THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY,' MAY 18, 1921 16 REAL F.STATE. Sabarban Humes. A GREAT OPPORTUNITY for the homeseeker who is looklnr for a country home and wmti to get in on the ground floor, either to start a business, chicken ranch, berrv farm or (tardea tract. This is at West Wood burn, onlv 3.1 miiea south of Portland and 15 miles from Sa'.em. on Oregon Electric railroad and (unction of hlgh ay In famous Willamette valley: la being placed on the market at extremely low prices to start. Large lota. $100 and up: acre tracts. MW and op. on trie verv easv payments of one-fifth cash. A fine location for an auto repair shop, blacksmith shop, etc Come In and see us so we mav tell you more about It. PARRISH A PARRISH. Owners Townstte West Woodburn. Main r..'1-JT. 2Q9 Falling Bids:. . $:oo down $ion noffs. evr7- vrt- nwN KIBURBAN HOME These'beautlful one acre tracts with city water, electricity, gas. pnone, . k . ...... in fiar cprnwine east side, out the hard-surface Powet Valley road, lies level with excellent view. surroundings. ONLY ONE HUNDRED DOWN. balance easy montnly payments. MOVE OI T AND SAVE YOUR RENT. PRICE $730. Act quickly as we onlj have a few left. Phone or come and w will take you out In one or our au auioa. .ii.v at your service, Aak tot F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUlKE. SOS Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Third St. bet. Wash, and Stark. JiOilELIKE S ACRE AT MULTNOMAH. These folks have been working for you: bought this land in the rough, set out a splendid variety of fruit that la now In full bearing, planted every kind of berry, now bearing abundantly, and are now offering It at less than it cost them in dollars and cents, saying nothing aDOUl their work. They have a neat, home like place, all kinds of shrubbery, splen did 5-room plastered bungalow, large living room, chicken nouses m i, acre of ground; price for cash only 32500. It ts out Allllinoinsu HARGROVE REALTY CO. Realtors), 122 North 6th St. Broadway 4381. , MR. WORKING MASH t ta wr.ii Vint to own a IitTie farm where you will be Independent of the boss in future yean? If you answer. yes, then you should sea u ana m" gate the properties we are putting on ?.. .-I,., in the Willamette valley, the finest loganberry land known. Right at the electric station, postoffice, acnool, atores; $150 will start you on one of our farms. See PARRISH PARRISH. 21(9 Falling Bldg. BEAUTIFUL. ACRE HOME ON PAVEMENT. This Is on paved Capital highway, outhwest, Just a few blocks from sta , tion; full acre of ground, all cleared, eplendid bearing orchard, new 6-room plastered bouse, full basement, modern Plumbing, electric lights. breakfast room, also outbuildings. We know you cannot beat this up-to-date. 1H'J acre home for the money. Pnce $3600. HARGROVE REALTY CO. (Realtors,, 121: North 6th St. Broadway 4381. LARGE 10-room bungalow with 8 fire places, 2 bathrooms, all modern con veniences,, altuated on a choice lightly tract of ground of acres, near Mult nomah station on the Oregon Electric, now offered by owners at a very low fisure on attractive terms. For par ticulars call on BEN RIESLAND, Ex clusive Sales Agent. 404. Piatt bid-., 127 Park St. , ACRE (7c CARFARE) BARGAIN. 5-room bungalow, electric lights, gas. fireplace, full basement. 3 chicken houses. 10 fruit trees, lots of berries, full acre finest garden soil: half block to station; only 7 -cent fare; account of i'l health must sacrifice; price oniy $3700. $1,100 cash, balance to suit. GIBSON (Realtor). Marshall 12. LAKEVIEW VILLAS, plat 4; new tract iust being opened: here's a sample: Large home site 190x210 feet, with clear running brook, fine soil, no rock. piped nater. lights; only $523, $50 down. $10 per month; price includes rocking of roads: get in on the ground floor. Call 5ou Concord bldg., 2d and Stark, owner. OWNER sacrificing $3000 equity. Choice suburban home for quick sale: 21 acres, fruit, berries, garden, etc. Modern 7 room house, new garage, poultry run, etc. Cash. t-rnis or exchange considered. See A. K. Hill. 426 Lumbermen's bldg. . a SUBURBAN HOME My 5-acre home, near Council Crest, in beautiful valley, all planted. Bull Run water, gas. ga rage; am forced to sell st 34800. part trims- Call Main 9505. or Marshall 2345. JTkuOM houe. sleeping porches and aun parlor, almost an acre, with variety of fruit bearing: chicken houses and runs, 'awn: in city: $0000. Auto. 644-14. RD fitlT. Oregonian. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES an.i acreage, well located, near car line, .from $1800 up. Inquire 3d house north of Klsley station, on Oregon City car line thkrk ACRES All in cultivation: on ca line: vour own terms. See McMonies, with Interstate Land Co. (Realtors), 24S Stark st. Main 5429. HALF acre. 4-room house; will sell furn ture with place: small payment down. bal like rent. 3634 72d st. S. E. ON PACIFIC hignway and Oregon City car line, beautiful modern suburban home, cheap. Campbell. 304 3d st. it a Li,' acre, improved. 5-room bungalow, modern, good car service. 13c fare; easy terms. Phone Oswego ... ONE ACRE Near S2d St.; $600; $75 cash. $10 per month, rusher. Main 5429. For Sale Businesa Propel ts. 100x100 E. WATER ST.. between Haw thorn and Morrison bridges, on track age; reasonable terms. Owner. J3C 633, oregonian. For Sale -Acreage. CUT-OVER LAND. Practically level, deep. rich. produc- tive soil, near transportation, on good road: Drice only $30 per acre; 3 years to complete payments; any number of acres you want. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787, TUALATIN VALLEY HOMESITE 34200. 4 acres, right on paved highway, 8 miles from courtnouse; all in cultivation i acre of orchard. of a mile to elec tric station. This would make an ideal summer home. 31000 cash, FRED W. GERMAN CO., REALTORS, 732 Cham, of Com. 2 ACRES $500 CASH. Comfortable. 3-room house, not a shack), fronts on 82d st.; has abundance of fruit and berries: only 2 blocks from Division St., city conveniences; very easy term ran be arranged. BURKHARDT BUSINESS BUILDERS, 415 Piatt Bldg. Realtors. Main 7027. 16 ACRES. FACING PAVED HIGHWAY. Located just 17 miles from courthouse, between Linnton and bcappoose: beautl ful view of river and mountains; I , acres cleared: ideal for chicken ranch or diversified farming; price S3o99. Ll'BDDKMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce Bidg. TEN ACRES 7 under cultivation, bal ance pasture, some standing timber for fuel: good 4-room bungalow, barn, ga rage, chicken house: near car and school. 16 miles from Portland: $2600, half cash. INTERSTATE LAND CO. (Real tors). 24 Stark st. Main 5429. 2V, ACRES on Barr road; rich, deep soil, no gravel; V, mile west of Barker road; partly cleared; $500 per acre; special discount to home builders. STRONG ft CO., REALTORS, 606 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. HALF ACRES. Close In. city water, gas; lowest prices. Easiest terms. NO INTEREST. ASK TO SEE THEM. CALL MR. HEWITT. MAIN 3606. 8 ACRES, practically level, on good road very easy to clear; near transportation; only $40 per acre; 5 years to complete payments. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 378T. 11 ACRES 7 acres under cultivation: hog tight fencing, large barn; one-half mile from electric station and achool; on good road; 31650: $650 cash, long time on balance. l tK&lATti j,a.nd Co. (Realtors). 248 Stark st. Main 5429. SO ACRES; partly improved; Clarke coun tv. Washington: 12 miles from Vancou ver. 2V miles paved highway. mile from gravel road, level, good soil; 31400, terms. Address it. o. box 2iw, Vancouver. Phone Vancouver 30F15. WRITE fur map of western Washington, showing location, low price and easy terms orrered to settlers. WEYERH AUSER TIMBER CO.. Tacoma, Wash. $3 PER ACRE $5. All or any part of 140 acres timber and partly burned-over land; creek and springs; owner must raise cash. A. W. Kstes. 