage in basement, which is accessible from interior of house, and many other special ideas appealing to the heart of the home lover: ohlv $1200 asked down on a moderate price of $900; we exnort you to nurry. MR. HARP. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. Realtors. SPECIALISTS IN BETTER HOMES. 82 Fourth st. Main 4622. FOR SALE at a sacrifice, as the owner wants to go back to Oklahoma to live right away; no commissions to pay; 6 room house, two stories, modern in every way and about 7 years old. In good con dition, cement basement, furnace and all modern conveniences; $600 cash down .and $25 ant! interest per month on $3700 at o per cent; lot 44 by 66, a bargain; will also sell the furniture. If wanted. which "Is practically new and cost me about $500, for $200. This gives you new furniture cheaper than you can buy sec ond-hand furniture. Call on the owner at 127 East 4Sth street, from 8 A. M to 9 P. M. or phone Main 824 from 9 A M. to 5 P. M. and after that Tabor 5778. I paid $4900 for premises six monins since. IRVINGTON 12-ROOM RESIDENCE New and modern, colonial design, spa cious rooms finished In nnest selectee mahogany and oak; walls artistically decorated: hardwood floor throughout; 5 bedrooms, sewing room, sleeping porch, sunroora. etc.. large finished attic, full cement basement, modern laundry, tile bathrooms. 3 toilets; latest sanitary plumbing fixtures. large grounds, beau tlful shrubbery, flowers and lawn; one of the best built and most artistic homes in Portland; workmanship and materials guaranteea. Hy owner; reasonable terma O 629. Oregonlan. LADD ADDITION. $6500. TERMS. Close to Hawthorne ave.: fine 7-room house, partly furnished; three bedrooms, fine furnace, Ruud heater, beautiful lot. roses, shrubbery; must be sold in the next few days FOR APPOINTMENT. , EAST 499L BEST CORNER IN IRVINGTON. Occupying grounds 100x150. in heart of Irvington: central reception hall, large living room, muslo room, handsome din ing room. French doors to porch, large pass pantry snd kitchen, with extra store pantry: second floor 4 large bed rooms, dressing room with marble basin and large closet, tile bath, extra lava tory; 8d floor. 2 maids' rooms, bathroom: fine garage. Owner leaving city. BJ 670. Oregonlan GREEN BILLS OHOICB VIEW. Large lot and 6-room modern house, hardwood floors, open fireplace, sleeping snd dining porches, furnace, gaa, elec tric light. Easy terms. See owner, John Bain, 507 Spalding bldg. -ROOM house, 1 acre of ground, on a corner near Cornelius. 20 miles west or Portland, on paved road, near S. P. or Oregon Electrio lines; fruit and berrlea citv water, electrio lights and cas: a snap at $2000. Lock Box 43, Corneliua Oregon. OVERLOOK. A real sacrifice, by owner; modern 6 room bungalow, like new, H. W. floors, furnace, full cement' basement, massive built-ins, garage, a beautiful home., 905 Longview ave. Phone Wdln. 4138. WEST SIDE HEIGHTS. 6-room strictly modern home. Fine lew. close in. If you will thoroughly Inspect this house you will want it. Some trade considered; $7500. Owner Main 3006. . BEAUTIFULLY finished 5-room bunga low, modern in every respect; located In east Irvington; owner compelled to leave city reason for selling; price $4200, terms. 1072 Lambert place. Phone Auto. 313-39. ROSE CITY, by owner, 5-room bungalow. built last year, narawooa rioore, 01a Ivory and white woodwork, pipeless fur nace and fireplace, plenty of windows, roomy breakfast nook, large attic. Price $5750, terma H 674, Oregonlan. $130 DOWN. 4-room bungalow, very good only $1800; let us show you. REEDY A CO.. Good location, 818 Chamber of -Commerce Bldg. . Main 4100. MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK. Richmond, 5-room bungalow, furnace, fireplace, garage, excellent condition, no mortgage. 