005 Chamber of Commerce bldg. CLOSE-IN ACRES. $10 PAYMENTS. Alberta car, no assessments: why buy ordinary lots and pay big assessments? 150 down. R. W. Cary. 1219 N. W. Bank hldg. Main 1043. TEN ACRES Good standing timber for cordwoou; near electric station. 30 miles from Portland: cnoice loganberry land: $1250: 3.VI0 cash. INTERSTATE LAND 1. 1 j. (rteaitors). .-wain WIDOW -Must sell 160 acres good land near Portland; some fine timber: low price 819 per acre: easy terms; may ex- cnange. rnone g-ast o--3. BARGAIN. 150 acres, atock and timber land, lots of open range: SJjOO. terms; would trade Inquire W. Meek. 4S60 2d st. S. E. 40 ACRES good lying stump land on splen did road: 1500 cords wood, spring, all fenced; price only $1000: terms. F. Reynolds. Rainier, or. 3) ion CASH 14 acres near Scappoose; $400. McFarland. Failing bldg. CHOICE, eiose-in acre" go. quantity suit. Owner. East 745. 15 ACRES, also house-moving outfit. 3131 tii. (.&. Thomaa Ailan. city. KEAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. SPLENDID 8 ACRES. EQUIPPED. 5 MILES OUT. 8 acres. 5 miles city limits, east side, In splendid community, all cultivated, perfect lying land, no rock, best of soil; good B-room plastered house, cement foundation, nice red 'barn, outbldgs.; solendld orchard, lota nrunef. cherries. apples, etc.; one acre strawberries. 2 acres loganberries; horse, harness. 2 Jer sey cows, chickens. Implements. This is a splendid, home-like place, bearing Eng lish walnuts, right at stores, scnoois unu churches. Price for everything 15000, hi cash. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 North 6th St. Broadway 4391. FOR QUICK SALE. At East 29th St. and Columbia blvd.. 9.3 acres for $7500: $300 cash, balance & years; 78-foot frontage on pavement (no assessment), balance outside city limits: entire tract under cultivation: very rich soil; convenient to car and school; IDEAL FOR A HOM-. See Mr. Naylor with J. O. ELROD. Owner. 317 Corbett Bldg. , Main 6173. $25 DOWN. $7.00 MONTHLY. A splendid one-acre tract, good aolL small creek, fine for chickens, berries and fruit, 1H miles from city limits. Total price $300. We have only 20 of these tracts left In this platting, some as large as ! acrea ana proportionate ly on the sane terms. Get in on the ground floor. FRED W. GERMAN CO., REALTORS, 732 Cham, of Com. aUll.I. vkar COLUMBIA RIVE Tracts of 20 to bo acrea ol ioggea-ou land; plenty of water, good son, no brush, land slightly rolling; good roads. best of transportation, close to stors and postoffice; price $30 per acre on easy terms. A chance to own your own home, where you can make an lnaepen' dent living, ask us to snow you. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 378T. HAVE YOU ever heard of any such offer as this? 12 acres, beautiful una. very finest kind of soil, every part unable, close to city limits at Lents, close to hard surfaced roads, close to car line. A rare and wonderful offer. Yours for 11400. and $800 cash payment. Must have the money; must mean business; must act quickly. C. L. BECKER. 133 1ST ST. x'Oiai I.RI1DM HOUSE 12000. Located at Sheridan, and 2 acres of fruit and garden land; 1 acre in prunes S vears old. other mixed fruit trees years old. for family use; good barn on cement foundation, nennouse, gooa wen price $2000. terms. WAKEFIELD, FRIES ft CO., REALTORS, 8.1 Fourth St NICELY IMPROVED ACRE. All cultivated: family orchard, ber lies; good 4-room house, barn and other buildings; on main road, a mites irom courthouse; electric station 1 mile; all tools, furniture, wood, etc., included price $1425. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Homesteads. Relinqoishmcnts. I AM LOCATING HOMESTEADS trom 40 to loo-acre tracts, eitner rortiana or Rosbeurg district, farming or timber land; am In a position to give you as good, II not oetter, service man anyone In the state: government map. checked tip to date. E. W. Helm, 816 Board of Trade bldg. 3 RELINQUISHMENTS. O. ft C. land; one well Improved: owner spent $2000 cash on It; at edge of town: price 3750 for this; one unimprovea. close to town. practically a level piece on Pacinc high wav. south of Roseburg. $400: 'anolhe one. heavy timber, worth 35000, for (400. 301 Corbett Dlog. COPY govt, maps showing western Oregon homestead lands. $1. Our charges are reasonable and our services the best on locations. References given. M. J ANDERSON". 531 Railway Exch. Bldg.. Portland. Irrigated lands. SUNNT BURBANK ON THIS COLUMBIA. Get some Irrigated land cheap In the garden spot of Washington. The best of growing facilities for prohibition grapes. asparagus, early potatoes, strawberries; these crops net from $500 an acre up. according to how well they are taken care of. These crops are absolutely certain and never both ered by frost. We have no mud and no rain but an abundance of water and sunshine; 60 trains m day through the Three Rivera country, best of transportation fa cilities to markets. If at all in terested In irrigated land it would pay you to Investigate. Land with paid-up water rights 3100 to 31S0 an acre. See Earle C Miller, with THOMPSON. SWAN 4c LEE, - Third and Main, Vancouver, Waah. Fruit Lands for Sale or Rent. BEARING APPLE ORCHARD. 98 acres, Newberg district; fine varl eties, good prospect for crop and price this year; agricultural dept. reports short crop In east. Buy nowl This is a bar gain; less than $500 per acre. COB A. McKENNA CO., REALTORS. 82 Fourth St Main 4522.' For hale Farms. SEE THIS SPLENDID 40 ACRES. miles from Portland, near Beaverton. finest valley and soil In the state. 35 acres under culti . vation. Crops all in and 2tt ft. high now; good house, new barn. Concrete root house, chicken house, about 60 chickens, 5 cows, team, wagon, harness, plow, binder, mower, rake, disk and plenty of amall tools. Family orchard and berries of all kinds, running stream on place. Must sell crops and everything. 311.000. small amount down, long time at 6. Call or write. COLUMBIA INVESTMENT CO.. 407 Main at., Vancouver, Wash, IS IT AROUND 20 ACRES YOU WANT? Here we describe one of the best to be had for the price, but before giving de scription let us say that right now we have one of the choicest lists of tracts around 20 acres that we have ever nad in our long experience here and we are the oldest farm dealers in Portland. This 20 acres is near one of the best towns in Washington county and in one of the best farming districts in the state; all in cultivation, all in crop except corn for the silo; no dilapidated buildings here; all practically new; '5-room bungalow, good barn 40x50. silo, other good out buildings; plenty fruit and berries; price only $5500. HARGROVE REALTY CO. (Realtors), 122 North 6th St. Broadway 4381. COMBINATION FARM. DAIRY AND PRUNES. One of the best combination farms in Oregon: SO miles from Portland; auto road running through place; miles from electric depot: 75 acres best of soil, 65 acres In good state of cultiva tion: woven wire fencing: 12 acres in prunes, trees 9 years old and in ex cellent condition; 1 acre good family orchard. 10-room house, cement base ment, fireplace, best of water, good barn, milk route, telephone, R. F. D., school, church, $15,000, 3:000 cash. bal. long as you want at 6 per cent. 513 COUCH BLDG.. MAIN 5694. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 51 acres, ail level and very best soli. 16 A. cult, and in crop, about 1500 cords wood on place. 5-rm. house, large barn and outbldgs. Good spring and well, all fenced, 4 mile to electric station. 28 mi. to Portland. All free of incumbrance; price $7500. 31000 down, balance your own time at 6 per cent, or will take Portland home in trade. F. R, Jesse. 527 Corbett bldg. STOCKED and equipped 63 acres, near snerwooa: an under cultivation; 11 acres bearing prunes; dandy family orchard, berries, 10-room modern home, modern barn, prune dryer, chicken bouses, ga rage: 2j miles to town; values $30,000; consider home in the city to $5000. some terms on balance. INTERSTATE LAND CO. (Realtors). 218 Stark st. Main 5429 FOR SALE 320-acre stock ranch. 7.000.- 000 It. ot tirnntr. o.uuw.uuu saw. remain der piling, tie and wood; $500. H. C McGraw. Olalla. Or. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES near Portland, sow to sow per acre; easy terms, best soil; farms for sale, all sisea McFarland. realtor. -'03 falling bldg. 80 ACRES on Lewis river, bottom land. $3290. nouse. Dim, timoer, iisning. uc Farland. Falling bldg. Mar. 3672. LOGGED-OFF lands. $10 acre up; running water, gooa son, tuiaoie; scnooi, easy terms J R. Sharpe. 83 Third st. tV OR 10 ACRES level, tlmberd land, near Beaverton: gooo rq j. tt. anarp. B3 3d SALE or trade rlniproved wheat ranch in Canada, for property here, 5o2 Hood at. REAL ESTATE. For Sai REAL VALUES IN FARMS. CLARKE COUNTY 40 acres of heat shot Roll 17 acres in cultivation. good trout creek, about 10 acres of bottom land. 6-room house large barn and other outbuild ings, family orcnaro. on a . road. Vj mile from town; price $4000. $1600 cash. CLACKAMAS COUNTY 60- acres with 45 acres in cultivation and in crop; full set of buildings, all IrliiH .f frnil anrlnff Water Piped to hnnu nri harikt PlaCO IS stocked and fully equipped: six miles from city limits of Port land; paved road most of the way; price i3.uou. souou .. CLACKAMAS COUNTY 54 acres with 82 acres in cultivation and In crop, full set of buildings, family orchard and Derries. o mn of Oregon City, Stock and equip ment Included in price. s. LINCOLN COUNTY 60 acres, dairy f. BtnlrH and enulOoed. right on the Pacifiov highway, trout stream through the place, full set of buildings, best of soil. 5 miles from railroad town: this is an absolute sacrifice at --ow c"u. iT A nv a -m a a rnriVTV IflR acres wit n 85 acrea in cultivation, full set of buildings and family fruit, run ning water, macadamised road. H4 mlilea from railroad, place is stocked and equipped including tractor: price $10,000. n WASHINGTON COUNTY 133 acrea .Hn,u.Ti ail in e ii It t vat inn. best river hnttnm latld. full Set Of buildings, water -system with water piped to house and Darn: 5 acres of orchard, stock an! equipment included In price; $35, 000. $15,000 cash. The above farms have been personally Inspected. Let us show you any or all of them, FRED W. GERMAN CO.. Realtors. 732 Cham, ot Com. NO; 808 100 ACRES. 100 a., about 65 under cultiva tion, port upland and part bottom, new modern dairy barn, concrete floors, large silo, modern milk house, will give S or 5-year lease. This is located six miles from Van couver, just off paved road. Fol lowing personal property for sale;. 50 head, high-grade Holsteln cat tle: 3 head large work horses, new Cleveland tractor, with plows and disc ensilage cutter and blower, feed grinder, manure spreader, two wagons, gasoline engine. 2-horBO cultivator, corn planter, corn binder, all small tools, and a fine growing crop. Price $12,500. 82500 cash, balance 3300 every 60 days. This la an A-l dairy ranch. SEE MR. BLAIR. WITH THOMPSON. SWAN LEE. 3d and Main staM Vancouver, Wash, STOCK AND DAIRT. $23.000 $10,000 CASH. PACIFIC CO., WASH. 207 acres. 100 in cultivation, 30 acres easy to put in cultivation. 7T acres pasture; lots of out range; good buildings, 48 head cattle, good team, all farm tools. Will consider house valued at $4000. Paved road. 2 miles to two large creameries. ATKINSON & PORTER. 705 Main St., Vancouver. Wash. FOR SALE OR TRADE For Portland property. 20-acre farm on tne eage ot the city of Rupert. Idaho, Minnedoka county. This' place is in the highest state of cultivation and in a very de sirable location, near schools, churches and the very beat of marketing facili ties. It comes under one of the very best Irrigation projects in southern idano. and is very productive. Price $15,000, 85000 cash and the balance 32000 per year. Or will take Portland property up to $5000. INDEPENDENT INVESTMENT CO., INC. CAMAS. WASH. REAL BARGAIN. 78 acres, 45 acres in crop, some open rtasture. some timber, good deep soil. running water. The buildings are all as good as new, 7-room plastered house, barn 30x50, water piped to house, barn, and concrete root house; 12 miles court house, Portland, west side; 3 good horses, 2 cows, 49 sheep and 25 lambs and machinery. In fact a fully equipped farm, ready to occupy for the very, very low price of 310,500. J. J. OEDER, 4 Grand Ave. N.. cor. E. Ankeny. FINE STOCK RANCH. About 640 acres, located in one of the best valleys in southern Oregon, with S. P. main line crossing the place. Good eight-room house, large barn, silo and other outbuildings. About 100 acres of the finest kind of bottom land, which is all seeded down; plenty of running water and some fine fruit and consider able timber, which is all salable in good town, only three miles distant; price 826 per acre as it stands; 36000 cash will handle. Address owner, P. O. Box 10(15, Portland. Or. ONE OF tha best propositions In a farm in the Willamette valley, 100 acres, all in cultivation, crop can go with the place, large barn and silo, only half a mile from Pacifio highway between Gervais and Sa lem. $125 per acae will get this. WHALLEY, 612 McKay Bldg. $2300. 20 acres good land, lies well to the east; largest part surfaced, cleared and in clover and potatoes, other crops; 5 room bungalow, large barn, 2 cows, 1 mare, 3 springs, furniture; 8 miles east of Clatskanie on county road; old age reason for selling. Jas. A. Grubbe, Box 55. Clatskanie, Or. FARMS. FARMS. FARMS. Over 1000 choice listings in the Wil lamette valley and eastern and south ern Oregon. Any size or kind you want Many of these all stocked and equipped On some can accept good .city property for part. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. 405 Panama bldg.. 3d and Alder. EXCELLENT apartment house site. East Vth and fine sts., avouu; river front acreage near Oregon City car line; 932 acres logged-off land. 40 acres cleared, buildings and water system, 2 hours from Portland. $18,000. RISLEY. STARKWEATHER BLACK 602 Broadway Bldg. Main 6199. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 90 acres, 35 acres tide land, good pas ture and hay ground; 4 acres in young bearing orchard and other small fruit; 5-room house, barn, close to river and railroad. For full particulars, write to M. G. SHERMER, OWNER, WINANT. LINCOLN CO.. OR. ONLY 40 ml. to Portland. 160 acres tim ber lano; zo acres cleared; new house and barn and other buildings; 2.000.000 ft. saw timber; R. F. D. and telephone, family orchard. good neighborhood; price $6000. Owner. H. M. Vrooman. B issell. Or. 110 ACRES 90 black bottom land; raises 2UU tons nay, JJ acres oi limoer: all fenced, running water: $125 acre; $3600 down, long time on bal. FRED LAWSON CO.. Main 867. 416 Cham. Com SO ACRES, on creek good dairy farm, 3 acres in gooa oearing .trees, good bouse and barn; all stock and machinery. Price $7500, or will consider Portland home in trade. Inquire of W. C. Hanna. Dufur. Or. FIVE acres, fine little chicken ranch, house, barn, nennery; acre potatoes, fruit, berries, no rocks; Vancouver dis trict, $2000. McFarland, Failing bldg. Main. 3S72. OR TRADE 560-acre wheat ranch, 300 in crop; good buildings; plenty of water. Desire stock or dairy farm. L. T. GRISWOLD. Mansfield, Wash. 93 ACRES, six miles south of Lebanon. 63 In cultivation, wen tencea; a good buy, or will trade. Owner. Tabor 6308. BY OWNER 4000 acres, best reclaimed land; win sen tracts to suit nuyers; will consider part on income property; price 175 per acre. BC 674. Oregonian. V, ACRES, level, fenced, clear; good 4-rm. bouse, near w mamma; terms; loganberry land. J. R. Sharp. 