34th St., 1 block car: come see It. Mar- 1022. Sell. 2706, evgs. SIX-ROOM houae, on carline; full lut; good terms. tampMU eu m il UNDER $2000. $1585 4-room unfinished bungalow, with lot 50x121: 20 mln. out on the Oregon Electric; $500 cash. $20 monthly. Come -on. Mr. Handy man ! 11600 1-acre tract with Hi -story B room house, with gas and real water: barn 16x24. chicken hou-e, - T blocka from electric station ; $500 cash. $25 monthly. $1700 Well-built house of 4 rooms be sides room for 4 more rooms In the attic; several hundred dol lars" worth of furniture goes with this place, with half an acre of ground; half block from electric line: $650 cash. $25 monthly. $1750 4-room unfinished bungalow on splendid corner lot, good garage, several apple trees, bearing: on RoseVlty Park line; $130 cash, $20 monthly. $1850 In South Portland, close to man ufacturing district, we have a 6 room plastered cottage with bath and toilet: 1 block from car; $500 cash. $20 monthly. $1850 -room plastered cottage, electric lights, gas. bath and toiu-t; ground 34x400. In Alberta dia trlct; $550 cash, $25 monthly. $1950 4-room celled and papered cot tage, concrete foundation, full basement, lot 50x86. fruit trees and berries. Alberta district; $350 cash. $25 monthly. $2000 In Portsmouth, on the St. Johns line, we have a 14 -story 8-room house. In good condition; ground 66 2-SxlIO. maewalKS in snn pain for; wonderful view; $500 cash, $20 monthly. $2000 A 4-room cottage In South Port land, with electric lights, gns. bath and toilet: small lot; street work all In; view of all creation: $250 cash, $20 monthly. We Invite yon to visit our office and look over the photos of our numerous listings. Homes to suit, any purse; salesmen with autos at your service. FRED W. GERMAN CO.. REALTORS, 732 Chamber of Commerce. WEST SIDE BUNGALOW HOME. $4200 Buys modern 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, book cases, buffet. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement with wash trays, floored attic, 50x100 lot: improvements paid. $1600 cash will handle. A bargain. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. $4850 5 rooms and large attic: living room across entire front, natural select finish, dining room white enamel. Dutch kitchen, breakfast , nook, hardwood floors, fireplace. full cement basement, with wash trays and furnace. Yes, It has a garage. - ... RFMEMBER. we hare some wonderful bargains In 2-story modern houses In all parta of the city and especially in Rose City Park. J. A. WICKMAN CO., REALTORS. "Shortest Way Home." 264 Stark Street. Main 53 and 1094. $3950 IRVINGTON S3950. A POSITIVE BARGAIN. The owner has just cut the price from $6300 to $3950. We want you to com pare this bungalow with others you've seen in this district up to $0750. There are 5 rooms and bath on lower and an other finished bedroom and sleeping porch in the attic: hardwood floors, a big beautiful fireplace, built-in book cases and handsome buffet. Dutch kitch en, big glassed-in porch; full concrete basement, furnace, garage. Owner must have $1800 cash, balance like renL Shown by appointment. Call ua COMTB & KOHLMAN. 