8314 Third st. 8EB COLE for bargains in farms, or- ebarda 4.20 Lumbermen bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED 4, 5 or 6-room house on west side; must be good location and price reasonable. Barrand Realty Co., 349 Salmon. Main 4243. HAVE client for modern 6-room bunga low; bedrooms on on ground floor; must be on or close to Broadway car. Phons Bdwy. 3198. WANTED 5 or 6-room modern bungalow on east side. Will give my 1918 Velie as part payment. Wdl. 4737. WANT A nice 5-room bungalow near Fir land or Tremont. Mt. Scott district; about $3000. Phone Bdwy. 4S35. WHY PAY TAXES on idle landT Many buyers for little tracts. Let us cut It up and sell It for you. H 661, Oregonian. MUST HAVE a home of 5 or 6 rooms la next few days. Phono Main 5694. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANT bungalow, Rose City, between 40th and 50th sts. Give 2 acres Oregon City car line, bal. cash. COE A. McKENNA CO.. Realtors, Main 4522. 82 4th St. WANT modern 5-room bungalow dlrec from Owner on paved street. Close to Hawthorne, Sunnyside or Rose City car line. Garage preferred, quick deal ioi real bargain. I am the buyer: no agenta Give price and details first ietter.fc Ad- iiriwou o.i.-.. .ngn,)ni"ii. WANT SIX ROOMS. Client wants 5 or 6-room home In Irv- lngton, Laurelhurst or Sunnyside. Must be good and priced right. MARSH & McCABE CO., Realtors, 822-3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 3903. WILL exchange my 4-90 Chevrolet touring In Al condition, value soou, on lot in good location; price not to exceed $700. lij To, oregonlan. WANT citv income, rjreferably apartment house, store buildings or flats: will trade In two good modern nomes on east siue, also some suburban and pay cash. O. H. SKOTHEIM CO.. REALTORS. 408-11 Couch Bldg. BUNGALOW wanted from $3500 to $5000. on .bid l.rrflK- mtiftt he in a KOOQ dis trict. J. E. Ransburg. 509 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 1963. luveninga, Marshall 253L . , WANT KM ALT. HOUSES. Several clients want 4 or 5 rooms, not over $2500. Call - us. MARSH & McCABE CO., Realtors. 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 3903. TO WEST SIDE property owners, I have at any time Duyecs lor west sioe uuuse and I can sell your house providing your price Is right. John Singer. 420 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. WANTED Strictly modern 6-room bunga low in Irvlngton, between ln ana -iim sts. ; price must not be inflated. Call Main 6829. 7 P. M. Wednesday. WANTED 6-r modern bungalow; h. w. floors, cement basement and lurnace, Hawthorne or Sunnyside. near car; ka rage preferred. 1 ui. uregonian. WANTED Modern 4 or 5-room house In good district, not over 3UUo; nava nrst class Bulck six as first payment, bal. monthly. BP 660. Oregonian. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, Montavilla or Mt. Tabor; about $3000, ooo casn. la bor 4299. WANTED Lot In Colonial Heights, Murrymead or Stratton s addition: price must be reasonable. O 651. Oregonian. Wanted to Rent Farms. WANTED TO RENT. SMALL PLACES. Have several people wanting to rent acreage or small farms: close to Port land preferred. Some people will buv th ninoe sLftnr leasina for year or more. We make lots of sales this way. Will buy equipment if priced right. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Building Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. TIMBER LANDS. 10,000.000 FEET RED FIR. 10,000,000 feet first-growth red fir for sale, cash or stumpage; level ground, down-hill haul to railroad; a bargain to the man who's ready to put in a mill J. M. Kennedy. Appleton. Wash. YELLOW PINE. Going east, sell 120 acres Wheeler county; make offer; cash or terms. Own er. Main 3S38. FOR RENT FARMS. 40 ACRES. IVi miles from station, in Clarke county, Washington; 14 miles from Vancouver: 13 acres under cultiva tion, lots of fruit; 4-room house, barn, 2 chicken houses, crops Included, also one team of mares. 2 good cows, 2 hogs, chickens and complete line of machin ery. Price for everything $1100. includ ing the rent for one year. Will lease for 3 years. Ask for Mr. Hunter. 614 acres, all cultivated and partially in crop; 7-room house with basement, plumbing, gas and gas lights; good out buildings and abundance of fruit; ma cadamized road, near station. 9 miles from Portland. Sell team, cow, 30 chickens, brood sow, wagon, harness, harrow, cultivator, etc. Price for every thing including the rent for 1 year $750. half cash. Long time lease. Ask for Mr. Hunter. JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor, Gerlinger Bldg. 15, NEAR Vancouver: desirable . tenant, until December: $125. Box OS. Astoria, TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. WELL LOCATED HOUSE TO TRADE. $5000 2-story building, consisting of 2 separate 4-room apts., with sleeping porches, 2 sets of plumbing, sewer In, on paved st. and car line, in the Alberta district; garage. This place is in very good condition; owner wants small place to half value; would take a rundown place. This is worthy of your Investi gation. See Mr. Stephens, Fred W. Ger man Co., Realtors, 732 Chamber of Com. SPECIAL ATTENTION. I have considerable city property. Im proved and unimproved, to trade; also quite a number of mighty nice farms and stock ranches. It you are wanting to make an exchange of your property come in or write me. I will try and help you out. ' W. C. BECKTELL, 1305 N. W. Bank Bldg. BEACH LOTS EXCHANGE FOR PAINTING OR BUILDING. Lots are well located at Tillamook Beach, near station and ocean. Address AP 648, Oregonian. FOR SALE OR TRADE, ion ... 25 mi. from Portland. 30 cult, and In crop; two good sets of buildings, spring and creek on place; 6 a. bearing orchard. Price $4500 on easy terms or - will take small acreage or Portland property in trade. F. R. JESSE. 527 Corbett Bldg. WILL TAKE LOT as part payment on this modem 5-rm. bungalow on Mt. Tabor; hdwd. floors, all built-lns. hot water heat. Fine lo cation. MARSH & McCABE CO., Realtors, 3 22 -1-4 Falling Bldg. Marshall 31W3. 17 ACRES, all cult.: 5 acres prunes, cher ries and small irults; tencea; o-rm. nouse. lurff. ham 1 mile oft highway: all in crop: 1 span horses, wagon, buggy. 2 cows chickens, hoghouse: $5000: want a $4000 house In exch.; $1000 mortgage. FRED G LAWSON CO.. 416 Cham. Com. FOR EXCHANGE. Fine bearing orchard, apples and cher ries; Kennewick, Wash.; for sale or ex change for Portland income property; $17,000. COE A. McKENNA CO., REALTORS. 82 Fourth St. Main 4522 - WILL TAKE LOT as part payment on a strictly modern 8-room residence, nicely located; 50x100 lot, furnace, ceiled basement, double plumbing; garage. MARSH & McCABE CO., Realtors, 322-3-4 Falling Bldg. Marshall 3093. WILL take auto and icme cash, first pay ment on house. Oregon City car line, close in. or will take home in Portland and assume. Phone 7837. Ask for Mr. Baker or write to 139 Nebraska St.. Port land. . FOR TRADE Will trade half Interest In my auto repair shop for late model Ford and some caah; tine location, concrete building and in the heart of the indus trial center. Owner. J. O. Gray. 718 Dekum bldg. HAVE good 8-room house on mighty fine corner, close In, value $10,000; want small farm of about equal value. W C. BECKTELL. 1305 N. W. Bank Bldg. thrkr acres, family orchard, some ber ries very good soil, good house, close in; value 36500: $2000 mortgage; for Portland residence, aoa otoca exenange bldg. Automatic 527-48. WILL give $15,000 house, a fine vacant corner for $10,000 and up to $40,000 cash for up-to-date building. W. C BECKTELL. 1 305 N. W. Bank Bldg. WANTED To trade, two clear lots in Great Falls, Montana, value $500. for fresh cows or used car. R. A. Low, R. 6, box 111. Oregon City. FOR EXCHANGE for property near here, 80 acres near HemeL Cal., worth $14,000 with $4400 mortgage. Owner, J 660. Oregonian. - YAKIMA VALLEY 20 acres, gov't, ditch, alfalfa, etc. buildings; exchange for proporty in or near Astoria. 