208 Cham, of Com. Hldg. Main 6350. WE START in the basement snd finish with the chimney, ready to move In when we move out. We handle all detaila and .SHve you time and money hy our spe cial unit system. Fanche. -McLean Co., building contractors, 308-9-10 Lewis bldg. Paons Broadway SAO 2. BARGAIN' BARGAIN BARGAIN. In the best part of Westmoreland, only 2 blocks to car line: strictly modem 5 room bungalow, latest dewitrn; Interior in white enamel: lovely living and din ing rooms, all built-in effects, hardwood floors. Tjutch kitchen, cheerful bedrooma. fireplace, cement basement, wash trays: double constructed throughout; lot SOx 100: price $4750. $1000 down, balance same as rent. ' L RIELY GUSTAFSON. 005 Y'eon B'.dg. Mar. 1436. ALAMEDA. English colonial home of 7 rooms snd sleeping porch, central hall, hot water heat; easy terma By appointment. i MRS. HARRY PRTCB PALMER. EAST 7976. $5500 GROVELAND PARK. A fine 6-room home. 3 rooms and re ception hall down and 3 and bath on the upper floor, hardwood floors, fireplace furnace, full concrete -basement, paved street paid; owner will take good car up to $1000, balance easy terms. This is a nice home and the price is absolutely .i.hi rutl 11 un. " COMTE & KOHLMAN, Main 6550. 208 Chamber of Commerce. rrrH HAI.E In Irvington. Laurelhurst Alameda Park and Dixon Place, several modern homes, also choice lots In these addltlons, or will build on anyone; lot If desired. All kinds of building dona Have built 100 homes In Portland. RICE CONSTRUCTION CO.. . A. R. Rice, Manager. . Auto. 820-85. Res. 690 B. ltfth st N. R B. Rice, Solicitor and Selling Agent. East 2432. 690 Wasco St. $800 DOWST. S-Bm. Bungalow Parage. E 34th St. 5 rms.. fireplace, book cases, hardwood floors, buffet. Dutch kitchen, full basement, furnace. 40x100 lot. garage, paved sts. and sewer Wav erly Hts.. half blk. car. Only $4500. A bargain. See Mr. Mack. Main 802. GEO T MOORE CO.. Realtors. 3007 1 eon pihk. $000 CASH ALBERTA CAR. 3 rooms and reception hall down and 8 snd bath up; full cement basement, fur nace 50x100 lot, one block to Alberta car 'and close to school. The price Is $3900 Call us and we'll send an auto to take yo0E k KOHLMAN, Main 6330. 203 Chamber of Commerce. t, . r(io ii HirNOALOW $4750. 5 charming rooms, best of eastern oak floors, enamel finish, very light and sunny rooms, attractive built-ins, well located, large lot. Imp. paid. See this t0day- C. M. DERR. ioi v W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 2245. "rtjcf VACANT LOT. why not turn a burden into income? We design and build apartments. ga rages, residences. anything: furnish plans and finance. Established 10 years. We offer SECURITY. SERVICE. SAT ISFACTION. L. R. Bailey Co.. 924 N. W. Bank Bldg MUST sacrifice my Deautnui Alameoa Park cauiornia uuiiKtiiuii " consisting of two large airy bedrooms, music room, hardwood floors, fireplace. Every kind of built-in. A real snap for $.3800 with $1000 down with $45 per month, including interest, Woodlawn 4563 MT. TABOR 100x122 $1650. This is a fine chance to get a nice home on east slope of Mt. Tabor; good 2-room plastered house, barn, chicken houae, fruit and berries, gaa, electricity; 8 blocks to cor; easy terms. BURKHARDT BUSINESS BUILDERS, 415 Piatt Bldg. Realtors. Mnin 7Q--1, $6500 ON HAWTHORNE ave.. near . 3tn st.. i" most rapidly Increasing, large i-r. house on 45x100 ft.: bath, full basement, wash , trays, etc.; newly nnienea anu paimcu througnoui; an in k-i , now vacant; terms. Call owner. BelL 2919. UNUSUAL 7-room house, etnetiy modern In AVer, rCSPeCL. wu,,;.. u v. .mc." upstairs: hardwood floors, furnace, fire place paved street, garage. Location on 37th St.. Rose -City. Moving to Cali fornia makes sale necessary. Mr. Henry. Main GVS3 NEAR IRVINGTON CAR. Five-room on full lot, newly painted Inside and out; paved and paid; will take car or good lot. some cash: terms on bal ance. Mar. 3332. 