318 Piatt bldg. 33 ACRES choice Irrigated land adjoining Tucson. Ariz., where sunshine and health reign forever. 887 Franklin st, Sellwood 2737. HAVE exchange I have 100 or 200 acres to exchange tor anytning a cao use; raw land. Box 141. Oresham. Or. WILL exchange city lot In Condon, Or., for a used car In good condition. Phone Woodlawn 3170. WILL EXCHANGE modern house In Ladd's addition for suburban home with acreage. East 789. GOOD pine timber claim to exchange for equity in house, or will assume. 511 K. 50th St. N. Tabor 8352. TWO houses. 5 and 9 rooms, one or both for acreage, not too far out; prefer high way, tiu oo,. t-rregonmn 40 ACRES land, clear, and 4-room beach cottage, clear, for house and lot in city. J 854. oregonian. 10 ACTRES Deschutes, country trade, what have you7 X CC3. Oregonian, . to exchange; REAL estate. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Beautiful 9-room Laurelhurst home, bungalow type, modern in every detalL 100x75 corner lot. 5 large airy bedrooms, beautiful' living room, fireplace, hard wood floors, first and second floor, large tiled hath hnl.val.r Vieu r French doors leading out on to cement porches which J extend across front and side of house: . many bullt-ins. breakfast nook, un usually large closets; owner would con sider good building lots, smaller home, or larger home with larger grounds: Mt. Tabor or Nob Hill preferred in ex change. MRS. SNOW. BDWY. 4604. 320 .LUMBERMEN S BLDG. A WTTAT. TT-ATIV 173 acres of fine soil; 110 acrea under cultivation, 5 acres of tlmDer. no land; new. modern 7-room house, two barns. 2 granaries. 6 Holstein cows, fresh: 1 bull. 4 yearling heifers, six calves. Theie are all thoroughbreds Some Berkshire hogs, hoghouse for SO hogs, modern chicken house, plenty or hay and grain, family orchard, all kinds of farm Implements. 2 running springs on place, all wire fenced, located 23 miles from Portland. All this for $26. 008: might consider a email farm of 4U acres as part payment or Portland home. For further information see Mr. Boebm. 209 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1658. EXCHANGE TOUR REAL ESTATE! " CALIFORNIA FOR PORTLAND. $5000 TO 1200,000. (JOHN P, HOLLAND) WICKHAM HAVENS. INC., 1500 Franklin st,. Oakland, Cat FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. ' 60-acre farm, very good buildings; modern house, located on paved road. 20 acres Improved; 20 acres in hay and grain; good garden and berries. Prc includes all stock and equipment: would consider trading for apt. house showing good Income. MRS. SNOW. BDWT. 4664. 320 LUMBER MENS BLDG. TO EXCHANGE MlSCF.LLANF.Or8. DODGE. 1919. coupe style, line new. .ui. of extras: trade for Ford coupe or sedan, need cash. Main 5549. ; FOR SALE. Hnres. Vehicles. Livestock. , v-i-i Mtn.rcrt. tiunoco ... - ,,, Shipment of horses and mu es. will arrive Sunday. This stock Is young and in good shape. Sold very reasonable Also several good saddle norsea, in price from f M up. . ,r hiM Hw riav. week month. G. K. Howitt, Columbia. Stables, Front and Columbia sts. Tr o CTAm.F.S. 25 head of horses and mares, 'weight 1300 to 1700 pounds, 5 to 7 years old. all first-class stock; some well-matched teams If you're in the market for horses, comeand look this stock over, a.ix Union ave. South, corner Stevens at. G. P. Williamson & Glass. tx-c!i ,-.ooih horKe. (1 years old 1200 horse, chunky built and fine .i!. or doub e: 1400-IO. maie, B worker, for $45; also small team 01 mares: harness and wagons of all kinds. Atlas Woodyard. 327 Kront WE HAVE a couple of good young, heavy teams of horses tor saio. wu avenue. ' KLYSTONE FEED STABLE-Horse, for ,i n. h,,- sinus iu to... - foot Montgomery. Marshall 3o15. PASTURE! Ladd Canyon farm. Canyon road, close t no hnsiness nuuuayw. ....... ,T-r,cv rvt.v. 1U. sd enuld type for onirk sale will sell below value; ages 4 to 7 years. Telephone Tabor mu. FOR SALE Six horses: reasonaoie Price. Holrnan Fuel Co.. barn E. 6th and Woo streeta vtiTi AND HORSES with harness lor rent by carload. Williamson Ranch Lathrop. CaL FOR SALE Fresh cow with calf. 3 Rauch, linn St.. uuocn. .v.. - - tlnn DEAD horses and cattle taken quicKly Phone Mllwaukle 69J for best service fi?Tfni Vi R I A V DR. HOWES. TABOR 58. rit.VES WANTED. PHONH, M Art. -l". Tinn.. Organs and Musical Instruments. Ennv with attachment, plays any rec rdfsed' only short time,, ma- ord ; used ti,urnnv Case several is"-1""- r.., Value $2on, will Bdwy. 4sjj. -: . ,, it v, i s-'7r. "sEtBERLlNG-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. SMfISrreSunlloP0 eracn"th"y old ask you 8400 for them uptown and not bat an eye; terms given. 31 1 Worcester diqb. SAXOPHONE! O melody, outfit cm.Plettem!fth0CaF and all e!UiPnl.,'nt-,.,11.i, 1, J nnnon Piano IP- n' WELLINUTUiN riA; -plain mahogany case. -75. seiberlTng-lucas MUSIC CO i4ih St.. Between Wash, and Alder, vi n TIN outfit! pupil's special, complete V iVh extra good violin, bow and case $2- O F Johnson Piano Co., 149 Sixth st. KIMBALL PLAYER PIANO SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., i"r7st Between Wash, and Alder. err XT INK- Martin C melody saxophone, sMver with gold bell, case and equip ment, US?.: i ms- a Tnhnvnn Piano O.. it., y... - SCH1RMER UPRIGHT I'lAKO. 8150 A Bargain.'AS MUSIC CO.. ,o-T,.VnSt.. Between Wash, and Alder. tiTTir bags rolls and case of good qual MHrV..f Standard makes at greatly re- V. A .i. e our windows. a. . Li..... Piano Co.. n" I....X, ni.nn. lust line new, -v. This is "not n old, style piano, worn I... ,, and a wonderful harga in See it st 409 Abington bldg. or.-r eisn PAID FOR PHONOGRAPH OR RECORDS, Tor string instruments. B.3ASiL2R Sim 4495. Auto. 627-46. a niMHV buy In good used player piano, aVNrlefTnrshdTand overhauled ,375 terms. Sixth St. 'tun BUYS $225 model Brunswick phono flnh fumed oak finish; cannot be told from new. Can nioiiuaj. 1 ' .-ail Monday. 11 1 j ast ah- keny. Phone 214-23. ; ..u-.nv nl.nn nld FINE, . neariy new, seen to be appreciated, appointment. Mar. 12-2. tanaara .aj. - - . .wner (or ; Just the talking ma 2hi"eh. carried Just like grip: cheap. n - Johnson Piano Co.. 14!) 6th St. ' inn 8100 to $175: 2 Kim- n ormuo' ' Horrft. makes. nih--- Worcester bldg. i-.o VICTROLA. I . $1..0 vicirtu Gladstone ave.. after new. -' . 10 A. M. dt in-B PIANO, brand new, o-'5; worm PLAYEB "!; .,1iti..n. ait Worcester $750; periev. bldg. ntusoN mandolin and case, $0, sold on GIUSOIW """ v inhnson Piano Co- easy terms. 149 tn st T-KFA.pi CHEAP! CHEAP! FINE TI-CH..a-- TERMS. 311 WORCESTER ANOS; BLDG. SPLENDID pianos $80 and up. Really the i fnr vour money and terms given also. 409 Abineton puis- TZ . f T nnJ tIRIl- nip. anon w w. hiMPAuu, .....j sweet-toned upright, modern. 311 Worces ter bing. vfRT'M ANN Piano, mauosauy av, itnc new $3. terms. G. F. Johnson Piano Co 'l49 th st, Ki)ll GENLINC, H.c.i, ....... Tpright. 50 down. $12.50 month. 811 Worcester oms- ,,Qr, buys $475 used Emerson upright mano $15 h- 5 monthly, downstairs ore Sen wan Pla-no Co.. 10th and Stark. icriR sLE Old Stradivarius violin, made 1711 with tine bow. Call room 6 Baker i' tel. Phone Marshall 6r,6. 7"wlLL PAY cash lor a good used piano or player If price la right. Auto. 511-20. FOR RENT GRAFONOLAS. late musio. "HI Per nm"'" . itial BUVS a good-tonea upright piano, J100 BL, " . ... Worcester hldT atanui"" ... - TJTTko WANTBU t-Bsn, irom private . Marshal) parties. l o Xl '5 BUYS $30O good, sweet-toned upright --n easy terms. 811 Worcester bldr. TRADE V1C1ROLA foi used piano. Good 1 nloosltlon. Main 8d86. CH1CKER1NG upright piano, $185. 148 lith st Broadway 2555. NEW FARRAND PIANO, bargain for cash. FOR SALE A and B-flat clari Automatic 21 1-08. 90 E. 8th St. X. PIANO WASTED caata deal. aiu 856a FOR SALE. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. CASH BUYERS. ATTENTION. Security Storage Co.. Spring Clearance. $450 Emerson upright, cash 8140 3575 New upright, out of storage J-1' 3550 Kimball, modern oak. cash ; Two smaliniprisht pianos, cash .. 365. I ; 3 $475 C. A. Smith, large, fine shape. .3215 $525 Vose & Sons, good shape, cash.. $195 $575 Davis A Sons, large oak $2J $250 Pianola player. IncL SO rolla :4? $760 Piano player piano. 40 rolls.. ..$-3 Four parlor organs. 1. $25. 335 and $3 103 Tenth St.. cor. Starg at asnranwM. 810 MO.VTHLT aa before the war buys new 8525 pianos for 3395: 815 sends It home; $6. $8 or $10 monthly buys 3i. 8195. 3295 to 3395 used pianos: 310 to 315 monthly buys used player pianos: a monthly buvs 328. $35 to $58 organs dur ing anniversary salo. (45 years in ths piano business.) Schwaa Piano Co.. 101 103 Tenth st- at Wff'hlngton and StarK.. wit r T int,-. "vriTT A BEAUTIFUL NEW PHONOGRAPH FOR YOUR OLD PIANO. WHY NOT? . COME UP AND LET US TALK IT OVER. SEVENTH FLOOR. LIPMAN. WOLFE ft CO. A, B. CHASE 6-octave organ (walnut).$ 40 S150 Htradivata DhonoaraDh. new... 90 Brunswick phonograph (like new).. 133 Brewster piano (oak) 800 Portophone excellent for camping (new) 88 HAROLD S. GILBERT 384 Yamhill St. PIANO FOR SALE: IN GOOD CONDITION: $175 CASH. NO DEALERS. Y 50. OREGONIAN. VIOLIN STUDENTS ATTENTION. We carry a superior line of violin strings, including the. famous "Amati," 'Intuna," "La Favorita" and genuine silver G strings from 50c to $1.2o. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.,' 149 Sixth, st. HARRINGTON PIANO. Almost new; latest style plain ma hogany caae; a wonderful instrument; terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St.. Between Wash, and Alder. $325 BUYS $750 positively brand new player piano, very latest, perfect. Just think or it! If you know anytning sdoui pianos you will open your eyes good and wide. Brokerage Co., 311 Worcester bldg R, S. HOWARD PIANO. - Latest style, plain walnut case; a beautiful instrument and a snap; terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St., Between Wash, and Alder. KIMBALL PIANO. A snap; see it; almoat half price; terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St., Between Wash, and Alder. A FINE selection of good used phono graphs. Victor, Edison, Columbia and all makes to suit your pocketbook. . Come in and make your own terms. G. V. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 6th st. FISCHER PIANO. Fine mahogany art caae; equal to new; see this snap; terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St FOR SALE High grade piano, walnut case, best of condition. Mar. 2126. WANTED Snap, in piano for cash. Main 4424 before 5 P. M. Furniture for bale. RUGS DOWN TO WHERE THEY WERE BEFORE THE WAR. A visit to our rug department will convince you of the truth of this statement. 0x12 Axmlnster Ruga re- duced to 324.85 9x12 Brussels rugs reduced to 14.85 9x12 seamless Velvet Rugs. 37.50' Call early to avoid disappoint ment. MISH FURNITURE CO., 188-190 1st St. SAVE MONKS. Try our sales department if you want to buy or sell household goods. Reduced freight rates to most all points In our through pool cars. Expert packing, re pairing and reflnishing. Money loaned on goods in storage. Fireproof storage. Low insurance rates. SECURITY STORAGE TRANSFER CO.. 63 4th St., opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone aroaaway om. FURNITURE FOR FIVE-ROOM HOME. The entire furnishings, constating oi rugs gas stove, range, library pieces porcelain china set. Imported, never used- ivory bedroom suites, baby s bed. dining sets, canned fruit and veg.. and other articles too numerous to mention; nm leaving tne city ana inci-o T- a real big sacrifice; everything in A-l condition and used but a few month.-. Take Hawthorne car to 49th and walk three blocks. 1-164 E. Salmon. FOR SALE Ivory steel bed. 4x6; ivory dresser, silk floss mattress and spring, all for $.".5; golden oak extension table. 45-inch; 4 golden oak gen. leather Beat diners, for $35. Call at 3S9 Schuyler st. DON'T sacrifice your lurnuure -n gums east or to cailiornia. e caw j money on your freight in our through ear- flreoroof storage. C M. Olson Transfer ft Storage Co.. 248. Pine st. LEAVING CITY Must-sell at once furni ture of mv 10-room house, consisting of bedroom sets, living room, dining room sot uiano. gas stove, refrigerator, rugs. Apply 407 14th st nivENPORT AT A BARGAIN. New davenpoi't with Turkish arms: a bargain for anyone wanting a fine piece of furniture. Phone, any day but Sun- dav. Auto 314-26. r.n u , i t,- nininf Lauie and run o-in"- --- ---.:: " o .eh chairs, 3ol two rocae.a at. 1414 Winona ave. Woodlawn car to Winona ave. FOR SALE cheap, a Drass oeu "- iress lor l or iu-;wi w., r couch, sewing machine. 414 -d. FOR SALE On account of death, furni ture ot o-rooio ut u - Phone East 71124 ELECTRIC washers complete, .o. ny direct irom taeiory uci.. ...... ucts Co., 710 i nion ave i-.. SLIGHTLY used oak furniture for 4 rooms, wood heater and range. 1076 E. 24th St. North. FURNITURE for 4 rooms, complete: leav lne city; must sell at once. Call E. 1.00. . r.,-l.'-r Vi.-trnlfl eleC. table UtllD. Simp lex elec. neater, ornja ew. v..-., SACRIFICE furniture of 4-room flat. $150. Call after 6 P. M 781 East Yamhill at. Office Furniture. 1 T W DESK and chair. 2 tables, 3 roll top desks. 2 flat-top desks. 8 bookkeep ers' desks. 8 chairs. 3 filing cabinets. J "'riishONQ ft CO.. 91 Park St. NEW AND USED equipment, typewriters, adding machines, satea. safe cabinets. S"." iL!.,8- Office Equipment House. 24 . Eli-milt l'SU 2739 62-INCH roll-top desk and leather seat swivel chair, very substantial, $35. Mr. White. 01 f irst Iireet. Typewriters. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKES. IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE. CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO. TH.1 Washington St. Main 5881. Ti FKII1LT typewriters, all makes, rentals.! St-"V,.V. ... nnli. Distributors CORONAl portable,' SUN DSTR AND, adding ma Shine! Main 2285. B. W. Pease Co., 110 Sixth st. TJNDERWOOD No. 5. completely over hauled. D."D Stark ALL MAKES rented and repaired. Oregon A VnewrlVe? Co.. 94 5th St. Main 3668. . NEW rebuilt. soon:n:-aJtrr,olt', "1407 rates, r. v. o-, .a. - -- -- REPAIRS, rent. buy. sell 1 : "PPl'- ritsr inspection o.. o- SOR RENT Underwood-Remington. $ month. Empire Transfer. Bdwy. 155. FOR RENT L. C. Smith ft Bros type writer. Main oit. A SET of Dictaphones, almost new; cheap. 207 Oregon bldg. WILL trade good trunk for Royal type writer, pi uau " .j ... Poultry. WHITE LEGHORN baby chicks for May and June aonvery irym -..... hoganixed stock: safe arrival of full "ount- live, strong chicks guaranteed. $12 50 per hundred: $120 per thousand. PIONEER HATCHERY. 4A1 Sixth St. Petaluma. Cal. 'i-ci'.s FOR HATCHING. O A C White Leghorn. Barred Rock. R I R and Brown Leghorn eggs, 10c each for balance of season. J. R. Ma- guire. 7W7 Oregon R- A RED naicning .e.u $1.50 tor la, o Me. ' ' -' " road. Phone Marshall 21 18. BABY CHICKS six varieties, best stock, prices reasonable; correspondence In vited C. N. Needham. Salem. Or. FOR SALE 1 dozen White Leghorn hens at 75c eacn. .-wain wi,. SPRING FRYS for sale. o cent a pouna dressed. Sellwood 3358 ' Uoga. Rabbits. Birds and Pet Stock. "CHOICE SINGERS AND FEMALES. CALL THE STUDIO. MAIN 468. ALASKAN Spitx and Esquimaux for sale. Tabor 8li)4. I IMPOKTED ANDREASBERG SINGERS. 