403 Couch bldg. J. B. ROCK. ; BEAUTIFUL ROSECITY PARK. 8 rooms, modern, with garage, two lots beautiful shrubbery and lawn, hard surface St., never offered before, some terms H. G. Epton, East 7504. ON WINCH ELL ST. An excellent 3-room 'house only one year old, on a lot 75x 100- full plumbing. The price is only $'200 on very convenient terms. Thw Is" a real buy. Main 74SX BL'NGA LOWS. For medium-priced 4 and 8-room bun galows, cail Montgomery & Leap. 437 Cham, of Com. Broadway 3198. LEAVING town compels sacrifice of 4 room house on full lot In Montavllla. A very unusual snap for only $775 with t 50 down. Mr. Brown. Main 7487. BY OWNER, mod. nouse. 6 rms.. sleeping porch, hot-water heating system Call bet. 2 and 6, 5H E. 83th at. S.. RM car. 6-ROOM modern. 5 blocka lrora city ball, $5000, terms. Broadway 3856 BY OWNER Modern 5-room bungalow 1808 East Hoyt at- Tabor 2888. FOR SALE Beautiful Irvington. 100x100. corner home. E. 556, WE OFFER FOR TOUR INSPECTION the following attractive bungalow homes which In our estimation are splenuia Value and modt-rately priced: ALAMEDA PARK Complete in every way la this 5-room home, only a year old: oak floors, fire place, furnace, breakfast nook, many built-ins: 100; very easy terma ROSE CITY PARK. Six rooms all on one tloor: eomplete with garage; full concrete basement and all modern construction throughout $5300; terms. ALBERT A. Six rooms, all cheerful and cosy and nicety located; pro-war prico of J4UOO with a nominal payment down. PIElMONT. Six rooms, oak floors, garage fire place, furnace, exceptionally well-built and altoegther desirable for a home; a visit here would convince you. 1 rice $5300. HAWTHORNE Five rooms, modern to the letter: wltn garage uniform with hou: oak floors, fireplace; lot 40xli; a most attractive feature. $4750. $750 down. COB A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. "A HUME FOR EVERYBODY." IJIOO TAKE FOKD as part payment: 5-r. cottage. 50x100 lot. fruit trees, chicken run; good home, fine condition. . 82230 NEW $400 DOWN ; 5-r. brand new bungalow. 30x100 lot; cement bament; $20. at 6rA. monthly. .Gravel street, sewer. $1700 J4"0 DOWN. 4-r. bung, and garage:-50x100 corner lot: 12 fruit trees, berries, grapes; book casee. buf-t. floored attic. HAWTHORNE $4300. Full cement basement, paved, sewer; 5-r. hung.; h. w. Moors, fireplace, buffet. bookcases: Ivorv finish. Dutch Kltcnen. T-HV! HUMI-HUNViALOW. 50x100 lot: furnace, cement basement Dutch kitchen, fireplace, toilet down, bat and toilet, 3 bedrms. up: bAmni.i. MARSH & McOAHE CO., Realtors. 322-3-4 Failing Hldg. Marshall 3W3 WEST muB lil'NGAI.OW. s':,o 13500 CASH. Beautiful view home of 8 rooms snd sleeping porch, large living room with womlerftil view, massive fireplace ana bookcaxe. elegant dining room, Dutch kitchen. 2 lovely bedrooms and bath down stairs and 3 nice bedrooma up stairs: haa a full cement basement, good furnace; 50x110 lot. Lota of ahruboery and fruit. The best buy on the west side. RBVBRMAN INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 210 Lewis Bldg. Bdwy. 2954. DANDY LITTLE HOME CLOSE IN. 5 rooms and full basement, modern. bath, llahts and gas. paved street and city sewer all In and paid, right here in walking distance: It is a habitable, neat little home for $3000; pay $500. balance like rent; no mortgage or citv liens to assume. It is unwise to pay rent wnen the same money will buy you a home. Do not hesitate coming in and let erte show you this. It beats paying rent and streetcar fare. SUE R W. HUGHES 507 Journal Bldg. Main 2850. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. PRICE S7230. T rooms, beautifully finished In white Ivorv: every modern convenience, hard wood floors throughout. Three rooms In tapestry. French doors, breakfaat room, tiled bath, garage with cement driveway fn l cement basement. I un place 1 brand new and up to the minute in every respect. Tou will agree with us that the price is most conservative. SPEED REALTY CO., 307 Panama Bldg. Main 72H4. Nl-.W HOUSES FOR MUCH LKSti. u.klnK arrangements to build for man wilh 12 lots on paved street near Laurelhurst: nifty bungalows or -'ooo $3000; small payments. Whether you have lota to built on, or need home con traction hclD financially, we are with vou always, first in time. See J. P, Howe, with . O. H. SKOTHEIM CO., REALTORS, Builders. Sellers of Houses. 408-11 Couch bldg. Mnin 1375, WEST SIDE TWO ME PROPERTY. 2-family flat on Corbett street, street improvements all In and paid for. 5 rooms In each flat, with basement snd furniture roes With the place. Price ouly $2750, $650 cash, hal- ance terma. . nn i,,uvaow.nnnsinM CO.. 6.13 N. W. ilnnk Bldg. Main 377, LAURELHURST. lit Mirtci.ic PLACE. i-TPir-TivK B-HOOM BUNGALOW tcv.,1 t ivivii ROOM. FIREPLACE, FRENCH' DOORS TO DINING ROOM. MODEL DUTCH KITCHEN WITH BREAKFAST NOOK. FURNACE. GA RAGE FOR PRICE AND TERMS CALL R. SOMERVILLE. BDWY. I 1' li Ml .HIT H ST KNAP. Cost 5-room bungalow, In beautiful rnrelhurst very Dteasant living end nntch kitchen. 2 bed rooms, fireplace, full cement basement, hurrtwood floors. 50xl20-foot lot, $3io0. $1000 down. 1. .u vsrw.nODSON CO.. 11 x w iink Hlila. Main 3787. LAURELHURST, t.-.oo IfiloO. NIFTY S-ROOM BUNGALOW. HARD WOOD FLOORS. FIREPLACB. FRENCH DOORS OPENING ON PORCH. FINE BATH WITH TILE FLOOR. FURNACE. r-ARAOE. ATTIC. CHAMBERS GAS RANGE INCLUDED. R SOMERVILLE. BDWT. 2478, NEWCOMERS. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS TtAROAIN. -room strictly modern house, sleeping porch, real large living room and dining rm , all late built-ins. hardwood floois. fireplace, furnace, garage, imorov.nieii-.. in and paid; only $5300; $1300 down, balance easy. East Bill. ROSE CITY PARK. Beautiful Home. Nine large bedrooms, living room, din ing room, hardwood floors, rurnace, fire place, garage, tile bath. This Is a real home; give long lease. Call 817-65, 3943 48th st. N. iron KAI.E bv owner, beautiful stone story and a half home. English style of architecture: acre ana 7 room. ail modern conveniences: 2 blks. from 'Ore gon City car. 25 mln. to town. 4 blocks to Pacific highway. Cull Main 8324 or Oak Grove 11-J. " ROSE CITY PARK CAR. New 5-room bungalow. first-class nlunibing and fixtures, full basement. Dutch kiichen, 2 blocks to car. lot Box 110. Price $3300. $500 cash, balance like rent. See L. I., jenka. untn ana nana; bivd. Phone Auto 315-53. CAPITOL HILL 5-room bungalow, mod ern, lot 60 by 100. nice lawn, fruit, ber--ie e-aruae: house in flue shape: flre pluee built-in effects, whits enamel, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, large porches: looks good : nrice $3500. terms 31300 cash, tall 2Q3 3d St.. barbershop. SPECfAL. For quick sale, price has been reduced from $2800 to $2200 on this 8-room house snd lot, 60x104; house Is modern; ga rage,, paved street, on car line, near St. Johns. See owner. J. Roberta at 849 Sulnion st. Main 4245 VACANT. This 5-room cottage bungalow Is neat as a pin Inside and out; splendid lot; improvements In. Go look at 1028 East Caruthers, near 34th and Division. Call owner. Tabor 7J03. 