1 1 1209 HAWTHORNE AVE. TABOR 5617. FOR SALE. Dogs. Bahliltn. Birds and Tet Slock. IMPORTED St-. Andreasberg Rollers, orgso trained; sweetest songster on eartn; guaranteed; circular of other birds on request. E B. Flake. Salem. Oregon. FEMALE pup. 3 months old. Call betweeu 9 A. M. and 2:30 P. M. at 1279 Ea.t Yamhill st. Price $5, MEXICAN Chihuahua pups for sale. 315 K. 4Bth. Tabor 862 Boats. Launches and Marine Equipment, FOR SALE Houseboat No. 2. moored at Oregon Yscbt club, fully furnlsbed, sil ver, dishes, piano, dance floor, all ship shape. J. H. Klosterman, 810 Board of Trade bldg., city. REAL BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE. One of the fastest runabouts in north west. First prize winner last season Main 3317; FIVB-ROOM HOUSEBOAT Furnished complete: must be seen to be appre ciated; leaving city, must sell. No. 10 Holgate moorage. DEEP SEA BOAT for sale, halibut or trailer, 35x10, 18-24 h. p.; would make small cannery tender. Foot Umatilla ave.. Portland. 17-FT. OLD TOWN canoe, fully equipped; fine condition. Call at Oregon Boat House, Columbia slough and interstate fill. . . CABIN cruiser for sale; one ot the best on the river. Write or see L, Larsen, 441 N. 23d st. FOR SALE Furnished houseboat; rlfice. Call Tabor 806. Machine.y. HIGHWAY CONTRACTORS, ATTENTION! Rock Crusher for Sale. Number 3 Gates; has crushed only 20 tons ore; price $2500 f. o. b Halley. Idaho. GUS H. HARVEY, Boise. Idaho. Box 143. 250-TON TIRE press, almoat new, with motor complete. States Auto & Truck Co., 430 Burnside. Bdwy. 46. A V AUG HAN drag saw for sals and a woodcutter's tools. Call Automatic 646-53. Nursery Stock. PERENNIALS Over 60 varieties pinks, peonies, iris, etc. Automatic 221-92. Coal and Wood. GUARANTEED best old growth cord wood. $9 per cord. 38.50 in four-cord lots; 4 ft, heavy country slab, $6.30 and $7.00 per cord. Bdwy. 4110. BUY YOUR winter wood now; good heavy j Bowman & Col. Mam 3U26 NORTH BANK FUEL CO. Wood and coal, small orders solicited. 659 Upshur st. Phone Auto. 526-36. FIRST-GROWTH FIR FOR SALE. $8.40 per cord, delivered. Call East 6253. evenings FOR SALE 300 cords of good red fir wood, lis miles from railroad. Joe Har rtngton, Cornelius. Or. NO. 1 CORDWOOD and heavy country slabwood for sale in carload lots. 1)06 Northwestern Bank bldg. Main 1677. WOOD. Dry heavy block wood and green. Main 8065. FIRST-GROWTH cord wood, $9 cord de livered; special prices on larger lots. Wdln. 8312 . BLOCK and slabwood, also also wood and cordwood; 4 tt. lengtn. r.ast 6382. ROUND OAK cordwood, $12, delivered. F. E. Bowman & Co. Main 3U26 FIRST-GROWTH red fir cordwood. Wood lawn 8233. BLOCK AND SLAB. SPECIAL IN 2-LOAD LOTS OREGON FUEL CO.. WDN. 4102. BLOCK and slab, tional Fuel Co., 2-load lots, $11.50. Na Eatt 2041. THE BEST is always the cheapest; dr wood. Col. n.i BEST old-growth lir cordwood. $3.50 per :ord. sen, an. DRY 16-INCH, 1 and 2-lnch lumber trim mings. $0 50 per load, woomawn l'o28. DRY BOX WOOD, $5.50 a load. Call Woodlawn 5004. or 1133 Montana ave. DEALER wants to buy Quantity of cord and slab wood. J uo'.. urqsronlan. DRY WOOD for sale, delivered, any length. Tabor 3479. BLOCK WOOD. MARSHALL 2488. BEST block and slab, Jti. Marshall 24fcM. 16-INCH wood. $5 50 per load. Wdln. 3IHI). Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Ivory finish Infant's bed on wheels: ivorv reea suiKy wun top. gooa as new; bargain. 1010 E. 17lh N. Wdln, 344 SAVE MONEY Have your safety razor blades sharpened by A. Lauterbacn, 6, to Sixth sU All kinds of grinding, work guaranteed. SAFES AND VAULTS 70 Sixth St., near Oak, new or 2d hand rierring-Hall-.Mar- vin safes for sale or exenange. larina, Bushong ft Co.. phone Broadway 1262. COMPUTING scales, cash register, coffee mills, meat cnoppers ana general store fixtures at 226 btark at., between first and Second sta. POOL table, standard size.. 4' by 9 feet; mahoganv finish, in fine condition. Ele gant lighting fixtures. Apply Stubbs Elertric Co., nth and Oak sts. FOR SALE $85 man's overcoat, used, $10; white satin slippera. 6A, worn once, $2; Two good tennis rackets. 84. Main 3HI3. WILL trade a new cabinet phonograph for carpenter work. Broadway 2555. 148 13th street. $60 NEW WILSON rotary sewing machine for sale cheap; am leaving town; must sell this week. East 3o57. RUGS AND CARPETS washed on your floor with Hamilton rJieciric wasner; open till 9 P. M. Wdln. 5758. IRON AGE hand cultivator, with hill snd drill seeder, like new and all attach ments. $25 outfit for $15. Main 7057. SLIGHTLY used folding go-cart, $10, morn ings only. Wed., Thurs. and Fri. 3o0!4 W. Morrison St., 3d floor, room 5. BROWNISH-RED fox muff, make nice choker, cheap; corset sample case, leather. Marshall 3261). DIAMOND, high quality, perfect blue white, about ,80k: valuo $600; will take fiiO Marshall 2295. FOR SALE Electric washing machine, very reasonable: good condition. Mar. 2 1 20. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or .write Dr. Dean, Second and Morrison. FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleanera; 24-hour day, 85c; delivered; guaranteed good condition. Wdln.-1259. THE ROYAL APPAREL EXCHANGE will sell ladies' new or slightly used gar ments. 350 1 Morrison st. RUGS washed on your floor with Hamilton Beech electrio carpet washer; also van uum cleaning done. East 4015. FOR CORRECT time call Main 3570; for scientific watch repairing see Miller, next door to Majestic theater. FLOWER plants for borders, tubs and boxes. 13X9 Sandy blvd.. between 50 and 51st. Tabor 9070. KODAKS. We buy. sell, rent and exchange ko daks. Sandy. 329 Washington st, SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED. Guaranteed work done by experts. 193 4th St. Main 6833. WE REPAIR everything electrical, call and deliver service. Hynson Electric Co., 82 otn St. leiepounq pruAQWuy CADWELL CAMP TABLE. 6x6x42 folded, 30x40 open,, supports 500 pounds. 6-iQ jnurman. uroaawgy 3461), CENTURY refrigerator, 100-lb Ice c pacity, used a short time. 144 Killings, w-orth ave. GARMENTS Ladies' and children's, like new; big values. u, Aiisay Diug. t,n t ra n ce on 3d. near Morrlwin. FOR SALE About 72 yds. tapestrv brus sels carpet, used, in good condition; price $20. 24:1 .naver st. wooniawn 5 SHOWCASES, new and used; rash regis ters, scales, safes. 113 Second st. BUST forms for window display of ladii-a wearing apparel. 246 Washington st. MUI.T1GRAPH complete with type, $100. 403 Oregonian bldg. NEW ALEXANDER HAMILTON set, c h eap: easy terms. C 61W. Oregonian. HATS made to order, trimming and re modeling a specialty. Bdwy. 3243. FOR SALE Caan regute., sate, adding machine, showcase. 43 1st at., near Ash. OFFICE safe in good order. First reason able offertakcsJht;JV629;Or STAR A STAR" shingles direct from mill. Call Taylor-street dock. Main 8005. SAFES. trucKS, scales, coffee mills, choose cutters. 48 Front St., near Pine. VACUUM cleaners for rent. 85c per day, delivered anywhere. Wdln. 349.V. SECOND-HAND tents and covers for sale. Pacific lent oc a- 8 v-o.. ..u. i jsi si. ELEC vacuum cleaners Bold, exchauged, repaired. Ray Bentlcy, Main 41)07. BARGAINS IN ATTRACTIVE USED AP PAREL. 1132 Gilsan st. Tabor 2823. EXPERT rug cleaning, 15 per cent off on phone orders untn iiay nuwy. i..o. FOR SALE Baby bed. matlren a..J Jump er. 20 E. 11th N. DIAMOND to sell, -karat: ell for $175 cash. Sellwood !.. FOR SALE Drop-leaf table, $5; wicker rocker. $6. Auto. 629-47. ONE VULCAN developing tank lor any 'sixe film. 1364 E. Salmon. FOR SALE Robber bath cabinet. $5. Woodlawn l')4i. FANCY hand work. 10SO Clinton. Rich mond car FOR SALE La Salle extension course, get V eqtlltv tree, .aisiiaii OFFICE desk, heater, sanitary cot. patent toilet. chap. I'or. Alhlna and Lombard. SHOWCASES OF B R OAPWAY 1696. PINK, half knitted sweater, never worn. size 40, $10. Marshall 100.. apt. IS. FOR RAI.R. Ml. rllaneou. FOR SALE by Penny Arcade. i N Third St., large shooting tallcry. complete, with rides, $11)00 Three box bowling alleys, rood con dition, $200. Automatlo rasor blade sharpening ma chine, like new, $100. Automatlo card printing machine and out fit, with about $25 worth of stock. $125 Will sell all or part. PREVENT DISK ASK OF GUMS. Do yuu know that tartar si-al-s. Im- fierfcrt fitting crowns and bridges, over uniting fillings. Irritating sum", all contribute to pyorrhea, ua of gums. In . flammalton of gums, loonenlng of teetn and finally loss of treth? 