13300 1500 CASH. ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW. H ROOMS FIRST FLOOR, 2 FINISHED UP STAIRS HAS BUILT-INS. DUTCH KITCHEN. FURNACE. R. SOMERVILLE. BDWY. 2478. IRVINGTON PARK. 'Three-room shack on Alls 100-foot lot. 100 feet from paving, a nice coxy place, lota of flowers, roses and trees, fine place to build: asking $1250, $500 cash. Mar. 3352. 403 Couch bldg. 8-ROOM modern bungalow on Hasealo St.: hdwd. floors, breakfast nook, garage; $3500 $500 down. A real home. CLEVELAND CO. Realtors. SOS Board of Trade Bldg, Bdwy. 1150 BEAUTIFUL Mt. Tabor Home, every con venience, hot water heat, 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch, built for own home, very best material and workmanship. Owner 3-iO E fioth st. MODERN 5-room bungalow, furnace, fire place, fancy built-ins. full basement, lot 75x100. near oar, $3200. $1000 cash and monthly paymenta 6 years old. Bread- way ."'.':. OWNER wili give clear title to 5-room bungalow, all built-ins, furnace, garage, near school, bet. Division and Haw thorne. Call mornings and eveninga ln-12 East Caruthers st. 6-KOOM bungalow, near Peninsula Park. 2 bedrooms up and one downstairs, ga rage, gas fireplace, some fruit, near car and school. Price $.'i7o0. small down payment, balance easy. Main 7o:i6. FOR SALE $1200. 4-room cottage; ema:l payment down: by owner; give phone. S 633. Oregonlan; MY CHOICE Laurelhurst home. 138 Hsxel fern place, for sale. $8500. terma Tabor 4303. Immediate possession WILL TAKE lot aa first payment on 5 room bungalow in Rose City; price $5750. Auto. 216-14. PTeAL snap: walking distance, eaat eide; 8 rooms: $3500, terms. 720 E. Davis t., near 2mh, East 8303. , 5-ROOM modern bungalow, paved street, furnace, all built-ins. $3400, attractive terms. Broadway 8856. MODERN 8-room R. C. bung., vacant, ga rage: any old terms Owner 32H-72 MY 5-ROOM house. $250C, terma. Owner, 439 Sumner st , J4200 BUYS Main 1784 a bungalow In Roae City. ABOUT 84K0O buys a nice bungalow ia Boas City. Main 1734. NEW BUNGALOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION. I.AURKLll L'HST f M Eai.t Burnld, ready to move In; 5, rooms with brekfat nook and attic finished in 2 rooms; hard wood floors in aU the rooms exT-ept room which has tile kltihen with Inlaid lino leum; furnace, llsht. fixtures, garage. In fact everything to muke a nice home. Close to park view of city. HOSb! CITY. 704 East th N., com plete and modern hardwood floors, nice kitchen and breakfast nook. Price $430. Roady for occupancy. MOUNT TAU11II. 70th and Stark, on top. Get out of the foul air and gel frch air; a beautiful home of A rooms and breakfnt nook, attic Price $11000. IRVINGTON 1J1ST., 897 Weldl-r St., 8 rooms with sleeping porch, lawn made, garage, furnace, light fixtures and win dow .hades; a fine home for the price. $.'i250. These homes are well hull! and can be sold on easy ternm. Look thm over If interested. Call owner and builder, GEORGE B. WEI.I.EK. 226 Chamber of Commerce Hide Main 5211. Tabor 176. . I.AUKEl.Hllt.sT. A beautiful Laurelhurst bungalow, commanding a view of the finest pirt of this district: Just complct.