1 specialize In first-class drntlslrv; X-rsv examinations DR. A. W. KEENS. Majestic Theater Hlilg., 31 i Wash. CANNED fruit and veg., aleo -vrt! empty Mason Jars arid Jelly glnn cheap. The fruits consist of prune. Juices and Jellies. also prune butter, string beans, blaekberrv Jam. apricots, oeanbern.. black cap- and cherrleit. 11104 E. Salmon. Take Hawthorne car. I get off 41th at . walk ttiree I.:,.. K I D. B SCULLY CO.. DOWNTOWN LUM BER STOKE. 171 FRONT ST.. MKT MORRISON AND YAMHILL. riKINi Main 4213 Lumber, lath, shingles, doors, windows, molding and mill work, screen doors, fruit and vegetable box BhookJ. See our odd stock of sash, doors SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand at right prices bought, sold and exchanged; easy terms if de sired. NORRIS SAFE A LOCK CO.. 103 S-cond St. Main 20t SEWING machines, new anl second-hand, sold for less; no agents employed; ootn plete lines of parts lor all makes; ma chines repaired snd rented. Main 9431. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 Third St.. near Taylor. FOR SALE A lew slightly uod sewing machines at reduced prices. We are headquarters for hemstitching, pleating, button and button-hols making. See us for first-clans work. Singur Sewlug Machine Co.. 402 Wash. t j FOR SALE cheap, gas heating plant, Kec- tor system, consisting one two eigni, one four-loop radiators, H-H. P. motor, blower and 60 ft. 2-Inch galvanlxed pipe, all In good working order. Apply 4tkl Durham ave. Phone Wil'n. 7ii.'. FOR SALE Soda fountain complete, floor cases, curd tables, dishes, check protec tor, refrigerators, scales, root beer bar rels, iron gates, sacrifice cash, credit. 24Q-242 Salmon. SPOT CASH PAID FOR SHOT GUN OR RIFLE. WATER HEATER. GAS BURNER. TENT. OIL STOVE, AUTO CAMPING OUTFIT. 128 FIRST AUTO. 627-46. MAIN 4I0.V THE VOGUE. 4o3 Alutky. has the let value in exclusive ladl.-a' garments, new and slightly used, pumps and hat. Come and dress up for a ItiW dollars- Main :ilH2. WHY AN everlasting aggravation by a leaky rcoft Why rot a comfortable snd dursble rooff We repair Rubber Bond, and rejuvenate all kindj of leaky rooifl. Work guaranteed. Ma I'l M20. HOT WATKR tanks. 30-gat. 7: 40-gaU $9; tested and guaranteed; stove and furnace colls, gas heaters Installed, ex pert plumbing, repairing. KaM fltde Welding Shop. 203 Adtinis st. East 85 m OFFICE FURNITURE. Large line new and ukiI typewriters, adding machines, 'safea, safe cablm-la. Wax Office K'lUlp. Home. 24 North 5th. Broadway 27311. . DO YOUR spring cleaning with an Apex electric suction cleaner; demonstration will prove Itr superior merit, llione this morning. Main boll. bmilh-McCoy Eiec trlc Co. - FOR SALE Large aliny tent Hiklrt, good lumber floor and walls. Set up on unuM-d st., 1 Hi blocks from car. For quick sale, compiele price $00. Phone Tabor H'.'ilL GUNS BOUGHT. SOLD. EXCHANGED. BEAURKGARDS. 702 Main St. Vancouver. Wash. COLUMBIA PLASTER WALL HOARD Cun't bulgo, swell, warp or shrink. Makes JointlesH. battenless walls. Flra retard Itig. Or.-gon made. Ohsf.-ldt. 145 First. TWO DOORS. 1 pr. of sliding doors and the other a swinging door: cheap; never used: also one Vulcan developing act. any a I re Im. 1364 E Salmon. CXDIES. let the Vogue sell your nilafit and slightly used garments, 10 per cent, room 4U3 Allsky bldg., entrance on 3d near Moylson. Main 3132. NEW -SINGERS." $5 down. .l monthly. Expert sewing machine repairing. MORRISON STREET SINGER SToRli. 8H2 Morrison. Marsl-all 721. Til It EE new electric warning ma jhina. $75 each, guaranteed: 1 Jadd used elec tric washer, overhauled. $70. cVotl Electric Co. 5th snd Oak sts OFFICE FUKN1TIRE. Bought sold and exchanged. HANSEN'-WADENSTEIN DEkK CO, 1115-10 Twelfth St. lldwy. 1M7T tri.rt KAI.K. ehean. 12 volumes ntalnliig Hi. Alexander Hamilton Institute coll i.lete. course In Modern Business Ca East 7466, bet. 9 A. M. and 4 P M AT LESS than half price, one complele Set of Alexander Hamilton Institute text books, new condition. 60S D.kum bldg. Main HI 06 LICENSED Independent eiectrlclan wlrea 3 rooiiia for $12; 3 for $20. Guaranteed to pa km In.pittlon. Woodlawn 3ii)l . HOOVER kitchen cabinet, white enamel, never been used. 2ou. 4th st. TOR SAtF ArTOMOBIXCT. STUDE BAKER light four, fine mechan ical condition: $275.- 030 ALDER. llT'l OLI'SMOBILE ia ,1. inoiiMi.ilor. same guarantee and service 'as on a new tar al a v, rv liberal di-ount. would accept a Ford or Chevrolet a parl payment, terms on balance. Call .lohnnsen at Hdwy. 2-'o. , 86041 for a lalo 1018 Studehskor roadxter. In splendid condition; lias had best tare; $2UU cash, balance In 10 months. Mr. Arso. Itrnadwav I'.'-'l I'l-'O OLDS 8, runs and looks tike new: at a great suing: would consider a Dodge or Hulck as part payment, terms on balance. Call johans.n al Hroad way 2270. 11118 SCRII'1'S-H"1 '1"H roadster. 5 wire wheels; looks and rims just Ilka new; a real sna.p; small payment down, bal ance easy terms. Call 1'ropst. lldwy. :;ooti. SEE THE Haney patent ouio diHP BV at MiujeoHnv. -..-." - wav and Burnaldo sL ABents wanted, licldence 6S E. 74th at. South. 1'liona .".-'19 HAVE a number of good used cars; will take motorcycle s part payment and eive terms on balante. Call i'rop.l. Hdwy. :wo5 YES THEY'RE going f.i-l. Why M.ouul.ln't they at prices like tins: $:! for a Max well touring 111 good condition.' "teller Mot or company. Wash ll i i on a I 1 . 1 1 1. VFLIE Motor In fine shape, eonipl. tely renewed, looks and runs lilts new. glad to demonstrate; a harKMln '"''" terms. f. a ll air, j'-ii'i'nn1, like h,. ill the' pep a real motor ear should have. Don't overlook this 01 good toon easy mis. 1 III 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 . 1II1S FORD sedan. Just overhauled, new tires, finish in perfect condition; cou.d ue a good motorcycle as part payment. Call Johansen. a I Hdwy. 22 HI. MARMON 34 six. wire wheels, six new cord tires. Just like n.-w car. prl.e JIOoo- smull payment don n, easy terms. ( all Diitfv. Hiuadway 22. n. 11118 OLDS, looks and runs Just like n.-w and guaranteed 1" be In Al rnndlt on and price verv low; good terma. Call Props! . Bdwy. ::05. 11)18 FKANKl.IN touring. - ."""' '" "'" or exchange for late studel.ak.-r h.n dler. Hudson, or what have you? Phone K,f 0J2S. MAXWELL touring, c cell rlc lig il. inn $175. East starter, urea - . - terma. Francis Mo Car Co., 3770. 111 IN Bl'Ii'K. .'.-pass., a r. al liny, as 011. car Is in perfect condition, looks ncv and price Is right, easy tern,.. Call M,.n,l. Hdwv. H'1'"1 851) OVERLAND I 'an tiuy till eoli'lition. Ions, ev terms.' Call Prop... Hdwy 3.H .tt tt: : . , v i .-1 1 1 . 1-: T tout ing. l-licvi 1... roadster; small payment down, easy Call Duffv. Hrnadwav 2.'7 i'l ill FORD touring, fine con. 11 nun. bar gain: iniiat sell, leaving town; private gain owner. Alberts st. I'l o ill. US SIX louring, in good sluipe. verv reasonable. Call Duffy. Broadway 2270. il)!S ll YNES- 3 (oi"d tires. In perfect con dition; looks like new; a real snap Tern.. Yes fall Proust . Hdwy. 'II'.".-. 1017 STl'DKHAKKK 4. louring. A-l on ditlon. sacrifice fr cash or terms. Auiu. 230-59. CHEVE. delivery. 1 ,,11 ,.n vi.rv easv od as new, will Stales Auto Ac Truck Co.. 4:01 Hornslde. Hdwy. 4s6. i')7-ll) DODGES. In A I shape, very cheap: 'small payment down, easy terms. Call T,.ffv Broadway 2270. CHEVROLET touring. 101S. good mechani cal condition: will" sell at i:.o. terma. 10 1; rand ave North, near Burnside OAKLAND alx, good condition; owner must sell; sacrifice at 1150. terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Hurnslde. SPCLVl' 1920 Studebaker machine. A I COn ditlon. APPI y I'-.l m.... av.-. y u. Tin a N il. NEW 1920 Bulck A cord tires. $1650. Kllle Garage 12th nd Jefferson. 1917FOItI) roadster, fine condition, mountable rims; $285. East 3158. de- "Vj i