-.l by skilled mechanics, whose every eftort has been to build a home of superior construction. There are two bedrooms with dnllKht closets, large living room and dining room, French doors, hardwood floorit, flreplnce, Dutch kitchen with all con veniences, breakfast nook, built-in bath, cement hasenienl. furnace, cement floor garage, cement drive; offer-d for sale at $Iooo. on terms If you like. OTTO & HAHKSoN, 413 Chamber of Commerce. Mnin tt.T.'K. NEW IRVINGTON HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. Beautiful new 5-room modern bunga low; fireplace, furnace, electric fixtures, window shades, etc.; large unftlrn. attic; cetnciit basement, garage; hlk-h, sighlly corner lot. E. 17th and Skulinnre sts.; Inside woodwork finished In ivory and mahogany; beautiful tapestry paper on hall, living room and dining room. This is one of the grundest view properties ua the ca.t id. Price $5O0 Terms If desired. S.e this today. 1' ho lie TAGGART, Alain 27, for ap polntnient 1102 Spalding M,lg. FLI.LY FCKNlMiLl) lloME. 6-room modern home; hardwood floors, living room with fireplace, three nice large, airy bedrooms and bath. Fox fur nace, etc. Nice location, Holladay dis trict at 24th. Tins classy little home fully furnished and first-class In every respect. Price only $3230. $1000 cash, balance $40 monthly (Interest Included). A rare opportunity to buy a pretty, mod ern home with the rent money. Pboae for my auto and see tills. J. W. CKOSSLET, "Better Types of Homea" Main 5078. ROSB CITY PARK DISTRICT. We are building a small bungalow en 75x100 In this choice district. -Just off Sandy bivd., and ws are offering this place for $2900 on reasonable terma If you have ideas of your own which you would like to incorporate in this bun galow, see us at once. HI 1. 1. Kit PROS., Realtora 814 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 86. Branch office, 60th and Sandy. Tshor 84 3. $000 DOWN. This little gem Is one of the best built bungalows in Portland, artistic lines, double construction throughout, hard wood floors, fireplace, breaklasl nook, sleeping porch, all built-ins. full base ment, 62x100 lot, only few minutee to 3 carlines. This house has not been thrown together by wood butchers from cull lumber snd the defects covered wltn paint; price $3750. payments like rent. In 10 years this home wrtl not look Has a wreck. Itull.lers. 1010 K. 3:ld N. A REAL JOY. This beautiful little colonial bunga low l a dellKlif, It shows culture and class In every room; Ideal for newly mairled couple, easy housekeeping and something you would be proud to show your friends. Paved street, close to car; everything enameled, bookcases, mirrors, best fixtures. If you see It you will want it. Shown hy sppolntmenl only. HARRY BECK WITH, Realtor, Main iim',0. 104 Knth Street, Very attractive: modeun uunga- LoW. 8 rooms snd bath, first floor: 2 nlee bedrooms second floor; pipeless furnsce. hardwood floors In entrance hall, living room, dining room and one bedroom; house Is almost like new: Mix 100 lot. one block from car; price $4300. favorable terma BROWN GRANT. 201 Consolidated Securities Bldg. Proa d way J '-'22. LAURELHURST HOME SEEING IS HEI.IEMNG. I have a bargain In a 7-room 2-story house with a dandy attic, very modern and In best of condition, garaxe, oprton of two lots, furniture for sale, a real buy at $6oo0. CM. PKRR. 1218 N. W. Bank Bldg. Tnbor 6419, Marshall 2248. . 798 O ANTE N REIN AVE A heautlful sl room modern house, all extra large rms., fine bath, hot and cold water, gas. elec tricity, full concrete basement, cement floors, laundry tray, fine concrete ga rage; fine lawn; fruit trees; lot 40xloO. all Improvements In and Paid. 1 rice $.1500, on terms. See L. I'eluchl, -4 Front wt. Realtor. Mnin 7HQ6. A I.li EUTA. A FIKST-CliASS BUT. Eight-room house. In very best condi tion; Just been painted and papered In side and out; new fixtures, hardwood floors, French doors, H block to school. It Is a real home and ready to move right In. Price only l423o, terms. HARRY BECKWITII, Hesltor Man ;8TII 104 Klflh Street. B-SPLENDID homes about ready to move Into: lots ina leei oeej,, " ""- hardwood floors, French doors. Dutch . kitchens, cement floor In basem-nt, . splendid nolithborhood, close to carlln-. $4500 to $3000; property Is worth $300 more than being sold for: owner on the nronerlv. Tske Richmond car to 33th st.: terma 218-82 Automatic. WE HAVE several hundred very carefully chosen listings of desirable homes for sale In every section 01 i - price snd on very reasonable terms. Be- , fore vou select your home see us. If you wish, we will help you make down pigment. Hlhr-Csrey. 211 Railway Rx- ehanae hldg. stara ana u mim. Main 7 4 S7. Main 69S3. 6 ROOMS $3730. $500 down, balance less than rent, buys a good home near Kenton car. flreplaoe. modern plumbing, sleeping porch, ga rage: lot .loxllo: near sehool. BURKHARDT 131 m'- "I. 415 Piatt Hldg. Realtors. Main To. BIGGEST bargain In Lastnior.-iano. io.e Eaut 32d anu 'l oilman. ' " clear of all Incumbrances, hard surra- in and paid. 2 blocks to Reed collegel Drlce $7ial. HARHT BECKWITH. Realtor. Main 6S.I9. 194 Fifth Street. MT. SCOTT CllTTAl.lt. 6 coxy rooms, electric lights, gas, full real oliimblng. garage. 1 oiock 10 o... snap at $2300 term! call me, possession " C. M. DERR. 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. S-'-n. rr; .. , - k.,iin roinira.ow double 11 V- bain, aiiciieu, L?m'' J ;".d 'back norch. all kind, of ye anu iuh o-e berries. large chicken niiui-. owner snd save comin Price cash; terms. Tabor 8904. HA Will' 'KXH BUNGALOW. BY OWNER. Modern B-room. Ivory finish: fireplace, cement basement and walks; Pv"1 st.. small garage; $3330 term. 1 114 a.. Sherma n. near nt-n. i.,i,i WKST SIDE 3'3 WEST MUS. A STEAL AT $750 DOWN. To close on estate, this 5-room bunga- low. modern, noxioo i r. viT nn,.,,m,rv w era at -o. v-n -' Maxwell. Main 6333 l11KlMOST- $5.-.i0 Modern 7-room home, larae lot. dandy garage: $1000 cash. bal. terms. Joha- ivTv-ii-TT. LAND CO.. Realtors 24s Stark S-. Main 542! $:.oll DOWN. $3150 for 5-room modern but bungalow, 8 blocks to car, -i iota who y rrie. sn-l -..! Owner In I nicsgo wire. u sell per. Immediately. Now rented lor w Main H.V.3. Wdln. 73 DOUBLE constructed 4-room oung.iow lth full plumbing on full lot with sewer Thl. bungalow is new end un usually pretty If Vu want the classiest j.crltv. call Tabor 214 fTuTCll colonial home in Laurelhurst. S elegant bedrooms, tiled bath. Inlaid floors, tapestry paper; house Is perfectly equipped: sernse. . - paid; terms. Tabor 4..-S nv nWVEit. 8-ro-un ,.Uh li vltisr - ..i,nol In fine condition full n,-n hnsement. furnace: nice honi pr ice$ 4 7 50, $1750 cash. Fist "195 ROSE CITY. 5-room bunirslow. evervlhlng modern, bargain at $49 50. Include. a sessments: $000 cash, $-'0 .n-l Interest monthlv Phon- owner. Mnin 124H. SUNNYSIDE HOME 6-room house, rnraae; flr.t-clses eern dltlon: s-ItIOo 12"9 E. Tamhll. Tabor 5:trt Firs-'Q: terms. SNAP! 6-room modern house on Rose City carllne for sale; terms; or will trade. In quire 605 E:il Everett t. Auto 233-60 FoK SALE 4-rom hnu-.e. newly refin lshed Inside; bath; sewer all in: garaKM $500 down. 3d and Powell St.. , bel$. llll'O. . 6 ROOMS. c:ose-ln eact side, full lot; $25oo $300 cash, rent term, on balance. Imerstaie Land Co.. Kesaiore, HM Swat si Mam 542V. i